2010 Edition 2 - Weimaraner Association of Canada


2010 Edition 2 - Weimaraner Association of Canada
 Weimaraner Association of Canada July | August | September GreyGhost
#1 CKC Obedience 2009 MOTCH Echobar's Double Impact “Asia”
#1 CKC Conformation 2009 MBIS MBPIS BISS Can/Am Ch. Davora's Bremar Notoriety “Spanky”
#1 Top Field Dog 2009 <<Trax Holly Gospritely CDX TD FD CGN RE & CH Weatherrun Automatic Overdrive FD, RD, NA Prize1 1>> WHAT’S INSIDE….
GG Regular Features… WAC Rescue, “In the Dog House”, Recipe Corner, Field Facts, Wags & Brags, “A weim’s worth a thousand words” WAC 2010
team President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Past President Shelly Shorrock Liette Fadden Wendy McKay Laura Ritchie Barbara Williams president@weims.ca vp@weims.ca treasurer@weims.ca secretary@weims.ca past@weims.ca 613.832.9181 519.652.0445 613.832.3223 613.387.4029 204.222.3929 bc@weims.ca Alberta@weims.ca eastcoast@rescue.weims.ca ontario@weims.ca rescue@rescue.weims.ca oneast@rescue.weims.ca ongta@rescue.weims.ca onnorth@rescue.weims.ca onsouth@rescue.weims.ca eastcoast@rescue.weims.ca qc@rescue.weims.ca prairies@rescue.weims.ca bc@rescue.weims.ca 250.642.5005 403.678.5005 902.463.5812 519.977.0231 obedience@weims.ca events@weims.ca conformation@weims.ca performance@weims.ca field@weims.ca ratings@weims.ca membership@weims.ca 705.812.3467 450.564.1017 705.812.3467 519.652.0445 613.832.9181 613.832.9181 webmaster@weims.ca greyghost@weims.ca submissions@weims.ca Regional Directors B.C. Alberta (Prairies) Atlantic Ontario Nat. Rescue Ontario East Ontario GTA Ontario North Ontario South Atlantic Quebec Praries Bristish Columbia Margaret Lehmann Norma Jean Pohl Deb Harnish Holly Colucci Rescue Liette Fadden Shelley Sherrock Julie Singer Shelly Shorrock Holly Colucci Deb Harnish Pierre Roger Barb Williams Shirley Nilsson Activity Coordinators Danielle LeVangie VACANT Stephan Brochu Danielle LeVangie Dave Fadden Shelly Shorrock Shelly Shorrock Publications WAC Webmaster Shelly Shorrock Grey Ghost Editor Jennifer Durocher Content Coord. Liette Fadden Athletics Event Conformation Obedience Field Ratings Membership from the editor…
Grey Ghost is the official publication of the Weimaraner Association of Canada. The Grey Ghost is published 4 times a year (January, April, July, October) and available to all members. Submissions and content ideas from all WAC members from across Canada are welcomed and encouraged. Ideas expressed should reflect the vision of the WAC and will be published at the discretion of the editor and board. All submissions are subject to editing. All submissions shall be forwarded to the Content coordinator and/or the Editor. All photo submissions to be in highest possible resolution (preferred .RAW or .jpeg). Submission deadline date will be 4 weeks prior to publication dates above. [EVENTS & INFORMATION] Weimaraner Association of Canada Retriever Ratings Test October 3, 2010 @ Stonepoint Acres For the Next Issue of the GG… [RECIPE CORNER]
Submit your favorite healthy treats “Cookie” recipes “A Weim is worth a thousand words”
Fall/Hunting Picture Submissions IN THE DOG HOUSE
More from Navada! WAGS & BRAGS
Share with us! (50 words or less please) Volunteers Needed!
The Grey Ghost is looking for a new Editor. We
are looking for a creative volunteer to commit to a
minimum 1 year term. The position requires
approximately 10-12 hours of time every three
months to assemble the issue. The position comes
with an Assistant to the Editor (Liette Fadden) to
help with content coordination. You can use the
creative software of your choice (Microsoft Word,
Publisher etc.). You will be required to submit a
draft copy to the Board prior to final submission to
the web master (in .pdf format/limited file size). If
you are interested, please contact Liette Fadden or
Jennifer Durocher for more information
The Web Master, Shelley Shorrock is looking for a
Associate Web Master to assist in the maintenance
of the Weimaraner Association of Canada Website.
If you are interested, please contact Shelley
Submission deadline for the next Issue
January 1, 2010
Message from the President…
Summer has come to a close and for most of us, it was a very warm season. I hope everyone had an opportunity to find some cool and fun events for you and your Weims to participate in. The WAC is endeavoring to increase the number and type of events that we host. However, we need the members help on this. Please email or call anyone on the Board of Directors if you have ideas or can volunteer some time to host an event. An event can be a simple as a BBQ get together for the local Weim population, organizing a dog walk or even hosting an Obedience Sanction match for the WAC (this would get us 1 step closer to being able to have Rally O events). If you hear of any Pet Expo’s or other such events, let us know and we will try to get representation so that the general public learns more about our fabulous breed! Check out the Store on our website for offerings that support both Rescue and WAC official events www.weims.ca Best Regards, Shelly Shorrock, WAC President We have a WINNER!
Thanks for helping us decide which
Bumper Sticker design we should get printed!
An informal email poll was taken in early July to determine the most popular
Bumper Sticker design. The results are in!
We have since refined the design and decided, upon popular request that the
stickers now be MAGNETS to protect your vehical’s finish!
WINNER! with a total of 22 votes.
2nd place with 21 votes
(actual size is: 10.5 in x 3 in)
3rd place with 9 votes
5th place with 5 votes
4th place with 7 votes
Here’s how you can get yours!
Bumper magnets will be available from the Rescue Booth at
London Puppy Pawlooza August 21. After that time they will be
available for purchase from the on-line WAC Store.
Bumper MAGNETS available soon!
All proceeds from the sale of these
magnets go to WAC Rescue.
taxes in shipping
Go to www.weims.ca (on-line store) or contact Erika at e.hamiltonpiercy@rogers.com
woofstock Novemb
ber 27th an
nd 28th, 20
010 Direct Energy Centre in Toronto for more inform
mation visit www.woofstock.ca ofstock is N
North Americca’s largest outdoor festivval for dogs aand the people who live w
with them. Qu
uirky and fun
n, Woo
Woofstock is a FR
REE admission
n, non‐stop party that offeers festive en
ntertainment and consumeer shows. Thee festival runs over two days in tthe summer aand for the firrst time, the w
winter too! wo
oofstock Summe
er Recap
p… Well, Woo
ofstock is ove
er for anotherr year ‐ at e's going to bee a Winter least the summer one is. There
Woofstock for thee first time this coming No
ovember in nounced, seee the website Toronto (informattion to be ann
for details as theyy become available. For the firrst time in yeaars, the weatther wasn't n and blazing hot. Saturday's forecast was for rain
ut that didn't happen except for one thunderstorms bu
npour in the llate afternoon. It was busyy but not as down
packed as usual. I think people
e decided to w
wait for day to see if th
he weather w
would be better. Sund
Sunday w
was a better daay, the sun caame out late morn
ning and it waas much busie
er. We had a constant streaam of visitors to the WAC R
Rescue booth
h, helped alongg by Marilyn K
Kieweit (the ffounder of To
oronto's annu
ual Weimaran
ner Picnic) wh
ho did a stellar job of stand
ding by the paath with one of our raffle baskets and hijacking people aas they walked by! We answeered numerous questions about our breed
d, handed ou
ut so many infformation sheeets that we ran o
out, listened tto weim owne
ers waxing lyrrical about their dogs and gavve advice to tthose who weere having enging breed or who difficculties managging this challe
weree thinking of aadding a weim
m to their fam
mily. I am veryy pleased to teell you the am
mount of mon
ney raised at W
Woofstock th
hrough our team's efforts was just short of $500. To all my outstanding helpers, Mich
hael, Nataasha, Deanne, Allan, Gary, Kathy, Liettee, Anne, Matt,, Jessiica, Marilyn, A
Angi and Paris plus their w
wonderful dogss, who were ggreat ambassadors for the breed, Bella,, Lola,, Silver, Emma, Wilbur, Steella, Louie, Mark, Shooter, Reub
ben, Autumn,, Lexi and Sun
nny ‐ thank yo
ou!!! I've got you all on my list for next yearr! Julie Singerr Ontario Central Co‐Ordinator n of Canada Weimaraneer Association
Rescue Tel: 416 223 5134 Email: gtaw
@bell.net [MEET THE WAC BOARD MEMBERS] Over the upcoming issues of the Grey Ghost we would like to take the time to get to know the WAC Board Members. Each issue, we will feature a different member of the team and get to know them a bit better. We thank all of our board members for the time and effort they volunteer to the Weimaraner Association of Canada and their commitment to this versatile breed. Name: Margaret Lehmann
WAC Position: Western Director Occupation: Licensed Practical Nurse
Kennel Name: Bartland Registered Weimaraners, Duncan BC
Members of: WAC, Weimaraner Club of America
(WCA), Victoria City Kennel Club (VCKC), Vancouver
Island Pointing Dog Club. (VIPDC –Director)
Weimaraner Interests: Conformation, obedience, and recently field work How many years owning Weimaraners? In 1988 I acquired two litter mates from field lines in Oregon. Ch. Misty’s Jewel of the Dawn CD and Ch. Kona’s Silver Ghost became my foundation bitches, and so began Bartland Weimaraners. Why did you choose this breed? I was first introduced to the breed in 1982, through a friend of a fellow I was then dating. His dog’s name was Lightning II, otherwise known as ‘Weiner’. He was the delightful, intelligent, obedient pet, a devoted companion to Art Lehmann. Art and I eventually married, relocating to Victoria in 1986. In 1987 I worked fulltime at Victoria General Hospital as a Licensed Practical Nurse, also employed casually in home care on my days off. One day, I was sent to do home care at clients, by the name of Roy and Yvonne Smith. Upon entering their home, I found Weimaraner memorabilia everywhere. Yvonne set out for the day, leaving Mr. Smith in my care. He had suffered a stroke. I was able to communicate with him by asking him questions with ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ answers. All in relation to his wonderful displays of the Weims. I anxiously awaited Mrs. Smith’s return home, so I could suffice my quest for more information regarding their personal history with the breed. I ended up staying two hours past my shift completion, chatting with Yvonne. She took me under her wing, and went on to become my mentor in the breed. Who is/was your mentor(s)? Roy and Yvonne had bred, hunted, and raised Weimaraners under the ‘Von Roy’ prefix since the late 1950’s. Proudest achievements I have had a limited number of litters, with some proud results. One litter had three offspring placing in the WCA Futurity program held in conjunction with the Weimaraner US Nationals in Sacramento, California. Am/Can Ch Bartland’s Gustav Von Valmar placed # 3 Show Weimaraner in Canada. I have bred a Best In Specialty Show, Award of Merit, multiple Best Puppy in Show winners, and multiple Group and Puppy Group placing dogs. Bartland’s History (for the complete history and achievements you can visit bartlandweimaraners.com) While in the US show, Yvonne spotted a young male that grabbed her attention. His name was Ch. Pic‐A‐
Star’s Atilla v. Reiteralm CDX, TD, V, co‐ owned by Cynthia Picha and Virginia Alexander. Correspondence was exchanged and a formal request submitted to utilize ‘Alph’ at stud. Alph was a Weimaraner that was of 100% German bloodlines, therefore the breeding had to be approved by the German Weimaraner Club. The approval took nine months. [MEET THE WAC BOARD MEMBERS] Margaret Lehmann continued… Alph came to stay with us for a month. He was a delightful, gentle soul (with an avid passion for cats!). On November 11th, 1994 a litter of eight was born, with 4 boys and 4 girls. When the litter was between 7‐8 weeks of age, Cynthia came north to assist with the litter assessment. I was introduced to the assessment technique, which is now published in “The Weimaraner Ways” co‐authored by Virginia Alexander and Jackie Isobell. Much knowledge was gained from Cynthia’s guidance over subsequent years. We kept the pick bitch from the breeding and called her Sassy, also known as Am/Can Ch. Bartland’s Pic‐A‐Star. She was bred twice, once to Am Ch. Valmar’s Sage v Wustenwind, which produced Bartland’s Victor of Dibley, #2 Weimaraner in Obedience for 2004 and to Am/Can Ch. Orion’s Jaeger v Reiteralm CDX, MH, NSD, NRD, V, CGC which produced Silverisle Weimaraners foundation bitch Ch. Bartland’s Littlest Lunatic and littermate Am/Can. Ch. Bartland’s Inferno of Dante CD. Both of these dogs have incredible working drive, and will do anything to please. Misty was also later bred to Am/Can Ch. Orion’s Jaeger v Reiteralm CDX, MH, NSD, NRD, V, CGC, which produced Ch. Bartland’s Littlest Angel (March 29, 1997‐ January 6, 2008) There were 5 puppies in this litter with three out of the five placing in their futurities. Angel was bred to Am/Can. Ch Valmar’s Unanimous Decision and produced Ch. Bartland’s Rhapsody in Blue. Joy is owned and loved by Lisa Danesin. Joy in turn was bred to Am/Can. Ch Anson’s On The Rocks CD (Winston), which produced the 2006 #2 Weimaraner in Canada, Am/ BISS Can. Ch Silverisle’s Summer Storm. Stormy placed second, behind her father. Presently We continue to work in the field, with Ch. Bartland's Pocketful of Posie achieving her first leg of her FDJ on April 9th, 2010. Recently, last fall, Art also left us for Rainbow Bridge on November 2, 2009, after fighting a valiant battle with cancer. His ashes will be spread with those of his greyghosts at one of his favorite places this upcoming summer. I am dedicated to preserving the versatility and integrity of the Weimaraner and my kennel adheres to a strict code of breeding ethics. AAC Agility Regional Championships In May and June every year handlers and their dogs gather at Regional Championships across Canada to compete and qualify for the Nationals. Dog/Handler teams run over 6 courses in 3 different events over 2 days and accumulate points in each run. An aggregate score is used for final placing and qualifying for Nationals. In 2010 teams were required to accumulate 350 points. Weims competed in 3 Regional’s: BC/Yukon, Alberta/NWT, and Nova Scotia/Newfoundland. This year, Nationals will be held at Spruce Meadows in Alberta. Over 700 dogs are entered. Results from the AAC BC/Yukon Agility Regional Championship. Five Weimaraners competed and all qualified for the National Championship that will be held in Calgary in August. Anne Bolivar and Hailey placed 1st in the 22” Veterans Class with 523.68 points! Tanis Manhard and Teagan placed 5th is the tough 26” Regular class with 497.38 points. Denise McLean and Keeper accumulated 371.96 points in the 26” Regular class. Denise McLean and Christie placed 14th in the 16” Veterans class with 460.85 points. Amalie Bush and Dibley accumulated 402.07 points in the 16” Veterans class. Dibley Submitted by Denise McLean Greyghost Weimaraners The Stockhaar Weimaraner
by JustWeims on June 14, 2010 Special thanks to Anne Taguchi (Touchstone Weimaraners, California) and Liette Fadden for permission to reproduce this article. This article can also be found on justweimaraners.com There’s the Shorthair Weimaraner, the Longhair Weimaraner, and then there are those in‐between…. You can’t breed for them, but rarely, a breeding of a SH to a LH will produce what is called Stockhaar. < Three Coat Types: Quell, (Longhair) and his two sons, Shooter (Stockhaar) and Mickey (Short‐coated Longhair carrier). Photo courtesy of Dave and Liette Fadden > Shooter with his son Lincoln who is a SH but has some Stockhaar characterstics (DNA test has confirmed Lincoln is LH carrier). Photo courtesy of April Mallon. What is a Stockhaar coat? The Stockhaar coat is short to medium in length and always with a full undercoat. It is symmetrical over the entire dog. In Weimaraners, the tail (undocked) has no plume. With or without Marcel (waves) down the back of the neck, and/or over the whither, and/or down the spine, and/or top side of the tail. >Littermates Boomer and Shooter, both Stockhaars. Boomer's coat is slightly wet showing the thickness of the coat. Photos courtesy of Rhonda Stickle Are you as fascinated as I am? The Stockhaar coat is rare, and the Weimaraner community now has a way to study this coat type thanks to StonePoint Weimaraners and the DNA test now available to test for the LH gene. JW is very fortunate to have Liette Fadden guest post on this topic, so without further ado… The Stockhaar Weimaraner
By Liette Fadden, StonePoint Weimaraners We’re in a unique situation having bred our 2 Shorthair (SH) females who are half sisters to the same Longhair (LH) German import male (Quell zum Laubwald). Both girls were part of the DNA study to ensure that that they were indeed homozygous SH and their sons would DNA correctly as LH carriers. That was proven in the DNA results as we expected. What we didn’t anticipate was the 4 Stockhaars we had in one of the litters (Raven X Quell). The other dam (Scout) only had 2 pups and they appeared to be SH looking (no Stockhaarig coats) although their coats were quite dense. So essentially we had the same sire produce a litter of pups we might have seen something different and that would have been very interesting…. From a DNA point of view though, there is no distinguishing the “normal” LH carriers versus the “mixed” coated litter; they would all be LH carriers. Period. The DNA test is not developed enough to figure out which ones would be Stockhaars. No one has been able to determine why some LH carriers appear to be SH and only occasionally a Stockhaar appears. One thing to keep in mind that people often think that all LH carriers look like Stockhaars because that’s what people “expect” — a union of a SH and LH coat. But in fact it is very rare. Several LH breeders in Canada have bred mixed litters and never produced Stockhaars – not sure how we got so lucky! Is it something that our SH dam contributed or did it originate from the LH Two Stockhaar puppies at the top; two SH sire? We may never know! puppies in the middle (one with black beads) and Stockhaar puppy at the bottom. Photo courtesy of Dave and Liette Fadden. Shooter, Stockhaar puppy, looking almost LH at this age. Photo courtesy of Dave and Liette Fadden. When we bred our Stockhaar, Shooter to our SH female, Scout, we had some pups with Stockhaar characteristics although to a lesser degree than their sire. But both their coats are the perfect hunting coat for our conditions and they definitely stay warmer than their SH (but LH carrier) siblings. These pups still have not been DNA’d to verify whether or not they are LH carriers but they appear to be. Dave and Liette Fadden of StonePoint Weimaraners have been involved in Weimaraners for the past 15 years starting with their “show” dog Heidi. They are active NAVHDA members. Dave is the Field coordinator for the Weimaraner Association of Canada (WAC), and Liette is the WAC Vice President and National Rescue coordinator. With their recent acquisition of a rural property outside of London, Ontario that they are in the process of “renaturalizing,” (Editor’s note: and building their dream home) and they hope to continue to work with Weims and other sporting dog owners to get them excited about getting their dogs into the field. As they say, “There is nothing better than seeing a dog do the work it was breed for!” Although they are not breeding much any more, they co‐own a LH female from field lines and have several males accessible ‐ both SH and LH carriers – that are more than willing to entertain the right ladies. CH. STONEPOINT’S LEATHER AND LACE CD NRD “V”
04APR98 – 09AUG10
Grrateful foor 12 faitthful yearrs and thaankful foor the legacy Lacey leaves behind~
Loveed and missed by Liette,
Daave, Rileyy, Scout, Mickey & Shooteer
and all her friends and exxtended faamily
Froom all of us
u at WAC
we exten
nd our heaartfelt conddolences too the Faddden familyy.
A Field Training Clinic
at a Glance
By Jennifer Durocher Dave Fadden, WAC Field Co‐Coordinator along the way. With this exercise, I will assume your dog has a willingness to “fetch”, “hold” and” “come” back to you. Start short distances, on lead if need be, until the dog understands and these basic commands and to ensure success. Success increases desire. With a “mark” drill we are going to refine the process with more obedience and self control from the dog’s perspective. Objective: ™ Put the dog in a sit/stay ™ Have a helper throw a bumper (this is primarily so you can ensure the dog remains in a sit/stay and encourage the dog to “mark” the falling bumper) ™ As the bumper falls to the ground, tell the dog to “mark” the bumper (you are encouraging a memory pattern) ™ Tell the dog to “fetch” with a light tap on the head (the tap is the release not the verbal command for the purpose of focus) ™ The dog should return to a sit in front of you and hold until asked to release As the dog becomes more and more successful with steadiness of sit/stay, distance of fetch, hold and return you can begin to introduce other challenges like multiple “marks” (retrieves) and removing direct sight lines (blind retrieve) and eventually, transferring to water. Since the dog has been successful, they trust there is something to retrieve even if they didn’t see where it fell or if it sucked behind an obstacle. Their nose will lead the way if they have the trust something is there for them to find. Often we feel tempted to fast track and move to the water without 100% confidence. A caution, unless you are prepared to swim to encourage “success” in the water, stick to the land drill!
This summer, I attended a field training clinic at Stonepoint Acres (Dave and Liette Fadden) in Melbourne, Ontario (near London). The clinic was held by the Ontario Grand River Chapter of NAVHDA (www. .grandrivernavhda.com) and hosted professional gun dog trainer Al Burkhart (Burkhart Kennels, Byron, New York). Al’s GSP breeding program has produced several NAVHDA NA, UT and VC dogs as well as AKC Master Hunters. He has been training, testing and breeding dogs for over 30 years and has extensive knowledge and experience. Al would tell you himself his knowledge and experience comes from a steady stream of failures over the years that paved the road of “what not to do”. A well travelled road for many. His endless stories of seemingly common sense mishaps (in hindsight of course), is the great insight he is able to comically share and hopefully spare others of similar mishaps down the same winding road of training. When I started my personal journey of training, testing and eventually hunting my dogs, I would have never guessed I would have become so utterly addicted. To say this is a bit outside my element would be a grave understatement but here I am completely lead by the natural desires of my dogs. Simply, my dogs love to hunt, retrieve, search, work and please me in the field and in the water. Hunting and testing aside, I love the bond I have with my dogs through field training. The thrill of working together through a sequence of events and then see them executed eventually flawlessly is exhilarating! Much of field training is obedience. Regardless of whether or not you field train, obedience, house manners and energy and adrenaline outlets are weim musts. One of the greatest things about this clinic was going home with “yard work” exercises (obedience) that is the foundation work of our field training. But, these exercises are also great mental and physical outlets. Marked Land Retrieve Drill When all is said and done, the goal is to have a dog that willingly and faithfully search out and bring back game regardless of circumstance every time. Mind you, this level of training does not happen overnight. The key in early training is to always, without fail, make the dog successful and wanting more, adding to the challenge Determining Top Field Weimaraner 2009
By Dave Fadden – WAC Field Coordinator Recently, I sent out an email to WAC members in regards to determining the Top Field Weimaraners using a point system similar to the current Versatile Ratings system. I received a few excellent responses with their opinions on how the point system should be calculated or revised. I appreciate the time and effort put forth by those members. However, after passing the information to the Board for review, it was determined that in fairness, the Top Field Weimaraners should be based on the same system we currently have for determining Top Conformation/Obedience/Agility dogs – solely based on CKC titles and stats. Therefore, we have determined the Top Field Weimaraners of 2009 with the info provided by the CKC (see below). In order to determine Rankings, we added up the qualifying leg scores (listed and totalled in color). Dogs that achieved higher titles would be ranked higher. In 2009 we had two FD dogs who happened to both score the same total so we have decided to feature both of them as #1. FIELD DOG JUNIOR
Group 01 Group One Weimaraner Shadowpoint's Ruby Tuesday FDJ (Uj233715) 19 Sep 2009 (Ch Weatherrun Baron Axel FD x Ch Weatherrun Automatic Overdrive FD) 97+95+95=287 Rank # 2 Shadowpoint's Camden Briggs FDJ (Uj233721) 30 May 2009 (Ch Weatherrun Baron Axel FD x Ch Weatherrun Automatic Overdrive FD) 92 +99 +90 = 281 Rank # 3 Ch Shadowpoint's Summer Daisey FDJ, NRD (Uj233724) 23 May 2009 (Ch Weatherrun Baron Axel FD x Ch Weatherrun Automatic Overdrive FD) 83+84+98=265 FIELD TITLES AWARDED
Rank # 4 Stonepoint's Crimson Guard FDJ FIELD DOG
(Ug219871) 31 May 2009 Group 01 Group One (Ch Stonepoint's Trouble Shooter x Ch Stonepoint's Next Weimaraner Frontier Cd FDJ) Trax Holly Gospritely CDX TD FD CGN RE 91+91+76=258 Rank # 5 (Ts204419) 05 Jun 2009 (Starfire Cash Flow Trouble Ex Otch Regen's Rip Tide Ch Shadowpoint's Sterling Sir Symon FDJ FDX TDX AGI UTD AGIJ) (Uj233719) 27 Sep 2009 82+91+81=254 (Ch Weatherrun Baron Axel FD x Ch Weatherrun Rank # 1 Automatic Overdrive FD) 89+76+90=255 Ch Weatherrun Automatic Overdrive FD,RD Rank #6 (Rg014341) 20 Sep 2009 (Ch Weatherrun Justdoit V Stealyka FDJ x Ch Gramayre Winwe'm Kat'cha Later FDJ Weatherrun Classicaljaz Kelco) (Uw262320) 13 Sep 2009 90+80+84=254 (Bromhund High Fidelity x Ch Gramayre Winweim Rank #1 Lifesacabaret) 80 + 83 + 83 = 246 Rank #7 FIELD DOG
MATTIE Ch Weatherrun Automatic Overdrive FD, RD, NA Prize 1 Ch Weatherrun Justdoit V Stealyka FDJ x Ch Weatherrun Classicaljaz Kelco Owners: Bert & Marilyn McLeod Breeder: Tom Lyon, Weatherrun Weimaraners Weatherrun and Shadowpoint Weimaraners are pleased Ch Weatherrun’s Automatic Overdrive “Mattie” shares Top Field Dog of 2009 to add to her list of accomplishments. Mattie is a beautiful girl with lots of desire and drive shown actively through her love for hunting with Bert. She is the dam of our 2009 NAVHDA NA Breeders Award which was sired by Ch Weatherrun Baron Axel FD, RD, UT 11 and includes 4 of the top field dogs of 2009! We are very proud of this litter for proving all that we set out to do – produce beautiful, versatile, hard hunting dogs. Not pups anymore, Shadowpoint’s Ruby Tuesday NA1(112), FDJ (Juno) owned by Paul and Ann Clitherrow is an awesome girl, quick and determined, perfect for field trailing; Shadowpoint’s Camden Briggs NA1, FDJ (Briggs) owned by Peter and Lesa Ray has proven himself to be a great asset to Peter’s active love for hunting; Ch Shadowpoint’s Summer Daisy NA1, FDJ, NRD (Faye) owned by Dave and Sheri Wolff is the best girl Mattie has produced so far. She has proven herself in both conformation and the field. We expect her to be a top field dog in the future; Ch Shadowpoint’s Sterling Symon NA1, FDJ (Symon) owned by Jennifer and Jason Durocher Symon has also proven himself to be versatile. Symon is definitely going to shine in the future. We would like to thank Tom Lyon of Weatherrun for keeping the hunt in his bloodlines. Mattie is our foundation bitch and is producing consistently great Field Dogs. FIELD DOG
Trax Holly Gospritely CDX TD FD CGN RE Starfire Cash Flow Trouble Ex Otch Regen's Rip Tide FDX TDX AGI UTD AGIJ Owner: Judy Owen Holly is a sweet, loving, hard‐worker who is also extremely versatile and competes in most CKC & AKC events. Weather it is hunting, tracking, agility, obedience or rally, Holly always gives 110% effort and leaves the judges smiling at her exuberance for trialing. Holly comes from a long line of truly amazing working dog; her dam is "Pearl" FC AFC Can OTCH VCH Regen's Rip Tide VcD2 UDX RE SH TDX SDX RDX VX3 FDX TDX UTD AgI AgNJ Navhda NA1. Holly has a lot to live up to and is well on her way. She has not only earned Top Field Weim in 2009, she also placed 4th in the Top Obedience Weims of 2009. After a full day of activity of training, trialing or hanging out with the two‐legged grand‐babies Holly can be found either playing her favorite game of frisbee or tucked under the covers of her bed, dreaming of her next exciting adventure. FIELD DOG
Shadowpoint's Camden Briggs NA Prize 1, FDJ Ch Weatherrun Baron Axel FD, RD, UT Prize 2 x Ch Weatherrun Automatic Overdrive FD, RD, NA Prize 1 Owners: Peter & Lesa Ray Breeders: Bert & Marilyn Mcleod, Tom Lyon First and foremost, Briggs is an all round great hunting companion. He has all desire and style a Weimaraner has to offer. He is a perfect gentleman in the home with our family and possesses all the character and strength in the field. He hunts with confidence and stamina that can easily be seen when put to a test. Briggs works enthusiastically and dependably and possesses all the qualities a great hunting dog should have. FIELD DOG
Ch Shadowpoint's Summer Daisy NA Prize 1, FDJ, NRD Ch Weatherrun Baron Axel FD, RD, UT Prize 2 x Ch Weatherrun Automatic Overdrive FD, RD, NA Prize 1 Owners: David & Sheri Wolff Breeders: Bert & Marilyn Mcleod, Tom Lyon "Faye" is 2 years old and is everything we expected and more! She has a nice blend of European and North American blood lines which is evident in both the field and show arenas. At her very young age Faye has proven great potential in the field and shown strong drive coupled with the grace and elegance of a champion. Just recently, Faye had her first litter that exhibits great field promise as well. She has been a great addition to our young family and we are proud of Faye’s accomplishments in both the field and the show ring. They have been accomplishments that our whole family and extended “Weimaraner family” enjoy together. FIELD DOG
Stonepoint's Crimson Guard FDJ, NA Prize 1 Ch Stonepoint's Trouble Shooter x Ch Stonepoint's Next Frontier CD, FDJ Owners: Lindsay and Dan Baraniuk Field Training by: Jack Hague Breeders/Co‐owners : Liette and Dave Fadden, StonePoint Weimaraners The name Stonepoint’s Crimson Guard, had it’s origin from a comic strip character in the GI Joe series.
fitting then that his call name be Tomax.
It was only
Tomax quickly demonstrated natural ability for field activities simply when out exercising as a young pup . These
outing became training programs for hunting with exposure to birds, gunfire and lots of fields to explore. His natural
talents led to his entry into a NAVHDA Natural Ability test and CKC tests at 11 months of age. “Tom” as he is called,
was handled by Jack Hague and successfully passed.
Not long after these tests, our family expanded with the birth of our son. Tomax is gentle and cautious around the
baby. Since Tomax started his retrieve training, we have found him to be a great help in picking up dropped items.
The future for Tomax is full of promise . . . a companion for the baby, a family friend to walk with, a NAVHDA Utility
hunting Test, CKC hunt tests and hunting trips with Jack and his dogs.
Ch Shadowpoint's Sterling Sir Symon NA Prize 1, FDJ Ch Weatherrun Baron Axel FD, RD, UT Prize 2 x Ch Weatherrun Automatic Overdrive FD, RD, NA Prize 1 Owners: Jennifer & Jason Durocher Breeders: Bert & Marilyn Mcleod, Tom Lyon Symon is all that a weimarner represents. He is strong, passionate, protective, loving, determined, graceful, very biddable and full of character. Symon shows a strong desire in the field with an irresistible love for retrieving on both land and in the water. Symon’s level of enthusiasm is intense and very quick, an unquestionable grand quality passed from his sire and his passion of hunting. Symon’s moderate conformation has made him an effortless, force in the field. Symon continues to excel through his training and as he matures mentally, he is learning to reign in all his desire and settle into a focused and steady hunting companion. Symon has taught us more about hunting, tracking, searching and trust than we could ever teach him. And it can’t go without mentioning, he is the “best brother” our little girl will undoubtedly remember for a lifetime evident through the unmistakable bond of love they have for one another. KATJA
Ch. Gramayre Win’Weim Kat’cha Later FDJ NRD
DOB: November 19, 2008
Katja has shown her natural hunting ability from a very young age. She is in constant hunting
mode here on the farm. She is proud to bring us anything from Killdeer eggs and day old
Killdeer chicks to a fox just last week!!
Her desire, drive and enthusiasm are next to none. She is a thrill to watch when she is in
hunting mode and we were thrilled when she completed her FDJ at only 9 months of age.
Katja has also been busy in 2010. She now has her Championship (owner handled), her NRD
and a leg towards her FD!
We can only expect many more things from this girl!
Owned and Loved by:
Nikki and Greg Newton
2010 Conformation Rankings
Unofficial Results from Canuck Dogs current to September 30, 2010 Rank Dog BIS GP1 GP2 0 3 2 1 Ch Greygunn’s Cinnamon Stick 2 0 4 3 Ch Silversea’s Starlight Dancer 3 1 1 0 Ch Minalt’s Streaked Lightening 4 0 1 3 Ch RoseWin Anson’s Cervelo 5 0 3 Ch Target’s Tripical Storm Hannah 0 6 2 0 Ch Graymayre Silk Win’d Kat’olyst 0 0 0 1 7 Ch Quantrel’s Moo‐Dee Bloos 8 0 0 1 Nani’s Crosswinds First Look 9 0 2 0 Faerie’s Take It All Off 10 0 0 1 Ch Minalt’s Goddess of Love 11 0 0 0 Ch Weatherrun’s Magic Moment 12 0 0 0 Gramayre Wilwinn The Kat Sass 13 0 0 0 Bartland’s View From The Top 0 0 0 14 Ch Minalt’s Jean Paul Gauthier 15 0 1 0 Ch Minalt’s The Blue Panther 16 0 0 0 Weatherrun’s Xclusive v Stealyka 17 0 0 Ch Winoka Watermark At Follyhill 0 18 0 0 0 Koping Get The Party Started 19 0 0 0 Weatherrun’s Wild Fire 20 0 0 Win’Weim Harline It’s My Fondue 0 20 of You Ghostwind’s Lunara She’ll Be Apples 0 0 0 2010 Obedience Rankings
Unofficial Results from Canuck Dogs current to September 30, 2010 Rank Dog # of Trials Points 1 MOTCh Echobar's Double Impact 23 143 2 9 1 6 1 3 Rose Apollonio 2 MOTCh Regen's State Of The Art Shirley Nilsson 3 Trax Thunder Thighs Shirley Nilsson 4 Trax Holly Gospritely Shirley Nilsson GP3 3 1 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 GP4 5 4 3 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 POINTS 374 324 311 302 223 160 158 154 119 74 67 60 50 42 41 37 37 35 26 25 0 1 25 y Rankin
2010 Rally
fficial Results from Canuckk Dogs curren
nt to Septemb
ber 30, 2010
Dog # of Trials Points
Rankk 4 25 1 Ch Phassion Design
ns For Echobaar F Carluccci & P Madeiros 2 Greydo
ove's Flight tto Berlin 3 19 2 14 1 4 Coline O
Osborne 3 Styrlingg Sanz Hat TTrick Dagmarr Teubner 4 Ch Kop
ping's Delicio
ous Surprise Lori Haw
wrychuk Regional Specialty Show & Sweepstakes
July 17, 2010
Calgary, AB
Sweepstakes ‐ Ron Pohl Koping Get The Party Started Best In (Am/Can Ch Win'Weim Graytsky Cowboy Boots JH Weimaraner Juvenile X Can Ch Koping's Tea Party AGNP, CGN, Am NAP, (Owner ‐ Patricia Kopec) Sweepstakes NJP ) Best Weimaraner Win'Weim Better Wear Jimmy Choo At Koping
Opposite in (Owners‐Patricia Kopec & Dana (Am. Ch. Win’Weim It’s my Grey Goose X MBISS Veteran Massey & Russell Wagler) Am.Can Ch. Wager N Win’Weim Bet your Boots) Sweepstakes Weimaraner Best In Ch Nani's Leith Kodak Moment (Owners – Denise Gordeyko and Veteran (Am Ch. Seabreeze Colsidex Good Timing X Am. Ch. Norma Jean Pohl) Sweepstakes Nani’s Shutterbug Specialty ‐ Michele Billings Weimaraner Ch Nani's Leith Kodak Moment (Owners – Denise Gordeyko (Am Ch. Seabreeze Colsidex Good Timing X Am. Ch. and Norma Jean Pohl) Nani’s Shutterbug) Weimaraner Best Of Ch Gramayre Kat'ch Me If You Can (Owners‐Coleen Mckellar and
Opposite (Bromhund High Fidelity x Ch. Gramayre WinWeim Shelly Shorrock) Sex Lifes A Cabaret) Best Of Breed Koping Get The Party Started (Am/Can Ch Win'Weim Graytsky Cowboy Boots JH X Can Ch Koping's Tea Party AGNP, CGN, Am NAP, NJP ) Weimaraner (Owner ‐ Patricia Kopec) Koping Get The Party Started Best Puppy (Am/Can Ch Win'Weim Graytsky Cowboy Boots JH In Breed X Can Ch Koping's Tea Party AGNP, CGN, Am NAP, NJP ) Weimaraner (Owner ‐ Patricia Kopec) Best Of Winners Weimaraner Win'Weim Better Wear Jimmy Choo At Koping
(Owners‐Patricia Kopec & Dana Winners Dog (Am. Ch. Win’Weim It’s my Grey Goose X Am.Can Massey & Russell Wagler) Ch. Wager N Win’Weim Bet your Boots) Winners Bitch Koping Get The Party Started (Am/Can Ch Win'Weim Graytsky Cowboy Boots JH X Can Ch Koping's Tea Party AGNP, CGN, Am NAP, NJP ) Weimaraner (Owner ‐ Patricia Kopec) Reg
gional Specialt
ty Show & Swee
y 17, 201
Calgary, AB
of Breed
– Best in Ve
eterans Sw
Ch. N
Nani’s Leith Kodakk Momen
nt (Am CH Seabreeze Co
olsidex Good
d Timing X Am CH BISS N
Nani's Shutteerbug) Owned by Denise Go
ordeyko and Norma Jean
n Pohl IN THE
e Adventures of Nev
CH. Styrlingsan
nz Storm Surge
e JH. NSD. CGC.. TDI By Nancy Linklater;; Photo Credit Niles J. Fuller Fast Action Beginning to Sleep
py Sunday Mo
orning Earlyy one morningg – around 5 – Dale gets up to go to hiss part time retirement job att the local golf course. Nevaada and I hu
unker down for f some mo
ore snoozing. Dale commencess his usual routine, wh
hich includess open
ning the doorr for the dog, which has a large curtain
n hangging on the frame f
that se
erves as our version of a a
dogggie door. A few
w minutes later, after mu
uch stretchingg and moaning abo
out the early hour, Nevad
da slithers offf bed and yawn
ning and grumbling, head
ds outside forr the b
her eearly morningg constitutional. Seconds later shee comes torp
pedoing backk through thee curtaain like the hounds of hell were on heer heels. With
h this d
dramatic entrrance she brin
ngs with her the stench off skunk and the dogggie door curtain. Dale is rracing around
d tryingg to catch heer. Anyone that knows Dalle knows thatt his only o
speed iss “very slow and relaxed
d”. When hee speeds up it meaans something drastic hass blasted him
m out o
of his usual ap
plomb. Hearing Dale moviing franticallyy abou
ut the house, hollering for Nevada ( he never hollerss eitheer ) brings myy eyes wide o
open and all ssenses on full alert. I catch a whiff, w
discover Nevada hurtling for thee bed, door curtain
n still in placce, making her h resemblee someething out off a Halloween
n Horror Show
w, and I leap
p out of o her way, tripping and stumbling over o
the bed
d cloth
hes. After ratther rapidly assessing thee situation, I take off after Nevada and she s
now has two of uss chasiing her down – me in my n
nighty and Daale is his – uh,, well, skivvies – wee finally manaage to cornerr her and tosss her o
out on the deck. A few secondss laterr I hear herr panicking,, screaaming and
d scrab
bbling at thee doorr, and head
d out to t give her a a
piecee of myy mind
d. Before I could
d open myy mouth, I am facee to faace with littlee Mr. Stinky. I am
m not quite suree who was moree surp
prised – Nevad
da, Mr. Stinkyy or M
Me. I make a quick snatch
h for the door and Nevadaa and I take a nose dive to saffety pulling the t door shut behind us. Beforee I could grab
b Nevada shee races to thee livingg room and rolls on the chesterfield, then evadingg my desperately d
grasping hand
ds, gives the area rug thee samee treatment.. Tripping an
nd stumbling, I chase her through the hou
use, with Dale hot on my m heels. Shee beatts us to the bed and hass another go
ood roll theree befo
ore Dale getss his hands on o her. She iss carried in aa very undignified manner to th
he bathroom and the door is slaammed securrely in her facce. Dale and I look at each
h otheer and the air a turns blue with our cussing. Dalee head
ds off to get his breakfastt. I head off to mix the dee‐
nking solution
n, only to find that I am
m flat out o
of pero
oxide. I makee do with dissh detergent,, baking sodaa and water. I fightt my way into
o the bathroo
om which now
w is ab
bsolutely unb
bearable with
h eau de sku
unk. I quicklyy turn on the fanss and open the t window. Nevada gets tosseed unceremo
oniously into the tub, dou
used with myy conccoction and told t
very firm
mly to “stay put or else””. Nevaada, for thosse that don’’t know her, is a terriblee weeny and she hates baths – particularly when it happ
pens so abruptly. She has h her legss spread and
d bracced in every w
which directio
on. One foreleeg is between
n and behind her h
hind legs. Onee hind leg shoved forward
d to th
he front of the t tub and between her forelegs, to
o keep
p herself from
m sliding forward. The otther two legs are anywhere sh
he can find a a bit of tractiion for them
m. She shivers and shakes, pullss her limp no
oodle routinee, and basically actss like she is being murdered. I get her hed, dried, thee bathroom ccleaned up an
nd stripped o
of bath
anytthing that may carry the raancid odour. I do the samee to th
he bedroom. And head to the laundrry room. Dalee happ
pily leaves me m to it and deserts mee for the gollf courrse. After a bit the smelll outside diees down so I begin opening windows. w
oon the smeell begins to
o dissipate. And I tthink “ah – not so bad aftter all”. Not aa direcct hit but a sp
pray in Nevad
da’s general vicinity. I thin
nk things are finally getting better wheen my son and
d Gran
ndson walk in. i The immediate look of horror on
n theirr faces and th
he grabs for tthe nose tell me that “no”” the smell s
is still there, t
I havee just becomee accustomed
d to itt. The two of o them do an a about facce and march
h straight back out the door, out the gate to the truck and
d way home theey call me. Th
he hoodie that drivee away. Halfw
Caleb had left here h
the dayy before and which I had
d tosseed to them on their march
h to the truckk had The Adventures of Nevada continued… assumed the vile odour and my son was driving home with it hanging out the window. So currently, 5 hours later, Nevada is relegated to the floor – no soft surfaces for her till her smell improves. My washing machine is chugging away trying to dislodge the odour from my bedding and towels. Dale has not yet dared come home. I can guarantee he is taking his time with the greens this morning. I cannot be sure that Mr. Stinky has vacated the yard. It is very securely fenced with only one place where he can get in or out. I left the gate open till daylight hoping to give him another means of escape. My yard is a cottage garden full of shrubs, masses of perennials, deep glades of towering trees and tall decorative grasses everywhere. He has a million hiding places if he hasn’t left the yard. Nevada will be under very close surveillance for the next few days till we know we have the yard to ourselves again. Emergency Home Remedy for De-Skunking
Commercial products are much better these days.
They are generally left on and not rinsed off.
But, if you find yourself in a stinky situation,
here is a home remedy with a few
common household products that
will work well:
• 1000ml Hydrogen Peroxide (new/unopened
bottle is best)
• ¼ cup Baking soda
• 2 tsps Liquid dish soap
• Rubber gloves
1. In a plastic container mix together – mixture
will “fizz”. Add some lukewarm water for
larger dogs.
Do not soak your dog prior to bathing. Massage
through coat; use cloth near face/eyes.
THOROUGHLY soak and let stand for 10 min
or so and rinse off with warm water.
3. Repeat as required
CAN EXPLODE, discard all unused solution!
This mixture can cause the coat to bleach/orange just like a Weim bleached by the sun.
It will grow out!
Weimaraner Association of Canada Rescue is on Facebook! Check us out and join our group! Learn about Rescue, share stories and pictures, and Volunteer to help in your area. Melba’s New Family
Submitted by We looked into rescuing a Weimaraner in the winter of 2010 because we previously had a Weimaraner and loved her dearly. It took us 4 years to get to a point where we could think about getting over our Sally and possibly loving another dog. We adopted Melba(we hated the name) on Feb. 15th 2010. We can hardly believe we could end up with a dog that was even close to what we had with Sally. Melba was so well trained (by Julie Singer) and had such a great personality that we can hardly believe how lucky we are. We love Melba and everyone that meets her can't believe she is a rescue. Every day that we wake up with her, Steve and I can't believe such an unbelievable dog could have been homeless. If anyone knows anything about the “grey ghost”, it is that they need companionship and exercise. If you can't give them that, you are fighting an endless battle. Julie Singer extensively interviewed us since Melba had been in 4 different homes in her short 14 months of life. Julie was not going to let this dog go to another home that was not suitable for her. Having had a Weimaraner before, we knew what we were in for with Melba. Julie knew by our working circumstances that our lifestyle would work with Melba. The question was, would Melba work with us? Our intention was to call Melba "Mel" ‐ we hated her name. Today, we have had Melba for 6 months. We call her Melba and have come to love her name and everything about her. Being a rescue, she does have a few issues, but that is what makes her unique and everything else that goes with her we love, even if they aren't the perfect qualities. Just like humans, dogs have their own personalities. The Weimaraner breed is like no other. We can't believe how incredibly lucky we are for life after Sally with a dog that is at the very least, her equivalent. Melba we love you and. Julie we love you for introducing us to Melba and bringing us together! [REC
Bakked Peanut Butter
Bananna Treats
super fast,
easy, deelicious!
Rating /5
Baked Pe
eanut Buttter Bananaa Weim Treats
1/4 cup maashed bananaa 3/4 cup peaanut butter 2 large eggs 1 cup flour 1/2 teaspoo
on baking pow
wder 1 cup chopped peanuts In a mixing bowl beat to
ogether mashed banana, p
peanut butterr and eggs, until cream
my. Add flour aand baking po
owder. Beat w
well. Stir in ch
hopped peanuts. M
Make 1” balls aand press eacch cookie dow
wn. Bake at 3
375 degrees for 5 to 10 min
nutes or until browned. Co
ool. (Careful,, these may cause counterr surfing. Maakes 2 to 3 do
ozen. Submit Your Weim’s
e Recipe
for the
e next
dition of the GreyGhost at
In the news…
ement spot
Contacct Liette Faadden
for more
[CLASSIFIEDS WAGS & BRAGS] WAGS & BAGS Membership Applications
We want to hear from you!
Don’t forget to submit your brags to share.
Remember to keep all brags to 50 words or less or
consider a full or half page color advertising space!
Membership Applications
¾ Patty & Bruce Kenward 348 Marmot Court Vernon British Columbia V1B 2W8 Bkenward@Shaw.Ca Sponsor: Margaret Lehmann ¾ Melanie Kirkness 142 Lyndale Drive Winnipeg Manitoba R2h1k3 Melanie.Kirkness@Mts.Net Sponsor: Barbara Williams ¾ Gary Brown & Lindsay Whillans 12 Shaughnessy Blvd Toronto ON M2J 1H5 Gbrown@Scimedcan.Com Lindsaywhillans@Gmail.Com Sponsor: Rescue ¾ Chrys & John Rennie 15 Ericsson Bay Winnipeg, MB R3K 0T8 Crennie@Shaw.Ca Sponsor: Debby Lynch ¾ Leslie Lof 54 Copperleaf Cres SE Calgary, AB T2Z 0B9 Nesbittl@Shaw.Ca Sponsor: Pat Kopec ¾ Lynn & Tom Kerr Lynnkerr@Gmail.Com Sponsor: Ontario Rescue Maggie Swan 40A Lloyd George Ave Toronto, ON Patfoord@Bell.Net Sponsor: Ontario Rescue ¾ Sandy Mctavish & Brett Allbury Box 440 Ile Des Chene MB Makenna@Nlisnet.Com Sponsor: Rescue Change of Address ¾ Stephane Brochu (Stealyka Weimaraners) 275 route 350 Charette, Qc G0X 1E0 819‐221‐2728 stealyka@yahoo.ca ¾ Liette and Dave Fadden (Stonepoint) 21281 Mayfair Rd RR # 1 Melbourne, ON N0L 1T0 519‐289‐2920 Change of E‐mail ¾ Lynda Hobbs micalyn09@yahoo.ca
Please keep Shelly Shorrock informed of changes to email ,home address and/or telephone numbers
the Dog Days of Summer
Weim is worth a thousand words
Top Row: Navada; Zoey; Digby Second Row: Faraud & Leyla; Marvin; Skye Third Row: Digby; Luna; Ruby; Sigfried & Manfred Bottom Row: Boomer & Wiley; Chevy; Minalt