message from the superintendent - Kingsway Regional School District
Committed to Excellence A Publication of the Kingsway Regional School District MESSAGE FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT VOL 18: May 2016 “A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. It brings us together again and again.” – Maya Angelou A s we prepare for the release of this edition of Inside Kingsway, our Kingsway family is grief stricken with the loss of our friend and colleague, John Kodluk. Mr. Kodluk meant a lot of things to a lot of people and his legacy as a teacher, coach and mentor lives on in each and every person who was fortunate enough to have met or worked with him. If you walk down the now quiet hallway to classroom 144, you will see a moving memorial of photos and personal messages decorating the door to the room in which he taught freshman economics. Many of the handwritten messages remembered Mr. Kodluk for his heartwarming smile and for the kindness he bestowed upon students and staff alike. One student remembered him rushing to the field to hold her hand when she was seriously injured during a soccer game. A colleague credited him for showing her what it meant to be a good teacher and a gentle spirit. Emails have poured in commemorating Mr. Kodluk for his work teaching children with special needs how to play soccer or ride two-wheel bicycles. Opposing soccer coaches have shared that he was genuine and the first to assist any school or coach to develop their soccer program. Our girls’ soccer players have come together, as one united program, to support one another, just the way Coach Kodluk preached. John Kodluk was dedicated to serving our young people and his impact is immeasurable. While his passing has had a profound impact on our faculty, staff and students, we unite in solidarity as one family who benefited from knowing and working with him. We celebrate a man who valued personal connections, who gave all he had in the service of others, and who had an uncanny ability to make us smile. Sincerely, Dr. James J. Lavender Superintendent of Schools Above and right: A student memorial was created in Kodluk’s memory following his passing this week. Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 | CURRICULUM NEWS & NOTES SPOTLIGHT TEACHER: MRS. MARY NEYER I t is rare to meet a teacher as energetic and as lively as Mrs. Neyer. She ensures that all of her students are engaged in a lesson from early Monday morning until late Friday afternoon. There is no excuse. She draws you into a lesson with her quirky songs about math such as “y=mx +b”, different accents, or physical movements in which the students also participate. There is always time for a group sing-a-long in her class. She has a knack for asking just the right questions and surveying the room to ensure all students can process what she is asking. She uses “Neyer notes” to keep students motivated. The students collect these when they answer questions and can turn them in for a homework pass or points on an assessment. This positive reinforcement has been so successful that the high school has heard about this and is adopting “Dragon Dollars” next year for certain classes to aid in student motivation. Ms. Neyer has a very welcoming environment in her classroom. All students feel comfortable to express their thoughts and a wrong answer is welcomed. She loves getting misconceptions out in the open so that these may be examined closely. Sometimes Mrs. Neyer even uses her own time to dispel any misconceptions that students may have. She has been inviting students into her class room for a “working lunch” for extra help. Numerous students have taken advantage of her gracious opportunities and have learned to prioritize, apply themselves and love math. Mrs. Neyer co-teaches a few of her classes as well. Never have I seen such a seamless interaction with two professionals. Mutual respect and shared interest in student achievement is her driving force. She pushes all students to their limits and beyond helping them reach their full potential. The methods Mrs. Neyer uses in her classroom educate a student on more than the quadratic equation. She models the fact that it is ok to be silly and she is confident enough to laugh at herself in class. Students see this self-assured intelligent woman as a role model. Thank you for serving our students so selflessly and continuing to push their limits to infinite slopes. Congratulations to the May spotlight teacher, Mrs. Mary Neyer. PARTNERSHIP WITH ST. FRANCIS EXTENDS TO A FELLOWSHIP K ingsway Regional High School is excited to announce that it has extended its partnership with Saint Francis Veterinary Center of South Jersey to offer students a unique opportunity that enhances their learning of animal and veterinary science and the careers within each. Students who have successfully completed the Animal Science course at KRHS as well as the Animal Science Practicum through SFVC while maintaining a B or higher in math and science coursework have the opportunity to apply for entry into the SFVC Animal Science Fellowship Program. Approximately five students will be accepted and will participate in a minimum of 250 hours of in-hospital work beginning July 2016 through May 2017. During this time, students will observe, learn and experience several areas within SFVC to gain knowledge and exposure to medical professions associated with the care and treatment of veterinary patients. accredited program in the sciences. Exceptional graduating fellows may be eligible for full sponsorship of their veterinary sciences training in exchange for employment commitments. Participating faculty from KRHS will collaborate with key members of SFVC on a quarterly basis to review student experiences during the Fellowship. This experience allows students to further apply the knowledge and skills gained from Ms. Reena Ninan’s Animal Science course at KRHS and the experiences obtained through the course’s corresponding Animal Science Practicum at SFVC. Kingsway Regional School District would like to express its extreme gratitude to Saint Francis Veterinary Center for continuing to support and engage our students and our district’s commitment to excellence. CONGRATS! Congratulations to Stefanie FoxManno and her husband Jason on the birth of their daughter, Riley Quinn! Riley was born on April 18 and weighed 6 lbs, 14 oz. Participating Fellows will earn an hourly rate and graduating Fellows will receive a $1,000 scholarship toward education at an Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 | 2 CURRICULUM NEWS & NOTES PARCC: THREE WAYS TO SUPPORT CHILDREN AT HOME T hroughout their academic careers, all students will take standardized tests, including an annual state test beginning in grade three to measure how well they are progressing in the skills and content at each grade level. Tests can open doors to many great opportunities, but for many students and parents, standardized tests also bring stress and anxiety. Here are three resources to support parents and families in better understanding the PARCC assessment and how to help their children feel prepared and confident. 1. Find out the facts. Each section of PARCC – English language arts and mathematics – will be broken down into three or four units with one unit administered each day. Review the schedule for your child’s school so you can help them with knowing what to expect. The amount of time provided is based on an analysis of students’ needs on field tested questions in the past so students should not feel rushed while testing. For more information about the PARCC test, visit and review the information posted on the District’s PARCC website at http:// 2. Review the practice tests. PARCC has published many example items to help educators, parents, and students better understand how the test is aligned to classroom work. You may want to walk through the test yourself or with your child for familiarity. To see a practice test, visit 3. Know what your child is learning in English and mathematics. PARCC is designed to assess the standards adopted by the New Jersey Department of Education in English language arts and mathematics. To learn more about those expectations, visit the PTA Parents’ Guide to Success at You can also see samples of what writing that meets the standards looks like at each grade level at Information contained within this article was adapted from “PARCC Parent Checklist: 5 Ways to Help Your Child,” accessible at AP TESTING UPDATE T he Advanced Placement Test Fee Program (APTF) has enabled states to pay part or all of the cost of advanced placement test fees for students who are enrolled in an advanced placement class and qualify as low-income. This year, the College Board is charging a $92 fee per AP exam for all students participating in AP exams. During the 2016-2017 school year, the New Jersey Department of Education will use state and federal funding (through and contingent upon a grant award) to pay for each AP Exam taken by low-income students. Consequently, AP Exams will be free of charge for all low-income students in New Jersey in 2016. Additional information can be found in Kimberley Harrington’s (NJDOE Assistant Commissioner/Chief Academic Officer) broadcast memo. broadcasts/2016/APR/26/14871/Advanced%20Placement%20 Test%20Fee%20Program.pdf STATE SCIENCE ASSESSMENT IN MAY W hile most of the attention has been on PARCC, NJASK Science and the New Jersey Biology Competency Testing (NJBCT) is scheduled for late May. All students in grades 4 and 8 will take the NJASK Science paper test on May 25th. All students enrolled for the first time in a high school biology test will take the Biology Competency (NJBCT) paper test on May 25th and May 26th. Students who are currently enrolled in AP Biology will not take the NJBCT. For more information about both the NJASK Science and the NJBCT, please visit Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 | 3 HIGH SCHOOL JAZZ FESTIVAL & WOODY HERMAN DIVISION CHAMPIONS! O n Saturday, April 2nd we were proud to host the 11th Annual Jazz Festival at KRHS. The festival featured all of Kingsway’s high school jazz ensembles as we welcomed in some of the top jazz programs in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. We were honored to have West Chester University’s top jazz band, The Criterions, in attendance to close out the event. All performing groups received taped and written comments from the judging panel to help further improve their performances and Dr. Lavender was on hand to assist with presenting awards to the bands to close the evening. We greatly appreciate the community’s support with this event over the years, and if you missed it, we hope to see you next year in what always proves to be an excellent showcase of our area’s greatest young musicians. KINGSWAY’S KEY CLUB O n Saturday, April 16, 2016, members of Kingsway’s newly formed Key Club volunteered at the Kiwanis Club of Greater Swedesboro’s Applebee’s breakfast fundraiser. Key Club International is a youth service-leadership organization sponsored by Kiwanis International. It is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. Kingsway’s Key Club members are passionate about making a difference in the world. Members Photographed are 6 members of work together Kingsway’s Key Club: (from left to right) on projects that Alyssa Doyle, Brianna Ashmen, Mara improve their Spector, Brooke Belka, Anjana Chamarthi, schools and and Gabrielle Ciminera. communities. For more information about Kingsway’s Key Club, please contact Mrs. Cassidy. On April 16, 2016, Kingsway’s Select Jazz Band was named the Woody Herman Division Jazz Band Champions. The band, led by Mr. Joe Henderson, had another great performance and was the only band to receive the top rating of Superior in the entire show! Kingsway was also awarded the best saxophone section and Nick Pino was given a best soloist medal. It was a great night for the group and a great finish for the seniors who brought the band through such improvements over the past four years to accomplish these accolades. Congratulations to another stellar year produced by our Jazz program. FIELD TRIP!! T he World Wildlife Fund joined forces with the Environmental Club as they took a field trip to the Wetlands Institute in Stone Harbor, NJ. There, students ventured to the beach where they learned about the natural ecosystem of the shore. Students were also able to conduct various experiments and activities that furthered their knowledge of one of the most beloved destinations in the state. They caught invertebrates in the water, tested water properties, wind pressure and even ventured into collecting samples on the beach. Students were then able to relax on the beach and enjoy lunch by the ocean. Overall, the experience opened up students’ eyes to the wonders of a rather local ecosystem, and not only learned more of its plants and animals, but the positive and negative effects humans have on this particular environment. Kingsway’s Chapter of WWF and the Environmental Club Visit Wetlands Institute Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 | 4 HIGH SCHOOL LOBIONDO VISITS WITH STUDENTS SENIORS OF THE MONTH C W ongressmen Frank LoBiondo serves the Second Congressional District of New Jersey, which includes all of Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberland, and Salem counties and parts of Camden, Gloucester, Ocean and Burlington counties. On Capitol Hill, Congressman LoBiondo is a member of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, House Armed Services Committee and House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, where he serves as Chairman of the newly-created 10-member CIA From left to right: Jamel McPherson, PJ Subcommittee with Crescenzo, Congressmen Frank LoBiondo, oversight over the Tyler Needham, Sam Shinn, Joseph Central Intelligence Delmar, Joaquin Cavazos, and Michael Agency. Massaro. On April 6, 2016, the Congressmen took time out of his busy schedule to talk with students at the high school about becoming a politician, national security, and other issues facing the United States in the 21st century. LAIL HOSTS NJASC MEETING T he New Jersey Association of Student Councils (NJASC) is the nation’s oldest student leadership organization. It is dedicated to helping student councils to be more active and engaged in their schools and communities. Throughout the school year, the NJASC works with both student leaders and student council advisors to encourage participation in student government and provide a forum for students to network and share ideas for successful projects and events. The NJASC Executive Board is made up of nine students from around the state. Kingsway’s own Jessica Lail is this year’s Secretary. On April 15th Jessica and Kingsway’s Student Council hosted the NJASC as they decided who next year’s state charity will be. The meeting involved presentations from four nonprofit finalists. The 2016-2017 state charity will be announced and introduced on June 1st at the Spring Awards Program at Great Adventure. e are proud to announce our Seniors of the Month for April 2016, Jamal McPherson and Caitlin Moore. Jamal is a member of student council and the KRHS student ambassador program. Additionally, Jamal is a member of both Interact and Cultures Club. He is also a varsity athlete in both football and spring track. Outside of school, Jamal is a From Left to Right: Mr. Zurzolo, Caitlin youth pastor. Caitlin Moore, Jamal McPherson, and Mr. was a captain of our Stephenson fall cheerleading squad and is a member of a competitive cheerleading squad, the South Jersey Storm, outside of school. She is also a member of Interact, Cultures Club, SURE, Spectrum, Yearbook and Habitat for Humanity. Congratulations to Jamal and Caitlin, two outstanding Dragons! SPOTLIGHT STUDENTS K ingsway Regional High School is proud to announce the Spotlight Students for the month of April 2016. The Spotlight Student Program recognizes one student per grade level each month for being outstanding students and citizens and for demonstrating the six pillars of character: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. The March Spotlight Students as selected by our From left to right: Mrs. Hedenberg, Charles math department are: DiLorenzo (9), Jennifer Auge (10), Jacob Charles DiLorenzo (9), Nocentino (11), Caitlyn Moore (12), and Mr. Jennifer Auge (10), Stephenson Jacob Nocentino (11), and Caitlyn Moore (12). Congratulations to these outstanding Kingsway Dragons! Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 | 5 HIGH SCHOOL MR. KINGSWAY 2016 O n April 8th, after weeks of practices and dress rehearsals, twelve senior boys went toe to toe for the title of Mr. Kingsway and only one emerged victorious, Xavier Vespa. Xavier wowed the crowd and judges with his portrayal of Tiger Woods and Nicki Minaj, as well as with his antics with his talent group. Other seniors who took home awards included Marut Raval, who was voted first runner up, as well as Joaquin Cavazos, Sam Shinn, Marut Raval, and Scott Berlin who won best talent for their skit imitating the four high school assistant principals. It was a packed house, and a great night that raised over $3000 for charity. Pictured are the contestants, hosts, hosts in training, and student council advisors S.T.A.F.F. SEEKS TO STRIKE OUT HUNGER O n Thursday, April 7th, members of the club Students Taking Action for the Future (S.T.A.F.F.) visited Philabundance, an organization that “was created in 1984 with the simple belief that no man, woman or child should go hungry. (They) seek to drive hunger from our communities today and end hunger forever.” Twenty-seven Kingsway students and members of S.T.A.F.F. played their part in supporting the organization’s mission by sorting and packing grocery items, which were donated to Philabundance, for delivery to local food banks for distribution to the community. In total, they packed 10,395 lbs. of groceries during the shift they worked. This marks the second visit by Kingsway to Philabundance. From left to right in front row: Melody Probert, Arianna Costello, Caroline Floyd, Kylie Charnitsky, Rachael Kelley, Lindsay Krott, Alyssa Miller, Sara Allen, Lauren Cianci. Middle row: Mrs. Mandy Ottinger, Hajra Haque, Ashley Davis, Josh Davis, Sam Ricci, Colleen Highland, Kim Vuong, Brianna Ashmen, Alexa Plachuta, Krishna Patel, Julianne Magin, and Mrs. Abby Ackley. Back row: Jimmy Knoll, Antonio Saporito, Kiersten Rivell, Mackenzie Ryan, Annie Lancos, Danielle Napier, Izzy Bennet, Maddie Grigg Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 | 6 HIGH SCHOOL GAVIN OSWALD QUALITIFIES FOR NATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARSHIP COMPETITION C ongratulations to Gavin Oswald, KRHS Class of 2016, who has qualified for the 2017 National Merit Scholarship competition based upon his outstanding performance on the 2015 Preliminary SAT/ National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/ NMSQT). Of 1.5 million program entrants, Gavin is among the 50,000 highest scoring participants. In the fall, we will find out if Gavin will advance to the Semifinalist stage. About 16,000 nationwide will be identified as Semifinalists. In the end, about 8,000 students nationwide will be offered National Merit Scholarships. Congratulations, Gavin, and best of luck as you continue in the program. KINGSWAY EDUCATION FOUNDATION MINI-GRANT M INI GRANT U UPDATE PDATE T he Kingsway Education Foundation (KEF) aims to support a range of programs that keep Kingsway Regional School District at the forefront of educational innovation. Since 2013, the Foundation has donated close to $60,000 through awarded mini-grants. These grants have helped fund close to two dozen programs and resources developed by Kingsway’s own faculty and staff. The programs featured below were funded during the 2015-16 school year. Kingsway’s Educational Garden by Alaedia DeColli W ith the warmer weather around the corner, the Next Step Program is beginning to prepare for an exciting new project, Kingsway’s Educational Garden. The goal is to promote academic engagement, social-emotional development; to provide a unique learning experience for students; and to provide community members the opportunity to volunteer at Kingsway. Students and community members, please email Mrs. DeColli ( if you are interested in being a part of this one of a kind learning experience. We welcome volunteers to assist in the planning and maintaining of the garden during the school year and summer months. It is our hope that this project brings a sense of school pride, community involvement and valuable learning experience to all involved. The teachers and students of the Next Step Program look forward to building new relationships and working together to create Kingsway’s Educational Garden. Kingsway Regional High School Visual & Performing Arts Department presents: It’s Raining Cats and Dogs Opening Reception May 16 @ 6:30-8pm Live Music & Refreshments May 16 -31, 2016 St. Francis Veterinary Center Woolwich, New Jersey VPA Kingsway Regional Visual & Performing Arts Committed to Excellence Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 | 7 MIDDLE SCHOOL SPOTLIGHT STUDENTS Kingsway Regional Middle School is proud to recognize our APRIL Spotlight Students. The following students have stood out amongst their peers due to their exemplary character. D team – Ethan Gray, 7th R team – Andrew Bott, 8th R team – Ruben Aisa, 8th A team – Joshua Emens, 8th A team – Trevor DiTullio, 8th G team – Aiden Smith, 7th O team – Liam Wilkens, 7th N team – Karla Soldevilla, 8th HANDS-ON EXPERIENCE R epresentatives from the NJ Beekeepers Association came to speak to our Environmental Club students on April 19. Students were given a hands-on experience with bees, their hives, the life cycle of bees, and their importance to food production in the US. Students were able to see for themselves the workings of a bee hive. They also were instructed about bee swarms and how to get started in the hobby of beekeeping. The speakers encouraged all of us to limit use of pesticides and fungicides because of their harmful effects on pollinators. We were also given information on how to make our gardens attractive to bees and other pollinators. For a special treat, the students were all treated to samples of various flavors of farm fresh honey. POWER LUNCH O n April 20th eight students ate lunch with Dr. Lavender and Mr. Tonelli. While being treated to lunch, the group discussed their middle school experience, what they are looking forward to in high school, and how to improve students’ middle school experience. They provided great insight to life as a student at KRMS; we wish them good luck as they finish out their time at the middle school and begin their high school journey. Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 | 8 MIDDLE SCHOOL BRINGING LITERATURE TO LIFE O n Tuesday April 5th A Team students celebrated the novel “The Outsiders” by participating in Outsiders Day. Students dressed as either Greasers or Socs, characters from the book, and presented skits representing scenes from the novel. Students wrote scripts, brought in props, and analyzed themes that correlated to the scenes. Students did an excellent job demonstrating their understanding of the novel and were enthusiastic participating in the event. DESIGNER T-SHIRTS M rs. Nordberg’s 7th grade science classes are learning about organelles! Students examined how cells contribute to the function of living organisms. They identified thirteen critical organelles found in plant and animal cells and described the function of each. Students created a cell t-shirt that illustrated each of these organelles. On the day of the test, students proudly wore their creative organelle shirts. IN LOVING MEMORY E ach year KRMS holds its annual Julie Riggi Scholarship Flying Pig Fundraiser. The Fundraiser was established in honor of former Kingsway student, nurse, and community member, Julie Riggi. Julie lost a long battle to cystic fibrosis, and she passed away in 2011. The fundraiser was put in place to raise money to support Kingsway students. Scholarships are given away each year in Julie’s name. This year over $1,700 was raised. Congratulations to Mrs. Ewe’s homeroom, who won the school competition, raising over $400 as a class! Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 | 9 ATHLETICS KINGSWAY REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SPRING ATHLETICS COACHING STAFF Ms. June Cioffi – Director of Athletics Mr. Robert Baerman, Jr. – Certified Athletic Trainer Ms. Christina Ludlam – Certified Athletic Trainer BOYS TRACK Mel Carter, Head Christian Lynch, Assistant Caitlin Hess, Assistant Milt Bowen, Middle Christine Dacchille, Middle GIRLS TRACK Curtis Custis, Head Jen Beckett, Assistant Kyle Roos, Assistant Takiyah Dumas, Middle Christine Dacchille, Middle BASEBALL Ian Enders, Head Dave Stanton, JV John Green, Freshman BOYS LACROSSE Sean Dunn, Head Kristina Ward, JV James Scerbo, Freshman GIRLS LACROSSE Amanda Bushong, Head Tina Yoroshko, JV Michelle Carrocino, Freshman BOYS VOLLEYBALL Brent Dodulik, Head Ryan Novzen, JV Anthony Badaracco, Freshman SOFTBALL Tony Barchuk, Head Dave Dominik, JV Stephanie Tarachi, Freshman GOLF Dave Young, Head BOYS TENNIS Drew Laverty, Head Tom Keating, JV GOOD LUCK TO ALL SPRING SPORTS TEAMS! TRACK WINNERS Congratulations to our GIRL’S TRACK TEAM, who won the prestigious WOODBURY RELAYS for Group IV! CHAMPIONS of the day who received gold watches included: Girl’s Distance Medley Destiny Stanford, Morgan Robinson, Rachel Vick, Alexis Mullarkey Girl’s Sprint Medley Destiny Stanford, Hailey Rivell, Jasmin Jones, Autumn DeMary High Jump Chase Matthews KINGSWAY HEALTH FAIR Thank you to the Athletic Department, Health & Physical Education and Sports Medicine staff and students for representing Kingsway at the Swedesboro-Woolwich Health & Wellness Fair. COMMUNITY SERVICE LUNCHEON Congratulations to JAY SCERBO & NICOLETTE ZEHNER for being honored at the Adam Taliaferro Community Service Player of the Year luncheon held at Lincoln Financial Field! MOST COURAGEOUS ATHLETE REBECCA BROWN was honored at the South Jersey Coaches Association banquet as the Tri County Conference’s MOST COURAGEOUS ATHLETE! April Physical Education Students of the Month Sean Horner – 7th grade Jacob Herner – 8th grade Shianne Watson – 9th grade Spencer Boschetto – 10th grade Anthony Camacho – 11th grade April Athletes of the Month Jake Mooney – Baseball Celeste Azzari – Softball Tom Ondo – Boy’s Lacrosse Camryn Federico – Girl’s Lacrosse Matt Pollock – Golf Dan Rival – Tennis Jake Martin – Volleyball Jasmin Jones – Girl’s Track Tyler Hardy – Boy’s Track Alex Odom – MS Track Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 | 10 MARK YOUR CALENDARS UPCOMING EVENTS: MAY 21ST ............................................RYAN IANNELLI HOME RUN DERBY MAY 25TH ..................................................................................... MS BOOK FAIR MAY 26TH ..........................................................................KRSD BOE MEETING JUNE 2ND ...........................................................SENIOR AWARDS BANQUET JUNE 3RD ......................................................................................... MS MUSICAL JUNE 6TH ..............................................................................KEF GOLF OUTING Fifth Annual Spring Swing for Education June 6, 2016 HS MID-PERIOD MARKING SI Start End Days 9/2/15 1/29/16 90 Mid-Mark 1 S II 11/13/15 2/1/16 Mid-Mark 2 45 6/20/16 91 4/15/16 46 TOTAL DAYS 181 REPORT CARDS Riverwinds Golf and Tennis Club Register online at or mail in the form below REGISTRATION FORM TEAM CAPTAIN ____________________________________________ COMPANY ____________________________________________ ADDRESS/CITY/STATE/ZIP ____________________________________________ EMAIL/PHONE ____________________________________________ PLAYER 1 ____________________________________________ PLAYER 2 ____________________________________________ PLAYER 3 ____________________________________________ PLAYER 4 ____________________________________________ PAYMENT REGISTRATION FEE $135 x ______ DIAMOND SPONSOR $1500 ______ PLATINUM SPONSOR $1000 ______ GOLD SPONSOR $350 ______ SILVER SPONSOR $150 ______ OTHER DONATION (PLEASE SPECIFY) TOTAL PAYMENT _______________ Mail the registration form with check payable to: Kingsway Education Foundation 213 Kings Highway Woolwich Twp, NJ 08085 Registration is also available online at For more information contact: Jason Schimpf, Event Organizer REPORT CARD 1 2/8/16 REPORT CARD 2 6/27 MS MID-PERIOD MARKING Q1 Mid-Mark 1 Q2 9/2/15 11/13/15 11/16/15 1/29/16 Mid-Mark 3 45 90 4/13/16 3/04/2016 4/14/16 45 23 1/29/2016 2/01/16 Days 23 12/18/2015 End Semester I Q4 End 10/06/2015 Mid-Mark 2 Q3 Start 45 23 6/20/16 91 Mid-Mark 4 5/16/2016 End Semester II 6/20/2016 23 91 TOTAL DAYS 181 REPORT CARDS (856) 467-3300, ext 4203 REPORT CARD 1 11/23/15 REPORT CARD 2 2/8/16 or visit REPORT CARD 3 4/22/16 REPORT CARD 4 6/27/16 Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 | 11 BOARD OF EDUCATION JIM MUELLER, PRESIDENT .........................................................EAST GREENWICH TOWNSHIP LAUREN BOERLIN, VICE PRESIDENT ......................................EAST GREENWICH TOWNSHIP BARRY JENKINS ..............................................................................EAST GREENWICH TOWNSHIP DEBORAH CUNNINGHAM ........................................................SOUTH HARRISON TOWNSHIP MICHELE BLAIR ........................................................................................... WOOLWICH TOWNSHIP RUSSELL H. MARINO ................................................................................ WOOLWICH TOWNSHIP MIA RANDAZZO ......................................................................................... WOOLWICH TOWNSHIP LISA MORDECAI-DANIEL ....................................................................... WOOLWICH TOWNSHIP PATRICK M. DALEY..........................................................................BOROUGH OF SWEDESBORO FRANK DONNELLY .............................................................................................. LOGAN TOWNSHIP DR. JAMES J. LAVENDER .................................................................................... SUPERINTENDENT JASON SCHIMPF ................................................................................ BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR PATRICIA CALANDRO ....................................................................... CHIEF ACADEMIC OFFICER Kingsway Regional School District | 213 Kings Highway | Woolwich Twp., NJ 08085 | (856) 467-3300 |
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