September 2011 - Beth El Synagogue


September 2011 - Beth El Synagogue
SEPTEMBER 2011 • Elul/Tishrei 5771/2
In this Issue:
“September 2011” . .pg 2
Yom Kippur Service
times changes . . . . . .pg 3
“Cha-Ching!” . . . . . . .pg 4
TaRBuT Resumes . . . . .pg 6
ECJFE Fall Classes . . .pg 8
Zimriah Festival
is Coming! . . . . . . . . .pg 10
Knishes for sale! . . . . .pg 11
the Date...
October 15th
@ 7:00 p.m.
Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero
Community S’lihot Program & Service
Saturday, September 24, 2011 • Adath Jeshurun
8:30 p.m.
10:30 p.m.
11:00 p.m.
Havdalah and Program with Rabbi Barry Cytron
S’lihot Services
Local Jewish congregations join together for this special Selihot program and service, in
honor of the tenth anniversary of 9/11 and as we prepare ourselves for the coming High
Holy Days. This year the community Selihot Service, the introduction to the High Holy
Days season, will be hosted by Adath Jeshurun Congregation in Minnetonka. What did
America see on September 11? And how did it affect our notions of God, of evil, and of
the potential for darkness within religion itself? Led by Rabbi Barry Cytron, we’ll view
and discuss portions of an outstanding PBS Frontline film Faith and Doubt at Ground
Zero by Helen Whitney. This extraordinary film includes interview with priests, rabbis,
an Islamic scholar, a Middle East expert, a psychoanalyst and
others. The evening begins with havdalah, followed by the
program. The traditional Selihot Service begins at 11:00
pm, with its first taste of High Holy Days prayer and
melodies, chanted by local Cantors and choirs. Rabbi
Michael Latz of Shir Tikvah Congregation will give
a brief d’var Torah.
notable times
Candle Lighting ,urb ,eksv
September 2 . . . . . . .7:32 p.m.
September 9 . . . . . . .7:19 p.m.
September 16 . . . . . .7:06 p.m.
September 23 . . . . . .6:52 p.m.
September 28 . . . . . .6:43 p.m.
September 29 . . . . . .7:42 p.m.
September 30 . . . . . .6:39 p.m.
October 1
3 . . . . . . .8:30
10 . . . . . .8:17
17 . . . . . .8:04
24 . . . . . .7:50
. . . . . . . . .7:37
Services ,ukhp,
Friday Evening ,ca crg
Kabbalat Shabbat . . . .5:45 p.m.
Shabbat ,ca
Shaharit . . . . . . . . . . . . .9:00 a.m.
Minha . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5:45 p.m.
Sunday & National Holiday
9:00 a.m. and 5:45 p.m.
Daily Minyan ihbn
7:00 a.m. and 5:45 p.m.
Beth El Synagogue
5224 W. 26th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55416-1901
FAX: 952-873-7301
Office Hours
Mon-Thurs....9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Fridays..........9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Sundays........9:00 a.m.-Noon
Aleph Preschool:
Youth Dept:
a view from the bimah
September 2011
Lo Tira Meihem, Zakhor Tizkor...
by Rabbi Avi S. Olitzky
As we approach the
ten year anniversary of 9/11, we
find ourselves in
the middle of Hodesh Elul, a period of
introspection and reflection leading
up to the High Holy Days. This is a
time when we take stock in all we
have and all we’ve lost. This is a time
when we reflect on our scars—praising and cursing all at once. And this
is also a time when we reflect on what
it is we need to do to ensure that we
are inscribed in the Book of Life for
the coming year.
How fitting is it that this time of
reflection coincides with a time for
For some of my friends, September
11, 2001, plays itself out in their
mind’s eye as flashes of light and
bursts of memory. For me, I remember each and every second. In fact, I
can recall minute-by-minute the
course of the weeks and the months
thereafter. There is no doubt that on
September 11th, the world changed;
America changed; I changed. But
think about September 10th: the day
before it all happened. Can you recall
any details from the moments before
the madness?
Perhaps it is naive to suggest that the
day before 9/11 was a day
of innocence, but in
We have a new
phone number:
America was secure
Much easier to remember! and that we were
safe on our own
Part of our efforts
to always be
soil. There weren’t
Our old number
will still work.
intensive screenings at the airports or military personnel at the train stations. There
wasn’t a Department of Homeland Security
or a battle against insurgents in either
Afghanistan or Iraq. Ten years ago, we
lived in a very different world. I am not
afraid that September 11th will soon fade
from our collective memory. But I am
afraid that September 10th will. I am fearful that we will forget about the naïveté and
hubris that led ourselves to be vulnerable to
the attack. I am afraid we will forget what
it was like to live in a country that we loved,
revered and stood up for without reticence.
In Judaism, we do such a heshbon hanefesh
– accounting of the soul – in order to find
our best self.
But the only way we can truly accomplish
our heshbon hanefesh is by embracing and
remembering the past.
This next year, in memory of all those who
have given their lives so that we might live
ours and in memory of all those murdered
on that hallowed day in September, challenge yourself to care more. Challenge
yourself to be better: a better American, a
“better Jew,” a better parent or child, a better human being—just challenge yourself to
be better. Because if we do not charge ourselves with the mission of improvement,
then we will only retreat into decline. And
then we need not rely on God to choose the
Book in which to inscribe us this year, for
we’ll be the one making the choice ourselves.
We may not be in control of the count of
seconds we each live on this earth, but we
are in control of how we make each of those
seconds count.
synagogue news
Beth El Blood Drive - 9/11/11
Beth El will be hosting a blood drive benefiting Memorial
Blood Centers on September 11, 2011 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00
p.m. To register or for more information, contact Judy Radel
at 763-522-7202.
Nosh ‘n Drash: Torah for Living
Eat and learn with Rabbi Olitzky from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
on the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month at Beth El. Get a
dose of Torah and a scrumptious lunch for just $5. To RSVP,
contact Roger Rubin at Next studies:
September 19 and October 3rd
Newman Israel Tour
Cantor Neil and Saranee Newman will be escorting their 10th
tour to Israel in October 2012. The duration of the tour will
be two weeks covering the length and breadth of the Land of
Israel, from October 15-29, 2012. The cost will be $3,299 per
person for the land package. Participants will secure their
own air reservations, enabling the use of travel miles, points
or upgrades. A professional Israeli guide will accompany the
tour throughout on an air-conditioned bus. In addition, all
hotels, venue entrance fees, breakfasts and six dinners are
included in the land package. An optional extension to Eilat
and Petra, Jordan at the conclusion of the tour will also be
offered. Those interested or with any questions should call
the Newman's at 612-220-2382 or email them at or are invited to attend an information meeting with the Newmans on Tuesday evening,
October 11, 7:30 p.m. at Beth El.
Stay tuned for details on these
upcoming programs and events!
Sukkah Square Dance
October 15
AIPAC at Beth El
November 18th
Beth El Sings Zimriah Festival
December 12th
USY Play
December 15th, 17th & 18th
Sign up for the Kesher email and stay current on Beth
El programs and events. To sign up today,
go to
Kever Avot Cemetery Memorial Service
The annual Kever Avot Cemetery Memorial Service will be
held at Beth El Memorial Park, located at 38th and Winnetka
Avenues North, on Sunday, September 25, at 10:30 a.m. This
service provides a peaceful time for individuals and families to
pay tribute to their departed loved ones interred at the cemetery.
The service will be led by Beth El clergy. All members, family and friends are welcome to attend.
High Holy Days Honors
For questions or to request a High Holy Day honor, contact
Marilyn Weisberg at or Harriet
Burstein at Please indicate “High Holy
Days Honors” in the subject line.
Order Your New Mahzor Today!
The New Mahzor promises to open doors for all in the observance of the High Holy Days. The commentary presents both
historical overview and insight into the meaning of the prayers.
The English translations are close to the original of the meaning and the transliterations are plentiful. Yet the feel of the book
is entirely traditional and represents the best of the
Conservative Movement. Each book is $36. To order your own
or one to donate to Beth El in honor or memory of a loved one,
call the synagogue office at 952-873-7303 or email
“Mission Impossible? The Promise of Teshuvah”
Deepen your understanding of the true meaning of Yom
Kippur by learning from a special guest darshan, renowned
local scholar, Prof. Louis Newman. Join us on Shabbat Shuva,
October 1, 2011, at 11:00 a.m. in the Fiterman Chapel. Louis
Newman has taught Jewish studies for nearly thirty years at
Carleton College, where he is the John M. and Elizabeth
Musser Professor of Religious Studies and the Director of the
Learning and Teaching Center. He is the author most recently
of Repentance: The Meaning and Practice of Teshuvah
(Jewish Lights, 2010).
NOTE: Schedule Change on Yom Kippur
Please note these changes on Yom Kippur from your High
Holy Day Handbook. The times for the following should be:
2:15 - 3:00 p.m.
Sacred Chanting
3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
5:30 - 7:26 p.m.
Shofar Blowing
For a full schedule, please consult your High Holy Day
Information Booklet. If you have not received your
booklet, or have any further questions, please contact
the Synagogue office at 952-873-7300.
b 3
by Gil Mann, Beth El President
What do I like about my work at
Beth El? The people.
What don’t I like about my work at
Beth El? The money.
The money of course is necessary
for the people to have a healthy
shul. And so, I always have an eye
on our revenues and expenses. This is so much fun. I can’t
think of anything I’d rather do.
As for you reading this, finances are always a sentimental
journey – NOT! Yet finances are so important that I felt
you should see our picture – it is a good one. Our lay and
professional leadership have successfully navigated the
USS Beth El through the turbulent waters of recent years.
I am proud and relieved to report that Beth El is in good
shape (though I never feel relaxed—this is an endless challenge). We’ve been running a tight ship and have balanced
our budget for 5 years in a row. As if this were not impressive enough, during the same period we raised $8,250,000
for our capital campaign.
To balance our budget, we needed to dramatically slash our
expenses. This was brutal. We had to let staff go, cut
hours and freeze or reduce wages. We looked under every
nook and cranny of the budget, eliminating expenses left
and right. Seven years ago, our expenses were $2,847,000.
By 2009, we had cut $395,000, nearly 14% of our budget!
We tried (and I think largely succeeded) to continue providing a high level of quality programming to our members. This was made all the more difficult because in
tough times, people need more from us. Our staff and volunteers deserve awards for their dedication to us.
Happily, things have improved. The Financial Trend chart
shows that in the last two years, our budget has modestly
increased, though we are nowhere near where we were
seven years ago nor do I ever feel we are out of the woods.
Our budget for the coming year is $2,589,000. The following pie charts, break down our anticipated expenses
and revenue for the coming year.
This is a remarkable achievement given the economic perfect storm that has descended upon our country over recent
How have we done this? In five understated words: raising revenues and cutting expenses. Another way to put this:
generosity and hard work by members and staff.
Here are some details -- As our economy imploded, many
members called in for dues adjustments and abatements.
And there were other income drops as well. As you can see,
by 2005-2006, our revenue had declined $220,000 from
just three years earlier. How do you make up a loss like that
as a non-profit?
We responded with emergency appeals and fundraising.
Our members graciously stepped up. But this revenue was
not nearly enough. Still, we never turned away a member
who could not contribute.
Please note the dues figure on the revenue chart. You
may be surprise to see that our dues cover only 56%
of our budget. In the coming year, I will likely write
a column dedicated to the challenge of dues.
One other number I’d like to point out on the revenue
chart: fundraising is 10% of our budget or roughly a
quarter of a million dollars. This big number is a reason, I’ve become our synagogue’s Chief Shnor
Officer -- a job I just relish. This $250,000 is why I
continued on the next page
continued from previous page
and many others are always
asking for your support for
events and our Chai Appeal
on the High Holy Days.
Believe me, we’d rather strike
oil in our backyard. But in the
meantime, we will need to
continue to ask you for your
I am grateful that you have
always responded with large
Added to giving from the
heart, many have given brain
power, sweat and tears. In
this category, in particular I
would like to sing the praises
of our Treasurer Dan Mosow,
our Executive Director Linda
Goldberg and our Finance
Director Jerry Frick. These
three diligently watch our
money ever mindful that their
work impacts our people.
People and Money. The first
is what motivates me to work
on the second. As the famous
Jewish saying goes, if there is
no bread, there is no Torah. I
hope I’ve shown you how
seriously all of your leadership takes this teaching.
For the coming year, I wish
for our shul what I wish for
you: health and prosperity
that leads to fulfillment, learning, growing and giving.
Shana Tovah!
x r e p e j e p i g e ducation and youth
Celebrating Bnai Mitzvah
September 5 & September 8, 2011 • 6 Elul & 9 Elul 5771 • Ki Teitzei
tyht tdhhpu hcm ic cegh ohhj
Son of Lori & Harvey Goodman
Joshua will be called to the Torah on Monday morning, September 5th at Beth Shalom
in Livingston, NJ and on Thursday morning, September 8th, at Beth El Synagogue.
September 10, 2011 • 11 Elul 5771 • Ki Teitzei
tagpu lurc ic hnr ktfhn
Son of Pattye & Byron Hechter
Honoring Michael on his bar mitzvah, his parents will be sponsoring the kiddush and
congregational Shabbat luncheon.
Mitzvah Program: One mitzvah that I enjoyed and meant a lot to me was visiting the residents of the Sholom Home.
I enjoyed helping them with various activities and loved to hear their stories. I have also partaken in packing food at
Feed My Starving Children. The centerpieces that are on the tables for the Kiddush Luncheon were assembled by my
family and I and will be donated to S.T.E.P.
September 17, 2011 • 18 Elul 5771 • Ki Tavo
kjr vbj ,c vecr kd
Daughter of Andrea & Davison Nagle
Honoring Gita on her bat mitzvah, her grandparents, Harry & Elizabeth Fischman and
Rhoda Nagle will be sponsoring the kiddush.
Mitzvah Program: I have worked on many programs through my years at the HMFDS. However, my favorite mitzvah
was going to Feed My Starving Children with my mother and sister this summer. We saw so many pictures of children
starving all over the world, and knowing we packed meals for over 200 children that day, made me feel very good about
the time we spent there helping others.
September 24, 2011 • 25 Elul 5771 • Nitzayim-Va’yeilekh
vfkn vck ,c vhj
Daughter of Leslie & Peter Bacig
Honoring Mara on her bat mitzvah,her parents will be sponsoring the kiddush and congregational Shabbat luncheon.
Mitzvah Program: There are many different mitzvot that people do in everyday life but there's always one mitzvah that
stands out to every individual. Mine was gift wrapping holiday presents for kids who wouldn't have been fortunate
enough to get a present otherwise. I may not have been saving people's lives with food and water but I just kept thinking about Hanukkah and how much fun it is to open presents no matter what they might be. I love the excitement surrounding presents during the holidays and I loved spreading that excitement to others. Spreading that excitement gave
me a feeling of pride, accomplishment and most of all happiness!
d 5
education and youth xrepe jepig
A Message from the Director
The classrooms look magnificent, the teachers are eager
to begin and the children are ready to learn, meet old
friends and make new ones.
Hebrew Readers, We Need You
If you are a Hebrew reader and you wish to make the difference
in the progress of one of Beth El’s TaRBuT students, then we
need you. Please consider tutoring (one on one) on Shabbat
mornings during the school year. You can do this as frequently as you wish. Design your own schedule. Adult volunteer
tutors have had a positive impact on the students with whom
they have worked and, consequently, on our educational program. Call Mary Baumgarten at 952-873-7316 for more information.
We welcome all of our new famillies to Aleph
Preschool! Additionally, we welcome some new teachers this year including, Wendy Grosser with young toddlers, Eloise Gershon with older toddlers and Michelle
Yousha with older toddlers. Michelle Yousha will also
take on the position as Aleph Preschool Curriculum
TaRBuT Program Resumes September 10
If you have a 5th grader who is not yet registered, contact Raquel
Swanson at or 952-873-7315.
We have an incredible year planned for all of our students.
Welcome to all of the 5th graders who are joining our program!
We look forward to watching you learn and grow, and we hope
you will take as much pride in your accomplishments as we do.
Karen Burton
We have just completed a wonderful
summer in our new space and are
looking forward to beginning the new
school year in our beautiful facility.
September is a busy month at Aleph Preschool as we
prepare for Rosh Hashanah and the upcoming holidays.
“Living Legacy” will visit with the Shofar Factory. The
children will see the process of how the shofar is made
and listen to the different sounds it makes.
Let’s not forget apples and honey, our favorite snack
during the month of Elul.
Our first Musical Shabbat will take place on Friday
September 9th at 9:30am. All are welcome to join us for
a morning filled with music and prayer and the sweet
voices of all our children.
Pre-K Enrichment class is busy with math, science, language arts, reading and Judaica. Yom Shalaim, our preschool Enrichment program for our three year olds, is
underway. We have added, “Wendy’s Wild & Wacky
Science” with Wendy Grosser each Wednesday afternoon. This promises to be an exciting class filled with
experiments including everything from learning about
magnetism to static electricity. Coach Nicki is back with
“Stretch and Grow” each Monday, Laurie Herstig with
music and Dori Weinstein with weekly Ivrit. As you can
see, we have a lot in store for all our
As always, we welcome you
to stop by for a tour and see
our classes in session. We
wish you a Healthy, Happy
and Sweet New Year.
Girls' Rosh Hodesh
Registration is now open for our Girls' Rosh Hodesh groups for
5th -7th grade girls. This program, which takes place one Sunday
each month, has received national acclaim and rave reviews from
the girls who have participated. For information, contact Mary
Baumgarten at 952-920-3512.
Registration is now open for Beth El’s Shorashim Program. This
program is for K-2nd graders and meets on Shabbat mornings
from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. This program is now in its fourth year.
Last year, there were 32 students enrolled and the program
received much acclaim. For more information please contact
Mary Baumgarten at
Important 2011-2012 TaRBuT Dates
Sept. 22
1st Year Parent Orientation
Oct. 27
2nd Year Parent Orientation
Nov. 4
TaRBuT Family Dinner
Nov. 12
TaRBuT Parents' Hour
Nov. 26
Dec. 10
TaRBuT Parents' Hour
Dec. 24-31
Jan. 7
Feb. 18
March 31
Grandparents & Special People Day
April 14 & 24 NO Session - PASSOVER VACATION
May 12
Session #28 - TaRBuT Parents' Hour
May 19
Session #29 - Shabbat Hinukh
xrepe j epig education and youth
Youth Department welcomes new Assistant Director
submitted by Mollie Feldman, Youth Director
The Youth Department welcomes Marnie Lazarus as
new Assistant Youth Director.
Marnie graduated from the
Aleph Preschool, St. Louis
Park High School and the University of Minnesota.
After college, Marnie moved to Boston where she
worked for the Newton School district and as
Youth Director for a local synagogue. For the past
3 years, Marnie was the Youth Director at B’nai
Emet Synagogue and is looking forward to working with the youth program at Beth El. Marnie
joins Youth Director, Mollie Feldman, for a busy
fall schedule with the Youth Department.
YOW: Start the new school-year by
joining the youth department for its
fourth annual (Y)outh (O)utreach
(W)eekend. YOW will be held at the
Edgewater Resort and Waterpark in
Duluth, MN from Sept. 16-18. YOW will be a
chance to connect with fellow USYers and enjoy
the Edgewater’s indoor waterpark. The event is
free for all 9th-12th graders through the generosity of a gift from the Seth Foundation in loving
memory of Seth Karonz”l by his parents and brother, Stefanie, Bob and Jason. Register online now
BERUSY NEW YOUTH LOUNGE KICKOFF: Celebrate Beth El’s new building by coming
for a USY Youth Lounge kick-off party on Sept. 25
at 3:00 p.m.! We’ll start with an Amazing Racestyle scavenger hunt, ending in the Youth Lounge
to eat snacks and check out the new building.
Teen Experience programming will be held for
7th-12th graders during both Rosh Hashanah First
Day services (Sept. 29) and Yom Kippur (Oct. 8).
The sessions will take place from 10-11a.m. on
both days, and programming will be directed by
and created for teens.
RUAH SQUAD: The ruah is coming! For the first
time ever, Beth El is going to have a ruah squad,
helping make every event more fun and energetic.
Led by Cantor Abrams, the group is for 7th-12th
graders and will meet weekly between October 2nd
and the Zimriah festival on December 10th. Want
to get the ruah going? Contact Mollie Feldman at
Looking Ahead...
• OCTOBER 10: Help the St. Louis Park Emergency Food Program
(STEP) unload the truck of Yom Kippur Food Drive donations, 3:00 p.m.
at STEP (6812 W. Lake St.)
• OCTOBER 13: Come together with the full youth community of
5th-12th graders for a Sukkah-hop after morning services. Starting at
Beth El around noon, we’ll visit neighborhood sukkot for a progressive
meal, fulfilling the mitzvah of spending time in the sukkah. If you live
in the vicinity of Beth El and plan to have a sukkah this year, please contact Mollie Feldman at 952-873-7330 or to talk
about hosting a stop!
• OCTOBER 16-17: Preparations for the annual USY Play are starting! This year the production will be of Disney’s Beauty and the
Beast, and casting will be held at the Beth El Synagogue Stage
on Oct. 16th from 2:30-5:30pm and Oct. 17th from 7:00-8:30
p.m. There are plenty of ways to be a part of this year’s production! If you are interested in joining the volunteer group
that makes the play a reality, please contact Mollie at or 952-873-7330.
• NOVEMBER 24-27: Save the date for USY Kinnus 2011 in St. Louis!
More details forthcoming.
For more events and details, go to
9th-12th graders register NOW for
Enjoy a FREE weekend, September 16-18 at the
Edgewater Resort in scenic Duluth, MN with
55 of your Beth El USY friends!
For more information, contact Mollie Feldman at 952-873-7330
YOW is sponsored in part by a gift from the
Seth Foundation in loving memory of Seth Karon
by his parents and brother, Stefanie, Bob and Jason.
f 7
miigd xefgn life cycles
Condolences to (members in bold)...
• Judy Witebsky and family on the loss of her husband,
Sheldon Witebsky.
• Andrew Parker and family on the loss of his father, Leonard Parker.
• Elissa Heilicher and family on the loss of her brother, Ira Heilicher.
• Sally Minsberg and family on the loss of her mother, Ruth Kirschner.
• Carolyn Azine and family on the loss of her mother, Ellen Wilson.
• Dr. Richard Goldstein and family on the loss of his wife,
Barbara Goldstein.
• The friends and family of Bette Charney.
Mazal Tov!
Joel & Tzivia Leviton
September 1st . . .15th
Jeffrey & Michelle Livon
September 1st . . .20th
Leslie & Peter Bacig
Mazal Tov to (members in bold)...
September 1st . . .20th
• The Karasov and Hampel families on the August 14th
Bard Borkon & Julie Silverman
wedding of Aaron and Erica.
September 1st . . .15th
• Alan & Tamara Fine on the birth of their daughter on August 3rd.
• David & Melissa Kieffer on the birth of their daughter on July 22nd. Martin & Kelly Mandel
• Dan & Lisa Rothstein on the birth of their son on July 20th.
September 1st . . .15th
Irving & Helen Golden
We welcome our newest members! B’rukhim Habaim!
September 2nd . .60th
Samuel Koter
David Jurisz & Sara Grimaldi
Marsha Raviv
September 3rd . .5th
Jeff & Sandy Rudoy
Dr. Theodor & Brenda Litman
Howard & Wendy Bach
Ruth Ziman
September 3rd . .50th
Marcus & Katherine Magy
Michael & Amy Walstien
Steve & Michelle Parks, Johnna, Noah
September 3re . . .5th
Howard & Estee Warsett, Macey
Bruce & Debra Lieberman
Michael & Julie Abramson, Jayden, Gabriel
September 6th . . .30th
Mollie Feldman
& Bari Sodikoff
Leo & Maureen Fine
8th . . .10th
Scott & Sandra Shmikler, Elizabeth, Richard
Oded & Hanna Galili
September 9th . . .30th
Dr. Randall & Lory Herman
September 11th . .40th
Ellis S. & Riva Nolley
September 13th . .30th
Lee & Jane Goldstein
September 14th . .25th
Joel & Peggy Mandel
September 14th . .20th
Steven & Norma Kaplan
September 19th . .35th
Harvey & Lori Goodman
September 20th . .30th
Dale & Debbie Hillman
September 20th . .30th
Jonathan & Bridget Resig
September 25th . .25th
Craig & Amy Burstein
September 28th . .20th
Dr. Sam & Sharon Abelson
September 28th . .25th
Raya Solganik
MAZAL TOV to our newly elected Beth El Board Members and to staff members celebrating milestone
anniversaries. All were recognized at this year’s Annual Meeting on August 4th at Beth El.
Beth El’s 2011-2012 Board of Directors are (*newly installed):
President, Gil Mann
President Elect, John Orenstein
Secretary, Bonnie Bongard Goldish
Treasurer, Dan Mosow
Vice Presidents - Barbara Levin Krupp*, Tom Sanders, Michael Walstein
Executive Appointee, Leslie Hahn
Immediate Past President, Gary J. Krupp
Allen Bernard
Jim Bukstein
Yoni Bundt
Debby Deutsch*
Jack Fiterman
Board Members
Mickey Greenberg
Reuven Rahamim
Steve Klane
Steven Rosen
Riva Kupritz
Karen Rubin*
Susan Melnick*
Jim Rudin
Allen Oleisky*
Amy Shapiro*
John Simon
Mort Silverman
Stephanie Snyder*
Stacey Spencer*
Sonia Ungerman*
Amy Weiss
h 9
committees & affiliates
Lihyot B’Kesher
Women’s League News
by Karen Rubin, President
Soon our young adults will
be heading off to college or
moving to cities far from home. No matter
where they are, everyone still likes to get an
occasional package from home, whether it’s
tasty treats in the Fall, a Hanukkah gift or
hamentashen for Purim. Register your young
adult with Lihyot B’Kesher by September
26th and they’ll get all this and more including a directory listing their Beth El friends.
Women’s League added up our contributions for last year and
we were able to donate a total of $18,000 to the synagogue,
Aleph Preschool and USY. We were able to do this because of
your support through your membership, involvement and financial support.
Thank you! You will be receiving your Women’s League membership solicitation
soon. Please join us. We all want to make Beth El even stronger, and your membership will help us do that.
The seasons are changing faster and faster. (My mother warned me about this,
and of course she was right). It is now time to purchase our luscious knishes in
time for the holidays. Choose from potato or rice - all parve! See the form below
Lihyot B’kesher (“Keep in Touch”) to order by September 20! (NOTE: Knishes are available for purchase all year
Committee’s goal is to maintain contact with
our young adults, up to and including age 25, You should have received your Beth El Calendar. If not, it will be there soon.
whether they are away at school, living at Remember, your donation to help defray costs is greatly appreciated.
home or on their own. Use the registration The gift shop is evolving to serve you better. If you have a need for Judaica and
form in this Shofar to register your young gift items, we are there to help.
adult. To cover costs, registration is $36 for
Finally, Torah Fund time is here. That name is confusing, since no funds go
one young adult ($60 for 2, $72 for 3 or
towards a Torah. The money goes to support scholarships for rabbinical students.
more). See registration on page 15.
Just ask the Rabbis how important that is to them. While Women’s League colIf you’re interested in helping plan this lects the funds, we are only the collectors; the funds do not remain with us.
year’s packages, Lihyot B’kesher will have
their first and only meeting Wednesday, While any contribution is appreciated, donations of $180 or more will receive a
September 7, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 205 at beautiful pin. This year the theme is Hiddur Mitzvah, and the pin is embellished
Beth El. Questions?
Contact Lihyot with pomegranates. Please contact Bonnie Zeff if you are interested in contributB’Kesher chair Marlee Kaminsky marlee- ing at this level. 952-449-9410.
` i 11
gemilat hesed
cqg zlinb zpit
Kol haKavod and Brokhim Haba’im
It is with deep gratitude that we say “l'hitraot” to Jane
Polansky who has served for ten years as the chairperson
of the Beth El Feed My Starving Children committee. It
was Jane who brought the idea to form this committee as a
mitzvah option for our congregants to our Hesed
Committee. It has been her leadership that has made it an
active and effective vehicle for deeds of loving kindness
since its inception. We say kol ha kavod and todah rabah
for a decade of inspired and dedicated service to our community, and to those in need all over the world. Jane is
moving on to a volunteer leadership position with her husband Robert at their son Solomon's school. We wish her
and her family well. We are delighted to announce the new
chair of our Feed My Starving Children Committee. Norma
Kaplan has agreed to bring her energy and commitment to
mitzvot to serve in this leadership role. We are excited to
have her on board as our newest committee chair. Look for
future notes in the Shofar to schedule a date to participate
in this wonderful mitzvah opportunity. The next opportunity to pack food will be Tuesday, November 15, 6:00-7:30
p.m., in Chanhassen. To volunteer, contact Norma
Kaplan at or 612-584-3099.
Loaves & Fishes
We help provide a
wonderful meal for
people in need in
South Minneapolis.
Call Diana Rosen at
reserve a place on our
Learn more about Gemilat Hesed at
serving team. The next
opportunity to serve
will be from 5:00-7:00
p.m. on Tuesdays,
September 27, November 22, and January 24, 2012.
Ronald McDonald House Sunday Brunch
Volunteer/Donation Opportunities
If you have never been to the Ronald McDonald House to serve
a meal, it is truly inspiring and we encourage everyone to give it
a try! If you don’t have the time to volunteer, donating a portion
of the meal is another great way to get involved. If you would
like to be notified about future opportunities to volunteer or
donate to the Ronald McDonald House, please email with your name and email address.
Introduction to Judaism offers a
warm, intimate and non-threatening environment to explore the
fundamental beliefs, values,
practices and history that have
shaped the Jewish people
throughout the ages.
For more information, contact
one of the following:
Rabbi Jonathan Sadoff
Adath Jeshurun
Rabbi Alexander Davis
Beth El Synagogue
Tuesday Evenings, beginning October 25th through May 2012
6:30-7:30 Basic Hebrew Reading
7:30-9:00 Introduction to Judaism with synagogue Rabbis
Rabbi Avram Ettedgui
Sharei Chesed
cqg zlinb zpit gemilat hesed
Beth El’s Caring Community – Yad v’Lev
submitted by Co-Chairs, Jo Ann Gruesner & Margie Goldfine
We’d like to thank all the people who make Yad v’Lev the success it is. Thank you to our clergy and office staff who help
to make this committee a success.
Special thanks to Helen Resig, Nancy Schoenberger, and Nancy Victor for continuing to make calls and to Lois Siegel
for sending out the many personalized cards with care, thoughtfulness and sensitivity.
Most importantly, THANK YOU to the 67 volunteers (*) who performed the mitzvot during the last year. These volunteers
cooked, called, delivered, visited, transported, wrote cards and so much more with a genuine caring for any member who
would benefit from an act of kindness. Todah rabah to our Yad v’Lev Angels (We apologize for any inadvertent omissions.):
Leslie Adler
Ruth Baruch
Linda Bialick
Wendy Bloom
Chad Blumenfeld*
Dina Blumenfeld
Jill Blustin *
Louann Bongard*
Chris Brand *
Darlene Braufman
Bill Broze
Marlene Bukstein*
Yoni Bundt *
Jan Burke
Miriam Charney*
Marilyn Chern*
Rich Chern*
Lee Diamond
Lois Dobrin *
Cathy Erlien *
Linda Estrin
Roni Falck
Jenny Feinberg
Wendy Fine *
Sharon Fischman
Barry Frailich
Midge Frailich*
Barb Friedman
Karon Garen
Danny Gelfman
Dori Gelfman
Heidi Gilbert
Darcy Gilbert-Burke*
Linda Goldberg
Esther Goldberg-Davis*
Margie Goldfine *
Bonnie Goldish *
Gary Goldish *
Adina Goldstein*
Lori Goodman *
Carrie Gottstein*
Lisa Gottstein *
Mickey Greenberg
Pamela Greenberg*
Phil Greenberg
Rivel Greenberg
Harold Gruesner *
Jo Ann Gruesner *
Molly Gruesner
Sarah Gruesner *
Phyllis Harris *
Christine Hausman*
Steven Heifetz
Lisa Heilicher *
Ingrid Hershkovitz
Margie Howell *
Lynn Hvidsten
Diana Idelkope *
Louis Jurisz*
Shirley Jurisz*
Bea Kampf
Shayne Karasov*
Gail Katz
Barb Katzenstein
Josh Katzenstein
Rachel Klein
Do you need a hand?
We’re here!
Call our hotline at
952-873-7300 x 7350
Can you lend a hand?
We need you!
Contact Jo Ann Gruesner at
or call 952-873-7300 x 7350
Mary Koppel
Shelly Kornblum
Joey Kristal *
Barbara Krupp*
Gary Krupp *
Riva Kupritz
Ellice Landy
Missy Lavintman*
Jodi Lebewitz-Davis*
Jerry Lehman *
Marshall Lehman
Paula Lehman
Pam Lehman *
Dennis Leveris
Louise Litt
Wendy Lovell-Smith*
Sue Magy *
Debbie Mann
Gil Mann *
Josh Mann*
Ellyn Marell
Gilah Mashaal
Leslie McGourty
Elliot Miller
Gay Moldow*
Stacy Mosow *
Margie Neiman
Lisa Neuman
Saranee Newman
Allen Oleisky *
Sarah Olitzky
Larry Pepper *
Joyce Prohofsky
Ron Rabinovitz
Abby Rabinowitz
Shereen Rahamim
Kathy Rendelman*
Helen Resig *
Sheldon Resig
Louise Ribnick*
Joanie Rischall
Diana Rosen *
Bonnie Rosen-Engler
Karen Rubin
Tony Rubin
Sheva Sanders
Leslie Schmidt*
Nancy Schoenberger*
Stan Segalbaum
Debbie Selnick *
Janet Shanedlling
Debbie Shapiro
Wendy Shragg
Helen Siegel *
Lois Siegel *
Jill Simon
Diana Snyder
Bonnie Stein*
Amy Stern
Penny Stillman*
Marilyn Swatez
Linda Tell *
Sharon Torodor
Renee Usem
Nancy Victor*
Sheryl Sue Warren *
Jane Weiner
Diane Weisberg *
Amy Weiss
Dorothy Werner
Joy Werner
Deb Wieberdink
Perry Witkin *
Michelle Wood *
Debbie Yerys
Dana Yugend-Pepper
Leonard Zeff
Hadassah Zohara *
Shabbat Transportation Service
Volunteers are needed to provide transportation to
Beth El from Knollwood Place. If you are able to drive
two Knollwood residents to Shabbat Services once or
twice a month, please contact Margie Goldfine at
Knead A Hand!
We need volunteers to pick up and deliver daily leftover
baked goods from Seven Stars Coffee Shop to local food
shelves such as PRISM, located in Golden Valley,
Sabathani Community Center in Minneapolis and The
Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery. If you would like to
volunteer for this mitzvah, even one day a month, contact Jo Ann Gruesner at
b i 13
9/11 Commemoration—
Minnesotans Standing Together
The Minnesota Council of Churches is encouraging congregations of faith to come together for a respectful community observance of the tenth anniversary of the 9/11
attacks. The public ceremony on Sunday, September 11,
from 2:00-4:00 p.m. on the Capitol Mall in St. Paul and feature an unprecedented coalition of religious, civic and public officials from across Minnesota. The event will honor
the ideals of freedom and democracy, lament loss, offer
healing, and create hope and inspiration for greater cooperation in our diverse state and nation. Additional details
available at:
Fall Interfaith Dialogue Series
SPIN (Saint Paul Interfaith Network) once again presents
its fall interfaith dialogue series, Monday evenings,
October 3rd-24th. This year's challenging theme is "Eyes
Wide Open: A Conversation about Racism,
Discrimination, Prejudice and Meeting the Other." Full
information available at
“Waging Peace in the Context of Violent Conflict”
Presentation by Rabbi Melissa Weintraub
Wednesday, November 2, 7:30 p.m.
O’Shaughnessy Educational Center Auditorium
University of St. Thomas, St. Paul Campus
Drawing on sixteen years of experience in Middle East
face-to-face encounters, Rabbi Melissa Weintraub will
explore how such encounters build a culture of civil discourse and create human connections across lines of enmity — even in the context of violent conflict. Rabbi
Weintraub is cofounder and executive director emerita of
Encounter, an organization dedicated to resolving the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to healing rifts within the
Jewish community that have formed in the wake of that
conflict. A graduate of Harvard University and Jewish
Theological Seminary of America, she is the author of
influential articles on torture and peacemaking, and is writing a book exploring Jewish religious responses to terror.
Free and open to the public. Jay Phillips Center for
Interfaith Learning: For more
information, email or call
651-962-5780. This presentation is part of the Jay
Phillips Center’s Rabbis-in-Residence program supported by a generous contribution from the Blythe Brenden
Fund of the Ted and Dr. Roberta Mann Foundation.
Tzedek Institute
Jewish Community Action and Beth El are proud to
announce the Tzedek Institute - a community organizing
approach to bringing the Jewish community together to
solve tough challenges of our time, while strengthening our
own community and our relationships with other communities. Organized and run by JCA, Beth El will be sending
Bruce Hope and Jodi Wolk to participate in the Institute.
Through this initiative, we hope to lay the groundwork for
addressing issues about we care deeply. We believe this
process will allow us to make real progress fighting injustice, introduce us to unique partnerships across all lines of
race and faith, position the Jewish community as a leader in
social justice, and invigorate and energize congregations
and community members. In the words of Rabbi Abraham
Joshua Heschel: "The true standard by which to gauge a
culture is the extent to which reverence, compassion, justice are to be found in the daily lives of a whole people, not
only in the acts of isolated individuals." Join with us to
develop and sustain a large network of Twin Cities Jews as
we seek justice and build strength together. For more information, contact Melissa Rudnick at (651) 632-2184 or
Israeli Authors Coming to Minneapolis
The Israel Center of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation and
the Sabes Jewish Community Center (JCC) will launch
Culture Boulevard: Israeli Author Series this fall with bestselling Israeli authors Ron Leshem, Meir Shalev and
Eshkol Nevo. The authors are scheduled for the following
event dates:
Thursday, September 22 | 7 p.m. | Ron Leshem
Wednesday, November 9 | 7 p.m. | Meir Shalev
Thursday, December 1 | 7 p.m. | Eshkol Nevo
A light reception and book signing will follow each presentation. The author’s books are available for purchase at
Barnes and Noble’s Minnetonka location. All events are set
to take place at the Sabes Jewish Community Center located on the Barry Family Campus at 4330 South Cedar Lake
Road, St. Louis Park. Tickets are $12 for general admission, $10 for students, seniors and JCC members. For tickets and group orders of 8 or more, contact the JCC box
office at 952.381.3499 or
e h 15
Beth El Endowments and Program Funds provide an important source of income, enabling Beth El to offer added services and programs and to make improvements to the facility. You can honor or remember family members and friends or special events with contributions to any of
the Beth El Endowment Funds or Program Funds. Send donations to: Beth El Synagogue, 5224 West 26th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55416. Indicate the
fund to which you want to contribute, the purpose of the contribution, and to whom you would like an acknowledgement sent. A complete listing of funds
are available by calling the front desk at 952-873-7300 or donate online at (click on “Donate”) If you would like to establish a new fund in your name or in the name of a loved one, please contact Marilyn Weisberg at Beth El, at 952-873-7303.
Beth El Gratefully Acknowledges the Following Contributions
This list reflects donations made to funds from June 24-August 31, 2011 Contributions received after August 31, 2011 will be listed in the October
2011 issue of the Shofar. If you do not want your name listed, please include a note when you make your contribution. (Please note, laste issue included
tributes received within May 1-June 23rd)
Congregational Nurse Fund
In Memory of Margaret Rifkind
Gary & Barbara Krupp
Prayer Book/Sanctuary Fund
In Honor of The Bat Mitzvah of Shoshana Leviton
Robert & Sandy (Sorah) Blumenfeld
Seretta Rudin Memorial Fund
Best wishes for the speedy recovery of Ronald Glassman
Donald Rudin & Elaine Simon
Dr. Martin & Marilyn Weisberg Tikkun Olam Endowment Fund
In Honor of The 50th Anniversary of Marilyn & Marty Weisberg
Dr. H. Irving & Karen Katz
Rabbi Abelson Discretionary Fund
In Honor of Rabbi Kassel Abelson — Living A Life That Matters
Irene & Richard Spero
Richard & Dobra Hunegs
Happy Anniversary to Stuart and Reena Davis On Their 50th
Barbara & Stuart Lang
Happy Birthday to Dan Mosow
Jane & Todd Lifson
The Bernard Badzin Administrative Fund
Happy Birthday to Fern Badzin
Arthur J. & Penny J. Glassman
Greater Beth El
In Appreciation of Gill And Debbie Mann For Time In Boston For
Samuel And Caroline’s Wedding
Rory Zamansky
In Appreciation of John Orenstein for Your Talent and Generosity
Family of Carolyn Lieberman
In Honor of Burt and Diane Weisberg’s Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary
Dr. Martin & Marilyn Weisberg
In Honor of Elliot & Bobby Cohen’s 50th Wedding Anniversary
Larry & Elayne Chiat
In Honor of Marge And Harvey Kaplan In Honor Of Their 55th
Wedding Anniversary
Irving & Teresa Victor
In Honor of Marilyn and Marty Weisberg’s 50th Anniversary
Dr. Harold & Connie Weisberg
Kim, Andrew, Alyssa & Amy Weiner
In Honor of Marion Gross
In Honor of Rabbi Abelson
Dr. Peter Bitterman & Cynthia Gross
In Honor of Stuart Borken’s “Special” Birthday
Dr. Martin & Marilyn Weisberg
In Honor of The 50th Wedding Anniversary Of Estelle & Bobby
In Memory of Carolyn Lieberman
In Honor of The 45th Wedding Anniversary Of Michael & Cookie
Nessa Lee Laiderman
In Honor of The 50th Anniversary Of Elliot And Roberta Cohen
Irving & Teresa Victor
In Memory of Ethel Barr
Ron, Laurie, Ellen, Lizz Trach and Terry, Hannah,
In Memory of Leonard Parker
Dr. H. Irving & Karen Katz
In Memory of Margaret Rifkind
Leslie & Jerad Hahn
Tom & Amy Lieberman
Mazel Tov On Sylvia & Bob Fine’s 40th Anniversary and Many More
Barb & Earl Hoffman
Jacob & Ann Scherling Scholarship Fund
In Honor of Stuart Borken’s Special Birthday
Harold & Eileen Scherling
In Memory of Sheldon Witebsky
Brian & Sandra Salita
L’dor Vador Capital Campaign
Happy Anniversary to Diane and Richard Cohen
Dalia Katz
Happy Anniversary to Elliot and Bobby Cohen
Peter & Serene Simon
Library Supplies Donation
In Honor of Burt & Diane Weisberg’s 50th Wedding Anniversary
Judge Allen & Marcia Oleisky
Philip and Rivel Greenberg Family Fund for Holocaust
For Speedy Recovery of Brian Salita
Philip & Rivel Greenberg
Jeff & Lisa Gottstein Technology Fund
In Honor of Andrew Gottstein Bris Ceremony
David Norris
Kim & Wayne Peterson
In Honor of On The Birth Of Andrew Levi Gottstein
Barb & Larry Zweigbaum
Barry & Carolyn Gerr
Edie & Larry Zidel
Edward & Lynn Bick
Jeff, Kirsten, Sonya & Veronica Rose
Jeffrey Polinchock
John, Megan & Otto Altman
Leslie Laub
Marilyn & Gary Rose
Mary & Lew Lampert
Steve & Michelle Parks
Sue McMahon
Uriel & Jill Lewis
Mazel Tov On Andrew Gottstein’s Bris
Chris & Dawn Donahoe
Sellers Family
Mazel Tov On The Birth Of Andrew Levi Gottstein
Alyssa, Anthony & Rebecca Bloch
Andy & Debbie Niemela
Brad & Susan Melnick
Edward (Todd) & Brenda Schwartzberg
Gertrude Shiller
Joyce Rubin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Neuman
Nancy & Kevin Rhein
Polly Wessels
The Shogren Family
Rabbi Kassel Abelson USY Leadership Fund
In Appreciation of Rabbi Abelson For Your 60 Years In The
Seymour & Sybil Wilensky
In honor of the bar mitavah of Evan Pomish
In honor of the bar mitavah of Steven Shapiro
In honor of the bat mitavah of Elizabeth Shapiro
In honor of the bat mitavah of Sydney Pomish
In honor of the bat mitavah of Jacquie Conner
In honor of the bat mitavah of Kyla Kristal
Rabbi Kassel Abelson
Rabbi Olitzky Discretionary Fund
In Honor of Delilah Rose Rajkowski’s Simchat Bat
Amy & Ben Rajkowski
Rabbi Rob Kahn Adult Education Fund
In Memory of Aylon Engler
Tom & Amy Lieberman
The David & Marla Frank USY Scholarship Fund
Happy Birthday to Russ Rubin
Arthur J. & Penny J. Glassman
The Frailich “Yad V’ Lev” Caring Community Fund
In Memory of Mickey Edelstein
Brent Gensler & Marnie Rutman
Dr. Gary Goldish & Dr. Bonnie Bongard
The Gert & David Cohen Gemilut Hesed Fund
Mazel Tov On Aleeza Mandel’s Bat Mitzvah
Dan & Amy Weiss
The Harry, Stanley and Charlotte Rappoport Israel Pilgrimage Fund
In Memory of Samuel Hechter
James & Maida Fruen
The Jacki & Bill Broze Israel Trips for Adults Fund
In Honor of Karen & Irv Katz’s 50th Anniversary
Mazel Tov On the Birth of TWO Granddaughters
William & Jacalyn Fruen Broze
The Julie Kaplan Memorial Fund
In Honor of Marge & Harvey Kaplan’s Special Anniversary
Fred & Harriette Burstein
The Men’s Club
In Memory of Sylvia Gold
Jerry & Reva Bronstien
The Nemerov-Lava General Scholarship Fund
In Honor of Dr. Neil & Diane Hoffman’s 50th Wedding Anniversary
Judge Allen & Marcia Oleisky
Charles & Melanie Barry
The Philip & Bobby Bloom Camp Ramah Fund
In Memory of Sheldon Witebsky
Phil and Bobby Bloom
The Quentin Dachis Playground Fund
Thank you to Gail & Mark Bender-Satz For The Best Week-end
Sharon Tapper
The Ralph Z. & Bess Yellen General Scholarship Fund
In Honor of Carl & Tammy Birnberg’s 50th Wedding Anniversary
In Memory of Melvin Brazman
Stuart & Dian Yellen
The Seiler-Newman Bema Fund
Mazel Tov On Marilyn Weisberg’s New Home
Harry & Terry Cohen
The Shirley R. Abelson Aleph School Fund
In Honor of Lucille Berkowitz’s 90th Birthday
In Honor of Noa Eaton’s Bat Mitzvah
In Memory of Sally Chisick
In Honor of The Marriage Of Dr. Aubrey and Phillipa Caplan’s Children
Stanley & Andrea Levich
In Honor of Sandra Schaffer’s Special Birthday
Boris & Sara Zuk
Tributes continued
In Honor of Shirley R. Abelson Aleph School
Natalie Armel
In Memory of Bud Rivkin
Idell Corson
In Memory of Margaret Rifkind
Jim & Sally Beloff
In honor of the birth of the daughter of Alan & Tamara Fine
In honor of the birth of the daughter of Melissa and David Kieffer
Rabbi Kassel Abelson
The Steven Gregory Rice Fund for the Physically and
Mentally Challenged
In Memory of Paul Siegel’s Father
In Memory of Sylvia Gold
Ruth & Morton Weisberg
Mazal Tov to Ronald & Helen Lifson on their 50th anniversary
Happy Birthday to Andrea Weisberg
Mazal Tov to Sally Gertz on the marriage of Farin Zukerman and
Andy Gertzhaber
Mazal Tov to Pauline Ratner on her special birthday
Mazal Tov to Barney Ratner on his 85th birthday
Mazal Tov to Pauline & Barney Ratner on their 55th anniversary
Malka Rice
The Torodor-Levy Family General Scholarship Fund
In Honor of Arlene & Harvey Kase’s Special Anniversary 45th
In Honor of Pam & Jerry Lehman On Their 15th Anniversary
In Memory of Julius (Bud) Rivkin
Bill & Sharon Torodor
In Honor of Ruth Finn’s 90th Birthday
In Honor of Clare Schwartz’s Birthday
Eleanor Torodor
In Memory of Sylvia Gold
Melvin & Marlene Lebewitz
USY Scholarship Fund
In Memory of Aaron Efron
Jerry & Reva Bronstien
Abelson-Aronson Endowment Fund
In honor of the 10th anniversary of Darren & Bari Sodikoff
In honor of the 15th anniversary of Joel & Tzivia Leviton
In honor of the 15th anniversary of Martin & Kelly Mandel
In honor of the 15th anniversary of Bard Borkon & Julie
In honor of the 20th anniversary of Mel & Judith Cofman
In honor of the 20th anniversary of Leslie & Peter Bacig
In honor of the 20th anniversary of Jeffrey & Michelle Livon
In honor of the 20th anniversary of Craig & Amy Burstein
In honor of the 20th anniversary of Joel & Peggy Mandel
In honor of the 25th anniversary of Jonathan & Bridget Resig
In honor of the 25th anniversary of Dr. Sam & Sharon Abelson
In honor of the 25th anniversary of Lee & Jane Goldstein
In honor of the 30th anniversary of Oded & Hanna Galili
In honor of the 30th anniversary of Harvey & Lori Goodman
In honor of the 30th anniversary of Bruce & Debra Lieberman
In honor of the 30th anniversary of Ellis S. & Riva Nolley
In honor of the 30th anniversary of Dale & Debbie Hillman
In honor of the 35th anniversary of Steven & Norma Kaplan
In honor of the 40th anniversary of Dr. Randall & Lory Herman
In honor of the 50th anniversary of Dr. Theodor & Brenda Litman
In honor of the 5th anniversary of David Jurisz & Sara Grimaldi
In honor of the 5th anniversary of Michael & Amy Walstien
In honor of the 60th anniversary of Irving & Helen Golden
In memory of Leonard Parker
In memory of Jane Ellen Robbins Kelber Standard
In memory of Edward Silberman
In memory of Nancy Novak
In memory of Rosalyn Locketz
In memory of Ira Heilicher
In memory of Ruth Kirschner
In memory of Margaret Rifkind
Rabbi Kassel Abelson
Yahrzeit Contributions
In memory of:
Contributed by:
Abraham Ansel
Dr. Howard Ansel
Pearl Berkowitz
Esther Burke
David Bloom
Stuart & Carolyn Bloom
Phillip Blumenfeld
Phillip Schneider
Mausha Blyumberg
Sara Blyumberg
Joseph & Genya Buslovich
Charles Bolter
Diane Bolter
Evelyn Broude
Murray & Marlene Brandys
Fannie Daniel
Steven & Harolyn Rudoy
Gerald Davidson
David & Lisa Wolfe
Richard Drucker
Harold Drucker
Hannah Ettedgui
Rabbi Avraham Ettedgui &
Linda Brody
Hanna Feinberg
Dr. Howard Ansel
Ben Frank
Bruce Frank
Jacob Avraham Friedman
Lois Siegel
Marion Gepner
Orlin Silverman
Harriet Gimble
Dr. Arnold & Shirley Kaplan
Archie Glasser
Hy Glasser
Nellie Goldstein
Ann Lefcowitz
Dr. James & Marlene Bukstein
Norman Goldstein
Rita Rutman Goldstein
Ellen Kleinbaum
S. David Greenberg
Fern Badzin
Nate Groll
Sylvia Field
Harry Heifetz
Raoul & Ferna Heifetz
Erich Heymann
Rick & Helen Siegel
Helen Jurisz
Louis & Shirley Jurisz
Rose Kamesar
Ellis S. & Riva Nolley
Milton Kaplan
Steven & Norma Kaplan
Sarah Klane
Harold & Lorraine Klane
Stuart Kloner
Louise Kloner
Fannie Krupp
Alvin & Barbara Gleekel
Robert Lane
Shirleymae Lane
Murl Lavintman
Randy & Jane Rosenzweig
Bessie Lazer
Eleanor Gantman
Morton Levy
Martin & Kay Harris
Emanuel Litowitz
Howard & Beverly Radin
Maryon Milsten
Dr. Howard Ansel
Mary Mondschain
Philip & Rivel Greenberg
Max Moreino
Shirley Jaffe
Bertha Novich
Joseph & Shirley Novich
Benjamin Pieser
Shirley Korengold
Dr. Irving Posnick
Nan Posnick
Dr. Steven & Monica Posnick
Adeline Prohofsky
DeDe Armel
Ann Rank
Harold & Jacqueline Sadoff
Burton Rein
Raoul & Ferna Heifetz
Sidney Rosenblum
Gail Rosenblum
Louis Rosen
Don & Helen Rosen
Solly Rose
Fred & Andrea Rose
Ruby Rubenstein
Dr. Randall & Lory Herman
Lena Schindler
Eleanor Torodor
Rose Sherman
Bernard Sherman
Libby Singer
Barbara Bach
Sam Skolnick
Marilyn Goldman
Cheryl Snyder
Daniel Snyder
Gerald Snyder
Abe Sperling
Phyllis Sperling
David Berman and Sam Steinman
Ide Schertzer
Samuel Streigold
Dr. Harold & Ruth Kaiser
Helen J. Stutman
Judith Finkelstein
Murray Stutman
Judith Finkelstein
Erwin Swernoff
Michael & Sandra Swirnoff
Shirley Van Wie
Ruth Kasdan
Irene Winer
Norman & Sally Winer
Nate Winerman
Joel B. & Barbara Handler
Memorial Plaques
"The Life has ended, but the light can never be extinguished"
It is our custom at Beth El to memorialize our departed loved ones
with memorial plaques. These beautiful plaques are placed in
the memorial alcove outside of the Fiterman Chapel for the
entire first year and then the entire month of the Yahrzeit date
each year after that.
The cost of a plaque is $500, with the proceeds
supporting programs at Beth El throughout the year.
Please contact Marilyn Weisberg at 952-873-7303
for more information or to order a plaque.
U.S. Postage
5224 W. 26th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55416-1901
Permit #1998
Alexander Davis
Assistant Rabbi
Avi S. Olitzky
Rabbi Emeritus
Kassel E. Abelson
Audrey Abrams
Cantor Emeritus
Neil Newman
Executive Director
Linda Goldberg
Finance Director
Jerry Frick
Education Director
Mary Baumgarten
Marketing & Communications Director
Danelle Cunningham
Technology Director
Jessica Zehavi
Youth Director
Mollie Feldman
Aleph Preschool Director
Karen Burton
President, Beth El Synagogue
Gil Mann
President, Men's Club
Allen Oleisky
President, Women's League
Karen Rubin
President, Bethelders
Freada Golden
President, Beth El Rishon USY
Brandon Klugman
1 in 10 Minnesotans relied on
food shelves last year.
50,000 pounds of food are
needed each month.
You can help.
Bring non-perishable food to the
Big Truck at Beth El beginning
Friday, October 7th.