Ardmore, The Main Street of the Main Line
Ardmore, The Main Street of the Main Line
Special Promotional Section Ardmore Main Street of the Main Line Ardmore in the Spotlight • A community of the future with a rich past, thriving today • The best places to dine, shop and get it done in Ardmore Special Promotional Section Ardmore Main Street of the Main Line A4 Century-Old Ardmore The community of the future, thriving today. By Jim Waltzer A6 All for One Ardmore continues to flourish on cooperative efforts from a diverse array of grassroots organizations, business associations and civic groups. • Business Directory A12 Welcome to Ardmore Main Street of the Main Line A16 Where to Eat No-Hunger Zone • Dining Directory A18 Where to Shop A Mecca of Main Line Shopping • Shopping Directory Cover Photograph by Carla Zambelli a division of Today Media, Inc. 4699 West Chester Pike, Newtown Business Center, Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073 Phone (610) 325-4630 Fax (610) 325-4636 Editorial Fax (610) 325-5215 Publisher Sally Holub; Associate Publisher James Bauer; Editor Hobart Rowland; Creative Director Ingrid Hansen-Lynch; Senior Editors Tara Behan, Dawn E. Warden; Associate Editor and Web Editor Shannon Hallamyer; Senior Writer J.F. 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All contents of this issue are copyrighted 2009 by Main Line Today, a division of Today Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Editorial submissions: Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs, unless specifically assigned by an editor in writing, are not the responsibility of this magazine. Submitted color photography, requested or unsolicited, is always non-returnable. Letters to the editor are welcome. Letters should include name, address and a daytime phone number so that authenticity can be verified. Subscriptions: $18 a year. Subscription queries: Mail: Main Line Today, PO Box 30109, Wilmington, DE 19805, Phone: (888) 600-3770, E-mail:, Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Single copies/back issues: Single copies and back issues are available at the cover price, plus $2 postage and handling, with bulk rates available. Call (888) 600-3770 or go to July 11, 2009 Downtown West Chester Kids’ Zone • Food • Music Business Expo Exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities! For more information: • 610.325.4630 MEDIA SPONSORS m ay 2 0 0 9 www.main lin A3 Special Promotional Section Main Street of the Main Line Long the crossroads of Lower Merion Township and the center of local government, Ardmore is equal parts town, neighborhood and shopping destination, boasting a history as old as Pennsylvania’s and one synonymous with the Main Line. Ardmore’s story began with a band of settlers who journeyed here from Merioneth County in Wales two months before William Penn arrived in 1682. Four years later, Richard Davis became the village’s first principal landowner when he purchased 410 acres for 32 pounds, 16 shillings. A century later, with King George and the Red Coats vanquished, and George Washington running the freshly minted United States, a turnpike connecting Philadelphia with Lancaster stimulated commerce in the area. German and Irish immigrants followed the Welsh, speeding the plows on farmland and the waterwheels along Mill Creek. The pike begot hotels, eateries and stores that offered provisions for travelers. Built in 1796, Red Lion Hotel (at what is now Lancaster and Greenfield avenues), with its cupola, broad porch and general store, served as a hub for swapping goods and stories, and a sanctuary for wayfarers and tired teams of horses. Possibly as early as 1811, physician James Anderson, a classicist with a taste for things Greek, named the village “Athensville.” (Modern-day Athens Avenue runs from Ardmore Avenue to below Wynnewood Avenue.) Its growth spurred by the coming of the railroad in the 1830s, Athensville established a post office in a cabinetmaker’s home in 1853, and at the dawn of the Civil War, the village was the most populous for miles around. In 1873, when the Pennsylvania Railroad decided to change the name of its local station, another Anderson (Rev. George) made a suggestion that stuck not only to the train stop, but to the village as well: “Ardmore,” the name of perhaps the oldest Christian settlement in Ireland. The locale’s rural character soon was under siege, as the Pennsy bought land near the station, then subdivided and sold it. Smaller homes—by 1884, 100 in all—joined additional commercial properties, and the few estates of moneyed Philadelphians. In the 1880s, Ardmore established several township “firsts,” including a telephone switchboard (set up in a pharmacy), a gas company and a firehouse that doubled as a police station. The Ardmore Woman’s Club organized and soon spawned other charity-minded groups. Merion Title and Trust Company sprang from a former shoe store. At the turn of the century, Lower Merion was the first township in Pennsylvania to embrace the state’s new First Class Township designation, with Ardmore as the locus of the commissioner-style government. Horses drew buggies past telegraph poles on rutted Lancaster Avenue, successor of the Philadelphia & Lancaster Turnpike, which collected tolls until 1917. The Autocar Works relocated from A4 Pittsburgh to the present footprint of Ardmore West Shopping Center, signaling a dramatic change for traffic on Lancaster and all other roads. With the rise of the automobile and the growing popularity of suburban living, it was only a matter of time before department stores came to the suburbs. Ardmore became the site of Suburban Square, the first modern shopping center with an anchor department store. This magnificent art deco assemblage at Montgomery and Anderson avenues opened for business just prior to the Crash of 1929. When it turned 50, it received a facelift and a courtyard, and that look remains today. Suburban Square continues to be a magnet for shoppers in the region. Today, the business community of Ardmore and the management of Suburban Square are working together to form an even stronger link. “The goal is one Ardmore,” says Christine Vilardo, executive director of the Ardmore Initiative. “We are bridging the two shopping centers by cooperative cross-marketing, more shared events such as sidewalk sales and festivals, and more.” The Ardmore Transit Center project, under development by Dranoff Properties, will strengthen the town center with a Main Street feel that includes crosswalks, a footbridge, expanded parking, an enhanced retail/residential profile, and a revamped train station. These ambitious redevelopment plans can only help other efforts to burnish Ardmore’s image—programs like the three-yearold First Friday Main Line, which showcases artists at designated sites while trolleys take patrons between Bryn Mawr and Ardmore. “The idea is to get people out of their cars and into places they normally drive by,” says First Friday founder Sherry Tillman. Beyond the business district, Ardmore retains its mix of stately and long-established neighborhoods, mixing urban and pastoral flavors. South Ardmore, long home to the township’s largest African-American community, now claims a fast-growing Latino population, plus an influx of young couples, student housing, two non-assisted living homes for seniors, and the luxury townhouses of Ardmore Crossing. “It’s a diverse neighborhood, a mix of young and old,” says Steven Lindner, president of the Ardmore Progressive Civic Association. Notes Tillman, “It’s exactly Ardmore’s diversity that drew me here in the first place.” On balmy nights, the outdoor crowd at the Ardmore Avenue Community Center is decidedly young. You can trace the rhythms all the way from the live music at MilkBoy Coffee on Lancaster Avenue down to the squeak of sneakers on the jam-packed basketball courts. Nearby are a skating rink, a park, and houses that have spanned generations—homes like Lindner’s, which was built by his grandfather. As Ardmore moves forward, the spirit of the past melds into the excitement of the present and the promise of the future. (From left) A local firefighter does his part to keep Ardmore growing; the late Robert Hazard at MilkBoy Coffee; Primavera Pizza Kitchen; Harry’s Treasures & Collectibles. www.m ainlineto m ay 2009 F I R E M A N : ha v en freihofer , O T H E R P H O T O G R A P H s : C A rla z ambelli Century-old Ardmore: The community of the future, thriving today. By Jim Waltzer Special Promotional Section Special Promotional Section All for One For its historic shopping district, the Ardmore Initiative administers a façade grant program for downtown property improvements and works closely with the Lower Merion Historical Architectural Review Board on historically appropriate renovations. Thanks to the role it played in preservation efforts, the Save Ardmore Coalition was awarded the HARB Stewardship Award in 2007. As Ardmore Initiative board chair Mike Silver sees it, “Ardmore is a town that tries to balance old and new, retail and residential areas, and the desires of the community and the need for a thriving downtown. We feel a shared sense of community in our efforts to create a more attractive and prosperous future.” Ardmore continues to thrive on cooperative efforts from a diverse array of grassroots organizations, business associations and civic groups. For more information, visit,, and A6 www.m ainl ineto m ay 2009 Sharon Eckstein, president of the Save Ardmore Coalition business directory Accountants Joanna Dougherty, CPA 24 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-5551, (610) 649-5554 Hoffman & Co 111 Sibley Ave., (610) 896-6102, (610) 896-9391, Christopher Murray, CPA 10 Cricket Ave., (610) 649-8709, (610) 649-7840, Jeremy Oliver, CPA 10 Athens Ave., (610) 896-9220 Rays Accounting Service 228 Church Road, (610) 277-7846 Segal Brint & Co., LLC 9-11 E. Athens Ave., (610) 649-8001, (610) 649-8004 Sullivan and Co. 15 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 658-8600 Gary Weisband, CPA 12 Cricket Ave., (610) 8969579, (610) 896-0290 Advertising Acquire, LLC 76 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 896-6560 Backe Communications 35 Cricket Terrace, (610) 896-9260, Gregory FCA Communications 27 W. Athens Ave., (610) 642-8253, ext. 117, (610) 642-1258, Screen Matter 2 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 8969192, (484) 419-9009, Tat Communications, Inc. (610) 649-3647, (610) 649-3682, Architects French & Crane Architects (610) 642-7807 Goodwin Architects, Inc. 16 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 662-4774, (610) 658-0450, Orndorf & Faranda, Inc. 112 Cricket Ave., (610) 896-4500, Patterson Associates 16 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-7500, (610) 649-7541 Thomas Wiedenman 19 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-4606, (866) 902-3236 Automotive photographs by shane mccauley “We like to call Ardmore ‘the Main Street of the Main Line,’” says Christine Vilardo. And Vilardo should know. She’s the executive director of the Ardmore Initiative, the business district authority responsible for physical improvements and economic development in downtown Ardmore. “Ardmore is a town on the move,” says Vilardo, pointing out that it has the greatest socio-economic diversity and ethnic mix of any town on the Main Line. “There’s considerably more dialogue between the residential and business communities, and more overall support for proposed development projects. There’s a strong relationship between Suburban Square and the downtown business district—in large part due to the transit center project, Dranoff Properties’ Ardmore Station. Ardmore is a prototype for innovative programs and funding at the local, state and maybe even national level.” If the Save Ardmore Coalition’s Sharon Eckstein had to pinpoint a singular event that unified Ardmore, it would be a 2007 fundraiser for Moira Shaughnessy, the ailing former executive director of the Ardmore Initiative. Held on St. Patrick’s Day at Brownies 23 East, the event raised almost $50,000 for her bout with viral encephalitis. “It was the first formal time we worked together, and since then, we have more of a common cause,” says the coalition’s president. “We made a conscious effort to forge new bonds.” Those bonds have included a more cohesive relationship among the town’s business and civic Christine Vilardo, organizations, not to mention the shopping districts executive director of on both sides of the train tracks. A shining example the Ardmore Initiative of this cooperation is June’s “Ardmore Blossoms” festival, a community celebration featuring environmentally friendly activities like electronics recycling, shredding, There’s hardly a lack of development projects slated for clothing and toy collection drives, plant exchanges, and arts and Ardmore. Dranoff Properties’ Ardmore Station will provide more crafts vendors. Local community groups and nonprofit organizaparking, retail and residential property, a new train station, and tions will also have tables this year. a much-needed bridge to Suburban Square. The monthly themed First Friday Main Line showcases the On Athens Avenue, plans are to replace one building with a arts in unexpected places while providing increased exposure larger condo property and to refurbish the adjacent apartments to local businesses. Other events have included February’s for workforce housing. At the intersection of Ardmore and Foodapalooza, a culinary competition that showcased local Lancaster avenues, a ’70s eyesore has been razed to make way restaurants at Haverford Estates, and March’s Carnivale, a Mardi for a much-needed road realignment project and an anticipated Gras celebration at Main Line YMCA. On May 1, First Friday mixed-use retail and residential development. And the former Main Line will host “May Is for Mother (Earth)” projects at Verizon building on Lancaster Avenue has been purchased and is participating venues. On June 5, it’ll be a car parade, and on being renovated for modern office space. Additional investment Aug. 7, “Dancin’ Down the Line.” includes the second phase of Strategic Realty’s Cambridge To further spotlight the town, the Ardmore Initiative has Square project, which has now been approved for received a $100,000 “New Communities” grant from the condominium units. Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Residents and business owners remain passionate about Development for improved marketing and downtown beautheir town and preserving its character and walkability. tification. Meanwhile, the Save Ardmore Coalition has been “Developers get this, and are working to create projects that awarded a $10,000 state grant for a community mural. enhance rather than destroy the character,” Vilardo says. Ardmore Acura/Volkswagen 150 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 896-8600, Ardmore Auto Body 65 Cricket Ave., (610) 6499951, (610) 658-2480, Ardmore Auto Tags 208 E.Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-5888, (610) 649-6115 Ardmore Nissan 265 E. Lancaster Ave., (215) 290-3200, Ardmore Toyota 219 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 645-5000, (610) 645-6510, Armen Chevrolet Buick Saab 125 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 726-1499, (610) 642-5792 Armstrong Automotive 6 W. Athens Ave., (610) 896-9111 Arrow Car Wash 124 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-2192, Autowerks Harmon 108 Cricket Ave., (610) 642-4770, (610) 645-9253, ARDMORE FAST FACTS: 1) It’s the township seat of Lower Merion. 2) It’s a transit hub, offering SEPTA and Amtrak service to New York, Harrisburg, downtown Philadelphia and Philadelphia International Airport. 3) It’s a vital and active community with a historic past. 4) It’s a magnet for retail and office development. Residents, businesses, investors and developers alike continue to choose Ardmore as a premier location. Best Auto Tags 39 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 896-6300 Heilman’s Sunoco 301 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-1991, Infiniti of Ardmore 306 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-3600, (610) 649-0380, Keiser Tire & Service Center 208 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-2500, (610) 649-4158, Main Line Honda 123 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-5600, (610) 649-6974, NAPA Auto Parts 200 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-4745, (610) 642-0931, Childcare & Education Philadelphia Nanny Network 10 E. Athens Ave., (610) 645-6550, (610) 645-6540, Play & Learn Daycare Center 36 Ardmore Ave.,, (610) 489-9598 Reading Learning Center 111 Sibley Ave., (610) 896-9798, Construction & Electrical Hamilton Contractors (610) 896-3668, (610) 896-3671 Kelso General Construction Co. 110 Ardmore Ave., (610) 642-7751, (610) 642-1544, Locust Electric 10 E. Athens Ave., (610) 6422700, Nemeth Construction Co. 16 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-2664, Subcontractors Association of Delaware Valley 63 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-7238, Orion General Contractors, Inc. 100 Cricket Ave., (610) 649-4545, (610) 649-4664 Power Supply Corp. 9 E. Athens Ave., (610) 649-7722, (610) 649-9355 TN Ward Company 129 Coulter Ave., (610) 649-0400, (610) 649-7211, Dry Cleaning & Laundry K.C. Friendly Cleaners 42 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 896-5913 Main Line Quality Dry Cleaners 101 Cricket Ave., (610) 642-7900 New Blue Ribbon Cleaners 19-D Woodside Ave., (610) 649-3531 Rittenhouse Laundromat 58 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 649-9775 Employment & Business Dunhill Professional Search 233 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-2223, Gladwyne Search 44 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-1040, (610) 642-7360, Haas Valuation Services 44 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-5643, (610) 642-5682, Eye Care Ardmore Eye Care 11 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 276-5725, Main Line Optical 17 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-5240, (610) 645-0546, Pearle Vision Center Suburban Square, (610) 896-0610, Philadelphia Eyeglass Laboratory 44 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 649-1767, Financial Advantage Capital Management 326 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 896-3967, Allstate Insurance Company 326 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 658-3250, (610) 658-3270, Ardmore Alliance 44 E. Lancaster Ave., 2nd Floor, (610) 649-4643, (610) 649-2217, Beneficial Savings Bank Ardmore West, (610) 649-2365, Boyle Nationwide Insurance Agency 222 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-2707, (610) 649-4457, Bryn Mawr Trust Bank 50 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 896-6712, (610) 896-6439, Citizens Bank 225 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 6495812, (610) 896-2335, Independent Insurance Advisors 44 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 645-9401, MFI Associates (610) 642-3100 Northstar Advisors 233 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 896-8100, (610) 896-9275, Republic First Bank 233 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 896-9750, Sovereign Bank 44 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 896-6701, (610) 642-2521, St. Edmond’s Bank 20 Woodside Ave., (484) 4202800, (484) 420-2801, StockTrans, Inc. 44 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-7300, (610) 649-7302, Susquehanna Bank 76 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-2014, (610) 645-6584, Timmons Reinsurance Solutions (610) 6420724, (610) 642-0725, Wachovia Bank Suburban Square, (610) 649-0901 Ward Associates 15 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 896-6100, (610) 896-6892, Fitness & Wellness American Karate Studio 55 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 649-6000 Black Kat 227 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-8500 Living Beyond Breast Cancer 354 W. Lancaster Ave., Haverford, (610) 645-4567, Main Line YMCA 100 St. Georges Ave., (610) 645-0658, Main Line Yoga 66 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 6457900, Andrew T. Mell 14 Ardmore Ave., (610) 642-9806 Philadelphia Sports Club at Ardmore 34 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 645-7600, (610) 645-8372, Relax, Therapeutic & Corrective Massage Studio 38 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 645-6303, Weight Watchers 21 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 456-6363, Funeral Homes Chadwick & McKinney Funeral Home 30 E. Athens Ave., (610) 642-6303, (610) 642-3773, m ay 2009 www.mai n li n e tod A7 Special Promotional Section McConaghy Funeral Home 328 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-7954, (610) 642-5202, Stuard Funeral Directors, Inc. 104 Cricket Ave., (610) 649-0243 Government & Associations Ardmore Business Association PO Box 624, (610) 645-5269 The Ardmore Initiative 56 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 645-0540, (610) 645-0662, Ardmore Rotary Club Ardmore VFW Post 843 45 E. Lancaster Ave., Democratic Committee of Lower Merion 29 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-7200, The Earlington Club 6 E. Athens Ave., (610) 6423399 Merion Fire Company of Ardmore 35 Greenfield Ave., (610) 642-9580, (610) 642-4565, Republican Committee of Lower Merion & Narberth 3 1/2 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-4407, (610) 642-4409, Healthcare Larysa Bilyk, OD 20 Ardmore Ave., (610) 6421637, CardioVascular Diagnostic Center 233 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-2140, (610) 649-0334, Emma Fogt, R.D., M.S, M.B.A, L.D.N 16 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-NUTR, Foot Solutions 28 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 6493112, (610) 649-4355, Hedwig House 130 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 8965238, Stan Horwitz, DDS, & Associates 42 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-3417, Kara Nakisbendi, MD 233 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-1330, Nakisbendi & Associates 233 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-1330, (610) 642-1344, NovaCare 233 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-4494, Oxycare, Inc. 312 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 658-0800 Residential Service Systems 10 E. Athens Ave., (610) 649-5330, (610) 649-7969, Smile Care Dental Care 7 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 642-6391, Edward Williams, MD 100 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-4907 Your Next Step, PC 39 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 642-8837 Home & Garden Ardmore Floor Sanding 2375 Haverford Road, (610) 896-5152, Ardmore Marble & Granite Inc. 8 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 645-0650, (610) 645-0630, Bryn Mawr Fence (610) 645-5200, Cucina Design Studio 55 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 896-1670, (610) 896-1672, Frisco Painting, Inc. 235 Colton St., (215) 4871933, (215) 487-0209, Hunter Hayes 102 Holland Ave., (610) 896-0309, Just Chairs & Tables 333 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 896-5155, Kitchen Technology 216 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 658-0902, (610) 645-7729, Lonni Rossi Fabric Design 70 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 896-0500, Louis Lawn Mower Inc. 113 Ardmore Ave., (610) 896-9433, Marvin Design Gallery by Matus Windows 52 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-0900, (610) 6426376, Meyer Associates 227 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-8500, (610) 649-8509, Myerson of Ardmore 43 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-6800 New York Painters Supply Co. 23 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 649-8010, Nolan Painting 181 W. Hillcrest Ave., (610) 7893156, (610) 449-7796, Rittenhouse Electric 14 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 649-6877, (610) 649-0833, Shihadeh Carpet 116 Cricket Ave., (610) 6492000, (610) 649-6463, Shutter & Stern Interior Design 414 N. Highland Ave., (610) 667-4494, (610) 667-5058 A8 www.m ainl ineto m ay 2009 Table Art 27 W. Athens Ave., (610) 658-2004, (610) 658-0131, Valueguard (610) 642-5500, 345 W. Lancaster Ave., Wylie’s Lamps/McClelland Electric 123 Cricket Ave., (610) 642-1787, Insurance Bharucha & Associates 33 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-4552, (610) 649-1399, State Farm Insurance 49 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 896-8797, Watt & Dobson 119 Coulter Ave., (610) 642-6700, (610) 896-8205, Legal Allan Windt, Esq. (610) 649-8250 Askot, Weiner & Cohen, LLP 326 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-0708, (610) 649-0731, David Gorberg & Associates Suburban Square, (800) 695-3666, Haws & Burke Law Offices 15 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 649-5200, Law Office of Silver and Silver 42 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 658-1900, Law Offices of Anna Durbin/Peter Goldberger 50 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 642-2800, Law Offices of Sheryl R. Rentz, PC 326 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 645-0100, Richard Weinstein, Esq. 9 E. Athens Ave., (610) 896-3700 Music & Dance DanceSport Academy 1 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-2525, (610) 642-2920, Delaware Valley Music 4 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-8842 First Position Dance Arts 10 E. Athens Ave., Fred Hall Orchestra 33 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 896-8677, Main Line Conservatory of Music 19 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-8565 Main Line Music Academy 110 Ardmore Ave., (610) 642-2252, Meridee Winters School of Music 63 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-2782, MilkBoy Recording 27 W. Athens Ave., (610) 645-5300, (610) 645-5329, milkboyrecording Music Training Center Ardmore West, (610) 645-7750, Quick Step Studio of Ballroom Dance 49 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-6655, Media & Publishing Main Line Times 311 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-4300, ext. 204, Kane Communications 10 E. Athens Ave., (610) 645-6940, (610) 645-6943, Other Services CarboChem, Inc. 326 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 645-9200, (610) 645-5501, First Church of Christ Scientist and Christian Science Reading Room 21 Rittenhouse Place (610) 642-2053 HandRighting, Ink 63 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-1400, (610) 649-1715, Rossi Shoe Service 20 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 642-9464, (610) 896-6025 Scrapbooking Creative Memories (610) 446-6777, 38 Llandillo Road Pets Ardmore Animal Hospital 24 E. Athens Ave., (610) 642-1160, Veterinary Tag Supply 53 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 642-2777 Printing & Promotional Advertising Idea Store 37 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-1990, Cardone Printing 55 Cricket Ave., (610) 642-5380 EmbroidMe 18 Ardmore Ave., (484) 412-8820, (484) 412-8823, Hayden Printing 206 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-2105, haydenprinting,com LNL Creative Group, LLC 63 W. Lancaster Ave., (215) 962-7817, Real Estate Greentree Properties Corp. 44 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 896-7700, Halfpenny Management 90 Cricket Ave., (610) 642-2768, (610) 642-4156, Kimco Realty Suburban Square, (610) 896-7560 Mahoney Realty Group, Inc. 9 Cricket Terrace, (610) 645-5176, (610) 645-0190, Main Line Executive Management, LLC 2740 E. County Line Road, (610) 642-9100, (610) 649-5028, Suburban Court Apartments 113 Cricket Ave., (610) 642-1212, Suburban Realty 141 E. Spring Ave., (610) 896-1900 Salons, Spas & Beauty Absolut Nails 24 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-4804 Andre’s Haircutting 53 Cricket Ave., (610) 649-4218 Anthony C. & Co. 30 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 642-3326 Bernie’s Hair Studio 11 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-8624 Charming Nails 4 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-3003 Cookie Cutters 54 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 658-2887, Daisy Nails & Spa 14 Anderson Ave., (610) 642-6245 Ego Salon for Men 9 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 896-0599 Eterna Bella Spa 8 Cricket Ave., (610) 649-3260, Mary Hight Hairstyling 42 Cricket Ave., (610) 642-7873 Jay Michael Salon Suburban Square, (610) 645-6500 Nick’s Barber Shop 87 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 649-9781 Olive Salon 32 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 649-4766 Pizzaz Nail and Skin Salon 40 Cricket Ave., (610) 896-1626 Pretty Nails Salon 35 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-4185 Rae & Co. Salon 10 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-4465, Salon True 29 W. Lancaster Ave., (484) 5728783, Shanti Medical Spa and Wellness Center 59 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-2644, Siamese Princess Salon 36 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 896-2755 Suncatchers Tanning Salon 28 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-4131 Taglio Hair Design 7 Anderson Ave., (610) 649-4964 Town & Country Salon 46 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 642-6843 Troncelliti Barber Shop 16 Anderson Ave., (610) 896-7713 VIP Nails 49 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-2220 Tailors Bernola Tailor Shoppe, Inc. 64 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 642-0488, Joseph Centofanti Tailors 7 Station Ave., (610) 642-1926 The King’s Collar Custom Shirtmakers (610) 642-9910, (610) 642-9909, Nick the Tailor 18 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-6557 Paris Custom Tailors (610) 896-6922 Salvatore’s Custom Tailors 38 Cricket Ave., (610) 642-1714 Telecommunications Business Planning Inc. 63 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-0550, Cambria Corporation 326 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 896-2821, (610) 896-2844 Expert Service Providers 24 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 200, (610) 644-2550, (484) 382-9140, Town Communications 331 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-2859, Travel Swain Tours 6 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 8969595, (610) 896-9592, The Surburban Travel Agency, Inc. 26 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 649-4700, (610) 649-1775, Web Design & IT 408 West 16 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-9378, Swain Techs 6 Cricket Ave., (610) 896-0701, (610) 896-0704, Special Promotional Section Welcome to Ardmore, Easy Parking! Downtown Ardmore has ample parking. A convenient space is just a few steps away from your favorite stores, clubs and restaurants. Special Promotional Section The Main Street of the Main Line A Place for Fun: Ardmore Events Throughout the Year Gettin’ It Done Community, business and government leaders gathered for a luncheon at the Merion Tribute House to learn about the changing face of Ardmore and the Ardmore Initiative’s revitalization efforts. C arla Zambelli Visit the community of the future. Walk to great shopping, terrific restaurants, a real transit center with a wide mix of great housing and historic architecture, active night spots and music. That future is right here today in century-old Ardmore! It’s a perfect mix that many communities would love to emulate—and you can experience it all right here, right now. That’s Ardmore: the community of the future—today. It’s a short drive from Philadelphia and King of Prussia, a train ride along SEPTA’s popular R5 line (and a stop on Amtrak), a link to busses in the region, and convenient to the Norristown high-speed line. ha v en freihofer TIP: Remember to check behind your favorite shops for additional parking. June 6: “Ardmore Blossoms” Community Celebration. Events include sidewalk sales, a plant sale and exchange, electronics recycling, shredding, collection drives, arts and crafts vendors, kids’ activities, music, food, and fun, fun, fun! For more info or to reserve a table, please visit FREE! The Phillie Phanatic on the First Friday Main Line trolley. Oct. 8: A Taste of Ardmore’s Food and Fashion. Join us for Ardmore’s wide array of culinary and fashion offerings. First Friday Main Line Often imitated, rarely equaled. Visit us on the Web at for more details. May 1: “May Is for Mother (Earth)” June 5: Recycled Art Projects/ Car Parade (From left) Swain Techs’ Brett Swain, treasurer of the Ardmore Initiative; attorney Mike Silver, chair of the Ardmore Initiative; and MilkBoy’s Tommy Joyner, president of Ardmore Business Association. Oct. 31: Trick-or-treating in Ardmore. Aug. 7: “Dancin’ Down the Line” Sept. 4: Blues Stroll Past*Present*Future’s Sherry Tillman of First Friday Main Line, with Suburban Office Equipment’s Scott Mahan of the Save Ardmore Coalition and Ardmore Business Association. Oct. 2: Howl-o-ween Puppy Pageant C arla Zambelli Nov. 6: Poster Contest: Art by Local Schoolchildren • Township permit lots are free after 6 p.m. on weekends. ALL parking spaces are free on Sunday, and after 6 p.m. on weekdays and Saturdays. • Twelve-hour long-term meters are red and take quarters only. Two-hour meters are gray and take nickels, dimes and quarters. See the excitement for yourself! Visit A10 www.m ainl ineto m ay 2009 Dec. 4: Holiday Tree Lighting. This popular tradition kicks off the holiday season with Santa’s arrival on an Ardmore fire truck, a tree- and candle-lighting ceremony, holiday carols sung by local schoolchildren, cocoa, cookies, and special offers from downtown merchants. 6 p.m. at Schauffele Plaza, downtown Ardmore. FREE! Lower Merion Commissioner Jane Dellheim, with State Farm agent Mike Coughlan, vice chair of the Ardmore Initiative. or for additional information. m ay 2009 www.mai n li n e tod A11 Special Promotional Section Special Promotional Section A glimpse inside the kitchen at Mikado Japanese Restaurant (above) and two of the delicious dishes you’ll find there (opposite page). Ardmore: No-Hunger Zone Ardmore’s unique character can be summed up in one word: diversity—a perk for business owners, residents and visitors alike. The town’s melting pot persona has paved the way for a variety of shopping and dining options that cater to all wallets. Whether you’re a kid, a college student, a newlywed, newly divorced, a first-time homebuyer, an artist, a business type, a stay-at-home parent or an empty-nester, Ardmore has what you’re craving. The Ardmore Station Café and Ruby’s Diner are two great places to satisfy your breakfast yearnings, as is the Corner Bakery Café. The Station Café is famous for its sizable pancakes and breakfast burritos, plus its kid-friendly s’more French toast. La Colombe is the house coffee, but you can also get a robust cup at Ruby’s—strong and hot. In fact, you can order just about anything at Ruby’s, from “skinny” eggs to huevos rancheros and breakfast tacos. The Corner Bakery’s breakfast sandwiches make eating on the fly a snap for Suburban Squarebound shoppers looking to get an early start. If a casual morning meeting is on your schedule, MilkBoy Coffee is perfect. There’s always a great soundtrack, and the organic Lancaster County breakfast ingredients will leave you feeling like you’re doing something good for both yourself and the local economy. There’s even vegan scrapple. Lunch is a dizzying prospect in Ardmore—there are so many options. New to the neighborhood is Chipotle Mexican Grill in Ardmore West Shopping Center. It offers healthy, socially conscious Mexican fare, A12 www.m ainl ineto m ay 2009 including custom burritos, fajita burritos, burrito bowls, tacos and salads—all filled with naturally raised, hormone- and antibiotic-free meats and poultry. The menu is printed on recycled paper, and green design elements give this “fast-food” spot an eco-chic flair. Another new spot is J.R. Monaghan’s Pub & Grille, home to hearty burgers, cheesesteak egg rolls, chicken cordon bleu nuggets, cheeseburger hoagie salad, and hand-carved hot roast beef sandwiches. There are lots of flat-screen televisions, plus plenty of room at the bar. What better way to seal a business deal than over a cold draught beer? For a lighter, more exotic lunch, try Hunan Restaurant, an Ardmore icon started by Susanna Foo’s family nearly 30 years ago. Devotees give high marks to the hotand-sour soup, and the white tablecloths and light-purple walls are instantly soothing. Equally charming is Siamese Princess, also an Ardmore favorite for more than a decade. Eye-catching, Thai-flavored artwork and vivid hues on the walls put a little spark into this cozy and popular source of tantalizing heat and spice. Another culinary hotspot is Thai Pepper Restaurant. It’s right next to Mikado, enabling patrons to enjoy a variety of global flavors—and generous portions of sushi, sashimi and creative tekkamaki—in one meal. Auspicious Chinese Restaurant is also enticing, with its modern décor and contemporary fare. Along with traditional dishes, the kitchen pleases patrons with wraps (shiitake By Dawn E. Warden steak or teriyaki chicken), salads, burgers, sandwiches, and create-your-own stir-fry combinations. If you’re heading to MilkBoy for a show, this is a great place to start your evening—and to make a dent in your BYO bottle. Ardmore Plaza is home to one of the Main Line’s favorite Indian restaurants, Khajuraho. Among the house favorites are mulligatawny soup, chicken tikka masala, savory seikh kebab, chicken biryani, vegetable samosas, spicy baingan bharta (tandoor-broiled eggplant), and shrimp saagwala. And the weekend lunch buffet is one of the best—and tastiest—deals in town. A couple of doors down is Kotatsu Restaurant, a family-friendly, Japanese-style teppanyaki and sushi house popular for its birthday dinners for all ages. Theatrics play a big part in a meal here, as Kotatsu’s chefs build volcanoes out of onions, engage in a little shrimp tossing, and catch raw eggs in their toques. If you’re in the mood for Italian, you’re in luck—that is, if you’re not the sort of person who changes your mind easily. There are just too many choices in Ardmore. Surely, you’ve seen the weekend lines at Fellini’s Café Trattoria, a crowd-pleasing BYO that serves up hefty portions of pasta and other traditional homestyle fare in a cozy, laid-back environment. Primavera Pizza Kitchen has a handsome bar and a refreshing new assortment of icy flavored vodka martinis to go along with its brick-oven pizzas, seafood dishes, salads and pastas—traditional with a twist. Right about now, you can expect to see lighter, seasonal fare on the menu to complement the warmer weather. Hosting a private affair? Primavera has a wonderful, intimate wine-cellar eating area and a new 70-person space off the bright, airy mezzanine dining room. This time of year, Café San Pietro serves up its wine, spirits and Italian dishes al fresco on its patio. A bit of a best-kept secret for Ardmore, this BYO with a bar boasts “the best vodka selection in Ardmore” and a pretty private dining room for special events. Positano Ristorante & Bar also has outdoor dining and a quaint bar, both perfect backdrops for its Southern Italian dishes. On the casual side, there’s Bella Italia Pizza, which serves up tasty pies, calzones and other Italian favorites, along with hoagies and premium imported brews to enjoy in or out. Eclectic pizzas are the norm at Peace A Pizza, tucked beneath Ardmore Station Café. It’s the perfect pit stop any time of day. For the full pizzeria experience, there’s Marrone’s, located on County Line Road a block or so from Carlino’s Market. Surely one of the best deals in town for families, it’s an ideal spot for group outings when pizza is on your mind. Irish pub fans won’t go hungry—or dry—in Ardmore. On Cricket Avenue alone, there’s Gillane’s Tavern, McCloskey’s Tavern and John Henry’s Pub. Each is known for its friendly, casual atmosphere, hearty homemade Irish-American fare, house specialties like shepherd’s pie, an international beer selection, plus favorite bar noshes like salads, sandwiches and burgers. Live music is also on tap at these unpretentious, cozy spots, making Cricket Avenue a great spot to park your car on a weekend night. Families take heart: John Henry’s gets high marks for its kid-friendly attitude—and HD plasma TVs. So bring the little ones for the big game. And down the street a ways, on County Line Road, are Hykel’s and McGillicuddy’s— two more neighborhood haunts that deliver on homey atmosphere and affordable comfort food. And back on Lancaster Avenue is Yeats Pub, a lively place that offers steaks, seafood, pasta, pub grub like fish and chips, plus hand-carved roast beef, turkey and ham sandwiches. Try the year-round Quizzo (Thursday nights; a $30 gift certificate as first prize) and Karaoke Saturdays (10:30 p.m.-1 a.m.). Ardmore’s culinary diversity took a French twist in early 2009 with the addition of A La Maison Bistro, a BYO specializing in rustic interpretations of boeuf bourguignon, coq au vin, mussels and frites, coquilles Saint Jacques, cassoulet, bouillabaisse, and other classic dishes. Bright and spacious during the day (with great people-watching along its bank of windows by the sidewalk) and pleasantly dimmed in the evening, this newcomer hits the spot for lunch and dinner. And if that isn’t enough, there’s Plate Restaurant & Bar, Suburban Square’s hip, energetic gathering place. With its sleek bar, outdoor seating and contemporary menu, Plate is the place to see and be seen. It also offers one of the best martini menus in town and is a popular first-date spot thanks to its casual ambiance, which quickly puts you at ease. The entrée-size salads, as well as dishes like free-range bison meatloaf and spicy coriander-crusted Ahi tuna, just skim the surface of Plate’s innovative cuisine. And teens taking in the sights and sounds of Suburban Square enjoy the not-too-grownup offerings like tomato soup served with mini grilled cheese, crispy calamari, steamed mussels, stone-fired pizzas, and crispy shoestring fries. One thing is certain: Whatever you’re in the mood for, you’ll never go hungry in Ardmore. dining directory Felicia’s Pizza Kitchen 18 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-6900 Fellini’s Café Trattoria 31 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-9009 Gillane’s Tavern 43 Cricket Ave., (610) 896-1622 Golden China 27 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 658-0900 John Henry’s Pub 98 Cricket Ave., (610) 726-9193 Hunan Restaurant 47 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-3050 International House of Pancakes 130 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-2555, Jeannie’s Delicatessen 2 E. Athens Ave., (610) 896-8995 Kotatsu Restaurant Ardmore Plaza, (610) 642-7155 Luciano’s Pizza 12 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 645-9595 Main Line Smoothie 28 W. Lancaster Ave. (rear), (610) 649-1390, McCloskey’s Tavern 17 Cricket Ave., (610) 642-9280 McDonald’s 111 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-7255 Mikado Japanese Restaurant 66 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 645-5592, MilkBoy Coffee 2 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 645-5269, J.R. Monaghan’s Pub & Grille 34 E. Lancaster Ave., (484) 416-3547, (484) 416-3554, Peace A Pizza 4 Station Road, (610) 896-4488, Plate Restaurant & Bar Suburban Square, (610) 642-5900, Positano Ristorante & Bar 21 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 896-8298, Primavera Pizza Kitchen 7 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-8000, Primo Hoagies Ardmore West, (610) 645-5500, Rittenhouse Deli 68 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 642-3183 Ruby’s Diner Suburban Square, (610) 896-7829, Subway 61 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 658-0833, Starbucks Suburban Square, (610) 896-7880, Szechuan Garden Inn 47 W. Lancaster Ave. (rear), (610) 649-7668 Thai Pepper Restaurant 64 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-5951, Viking Pastries 39 Cricket Ave., (610) 642-9227, Wawa Ardmore West, (610) 642-9545, Wingers 40 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 649-3556 Yeats Pub 202 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 896-0705, A La Maison Bistro 53 W. Lancaster Ave., (484) 412-8009, Ardmore Station Café 6 Station Ave., (610) 642-3889 Ardmore Style Pizza 10 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 649-7320, (610) 649-8650 Auspicious Chinese Restaurant 11 Cricket Ave., (610) 642-1858, (610) 642-2858, Bella Italia Pizza 12 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-1700, Brownies 23 East 23 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-8389, (610) 645-8391, Café San Pietro 39 W. Lancaster Ave., Chipotle Mexican Grill Ardmore West, (610) 649-3061, Chung Sing Restaurant 210 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-8115 Cold Stone Creamery Suburban Square, (610) 642-7001, Corner Bakery Café Suburban Square, (610) 896-0703, Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins Ardmore West, (610) 642-9564, For more on these and other Ardmore restaurants, visit m ay 2009 www.mai n li n e tod A13 Special Promotional Section A Mecca of Main Line Shopping By Tara Behan Not just any town can boast that it’s the home of America’s oldest shopping center. But Ardmore can. Visited by thousands annually from the Main Line area and beyond, tony Suburban Square dates back to the mid-1920s. The initial concept for this first-of-its-kind shopping center was that of a “trading area” with “room for business, space for expansion and ample areas for comfortable parking.” The center’s design allows for convenient access from one business to the next. The first tenant was a bank, followed by a post office, some small shops, and an anchor department store Strawbridge & Clothier, which brought more recognition and more shoppers. More than 80 years later, Suburban Square is still a mainstay. Strawbridge & Clothier has since been replaced by Macy’s, and upscale national retailers—including Coach, Lilly Pulitzer, Banana Republic, Williams-Sonoma and Apple—reflect the high-end clientele the center attracts. Alongside these brand names are local retailers who bring a more personal touch. It was 20 years ago when Conni McDonnell and her mother, Seda Alexandrian, opened Touché. The owners were attracted to Suburban Square because it reminded them of similar shopping centers they’d seen in Europe. The atmosphere was perfect for their European fashion-accessory shop. “I think people get tired of the mall setting,” says McDonnell. “They come to Suburban Square and can be outside, going in and out of shops. It’s a really nice place.” Twice a year, McDonnell goes abroad A14 www.m ainl ineto m ay 2009 to find gorgeous Italian scarves and leather handbags, French artisan jewelry, elegant evening bags and more to fill (Clockwise from top left) Lilly Pulitzer; a fountain in Suburban Square; the vast selection at Ardmore Farmers Market. her shop. Main Line clothing designer Josephine Sasso’s eponymous “My customers are very savvy,” says shop is also a part of Suburban Square’s Schneider. “They know they don’t have to go retail mix. Sasso—who’s best known for her to the major department stores to find presents classic-with-a-twist bridal and bridesmaids for weddings and showers. They can come gowns, which have graced the pages of here and find beautiful gifts like silver and Town & Country and InStyle—also offers an crystal in perfect condition at a better price.” impressive line of dresses and separates And what shoppers these days aren’t suitable for every occasion, from lunch with looking for the best prices? the ladies to the Academy Ball. Along with Schneider’s shop, there are A few years back, Suburban Square’s plenty of other antique stores and thrift Farmers Market underwent a transformation, shops in Ardmore, including Petunia’s complete with a new freestanding locaConsignment Boutique, Browse Around tion. Now, it attracts even more customers. Thrift Shop, Harry’s Treasures & Collectibles, Trader Joe’s opened next door, further the Junior League Thrift Shop (benefiting the rounding out the food-shopping experience Junior League of Philadelphia), Nearly New at the center. Shop (benefiting the University of Pennsylvania Elsewhere in Ardmore, along Lancaster Medical Center), Pennywise Thrift Shop Avenue, Rittenhouse Place, Cricket Avenue, (benefiting Thomas Jefferson University Athens Avenue and other streets, are Hospital), and Sylvia Berkow’s Resale Shop. countless stores to cover every item on In-the-know patrons in the market for great your “gotta get” list. On Cricket, Main Liner bargains frequent these spots. Marjorie Schneider has been selling antiques For the past five years, Sabrina Sigler has out of her Marjorie Schneider Antiquary for been cashing in on a novel idea: an upscale 20 years. It’s filled with everything from bridal consignment. At her Sabrina Ann Once silver, crystal, fine china and figurines, to Worn & Never Worn Bridal, Sigler specializes linens and Oriental rugs dating from the in designer once-worn and sample wedding late-1800s to 1900s. Schneider’s collection gowns. She also carries dresses for mothers includes Waterford and Steuben crystal, of the bride and groom, flower girls, First Loetz art glass from the turn of the century, Communion, and prom. and china from Meissen, Royal Daulton and And Sigler won’t sell anything that’s more Royal Bayreuth. than two years old, which guarantees that Special Promotional Section A16 Tailors, Nick the Tailor, and Joseph Centofanti Tailors. Also highly regarded is The King’s Collar Custom Shirtmakers, owned by Nancy Gold, who’s a nationally recognized custom designer for both men and women. Every town needs a great bookstore, and Ardmore Paperback Books fits the bill. Daniel Salsburg is the second-generation owner of the shop, which was opened in 1962 by his father, David. “It was one of the first book shops of its kind outside of Philadelphia,” says Salsburg. “It’s nostalgic to go into a store like this.” Salsburg carries all of the latest paperback titles, along with a variety of science fiction, history, children’s books and more. “We are very customer-service oriented,” he says. “We focus on our customers and what they want. If I don’t have it, I’ll special-order it and get it for you.” And a shopping trip to Ardmore wouldn’t be complete without picking up a unique gift at Past*Present*Future, finding something for the baby at Nurture, browsing for staples at Mapes 5 &10, or treating yourself to a fur at Jacques Ferber Furs. With a shopping scene as lively as Ardmore’s, there’s never any reason to make the trek to the mall. For more on these and other Ardmore businesses, visit shopping directory Aerosoles Suburban Square (610) 642-3516, American Eagle Outfitters Suburban Square, (610) 896-0104, Apple Computer Suburban Square, (610) 726-9400, Aqua Hut Dive & Travel 51 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 642-3483, Ardmore Computers 29 Rittenhouse Place, (610) 649-7939, (610) 896-9787, ardmorecomputers. com Ardmore Farmers Market Suburban Square, (610) 896-7560 Ardmore Paperback Books 14 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-4888 Banana Republic Suburban Square, (610) 642-3036, Barbour by Peter Elliot Suburban Square, (610) 649-8450 Blockbuster Video Ardmore West, (610) 645-9671, Bluemercury Suburban Square, (610) 642-5400, Brill’s Flowers 19 Cricket Ave., (610) 642-4650 Browse Around Thrift Shop 4 E. Athens Ave. (610) 649-9793, Buckman’s Ski & Snowboard Shop 26 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 658-0470, J.E. Caldwell & Co. Jewelers Suburban Square (610) 642-6400, Chico’s Suburban Square, (610) 645-0999, City Sports Suburban Square, (610) 649-7497, Coach Suburban Square, (610) 896-7394, Crabtree & Evelyn Suburban Square, (610) 896-8989, CVS Pharmacy Ardmore Plaza, (610) 658-0737, Dandelion Suburban Square, (610) 649-8303, Dollar Plus Mall Ardmore Plaza, (610) 642-6730 Dr. Vac & Sew Center Ardmore West, (610) 642-4900, DSW Shoes Ardmore Plaza, (610) 642-4103, MARTINIS • COCKTAILS • MUSIC • DANCING • SUSHI • CALAMARI • STEAK • SPAS • TACOS Thursday, July 23 • 6:30 - 9:00 VIP Preview 5:00 - 6:30 Drexelbrook Buy Your Tickets Now! 610-325-4630 Proceeds benefit Home of the Sparrow, Mommy’s Light and Women’s Resource Center. SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE • CURRENT SPONSORS INCLUDE • SALADS • COFFEE • CATERERS • BEER • BAGELS • SILENT AUCTION • • FUN • FOOD • FRIENDS • FASHION • FLOWERS • WINE • ICE CREAM • every bride will be walking down the aisle in style. At Sabrina Ann, gowns by designers like Vera Wang and Richard Glasgow can range from $400 to $3,000, and dresses for the mothers of the bride and groom are priced from $75 to $400. Whatever type of recreational sports or hobby enthusiast you might be, there are all kinds of shops in Ardmore devoted to your pursuits. Buckman’s Ski & Snowboard Shop carries everything you need for a day on the slopes. If you prefer to travel on two wheels, you’ll find everything to keep them spinning at Human Zoom Bikes & Boards. Ready to take a plunge? Aqua Hut Dive & Travel carries a large selection of scuba and snorkeling equipment from most major manufacturers. They also offer the full PADI curriculum of scuba diving and snorkeling classes, along with a dive travel service running trips out of Philadelphia throughout the year. Since 1975, Sneaky Pete’s has been the go-to place on the Main Line for all the athletes in the family. You’ll find sneakers, cleats, clothing and accessories for various men’s, women’s and children’s sports and activities. If you prefer a wardrobe with a custom touch, a variety of tailors in Ardmore will give you the perfect fit. The list includes Salvatore’s Custom Tailors, Paris Custom CARS • COFFEE • MAKE-UP • MASSAGES • PIZZA • PASTA • CRAB CAKES • COOKIES • CAKE www.m ainlineto m ay 2009 Special Promotional Section (610) 642-4173, (610) 658-9505, (610) 658-9022, Eileen Fisher Suburban Square, (610) 896-3600, Janice Martin 41 Cricket Ave., Marjorie Schneider Antiquary 4 Cricket Ave., (610) 645-4540, (610) 645-5277 Jacque Ferber Furs 58 E. Lancaster Ave., Merion Art & Repro 17 W. Lancaster Ave., Don Sheil USA 220 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-5230, (610) 896-6161, (610) 896-7781, (484) 412-8193, Free People Suburban Square, (610) 896-6781, J.B. Merrick Apothecary 31 Cricket Ave., Shihadeh Carpet 116 Cricket Ave., (610) 642-8900, (610) 642-8903 (610) 649-2000 Gap Suburban Square, (610) 649-4020, Merritt Young Gallery Suburban Square, Siedenberg Luggage Suburban Square, Gap Kids Suburban Square, (610) 649-7057, (610) 645-9945 (610) 642-7800, The Mud Room 11 Station Ave., (610) 896-3887 Sneaky Pete’s 5 W. Lancaster Ave., Gerhard Appliances 41 Rittenhouse Place, Nearly New Shop 26 E. Athens Ave., (610) 642-4470, (610) 642-3008, (610) 642-0431 Soundex 45 W. Lancaster Ave., Giannini Jewelers 15 E. Lancaster Ave., Norman Carpet One Ardmore Plaza, (610) 649-4151 (610) 642-6860, (610) 642-6388, (610) 896-9700, (610) 896-9727, Sprint-Nextel Ardmore Plaza, (610) 658-2044, Nurture 19 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 658-2046, Harry’s Treasures & Collectibles (610) 649-0424, (610) 649-0426, Spyware 13. E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 896-4747, 22 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-4775 Olly Shoes Suburban Square, (610) 896-5080, Human Zoom Bikes & Boards 47 W. Lancaster Suburban Office Equipment 49 E. Lancaster Ave., (610) 649-9839, Oreck Ardmore Plaza, (610) 658-0728, Ave., (610) 896-7022, Janie & Jack Suburban Square, Origins Suburban Square, (610) 649-3441, Sunglass Hut Suburban Square, (610) 645-5565, (610) 649-3609, J. Crew Suburban Square, (610) 642-6027, The Paperia Suburban Square, (610) 896-0968 Swoozies Suburban Square, (610) 642-6120, INST. PartyLand of Ardmore 8-10 W. Lancaster Ave., DUCTIVE SCIENCE Junior League Thrift Shop 25-27 W. Lancaster (610) 896-4300, (610) 896-2441, Talbots Suburban Square, (610) 658-7253, Ave., (610) 896-8828, Past*Present*Future 15 W. Lancaster Ave., Ann Taylor Suburban Square, (610) 642-4293, Just Chairs & Tables 333 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 642-4040, (610) 896-5155, Payne’s Garden Center 25 Rittenhouse Place, tive: KRISTA T-Mobile Ardmore West, (610) 642-3208, Kidz Shooz 3 W. Lancaster Ave., (610) 645-9445 (610) 649-2544 ARCH 2009 Kitchen Kapers Suburban Square, Pennywise Thrift Shop 57 E. Lancaster Ave., OR Touché Suburban Square, (610) 649-6740 (610) 649-6142, (610) 642-7239 IN LINE TODAY Trader Joe’s Suburban Square, (610) 658-0645, Leisure Fitness 5 E. Lancaster Ave., Petunia’s Consignment Boutique (610) 658-2711, 22IfArdmore Ave., (610) 649-4005, PLEASE READ THIS! we do not receive a response within 48 hours of date on Urban Outfitters Suburban Square, Leslie Swimming Pool Supplies proof,Ardmore we will run the ad as shown. Today Media, Inc. cannot be held responsible Date Who 642-3807, Plaza, (610) 642-2127, (610) 642-2147, Pierre Deuxwill Suburban Square, (610) 642-2377,in full (610) for any mistakes, and advertiser be responsible for payment of this ad. Wireless Ardmore West, Ad may appear smaller than actual size and is not indicative of color. Design is property of Verizon Today Media, 1/28/09 (610) 645-4175, Lucky Girl Marissa 8-10 Anderson Ave., (610) 649-4901, Lilly Pulitzer Suburban Square, (610) 658-0387, Inc. and is not to be duplicated or reproduced prior to newsstand sale. Liability: All advertisements Victoria’s Secret Suburban Square, and supporting image files are accepted and published by the Publisher upon representation that the and advertiser are authorized to publish entire contents thereof. The 1/30/09 client 896-6886, Lucy Suburban Square, (610)agency 649-2541, Radio Shack 9 E. the Lancaster Ave., and subject matter (610) agency and advertiser assume liability for and all claims arising therefrom against the ThePublisher. Walking Company Suburban Square, Macy’s Suburban Square, (610) 645-1399, (610) 642-7829, (610) 642-3138, Rite Aid Ardmore West, (610) 649-7150, 25) I have read the above and White House/Black Market Suburban Square, Main Line Coin & Stamp 16 E. Lancaster Ave., approve this ad for print:Ritz ______________________________________________________________________ (610) 642-6515, (610) 649-7900, Camera 149 W. Lancaster Ave., Authorized Approval Signature ns will be billed $25 per Williams-Sonoma Suburban Square, Maleka Fine Linens Suburban Square, (610) 642-2464, (610) 642-5009, (610) 896-7181revision. Sabrina Ann Once Worn & Never Worn the first (no charge) Wylie’s Lamps/McClelland Electric 123 Cricket Mapes 5 & 10 71 Rittenhouse Place, 24 Ardmore Ave., (610) 642-6228, Ave., (610) 642-1787, (610) 649-6945, Zinman Suburban Square, (610) 649-3898, Mapes Toy Store 210 W. Lancaster Ave., Josephine Sasso Suburban Square, URGENT FAX TO 302-656-8420 Reproductive Science Institute We Make Miracles Happen... Established in 1991, RSI specializes in male and female infertility and reproductive endocrinology. Our board certified team of reproductive endocrinologists put RSI at the forefront of fertility care. The experienced team at RSI delivers the highest quality of medical care with respect and compassion and offer an individualized, confidential approach combined with state of the art technology. - Comprehensive Fertility Evaluation - Ovulation Induction - In-Vitro Fertilization (onsite lab) - Egg Donor (donors available) and Surrogacy programs - Male Infertility Diagnosis & Treatment - Pre inplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) - Family balancing - Cryopreservation Services Flexible Hours! 945 Chesterbrook Blvd. 1340 Penn Ave Wayne, PA 19807 Wyomissing, PA 19610 610-981-6000 610-373-4271 WWW.RSIINFERTILITY.COM A18 www.m ainlineto m ay 2009 REPLY TO E-MAIL Subscribe Today COSMETIC SURGERY: W HAT’S NEW a Best of the MAIN LINE BALLOT Inside! ® Dininge Guid Eating out on a budge t kno w ... to be tru e ) (Yes, we too goo d it loo ks ps Plancha Scallo from Blush in Bryn Mawr plus: Dranoff Can Carl M ARDMORE? 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