The Voice Fall 2012


The Voice Fall 2012
FALL 2012
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Princesses, Pirates and Police Officers
GBT families in creative
Halloween costumes mixed
with strapping police officers
demonstrating SWAT equipment
and a K-9 Unit. Local youth hung
spooky decorations for the evening’s
Haunted Swamp youth dance.
Couples and singles engaged in
discussions upstairs. Beautiful ladies
holding hands sampled tasty food
from gourmet food trucks. Seniors
pet the noses of beautiful horses and
took pictures with tricked-out squad
The Pride Center once again
By Scott Kraft
s we move through
this season of debate
and definition of
leadership, I find my own
voice needing to be heard.
Whether it is the controversy
surrounding gay marriage, or
to anti-gay agenda issues,
there is an even more
fundamentally challenging
issue facing us.
HIV infection and HIV
related illness is on the rise
to Light
LIFE Program
graduate shares
his journey from
desperation to hope
PG. 4
PG. 8
gathered diverse visitors for its
annual Sheriff’s Community Day at
the Pride Center. “I love Community
Day at the Pride Center,” says
Richard Alalouf, organizer for
South Florida Family Pride. “It is an
opportunity for the families of our
organization to come out and have
a fun day and truly feel a sense of
fitting in within a community. To
come together and participate in
Community Day at the Center gives
us all a sense of belonging and a
sense of being home. It’s a day that
LGBT families come together with
the Wilton Manors community
Our fight is far from over.
Helping us in our battle to
reduce HIV infection, and in
support of the HIV positive
community, we have a
tremendous resource in the
Pride Center. One of the key
programs of the Pride Center
is offered through the PALS
office, and funded in part by
the Department of Health.
The LIFE (Learning Immune
program is a structured 18
week program based on a
PG. 10
Community Day Combines BSO
Outreach, Valuing Our Families,
Costume Contest and Youth Dance
broad range of different cofactors that affect GBTQ men
living with HIV.
I came to the LIFE program
as a participant in January
of 2012 as a desperate and
broken man. I had begun
to lose hope that my life
could be the future I had
always dreamed of. From
the moment I walked in the
doors of the PALS office
at the Pride Center, I felt a
sense of calm, support, and
purpose. It wasn’t until I
PG. 12
and paint the same fire truck, play
in the same bounce house, dress
up for Halloween, meet the Sheriff,
meet other families within the
community.....and fit in.”
This year, The Pride Center
expanded the collaboration with
the Broward Sheriff’s Office,
South Florida Family Pride and
PrideLines Youth Services to include
SunServe and PFLAG. Inside the
Center, SunServe provided their
ninth annual Valuing Our Families
conference with informative,
engaging round table discussions
and dramatic presentations.
+Continued on pg. 3
+Continued on pg. 3
PG. 15
Get Out The Vote
Pride Center Staff
A Letter From Robert Boo,
Executive Director of
The Pride Center at Equality Park
VOICE Fall 2012
he Fall Season
has quickly
arrived and
already my calendar
is full of events,
The holidays
will be upon us
before you know
it. The Pride Center
has many social, educational and
fundraising activities going on
that you should check out on our
website. We continue to improve
our website so that it is easier for
you to find the information you
need and want. Additionally, if
you aren’t currently subscribed
to receive our electronic weekly
email, please take a moment
to do so on our website. Our
weekly email has a new format
and we have reduced the number
of notices we send so we do not
clutter your inbox.
Additionally, if you aren’t
currently subscribed to receive
our electronic weekly email,
please take a moment to
subscribe on the home page of
the web
site. If you are a member of the
Founders Circle and have not been
receiving my letter, please contact
me directly.
With all the activities going
on in South Florida, there is one
activity that you cannot forget –
the right to vote. The big question
is: how many voters will take
advantage of it? In the most recent
primary elections this past August,
Broward County had the lowest
voter turnout in the state, 10.7%.
This November you need to make
your voice heard. It doesn’t matter
which side of the discussions you
are on, you have the ability to use
your voice. The right to vote is a
concept almost every American
says they cherish, but the low voter
turnout in South Florida suggests
something different. We have
the opportunity to make changes
locally such as new tax rates, the
cut or increase of county services,
and healthcare, just to name a few.
On a national level, decisions will
be made affecting the economy,
civil rights, job creation, privacy
and healthcare. It is up to you.
One vote can make the difference.
There are three ways to vote:
Vote By Mail, Early Voting or
Election Day Voting on Tuesday,
November 6th. I personally choose
to vote by mail so that I can take
my time, research the candidates
and the 12 local amendments
on the ballot this year. Quite
selfishly, I do this so I don’t
have to wait in line on Election
Day. All of this information, and
more details of where and when,
can be found on the Broward
County Supervisor of Elections”
I hope to see you at the Post
Office with your ballot in hand.
About the
Pride Center
The Pride Center Voice
Production Managers: Chris Caputo, Kristofer Fegenbush, Kevin
Creative Director: Mariam Aldhahi
Contributing Writers: Lynn Glover, Scott Kraft, Roger Williams,
Robert Boo, Chris Caputo, Frank Gurucharri, Robert Saunders,
Kevin Murdoch and Kristofer Fegenbush
Photographers: Steven Shires, Dennis Dean, Eddie Garcia, Chuck
Nicholla, Armand Daiguillon, Robert Saunders, Samantha McCoy
and Kristofer Fegenbush
The Pride Center’s Mission
is: “We provide a welcoming, safe
space--an inclusive home--that
celebrates, nurtures and empowers
the LGBTQ communities and our
friends and neighbors in South
Florida.” For more than 19 years,
the Pride Center’s programs and
services have met the distinct socioeconomic, health, social and safety
needs of the LGBTQ community.
More than 17,000 adult and youth
attended activities at the Center
over the past year. We host more
than 60 regularly-meeting groups
each month. Support, social and
educational groups focus on women,
seniors, youth, men, transgender,
recovery, health, the arts, athletics,
spirituality, games and more.
Outreach activities over the past
Robert Boo, Executive Director,
Kristofer Fegenbush, MSW, Deputy Director,
Janet Weissman, Business Manager,
Jorge Gardela, Health Outreach Director,
Frank Gurucharri, PALS Project Manager,
Samantha McCoy, Customer Service Coordinator,
Jeff Grigsby, LIFE Coordinator,
Magno Morales, CHOICES Coordinator,
Listron “Blue” Mannix, Minority Testing Initiative Manager,
Andres Santofimio, CRCS Counselor,
Emilio Aponte, RESPECT Coordinator,
Albert Taylor, Health Coordinator,
S.F. Makalani-Mahee, Data Entry Specialist,
Michael Childers, LIFE Goes On Coordinator,
Ed Garcia, Social Media and Marketing Coordinator,
Donna Woessner, Women with Pride Coordinator,
Ellen Slavin, LBT Women’s Health Initiative Coordinator,
Daniel Dardenne, Testing Specialist,
Shanna Ratliff, Information Analyst,
Norris Wildhagen, Facilities Specialist,
Charles Dickey, Health Counselor,
Yamil Cruz, Health Educator,
Gary Sheppard, Testing Specialist,
Chris Douglas, Testing Specialist,
Ebony Wilson, Testing Specialist,
Bryan Bowlby, Development Assistant,
Dr. David Fawcett, CouplesSpeak Clinical/Program Consultant,
Dr. Lincoln Pettaway, CouplesSpeak Evaluation Consultant,
Lorenzo Robertson, CouplesSpeak Facilitation Consultant,
Clarence Collins, Facilities Assistant,
Robert Miller, Facilities Assistant,
Board of Directors
year directly impacted 26,262
residents and visitors to South
Florida. The Pride Center is a major
site for HIV testing, prevention,
education, support, holistic health
and counseling. Stop in and learn
about all we do: a community Flea
Market; women’s health initiatives;
family outreach days; unique
exercise classes for women, seniors,
men and more; financial investment
series; art gallery openings; adult
educational opportunities through
Pride University; Bingo; “Coffee and
Conversation” events for seniors;
music events; a variety of health
fairs; and a spectrum of creative
symposiums, speakers, forums and
events for the entire community.
We own more than five acres of
property with 30,000 square feet of
office space that provide homes for
programs and services, as well as
synergy among organizations. Our
Vision is to be the premier point of
connection for our community.
Irwin Drucker
Richard Stoll, Esq, President
Brenda Hartley
Ilene Berliner, Vice President
Jack Johnson
James Walker, Secretary
George Kling
Craig Engel, CPA, Treasurer
Lea P. Krauss, Esq, P.A.
Ted Adcock
Leslie Tipton
Mitchell Bloom
Richard Safaty
Mark Budwig
Chris Caputo
The Pride Center
2040 N. Dixie Highway
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33305
Mail Correspondence to:
P.O. Box 70518
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33307-0518
(954) 463-9005
Fax (954) 764-6522
The VOICE newsletter is published in the memory and through the
donation of the Robert S. Kecskmety Trust.
“We focused on the
need for community,
meaningful relationships,”
says Kat Campbell, Director
of Clinical Services at
SunServe. “Finding one’s
sense of community can
be difficult for many.
Through these roundtable
interactive Sociodrama,
participants had an
opportunity to share and
connect. We aimed to
breakdown that sense of
isolation that many feel.”
All the organizations
combined forces to provide
a well-received Haunted
Swamp youth dance at the
Pride Center that evening.
+Princesses, Pirates and Police Officers continued from pg. 1
The Pride Center plans to
continue to expand, enrich
and enhance the event
each year.
“We plan to make the
Sheriff’s Community Day
at The Pride Center an
annual BSO event,” says
Captain Rick Wierzbicki.
“We will add a few
surprises each year!”
Vision 2015 Contributors
John C. Graves Charitable Fund
of the Community Foundation of
Gil Corwin
Jan Carpenter & Dale Russell
Mona Pittenger
J. Michael Heider, DDS &
Thom Carr
Kenneth M. Goss
Former Broward County Mayor
Ken Keechl & Ted Adcock
John Ramos
Richard Schwarz & Tom Massey
Doug Candler
James Jagielski
George A. Kling, MD
Estate of James Rampe
Attorney Arthur B. Smith
Jim Stepp & Peter Zimmer
Sunshine Athletic Association
Doug Tinklepaugh &
James Rickard
Estate of Lawrence Zinman
D.C. Allen & Ken Flick
Hansen Reality
Vince Di Pietro
Paul Galluccio
Mark Gordon & Aldo Buono
Ed Nicholas & Chris Griswold
Chuck Nicholls & Mark Turner
Coleman Prewitt
Darcy Beeman
Ilene Berliner & Maura Lane
John Bowles
Mark Budwig & Nick Scalzo
Michael Dager & Harvey Shapiro
Chris Dunham &
Joseph Dominguez
Forest Trace
Gay Bridge
Cal Harrison
Tyler Healis
Kenneth Hollander Charitable
Robert L. Hubbard & Bill Greeves
Robert Joshua
David Kyner & Richard Bray
Dr. Christopher Manhon
W. Lynn McLaughlin &
David Webb
David Moon & Eugene Smith
Michael Preihs & Khoi Loung
Herb Reis & William Coffey
SAGE Men’s Drop In
Jeffrey & Belinda Shover
Donald Schultz
Calvin Steinmetz & Brian Boyle
Stork’s Bakery
Dave Stubbins
The Bears of South Florida, Inc.
Dean Trantalis, Esq
Ted Verdone & John Curtin
Charles Walker
Sumner T. White
attended the 18 week
cycle and experienced
first-hand the sharing
of personal insightful
testimonials from the
Staff and Facilitators
that I knew I had
found my answers.
Each week held more
information on the
subjects that mattered
to me personally. The
was focused on three
Social health, and
Psychological health.
Once I attended my
first intake interview
I knew this was
EXACTLY the program
that would provide
me with a road back
to good health. Upon
acceptance into the
program (which is
limited to a group of
approximately 40 or
so men), I prepared
an extensive online
entire LIFE Cycle.
week was a personal
goal, and was rewarded
in ways too significant
to count, but the net
result was a complete
turnaround in my
overall perspective on
living with HIV.
Sharing my story
testimony that I have
come a long way in
taking on my role as
both a business leader
in this community, as
well as a leader when
it comes to my own
life. While sharing my
story may elicit some
level of surprise within
the community, I can
proudly say that I have
a purpose in helping to
lead this community
from the darkness of
today, into the bright
and hopeful future of
In carrying out
this purpose, I have
returned to the LIFE
Program as a CoFacilitator this cycle,
and have found the
even more gratifying
than attending as
a participant. This
program and the
entire premise of
the Pride Center are,
and should remain,
a key area of focus
and pride for South
Florida. I encourage
any GBTQ member
of our community to
actively seek out the
rewards this program
has to offer.
Yours in Pozitive good
Scott Kraft
VOICE Fall 2012
+Darkness to Light continued from pg. 1
Why I Ride
n November 15, The Pride
Center’s Pride Pack team
will begin to cycle 165
miles from Miami to Key West on the
SMART Ride. They will join hundreds
working together to raise awareness
and much-needed funds to serve
those impacted by HIV/AIDS. 100% of
funds raised benefit HIV/AIDS service
organizations. Some riders and crew
members of the Pride Pack share what
motivates them to participate.
VOICE Fall 2012
Chris Caputo
I learned I was HIV+ just 6 months before the last
SMART Ride, and staying focused on training and
fundraising for the ride was the only thing that got
me through some days. I’ve learned a lot about what
it means to be HIV+ since then, thanks to programs
such as the Center’s LIFE program and as a result of
friendships I’ve formed with other HIV+ individuals at
the Center. I know the money that we raise will make
the difference in the lives of so many people (including
my own!) right here in South Florida. Living with HIV
is never easy, but participating in the SMART Ride and
utilizing the Pride Center’s HIV/AIDS services have
taught me I never have to be alone in the journey.
Pastor Leslie Tipton
I ride to show people I will probably never meet or
get to know that I care about them. I ride to tell them
that I wish they didn’t have to be sick or suffer. I ride
to be an example to the world that we are here to
care for our neighbors. I ride to tell them, in some
small way, that I love them.
Jean Johson
I’ve been at every SMART Ride except the one when
my dear Betty passed away. We always have worked
a Pit Stop to make sure everyone pee-peed, and
drank their Gatorade and ate their bagels to keep up
their electrolytes and their potassium. Betty and I
had many friends who passed away with HIV/AIDS.
We always wanted to do as much as we can.
R.J. Hadley
I ride for those who cannot; for those who will need the
services our dollars provide. I ride for myself, to show
that I can, despite adversity or challenges. I can do my
part, to share others’ stories, to do all I can. I ride for life.
Kristin Farrell
I ride for those who I love that are affected by
this disease as well as for those who I don’t even
know. Most importantly, I ride to raise money
for organizations like the Pride Center, who
provide services, programs, counseling, plus much
more, for those affected. I wasn’t even aware of
the level of support available until it was needed
by someone I love dearly, and I couldn’t be more
grateful. 4
Adam Taylor Bond
I’ve grown accustomed to what occasionally
becomes the “elephant in the room” when I tell the
story of my connection with the Pride Center. With
the undeniable tensions that sometimes exist between
the gay community and the Christian community,
how does a straight pastor in a local church end up
partnering with a central institution in the LGBT
community? It’s simple, really. I love my friends in the
gay community. And I love our city. And while I know I
can’t do much, I’m convinced I can do something about
the suffering in our city. We’ve made a lot of progress
in the struggle against HIV/AIDS, but people are still
suffering. As long as that’s happening, I’m compelled
to partner with those who are making a difference.
The Pride Center is making a massive difference in
the lives of thousands of women and men, gay and
straight, black and white. And I am truly honored to
be a part of this family, serving shoulder to shoulder.
Kevin Murdoch
Call me selfish but I like
the feeling of making a
difference and I especially
like meeting new people.
Being involved in the
SMART Ride has afforded
me the ability to help others
and, at the same time, meet
other people also wanting to
make a difference. For me,
good friends, strong family
bonds and giving back are
the biggest ingredients to a
happy life.
Deidra Bergmann
I ride because I can, I ride
for those that cannot,
every mile I ride I see faces
that cannot be with me. My
community far and local
are with me. I see them
when others do not.
Jim Walker
Everyone knows the ride is
hard; two days, 165 miles,
alone on a bike. But the
journey is much longer and harder, but you are never
alone. The real journey begins when you commit
yourself. For without a commitment to something
big, scary and improbable, we go nowhere. And
without seeking the support of others, it is impossible
to truly succeed. I ride because to do so makes me a
better person. I ride because it reminds me how much
stronger I am with the help of others. And I chose this
ride because this ride matters, to me and to thousands
of others whom we ride to support.
Kristofer Fegenbush
I ride in honor of friends, clients and loved ones
living with HIV/AIDS. I ride in solidarity with a
community responsible for education, prevention,
treatment and support. I also ride for my waistline. Have you seen how much blubber I’m trying to stuff
into my cycling spandex? Pride Center
hires new
with Pride
member of our community since
the mid 90’s. The Pride Center has
been an important and significant
part of her life. She previously served
as the Women and Senior Services
Coordinator at the Pride Center. She
has been an active member of many
groups and organizations including
SisterSpeak, Unity in the Community,
Women’s Alliance, Women’s Inclusion
Initiative, and Lavender Events.
Funds from a grant through Our
Fund helped the Center hire Donna
to provide education, outreach and
linkage services, as well as organize
requested activities, events and groups.
The Center now has opened a fullyequipped central office where local
Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender
women can receive needed information,
referrals and support.
Donna is an out and proud mom of two
great sons, Jay and Ben; a grandmother
to one brilliant granddaughter, Kylie;
and enjoys a loving, comfortable life
with her long time partner, Deb. Donna
co-hosts The Lesbian Lounge, a weekly
live internet radio talk show, with her
best friend, Denise Warner.
Welcoming B
oth women and men packed
around arts-and-craft tables
at the Pride Center recently.
They used glitter, ribbons, tassels
and candy kisses to decorate and
don bras to compete in a sassy, sexy,
competitive contest at Breast Fest.
Who’s spearheading the organization
of these engaging, creative activities?
Meet Donna Woessner!
Donna recently returned to the
Center as its new Women with Pride
Coordinator. The hiring of
women’s resource coordinator is part of
the Pride Center continued expansion
of women’s resources, support and
activities. The Center launched its
Women with Pride campaign this year
to provide ongoing capacity and ensure
sustainability for women’s services and
programming at the Center and within
the South Florida community.
Donna has been an out and proud
+Donna Woessner
Women with Pride
Groups at the Pride Center
Bi-weekly Recurring Meetings
Ballet & Opera Group, Educational, 2nd & 4th Sunday, 1-4p
AA – Attitude Adjustment Group, Recovery, Mon-Fri, 7-8a
AA – Candlelight Meditation Group, Recovery, Tues, 8:30-9:30p Bereavement Group, Support, 2nd & 4th Sunday, 2-4p
AA – Each Day a New Beginning, Recovery, Daily, 9-10a
Broward Anti War Coalition, Support, 1st & 3rd Wed, 7:30AA – Northeast Group, Recovery, Mon, 8:30-9:30p
AA – Sober, Proud and Gay, Recovery, Fri, 8:30-10p
POZ Long-Term Survivor, Gay Men/HIV Support, 1st & 3rd Thur,
AA – Pride 5:45 Meeting, Recovery, Daily, 5:45-6:45p
BrothasspeakFTL-Social, Wed, 7:00p-9:00p
Senior Games Day, Social, 2nd & 4th Tue, 1-4p
Coffee and Conversation – SAC, Social/Seniors, Tues,
Double Winners, Support, Wed, 5:45-6:45p
Monthly Recurring Events and Meetings
Drolma Buddhist Meditation Group, Wed, 6:30-7:30p
Big Men’s Club: Chubbies & Chasers, Social, 3rd Sat, 1-4p
Games Day, Social, 2nd & 4th Tues, 1-4p
Pride Center BINGO, Open to Public, 2nd Sat, 7-10p
Gay Bridge Club, Fun, Mon & Fri, 1-4p
Dolphin Democrats, Mthly Meeting, 2nd Wed, 7:30-9:30p
Gay Hearts, Social, Sun, 1-3:30p
Lavender Speaks, Social, 3rd Thurs, 7:30-10p
Mahjong, Social, Wed, 1-5:00p
Pride Center Memorial Garden Club, Educational, 3rd Wed, 7-9p
Man2Man Talk, Social, Mon, 7-8:30p
Pride Center GLEE Club,Social, Bi-Monthly
Monday Night Women’s Group, Social, Mon, 7:30-9p
Pride Center Flea Market, Open to Public, 1st Sat, 8a-2p
Narcotics Anonymous Rainbow Group, Recovery, Wed, 8-9p
New Path Narcotics Anonymous Group, Recovery, Mon/Tue/Thu, Primetimers, Open to Public, 1st Sun, 2-4:30p
SAGE Computer Club, Educational, 2nd Wed, 4-6p
New Path Narcotics Anonymous Group, Recovery, Sat/Sun, 4-5p SAGE Movie Movie, Social, 3rd Mon, 4-6p
Overeaters Anonymous, Recovery, Sun, 12n-1:30p
S. F. Rainbow Alliance of the Deaf, Support, 1st Sun, 2:30-3:30p
Overeaters Anonymous, Recovery, Fri, 7:30-9p
Transgender Support Group, Support, 3rd Fri, 7-8:30p
POZ Attitudes Here and Now, HIV Support, Wed, 7-9p,
Positive Connections, HIV Support, Tue, 6:30-8:00p
Women in Network, Social, 1st Wed, 7-9p
SAGE Men’s Social, Social/Seniors, Wed, 1-3p
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA), Recovery, Fri, 7-8p
Senior Exercise Class Health, Senior, Mon/Wed/Fri, 10:15-11:15a
For further information call Samantha McCoy at
Senior Exercise Class Health, Senior, Mon/Wed/Fri, 11:15a-12:15p
Senior Gay Men’s Support Group, Support, Mon, 11a-12n
Visit Calendar of
Smart Recovery, Recovery, Mon, 7:30-8:30p/Thur, 6:30-8p
Events for meeting room assignments.
Toastmasters, Educational, Mon, 7:15-9:15p
Women’s Non-Competitive Basketball, Social,Wed/Thur,5:45p
Sat, 3-5p
Pride Center Young Adult Group, (23-35 yoa), Support, Thur,
VOICE Fall 2012
Weekly Recurring Meetings 5
VOICE Fall 2012
Not Afraid To Use Her Voice
Community remembers
activist Judy Shepherd
he world is a little quieter now. Judy
had a mouth and she was not afraid to
use it. Judy said what she meant and
she meant what she said.”
As Deacon Jean Johnson shared these words, most
in the crowd nodded in agreement, some with more
vigor than others. As Judy would have wanted, the
crowd chuckled--this was, after all, a celebration of
her life.
Hundreds of friends recently gathered at the
Pride Center to remember local activist, volunteer
and community leader Judy Shepherd.
“Judy never hesitated to get involved and
she volunteered for everything,” said Janet
Weissman, Pride Center Business Manager. “She
was everywhere. She was a giver. She
was tenacious. She was loyal. She was
uniquely Judy. While dedicated and
determined, Judy was a passionate
and caring person. Her toy drive and
back pack drive will continue and is
her legacy to our community.” Ronni B. Dowd recalled how Judy
volunteered for everything. Judy was
a staple at the GLCC/Pride Center,
dedicated to
the women’s
community was well
Ronnie told us how
Judy would fundraise
first and find programs
passionate. She was
relentless and she was
always there.
President of Women in
Network, shared letters from the community.
Many friends shared how they bonded with Judy
over their mutual love of animals. She was there
for many friends taking care of their animals
when they were out of town. Tears of laughter
and sadness flowed as many told stories of the
crazy ways they met Judy, how she became family
and how their friendship grew stronger as they
came to know her as a person whose generosity
was enormous and whose heart was even bigger.
“Judy started a lot of conversations by saying, ‘you
know what we should do…’ Then, it was Judy who
gave her time, energy and lots of love to get it done,”
recalled Kristofer Fegenbush, Pride Center Deputy
Director. “She made it happen. Now we have a
Judy-size hole, and we all need to fill it.” During one of Judy’s chemo treatments, Lynn
Corning asked Judy to describe her happy place. Judy’s response was: “Fireworks.” Whenever
we see fireworks, we’ll all know that it’s Judy
spreading sparks of light all around us.
7:00 – 10:00 PM
Second Annual Breast Fest
A packed house enjoyed speakers, entertainment,
informational booths, testimonials and bra decorating
contest as part of an educational and entertaining
evening for Breast Cancer Awareness.
he Pride Center
Board of Directors
recently added
two new members.
Craig Engel, CPA,
recently was appointed
as Board Treasurer
after serving on The
Pride Center’s Finance
Committee. A South
Florida Native, Craig
+Reverend Leslie Tipton
the Christian faith, and
serves as the Associate
Pastor of Administration
and Outreach at Church
of the Holy SpiritSong in
Wilton Manors, FL, on
the campus of Equality
Park. Pastor Leslie is
very active in the South
She resides in Miramar
with her wonderful wife
and their many pets.
grew up in Miami and
graduated from Killian
High School. Craig
earned a degree
The Pride CenTer has sPaCe renTal oPPorTuniTies for your every need
has lived in Fort
Business Meetings
1993. Craig began
training sessions
a career in public
accounting in 1985
Life CeLeBrations
trade shoWs
his own practice
and More!
in 1992. An avid
lover of animals,
Craig has a home
in Victoria Park
with bird aviaries,
and hundreds of
and animal lovers
throughout Florida
2040 north dixie highway
GeT a room Today!
FACE 2 FACE: Domestic and International Adoption for LGBT Parents
We welcomed a panel of professionals and adoptive families
moderated by Rob Lamarche from Modern Family Consulting to
discuss practical strategies and helpful hints for adoption as part
of our ongoing “Growing My Family” series.
VOICE Fall 2012
+Craig Engel, CPA
have recognized his
home as a sanctuary that
respects and protects
animals and nature for
many years.
Tipton recently rejoined
the Board of Directors,
after previously serving
for three years as Board
Born and
raised in the suburbs of
Los Angeles, Rev. Leslie
to herself as a “Valley
Girl.” After earning a
B.A. in Psychology at San
Diego State University
in 1986, she served as
an Aircraft Maintenance
Officer in the United
States Marine Corps
for over ten years. Rev.
Tipton has lived in the
Greater Fort Lauderdale
since 2003. She is an
ordained reverend in
Two community leaders join
Pride Center Board of Directors
Wilton Manors, fL 33305
+We have collected completed surveys
from over 300 LBT culturally-competent
healthcare providers for our tri-country
LBT Women’s Health Directory.
+We distributed over 25,000 condoms
to community members over the last
three months.
+We are expanding our PALS Project’s
cutting-edge Couples Speak program
to provide it at FUSION, SunServe, and
Broward House.
The Hispanic HIV Leadership Awards
The annual event at the Pride Center recognizes the efforts
of outstanding individuals or groups who raise HIV/AIDS
awareness in the Latino communities of Broward County.
Fall 2012
Did you know?
Flea Market
The first Saturday of every month, the Pride Center
hosts a fabulous bazaar with over 100 vendors.
Proceeds enable the vital services and activities at
the Pride Center.
The second Saturday evening of every month, the
Pride Center hosts a wacky, entertaining, packedhouse Bingo event. Proceeds benefit the lifechanging programs and events of the Center.
Mayors at Galleria Mall hosted a recent Founders Reception for
financial donors to the Center, generously cosponsored by Another
Perfect Party. Funds donated by Founders Circle members
underwrite life-enhancing programs and services to the community.
For more photos visit
Founders Reception at Mayors
VOICE Fall 2012
Stuff The Bus
This campaign collected more than $46,000 of school
supplies for local school children. The Pride Center/
Women in Network, GLBX team was the top fundraiser
county wide for Stuff the Bus.
Did you know?
+Coffee and Conversations
events at the Pride Center now
gather around 100 Seniors every
Tuesday. Our Seniors also now
partner with our PALS Project
to host “Chat and Chill” events
on Friday mornings.
+We will host the local
observance of the Transgender
Day of Remembrance on
Tuesday, November 20 at 7 p.m.
Join us as we gather with local
trans activitists and community
+Over 125 people have
benefitted from attending our
LGBT Family Planning Series.
+We provided over 1000
HIV tests over the past three
Founders Reception at Daoud’s Fine Jewelry
Daoud’s Fine Jewelry hosted and generously sponsored this
Founders Reception for financial donors to the Center. To
help support vital services and programs at the Center,
contact Robert Boo at
Fall 2012
The Pride Center Founders Circle
Alan Schubert
Bob and Hal Bernier-Peterson
Gill Corwin
LGBT Senior Health Expo
Over 275 people attended our third annual LGBT
Senior Health Expo. The Expo provides seniors
with a unique, comprehensive overview of available
healthcare services. Over forty LGBT-friendly
medical, senior living, social service, insurance,
financial, legal, travel and home health providers
showcased their services and products through this
trade show. Majors sponsors included Broward
Health Imperial Point, Freedom Travel, Stork’s and
CareFree Insurance Services.
Platinum Level ($10,000 and
Anonymous (2)
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
Aqua Foundation for Women
Bobby Blair / Florida Agenda
Community Foundation of Broward
Ed Garcia Designs
LSeven Solutions
Mona Pittenger
Norm Kent / South Florida Gay News
Peter Clark / HotSpots Magazine
The Kenneth S. Hollander Charitable
Wells Fargo Foundation
Will Spencer / CAMP Inc.
Diamond Level ($5,000 $9,999)
Anonymous (1)
Arthur Smith, Esq.
Brenda Hartley, Board Member / BankUnited
Chris Caputo, Board Member / Metro Media
Dale Russell and Jan Carpenter
David McLaren and Joe Laurino / Periodic
DC Allen and Ken Flick
Greg Hardy and Rick Soloway /
Solutions Insurance
Jim Stepp and Peter Zimmer
Ron Ansin and Jim Stork
Ted Schultz
Gold Level ($2,500 - $4,999)
A Celebration of Friends, Inc.
Bill Greeves and Robert Hubbard
Bob Young
Carlos Perez Varela / Peninsula Assisted
Chris Dunham and Joseph Dominguez /
Dunham Insurance
Coffee and Conversation
Dave Litty /Agel Independent
Diplomat Pharmacy
Dolphin Democrats
Don Biehn
Doug Tinklepaugh and James Rickard /
Pinnacle Constructors, LLC
George Castrataro / Law GC
Herbert Reis and William Coffey
Howard Cunningham, DDS
J. Alan Shemelya
Joe Pallant and Danny Selvin
Law Office of George Castrataro
Lea P. Krauss Esq, Board Member
Lee Rubin and Jim Walker, Board Member
Maria Kondracki and Jim Dwyer
Mark Budwig, Board Member, and
Nick Scalzo / S.MarkGraphics
Maura Lane and Ilene Berliner, Board
Richard Safaty, Board Member/
Freedom Travel
Richard Schwarz and Tom Massey
Ronnie Pryor and Dustin Cranor /
Source Salon
Robert W. Eldredge / RWE Real Estate
Tracey Cramer / Ameriprise
Victor Flores / Fast Printz
Silver Level ($1,200 - $ 2,499)
Anonymous (4)
Anthony Molluso and Bill Volbrecht
Anthony Timiraos and Arthur Crispino
B Ocean Fort Lauderdale
Bears of South Florida
Bill Linehan
Bret Johnson
Brian Farley and Ron Alose
Bruce Lane
Bruce Presley and Chris Hedlund
Bruce Walther
Cal Harrison
Carmine Martorilli and Robert Poster
Carol Moran / New Moon Bar
Chantal Ingerson
Dr. Charmaine Johnson-Leong, DDS
Jack Johnson, Board Member
Charles Walker
Chuck Loring
Craig Benoit / Challenges Treatment Center
Craig Engel and Greg Briche
Dan Oropesa and DJ Harvey /
Mack Multimedia
Daniel Pye and Peter Mangone
Daniel Wasinger and Howard Cohen
Darcy Beeman and Jenn Bodner
Dave Stubbins
David Bebbington
David Treece / Treece Financial Group
David Guzman
Dr. David Kyner and Richard Bray
David McConnell
David Moon and Eugene Smith
David Webb and W. Lynn McLaughlin
Dennis Fitzkee and Bernie Langeluttig
Dominick Destefano
Don Barlow
Don Kramer
Donald Croxton and Douglas Pew
Doug Candler
Ed Nicholas and Chris Griswold /
Eastside Property Management
Ellen Krider / RBC Wealth Management
Eric Reivik and Andy Harrison /
PC Lauderdale
Erwin Mayer and Didier Moritz
Erich Kissel
Ernest Olivas / Nautilus Senior Home Care
Fred Goodyear
Fred Wahl and Fred Marzec
Gables Wilton Park Apartments
GALLERYone Fort Lauderdale
Gary Kempler
George Douglas and Ray Wieder
George Kling, Board member
Geph Scarr / Scarr Insurance
Gerald Byers and Rudy Wengenroth
Glenn Goldberg
Greg Moore and Allan Barsky
Hank Stembridge and Theron Watson
Hans Hochkamp and Joseph DeBacco
Harvey Chasser
Hospice of Broward County / David King
Iberia Bank
Irwin Drucker, Board Member
Dr. J. Michael Heider and Thom Carr /
Ultimate Smile Dental
Jack Kosko and John Fitzgerland
Jack Schlossberg
James Cox / Remora General Contrators
James A. Johnson
Jan Zilmer
Jared Falek and Don Chorpenning
Jason King
Jeffrey Gross
Jeffrey and Belinda Shover
Jim Doan
Jim Jagielski
Jim Pierce / Pierce Aire, Inc.
Joe Guerrero
Joe McConnell
Joel Schulman, Esq.
John Bolton
John Jovanovich and Paul Holoweski
John Leyden and Tom Valentine
Julia Landis and Shawn Fanshier
Justin Proffitt
Karen Carol and Julie Slater / Chic Optique
Ken Kalederian
Ken Keechl and Ted Adcock, Board Member
Ken Moore and Hector Valdes
Kevin Murdoch and Drew Miller
Kristofer Fegenbush
Law Office of Cal Steinmetz
Law Office of Gregory W. Kabel
Lee Rubin and Jim Walker, Board Member
Leslie Tipton, Board Member / Church of the
Holy SpiritSong
Linda Wood and Dr. Kate Kominars
Lynn Corning / Newman Insurance
Louis Benevento and Patrick Duffy
Mark Gordon and Aldo Buono
Marc Grossman
Maria Kondracki and Jim Dwyer
Mark Halacy and Tom Pollock
Mark Ketcham and Werner Lutz
Mark Turner and Chuck Nicholls
Martin Gould
Michael Albetta
Michael Alexander
Michael D’Agostino
Michael Faerber / D’Angelo Realty Group
Michael Hisey
Mick Howard and Brian Jackson /
Mayors Jewelry
Mike Dager and Harvey Shapiro
Miriam Richter and Michelle Altman
Mitchell Bloom, Board Member / Wells
Fargo Bank
Monica Salis, Esq.
Neill Hirst MD and Greg Hughes
Norman Berkowitz
Northern Trust Bank
Norton C. Lyman and Kimeo Sato
Pamela Kirkpatrick
Patricia A. Nugent, Esq.
Patrick Harris and Wesley Walton
Paul Alpert
Paul Fasana
Paul Hyman and Bill Bracker
Paul Jennings
Paul Rolli and W. Bennett Quade
Peter Hardy-Smith and Steven Devito
Peter Pileski and Bob Avian
Randy Grant and Bruno Trambusti
Reggie Barnes
Regions Bank
Richard Nolan and Robert Pingpank
Richard Stoll, Esq., Board President
Robert Boo
Robert Collier, M.D. and Charles Hunziker
Robert Judd and Russell Neal
Robert Kuhn and Steven Geyer
Rosie’s Bar and Grill
Russell Sassani MD and Michael Schneider
/ Take Shape Plastic Surgery PA
Sam Chalfant and Tom Rouland
Scott Belding
Scott L. Bennett
Scott Kuhn
Stacy Lenehan
Stephen Banigan and William Van Scoy
Stephen Cox
Stephen Schram and Richard Powers /
PowersSchram, LLC
Steve Barnard
Steve Harmon and Donn Rubin
Steve Shires Photography
Steven and Thomas Begert-Clark
Steven C. Lowensten / Five Dollar Fund of
the Community Foundation
Steven Wetzler
Sumner T. White
TD Bank
Ted Emery
Terry Stone and Mike Bush
The Pride Institute at Fort Lauderdale
Hospital Group
Theron Watson and Hank Stembridge
Tim Singer and Richard Cascarelli
Tom Runyan / Runyan Law Firm, P.A.
Tyler Healis
Victor Zepka/ Boardwalk
Vince DiPietro and Richard Berg
William Jordan and Andres Rodriguez
Dr. Will Richardson / Natura Dermatology
William Thornton and Adam Kratochwill
Join the Pride Center’s Founders Circle!
Support the programs and services of the Pride Center.
For more information, please contact Executive Director
Robert Boo.
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VOICE Fall 2012
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These businesses
represent some of our
valuable supporters.
To become a Business
Founder, please
contact Robert Boo:
Fall 2012
Did you know?
+Our Cyber Center provided
free internet and computer
access to more than 4,000
logged users over the past
three months.
Suicide Prevention Seminar
+HotSpots Holiday Celebration
on December 4 will benefit
the Pride Center and Broward
Over 175 people attended “To Be Or Not To Be: Turning on
the light in the darkest hour” with the Pride Center, Living
Rainbow, Florida Institute for Suicide Prevention and Cohen
Counseling. Suicide continues to be a very serious problem
within the LGBT community, and the incidence of suicide and
suicidal ideation is statistically much higher in our community
than in the general population.
Garden Club Connects Plant Lovers
nce a month, visitors to the Pride Center might
feel they’ve stumbled into a tropical jungle.
Bromeliads, orchids, vegetables and palms fill
the main hall.
The Equality Park Garden Club works to provide
information and education on a variety of horticultural
topics relating to South Florida Gardening and to
support the proposed waterfront garden at the Pride
+Over 162,000 children will
benefit from our “Stuff the
Bus” efforts to provide school
supplies for local children. The
community collected more than
$45,000 of supplies.
+We will host “So Where
Do I Start?” a Face 2 Face
conversation on transitioning on
Friday, November 30 at 7 p.m.
We will host a panel of local
trans community members,
mental health and medical
Center’s Equality Park campus. Outstanding local
speakers address topics on landscaping, herbs, various
fruit, medicinal and other tropical plants that can be
grown in Zone 10. Fall topics include: Landscaping with
Bromeliads in the Urban Garden; Butterfly Gardening;
and Decorating for the Holidays using materials from
the garden.
“The Garden Club was important to me originally as a
vehicle to help improve the grounds for the
Pride Center, an organization that I think
very highly of,” says group member Paul.
“However, the Club has expanded to an
organization with monthly meetings where
I can meet and talk with other gardeners
in the area and get ideas and feedback. I
particularly like the monthly plant swap,
since I enjoy starting plants from cuttings
and nurturing them until they are ready to go
in the ground.”
The Garden Club originated in April 2010
with a few interested people. The club has
grown substantially with 40 to 50 plant
enthusiasts who attend each meeting.
“Gardening is a form of therapy for
me,” says group member Arthur. “I learn
something and expand
my horizons every
time I attend and hear
an interesting speaker.”
gardening is unique,
and people want to
learn more about
encouraged to ask each
other questions at the meetings. Questions may relate
to specific plants, fertilizers to use or plant pests (such
as white fly). A favorite activity among members is an
annual bus ramble to various South Florida nurseries.
“It gives me a burst of positive energy to be with
others who share my interests,” says another frequent
Meetings are free and held the third Wednesday of each
month at The Pride Center.
Individual and household memberships are available at
$20 to $25 annually. Contact: On March
16, 2013, The Pride Center will host its first Tropical Plant
Fair with the Garden Club. For more information, contact
Samantha McCoy at
en Goss has just given $50,000 to the Pride
You might imagine that if he can do that,
he probably hasn’t a care in the world. You’d be very
So many things in Ken’s life have been calamitous.
The recent loss of his ex-wife – his best friend – in
a terrible car accident has clearly been devastating
to Ken, and the death of his father piled on more grief.
Having to deal with the pain and debilitating effects
of Crohn’s disease is a constant challenge for him, and
keeping diabetes under control adds another layer of
“I’m sorry, my back is killing me,” he said when he
met me at his front door, a flicker of pain crossing his
face. “It’s the Humira for the Crohn’s disease, it’s one of
the side effects,” he explained.
As we talk, a story of heartache and woe unfolds and
it seems his tribulations approach biblical dimensions,
yet life has also showered him with great rewards.
going to bars “because you can’t have a conversation”
and much prefers lunches and social gatherings. In fact,
he admits, a small part of the reward of charitable giving
is getting to meet many different and interesting people.
Still, that doesn’t really explain why he gives away so
much -- up to a quarter million annually. “OK,” he finally
explained, “I’ve been giving since I was a kid. I guess it
doesn’t matter what your religion is. I was always told
that giving is a miracle, a blessing, and there are all types
of giving – and the holiest is anonymous.”
A mischievous smile tweaks the corner of his mouth.
“Well, I’m not good at that! I like to be recognized, I
want my name out there. I want an article about me
... no, I want a biography!” he laughs.
And he laughs and laughs some more. Pain
forgotten for the moment. The biography is yet to
come but, for sure, his generosity will always be long
remembered at the Pride Center.
VOICE Fall 2012
For a start, he’s super proud of his young-adult kids
-- even if they don’t call often enough, he adds wryly.
He has also had great success in business. Through
hard work and smarts, his home health care agency
grew exponentially, delivering wealth that at first was
“intoxicating.” He owned several homes in different
parts of the world, enjoyed pampered travel to exotic
sites, reveled in the arts -- and donated extensively to
“I’ve always been philanthropic, aiming to help
people,” Ken said. “The difference now is that I donate
mainly to LGBT causes.”
He came out when he was 40. He was divorced, then
he met his first gay lover. That sudden overwhelming
connection changed everything. “Before that, I was
married, period. When we took our vows and we broke
the glass, that was it. That was my life.” Now 51, he has
chosen to live as an openly gay man in South Florida.
The sale of his business led him to set up a charitable
foundation, but he doesn’t have that anymore. His
donations now come out of his
personal money, and currently
support Lambda Legal, Equality
Florida, the Broward Center for
the Performing Arts, among
others -- and of course, the
Pride Center.
“I’ve been to many cities,
lived in different places, and
some of them have had LGBT
community centers. The Pride
Center is unique,” he said,
because of its inclusiveness
and the range of programs and
services they offer for everyone.
Ken is evidently very much
a people person. Loves the
encounter, no matter the age
or background of the person he
meets. It’s all good. He dislikes
A Latter-Day Book of Job:
The Highs and Lows of A Major Donor
Did you know?
+We provided individualized internet based outreach on HIV
prevention to over 570 individuals over the past two months.
+The Pride Center is the largest site for Enhanced Fitness
classes for seniors offered with the YMCA in the United States.
+On December 1, the World AIDS Day candlelight vigil will start
at Hagen Park and end at The Pride Center.
“Without the
Noise and Pressures”
Young Adults Group
Coordinator Shares the
Values of the Social Group
By Armand Daiguillon
Investment Allocations and Estate Protection For LGBT Community
Fall 2012
Our series with OurFund continued our estate, financial and gift
planning series with a session presented by George Castrataro,
Esq., Arthur Smith, Esq., and Maria Kondraki, Financial Advisor.
he Pride Center’s
back in 2003 by people
who were growing too
old to go to the Youth
group. We realized that
a need existed for a way
to meet people without
the noise and pressures
of going to a bar.
Our group is purely
a social group. Our
consist of some light
by activities like board
games, charades and
other low-key fun
things. When it’s cool
outside we might even
do things like play
Frisbee and dodge ball
right outside the Pride
We also meet several
times a month outside
of the Friday meetings
to go see a movie, go
bowling, play laser tag
or canoeing. All of the
things that we do both
at our meetings and at
our outside activities
are voted on monthly
by the group. That
way we know that
what we are doing as a
group is truly what our
members enjoy.
our members also
appreciate about our
group is that unlike
other similar groups
in the area, we do not
have any agenda, other
than providing a place
for people to meet
and make friends. At
our meetings you will
not be pressured in
any way to commit to
any causes nor do we
require you to listen to
lectures or divulge any
personal information.
We are purely a social
Our only goal is to
provide a place for
people to meet and get
to know each other.
Many of our members
were new to the area
when they first came
and were looking to
make friends in a new
Providing a
means to make friends
in a clean environment
is a community service
that we are happy to
Our meetings are
every Friday at 7 p.m. at
the Pride Center. They
are open to any adults
age 35 and under. So, if
you are new to the area,
or just want to meet
some nice people, feel
free to stop by and visit
us anytime.
Uniting and
the Black,
Community One
Discussion at Time.
hat would you get if you combined a
weekly meeting with a non-judgmental
and comfortable environment where gay
men of African descent are able to meet and discuss
issues affecting their community? BrothasspeakFTL,
of course!
“I am very pleased to have a forum to discuss issues,
ideas and concerns that affect my life and the lives of
black same gender loving men in South Florida,” says
Paul Smith, one of BrothasspeakFTL’s facilitators
and founding-members. “This community is very
diverse, broadly scattered and disjointed in many
ways which makes it even more important that we
opportunity to meet and fellowship with such men
in a space that is dedicated to fostering discussion by
and about us without the need to overly explain or
worry about being honest”.
BrothasspeakFTL is truly a unique gathering of
individuals sharing their life stories and experiences
in a safe, non-judgmental environment. This group
meets weekly at the Pride Center in Room 208 on
have a safe place to gather for a reality check with
men who share our life experience. We cover a
variety of round table topics which address issues
that impact us in every aspect of our lives.”
Some may believe that BrothasspeakFTL is new,
but meetings have been taking place in the Ft.
Lauderdale area for a few years now. The brainchild
of Lorenzo Roberton, a stalwart for AIDS/HIV
awareness in the Black LGBTQC community,
BrothasspeakFTL continues to grow and is becoming
an important part of, not only the Pride Center, but
the community-at-large.
When asked how important BrothasspeakFTL
is to him, Lonzo Lowery – a member who recently
joined this burgeoning group -- had this to say: “The
sense of fellowship and community that I experience
with Brothasspeak is inspiring and gives a feeling of
belonging. The topics that are discussed in the group
each week are thought-provoking and relevant to me
as an SGL (Same-Gender-Loving) black man. The
group is open and welcomes men of color, a safe
haven to express their point of views, vent their
frustrations, and share their stories and experiences.
That can only lead to a positive impact.” Broward County is well-known for its many night
clubs, bath houses, beach spots, card parties, balls
and other venues and events, but as G Winston James,
long-time BrothasspeakFTL facilitator and respected
author and poet, puts it: “I don’t often have the
VOICE Fall 2012
Women’s Basketball Group
Every week women meet at the Pride Center for friendly, healthy
games of basketball. The group meets on Wednesdays and
Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 3 p.m.
Fall 2012
Pride Center
$350,000 HIV
Prevention Grant
he Pride Center has been a
leader in creative, impactful
HIV prevention efforts
locally over the past decade.
Tens of thousands of people have
received an HIV test or participated
in a vital HIV support program
at the Center. One key source of
funding for the Pride Center’s HIVrelated programming has been a
Department of Health Grant that
expires at the end of 2012. As part
of the Center’s long-term strategic
plan, a new grant application was
submitted seeking $350,000 for
the design, implementation, and
operation of high-impact HIV
prevention programs. The Pride
Center recently received the full
$350,000 requested as part of its
grant application.
Department of Health grant will
ensure the continuation of many
essential HIV prevention services
provided by the Pride Center,
+HIV testing, counseling, and
linkage services;
+Comprehensive programs that
educate, support, and improve
the lives of those living with HIV/
AIDS including the nationally
recognized PALS Project and
L.I.F.E. and CHOICES programs;
+Condom distribution.
In addition, the Pride Center
has identified and developed new
and innovative ways to positively
impact those affected by HIV and
to reduce HIV transmissions rates,
a business response to AIDS
among LGBT businesses and
their customers to disseminate
targeted HIV prevention messages,
influence change in community
norms, and reduce HIV stigma;
+The creation of a new faith
based community mobilization
project among LGBT-affirming
communities of faith in Broward
+Cutting-edge outreach and
marketing programs to reach,
education, and interact with
high-risk populations via social
networks such as Facebook and
+The development of multiple
new testing locations and condom
distribution points throughout
our community, allowing the
Pride Center to expand its reach
exponentially and serve more
people in need.
For more information about the
Pride Center’s HIV-related programs
and services, please visit our web site
Third Annual Founders Sunday Brunch at the Pride Center
This recent Founders Reception for major donors to
the Center was sponsored by Dunham Insurance and
Periodic Products. To learn more about donating to the
work of the Center, please contact Robert Boo at