your - Waking Up in America


your - Waking Up in America
Transform Your Personal & Professional
Life with a Five Step Practice
This ebook is designed as a
practical tool for you.
There is space for you to write in
if you choose to print this guide out.
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open it with Acrobat and type in
your thoughts.
Underlined words are links.
Click on them for more
good stuff.
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
The hardest thing about waking up is...
Sometimes we don’t even realize that we are asleep.
The world we live in is fast and full of distractions.
We find ourselves always in busy mode. We move
through life exhausted and half-asleep.
Other times we get comfortable where we are. We
settle into our routines and resist the idea of change.
Sometimes we’d rather numb the pain, loneliness
and anxiety than find ways to move out of our comfort
Some people wait until a ‘rude awakening’ or tragic
‘wake-up’ call radically changes their life.
The fact that you are reading this means you have
already joined the #WakingUpRevolution. You are
refusing to exist in a numbed state.
You are ready to live a life with joy and purpose.
Each of us already knows how to shift into living
life this way. All we need is a prompt. And practice.
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
“Who looks outside, DREAMS;
who looks inside, AWAKENS.”
-Carl Jung
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
That’s a nice
and a great quote.
You’ve probably heard it before.
Perhaps you stayed up
all night reading books,
watching inspirational videos.
Maybe you’ve even attended
on-line courses...
...but all the while asking:
How do I do this?
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
Here is a story I was told when I first asked that question:
A young monk was wandering through the woods and mountains searching for something. He ran into a group of travelers who asked him what he was looking for.
“I lost the key to my house and can’t find it anywhere,” the monk said.
“Is it similar to the one you have hanging around your neck?” a traveler asked, looking
kindly at the exhausted monk.
The monk put his hand over the key to feel it.
“That’s the key I was looking for!” he exclaimed.
“I never thought to look here,” he said, casting his eyes into the distance,
but seeing the key in his mind.
Everything you need is already within you.
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
Each of us already knows
how to shift into life with joy
and purpose. All we need
is a prompt. And practice.
This 5 Step Guide eBook is designed as a
PROMPT, and practice for your transformation.
Steps are constructed of three elements:
• Short description;
• YourTurn! call to action; and
• An example from real people*
*These examples are from interviews featured on the
“Waking Up in America” TV show. Watch full episodes on our
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
We are all connected. We are many parts,
but one human family.
Each of us plays a significant part in making
the whole creation complete.
There is an energy of life that flows
through every living thing; oxygen that we
all breathe; sun that warms us; and gravity
that keeps us all connected to one planet.
There are also spiritual and metaphysical
forces that connect us, like love and grace.
Becoming aware of this connection is the
first step in activating all the gifts that life
holds in itself.
One of the easiest ways to connect is to
breathe. Focus on your breath and how it
flows throughout your body, renewing life
within you.
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
How can you notice the
connectedness in your life
Write it down here or start a journal.
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
Jeremy Lekich (Nashville Fodscapes) grew up spending
a lot of time playing video games. He found his joy and
purpose through connecting with nature.
“Growing food is a great step
in reconnecting with nature.
Because you can get your
hands dirty, you can see
these plants grow, they feed
you, they provide physical
Watch Jeremy’s story:
“From Video Games to Foodscapes”
Season 2, Episode 22
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and
over again and expecting different results.”
- Unknown, often attributed to Albert
When we shift the place where we stand
even an inch, what we see around us
Making an external shift as a part of our
awakening opens up space for a new
perspective. Which then prepares us for
the shift in introspection.
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
What can you do differently
today that will shift the
place from which you are
observing your life?
Write it down here or start a journal.
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
Dr. Cary Gannon (founder of AILA Cosmetics) made an
external change by taking all of the toxins out of her
life. She started her awakening by changing her physical habits.
“My friend came and picked
me up and instead of taking
me to a bar she took me to
the juice bar at Whole Foods...
I started doing wheatgrass
every day. I started taking
care of myself because I was
Watch Cary’s story:
“Good Health Inside and Out”
Season 2, Episode 14
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
The intention to wake up already creates a
shift inside of us.
The choice to bring a change into our lives
happens within.
We can choose to respond with compassion
instead of reacting with anger at something
or someone.
We can choose to be grateful for the cup of
coffee in the morning, or complain that it’s
not made to our liking.
Finding a solution to your life situation starts
with this internal shift.
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
What are you grateful for
today? How does that
feeling of gratefulness shift
your life situation?
Write it down here or start a journal.
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
Calvin LeHew, an influencer and entrepreneur who
became a millionaire at the age of 34 attributes his
success to shifting his perspective and turning inward
for answers.
“When you have a heart attack
and fall down, don’t get down
in doom and gloom. Look, it
may transform your life! I think
every adversity that I’ve ever
had, it was actually a good
thing because it stops you and
makes you think.”
Watch Calvin’s Story:
“In Every Adversity Lies a Seed of Greatness”
Season 2, Episode 8
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
It takes between 21 and 254 days to develop
a new habit.
It takes 10,000 hours to become a master
at a craft.
But regardless of numbers, it all starts with
Day 1 and one moment in which you make
your intention and commit to it.
Looking inside and awakening our spiritual
selves to become aware of the joy and
purpose in our lives is the first step. With
practice this awareness can become our
new ‘normal’.
Practice it often, start with small, attainable
steps and build up a new habit on your own
pace. Start a gratitude journal.
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
How can you practice
being more awaken, more
connected each day?
Write it down here or start a journal.
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
Brandy Word Stanton, founder and CEO of Blu
Ambition advocates investing time and energy in selfgrowth (such as reading, meditation, watching TED
talks, coaching, etc)
“If you aren’t going to become
aware, and accept, and be
accountable for where you are
and the part you played to get
yourself there, then you’re not
gonna go any further.”
Watch Brandy’s Story:
“Permission to Mind Your Business Granted”
Season 2, Episode 10
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
None of us got where we are all by
There is a tremendous amount of things
that happened just right for you and I to be
where we are today.
Everything that we enjoy was grown,
built, created and conceived of by a huge
support system. And if you believe in God,
or a higher force, that’s the source of our
So it’s only natural to give back or pay it
forward into the circle of all life.
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
How do you give back?
Write it down here or start a journal.
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
Steve Reiner, co-founder of Halfway Hair started
volunteering at an addiction recovery center for youth
after years of battling his own addictive behaviors.
“One of the things that I
was missing… was helping
other people… seeing what
they are going through,
and then seeing what I was
going through was like, Pffff!
Watch Steve’s story:
“When Your Hairstylist Gives You More Than Pretty Curls”
Season 2, Episode 19
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
I found that these steps are useful in dealing with major life changes such as moving across the
continent, switching careers or ending a relationship.
But these steps can also be used for little everyday things through which we build up our
awareness and our ability to change, expand, and continue to grow toward becoming more of the
person we are created to be.
Try it next time you find yourself in a situation which you’d like to change. For example:
1. CONNECT: Acknowledge that you are not alone;
2. EXTERNALLY: Move your body (even if it’s taking a deep breath and stretching your arms wide);
3. INTERNALLY: Focus on something you are grateful for in that very moment;
4. COMMIT AND PRACTICE: Feel the gratitude and practice shifting your entire attention to it;
5. PAY IT FORWARD: Turn to someone around you and show kindness. A simple smile will do.
Practicing these steps daily, on little things that are attainable (and pleasant), will prepare you for
the big shifts.
And keep in mind: Life is a journey, not a destination. Travel with joy and purpose!
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
1. Connect with me for One on One
2. Enroll in our on-line course and get
small group coaching;
3. Check out
for more resources;
4. Watch our weekly TV Show
and become an awakener of the
Join us on Social Media:
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All rights reserved
Inspiring and activating change in the world through
personal awakening and a soulful shift toward living
with joy and purpose.
DISCLAIMER: This guide is provided without warranties of any kind,
either expressed or implied. We disclaim all warranties, expressed or
implied, including but not limited to implied effectiveness of the ideas or
success strategies listed here.
“AWAKEN to Joy and Purpose” 1.0
(c) 2015 Tajci Cameron. All Rights Reserved.
Copying, online sharing, editing, modifying, exploiting,
selling and distributing digital or physical copies of this
guide is prohibited.
Social Media: @TajciCameron
Cameron Productions
2020 Fieldstone Parkway Suite 900-249
Franklin, Tennessee 37069 United States
(818) 782-0740