2 March 2013 - Shirley Boys` High School


2 March 2013 - Shirley Boys` High School
Newsletter 2
March 2013
Shirley Boys' High School
Inside this Issue
Important Dates
Student Success
Upcoming Events
House competitions
Sporting News
Housekeeping Matters
Uniform Matters
Health & Well-being
Careers & Gateway
SBHS Old Boys
Personnel Directory
Community Notices
To Educate Towards Excellence
Phone: (03) 375-7057
PO Box 27-025
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Greetings, tena koutou katoa, talofa lava
We have begun term one of the new year extremely well. I am especially delighted
in the way the Year 9 entrants have embraced the spirit of what we are about as a
school, demonstrated in all sorts of ways, but especially in their efforts at our
Tabloid Sport Day and at our Athletics Day held at Rawhiti Domain, New Brighton.
This represented a first for us at the new site, as QE2 is now being de-commissioned,
and was our first full day of sport since February 2010.
Also noteworthy was the opening of the Turf last Friday 1st March. I may be wrong, but I suspect this is
the first significant property development in the East since the earthquake of 2011. The opening
involved the ‘Resurrection Haka’ by the Kapa Haka lads, and a game in which our First X1 were pitted
against an invitation team. The honour of the first hit went to Ross Nicholas, a first day pupil in 1957 and
the first of many Shirley Boys’ First X1 Hockey Captains. Receiving the ball were the Shaw brothers,
Hayden and Brad, both old boys and “Black Sticks”.
Scholarship results have come out and we have again done well - Trent Emms (Chemistry and
Mathematics with Calculus), Zane Shaskey (English) and Year 12 student Hayden White (Mathematics
with Calculus). Pride of place however, must go to last year’s Dux and Head Boy Ben Wilson, who
entered a group of the top 50 academic students in New Zealand by achieving six scholarship passes
(Physics, Mathematics with Calculus, Geography, Science, Chemistry, and capped off with an
“Outstanding” in English).
For the record, the provisional results for NCEA (final confirmation in a few weeks’ time) is as follows
% Pass
NCEA Level 1
NCEA Level 2
NCEA Level 3
Shirley Boys’
All NZ Boys’
All NZ Girls
Sadly I must report the passing away of Year 11 student Kane O’Carroll on Friday 22nd February.
A service for Kane was held on Thursday 28th by Pastor (and old boy) Nigel Ripley at which the school
was represented by staff and students. Our thoughts and prayers are with Kane’s family and friends.
A final request from me - since we now know that we will be leaving our site and a new school will be
rebuilt (on a site that has yet to be found), it would be helpful if you began to think about what we have
that needs to be retained in a new school, and what new things need to be added. While there is no
rush - we will not be going anywhere for a minimum of 4 years, your ideas will help The Board develop a
plan to take us to the new rebuilt school.
Regards and best wishes,
John Laurenson
Shirley Boys’ High School
Newsletter #2 March 2013
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2013 Important Dates
Monday 11th
28 Jan (TOD)
6 May
29 July
14 October
Friday, 19 April
Friday, 12 July
Friday, 27 September
Tuesday, 10 December
Wednesday 27th
Friday 29th
Kings Exchange
Year 10 Camps commence
Year 9 X-Factor
Junior Dance
NZ Secondary School Triathlon – Pegasus Lake
Year 12 Outdoor Ed Climbing
Work Day
NZ Secondary School Open Water Swim – Pegasus Lake
Canterbury Inter-school Swimming Champs - Wharenui
Good Friday – school closed
Monday 1st
Tuesday 2nd
Easter Monday – school closed
Easter Tuesday – school closed
Thursday 14th
Thursday 21st
Thurs 21st-Fri 22nd
Friday 22nd
School Timetable
Students need to be at school every day by 8.30am every day except Thursday, when they are not
required until 8.45am.
School finishes
Shirley Boys’ High School
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 3:00pm
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Happenings around school
Powhiri for Year 9 new entrants and new staff
E ngā hau e whā,
Naumai, haere mai ki te kura ki Oraka.
The pōwhiri for the new members of the school was held in the school hall on 29th January.
At the karanga from the doorway the Year 9 students, led by Miss
Lemalie, Mr Hayes and some parents and supporters who had
come along, filed into the hall to be part of this traditional
welcoming ceremony. They were welcomed by a number of the
tangata whenua students doing haka. Once the boys were seated
Mr Laurenson opened proceedings with a speech incorporating
Māori and English. He welcomed all the students and encouraged
them to be proud of what they do at the school.
Mr Hunia then spoke in Te Reo Māori, and welcomed all the students, parents
and whānau to the school.
Following these speeches the kapa haka performed the school haka, Oraka.
Mr Hayes replied in Māori and English on behalf of the manuhiri - the new
students and staff. He included a quote from Sir Apirana Ngata which is written
below. This speech was followed by a waiata led by Miss Lemalie.
The kaikaranga for the school was Mrs Myra Fidow of Marion College, our old
neighbours, who came over from their new site beside Cathedral College. For
the manuhiri the kaikaranga was Miss Lemalie.
(The kaikaranga are the women who call to each other to invite the visitors on to a marae)
A pōwhiri is held at the beginning of each year, and we would welcome a parent or parents who would
like to speak as manuhiri in the whaikōrero or as kaikaranga. Please feel free to contact the school – Mr
Hunia, Mr Laurenson or Mr Hayes - if you have a son arriving at the start of the year and would like to
speak on behalf of the boys (we ask that you could speak appropriately in Te Reo Māori, with some
English too if considered necessary).
Sir Apirana Ngata –
“ E tipu e rea i ngā rā o tou ao
Ko tōu ringa ki te rākau o te Pākehā
He oranga mo tōu tinana.
Ko tōu ngākau ki ngā taonga a ōu tīpuna
He tikitiki mo tōu māhunga
Ko tōu wairua ki te atua, nāna nei ngā mea katoa.”
Shirley Boys’ High School
Grow up tender shoot in the days of your world
Your hands to the tools of the Pakeha
As sustenance for your body.
Your heart to the treasures of your ancestors
As a crown for your head
Your spirit to God, from whom comes all things.
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Cheon An Yonggok Middle School and Buyeo Middle School
– English Language Course 2013
In January/February this year, Shirley Boys’ High School hosted 13 Middle School students and their
teacher from Cheon An Yonggok and 23 from Buyeo Middle School, in South Korea for a 3 week
intensive English Language Learning Programme. The students and teachers were home stayed mostly
with SBHS student families, so they could experience what life is like in a New Zealand home.
As this is such a huge cultural difference for the students to adjust to, it takes about a week for them to
settle into our lifestyle in New Zealand. They then are usually very sad about leaving our beautiful
They have English lessons in the mornings and are taken out for
sightseeing and to participate in activities in the afternoons. These
activities include such things as boating on the Avon, lunch in the
Botanical Gardens, horse
riding, a farm, museum and
beach visit, Akaroa Black Cat
cruise, rafting and jet
boating in Hanmer Springs
and ice skating to mention
some of them. They also
attended some classes with some of the Shirley Boys students
where they spoke conversational English and enjoyed that
Their farewell party where they entertain their home stay families and some SBHS staff was thoroughly
enjoyed by all and due to the success of this year’s programme we hopefully look forward to another
visit from the school next year with another lot of students.
Stephanie McMillan
Programme Teacher and Activities Coordinator
YOUTHTOWN Fitness Trail
In mid-2012 YOUTHTOWN approached Shirley Boys and
offered to install a fitness trail at the school. We gratefully
accepted the offer and after discussion with Shirley
Intermediate arranged to install the trail on their grounds so
that both schools could derive benefit from it.
On Friday 22nd February, with all works completed, staff from
the local branch of YOUTHTOWN, Keith Thorpe (Auckland
based CEO of YOUTHTOWN), Geoff Siave (Principal Shirley
Intermediate), Kyle Anglesey (TIC Sports Shirley
Intermediate) and John Laurenson gathered to declare the trail open.
Pupils from both schools then worked out at the various stations before enjoying some healthy snacks
provided by YOUTHTOWN.
Situated on the North Parade boundary of the Shirley Intermediate fields the trail is proving a bonus for
students from both schools both during class time and outside of school hours at which time people can
regularly be seen working out on the various stations.
Both schools are grateful to YOUTHTOWN for this initiative and making the project possible.
Shirley Boys’ High School
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Hockey Turf Opening – Friday 1st March
After endless delays, negotiations and discussions, the
‘Turf’ project has finally been completed and the turf has
been laid to rest. We now have in place a ‘Tiger Dry’
surface, complete with lighting which will be a boon, not
only to ourselves, but also the local community. Hockey
will be the main benefactor with our players no longer
needing to make the trek to Nunweek Park for practice, as
well as providing a chance to grow the sport, perhaps
back to those heady days when we were National
Secondary Schools Champions.
Simon Munt and Ross Nicholas
The Turf has been the third leg of a trifecta. The first two parts were
the construction of our state of the art changing facilities, weights
room and utility space (Spartans Room). The second was the building
of our new tennis courts in front of V block, thus allowing us to make
the old tennis surface available for the
turf. Phases one and two were
completed before that fateful day in
2011 and the turf was due to be
completed in late February/early March
of that same year.
These moves have been aimed at making more and better opportunities
available to our students – a “build the facilities and the people will come”
scenario. This has certainly been the case with the Spartans room which,
when in table tennis configuration, saw over 100 Year 9 players involved in
this sport last year alone.
While hockey will benefit greatly from the turf, it will also serve as a venue
Brad Shaw and Hayden Shaw
for the ever growing sport of futsal with three 40m x 20m courts marked for
this purpose.
The Turf was officially opened on Friday March 1st with a simple ceremony involving a performance of
the Resurrection Haka by our Kapa Haka group and a game of hockey involving our current first eleven
and past pupils of the school (Chris Ryan – staff
member and coach, Simon Munt, Jeremy Symonds,
Brad Shaw and Hayden Shaw). Our thanks go to them
for giving up their time to make the game possible.
The first ball was rolled by Ross Nicholas, a first day
pupil of the school and first eleven hockey player in
his day. The play that followed was well contested
and allowed spectators to get a close up look at the
skills and speed of the game.
Learning Schools
Currently and until 18 March we are pleased to be hosting 6 students from all over the world as part of
the annual visit by Learning Schools. This year’s students are investigating what are the needs of the
students in our schools, how the school endeavours to meet these needs and what can we do better to
meet student needs. These students (recent high school graduates) are conducting their investigation in
all 8 of the partner schools around the world. We hope that the results of their work will assist us to
think more about these issues after having them seen through a fresh perspective.
Shirley Boys’ High School
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Student Success
NZQA Scholarship Awards
Congratulations to the following students who achieved Scholarship success in 2012:
Ben Wilson
Trent Emms
Zane Shaskey
Hayden White
English (Outstanding Scholarship), Chemistry, Physics, Science, Geography,
Mathematics with Calculus
Chemistry, Mathematics with Calculus
Mathematics with Calculus
Congratulations to Talor Scott (Year 12) and Reuben Spicer (Year 12), who have just been selected in the
Canterbury Secondary Schools Cricket Team to play against Auckland Secondary Schools later this
Talor has also been selected for the Willows Secondary Schools side to tour Sri Lanka next month. Well
done Talor!
Shirley Boys’ High School
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Upcoming Events
Year 11 NCEA Workshop
Sue Nesbit, Curriculum Manager, will be hosting a workshop for Year 11 students and their parents to
outline how the NCEA system works and how students can achieve to the best of their ability.
Tuesday 12th March
SBHS Assembly Hall
Ideally, we would like at least one parent/caregiver to attend with their son. School uniform is not
SBHS Work Day – Friday 22 March
This year’s workday will be held on Friday 22 March with the funds being used to assist in the purchase of
two new mini vans for the school. These vehicles are an integral part of our curricular and co-curricular
programs. Our existing vehicles have reached the end of their economic life, and the school, having
investigated a number of alternatives, has made the decision to invest in new vehicles with a view to
getting 10+ years use from them. In purchasing new we not only get the benefits of associated with such
vehicles (mechanically new plus 3yr warranty), but we also enjoy the savings associated with being a
Government organisation ($12k per vehicle on the current list price).
This is a costly exercise, and as with many aspects of school life, no economic assistance is available from
the government. Hence the school must source funding itself.
It should be noted that workdays have been run at Shirley Boys since the 1970’s and collectively have
provided or contributed toward many assets at the school with both past and current students deriving
great benefit.
Last year our Junior Workday raised $11,000 toward the project and it is hoped that this Workday will
contribute a further $30,000. We have been fortunate to obtain $20,000 funding from Canterbury
Community Trust and currently have an application with a gaming trust for a further $20,000. If this
application is successful we are very close to our target of $106,000 and should therefore be able to take
delivery of our new vehicles in April of this year.
To ensure that our workday is successful we need parent and caregiver support to encourage their boys to
find work for the day. This day is about ‘Shirley Helping Shirley’. It is about our students making an effort
in the interests of both our current students and of those that will follow. Boys need to be encouraged to
organise their day early rather than leave it to the last minute. As an aside it should be noted that many of
our boys have secured after school employment as a direct result of their efforts on workday.
Please can we make it quite clear? On Workday, students do one of two things – they work and earn the
targeted monies (years 9 & 10 - $30, year 11 - $35, years 12 & 13 - $40), or they attend school on Friday 22
March, where they will be actively engaged in community work about our site.
If you wish to discuss Workday 2013, please do not hesitate to make contact with Kelvin Tibble on
kgt@shirley.school.nz or 375 7057 ext 253.
Shirley Boys’ High School
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House Competitions
The fields of Shirley Intermediate and Shirley Boys’ High School were a
sea of colour on Friday 1st February as students from the 5 different
Houses got underway with the first event in the 2013 House
competition. Providing the ideal opportunity for young and old to work
together, to bond as a team and engage in some ‘friendly banter’, the
students rotated through a range of activities from ‘sack races’ and
petanque to the traditional egg ‘n’ spoon race.
Congratulations not only to Snell House, who took out 1st place
overall in the competition (proving once again that they will be a
force to be reckoned with in 2013) but to all Houses who got into
the spirit of friendly competition with enthusiasm and great selfdiscipline!
Neil Haywood
Associate Headmaster
After an enforced layoff of two years our annual athletics sports
finally made reappearance on the calendar. With the obvious
demise of QE II we were very fortunate to be able to use the track
and New Brighton Olympic Athletic Clubs facilities at Rawhiti
In ideal conditions a very busy
programme of events concluded
with the House Relays and the piece de la resistance, the staff verses
pupils relay. Regrettably the staff team was not at its best on the day
(some say a pulled hamstring was the difference) and the boys ‘ran
away’ with the win.
There were some outstanding individual efforts with special mention being made of the following:
Reece Chalklen
Daniel Watt
Jordan Ditfort
Dean van der Busse
Maxwell Tiweka
High Jump, Triple Jump, 400m and 800m
200m, 400m and 800m
High Jump, Long Jump and 1500m
High Jump, Long Jump, 100m and 200m
High Jump, Long Jump, 100m and 200m
While there were many fine performances by the boys, there was
also House pride at stake with that competition being taken out by
Mullins with Snell and Rutherford in second and third spots
A team of boys will now go through to the qualifying meet for the
Christchurch Secondary Schools Athletic Championships with those
Shirley Boys’ High School
Newsletter #2 March 2013
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that place in this competition moving on to the finals.
Full results:
Under 14
Under 15
Under 16.5
Field events
High Jump
Long Jump
Shot Put
Triple Jump
Finesi Lagokamu
Reece Chalklen
Samuel Harris
Luke Child
Dallas Sulu
Reece Chalklen
Samson Lale-Seinafo
Jordan Ditfort
Raymond Spooner
Jordan Ditfort
Khallan Levi
Josef Berry
Corey Taylor
Dean van der Busse
Matthew Edwards-Wade
Dean van der Busse
Zachariah Williams
Patrick Rodger
Konelio Figota
Maxwell Tiweka
Lachlan Johnson
Maxwell Tiweka
Barry Burton
Slade Placid
Track events
House relay
Aaron Browne
Farrell Bui
Reece Chalklen
Reece Chalklen
Jacob Allen
Sol Somerville
Daniel Watt
Daniel Watt
Daniel Watt
Jordan Ditfort
Dean van der Busse
Dean van der Busse
Jake Simpson
Corey Taylor
Dylan Ward
Maxwell Tiweka
Maxwell Tiweka
Ryan Stanley
Jordan Balk
Gareth Hunter
3000m run
Under 14
Luke Child (13:39)
Under 15
Cameron Richards (12:12)
Caleb Drayton (13:35)
Under 16.5
Rainer Pye (11:18)
Brad Proud (12:22)
Josh Campbell (10:42)
Tom Williams (10:54)
Gareth Hunter (11:34)
Will Fleming (13:38)
Sports News
The SBHS Swimming Champs were held at Jellie Park on Wednesday 13 February with 21 boys participating.
Under 14
Under 15
Under 16.5
50 metres
100 metres
Regan Mundy
Regan Mundy
Cameron Johnson
Regan Mundy
Sol Somerville
Sol Somerville
Sol Somerville
Sean Hartgers
Sean Hartgers
Talha Naeem
Matt Phillips
Jade Scott
Matt Phillips
Matt Phillips
Regan Mundy
Regan Mundy
Cameron Johnson
Sol Somerville
Sean Hartgers
Sean Hartgers
Rainer Pye
Sean Hartgers
Matt Phillips
Matt Phillips
Matt Phillips
Matt Phillips
200 metres (Open)
Shirley Boys’ High School
Matt Phillips (1st), Sean Hartgers (2nd), Regan Mundy (3rd)
Matt Phillips (1st), Sean Hartgers (2nd), Jade Scott (3rd)
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The Canterbury Secondary School’s Triathlon was held at Corsair Bay on Tuesday 19 February. SBHS was
represented by two teams and Rainer Pye in the Individual Intermediate Boys section.
Both SBHS teams competed in the senior (U19) grade as at least
one member of each team was over 16. The team of Matt Phillips
(swim), Ben Friel (bike) and Josh Campbell (run) came 3rd and the
other team of Sean Hartgers (swim), Cameron Richards (bike) and
Tom Williams (run) were unfortunate to get a puncture but still
managed 5thplace.
Unfortunately there was a hiccup with the intermediate boys
which resulted in the first three competitors (of which Rainer was
one), being turned around on the cycle leg at the 10km mark
instead of 14km, thereby creating an additional ‘short-course’
category. Rainer won this category.
Cameron Richards, Ben Friel, Rainer Pye, Sean Hartgers,
Matt Phillips, Tom Williams and Josh Campbell
The Senior A volleyball team competed in the 2013 Mainland Champs held in Christchurch 22-24 February.
We were drawn in a pool with Waimea A, Riccarton, Mt Aspiring, St Andrews, Aranui and Waimea B. The
top two teams at the end of the round robin would progress to the semi-finals. The first day started well
with clinical wins over both St Andrews and Mt Aspiring 2-0. The day ended even better with a hard fought
victory over Riccarton 2-1. Riccarton has a very strong squad of players and usually beat us when we play.
It was particularly satisfying to beat them at such an important tournament. It was a very close game with
the deciding set won by us 28-26.
Saturday morning saw us play both Aranui and Waimea B. Mature, composed performances in both games
produced two comfortable victories and guaranteed us a spot in the semi-finals. We still had to play Waimea A
to see who would top our pool and earn the right to play the easier opponent, from the other pool, in the
semi-finals. Although we lost the game against Waimea A, it would have easily been our best performance
over the weekend. We showed incredible courage and determination to fight back from a 17-21 deficit in the
second set. Unfortunately we could not find the killer blow and eventually lost the set 32-30.
Sunday was semi-finals day. We had to take on the number one seeds in the tournament, Nelson Boys’
College, a team that had not dropped a set all weekend. Although we prepared well, Nelson was too strong
for us in most facets of the game and beat us in straight sets . I was impressed with the way our team stuck
at it until the final whistle. As a unit we learnt a lot from the experience.
Our final placing of 3rd in the South Island is a result the school can be incredibly proud of. To only be
beaten by two teams, both of whom were finalist, over the entire weekend showed the potential this team
has leading up to the Canterbury Championships. I would like to thank the players for their effort over the
weekend, you represented Shirley Boys’ with pride. I would also like to thank the students, parents and
staff that came to support the team.
Matt Stevens
Senior A Volleyball Coach
Both teams played their first games in the inter-school competition at Roto Kohatu on Wednesday 27
February. Given that most of the players are beginners and have had limited practice time, they played
well. The B Team (Year 9s) lost 0-2 to Burnside C. The A Team (mainly Year 10s) won 2-1 against Middleton
D. The boys are going to work on improving their paddling skills and teamwork for future games.
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The CSDC Competition is underway. Next Thursday, a year 9 team is debating compulsory uniform, and the
Senior Team is debating compulsory organ donations the following Thursday. There are still vacancies in
some teams at all levels. Any boys wanting to develop their debating skills should see Mr Cooper in H5.
The 1st XI recently defeated CBHS at CBHS for the first time in approximately 15 years, following the
previous weekend’s victories against St Bede’s and St Andrew’s.
Southland Exchange
On February 18th and 19th the 1st XI and Junior XI cricket teams played Southland Boys High School in their
annual exchange held in Invercargill this year. Southland Boys once again proved to be wonderful hosts and
the weather also played its part being fine both days. Scores:
1st XI Game
Shirley Boys 183 all out [Talor Scott 50, Casey Marsh 37, Rhys Shannon 33] and 122 all out [Talor Scott 35,
Rhys Shannon 31] beat Southland Boys 98 all out [Rueben Spicer 3-2] and 78 all out [Ben Michel 6-25,
Cullen Sheahan 3-18] by 129 runs.
Junior Game
Shirley Boys 54 all out and 107 all out [Taine Jacobs- Lawson 29, Josh Chatterji 26] lost to
Southland Boys 287 all out [Taine Jacobs-Lawson 3 - 52, Ben Loader 3 – 38].
Gillette Cup
The 1st XI also recently defeated Middleton Grange in the 2nd round of the Gillette Cup National Knockout 1
day Competition. They progress through to Round 3 with their likely opponents being Christ’s College
Shirley Boys 103/5 [Logan Knowles 34] beat Middleton Grange 100/10 [Josh Loader 4-11]
Any boys who are new to Rugby at SBHS and any existing players, who have not yet done their
online registration for the 2013 season, please see Mr Fox URGENTLY.
WANTED - 2L Ice-cream containers
The Science department would be pleased to receive any unwanted
2L ice-cream containers. Please drop off at the school office.
Shirley Boys’ High School
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Absence Notification
Road closure
If your son is going to be absent from school,
please ring the Absence Line 375 7057 ext 237
and leave your son’s name, his form class (if
known) and the reason for his absence.
Please be advised that due to road works, there
will be no parking available on Averill Street until
Friday 15 March. Parking will still be available on
Chrystal Street.
Unfortunately there has been a delay getting the
text/email notification system up and running –
we apologise for that. We have now changed
suppliers and this week we are trialling a new
system. Text message notifications should tell
you the first period of your son’s absence on a
given day –
F = Form period
A = Assembly
1 – 5 = Teaching class (Period)
Cyber-safety Policy
The Senior Leadership Team has recently made
an amendment to the Cyber-safety Use
Agreement for SBHS students. The following
clause has been added to Section C:
“I understand that I must not at any time covertly
record any sound, image or video while at school or
on a school-related activity. Any recording must be
carried out with permission of those being
Vertical Form Classes
Just a reminder to new parents that Shirley Boys’
High School runs vertical Form Classes, which
means that each Form Class has students from
every year, Year 9 through to Year 13. The Form
Class is named after the Form Class teacher, who
for timetable purposes has a three letter code,
which usually consists of their personal name
initials, eg ABC = Alan Bruce Cullen (fictitious).
The Form Class adapts that three letter code to
CA= Cullen Alan, and it adds another letter which
signifies the House that the Form Class belongs to
eg a = Aoraki, r = Rutherford. So the Form Class
initials read as CAa, CAr, depending on the House.
The lower case letter is used to stop confusion
developing with the personal code of the staff
Hope this explanation clears up confusion with
the name, and makes it easier for you.
Standards of Student Uniform
All students must wear the full and correct uniform at school, to and from the school and on all school visits.
Application for short-term exemptions, for example, while black shoes are being repaired, should be made in
writing to the Deans Office.
Hair must be neatly presented and extremes of fashion (for example in hair style such as dreadlocks
or unnatural colour) are not permitted. It must be kept off the face and shoulders (when standing
upright) and long hair that touches the shoulders must be tied back with a single tie at the back of
the head. A standard comb must be able to be drawn through the hair.
Students must be clean shaven.
The correct sports and physical education uniforms must be worn.
The school operates a ‘Shoe Bank’ where students with incorrect shoes report into AJD in the morning and
are allocated correct footwear for the day. If a student is wearing incorrect footwear at any point during
the day he will be immediately sent to the Deans office.
Cycle helmets are a compulsory uniform item for all cyclists.
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Jewellery: While a single plain, small ear stud in each ear and a watch is allowed, no other jewellery is
permitted. This includes earrings, neck chains, bracelets and eye, tongue or nose studs.
Belts worn must be plain blue or black with non-descript, standard buckles.
School Jackets – If a jacket is worn to school it must be a regulation school jacket – these are available for
purchase from the Student Office ($100.00).
School Scarves – Are available from the Student Office ($31.00).
School Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8.00am – 4.30pm
Student Office Hours:
Monday to Friday 8.00am – 2.00pm
The Student Office is open to students before school, at interval and lunchtime until 1.45pm.
Available from the Student Office:
Older style school jackets – Xsmall, Small and Med ($75.00)
Older style house shirts – Assorted sizes ($15.00)
PTA - 2nd hand uniform shop information
(located in School Assembly Hall)
Open: 1st Thursday of each month 3—4 pm
For those wishing to sell:
 wash uniform and leave in well tied up bag at office
 on sheet of paper price clothing (or I can do)
 Name you would like on cheque,
 address
  number land line not cell
X no shoes, old style PE gear or house shirts
(phasing out old style PE gear and house shirts)
Please note:
 20% commission held for PTA
 clothing held for 2 years
 if not sold you can pickup
 if not picked up regarded as donation.
Cash or cheque only
Enquiries: 
381-0218 Lilian
Financial Hardship – please contact Damian Watson, Deputy Principal on 375 7057 ext 273 or email
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Health and Well-being
If your son presents to Sick Bay, we will endeavour to treat the problem and return him to the Classroom,
either immediately or in due course following treatment. Sending a boy home is only done after due care
and consideration and if there is no other alternative. Should he need hospital treatment, we will evaluate
the situation as to whether he can be taken by a caregiver, or in the more urgent cases, we will arrange for
an ambulance. A staff member would always accompany your son to hospital and would stay with him until
family arrive.
We do not routinely dispense general medication such as “Panadol” for the treatment of headaches. Rest
and rehydration are our main courses of action. Some over-the-counter medicines may be dispensed but
only after seeking your approval.
Agreement for Administration of Prescribed Emergency (or Non-emergency) Medication by School Staff
You need to fill in the form “Agreement for the Administration of Prescribed Emergency (or NonEmergency) Medication by School Staff” (available from the Sick Bay) if:
your son suffers on a regular basis from certain complaints and you have medicine that will
alleviate those symptoms; or
he suffers from an allergy or condition that requires emergency medication; or
he needs regular prescribed medication.
This Agreement is to be signed off by you, your medical practitioner and the School. All medicines
relevant to these Agreements are then secured under lock and key until such time as your son requires it.
The most common complaints relate to headaches and sore stomachs, but many boys need to learn how to
prevent such complaints arising. Often they are overdressed such as wearing a full winter uniform in the
height of summer and have become dehydrated due to the heat. Dressing appropriately for the weather
conditions and ensuring that they are constantly drinking water through the day (either from their own
water bottle or from one of the many water fountains around the school) will alleviate most of the
problems. Sore stomachs are often a result of no breakfast or inappropriate mixtures of foods as substitute
breakfasts. The school canteen has a good range of appropriate foods available for breakfast and lunches. If
it is not possible for the boys to source these meals at home then please use the canteen rather than stock
up on fast food and energy drinks on the way to school.
No boy claiming to be ill should leave school to go home during the day unless they have been processed
through the Sick Bay. That means that I or someone else from the School staff will have contacted you or
another nominated family member to advise you of your son’s condition and to check if you are able to pick
him up from school. After discussion with you a decision will be made on the course of action to be taken.
No boy should be making these arrangements themselves. Any boy who leaves the school without going
through the correct procedure will have their Attendance Record marked “Unexplained Absence” or
“Truant” to reflect that decision.
If any medical or social problems arise throughout the year, it is best this information be given to the
School. There is a wide support network here, including House Leaders, Counsellors, Deans, Teachers and
Sick Bay staff who can be of great assistance to your son, but we need to be aware of issues that may arise
outside of school, but have impact within the school. Confidentiality is assured, but secrecy of issues may
lead to more problems.
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We would also appreciate it, if you could ensure your contact numbers are kept up-to-date, thus avoiding
delays should we need to contact you. It can be very frustrating trying to contact caregivers in an
emergency when we have incorrect cell phone, work or home numbers.
Thank you for your co-operation in these matters. Like a hospital, we are always trying to reduce the
number of patients we see, but if your son does present to Sick Bay, you can be assured that we will do our
best to ensure his well-being and recovery. If you have any questions, please call me.
John Fox
Phone: 375 7057 ext 256
Public Health Nurses
In conjunction with Balance Physiotherapy Shirley
Boys’ High provides a physiotherapy service on
Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Sick Bay.
Appointments can be made at the Shirley Boys’
High School sick bay.
All students and staff members are able to access
physiotherapy directly by making an appointment at
the office. Physiotherapy provided at school means less
academic time lost and no travel costs or time. You can
get early treatment of your injuries and have less time
out of the sport or activities you are involved with.
Rochelle Wardle from Balance Physiotherapy is
experienced in sports physiotherapy and injury
management in the adolescent age group. We can also
consult with coaches and PE staff to help you get the
correct level of activity as you recover. There is no need
to be referred by a doctor but if the physiotherapist
feels a GP or specialist needs to be consulted or x rays
taken, she can organise this at assessment. Get treated
early for a good recovery!
ACC still subsidise accident related physiotherapy
treatment and we can initiate your ACC claim for you.
The co-payments are $20.00 for the first injury
assessment and $15.00 for any follow-up visits. We
also treat non-ACC cases. Muscle Balance Assessments
are also available.
For more information or to make an appointment
contact John Fox in the Shirley Boys’ High sick bay, or
Balance Physiotherapy: phone 021 742 723, email
info@balancephysio.co.nz, check out our website
www.balancephysio.co.nz or find us on facebook.
Shirley Boys’ High School
Public Health Nurses (PHN) are Registered Nurses
employed by the Canterbury District Health Board to
provide a free service to children and their families
aged 5-18 years. All schools in Canterbury have a PHN
assigned to their school to assist with health concerns.
Public Health Nurses specialise in child and family
health, they are able to meet with you at home, school
or work to provide health support, assessment, advice
and co-ordinate family health or support services if
required. Public Health nurses often act as a link
between home, school and the health sector when a
child/young person has health needs.
If you are worried about your child’s health you can
make a referral or it can be made (with your
permission) by school staff. Common referrals to the
PHN service include diabetes, developmental concerns,
allergies and anaphylaxis, asthma, behavioural
concerns, nutrition, hygiene, mental health issues, care
and protection concerns.
Public Health Nurses may refer you on
to a variety of social services agencies
once assessments have been
made; in agreement with the
family. They are able to provide
health resources and health
Your PHN can be contacted either
through your school or the Public
Health Nursing Services on 383 6877
ext 99621/99623 or via email
holly.gibbs@cdhb.health.nz or
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Careers and Gateway
It is March already. We are planning a range of activities for the school. Visits from tertiary providers include
Otago University on Friday April 12, and a general presentation from CPIT on a date which is under
negotiation. We also hope to take part in CPIT ‘Have a Go Day‘ in June and the Year 10 Challenge in August ,
especially as we won it last year. Other offers to take note of at CPIT:
OPEN DAYS Thursday 20 June and Thursday 12 September - these are for any interested person.
Sports Science - 3 Day Holiday programme which could be open to years 12 and 13. Dates to be
March 12 at 4.00pm - Any senior student who would like to take part in a focus group advising CPIT
on brochures and publications should contact jenn.mckubre@cpit.co.nz
The University of Canterbury has developed UC Explorer for top year 13 students from around New Zealand,
May 23-25. Applications are invited from boys who have achieved a minimum of Merit Endorsement or
above in year 12. Information on the programme and an application is at www.ucexplorer.co.nz parent
permission and an endorsement form the school are required. The programme includes hands on learning,
meeting academic staff, live in halls and some social events. There is no cost to participants.
These boys have begun, or are about to begin their workplace experience:
Nico West and Tyson Barr in automotive;
Justice Pool and Callum Spence in building;
Cameron Allan in engineering;
Matt Martin and Jamahl Andrews in hospitality;
Bradley Cooke in baking;
Lewis Hall and Kyle Treacy in horticulture;
James Nichols and Tu’uta Simaile in retailing; and
Scott Morgan in electrical.
As well as spending time in the work environment the boys will complete industry assessed and related Unit
Standards. These form part of their NCEA, usually at levels 2 and 3 and can also be credited to specific
industry qualifications. Identifying places in building has not been as straightforward as might be
expected and I would be really grateful to hear from parents or friends of the school who are willing to
consider accepting a boy into a building work place.
Goal setting sessions
Parents and caregivers of boys of all levels who are not yet aware of it may wish to use the careersnz website
with their son when he is following up on the sessions. It provides objective and information on careers and
related topics. The jobs data base is especially useful. Any parent who would like to discuss their sons career
plans is welcome to ring, or make an appointment at a mutually convenient time.
Lorraine Pacey
Careers Adviser and Gateway Coordinator
03 375 7057 x 250
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SBHS Old Boys
SBHS Old Boy Ken McClure continues his development at the highest level with selection in the New Zealand
U19 Cricket side who will host their Australian counterparts in three One Day matches and a Three Day
match at Bert Sutcliffe Oval in Lincoln beginning on 30 March.
The tour will run over 10 days, with the Multi-Day fixture kicking things off before the first of the 50 over
matches begins on 2 April.
Down the Generations
Shirley Boys High School (SBHS) opened in 1957. Ten school generations of students have passed through
the gates since then (if you consider a school generation to be five years - from 3rd Form/ Year 9 through to
7th Form/Year 13).
if you have a brother, nephew, son or grandson who has attended SBHS, please make contact with the
School Archivist, Colin Amodeo cfa@shirley.school.nz or the Deputy Headmaster, Tony Ambrose
aja@shirley.school.nz to let us know. If possible, please let us know the years they attended, plus the names
of any relatives and the approximate dates they attended the school.
Also, SBHS has no direct Old Boy connection to World War II, although several early staff members did serve
in the Armed Forces overseas or here in NZ while the boys of the late 1950s and 1960s would have had
relatives in the military. With a view to compiling a list of Old Boys who have served in any post-war capacity
in areas such as Vietnam, East Timor, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Solomon Islands or elsewhere, if you have any
information, please contact Colin Amodeo cfa@shirley.school.nz
Memorabilia - Wanted for School Archives
I am looking for photographs of Shirley BHS in the 1960s, especially of the School Cadet/Brass Band period.
If any Old Boy parents have photos which could be copied (and returned) please email Colin Amodeo
cfa@shirley.school.nz to arrange a suitable time to meet.
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Senior Management Team:
Associate Headmaster
Deputy Principals
Mr John Laurenson
Mr Neil Haywood
Mr Tony Ambrose
Miss Sue Nesbit
Mr Damian Watson
Heads of House and House Deans:
These are the people you should contact in the first instance if you have a concern
regarding your son’s welfare. They are in regular contact with classroom teachers.
Head of House
Mr Richard McLaren
Mr Craig Croft
Mr Phil Dixon
Mr Tony Ambrose
Mr Rob Wilson-Pyne
Office/Administration Support:
Executive Officer
Headmaster’s PA
Dean’s Secretary
Attendance Officer
Student Office
Student Accounts
First Aid Officer
International Students
Dean of House
Mr Andrew Firmedow
Mr Garth Jones
Mrs Jessica Dalton
Ms Gail Collier
Mr Derek Hay
Ms Anthea McCully
Mrs Loren Treacy
Mrs Kirsten Dell-Hartgers
Mrs Jan Dixon
Mrs Alison Ellis
Mrs Janice Carragher
Mrs Claire Hollobon
Mr John Fox
Ms Gay West
Mrs Heather Ronald
These people also work closely with classroom teachers. If you or your son are
experiencing personal difficulties, please don’t hesitate to contact them.
Head of Department
Guidance and Careers
Guidance and Transition
Careers and Gateway
Spartans Sports Support:
Spartans Sport Manager
Spartans Sport Assistant
Shirley Boys’ High School
Mr Miles Ellery
Mr Rod Hayes
Mr Russell Stocks
Mrs Lorraine Pacey
Mr Kelvin Tibble
Mrs Stephanie McMillan
Newsletter #2 March 2013
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Community Notices
Shirley Rugby League
Registration Days:
Sunday 3 March, 12.00-2.00pm; and
Tuesday 5 March, 7.00pm
For more information, contact:
Rochelle Lynch 389 4303 or 021 1335437
An Offer from BNT V8 SuperTourers & Mike Pero
A FREE Family Pass for all students and teachers
at Shirley Boys' High School.
We are taking Motorsport to the next generation.
BNT V8 SuperTourers and Mike Pero Real Estate have combined to deliver Canterbury families
FREE entry to Powerbuilt Tools Raceway on Saturday March 9th where they can meet V8 legend
Greg Murphy plus Supercar sensation Shane Van Gisbergen and Scott Mclauglin, Angus Fogg,
John McIntyre, Daniel Gaunt, Andy Booth, Craig Baird and 12 other champion drivers while
checking out the country's fastest V8 touring cars in action
All primary, intermediate and high school children and their parents qualify for a FREE four
person family pass. We are hoping you can communicate this message to all your staff and
All your staff and students have to do is click on the link below, subscribe to our newsletter, enter
the school they are involved with and they are on their way to the track!
To get your FREE tickets
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