Brochure - Catholic Women of Faith Conference


Brochure - Catholic Women of Faith Conference
Conference Agenda
Catholic Women of Faith
Conference Registration Fee
Doors Open / Adoration & Exhibits
Celebrated by Bishop Choby
Franklin, TN
S a t u r d
A p r i l Saturday,
1 8 , 2 March
0 1 5 4th, 2oo6
PERMIT No. 122
a p p l y )
10th Annual
U.S. Postage Paid
S i g n u p f o r :
( c h e c k a l l t h a t
a y
Non-Profit Orgz.
of Faith
$45 At the Door
Student Registration Fee
Come Be Blessed
(High school & college)
Optional Box Lunch
Catered by Jason’s Deli
Sandwich AND Salad Choices
Turkey Sandwich, chip, cookie .…….…..…$6.00
Ham Sandwich, chip, cookie ...……………...$6.00
Nutty Mixed-Up Salad, cookie ………….….$10.00
Chicken Club Salad, cookie ……….……….$10.00
Commemorative Products
Total Enclosed:
Saturday, April 18, 2015
St. Philip Church
113 2nd Ave. South
Franklin, TN 37064
Rebecca Dussault
“Faithfully Fit - All for God in Christ”
Check here if pre-ordering products, add
product total from the order form on other side
Conference Donation
Sr. Miriam James Heidland, S.O.L.T.
“Loved As You Are”
On-site box lunch or opportunity to
visit historic downtown Franklin
Adoration continues until 3:45 pm
Conference Registration is Non Refundable
Reconciliation until 1:30 pm
Exhibits until 4:30 pm
Sr. Mary Johanna Mellody, O.P.
“The Church, Our Mother”
Send Your Registration Payable to:
Catholic Women of Faith Conference
P.O. Box 682674
Franklin, Tennessee 37068
You will receive your Conference Ticket(s) via mail.
For office use only: Ticket Number(s)
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________
“Let It Be Concert”
Benediction Prayer
Exhibits Open until 4:30 pm
Rebecca Dussault
LeAnn Thieman
Tammy Evevard
2nd Ave S
Check No. _______
Main St
Method of Payment
Main St
__ I can help set-up Friday, April 17; come anytime 10—5
__ I can help share information at my parish
Sr. Miriam James
1st Ave S
St. Philip Catholic Church
113 2nd Avenue South
Franklin, Tennessee 37064
Hwy 96
y o u r f a i t h a n d t a k e
t h i s t i m e t o r e j o i c e ,
r e f l e c t a n d b e i n s p i r e d
w i t h h u n d r e d s o f
f e l l o w C a t h o l i c W o m e n
B y t a k i n g “ t i m e
t o n o u r i s h t h e
s p i r i t u a l y o u
Sr. Miriam James, S.O.L.T.
Sr. Miriam James is a graduate of the
University of Nevada-Reno, where she
played volleyball on a scholarship and
majored in communications. Although
originally hoping to work for ESPN, her
life was transformed in a very slow but
deep way during her college years. Spending most of her
time living a typical college life of parties, sports, and freedom, she seemed to have it all. In reality, her life was empty
and broken. Through the friendship of a holy and caring
priest, her life began to transform as she realized Jesus was
real and that he was the great love that her heart desired. She has a powerful testimony of the victory of faith,
hope, and love over the doubt, despair, and lust that cast
their shadow over so many souls. Her inspiring and authentic witness is proof that God wants to write his own powerful
story of redemption in each of our lives. With vulnerability,
honesty, and beauty, she invites each of us to experience the
Lord’s astonishing love—just as we are. Her talks are often
Sr. Mary Johanna, O.P.
Sister Mary Johanna Mellody, O.P., grew
up in Akron, Ohio, as the seventh of nine
children in a faithfully Catholic and happily hectic family. She attended Catholic
elementary and high school before going
on to the University of Akron for an Elementary Education degree. Of Sister’s eight siblings, one is
a cloistered Visitation nun and another a Sister Servant of
the Sacred Heart who currently works as a street evangelist
outside a soup kitchen in Delaware. Sister Mary Johanna
taught in Catholic schools and lived with other Catholic
women as part of a lay movement before she found her
way to Nashville and the joy of a religious vocation with the
Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia. She has worked in the field
of Catholic education for over 20 years and is currently
completing a Master’s in Theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville. She is certified in Spanish and has the
privilege of serving the Hispanic Community in Tennessee,
Alabama, and Kentucky.
Rebecca Dussault
Rebecca Dussault is a 2006 Winter
Olympian, 2010 World Champion,
wife, and soon to be mother of five.
Despite all that, her most defining
attribute is that of Daughter of the
Church. As an athlete, and a good one
at that, she has been faced with many challenges to her
faith and morals. Skiing became all consuming
and carried with it a heavy burden of always being
on defense about her faith and morals as she traveled the
world with other athletes and coaches. With her skiing
career peaking at the Winter Olympic Games in Italy, she,
together with her family met their “Olympic Dream.” She
is now traveling around the country atop the podium of
public speaking sharing wonderful experiences of faith,
family and the pursuit of excellence in athletics to secular
and Catholic audiences alike. With eagerness and zeal
she'll share what it takes to properly prioritize and order
one’s life as a faithful Catholic. Visit her website and blog
"Tajci" (Tatiana Cameron) Singer,
Songwriter and inspirational performing artist has performed for international audiences, sold platinum records
and has toured the US in more than
1,000 iDoBelieve concerts. Born in
Croatia, Tajci (Ty-chee) grew up in communist Yugoslavia. At the age of 19, she became a superstar in Central
Europe. Ironically the “dream come true” also brought
feelings of isolation, loneliness and emptiness. She left it
all, moved to the U.S. and found answers in prayer. In
her faith, she found the inspiration to compose and sing
again. Now, after 13 years of touring America, raising a
family on the road and almost losing her marriage, she
speaks about learning the secrets to achieving the freedom
and courage that it takes to awaken from someone else’s
dream and to begin living one’s own. She and her husband created and now produce “Waking Up In America” .
Be Blessed
o u t ”
Break Away...Come Be Blessed
a n d r e f r e s h e d ; l e a v i n g
p r o u d t o b e a C a t h o l i c
W o m a n o f F a i t h
Take time for the spiritual part of you!
Catholic Women of Faith Conference
Commemorative Products
Come Be Inspired and Uplifted!
Pre-order when registering or
purchase the day of the conference
Bring a friend! Get your tickets now!
NEW Rosary
Please Note
The conference is intended for women
high school age and older. No children please.
Tote Bag
A Regional Event
Franklin is a suburb of Nashville and
Franklin’s historical downtown square.
Hotel Information
See our website for the many hotels close by.
Choose Lavender/black or Pink/black
poly-canvas, zippered main compartment.
NEW T-Shirt
St. Philip Church is approx 3 miles off
Interstate 65, and one block from
Designed to last for a lifetime of prayers.
Custom designed & hand crafted exclusively
for the Catholic Women of Faith Conference
Commemorative T-Shirt
Select Size: (Small—XXL) _______________
$ 8.00
Catholic Women of Faith Conference
Commemorative Bistro Mug
NEW Tumbler
$ 10.00
Catholic Women of Faith Conference
Commemorative Hot Beverage Tumbler
Conference Sponsorship
The Catholic Women of Faith Conference is
100% self-supporting.
Become a Conference Sponsor:
Love Sponsorship
Hope Sponsorship
Faith Sponsorship
Dedicated Sponsor
Generous Contributor
< $100
Contact Information
Commemorative Product
Pre-Order Total:
See our website for pictures & more product details.
If pre-ordering products, please transfer this total to the
REGISTRATION FORM page and include with your payment.
Credit card payment option available
the day of the conference.