June/July 2015 - St. Bartholomew Catholic Faith Community


June/July 2015 - St. Bartholomew Catholic Faith Community
Vol. 20, No. 3
June 2015
A bimonthly publication from St. Bartholomew Catholic Faith Community
AAll-Parish Picnic
Sunday, August 23
What better way to celebrate the Feast of St. Bartholomew and our community!
We are once again hosting a BBQ Pig Roast (with the option of turkey) and all
the fixin’s, catered by Divine Swine! You don’t need to bring a thing, just plan
to join us in Fellowship Hall after the 10:30 a.m. Mass. $5/individual; $20/family.
Look for registration in July.
Inside this issue:
The “Newly Planted” of St. Bart’s...........2
Congratulations First Communicants.....4
Congratulations Confirmandi................5
Images of Spring Gala.............................6
The Gift That Keeps on Giving................8
Youth Ministry Updates......................... 9
Dollars for Scholars Golf Tournament..10
School News.........................................11
Member Update.............................. ....12
St. Bartholomew Reflections • June 2015
The “Newly Planted” of St. Bartholomew
by Andrew Allen
Please continue to pray for and support these neophytes
(the newly planted) as they carry out their lives as
daughters and sons of God at St. Bartholomew.
he Easter Vigil Mass
marks the greatest feast
of the liturgical year. It is
resplendent with sacred signs
and rituals that give us a tangible encounter with our faith.
From the Blessing of the Fire
and Lighting of the Paschal
Candle, to the Litany of the
Saints and the Sprinkling Rite,
the Easter Vigil speaks to us of
our faith in Jesus Christ risen
from the dead, and our new
birth in him through baptism.
The Easter Vigil is also unique in
that all of the Sacraments of
Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation
and Eucharist) occur in the context of this one Mass.
In November they formally
declared their intention to
complete their initiation
before the entire community and began the period of
the Catechumenate, which
is the extended period of
catechesis leading up to
Lent. They juggled busy
work commitments and
demanding family schedules
to attend not only the regular sessions but also a
Saturday retreat and a
Sunday afternoon at the
Basilica to celebrate the Rite
of Election. This began the
immediate preparation period leading to initiation. Then
at the Easter Vigil, three
For the six candidates of St.
were baptized by full
Front row from left to right: Kim Cassens, Brittany Lockwood, Carrie McGregor,
immersion and all were conNicole Donnel, Michael Dunnigan, Rachael Johannsen
preparing for full initiation into
firmed. They then received
the Catholic Church, this year’s
Holy Eucharist in union with
Easter Vigil Mass was like a joyful yet
Catholics around the world as fully incorbegan last summer at our informal inquiry
solemn marriage ceremony after an
porated members of the Body of Christ.
sessions, others began in September.
engagement. It was the great celebration
Though they all came from different situaof their faith and commitment to live as
I am delighted to introduce our newest
tions and received their call in different
disciples of Jesus Christ. These wonderful
friends in Christ. Please continue to pray
ways, these inquirers became close as they
people had been preparing for this night
for and support these neophytes (the
journeyed together with their sponsors
since last year, passing through the three
newly planted) as they carry out their
and the RCIA team through formation in
stages of preparation set in the Rite of
lives as daughters and sons of God at
prayer, learning, reflection, and discussion.
Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Some
St. Bartholomew.
St. Bartholomew Reflections • June 2015
Carrie McGregor
Nicole Donnel
I began attending St. Bart’s with my fiancé and his family after
moving to Minnesota from Seattle. After getting engaged, discussion about where to get married led to discussion around our own
faiths and how we wanted to raise our future family. It was important to both of us to be fully engaged in the same religion and
church, so after thoughtful consideration, I decided to join RCIA.
I was brought up Catholic but was never fully initiated into
the faith so I joined RCIA to complete the process by getting
confirmed. Being Catholic has always been part of who I am,
but I drifted away a bit during my high school and college years.
My fiancé, Michael, and I are getting married in July and we both
agreed that we wanted to get married in a Catholic church so
we joined the RCIA class together. It has been a great bonding
experience and has brought us even closer together. Everyone
at St. Bart's has been so nice and welcoming and it's been
a great place to reintroduce myself to the Catholic faith. I look
forward to continuing my faith journey and growing even closer
to God.
I attended Catholic school growing up, so I had some familiarity
with Catholic teachings, but as RCIA moved along, I realized I had
so much more to learn. RCIA was a comfortable, open environment to ask anything from deep, theological questions to something as practical as “how does going to confession work?” or
“how are you supposed to take communion?” Each week we
learned more and grew closer to each other, and most importantly,
to God.
RCIA has been a great experience. Yes, it's a time commitment.
Yes, it makes you challenge what you believe and why. And yes,
it’s worth it! I'll miss our small RCIA group now that it’s come to a
close, but I’m excited for my next chapter at St. Bart’s to unfold.
Kim Cassens
I have grown up in a Christian household and the teachings of the
Bible my entire life. However, I felt that there was a missing piece
in my life. Although I had married a Catholic man 28 years ago, we
had never attended a Catholic church until St. Bart’s. Coming to
St. Bart’s filled that space which drew me closer to God. I decided
to take this journey further and inquire about RCIA. I quickly came
to the decision to convert to Catholicism and become baptized
and confirmed in the faith that has truly embraced me. I am
forever thankful to the RCIA, Father Mike and Deacon Rick.
This experience has been life changing and brought my family
definitely closer to each other and to God.
Michael Dunnigan
I started RCIA because I wanted to get confirmed and be married
in the Catholic Church. I was expecting it to be like the religion
classes I took when I was younger. However, a few weeks into it,
I realized that it was much more. It seemed more meaningful to
learn about these things now that I am older. It made the things
we do in church make more sense and going to church more
fulfilling. Everyone is so supportive of you in and out of class. I
am glad that I took this journey because it helped me to renew my
faith and remind me what it means to be Catholic.
Brittany Lockwood
For about seven years I had thought about doing RCIA. I had a
sponsor ready to go back home in Iowa but realized my maturity
wasn’t ready for the time commitment. I was raised Catholic but
never baptized and remember attending church with my family.
When I moved to Minnesota five years ago, I found St. Bart’s and
knew this was the church for me. When my younger brother had
his First Communion a few years ago, he questioned me about not
receiving Communion. This triggered me to look at the RCIA program again and I figured it into my work schedule. I’ve learned so
much since I found the RCIA process, and it’s been really nice to
talk to my little brother about Catholicism. I’m looking forward to
my journey at St. Bart’s and the strengthening of my family as
I practice my new faith.
RCIA Inquiry Sessions for Summer 2015
6:30 - 8 p.m., July 8, 22; August 5, 19
Are you an unbaptized person and thinking about
becoming Catholic? Are you a baptized Christian who
has been worshiping within a Catholic community and
would like to become Catholic? Are you a baptized
Catholic, worshiping with us regularly and thinking
about completing your Initiation Sacraments of
Confirmation and/or Eucharist?
Come and join us at St. Bartholomew this summer for
one or more of the inquiry sessions to find out more
about the Catholic Faith and the formal RCIA process.
For more information about RCIA, please contact
Andrew Allen at 952-473-6601 or at aallen@stbarts.org.
St. Bartholomew Reflections • June 2015
Congratulations to Our
2015 First Communicants
Saturday, May 2
5:00 p.m. Mass
Ella Brinza
Lauren Damberg
Owen Elser
Adeline Furst
Rory Goddard
Chase Good
Josie Heinen
Ainsley Kaufman
Anna Marcus
Jake Marcus
Alexandra Monicatti
Lillian Nick
Nigel Nowlin
Caleb Reader
Sophia Rieger
Andrew Schmidt
Henry Shafer
Annabelle Whitaker
Bridget Wickner
Annabel Worner
Sunday, May 3
8:30 a.m. Mass
Nicholas Elsenpeter
Margaret Francis
Ava Mack
Thomas Martin
Quinn McDonough
Kaitlin Rigley
Maura Rigley
Ella Vincent
Sunday, May 3
10:30 a.m. Mass
Henri Ament
Allison Berns
Emma Brierton
Andrew Corbett
John (Jack) Donohue
Elliana Gallagher
Annie Hamilton
Aiden Judickas
Cameron Kirschner
Abigail Koch
Sophie Koffmann
Lydia Langevin
Scarlett Lira
Kathryn Mahoney
James McEvoy
Theodore Showalter
Benjamin Sippel
Jacklyn Stewart
Caleb Wald
St. Bartholomew Reflections • June 2015
Congratulations to Our 2015 Confirmandi
Emily Aarons
Jacob Adams
Sophie Anderson
Jesse Bissen
Blake Chapman
Peter Christenson
Alex Dau
Derek Day
Maggie Didier
Paris Edwards
Shane Foster-Smith
Morgan Frank
Benjamin Frazzini
Alexis Gay
Nicholas Goetz
Anne Marie Griebie
Josie Gureghian
David Hoy
Mistiha Jayaraj
Christopher Jones
Drake Kapler
Eveline Kenney
James Klotz
Thomas LaCombe
John Lance
Magdalena Leali
Cody Limesand
Annie Mack
Kirsten Magaard
Maddie Marquis
Sarah Mersch
Caroline Muske
Lynsey Novak
Cole Nowicki
Daniella Ogren
Nicole Ogren
Cathy Paske
Kate Piering
Andrew Quay
Jenna Rakos
Jenna Rathbun
Michael Riley
Maria Satre
Mary Donna
Lucy Scherer
Ben Scherer
Madison Semler
Joseph Simpson
Alana Sivo
Elliot Sparkman
Deirdre Sperry
Tony Thies
Jessica Torrison
Matthew Tucker
Ryan Tucker
Anna Van Orsow
Frankie Vochko
Jack Wall
Ben Weinbeck
Mark Willson
Megan Witchger
Callum Yockey
Celebrating 20 Years of Ordination
n May 26, more than 200 parishioners and guests gathered
for a Mass and reception to honor Fr. Mike Van Sloun as he
celebrated 20 years of ordination to the priesthood.
Fr. Mike was ordained on May 20, 1995; however, he has been in the
religious order since 1972 when he joined the Crosiers as a religious
St. Bartholomew Reflections • June 2015
St. Bartholomew Reflections • June 2015
A Beautiful Evening, A Great Cause
Images of Spring 2015
Lynnette Savaloja, John
Cella, Colleen Wigg and
Jonell Cella
Rocky Funk,
Karen Keffeler,
Wayne Hartmann
and Michelle
Barb Paschke and
Deacon Rick Witucki
enjoyed catching up
at Images.
Nancy Kralovec is all smiles while using her phone to bid.
t proved to be a beautiful evening inside and out as 200 parishioners and guests gathered at
the Golden Valley Country Club on April 25 for this year’s Images of Spring Gala. The evening
was filled with delicious food, socializing, dancing, game boards, and great silent and live auction items, which offered something for everyone. Also adding to the excitement this year was
mobile bidding, which allowed people to continue to outbid each other while still engaging in
Matthew Quail, Jan
Sidla, Terry Garvert,
Peg Deitering, Jim
Linda Garvert
The Picture of
Liesl Wintheiser.
Erin Cote,
Abbi Christensen
and Kizzy
Besides being a great evening, most importantly, the dinner auction and raffle raised $74,000
for parish annual operations, and $24,000 for Fund-A-Need (school technology and Bibles for all
students). Special thanks to chairs Jill Michel and Paula Heppelmann and this year’s committee
members and volunteers for all their hard work making Images a great success yet again. The
2016 date has already been set, so clear your calendar for April 30 at Golden Valley Country Club.
If you’re interested in being involved in next year’s event, please contact Cindy Schriever
at cschriever@st-barts.org or 952-473-6601. Getting involved with Images is a great way to meet
fellow parishioners and support our parish all while having fun!
Teresa Litfin-Wertz,
Anne Egan, Lee
Glover and Fr. Mike
Van Sloun
Auctioneer Col.
Matthew Schultz
and emcee Mark
Weninger proved
to be a winning
Congratulations Raffle Winners!
$ 1,500
$ 250
Images of
Spring cochairs Paula
and Jill Michel
Jennifer Nowlin
Dick Theilmann
Gavin Becker
Dennis Bilski/Tom Reaser
Art & Connie Kearney
Mary Zahler
St. Bartholomew Reflections • June 2015
Honoring the Gift of Education for a Lifetime
by Cindy Schriever
magine the personal satisfaction of
continuing your family’s legacy of
caring and supporting the educational ministries of St. Bartholomew
through the generosity you have
shown through life. The earnings from
your gifts to the Educational
Endowment are used to address needs
of all our educational ministries.
Youth Ministry &
Formation - $36,450
The Faith Formation & Youth
Ministry Program is very grateful for
the gift of the endowment this past
year. The endowment allowed us to
make several purchases this year to
enhance or current programming.
These purchases include: RCIA
Curriculum, Library and Media Kiosk,
Go-Pro, Canon DSLR, Catechist
Formation and Education, "stage
lighting" & backdrop for our evening
programs and a new ping-pong table
for the youth room.
We give thanks to God for this kind
of support. Endowment funds are
unique because contributions support the educational programs in
perpetuity. An $81,000 Educational
Endowment for the school
year 2014-2015 was distributed to the following areas.
School - $36,450
The entire St. Bartholomew
Catholic School Community
is grateful for the continuous generosity of our generous donors. This year,
the school’s Endowment
Gift offset operational
costs in a number of areas
to ensure our school
remains a vital and viable option for our
Whether for technology resources,
instructional materials, professional development opportunities for teachers,
marketing initiatives, playground enhancements, activities and events, guest speakers and many other items, the Endowment
Fund plays a critical role in direct and indirect support of our students.
The cost of offering an effective standardized assessment tool to gauge student
academic growth in reading and math is a
necessary expense. Endowment funds
allow us to continue these vital assessments with the NWEA Measures of
Academic Progress (MAP) test in the fall
and spring. Kindergarten - 6th Grade
student MAP test results inform teachers
of student skill levels so that they may
support each student in achieving her/his
own level of academic excellence.
Please know that we are grateful for your
support of the school and we will keep you
in our prayers of gratitude. God bless.
A large portion of the
endowment was put
toward sending 15 of
our students to World
Youth Day in August of
2016. This financial
investment in our
youth will bear much
fruit for the community
here at St. Bart’s. Our
ability to subsidize the
trip for our teens is
allowing them to partake in a trip of a life
time, giving them the opportunity to grow
in their faith and encounter Christ unlike
ever before.
Legacy of Faith Reserve - $8,100
A Legacy of Faith Reserve has been established to ensure that adequate monies are
available for distribution during lean years.
The goal is to set aside 10 percent of the
endowment distribution when it is
warranted by a healthy return.
Gifts of Remembrance
Gifts through Planned Giving
These gifts are made in memory of a deceased family member,
friend or colleague. The following message in the obituary of
the deceased provides an avenue to make a meaningful and
thoughtful gift: “Memorial gifts may be made to the
St. Bartholomew Educational Endowment, 630 E. Wayzata,
MN 55391.”
If you have remembered the Endowment in your estate planning by bequest, trust or other planned giving tool, please let
us know. We would like to properly acknowledge your generosity as a member of the Saint Bartholomew Legacy Society.
Gifts of Honor
Gifts of Honor celebrate special occasions made in honor of a
family member, friend or colleague.
Informational brochures on the St. Bartholomew Educational
Endowment are available at the Information Desk. If you have
questions regarding types of gifts to the Endowment, contact
Cindy Schriever at cschriever@st-barts.org or 952-473-6601,
St. Bartholomew Reflections • June 2015
NEW Youth Ministry Programs
Coming This Fall
by Connor Flanagan
eginning this fall,
St. Bartholomew
youth will experience exciting new programs and changes to
existing ones, meant to
help them grow in their
faith and deepen their
desire to know, love and
serve Christ.
in the sacraments, small group
discussion, sincere times of
prayer and fun social activities.
Throughout the year we will
host nights of worship, a
dodge ball tournament,
indoor winter wiffle ball (and
more!) alongside our twice a
month gathering. Although
this new program is taking the
place of our weekly confirmation prep, students are not
required to attend (however,
it is strongly encouraged).
We are very excited to
announce that we will
now confirm students in
9th grade! Confirmation is
a very important sacrament; however, it is not
the “end all be all” of faith
formation. Rather, it is
another critical step along
the journey of becoming a well formed disciple of Jesus Christ. Our hope is that by
moving Confirmation to 9th grade and shifting our focus to discipleship, our youth will
see the importance of staying committed to
their Catholic faith, learning what it means
to be a life-long follower of Jesus Christ.
How does this effect our upcoming year
of faith formation? Students in both 9th
and 10th grade will be confirmed in May of
2016. More information and details will be
provided at the September 13 kick-off
Although not mandatory, students will
also be strongly encouraged to participate
in LIFE TEEN, which takes the place of our
previous weekly Confirmation prep program. In utilizing our LIFE TEEN program
(and others), teens will be challenged in
their faith and encouraged to become
more involved in the St. Bartholomew
High School (9-12th Grades)
LIFE TEEN is a brand new youth ministry
program designed to serve the spiritual,
emotional and social needs of our youth.
Meeting twice a month, LIFE TEEN invites all 912 grade students to grow in their faith
through engaging presentations, participation
Thursday Nights
St. Bart’s Parking Lot
7-9 p.m.
Remaining Dates:
July 9, 16, 30 & August 6
All incoming/upcoming
9-12 graders are invited
to join the St. Bart's
Youth Group Block
Parties for a bonfire,
smores, basketball,
frisbee, four-square, lots
of food & more!
Bring your friends!
Only through the support of
the entire St. Bart’s community
will LIFE TEEN be successful. It
is our hope that LIFE TEEN will
inspire not only our youth, but
their families as well, to grow
in their faith and deepen
their desire to follow Christ.
Middle School (6-8th Grades)
This fall we
implement a new
identity, image
and curriculum into our middle school program. Still
meeting on Wednesday nights, students
will receive enhanced catechesis with an
intentional focus on Scripture and the
sacrament of Confirmation. Every student
in 6-8th grade will also receive a brand
new bible, which they will be asked to
bring to faith formation every week.
Faith Formation Registration
Deadline: August 1
The Faith Formation registration
booklet housing information and registration forms for all programs will be
mailed soon to parish households
with faith formation aged kids.
Information and forms are also on our
website, www.st-barts.org, Education
Formation. For more information,
contact Connor Flanagan, director of
youth ministry, 952/473-6601, x221,
St. Bartholomew Reflections • June 2015
In Gratitude for a Lasting Gift...
he St. Bartholomew Legacy Society is
for those who have included
St. Bartholomew Catholic Church or
St. Bartholomew School in their estate
planning and have notified the parish that
they have done so.
A special noon brunch for Legacy Society
members was held on Sunday, May 17, at
the Wayzata Country Club. Lee Glover,
parish trustee; as well as parish staff members Cindy Schriever, Director of
Stewardship and Development; Christine
Ducharme, Director of Pastoral Ministry;
Marion Clark, Parish Administrator; and
Fr. Mike Van Sloun, Pastor, were present to
offer thanks and appreciation on behalf of
the parish to Legacy Society members for
their strong faith, membership in the
parish, commitment to stewardship, and
exceptional generosity.
two of his disciples on Easter Sunday
St. Bartholomew
Legacy Society
Eleven members attended and were honored with a delicious meal and an appreciation gift, a bronze medallion that depicts
the Emmaus meal that Jesus shared with
Fr. Mike mentioned that “estate gifts leave
a lasting legacy and express a person’s most
cherished values. They make a powerful
statement!” Furthermore, he explained, “If
there is a parish ministry that is near and
dear to your heart, your gift can be designated as you wish, or it can be left undesignated.” Finally, Fr. Mike explained, “These
are true make-a-difference gifts! They are
over-and-above the regular budget and
allow the parish to do special things to
advance the Reign of God.”
If you have included the parish in your
estate plans and have not notified the
parish, you are invited to call Cindy
Schriever so you can be included in future
events. If you have not made your estate
plans yet, or if you intend to revise your
estate plans at some point, please consider
including your parish. It is yet another way
to praise and thank God for blessings
Educating Our Future Leaders Today
Dollars for Scholars Golf Tournament
Saturday, September 12, Pioneer Creek Golf Course
ew causes are as worthy as education, and
St. Bartholomew School is poised to set the
stage for developing the leaders of tomorrow.
More than 20 years ago, this family friendly, 18 hole social scramble was founded to provide tuition assistance to those who want their children to have a
Catholic-based education, but are facing financial
challenges. With your support, we will continue to
educate children who otherwise couldn’t afford the
academic excellence, and moral and spiritual development offered at St. Bartholomew Catholic School
for the school year 2015/2016.
Besides participating in the golf tournament, you can
also join the committee or be an event sponsor. If you
are interested in sponsorship opportunities or in joining the committee, please contact Cindy Schriever, at
952-473-6601, cschriever@st-barts.org. Registration
will begin mid-July!
St. Bartholomew Reflections • June 2015
t. Bartholomew School is expanding our wonderful preschool
program! Beginning Fall 2015, Lake Area Discovery Center joins
our school to help expand preschool options for our families.
Look for details on the school website, www.st-bartsschool.org. LADC is
a non-profit, Christian-based early childhood program for children ages
3 - 5 and provides a fully accredited preschool option for our families.
t. Bartholomew School
students, parents and faculty gathered on the
school playground as Fr. Mike
Van Sloun bestowed a blessing
to commemorate the recently
installed plaque, honoring Cheryl
Vochko, a school parent and
school health paraprofessional,
who passed away in 2012. The
school playground underwent a
major revamping that fall as a
memorial to Cheryl.
As Fr. Mike said in his blessing:
“As those who use this playground are reminded of Cheryl,
may they be inspired by her faith
and love and thus, be strengthened in their own faith and be
more charitable to others.”
September 18, 2015
We like to kick off the school year by transforming St. Bart’s parking lot into a community carnival for all! Have your face painted,
enjoy the music, watch the kids climb the inflatable mountain
while enjoying great food, and visit with old and new friends.
Don’t miss out; there’s something for everyone! Look for more
details on the website, E-News, and the bulletin later this summer.
Quinn and Francesca Vochko,
along with their father Joe, were
on hand as Fr. Mike blessed the
school playground in honor of
their mother, Cheryl.
St. Bartholomew Reflections • June 2015
our website,
under Events & News.
Donate from Your Smart Phone!
St. Bartholomew Church
now offers a mobile version
of our online giving page to
make it easy for you to give
anytime from your smart
phone. Scan this image
using your phone’s Quick
Response (QR) code reader!
Tom and Debby Vanderheyden
Richard Brown
Zdenko and Katarina Grajcar
Matt and Lei Davison
Beverly Kieffer
James and Mary Welsch
Mike and Nicole Dunnigan
Brittany Lockwood
Bill and Julie Snyder
Jack Grignano
Bob and Nancy Buehler
Theresa Huml
Leino Jacob Koffmann
Josephine Hope Paulson
Natalie Elizabeth Richardson
Charlotte Rae Haug
Tillie Rose Shogren
Nola Evelyn Laughlin
Cooper Rose Ryan
Cecilia Abbey Almelien
Braden Edward Bohnett
Margaret Scanlon
Cecilia Mickelson
John Dombeck
Maryanne Reed
630 East Wayzata Blvd. • Wayzata, MN 55391
and much more on
St. Bart’s events
New Members
Reflections is a publication (6 issues/yr.) of
St. Bartholomew Catholic Faith Community,
630 E. Wayzata Blvd., Wayzata, MN 55391
Phone 952 473-6601, Fax 952 473-0980
School phone 952/473-6189, Fax 952/745-4598
Email: stbarts@st-barts.org, Website: www.st-barts.org
Pastor: Fr. Mike Van Sloun
Reflections Mission: To reflect parish life through writings which educate,
inform and inspire the actions and teachings of our Catholic community.
You’ll find the latest information about
Member Update
Comments/suggestions are welcome.
Communications Director: Kathleen Salman, ksalman@st-barts.org