Multi-Service Centre 2015-16 - Tillsonburg Multi


Multi-Service Centre 2015-16 - Tillsonburg Multi
Tillsonburg & District
Multi-Service Centre 2015-16
Everyday – inspire someone around you to be their personal best!
Vision: Embracing Personal Independence ♦ Celebrating a Caring Community
Mission: A community organization committed to partnerships, innovation & excellence.
Remarks from the Chairperson
Greetings from the Executive Director
Program Report – Home Support Services
Program Reports – Employment & Literacy Services
Financial Summary
MSC Fast Facts
Contact Information
Editor: M. Vandenberghe, 13.6.16
Drawing: Ches Sulkowski
Community Garden
Remarks from the Chairperson
As the MSC moves to close out the past year and set its
course for the next year, it is comforting to know that our longrange plans are totally in sync with the various plans of our
funding agencies and with the needs of the community whom
we serve.
2015 was an exceptionally busy year and one with a great
deal of change. Bill Hett, our Executive Director for several
years retired, and we welcomed Geoff Reekie as the new
Executive Director in November. Geoff has been busy getting
to know the community. As well, he has been thrust into the
changing and challenging face of healthcare. Welcome Geoff!
The 2016 Accreditation process was successful again. Kudos to the staff who led the process and
those who actively participated! Great job!
We have completed our employee and client surveys again this year and are pleased to report an
outstanding aggregate satisfaction rate in the 90th percentile. We have again been progressive in our
planning and thinking and committed to quality and client experience in everything we do.
Our agency has aligned its performance markers with those of the South West LHIN and
Employment Ontario and we have worked closely with our local partners and the partnership
consortium within The Livingston Centre.
Along with Stonebridge Community Services, our sister corporation, we now offer a full suite of falls
prevention and exercise programming for seniors and community members to add to our Meals on
Wheels, foot care and other community support services.
It is a pleasure to act as chairperson for this agency as the board members I serve with are
committed professionals who see the value in community service and in the development of the full
potential of our partners and service associates for the good of the community that we serve. Our
dedicated and loyal staff continues to amaze us with their commitment to a high standard of service
delivery. Thank you to all of the staff for their dedication!
The MSC is an active player in the Transportation Pilot Project as approved by the Town of
Tillsonburg, which should serve to place a spotlight on the actual and sometimes underestimated
needs of persons to get to appointments and find an affordable way to get around our county while
meeting other daily living needs.
We strive through new initiatives and partnerships to serve our community better. As always, we can
only be as successful as the support we get from the community in fundraising dollars and in the
volunteer hours that are given so freely to meet our programming needs.
Again this year, we say thank you to our many volunteers who drive, deliver meals, tutor, fundraise,
promote and provide governance for our organization. We thank our many corporate volunteer
groups who give up their lunch hours to ensure that hot meals are delivered throughout town. Each
and every day we, together, touch lives and make the community a better place to live.
Watch for future developments at The Livingston Centre. With our partners we have started the
process to determine what the next phase of development on the Tillson Avenue site might look like.
Exciting times are ahead! Fran Bell (Photo: Marian Muth, Susan Howe, Fran Bell & Val Foerster in 2013)
Greetings from the Executive Director
On November 25, 2015, I had the pleasure of meeting with the outgoing
Executive Director of MSC, Bill Hett. Bill was open and candid about the
organization: “A great organization…terrific people!” Since then, I have
come to know the Board, staff, clients and volunteers of MSC and I
couldn’t agree more. I have learned about MSC’s passion, the “can do”
attitude and the commitment to helping others in the community. I have
had the pleasure of recognizing and celebrating those with years of
service to the community and who still respond every time a challenge
emerges. It is a privilege to serve with the Board, staff and volunteers of
MSC. They do, indeed, inspire others to achieve their personal best.
With this focus in mind, the senior leadership team has developed a refreshed strategic plan
that will keep the organization focused on moving forward. Our three, wildly important goals
include improved technology, stronger community partnerships and a continued focus on
service excellence. Over the next year we are committed to improving our use of technology
to better serve our clients and community. This will include a new information management
system, more mobile devices for Community workers and a refreshed website. Our goal is to
give the staff in the organization the best tools possible to help them meet the needs of clients.
As a leadership team, our commitment is to help our staff help others.
We will also be looking to strengthen our community partnerships. MSC has a long history of
building lasting relationships and The Livingston Centre is an excellent example of the strength
of these partnerships. This year we will look to continue this tradition by building on our
relationships with other service providers across the Tri-Counties and strengthening our
involvement with the Campus of Care.
As always, we will continue to focus on service excellence and be guided by our commitments
to those we serve. MSC achieved another successful Accreditation this year; however, we
know that we must continue to focus on our commitment to service excellence every day.
During the next year, senior leaders will continue to challenge their teams to find ways to
improve their services and programs. Geoff Reekie
Donor Campaign Launch, Giving Tuesday (1.12.15)
Geoff accepting the first donation from Val Foerster
The Livingston Centre Christmas Potluck (10.12.15)
Community Living E.D. Marty & MSC’s Geoff
Program Report: Home Support Services – since 1978
2015-2016 has seen a health care environment in a constant
state of change. The Home Support (HS) team continues to
keep pace with these changes. The release of the provincial
government’s “Patients First” document provides the blueprint for
improving the client’s health care experience and their health
outcomes. This document aligns with the Integrated Health
Service Plan (IHSP) created by our funder the South West LHIN
where the emphasis is on improving coordination and access to
integrated care in the community to ensure the client receives
the “right care, at the right time in the right place.” This is the
mantra within HS which we follow.
Our Assisted Living in the Community Program (ALCom) has experienced continued growth. A
review of the current ALCom programs throughout the LHIN took place and our organization
received additional funding to bring on new clients. The need for this program continues to
grow as does our waitlist. The dissolution of the Community Care Access Centres (CCACs) - a
directive from the Patient’s First document - will take place over this year. Our hope is that our
organization will play an integral role in this reorganization. We welcome the opportunity to
initiate services in meeting the health care needs of the senior population in our community by
providing assessment, case management and services. Initiation of our in-home Exercise and
Falls prevention program, in which all ALCom clients receive weekly in home exercises classes
provided by our trained PSWs, has impacted positively on seniors maintaining their
Our Meals of Wheels (MOW), volunteer transportation and foot care programs continue to
evolve and grow. We have a new frozen meal provider who is able to provide for the dietary
needs of the frail elderly population we serve. The support of our area Mayors was evident as
they participated in our Community Champions Week by delivering MOWs. Our clients enjoyed
talking with them as they delivered meals. The Volunteer Transportation Program continues to
grow. We have been an active participant in the Transportation Community Pilot Project and
assisting with the T: GO initiative in which people of Tillsonburg can receive a ride at minimal
cost within the town. The wheel chair van we operate, in partnership with our sister corporation
Stonebridge Community Services, continues to be utilized on a daily basis to support the needs
of the community. The foot care (FC) program and clinics continue to grow. With the Victorian
Order of Nurses (VON) ceasing FC operations provincially, this left a void for those in need of
this service in our community. We were able to fill this void through additional foot care clinics
in the community.
The HS Support department completed the Accreditation Canada process in October, ending
with a successful site visit. It was a journey for our team - reviewing our current policies and
practices with everyone learning and growing from this experience. We were successful in
meeting the Required Organizational Practices and accredited for the next four years.
HS sits at many local and regional tables to remain current and actively involved with the intent
of being pro-active rather than reactive in meeting the health care needs of our community. We
are currently collaborating with the Tillsonburg Hospital and other community partners in the
Campus of Care initiative to promote efficiency and warm hand-offs between providers. The
ultimate goal is to enhance the client/patient experience.
We celebrate community workers, staff, volunteers, partners in care, benefactors and the
community for their dedication and support. Without them we would not be able to fulfill the
needs of our area seniors. Diana Handsaeme, Manager (Photo: Christmas lunch for HSS volunteers)
Program Report: Employment & Literacy Services
Employment Services – since 1985
Employment Services transformed seven years ago to the
Employment Ontario model we function under today, an
outcomes based system that is measured by positive
outcomes for our clients and continuous improvement of
our services.
Due to our demonstrated successes with youth, job seekers
and community employers, Employment Services has consistently been awarded new contracts
that have allowed us to expand our programming, more than doubling the programs offered and
the funding received from the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities in the last 4 years.
And we continue to grow!
Georgina Vincent, Emma Kellins, Jason Pankratz and Theresa VanLaeken were welcome
additions to our team. The Employment and Literacy Services teams at the Multi-Service
Centre currently total 18 staff and over 50 volunteers who are committed to delivering six
programs in three different geographical locations – Tillsonburg, Woodstock and Fairground –
in both English and German.
Each of these programs comes with a unique set of requirements and targets. Employment
Services successfully completed site compliance visits and file audits in all of our program
areas, demonstrating our commitment to providing quality services. We welcome new
partnerships and actively pursue new opportunities and develop creative and innovative ways to
address any new or emerging trends or gaps in services. To be successful, collaborative
partnerships have been cultivated at the local, county and regional levels. Last year, we
partnered with YOU in London to deliver the Experience Ontario program through the Ministry of
The Youth Employment Fund and the Summer Jobs Services program wrapped up at the end of
March, to make way for an ever-growing suite of employment services that are directed
exclusively towards assisting youth. Commencing October 2015, Employment Services
launched our successful Youth Job Connection program. The fall also saw the introduction to
the new Job Connection – Summer program, with the full roll-out beginning April 2016 along
with the new Youth Job Link program.
We continue to offer short-term solutions to help our clients overcome the barrier of affordable
transportation. Thank you to the local community members who have generously donated used
bicycles to support our Bike Program.
Employment Services staff assisted over 5,000 individuals who have accessed our Resource
and Information Centre, Counselling, Retention and Job Development Services. We offered
138 informative and interactive employment readiness workshops and information sessions that
were attended by more than 4,100 individuals. The MSC is grateful for our enthusiastic and
dedicated Employment Services Team whose passion and perseverance ensure a positive
experience for our clients and success of our services! Susan Rebry, Manager
Adult Literacy & Essential Skills – since 1987
The fiscal year 2015-2016 found the Adult Literacy & Essential Skills
(ALES) Program in favourable standing with our funder MTCU. In response
to a program review (via a site compliance questionnaire) MTCU identified
the program’s success in fulfillment of requirements with respect to service
delivery, data integrity, financial management performance measures,
reporting and service coordination. (Top photo: at Career Path 101, April 2015)
Program success was revealed – with Ministry Core Measures exceeding targets – including
Customer Service at 107% and Effectiveness with two measures at 111% and 128%. The
Service Quality Indicator was measured at 122%. This success was reinforced by internal
program evaluation and implementation objectives. This included, but was not limited to,
Referral Sources Evaluation, Healthy Team Assessment, Enhanced Learner Satisfaction
Surveys and Tutor-Training Workshop Evaluations. Employment Services is the prime referral
sources for ALES. Fanshawe College was also a key referral source. Approximately 10% of
individuals were past students returning to upgrade their skills further. The Enhanced Learner
Satisfaction Survey revealed that all survey questions (100%) received the two highest ratings.
Highest ratings were identified – for “self-identified increased confidence” in students and the
“recommendation of ALES program to others.”
The program delivered 5,590 training/upgrading hours to 126 students. Program components
included: 1 to 1 tutoring, small group instruction and a Basic Computer class. There was a noted
increase in the number of individuals entering the program with “employment” goals: 59% compared to the annual target of 43%. Added to this, there was an increase in employers
referring employees to the program – 14% in 2015-2016 – compared to 5% in 2014-2015.
Employers want employees to upgrade skills for completion of memos, e-mails, reports,
maintenance of logbooks, preparation for employment entry assessments in workplaces, etc.
The program’s focus on client centred-ness, flexibility of hours and development of individual
learner plans successfully supported ALES students.
Volunteer Tutors provided 2,749 hours of service to ALES. Several core tutor-training sessions
were delivered followed by 2 volunteer development workshops during the fiscal year. (e.g.,
Volunteer/Client Relationship; Boundaries and Self-Care). Volunteers were recognized at the
TCSI BBQ by MPP Ernie Hardeman in April. The MSC AGM/Volunteer Recognition Event took
place on June 15, 2015 with entertainment provided by two local singing groups. One volunteer
tutor received an Ontario Volunteer Service Award for her volunteer contribution – not only as a
tutor but as an MSC fundraising and Meals on Wheels volunteer. A total of 70 volunteer tutors
provided service to the program during the fiscal year.
The program invested in additional activities including: a Student Book Launch, Celebrate
Tillsonburg event, partnership development with Woodstock & Area Community Health Centre,
referral meetings with Fanshawe College and the School Board, student revision of Customer
Service Charter and literacy assessments for Youth Job Connect clients. The program is in the
midst of reviewing the volunteer screening process and ALES Program Practices as supported
by the Performance Management Framework. Staff, volunteers and community supporters
have been the essential and exemplary investors in the success of the ALES program. Wendy
Woodhouse, Coordinator
Community Champs Week
Career Path 101
Adult Literacy: student/tutor Community Champs
Financial Summary
The audited statements along with the information,
stories and pictures in this
Annual Report - paint a
picture of all the activities at
the MSC over the past year.
Besides receiving program
dollars from various funders,
as detailed in the audited
statements, MSC is a partner
in The Livingston Centre. The
photos on page 2 of this Report provide a glimpse of the community investment MSC has made
with our partners in order to provide effective services and programming. The pictures above
demonstrate a couple of things. The first shows – beside the fact I am surrounded by smart,
beautiful, hard-working women (I could go on) – that the MSC is always actively fundraising (the
photo was taken at last year’s Trail Walk appreciation BBQ). The picture at right is from the
demolition project at The Livingston Centre that was completed last fiscal. Stay tuned as we
move forward with future plans. Besides programming, MSC has made significant investments
in partnerships and technology. Once again, please read the audited statements for details.
Chris Riley, Business Manager
MSC Fast Facts
▪ 2,822 Personal Support & Homemaking hours / 69 clients
▪ 5,507 Meals on Wheels delivered / 112 clients
▪ 2,287 Foot Care sessions / 479 clients
▪ 3,080 Transportation drives / 135 clients
▪ 20,202 Assisted Living hours / 33 clients
▪ 288 Home at Last hours / 68 clients
▪ 5081 Resource / 3692 Information Clients
▪ 3,312 consulting hours
▪ 250 client job placements / 155 employers
▪ 4,138 clients attended 138 workshops
▪ 943 successful outcomes (training/work)
▪ 162 Summer Jobs students / 132 placements / 44
▪ 126 students
▪ 5,590 upgrading hours
♦ 6, 474 clients & 73 employees (at March 31, 2016)
♦ accredited by Accreditation Canada since 2003
♦ 196 volunteers / 12 corporate teams
♦ 7,060 volunteer hours
♦ MSC is an incorporated, non-share capital, non-profit, registered charitable organization capable of issuing official
income tax receipts
Legend: *Departure ***Staff
Board of Directors
Chair: Fran Bell
Vice Chair: Val Foerster
Treasurer: Marian Muth
Mark Dickson
Albert Knab
Helen Lamos-Parker
David Morris
Honorary Members:
Bill Pratt
Scott Campbell
Program Volunteers
Adult Literacy & Essential
Skills – Woodstock &
Agro, Marie
Barnes, Linda
Barrett, Barbara
Beens, Adriana
Bembridge, Sue
Beres, Marie
Blackman, Starr
Blake, Theresa
Boucher, Jan
Bragg, Erin
Bragg, Kelly
Briggs, Martha
Brown, Phillip
Cockwell, Geri
Coltart, Helen
Connor, Mary
Courtney, Sue
Coutere, Carole
Cox, Sian
Cross, Alison
Davis, Carolina
Dicks, Denise
Edmonds, Kelly
Fleming, Helen
Granger, Debbie
Hamilton, Theresa***
Harvey, Iris
Heckman, Teresa
Ionis, Ze’ev
Jaques, Sharon
Jewlal, Anne
Jones, Sylvia
Knott, Hedda
Kothari, Smruti
Locker, Gabrielle
Ludwig, Donna
McAskile, Peg
McCreary, Barb
McInnis, Steve
McLinden, Joan
McMillan, Karen
McWilliam, Carol
Metcalfe, Mary
Moyle, Randy
Neilands, Norman
Nemeth, Mary
Neveu, Jennifer
Orlicky, Elizabeth
Pape, Michael
Parciak, Katie
Park, Jean
Rokeby, Bert
Scholtz, Magdalena
Scholtz, Matt
Shepherd, Laura
Sim, Cassandra
Slade, Anne
Smith, Dorothy
Smith, Sheryl
Stewart, Louise
Stewart, Margaret
Tabor, Carol
Vermont, Ruth
Wakarchuk, Janelle
Wall, Melinda
Weston, Joan
Whittington, Sheila
Wiebe, Judy
Wiffen, Lew
Woodburn, Paul
Demeyere, Robert
Devolin, Karen***
Dicks, Denise***
Dilts, Rob & Shirley
Doerr, Robert
Doughtery, Helen
Fletcher, Maria***
Francis, Maurice
Gilvesy, Irene
Graham, Nigel***
Gravelle, Phil***
*Haley, Valerie
Hamilton, Theresa***
Handsaeme, Diana***
*Heide, Kathy
*Hett, Bill***
Hollister, Lynne***
Honsberger, Carol
Horton, Rose
Hua, Tim
Huiberts, Ann
Kellins, Emma***
Klassen, Tina ***
Kralj, Freida
Krollman, Rosi
Ladell, Kim***
Lamont, John
Lannoo, Lena
Lightheart, Laura
Locker, Judy
MacFarlane, Bertha
MacNeil, Matt
McCrimmon, Marg***
*McMurchy, Jim & Roberta
Mahoney, Dan
Malott, Abby***
Marshall, Marlene
Martyn, Loree
Mattan, Judy
Mendler, Adam
Metcalfe, Brian
Metcalfe, Lynda
Metselaar, Andy
Miller, Shirley
Morling, John
Moule, David
Murray, Carolyn
Palmer, David
Parsons, Darlene & Glen
Parsons, Fred & Theresa
Peardon, Al
Penny, Brent & Shirley
Peters, Alisha***
Pickard, Ryan
*Pite, Don
*Pite, Nancy
Pleli, Mariola
Potts, Kimberly
Reid, Karen
Rietveld, Jane
Riley, Chris***
Meals on Wheels-Corp. Teams
Good, Redden & Klosler
Hogarth Insurance
Morgan Realty
Rick’s Carpet & Flooring (Nor.)
Royal Bank Tillsonburg
Royal LePage, Wood Realty
Shoppers Drug Mart Norwich
Steven’s Resource Group
*TD Canada Trust
Tillsonburg Community Cen.
Tillsonburg Retirement Centre
Meals on Wheels &
Transportation –
Tillsonburg, Norwich &
*Adam, Max
Anderson, Christine ***
Bachmeier, Bryan
Balder, Henry
Bartsch, Jacob
Birtwistle, John
*Bognar, Paul
Bulloch, Joan
Butyn, Jennifer
Clendenning, Jim
Coderre, Annette
Coggins, Eveline
Demeyere, Robert
DiGiovanni, Susan
*Russell, Carl
Scanlan, Donna
Scheffer, Friedericke
Shuga, Connie
Slater, Janet
Smith, Marian***
Southwick, Kim
*Spriet, Bonnie
Sweazy, Carm
Tesselaar, Rita
Carel Van De Munt
VandenBosch, Gerry
*VandenBrink, Marlene
Vanderzweerde, Margaret
Van Leeuwen, Lindsay***
Vannatter, Ben & Leana
Ward, Joanne & Neil
Watts, Sandy
Weibe, Jacob
Welch, Kathleen
Wharram, Don
White, Carolyn
Woodhouse, Wendy***
Yancy, Chris***
MSC Volunteers:
Fundraising & Other
Bowman, Tanya***
Conklin, Cheryl Ann***
Devolin, Jim
Devolin, Karen***
Devolin, Vanessa
Dicks, Denise***
Ferguson, Karen
Fletcher, Maria***
Foerster, Valerie
Folland, Jennifer
Folland, Samantha
Francis, Maurice
Gravelle, Phil***
Hamilton, Theresa***
Handsaeme, Diana***
Klassen, Tina***
McCrimmon, Margaret***
McLennan, Lorna
McLennan, Ray
Mallott, Abby***
Marshall, Marlene***
Metcalfe, Lynda
Newson, Angela***
Sage, Arlene***
Shepherd, Jane***
Staley, Peter
Taylor, Herta***
Vandenberghe, Maureen***
Van Leeuwen, Lindsay***
Woodhouse, Wendy***
Yancy, Chris***
Yateman, Doreen
MSC Operations
Geoffrey Reekie, E.D./CEO
*William Hett, E.D./CEO, ret.
Chris Riley, Bus. Mgr.
Denise Dicks, HR/ Dev. Mgr.
Karen Devolin, Exec. Asst.**
Maureen Vandenberghe, Com.
*Cheryl Ann Conklin, HR Ser.
Linda Demarest, Fin. Ser.
Kimberly Warren, Fin. Ser.
Jane Shepherd, Reception
Theresa Hamilton, Reception
*Theresa VanLaeken, Rec.
*Maggie Goodeve-Marple, Rec.
Maggie Melnychuk, Rec.
Marian Smith, Rec.
Adult Literacy & Essential
Wendy Woodhouse, Coord.
Herta Taylor, Caseworker/Inst.
Maureen Vandenberghe, C/I
Special Note:
* Transitions & Departures
(April – March)
** Social Committee Member
Volunteer Recognition 2015
Employment Services
Susan Rebry, Manager
Gina Bes, Resource Centre
Theresa VanLaeken, RC.
Christine Anderson, Intake/Ref.
*Alisha Peters, Consultant
Kim Ladell, Consultant
Lynne Hollister, Consultant
Emma Kellins, Consultant
Jenny Spanjers, Consultant
Phil Gravelle, Consultant
Susan DeRoo, Job Developer
Nigel Graham, Job Developer
Georgina Vincent, Int./YJC**
Jason Pankratz, YJC
Helena Rutledge, Itinerant Off.
Marg McCrimmon, SJS/Admin.
Kim Ladell
Lisa Neufeld
Home Support Services:
Diana Handsaeme, Manager
*Max Adam, Special Ser. Co.
Tanya Bowman, Supervisor
*Maria Fletcher, Supervisor
Michelle Hesch, Supervisor**
Tina Klassen, Supervisor
Lindsay Metcalfe, Special Ser.
Chris Yancy, Special Ser.**
Community Workers
Miranda Andrews
Taye Bentley
*Krista Bevan
*Ashley Boutin
Sandra Brown
Julia Cabral
Tracy Carpani
Kim Clunas
Linda Cowan
Sharon Davis
Dianne Desplenter
Patricia Falkins
Lucille Fenn
Karen Ferguson
Rene Fett
Health & Safety Committee
Christine Anderson
Chris Yancy
Denise Dicks
*Rene Fett
Maria Fletcher
Nigel Graham
Diana Handsaeme
Tina Klassen
Golf Tourney 2015
March 2016*
Golf Tourney
Velma Firby
Maria Fletcher
Mary Grubb
Anna Klassen
Tina Klassen
Julie Knelsen**
*Juliette Kunz
Jackie Lecuyer
Carolyn Lively
Mary Lou Long
Laurie May
Kailee Morrill
Bruce McLean
*Maggie Melynchuk
Lisa Neufeld
Tracy Orzechowski
*Verna Paget
Eva Peters
Elyse Petker
Ashley Phipps**
Lisa Ryde
Arlene Sage
Tanis Starchuck
*Selina Thompson
Suzanne Toth
*Samantha Vlcek
Kim Ward
Evelyn Wentzell
Amy Sue White
Volunteer Week BBQ 2015**
*MPP Ernie Hardeman (left) with MSC’s Theresa Hamilton as she receives an Ontario Volunteer Service Award
**MOWs volunteer team Kim and Nigel
Golf Tourney pic 1: Former MSC E.D. Bill Hett and Community Living E.D. Marty Graf
Golf Tourney pic 2: Marty calls the start of the event
LEGEND: C = cash K = Kind G = Grant
Adam, Danny & Marilyn [K]
Agrospray [K]
Anonymous [C, K]
Armstrong, John & Adele [C]
Armstrong, Virginia [C]
Ash, K01rystina & Nick [C]
Back in Motion – K. Lessif [C]
Bailey, Doug [C]
Bancroft, Martha [C]
Barker-James, Susan [K]
Barting, Cassandra [C]
Becht, Ron [C]
Bell, Fran [C, K]
Bennett, Brad [C]
Berenz, Michelle [C]
Black, Adele [C]
Black Top Records [K]
Bossy Nagy Group [C]
Bowman, Tanya [C]
Bridges Golf Course [K]
Brooks, Brittany [C]
Brown, Lucille [C]
Brown, Nadia [C]
Brown, Sandra [C]
Canadian Tire Tillsonburg [K]
Cardio Plus [K]
Chatten, Dawn & Hilda [C]
CIBC-Tillsonburg [K]
Clapdorp, Deb [C]
Clark, Scott [C]
Coghill, Emily [C]
Conklin, Cheryl Ann [C, K]
Country Sports & Variety [C]
County of Elgin [G]
County of Oxford [G]
Courtland & Dis. Lions [C]
Courtland Vinyl Windows [C]
Coyle’s Country Store [C, K]
Crompton Home Hard. [K]
Crosier Conditioning [C]
DaCunha, Lori [C]
Davis, Lorraine [C]
De Jonghe, Jake [C]
De Jonghe, Pauline [C]
DeGroote-Hill GMC [C]
Delen, Marie [C]
DeMaere, Agnes [C]
Demaiter, Urbain [C]
DeRoo, Pat [C]
Desplenter, Dianne [C]
Devolin, Hunter [K]
Devolin, Jim [C]
Devolin, Karen [C, K]
Devolin, Vanessa [K]
Dicks, Denise [C]
Dicks, Terry [C]
Dodsley, Connie [C]
Doerr, Robert [C]
Additional thanks to Trail Walk participants and local libraries for supplying tutoring space.
Donald, Tracey [K]
Duwyn, Ann [C]
Eichenberg Motors [K]
Electrical Components [C]
Fletcher, Maria [C]
Flooring Canada [C]
Foerster, Val & Gary [K]
Foster, Michelle [C]
Fuller, Arthur [C]
Future Transfer Co. [C]
Galic, Katie [C]
Galloway, Fred & Beverly [C]
Gibson, Bennett, Groom &
Szorenyi [C]
Good, Redden, Klosler [C]
Goodal, Evelyn [C]
Graf, Marty [C]
Graham, Tom & Heather [C]
Grant, Margaret [C]
Gysbers, Johanna [K]
Hairmasters [K]
Haley, Valerie [C]
Hamilton, Theresa [C]
Handsaeme, Diana [C]
Handsaeme, Kyle [C]
Haney, Don [C]
Hanson, Brent [C]
Hardemann, Ernie (MPP) [K]
Harnett, Heather & Dave [C]
Harries, Jeff & Moy [C]
Harris, Janet & Phillip [C]
Hawell, Angela & Marty [C]
Hemsley, Candace [C]
Hesch, Michelle [C]
Hett, William [C, K]
Hillis, Marilyn [C]
Hogarth Ins. Brokers [C]
Hollister, Lynne [C]
Holowachuk, Irene [C]
Honsberger, Carol [C]
Hoyland, Arthur [C]
Humm, Lynn [C]
Indigo Lounge [K]
Ingersoll Services for Sen. [C]
Inventory Mgt. Analysis [C]
Jaques, Cecil & Betty Ann [C]
JB Express Gas Bar [C]
Johnston, Sandra [C]
Kendrick, Bruce [C]
Klassen, Tina [K]
Knights of Columbus Tillsonburg [C]
Koopman, Hayley [C]
Kralj, Freida [C]
LaBelle, Ron [C]
Laplante, Richard & Josephine
Lofthouse, Char [C]
Loncke, Pat [C]
Lichach, Kevin [C]
Liquor Control Board of Ontario
Literacy Link South Cen. [K]
Lyng, Bob [C]
MacKenzie, Dave (MP) [K]
Mahony, Dan [C]
Malott, Matt [C]
Marquez, Jenny [C]
Mauersberger, Heinz [C]
McAllister, Scott & Ashley [C]
McCrimmon, Margaret [C, K]
McLennan, Lorna [K]
McMurchy, Jim & Roberta [C]
Metcalfe, Brian [C]
Mitchell, Scott [C]
Mitchell, Meghan [C]
Morgan Realty [C]
Morling, John [C]
Moule, David [C]
Mount Elgin Golf Club [C]
Mount Elgin Women’s Institute
Murphy, Barbara [ C]
Neufeld, Lisa [C]
Newson, Angela [C]
Newson, Mark [C]
Norfolk Steel Fabricators [C]
Old Theatre Flowers [K]
Ostrander Vet. Clinic [C]
Ostrander’s Funer. Home [C]
Ostroski, Rose [K]
Palmer, David [C]
Palmer, John D [C]
Panschow, Cephas [C]
Patenaude, Dr. Edmond [C]
Parker, Rachel [C]
Petker, Nicky-Jo & Marty [C]
Pickard, Ryan [C]
Pierce, Kim [C]
Pittao, Terry [C]
Pocs, Carolyn [K]
Pratt, Bill & Marion [C, K]
Premier Equipment Ltd. [C]
Riley, Chris [C]
Rochus, Michael [C]
Royal Bank Tillsonburg [C]
Royal Can. Legion, Branch
153, Poppy Trust [C]
Rushing, Janet [C]
Rushinko, Robert [C]
Ryan, Jim & Dianne [C]
Ryde, Lisa & Richard [C]
Sage, Arlene [K]
Sanders, George [C]
Scanlan, Donna [C]
Scholtz, Matt [C]
Scotiabank [C]
Shackleton, Mike [C]
Shepherd, Jane [K]
Sinden Paint & Wallpaper [C]
Slater, Janet [C]
Smith, Marian [K]
Sobrevilla, Lenie [C]
St. Mary’s Catholic Women’s
League [C]
Stark, Nickie [C]
Stephenson, Brian [C]
Stevenson & Hunt Ins. [K]
Stonebridge Comm. Ser. [K]
TD Canada Trust [K]
Temple, Stephanie [C]
The Arn Lockie Funeral Home
Tillsonburg Garden Gate [C]
Tillsonburg Lions Club [C]
Tillsonburg Ret. Cen. [C]
Tillsonburg Town Centre [K]
Tomico, Trish [C]
Town of Tillsonburg [G, K]
Townsend, Jane [C]
Township of Norwich [G]
Township of South West
Oxford [G]
Tranquility Health & Beauty
Centre [C]
Tucker, Ross & Andrew [C]
Tyneil, Zander [C]
Unifor Local 88 [C]
Unifor Local 1859 [C]
Vandenberghe, Jean [K]
Vandenberghe, Maureen [C]
VanLeeuwen, Lindsay [C]
VanMaele Leitch-Gair Ins. [C]
Vermont, Ruth [K]
Vincent, Georgina [C]
Virag, Bonnie [K]
Voth, Tricia [C]
Vuylsteke, Merissa [K]
Walmart [K]
Warren, Nancy [C]
Watts, Sandy [C]
Wentzell, Evelyn & Robert [K]
Weston, Joan [C]
Wharram, Don [C]
Whiteside, Dorothy [C]
Whittington, Sheila [K]
Winkworth, Jayde [K]
Woodhouse, Wendy [C]
Yancy, Chris [K]
Annual Meeting, Volunteer
Recognition & Silent Auction
June 2015
Social Committee, December 2015
MSC Contact Information
96 Tillson Avenue
In The Livingston Centre
Tillsonburg ON N4G 3A1
 Phone
 Fax
 Website
Service Locations Include:
 Tillsonburg Town Centre: 200 Broadway, 2nd Floor
 Community Employment Services, Woodstock: 40 Metcalfe
 Norfolk Community Help Centre, Langton: 707 Norfolk Cty. Rd. 28
“ Someone you know may need us”