June/July 2013 - Beth El Synagogue


June/July 2013 - Beth El Synagogue
In this Issue:
Sanctifying the Covenant of
Loving Partners.............. 2-3
B’nai Mitzvah .................... 3
President’s Message:
Seriously ............................ 4
Gemilat Hesed ................. 6
Education & Youth...... 9-10
Life Cycles ....................... 13
Tributes ......................14-15
with Scholar-in-Residence
Marjorie Lehman
JTS Professor
See Page 12 for
more information
Tisha B’Av Services
Friday Nights: Join Us For
Kabbalat Shabbat Summer Style
May 24 - August 30, 2013
5:45 p.m.
A ruah-filled davening experience
with musical accompaniment
Shabbat Mornings: Come Learn From Our
Summer Darshanim
Throughout the summer
Beth El congregants
share their insights on the Torah:
June 8
June 15
June 22
June 29
July 6
July 13
July 20
July 27
Dana Yugend-Pepper
Anne Hope
Ron Plotsker
Dr. Marjorie Lehman
Paul Tuchman
Adina Goldstein
Erica Karasov
Noah Marrell
August 3 John Orenstein
August 10 David & Cheryl
August 17 Jamie Skog
August 24 Sandra Felemovicius
August 31 Judy Victor
Sept 7
Jamie Halper
In commemoration of the destruction
of the Temples in Israel
Monday, July 15
8:00 p.m.
Minha followed by study session
9:00 p.m.
Tisha B’Av Ma’ariv,
Followed by the chanting of Eikha
Tuesday, July 16
7:00 a.m.
Shaharit for Tisha B’Av
5:45 p.m.
Minha for Tisha B’Av
9:15 p.m.
Ma’ariv and Kiddush Levana
See Page 17 for more details
Visit Us Online at www.bethelsynagogue.org
Notable times
a view from the bimah
Candle Lighting ‫הדלקת נרות‬
June 7
8:39 p.m.
June 14
8:43 p.m.
June 21
8:45 p.m.
June 28
8:46 p.m.
July 5
8:45 p.m.
July 12
8:42 p.m.
July 19
8:36 p.m.
July 26
8:30 p.m.
Havdalah ‫הבדלה‬
June 8
9:39 p.m.
June 15
9:43 p.m.
June 22
9:46 p.m.
June 29
9:46 p.m.
July 6
9:44 p.m.
July 13
9:41 p.m.
July 20
9:36 p.m.
July 27
9:29 p.m.
Services ‫תפילות‬
Friday Evening ‫ערב שבת‬
Kabbalat Shabbat 5:45 p.m.
Shabbat ‫שבת‬
9:00 a.m.
5:45 p.m.
Minyan ‫מנין‬
9:00 a.m. and 5:45 p.m.
7:00 a.m. and 5:45 p.m.
General Information
Beth El Synagogue
5225 Barry Street West
Minneapolis, MN 55416-1901
FAX: 952-873-7301
Office Hours
Mon-Thurs....9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Fridays..........9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Sundays........9:00 a.m.-Noon
Aleph Preschool: 952-873-7320
Youth Dept: 952-873-7330
2 ‫ב‬
Sanctifying the “Covenant of Loving Partners”
by Rabbi Alexander Davis
Just before we entered
the holiday of Shavu’ot,
there was a celebration
unfolding at the Capitol.
Governor Dayton signed legislation into
law that permits the marriage of two men
or two women.
As I have written in the Shofar before
and as I have said from the bimah, I
support the right for gays and lesbians to
have their wedding recognized by the
State. But the State does not dictate what
should happen in a religious institution
such as Beth El. For that, I turn to the
Conservative movement’s Committee on
Jewish Law and Standards for guidance.
Previously chaired by Rabbi Abelson, this
body of rabbis, scholars and lay leaders
have studied and debated; they have
reviewed and consulted.
In 2006, the CJLS approved a tshuvah
(a legal response to a question of Jewish
law) lifted the rabbinic ban on homosexual
acts and normalized the status of gays and
lesbians in the Jewish community. It
committed, Jewish relationships to be as
necessary and beneficial for homosexuals
and their families as they are for
Over the years as I have gotten to
know those members of our community
who are gay and who have established the
kind of stable, committed relationships
described in the tshuva. I have come to
advocate more strongly for their full
inclusion in Jewish life, including
marriage. Now with the authority of the
State and of Jewish law, I believe the time
has come to formally sanctify such
Ours is not a tradition that promotes
celibacy or a monastic life. It is no wonder
that the story of our people begins with the
story of a couple. For we sense that loving
and committed marriages are the
foundation of a stable society. To truly
create that sense of commitment, those
relationships must be publically affirmed
and celebrated by the community.
From speaking with you, I know that
many welcome this change while some do
not. I have the sense that others are
theoretically supportive but also a bit
uncomfortable because the concept still
feels foreign. That is not unexpected.
Change takes getting used to. It was true
when girls started reading from the Torah.
It was true when women became rabbis
and cantors. And it will be true now.
Jewish tradition has always grown and
changed. And we wouldn’t want it any
other way. We would not want to practice
a fossilized tradition stuck in biblical days,
in shtetl life or even in the 1970s. Still, as
Conservative Jews, we appreciate that
change happens slowly and thoughtfully.
At its best, Jewish tradition evolves
preserving a core teaching and practice
that binds us to our past, adds richness to
our lives and blessing to our world.
Appropriately, we describe the Torah as an
“etz hayim” precisely because the tree
continues to grow. And the Torah herself
wisely invites the leaders to answer
questions anew for each generation.
While the groundbreaking 2006
tshuvah spoke of committed and loving
relationships between gay and lesbian
Jews, it left a number of questions
unanswered: what should a ceremony that
celebrates such a relationship look like?
What should it be called? What happens
when such a relationship is dissolved? Is a
get (a Jewish writ of divorce) needed? And
In 2012, therefore, a tshuvah was
passed addressing these questions. Two
marriage ceremonies were suggested that
seek “to invest these important life cycle
events with Jewish meaning and holiness.”
One ceremony looks a lot like what you
might think of as a traditional Jewish
wedding (i.e., a huppa, exchange of rings,
sheva berakhot, etc.). The other has
different symbolism and uses different
language. In both cases, a new form of
ketubah called a Brit A’huvim/A’huvot
(Covenant of Loving Partners) has been
Continued on next page
a view from the bimah
b’nai mitzvah ‫מצוה‬
Sanctifying the “Covenant of Loving Partners”
by Rabbi Alexander Davis (continued)
As you can imagine, there are a wide variety of perspectives on each of these questions. This summer, I plan on
studying the ceremonies more closely to determine what is most appropriate for our Beth El community. Join me on July 20
after Shabbat services for a study session to further explore this topic.
I realize that it will take time for our congregation to fully embrace this change. I am conscious of the ways this
represents a change in traditional Judaism. At the same time, I am inspired by the desire of our gay and lesbian congregants to
establish faithful families guided by the light of Torah. In addressing this question, I pray that we faithfully discern and honor
God’s will as we uphold the dignity of our fellow men and women, who are created in the very image of God.
June 8, 2013 • 9 Sivan 5773 • Korah
‫גבי בן רענן ויהודית‬
Son of Judy and Ryan Herman
‫אדם יעקב בן אשר ומלכה‬
Son of Michele and Spenser Segal
Honoring Gabe and Adam on their b’nai mitzvah, their parents and their grandparents,
Lory & Randy Herman, Eileen & Harold Scherling, and Norma and Bob Segal are
sponsoring the Kiddush and congregational Shabbat lunch.
Mitzvah Program: Helping others is a very important part of my life.
I love to see others benefit from my involvement in the community. I
have participated in Feed My Starving Children. I also volunteered at
the First Annual Pet Gathering at Beth El. I love my dog and it was so
much fun to bring him with me to the event. My family also helped a
family in need when they brought over a less fortunate family member from Africa. We sent clothes over to the rest of her family in Africa and helped her to get started here.
June 15, 2013 • 7 Tammuz 5773
‫יהודית רנה בת אברהם חיים ויוכבד חנה‬
Daughter of Janice and Michael Greenberg
Honoring Jillian on her bat mitzvah, her parents
are sponsoring the Kiddush.
Mitzvah Program: I helped my school raise money for Leukemia
Research with Pennies for Patients. We raised almost $16,000 with a
charity auction. Our school came in 3rd in Minnesota for most money
raised. I also packed lunches for a local organization and MN
Sandwich Project. With the MN Sandwich Project, I packed almost 80
sandwiches for local shelters. In the winter time, I donated jackets to
Warm Coats with GMA to benefit those that need coats.
July 25, 2013 • 18 Av 5773
‫מאירה פרח בת שלמה ואסתר‬
Mitzvah Program: I have participated in many mitzvot. I helped pack
meals for Feed My Starving Children, a charity that
feeds undernourished children. I also worked at the Pet-a-Thon at
Beth El Synagogue. I helped out at the first annual pet gathering this
year. I love animals, and really enjoyed doing this! Also, our
neighbors adopted a girl from Africa last year and we donated
clothes and goods. We went through our closets and also took her
shopping. My family baked treats and dropped them off to the fire
department to thank them for all of their hard work.
July 27, 2013 • 20 Av 5773
‫שמואל בן הערשעל וחוה‬
Son of Pam and Howard Friedman
Honoring Samuel on his bar mitzvah, his
grandparents, Joyce and Ed Prohofsky are
sponsoring the Kiddush and his parents are
sponsoring the congregational Shabbat lunch.
Mitzvah Program: For my mitzvah, I donated and volunteered at Free
Bikes 4 Kids, an organization that receives and donates bikes to kids.
When I was handing bikes to kids, I loved seeing the huge smile on
their faces when they got on their bike. They started biking around
the warehouse with a grin from cheek to cheek. The parents pulled a
car up and loaded the bikes, or they just biked home. They would yell
“Thanks!” and go home. This experience was amazing, and I hope to
do it every year. I also started keeping Kosher as of late. It has been
tough, refraining from tempting foods. The feeling is great, though,
knowing that G-d is watching with a smile over me fulfilling my
Jewish duties, and I know he is watching because I am always
wearing a kipah!
Daughter of Ella and Shawn Hoffman
Madelina will be having her bat mitzvah in
Israel on July 25th.
‫ ג‬3
a message from our president
By John Orenstein, Beth El President
I figure if I get enough people’s
attention in this column, then when I
actually do have something to say, people
will read it.
doesn’t do to say, we don’t have the money. Synagogues
that don’t invest in themselves because they don’t have the
money begin a vicious cycle: they become less appealing to
their members, the members and their children move on, and
pretty soon the institution really doesn’t have the money.
Well, I have something to say.
So for the next fiscal year, we’re doing the following:
Like all big institutions, this organization has a life
of its own in some ways. Take our approach to funding.
Every spring, we figure out what we need for the coming
fiscal year, and we make approximately the same plans to
get there: scrape a little more from dues and the Chai
Appeal, squeeze more out of our speaker events, and find a
few novel fund-raising programs to make up the rest.
We’re moving forward on a campaign to increase Beth
El’s endowments significantly. Creation of the Beth El
Foundation was approved by the board in April; that
was the first step, and you’ll hear plenty about the others
in the months to come.
We’re increasing dues by, in most cases, 10%. As a
dues-paying member myself, I’m not thrilled with this.
But in the past several years, even though our spending
has increased less than 1% a year, dues have dropped
from 59% of the budget to 54%. Even our Aleph
Preschoolers can see we can’t keep that up (I told you it
was a great school).
Last year, we raised $100,000 in the annual Chai
Appeal. I’m not saying it was the catchy melody from
me and Debbie that did it, but suffice it to say we’ll be
bringing out the big guns this Rosh Hashanah.
The trouble with figuring out what we need, though,
is that it tends to mean, what do we need in order to continue
what we’re doing? What do we need in order to keep the
place humming along?
It’s a hard enough question, but it’s not the right
one. What we should be asking is: what do we need in
order to become better – much better. Because whether
you’re a business corporation or a not-for-profit, including a
synagogue, you can’t stand still. We all know businesses
either grow or die. With a synagogue, it’s more qualitative
but similar – we either keep renewing ourselves, or people
lose interest. Or to put it more positively (thank goodness),
if you keep getting better, people respond, and good things
The Aleph Preschool is a perfect example. A few
years ago, it depended on funds from Beth El to stay afloat.
As the saying goes, people were staying away in droves.
But the school became the focus of an intensive renewal
effort, thanks to dedicated parents, teachers, staff and
volunteers. Today, the school is near its current capacity.
Parents and children love the Aleph School; beyond the fact
that it makes a profit, it has become an engaging entry point
into the Beth El community. That’s critical to our future: if
we don’t attract young, new members and young families,
just think about where we’ll be.
It takes investment: continued investment in the Aleph
School certainly, and next year’s proposed budget does a lot
of that. But it applies to Beth El as whole too. And it
4 ‫ד‬
And of course, we’ll keep building on success. This
past year we had more kids in USY than ever before (and by
the way, they won “best chapter” in the Emtza region). We
had more active participants in our young adult programs,
more adult education, more emerging leaders (graduates of
this year’s leadership training program), and more outstanding programs (a sensational Purimspiel/wine-tasting/DJ
night; speakers worthy of the best venues in the country;
concerts, guest teachers) – the fact is, we had a great year.
And that is exactly the time to do what it takes to keep the
great years coming.
It’s not easy, and it’s not cheap. But our children will
thank us for it. And I thank you.
synagogue news
Kiddush Levana
There is a Jewish tradition to bless the
moon: Kiddush Levana. That ritual takes
place monthly! Though many people don’t
have the opportunity to bless the
moon monthly, after the conclusion of
Tisha B’Av, we are particularly attentive to our ability
to celebrate. Please join us Tuesday, July 16th at 9:15 p.m.
in front of the Synagogue for Ma’ariv and as we conclude
our fast, we will celebrate the moon. To learn more about
how you might participate, please email Rabbi Davis:
Sunday Morning Minyan Breakfast Hevrah
The Hevrah breakfast is an opportunity to bring
us closer together as a community in
friendship. By sponsoring a Sunday Morning
Breakfast following minyan services at 9:00
a.m. you can help in this effort. Your
sponsorship can be a memorial, a celebration of
an anniversary, a special birthday, a recognition of an
achievement of a family member, or just “because”. Please
consider sponsoring one Sunday morning breakfast each
year. Call Lou Jurisz at 612-369-2770 or David Jurisz at
2013 - 2012 Yizkor Memorial Book for 5774
Beth El Synagogue will once again be publishing a beautiful
Yizkor Memorial Book to be used at the four Yizkor
services during the coming year: Yom Kippur, Sh’mini
Atzeret, Pesah and Shavuot. In addition to the Yizkor
service and the names of loved ones we remember, this
keepsake book contains beautiful readings and poetry for the
synagogue and the home as well as photographs of Judaic art
objects from the Beth El museum. Please use this
opportunity to memorialize your loved ones in the book. An
order form will be mailed to all members of Beth El. The
suggested donation is $18 per remembrance. Please contact
Marilyn Weisberg mweisberg@bethelsynagogue.org or 952
-873-7303 if you have any questions.
Congratulations to Beth El's Eighth Graders
graduating from HMJDS
Gift Shop Summer Schedule
We will be open two Sundays during the months of
June and July, Sunday, June 9th and Sunday July
7th. On August 16th we will reopen for the fall.
Since Rosh Hashanah is very early this year, at
that time, we will have available all our new apple and honey dishes. We are continuing to get in new items throughout
the summer. Please check all the gift shop display cases to
see them. If you would like to purchase something from the
gift shop, call Linda Estrin, 763-545-4301 or Sara Zuk 763529-1285 for an appointment.
S’mahot - Kiddush Co-Sponsor
July 27th
In honor of the upcoming wedding of Rachel
Schneider and Joseph Fine, Bob & Sylvia Fine are
co-sponsoring the Kiddush.
Minneapolis Talmud Torah Students visit
Holocaust Museum in D.C.
Do you need a hand?
We’re here!
Call our Yad V’lev hotline
952-873-7300 ext.
Can you lend a hand?
We need you!
Contact Jo Ann Gruesner at
952-873-7300 or
‫ ה‬5
gemilat hesed
‫גמילת חסד‬
Mothers and Daughters Volunteering at Ronald McDonald House
From left to right: Mimi Klane, Shira Klane, Margie Goldfine, Amy Goldfine,
Sarah Gruesner, Jo Ann Gruesner, Molly Gruesner.
donations to
the March
The next Blood
Drive is Sunday,
September 8th.
We collected 44
units of blood at
the drive on May
5th that will save
up to 132
lives...thanks to
our donors!
March Food Drive 2013
Once again, Beth El responded to the needs of
their neighbors by supporting S.T.E.P. with a
donation of 854 pounds of non perishable food
items. This is an increase of 124 pounds over
our previous March donation! We are grateful
for the generosity of all our congregants who
participated. Thanks also to our Aleph School
families who sent non perishable food items
for S.T.E.P. each week for tzedakah.
6 ‫ו‬
We Need to Know When You Need Us
Is someone you love in the hospital or homebound or have you lost a
loved one? Because of privacy restrictions, the synagogue is not notified by area
hospitals when they have Jewish patients nor do we always get immediate
information regarding a death. Please call Raquel Swanson at 952-873-7315 if you
have information about someone you know. If the person is hospitalized or
homebound, tell us the patient’s name, hospital and location.
gemilat hesed
A Message from the Congregational Nurse
Jan Hamilton, RN
I’m glad that here at Beth El, we’ve “begun the
conversation” about caring for our family members.
A big THANK YOU to all who participated and
shared their concerns and suggestions on April 21st.
By the time these words go to print I will have met
with staff and committee members to start planning
what comes next with regard to your feedback.
Please don’t hesitate to call with additional thoughts
you may have had on the subject which is so vast in
scope, covering almost every aspect of living.
We’ve waited patiently, or not so patiently, for spring and summer this
year. Enjoy sunshine and fresh air, stay active, and stay in contact.
Your congregational nurse,
Jan Hamilton
952-873-7300 ext. 7356
A sampling of Thank You notes
from congregants to our
Yad V’lev Committee
Dear Women of Yad V’ Lev
atly appreciated. It
Your gift of challa
et memories of my
brought back so many swe
husband and our life togeth
Thank You.
Dear Lois.
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‫גמילת חסד‬
Gemilat Hesed Volunteer Opportunities
Feed My Starving Children
Taking a break over summer-see you in September!
For More Info Contact: Norma Kaplan
Loaves and Fishes
Tuesday, July 23
Cooking, serving, cleaning
For More Info Contact: Diana Rosen
Ronald McDonald House
Sunday, June 2 & July 7
Cook in advance, cook/serve 9:30 - 11:30 am or all
For More Info Contact: Sarah Gruesner
Yad V’Lev Committee
Join the YVL committee and receive e-mails for
your opportunity to help and comfort members of
the Beth El family who are experiencing challenging
times. This is accomplished by reaching out with
"yad v'lev" open hands and hearts to perform
gemilat hesed (acts of kindness). Email:
Shabbat Transportation Service
Volunteers are needed to provide transportation to
Beth El from Knollwood Place. If you are able to
drive two Knollwood residents to Shabbat Services
once or twice a month, contact Margie Goldfine at
Congregational Nurse Program
A confidential listening ear to gain a
holistic perspective. If you would like
a confidential call or visit, contact our
Congregational Nurse, Jan Hamilton,
RN at 952-873-7300, ext. 7356
‫ ז‬7
‫ח ‪8‬‬
education and youth
Youth Department Updates:
Leadership Opportunities and
YOW 2013
Mollie Feldman, Youth Director
Over the past year, BERUSY’s attendance
at both regional conventions and chapter
programs increased, reflecting a time of growth within the
chapter. Programs were also reinvigorated through youth-led
creativity, with two board members chairing every event. In
recognition of these accomplishments, BERUSY was
awarded the honor of Emtza Region Chapter of the Year.
The successful year is a testament to the hard work of the
outgoing 2012-2013 BERUSY Board.
Looking forward to next year, registration for YOW
2013 is now open. Spaces are limited and fill up fast, so sign
up now at besyn.org/yow! Additionally, there are still some
USY leadership opportunities accepting applications. Please
see below for details:
YOW 2013 – Aug. 30-Sept. 1: BERUSY’s annual (Y)
outh (O)utreach (W)eekend is an incredible opportunity
offered to Beth El 9-12th graders. This fun and meaningful
weekend away is fully subsidized for all participants thanks
in part to a generous gift from the Seth Foundation, in loving
memory of Seth Karon Z”L by his parents and brother,
Stefanie, Bob, and Jason. Held at the beginning of the year,
YOW is a unique opportunity to get to know your fellow
BERUSYers and bond with the Chapter. YOW 2013 will be
held in the Iron Range in Virginia, MN. Registration is open
‫חינוך ונוער‬
and spots are limited, so sign-up now at besyn.org/yow!
YOW Chair Positions, applications due June 5: For
the first time, the Youth Department is accepting
applications for YOW Chairs. YOW Chairs will work with
the Youth Director and USY Executive Board to help create
an amazing and memorable weekend for all YOW
participants. Online applications may be found at besyn.org/
yow-chairs and are due back by 10:00pm on June
5th. Application is open to all USYers who have attended at
least one previous YOW and are not serving on the 20132014 Executive Board. Preference may be given to senior
MUSY Leadership Committee, applications due June 5:
To help foster and improve joint programming among the
Twin Cities USY Chapters, a Minnesota USY (MUSY)
committee will be created for the 2013-2014 year. The committee will be made up of one USYer each from each of the
four chapters in the Twin Cities metro area: Adath,
BERUSY, BJUSY, and TUSY. The purpose of the
committee is to plan programs and events for all Twin Cities
USYers. To apply for a MUSY committee position, please
besyn.org/musy-leadership no later than June 5 at 10:00pm.
Contact Mollie Feldman at mollie@bethelusy.org or 952873-7330 with any questions.
*check the BERUSY website at besyn.org/berusy for
additional events and details, and you may view a full
calendar online at besyn.org/berusy/calendar
‫ ט‬9
education and youth
‫חינוך ונוער‬
A Message from the Director
Karen Burton,
Aleph Preschool Director
Chavererim B’Shemesh summer camp begins this month and
promises to be filled with many exciting activities. Our weekly
themed units include fieldtrips, swimming and the JCC,
Soccer, Amazing Athletes, Stretch and Grow, water play,
Under Nights, cook-outs, visit from the Israeli scouts, challah
As the Aleph Preschool year comes to an end
baking, cooking, magician visit, amphibian and reptile visit
we look back with pride and joy on the many
from the Westwood Nature Center and so much more.
achievements and accomplishments made
during this past year. The children matured, explored, created,
We will continue with our Musical Shabbat’s with music
played and grew physically, emotionally and spiritually. They
specialist Laurie Herstig, throughout the summer and encourformed beautiful and loving friendships with their peers and
age you to join us for this wonderful programming on June 28th
strong bonds with their teachers.
and July 26th at 9:30 a.m. in the Fiterman Chapel. Stay for
coffee and scones and a shmooze following the program.
On May 30th our Pre-K class had their graduation ceremony
which was so beautiful. They are now one step closer to
We do have a few remaining openings for the new school year.
becoming Kindergartners in the fall. We are so honored to have
Please go to our website to register at: www.alephschool.org
had the opportunity to build their educational foundation and
we wish all of our graduates continued success in their school
Wishing you a wonderful, fun filled and safe summer and
please remember to stop by the Aleph Preschool this summer
to join in on all the fun.
Aleph Preschool Graduates
Back Row-Left to Right: Julia Alexander; Ani Flam; Leah Smith; Zavdi Fisher; Andre Rees; Ari Kramer
Middle Row-Left to right: Jayden Abramson; Daniel Leibovich; Noah Parks; Benny Marmor; Josie Gedde; Kian Murphy
Front Row-Left to Right: Benjamin Ribnick; Amichai Davis; Sachi Huynh; Siona Nirenstein; Kfir Atar
Missing: Ryan Oleisky
We are pleased to announce the Shirley R. Abelson Aleph Preschool graduating class of 2013. On May 30th family and friends
filled the Speigel Sanctuary at Beth El Synagogue to watch as the PreK students marched – in blue caps and gowns- down the
aisle and up to the Bima. Their radiant faces and sweet voices singing beautiful songs in both Hebrew and English, delighted
their families. The children have completed a busy year with highlights that included their annual personal stationary
Tzedakah project with profits going to the Ronald McDonald House, contributing Hanukkah gifts to the Chag Sameach
Program for the Jewish Family and Children’s Service, plating tress in Israel for TuB’Shevat, collecting food for STEP, food
shelf program and socks for Loaves and Fishes. Along with our PreK general studies curriculum we have a rich Judaic
curriculum focusing on core Jewish values which helps our young students create connections and apply learning to their
everyday lives. Now our graduates are ready to embark on their next educational journey. We wish them all the very best.
10 ‫י‬
synagogue news
Book Lovers Everywhere
Please join us on Tuesday, June 25th at 7:00
p.m. for June Book Club at Beth El in the
Learning Center for a discussion of True Believers by Kurt Andersen. July Book Club is
on Tuesday, July 23rd at 7:00 p.m. in the
Learning Center. Questions? Please contact
Debby Deutsch, deb.deutsch11@gmail.com or 952-9200726.
Talitot to Havana, Cuba
Beth El along with Sharei Chesed, donated over 20 talitot
for the members of Bet Shalom Synagogue in Havana,
Cuba. Michael Appleman recently delivered these religious
articles to the Jewish community. There are approximately
1500 Cuban Jews, who receive spiritual and financial
support through missions and the Joint Distribution
Enhance This Years’ High Holy Days
Please help us acquire an additional 500
mahzorim by purchasing one for yourself
and for the shul, so that we can be on the
same page (literally) this coming High
Holy Days. Each book is $36. To order
your own or to donate to Beth El in honor
or memory of a loved one, call the
synagogue office at 952-873-7303 or email
Dining Cards
Dining Cards are available at the Beth El Reception Desk
for purchase. The Twin City Dining Cards are $22 and valid
until 6/1/14. Contact Mickey Bernstein with any questions
Beth El Memorial Park Flower Planting
If you have loved ones interred at Beth El
Memorial Park in New Hope, wish to
have flowers planted at the gravesite but
did not receive a flower order form in the
mail, please contact Michael J. Morris,
Cemetery Superintendent, 612-998-0077
or michaeljmorris@comcast.net. He will
send you a form and make all the
Attention Beth El Bikers
Beth El and the Sabes JCC welcome
Hazon’s cross country cyclists on Thursday
night, July 18th at 6:30pm. Come to Beth El
for dinner and hear stories of a dozen
cyclists passing through the Twin Cities on their 64-day,
3,300-mile ride. Hazon, a Jewish environmental group is
sponsoring a Cross-USA Ride. This summer experience
invites participants to explore a range of issuestransportation
sustainability, and physical, spirituality- while passing
through 14 States and visiting dozens of Jewish communities
along the way. Interested in joining the ride? Even if you
can't take 2 months off this summer, you can ride a shorter
segment of one to five weeks, or just join for a day. See
crossusa@hazon.org. For more information, contact Steve
Klane, sklane@klanecpa.com
‫ יא‬11
‫יב ‪12‬‬
community news
life cycles
June/July Anniversaries
Uri & Carolyn Koppel
June 1.................................................... 35th
Jayme & Kaylene Stoller
June 1.................................................... 5th
Alan & Beverly Kasdan
June 5.................................................... 30th
Brian & Julie B. Weisberg
June 5.................................................... 25th
David Chein & Reida Lazer-Chein
June 6.................................................... 20th
Ira & Judith Levin
June 12.................................................. 25th
Andrew & Leslie Parker
June 12.................................................. 20th
David Schlaifer & Julie Ritz-Schlaifer
June 13.................................................. 20th
Robert & Jane Polansky
June 13.................................................. 20th
Richard & Laura Sevak
June 15.................................................. 5th
Michael & Susan Horovitz
June 16.................................................. 45th
Jack & Sylvia Zouber
June 16.................................................. 45th
Jerald & Rochelle Silverman
June 20.................................................. 50th
Wesley & Sheryl Schochet
June 21.................................................. 15th
Melvin & Marlene Lebewitz
June 22.................................................. 55th
Norman Abramson & Kim Wolson
June 22.................................................. 10th
JCRC 2013 Annual Event
Sunday, June 9, 2013 | 5:00 p.m. Cocktail Reception | 6:00
p.m. Dinner (Dietary laws observed) | 7:00 p.m. Program |
Minneapolis Marriott Southwest, 5801 Opus Parkway,
Minnetonka. You are cordially invited to the Jewish
Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas’
Annual Event “Can America Have Another Great President?”
with speaker Aaron David Miller, a former senior advisor to
the State Department and an avid author. To order your
tickets online of for more information, please visit
www.minndakjcrc.org or call 612-338-7816.
Marketplace Local Art Fair
Sunday, June 9, 2013 | 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
The indoor event brings together local artists and craftspeople
selling handmade jewelry, fabric, mixed media, photographs,
edibles, fused glass, kitchenware and more. The event
supports education and training. Lunch and snack options are
available for purchase. Free admission. Wheelchair
accessible. All are welcome. Bet Shalom Congregation
Sisterhood, 13613 Orchard Road, Minnetonka, MN, 55305.
Contact: Shelly Shamblott @ 612-281-6489 or
Sheldon & Rollye Winnig
June 23 .................................................. 45th
Jack & Mary Baumgarten
June 24 .................................................. 40th
Richard & Susan Bunin
June 24 .................................................. 40th
Buddy & Marjory Howell
June 25 .................................................. 35th
Howard & Amy Paster
June 28 .................................................. 15th
Harry & Shelley Jacobs
July 1...................................................... 40th
Alan & Ione Stiegler
July 4...................................................... 65th
Jeff & Amy Aronow
July 5...................................................... 15th
Steve & Stephanie Weitz
July 11.................................................... 20th
Aaron & Jennifer Hage
July 13.................................................... 5th
Dr. Peter Bitterman & Cynthia Gross
July 15.................................................... 40th
Sherwin & Linda Brodsky
July 15.................................................... 40th
Michael & Delores Friedman
July 16.................................................... 60th
Elliott & Marlys Badzin
July 18.................................................... 20th
Jeremy & Bat-Sheva Berman
July 19.................................................... 35th
Steven & Miriam (Mimi) Klane
July 24.................................................... 30th
We welcome our newest members!
B’rukhim Habaim!
Mimi Ben Yehudah
Michael Pidde
Michael & Serena Harad, Maccabee, Jonah, Levi
Mazol Tov to...
Ben & Robyn Schein on the baby naming of their son,
Aryeh Tzvi Schein
Condolences to (members in bold)…
Carole Davidson, Dawn Zouber and Steven Davidson
on the loss of their son and brother, Jesse Davidson
Felicia Costea on the loss of her husband, Ionel Costea
Clarice Rice on the loss of her brother, Joel Locketz
Steve Rosen on the loss of his mother, Vicki Rosen
Rachel Parnes on the loss of her mother, Alberta Farer
Sara Wolf Foss on the loss of her father, Louis David
Nessa Lee Laiderman on the loss of her sister, Dorothy
Berman Kirsner
‫ יג‬13
Beth El Endowments and Program Funds provide an important source of income, enabling Beth El to offer added services and
programs and to make improvements to the facility. You can honor or remember family members and friends or special events with
contributions to any of the Beth El Endowment Funds or Program Funds. Send donations to: Beth El Synagogue, 5224 West 26th
Street, Minneapolis, MN 55416. Indicate the fund to which you want to contribute, the purpose of the contribution, and to whom you
would like an acknowledgement sent. A complete listing of funds are available by calling the front desk at 952-873-7300 or donate
online at www.bethelsynagogue.org (click on “Donate”) If you would like to establish a new fund in your name or in the name of a
loved one, please contact Marilyn Weisberg at Beth El, at 952-873-7303.
Beth El Gratefully Acknowledges the Following Contributions This list reflects donations made to funds from April 16 - May 6,
2013. Contributions received after April 15, 2013 will be listed in the August 2013 issue of the Shofar. If you do not want your name listed, please
include a note when you make your contribution
Feed The Hungry Operation Fund
In Memory of Marty Fiterman
Dr. Joe Rine
Frances Kvasnick Business Educational
Scholarship Fund
In Memory of Barbara Kvasnick Nunez
Haderra, Mark, Michelle & Adam Chisick
In Memory of Barbara Kvasnick-Nunez
Janet & Lawrence Russell
Greater Beth El
In Honor of Carly Bass's Bat Mitzvah
Marlene Rutman
In Honor of The 40th Birthday of Amy Geller
Larry & Rita Covin
In Memory of Arnold Weinberg
Lawrence & Michelle Shapiro
In Memory of David Sanders
John & Debra Orenstein
In Memory of Dr. Earl Hill
Jerry & Reva Bronstien
In Memory of Judy Wolson
Carol Garrison
In Memory of Leah Cohen
Ellen & Yoni Werlin
Gerald Gorelick
In Memory of Marty Fiterman
Adam, Valerie, Lauren, Eden, Shai & Sol
In Memory of Miriam Goldberg
Jerry Rosenzweig
Ivan and Karen Brodsky Presidential Fund
In Memory of Judy Wolson
Dr. Ivan & Karen Brodsky
Jacob & Ann Scherling, Harold & Eileen Scherling Scholarship Fund
In Honor of Emma Feinberg's Bat Mitzvah
Spenser & Michele Segal
Library Supplies Donation
Congratulations on Your Bat Mitzvah Carly Bass
Get Well Soon Melanie Barry
Judge Allen & Marcia Oleisky
In Memory of Judy Wolson
Judge Allen & Marcia Oleisky
National Speaker Series General Donation
With Thanks to Melanie and Chuck Barry
Marty & Carole Kaplan
Nat'l Guard Support
In Honor of Minnesota National Guard Troops
Dr. Steven & Bonnie Heller
Rabbi Davis Discretionary Fund
In Memory of Arnold Weinberg
David, Leslie & Daniel Rubin
14 ‫יד‬
Summer Pilgrim Experience in Israel Fund
Mazel Tov To Peter and Connie Frank on the Birth
of Their Grandson, Ethan Henry
Tristam & Sandra Hage
The Fay & Leonard Ribnick Program Fund
Happy Birthday to Rita Soltan on Her Special
Michael & Nancy Schoenberger
The Frailich "Yad V' Lev" Caring Community
In Memory of Judy Wolson
Rabbi Julie Gordon, Shoshana & Ari
The Gerald and Ada Fiterman General
Scholarship Fund
In Honor of Norton Stillman's Special Birthday
Harvey & Marilyn Chanen
The Heifetz Education Fund
In Memory of Arnold Weinberg
Raoul & Ferna Heifetz
The Irve & Sari Robins Bema Fund
In Memory of Judy Wolson
Karen & David Strauss
The Julie Kaplan Memorial Fund
In Honor of Lila Bond
In Memory of Miriam Goldberg
Harvey & Marge Kaplan
The Louise & Jerry Ribnick Family Camp
Ramah Fund
In Honor of Jerry and Louise Ribnick, for Their
Kind Hospitality
Dr. Yosef & Devora Caytak
The Phyllis and Howard Harris Continuing
Education Fund
For Speedy Recovery of Debbie Selnick
For Speedy Recovery of Sally Forbes Friedman
In Memory of Dr. Earl Hill
In Memory of Edna Engelson
In Memory of Calvin Willard Gross
Howard (Buddy) & Phyllis Harris
In Honor of Carly Bass's Bat Mitzvah
Diana Idelkope
The Quentin Dachis Playground Fund
In Honor of Helen Swatez's Special Birthday
Anne Dachis
The Ralph Z. & Bess Yellen General
Scholarship Fund
In Honor of Dr. Daniel Schwartz's 80th Birthday
In Memory of Betty Rosenberg
In Memory of Judy Wolson
Stuart & Dian Yellen
The Roberta Weber Congregational Nurse
In Memory of Judy Wolson
Ellis & Nancy Olkon
The Sally & Sam Greenberg Herzl Camp
Scholarship Fund
In Honor of Steve and Julie Friedman's Special
Eleanor Gantman
Harley & Ellen Greenberg
The Sarah & Isadore Lavintman General
Scholarship Fund
In Memory of Marian Lavintman Resnick
Alta Harris
In Memory of Marion Resnick
H.G. McNeely, Jr.
Henry & Gertrude Goldstein
Lester & Bonnie Goldblatt
Stan & Jeanne Kagin
The Steven Gregory Rice Fund for the
Physically and Mentally Challenged
Happy Birthday to Malka Rice
Larry, Lori, Arianna & Sofia Weisberg
In Honor of The 80th Birthday of Malka Rice
Andrea Weisberg
The Torodor-Levy Family General Scholarship
For Speedy Recovery of Aaron Kase
In Memory of Judy Wolson
In Memory of Susan Silverman
Bill & Sharon Torodor
Max & Ida Sanders TaRBuT Scholarship Fund
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Samuel Harris
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Gabriel Herman
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Adam Segal
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Samuel Friedman
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Jillian Greenberg
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Halper
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Carly Bass
Rabbi Alexander Davis
Shirley R. Abelson Aleph School Fund
In honor of the birth of Eden Olivia Marron
In honor of the birth of Adam Key
In honor of the birth of Seth Evan Furman
In honor of the birth of Aryeh Tzvi Schein
Rabbi Kassel Abelson
Abelson-Aronson Endowment Fund
In honor of the 10th anniversary of
Norman Abramson & Kim Wolson
In honor of the 15th anniversary of
Wesley & Sheryl Schochet
In honor of the 15th anniversary of
Howard & Amy Paster
In honor of the 15th anniversary of
Jeff & Amy Aronow
In honor of the 20th anniversary of
David Chein & Reida Lazer-Chein
In honor of the 20th anniversary of
Andrew & Leslie Parker
In honor of the 20th anniversary of
Robert & Jane Polansky
In honor of the 20th anniversary of
David Schlaifer & Julie Ritz-Schlaifer
In honor of the 20th anniversary of
Steve & Stephanie Weitz
In honor of the 20th anniversary of
Elliott & Marlys Badzin
In honor of the 25th anniversary of
Brian & Julie B. Weisberg
In honor of the 25th anniversary of
Ira & Judith Levin
In honor of the 30th anniversary of
Alan & Beverly Kasdan
In honor of the 30th anniversary of
Steven & Miriam (Mimi) Klane
In honor of the 35th anniversary of
Uri & Carolyn Koppel
In honor of the 35th anniversary of
Buddy & Marjory Howell
In honor of the 35th anniversary of
Jeremy & Bat-Sheva Berman
In honor of the 40th anniversary of
Jack & Mary Baumgarten
In honor of the 40th anniversary of
Richard & Susan Bunin
In honor of the 40th anniversary of
Harry & Shelley Jacobs
In honor of the 40th anniversary of
Sherwin & Linda Brodsky
In honor of the 40th anniversary of
Dr. Peter Bitterman & Cynthia Gross
In honor of the 45th anniversary of
Jack & Sylvia Zouber
In honor of the 45th anniversary of
Michael & Susan Horovitz
In honor of the 45th anniversary of
Sheldon & Rollye Winnig
In honor of the 50th anniversary of
Jerald & Rochelle Silverman
In honor of the 55th anniversary of
Melvin & Marlene Lebewitz
In honor of the 5th anniversary of
Jayme & Kaylene Stoller
In honor of the 5th anniversary of
Richard & Laura Sevak
In honor of the 5th anniversary of
Aaron & Jennifer Hage
In honor of the 60th anniversary of
Michael & Delores Friedman
In honor of the 65th anniversary of
Alan & Ione Stiegler
In memory of Barbara Kvasnick-Nunez
In memory of Arnold (Arnie) Weinberg`
In memory of Judy Wolson
In memory of Pnina Markovitz
In memory of Edna Engelson
In memory of Ionel Costea
In memory of Jesse Davidson
In memory of Vicki Rosen
In memory of Alberta Farer
Rabbi Kassel Abelson
Rabbi Kassel Abelson USY
Leadership Fund
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Samuel
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Adam
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Gabriel
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Samuel
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Jillian
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Joshua
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Carly
Rabbi Kassel Abelson
Phillip & Bobby Bloom Camp Ramah
Scholarship Fund
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Samuel
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Adam
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Gabriel
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Samuel
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Jillian
In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Joshua
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Carly
Cantor Audrey Abrams
The Steven G. Rice Fund for
Physically & Mentally Challenged
Condolences to Kim, Elliot, Norman &
family in memory of Judy Wolson
In memory of Jeri Wexler
Happy Birthday to Marc Rice
Happy Birthday to Arianna Weisberg
Refuah Sh’laymah to Lee Resnick
Malka Rice
Camp Scholarship Fund
Thank you to the bakers for Libby’s Bat
Mitzvah: Sue Freeman, Jaye Snyder,
Goldberg/Davis Family, Judy
Finklestein, Amy Geller, Barbara Gitlin,
Jill Gottlieb, Jill Halper, Laurie Jaffa,
Linda Ketover, Jill Korsh, Joey Kristal,
Lisa Lerman, Rose Levin, Jane Lifson,
Betty Sue Lipschultz, Peggy Mandel,
Barrie and Dani Orloff, Tamara Phillips, Lisa and Laura Ratner, Jodi Rosen,
Lisa Rotenberg, Jody Sigal, Clarice
Smith, Cindy Tapper, Wendy and Maya Smith, Diane Weisberg, Connie
Weisberg, Dana Beth Weisman,
Michelle Yousha, Giti Fredman, Stacy
Pinck, Tamra Segal, Amy Stern
Laura and Libby Smith
Yahzeit Contributions
In memory of:
Contributed by:
Barney Applebaum
Dr. Howard & Heidi Gilbert
Norman Armel
Lee Mona Armel
Norman S. Armel
DeDe Armel
Eugene Avrutin
Boris & Falina Avrutin
Sol Berezovsky
Dr. Lowell Baker
Alexander Berman
Gary Berman
Joyce Berman
Harvey Berman
Leon Bongard
Lou Ann Bongard
Girsch Buslovich
Joseph & Genya Buslovich
Jack Chanen
Mary Chanen Smith
Harold Cohen
Harry & Terry Cohen
Fanny Sasner Coslen
Dr. James & Marlene Bukstein
Rosalie Dinkey
Phyllis Sperling
Jerome Dobrin
Dr. Dale & Lois Dobrin
Mickey Edelstein
Jo Ann Gruesner
Herschel Epstein
Sheldon & Lois Epstein
Simon Epstein
Sheldon & Lois Epstein
Joseph Nelson Finkelstein
Stanley & Marsha Finkelstein
Anna Fishman
Jerry Fishman
Albert Forbes
Sally Forbes Friedman & Family
Lillian Frisch
Michael & Bernice Frisch
William Frisch
Michael & Bernice Frisch
Mildred Garvis
Dr. Gary E. & Sue-Ann Garvis
William Garvis
Dr. Gary E. & Sue-Ann Garvis
Ronald Geller
David & Dana Beth Weisman
Sam Gershone
Jeff & Eloise Gershone
Lois Goldish
Jeffrey & Cindy Goldish
Edith Gottesman
Debra Gottesman
Arlene Field Harris
Sylvia Field
Orel Held
Joel & Lois Held
Gabriel Jaffe
Shirley Jaffe
Pearl Juster
Martin & Sue Ring
Felix Kaminsky
Joseph & Susan Kaminsky
Irving Kasdan
Ruth Kasdan
Jack Kay
Rose Kay
Faye Krupp
Mayer Krupp
Selmar Lazar
Marsha Raviv
Samuel Marrinson
Bill & Sharon Torodor
Leila Orren
Shirlee Friedman
Morris Packer
Naomi Rotenberg
Anna Pieser
Shirley Korengold
Charles Pinkus
Aaron & Marcia Pinkus
Benton Press
Sara Press, Carolyn Press &
Francene Press
Morris Rabkin
Barbara Eiger
Max Ratner
Bernard & Pauline Ratner
Steven Rice
Marlene (Malka) Rice
Max Sadoff
Harold & Jacqueline Sadoff
Louis Schuster
Max Schuster
Shirley Sussman
Bernard Silverberg
Elise Lieberthal
Norbert Sobek
Zola & Barbara Friedman
Frieda Sperling
Phyllis Sperling
Berta Vayman
Alex & Anna Shagalov
Abraham Jacob Weiner
Martin & Sharon Kieffer
Nate Weiner
Norman & Sally Winer
Esther Goldstein Wolfe
David & Lisa Wolfe
Regina Zidel
Michael & Sandra Swirnoff
‫ טו‬15
Empty Nesters Shabbat Dinner
2012 Summer Schedule
16 ‫טז‬
‫‪ 17‬יז‬
‫יח ‪18‬‬
U.S. Postage
Beth El Synagogue
5225 Barry Street West
Minneapolis, MN 55416-1901
Permit #1998
Alexander Davis
Assistant Rabbi
Avi S. Olitzky
Rabbi Emeritus
Kassel E. Abelson
Audrey Abrams
Cantor Emeritus
Neil Newman
Executive Director
Linda Goldberg
Finance Director
Jerry Frick
Education Director
Mary Baumgarten
Marketing & Communications Director
Kelly Velander
Youth Director
Mollie Feldman
Aleph Preschool Director
Karen Burton
Director of Shorashim & Young Families Engagement
Amanda Awend
President, Beth El Synagogue
John Orenstein
End of Summer Picnic
Monday, August 26th
5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
President, Women's League
Marlene Bukstein
Presidents, Beth El Rishon USY
Caleb Hausman
Sophia Temkin
President, Bethelders
Freada Golden
Fun for the whole family
Catch up with old friends and
make some new ones!
Something for
August 17, 2013 ● 4 Elul 5773
Shabbat Morning After Services
Delicious Kosher hamburgers
and hotdogs and veggie burgers will
be available for purchase.
Volunteers needed!
Please contact Rabbi Olitzky at
Stay tuned for
Kosher Chinese
Take Out coming
in August from
Beth El Synagogue
and Spirit of Asia!