the newsletter


the newsletter
Principal’s Message
Working Together to Care
for Our Environment
Mrs. Cross, Mrs. Folliot, and Mrs. KD
would like to give a big “Thank you”
to Dustin Zdan, from Connaught Golf
Course for providing materials and
guidance to all the Grade 4 classes
during the building of bird nesting
houses. We would also like to thank
all the moms and dads who came to
help. It was greatly appreciated!
St. Patrick’s School
241 Stratton Way, S.E. Medicine Hat,
AB T1B 3Z2
Phone: (403) 527-1177
Fax: (403) 527-0985
We are … An Easter People
“Great crowds of people spread their cloaks on the road, while others were
cutting branches from the trees and spreading them in his path. The crowds
who went in front of him and those who followed were all shouting: Hosanna to the son of David! Blessed is he who is coming in the name of the
Lord! Hosanna in the highest heavens!” Matthew 21
What a journey that Christ was on leading to the incredible event of Easter.
One moment He was celebrated and praised, the next moment he would be
betrayed by one of the twelve and sent to a terrible punishment. Through
that journey some incredible things occurred which remind us of how loved
we are by Jesus.
We hear the words from Christ which have become the center of our
Mass and our faith.
“While they were eating, Jesus took a piece of bread, gave a prayer of
thanks, broke it, and gave it to his disciples. “Take and eat it,” he said; “this
is my body.” Matthew 26
We see the great suffering that Christ endured for all. God gave up his
only son for us.
“They crucified him and then divided his clothes among them by throwing
dice. Above his head they put the written notice of the accusation against
him: “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.” Matthew 27
He died for us so we could live.
“Jesus again gave a loud cry and breathed his last. Then the curtain handing
in the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom.” Matthew 27
And the greatest part of his journey was his rising from the grave. He
truly was the Son of God.
“The angel spoke to the woman. “You must not be afraid,” he said. “I know
you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has been
raised, just as he said. Come here and see the place where he was lying.”
Matthew 28
Knowing what He did, what He faced, and how the journey ended, may we
understand the great love that God has for each of us. May your Easter season be filled with the light of Christ as you spend time with family and
God Bless
From the Staff of St. Patrick’s School
Student Safety!
Our patroller’s continue to do an excellent
job keeping your children safe as they cross
the street before and after school.
Thank you to the Parent
Council for purchasing the tickets
for our students to
attend the
upcoming plays
“Beauty and The Beast Jr.” and
“Jack & The Beanstalk”
Congratulation to those students who will be
receiving sacraments. Please keep them in your prayers
and support and encourage them in their faith journey
St. Patrick School
34 First Communion Candidates
First Communion Celebration Masses celebrated at Holy
Family on May 7 @ 5:00, May 8 @ 10:30
May 14 @ 5:00 & May 15 @ 10:30 (Holy Family)
Erin Bauche
Aidan Byrd
Emma Cadwallader
Olivia Chenard
Kingston Chisholm
Sarah Dixon
Cassie Maier
Ava Dzikowski
Makiya Engbert
Ainsley Fetch
Matt Fritzler
Zoe Fussell
Keaten Gans
Shawn Gripp
Cambelle Gross
Reed Hall
Alex Wilson-Thome
Jon Jackle
Landon Kreuger
Caisie Lawrence
Maddox Macaulay
Sophie MacDonald
Caige Maier
Reid Stevens
Taveon Mastel
Jaicob Meier
Kaiden Peterson
Jax Reiniger
Adam Sim
Davis Sim
Layla Usher
Brooklyn VanHam
Kayden VanHam
Helen Linares
One Confirmation Candidate Confirmation Mass to be
celebrated at 2:00 on June 12th @ Holy Family Parish
Carter Bruins
Vice-Principal’s Message
Alleluia! Alleluia! After 40 days of
Lent we can once again sing and say
these words of praise! Alleluia
means “praise the Lord” and that is
what we do after his resurrection. Prior to our Easter break we
were in a time of reflection and
prayer as to what Jesus has done for
all of us. Now, it is the Easter
season and we say Alleluia! We
praise the Lord for our faith, our
family, and our friends. We praise
Him for all the blessings that we
have and the encouragement to us in
our darkest days. The signs of new
life around us – trees budding, tulips
poking through the ground, baby
birds hatching, are all visible signs
but we must not forget the new life
that Jesus has given to us as
well! God bless you all this
upcoming month- Alleluia!
Join us for the next Parent Council Meeting on Thursday, April 14, 6:00pm in the Music Room. Babysitting will
be provided.
Any St. Patrick’s school parent/guardian staff are welcome to attend. Parent Council sessions
for the remainder of the year are as follows: April 14, May 12, and June 16. Please note meeting
time change to 6:00 PM.
Congratulations to Angeline Arthur, winner of the Dominican Republic Trip-of-the-Month draw!
Next draw date is Monday, April 4, 2016 during the 1:00pm assembly. April’s draw is a trip for 2 to fabulous
Thank you for your continued support!
LOVABLE LABELS – Don’t lose it…label it!
Don’t spend this year digging through the lost & found pile! Lovable labels helps your kids “stuff” come back
20% of every order will support St. Patrick’s School.
Place your order online throughout the year at:
Water Proof
Microwave Safe
Laundry Safe
Dishwasher Safe
Bleach Safe
Sunscreen Safe
March promos are Camp Packs with early bird pricing and free shipping.
Next hot lunch will be ribs and Caesar salad along with a treat from Generations Cuisine Thursday, April 14.
Did You Know?
We don’t just talk about
caring for others – our
students walk the
talk. They have raised
hundreds of
dollars to help those in
need and have
donated thousands of
items to the food bank,
food hampers, and to
help families in need.
We can say proudly that
“Christ lives in our school
and in our hearts.”
Save Your Tabs!! We have a container located at the front office where you
can drop off your pop can tabs- See below for more information regarding this
The Easter break will begin on Good Friday,
March 25th. Students will return to school on
Monday, April 4th.
We wish you a safe & Happy Easter!
Extra Programming to Support our Students
St. Patrick’s is blessed to have a wonderful before/after
school program available for a nominal fee. It is not too
late to register for use if you have found that your work
situation has changed and are in need of child care. As
well, we want to remind those parents who may have
younger siblings that our preschool programs are taking
registrations for the Fall. We have two fantastic
programs with caring and creative staff who would love
to make your child’s introduction to the schooling
environment a very positive one full of active
participation. Feel free to stop by our office and ask
any questions that you may have.
Keeping our kids safe before and after school –
This is just a reminder that our adult supervision
of our students does not begin until 8:40 am out
back. Please do not drop off your child earlier
than this as we are unable to guarantee their
safety. As well, our school dismisses at 3:20,
please remind your child that if they are waiting
for you to pick them up to wait on the sidewalk
by the school so that there is no danger from the
traffic. Our front entranceway is being used by
our afternoon preschool
parents waiting to pick up
their children and therefore
all students waiting to be
picked up will be asked to
wait outside. Thanks for your
Campbell’s Soup Labels
Students are encouraged to continue saving Campbell Soup
labels. Please include the front label and the UPC. The labels
can be dropped off in the box located in the hallway between
the office and the library. A huge thank-you for your
continued support to those who are saving labels!
We continue to
accept new
Parents registering
for Kindergarten,
are reminded to
bring birth
certificates and
when they come in
to register their
April 2016
6th Draw for
Hot Lunch
Parent Council
Jack & The
12:00 MHC
PD Day
No School
Hats off to
Beauty &
The Beast
10:00 am
Holy Family Parish
1451 Strachan Road SE, Medicine Hat, AB T1B-4V3
Phone: 403-527-6933 Fax: 403-526-2482 email:
Regular Mass Times: Saturday - 5:00 pm, Sunday - 8:30am, 10:30am & 6:00pm
Reconciliation: Saturday 3:00-4:00pm
Keep Up To Date
MASS at 8:30am
MASS at10:30am
MASS at 6:00pm
7:00pm Faith Rm
Mass 9:00am
Mass 7:00pm
Adoration until
MASS at 8:30am
1st Comm. Class
10:15am Faith Rm
MASS at10:30am
Conf. Class
4:30pm Faith Rm
MASS at 6:00pm
MASS at 8:30am
1st Comm. Class
10:15am Faith Rm
MASS at10:30am
Conf. Class
4:30pm Faith Rm
MASS at 6:00pm
7:00pm Faith Rm
MASS at 8:30am
MASS at10:30am
MASS at 6:00pm
7:00pm Faith Rm
Mass 9:00am
Mass 7:00pm
Adoration until
Mass 9:00am
Mass 7:00pm
Adoration until
No Mass this
Mass 7:00pm
Adoration until
Mass 9:00am
Adoration until
Mass At 5:00pm
Mass 9:00am
Mass 9:00am
Mass 9:00am
Holy Hour 6:00pm Adoration until
EQUIP 7:00pm
Faith Room
Conf. Class
3:30pm Faith Rm
1st Comm. Class
4:45pm St. Pat’s
Mass At 5:00pm
Mass 9:00am
Mass 9:00am
Mass 9:00am
Holy Hour 6:00pm Adoration until
EQUIP 7:00pm
St. Patrick’s
Conf. Class
3:30pm Faith Rm
1st Comm. Class
4:45pm St. Pat’s
Mass At 5:00pm
Faith & Family
6:00pm HFP Hall
Mass At 5:00pm
Mass 10:00am
Mass 9:00am
Mass 9:00am
With Notre Dame Holy Hour 6:00pm Adoration until
Service Project
Mass 9:00am
Mass 9:00am
Mass 9:00am
Holy Hour 6:00pm Adoration until
April 29th–May 1st
1st Communion
Retreat 9:30am –
Noon HFP Hall
Mass At 5:00pm
1251 1st Avenue SW
Medicine Hat, AB T1A 8B4
Join us for a relaxing afternoon of golf with other business & community participants!
Friday, June 10, 2016
Cottonwood Coulee Golf Course
Medicine Hat, Alberta
Format Best Ball
Registration 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
12 noon
Shotgun Start 1:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Register Early … only 120 spots!
please contact:
Event Coordinator
Phone: (403) 502-8351
(403) 529-0917
Download entry forms at:
(Program and services tab)
Entries accepted on first come,
first paid basis.
Together in support of community children and the
education process!
Healthy Children
Parent Newsletter
April 2016
Talking With Your Child About Healthy Relationships
Learning about relationships begins early in life. As children grow they
build relationships beyond their family, making friends and interacting with
peers and teachers. Relationships are an important part of your child’s life
and can affect their physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Parents,
guardians and caregivers can have a positive influence on their children
and their decisions. A good starting point is to reflect on your own values
and what values you want to pass onto your children. You can then lead by
example and teach your children by showing them positive social
behaviours such as honesty, respect and openness. With your help, your
child will be better able to recognize healthy and unhealthy relationships.
What makes a healthy or unhealthy relationship? Healthy relationships
include shared respect, honesty and trust as well as equality, support, fun
and safety. It is also important in relationships to maintain separate identities and establish clear boundaries. Unhealthy
relationships may be characterized by lying, manipulation, put downs, bribes and power issues.
Alberta Health Services developed the website to help you find the information you need to have
conversations with your child. You will find webisodes, factsheets, FAQs and more. The parent section provides you with:
Tips on how to start a conversation about healthy relationships.
Suggestions for topics to talk about with your child such as compromise, anger management and respect.
Links to reliable resources and community agencies in your area.
Bring the conversation of healthy relationships into your home for the benefit of your child’s health and development. We
encourage you to check out what has to offer!
Cooking – Fun at Any Age
How did you learn to cook? Was it with a parent or family member or someone else? Was it fun to try a new recipe, help in
the kitchen and try those foods you helped prepare? To kids, cooking doesn’t seem like work and they can be a big help in
the kitchen. Little does the child know, they are building cooking and food preparation skills.
The more kids help choose, prepare and learn about food, the more they may be willing to eat what is served for meals and
snacks. Here are some ideas to get your child started in the kitchen:
Ask for their input. We all have favourite foods and allowing your child to provide ideas for meals and snacks will
make them feel valued. It will also help you plan meals ahead of time.
Talk about foods at the grocery store and at home. You can also have them pick out new foods to try at home.
Letting them choose a brightly coloured vegetable or fruit is fun and since they picked it, you bet they will want to try
Help your child pick out a new recipe that you can make together. It might become a new family favourite!
Try a “make-you-own” family style meal of sandwiches, wraps, pizzas, salads, pasta or tacos. Kids love to make
their own creations as it allows them to experiment with food.
Young children can help with lots of tasks in the kitchen. Start with small tasks such as; washing vegetables,
mixing salad, adding ingredients, stirring, setting the table and cleaning up.
Try some of these simple steps to help your little chef learn in the kitchen. You will be helping your child form positive and
lasting healthy eating habits!
To find an electronic copy of this newsletter, visit:
St. Patrick’s School – Parent Council – March 17, 2016
Executive Members:
School Administration:
General Attendees:
Chair-Paula Herrington; Vice-Chair - Valerie Fraser
Treasurer-Melissa Dorton; Secretary-Roberta Dixon
Principal – Kelly Wilkinson
Teresa Andelic; Karen Steinke; Tammy Grue
Call to Order – 6:04 pm
Opening Prayer – Kelly Wilkinson
Approval of Previous Minutes
Recommended that the Minutes of the meeting of St. Patrick’s School Parent Council dated February
11, 2016 be approved as circulated.
1st – Tammy Grue
2nd – Karen Steinke
Administrator Report – Kelly Wilkinson
a) Facebook – Facebook is up and running. Parent Council encouraged to post information and
advertise fundraisers, etc. Contact Sandra Richard.
b) New Calendar 2016/17 – New calendar has been approved. Copies were available.
c) A/R costs – Dog Tags – The A/R program is provided by a US based company; with the low
Canadian dollar, there are concerns that the money budgeted will not be enough to pay for the
program next year. Mr. Wilkinson will ask the Librarian to contact the company and see if they
will give us a loyalty discount on the program costs. Mr. Wilkinson will also speak to the Librarian
about an actual cost of books/dog tags for the program next year.
d) Pick a Time – Par ent/Teacher inter views can be booked on the updated Pick-A-Time website
tomorrow. Interviews to be held March 23, 2016 from 4:30 to 8:00 pm
Teacher Representative Report – No Report
New Business - None
Next Meeting – Thursday, April 14, 2016, music room at 6:00pm.
Adjournment – 6:31pm
St. Patrick’s School – Parent Society – March 17, 2016
Executive Members:
School Administration:
General Attendees:
Chair – Paula Herrington; Vice-Chair – Valerie Fraser
Treasurer – Melissa Dorton; Secretary – Roberta Dixon
Principal – Kelly Wilkinson
Teresa Andelic; Tammy Grue; Karen Steinke
Call to Order – 6:31 pm
Approval of Previous Minutes
Recommended that the Minutes of the meeting of St. Patrick’s School Parent Society dated February 11, 2016
be approved as circulated.
1st – Teresa Andelic
2nd – Karen Steinke
Treasurer’s Report
The Cash Summary for the Main Account and the Cash Summary for the Trip of the Month Account
dated February 29, 2016 were presented by the Treasurer, Melissa Dorton.
Open Business
a) Babysitter – Trinity Lanz is here. Paid $20.00 for the meeting.
b) School Supplies – Paula Herrington
Paula contacted School Start and cancelled our contract with them. We will offer the Staples School Tools
Program to parents for school supplies for the 2016/17 school year. Paula will contact Tina Reed at
Staples. Mr. Wilkinson will speak to teachers about class lists.
c) School Recycling Program – Paula Herrington
Paula will contact Tina at Staples and sign up for the recycling program. We should receive a free
ink cartridge collection bin.
d) Hot Lunch – Valerie Fraser
March hot lunch provided by generations cuisine – served tacos. Next time we may need to eliminate the
number of toppings offered and perhaps have 2 serving lines.
April and May hot lunches to be provided by generations cuisine.
April lunch-pasta & meat sauce, oatmeal cookie & water-cost $7.00. Date April 14, 2016. We will need
volunteers to meet at the school on April 6, 2016 to go through the orders and count money.
May lunch-ribs & caesar salad, puffed wheat square, water-cost $7.00.
Next year we will use generations cuisine for all hot lunch days. Valerie to contact Janelle Purvis of
generations cuisine.
e) Playground Grant Update – Mr . Wilkinson advised that we should hear whether or not we got the
playground grant by the end of March. We want to get this project completed so students can use
equipment/playground this year.
f) Loveable Labels – Paula Her r ington
Paula showed us a sample from Loveable Labels. Excellent product. 20% of orders comes back to the school
(after the purchase of a certain dollar amount). Cheques for the school profit will be provided by Loveable
Labels twice per year.
g) Trip-of-the-Month Fundraiser – Kar en Steinke, Tammy Gr ue & Paula Her r ington.
 Angeline Arthur won the March trip to Dominican Republic.
 Next draw Monday, April 4, 2016 at afternoon assembly. Trip destination is New York.
School Admin will check with the church to see if someone can come do the draw.
 Plans for 2016/17 Trip-of-the-Month Fundraiser
 Application submitted March 7, 2016; AGLC requested clarification on certain
items in the Application (ie. Rules to be printed on back of ticket; time frame for
claiming prize and booking trip; statement on how the raffle will be advertised).
Sub-Committee to meet and discuss outstanding issues for 2016-17 Trip of
the Month Fundraiser.
 Travel Agency we are using is Marlin Travel in Saskatchewan.
 Next year’s sales to start the end of May or early June-if we get Gaming Licence in time.
 Incentives for every family to sell ticket(s) – to be discussed further.
 Printing company - Not yet decided.
New Business – none
Next Meeting – April 14, 2016 at 6:00pm – Music Room
Adjournment – 7:29 pm
Medicine Hat and Area JUNIOR Chess Tournament -- April 9, 2016
The Medicine Hat Chess Club (MHCC) in partnership with the Crescent Heights High School (CHHS) Chess Club will be
holding the Annual (“SPRING”) Medicine Hat and Area JUNIOR Chess Tournament on Saturday, April 9th, 2016. This
year’s tournament is also serving as the Southeastern Alberta Regional Qualifier for the Provincial Grade School Chess
Challenge Tournament to be held on April 16th in Calgary. The top 50% in each grade will qualify! Our tournament will be
have four main divisions: (1) a Senior High School division for high school students (grades 10 - 12); (2) a Junior High
School division for junior high school students (grades 7 - 9); (3) a Boys’ Elementary School division for elementary school
boys (grades 1 - 6): and (4) a Girls’ Elementary School division (grades 1 - 6). Depending on the number of registrants, there
may be “grade specific” sub-divisions.
The entry fee is $20.00. Entries will be taken up until 0950 on Saturday, April 9 th, but a maximum of only 60 entries overall
will be accepted. Pre-registration is encouraged, and can be accomplished by completing the enclosed entry form.
Completed registration forms should be returned to Ms. Erin Sand c/o CHHS. Please note that registration will not be
considered complete until Ms. Sand has your completed registration form and entry fee of $20.00.
Date: April 9th (Saturday)
Registration (on-site): 0915 - 0950 (April 9th)
Location: Cafeteria at Crescent Heights High School (come in main entr ance)
Times: Round 1: 1000
*Round 2: 1040
Round 3: 1120
LUNCH: 1200 - 1230
Round 4: 1230
Round 5: 1310
Awards Presentations: 1400 (2:00 p.m.) or immediately after the last game is completed.
* Round 2 and subsequent rounds will be started ASAP after the completion of the previous round.
(1) Senior High School Division:
1st Place -- Trophy and Gift Certificate/Merchandise (Value = $40)
2nd Place -- Trophy and Gift Certificate/Merchandise (Value = $30)
3rd Place -- Medal and Gift Certificate/Merchandise (Value= $20)
(2) Junior High School Division:
1st Place -- Trophy and Gift Certificate/Merchandise (Value = $35)
2nd Place -- Trophy and Gift Certificate/Merchandise (Value = $25)
3rd Place -- Medal and Gift Certificate/Merchandise (Value = $15)
(3) Boys’ Elementary School Division:
1st Place -- Medal and Gift Certificate/Merchandise (Value = $25)
2nd Place -- Medal and Gift Certificate/Merchandise (Value = $15)
3rd Place -- Medal and Gift Certificate/Merchandise (Value = $10)
(4) Girls’ Elementary School Division:
1st Place -- Medal and Gift Certificate/Merchandise (Value = $25)
2nd Place -- Medal and Gift Certificate/Merchandise (Value = $15)
3rd Place -- Medal and Gift Certificate/Merchandise (Value = $10)
(1) If 6 or fewer players enter a division, it will be organized as a Round Robin tournament, (ie. everyone will play 1
game against each other entrant). If there are seven players or more, the division will be run as a “Swiss System”
tournament (in this system with many pairing rules, the goal is to pair players against other players with a similar
number of points, each round of play). There will be a maximum of five rounds if the Swiss System is used.
(2) Points for the games are awarded as follows: Win - 1 point; Draw - ½ point; Loss - 0 point.
(3) The Tournament directors will endeavor to pair all players so that they play the white pieces two or three times during
the 5 rounds. Sometimes this cannot be achieved. Please accept our apologies if this happens to your son/daughter.
(4) The rules of chess will be the same as those that are observed at all Canadian Federation of Chess (CFC) tournaments,
and that have been in common use for at least the past 30 years. We wish to draw the players’ attention to the “Touch
Move” Rule, as it can be the source of disagreement and misunderstanding. Essentially, if it is your turn and you
touch a piece that can be moved, your opponent can insist you move that piece. Although they don’t have to make
you move the piece, they often will. Therefore, DON’T touch a piece that you don’t intend to move. Also, please
note that once you have moved a piece during your turn to a legal square, and let go of it, your move/turn is finished.
You cannot take your move back!!
(5) Time controls: The time control for all games is 20 minutes. Chess clocks will be provided. If they are the “analog”
type (one with a clock face and the numbers 1 - 12) they should be set at 5:40. Their correct use and operation will
be demonstrated before the start of the 1st round. Each player will have 20 minutes on their clock to complete all of
his/her moves. The first player to exceed 20 minutes will forfeit the game, and their opponent will be declared the
winner. It is our observation that most junior players who have little/no experience using a chess clock play too fast
in the initial phases of their game. SLOW DOWN!! 20 minutes is actually a lot of time, and remember, you can also
think when your opponent’s clock is running.
(6) Reporting Results: Please advise one of the Tournament Directors, of the result of your game. They will do the
(7) The decision of the Tournament Director(s) in any dispute will be final. We will be fair and impartial.
Pizza and pop will be provided for lunch (your entry fee pays for this).
The trophies and prizes are paid for by the Medicine Hat Chess Club.
Any entry fee cheques should be made out to the: “Medicine Hat Chess Club”.
For more information, phone Ms. Erin Sand at CHHS (527-6641, ext. 8122).
Erin Sand (Tournament Co-director)
(403) 527-6641, ext. 8122 (Daytime -- work)
February, 2016
Bill Taylor (Tournament Co-director)
(403) 529-0010 (Daytime -- work)
(403) 526-5484 (Evenings -- home)
Medicine Hat and Area JUNIOR Chess Tournament Entry Form -- April 9, 2016
Name: __________________________________________
Grade: ________________________________
School: _________________________________________
Home Phone #: ___________________________________
E-mail #: ______________________________
Address: ________________________________________ (street address)
________________________________________ (town/city)
________________________________________ (postal code)
Enter in:
Senior High School Division: _______
check only
(grades 10 - 12)
Junior High School Division: _______
(grades 7 - 9)
Elementary Boys’ School Division: _________
(grades 1 - 6)
Elementary Girls’ School Division: _________
(grades 1 - 6)
This form can be:
(a) delivered Crescent Heights High School
c/o Ms. Erin Sand
mailed to:
1201 Division Ave. N.E.
Medicine Hat, AB T1A 5Y8
or (b) faxed to: Ms. Erin Sand @ 526-2018
or (c) e-mailed to:
NOTE: The registration is completed only when the $20.00 fee (cash or cheque payable to the Medicine Hat
Chess Club) has been r eceived by Ms. Sand. If ther e ar e mor e than 60 entr ants, only the fir st 60 paid
registrants will be accepted. Other registrants will be put on a waiting list, in case a paid registrant drops
out or doesn’t show up on April 9th. Because registration fees cannot be paid via fax or e-mail, early
registrants who do not pay with their registration will be contacted so that they have the opportunity to pay
before the tournament is filled. We thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your participation!
Erin Sand (Tournament Co-director)
February, 2016
Bill Taylor (Tournament Co-director)