SAINT NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE PARISH 150-75 Goethals Ave. Jamaica, NY 11432 (718) 969-3226 - Office (718) 380-0345 - Fax ALL ARE WELCOME! WEEKEND SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday Eve: Sunday Masses: 5:00 P.M. 7:30 A.M. 9:15 A.M. (ESPAÑOL) 10:45 A.M. 12:15 P.M. 5:00 P.M. Daily Mass - Monday to Saturday 7:45 am and 12:05 pm BAPTISMS Parents must first make an appointment in the rectory 2 months before the date and present the original birth certificate. English: Usually the 2nd Saturday and 4th Sunday of each month at a 2:00 pm ceremony and at Sunday Mass by arrangement. Instruction class is on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm Spanish: Usually the 3rd Sunday of each month at a 2:00 pm ceremony. Instruction class is on the Friday before at 7:00 pm. RECONCILIATION (CONFESSIONS) Monday through Saturday: 11:45 am- 12:00 Noon - Chapel Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45 pm - Church. And by appointment. MARRIAGE According to Diocesan regulations, arrangements must be made at least six months in advance in the rectory. CARE OF THE SICK Communion is regularly brought to the sick by the Priests and Ministers of Communion. Please let us know if someone is confined at home because of illness or age. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday: 8:30 am - 12 Noon & 1:00 - 9:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm ST. NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE CATHOLIC ACADEMY (Pre-K to 8) 80-22 Parsons Blvd. Phone: 718-380-1900 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CENTER 150-85 Goethals Ave. Phone: 718-591-6536 OUTDOOR FLEA MARKET Phone: 718-591-1815 Email: EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Most Sundays from 1:30-4:45 pm and First Fridays. DECEMBER 13, 2015 THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT SAINT NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE PARISH Masses for the Week Saturday, December 12 5:00p Frances & Diego Stabile Sunday, December 13 (Third Sunday of Advent) 7:30 Purgatorial Society 9:15 People of the Parish Ismael Hernandez & Hermanos Rosa Maria Avilez Danilo Garcia Gabrielina Pantano & Lucrecia Pineros Gary Granda All the Souls in Purgatory Saint Jude 10:45 Cielise Lindo Virgilio Zamora, Jr. Sophie Matusewicz Augusto Nolasco Raul Macapagal (L) Maureen Teresa Page 12:15 Laura Evelyn 5:00p Alma Consuegra (L) Monday, December 14 7:45 Aurora Z. Aquino 12:05 Esteban Family (L) Tuesday, December 15 7:30 Alma Consuegra (L) 12:05 Eleodora Lavan & Lola Peding Wednesday, December 16 7:45 Remo Enrione 12:05 Familia Filpo-Bautista Thursday, December 17 7:45 Publio Diaz 12:05 Monsita Turull Friday, December 18 7:45 Larina Ponsaran 12:05 Larina Ponsaran Saturday, December 19 7:45 Placida Aquiler 12:05 Daniel & Sonia Montesines (L) Wedding Ann. 5:00p Deceased Members of the Comerford Family Sunday, December 20 (Fourth Sunday of Advent) 7:30 Bruce Scarola & Family 9:15 Aurelia & Angel Muniz Deceased Members of the Muniz & Camacho Families Josefa Muniz Ismael Hernandez 10:45 People of the Parish Living Members of the Lindor & Dejean Families Santiago Ordona, Sr. Andres Quinola, Jr. Alma Consuegra (L) Aurora Lacambra Augusto Nolasco 12:15 Publio Diaz 5:00p Arnaldo Paulino (L) The BEREAVEMENT GROUP will have their meeting tomorrow Monday, December 14, 2015, in the Religious Education Center at 7:30 pm. If you would like to share your feelings over the loss of a loved one we will be here for you, and try to accompany you during the hardest hours of your grief. JAMAICA, NY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13 8:45 am - Religious Education Classes - R/E Center 9:00 am - 4:00 pm - Indoor Flea Market - Tolentine Hall 9:15 am - RICA Rite of Acceptance/Spanish - Church 10:30 am - RCIA - Church/Rectory 10:30 am - Spanish RICA - R/E Center 10:30 am - Sociedad Hispana - Cafeteria 10:45 am - RCIA Rite of Acceptance - Church 12:00 pm - Youth Group - Youth Center 1:00 pm - Sports - Gym 4:00 pm - Advent Evening Prayer/Benediction - Chapel MONDAY, DECEMBER 14 4:00 pm - Reconciliation Monday - Church 4:45 pm - Volleyball - Gym 6:00 pm - Sports - Gym 6:30 pm - ESL - Seton Hall 7:00 pm - Shelter - Austin Hall 7:00 pm - N.A. - Cafeteria 7:30 pm - Bereavement/Duelo - R/E Center TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15 9:30 am - Rosary Makers - Austin Hall 6:00 pm - Sports - Gym 6:00 pm - Self-Help - Seton Hall 7:00 pm - Shelter - Austin Hall 7:00 pm - Simbang Gabi/Novena - Chapel 7:15 pm - A.A. - Cafeteria 7:30 pm - Ultreya - R/E Center 7:30 pm - Young Adult Prayer - Youth Center 7:30 pm - Bible Study - Tolentine Hall WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16 6:00 pm - Sports - Gym 6:30 pm - ESL - Cafeteria/Seton Hall 6:30 pm - Penance Classes - R/E Center 6:45 pm - Confirmation Class - R/E Center 7:00 pm - Shelter - Austin Hall 7:00 pm - Simbang Gabi/Novena - Chapel THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17 6:00 pm - Sports - Gym 6:00 pm - Self Help - Seton Hall 7:00 pm - Shelter - Austin Hall 7:00 pm - Convivio dia del Carino - Cafeteria 7:00 pm - Simbang Gabi/Novena - Chapel 7:30 pm - Light of Christ - Tolentine Hall FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18 6:00 pm - Sports - Gym 7:00 pm - Boy Scouts - Gym 7:00 pm - Cub Scouts - Cafeteria 7:00 pm - Girl Scouts - Seton Hall 7:00 pm - Simbang Gabi/Novena - Chapel 7:00 pm - Spanish Baptism Meeting - R/E Center - Fr. Kenny Hall 7:30 pm - Youth Rec - Youth Center 8:00 pm - Fil/Am - Tolentine Hall SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19 10:00 am - “Happy Birthday Jesus” -Tolentine Hall 10:00 am - Sports - Gym 10:00 am - ESL - Cafeteria/Seton Hall 3:00 pm - Volleyball - Gym 5:00 pm - Simbang Gabi/Novena - Chapel 7:00 pm - Concert/Queens College - Church 7:15 pm - A.A - Cafeteria SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20 8:45 am - Religious Education Classes - R/E Center 9:00 am - 4:00 pm - Indoor Flea Market - Tolentine Hall 10:30 am - RCIA - Church/Rectory 10:30 am - Spanish RICA - R/E Center 10:30 am - Spanish Posada - Cafeteria 12:00 pm - Youth Group - Youth Center 1:00 pm - Marian Movement - R/E Center 1:00 pm - Sports - Gym 2:00 pm - Spanish Baptisms - Church 4:00 pm - Advent Evening Prayer/Benediction - Chapel 3 THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT Parish Stewardship Week Ending: December 6, 2015 Total Regular Collection: $ 9,989.00 Last year same weekend: $10,355.00 Thank you for your generous support. SECOND COLLECTION UPDATE This Weekend - The Second Collection will be for Monthly Maintenance. December 20th - The Second Collection will be for the “Gift to My Church”. PURGATORIAL SOCIETY The following names were enrolled in the Purgatorial Society in the month of November. Generosa Arce Janine Bayard Margarita Diaz Angelina Falso Flynn Mary Patricia Gannon Gary Granda Antonio Jose Oscar Morada Bertha Piper Ireño Trinidad Maria Velardi Virginia Young Next Weekend’s Readings Micah 5:1-4a In a dark generation, the prophet returns to the birthplace of hope: Bethlehem. Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19 Help will arrive in the person who is the right hand of God. Hebrews 10:5-10 The surrendered will of Christ is more effective than any burnt offering. Luke 1:39-45 Two expectant mothers share the joy of trusting in God beyond all reason. Weekend Mass Presiders December 19 & 20, 2015 Saturday 5:00 pm - Fr. John Gribowich Sunday 7:30 am - Fr. John Gribowich 9:15 am - Fr. Peter Mahoney Diacono Lizama Predicación 10:45 am - Fr. Tom D’Albro Deacon Catanello Preaching 12:15 pm - Fr. John Francis 5:00 pm - Fr. John Francis (Subject to Change) “All were questioning in their hearts.” Are you considering a vocation as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life? Contact the Vocation Office at (718) 827-2454 or email: Rosary Makers If you are interested in learning how to make Rosaries, please register by leaving your name and phone number in the Rectory. Meetings are usually held every other Tuesday at 9:30 am in Austin Hall. ST. NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE SHELTER PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS The Sick: Lydia Bautista, Elisa Cabarg, Consorcia Cruz, Annmarie Donegan, Venise Emmanuel, Felicita Febus, Romulo Florendo, Tanaisha Gilchrist, Juan Gutierrez, Melissa Hitchcock, Timmy Holz, Janice Mc Manus, Loida Maquiran, Joan Mulligan, Vicenté Mercado, Daniel O’Neill, Jimmy Pietri, Sam Rodriguez, Luis Rosero, Ottoniel Rueda, Rebecca Russell, Laura Salinas and Estella Strauss. Deceased: Yrma Artega and Vincent Sabbarese. Family Mass is at the 10:45 am Mass Please join us and bring a friend! The Shelter will be closed from January 4th through January 24th, 2016 due to lack of volunteers. We will re-open on Monday, January 25th, 2016. Schedule of Family Masses for 2016 is: Sundays - January 10th, (has been moved from January 3rd), February 7th, March 6th, April 3rd and May 1st. “The family that prays together, stays together.” December 13, 2015 4 From the Pastor’s Desk…. Last Saturday after the 5:00 pm Mass, we enjoyed a family Christmas Play, Simbang Gabi, in the Church. It was a beautiful presentation where most of the ethnic communities of the Parish participated. I am sure many of you were inspired and spiritually strengthened by being there. I congratulate Bing Custodio and her team for this remarkable presentation about the life of Jesus our Savior. Monday, December 14th, there is a special opportunity to go for confession as in all the parishes of the Brooklyn Diocese and the Archdiocese of New York. Priests will be hearing confession from 4:00 - 8:00 pm. I encourage all of you to find some time to receive God’s grace. This Sunday I would like to share with you the reflection Fr. John Gribowich shared with us on the second Sunday of Advent at the evening prayer. A unique aspect of the Gospels that the Church selects during Advent is that Jesus is not actively present or speaking to us. Instead we hear of God working in the lives of other figures such as John the Baptist, Zechariah, Elizabeth, and, of course, Mary and Joseph. Mary has a very unique vocation and particular role in salvation history. She is the means of bringing to the world the Son of God, Jesus Christ. We know that the Church gives great honor to Mary, but how can we relate to the sinless Mother of God and why is a relationship with her important? Simply speaking, Mary had an unwavering gaze upon God and was ever faithful to her spouse, the Holy Spirit. We too as Christians are called to gaze upon the living reality of God that is found in every aspect of our world. Just as a married person makes all major decisions in consultation with his or her spouse, we are called to live our lives in agreement with the desires of the Holy Spirit. In light of this, asking Mary to help us gaze upon the presence of Christ found in the people that we meet and in the situations that we encounter makes perfect sense. She is the model spouse who we are called to imitate in our relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Her confidence in God’s will is shown throughout her life, from her encounter with the angel Gabriel until the crucifixion of her Son on Good Friday. In fact, Mary is so confident of God’s will that she even pushes her Son’s hand in having Him perform His first miracle at the wedding in Cana! Pope Francis by calling for a “Year of Mercy” speaks of the importance of having a relationship with Mary, the Mother of Mercy: “No one has penetrated the profound mystery of the Incarnation like Mary. Her entire life was patterned after the presence of mercy made flesh. The Mother of the Crucified and Risen One has entered the sanctuary of Divine Mercy because she participated intimately in the mystery of His love.” (Misericordiae Vultus, 24) May we ask Our Lady’s intercession this Advent to help us truly know her Son, the fount of all Mercy. God bless you, Fr. John Francis Reprinted with permission from Prepare the Word (©2015), THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT Advent Evening Prayer Please come to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel for a Communal Celebration of Evening Prayer and Benediction, at 4:00 pm, on the two remaining Sundays of Advent: December 13th & 20th. CHRISTMAS NOVENA CARDS Let your loved ones and friends know how much they mean to you with a beautiful Christmas Novena card, they are available in the Rectory Office. 5 YOUTH CHRISTMAS ART CONTEST Students in grades 1-12, living or studying in Brooklyn or Queens are invited to prepare for Christmas this year by participating in the annual contest organized by The Tablet Newspaper and sponsored by the Archbishop John Hughes Knights of Columbus. This year our traditional Keep Christ in Christmas Contest has an additional theme: Greeting Card for Pope Francis. For full details, please visit: or call 718-517-3132. ATTENTION PLEASE For those who would like to bring up the gifts during Mass, we ask that you please do the following: Sit in the pew directly in front of the gift table on the right side of the church; Speak with one of the ushers before Mass starts. Thank you. 2015 STUDY SERIES Untold Blessing: Three Paths to Holiness Rev. Robert E. Barron St. Nick’s is a welcoming community in the Catholic Tradition, enriched by many cultures, rooted in God’s Word and the Eucharist, offering loving service. The Community Musicians Collective presents: RECTORY Rev. John Francis Rev. Thomas G. D’Albro Rev. John Gribowich Rev. Peter A. Mahoney Msgr. Stephen Adu-Kwaning Deacon Joseph Catanello Deacon José Lizama Pastor Parochial Vicar Parochial Vicar Weekend Assistant In Residence Permanent Deacon Permanent Deacon STAFF Mrs. Elena Turull Mrs. Katherine Ferrara Mr. Steven Acosta Mr. José L. Villanueva Sr. Karen Cavanagh, C.S.J. Ms. Christina Rosado Mrs. Rose Ruesing Administrative Assistant Receptionist Maintenance Manager Music Director Family Minister Youth Minister Youth Minister ST. NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Mr. Robert Lowenberg Principal Mrs. Ethel Cofresi Administrative Assistant Mrs. Lorraine White Secretary Mrs. Sonya Vidal Tuition Manager RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CENTER Mrs. Monica Gonzalez Mrs. Joyce O’Brien Tuesdays, December 15th & 22nd 7:30 - 9:30 pm in Tolentine Hall Coordinator Secretary Music for food - Music to the Ears, Food to the Table A benefit concert involving a variety of classical music performed by students of the Aaron Copland School of Music at Queens College. December 19th at 7:00 pm in the Church Donations of all sizes are welcome, recommended ticket price: $10.00. All proceeds will go to the St. Nicholas of Tolentine food pantry. Donations are tax deductible. Annual Catholic Appeal Update (As of November 23, 2015) Parish Goal: $78,624.00 Total Pledged: $77,964.00 Received: $69,684.17 # of Donors: 344 Please take some time to reflect on what sacrifice you can make this year for the Appeal. Thank you for your generosity! December 13, 2015 We’re having a birthday party! It’s a Happy Birthday Jesus Party 6 ST. NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE 2015 When: Saturday, December 19, 2015 From: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm We’ll meet in Tolentine Hall There will be treats, games, crafts, birthday cake and a special guest. The party will be a fun way for children to experience Jesus’ birth. Tickets are available at the Religious Education Center - Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday from 2:00-6:30 pm and St. Nicholas of Tolentine School during school hours. For Children in Grades K thru 3rd. Price: $7.00/child - advance purchase $8.00/child - at the door. CHRISTMAS CONFESSIONS Monday, December 14th (4:00-8:00 PM) Saturday, December 19th (3:30-4:30 PM) Monday - Wednesday, December 21st 23rd (11:45 AM to12:00 noon) THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24 CHRISTMAS EVE MASSES 5:00 PM 7:30 PM 12 Midnight Join us for caroling half hour before each Mass FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25 CHRISTMAS DAY MASS 9:30 AM 11:30 AM ACTIVE RETIREES CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON Tuesday, 12/22 at 11:30 A.M. In Tolentine Hall All are welcome to attend! REMINDER: Walking Tour of St. Patrick’s Cathedral on December 15, 2015 at 10:00 am. For more information, please call: Alice - (718) 380-0378 or Rosemary - (718) 846-0321. NEW YEAR’S MASSES THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31 NEW YEAR’S EVE 7:30 PM FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 2016 NEW YEAR’S DAY 9:30 AM 11:30 AM Please note: There is no 5:00 PM Mass on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day TERCER DOMINGO DE ADVIENTO 13 de diciembre , 2015 BAUTISMOS - 2015 En Español El tercer Domingo de cada més a las 2:00 p.m. Los padres y padrinos deben de asistir a una clase de preparación el Viernes anterior a las 7:00 PM. En Inglés el segundo Sabado y cuarto Domingo de cada més a las 2:00 p.m. Los padres y padrinos deben de asistir a la clase de preparación el primer Martes a las 7:30 PM. El grupo de DUELO/CONSOLACION Se reunirá mañana Lunes a las 7:30 pm. en el Centro de Educación Religiosa para ofrecer consuelo, orientación y apoyo a las personas que estén pasando por momentos difíciles debido a la pérdida de un ser querido o por alguna otra situación. Vengan, éllos desean ayudarles. MATRIMONIO De acuerdo a las regulaciones Diocesanas, la pareja necesita una preparación con seis meses de anticipación. Por favor llamen a la rectoria para fijar una cita con uno de los Sacerdotes. LA NOVENA DE NAVIDAD Con una de éstas bellas tarjetas le expresas a tus seres queridos lo mucho que les amas! Las mismas están disponibles en la Rectoría! LA SAGRADA COMUNION Los Sacerdotes o Ministros de la Comunión Sagrada llevan la Comunión a las personas que se encuentran enfermas en su hogar. Por favor avísenos si sabe de alguien en necesidad de éste servicio. En caso de emergencia puede llamar a la rectoria a cualquier hora. EL LIBRO DE MISAS de ENERO A DICIEMBRE DEL 2016 yá está abierto. La donación por cada Misa anunciada es de $15.00 y $25.00 por el Vino y el Pan. Acérquese a la Rectoría si desea separar alguna fecha. Los padres deben de hacer una cita con uno de los Sacerdotes y presentar el certificado de nacimiento del niño. Los padrinos deben ser católicos practicantes. RECONCILIACION/LA CONFESION Lunes a Sabado de 11:45 a 12:00 del mediodía en la Capilla. Sabados de 4:00 a 4:45 P.M. en la Iglesia. O por cita previa. HORARIO DE LA OFICINA PARROQUIAL Lunes a Viernes: 8:30 A.M. a 12:00 Mediodia. y 1:00 P.M. a 9:00 P.M. Sabado: 9:00 A.M. a 7:00 P.M. Domingo: 9:00 A.M a 2:00 P.M. Por favor tengan en cuenta que a veces el Sacerdote se encuentra en la Iglesia, en alguna reunión, etc. Si desea o necesita hablar con uno de éllos es conveniente que llame con anterioridad para fijar una cita. ESCUELA DE SAN NICOLAS DE TOLENTINO 80-22 Parsons Boulevard - Jamaica, Nueva York 11432 (718) 380-1900 - Fax (718) 591-6977 Clases desde el Pre-Kinder hasta el octavo grado. Programas antes y después de la escuela. CENTRO DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA 150-85 Avenida Goethals - Jamaica, Nueva York 11432 (718) 591-6536. Clases desde el Kinder hasta la escuela superior, los Domingos de 8:45 a 10:30 am. Preparación para los niños y sus padres para los Sacramentos del Bautismo, Confesión, Eucaristía y Confirmación. LAS POSADAS La novena en preparación para la venida de nuestro Salvador se rezará en los hogares de nuestra comunidad a partir del 15 de Diciembre a las 7:30 pm. Si desea celebrar una en su hogar se puede comunicar con Rosana al (347) 825-4147. EL LLAMADO ANUAL CATOLICO 2015 Con el tema Compartiendo la Alegría del Evangelio.Gracias a la generosidad de 329 familias en nuestra parroquia, yá logramos la meta de recaudar $75,301.00! Estamos muy agradecidos! Les recordamos que nuestra parroquia recibirá todo el dinero adicional que sea recaudado! Si usted desea hacer su promesa o donación, por favor tome uno de los sobres que están disponibles en la Iglesia o en la Rectoria. EL MERCADO DE LAS PULGAS Está operando hoy en el Salón Tolentino hasta las 4:00 de la tarde justamente a tiempo para aprovechar las ofertas para ésta Navidad! Allí tambien sirven desayunos y almuerzos a precios muy medicos! Nuestra REUNION GENERAL DE LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA Tendrá lugar HOY después de nuestra Misa. Los miembros de la Directiva nos esperan en la Cafetería Escolar con café, torta y los inmensos deseos de escuchar sus opiniones, ideas y preocupaciones! LA SEGUNDA COLECTA DE HOY Está destinada para El Mantenimiento Mensual de nuestra Parroquia. La del próximo Domingo será Mi Regalo de Navidad para mi Parroquia! HORARIO NAVIDEÑO 2015 CONFESIONES + Lunes 14 de Diciembre: 4:00 a 8:00 P.M. Encuentros Con Jesús 2015 Estudios De Formación San Nicolás de Tolentino Desconocida Bendicion Los Tres Caminos a la Santidad - Rev. Robert E. Barron Los Martes, 1 de diciembre de 8 , 15 , 22 de 7:30-9:30 en el Centro de Educación Religiosa / Fr . Kenny Hall. LA MISA ES OFRECIDA POR: Comunidad Parroquial, Gary Granda Todas las Almas del Purgatorio, Ismael Hernandez y Hermanos, Rosa Mª Avilez, Danilo Garcia, Gabrielina Pantano y Lucrecia Piñeros Recuerden que hoy tendremos un Servicio de Oración y Bendición en la Capilla a las 4:00 de la tarde, les esperamos! Sabado 19 de Diciembre: 3:30 a 4:30 P.M. Lunes a Miercoles 21 a 23 de Diciembre: 11:45 A.M. a 12:00 del Mediodia. MISAS + Jueves 24 de Diciembre: Nochebuena: 5:00 P.M., 7:30 P.M. y 12:00 Medianoche Viernes 25 de Diciembre: La Natividad del Señor: 9:30 A.M. Y 11:30 A.M. *No habrá Misa de 5:00 de la tarde en éste dia
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