SPEECH DAY - St. Paul`s Co
SPEECH DAY - St. Paul`s Co
ST. PAUL'S CO-EDUCATIONAL COLLEGE SPEECH DAY 17 DECEMBER 2013 MEMBERS OF THE COLLEGE COUNCIL Professor Tam Sheung-wai Chairman Dr Michael HH Mak Vice Chairman Mr Herbert HK Tsoi Dr Marvin KT Cheung Hon Secretary Hon Treasurer Mr Chien Lee Supervisor Dr Anissa Chan Principal Mr Aubrey KS Li Mr Ngai Kwok Wai Mrs Mimi YM Chan Professor Frederick KS Leung Dr Moses Cheng The Rev Canon Ian Lam Mr Bernard PH Auyang Ms Teresa MY Yang Dr Rocco SK Yim Dr Philip WT Leong 1 PROGRAMME 1. School Hymn 2. Prayer 3. Welcoming Remark 4. Principal's Report SCHOOL HYMN The Assembly 1. We build our school on Thee, O Lord; To Thee we bring our common need; The Rev Canon Ian Lam The loving heart, the helpful word, The tender thought, the kindly deed; Dr Michael Mak Hoi Hung Dr Anissa Chan Wong Lai Kuen 5. Address Ms Marjorie Yang, GBS, JP 6. Distribution of Certificates, Scholarships and Prizes Ms Marjorie Yang, GBS, JP 7. Vote of Thanks Cheng Yuet Yi Representative of Graduates 8. Chorus: If Ye Love Me The College Choir 9. Benediction The Rev Canon Ian Lam With these we pray Thy Spirit may Enrich and bless our school alway. 2. We work together in Thy sight, We live together in Thy love; Guide Thou our faltering steps aright, And lift our thoughts to Heaven above. Dear Lord, we pray Thy Spirit may Be present in our school alway. 3. Hold Thou each hand, to keep it just; Touch Thou our lips, and make them pure; If Thou art with us, Lord, we must Be faithful friends and comrades sure. Dear Lord, we pray Thy Spirit may Be present in our school alway. 4. We change, but Thou art still the same; The same good Master, Teacher, Friend. We change, but Lord, we bear Thy name; To journey with it to the end; And so we pray Thy Spirit may Be present in our school alway. 2 3 SCHOOL REPORT FOR 2012-2013 4.Ms Chung Suk King, Teacher of Mathematics (PGDE, HKBU; BSc in Mathematics, HKU) The College Council Membership of the Council for the year 2012–2013 was as follows: Professor Tam Sheung-wai Chairman Dr Michael HH Mak Vice Chairman Mr Herbert HK Tsoi Hon Secretary with effect from 1 January 2013 Mr Roland KC Chow Hon Secretary (retired on 31 December 2012) Dr Marvin KT Cheung Hon Treasurer Mr Chien Lee Supervisor Dr Anissa Chan Principal The Revd Canon Ian Lam Mr Aubrey KS Li Mr Ngai Kwok Wai Mrs Mimi YM Chan Professor Frederick KS Leung Dr Moses Cheng Mr Bernard PH Auyang Ms Teresa MY Yang Dr Rocco SK Yim Dr Philip WT Leong with effect from 1 January 2013 The following committees were formed under the College Council: Finance & General Purposes Committee, Fee Remission Committee, Curriculum Advisory Committee, Campus Improvement Committee, StaffManagement Consultative Committee, Promotion Board, Centenary Book Committee and 100th Anniversary Celebration Committee. The College Council met four times during the year: on 16 October 2012, 21 November 2012, 22 February 2013 and 25 June 2013. Staff 1. Staff Changes Mathematics, University of Cambridge; PGDE, CUHK; BEng in Civil Engineering, HKU) Teachers/ academic supporting staff recruited w.e.f. 1 September 2013: 1.Mr Chim Ho Yeung Hastings, Teacher of English (MA in English for Specific Purposes, CityU; PGDE, CUHK; BEd in Primary Education (English Strand), OUHK; Certificate in Primary Education (Chinese), HKIEd) 2.Ms Chung Ka Man Amy, Teacher of English (PGDE, CUHK; MPhil in English (Literary Studies), CUHK; BBA in Integrated BBA, CUHK) 5.Ms Ho Ching Ni, Teacher of Chinese (MA in Chinese Language and Literature, HKU; PGDE, HKU; BA in Chinese Language and Literature, CUHK) 6.Ms Hung Sonia Kwok, Teacher of English (MA in Applied Linguistics, HKU; Graduate Diploma in Education, The Australian Catholic University; BA in Economics and Government, University of Sydney) 7.Ms Kam Cheuk Ki Santina, Teacher of Chemistry (BSc in Chemistry and Finance, HKU) 8.Ms Lee Ching Yan, Teacher of Biology (BSc in Biochemistry and Science Education, HKUST) 9.Ms Li Ka Man Carman, Teacher of Liberal Studies (PGDE, HKU; BSocSc in Psychology, HKU) 10. Ms Li Yin Ching, Teacher of Chinese (MA in Chinese Language and Literature, CUHK; PGDE, CUHK; BA in Chinese Language and Literature, CUHK) 11. Ms Pun See Wing, Teacher of Chinese (PGDE, HKU; BA in Chinese Language and Literature, HKU) 12. Ms Sum Oi Wah Synthia, Teacher of English (PGDE, HKBU; BA in English for Professional Communication, CityU) Teachers/ academic supporting staff who have left at the end of the academic year: 1.Mr Chan Leong, Teacher of Chinese, w.e.f. 1 December 2012 2.Ms Lau Chung Man, Teacher of Chinese (passed away on 3 March 2013) 3.Ms Chau Sook Yee, Teacher of English (retirement) 4.Mr Cheng Chin Ho, Teacher of Chemistry 5.Mr Cheung Kelvin Ka Hei, Teacher of English 6.Mr Luk Wai Hi, Vice Principal (retirement) 7.Ms Ng Belinda Hoi Yan, Teacher of English 8.Ms Wong Wai Man Jenny, Teacher of English 2. Qualifications of Principal and Teachers Qualifications of the teaching staff including the Principal are shown below: 112 have professional qualifications 121 possess a bachelor’s degree 71 possess a master’s degree 2 possess a doctor’s degree 3.Ms Chung Pui Shan Joanna, Teacher of Mathematics (MPhil in 4 5 3. Teachers' Years of Service at SPCC interests, abilities and needs of the students. Different emphases are placed at different developmental stages of the students. 45 have taught for 1-5 years 38 have taught for 6-10 years 10 have taught for 11-15 years 30 have taught for over 15 years 4. Teachers' Professional Development and Further Studies The following teachers have obtained either a Master’s Degree or Diploma in Teacher Education during the year: • • • • • • • Ms Fu Tak Man, PGDE, CUHK, 2012 Ms Chik Shuk Mei, Master of Art in Chinese Language and Literature, CUHK, 2013 Ms To Shun Ka Ingrid, Master of Science in Applied Linguistics & Second Language Acquisition, University of Oxford, 2013 Ms Lam Lam, PGDE, CUHK, 2013 Mr Lau Ting Sum Samson, PGDE, CUHK, 2013 Mr Ian Pomeroy, Master of Arts in English, Globalisation and Language Policy, The Institute of Education, University of London, 2013 Mr Kwok Ka Yin, PGDE, CUHK, 2013 During the year, the Principal undertook 176.5 hours in Continuing Professional Development activities in: i) structured learning: 55.5 hours; ii) action learning: 66.5 hours; and iii) service to education and community: 54.5 hours. Class Organisation and Student Enrolment Secondary School (42 classes) 1 September 2012 1,243 (564 boys, 679 girls) 31 August 2013 1,141 (515 boys, 626 girls) No who left 102 In 2012–2013, there were 7 classes in each form of Form 1 to Form 6. Fee Remission For the year 2012–2013, 178 students were granted remission of tuition fees (6 were granted $78,000; 96 were granted $52,000; 1 was granted $54,000; 33 were granted $40,000; 25 were granted $28,000; 14 were granted $16,000 and 3 were granted $4,000). Sixty-two were recipients of book grants and 203 of Local Education Allowance. One hundred and six students were granted school bursaries. Curriculum Medium of Instruction Chinese Language Chinese Literature Chinese History English Language Literature in English Spanish French Liberal Studies Mathematics Integrated Science Physics Chemistry Biology Information & Communication Technology Computer Literacy Introduction to Knowledge Independent Learning & Thinking Theory of Knowledge History Geography Economics Religious Studies Music (HKDSE) Music (IB) Music Visual Arts Design & Technology Enquiry Learning Aesthetic & Creativity Education Physical Education F1 F2 F3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ HKDSE F4 Prep Year √ IBDP F5 F6 √ √ √ √ √ F4 F5 F6 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Achievements and Reflection on Major Concern for Future Planning The Medium of Instruction is English. Chinese Language in Form 1 to Form 3 is taught in Putonghua. We offer a balanced curriculum that caters for the 1. Nurturing in SPCC students a set of desirable attributes (Student Profile) for intellectual, personal, moral, spiritual and social development as a shared vision and educational goal 6 7 Four Staff Development Days were organised to build understanding and consensus, and to develop the Profile for lesson design, learning pedagogies and assessment framework / rubrics. A number of formal and informal consultations were carried out through Form Teachers and Student Union to collect students’ views and feedback. All teachers and students were engaged in developing the Profile with reference to the School Ethos, School Vision and based on our common understanding of the desirable attributes a St Paulian should have. Parents and alumni were informed and engaged by the Principal through meetings and/or newsletters of the Parents-Teachers Association and the Alumni Association. With the concerted effort from all of us, the final version was released in April 2013. To develop the attributes, works that have been carried out during the past year included revision and modification of subject curriculums, schemes of work with lesson design, learning pedagogies and assessment framework in each subject for Form 1 and Form 4, and conduct grades in report card to reflect the attributes in the Profile. In addition, an online tool for students’ self-evaluation was developed and more classrooms were constructed for implementation of small class teaching. All were completed on schedule. This year’s experience on the work of the Form 1 and Form 4 will be useful for the subject panels to review and refine their work as they begin to implement their plan in the classroom, as well as to prepare for the implementation in Form 2 and Form 5 in the following year. As 2013–14 will be the first year of implementation, continued communication and engagement with students and parents will continue through assembly talks, parent meetings and circulars. In particular, valuable feedback was collected from students. Subsequently the 10 attributes of the first draft were modified to 9 attributes in the final version. Students’ voice is of vital importance as it not only helps build mutual understanding but also their sense of ownership of the Profile which represents the set of qualities that all of them should aspire to. 2. Effective delivery of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Programme and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) Our second DSE cohort achieved outstanding results in the 2013 HKDSE exams, with 63.4% of the students achieving level 5 or above (or A in Category C subjects) in five or more subjects and 92.5% of them qualified for JUPAS degree courses. They received offers of admission from top local and overseas universities and many were admitted to highly competitive programmes. 8 In alignment with our plan of introducing small group teaching in 2013–14, the arrangement of the Form 4 DSE subject groups were reviewed to decrease the group size for core and elective subjects from 33 to 22 and 26 respectively. This resulted in a new class structure with a total of 8 DSE classes instead of 5. A briefing was held in December 2012 for Form 3 students and parents to communicate to them the changes and the revised arrangement. Under the new arrangement, we were able to offer to students 45 combinations each comprising 3 electives and 85.3% of the students were allocated their most preferred elective combination. With a smaller subject group size for Form 4 DSE classes in 2013–14, teachers will be able to cater more to the needs of individual students, enhance learning outcomes as well as create opportunities for students to grow and develop in the attributes laid out in the SPCC Student Profile. The experience with this DSE cohort will be useful for subject panels to review and refine their lesson design and teaching pedagogies to prepare for the implementation of small group teaching for Forms 4 and 5 DSE classes in 2014–15. The revised class structure for Form 4 DSE classes in 2013–14, which was more complex compared to the original design, made class and subject allocation an even more challenging task. Great care was taken in allocating resources to ensure that a well balanced curriculum with a broad range of subjects can be offered. To better address the interests and needs of the students, trial allocations were conducted before finalising the arrangement of the subject groups. We will continue to review the arrangement of subject groups and refine the allocation process in the coming year. The results of our first IB cohort were equally admirable. Our first IB cohort sat for their exams in May 2013. It was administered strictly according to the IBO’s guidelines. All of our candidates were awarded bilingual diplomas. An average score of 41 against the world average of 29.8 was obtained and 81.5% of this cohort scored 40 or above. These exceptional achievements allowed the Class of 2013 to receive offers of admission and financial assistance from top local and overseas universities. Our teachers continued to be engaged in extensive professional development to enhance their pedagogical approaches in IB classrooms. Such professional development opportunities were extended to members of staff who were not then involved in IB teaching. These colleagues found exposure to a different curriculum a great asset to their pedagogical knowledge. Programme evaluation surveys that had been designed with reference to the 9 IB Programme’s Standards and Practices were conducted among students and parents. Findings confirmed their positive views of the programme. While we are pleased to have achieved such outstanding results, we are continuously working to improve. One year’s results are not always representative: a more reliable pattern will emerge over several years. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly assess the effectiveness of our teaching and learning and adjust for continuous improvement. The enthusiasm cultivated in the existing IB teaching staff has been paramount in generating an exciting environment for students. They have set a high standard and shared responsibility for the programme with the IB Coordinator so that both administration and teachers are responsible for the creation of an IB ethos in the school. It is, therefore, important to have such enthusiasm cultivated among new IB teachers. All these have been identified as targets for our annual plan for the next academic year. 3. Catering for the needs and capabilities of gifted students through expansion and strengthening of personalised learning programmes Provision of remedial classes, school-based enrichment and pull-out training programmes, nomination of students to join the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education and tertiary institutes in their enrichment courses were already incorporated as routine works. One of our Form 3 students attained very good result in credit bearing university Physics courses in HKUST level 2 and level 3 dual programmes. Apart from the many awards, three students were awarded excellence and twenty-one attained high distinction in 2012 Australian National Chemistry Quiz organised by Royal Australian Chemical Institutes. Three Form 3 students were awarded the first Grand Award and the Award for Most Outstanding Eleventh Grade Exhibit in Computer Science, Engineering, Physics or Chemistry 2013 of the Yale Science and Engineering Association. Two students were awarded a silver medal in the 9th International Junior Science Olympiad. Three students were awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards respectively in International Mathematical Olympiad Preliminary Selection Contest (Hong Kong). One Form 4 student was awarded Silver Medal in the International Mathematical Olympiad 2013 and one Form 2 student was awarded a medal in the Australian Mathematics Competition 2013. Although this was the first time our students had taken part in the Hong Kong Biology Olympiad, they were awarded three First Class Honours, one Second Class Honours, one Third Class Honours and five Merit. 10 In designing enrichment programmes for the gifted, teachers in charge usually focused on their own subject disciplines and did not have much collaboration with form teachers and other subject teachers to get a better understanding of the students’ personal and academic needs. For better support of the personal and academic growth of students, the development of an online platform with a good search engine for the personalised database will be carried out in the coming year. In addition, teachers will be encouraged to take more courses or workshops related to gifted education and explore new enrichment programmes in different disciplines. There will also be closer collaboration among teachers in charge on the holistic development of students. Spiritual and Moral Education As a Christian college, we place a strong emphasis on nurturing the spiritual growth of our students. Through daily morning assemblies, Religious Studies lessons and Christian Fellowship programmes, the practice of Christian education is enhanced. This year, Rev Vincent Chan officiated at our Advent and Lenten Services. At these services, a total of $23,669 was collected and donated to 21 local voluntary organisations. To show our love and care to the less privileged minority groups in our society, we have also collected 154 Christmas gift boxes at the Advent Collection and they were sent to the SouthAsian children in 3 districts through the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council. At Christmas, the College followed the tradition of holding our Carol Service at St John’s Cathedral (for F2 to F6 students) and at St Paul’s Church (for F1 students), with the Very Rev Matthias Der and Rev Vincent Chan delivering the sermon respectively; while on Ascension Day, the service was held at St John’s Cathedral with Rev Chan Kwok-keung delivering the sermon. Every Wednesday at morning assembly, we were grateful to the Pastors of St Paul’s Church for coming regularly to give sermons to us. Besides, we were particularly excited to have members from our big SPCC family, including Christian alumni and parents, to share their faith and life experience with us at the morning assembly. Students were impressed by their testimonies and their faithful service in different sectors of the society. Last year, the theme of the Christian Fellowship was “Metamorphosis” which emphasised rebirth in Christ. Through regular gatherings, morning prayer meetings and cell group sharing, students were nurtured in Christian faith. In addition, TueStation which was jointly run by Christian parents, the Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES) and the Christian Fellowship provided food, Biblical teaching and sharing to the junior form students. All these provided our students with a supportive environment for spiritual growth. 11 The Moral Education and Pastoral Care Team organised various activities during the year. ICAC, Department of Health, United Christian Nethersole Christian Community Service, Life Education Activity Programme, Joyful Foundation, Barnabas Charitable Service, Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service, Sun Teens and CARE Project were invited to hold talks and workshops to students on various topics like mental health, organ donation, anti-drug, anticorruption, positive self image and sex education. Apart from individual counselling, our school social workers from St James’ Settlement organised different developmental groups for students. A group of senior form students were coached through the Big Brother Big Sister Scheme to help the Form 1 students adapt to school life. About 50 of our Form 1 and Form 2 students joined the Play, Sharing, Practice (PSP) groups to enhance their positive self image. Activities included lunchtime gatherings and sharing, overnight camps and outdoor activities. Interpersonal relationship workshops were conducted for Form 3 classes to guide students on the management of intimate relationships. There was also a series of Life Connection Mentorship (LCM) programmes organised for students in various forms during the summer holiday. Leadership and Service Learning During the Student Activities Week (SAW), Form 1 students enjoyed a safe and engaging outdoor learning programme with Asia Pacific Adventure. Form 2 students travelled to Beijing for a language and culture immersion programme in association with the University of Hong Kong. In Form 3, we completed a successful Nansha study trip in collaboration with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. In Form 4, students were engaged in a variety of Service Learning programmes with schools and organisations such as Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired, Methodist Epworth Village Community Centre, and the Clean Air Network. Two options were offered to Form 5 DSE students with 95 of them organising their own Self-Initiated Programmes and the remaining 76 participating in a variety of business and university attachment programmes across a diverse range of sectors. Other programmes were organised to suit the students’ individual needs: leadership programmes such as the CheongShim Model United Nations (South Korea) in March 2013, the Prefects’ Leadership Training Programme in August 2012 in collaboration with Amway China, and study tours to various places, including mainland China, Singapore, South Korea, Australia, France, South Africa, the US and the UK. Our junior forms all completed a one-day Service Learning programme between March and April. Form 1 took part in a beach cleaning activity spread across several locations around Hong Kong. In total this resulted in the 12 removal of approximately 1 metric tonne of litter from Hong Kong’s coastline. Form 2 spent the day entertaining the residents at a Tung Wah Group elderly nursing home and Form 3 worked with Saviour Lutheran and Choi Jun Schools for the mentally disabled. Rites of Passage This was the second Rites of Passage programme with a full cohort of 213 Form 3 students spending 28 days in Queensland, Australia. Through a variety of experiences focused around the four key components of community living, outdoor activities, expeditions and enquiry based learning, the students were challenged physically, emotionally and mentally. In order to cater for all the students, the programme was split across three campuses. 94% of the participating students found the experience enjoyable and 90% thought that it was educationally valuable for them. The programme is currently undergoing an in-depth evaluation and the findings of which will inform the development of the 2014 programme which will, for the first time, have educational objectives based upon the Student Profile. Round Square As a regional member of Round Square, we have the opportunities to participate in the annual regional conference, service projects and student exchanges organised by other Round Square schools. Unfortunately, this academic year was not a fruitful year. Some programmes could not be promoted either due to clash with our school examinations timetables, or inadequate participation of students resulted from lack of interest. The situation of clashing with our examinations was expressed in an online conference among the Round Square representatives of our region. We shall continue to explore more opportunities. However, if the situation continues, we may have to reconsider the benefits in joining the Round Square. Language and Culture Foreign Language Studies In 2012–2013, we offered two streams of foreign language programmes to students: Programme A for interest and Programme B for academic pursuit. For Programme A, we had two Year 1 Spanish/Arabic classes on weekdays after school. They focused on exposing students to the Spanish and Arabic cultures through the basics of these languages. For Programme B, we offered both Foundation Spanish and Foundation French Levels 1, 2 and 3 classes on weekdays and Saturdays. The purpose of 13 these classes was to build up students’ foundation in the two languages, thus paving the way for foreign language studies in senior secondary. We also had one self-financed IGCSE Spanish 2 (Form 4), one DSE AS Spanish 2 (Form 5) and one DSE AS Spanish 3 (Form 6) classes also on weekdays and Saturdays. Students in IGCSE Spanish 2 (Form 4) took their IGCSE Spanish examination in May 2013. One student achieved the highest banding A* and all other six students got A. Students in DSE AS Spanish 3 (Form 6) took their Cambridge International Examinations AS Spanish examination in May 2013. All five of them achieved the highest banding A. Culture Salon The theme for 2012–2013 was Cultural Perspectives of Secondary Students 中學生的文化眼界 . Two workshops on qibao 旗枹 and ribbon buttons 花鈕 were held showing the history and skills of the traditional handicraft. A Valentine’s Day Carnival was held in February. Chinese Society SICs and students taking French/Arabic/Spanish courses worked with the Korean and Japanese students in school. They set up booths to introduce the way different people celebrate their Lovers’ Day. A mini fun fair on Celtic culture was held in May which showcased the Celtic costumes, music, folk dance and foods. Aesthetics and Creativity Beautification of Cafeteria Eight students from Form 2 to Form 6 participated in the project of beautifying the Cafeteria. The students designed and made paintings under different themes on the glass door of Cafeteria. An exquisitely aesthetic atmosphere was built up in campus. This big project lasted for half year. Even the students encountered a number of difficulties for managing time and materials, they could always find ways and new drawing techniques to solve the problems. The students also shared their experiences and reflections on this innovative project at morning assembly. It is encouraging that feedback from teachers and students was positive. Thus, the teachers-in-charge will keep on exploring ways for new project of beautifying our campus. 14 The Odyssey of the Mind Programme The Hong Kong Odyssey of the Mind (OM) Competition this year was held on 6 and 7 April at The Hong Kong Design Institute. A team of seven Form 4 students won the second runner-up in Long-term Problem, “Classics… ARTchitecture: The Musical”, Division III. Participants this year were able to work in harmony and showed creativity and liveliness in the process of creating the drama and exploring the requirements of the competition. Besides, a caring community has been naturally built among parents, former OM members, other teachers and students so that a supportive atmosphere was developed. Experience gained by coaches and the members from participating in the World Finals last year was also useful for inspiring the team to look for new and creative solutions. The recruitment of students participating in this year competition started in October. By that time, most of the targeted students have already taken up some duties in other extra-curricular activities and therefore, some interested students cannot arrange time for participating in this competition. In view of this, the recruitment process of future years should start earlier in September. In-school Spontaneous Competition Two sessions of Spontaneous Competition were held on 19 and 22 April during lunchtime by former OM members. Three types of problems, including verbal, hands-on, and verbal hands-on, were introduced. Eight groups of Form 2 and 3 students participated in the competition. The competition provided a platform for students to think out of the box. Through the activity, the idea of the OM competition can be brought to more Form 2 and Form 3 students to enhance their creative thinking. Students can be nurtured and those outstanding ones can be selected as OM members when they are in Form 4. Within that lunchtime, students have limited time to understand and acquire the techniques in the three types of problems. Therefore, in future planning, a workshop may be conducted to help the students in practicing the types of problems and in gaining experience before the actual competition. Outside School Competition A Form 1 student won the second runner-up in the ‘Leap through Time: Paint on Picture Competition’ which was organised by the City University of Hong Kong. The winners of the competition including our student were interviewed 15 by TVB Jade. The programme 文 化 新 領 域 was broadcast at 9:15am on 28 September 2013. the coming year, the teachers will continue to organise different activities for cultivating our students’ artistic interests. In addition, a Form 5 student won the second runner-up in the ‘Drug Free and Fair Play in Sport E-Poster & Slogan Design Competition’. The competition was organised by The Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China. Extra-Curricular Activities and Enrichment Programmes Last year, we nominated two students, one from Form 3 and one from Form 4, to join the 5th Arts Ambassadors-in-School Scheme. Grouped with a Form 3 student, three of them produced a short film for participating in the ‘Short-film Go! Contest’. They were ranked the Best Ten, and an alternative art form of creation had been introduced to our students. In general, the participatory rate for outside school competition was rather low. In fact, our students are capable for creating high-quality artwork. Therefore, more promotion and encouragement for potential students are recommended in the future. Other activities We invited our alumnus, Ms Chong Mui Ngam, a four-time winner of the Outstanding Young Screenplay Award, to come and share her playwright experience at morning assembly. The topic was 戲劇藝術 - 從學校舞台到大劇 院. In collaboration with the Hong Kong Visual Art Centre, a famous Hong Kong artist, Mr Hung Keung, was invited to share with our students on digital art 水 墨. 文 字. 藝 術. 數 碼. 互 動 之 奇 遇 . The talk was followed by a 3-hour digital workshop 數 碼 達 人 工 作 坊 . Eleven students from Form 2 to Form 5 participated in the workshop. Under Mr Hung’s guidance, they experienced an innovative artwork making process. We had also organised visits to ‘Hong Kong Photography Series 3: Beyond the Portrait’ (held by Hong Kong Heritage Museum), ‘Awakened sleepers. Transformed Places – Hong Kong International Sculpture Symposium 2012’ (presented by Hong Kong Sculpture Society) and ‘A Night at the Art Museum with Andy Warhol’ (organised by The University of Hong Kong and the Art Museum of Hong Kong). We also participated in the ‘Meeting with Well-known Japanese Caricaturist, Ms Yumiko Igarashi ( 五十嵐優美子 ), the artist of the famous cartoon ‘Candy Candy’. Student-organised extra-curricular activities have always been an important component of students’ education. These activities not only allow students to join programmes of their own choice, but also enable them to learn about leadership and teamwork, as well as undergo gratifying and rewarding experiences. A list of extra-curricular activities offered is given in Table 1. Our Swimming Gala was held on 4 October at Victoria Park Swimming Pool with the representative from High School Attached to Tsinghua University being the guest of honour for the prize presentation. Our annual Sports Day was held on 11 and 17 October at Siu Sai Wan Sports Ground with Mrs Lin, Chairlady of the Parents Teacher Association as the guest of honour for presenting the prizes. Form 1 students were introduced to track and field events on the Athletics Activities Day on 15 January while Form 3 and Form 2 students had the opportunity to try out various sports on 11 April and 16 May respectively. These sports included tenpin bowling, lawn bowling, archery, orienteering, hockey, golf and sports climbing. To allow students to make better use of their summer vacation, a Summer Sports Training Programme was arranged for all students. This year’s activities included basketball, fencing, squash, swimming, dance (hip hop), badminton, and table tennis. Intensive training was provided for members of the school teams, including basketball, badminton, volleyball, fencing, soccer, swimming and table tennis. On the musical front, the String Orchestra and Wind Band both claimed a silver award in the Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows. In the 65th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival, the Treble Choir, Senior Mixed Voice Choir, Orchestra, Harmonica Orchestra earned 2 firsts and 2 thirds in the group events. These activities had provided opportunity for our students to appreciate masterpieces, to join the guided tours and to chat with artists from Hong Kong, Japan and overseas. Our students’ artistic knowledge was enriched. In A joint concert with Tonbridge School of the United Kingdom and St Joseph’s College was held in February where music makers from these schools shared the stage in an evening of symphonic music. In collaboration with the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, the International Youth Acappella Conference was successfully held in July, with close to one hundred singers from Hong Kong, Guangdong and Shanghai. These acappella enthusiasts rehearsed intensively with three world-renowned artists from Sweden, England and Japan over the four-day conference; and together, they presented a lively outdoor show at the Peak as well as a memorable performance in the grand 16 17 Gala Night Concert on 3 July at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Lyric Theatre. The Summer Concert on the following night, featuring talents from the bands and orchestras of both the College and the Primary School, ended the year for the music department on a high note. Enrichment programmes for all forms were organised three times in the year to further enrich students’ knowledge and experience in different areas. Activities included talks by professionals and renowned personnel related to moral and civic education, culture, science, environmental protection and health education. Outings and field trips were also organised by teachers. Student Union Following a tradition to strive for perfection, the Student Union (SU) continued to uphold its doctrine to serve the school community. Apart from in-school and joint-school activities held throughout the year, the SU had also put in a lot of effort to create a more flourished and diverse student life which enhanced students’ sense of belonging to the SPCC family. During the school year, the SU organised a variety of events including the Chill Out Week, the first summer prom, the first online version of Stationery Megasale - Paperleria, and the dodge ball competition during the teacherstudent carnival – “ConnecTS”. Another highlight of the year was the Opinion Programme, with the theme ‘Students’ Sense of Belonging’, in which the entire student body was actively involved at different stages. Thoughtful discussions were held in focus group meetings and the programme made students’ voices heard. The SU placed great emphasis on the leadership training programme “The Apprentice”, hoping to inspire and empower the youth in our school. In addition, the first overnight training camp was held at the dormitory for its committee members and class representative committee members. Through regular workshops and activities, the SU aspired to instill into youngsters a sense of leadership and responsibility. Finally, in July, the SU cooperated with some of the clubs and societies to organise Games Day, which brought the exciting year to an end. Achievements of Students Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination got level 5** in 8 subjects (Mathematics Module included) and attained grade A in Spanish, making her the top student in the examination. Other top scorers included eight DSE students who got level 5** in 5 or more subjects in the HKDSE Examination and five IB students who achieved a near perfect score of 44 points in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) Examination. HKDSE No of Students: 134 Overall Performance No of 5** (per student) No of 5 or above (per student) Level 5** in 5 or more subjects Level 5 or above in 5 or more subjects Qualified for JUPAS degree course (3+3+2+2+2) Subject Performance Level 5 or above in English Language Chinese Language Mathematics Liberal Studies 91.0% 46.3% 75.4% 56.0% IBDP No of Students: 27 Mean Subject Grade Average Score Public Examination Results 176 (1.31) 674 (5.03) 6.7% 63.4% 92.5% Grades Awarded 7 (Highest) 6&7 Points Score 44 or above 40 or above SPCC 55.6% 93.2% 6.48 Worldwide* 7% 27% 4.67 18.52% 81.48% 41 0.74% 6.64% 29.77 *Source: IBO Statistical Bulletin May 2012 Building on the tradition of academic excellence at SPCC, both our Form 6 DSE and IB students achieved admirable results in their respective public examinations. These results reflected our students’ diligence, passion for learning and pursuit of excellence. Our best achiever in the Hong Kong 18 19 Student Exit Form 6 DSE & IB Local Universities / Tertiary Institutions 125 USA UK 14 12 Australia Canada Switzerland Others 2 4 1 3 University Offers Our Form 6 graduates have been offered places at top local and overseas universities. Local universities: F6 (DSE) 134 students applied through the JUPAS system and received the following offers. Percentage of offers from The University of Hong Kong The Chinese University of Hong Kong The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Other local universities 54.3% 19.8% 6.9% 19.0% F6 (IB) 23 students applied to individual universities and received the following offers. Number of offers from The University of Hong Kong The Chinese University of Hong Kong The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Other local universities 15 17 13 5 Overseas universities: USA: Boston University Cornell University Manhattan School of Music Northeastern University Pratt Institute University of California, Berkeley University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign University of Pennsylvania Washington University in St Louis Carnegie Mellon University George Washington University New York University Parsons The New School for Design Rhode Island School of Design University of California, Los Angeles University of Michigan University of Southern California Wesleyan University 20 Canada: McGill University Queen’s University University of Toronto McMaster University University of British Columbia University of Waterloo UK: Durham University King’s College London Royal Academy of Music University of Bath University of Cambridge University of Exeter University of Lancaster University of Nottingham University of St Andrews Imperial College London London School of Economics University College London University of Bristol University of Edinburgh University of Glasgow University of Manchester University of Oxford University of Warwick Academic Scholarships and Awards • • • • • • • • • Swire Scholarship tenable at Oxford University (1 student) Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarships for Overseas Studies (1 student) Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes (2 students) AmCham Charitable Foundation Prize Book Award (1 student) Harvard Book Prizes (3 students) Brown University Book Award (1 student) Princeton Club of Hong Kong Book Award (1 student) Wellesley College Book Award (1 student) Centraline Charity Fund Scholarship (2 students) Achievements in Extra-curricular Activities It was most gratifying to see many of our students winning awards and excelling in various inter-school competitions. We wish to congratulate the winners as well as all those who have participated and all of those who provided support. The trophies and recognition are a reflection of the high morale among our students, the commitment of teachers and participants, and the generous funding from the College. For a list of student achievements, please refer to Achievers. 21 Enhancement of teacher professional development and personal wellness In working towards the strategic plan on developing SPCC Student Profile, the first SDD started with the sharing on “What does it mean to be educated?” by Professor Edward Chen. In the teachers’ feedback, the sharing among colleagues has contributed to their professionalism and they have gained a better understanding about the desirable attributes after participating in the activities. A staff development workshop, facilitated by Mr Stewart Redden, aimed at helping both IB and non IB teachers to nurture student attributes that are specific to SPCC was held in November 2013. There were six themed sessions in this workshop. The introductory session set the scene for participants to make connections between the IB learner profile and the SPCC Student Profile. It also provided a vision of what the IB learner profile might look like in practice. Insights were provided for further in-house discussions on whether the attributes should be assessed. Department heads and IB teachers reflected on how the IB Learner Profile might shape instructional practice. From the feedback of teachers, more than half of them gave very positive comments on the connections between the IB Learner Profile and SPCC Student Profile, and the interpretation of the IB Learner Profile. About 40% of department heads and IB teachers gave very positive comments on the evidence that can be collected to gauge the extent of students’ development in the attributes. Two sessions were also assigned for KLA groups to audit its curriculum and to identify the link between the attributes and the curriculum and to prioritise areas that can optimise the development of the attributes. Lesson designs and learning pedagogies were reviewed to establish the attributes as learning objectives where appropriate. Another staff development activity was a talk on Cancer Prevention & Detection by Ms Tammy Lee of the Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society. In her talk, she shared the statistics of the incidence of some common cancers and their developments. She placed a lot of emphasis on the importance of leading a healthy life-style in order to minimise the risk. The feedback from the participants was encouraging. 22 In the next 2 years, we will continue to work on the strategic plan on developing SPCC Student Profile, and other relevant activities to address the needs of teachers, aiming at the development of high quality teaching staff with strong professional capacity and accountability while keeping good personal wellness. A continued effort was made to enhance teachers ’ physical and mental wellness with the Staff Professional and Personal Wellness Committee and the Staffroom Representatives working together to identify issues and concerns in each staffroom. The Project and Administrative Offices have been providing support to all teachers and staff during the redevelopment of the campus throughout the past few years. Campus Improvement Another major milestone has been achieved in our Secondary School Redevelopment Phase 2 project as renovation works to classrooms, special rooms and staff rooms are substantially completed. All students and teachers are now working back in the Main Buildings, with minor activities carried out in Calder Path annex and Kennedy Road campus. Extension of assembly hall, renovation of associated facilities and improvement to external areas are scheduled to be completed later in 2013. Involvement of Parents and Alumni Parents always play an indispensable role in a holistic education for children. We are pleased to see staunch support from our parents again this year. A range of activities have been organised by the Parent-Teacher Association during the year. Please refer to Table 2 for details. Our wholehearted gratitude goes to our alumni for their enthusiastic support and contribution to the development of the College. The Alumni Association has been going from strength to strength, helping to foster the bonding among our graduates over the decades. Table 3 is a summary of their activities last year. Donations to Charitable Causes and Fund-raising Campaign Being a Christian school, we have always attached great importance to caring and sharing. On the Dress Special Day on 28 September 2012, we raised a total of 23 $63,761 for the Community Chest. Twice in the year, we collected donations from our students and staff to be distributed to the following charitable organisations: Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council, St John’s Cathedral, SAHK, the Hong Kong Tuberculosis, Chest and Heart Diseases Association, Hong Kong Red Cross, Children’s Cancer Foundation, the Boys’ and Girls’ Club Association, Cedar Fund, World Vision HK, Fellowship of Evangelical Students (HK) Limited, the Society for the Relief of Disabled Children, Heifer International HK Limited, Oxfam HK, Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF, Hong Kong St John Ambulance, St James' Settlement, Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society, Medecins Sans Frontieres, Against Child Abuse Limited, Crossroads Foundation and ORBIS. The Council of St. Paul’s Co-educational College Charitable Trust organised its annual Walkathon at The Peak on 4 November 2012. With the enthusiastic support of parents, staff, alumni and students, a total of $3.09 million was raised. St. Paul's Co-educational College Financial Summary (School Year 2011/12) 2011/12 S.Y. audited accounts NonGovernment government subsidy funds $m $m Income School fees less: fee remission / scholarship Total $m Total % $m % N.A. N.A. 67.9 (15.2) 67.9 59.9% (15.2) -13.4% - 52.7 52.7 46.5% 50.7 46.8% Govt. rent and rates reimbursement DSS subsidy Other recurrent grants Interest income Other income 1.7 56.3 0.6 0.3 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 0.4 1.3 1.7 1.5% 56.3 49.7% 0.6 0.5% 0.7 0.6% 1.3 1.2% 0.9 54.2 0.6 0.4 1.4 0.8% 50.1% 0.6% 0.4% 1.3% Total income 58.9 54.4 113.3 100.0% Expenditure Staff expenses - Salaries and gratuities - Benefits (e.g. MPF / provident fund) 76.7 7.3 0.5 N.A. 77.2 67.6% 7.3 6.4% 67.8 5.6 72.0% 6.0% Govt. rent and rates expense Depreciation charges Repairs and maintenance Other expenses 2.1 7.8 1.1 16.5 N.A. N.A. N.A. 2.3 2.1 1.8% 7.8 6.8% 1.1 1.0% 18.8 16.4% 0.8 6.6 0.4 13.0 0.8% 7.0% 0.4% 13.8% Total expenditure (A) 111.5 2.8 114.3 100.0% Surplus/(Deficit) for the year (52.6) 51.6 (1.0) 14.0 52.6 (52.6) - - - 1.0 1.0 1.0 - - - (15.3) - 30.1 30.1 30.4 0.0 30.1 30.1 30.1 N.A. N.A. 3.2 3.8 Transfer/set off to Non-Government Funds Transfers - Capital Fund - Secondary School Renovation Reserve Accumulated surplus/(deficit) brought forward Accumulated surplus carried forward to next year (B) Equivalent months of expenditure (B) / [(A)/12] 24 2010/11 S.Y. audited accounts 25 65.2 60.2% (14.5) -13.4% 108.2 100.0% 94.2 100.0% St. Paul's Co-educational College Financial Summary (School Year 2011/12) Primary School Staff Changes 2011/12 S.Y. audited accounts 2010/11 S.Y. audited accounts NonGovernment government subsidy fund Total Total $m $m $m $m Other income 1. SPCC Charitable Trust 2. Others Other expenses Advertising Audit fee Bank charges Bank interest paid Celebrations and entertainment Cleaning materials, consumables and first-aid 7. Curriculum development 8. Extra-curricular activities and prizes 9. Utilities (Fuel, light and power, telephone and water charges) 10. Insurance for fire, theft, public liability and employees compensation 11. Library books, newspaper, magazines and teachers' textbooks, maps etc. 12. Printing and stationery 13. Travelling and transportation 14. Postages and stamp duty 15. Approved repayment of loan and interest thereon 16. Staff training expenses 17. Wreaths, flower-baskets and similar tributes on behalf of the school 18. Scholarships 19. Other operating expenses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 26 - 1.0 0.3 1.3 1.0 0.3 1.3 1.3 0.1 1.4 0.2 0.1 - - 0.2 0.1 - 0.2 0.1 - 0.2 0.6 11.1 0.8 0.2 0.6 11.9 0.2 0.7 7.6 1.9 - 1.9 1.1 0.3 - 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.1 - - 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.1 - 0.3 0.3 0.1 - 0.7 - 0.7 0.3 0.5 16.5 1.5 2.3 2.0 18.8 1.9 13.0 Teachers / academic supporting staff recruited w.e.f. 1 September 2013: 1. Miss Pang Chor Wing, Teacher of Chinese and Putonghua (BEd, HKIEd; MA, HKU) 2. Mr Liu Kim Ming, Teacher of Mathematics and PE (BEd, HKIEd; PGDE, HKU) 3. Miss Leung Vivian, Teacher of English and General Studies (BA, UBC Canada; PGDE, HKU) 4. Miss Ho Sze Wing, Teacher of English (BEd, HKU; PGDE, HKU) 5. Miss Jaclyn Yeung, Teacher of English (BEd, HKU) 6. Miss Zheng Yulian, Teacher of Chinese (BA, CUHK; PGDE, HKU) 7. Mr Lee Man Chun, Teacher of Mathematics (BSc, CUHK; PGDE, CUHK) 8. Miss Lui Sau Man, Teacher of Chinese (BA, HKU; PGDE, CUHK) 9. Miss Chan Wing Yin, Teacher of Mathematics (BSc, HKU; PGDE, CUHK) 10. Miss Ho Hang Yin, Teacher of English (BEd, CUHK) 11. Ms Chou Sze Ching, PGDE CUHK 12. Ms Deng Mei Juan, 廣州大學 Teachers / academic supporting staff who left at the end of the academic year: 1. Ms Yue Chor Man, Rhoda, Teacher of English and General Studies 2. Ms Cheong Lai Kuen, Teacher of Chinese, Maths and Putonghua 3. Miss Ching Chiu Ying, Teacher of Chinese and Putonghua 4. Miss Chiu Wing Man, Teacher of Maths and General Studies 5. Miss Lam Shan Yee, Teacher of English, General Studies and Religion Studies 6. Ms Luu Jessica Gia Manh, Teacher of English 27 7. Miss Kong Jennifer Hoi Ying, Teacher of Maths, General Studies and IT 8. Miss Zhang Beiji, Teacher Assistant 9. Ms Yan Wai Lan, Teacher Assistant 2012–13 has been a rewarding year for us as our students continued to perform excellently in all areas and be nurtured in our motto of Faith, Hope and Love, to develop into strong, intelligent, and compassionate individuals. Our students performed brilliantly in the Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival and Music Festival, with 113 championships in various solo speech and music events. Both the Upper Primary English Choral Speaking Team and the Lower Primary Putonghua Choral Speaking Team came first. Choir C was awarded the Best Primary School Junior Choir in the Urban Area. We also achieved outstanding results in sports. Both the Grade B Boys’ and Girls’ Fencing Teams won the championship in the All Hong Kong InterPrimary Fencing Competition 2012–13 (Hong Kong Island). The Girls’ Table Tennis Teams in both Grade A and B won the first place in the Hong Kong Island West Area Inter-Primary School Table Tennis Competition. The Grade B Boys’ Swimming Team came first in the Hong Kong Island West Area InterPrimary School Swimming Competition. We were also pleased to see our students excel in other areas. We won the Hong Kong Budding Scientists Award 2012–13 (Group), with Primary Four student Chan Hau Yan winning the Gold Prize in the 9th 宋 慶 齡 少 年 兒 童 發 明 獎 . One of our Primary Four students, Yip Chun Hei, came first in the 2013 International Mathematics Competition (Singapore). Our Primary Five students Luk Ethan Joshua and Wong Nga Ting were appointed the Flying Dragon Ambassadors in the 25th Junior Dragon Ambassador Election and Asian Pacific Children Convention. Primary Six student Lau Ching Yan won the Gold Prize in the 中國語文菁英計劃 . Primary One student Lai Cheuk Luen Charmaine received the Hong Kong Young Writers Award in the category of Poetry and five students won the outstanding awards in the World Book Day Creative Competition. We will continue in our effort to identify talented individuals and provide support and resources to develop the potential of our students. St. Paul's Co-educational College Primary School Financial Summary (School Year 2011/12) 2011/12 S.Y. audited accounts Government subsidy $m Nongovernment fund $m N.A. N.A. 49.1 (13.5) 0.0 35.6 35.6 48.5% 34.2 51.5% Other income 0.8 33.2 0.7 0.3 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 0.4 2.4 0.8 33.2 0.7 0.7 2.4 1.1% 45.2% 1.0% 1.0% 3.2% 0.8 29.6 0.6 0.5 0.7 1.2% 44.6% 0.9% 0.8% 1.0% Total income 35.0 38.4 73.4 100.0% 66.4 100.0% 40.1 3.1 0.3 N.A. 40.4 3.1 60.0% 4.6% 38.0 2.4 61.6% 3.9% Other expenses 0.8 13.8 2.4 3.9 N.A. N.A. N.A. 2.9 0.8 13.8 2.4 6.8 1.2% 20.5% 3.6% 10.1% 0.8 14.0 1.5 5.0 1.3% 22.7% 2.4% 8.1% Total expenditure (A) 64.1 3.2 (29.1) 35.2 6.1 4.7 29.1 (29.1) - - - 2.5 2.5 2.5 - 18.4 18.4 11.2 0.0 27.0 27.0 18.4 N.A. N.A. 4.8 3.6 Income School fees less: fee remission / scholarship Govt. rent and rates reimbursement DSS subsidy Other recurrent grants Interest income Total $m Total % 49.1 66.9% (13.5) -18.4% $m % 48.7 73.3% (14.5) -21.8% Expenditure Staff expenses - Salaries and gratuities - Benefits (e.g. MPF / provident fund) Govt. rent and rates expense Depreciation charges Repairs and maintenance Surplus/(Deficit) for the year Transfer/set off to Non-Government Funds Transfer from Capital Fund Accumulated surplus/(deficit) brought forward Accumulated surplus carried forward to next year (B) Equivalent months of expenditure (B) / [(A)/12] 28 2010/11 S.Y. audited accounts 29 67.3 100.0% 61.7 100.0% St. Paul's Co-educational College Primary School Financial Summary (School Year 2011/12) Appreciation 2011/12 S.Y. audited accounts 2010/11 S.Y. audited accounts NonGovernment government subsidy fund Total Total $m $m $m $m Other income 1. Interest Class Fee 2. SPCC Charitable Trust Other expenses Advertising Audit fee Bank charges Bank interest paid Celebrations and entertainment Cleaning materials, consumables and first-aid 7. Curriculum development 8. Extra-curricular activities and prizes 9. Utilities (Fuel, light and power, telephone and water charges) 10. Insurance for fire, theft, public liability and employees compensation 11. Library books, newspaper, magazines and teachers' textbooks, maps etc. 12. Printing and stationery 13. Travelling and transportation 14. Postages and stamp duty 15. Approved repayment of loan and interest thereon 16. Professional Fee 17. Staff training expenses 18. Wreaths, flower-baskets and similar tributes on behalf of the school 19. Scholarships 20. Other operating expenses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 30 - 1.4 1.0 2.4 1.4 1.0 2.4 0.7 0.7 0.1 0.1 - - 0.1 0.1 - 0.1 0.1 - 0.1 0.2 - 2.2 0.1 0.2 2.2 0.1 0.2 0.8 1.8 - 1.8 1.6 0.2 - 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.4 - - 0.1 0.4 - 0.2 0.3 - 0.2 - 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.7 3.9 0.7 2.9 1.4 6.8 1.1 5.0 Our school has undergone numerous developments in recent years as part of a concerted effort to provide quality education to our students, and many people have contributed generously to our educational aims. I would like to thank our council members, the Education Bureau, our parents, alumni and friends for their advice and support, and in particular, Mr Roland Chow who retired on 31 December 2012. Mr Chow had served on the Council for 45 years and had been the Honorary Secretary of the Council since 1975. He was also supervisor of the SPCC secondary school and primary school (AM & PM Sections) from 1984 to 1987. On behalf of the College, we would like to take this opportunity to express our deep appreciation to Mr Chow for his tremendous contribution to the Council and the College over the years. Our school’s greatest asset is our team of very committed and competent teachers. Our rapid development and numerous educational initiatives in recent years are testimony to our teachers’ professionalism and effort. We take pride in our school and shall continue to develop confident individuals with high moral values and a strong desire for knowledge, individuals who will strive for continuous development and excellence, be compassionate and aware of the need for interdependence as a global citizen, and who are willing to serve the community and contribute to the well-being of our society. 31 Table 1: Extra-Curricular Activities Name of Club Activities in 2012–2013 A. Subject Related Clubs / Societies English Society Board display, publication of bulletins, website, video shows, “Halloweek” - "Trick or Treat" and game stalls, Christmas celebration activities. Competitions: F1 & 2 interclass debates, lyrics translation, Scrabble (joint function with Chess Club), Easter Egg Hunt (joint function with Cross-country Club), Spelling Bee Competition, creative writing competition. English Debating Team Interschool competitions, interschool friendly debates, intra-team debates, training programme, assistance to interclass debates. Chinese Society Board display, publication of bulletins, Lunar New Year celebration activities, Chinese Valentine's Day activities. Competitions: Chinese calligraphy, translation (joint function with English Society), F2&3 interclass debates, quizzes. Putonghua Group Board display, F1 Chat room. Competitions: F1 interclass singing contest, F2 duologue, F2 impromptu article recital, F2 interclass debates, F2 impromptu news reporting, F2 impromptu story telling, F2 commercial dubbing. Chinese Debating Team Interschool competitions, interclass competitions, training workshops. Chinese History Society Quiz competitions, discussion forum, exam strategy sharing, games, singing contest. Mathematics Club Board display, publication of newsletters, Questions of the Month. Competitions: F1 Speed calculation, F1-4 Mathematical Olympiad, Sudoku, Rummikub. Competition, Geography-History Days, workshops, talks. Liberal Studies Society Board display, LSS Week - quiz and games stalls, forums, talks. Junior Science Club Experiments, workshops, outing, board display. Biology Club Experiments, workshops, board display, publication of bulletins, Science Week (joint function with Chemistry Club and Physics Club), exam tactic sharing workshops, Science Investigation Plan Competition. Chemistry Club Experiments, board display, publication of bulletin, visit, Science Week (joint function with Biology Club and Physics Club), film show, F3 inter-class Science Competition. Physics Club Experiments, board display, publication of bulletin, Science Week (joint function with Biology Club and Chemistry Club), film show, Questions of the Month, revision notes sharing workshops. Computer Club Board display, publication of newsletters, workshops, service for Sports Days & Swimming Gala. Competitions: Inter-class quiz, speed typing. Art Club Board display, workshops. Competitions: Christmas e-card design, students’ exhibitions. D&T Club Board display, exhibitions, courses, training workshops. Economics Society Board display, publication of newsletters, talks, Monopoly Deal Competition (joint function with Chess club), Visits to HKMA, Junior Achievement Company Programme. B. Interest and Service Groups Astronomy Club Board display, visits, photography workshop, game stalls, funfair. Geography-History Society B o a r d d i s p l a y, p u b l i c a t i o n o f n e w s l e t t e r s , outings, F1 Interclass Geography and History Chess Club 32 Board display, gatherings, chess and board games competitions. 33 Drama Club Board display, short film production, HK Schools’ Drama Festival, games, F2 inter-class drama competitions. Environmental Protection Club Board display, publication of e-newsletters, recycling schemes, old items collection, Green School Campaign (joint function with Prefect Board and Student Union), DIY workshops, Green fashion show, Earth Hour, game stalls. C. Uniform Groups Scouts Girl Guides Health Education ClubBoard display, Health Profile, fruit count competition, Joyful Fruit Day. Photography Society Board display, workshops, photo sharing sessions, photo competitions, services for class performances, club activities, prize giving ceremonies, assemblies, Sports Days & Swimming Gala. Christian Fellowship Board display, gatherings, “SPCC Love Action”, carol singing, prayer meetings, video show, “TueStation’, St Michaelmas Fair, F6 Farewell assembly. Stage Management Society Training, maintenance of equipment, backstage service for assemblies, seminars, ceremonies, club functions, school functions, singing contests, PTA functions, Class Performances. Badminton Club Interclass badminton competitions, individual badminton competition, board display, teacher-student friendly match. Basketball Club Interclass basketball competitions, graduation matches, board display, referee training programme. Cross Country Club Training, competitions, board display, campus orienteering. Table Tennis Club Interclass table tennis competitions, board display, video sharing. Soccer Club Interclass soccer competitions, board display, day camp, gradation match, teacher-student friendly match, Cup of Hope, publication of bulletin. 34 Regular gatherings, patrol competition, visit, camp, hiking, training courses, services for Sports Days, Swimming Gala, Walkathon, Speech Day, external competitions. Regular gatherings, interest badge assessments, patrol competitions, patrol camp, hiking, community services, training courses, services for Sports Days, Swimming Gala, Walkathon, Speech Day. St John Ambulance Brigade R e g u l a r g a t h e r i n g s , i n t e r - d i v i s i o n a l St Paul's Ambulance competitions, individual competitions, Cadet Division leadership training, recruit training, courses, services for Sports Days, Swimming Gala, Walkathon, Annual Parade. St Paul's Nursing Cadet Division Regular gatherings, inter-divisional competitions, individual competitions, leadership training, recruit training, courses, services for Sports Days, Swimming Gala, Walkathon, Annual Parade. 35 Table 2: 第十三屆聖保羅男女中學家長教師會 會務簡報 ( 2012 - 2013 年度 ) 2012 年 日期 10 月 6 日 11 月 3 日 11 月 4 日 11 月 16 日 12 月 8 日 12 月 18 日 12 月 21 日 2013 年 日期 1 月 17 日 1 月 19 日 1 月 24 日 2月2日 2 月 17 日 3 月 28 日 4 月 13 日 5月4日 5月9日 6 月 21 日 6 月 25 日 6 月 27 日 7月2日 7 月 10 日 8 月 24 日 10 月 5 日 Table 3: Alumni Association List of Activities 2012 活動 / 項目 第十三屆會員大會暨常務委員會選舉 親子活動 (1):中電核能資源中心 參與學校步行籌款 與學生會代表會面交流 家長班級茶聚:中一至中六 校董晚宴 行業考察 (1):德勤會計師事務所 活動 / 項目 「認識腦退化症」專題講座 本地及海外大學升學講座 學生書展 (1) 及與校長會面 親子活動 (2):黑暗中對話 出版第二十三期會訊 行業考察 (2):王董建築師事務所 「大學考察及體驗」親子探訪 參觀:香港理工大學康復治療科學系 中小學聯校講座 主題:「雙贏『管』與『教』──如何處理孩子的反叛」 講者:周婉芬博士 行業考察 (3):香港海關總部 家長義工聯誼聚餐 行業考察 (4):德勤會計師事務所 出版第二十四期會訊 學生書展 (2) 頒發家教會週年獎項 中一家長迎新日 主題:「通識救港孩」 講者:黃明樂女士 第十四屆家教會選舉簡介會及週年會員大會暨選舉大會 主題:高效的溝通有助調解人際糾紛 講者:李湄珍教授 36 Date 21 September 23 October 4 November 17 November 1 December 13 December 14 December 15 December Activities Happy Hour Drinks at “Lily & Bloom” Annual Dinner 2012 -“SportsAAnity” 2012–2013 Walkathon SPCC Alumni Choir – “Songs of Wayfarer” Concert Parent-Child Community Service Program – Care for the Elderly at St Mary’s Home for the Aged Carol Service Happy Hour Drinks at “Lily & Bloom” Alumni Homecoming Day 2013 Date 17 January 18 January 8 March 22 March 25 May 5 July 9 July Activities Alzheimer Talk SPCCAA Golf Day Spring Dinner Happy Hour Drinks at “Club Lusitano” Parent-Child Community Service Program – Bookie Monster with Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children Happy Hour Drinks at “Club Lusitano” Community Service Program – Visit St James’ Settlement’s Elderly Centre 37 COLLEGE MATRICULATION (2013) RESULTS OF THE HONG KONG DIPLOMA OF SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATION 2013 Local Universities / Tertiary Institutions No of Subjects with 5**/ 5* / A+ 9 8 or above 7 or above 6 or above City University of Hong Kong 6 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 28 The Hong Kong Institute of Education 1 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 7 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 9 The University of Hong Kong 66 Others7 No of Students 3 11 23 42 Students with Outstanding HKDSE Results^ Universities outside Hong Kong US Berklee College of Music California State University, Long Beach Cornell University Indiana University Parsons The New School for Design Rhode Island School of Design Syracuse University University of California, Berkeley University of California, Davis University of California, Los Angeles University of Pennsylvania Washington University in St Louis Wesleyan University UK Durham University Imperial College London Keele University Newcastle University The University of Warwick University College London University of Cambridge University of London University of Oxford Australia Monash University Switzerland Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne 陳昫耀 陳諾怡 鄭月怡 張樂絃 趙蓁宜 蔡偉德 鄒曉豐 向婷彥 何巧婷 何思明 林曉聰 林天淇 劉凱因 劉婉盈 Chan Hui Yiu Chan Lok Yee Cheng Yuet Yi Cheung Lok In Chiu Tsun Yee Choi Wai Tak Chow Hiu Fung Heung Ting Yin Ho Hau Ting Janet Ho Sze Ming Lam Hiu Chung Lam Tin Kei Lau Hoi Yan Gladys Lau Yuen Ying 梁俊賢 李樂軒 連曉竽 廖梓楓 羅銳潛 馬佑銓 吳志榮 潘淳鈞 冼浩霖 鄧頴詩 曾頌霖 温善儀 王可潆 嚴思行 Leung Tsun Yin Billy Li Lok Hin Lin Hiu Yu Liu Tze Fung Ryan Lo Yui Chim Ma Yau Chuen Ng Chi Wing Poon Suen Kwun Arthur Sin Ho Lam Marco Tang Wency Tsang Samuel Wan Sin Yee Wang Keying Yim See Heng Canada The University of British Columbia University of Toronto University of Waterloo ^Top 20% of DSE students at SPCC +GCE AS Level Spanish/Japanese Language 38 39 FORM 6 GRADUATES (2013) RESULTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE DIPLOMA PROGRAMME EXAMINATION 2013 Points Score 44 or above 42 or above 40 or above No of Students 5 14 22 Students with Outstanding IBDP Results^ 陳澤齡 林宇霆 麥凱淇 顏子寧 黃天韻 Chan Jenny Chak Ling Lam Yu Ting Francis Mak Hoi Kay Esther Ngan Tze Ning Wong Tin Wan ^Top 20% of IB students at SPCC 40 6A 陳昫耀 陳啟龍 陳彥匡 蔡偉德 鄒曉豐 黎智仁 林曉聰 林肇軒 李彥衡 梁綽文 梁俊賢 凌栢朗 盧顥云 樂旻熹 杜希勤 曾頌霖 謝雋禮 陳沛均 鍾諾藍 向婷彥 何巧婷 郭善靈 連曉竽 盧詠欣 吳曦婷 彭煒晴 鄧頴詩 温善儀 尤恬兒 楊紀惠 阮逸韻 6B Chan Hui Yiu Chan Kai Lung Chan Yin Hong Choi Wai Tak Chow Hiu Fung Lai Stephen Chi Yan Lam Hiu Chung Lam Siu Hin Lee Yin Hang Jeffrey Leung Cheuk Man Leung Tsun Yin Billy Ling Pak Long Lo Ho Wen Lok Man Hei To Heiken Tsang Samuel Tse Chun Lai Johnny Chan Pui Kwan Chung Lok Lam Gloria Heung Ting Yin Ho Hau Ting Janet Kwok Sin Ling Lin Hiu Yu Loo Wing Yan Ng Hei Ting Pang Wai Ching Eunice Tang Wing Sze Wan Sin Yee Yau Tim Yi Yeung Kei Wai Yuen Yit Won Angela 陳皓謙 陳翹煒 陳秐翔 周嘉彥 霍俊愉 李嘉偉 李樂軒 廖梓楓 馬佑銓 吳志榮 冼浩霖 鄭玟蔚 鄭慧兒 鄭月怡 張樂絃 趙蓁宜 何思明 龔采葭 龔采蒹 劉凱因 劉婉盈 李芷欣 梁凱詠 曾智宜 王可潆 葉雅盈 葉芷瑩 41 Chan Ho Him Chan Kelvin Kiu Wai Chan Wan Cheung Chow Kenyon Ka Yin Fok Chun Yu Lee Jason Ka Wai Li Lok Hin Liu Tze Fung Ryan Ma Yau Chuen Ng Chi Wing Sin Ho Lam Marco Cheng Man Wai Cheng Wai Yi Cheng Yuet Yi Cheung Lok In Chiu Tsun Yee Ho Sze Ming Kung Choi Ka Kung Choi Kim Lau Hoi Yan Gladys Lau Yuen Ying Lee Tsz Yan Leung Dilys Hoi Wing Tsang Chi Yi Wang Keying Yip Nga Ying Yip Tsz Ying 6C 葉淳一 簡志衡 李罡毅 李沛耀 呂靜忠 戴崇禧 謝天曜 胡漢彥 陳倩瞳 傅明慧 夏施晅 瞿瀚思 關紫筠 黎瑞卿 劉曉晴 羅煦盈 李慧美 梁凱婷 李佩文 林穎然 孫小惠 謝熙瑜 黃瑋程 阮永琦 袁睿汶 6D Ip Shun Yat Kan Chi Hang Lee Kong Ngai Lee Pui Yiu Daniel Lui Ching Chung Lawrence Tai Sung Hei Tse Tin Yiu Woo Hon Yin Matthew Chan Seen Tung Fu Ming Wei Ha See Huen Charmaine Kui Hon See Kwan Tsz Kwan Lai Sui Hing Lau Hiu Ching Law Hu Young Lee Wai Mei Leung Hoi Ting Gloria Li Pui Man Lim Wing Yin Sara Suen Siu Wai Ada Tse Helena Hei Yue Wong Wai Ching Yuen Wing Kei Belinda Yuen Yui Man 42 區曦珽 張永諾 張彥喬 鍾健靈 何澤銘 詹柏軒 鄺柏熙 黎翊榮 梁天賜 老建安 吳卓維 顏雋然 曾煦德 陳雅琴 陳嘉敏 陳諾怡 陳美恩 趙盈盈 鍾穎琪 孔泳淇 林天淇 李顥晴 李知樂 鄧書婷 曾繁菁 黃天慧 黃逸藍 胡皓程 胡詠心 嚴思行 袁韻淇 Au Hei Ting Hayton Cheung Wing Nok Cheung Yin Kiu Chung Kin Ling Ho Chark Ming Alvin Jim Pak Hin Raphael Kwong Pak Hei Lai Yik Wing Leung Tin Chi Jonathan Lo Kin On Ng Cheuk Wai Ngan Chun Yin Tsang Hardy Hui Tak Chan Eva Chan Ka Man Chan Lok Yee Chan Mei Yan Melody Chiu Ying Ying Chung Wing Kei Hung Wing Ki Lam Tin Kei Lee Ho Ching Li Chi Lok Rachel Tang Shu Ting Kelly Tsang Fan Ching Wong Tin Wai Wong Yat Lam Wu Iris Ho Ching Wu Wing Sum Yim See Heng Yuen Wan Kee 6E 歐陽雋 陳彥兆 周俊傑 鍾展翹 黎子彬 羅銳潛 呂彥霖 潘尚熙 潘淳鈞 嚴俊堯 姚志峰 陳希澄 程明皓 何家曦 江宛螢 林俊芳 梁家情 謝凱婷 楊穎遙 余曉彤 6F Au Yeung Chun Chan Yin Siu Jerome Chau Chun Kit Chung Chin Kiu Lai Reuben Lo Yui Chim Lui Yin Lam Poon Sheung Hei Poon Suen Kwun Arthur Yim Chun Yiu Yiu Chi Fung Chan Hei Ching Chloe Ching Ming Ho Natale Ho Kar Hei Kong Uen Ying Lam Chun Fong Leung Ka Ching Tse Hoi Ting Yeung Wing Yiu Yue Hiu Tung Helen 范大章 郭錦丞 黎定羲 林宇霆 羅尚道 伍尚熹 黃智鴻 鄭悅宜 周嘉玲 麥凱淇 顏子寧 謝善殷 曹沁然 黃天韻 43 Fan Da Jong Kwok Kam Shing Lai Ting Hei Adrian Lam Yu Ting Francis Lo Sheung To Marvin Ng Sheung Hei Wong Eugene Benjamin Cheng Yuet Yee Chow Pauline Jia Ling Mak Hoi Kay Esther Ngan Tze Ning Tse Syn Yan Tso Tsam Yin Wong Tin Wan 聖保羅男女中學附屬小學畢業生 二零一三年七月 PUPILS WHO PASSED THE PRIMARY 6 EXAMINATION ST. PAUL'S CO-EDUCATIONAL COLLEGE PRIMARY SCHOOL 6G 黃上智 陳澤齡 郝以晴 林佩瑩 李諾君 勞沛昕 吳諾瑤 彭文在 彭 旭 黃卓穎 黃思穎 胡靖琳 嚴雁濤 Wong Sheung Chi Chan Jenny Chak Ling Kok E Ching Lam Pui Ying Lee Lok Kwan Rachel Lo Pui Yan Bethany Ng Nok Yiu Pang Man Joy Peng Xu Wong Cheuk Wing Wong Sze Wing Stephanie Wu Michelle Ching Lam Yim Allison Ann Toe 44 6A 歐陽秀姸 陳樂駿 陳子瑩 周欣霖 鄭珞妍 招浩懷 曹穎欣 馮詩詠 禤穎瑜 洪宏略 林愷其 林建恒 李芷盈 梁筱彤 廖栩怡 李正彰 羅祖耀 馬銘熹 馬子聰 柯健榕 潘偉達 施靜霖 蘇津樺 謝蔚禧 鄒崇達 溫文樓 王京元 胡愷峰 楊卓賢 6B Au-Yeung Sau Yin Chan Lok Chun Chan Tsz Ying Vanessa Daphne Chau Yan Lam Cheang Lok Yin Chiu Hou Wai Colin Cho Wing Yan Fung Sze Wing Esther Huen Wing Yu Hung Anthony Wang Leuk Lam Hoi Kei Lavina Lam Kin Hang Adrian Lee Chi Ying Jasmine Leung Ashley Siu Tung Liao Hui-Yi Helaine Lie-A-Cheong Edward Lo Cho-Yiu Jason Ma Ming Hei Leroy Mah Tsz Chung Oscar Or Ronald Teng Poon Dickson Dexter Weida Salata Alexandra Anna So Barnett Tse Wai Hei Tobie Tsou Sung Tat Darwin Wan Man Lau Wang Marco Woo Alfred Hoi Fung Yeung Cheuk Yin 45 陳曉茵 陳卓倫 陳坤鉞 陳詩穎 陳穎希 陳逸晴 鍾瑋琦 何澤林 何智樂 何穎婧 甘浚祺 高穎琛 林在川 林茜彤 羅德勤 凌 恩 陸希怡 麥穎荍 苗嘉桐 吳嘉靜 薛廣賢 蕭媛之 蘇敬恒 蘇子蓉 王思正 楊瑞正 袁宇靖 榮承信 Chan Alicia Caroline Chan Cheuk Lun Felix Matthew Chan Kwan Yuet Marcus Chan Tiffany Chan Wing Hei Alison Chan Yat Ching Chung Wai Kei Ho Chak Lam Samuel Ho Tsi Lok Ho Wing Ching Kam Chun Kei Ko Wing Sum Lam Choi Chuen Lam Christie Law Tak Kan Ling Yan Therese Luk Megan Heyee Mak Wing Kiu Miao Katrina Ng Ka Ching Tiffany Seet Kwong Yin Siu Wun Chi Una So King Hang Thomas So Tsz Yung Andrea Wong Jasper Zi Jing Yang Seu Jing Francis Yuen Yu Ching Yung Zeng Sing Peter F1 ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarship Examination Entrance Scholarship 6C 陳楚僑 陳愷喬 陳廷翰 張肇庭 鄭愈勤 諸亮維 胡詠楠 紀焯琳 高芷楠 郭彧君 林伯燊 林思朗 羅匡維 李容博 李知行 廖啟賢 吳子浩 吳雅茹 吳欣樺 蘇晉逸 陳浚偉 丁摯揚 曾昭然 曾芷晴 謝天榆 溫子熙 黃曉琳 黃倩恒 黃詩詠 胡愷珊 6D Chan Chor Kiu Chan Hoi Kiu Chan Ting Hon Nixon Chang Jaw Ting Martin Cheng Yu Kan Colin Chu Yui Liang Wei Hu Clarice Blanche Yong Nan Ki Cheuk Lam Adelle Ko Audrey Tsznam Kwok Yuk Kwan Lam Pak Sun Barry Lam Sze Long Law Hong Wai Arthur Lee Yung Pok Li Zhi Xing Jasmine Liu Kai Yin Andrew Ng Tsz Ho Leo Ng Nga Yu Elizabeth Ng Yan Wah So Joshua Tan Calvin Ting Chee Yeung Jeremy Tsang Chiu Yin Tsang Christie Flora Tse Tin Yu Won Dzi Hei Isaac Wong Hiu Lam Wong Penelope Wynne Wong Sze Wing Woo Dorothy Hoi Shan 46 陳湣元 陳雯諾 陳錦晅 陳括然 陳 殷 鄭海藍 張汶浠 張行哲 鍾尚恩 方芷筠 符耀基 熊祉程 高子婷 林漪婷 劉特恩 劉晴昕 李浚梃 李捷飛 李民剛 李穎琦 李泓澤 凌一芹 莫雋浩 莫家霖 潘子婷 唐子熙 黃泠渢 楊永容 邱嘉賢 容宏量 Chan Henry Sidney Man Yuen Chan Jemila Chan Kam Huen Chan Koot Yin Chan Yan Cheng Hoi Lam Cheung Celine Wen Xi Cheung Hang Chit Chung Sheung Yan Fong Chee Kwan Chloe Fu Yaoji Giuseppe Hsiung Nerissa Tsz Ching Ko Olivia Lam Yee Ting Sylvia Lau Alex Dak Yan Lau Ching Yan Lee Gavin Jun Ting Li Joshua Li Alfred Junior Man Kong Li Talya Wing Kay Li Wang Chak Ling Yat Kan Marvin Mok Chun Ho Mok Ka Lam Kevin Poon Tsz Ting Tong Tsz Hei Oscar Wong Ling Fung Anson Yeung Wing Yung Michelle Yow Carolyn Ka Yin Yung Wang Leong Austin 陳俊彥 張綮希 鍾夢甜 許文彥 甘浚祺 劉晴昕 利瑋霖 彭梓菁 薛廣賢 蘇津樺 Chan Chun Yin Cheung Kai Hei Trevor Chung Mung Tim Hui Man Yin Nicole Kam Chun Kei Lau Ching Yan Lee Wai Lam Pang Tsz Ching Seet Kwong Yin So Barnett School Nomination Scheme (OS) Entrance Scholarship 陳俊彥 陳建元 鄭海藍 鄭雅文 鄭心兒 張綮希 何安兒 何智樂 甘浚祺 劉晴昕 劉晉瑋 李芷盈 利瑋霖 梁嘉盈 梁建朗 廖啟賢 羅德懿 彭梓菁 曾琬晴 謝希霖 黃清渝 Chan Chun Yin Chan Matthew Kin Yuen Cheng Hoi Lam Cheng Nga Man Cheng Sum Yi Cheung Kai Hei Trevor Ho On Yi Angie Ho Tsi Lok Kam Chun Kei Lau Ching Yan Lau Tsun Wai Lee Chi Ying Jasmine Lee Wai Lam Leung Ka Ying Leung Kin Long Liu Kai Yin Andrew Lo Tak Yee Pang Tsz Ching Tsang Yuen Ching Wendy Tse Hei Lam Claudia Wong Ching Yu Young Talents Scholarship 陳廷翰 何安兒 林伯燊 廖啟賢 石卓琳 黃凱琳 黃凱欣 Chan Ting Hon Nixon Ho On Yi Angie Lam Pak Sun Barry Liu Kai Yin Andrew Shek Cheuk Lam Jasmine Wong Hoi Lam Wong Hoi Yan Margaret 47 SCHOLARSHIPS FOR ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (2012-2013) F5 陳仲康 陳喜施 陳敬知 陳子建 陳穎豪 陳依祺 陳禕程 鄭詩樺 張韞寧 趙千慧 鍾景禧 方嘉曦 馮文莊 何卓媛 許延鋒 葉礎鋒 林凱亮 劉瑋軒 李國澤 麥穗盈 吳漫叡 潘若翩 陶國燊 王育芃 黃浩維 黃 磊 黃達聰 王孜敬 黃紫鈴 黃蕊獻 胡肇彰 胡靄琳 楊樂天 阮宏浩 Chan Chung Hong Nigel Chan Hei Sze Chan King Chi Chan Tsz Kin Timothy Chan Wing Ho Ronald Chan Yee Kee Edie Chan Yi Cheng Cheng Sze Wa Priscilla Cheung Wan Ning Chiu Chin Wai Chung King Hei Fong Ka Hei Fung Man Chong Joyce Ho Cheuk Wun Hui Yin Fung Ip Cho Fung Lam Hoi Leung Lau Wai Hin Lee Zachariah Kwok Tsat Mak Shui Ying Dorothy Ng Man Yui Poon Yeuk Pin Gladys Tao Hampton Guo Shen Wang Yuk Pung Wong Ho Wai Wong Lui Frank Wong Tat Chung Tobias Wong Tsz King Wong Tsz Ling Wong Yui Hin Woo Shiu Cheung Manton Wu Stephanie Oi Lam Yeung Lok Tin Yuen Wang Ho F4 曾雍喬 鄭浩文 鄭紀文 鄭樂然 張佩文 張文軒 鄒嘉慧 馮鎧瑩 何卓琳 何靖揚 何培心 郭天惠 黎卓彥 黎樹勳 林詠莎 劉洺沂 劉婉欣 劉睿晴 羅浩鏘 盧靜安 呂樂希 莫紫晴 吳偉聰 吳展合 譚芊睿 譚立豐 汪嘉寶 黃雅彥 黃尉政 邱凱晴 楊子柔 阮浩軒 容恩行 48 Chen Yung Kiu Cheng Ho Man Cheng Kei Man Cheng Lok Yin Cheong Pui Man Cheung Man Hin Chow Nikki Ka Wai Fung Hoi Ying Ho Cheuk Lam Sharon Ho Ching Yeung Ho Pui Sum Christine Kwok Victoria Anne Lai Cheuk Yin Lai Shu Fun Lam Wing Sha Lau Ming Yi Lau Yuen Yan Kitty Lau Yui Ching Law Jonathan Dominic Lo Ching On Lui Lok Hei Mok Tsz Ching Ng Wai Chung Ng Zhan Herr Tam Chin Yui Tam Lap Fung Wong Kar Po Clara Wong Nga Yin Wong Wai Ching Yau Hoi Ching Yeung Faith Zi Rou Yuen Peter Ho Hin Yung Eleanor Yan Hun F3 陳福仁 陳希俞 陳沛嶠 陳卲楷 陳思琳 張家瑋 張思樂 鍾潔琳 費朗倫 方柏叡 馮梓瑩 何舒懷 許碧淇 焦璧琳 劉詠樑 李詠琪 梁珈瑋 盧曦元 呂澤銘 梅梓絃 彭鈺雅 史泳桐 沈翰銘 蕭婷之 蘇校弘 溫子柔 黃凱琳 黃懷彬 黃穎言 黃宇笙 胡紫瑩 殷子軒 丘 悅 楊淦良 葉維 Chan Fook Yen Edwin Chan Hei Yu Audrey Chan Pui Kiu Chan Shiu Kai Chen Sze Lam Cheung Calvin Ka Wai Cheung Sze Lok Chung Kit Lam Fee Lon Lun Jason Fong Pak Yui Fung Chi Ying Natalie Ho Shu Wai Hsu Beckie Jiao Bi Lin Lau Wing Leung Gavin Lee Vanessa Wing Kai Leung Ka Wai Lo Hay Yuen Michael Lui Chak Ming Mui Tsz Yin Charlotte Pang Yuk Nga Se Wing Tung Natalie Shen Hanming Siu Ting Chi Sienna So Hau Wang Wan Chloe Wong Hoi Lam Wong Wai Pan Wong Wing Yin Wong Yu Sang Wu Crystal Ji Ying Yan Tsz Hin Benedict Yau Yuet Yeung Kam Leung Kenneth Yip Chun Wai 鄭嘉盈 Zheng Jia Ying Jenny F2 陳靖珺 陳曉暉 陳芷琪 陳穎悅 鄭智穎 鄭鈞鍵 鄭樂言 張旨恩 陳靖嫺 何樂天 孔雪珩 甘詠昕 姜慧鑫 鄺俊熹 黎靜怡 林哲鋒 李思行 李朗軒 廖卓君 劉稚珊 陸達兒 梅肇淇 吳璟禧 孫上婷 鄧筠琳 鄧惠慈 丁子元 曾俊熹 曾詠恩 董逸盈 王啟聰 黃思明 王莛慧 黃匯烺 吳曉雲 尹 恕 翁俊諾 49 Chan Ching Kwan Chan Hiu Fai Chan Tsz Kei Serena Chan Wing Yuet Cheng Chi Wing Cheng Kwan Kin Cheng Lok Yin Keane Cheung Tsz Yan Chin Ching Han Ho Kevin Loktin Hung Suet Hang Amy Kam Win Yan Jacinta Keung Wai Yam Kwong Chun Hei Adrian Lai Ching Yee Jamie Lam Lincoln Lee Sze Hang Sharon Li Long Hin Liu Cheuk Kwan Liu Serena Luk Tat Yi Moy Wyatt Jason Ng King Hei Kelvin Sun Shangting Tang Kwun Lam Tang Wai Chi Ting Tsz Yuen Tsang Chun Hei Tsang Wing Yan Tung Yat Ying Irma Wong Kai Chung Alan Wong See Ming Chloe Wong Ting Wai Wong Wui Long Wu Jenny Yin Shu Sue Yung Chun Nok PRIZES FOR INDIVIDUAL STUDENTS (2012-2013) F1 歐陽依汶 陳芊泓 陳樂澄 陳明丰 陳尚君 陳適之 曾康喬 鄭樂然 張伊琳 蔡頌恩 丁尉殷 傅霆軒 許澤華 葉清霖 翟茝文 郭敏瑩 關博充 藍正宏 林鎧盈 李子熙 李洛賢 黎梓奕 廖天衞 盧清心 盧穎斐 龍天瑤 陸 禧 文盈璋 柯政希 潘聞韶 唐駿平 張元澤 曾朗喬 謝德愛 黃程灝 黃鈺昌 楊卓樺 余進昇 Au Yeung Yee Man Chan Chin Wang Karen Chan Lauren Elise Le Cheng Chan Ming Fung Chan Sheung Kwan Chan Sik Chi Chen Tiffany Hong Kiu Cheng Lok Yin Cheung Jovian Y Choi Chung Yan Ding Wai Yan Fu Ting Hin Hui Chak Wa Ip Ching Lam Jat Stephanie Constance Kuo Man Ying Kwan Pok Chung Lam Ching Wang Lam Hoi Ying Athene Lee Tsz Hei Li Lok Yin Li Ziyi Liu Tin Wai Elzaphan Lo Tsing Sum Lo Wing Fei Loong Tin Yiu Luk Hei Man Ying Cheung Or Ching Hei Pun Man Siu Tang Junping Tiu Yuen Chak Tsang Long Kiu Tse Tak Oi Dora Wong Ching Ho Wong Justin Yuk Cheong Yeung Cheuk Wa Yu Chun Sing 50 Name Prize F6 陳昫耀 Chan Hui Yiu Bunnan Tong Memorial Scholarship 陳澤齡 Chan Jenny Chak Ling Fong Sum Wood-Chang Han Tsiu Education Fund Scholarship 陳啟龍 Chan Kai Lung Dr Li Fook Wo Scholarship 陳諾怡 Chan Lok Yee Tse Tsun Woon Memorial Scholarship (Given by the Alumni Association) 陳美恩 Chan Mei Yan Melody Mak Hoi Hung Prize for Music 陳彥匡 Chan Yin Hong Marvin KT Cheung Prize for Mathematics 鄭玟蔚 Cheng Man Wai St. Paul's Co-educational College Alumni Association 80th Anniversary Bursary Grant 鄭月怡 Cheng Yuet Yi Sir Robert Kotewall Scholarship for the Best English and Chinese Scholar 張樂絃 Cheung Lok In Fung Kan Shiu Han Scholarship 趙蓁宜 Chiu Tsun Yee Nathan ET Siao Memorial Scholarship 蔡偉德 Choi Wai Tak Miss E Kotewall Memorial Scholarship 鄒曉豐 Chow Hiu Fung Bishop Baker Memorial Scholarship 向婷彥 Heung Ting Yin Dr FC Woo Memorial Scholarship (Given by the Alumni Association) Philip WT Leong Prize for English Herbert HK Tsoi Prize for Science 何巧婷 Ho Hau Ting Janet Tong Chan Shuk Ying Memorial Scholarship 何思明 Ho Sze Ming Chan Kan Shiu Ching Scholarship 黎定羲 Lai Ting Hei Adrian Lee Yee Prize for Mathematics 林曉聰 Lam Hiu Chung Bishop Hall Memorial Scholarship tenable at The Chinese University of Hong Kong 林天淇 Lam Tin Kei Project Rainbow Cheung Sik Hin Thomas Scholarship 林宇霆 Lam Yu Ting Francis Dr BM Kotewall Memorial Scholarship 劉凱因 Lau Hoi Yan Gladys Chan Tseng Hsi Memorial Scholarship 劉婉盈 Lau Yuen Ying Loi Wang Chang Memorial Scholarship 梁俊賢 Leung Tsun Yin Billy Bishop Halward Memorial Scholarship 李樂軒 Li Lok Hin Li Kwun Ki Memorial Scholarship 連曉竽 Lin Hiu Yu Leung Pui Ki Memorial Scholarship 廖梓楓 Liu Tze Fung Ryan Chang Wong Yiu Ho Scholarship 羅銳潛 Lo Yui Chim Sir Shouson Chow Memorial Scholarship Chen Kai Wen Memorial Scholarship for Chinese 馬佑銓 Ma Yau Chuen Li Tam Toi Hing Memorial Scholarship 麥凱淇 Mak Hoi Kay Esther Diamond Jubilee Scholarship 51 NamePrize 吳志榮 Ng Chi Wing St. Paul's Co-educational College Alumni Association 75th Anniversary Scholarship 伍尚熹 Ng Sheung Hei Tam Sheung Wai Prize for Science 顏子寧 Ngan Tze Ning St. Paul's Co-educational College Alumni Association 85th Anniversary Bursary Grant 彭煒晴 Pang Wai Ching Eunice Siao Chee Yuen Memorial Scholarship 潘淳鈞 Poon Suen Kwun Arthur Li Wai Chun Scholarship 冼浩霖 Sin Ho Lam Marco Dr FC Woo Bursary Grant (Given by the Alumni Association) 鄧頴詩 Tang Wency Rose LH Fok Memorial Scholarship 曾頌霖 Tsang Samuel Lo Wai Ching Scholarship 曹沁然 Tso Tsam Yin Lee Chien Prize for Chinese 温善儀 Wan Sin Yee Leung Sau King Memorial Scholarship 王可潆 Wang Keying Chau Tak Hung Memorial Scholarship 黃思穎 Wong Sze Wing Stephanie Bernard PH Auyang Prize for English 黃天韻 Wong Tin Wan Li Wai Chun Scholarship 嚴思行 Yim See Heng Chen Lam Ngar Sheung Scholarship for Social Sciences F5 區凱晴 Au Hoi Ching Vocal Scholarship 陳仲康 Chan Chung Hong Nigel Frederick KS Leung Prize for Mathematics 鄭樂行 Cheng Lok Heng Krista Vocal Scholarship 張浩然 Cheung Ho Yin Vocal Scholarship 趙千慧 Chiu Chin Wai Moses Cheng Prize for English 方嘉曦 Fong Ka Hei Anissa Chan Prize for Science 何飛雲 Ho Fei Wan Vocal Scholarship 關家雋 Kwan Ka Chun Vocal Scholarship 林映均 Lam Ying Kwan Canny Vocal Scholarship 李國澤 Lee Zachariah Kwok Tsat Chow Hau Leung Memorial Prize for English 吳梓驄 Ng Tony Vocal Scholarship 陳樂儀 Tan Lok Yee Joyce Vocal Scholarship 温舒烺 Wan Shu Long Bernice Maria Lui Memorial Prize for Music 王育芃 Wang Yuk Pung Teresa MY Yang Prize for Mathematics Chau Chuen Kung Prize for Service 黃蕊獻 Wong Yui Hin Wong Yuk Hum Memorial Prize for Chinese 胡靄琳 Wu Stephanie Oi Lam Rocco SK Yim Prize for Chinese Ian Lam Prize for Science 52 NamePrize F5 阮宏浩 Yuen Wang Ho Ng Heung Yau Memorial Scholarship for Christian Service F4 何卓琳 Ho Cheuk Lam Sharon Li Fook Wo Prize for English 黎卓彥 Lai Cheuk Yin Fong Sum Wood Memorial Prize for English 林詠莎 Lam Wing Sha Wong Yuk Hum Memorial Prize for Chinese 林恩浩 Lam Yan Ho Kenny Vocal Scholarship 呂樂希 Lui Lok Hei Vocal Scholarship 吳展合 Ng Zhan Herr Fu Lau Kin Yue Prize for Science 阮浩軒 Yuen Peter Ho Hin Ngai Kwok Wai Prize for Mathematics Aubrey KS Li Prize for Science 容恩行 Yung Eleanor Yan Hun Mimi YM Chan Prize for Mathematics F3 陳希俞 方柏叡 許碧淇 劉詠樑 Chan Hei Yu Audrey Fong Pak Yui Hsu Beckie Lau Wing Leung Gavin Prize for English Vocal Scholarship Prize for Chinese Prize for Mathematics F2 許芷瑜 鄺俊熹 黎靜怡 文蘊芝 黃朗恩 黃思明 黃若珩 Hui Tsz Yu Kwong Chun Hei Adrian Lai Ching Yee Jaime Man Wan Chi Nicolle Wong Long Yan Dorothy Wong See Ming Chloe Wong Yeuk Hang Portia Vocal Scholarship Prize for English Vocal Scholarship Vocal Scholarship Vocal Scholarship Prize for Chinese Vocal Scholarship F1 陳樂澄 Chan Lauren Elise Le Cheng Prize for English 關博充 Kwan Pok Chung Prize for Chinese P6鄭海藍 Cheng Hoi Lam Dr BM Kotewall Prize for the Best Pupil in Primary 6 劉晴昕 Lau Ching Yan Dr BM Kotewall Prize for the Best Pupil in Primary 6 53 SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDS 秩序表 Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarship for Overseas Studies 林宇霆 Lam Yu Ting Francis Swire Scholarship Tenable at Oxford University 麥凱淇 Mak Hoi Kay Esther Chung Chi Alumni Scholarship for Excellence 彭煒晴 Pang Wai Ching Eunice Centaline Charity Fund Scholarships 何巧婷 Ho Hau Ting Janet 郭錦丞 Kwok Kam Shing Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes 林宇霆 Lam Yu Ting Francis 胡靄琳 Wu Stephanie Oi Lam AmCham Charitable Foundation Prize Book Award 許延鋒 Hui Yin Fung Brown University Book Award 黃蕊獻 Wong Yui Hin Harvard Book Prizes 王育芃 Wang Yuk Pung 陳喜施 Chan Hei Sze 阮宏浩 Yuen Wang Ho 一、校歌 全體會眾 二、祈禱 林壽楓法政牧師 三、致歡迎辭 麥海雄醫生 四、校務報告 陳黃麗娟校長 五、訓辭 楊敏德女士 , GBS, JP 六、頒發畢業證書及獎品 楊敏德女士 , GBS, JP 七、致謝辭 學生代表鄭月怡 八、歌詠 本校合唱團 九、祝福 林壽楓法政牧師 Princeton Club of Hong Kong Book Award 李國澤 Lee Zachariah Kwok Tsat Wellesley Book Award 胡靄琳 Wu Stephanie Oi Lam 54 55 校董芳名 譚尚渭教授 主席 麥海雄醫生 副主席 蔡克剛律師 名譽秘書 張建東博士 名譽司庫 利乾先生 校監 陳黃麗娟博士 校長 李國星先生 魏國威先生 陳甘艷美女士 梁貫成教授 鄭慕智博士 林壽楓法政牧師 歐陽伯康先生 楊敏賢女士 嚴迅奇博士 梁弘道醫生 56 聖保羅男女中學 畢業典禮 二零一三年十二月十七日
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