February 2012 Newsletter - Rogers Christian Church
February 2012 Newsletter - Rogers Christian Church
ROGERS CHRISTIAN CHURCH ROGERS, ARKANSAS “Loving God...Loving Others…” o i nt P n o i t c e n n T he C o February 2012 Attention Junior High and High School Students!!! Heritage Park Nursing Center Wants Your Help! Come Join The Residents For A Night of Dancing and Fun!!! Formal Attire Is Appreciated! Tuesday, February 14th Meet at RCC at 6:00pm We will return by 7:30pm The Freedom of Forgiveness Loved ones, the following article is one that I received from Harvest Prayer Ministries. I hope it ministers to you. In your own prayer time with our Lord, I encourage you to include the prayer and prayer points. “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” (Matthew 6:12). “Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear” (Isaiah 59:1-2). “An acquaintance of mine had a disagreement with his daughter that led him to break off all contact with her. This man’s wife reminded him that he couldn’t expect God to forgive his sins if wouldn’t forgive his daughter. He said he never realized that. So he asked God for the opportunity to make contact with his daughter, who lived on her own, so he could try to straighten things out between them. Shortly thereafter, he was driving and saw a young woman whose car had broken down. He stopped to help her only to find out it was his own daughter. This “chance” meeting gave him the opportunity to forgive her and to renew their relationship. –Adapted from Giving Ourselves to Prayer: An Acts 6:4 Primer for Ministry (Chapter 10, The Lord’s Prayer by Thomas L. Constable). “Giver of Life, there are times when forgiveness is so difficult because I have been so wronged by another. Yet, I am always aware of the ultimate act of grace-filled forgiveness as You prayed for those responsible for Your painful death…including me. Because You love me, You have forgiven my sins and set me on a path towards a holy life. Please keep my heart soft and filled with a deep desire to pardon those who damage me with their actions or words. Every time I choose to love others through forgiveness, draw their hearts closer to Your kingdom!” Prayer Points: Praise the righteous God whose face shines upon you (Psalm 4). Thank him for setting apart the godly for himself. Confess any unresolved anger that causes you to sin. Commit yourself to bringing to God gifts worthy of his name. Ask the Lord to surround you with his favor and spread his protection over you so that you may rejoice in him. Pray that the Spirit may thrust believers into worldwide mission, impelling young and old, men and women, to go next door and far away, into science and art, media and marketplace with the good news of God’s grace. “Prayer is the most vital force in world evangelism.” —Anonymous See you Sunday, Jack We are offering incredible opportunities for our guests and members to plug into an Adult Bible Class. Read the description, time and invitation of each class to decide which one is right for you! ADULT BIBLE LASSES! Adult Bible Classes FOUNDATIONS When: 9:45am Meets every Sunday Where: Room 114 . Who: All interested When: 9:45am January 8th Teacher: Bob Brown Where: Room 113 In this class, we will focus on book studies and welcome all ages of adults. Each week, we will take a portion of Scripture from a designated book and discuss how it impacted people then, and how it impacts us now. Who: All interested 12 Doctrines of Christian Faith When: 9:45am January 8th Where: Room 115 Who: All interested Radical Together Teacher: Paul David Writing to everyone who desires to make an impact for God’s glory. Whether you are an involved member, leader, or a pastor, Dr. Platt shares six foundational ideas that fuel radical obedience among Christians in the church. With compelling Bible teaching and inspiring stories from around the world, he will help you apply the revolutionary claims and commands of Christ to your community of faith in fresh, practical ways. Teacher: John Meyer This second class, focuses on many of the questions that go “unanswered” for the new Christian concerning basic biblical doctrine truth. Genesis—Part 1 “Risky Creation” Journey Through the Gospels When: 11:10am Meets every Sunday Where: Room 113 Who: All interested When: 11:10am January 8th Teacher: Zach Davis Where: Room 113 Who: All interested Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Four gospels written to different audiences with slightly different angles on the life of Christ. In this class, we will look at how the gospels harmonize with one another. We will also spend significant time looking at the original meanings of key Greek phrases as well as the historical context of some of Jesus' most well known moments.This is quite a Journey, and you are invited to join! Facilitator: Rick Pierson This is a DVD series focused on chapters 1-9 of Genesis. Bob Russell, the author of the curriculum, blends down to earth humor with Biblical scholarship to make difficult passages easy to understand. He speaks to the new Christian as well as the seasoned believer. 2501 West Oak Street RCC SERVICE UPDATES! Rogers, AR 72758 For up to date information on Sunday services, including weather cancellations, sign up by texting: RCCSERVICEALERT to the number 41411. Phone: 479-636-9067 Email: office@rogerschristianchurch.org Web: www. rogerschristianchurch.org Also, please check these local TV and radio stations for a list of closings and cancellations: Ladies Fellowship! Soup & Chili CookCook-Off! February 6th at 6pm th Saturday, February 18 KURM 790 KFSM TV 5 KLRC 101.1 KFAY 98.3 KNWA TV The library has several Bibles located on the bottom shelf by the card catalog in the non-fiction room. These are Bibles that have been donated or left at the church, and are available, free, to anyone. Come and enjoy soup & chili and vote for your favorites! The teachers from Westside Elementary have been invited to join us and we’ll be presenting them with school supplies. Help us Organize the Bridge Storage Room! KHOG 40/29 Elders Tuesday Nights! Prayer Meeting! 6:30 Bob Brown Paul David Leland Judd Bob King 8:00AM until completed Kent Langum Signup in foyer–All ministry team members are encouraged to be participate! John Meyer Jim Mote George Panter Ministry Staff Senior Minister Dates To Remember Jack Galbraith 2/3-4—Junior High Believe jack@rogerschristianchurch.org 2/5—Wow Kids Leader meeting 2pm 2/5—HOAMYH 5-6:30pm Youth Minister January 2011 zach@rogerschristianchurch.org 2/6—Women’s Fellowship 6pm Attendance 2/10-11—High School Lock-In 7pm-7am 1/1— 237 $8,183.00 2/12—Board Meeting 3pm 1/8— 287 $7,212.82 allen@rogerschristianchurch.org 2/14—Heritage Park Dance 6pm 1/15—274 $7,695.10 Children’s Director 1/15—High School Battle of the Sexes 1/22—307 $8,340.00 Isaac King 2/18— Organizing Fellowship 8am 1/29—272 $5,647.15 2/22—Jr. High Battle of the Sexes Avg- 275 Avg- $7,416.00 2/24—SuperStart! General Fund Zach Davis Weekly Budget: $8,340 Worship Minister Allen Williams isaac@rogerschristianchurch.org Secretary Sue Senty office@rogerschristianchurch.org
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January 2012 Newsletter - Rogers Christian Church
Teacher: Paul David
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