weekday masses weekend masses confession
weekday masses weekend masses confession
PASTORAL STAFF EST. 1926 EST. 1906 REV. RICK BEUTHER PASTOR REV. JOHN GILDEA PAROCHIAL VICAR REV. ADRIANO RESTREPO PAROCHIAL VICAR REV. MR. DANIEL MAGANA PARISH DEACON MSGR. EDWARD WETTERER IN RESIDENCE REV. JOHN REPLOGLE, SJ WEEKEND ASSISTANT SR. LUCY, PCM FAITH FORMATION COORDINATOR MS. LORAMARIE MURATORE YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT DIRECTOR MRS. JEANNETTE CHARLES PRINCIPAL MS. EVELYN SANCHEZ ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT SUNDAY READINGS #1093 WEEKDAY MASSES MONDAY ‐ FRIDAY: CHAPEL 9:00AM ENGLISH MR. RAUL ORTIZ ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT MARTES Y JUEVES: CHAPEL 7:30PM ESPAÑOL ______________________ RECTORY OFFICE 43‐22 ITHACA STREET ELMURST, NY 11373 718.424.5400 718.899.5257FAX stbarts11373@gmail.com www.stbartselmhurst.org MONDAY—FRIDAY 9:00AM ‐ 12:30PM 12:30PM— 1:30PM CLOSED 1:30PM ‐ 9:00PM SATURDAY—SUNDAY BY APPOINTMENT ONLY FAITH FORMATION CENTER 87‐34 WHITNEY AVENUE ELMURST, NY 11373 718.424.5400 EXT 5 stbartfaithformation@yahoo.com ST. BART’S ACADEMY 43RD AVE (RED DOORS) ELMURST, NY 11373 718.446.7575 stbartsprincipal@yahoo.com WEEKEND MASSES SATURDAY: CHURCH ‐ WHITNEY AV 9:00A.M. ENGLISH 5:00P.M. ENGLISH 7:30P.M. ESPAÑOL SUNDAY: CHURCH ‐ WHITNEY AV 8:30A.M.ENGLISH 10:00A.M. ENGLISH 11:30A.M. ESPAÑOL 1:00P.M. ESPAÑOL 5:00P.M. ENGLISH SUNDAY: CHAPEL ‐ ITHACA ST 8:00A.M.ESPAÑOL 11:30A.M. ENGLISH SPECIAL: CHAPEL ‐ ITHACA ST 3RD SUNDAY 5:00P.M.TAGALOG 4TH SUNDAY 3:00P.M.INDONESIAN CONFESSION SATURDAY: CHURCH ‐ WHITNEY AV 4:00P.M.— 4:45P.M. 6:45P.M.— 7:15P.M. SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you! — Psalm 67:6 SEXTO DOMINGO DE PASCUA Oh Dios, que te alaben los pueblos, que todos los pueblos te alaben. — Salmo 67:6 SUNDAY, MAY 1, 2016 8:00 AM Marcelina & Bartolome Pinzon ESPAÑOL 8:30 AM (CHURCH) ENGLISH 10:00 AM ENGLISH 11:30 AM ENGLISH 11:30 AM Vincente Co & Wilfredo De Los Santos 9:00 AM Francesca Caldreon Tuesday, May 3 Ardis Lujan & Doris Sifuentes 9:00 AM Corazon V. Pablo Disney & Hernando Duque Carlos Bonilla ESPAÑOL 5:00 PM Acts 16:11‐15; Ps 149:1b‐6a, 9b; Jn 15:26 — 16:4a Living & Deceased of the Rosary Society (IGLESIA) ESPAÑOL 1:00 PM Monday, May 2 Luis & Maria Tapia ENGLISH 1 Cor 15:1‐8; Ps 19:2‐5; Jn 14:6‐14 7:30 PM Emira Ayala Wednesday, May 4 Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Ps 148:1‐2, 11‐14; Jn 16:12‐15 9:00 AM Sultane Damis 7:30 PM For the People ASCENSION THURSDAY, May 5 Acts 1:1‐11; Ps 47:2‐3, 6‐9; Eph 1:17‐23 9:00 AM Corazon Galang 7:30 PM Javier Antonio Carbajal Maso Would you like to become an official member of the St. Bart’s family? Fill out the form below and drop it in the collection basket or visit us online at www.stbartselmhurst.org ¿le gustaría ser un miembro oficial de la familia de St. Bartolome? Llene el siguiente formulario y colóquelo en la canasta de la colecta o visítenos en www.stbartselmhurst.org __________________________________________________ NAME __________________________________________________ ADDRESS _________________________________ NY _____________ CITY ZIP‐CODE __________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER __________________________________________________ EMAIL Friday, May 6 Acts 18:9‐18; Ps 47:2‐7; Jn 16:20‐23 9:00 AM Nary Gaqliandi Saturday, May 7 Acts 18:23‐28; Ps 47:2‐3, 8‐10; Jn 16:23b‐28 9:00 AM Gloria L. Ochoa 5PM ♥For all Mothers Living & Deceased ♥ 7:30PM ♥Por las Madres Vivas y Difuntas ♥ 1ST COLLECTION : $14,624 HOME MISSIONS : $2,830 Dear Parishioners, We had a large turnout this past Monday for the Bible class with Fr Replogle! All are welcome to attend – you don’t need to show up every Monday—come when you want! It’s encouraging to see so many people show up with their Bibles and open to learn and pray! Sometime in Mid May we will have the proposals for the renovation of the exterior of the church and tower. We hope to begin this necessary work this Summer. Remember…we are able to do this important work thanks to your generosity in the Generations of Faith Campaign. Please be faithful to your pledges! Fr. Rick Estimados Feligreses, ¡Tuvimos una gran participación el pasado lunes en la clase de Biblia con el P. REPLOGLE! ¡Todos son bienvenidos a asistir, no es necesario participar todos los lunes, vengan cuando quieran! ¡Es alentador ver a tantas personas que se presentan con sus Biblias y abiertas a aprender y rezar! En algún momento, a mediados de mayo, vamos a tener las propuestas para la renovación de las fachadas de la iglesia y la torre. Esperamos comenzar este trabajo necesario este verano. Recuerden... somos capaces de hacer este trabajo importante gracias a su generosidad en la Campaña Generaciones de Fe. ¡Por favor, sean fieles a sus promesas! P. Rick GREAT NEWS: Fr John Replogle, Sj who assists us with mass each Sunday has offered to begin Bible Study classes in English! Initially, we will offer the classes for a 6 week periods and evaluate. Fr. Replogle will be focusing on the upcoming Sunday gospels for study and prayer. The first class will begin THIS Monday, April 25th at 11:30 a.m. in Heafey Hall. Bring your bibles…if you do not have one we will provide it for you. We are grateful to Fr Replogle for his generosity and time. ÚNETE LUNES—VIERNES A LAS 3PM BILINGÜE PARA LA ORACIÓN DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA JOIN US MONDAY—FRIDAY AT 3PM BILINGUAL FOR DIVINE MERCY PRAYERS The True Believers took a vacation from faith, fellowship and fun, but will be meeting again next week at regular times! The summer calendar will come out in the next few weeks, so look out for more information! As a reminder, all youth are welcome to be True Believers. High School (grades 9‐12) meet on Thursdays, and Middle School (grades 6‐8) meet on Fridays; all take place from 6pm‐8pm in the gymnasium. Line Dancing is BACK!!!! EVERY SUNDAY AT 6PM IN THE SCHOOL GYM (Judge St) ROSARY SOCIETY SOCIAL MINISTRY MINISTERIO SOCIAL Monday’s at 8pm SUNDAY, MAY 1, 10AM ROSARY SOCIETY MASS MASS IN HONOR OF THE LIVING AND DECEASED MEMBERS CONTACT SANDY THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2PM MONTHLY MEETING WEDNESDAY’S AFTER THE IN HEAFEY HALL, LIGHT REFRESHMENT & RAFFLE. GIFT DONATION FOR THE RAFFLE HIGHLY APPRECIATED. 9AM MASS IN HEAFEY HALL MIERCOLES DESPUES DE LA MISA DE 9AM EN EL HEAFEY HALL FOR MORE INFO 917-586-7632 JOIN US! MOTHER’S DAY DÍA DE LAs MADRES Masses will be offered for all mothers living or deceased—on the weekend of May 7/8. Envelopes are available at the entrance of the churches. Fill them out and drop them in the collection basket during mass. The envelopes will be placed on the church altars during the month of May. Las Misas se ofrecerán para todas las madres, vivas o muertas, en el fin de semana del 7 y 8 de mayo. Los sobres están disponibles en la entrada de las iglesias. Llénelo y colóquelo en la canasta de la colecta durante la Misa. Los sobres serán colocados en los altares de las iglesias durante el mes de mayo. What's New At St. Bartholomew Catholic Academy CURRENTLY REGISTERING K‐8 FOR FALL 2016 ‐ SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE 718‐446‐7575 THE 3RD GRADE PARTICIPATED IN A SPIRITUAL RETREAT AT OUR LADY OF THE ISLAND IN PREPARATION OF THEIR FIRST HOLY COMMUNION THIS MAY. IN MEMORY OF Samuel Lomuntad Sr. Jacqueline Dubois Ghislaine Simeus Justin Pierre Marthelly Fontin Sultane Damis Arturo Calangi Charles Arthur Abene Arsenio L. Castro Jr. Eufrocina A. Andres Dominick Stefanic Josephine Stefanic Edward Stefanic Patrick F. Maloney Amador De Grano John T. Melloy Mr. Gabriel M. Jacinto Sr. Deceased members of the Sepulveda -Dalupan Families IN MEMORY OF Deceased Members of the Co & Dioquino Familes Marina & Ramon Ocampo Raymond Gillen Michael & Katherine McNamara Roman & Baby Sandra Luis Dagdague Obdulia Quizoz Miriam Pichardo Noreen Abreu Marietta Ragaza Martinez Jerry & Kathleen Wolk Deceased Members of the Lachica Family Deceased Members of the Vismonte Family Peregrino P. Echave Felipe Joaquin Altagracia Munoz Pilar Castro Bienvinido & Maria Ocfemia Reynold & Alice Ocfemia Charles Arthur Abene Mary & Marciano Ragaza Sylvia M. Gutierrez Alexandra & Miguel Gutierrez Phyllis K. Curtis Jose, Anna Melissa & Kathleen Santos Julita & Ruperto Pablo L & D Members of St. Bart's English Choir Melinda Agner Joseph & Charles Neufeld Rev. Raymond J. Neufeld Margaret & Gerard Neufeld Ana & Manuel Martinez IN MEMORY OF Jeoffre A. Espiritu Edwin Q. Baltazar Josefina & Agapito Q. Asarias Sr. Priscilla & Alana Joy Q. Asarias Willie & Carmen Domingo Florencia E. Fernandez Petronila P. Echave Crispulo & Patricia Pranada Jose & Dionicia Hulipas Emil & Maria Belasco Michael Fiorillo Cleotildae Dalupan-Yabut & Teodora Justiniano Santiago Wilfred Penny Jacinta Penny Rita Penny Pedro B. Navida Butka Babies Benjamin & Maxima Lopez Bernadette Williams Florife Unas-Chin Avelino G. Banas Elizabeth Duran Aline Becnel Ferniz Ester & Gregorio Isana Michael Kandathil Anna Lucrecia Fajardo Abelardo & Rosa Fajardo Deceased Members of the R. Pasamba Family Mamerto R. Espiritu Cresencia A. Espiritu Lapaz A. Espiritu Luis Villavicencio Iluminada V. Santos IN THANKSGIVING Vivi Indriana Carlucci Elaine A. Marucci Daisy O. Castro Larry Marion Mazzoni The Chang Family Toyita & Pedro Rachel & Donald Nidoy Victoria Santos Vivi Indriana Carlucci Tecla Kern R. Pasamba & Family 110 Precint Coummunity Council “All My Blessings from God Norma A Piecyk” Rory Ragaza Vismonte and Lachica Family For Blessings Received De Dios & O'Reilly Families Mary Savino Henry & Judith Soliveres Linda E Greco Henry & Judith Soliveres Linda E Greco Isabela Alviar Andrew Alviar The Sam Family St. Bartholomew Blessings Our Lady of Mary Mediatrix Teresa & Emmanuel Pinga For Blessings Received Mr & Mrs Melchor E Quilatan Dave Carpena Family NEW ENGLISH HYMNALS We have purchased about 600 new hardcover hymnals in English for the church and chapel. In order to assist with the cost of these new hymnals we are requesting a $20 donation. You will have the opportunity to donate a hymnal and we will place a sticker of the inside cover. You can donate more than one hymnal. Please choose one of the samples below and return in the Sunday collection with $20. IN MEMORY OF OR IN THANKSGIVING ______________________________________________________________________ Your Name ______________________________________________________________________ Your Phone _______________________________________________________________________ Your Address CORONACIÓN DE LA SANTÍSIMA VIRGEN THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2016 1PM CHAPEL The way to a mother's heart is through her stomach, right? Our annual Mother's Day Bake Sale will be Sunday, May 8th after all Masses. Be sure to stop by, support the group going World Youth Day this summer and pick something up sweet for the moms, aunts, grandmothers and godmother's in your life! El camino al corazón de una madre es a través de su estómago, ¿verdad? Nuestra Venta Anual de Pasteles en honor al Día de las Madres será el domingo 8 de mayo, después de todas las Misas. ¡Asegúrese de acercarse, apoyar al grupo que va a Polonia a la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud este verano y llevar algo dulce para las madres, tías, abuelas y madrinas de su familia! ASCENSION THURSDAY Scripture reminds us that “40 days after the resurrection Jesus ascended into heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father.” The feast of the Ascension is a holy day of obligation (like a Sunday). Please take note of the special mass schedule: Wed, May 4 at 7:30 p.m. in English; Thurs, May 5 at 9 a.m. in English and 7:30 p.m. in Spanish. JUEVES DE LA ASCENSIÓN La Escritura nos recuerda que "40 días después de la resurrección Jesús ascendió al cielo, donde está sentado a la diestra del Padre." La fiesta de la Ascensión es un día de precepto (como un domingo). Por favor, tome nota del horario especial de Misas: Miércoles 4 de mayo a las 7:30 pm en Inglés; Jueves 5 de mayo a las 9 am en Inglés y a las 7:30 pm en Español. SPECIAL COLLECTION: As you know the country of Ecuador experienced an earthquake two weeks ago. This disaster killed hundreds of people, hurt thousands and destroyed the homes of so many more. We would like to assist those most in need through the work of Catholic Relief Services. The weekend of, May 14/15 all cash received in the second collection will go to assist the people of Ecuador. There is already an envelope for Debt Reduction in your packet. If you choose to give to that as well you may place that envelope in the first or second collection. As always, we rely on your generosity. COLECTA ESPECIAL: Como saben, el país de Ecuador experimentó un terremoto hace dos semanas. Este desastre mató a cientos de personas, hirió a miles y destruyó los hogares de muchos más. Nos gustaría ayudar a los más necesitados a través del trabajo de Catholic Relief Services. El fin de semana del 14 y 15 de mayo todo el efectivo recibido en la segunda colecta se destinará a ayudar al pueblo de Ecuador. Ya existe un sobre para la Reducción de Deuda en su paquete. Si decide dar ese sobre, usted puede colocarlo en la primera o en la segunda colecta. Como siempre, dependemos de su generosidad.