Programa Makavol 2010.indd


Programa Makavol 2010.indd
International Mee
on Island Volcano
Risk Management
Reuniâo Internacional
sobre Gestâo de Risco
Vulcânico em Ilhas
sobre Ges Islas
Fogo Workshop
Reunião Internacional sobre Gestão de Risco Vulcânico em Ilhas
International Meeting on Island Volcano Risk Management
Reunión Internacional sobre Gestión del Riesgo Volcánico en Islas
Praia, Ilha de Santiago
Chã das Caldeiras, Ilha do Fogo
Cabo Verde
4/12/2010 - 9/12/2010
Laboratório de Engenharia Civil (LEC), Cabo Verde
Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia da Universidade de Cabo Verde (UNICV)
Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil (SNPC), Cabo Verde
Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables (ITER), Tenerife, Islas Canarias, España
EU Transnational Cooperation Program MAC 2007-2013
Ministerio das Infraestruturas, Transportes e Telecomunicações, Cabo Verde
Ministerio da Administração Interna, Cabo Verde
Ministerio do Ensino Superior, Ciência e Cultura, Cabo Verde
Ministerio do Ambiente, do Desenvolvimento Rural e dos Recursos Marinhos, Cabo Verde
Câmara Municipal da Praia, Ilha do Santiago, Cabo Verde
Câmara Municipal dos Mosteiros, Ilha do Fogo, Cabo Verde
Câmara Municipal de Santa Catarina do Fogo, Ilha do Fogo, Cabo Verde
Câmara Municipal de São Filipe, Ilha do Fogo, Cabo Verde
Câmara Municipal da Brava, Ilha do Brava, Cabo Verde
Universidade de Cabo Verde (Uni-CV), Cabo Verde
Instituto Nacional Meteorologia e Geofísica (INMG), Cabo Verde
Delegação da Comissão Europeia em Cabo Verde
AECID - Oficina Técnica de Cooperación Española en Cabo Verde
TACV - Transportes Aéreos de Cabo Verde
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN), España
Cabildo Insular de Tenerife, Tenerife, Islas Canarias, España
Fundación Canaria ITER, Tenerife, Islas Canarias, España
Cartografía de Canarias, S. A. (GRAFCAN), Islas Canarias, España
Sociedad Volcanológica de España (SVE), Tenerife, Islas Canarias, España
Asociación Volcanológica de Canarias (AVCAN), Tenerife, Islas Canarias, España
Observatório Vulcanológico e Geotérmico dos Açores (OVGA), Portugal
Comıssão de Honra · Committee of Honor · Comité de Honor
Presidente ·President · Presidente:
Comandante Pedro de Verona Rodrigues Pires
Presidente da Republica de Cabo Verde
Membros · Members · Miembros:
Eng.º Manuel Inocêncio Sousa
Ministro de Estado das Infrastructuras, Transportes e Telecomunicações
Dr. Lívio Fernandes Lopes
Ministro da Administração Interna
Dra. Fernanda Maria de Brito Marques
Ministra do Ensino Superior, Ciências e Cultura
Eng.º José Maria Veiga
Ministro do Ambiente, Agricultura e Recursos Marinhos
Dr. Josep Coll
Chefe de Delegação da União Europeia na República de Cabo Verde
Dr. Manuel José Villavieja Vega
Embaixador de Espanha na República de Cabo Verde
Dra. Graça Andresen Guimarães
Embaixadora de Portugal na República de Cabo Verde
Dr. Ulisses Correia e Silva
Presidente da Câmara Municipal da Praia
Dr. Eugénio Miranda Veiga
Presidente da Câmara Municipal de São Filipe
Dr. Fernandinho Teixeira
Presidente da Câmara Municipal dos Mosteiros
Dr. Aqueleu J. B. Amado
Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Santa Catarina do Fogo
Dr. Camilo Gonçalves
Presidente da Câmara Municipal da Brava
Dr. Antonio Correia e Silva
Reitor da Universidade de Cabo Verde
Eng.º António Augusto Gonçalves
Presidente do Laboratório de Engenharia Civil de Cabo Verde
Tenente-coronel Alberto Carlos Barbosa Fernandes
Presidente do Serviço Nacional da Protecção Civil
Dr. Joao Cardoso
Presidente do Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia da Universidade de Cabo Verde
Dra. Ester Araújo de Brito
Presidente do Instituto Nacional da Meteorologia e Geofísica de Cabo Verde
Dr. Jaime Puyoles
Coordenador Geral da Cooperação Espanhola (AECID) em Cabo Verde
Eng.º Ricardo Melchior Navarro
Presidente do Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables (ITER), Tenerife, España
Antonio Gonçálvez (LEC, Cape Verde);
Co-Chairperson · Co-Presidente
Alberto Fernandes (Civil Protection, Cape Verde);
Co-Chairperson · Co-Presidente
João Cardoso (DCT- UNICV, Cape Verde);
Co-Chairperson · Co-Presidente
Zuleyka Bandomo (LEC, Cape Verde);
Secretariat · Secretariado
Inocêncio Miguel José de Barros (LEC, Cape Verde)
Alberto da Mota Gomes (LEC, Cape Verde)
Jair Rodrigues (SNPC, Cape Verde)
Sonia Victoria (UNICV, Cape Verde)
Victor-Hugo Forjaz (Observatório Vulcanológico e
Geotérmico dos Açores, Portugal)
Zilda França (Universidade dos Açores, Portugal)
Nemesio Pérez (ITER, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain);
Co-Chairperson · Co-Presidente
Pedro A. Hernández (ITER, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain)
Gladys Melián Rodrígrez (ITER, Tenerife, Spain);
Secretariat · Secretariado
Jesús Ibañez (Instituto Geofísico Andaluz, Universidad de
Granada, Spain)
Elena González Cárdenas (SVE, Spain)
Fernando Raja (AVCAN, Spain)
O Workshop MAKAVOL Fogo 2010
é uma das três Reuniões Internacionais de Vulcões co-organizada
pelo Instituto Tecnológico e de
Energias Renováveis, ITER (Tenerife, Ilhas Canárias, Espanha), o
Laboratório de Engenharia Civil de
Cabo Verde (LEC), a Universidade
de Cabo Verde (Uni-CV) e o Serviço
Nacional de Protecção Civil (SNPC)
de Cabo Verde e sustentado pelo
projecto “Intensificação das capacidades de R&D para contribuir
para a redução do risco vulcânico
na Macaronésia (MAC/3/C161)”
co-financiado pelo Programa de
Cooperação Transnacional Madeira-Canárias-Açores da EU (MAC
2007-2013), com a colaboração
do Observatório Vulcanológico e
Geotérmico dos Açores, Fundação
Canária ITER, Sociedade Vulcanológica Espanhola e a Associação
Vulcanológica das Ilhas Canárias
O Workshop MAKAVOL Fogo 2010
está planeado como um forum
internacional para especialistas
trabalhando em ilhas com vulcanismo activo, para discutirem sobre a redução do risco vulcânico
inerente a estes ambientes especiais. As discussões científicas e
técnicas serão principalmente relacionadas com a gestão do risco
vulcânico em Cabo Verde, e outras ilhas com vulcanismo activo,
bem como com o implemento de
uma troca de know-how para a
compreensão e progressão de
iniciativas multi-disciplinares para
reduzir o risco vulcânico. O Workshop MAKAVOL Fogo 2010 será
também uma grande oportunidade para mostrar o impacto dos
projectos, do passado e actuais,
co-financiados pela Cooperação
Científica e Técnica entre Portugal
e Cabo Verde (VIGIL), a Spanish
AIDAgency (AECID), a Comissão
dos Negócios Estrangeiros do
Governo das Ilhas Canárias, o Programa de Cooperação Internacional do Cabildo Insular de Tenerife, e
o 7º Quadro do Programa da União Europeia, FP7 (MiaVita) para
reduzir o risco vulcânico em Cabo
Verde, bem como aqueles co-financiados por iniciativa da União
Europeia - Programa INTERREG III
B Açores-Madeira-ilhas Canárias
para reduzir o risco vulcânico nos
Açores e ilhas Canárias (ALERTA,
MAKAVOL 2010 Fogo Workshop is
one of three international volcano
meetings co-organized by the Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías
Renovables, ITER (Tenerife, Canary
Islands, Spain), the Laboratório de
Engenharia Civil de Cabo Verde
(LEC), the Universidade de Cabo
Verde (Uni-CV), and the Serviço
Nacional de Protecção Civil (SNPC)
from Cape Verde under the framework of the project “Strengthening
the capacities of R&D to contribute
reducing volcanic risk in the Macaronesia (MAC/3/C161)” co-financed
by EU Transnational Cooperation
Program Madeira-Canarias-Azores
(MAC 2007-2013) with the collaboration of the the Observatório
Vulcanológico e Geotérmico dos
Açores, Fundación Canaria ITER,
Spanish Volcanological Society
(SVE) and the Canary Islands Association of Volcanology (AVCAN).
MAKAVOL 2010 Fogo Workshop is
planned as an international forum
for specialists working on active
volcanic islands to discuss about
reducing volcanic risk on these
special settings. Scientific and
technical discussions will be mainly related to volcanic risk managment in Cape Verde and other active volcanic islands as well as to
enhance know-how exchange to
understand and improve the multidisciplinary initiatives for reducing volcanic risk. MAKAVOL 2010
Fogo Workshop will be also a great
opportunity to show the impact of
the past and current projects cofinanced by the Collaborative Scientific and Technical Cooperation
between Portugal and Cape Verde
(VIGIL), the Spanish AIDAgency
(AECID), the Commissioner for External Affairs of the Government of
the Canary Islands, the International Cooperation Programme of the
Cabildo Insular de Tenerife, and
the EU Seventh Framework Programme, FP7 (MiaVita) for reducing
volcanic risk in Cape Verde, as well
as those co-financed by the EU
Initiative Programme INTERREG III
B Azores-Madeira-Canary Islands
for reducing volcanic risk in Azores
MAKAVOL 2010 Fogo Workshop
es una de las tres reuniones internacionales de volcanología
co-organizadas por el Instituto
Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables, ITER (Tenerife, Islas Canarias,
España), el Laboratório de Engenharia Civil de Cabo Verde (LEC),
la Universidade de Cabo Verde
(Uni-CV), y el Serviço Nacional de
Protecção Civil (SNPC) de Cabo
Verde en el marco del proyecto
“ (MAC/3/C161)” co-financiado
por el programa de cooperación
transnacional de la Unión Europea
2007-2013) con la colaboración
del Observatório Vulcanológico e
Geotérmico dos Açores, la Fundación Canaria ITER, la Sociedad
Volcanológica de España (SVE) y la
Asociación Volcanológica de Canarias (AVCAN).
MAKAVOL 2010 Fogo Workshop
tiene previsto ser un foro internacional para especialistas que
trabajan en islas volcánicamente
activas para debatir sobre la reducción del riesgo volcánico en
estos ambientes insulares. Los
debates científicos y técnicos se
centrarán fundamentalmente en
relación a la gestión del riesgo
volcánico en Cabo Verde y otras
islas volcanicamente activas asi
como incentivarán
el intercambio del know-how con la finalidad
de comprender y mejorar las iniciativas multidisciplinares para la
reducción del riesgo volcánico.
MAKAVOL 2010 Fogo Workshop
será también una gran oportunidad para mostrar el impacto de
los proyectos pasados y presentes
co-financiados por la Cooperación
Científica y Técnica entre Portugal
y Cabo Verde (VIGIL), la Agencia
Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID),
el Comisionado de Acción Exterior
del Gobierno de Canarias, el Área
de Cooperación Internacional del
Cabildo Insular de Tenerife y el 7º
Programa Marco de la UE (MIAVITA) para la reducción del riesgo
volcánico en Cabo Verde así como
aquellos co-financiados por la iniciativa comunitaria INTERREG III B
Azores-Madeira-Canarias para la
reducción del riesgo volcánico en
Sexta feira - 03/12/2010
15:00 h. Planeta Vivo Rádio ( de Cabo Verde; um
programa educativo da Rádio Nacional de
Espanha (RNE) nas Canárias e o ITER que
se emite semanalmente desde Outubro
de 2008 com a finalidade de comemorar
o Ano Internacional do Planeta Terra, cujo
objectivo principal é sensibilizar o público
para a relação entre a Humanidade e o
Planeta Terra.
Planeta Vivo Radio ( from Cape Verde; a weekly
educational radio program of the Spanish
National Public Radio (RNE) in the Canary
Islands and ITER in the air since October
2008 to commemorate the International
Year of Planet Earth, whose main objective is to raise public awareness of the
relationship between Humanity and Planet
Planeta Vivo Radio ( desde Cabo Verde; un
programa educativo de Radio Nacional
Española (RNE) en Canarias y el ITER que
se emite semanalmente desde octubre
de 2008 con el propósito de conmemorar
el Año Internacional del Planeta Tierra y
cuyo objetivo principal es concienciar a
la sociedad de la relación existente entre
Humanidad y Planeta Tierra.
21:00 h. A noite das estrelas na Chã das Caldeiras.
Uma iniciativa da TeideAstro (http://www. para os participantes do
The night of the stars from Chã das Caldeiras. An initiative of TeideAstro (http:// for participants of
the workshop.
La noche de las estrellas desde Chã das
Caldeiras. Una iniciativa de TeideAstro
( para los
participantes del workshop.
Quarta feira - 08/12/2010
20:00 h. Projecção do documentário “Capelinhos,
Açores - ou vulcão que veio do Mar” para
a comunidade de Chã das Caldeiras.
Documentary “Capelinhos, Açores - or
vulcão that veio do mar” for the people of
Chã das Caldeiras.
Proyección del documental “Capelinhos,
Açores - o vulcão que veio do mar” para
la comunidad de Chã das Caldeiras.
21:00 h. Apreciando a música de Cabo Verde na
Chã das Caldeiras.
Enjoying the music of Cape Verde at Chã
das Caldeiras.
Disfrutando de la música de Cabo Verde
en Chã das Caldeiras.
Sábado – 04/12/2010
21:00 h. Jantar de Boas-vindas; todos os participantes e acompanhantes do Workshop
Makavol 2010 Fogo são convidados a
desfrutar, na Quintal da Musica, dos paladares e da música ao vivo cabo-verdianos
Welcome Dinner; all Makavol 2010 Fogo
Workshop participants and accompained
persons are invited to enjoy Cape Verde
food and live music at Quintal da Musica.
Cena de Bienvenida; todos los participantes de Makavol 2010 Fogo Workshop
y personas acompañantes están invitadas a difrutar de la comida y música
Caboverdiana en el Quintal da Musica.
Terça feira - 07/12/2010
20:00 h. Projecção do documentário sobre a
erupção do vulcão do Fogo, em 1995,
para a comunidade de Chã das Caldeiras.
Documentary about the eruption of the
volcano of Fogo in 1995 for the people of
Chã das Caldeiras.
Proyección del documental sobre la
erupción del volcán de Fogo en 1995 para
la comunidad de Chã das Caldeiras.
Quinta feira - 09/12/2010
20:00 h. Projecção do documentário da IAVCEI &
UNESCO “Compreender os perigos vulcânicos” para a comunidade de Chã das
IAVCEI & UNESCO documentary “Understanding volcanic hazards” for the people
of Chã das Caldeiras.
Proyección del documental de la IAVCEI
& UNESCO “Comprendido los peligros
volcánicos” para la comunidad de Chã
das Caldeiras.
Sexta feira - 10/12/2010
20:00 h. Projecção do documentário da IAVCEI &
UNESCO “Reduzindo o risco vulcânico”
para a comunidade de Chã das Caldeiras.
IAVCEI & UNESCO documentary “Reducing volcanic risk” for the people of Chã
das Caldeiras.
Proyección del documental de la IAVCEI & UNESCO “Reduciendo el Riesgo
Volcánico” para la comunidad de Chã das
Sábado - 04/12/2010 - Praia, Santiago
08:00 – 08:45 h.
Inscrição na SNPC · Registration at SNPC · Inscripción en SNPC
08:45 – 09:30 h.
Cerimónia de Abertura · Open Ceremony · Ceremonia de Inauguración
09:30 – 10:00 h.
KEYNOTE LECTURE: Assessing volcanic hazards: quantitative models of tephra fall
BONADONA, Constanza (Switzerland)
10:00 – 10:30 h.
KEYNOTE LECTURE: Volcano early warning signals: the silent and non-visible degassing from volcanoes
HERNÁNDEZ, Pedro A. & PÉREZ, Nemesio M. (Canary Islands, Spain)
10:30 – 11:00 h. Pausa para café · Coffee Break
11:00 – 11:15 h.
MAKAVOL: a EU contribution for reducing volcanic risk in the Macaronesia
PÉREZ, Nemesio M., HERNÁNDEZ, Pedro A., IBÁÑEZ, Jesús, GONÇALVES, António,
CARDOSO, João and BARBOSA, Alberto
11:15 –11:30 h.
On the importance of a well-balanced civil protection system
FONSECA, João and D’OREYE, Nicolas
11:30 – 12:00 h.
SPECIAL LECTURE: Volcanic hazard in the Azores archipelago
FRANÇA, Zilda and FORJAZ, Victor H. (Açores, Portugal)
12:00 – 12:30 h.
SPECIAL LECTURE: Volcanic Emergency in the Azores: a multidisciplinary approach
CARVALHO, Pedro (Açores, Portugal)
12:30 – 13:00 h.
Introduction of the SWOT Analysis
13:00 – 14:00 h. Almoço · Lunch · Almuerzo
14:00 – 16:00 h. SWOT analysis on reducing volcanic risk in Azores
16:00 – 16:30 h.
Pausa para café · Coffee Break
16:30 – 18:00 h.
SWOT analysis on reducing volcanic risk in Azores
Domingo - 05/12/2010 -Praia, Santiago:
09:00 – 09:30 h.
KEYNOTE LECTURE: The 2000 eruption of Miyake Island volcano, Japan: Total
evacuation and volcanic gas disaster
SASAI, Yoichi (Japan)
09:30 – 10:00 h.
KEYNOTE LECTURE: Stromboli, Etna and Vesuvius: examples of volcanic risks managed by the Italian Civil Protection Department
CARDACI, Chiara (Italy)
10:00 – 10:15 h.
Canary Islands: a volcanic window in the Atlantic
RODRÍGUEZ, Fátima; CALVO, David; MARRERO, Rayco; PÉREZ, Nemesio; PADRÓN,
Eleazar; PADILLA, Germán; MELIÁN, Gladys; BARRANCOS, José; NOLASCO, Dácil and
10:15 – 10:30 h.
TELEPLANETA: a Spanish National Public Television (TVE) and ITER join adventure
for reducing volcanic risk
CALVO, David; PÉREZ, Nemesio; DIONIS, Samara; GONZÁLEZ, José Carlos; MARRERO,
Nieves and CALLAU, Juan Luis.
10:30 – 11:00 h.
Pausa para café · Coffee Break
11:00 – 11:15 h.
Laguna Caliente, Poás Volcano, Costa Rica:The most active crater lake of the world
MORA-AMADOR, Raúl, RAMÍREZ, Carlos J., GONZÁLEZ, Gino, ROUWET, Dmitri, and
ROJAS, Andrey
11:15 – 11:30 h. The geochemistry of the fumarole gases from Pico do Fogo volcano, Cape Verde
Eleazar; DIONIS, Samara; BARRANCOS, José; NOLASCO, Dácil; RODRÍGUEZ, Fátima;
HERNÁNDEZ, Pedro A.; GONÇALVES, António; CARDOSO, João; BARBOSA, Alberto and
PÉREZ, Nemesio M.
11:30 – 11:45 h.
Ilha de Fogo Sustentável
CORREIA, Gilson and PONCE DE LEÃO, Maria Teresa
11:45 – 12:00 h.
Geotourism in Fogo Island (Cape Verde)
ALFAMA, Vera and BRILHA, José
12:00 – 12:15 h. Volcanoes & stars: an emotional experience for tourism at Teide National Park, Tenerife, Canary Islands
LEDESMA, Juan Vicente
12:15 – 13:00 h.
SPECIAL LECTURE: Reducing volcanic risk in the Canary Islands
PÉREZ, Nemesio M.; IBAÑEZ, Jesús and HERNÁNDEZ, Pedro A. (Canary Islands, Spain)
13:00 – 14:00 h.
Almoço · Lunch · Almuerzo
14:00 – 16:00 h.
SWOT analysis on reducing volcanic risk in the Canaries
16:00 – 16:30 h.
Pausa para café · Coffee Break
16:30 – 18:00 h.
SWOT analysis on reducing volcanic risk in the Canaries
Segunda feira - 06/12/2010 - Praia, Santiago:
09:00 – 09:30 h.
KEYNOTE LECTURE: Educating and communicating volcanic hazard, risk and vulnerability within the tourism sector in southern Iceland
BIRD, Deanne (Australia)
09:30 – 10:00 h.
KEYNOTE LECTURE: Explosive volcanism, volcanic hazards, and perceptions of hazard in the Cape Verde Islands
DAY, Simon (U. K.)
10:00 – 10:15 h.
Geological Hazards in Brava Island and their Implications on Emergency Planning
ALFAMA, Vera, QUEIROZ, Gabriela and FERREIRA, Teresa
10:15 – 10:30 h.
Transition from mixed magma Strombolian to phreatomagmatic explosive activity at
the Cova de Paúl Crater, Santo Antao, The Cape Verde Islands: application of geological evidence to the mitigation of hazards from future violent phreatomagmatic
10:30 – 11:00 h.
Pausa para café · Coffee Break
11:00 – 11:15 h
Volcanic Hazards vs. Land Use Planning in Chã das Caldeiras (Fogo Island – Cape
11:15 – 11:30 h. Thermal monitoring of Pico do Fogo volcano, Cape Verde
CALVO, David, FERNANDES, Paulo, ANDRADE, Mário, FONSECA, José, MELIÁN, Gladys, RODRÍGUEZ, Fátima, BARROS, Inocêncio, NOLASCO, Dácil, PADILLA, Germán,
PADRÓN, Eleazar, HERNÁNDEZ, Pedro A., BANDOMO, Zuleyka, VICTÓRIA, Sónia, RODRIGUES, Jair, GONÇALVES, António, CARDOSO, João, BARBOSA, Alberto and PÉREZ,
Nemesio M.
11:30 – 11:45 h. Monitorização Geoquímica do Vulcão do Fogo
Gladys; RODRÍGUEZ, Fátima; NOLASCO, Dácil; PADILLA, Germán; PADRÓN, Eleazar;
Nemésio M.
11:45 – 12:00 h. Origin of the diffuse CO2 emission from the summit crater of Pico do Fogo, Cape Verde
PADRÓN, Eleazar; MELIÁN, Gladys; RODRÍGUEZ, Fátima, HERNÁNDEZ, Pedro A.; FERNANDES, Paulo, BARROS, Inocêncio, DIONIS, Samara, BANDOMO, Zuleyka, VICTÓRIA,
Sónia, RODRIGUES, Jair, GONÇALVES, António, CARDOSO, João, BARBOSA, Alberto
and PÉREZ, Nemesio M.
12:00 – 12:30 h.
SPECIAL LECTURE: Redução do Risco Vulcânico em Cabo Verde: passado, presente
e futuro
GONÇALVES, Antonio (Cape Verde)
12:30 – 13:00 h.
SPECIAL LECTURE: Resposta à emergencia vulcanica em Cabo Verde
FERNANDES, Alberto (Cape Verde)
13:00 – 14:00 h.
Almoço · Lunch · Almuerzo
14:00 – 16:00 h.
SWOT analysis on reducing volcanic risk in Cape Verde
16:00 – 16:30 h.
Pausa para café · Coffee Break
16:30 – 18:00 h.
SWOT analysis on reducing volcanic risk in Cape Verde
Terça feira - 07/12/2010 - Fogo:
10:45 – 11:15 h.
Makavol 2010 Fogo Workshop participants travel to Fogo Island
TACV Flight VR4051
12:00 – 12:30 h.
SPECIAL LECTURE: Fogo’s Natural Park: Present and Future
RODRIGUES, Alexandre
13:00 – 14:00 h. Almoço · Lunch · Almuerzo
14:00 – 18:00 h.
Field trip around Fogo Island and traveling to Chã das Caldeiras
Quarta feira - 8/12/2010 - Chã das Caldeiras, Fogo:
06:00 – 16:00 h.
Field trip A to the summit of Pico do Fogo volcano
08:00 – 13:00 h.
Field trip B in and around Chã das Caldeiras
14:00 – 15:00 h.
Almoço · Lunch · Almuerzo
18:00 – 18:20 h.
SWOT analysis results on reducing volcanic Risk in Azores
18:20 – 18:40 h.
SWOT analysis results on reducing volcanic Risk in in Canary Islands
18:40 – 19:00 h.
SWOT analysis results on reducing volcanic Risk in Cape Verde
Quinta feira - 09/12/2010 – Fogo & Santiago
07:00 – 08:30 h.
Makavol 2010 Fogo Workshop participants travel from Chã das Caldeiras to São Filipe
09:50 – 10:20 h.
Makavol 2010 Fogo Workshop participants return to Praia
TACV Flight VR4501
As apresentações normais durarão 15 minutos (aproximadamente
13 minutos para a apresentação
e 2 minutos para respostas às
questões da audiência). Palestras
especiais estão principalmente
relacionadas com o estado da
arte sobre a redução do risco vulcânico em Cabo Verde, Açores e
Canárias objectivando fornecer
informações à audiência que irá
ajudar enormemente nas respectivas análises SWOT. Conferências terão a duração de 30 minutos (cerca de 27-28 minutos para
a apresentação e 3-2 minutos
para respostas às perguntas da
Por favor, dirija-se ao compartimento onde deve verificar e
gravar a sua apresentação no
computador principal do workshop na tarde anterior ao dia da
sua apresentação. Excepcionalmente, os oradores do dia 04
de Dezembro deverão gravar a
sua apresentação no computador principal do workshop entre
as 8:00 e 8:45 horas do dia 4 de
Dezembro de 2010. A equipa do
Workshop irá ajudá-lo neste processo.
A apresentação deve ser preparada apenas numa versão MS
PowerPoint 2003 ou anterior. Não
será permitido o seu computador
pessoal na sua apresentação oral
e, portanto, por favor, não esqueça de a gravar no computador
principal do workshop. Por favor,
traga o seu ficheiro em qualquer
pen de memória USB, CD ou
Regular oral presentations will
last 15 minutes (about 13 minutes for the presentation and 2
minutes for questions from the
audience). Special lectures are
mainly related to the state of
the art about reducing volcanic
risk in Cape Verde, Azores and
Canary Islands to provide information to the audience which
will help tremendously to perform the related SWOT analysis. Keynote lectures will last
30 minutes (about 27-28 minutes for the presentation and
3-2 minutes for questions from
the audience).
Please go to the Ready Room
to chekc and upload your presentation file into the workshop
main computer in the afternoon
previous your presentation except the speakers of the 4th of
December whose presentation
files must be into the workshop
main computer between 08:00
– 08:45 hours of the 4th of December, 2010. Workshop staff
will help you in this process.
Presentation files should be
prepared in only MS PowerPoint version 2003 or earlier.
The use of your own personal
computer will not be permitted for your oral presentation;
therefore, please do not forget to upload your presentation into the workshop main
computer. Please bring your
presentation file in either USB,
memory stick/card, CD or DVD.
Las presentaciones orales regulares durarán 15 minutos (unos
13 minutos para la presentación
y 2 minutos para preguntas del
público). Las conferencias especiales están relacionadas principalmente con el estado del arte
sobre la reducción del riesgo volcánico en Cabo Verde, Azores y
Canarias con la finalidad de proporcionar información a la audiencia para posteriormente realizar
los análisis DAFO relacionados.
Conferencias magistrales tendrán una duración de 30 minutos
(aproximadamente 27-28 minutos
para la presentación y 3-2 minutos para preguntas del público).
Por favor, vaya a la sala establecida para comprobar y subir su
archivo de presentación en el ordenador principal del workshop
en la tarde anterior a su presentación, excepto los conferenciantes del 4 de diciembre, cuyas
presentaciones deben estar en el
ordenador del workshop entre las
8:00-8:45 horas del 4 de diciembre de 2010. Personal del workshop le ayudará en este proceso.
Los archivos de las presentaciones deben estar preparados
sólo en MS PowerPoint versión
2003 o anterior. El uso de su propio ordenador personal no se permitirá para su presentación oral,
por lo tanto, por favor no se olvide
de subir su presentación en el ordenador del workshop. Por favor
traigan su archivo de presentación en cualquier dispositivo de
memoria USB, tarjeta, CD o DVD.
Os posters deverão ter 841 mm
(largura) e 1189 mm (altura). Os
posters devem ser colocados
nas placas correspondentes existentes no local da conferência
entre as 8:00h e 09:00 h, no dia 4
de Dezembro de 2010, e retirados
entre as 18:00 h e 18:30 h, no dia
6 de Dezembro de 2010.
Poster presentation size should
be 841 mm (wide) and 1189 mm
(height). Poster must be placed
on the corresponding board at the
conference venue between 08:00
to 09:00 hours on December 4,
2010 and removed between 18:00
to 18:30 hours on December 6,
El tamaño de los posters debe ser
841 mm (ancho) y 1.189 mm (altura). Los posters deben ser colocados en los paneles correspondientes existentes en la sede de la
conferencia entre las 08:00 a las
09:00 horas del 4 de diciembre de
2010 y retirados entre las 18:00 a
18:30 horas del 6 de diciembre de
Helium isotope signatures in terrestrial fluids from Cape Verde
PÉREZ, Nemesio M., HERNÁNDEZ, Pedro A. and SUMINO, Hirochika,
Geochemical signatures of the diffuse CO2 emission from Brava volcanic system,
Cape Verde
RODRÍGUEZ, Fátima; BANDOMO, Zuleyka; BARROS, Inocêncio; FONSECA, José;
Samara; VICTÓRIA, Sónia; GONÇALVES, António; BARBOSA, Alberto; CARDOSO, João;
HERNÁNDEZ, Pedro A. and PÉREZ, Nemesio M.
Diffuse CO2 emission from Sao Vicente volcanic system, Cape Verde
Sónia; MELIÁN, Gladys; DIONIS, Samara; BARRANCOS, José; HERNÁNDEZ, Pedro A.;
GONÇALVES, António; CARDOSO, João; BARBOSA, Alberto and PÉREZ, Nemesio M.
Helium and radon gas degassing from the summit crater of Pico do Fogo
Pedro A., and PÉREZ, Nemesio M.
TDL measurements of CO2 and H2S in the ambient air of the summit crater of Pico
do Fogo, Cape Verde
VOGEL, Andreas; FISCHER, Christian; POHL, Tobias; WEBER, Konradin; MELIÁN, Gladys; PÉREZ, Nemesio, BARROS, Inocêncio, DIONIS, Samara and BARRANCOS, José.
Understanding the relation between pre-eruptive bubble size distribution and observed ash particle sizes: Prospects for prediction of volcanic ash hazards
Geomorphosites, Volcanism and Geotourism: the Example of Cinder Cones of Canary Islands (Spain)
Proposal of a Volcanic Geomorphosites Itineraries on Las Cañadas del Teide National Park (Tenerife, Spain)
Chinyero, 100 Years of Silence: A Scientific-Historical Film Document for Education
and Outreach on Volcanism in the Canary Islands
NEGRÍN, Sergio
Auditing the Basic Guideline for Civil Protection Planning to Volcanic Risk in Spain
TRUJILLO, Alejandro, REÑASCO, José, PADRÓN, Nestor, SACRAMENTO, Segundo,
SERRA LLOPART, Jorge, HERNÁNDEZ, Pedro A. and PÉREZ, Nemesio M.
Actualidad Volcánica de Canarias ( Volcanoes, to everyone
TAPIA, Víctor and RAJA, Fernando
IBEROAMERICAN Volcanological Network: A New Challenge for Reducing Volcanic
Risk in the Iberoamerican Community
BRETON, Mauricio, CASELLI, Alberto, COELLO BRAVO, Juan Jesús, FORJAZ, Victor, GONÇALVES António A., GONZALEZ, Elena, IBAÑEZ, Jesús, MIRANDA, Ramón,
MUÑOZ, Angélica, ORDÓÑEZ, Salvador, PÉREZ, Nemesio M., and ROMERO, Carmen
Cape Verde Volcano Observatory (OVCV): A New Challenge for Reducing Volcanic
Risk at Cape Verde
GONÇALVES, António A., CARDOSO, João, and FERNANDES, Alberto
World Organization of Volcano Cities (WOVOCI)
MELCHIOR, Ricardo and PÉREZ, Nemesio
POSTER #15: SpanishAID Agency (AECID) contribution for reducing volcanic risk in Cape Verde.
PUYOLES, Jaime and PÉREZ, Nemesio M.
Volcano early warning signals: the silent and
non-visible degassing from volcanoes
HERNÁNDEZ, Pedro A. and PÉREZ, Nemesio M.
Environmental Research Division, ITER, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
Degassing at volcanoes is a continuous process since
volcanic gas is constantly emitted from all types of
magmas. The gases released by volcanoes are a mixture of components derived from at least two different
sources: a) magmatic source, exsolving and releasing volatiles from silicic melts into the country rock
and b) vapour separating from external fluids. These
volcanic-hydrothermal discharges occur at volcanic
systems through both diffuse degassing (non-visible) along active structures or focused vents (visible)
forming plumes, fumarolic fields, mofetes, mud volcanoes, bubbling pools etc. Volcanic gases undergo
a tremendous increase in volume when magma rises
to the Earth’s surface and erupts. Such enormous
expansion of volcanic gases, primarily water, is the
main driving force of explosive eruptions. Therefore,
monitoring volcanic gases at active volcanoes can
be used with other monitoring information to provide
early eruption warnings signals and to improve our
understanding of how volcanoes work. Since CO2 is
usually the most abundant gas in volcanic fluids and
gases after water, it has a low solubility in silicate melts
(Stolper and Holloway, 1988) and is therefore released
in large volumes from magma, it has became on a
useful geochemical tracer to monitor volcanic activity.
Recent studies have shown that the amount of CO2
discharged as non-visible emanations can be significant compared to the CO2 released from plumes and
fumaroles. During the last two decades, many studies have been carried out to investigate the relation
between diffuse CO2 emission and volcanic activity.
Two main approaches are suggested to evaluate this
relationship: (a) searching for geochemical parameters
related to diffuse CO2 emission studies from different
volcanoes (volcanoes with different eruptions recurrence time, etc.) and (b) monitoring diffuse CO2 emission in an active volcano through different stages of its
eruptive cycle (inter- eruptive, pre-eruptive, eruptive,
post-eruptive and back to the inter-eruptive stage).
With the first approach, an important question arises.
What geochemical parameters of the diffuse CO2 degassing at volcanoes should we select: estimated total diffuse CO2 degassing, normalized total diffuse CO2
degassing or plume/diffuse CO2 emission ratios?. For
the second approach a conceptual model for volcanic
degassing (Notsu et al., 2006) has been be considered
after several studies. Both approaches reveal that discrete (soil CO2 surveys) and/or continuous on-site CO2
efflux monitoring are important geochemical tools for
any volcanic surveillance program since it will help to
determining whether significant magma degassing is
occurring and detect early warning signals of volcanic
unrest. Recent studies carried out to monitor volcanic
activity have revealed that diffuse degassing of CO2
can signal the upward movement of magma to the surface (Usu volcano in Japan, Hernández et al., 2001;
Stromboli, Italy, Carapezza et al., 2004). Considering
that large amounts of magmatic CO2 can be released
from deep magma reservoirs via the volcanic edifice,
diffuse CO2 degassing surveys can be expected to
provide important information on the current conditions of deep magma beneath volcanoes.
Hernández et al., 2001. Carbon dioxide degassing by advective flow from Usu volcano, Japan, Science 292, 83–86.
Notsu et al., 2006. Monitoring quiescent volcanoes by diffuse
CO2 degassing: case study of Mt. Fuji, Japan. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 163, 825-835.
Carapezza et al., 2004. Geochemical precursors of the activity
of an open-conduit volcano: The Stromboli 2002-2003 eruptive
events. Geophys. Res. Let., 31 (7), doi:10.1029/2004GL019614.
Stolper, E., and Holloway, J.R., 1988. Experimental determination of the solubility of carbon dioxide in molten basalt at low
pressure. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 87, 397–408.
Explosive volcanism, volcanic hazards, and perceptions of hazard in the Cape Verde Islands.
DAY, Simon
Aon Benfield UCL Hazard Research Centre, Department of Earth Sciences, University College London, United Kingdom
The Cape Verde Islands are a group of 10 intraplate
oceanic islands of which 3 show significant levels
of recent volcanic activity: Fogo, Santo Antao and
Brava. Of these, Fogo is the only historically active
volcano with intense activity up to 1725 AD (including a major phreato-magmatic explosive eruption in
1680 AD) followed by less frequent, mainly effusive
eruptions in the last 280 years. Eruptions in these
280 years have mainly occurred in clusters lasting
10 to 20 years, separated by 50 to 100 year periods
of inactivity. Although lava flows from the two 20th
Century eruptions were largely confined to the area
of Chã das Caldeiras, the late 18th and 19th Century
eruptions mostly affected the eastern flank of the
island: actual risk from lava flows in this area may
be as high as in Chã das Caldeiras. This is reflected
in the draft hazard map for the island, but the perceived risk amongst the population of this area may
not recognize this. Similarly, the potential increase in
risk associated with a possible future return to more
intense volcanic activity as occurred in the early historic period needs to be recognized by the people
of Fogo. Another key problem in risk perception in
Cape Verde is that although the post – 1725 eruptions have killed very few people, effusive eruptions
of Fogo are widely perceived to be the main volcanic
hazard in the archipelago because of the destruction
of agricultural land by lava flows. However, geological evidence indicates that explosive volcanism on
Santo Antao and Brava may be a much more serious
hazard. Santo Antao consists of one inactive volcano
(Ribeira das Patas) and two active volcanoes, Tope
de Coroa and Cova de Paul, respectively at the west
and east ends of the island. Tope de Coroa has a
summit plateau with basic, strombolian vents and
phonolitic lava domes, emplaced within nested lateral collapse structures: at least one Plinian explosive
eruption has occurred in its recent history, but pyroclastic flow hazards are limited to sparsely populated
regions. The Cova de Paul volcano has experienced
one or two lateral collapses. It has a three – armed
volcanic rift system with strombolian vents, phonolitic
domes and phreatomagmatic explosion craters in a
complex summit region. The phreatomagmatic eruptions generated surges and low temperature pyroclastic flows, similar to the Roque Nublo Ignimbrites
of Gran Canaria, that extend to the coasts of the island. Brava consists of a single volcanic edifice on
an uplifted seamount. The flanks have lava flows and
domes, but the densely populated summit plateau
is dominated by pyroclastic deposits. These include
phonolitic airfall pumice and block-and-ash flow de-
posits and rare carbonatite airfall deposits, but most
recent deposits are phreatomagmatic or phreatic.
Surge deposits, laharic breccias and thick Roque
Nublo Ignimbrite type pyroclastic flow deposits are all
present. Most eruptions of Brava have been violently
explosive, presenting a high level of hazard. Further,
the steep topography and limited road network of the
island would hamper rapid evacuation of the summit
plateau during a future eruption, especially in view
of indications of intense pre-eruptive seismicity and
ground deformation: preemptive evacuations based
upon monitoring and interpretation of precursory activity will likely be required. Dating of the recent activity of both Santo Antao and Brava has been limited,
so probabilistic hazard assessments are not possible at present. However, the rapid onset of hazardous phases of explosive activity in past eruptions on
these two islands indicates that rapidly – responding
mitigation systems based upon wide public awareness of the hazards will be needed, but the lack of
historically recorded eruptions means that current
levels of hazard awareness are low. Future hazard
mapping and monitoring work on both Brava and
Santo Antao will need to be accompanied by public
education programmes in order to ensure successful
volcanic hazard mitigation.
The 2000 eruption of Miyake Island volcano, Japan: Total evacuation and volcanic gas disaster
SASAI, Yoichi
Former Disaster Prevention Specialist (*) Disaster Prevention Division,
Bureau of General Affairs, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Tokyo,
(*) Now at EPRC, IORD, Tokai University, Shizuoka, Japan.
Miyake-jima Island, about 150 km to the south from
Tokyo in Izu-Bonin Arc, is one of the most active
volcanoes in Japan. It is a basaltic volcano, which
erupted in 1940, 1962, 1983 and 2000. The last eruption in 2000 accompanied the formation of a caldera.
However, the caldera was generated by intrusion of
magma into the surrounding sea floor, which resultantly produced much less amount of ejecta as compared with the ordinary scenario of caldera formation.
Nevertheless, some devastating eruptions did occur
unexpectedly, which were not predicted by volcanologists and exposed people to danger. No one was
killed nor injured, but it was only owing to some lucky
conditions. On such a small island of 8 km in diameter,
people are obliged to totally evacuate from the island
in early September of 2000. Then a large amount of
harmful SO2 gas continuously emitted from the summit caldera, amounting to several to ten thousands of
tons/day. Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Japanese Government made every effort to support the
evacuees, as well as to recover the infrastructure of
the island. The gas emission rate decreased down but
it turned stagnant in 2003, which made people’s return more difficult. The Miyake Village Mayor decided
to come home under such severe circumstances with
SO2 gas by taking enough safety measures against
volcanic gas. People finally returned home in February 2005 after 4.5 years refuge. For the past 5 years
after the return-home, no one was harmed by SO2 gas,
which implies the countermeasure against SO2 gas
by Miyake Village worked quite effectively. However,
the population of Miyake Village decreased by one
thousand as compared with the one in 2000. There
still remains uninhabited area on the island because
of gas hazard, and the flight to/from the mainland is
frequently interrupted owing to the gas. Such situation
prevents tourists’ visit, although the sightseeing is the
major industry of this island.
Assessing volcanic hazards: quantitative models
of tephra fall
Section des sciences de la Terre et de l’environnement, Université de
Genève, Switzerland
Depending on their magnitude and location, volcanic
eruptions have the potential for becoming major social and economic disasters. One of the modern challenges for the volcanology community is to improve
our understanding of volcanic processes in order to
achieve successful assessments and mitigation of
volcanic risk, which is traditionally based on volcano
monitoring and geological records. Geological records
are crucial to our understanding of eruptive activity
and history of a volcano, but often they are not comprehensive of the variation of volcanic processes and
are also typically biased towards the largest events.
Numerical modelling and probability analysis can be
used to complement direct observations and to explore a much wider range of possible scenarios. As a
result, numerical modelling and probabilistic analysis
have become increasingly important in hazard assessment of volcanic hazards.
Assessments of hazards related to dispersion and accumulation of tephra fall are a good example of the
application of this modern approach and typically rely
on the critical combination of field data, numerical
simulations and probability analysis. Tephra is one of
the main products of explosive eruptions and can be
transported in the atmosphere for long time and distance causing respiratory problems to human and animals, serious damage to buildings and also affecting
several economical sectors such as aviation, agriculture and tourism. Comprehensive hazard assessments
for tephra dispersal are based on the compilation of
probability maps and hazard curves. Probability maps
are compiled using specific hazardous thresholds of
tephra accumulation (e.g. damage to vegetation, collapse of buildings and airport closure) and for specific activity scenarios, e.g. One-Eruption Scenario,
Eruption-Range Scenario, One-Wind Scenario and
Multiple-Eruption Scenario for the minimum and for
the maximum deposit. Hazard curves are more flexible
as they are not based on any hazardous thresholds or
particular return period.
All hazard assessments strictly depend on the specific nature and history of a volcano and need to be
combined with thorough field investigations. Even
though some parameters of recent eruptions can be
accurately derived from direct observations and satellite retrievals (e.g. plume height), the determination of
eruptive parameters (e.g. plume height, erupted volume, mass discharge rate, duration) is typically based
on the characterization of tephra deposits and is not
always straightforward. In particular, eruptive parameters can be inferred by applying empirical, analytical
and numerical models and through the inversion solutions of analytical models. These models need to be
thoroughly analyzed and the associated assumptions
and limitations need to be investigated in order to assess the variability of resulting eruptive parameters.
This is crucial not only because these eruptive parameters are used to characterize and classify volcanic
eruptions but also because they are used as input to
numerical models and to construct potential activity
scenarios for hazard assessment.
Educating and communicating volcanic hazard,
risk and vulnerability within the tourism sector in
southern Iceland
BIRD, Deanne Katherine
Risk Frontiers, Macquarie University, Sydney 2109, Australia
The Katla volcano in southern Iceland is one the most
hazardous in the country. Frequent, destructive eruptions producing catastrophic jökulhlaup, tephra fall
and lightning hazards pose a serious risk to many local communities and tourist destinations. In order to
assess the vulnerability of the tourism sector, longitudinal research was conducted in 2007 and 2009 in
the popular tourist region of Þórsmörk. This area was
chosen due its importance to regional and national
tourism and also because of its location within the
jökulhlaup hazard zone of Katla. The aim of this study
was to examine the relationship between volcanic risk
and the tourism sector and the complex challenge
emergency management agencies face in developing
effective volcanic risk mitigation strategies. The results
of the survey show that education and training campaigns implemented in 2008 were well accepted by
tourists and tourism employees. However, they were
not entirely successful at increasing tourists and tourism employees’ knowledge. One critical point raised
by many participants was the inadequacy of the hazard map. The map failed to ‘communicate to them’ the
location of the hazard zones and evacuation routes.
Also, those who had read the Eruption Emergency
Guidelines brochure likened it to a tourist advertisement. Further examination and discussion of various
communication and education techniques will be provided in relation to the recent events during the 2010
Eyjafjallajökull eruptions. Also, recommendations will
be made to facilitate improvements in hazard, risk and
emergency response communication, education and
Stromboli, Etna and Vesuvius: Examples of Volcanic
Risks Managed by the Italian Civil Protection
Dipartimento della Protezione Civile - Servizio Rischio Vulcanico,
Roma, Italy
Italy’s national territory is exposed to a broader range
of natural hazards than other European countries. For
this reason, Italy has implemented a coherent, multi–
risk approach to civil protection. This approach fully
integrates the scientific and technological expertise
within a structured system aimed at forecasting natural disasters, providing early warning and immediately
managing the emergency. With regard to its delayed
time activities, the Department of Civil Protection
(DPC) provides strong support to the knowledge of
natural hazardous phenomena through a network
of Competence Centres (Centres for technological
and scientific services). DPC supports research efforts on the assessment of vulnerability and exposure
of population, buildings and critical infrastructures
to the risks associated with these phenomena. The
early warning system for volcanic events, floods,
landslides, hydro-meteorological events and forest fires includes prevention activities. It is provided
by the DPC on the basis of the network of “Centri
Funzionali” (Functional Centres). These centres are
in charge of the forecast and assessment of the risk
scenarios, in order to provide a multiple support system to the decision makers of the Civil Protection
Authorities. The Functional Centres are organized
in a network which consists of operative units able
to collect, elaborate and exchange any kind of data
(meteorological, hydro-logical, volcanic, seismic and
so on), and it is supported by selected Competence
Centres involved in the analysis of a specific risk. The
southern part of Italy has the highest concentration
of active volcanoes of entire Europe: Etna, Vesuvius, Phegrean Fields, Vulcano, Stromboli. More than
2 millions people are exposed to the volcanic risk.
Stromboli is characterized by a typical “strombolian”
activity, with explosions every 10-20 minutes, and it
represents a major attraction for the tourists in the
Aeolian archipelago. On the December 30th, 2002, a
landslide along the Sciara del Fuoco flank triggered
a tsunami that severely affected the Stromboli coasts
and reached the other Aeolian islands and the northern part of Sicily, although with lower intensity. Since
that catastrophic event the DPC, in cooperation
with the scientific community and the local population, funded the improvement of a multiparametric
monitoring system and undertook several countermeasures to mitigate the volcanic risk. Nowadays
DPC provides a daily bulletin of criticality in order to
estimate the impending risk. Etna volcano, with the
strong ash emissions of 2002-2003 and 2006 eruptions, brought severe problems to the air traffic management, in particular to the Catania international
airport (located about 30 km SE of the Mt. Etna). In
order to support the local airspace authorities for the
air traffic management in case of eruption, DPC daily
provides simulation maps of the probable plume direction and ash dispersion every three hours. Due to
the extensive urbanization of its surroundings, Vesuvius represents one of the areas with highest volcanic
risk in the world. The DPC, through a dedicated expertise Commission, is updating the National Emergency Plan for the Vesuvius, which foresees the total
evacuation of the “red area” (about 500.000 people)
within 72 hours. In 2006 the Vesuvius emergency plan
and its procedures were successfully tested by a European civil protection exercise (M.E.SIM.EX).
Redução do Risco Vulcânico em Cabo Verde:
passado, presente e futuro
GONÇALVES, António Augusto
Laboratorio de Engenharia Civil (LEC), Praia, Cape Verde
Durante a Década Internacional para a Redução de
Desastres Naturais, que decorreu de 1990 a 1999, a
comunidade científica e política internacional realizou uma intensa análise e avaliação das catástrofes
naturais ocorridas no planeta o que permitiu definir
e recomendar a materialização de diversas acções
para reduzir os riscos de perigos naturais entre
eles os associados aos vulcões activos, nomeadamente as acções que visam melhorar e optimizar a
gestão do risco vulcanológico. E foi precisamente
durante essa década, em 1995, ocorreu a mais recente erupção do Vulcão da Ilha do Fogo. Alguns
anos antes, em 1951, o mesmo vulcão entrara em
erupção. O Departamento de Geociências do Laboratório de Engenharia Civil de Cabo Verde, LEC colaborou nas investigações científicas que entretanto
decorreram nas Ilhas do Fogo e da Brava no âmbito
da rede do “Projecto de Vigilância do Vulcão do
Fogo” – montada entre 1997 e 2003, no âmbito do
Protocolo Adicional nº 4 ao Acordo de Cooperação
Científica e Técnica entre a República Portuguesa
e a República de Cabo Verde. Essas investigações
formam lideradas pelo Laboratório do Departamento
de Geofísica do Instituto Superior Técnico de Lis-
boa com a participação de outras instituições e nacionais e estrangeiras. Embora com dificuldades e
descontinuidades Departamento de Geociências do
LEC – laboratório de Engenharia Civil de Cabo Verde
manteve em funcionamento a Rede de Vigilância Geofísica do Vulcão da Ilha do Fogo tendo participado
nos exercícios da Nato – “Steadfast Jaguar 2006”,
na sua componente simulação de uma erupção do
vulcão. Para o efeito o SNPC – Serviço Nacional de
Protecção Civil, instalou postos de rádio no LEC e
em Chã das Caldeiras. Nesse exercício competia ao
LEC transmitir para a sede do SNPC, em dias e horas previamente fixadas, através do posto rádio, telefone, Internet e mensageiros, mensagens relatando
a evolução da actividade sísmica simulada que, por
sua vez eram retransmitidas pelo SNPC para entidades governamentais previamente definidas e a
outras entidades operacionais do exercício. Os resultados desse exercício foram encorajadores e levaram o Departamento de Ciências e Tecnologia da
Universidade de Cabo Verde, o Serviço Nacional da
Protecção Civil e o Laboratório de Engenharia Civil
de Cabo Verde - cientes da sua falta de experiência
e insuficiente know-how num domínio tão complexo
que é o da vulcanologia - a se associarem e assinarem, em 2008, um protocolo de cooperação técnica
e científica com o ITER - Instituto Tecnológico y de
Energia Renovables das Ilhas Canárias, dando de
imediato continuidade às acções de formação e aos
trabalhos de campo já em curso. O objectivo imediato deste protocolo é um trabalho conjunto visando
a criação e institucionalização do Observatório Vulcanológico de Cabo Verde, (OVCV), entretanto inscrito no World Organization of Volcano Observatories.
Em estreita colaboração com Instituto Tecnológico
de Energias Renováveis de Tenerife e de outras instituições científicas nacionais e internacionais que
adiram a essa colaboração a breve trecho estará reforçada a capacidade de investigação científica de
estudantes e docentes das Universidades de Cabo
Verde no domínio da vulcanologia e áreas afins. Por
outro lado será melhorada a capacidade de intervenção preventiva do Serviço Nacional de Protecção
Civil, baseada num melhor e mais profundo conhecimento dos fenómenos vulcanológicos. É neste
contexto que, reconhecida a importância do projecto
Reduzindo o Risco Vulcânico na Macaronésia, Cabo
Verde apresentou a sua candidatura ao financiamento pelo Programa de Cooperação Transnacional
MAC 2007 – 2013 em que participarão as instituições
acima referidas e o Observatório Vulcanológico e
Geofísico da Universidade dos Açores.
Resposta à Emergencia Vulcanica em Cabo
FERNANDES, Alberto Carlos Barbosa
Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil (SNPC), Praia, Cape Verde
A última erupção vulcânica registada na ilha do Fogo
em 1995, tendo provocado a volta de um milhar de
deslocados, perdas de habitações, bens e terras cultiváveis, teve um enorme reflexo em Cabo Verde e
foi determinante para reforçar a convicção das autoridades de que medidas urgentes teriam que ser
tomadas com vista à criação de um Sistema Nacional de Protecção Civil, para prevenir situações de
emergência e intervir para neutralizar ou minimizar os
seus efeitos. Assim, em 1999 foi publicada toda a
legislação e deu-se inicio à instalação do Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil (Serviço Especializado de
Assessoria Técnica e de Coordenação Operacional
da actividade) e, ao mesmo tempo à implementação
da protecção civil em todo o território nacional. Para
o acompanhamento da situação meteorológica e das
situações de emergência, alerta precoce, e apoio aos
decisores operacionais de socorro e assistência, o
Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Geofísica, com
sede na Ilha do Sal fornece diariamente ao Centro
Nacional de Operações de Emergência de Protecção
Civil, na cidade da Praia, através de meios informáticos (Internet, telefone, fax) os dados meteorológicos,
climáticos e geofísicos diversos. Ainda em termos
de alerta precoce, o SNPC, dispõe de um sistema
de Comunicações HF instalado em todos os Centros Municipais de Operações de Emergência das 22
Cidades de Cabo Verde, bem como linhas verde de
emergência gratuita – 800 11 12. Em 2008 foi instalado um “ SEMÁFORO VULCÂNICO”, na localidade
de Chã das Caldeiras, Ilha do Fogo, e desde 2006
foi instalado um Sistema de Rádio difusão local, de
Aviso e Alerta às populações da localidade de Chã
das Caldeiras, ilha do Fogo, em caso de erupção vulcânica, composto por 15 grandes altifalantes. Para a
Redução dos Riscos Vulcanológicos em Cabo Verde,
foi assinado recentemente um Protocolo de Cooperação entre o Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil,
Laboratório de Engenharia Civil, a Universidade de
Cabo Verde e o Instituto Tecnológico e de Energias
Renováveis das Ilhas Canárias, com o envolvimento
da Agencia Espanhola de Cooperação e Desenvolvimento. Também para a redução do risco vulcânico,
está em curso o Projecto MIAVITA - Mitigating and
Assensing Volcanic Impacts on Terrain and Humains
Activities, que conta com a participação de diversas
instituições nacionais e internacionais. A resposta
aos acidentes graves, catástrofes ou calamidades
não pode ser deixada ao acaso, antes pelo contrario,
deve ser convenientemente planeada, devidamente
coordenada e apoiada com os meios e recursos
necessários, desempenhando os agentes de protecção civil um papel crucial na preparação da comunidade com vista a enfrentar as ocorrências. Assim
para uma resposta rápida e eficaz face aos desastres
naturais, Cabo Verde dispõe de: um Mecanismo de
Coordenação – Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil;
um Plano Nacional de Contingência (instrumento
importante de planificação, coordenação e gestão);
dezassete (17) Planos Municipais de Emergência
aprovados; três (3) Planos Especiais de Emergência
elaborados (Incêndios florestais, Inundações na Cidade da Praia, e PEE para Erupções Vulcânicas, este
último testado em 2006, num cenário de “Simulação
de uma Erupção Vulcanica” no âmbito do Exercicio Steadfast Jaguar 2006, com a participação das
forças da Nato, e em que foram evacuadas 912 pessoas e instaladas num Campo de deslocados com as
condições mínimas de habitabilidade e alojamento);
um Centro Nacional de Operações de Emergência de
Protecção Civil (CNOEPC) e de 17 Centros Municipais de Operações de Emergência equipados e em
funcionamento (CMOEPC). A protecção civil é hoje
uma preocupação presente, com lugar de destaque
nas principais agendas internacionais. As catástrofes
não tem fronteiras, pelo que a cooperação internacional em matéria de Protecção Civil assume uma via
cada vez mais fundamental para a melhoria da eficácia, quer ao nível da prevenção quer das acções de
desposta. Cabo Verde encontra-se num momento de
viragem no seu processo de desenvolvimento. Estamos a atravessar uma etapa nova, que a todos os
níveis nos impõe uma exigência acrescida e maiores
responsabilidades em termos de resposta, informação, formação e preparação da população.
Volcanic hazard in the Azores archipelago
FRANÇA, Zilda1,2 and FORJAZ, Victor H.1,2
1. Departamento de Geociências, Universidade dos Açores, São
Miguel, Açores, Portugal
2. Observatório Vulcanológico e Geotérmico dos Açores (OVGA), São
Miguel, Açores, Portugal
Due to the constraints that the Azorean islands are
subject resulting from the fact that they are (1) a triple
junction of plates, (2) near the Mid Atlantic Ridge and
(3) interaction with a mantle plume, the dangers and
risks volcanic and seismic data are quite high. In fact,
over the historic times these islands, which have since
mid-fifteenth century, when its settlement occurred,
a series of disasters has affected some islands, with
the main focus for most of the islands of central and
eastern group the archipelago. With regard to the volcanism in this period there were about 26 eruptions
with focus on land and at sea. Submarine eruptions,
have been fundamentally surtseyan type, with greater
or lesser expression of explosivity, but the most recent eruption occurred in 1998-2001 was manifested
differently by presenting their specific characteristics
that led to classify it as the serretian type. Because
of the eruptive centers of the largest submarine explosive eruptions meet at considerable distances from
the land did not cause losses on them. However, the
emblematic Capelinhos eruption (1957-1958), because the vents are just a few meters from the eastern
tip of the Faial island, the losses were heavy either by
the effect of ash emitted which destroyed crops and
led to the collapse of houses, whether as a result of
intense seismic activity that accompanied the eruption. Moreover, analyzing the subaerial eruptions of
historic times it appears that most of them were of the
hawaiian or strombolian types. However, there is to report (1) on the island of São Miguel, some sub-plinian
and plinian eruptions and (2) in São Jorge, phases of
devastating basaltic pyroclastic flows associated with
two historical strombolian eruptions. If we broaden
our observation for deposits prehistoric the scenario
is much more terrifying because it is found that on
islands where there are large stratovolcanoes superimposed on well-developed magma chambers major
eruptions of the type sub-plinian to plinian occurred,
causing significant deposits that sometimes came to
cover the entire island. In the archipelago is not possible to separate the volcanic activity of seismic activity, because this has always been associated with
all the volcanic events. Moreover it appears that the
tectonics is the main driver of volcanic activity in the
Azores. Suffice careful observation on the morphology
of the islands, the dispersion of eruptive centers, to
realize to what extent is that the volcanic phenomena
are driven by the dynamics of large fractures affecting
the archipelago. In this sense seems essential that the
seismic monitoring focuses either on volcanic earthquakes as well as on the tectonic nature seismicity of
which have caused havoc in several islands with much
greater frequency and also with more dramatic effects.
Considering the overall landscape of the archipelago
through (1) the analysis of historical deposits and
prehistoric visible on the islands, (2) of the volcanic
episodes associated with each volcano on Holocene
times and (3) the study of return periods of the most
eruptive dangerous active volcanoes, we can consider
two groups of volcanic islands with different hazards.
Thus, group I comprises the islands with high hazard
(São Miguel, Terceira, Graciosa, Sao Jorge, Pico, Faial
and surrounding seas) and group II those with low hazard (Santa Maria, Flores and Corvo).
Volcanic Emergency in the Azores - A multidisciplinary approach
Regional Service of Civil Protection and Firefighting, SRPCBA, Portugal
The Azores are an archipelago of nine islands located in
the North Atlantic, 1,500 km from Lisbon, with 250,000
inhabitants. In the Azores there are many signs of volcanic activity, being recorded the last eruption in 1999,
along the coast of Terceira Island. Previously, in 1957,
there was the eruption of Capelinhos, with devastating
consequences for humans in Faial and Pico. Therefore,
the SRPCBA developed a response to volcanic crises,
including the Seismic-Volcanic Plan to deal with emergencies of this nature. One of the most importance task
of this plan is the massive evacuation, after the scientific community provide information about the eruption.
The link to the scientific community its necessary and
an important asset, taking into account the needs of
decision making making process. In 1996, SRPCBA
represented Portugal in International Exercise Mesimex
2006, held in Naples, Italy, supported by the European
Commission. The SRPCBA sent a team of 13 operational and two scientists from the University of Azores
which carried out tasks in the prediction and analysis
of Vesuvius, by monitoring the volcano, and provides
help in the massive evacuation of affected populations.
A workshop was carried out in order to establish clear
procedures for operationalisation of the Seismic-Volcanic Plan. This workshop was held for a week and allowed us to establish the necessary procedures, including the diplomatic tasks associated with the massive
evacuations of populations, in a third country. The SRPCBA has been conducting exercises and contingency
planning together with the Commission for Civil Emergency Planning Committee, which is a group linked to
sociological emergency duties related with the military
defense and internal security, paying attention to economic, social, political, geographic and human entails
of a volcanic event. The exercises conducted by SRPCBA on this or other topics, have been extraordinarily important for the intrinsic knowledge of the different
organizations and people involved in incidents of great
complexity. The Armed Forces, directed by the Azores
Operational Command (COA), are a constant presence
in those exercises, given the need for employment of
the Armed Forces in earthquakes and volcanic events:
The last exercise was carried out in October 2010 and
saw the direct involvement of 53 different entities. The
combination of contingency planning and science is
crucial in a volcanic emergency. Only a close link between political, operational and scientific body can ensure the success of civil protection operations.
Reducing volcanic risk in the Canary Islands:
state of the art
PÉREZ, Nemesio M.1, IBAÑEZ, Jesús1,2, and
1. Environmental Research Division, ITER, Tenerife, Canary Islands,
2. Instituto Andaluz de Geofísica, Universidad de Granada, 18071
Granada, Spain
According to the Basic Guideline for Civil Protection
Planning to Volcanic Risk in Spain which was approved
by the Spanish National Government in 1996, volcanic
risk in Spain is just delimited to the Canary Islands where
a dozen of volcanic eruptions had occurred during the
last 500 years causing at least 23 fatalities. Several observed weakness and strengths related to this Basic
Guideline as well as threaths and opportunities on its
application in the Canary Islands have been recently
identified suggesting the need of a major revision of this
Basic Guideline. In addition it should be highlighted that
volcanic risk in the Canary Islands is now higher than 40
years ago as a result of the actual higher levels of population and socio-economic value exposure to the volcanic hazards present on the territory. This reality should
drive the joint commitment of all governments (national,
regional and local) and institutions to accomplish the appropriate actions for reducing volcanic risk in the Canaries, and thus contribute to a sustainable development in
this archipelago. The three major actions recommended
by the international scientific and political community
(IAVCEI & UNESCO) to reduce volcanic risk are: (a) mapping volcanic hazards, (b) setting up a multidisciplinary
volcano monitoring program, and (c) developing a volcanic emergency plan. Until present, Canary Islands
lack of having official volcanic hazard maps which are an
essential tool to identify hazardous areas and establish
the strategies for a better use of the territory. Regarding to volcanic monitoring, since 1997 a multidisciplinary
approach for the volcanic surveillance of the Canary Islands has been established and a big effort has been
achieved by different governmental administrations to
improve and optimize volcano monitoring during the recent years to strength the early volcano warning system.
However, the poor coordination among different volcano
monitoring network and programs supported regularly
by public funds from different administrations is still one
of the biggest problem for the volcanic surveillance in
the Canary Islands. The Special Plan of Civil Protection
and Emergency Response to Volcanic Risk in the Canary Islands (PEVOLCA) has been recently elaborated
by the Regional Government of the Canary Islands. The
three main points of an emergency system to the volcanic risk are (i) have a infallible communication warning
system for the volcanic alerts, (ii) inform and educate the
public about volcanic hazards and volcanic risk management in their region, and (iii) test the emergency plan
by conducting volcano emergency simulation exercises.
Communication systems in the Canary Islands are quite
strong to support public communication of the volcanic
alerts. This system is being used for public communication related to other natural hazards such meteorological alerts which occurs frequently in the Canaries.
Since 2008, ITER active volcano research group in collaboration with other institutions is weekly carrying out
a volcano educational program for the population of the
Canary Islands. This program consist of three educative
units which include the IAVCEI & UNESCO’s videos “Understanding Volcanic Hazards” and “Reducing Volcanic
Risk” and a power point presentation about the volcanic
phenomena and volcanic risk management at the Canary Islands. Other channels to raise public awareness
about volcanic hazards are being used by ITER in collaboration with Spanish National Public Radio & Television (PLANETA VIVO RADIO and TELEPLANETA). By the
time being the biggest threat of the PEVOLCA is and will
be failure to carry out volcano emergency simulation exercises. The 2005 and 2006 unanimous declarations of
the Spanish Senate and the Canary Islands’ Parliament
urging the Spanish and the Canary Islands Autonomous
Governments the creation of Volcanological Institute of
the Canary Islands (IVC) is and will be the best strategy
to minimize the current weaknesses on the volcanic risk
management in the Canary Islands.
Geological Hazards in Brava Island and their Implications on Emergency Planning
ALFAMA, Vera1,2, QUEIROZ, Gabriela1 and FERREIRA,
1. Centro de Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos Geológicos, Universidade dos Açores, Portugal
2. Departamento Ciência e Tecnologia, Universidade de Cabo Verde,
Praia, Cape Verde
Brava is the westernmost island of the Sotavento
group, in the Cape Verde archipelago. The later is located in a stable intraplate area, where is considered to
exist a mantle plume or other deep mantle processes.
As a consequence, some islands, particularly Brava,
are affected by seismic activity and have recent and/
or historical volcanic eruptions. Despite the fact that
Brava’s historical records show no volcanic eruptions,
it is possible to identify some recent eruptive centres
and products (possibly Holocenic). These indicate that
the corresponding volcanic systems remain active
(Machado, 1965; Machado et al, 1968). Furthermore,
some of these deposits have been formed through explosive eruptions, which points towards the possibility
of a significant volcanic hazard. The most significant
seismic activity in the archipelago has been registered in Brava island region, often as seismic swarms
of volcano or tectonic origin. The most important recent seismic crises occurred (1) between December
1980 and May 1981, where a maximum intensity of VII
(Modified Mercalli Scale) has been registered; and (2)
in June 2006 and January 2007. Also, the seismic activity associated with many Fogo island eruptions was
felt on Brava as it happened during the 1951 and 1995
volcanic eruptions. However, the absence of a seismic monitoring network with an appropriate coverage
of the archipelago prevents an adequate study on the
location of the seismogenic areas. Another significant
geological hazard in Brava results from landslides triggered by seismic and volcanic activities, or by intense
rainfall. Landslide scars have been identified on the
slopes around the island as well as within river valleys on the western and southern areas of the island.
In addition, strong evidences of gravitational instability have been reported on the sea cliff north of Baía
da Fajã de Água, which suggest potential collapse.
Taking into account the geological hazards that can
impact Brava Island a multi-hazard study is being conducted for their assessment. This will allow evaluating
the susceptibility of Brava Island to each hazard, a key
information for emergency planning and crises management as well as for land use planning. The integration of all the results will be done in a Geographical
Information Systems in order to produce tools that can
be used by civil protection authorities.
Origin of the CO2 emission from the summit crater of Pico do Fogo, Cape Verde
Fátima1, HERNÁNDEZ, Pedro A.1; FERNANDES, Paulo2, BARROS, Inocêncio2, DIONIS, Samara1, BANDOMO, Zuleyka2, VICTÓRIA, Sónia3, RODRIGUES, Jair4,
BARBOSA, Alberto4 and PÉREZ, Nemesio M.1
1. Environmental Research Division, ITER, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
2. Laboratório de Engenharia Civil, LEC, Praia, Cape Verde
3. Departamento Ciência e Tecnologia, Universidade de Cabo Verde,
UNICV, Praia, Cape Verde
4. Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil, SNPC, Praia, Cape Verde
Pico do Fogo volcano is the youngest and most active
volcano of the Cape Verde archipelago and is located
to the east of the Bordiera semicircular escarpment, at
Fogo Island, Cape Verde. Pico do Fogo rises over 2800
m above sea level and is capped by a 500-m-wide,
150-m-deep summit crater. Since 1999, ITER started a
volcanic monitoring program focused mainly on the diffuse CO2 emissions from Pico do Fogo crater. Surface
gas surveys have been undertaken at the summit crater of Pico do Fogo to evaluate the temporal and spatial variations of CO2 efflux and their relationships with
the volcanic activity. The total diffuse CO2 emission rate
has decreased from 919 t/d, measured four years after
the 1995 eruption, to ~ 30 t/d at present. To constrain
the origin of the diffuse emission values observed at
Pico do Fogo crater, a total of 65 surface gas samples
were collected at 40 cm depth on February 2010 to
analyse the CO2 content and isotopic composition.
Surface CO2 concentrations ranged between 0.05 and
92.5 mol. %, with an average value of 18.9 mol. %.
The CO2 isotopic composition ranged between -13.0
and -0.7 ‰ vs VPDB, with an average value of -6.1 ‰
vs VPDB. CO2 concentration versus isotopic composition binary plot indicates that most of the samples plots
around the mixing line between a biogenic, defined by
0.17 mol. % and -20.6 ‰ vs VPDB (characteristic of
biogenic CO2 in the soil atmosphere of Fogo island)
and fumarole gas reservoir, defined by 95 mol. % and
-4.07 ‰ vs VPDB (Figure 1). Spatial distribution maps
of soil CO2 concentration and isotopic composition,
constructed following the sequential Gaussian simulation technique (sGs), allow us to distinguish three main
diffuse degassing structures (DDS) at the surface environment of the summit crater of Pico do Fogo (Figure
1): DDS (A), characterized by the highest CO2 content
(>60 mol. %), with d 13C similar to the fumarole gases
CO2; DDS (B), characterized by CO2 content in the
range 25-40 mol. % and the heaviest isotopic composition; DDS (C) characterized by the lowest CO2 content (< 1 mol. %) and the lightest isotopic composition.
Under this observation, we concluded that A releases
mainly magmatic CO2 by advective discharges, B releases magmatic CO2 with heaviest isotopic signature
due to the different diffusion coefficient between 13C
and 12C and C exhibits mainly air CO2 enriched by small
amounts of biogenic CO2 production.
Figure 1. (left) CO2 concentration and isotopic composition binary plot; (right) Spatial distribution of the soil δ13C (CO2) at
Pico do Fogo crater.
Diffuse CO2 emission from Sao Vicente volcanic
system, Cape Verde
Fátima1; BANDOMO, Zuleyka2; VICTÓRIA, Sónia3;
José1; HERNÁDEZ, Pedro A.1 GONÇALVES, António2,
Nemesio M.1
1. Environmental Research Division, ITER, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
2. Laboratório de Engenharia Civil, LEC, Praia, Cape Verde
3. Departamento Ciência e Tecnologia, Universidade de Cabo Verde,
UNICV, Praia, Cape Verde
4. Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil, SNPC, Praia, Cape Verde
The Cape Verde Islands are a horseshoe-shaped
group of volcanic islands located 550–800 km off
the West African coast and are the culmination of the
Cape Verde Rise, an area of elevated seafloor over
1000 km across, interpreted as the topographic expression of an underlying mantle plume. Sao Vicente
is one of the ten islands that comprise Cape Verde
with an area of 227 km2 and located northwest of
the Archipelago. The most recent volcanic structures are located at north-east and east part of the
island. Since visible volcanic gas emissions are absent at Sao Vicente surface environment, CO2 diffuse
degassing becomes a powerful geochemical tool to
evaluate the volcanic activity at the island. The main
reason of targeting diffuse degassing studies on CO2
are because after water vapour, is the main component of the volcanic gases and has a low solubility
in silicate melts. In November 2008, a survey of 362
measurements of diffuse CO2 emission and soil temperature was performed at Sao Vicente following the
accumulation chamber method. Diffuse CO2 emission
values ranged between non detectable to 10 g m-2 d-1,
with an average value of 1.4 g m-2 d-1. Based on the
Sequential Gaussian Simulation (sGs), spatial distribution maps were constructed. Inspection of the CO2
efflux contour map (Figure 1) shows highest values at
Mindelo and surroundings, in agreement with the location of vegetated areas. No any relation between
CO2 degassing rates and volcano-structural features
were identified. To estimate the total diffuse CO2 output released from Sao Vicente island, we considered
the contribution of each cell obtained after sGs and
the average of the 200 simulations to estimate the
total output and one standard deviation as the uncertainty. Total diffuse CO2 emission was estimated on
248 ± 11 t d-1, value lower that the estimated for El
Hierro, a volcanic island of the Canaries with a similar area. We recommend that this study, carried out
thanks to the Spanish AID Agency (AECID), should be
performed every 2 o 3 years to strengthen the volcano
monitoring program at Sao Vicente volcanic system
and contribute to reduce volcanic risk in Cape Verde.
Figure 1. Spatial distribution of the CO2 efflux at Sao Vicente
island, Cape Verde, November 2008.
Helium and radon gas degassing from the summit crater of Pico do Fogo
DIONIS, Samara1, MELIÁN, Gladys1, NOLASCO,
Dácil1, PADRÓN, Eleazar1, FERNANDES, Paulo2,
BARBOSA, Alberto4, HERNÁNDEZ, Pedro A. 1, and
PÉREZ, Nemesio M.1
1. Environmental Research Division, ITER, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
2. Laboratório de Engenharia Civil, LEC, Praia, Cape Verde
3. Departamento Ciência e Tecnologia, Universidade de Cabo Verde,
UNICV, Praia, Cape Verde
4. Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil, SNPC, Praia, Cape Verde
Pico do Fogo volcano is the youngest and most active
volcano of the Cape Verde archipelago and rises over
2800 m above sea level. Pico do Fogo is located to
the east of the Bordiera semicircular escarpment, at
Fogo Island and is capped by a 500-m-wide, 150-mdeep summit crater. Soil gas prospecting is a useful
tool to discover and delineate faults, to study seismic
and volcanic activities and as an indicator for deep
fluid sources. However, the chemical composition of
soil gases in volcanic and hydrothermal systems can
be drastically modified by complex physical-chemical
processes along its ascent toward the surface and,
once there, can be modified by the action of surface
features such as biogenic and meteorological factors.
Helium (4He) and radon (222Rn) are produced in the subsurface by the radioactive decay of U and Th contained
in the rocks. Helium has been considered an almost
ideal geochemical indicator because it is chemically
inert, physically stable, nonbiogenic, sparingly soluble
in water under ambient conditions and almost non-adsorbable. Radon has been widely used as a geochemical tracer because it can be brought to the surface by
liquid convection caused by high geothermal gradients
and its transport occurs effectively in areas of high permeability by fracturing. Surface He and 222Rn surveys
were carried out at Pico do Fogo volcano crater on
May 2009 as part of the volcanic surveillance program
of this volcano. 222Rn activity were measured in-situ in
a total of 65 sites by means of a radon monitor SARAD
RTM2010-2 and soil gas samples were collected at
each location and analysed for He concentration by
means of a QMS Pfeiffer Omnistar 422. 222Rn activity
ranged between non-detected values and 5.8 kBq/m3,
with an average value of 403 kBq/m3. Soil DHe values
(DHe=Hesurface atmosphere – Heair atmosphere) ranged between
-490 and 4,800 ppb, with an average value of 185 ppb.
Spatial distribution maps of surface 222Rn and He were
constructed following the sequential Gaussian simulation technique (sGs). The occurrence of 222Rn and He
anomalies has revealed two preferential routes for noble gas leaking. The higher DHe values were observed
at the main fumarole area of the summit crater of Pico
do Fogo, the obvious preferential route of deep-seated
degassing, and the observed higher 222Rn activity values were measured through permeable structures in
the summit crater peripheral areas.
Brava, with a surface of 67 km2, is the smallest inhabitated island of the volcanic archipelago of Cape Verde
and lies at the southwestern end of the archipelago.
The highest peak at Brava is Monte Fontainhas (976
m.a.s.l.). Brava volcanic system has no documented
historical eruptions, but its young volcanic morphology and the fact that earthquake swarms still occur at
Brava are signs of a latent volcanic activity indicating
the potential for future eruptions. The lack of visible
volcanic gas emission at Brava highlights the importance of monitoring diffuse CO2 emission to improve its
volcanic surveillance. Therefore, a geochemical survey
of diffuse gas emission was undertaken in Brava Island in March 2010 thanks to the Spanish AID Agency
(AECID). During the field work, a total of 228 sampling
sites were selected to obtain a representative distribution all over the island following criteria of accessibility
and geology. Soil CO2 efflux measurements were performed following the accumulation chamber method
by means of a portable accumulation chamber and an
IR sensor, as well as soil temperature measurements
at a depth of 15-40 cm. Soil gas samples were also
collected at 15-40 cm depth for chemical (He, H2, N2,
CO2, CH4, Ar and CO2) and isotopic (δ13C-CO2) analysis
in 32 selected sampling sites. CO2 efflux values ranged
from non-detected values to 1343 g m-2 d-1. To estimate the total diffuse CO2 emission from Brava volcanic system, a CO2 efflux map was constructed using sequential Gaussian simulations (sGs). Most of the
studied area showed background levels of CO2 efflux
(~2 g m-2 d-1), while peak levels (>1300 g m-2 d-1) were
mainly identified at Vinagre and Baleia areas. The total
diffuse CO2 output from Brava volcanic system was
estimated about 41.6 t d-1. Plotting soil CO2 concentration vs. soil O2, a mixing between volcanic gas, air
and biogenic gas geochemical reservoirs is observed,
suggesting the existence of a deep contribution for
the diffuse CO2 emissions. To constrain the origin of
CO2, δ13C-CO2 values were measured, providing us an
insight for evaluating the origin of the C in the diffuse
CO2 emissions. Observed δ13C-CO2 values ranged
from -20.86 to -1.26 ‰, suggesting different origins
for the CO2. A binary plot of CO2 concentration versus
δ13C-CO2 (Figure 1) was constructed by representing
the three major geochemical reservoirs (air, magmatic
and biogenic gas) and their related mixing lines, showing that most of the soil gases lie along the biogenic
and magmatic mixing line. Therefore, spatial distribution of CO2 efflux and diffuse CO2 emission rate monitoring will help to strengthen the volcanic surveillance
of the Brava volcanic system.
Figure 1. Location map of the sampling sites and spatial distribution of DHe and 222Rn values at the summit crater of Pico
do Fogo.
Geochemical signatures of the diffuse CO2 emission from Brava volcanic system, Cape Verde
RODRÍGUEZ, Fátima1; BANDOMO, Zuleyka2; BARROS, Inocêncio2; FONSECA, José2; FERNANDES,
Paulo2; RODRIGUES, Jair3; MELIÁN, Gladys1;
PADRÓN, Eleazar1; DIONIS, Samara1; VICTÓRIA,
Sónia4; GONÇALVES, António2; BARBOSA, Alberto3;
NASCIMENTO, Judite4; HERNÁNDEZ, Pedro A.1 and
PÉREZ, Nemesio M.1
1. Environmental Research Division, ITER, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
2. Laboratório de Engenharia Civil, LEC, Praia, Cape Verde
3. Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil, SNPC, Praia, Cape Verde
4. Departamento Ciência e Tecnologia, Universidade de Cabo Verde,
UNICV, Praia, Cape Verde
Figure 1. Binary plot of of CO2 concentration (ppmV) versus
Geotourism in Fogo Island, Cape Verde
ALFAMA, Vera1,2 and BRILHA, José3
1. Centro de Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos Geológicos, Universidade dos Açores, Portugal
2. Departamento Ciência e Tecnologia, Universidade de Cabo Verde,
Praia, Cape Verde
3. Departamento de Ciências da Terra, Universidade do Minho,
Geotourism is a form of sustainable tourism that can
contribute to the development of local population’s
economy, respecting sustainability criteria, as it has
been put into practice in geoparks of the Global Network of Geoparks, under the auspices of UNESCO. In
recent years, geotourism became a significant activity towards the conservation, valuing and promotion
of the geological heritage. The concept of sustainable
development has emerged from the growing concern
for improving future living conditions without causing unnecessary depletion of natural resources. This
should be considered in all human activities, including
tourism. The latter should operationalize the concept
of sustainability in all its activities, contributing to a
long-living sustainable development. This work is focused on the Fogo Island geodiversity, particularly on
the Pico de Fogo volcano due to its remarkable geodiversity. Over the years, this landscape has been recognized as an important scientific, cultural, educational,
aesthetic and especially tourist resource. Hence, the
development of specialized documentation describing it becomes a priority. An inventory of geosites in
Fogo Island has resulted in the identification of nine
geosites and an area of geological interest (Chã das
Caldeiras) constituted by more seven geosites distributed in the Fogo Natural Park. The majority of these
geosites present geomorphological, volcanological
and stratigraphical relevance as well as a high touristic value. A geotouristic guidebook was produced
in order to promote the knowledge and respect for
this geological heritage by national and international
visitors. It has been shown that the high volcanic geodiversity of Fogo Island and the value of its geosites
justify the adoption of geotourism for the region, which
should be assumed by the national authorities. This
recommendation extends to the remaining islands. It
is urgent to raise the awareness of the Cape Verdean
authorities and population in general for the actions
on geoconservation and geotourism. These authorities
should recognize the importance of geotourism and
its inclusion into policies and strategies for the Nature
Conservation of Cape Verde. The preservation of these
sites should be considered a priority, as they constitute the support of a sustainable activity with clear advantages for the local populations. The creation of a
geopark in Fogo Island could become a tool to ensure
the sustainability of the natural and cultural identities
of this territory through geoturism and improving the
living conditions of local populations.
Monitorização Geoquímica do Vulcão do Fogo
BANDOMO, Zuleyka1; FERNANDES, Paulo1; ANDRADE, Mário1; FONSECA, José1; MELIÁN, Gladys2;
Germán2; PADRÓN, Eleazar2 CALVO, David2; BARROS, Inocêncio1; HERNÁNDEZ, Pedro A.2; VICTÓRIA,
Sónia3; RODRIGUES, Jair4; GONÇALVES, António1;
Nemésio M.2
1. Laboratório de Engenharia Civil, LEC, Praia, Cape Verde
2. Environmental Research Division, ITER, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
3. Universidade de Cabo Verde, UNICV, Praia, Cape Verde
4. Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil, SNPC, Praia, Cape Verde
A ilha do Fogo, fica situada no sudoeste do arquipélago de Cabo Verde com uma superfície de 476 km2;
trata-se de um estrato-vulcão com potencial risco
vulcânico, tendo ocorrido na ilha, 26 erupções históricas, no período de 1500 a 1995. Em 2007, o Instituto
Tecnológico y de Energias Renováveis (ITER, Canárias
- Espanha), iniciou um programa de monitorização geoquímica em parceria com as instituições caboverdianas, nomeadamente o Laboratório de Engenharia
Civil (LEC), a Universidade de Cabo Verde (UNICV)
e o Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil (SNPC), que
visa contribuir na redução do risco vulcânico em Cabo
Verde. O programa consiste na medição da emissão
de H2S e CO2 difuso na cratera do Vulcão do Fogo.
Os vulcões emitem quantidades significativas de
gases não perceptíveis à vista humana, mas que são
indicadores de potenciais erupções vulcânicas. Desde
então, tem-se realizado várias campanhas com o objectivo de se realizar a avaliação da evolução temporal
e espacial do fluxo difuso de CO2 e H2S, assim como
a sua relação com a actividade vulcânica. Baseado no
algoritmo de simulação gaussiana (sGs), como método
de interpolação e mediante o software IDL (Integrated
Development Environment), constroem-se mapas de
fluxo difuso de CO2 e H2S que permitem a avaliação
da evolução espacial desses gases no solo da cratera.
Em 2007, a emissão difusa total de CO2 foi de 56±15
td-1; em 2008 e 2009, os valores estimados foram de
39±9 e 258±74 td-1, respectivamente. Durante a campanha de 2010, entre os meses de Março a Agosto de
2010, a emissão total de CO2 foi de 52.8±12.4 td-1 e
a emissão total de H2S correspondeu a 13.9±7.4 td-1.
Estes valores de CO2 e de H2S correspondem a ciclos
eruptivos e a processos de desgasificação do magma;
o vulcão do Fogo encontra-se actualmente numa fase
pós-eruptiva. A monitorização da emissão difusa de
gases vulcânicos é muito útil para a vigilância vulcânica e contribui para a redução do risco vulcânico
fortalecendo o sistema de alerta antes das erupções
On the importance of a well-balanced civil protection system
FONSECA, João1 and D’OREYE, Nicolas2
1. Instituto Superior Técnico and ICIST, Lisbon, Portugal
2. European Centre for Geodynamics and Seismology, Luxembourg.
Volcanic monitoring in Cape Verde is a good case
study to understand the importance of a well-balanced
civil protection system in order to achieve risk mitigation. We discuss the interaction between stakeholders in Cape Verde and identify aspects that impacted
negatively previous projects VIGIL and ALERT. In April
1995, IST assisted the Capeverdian authorities in the
monitoring of Fogo volcano´s most recent eruption,
following previous related work (1992-1994) with INIT.
However, INIT had been extinguished in 1994, and at
the time of the eruption there was no national laboratory with a mandate or resources to conduct geophysical monitoring. In 1997, benefiting from increased
awareness, IST launched project VIGIL (J1997- 1999)
to implement permanent monitoring. In view of the inexistence of a natural partner, LECV was approached
for this purpose. Within the scope of project VIGIL, a
telemetric network of 7 seismographic stations were
deployed in Fogo and Brava islands, and a laboratory
for routine data analysis was set up in Praia, where
the data were received in real time. Through the collaboration of ECGS, the network was augmented with
tiltmeters and an automatic meteorological station.
Great emphasis was put on training, to promote the
sustainability of the operation. Once an infrastructure
was in place, project ALERT (2000 – 2003) started, to
characterize the secondary activity taking place in an
inter-eruptive period, and design a table of alert levels. Between 2001 and 2004 the data were shipped
from LECV to ISECMAR (São Vicente) by CD or by ftp,
for advanced analysis (by B. Faria). But after 2003 the
quality of operation decreased sharply, and in 2004
the data stopped being distributed outside LECV. In
2000, the newly created INMG received a clear mandate to operate geophysical monitoring networks in
Cape Verde (DR 7/2000). A Department of Geophysics was set up in Mindelo, and B. Faria was hired in
September 2002. In 2005, the coordinator of project
VIGIL recommended that the operation of the network
should be transferred to INMG, in view of their clear
mandate, the competence revealed in the use of the
data (which led to a successful Ph.D. thesis on a volcanic alert level table for Fogo Volcano), and the state
of the network. Unfortunately, this recommendation
did not produce effect to this day, and the network has
been for all practical purposes inoperative during the
last years. Although LECV filled a gap in the system
during the second half of the 90’s, this was clearly not
the ideal solution, and in 2003, when the geophysical monitoring stopped being supported from abroad,
the limitations became apparent. Effective hazard
mitigation in Fogo needs a well-balanced civil protection system that acknowledges and benefits from all
endogenous scientific competences, and promotes
good links between all stakeholders. In recognition of
its scientific competence – product of the training provided by projects VIGIL and ALERT - INMG is currently
a funded partner of FP7 project MIAVITA, which aims
at strengthening the civil protection systems of the target regions, Fogo included.
Projects VIGIL and ALERT were funded by FCT, Lisbon, and ICP, Lisbon, and the contribution of ECGS
was funded by Luxemburgish Cooperation.
2007 and in 2008 together, 5 in 2009, and 233 in 2010.
We divide these phreatic eruptions in three types: A,
B and C. The A-type, reaches heights from 2 m to 50
m, the B-type from 51 m to 250 m, and the C-type
with eruptions higher than 250 m. The data base indicates that approximately 83% is of the A-type, 13% of
the B-type and 4% of the C-type. The A- and B-type
eruptions are generally jets of mud that rise from the
center of the lake falling down at the same spot. The
C-type and some of the B-type eruptions, are able to
exit the intracrater, generating a kind of a whitish spray
that has ended up wetting the lookout point and the
visitors center, located at 2 km distance, and in an occasion it even reached to the town of Trojas, located
at 8 km. Recently, a migration of the eruptive center
has been observed: from the center toward the south
of the lake, very close the dome. The dome fumaroles
have reached temperatures up of the 600 °C, and blue
flames of more than 10 meters due to sulfur combustion have been observed. Due to the bad climate
(common rain and fog) or absence of observers at the
lookout point, in many occasions it is impossible to
observe the Laguna Caliente during the eruptions. Approximately, the volcano is observed a fifth part of the
day time. This is why the real quantity of eruptions can
easily pass a 1000 in number. During the entire period
2006-2010, the Laguna Caliente has descended its
level by approximately 23 m, and it has lost 1.5x106 m3
of water. The pH of the water has varied from 0.55 to
-0.74, with a surface water temperature between the
36.1°C to 56°C. Its water presents a light turquoise to
light milky yellowish gray color, which is accentuated
after every phreatic event. Spherules of sulfur floating
on the surface of the lake are observed throughout the
entire period, indicating the presence of subaqueous
sulfur pools at the bottom of the lake with temperatures between 116°C and 155°C. The Laguna Caliente
has dried out completely in 1953, 1989 and in 1994.
It is not improbably this will happen again in the near
Laguna Caliente, Poás Volcano, Costa Rica: the
most active crater lake of the world (2006-2010)
MORA-AMADOR, Raúl1,2,3, RAMÍREZ, Carlos J.1, 2, 3,
GONZÁLEZ, Gino1, 2, 3, ROUWET, Dmitri4, ROJAS,
1. Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP), Portugal
2. Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia (LNEG), Portugal
1. Escuela Centroamericana de Geología, Universidad de Costa Rica,
Costa Rica.
2. Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias Geológicas, Costa Rica.
3. Red Sismológica Nacional (UCR-ICE), Costa Rica
4. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Palermo,
Palermo, Italy
5. Área de Conservación Cordillera Volcánica Central, Volcán Poás,
MINAET, Costa Rica.
Poás volcano is a complex stratovolcano with an altitude of 2708 m a.s.l., with a subsonic irregular shape
(300 km2), it has three recent main structures: the active
crater, Botos lagoon and he old crater von Frantzius.
In the southern sector of the active crater, a dome (ascended in 1953) and the hyperacidic Laguna Caliente
are located, with a diameter that varies among the 320
m and 280 m and a depth that varied from 46 to 23
m between 2006 and 2010. After 12 years without an
eruption from Laguna Caliente, in March 2006, a new
period of phreatic eruptions resumed and continues
till present. Until this moment (August 24, 2010) 259
phreatic eruptions have been reported: 17 in 2006, 2 in
Fogo island sustainable
CORREIA, Gilson1 and PONCE DE LEÃO, Maria
Cape Verde is an archipelago composed of ten islands, and faces an important challenge as concerns
the definition of a strategy for energy. Thus taking into
account various characteristics such as insularity, territorial fragmentation, given the need to ensure the
satisfaction of energy consumption in macro-economic scenarios where the costs of fossil fuels are increasingly high and considering the need to reduce GHG
emission. It has therefore become apparent the necessity to develop a set of specific strategies in each
island in line with the Government, enterprises and the
locals since the small islands require large imports of
fuel coupled with large distances making energy costs
expensive. The island of Fogo is the fourth largest island in size (476 km2) in terms of population (40,000 inhabitants). In the electrical energy sector, production is
based on conventional technologies, more specifically
for diesel powered plants, installed at three producer
parks namely, Cova Figueira, São Filipe and Mosteiros, giving a combined capacity of approximately 4
MW. Currently only two parks are generating energy,
namely São Filipe and Mosteiros both produce about
9 GWh of energy annually. The coverage rate of electricity networks is currently only 70%, which makes
the island of Fogo one of the islands with the least
coverage rates, below the national average. Thus with
the rising cost of Thermal generated electricity and dependence on imported diesel, there is therefore a need
to resort to the expansion of other renewable sources
of energy. Fogo is the only Island to have a historical
record of volcanic activity (from the end of the century. XV), with the most recent eruptions occurring in
1951 and 1995. The Island therefore has numerous
geological and hydro-geological potential as a result
of these volcanic activities. The geology of the island
further favors the study of renewable sources of energy since it is characterized by highly over saturated
alkaline rocks of the Cenozoic age which are as a result of molten lava from the volcanic eruptions. Hence,
studies need to be undertaken, from the viewpoint of
the characterization of real geothermal potential and
hence its ability to contribute to energy sustainability
for the Island of Fogo and Cape Verde in general. Geothermal energy is a renewable form of energy, which
harnesses the heat from the earth through hot springs
and thermal upwelling’s. Geothermal energy is a free
and non-intermittent energy alternative in relation to
other renewable sources of energy and especially intermittent fossil energy. Geothermal most visible and
profitable use is usually in the production of electricity. However In addition it can be used for residential,
industrial, and commercial uses such as in heating
or cooling. This Ongoing work presents the study of
geothermal resource potentials of the Island of Fogo
in Cape Verde. It presents a survey and evaluation of
the characterization of the geothermal resource, with
the definition of areas with greatest potential for geothermal energy exploration. This project assesses the
economic viability of production in comparison with
the diesel power plants in the island and taking into
account the energy needs according to the socio-economic development plan.
Understanding the relation between pre-eruptive
bubble size distribution and observed ash particle sizes: Prospects for prediction of volcanic
ash hazards
1. Complex Systems Research Center, University of New Hampshire,
2. Earth & Environmental Sciences, Lehigh University, USA.
Recent advances in measuring pre-eruptive bubble
size distributions (BSDs) from ash particle surface
morphology now make it possible to calibrate ash
fragmentation models for prediction of pyroclastic
characteristics of concern to human health and infrastructure. The same magma bodies can generate various eruption products ranging from course bombs to
fine ash, with a wide range of fractionation between
these end members that in turn depends on the preeruptive bubble size distributions. We have devised a
method to produce spatial models of bubble textures
that match inferred BSDs of pre-fragmentation magma
in the eruption column based on conditions of 1-stage
bubble nucleation and random nuclear spacing, with
either of two bubble growth schemes- (1) unconfined
growth in the absence of neighboring bubbles, and (2)
limited growth in a melt volume shared with neighboring bubbles. These scenarios lead to different BSDs,
thus controlling fragmentation thresholds and patterns. BSD leads to the thickness distribution of bubble walls and plateau borders, so we can predict the
size distribution of ash particles formed by rupture of
thinnest inter-bubble films, as well as the fraction of
compound fragments or clasts derived from parcels
of magmatic foam containing thicker walls. As such
it is possible to determine the magmatic conditions
that lead to eruptions with a high fraction of fine ash
of concern to volcanic hazards and respiratory heath.
Transition from mixed magma Strombolian to
phreatomagmatic explosive activity at the Cova
de Paúl Crater, Santo Antao, The Cape Verde
Islands: application of geological evidence to
the mitigation of hazards from future violent
phreatomagmatic eruptions.
1. Department of Earth Sciences, Birkbeck College, University of
London, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX, United Kingdom
2. Institute of Geodynamics, 19-21 Str. Jean-Luis Calderon, 020032,
Bucharest, Romania
3. Benfield UCL Hazard Research Centre, Department of Earth Sciences, University College London, Gower Street London WC1E 6BT,
United Kingdom
Santo Antao is the far northwestern island of the Cape
Verde Islands; it consists of three overlapping shield
volcanoes. The Cova de Paúl Volcano is the most
easterly of the three and shows evidence of recent
volcanic activity including eruptions of lava flows,
phonolite domes and a range of pyroclastic rocks, although it has not erupted in historic times (since 1500
AD). The Cova de Paúl Crater, site of one of the most
recent eruptions, is approximately 1 km in diameter
and 300 m deep and the source of a complex eruptive
sequence of pyroclastic rocks. These include a variety
of magmatic, phreatomagmatic and phreatic explosive units formed in succession during a single complex eruption. The climactic phases include low temperature lithic rich ignimbrites comparable to the ~3
Ma old low temperature lithic rich (Roque Nublo type)
ignimbrites of Gran Canaria. Evidence suggests that
these were produced when rising magma intercepted
a shallow aquifer. However, extensive erosion of the
volcanic vents on Gran Canaria means that the eruptive sequence and the conditions of emplacement of
these distinctive low-temperature ignimbrites are not
well understood. In contrast, the Cova de Paúl crater
is well preserved and the ignimbrites are associated
with other pyroclastic rocks that provide insights into
the development of the eruption that produced the ignimbrites. The deposits therefore provide insights into
the transition to the violently explosive phase of the
eruption that can be used to help in the problem of
providing prediction and warning of the onset of such
explosive phases in time to effectively mitigate the resulting hazards. Within the walls of the crater a stratographic record of the most resent eruptive sequence
has been preserved, possibly in its entirety. From the
evidence provided by this record it has been possible to divide the eruption into three distinct sections:
(1) a small initial explosive phreatic/ phreatomagmatic phase, marking opening of the vent; (2) A ‘fire
fountain’ Strombolian eruption with varied blocky
units toward the top that indicate the development
of unsteady, more explosive activity; (3) an explosive
phreatomagmatic eruption, beginning with airfall and
surge units, but transitioning up into the ignimbrites.
We will present the preliminary results of fieldwork in
November 2010 at the workshop, and also review the
results of petrological studies carried out on samples
collected during preliminary fieldwork in 2008. These
petrological studies indicate that magma mixing was
occurring in the magma chamber prior to eruption and
may have provided the eruptive trigger. Unsteady flow
of incompletely mixed magma up the conduit may
have promoted wall rock fracturing and an influxe of
water, leading to the transition to a more explosive
style of eruption led to the creation of the Cova de Paúl
Crater and the emplacement of the ignimbrites.
Volcanic Hazards vs. Land Use Planning in Chã
das Caldeiras, Fogo Island, Cape Verde
ALFAMA, Vera1,2, VICTÓRIA, Sónia2,3 and RODRIGUES, Jair4
1. Centro de Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos Geológicos, Universidade dos Açores, Portugal
2. Departamento Ciência e Tecnologia, Universidade de Cabo Verde,
Praia, Cabo Verde
3. Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia, Universidade de Coimbra,
4. Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil, Praia, Cabo Verde
The Planning should establish beyond the identification of areas and protection, or critical areas prone
to instability of the geodynamic processes, areas of
geological interest and exploration of geological resources. With increasing human occupation and planning of new urban areas, the implementation of major
infrastructure, should require a legal and administrative effort in which the physical and geological space
emerges as key component in defining the strategic
planning space. Chã das Caldeiras is an area of high
volcanic risk and acute vulnerability. According to the
previous volcanic eruptions, this area has the following elements of volcanic risk: the reopening of eruptive
vents, tephra fall, lava flows, toxic gases, seismicity
and mass movements on slopes (rockfalls, debris flow
etc.). The soil and climate conditions make the Chã
das Caldeiras one of the most attractive and important
areas of Fogo island, from agriculture, cattle breading,
and lately tourism. These conditions have led to a considerable population growth in recent years. Awareness should be built on the high volcanic risk and
vulnerability, given the recurrence of historical eruptions in this part of the island. It is necessary to review
land use planning and implementation of preventive
measures, especially in areas of greater susceptibility of being affected by the different volcanic risk elements. This will increase capacity to prevent instability
process as well as sustainability of natural resources
to better fit the Environmental Plans, Municipal Plans
and Emergency Plans (Civil Protection).
The geochemistry of the fumarole gases from
Pico do Fogo volcano, Cape Verde
Germán 1; CALVO, David1; PADRÓN, Eleazar1; DIONIS, Samara 1; BARRANCOS, José1; NOLASCO,
Dácil1; RODRÍGUEZ, Fátima 1; HERNÁNDEZ, Pedro
A.1; GONÇALVES, António2; NASCIMENTO, Judite3;
BARBOSA, Alberto4 and PÉREZ, Nemesio M.1
1. Environmental Research Division, ITER, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
2. Laboratório de Engenharia Civil, LEC, Praia, Cape Verde
3. Departamento Ciência e Tecnologia, Universidade de Cabo Verde,
UNICV, Praia, Cape Verde
4. Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil, SNPC, Praia, Cape Verde
Fogo is a volcanic island of the Cape Verde archipelago and host at its center the active stratovolcano Pico
do Fogo (2829 m.a.s.l.), with its most recent eruption
occurring in 1995. At present, fumarolic activity oc-
curs at the northeast sector of the summit crater of
Pico do Fogo. We report herein the geochemical data
of the Pico do Fogo’s fumarole discharges since 2007
thanks to a collaborative research project between
LEC-UNICV-SPNC (Cape Verde) and ITER (Canary Islands, Spain) co-financed by the SpanishAID Agency
(AECID). Regular sampling and analysis of fumarole
gases from the fumarole F1 has been performed in
a yearly basis to monitor the chemical and isotopic
composition of this volcanic hydrothermal discharge.
In 2008, fumarole gas sampling was also performed
in the fumarole F2. During the period of study, the
outlet temperature in F1 has ranged between 69 to
115ºC, whereas the F2 one has been almost constant,
~ 300ºC. Fumarole gases have been collected into
pre-evacuated 120 mL glass flasks filled with 50 mL
of a 5N NaOH. During sampling, acidic gases (CO2,
SO2, H2S and HCl) dissolve into the alkaline solution, water vapour condenses, and non-condensable
gases are concentrated in the head-space of the sampling flask. Chemical analyses showed that the main
gas component measured in the dry gas phase was
CO2, with 972,980 mmol/mol, followed by N2 (16,71040,038 mmol/mol), and St (8,586-30,310 mmol/mol).
O2 concentrations are relevant (up to 6,792 mmol/mol),
as commonly observed in fumaroles characterized by
a weak flow discharge, being affected by significant
air contamination. CH4, He, HCl and CO showed relatively low concentrations (up to 0.77, 46, 177 and 37.3
mmol/mol, respectively). Results indicate that volcanic
gases discharged from the summit crater of Pico do
Fogo volcano have an important hydrothermal component. Gas geothermometry and geobarometry, based
on chemical reactions related to both organic and
inorganic gas species, indicate equilibrium temperatures between 280 to 390ºC using the CH4/CO2-CO/
CO2 geothermometer and between 110 to 310ºC using the H2/H2O-CO/CO2 geothermometer (Fig. 1) while
the estimated pressure of the system is between 60
to 120 bar using the estimated temperature by the H2/
H2O-CO/CO2 geothermometer. Monitoring the chemical composition of volcanic gas discharges from the
fumaroles at the summit crater of Pico Fogo volcano
will be an important geochemical observation for the
volcanic surveillance and will strength the knowledge
of the physical-chemical processes occurring at the
Pico do Fogo volcanic system.
Figure 1. CH4-CO2, CO-CO2 and H2-H2O, CO-CO2 equilibrium
diagrams for Pico do Fogo volcanic gas discharges. Gray
symbols: F1; black symbols: F2. Solid triangle: March 4, 2007;
solid circle: Jun 6, 2008; solid square: May 10, 2009; and solid
diamond: February 21, 2010.
MAKAVOL: a EU contribution for reducing volcanic risk in the Macaronesia
PÉREZ, Nemesio M1, HERNÁNDEZ, Pedro A.1,
IBAÑEZ, Jesús1,2, GONÇALVES, António3, NASCIMENTO, Judite4 and BARBOSA, Alberto5
1. Environmental Research Division, ITER, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
2. Instituto Andaluz de Geofísica, Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain
3. Laboratório de Engenharia Civil, LEC, Praia, Cape Verde
4. Departamento Ciência e Tecnologia, Universidade de Cabo Verde,
UNICV, Praia, Cape Verde
5. Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil, SNPC, Praia, Cape Verde
During the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (1990-1999) the scientific and political international community did perform an intense
analysis and assessment on the impact of natural
disasters that has served to define and recommend
the materialization of various actions to reduce the
risk of natural hazards including the associated to
the volcanic phenomenon. There major actions had
been recommended by the IAVCEI and UNESCO to
reduce volcanic risk: (1) elaborate volcanic hazards
mapping, (2) establish a multidisciplinary approach
for volcano monitoring, constantly being updated
with technological development, in order to optimize
the system for early warning of future eruptions, and
(3) develop emergency plans for volcanic risk. Contribute to improving and optimizing the volcanic risk
managment in the Canary Islands, Azores and Cape
Verde - active volcanic regions of Macaronesia - is
the main objective of the project untitled “Strengthening the capacities of R&D to contribute reducing
volcanic risk in the Macaronesia (MAC/3/C161)”.
The partners of this project (MAKAVOL) led by the
Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables,
ITER (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain) are the Laboratório de Engenharia Civil de Cabo Verde (LEC),
the Departamento Ciência e Tecnologia of the Universidade de Cabo Verde (Uni-CV) and the Serviço
Nacional de Protecção Civil (SNPC) from Cape
Verde. In addition other institutions and organizations such us the Instituto Andaluz de Geofísica of
the University of Granada (Spain), the Observatório
Vulcanológico e Geotérmico dos Açores, OVGA
(Portugal) and the Spanish Volcanological Society
(SVE) endorse this project which is co-financed by
EU Transnational Cooperation Program MadeiraCanarias-Azores (MAC 2007-2013). The major goal
of this project is to improve some of the actions
described above and recommended by the IAVCEI
and UNESCO as well as to enhance the exchange
of experiences on volcanic risk management in island environments. To accomplish this major goal
several specific objectives has been outlined for the
MAKAVOL project: (i) upgrading the LEC’s seismic
monitoring network for the volcanic surveillance in
Cape Verde, (ii) strengthening the capacities for a
portable seismic monitoring network for the volcanic surveillance in Canary Islands, (iii) improving
the knowledge of CO2 emission from volcanic lakes
in the Azores in collaboration with the Universidade
dos Açores and the Observatório Vulcanológico e
Geotérmico dos Açores, (iv) performing a SWOT
analysis on the three major actions for reducing volcanic risk in the Azores, Canary Islands, and Cape
Verde, (v) organizing international workshops on volcanic risk management in the Cape Verde, Canary
Islands and Azores archipelagos to enhance open
scientific and technical discussions, (vi) strengthening educational programs on volcanic hazards in the
Community School of the Azores, Canary and Cape
Verde, (vii) translating to the Portuguese and Creole
the IAVCEI and UNESCO videos on “Understanding volcanic hazards” and “Reducing volcanic risk”,
and (viii) producing documentaries on the volcanic
phenomena in the Azores, Canary and Cape Verde.
The MAKAVOL project will follow this continue task
of reducing volcanic risk in the Macaronesia which
has been previously performed by the ALERTA,
VULMAC, ALERTA II and VULMAC II projects co-
financed by the EU Initiative Programme INTERREG
III B Azores-Madeira-Canary Islands.
Helium isotope signatures in terrestrial fluids
from Cape Verde
PÉREZ, Nemesio M.1, HERNÁNDEZ, Pedro A.1 and
SUMINO, Hirochika2
1. Environmental Research Division, ITER, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
2. Geochemical Research Center, Graduate School of Science, The
University of Tokyo, Japan
Helium isotope ratio (3He/4He) measurements in terrestrial fluids such as natural gases and ground waters in volcanic regions provide some of the most
basic geochemical information on magmatic activity.
There are 2 naturally occurring isotopes of helium.
He is much less abundant than 4He, and the atmosphere 3He/4He ratio (Ra) is 1.39 x10-6 (Mamyrin et al.
1970). By far the most important terrestrial source
of 3He is degassing from the Earth’s interior and
the presence of this 3He in mantle-derived materials has important implications. The highest 3He/4He
ratios are found at ocean islands such as Hawaii and
Iceland, where they extend to values above 30 Ra.
Other observed high 3He/4He sites include Galápagos, Samoa, Réunion, Easter, Juan Fernandez, Yellowstone and the Ethiopian Rift. The presence of
such high 3He/4He ratios at these sites of extensive
volcanism is consistent with the existence of mantle plumes or thermal upwellings from regions deep
in the Earth. Significant spatial variations in 3He/4He
ratios have been observed at ocean islands and this
geographical variations may be related to distance
from the center of the mantle upwelling beneath volcanic archipelagos, or to the stage of the volcano’s
evolution (e.g., seamount, shield or post-erosional).
This variability in 3He/4He ratios can often be accounted due to mixing between plume-derived material and material derived from the upper mantle or
isotopic heterogeneity within the plume itself (Graham, 2002). During the last 20 years several investigations on helium isotopes had been carried out
in lavas and terrestrial fluids from Azores, Canary
Islands and Cape Verde. This study shows new results on 3He/4He ratios from terrestrial fluids in Cape
Verde. The observed 3He/4He ratios in terrestrial fluids from the Azores range from lower-than-MORB
values (5.23–6.07 Ra) on the central part of Sao
Miguel island, to MORB values on Faial (8.53 Ra)
and Flores (8.04 Ra) – located on either side of the
Mid-Atlantic Ridge – and to plume-type values on
Graciosa (11.2 Ra) and Terceira (13.5 Ra) islands.
This helium-3 emission spatial distribution suggest
that the plume activity is presently affecting the central part of the Azores archipelago (Jean-Baptiste et
al, 2009). In the case of the Canary Islands the observed 3He/4He ratios in terrestrial fluids range from
typical air values to 9,7 Ra (Pérez et al., 1994; 1996),
and the helium-3 emission spatial distribution shows
clearly an increasing trend from east to west in the
Canaries indicating that the plume-head is currently
affecting the western part of the archipelago. This
He/4He geographical distribution show an excellent
agreement with the age trend of the oldest subaerial
volcanic rocks in the Canaries. In the case of the terrestrial fluids, gases and ground waters, from Cape
Verde the observed 3He/4He ratios range from 2,6
to 8,5 Ra (Heilweil et al., 2009; this study). The observed 3He/4He ratios in free gases in Cape Verde
are higher than those dissolved its ground waters,
and this difference is likely due to radiogenic helium
inputs to aquifers during water–rock interactions.
The 3He/4He geographical distribution in Cape Verde
indicates that the Sotavento Islands of Brava and
Fogo show higher 3He/4He ratios (5,3 – 8,5 Ra) than
those observed at the Barlovento Islands of Santo
Antão and São Nicolau (2,6 – 3,3 Ra). The highest
observed 3He/4He ratios were found at the fumarolic
degassing at the summit crater of Pico do Fogo Volcano. This spatial distribution is in good agreement
with the stage of the volcanic activity in Cape Verde.
Jean-Baptiste J. , Allard P., Coutinho R., Ferreira T., Fourré E.,
Queiroz G. and Gaspar J.L. (2009). Helium isotopes in hydrothermal volcanic fluids of the Azores archipelago. Earth & Planetary Sci. Lett., 281, 70-80.
Christensen BP, Holm PM, Jambon A, Wilson JR (2001) Helium, argon and lead isotopic composition of volcanics from
Santo Antão and Fogo, Cape Verde Islands. Chem Geol
Graham, D. W. (2002) Noble gas isotope geochemistry of
mid-ocean ridge and ocean island basalts; characterization
of mantle source reservoirs. In: Noble Gases in Geochemistry
and Cosmochemistry, eds. D. Porcelli, R. Wieler and C. Ballentine. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Mineral. Soc.
Amer., Washington, D.C., pp. 247-318.
Heilweil V. M., Kip Solomon D., Gingerich S. B. and Verstraeten
I. M. (2009). Oxygen, hydrogen, and helium isotopes for investigating groundwater systems of the Cape Verde Islands, West
Africa. Hydrogeology Journal, 17, 1157-1174.
Mamyrin BA, Anufriev GS, Kamenskii IL, Tolstikhin IN (1970)
Determination of the isotopic composition of atmospheric helium. Geochem Int., 7, 498-505.
Perez NM, Nakai S, Wakita H, Sano Y, Williams SN (1994)
He/4He isotopic ratios in volcanic-hydrothermaldischarges
from the Canary Islands, Spain: implications on the origin of
the volcanic activity. Mineral. Mag., 58, 709-710.
Perez N. M, Nakai S., Wakiti H., Hernandez P. A., Salazar J.
M. (1996). Helium-3 emission in and around Teide volcano,
Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Geophys Res Lett., 23, 3531–
TELEPLANETA: a Spanish National Public Television (TVE) and ITER join adventure for reducing
volcanic risk
CALVO, David1, PÉREZ, Nemesio1, DIONIS, Samara1;
GONZALEZ, José Carlos2; MARRERO, Nieves2, and
CALLAU, Juan Luis2.
1. Environmental Research Division, ITER, Tenerife, Spain
2. Spanish National Public Television in the Canary Islands, TVE,
Tenerife, Spain
One of the main and toughest goals for a geoscientist is to have a properly communication with the
society when the time comes for showing results,
scientific advances or whatever kind of remarkable
event. The complexity of the scientific terminology,
and the existence of a few communication channels,
often prevents lay people to know about how the
advance of science is occurring or how new discoveries are helping us to have a better understanding about the Planet Earth. Almost 75% of the Earth
population lives in areas that had been hit, at least
once in the last 20 years, by earthquakes, severe
storms, flooding or droughts. TELEPLANETA is a
joint effort of the Spanish National Public Television
in the Canary Islands (TVE-Canarias) and the Institute of Technology and Renewable Energies (ITER)
for raising public awareness of the impact of these
natural hazards in the society, with an understandable language away from too much technical terms
but basically avoiding the gruesome side of this kind
of events. TELEPLANETA tries to give a scientific
explanation of why these hazards occur, focusing on
the visual communication with the viewers. Broadcasted on a weekly basis since October 2009, the
program has gained public attention, and right now
has triplicate its length to almost 15 minutes, what
helps us to improve the general contents. Right now
we are not only broadcasting the weekly news, but
also offering an educative, comprehensive explanation of the nature of natural hazards, from different
topics ranging from earthquakes to ice crystals,
putting special emphasis about volcanic hazards
and also remembering remarkable events related
to nature, like natural disasters or commemorating
days, everything accompanied by experts statements about those topics. This weekly TV program
is broadcasted through the worldwide coverage
news channel - 24 Hours Channel – of the Spanish
National Public TV (TVE) and can also be found at
Thermal monitoring of Pico do Fogo volcano,
Cape Verde
Mário2, FONSECA, José2, MELIÁN, Gladys1, RODRÍGUEZ, Fátima1, BARROS, Inocêncio2, NOLASCO,
Dácil1, PADILLA, Germán1, PADRÓN, Eleazar1,
HERNÁNDEZ, Pedro A.1, BANDOMO, Zuleyka2,
António2, NASCIMENTO, Judite3, BARBOSA, Alberto4
and PÉREZ, Nemesio M.1
1. Environmental Research Division, ITER, Tenerife, Canary Islands,
2. Laboratório de Engenharia Civil, LEC, Praia, Cape Verde
3. Departamento Ciência e Tecnologia, Universidade de Cabo Verde,
UNICV, Praia, Cape Verde
4. Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil, SNPC, Praia, Cape Verde
Pico do Fogo volcano is the youngest and most active
volcano of the Cape Verde archipelago and is located
to the east of the Bordeira semicircular escarpment,
at Fogo Island, Cape Verde. Pico do Fogo rises over
2800 m above sea level and is capped by a 500-mwide, 150-m-deep summit crater. The last eruption
took place in 1995 at the western flank of the volcano.
Since 2007, a LEC-UNICV-SNPC (Cape Verde) and
ITER (Canary Islands, Spain) collaborative research
program established a simple geochemical and geophysical monitoring which involves CO2 and H2S efflux
measurements and a variety of thermal measurements
and observations designed to detect changes at the
summit crater of Pico do Fogo that could reflect increasing pressure and stresses caused by volcanic
activity. The thermal monitoring includes the use of an
IR camera to obtain thermal imaging in a yearly basis
as well as a monthly surface temperature survey with
tens of measurements allowing us to elaborate surface
temperature mapping and estimate heat flow output.
For thermal imaging a FLIR IR camera it is being used
for monitoring surface temperature anomalies in the
northern sector of the summit crater. During these
years, no significant variations have been detected,
both in extension and temperature values, ranging
from ambient temperature up to 170ºC in the fumarolic
field. Tens of surface temperature measurements are
performed monthly at 40 cm. depth, and the results
of these thermal measurements and observations
showed variations on the average surface temperature
survey values ranging from 32,1 to 77,6 ºC. Relatively
high average survey values had been observed during
the 2010 with respect to previous surveys. Estimates
of heat flow from the summit crater of the Pico de Fogo
were obtained by applying the technique described by
Dawson (1964), which allows to estimate the heat flux
at each observation site, and the statistical Gaussian
simulation. Estimated heat flow values from surface
temperature measurements at the summit crater of
Pico do Fogo showed a range from 1,8 ± 0,3 to 9,8
± 1,0 MW. This simple monthly thermal monitoring is
complementing the geochemical monitoring program,
both established thanks to the SpanishAID Agency
(AECID), and will be tremendously beneficial for the
volcano surveillance of Pico do Fogo volcano.
References: Dawson, G.B., 1964. The nature and assessment
of heat flow from hydrothermal areas. N.Z. J. Geol. Geophys.
7, 155–171.
Geomorphosites, Volcanism and Geotourism:
the Example of Cinder Cones of Canary Islands
1. Escuela de Turismo Iriarte, Universidad de La Laguna, Puerto de la
Cruz, Tenerife, Spain.
2. Cabildo de Tenerife, Güímar, Tenerife, Spain
3. Volcanic Risk Solutions, CS-INR, Massey University, PO Box 11 222,
North, New Zealand
4. Geological Institute of Hungary, Stefánia út 14, H-1143, Budapest,
5Department of Geology and Mineral Deposits, University of Miskolc,
Aim: the aim of this paper is to illustrate the volcanic
geomorphologic heritage of three monogenetic volcanoes based on the geomorphological and geomorphosite maps and their natural, cultural and use
values. Location: The Canarian Archipelago (Spain)
consists of seven islands located in the Atlantic
Ocean. The studied monogenetic volcanoes are the
followings: Pico Partido, (Lanzarote), Orchilla, (El Hierro), and Fasnia cinder cones (Tenerife). Methodology: is based on field observations, topographical and
geological maps and interpretation of aerial photos.
Results: these multiple volcanoes were generated by
various eruptions including Hawaiian and Strombolian
explosion, which makes these cones rich in volcanic
forms such as cones, craters, volcanic tubes, channels of lava, hornitos, spatter, lava fields (pahoehoe,
aa, blocks and balls), lava lakes, pyroclastic deposits
(bombs, escoriaceous, lapilli and ash), etc. The rich variety of volcanic forms constitutes the geomorphologi-
cal heritage of these cinder cones. In the study area
different geomorphosites with an intrinsic or scientific
high value are recognized, but also with cultural and
economic value. The scientific value focuses on the
volcanic geomorphology, consequently for this reason
the cinder cones lay natural protected areas. Main
conclusions: volcanism can play an important role in
human communities. The volcanic forms constitute a
component of the cultural heritage of a territory (historical monuments, works of art, spiritual places, etc.). In
the cases of cinder cones studied important value for
the local population can be recognized, because the
Fasnia and Pico Partido are historical eruptions dating
from the 1705 and 1730-1736 eruptions. These volcanoes modified the previous natural and rural landscapes and the villages. On the Orchilla lava flows the
meridian zero was located, for this reason the volcanic
landscape was the most Occidental of Europe. In the
volcanic regions people visit volcanoes for a variety
of reasons, for example the fascination of being close
to the power of nature. The major economic benefit
of the monogenetic volcanoes is tourism, especially
the geotourims. The geotourists that visit the natural
protected areas should practise a sustainable and
responsible tourism, and use geo-hiking maps. This
kind of maps will only emphasise on the landscape
elements that the tourist can recognise and observe.
Key words: Volcanic geomorphologic, geoheritage,
geotourism, geomorphosite, geomorphological map,
geohiking maps, cinder cones.
Proposal of a Volcanic Geomorphosites Itineraries on Las Cañadas del Teide National Park (Tenerife, Spain)
1. Cabildo de Tenerife, Gümiar, Tenerife, Spain
2. Escuela de Turismo Iriarte, Universidad de La Laguna, Puerto de la
Cruz, Tenerife, Spain
3. Dpto. Geografía O.Territorio. Universidad de Castilla La Mancha,
Ciudad Real, Spain
4. Volcanic Risk Solutions, CS-INR, Massey University, PO Box 11 222,
Palmerston. North, New Zeland
Sun and beach tourism is the most relevant economic
sector in the Canary Islands (Spain).
Hiking tourism, which combines other activities with
the appreciation of volcanic landcapes, is today one
of the main economic activities of sustainable tourism
in several Canarian enclaves. Tenerife is the largest island of the Canarian Archipelago and is characterised
by a complex volcanic history. The construction of a
basaltic shield and a phonolitic composite volcano
represent the main features in the volcanic evolution
of the island. Both volcanic complexes are still active,
the first through two main rift zones and the second
through the Teide-Pico Viejo central complex. The
island of Tenerife is dominated by Las Cañadas del
Teide National Park (LCTNP). This area is a volcanic
paradise rich in spectacular forms: stratovolcanoes,
calderas, cinder cones, craters, pahoehoe, aa, block
and balls lavas, etc. The LCTNP receives more than
2,8 million tourists per year (2008) and it has 21 main
pahts and 14 secondary ones. The aim of this paper
is to propose a different geomorphosite itinerary in the
LCTNP, using for it the main net of pahts. These itineraries are based on geomorphological and geomorphosite resources. The methodology relies on different
aspects such as bibliographical research, aerial photos, topographical and geological maps and field sur-
vey. The geomorphological characters of LCTNP were
obtained out of the project Volcanic Seismicity at Teide
Volcano: recent volcanism (CGL2004-05744-CO4-02)
funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. The geomorphosite landforms are obtanined
from geomorphological maps with a triple evaluation
(scientific, cultural, socioeconomic and scenic values).
Three itineraries that represent the geodiversity and
singularity of the national park are attempted. The first
itinerary is developed on the path of Siete Cañadas
(16,6 kms. and low difficulty). The main landforms and
geomorphosites are the wall of Las Cañadas caldera,
talusees, foodplains, cinder cones and lava fields. The
second route is developed on the path of Teide-Pico
Viejo-Carretera Tfe 38 (9,3 kms. and extreme difficulty). The geomorphological elements and geosites are
stratovolcanoes, Pico Viejo crater, historical eruptions,
volcanic domes and pyroclastic and lava fields. The
third itinerary is developed on the Volcán Fasnia (7,2
and low difficulty). The main volcanic forms and geomorphosites are the basaltic monogenetic volcanic
field and historic eruptions.
TDL measurements of CO2 and H2S in the ambient air of the summit crater of Pico do Fogo,
Cape Verde
VOGEL, Andreas1; FISCHER, Christian1; POHL, Tobias1; WEBER, Konradin1; MELIÁN, Gladys2; PÉREZ,
Nemesio2; BARROS, Inocêncio3; DIONIS, Samara2
and BARRANCOS, José2
ment are shown. For the measurement a TDL profile
of 45 m was set up at the main fumarole field of the
summit crater. Over a period of six hours an average
concentration of CO2 (1290.8 ppm without the local
background) and H2S concentration (7.85 ppm) are ascertained. During the measurement the weather conditions were sunny and the main wind speed in the
crater was very low (~ 1.3 m/s).The laboratory of the
University of Applied Sciences Duesseldorf performed
together with ITER and LEC measurements of CO2
and H2S degassing from the summit crater of the Pico
do Fogo volcano in Jun 2009. An optical path of 45
m long was set up in and around the main fumarole
field at the summit crater. Over a period of six hours
an average concentration of CO2 (1290,8 ppm minus
the local CO2 background) and H2S concentration (7,8
ppm) were observed. During the gas measurement
field work the weather conditions were sunny and the
wind speed inside the summit crater was very low
(~1.3 m/s). These TDL measurements allow us to calculate the CO2/H2S molar ratio (Fig. 1) in the ambient
air of the summit crater (164) which is similar to the
calculated CO2/H2S molar ratio in 2007 (237) by means
of IR and electrochemical sensors. Taking into consideration that most of the CO2 emission rate from the
summit crater of Pico do Fogo occurs in a diffuse form
and the estimated CO2 emission was 147 ± 35 t·d-1,
it could be estimated that the H2S emission from the
summit crater of Pico do Fogo was ~ 1,3 t·d-1
1. Fachhochschule Düsseldorf, University of Applied Sciences, Dusseldorf, Germany
2. Environmental Research Division, ITER, Tenerife, Canary Islands,
3. Laboratório de Engenharia Civil, LEC, Praia, Cape Verde
In this abstract the elementary principle and applications of Tunable Diode Laser (TDL) measurement system and basic results of the detection of CO2 and H2S
emitted at the summit crater of Pico do Fogo volcano
are shown. Volcanic eruptive activity is primary driven
by degassing of magmatic material. This argument is
the major support to investigate volcanic degassing
before, during and long time after volcanic eruptions.
This volcano degassing can be measured in many
cases with classical measurement techniques at a
specific point or site of the volcano area of interest, but
in the case of poor accessibility to reach the measurement site the open path gas measurement technique
is the only one available to detect and measure these
type of degassing. In addition, the open path gas
measurement could be more representative than gas
measurements at a specific point or site. The TDL systems working in the near IR can be used for the detection and measurement of volcanic gases due to their
optical absorption. The operation wave length for CO2
is 1577.3 nm and for H2S is 1577.18 nm. TDL measurements have the advantage that volcanic gases can
be detected along a measurement path from ~10 m up
to 1000 m without implying grab sampling. Further advantages of the TDL systems are high sensitivity, high
specificity with negligible interference to other gas
species, fast measurement response ~ 1s, portable
measurement system, and low power consumption.
The laboratory of the University of Applied Sciences
Duesseldorf performed together with ITER and the
University of Granada measurements of defused degassing of CO2 and H2S on the summit crater of the
Pico do Fogo volcano at a campaign in May 2009.
In the following exemplary results of the measure-
Figure 1. Ratio between CO2 and H2S at a six hour measurement setup on the summit crater of Pico do Fogo, May 10th
2009 measured with Tunable Diode Laser
Chinyero, 100 Years of Silence: A Scientific-Historical Film Document for Education and Outreach on Volcanism in the Canary Islands
NEGRÍN, Sergio
Centrífuga Producciones S.L.U., Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
Antonio de Ponte y Cólogan was a historical chronicler and an exceptional witness of the last volcanic
eruption occurred in Tenerife, Chinyero 1909. His description of this important eruption, entitle “Historical
memory describing the Chinyero eruption occurred on
November 18, 1909”, is an ideal opportunity to make
a Scientific-Historical Film Document about this natural event. Chinyero volcano eruption does not stand
out not for the duration of the eruptive process (only
9 days) or by violence and devastation caused by the
lava flows. However, there are many other remarkable
aspects that become Chinyero volcano in a well remembered volcanic eruption in the Canary Islands, the
rest of Spain, and in many other countries in Europe
and America. Chinyero volcano eruption was, at that
time, one of the best studied historical eruptions by
those who witnessed this volcanic event, due to their
scientific knowledge. During the nine days Antonio de
Ponte y Cólogan reported the progress of the eruption,
took samples, made geomorphological descriptions of
lava flows, drew maps with extraordinary precision and
took daily pictures of the eruption. In addition, he used
carrier pigeons as a curious communication system,
to send information to the authorities that managed
the crisis without leaving his privileged position. That
information was disseminated with enormous impact
through the media of Canary Islands, the rest of Spain
and Europe, allowing the world to know what was
happening in the Canary Islands in 1909. The scientific-historical film document “Chinyero, 100 years of
silence” honors the scientific work of this enthusiastic
disseminator of volcanoes, Antonio de Ponte y Cólogan, which was witnessed, 100 years ago, the force of
nature. “Chinyero, 100 years of silence” seeks to recall
the past with an eye to recent history of volcanism on
Tenerife and the doubt whether we are really prepared
to deal with another volcanic crisis in the future.
Fogo’s Natural Park: Present and Future
RODRIGUES, Alexandre
Parque Natural do Fogo, Direcção Geral do Ambiente, Ilha do Fogo,
Cape Verde
The existence of an active volcano in the park poses
to all a feeling of uncertainty. In the 1995’s eruption
approximately 26% of agricultural land in Chã gave
way little by little, the mantles of lava that destroyed
everything that was on its way. This destruction of
natural land, forces people to seek new areas for agricultural practices pressing the established habitats,
the endemic species that exist as well as a geological
diversity with great recreational and scientific interest.
The geological diversity has great potential for the development of geoscientific scripts, which can enlarge
the paleontological knowledge, with the priority given
to the interaction among the scientific community, the
government and the population.So it’s the responsibility of the park to develop educational, social and scientific projects in order for the people to understand
the importance of conservation and what is being
studied and preserved and why. In this way, we are encouraging eco-tourism, leading to the involvement of
local people through economic activities that are not
exploratory as well as to facilitate its use for studies of
the schools by enabling multidisciplinary approaches.
We believe that we will achieve these objectives by the
creations of “geosítios” inside the Natural Park. With
these “geosítios” is intended primarily to protect, educate and enhance the geological value of the Park, is
expected also to recognize the importance of research
and protection of the natural and cultural aspects of
development as the park and the adjacent localities. In
order for this to happen we have to bet on a number
of drivers such as the certification of the communities
products, the accommodation with all the genuine
hospitality of the region, improving quality in tourism
linked to nature and cultural heritage and ethnographic display mode of traditional products, rehabilitation
and strengthening of traditions, recovery, signs and
interpretation of a unique geological heritage in Cape
Auditing the Basic Guideline for Civil Protection
Planning to Volcanic Risk in Spain
TRUJILLO, Alejandro1, REÑASCO, José1, PADRÓN, Nestor2, SACRAMENTO, Segundo3, SERRA
LLOPART, Jorge4*, HERNÁNDEZ, Pedro A.5, and
PÉREZ, Nemesio M.5
1. Área de Movilidad y Seguridad, Cabildo de Tenerife, Tenerife, Spain
2. Protección Civil, Cabildo de El Hierro, El Hierro, Spain
3. Colaborador Radioaficionado de la Red Radio de Emergencia de
Protección Civil (REMER), Spain
4. Unidad Militar de Emergencias (UME), Madrid, Spain
5. Environmental Research Division, ITER, Tenerife, Spain
During the International Symposium CHINYERO 2009,
which was held at Puerto de la Cruz on November
2009 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the
last eruption at Tenerife (Chinyero eruption, 1909), a
working group was established for auditing the actual
Basic Guideline for Civil Protection Planning to Volcanic Risk in Spain which was approved by the National Government in 1996. A SWOT analysis was the
applied auditing method. The major observed weakness of this Basic Guideline were (i) it is not updated
since 1996, (ii) it does not specify deadlines for the
preparation of National Plan and the Special Plan of
the Canary Islands Autonomous Community for volcanic risk management, (iii) describes the existence
of two emergency plans (National and Autonomic) for
volcanic risk management in the Canaries enhancing
confusion and promoting duplicated public efforts and
resources, (iv) lays down procedures for informing and
warning the population only in times of volcanic crisis, and (v) shows a lack of an accurate and complete
rules on the functions of committees and systems established by the Basic Guideline. On the contrary, the
major observed strengths were (1) defines and delimits
undoubtedly the application in the Canary Islands, (2)
reinforces the requirement to elaborate National Plan
and the Special Plan of the Canary Islands Autonomous Community for volcanic risk management in
the Canary Islands, and (3) establishes the minimum
content of both emergency plans. Among the external
factors, the major observed threats are (a) a significant
delay in the preparation of the emergency plans, (b)
the potential for different interpretations as a result of
the Basic Guideline ambiguities, (c) an uncoordinated
management in relation to the description in paragraph 3.3.3 of the Basic Guideline, (d) an absence or
lack of collaboration between different volcanic surveillance programs, (e) a lack of interest and apathy
of the administration to update the Basic Guideline for
Civil Protection Planning to Volcanic Risk in Spain, and
(f) a poor information and training program on volcanic
risk management for the Canary Islands society. On
the contrary, the major observed opportunities were
(I) the unanimous statements of the Spanish Congress
and Senate, the Canary Islands’ Parliament, FECAM
and other institutions on the urgent implementation
of the Canarian Volcanological Institute, (II) the recent
creation of the Militar Emergency Unit, UME, (III) the
fact that Canary Islands is a tourist region per excellence, (IV) the existence of a society that requires and
demands security, (V) the educational program “Canary Islands: a volcanic window in the Atlantic” which
visit yearly the 88 municipalities of the Canaries, and
(VI) the existence of an educational guide on volcanic
risk for the scholar community. After crossing these
internal and external factors a major and simple strategy is urgently needed, a strong revision of the Basic
Guideline for Civil Protection Planning to Volcanic Risk
in Spain.
* The results achieved by this document come from the per-
sonal opinion of the co-author (Jorge Serra Llopart) and cannot, in any case, express the official statement of the Emergency Military Unit with regards to this subject.
Volcanoes & stars: an emotional experience for
tourism at Teide National Park, Tenerife, Canary
LEDESMA, Juan Vicente.
Ecoturismo y educación ambiental, TeideAstro, Tenerife, Spain
In recent decades tourism has become a major business. Tourist activity affects, in one way or another,
hundreds of millions of people, and is part of the quality of life for many people in many different countries.
Its good “health” is one of the indications of the economy overall. Noting the trends in recent years along
with continued growth in visitors to the National Park,
as well as overcrowding and other intervening factors
such as the various seasons and weather conditions
(snow for example), visitor awareness to avoid “the
masses” of visitors, is why as tourism professionals
we are obligated to seek other alternatives that will
achieve a better approach in environmental education.
As a result, in the summer of 1997 the idea of a new
route to the volcanoes in the National Park evolved.
In the beginning it was only mildly accepted (there
were only 795 visitors who opted for it at the time) but,
gradually grew during the following years. The year
2009 (with about 25,000 visitors) became a reference
point for some of the tour operators entering the program, as well as specialized firms in the sector, and
even some sections of governments (municipalities,
etc.). TeideAstro objectives: (i) A more direct approach
to the environment outside the overcrowded noontime
activities, (ii) Perform field work about the volcano and
the Parks nature in whole, (iii) Discover the differences
in climate and landscape during the afternoon and
evening, (iv) Explain the unique characteristics of the
Canary Skies and their global importance with classes
on astronomy and ethno-astronomy, (v) Stay longer
than five (5) hours at the Park, being the only one who
do this in Tenerife, and emphasizing the importance to
the natural environment.
Web page Actualidad Volcánica de Canarias (AVCAN.ORG): Volcanoes, to everyone
TAPIA, Víctor and RAJA, Fernando
Asociación Volcanológica de Canarias (AVCAN), Canarias, España
The seismic volcanic crisis experienced in 2004 in Tenerife, stirred the interest of part of the population about
the volcanic phenomenon. However, one of the weaknesses was that the available information was not sufficient and that it was scattered. Even different broadcasts were in conflict with each other. This caused
mistrust and unnecessary alarm. It’s been six years
since the crisis and this situation has not improved, as
the information is still limited and/or difficult to access
for the general public. AVCAN.ORG is a portal web of
the Internet which intends to help to minimize this deficiency by acting as a link between scientists and citizens. Emerging from this trend is the idea of stimulating
the knowledge and study of the volcanic phenomenon
in the Canary Islands, promoting in a responsible manner, the knowledge gained to the benefit of the population. AVCAN.ORG has been developed with the intention of focusing all the available public information with
regard to the volcanic phenomenon in one place. In
this way any person interested will be able to access
to this information in a simple manner. AVCAN.ORG
also has the facility for consultation of data ‘à la carte’,
expressed either numerically or graphically as well as
providing real time maps. That is why we believe that
it could be as useful for amateurs as it is for students
and professionals who work or research in the Canary
Islands Volcanology field. One fundamental premise of
its founders is the reliability of the contents, ensuring
only the official information or that signed by experts
is published and put together with its source. AVCAN.
ORG is a portal designed for its continuous evolution,
easy for updates with any new information, as there
are always new ideas in process.
IBEROAMERICAN Volcanological Network: A
New Challenge for Reducing Volcanic Risk in the
Iberoamerican Community
BRETON, Mauricio1, CASELLI, Alberto2, COELLO
BRAVO, Juan Jesús3, FORJAZ, Victor4, GONÇALVES
António A.5, GONZALEZ, Elena6, IBAÑEZ, Jesús7,
MIRANDA, Ramón8, MUÑOZ, Angélica9, ORDÓÑEZ,
Salvador10, PÉREZ, Nemesio M.11 and ROMERO,
1. Universidad de Colima, Colima, México
2. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
3. Fundación Telesforo Bravo-Juan Coello, Tenerife, Spain
4. Observatorio Vulcanológico e Geotérmico dos Azores, OVGA, Ponta
Delgada, Azores, Portugal
5. Laboratório de Engenharia Civil, LEC, Praia, Cape Verde
6. Universidad Castilla La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain
7. Universidad de Granada, Granda, Spain
8. Ayuntamiento de la Villa y Puerto de Garachico, Tenerife, Spain
9. Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales, INETER, Managua,
10. Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, UIMP, Madrid, Spain
11. Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables, ITER, Tenerife,
12. Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
The Iberoamerican Volcanological Network is a nonprofit organization which is planning to promote and
establish cooperation mechanisms to help reducing
volcanic risk in the Iberoamerican community. This
new organization was suggested by volcanologists
from 13 Iberoamerican countries during a workshop
at La Antigua (Guatemala) in February 2008 organized
by ITER. The major goal of this 2008 meeting was to
bring together experts on volcanology and volcanic
risk management from Iberoamerican countries to
evaluate the state of the art of reducing volcanic risk
programs in Iberoamerica through a SWOT analysis as
well as defining strategies to advance and strength the
efforts for reducing volcanic risk in Iberoamerica. One
of the strategies was to establish a network of Iberoamerican institutions which are willing to joint efforts for
reducing volcanic risk in the Iberoamerican community. During the International Symposium of Volcanology Chinyero 2009, held at Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife,
Canary Islands) last November, the Iberoamerican Volcanological Network was established by 12 different
institutions, which did act as founding partners, from
Argentina, Cape Verde, México, Nicaragua, Portugal
and Spain. May become members of this new partnership institutions and organizations (research and
technological centers, universities, volcanological observatories, professional societies, geological surveys,
national civil protection services, companies, scientific
and technical associations, municipalities, NGOs , international cooperation agencies, etc..) from Iberoamerican states meaning by Iberoamerican state which
joined the Organization of Iberoamerican States (OEI).
It may also be members of the Iberoamerican Volcanological Network institutions and organizations from
the states which joined the Organization of American
States (OAS) and those countries like the Philippines,
Equatorial Guinea and Cape Verde have a close cultural and historical relationship with Spain and Portugal,
respectively. The main purpose of the Iberoamerican
Volcanological Network will be to encourage the exchange of knowledge and experience among the institutions working in the field of volcanology and volcanic
risk management in the Iberoamerican community as
well as enhance the cooperation as a working method.
Cape Verde Volcano Observatory (OVCV): A New
Challenge for Reducing Volcanic Risk at Cape
GONÇALVES, António A.1, CARDOSO, João2 and
FERNANDES, Alberto C. B.3
1. Laboratorio de Engenharia Civil (LEC), Praia, Cape Verde
2. Universidade de Cabo Verde (UNICV), Praia, Cape Verde
3. Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil (SNPC), Praia, Cape Verde
The Cape Verde Volcano Observtory (OVCV) is becoming a reality and a new challenge of our society for
improving its effort on volcanic risk mitigation at Cape
Verde. The Laboratorio de Engenharia Civil (LEC) is the
actual organization in-charge of volcano monitoring in
Cape Verde, but the recommended actions for reducing volcanic risk not only imply volcanic surveillance
work but also mapping volcanic hazards and volcanic
emergency plans. Therefore this new joint effort from
the Laboratorio de Engenharia Civil (LEC), the Universidade de Cabo Verde (UNICV) and the Serviço Nacional
de Protecção Civil (SNPC) to establish the OVCV is a
great and marvellous national challenge for reducing
volcanic risk in Cape Verde. This OVCV has already
received the congratulations from several geoscientists as well as becoming a member of the World Organization of Volcano Observatories (WOVO). This join
effort is open to other national institutions which are
willing to be part of this national challenge for reducing
volcanic risk in Cape Verde. The OVCV’s volcanic surveillance program includes a permanent instrumental
network (VIGIL project) for monitoring seismicity which
was donated by the PortugueseAID Agency due to increased awareness of volcanic harzard in Fogo Island
following the 1995 eruption. Discrete volcano monitoring observations has been recently established thanks
to the SpanishAID Agency (AECID) to provide a multidisciplinary approach for the volcanic surveillance in
Cape Verde. These regular observations imply geophysical, geochemical, and geodetic measurements.
The SNPC is in-charge for the communication of the
volcanic alerts in Cape Verde after being provided
by the OVCV. The volcanic alert system consists of a
three colour alert levels: Green, Yellow and Red. Recently a volcanic alert system panel for the population
donated by the AECID has been installed at Cha das
Caldeiras. Several projects and proposals will enhance
the OVCV future work.
Canary Islands: A Volcanic Window in the Atlantic Ocean
Rayco, PÉREZ, Nemesio, PADRÓN, Eleazar, PADILLA, Germán, MELIÁN, Gladys, BARRANCOS, José,
Environmental Research Division, ITER, Tenerife, Spain
One of the most important problems of living in a volcanic area without a frequent eruptive activity is to
evaluate the knowledge and perception of volcanic
hazards and/or volcanic risks by the population living
close to the volcano. Canary Islands are a perfect example of this type of volcanic areas. For this reason,
ITER Volcano Group decided to evaluate the level of
perception by the inhabitants of the Canaries and to
provide an educational and formation channel for the
population to learn about volcanic hazards and volcanic risk issues, and also about the Canary Islands
volcanic risk phenomena. This program called “Canary
Islands: A Volcanic Window in the Atlantic Ocean”,
started in 2008, by running a three days (three didactic units) educational program at each of the 88 canary municipalities plus the populated islet of La Graciosa.. The first two days, the edited and commercial
UNESCO-IAVCEI Educational Video Programs, “Understanding Volcanic Hazards” and “Reducing Volcanic risk” are shown to the audience, respectively. On the
third day, a specific PowerPoint slideshow about the
volcanic phenomena and volcanic risk management
in the Canary Islands is also shown. Developing this
educative programme for the third year in a row, up
to 7500 persons have attended the program, improving their knowledge on these topics. Along these three
years, new activities have been added to this program,
including a volcanic trivia to be filled by the audience
before and after every didactic unit, in an attempt to
calibrate not only the knowledge of the assistants but
also the level of comprehension once the didactical
units are finished. With this innovative tool we have
been able to carry out a quality control of our own
teaching capacities.
Spanish Agency of International Cooperation
and Development (AECID) for reducing volcanic
risk in Cape Verde
PUYOLES, Jaime1 and PÉREZ, Nemesio M.2
1. AECID - Technical Cooperation Office in Cape Verde, Praia, Cape Verde
2. Environmental Research Division, ITER, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
The increased vulnerability to global scale and changes in the international arena have raised substantially
humanitarian action as an instrument of development
cooperation. The fundamental principle of humanitarian action is to prevent and alleviate the suffering of
victims of disasters of any type, basic needs, to restore their rights and ensure their protection under the
principles of impartiality, neutrality and non-discrimination. The AEClD is firmly committed to the concept
of humanitarian action much broader than the relief or
assistance, and it includes obvious phases of humanitarian action (preparation, mitigation and prevention),
emergency care, as well as the later stages of rehabilitation and reconstruction.
Cape Verde is an active volcanic archipelago of 10 islands located in the central Atlantic Ocean, 570 kilometres off the coast of Western Africa, and a priority
country for the AECID’s Master Plan which establishes
the Spanish Cooperation priorities. Holocen volcanism in Cape Verde is present at the islands of Santo
Antão, São Vicente, Brava and Fogo (Simkin and Siebert, 1994). Historical volcanism at Cape Verde has
been only present at Fogo Island where at least 27
historical eruptions had been registered, and the last
eruption (April 1995) after 43 years of dormancy occurred. Because of this 1995 eruption, residents were
evacuated from Chã das Caldeiras, as their homes
were destroyed. Although no historical eruptions have
occurred on Brava, the island is seismically active and
recent data suggest that seismic activity originates offshore and is likely related to submarine volcanic activity around Brava. Therefore, several volcanic hazard
types such as volcanic earthquakes, lava flows, pyroclastic fall material, volcanic gases, etc. are present
and represent a clear threat to sustainable development in Cape Verde.
One of the three major actions recommended by
the international scientific and political community
through the IAVCEI (International Association of
Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior)
& UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific,
and Cultural Organization) to reduce volcanic risk
in active volcanic regions is to establish a multidisplinary approach for the volcano monitoring which
could pay attention to changes in seismicity, deformation, and volcanic gas composition and emission rates. The goal of this multidisciplinary volcano monitoring program is to detect early warning
signatures related to potential and future volcanic
eruptions and provide the right volcanic alerts to
Civil Protection. For the volcanological community
is widely accepted that volcanic gases are the driving force of volcanic eruptions, and changes in the
volcanic gas composition and emission rates will
be one of the first early warning signatures of volcanic unrest. Following this rationale and taking into
consideration that the volcano surveillance in Cape
Verde did not include a volcanic gas monitoring program, the AECID co-financed the implementation of
a project to start paying attention on volcanic gas
emission rates, mainly CO2 and H2S, to provide a
multidisciplinary approach for the volcanic surveillance to date no present. This project was lead by
ITER (Canary Islands, Spain) in collaboration with
the Laboratório de Engenharia Civil (LEC), Universidade de Cabo Verde (Uni-CV), and Serviço Nacional
de Protecção Civil (SNPC) of Cape Verde. The success of this project is actually helping to reduce or
mitigate volcanic risk in Cape Verde demonstrating
the importance of the commitment that the Spanish Cooperation has made for the improvement and
optimization of volcano surveillance in Cape Verde.
World Organization of Volcano Cities (WOVOCI)
MELCHIOR, Ricardo1 and PÉREZ, Nemesio M.2
1. Cabildo Insular de Tenerife, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
2. Environmental Research Division, ITER, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
Volcano risk management has always posed a challenge for the populations living in the shadow of active volcanoes. For long time, volcano scientists,
emergency planners and authorities have made big
efforts to establish mechanisms and actions to help
for reducing volcanic risk. One of these efforts started
with the creation of the International Association of
Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI) in 1927. This association represents the primary
international focus for: (1) research in volcanology, (2)
efforts to mitigate volcanic disasters, and (3) research
into closely related disciplines. These objectives are
principally met through regular IAVCEI scientific meetings and publication of new scientific results driven
by their members and the different scientific commissions within the IAVCEI. The Commission of Cities and Volcanoes (CaV), one of the fifteen IAVCEI’s
scientific commissions, was created with the aim to
provide a linkage between the volcanological scientific community and emergency managers to serve as
a conduit for exchange of ideas and experience, and
promote multi-disciplinary applied research, involving
the collaboration of physical and social scientists and
city officials. The International Conference “Cities on
Volcanoes (CoV)”, hosted regularly by the Cities and
Volcanoes Commission (CaV), is the best framework
for this exchange and open discussion on volcanic
risk management since 1998. The CoV meetings are
planned as an international forum on volcanic risk
management. CoV’s scientific and technical sessions
are planned to bring together geoscientists working on
active volcanoes, authorities, civil protection specialists, city planners, social scientists, economists, psychologists, educators, health specialists, engineers,
mass media and general members of communities living in active volcanoes to exchange and understand
their experiences and knowledge in order to evaluate
and improve prevention/mitigation actions, land-use
planning, emergency management, and all required
measurements to improve volcanic risk management
in densely populated volcanic regions. Despite having
held 6 editions of the CoV international conference at
Naples & Rome (Italy), Auckland (New Zeland), Hilo
(Hawaii, USA), Quito (Ecuador), Shimabara (Japón) and
Puerto de la Cruz-Tenerife (Spain) a poor participation
of city authorities, beyond those where the conference
is held, is still observed. In order to encourage city
authorities participation at CoV meetings, as well as
other IAVCEI meetings, the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife
promoted the creation and implementation of a new
association just for municipalities, World Organization
of Volcano Cities (WOVOCI), during the last CoV international conference, CoV6-Tenerife 2010. The WOVOCI founded members represented by the majors of the
cities of Colima, Mexico; Kagoshima and Shimabara,
Japan; Fuencaliente and Puerto de la Cruz; Spain; as
well as by the President of the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife, Spain; signed an agreement document with the
commitment do the best to involve most volcano cities
all over the world into the WOVOCI. This new association is a marvelous initiative and will be tremendously
beneficial to enhance strategies which can help to improve community awareness about volcanic hazards
and promote volcano cities transnational cooperation
on volcanic risk management with the collaboration of
the Commission of Cities and Volcanoes (CaV) of the
IAVCEI. The WOVOCI’s main objective is the application of scientific research and knowledge to enhance
the civil protection as a public policy.
LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES · Participants LIST · LISTA DE Participantes
Deanne Bird
António Gonçalvez
Zuleyka Bandomo
Inocêncio Barros
José António Fernandes Dias Fonseca
Paulo Fernándes
Mário Andrade
Sónia Silva Victória
Jair Rodrigues
Alberto Fernandes
Judite Nascimento
Alexandre Nevsky Rodrigues
Ana Maria Hopffer Almada
Sílvia Monteiro
António Filipe Lobo de Pina
Narciso Correia
Osvaldino Costa
Margarida Conde
João Carvalho
João Cardoso
Alberto da Mota Gomes
Patrick Silva
Diamantino Andrade
Vânia Gonçalves
Evanilson dos Santos
Ilda Monteiro
Fernando Jorge
Frederico Rodrigues
Sandra Fernandes
Neusa Alves
Rosilda Dias
Jaime Puyoles
Raul Mora
Andreas Vogel
Chiara Cardaci
Yoichi Sasai
Mauricio Bretón
Gilson Correia
Zilda França
Masatoshi Ohi
Vera Alfama
João Fonseca
Pedro Carvalho
Ashour, Mahmod S Hassan, Khalid Hassan A
Nemesio M. Pérez
Pedro A. Hernández
José Barrancos
Eleazar Padrón
Germán Padilla
Fátima Rodríguez
Gladys Melián
Samara Dionis
David Calvo
Juan Vicente Ledesma de Taoro
Soledad Muñoz Lozano
Javier Dóniz
Cayetano Guilén Martín
Alejandro Trujillo
Fernando Raja
Ricardo Melchior
Sergio Negrín Sacramento
Zebensuí García González
Beatriz Chinea Hernández
Constanza Bonnadona
Simon Day
Bob Tarff
Alexander Prusevich
Macquarie University
Laboratório de Engenharia Civil
Laboratório de Engenharia Civil
Laboratório de Engenharia Civil
Laboratório de Engenharia Civil
Laboratório de Engenharia Civil
Laboratório de Engenharia Civil
Universidade de Cabo Verde
Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil
Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil
Universidade de Cabo Verde
Parque Natural de Fogo
Universidade de Cabo Verde
Universidade de Cabo Verde
Universidade de Cabo Verde
Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil
Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil
Universidade de Cabo Verde
Universidade de Cabo Verde
Universidade de Cabo Verde
Laboratório de Engenharia Civil
Universidade de Cabo Verde
Universidade de Cabo Verde
Universidade de Cabo Verde
Universidade de Cabo Verde
Universidade de Cabo Verde
Universidade de Cabo Verde
Universidade de Cabo Verde
Universidade de Cabo Verde
Universidade de Cabo Verde
Universidade de Cabo Verde
AECID- Oficina Técnica de Cooperación
Universidad de Costa Rica
Fachhochschule Düsseldorf, FB4
Dipartimento della Protezione Civile
Tokai University
Universidad de Colima
Universidade do Porto
Universidade dos Açores
CVARG - Universidade dos Açores
Instituto Superior Técnico - Lisboa
Serviço Regional de Protecção Civil
e Bombeiros dos Açores
Saudi Geological Survey
Saudi Geological Survey
Universidad de La Laguna
Cabildo de Tenerife
Cabildo de Tenerife
Cabildo de Tenerife
Centrifuga Producciones
Centrifuga Producciones
Centrifuga Producciones
Université de Genève
University College London
University College London
University of New Hampshire
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Cape Verde
Costa Rica
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
FOGO 2010
EU Transnational Cooperation Program MAC 2007-2013
Laboratório de Engenharia Civil (LEC), Cabo Verde
Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia da Universidade de Cabo Verde (UNICV)
Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil (SNPC), Cabo Verde
Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables (ITER), Tenerife, Islas Canarias, España