A letter from Faytene


A letter from Faytene
A letter from Faytene...
As I sat down to prepare this newsletter I felt compelled to share a few words
from my heart & view about why we do what we do in Canada. (These types
of Kingdom tid-bits may become a regular part of newsletters.) It was in early
2000, when I was on the mission field in Liberia that the Lord first began to intensely speak to me about laying down my life in the upcoming season to contend for Canada. To give you a brief background, at this point in my missions
experience I had become well known to the local Liberians as a person of resource. Often in the morning I would wake up to a line up of people outside my
door who were desperate for help. Some were mothers with children, starving &
needed food desperately. Others were trying to find money to pay for their children’s school uniforms. Others were desperate for work & hoping I might have
something for them to do for hire. The list went on. As a 26yr old, every day I
was faced with poverty, disease & social tragedy. At the same time, every day I
saw God show up in healing power by drawing people to Himself (often meaning
salvation) & by enabling me to help them practically. It was a sweet season. I fell
so much more in love with Jesus as I saw His compassion in action rescuing
these ones in such tangible ways.
One night I was praying for Canada (there was a growing concern in my spirit for
Canada) & began meditating on Psalm 72. Ps. 72 speaks of an awesome King
of justice & mercy who has compassion on the poor & needy. He is kind & gentle, yet so clearly full of authority & dominion. This psalm speaks of the nature of
God & the Messiah (Jesus) who was to come. I then came to the part where it
says that the kings of the earth will come & bow & lay gifts before Him. In that
moment the obvious hit me: the reason I had a line up of needy people outside
my door every morning was because the nation was in ruins. The reason the
nation was in ruins was because people in power (or those with guns) were blood
thirsty, authority hungry & corrupt. AKA: The reason the nation was in ruins
was because the “kings” of this nation refused to bow their hearts in submission
to Christ & His ways - His ways have regard for the poor as Ps. 72 was illustrating. God began to whisper into my heart and it went something like this, “You
could spend your whole life picking up orphans one at a time & it would be noble,
very Christlike & very fulfilling, OR, you could touch the heart of a king (a person
with national influence) & in an instant you could liberate a multitude. Reason:
when the heart of those in authority is bent towards God & His ways they will do
what He would do. They will rule in a way that will have greater wisdom & regard
for the poor & the needy. Why have we stayed “at it” in Ottawa & across
Canada? We don’t do anything in Ottawa because we are into politics (trust
me). We’re concerned with walking in the heart of God & His heart burns
with compassion for those that are negatively or positively impacted by the
decisions of our leaders. This is about His heart. Whether we like it or not, how
our leaders govern affects masses of unborn, children, women, refugees, elderly
& the like who so often need an advocate. I am convinced that when we fight for
them, we fight for Him because it touches His heart. It is true that there are many
ways to reach out & touch God’s heart (because He has such a huge one!). We
can pick people up one at a time or we can contend for national shifts that impact
masses. I think we need to do both. We need to touch the one in the “social
gutter” & we need to touch the one in the high place of influence. The truth is
each of us is poor without God. Thank you for standing with us as week seek to
touch people one at a time through preaching. Thank you also for standing with
us as we touch the nation shapers of our time -- in doing so, together, we will
shape Canada into the dream of His heart. - Until He Comes, Faytene
CAMP (Training)
APRIL 30-MAY 1st
Get equipped on how
to produce cutting edge,
high quality, media through the MY Canada XP Media Bootcamp. We
are hosting this 2 days intensive with instructor John Nixon who has 20
years experience in production, directing, editing, lighting, camera work &
industry standards. After taking the course Faytene had this to say, “This
school absolutely blew my mind. I had 2 years training in FPA/film from
SFU & have been working in media for years. I felt like I learned more in
this 2 day course than all my other training & experience combined.
Anyone who is utilizing media, at all, to get their message out would be
nuts to miss this.”
JULY 22-24th
TORONTO - With Patricia
King, Stacey Campbell,
Matt Sorger, Faytene
Kryskow & others.
Last December at the Siege
Toronto conference we
experienced a 12 hour visitation of the spirit of God which left everyone
who attended filled, forever changed & strengthened to impact Canada.
This summer we are gathering again to receive from what key prophetic
voices are hearing for Canada, receive instruction & impartation in the
spirit of awakening that is moving across North America (as we speak).
At the Canada Awakening National Conference we will also be featuring
films created by those who attended the XP Media Boot camp & highlighting key issues for Canada in 2010. We hope to see you & your
churches there! Please let us know if you would be willing to put a
poster up in your church. Contact: admin@faytene.ca.
ISSUE “WATCH” FROM OTTAWA: Human Trafficking - Joy Smith’s
Human Trafficking bill is moving in the Senate. Thanks to the response
of many of you on our e-mail list, we were able to help Senator Don
Plett collect over 8,300 signatures to present to the Senate asking them
to pass the bill. Way to go! We are praying for the bill to be passed
promptly & that it will be the first of many. Euthanasia - Francine Lalonde’s euthanasia bill went to 2nd reading & first hour of debate on
Mar. 16th. We will keep you posted in the weeks to come on our e-list
re: what is happening. Life - We can’t spill the beans yet, but, there is
an exciting bill that is likely to be tabled shortly to combat the abortion
culture in Canada. Stay tuned on the e-mail list & keep praying! Visit
www.4mycanada.ca for what you can do to help/hinder these bills.
Thank you
FOR YOUR GIVING - Along with supporting our
team & work directly we wanted to let you know that
your giving has gone much further! Over the last 2-3
months, these are the things we have been able to
partner with through out tithes & offerings. As you
have sown into us, you have sown into these things
as well. Thank you for enabling us to do so much.
Above: Pictures from the last weeks - Parliamentary influence, traveling with the Journey
of Freedom, media work, team shots & Faytene
preaching her heart out in BC, AB, ON & USA!
Our “Imagine With Us” coalition event
scheduled for Feb. 22nd & 25th was quite
the experience! The vision of the event was
Nancy Green
to bring moderate, pro-Israel, voices to the
Laureen Harper (First Lady)
campus the week prior to the Israeli Apartheid week (which has come to be known as an anti-Semitic
movement in Canada). York imposed extraordinary security demands on the event which included a $2,000 security bill. In light
of potential tensions, security was understandable - IF they were
asking the same thing from pro-palestinian groups. However, they
were not. After council with national leaders & out of principle the
Imagine coalition decided not to concede with the university’s
demands. Because of this the event room was canceled. I am
so proud of our team who showed great initiative & creativity in
spite of this! We worked diligently, under the last minute constraints, to set up the seminar at an offsite location & went ahead with the seminars regardless!
The event still had an est. 500 people participate via web-stream from Vancouver to Halifax.
Furthermore, because of York’s behavior the event was covered by national & international media (National Post, Jewish Tribunal etc.). At the end of the day, the international
media exposure was a real impact. How Imagine was treated revealed the clear anti-Israel &
anti-Christian bias that has been emerging on our University campuses. Let’s continue to keep
York University & all our Universities in prayer. We are believing God for a move on our campuses that will change this cultural climate. Thank you also for your prayers & support for the
event. FYI: You can still watch most of the speaker videos from the web-stream at
This June 11-13th Canada will experience what may be the
most significant thing we have seen as a nation in this generation (so far): the First Peoples will release forgiveness to our government for historic atrocities. Two
years ago the Prime Minister issued an apology for the
abuses of the residential schools. At that time he also
asked for forgiveness but up until now his request for forgiveness has not yet been responded
to. This summer that will change when Chief Kenny Blacksmith & many national First Nations,
Metis & Inuit leaders will officially release forgiveness at the “Forgiven Summit.” Because we
recognize the significance of this for the healing of the First Peoples & our nation we are intentionally not planning a CRY this summer so that we can focus on this (we don’t want any of you
to have to choose between going to this or a CRY). We believe it will have massive implications for Canada. We are serving the vision in practical ways (web updates, communications
etc.) & we feel so honoured to be a part. We encourage you to join in as well. You can do so
by 1) praying for this initiative 2) supporting it and 3) coming in June! Find out all you need to
know at www.i4give.ca. God is hearing the prayers of His church to heal our land.
HUMAN TRAFFICKING: Faytene was able to donate
$17,500 USD through bids made on 4 of her paintings to build a rescue home for Thai children being
exploited in the sex trade (praise God!). Because of
you we were able to add another $1,000 on top of
FIRST NATIONS: $7,888 to the Journey of Forgiveness with Chief Kenny Blacksmith.
OLYMPICS: $3,700 to the BURN (27 hours of worship & prayer) that took place in Vancouver during the
HOUSES OF PRAYER: $4,000 to the Toronto, Saint
John & Edmonton Houses of Prayer.
ISRAEL: $2,500 to NHOP’s Israel prayer walk.
HAITI: $700 to the Zaka rescue response.
MEDIA MINISTRY: $800 to XP Media outreach.
LIFE: $800 to Pregnancy Care Centres who do abortion interventions.
INUIT: $500 to northern outreach.
ORPHANS: Sow $320 into orphans.
SPRING MINISTRY FOCUS: Throughout the spring
we will be keeping you informed on what is happening
in Ottawa, influencing our Parliamentarians, traveling &
preaching to equip the Body, serving the Journey of
Forgiveness, hosting our Media Boot camp & working
on several media projects (e.g.. a human trafficking
doc. & pro-life film to raise awareness regarding the
horrors of abortion in Canada). Faytene will also be
focusing on mentoring emerging leaders virtually
through conference calls and on-line mentoring (as
opposed to the Ottawa based internship of the past
season). We would be so grateful if you would keep us
in prayer &/or consider a special gift to the work so we
can keep at. As you sow every step we take, you take
with us and it is credited to your heavenly account too!
Together we can do so much more.
SITES: www.4mycanada.ca (Parliamentary work on social justice issues.) / www.bound4life.ca (Prayer for the ending of abortion). /
www.thecry.ca (Mass prayer and fasting events for Canada.) / www.faytene.ca (Faytene’s personal and itinerant site.) - if you want to partner
with us or sow financially simply cotact us @ admin@faytene.ca and we can let you know the various designations and options. Bless you!!