charisletter-nov2012.. - San Antonio


charisletter-nov2012.. - San Antonio
Volume 13 - Issue 9
Archdiocese Catholic Center for
Charisma c Renewal
1707 South Flores Street
San Antonio, TX
Phone (210) 226-7545
Fax: (210) 212-9330
... woe to me if I do
not preach the Gospel! 1Corinthians
PERMIT No. 1310
November 2012
Y hay de mí si no
predicara el Evangelio! 1Corintios,
CCCR Fall Teaching Series:
This is the Time of Fulfillment
(The last of a 3 part Series)
Saturday, November 17, 2012
10:00 am - 12:30 pm
CCCR Serie de Enseñanza de
Otoño: Este es el Tiempo de Entrega
Sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012
Sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2012
10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal
Centro Católico de la Renovación Carismática
1707 S. Flores St., SATX 78204
1707 S. Flores St. SATX 78204
Session is open to anyone seeking to grow in Por favor saquen la palabra. Estas sesiones están
their faith. Everyone is invited! A love offer- abiertas a cualquier persona que buscan crecer en su
fe. Todos están invitados. Se tomara un amor que se
ing to support the Center will be taken.
ofrece apoyar el centro.
“Washing of the Hands”
“Blessing of the Renewal”
Misa Anual Para
“Lavada de las Manos”
“Bendición de la Renovación”
Sábado, 1 de diciembre, a las 10:00 am
Saturday, December 1, 2012
2 CCCR CLOSED - National Leaders’ Conference, Hilton Airport Hotel
3-4 National Leaders’ Conference, Hilton Airport Hotel
5 CCCR CLOSED - Day after Conference
10 Enseñanza de Otoño, CCCR, 10a-12:30pm
13 Anointing of the Sick Mass with Bishop Tom Flanagan, CCCR, 10:30am
17 Fall Teaching Series (English & Spanish), CCCR, 10a-12:30pm
1 Washing of the Hands/Christmas Social, St Henry’s, CCCR, 10am
11 Anointing of the Sick Mass with Bishop Tom Flanagan, CCCR, 10:30am
Catholic Radio
San Antonio
89.7 FM KJMA (English)
1380 AM KWMF (Spanish)
3308 Broadway, Suite 400
San Antonio, TX 78209, 210
10:00 am Mass with Bishop Tom Flanagan
St. Henry’s Church, 1619 S. Flores, SATX 78204
CCCR-Youth Office:
(210) 226-7070
Chariscenter USA:
For General Catholic Information:
Archdiocese of San Antonio
(210) 734-2620
Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal
1707 S. Flores, SATX 78204
1707 S. Flores, SATX 78204
Informes: 226-7545
For information: 210-226-7545
From the Staff
From Service Committee
Prayer Groups/Masses
Bishop Flanagan’s Appeal Letter
Centro Católico de la Renovación Carismática
(café y pasteles serán servidos)
(coffee & pastries will be served)
Celebrante: Most Rev. Thomas J. Flanagan D.D.
Navidad Social seguira en el:
Christmas Social to follow at:
Helpful Numbers:
Iglesia de St. Henry’s (contiguo al CCCR)
Actividades en Español
Kid’s Article
Anointing of Sick Mass/Prayer Group
Calendar of Events
Page 7
Page 2
St. Thomas More
Charismatic Prayer Group
Most Rev. Thomas J. Flanagan
Liaison for CCCR
Father Bob Hogan, BBD
Associate Liaison
4411 Moana, SATX 78218
(near I-35 and Eisenhauer)
Rosbel Hernandez
All are invited every Thursday to meet in Church!
We invite you to experience November blessings
By the time you get this Charisletter we will have just finished hosting the National Leaders
and Ministries Conference for Catholic Charismatic Renewal. I want to thank all the people
who volunteered their time, prayers and energy in serving the many needs we had in hosting this conference. I am thankful to:
“Give thanks to God in everything for this is the Will of
God for you who are in Christ not quench
the Holy Spirit or spurn the gifts…”
(1 Thessalonians 5:18:20)
-Carmen Frankel (Conference Administrator), Edward Flores (Facilities Manager);
-The heads for various teams (Bev Neubert, Virginia Corolla, Delfina Sepulveda,
Domingo Flores, Karen Adams, Mario Ortiz, Jim Coronado, Angel Madrid, the Brothers
of the Beloved Disciple, Ruth Siller, Amalia Hensely, Benito Morales);
-Helpers on prayer teams and intercessory ministry;
-Norma Alaniz and the Bookstore team;
-Ros Hernandez (Spanish Track);
-Delfie Garcia, Fr. Will Combs, BBD and team (Young Adult Track).
I am very thankful to all of you and many others who helped us! May the Lord enable us to
see and follow his vision for Charismatic Renewal in the Archdiocese of San Antonio. May
we be inspired and united in moving ahead with the Lord. Let us enter fully into this time
of grace!
We have two events this month that I hope you can attend:
November 17, 2012 (10 am to 12:30 pm at CCCR): The third presentation of our Fall
Teaching Series will be on the theme, “This is the Time of Fulfillment: Believe.” Fr. Ed
Hauf, OMI and Carmen Frankel will help us to enter into the Year of Faith (proclaimed by
Pope Benedict) and grow in “Spirit-filled faith.” This is the beginning of our preparations
for our Regional Conference on March 1-2, 2013 on the theme, “Faith on Fire.” Please encourage your prayer group members to attend and invite a friend.
December 1, 2012 (10 am): Our Yearly bilingual Washing of the Hands Mass with Bishop
Tom Flanagan (St. Henry Church) with a social afterwards (CCCR). At this Mass we have
the opportunity to renew as a community our commitment to be servants of God’s work in
Catholic Charismatic Renewal for the good of the Church. Please encourage all your prayer
group members to attend.
At these two events we will be passing out information (posters and registration forms)
about our Regional Conference on March 1-2, 2013. You will also be able to register online for the conference on our web page, I (Fr. Bob) hope to see you at
these events.
Nov. 1,
All Saints Day (No Meeting)
Nov. 8, 7pm
Encourager: Arnold Lopez
Nov. 15,
Nov. 16, Fri.
Joint Fellowship with the Spanish
Prayer Group
Nov. 22,
(No Prayer Meeting)
Presenter: Fr. Ed Hauf, OMI
Father will shed light on the Church’s
“YEAR OF FAITH” and what this
means to us.
Please bring your bible and an open heart. All are
invited to join in lively praise & worship followed
by an insightful sharing from God’s Word.
Praise & Worship by: Jubilee Praise
For information: Arnold Lopez, 210-653-4383
Lolly Bancker, 210-655-7724
Mass & Anointing of the Sick
Bishop Tom Flanagan
CCCR Chapel
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
10:00 am - Praise & Worship
10:30 am - Mass & Anointing of the Sick
(Blessing of religious articles)
Last week before the cold front blew in,
the weather changed to a brisk wind.
My mother-in-law was helping my 5
year old daughter, Julia, out of the
truck. My mother in law said, “My
goodness, it is so windy.” Julia responded with, “It’s God. He’s in the
wind and in the air. He is everywhere.” She caught my
mother in law off guard. She was so moved that Julia
would automatically go into a God Moment.
I was helping my 8 year old son,
Abram, with his history. He was reading about Jacob and Esau. It was describing how Abraham sent his servant
to find a suitable woman for his only
son, Issac. I knew that I would need to
elaborate on the word, “suitable”. I
asked him, “Do you know what suitable means”? He slowly asked, “A woman in a suit”? I
laughed because I KNEW he didn’t know the answer, but
I hadn’t thought of the possibilities coming from an 8
year old. But yes, that would make perfect sense. Gotta
love these kids! Both sent by: Erica, San Antonio, TX
Send stories to Erica Rodriguez:
The CCCR Office and Bookstore will be closed on the following days in November:
Thursday, November 1
Friday, November 2
Monday, November 5
Thursday, November 22
Friday, November 23
All Saints Day
National Conference
Day After Conference
Thanksgiving Day
Day After Thanksgiving
We hope everyone has a very blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!
Page 6
Page 3
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Sanación del Árbol Familiar
Equipo: Árbol de La Vida
Grupo de Oración
14 de Noviembre, 2012, 7pm a 9m
(Por siete semanas)
En la Capilla del Centro Católico de
Renovación Carismática
1707 S. Flores St. San Antonio, TX 78204
Concluye con Misa, ofrenda para la Sanación
del Árbol Familiar (Genealógico)
Para información: Eleanor Huron, 432-1509
We thank God for blessing us and all the people who
come to the Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal. We
want to let you know what goes on here during the work
days and how you and people who come to minister, truly
help us and you.
We remind you that on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
special teams come serve and tend to the ministry. They
are dedicated teams who work together to give of their
time, talent and prayer.
Tuesdays at 10:00 am, there is prayer, worship and mass.
On 2nd Tuesday of the month, Bishop Tom Flanagan
does the mass and anointing of the sick. Before mass
the group sings, prays and shares.
Thursdays, 9:30 to 11:30, there is praise, worship and
teachings. Teams are available for prayer for the sick.
Fridays, there is a Healing Mass at 12:00 noon in the
CCCR Chapel. There is always time for sharing, praising
and healing.
If you have never visited the CCCR, come sometime to
the services. It is never too crowded and you can also
visit the bookstore, especially as we get close to the
Christmas vacation.
Actividades en Español
Todos los Domingos: 1:00 pm
Misa en Español, St. Thomas More,
4411 Moana Dr., SATX 78218
Cada Lunes: 7- 9 p.m.
“Misioneros de Cristo”, San José Misión Prayer
Group, Info: Viola Talamantes, 210-922-0274
Cada Martes: 7- 9 p.m.
Grupo de Oración, “Jesús, Divina Misericordia”,
Capilla del CCCR
Cada Miércoles: 7- 9 p.m.
Grupo “Tree of Life”, Capilla del CCCR
Cada Miércoles: 7- 9 p.m.
Holy Family (Spanish) Prayer Group,
152 Florencia, SATX
Cada Miercoles: 7- 9 p.m.
Grupo de Oración, Discípulos de Jesucristo, San
Buena Ventura, 1918 Palo Alto Rd., SATX
Cada Jueves, Grupo de Oración
7-9 pm, Santa María Magdalena, 1710 Clower St.,
Todos los Viernes: 7:00 pm
“Familias Unidas en la Palabra Viva”, Grupo de Oración de St. Thomas More, 4411 Moana Dr. SATX
78218 (en la Iglesia)
Cada Viernes: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
“Grupo Hora Milagrosa”, Capilla de CCCR
10am - 11:15 am, Hora Milagrosa
11:15 - 11:45 am, Rosario
11:45 - 12:00 pm, Alabanza y Adoración
12:00 pm, Misa
Para información: Jesús y Laura Montoya, 333-5913
Misa de Sanación (Bilingüe)
Primer Miércoles de cada mes, 7pm a 9pm
Again, we thank you for your support of this great movement of the Holy Spirit. May he continue to bless you and
use you in your ministry and beyond.
Sincerely in the Lord,
Rosbel (Ros) Hernandez, CCCR
Centro Católico de Renovación Carismática
1707 S. Flores St., San Antonio, TX 78204
Bendición de sal, agua y artículos religiosos
Para información: Eleanor Huron, 432-1509
The 2013 “Faith on Fire” South Central Texas Regional Conference scheduled for Friday – Saturday,
March 1 – 2, 2013 at St. Mary Magdalen Church is fast approaching and our goal this year is to have a
“full house” so do not hesitate to begin inviting your friends and family to this awesome event. The Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal (CCCR) has confirmed the following line up of Speakers:
Fr. Cedric Pisegna, C.P.: Fr. Cedric is a Passionist religious and Catholic priest. He
currently resides at Holy Name Retreat Center in Houston, TX. Fr. Cedric is the author of 16 books: Live Passionately!, Glorious Holy Spirit, Thy Kingdom Come!, You
Can Change, Death: The Final Surrender, Come Encounter Jesus, Golf and God, Eucharist: A Living Sacrifice, God's Not Boring!, A Retreat with Fr. Cedric, He Touched
Me, You Can Be Happy, Kept in Christ, Seasons of Life, The Sacred Walk and
Choose Life and Live!, including numerous C.D.'s and D.V.D.'s about Christian Living.
Father Cedric also produces Live with Passion!, a television program (since 2006)
which airs nationally and internationally on the Church Channel.
Fr. Ed Hauf, O.M.I.: Fr. Ed Hauf is a well known Catholic Charismatic speaker on
Healing and Living the Spirit Filled Life. He currently serves as Parochial Vicar of
St. Mary’s Catholic Church in downtown San Antonio, Texas. Fr. Ed Hauf has hosted several national TV and radio programs such as “Herald of Jesus Ministries”,
“Lift Up Your Hearts,” a weekly TV program carried by EWTN and CTNA; “Praise the
Lord,” a live two-hour anchor program for Trinity Broadcasting in New York;
“Walking in the Spirit,” “Happily Ever After,” and “Let Us Rejoice,” radio programs
carried on stations in New York and Florida. Fr. Ed Hauf has recently appeared on
“Catholicism Live” a TV Program on CTSA and is a semi-regular guest on “Made For
Each Other,” the radio program of The Alexander House on Guadalupe Radio in
San Antonio.
Fr. Bob Hogan, BBD: Fr. Bob Hogan is a member of the Brothers of the Beloved
Disciple Order. He is the chairperson of the National Service Committee of the
Catholic Charismatic Renewal. He is Associate Liaison for the Renewal in San Antonio, coordinating teaching and ministry for the Catholic Center for Charismatic
Renewal. This line-up of speakers is impressive and the talks will be explosive, so
please don’t allow yourself or members of your family or community to miss out on
the life-giving messages that will be delivered through them by the Power of the
Holy Spirit!
In preparation for the “break through” that will be experienced by all who attend this conference, a joint
meeting is being scheduled for members of the CCCR Intercessory Ministry and Prayer Ministers of the
Healing Ministry who volunteered at the 2012 South Central Texas Regional Conference and those that
will be volunteering for the 2012 National Leaders Conference. This joint prepatory ministry meeting for
the 2013 Regional Conference is scheduled on Saturday December 15, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. at the Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal in the Upper Room. We will begin our meeting with Praise and Worship, we will review the mandatory guidelines for Archdiocesan Charismatic Healing Teams and Prayer
Ministry as well as organize individuals into teams and review all of the pertinent information that will be
necessary to ensure that the Body of Christ will experience in a very personal way the healing and loving
hand of God.
Thank you and God Bless You, Mary Esther Lopez, Chair of English Service Committee
Page 4
† Healing Masses
Page 5
CCCR Prayer
2nd Mon: St. Bonaventure, 1918 Palo Alto, 7pm
Last Mon: St James , 907 W Theo, 5:30pm
Tues: CCCR Chapel, 1707 S. Flores, 9:30-Praise &
Worship, 10:30am-Mass (salt, water, oil & religious articles
Mondays: 7:00 pm (Bilingual)
“Flame of Love”, Martin Family Music
Ministry, Info: Isabel Martin, 749-6335
Mondays: 6:30 pm (Español), “St. Henry’s” Church,
1st Tues: St. Vincent De Paul’s Church, 4422 W Loop 410, Prayer Group, Info: Maria Flores, 224-1300
7pm, 674-1200
Tuesdays: Mass at 10:30 am (Praise & Worship starts
at 10:00 am), CCCR Chapel “Upper Room” Prayer
Group, Info: Helen Pickard, 264-5364
2nd Tues: Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, 724 N Goodrich,
1st Tues: St. Jude, 130 S. San Augustin, 7pm
Seguin, TX 7pm
1st Wed: CCCR Chapel, 1707 S. Flores, 7pm
Tuesdays: 7:00-9:00 pm, CCCR Chapel, “Jesús, Divina
Misericordia”, Info: Juan Fernandez, 296-4611
3rd Wed: St. Lawrence, 236 E. Petaluma, 7pm
My Dear Friends,
Wednesday/Miercoles: 7:00 pm (Bilingue)
Capilla/Chapel del CCCR, “Tree of Life” Prayer Group
*Every First Wed: Healing Mass at 7:00 pm
3rd Wed: St. Mark’s Day Chapel, 1602 Thousand Oaks CCCR Chapel, Info: Eleanor Huron, 432-1509
My thanks to you, for your generosity of time, talents, and your financial support to the Catholic
Center for Charismatic Renewal. Your support gives life to our Center and all its ministries. May
you continue to help us during the New Year.
Thursday/Jueves: 9:30 am, Capilla del CCCR, “Sala
1st Thurs: CCCR Chapel, 1707 S. Flores, 10am, (Salt, water, Alta” Prayer Group, Info: Rosie Chavaria, 923-2502
I ask you now to give the Center a love offering and to use the envelope enclosed to mail your
support to me or to drop it off at the CCCR office. Your kindness and your goodness will be appreciated.
3rd Wed: Holy Family, 152 Florencia, 7pm
Drive, 7pm-Praise Music, 7:30pm-”Family Tree” Mass,
8:30pm-Sacrament of the Sick
oil & religious articles blessed)
1st Thurs: Holy Family, 245 S. Hidalgo, New Braunfels, Tx,
7pm, Healing Mass
Friday: Healing Mass at 12:00 Noon, CCCR Chapel
Info: Laura Montoya, 333-5913
Friday: 7:00-9:00 pm, CCCR Chapel, “Mountains of
Praise” Prayer Group, Info: Rudy & Delfie Garcia,
Fri: CCCR Chapel, 1707 S. Flores, 12pm, (Salt, water, oil & 226-7070
Last Thurs: St Mary Magdalen, 1710 Clower, 7pm
religious articles blessed)
1st Fri: St. Agnes, 814 Ruiz, 7pm, (Exposition 8am-6:50pm)
1st Fri: St. Alfonso, 6004 Chihuahua, (Spanish), Adoration
6pm, Mass 7pm, Tel no. 433-9365
1st Fri: St. Dominic's, 5915 Ingram Rd, 7pm
Mondays: 7 pm, “NEW” Charismatic Prayer Group, St. Mary’s
Church (basement), 202 N. St. Mary’s St., SATX 78205
Info: Fr. Edward Hauf, OMI, 226-8381
Tuesdays: 7-9 pm, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, 724 N.
Goodrich, Seguin, TX
4th Fri: St. Mary’s Parish, Healing Service, 202 N. St. Mary’s
St., 7pm
Sunday Evenings: 7-9 pm, St. Vincent de Paul, Parish Hall, 4222
Southwest Loop 410, SA, TX (between Highway 90 & Valley Hi Dr.),
Info: Ros Hernandez, 673-4495
Last Sat: St. Philip Benizi, 274 Ave. H, Poteet, Tx 78065
Mass at 5pm; Healing Service, 6pm
Other Prayer Groups:
Mondays: 7-9 pm, “Misioneros de Cristo”, San Jose
Mission Prayer Group, Info: Viola Talamantes, 922-0274
You will be remembered in my prayers and Masses each day for your special needs. Let us continue to take great pride in our Center. It is a place of hope, comfort, joy, healing and a House of
Other Prayer Groups:
1st Fri: Little Flower Parish, Healing Mass,
1715 N. Zarzamora, 5:30pm
1st Sat: St. Agnes, 814 Ruiz, Devotion to Our Lady at 9am;
The Five Mysteries of the Rosary & Mass at 10am
May Jesus, our Savior, bless us with abundance; may we share our blessings with the poor, and
the needy. May we rejoice with the angels in a song of peace and joy.
2nd & 4th Fridays: 7:15-9 pm, Spirit of the Lord Prayer Group, Pastoral Center; Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 16075 N. Evans Rd., Selma, TX 78154, Info: Karen Adams, 512-757-7333
Have a blessed New Year and may your hearts and home be filled with peace, love, and joy.
“God’s love is everlasting and unconditional. A blessing is no blessing until it is shared.” Fill your
people with caring love. Share your love with one another.
Merry Christmas….Yours in the Lord,
Bishop Thomas J. Flanagan, D.D.
Liaison for Charismatic Renewal
Archdiocese of San Antonio
Todos los Domingos: 1:00 pm Misa en Español, St. Thomas More,
4411 Moana Dr., SATX 78218
Todos los Viernes: 7pm, “Familias Unidas en la Palabra Viva”, Grupo de Oración de St. Thomas More, 4411 Moana Dr. SATX 78218
(en la Iglesia)
“The Holy Family accepted the gifts of the Magi in love.
The Holy Family accepted the gifts of the poor and humble shepherds.
And they accept our gifts. May we share our gifts with others.
May we share our blessings with others.”

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