Mishpachtenu MarchApril 14.pub


Mishpachtenu MarchApril 14.pub
Rabbi Werbow’s
Tribute Weekend
March - April 2014 Adar II - Nisan 5774
Inside This Issue...
B’nai Mitzvah
Update on B’yachad Service
Sisterhood Shabbat
Carlebach Shabbat
Purim Carnival
pg. 3
pg. 4
pg. 6
pg. 8
pg. 11
pg. 12
Beth Shalom Health Ini%a%ve
Everything Pesach
March Calendar
April Calendar
Purim Megillah Reading
pg. 13
pg. 14-19
pg. 26
pg. 27
pg. 28
5915 Beacon Street * Pisburgh, PA. 15217
Visit our Web Site: www.bethshalompgh.org
Rabbi Michael Werbow…………………………..Rabbi
Rabbi Mark N. Staitman………….……………...Rabbinic Scholar
Rabbi Donni Aaron………………………...……...Youth T’filah Director
Liron Lipinsky…………………………………….…...JJEP Director
Jennifer Slaery……………………………………..ELC Director
Evan Silverstein……………………………………...Youth Director
Robert Zaremberg……………………………...….Torah Reader
Lonnie Wolf …………………………………………..Cemetery Director
Synagogue Leadership
Howard Valinsky………………………………..…...President
Alan Himmel………………..……………………......Exec. Vice President
Ria David……………………………………….......….Vice President
David Horvitz…………………………………...…....Vice President
Kate Rothstein…………………….……….…….…..Secretary
Michael Samuels……………………………….......Treasurer
Norton Freedel
Harriet N. Kruman
Alan Greenwald
Marianne Silberman
Milton Eisner
Yale Rosenstein
Harvey Robins
Julian Elbling
Barry J. Palkovitz
Judy Kornblith Kobell
Jay L. Fingeret
Steven H. Schwartz
Ira M. Frank
Connie Pollack
Stefi L. Kirschner
Stephen E. Steindel, D.D...Rabbi Emeritus
Moshe Taubé . . .Cantor Emeritus
Amir Pilch, F.S.A. . .Execu%ve Director Emeritus
Fern S. Moscov. . .Preschool Director Emeritus
Rabbi Morris Sklar…Emeritus
* Jules Kruman * Ruth Ganz Fargotstein *
Debby Firestone, Dorothy Greenfield &
Connie Pollack…………………………………………...…Sisterhood
Mar%n Kline….………………….…………………..….….Men’s Club
Ayelet Bahary……………………...……………………………..... USY
March-April 2014
Ronna Harris Askin
Steven P. Albert
Elaine Beck
Marlene Behrmann Cohen
Nancy Bernstein
Brian Cohen
Ria David
Paula Eger
Julian Elbling
Richard Feder
Deborah Firestone
Deborah Gillman
Lidush Goldschmidt
Dorothy Greenfield
Alan Himmel
David Horvitz
Adrienne Indianer
David Katz
Stefi L. Kirschner
Mar%n Kline
Adam Kolko
Aviva Lubowsky
Elisa Recht Marlin
Connie Pollack
Jean Reznick
Sabina Robinson
Bruce Rollman
Aviva Rosenberg
Kate Rothstein
Michael Samuels
Benjamin Schachter
Lynda Schuster
Yael Silk
Fern Steckel
Howard Valinsky
Shirley Zionts
A Message from Rabbi Werbow
s I begin the process of sorting through files and
beginning to pack up my office, I have had the chance
to look over past articles and Divrei Torah. The
importance of community and caring for others have
been frequent themes in my remarks and teachings over the
years. I thought I would share this article with you again as it
contains within it those themes that are at the cornerstone of
my rabbinate. Enjoy.
---------------------------------------------------We are used to the saying that March comes in like a lion
and goes out like a lamb. As this issue of Mishpachtenu (our
family) covers March and April this is a very fitting saying.
March will enter with the roar of Purim and April will conclude
with the lamb of Passover. These two holidays are a month
apart and create a nice month of holiday celebration.
Purim is a roaring good time. We get together to celebrate
with the Purim Carnival and the Megillah reading. There is a
celebratory feel in the air as we blot out Haman’s name while
dressed up in costume. At Purim time we dress in costume
to turn things upside down. We celebrate the defeat of
Haman who had intended to kill the Jews but his plan was
overturned. We say that we should be so intoxicated (maybe
by joy and not by alcohol) that we confuse “Cursed be
Haman’ and “Blessed be Mordechai.”
During Purim we are still in the midst of winter and yet we
prepare for the spring. We begin to make donations to the
Maot Hitin fund. This fund was traditionally used to purchase
wheat, used for matzah, for those who were needy in the
community. We use this fund more broadly helping to
support those in need with any food they
deem necessary for their Passover
celebration. Participating in this mitzvah
allows us to aid others in the performance
of the mitzvah of matzah and of the
Pesach seder.
The celebration of Purim starts us looking towards Passover
and the opportunities we have to aid others in our
community. When Pesach comes around we also can help
others participate by inviting them to our sedarim (plural of
seder). One prayer, in the haggahdah, is Ha Lachma Anya.
In it we say, “This is the bread of affliction which our
ancestors ate in the land of Egypt. All who are hungry, let
them enter and eat. All who are in need, let them come
celebrate Pesach. Now we are here; next year in the land of
Israel. Now we are enslaved; next year we will be free.” By
the time we say this we should already be sitting down at the
table. It is a bit late to be inviting people. Why not start
now? Maybe even start at the Megillah reading.
When we say “Let all who are in need, let them come and
celebrate Pesach,” we may or may not have these people at
our table. We may know that we accomplished this
through the Maot Hitin or because someone is there looking
us in the face. Either way let us be sure to make every one’s
Pesach a Chag Sameyach.
Skylar Kunkel, daughter of Jennifer and
Jason Pablonis and Frank Kunkel, will
celebrate becoming a Bat Mitzvah on
Saturday, March 29, 2014. Skylar is the
granddaughter of Eric and Sheila Scott and
Frank and Dorothy Kunkel. She is the great
– granddaughter of Rosaline Glickstein.
Skylar has a sister, Kylie. Skylar attends
Pittsburgh Science and Technology Academy and enjoys
flag football, soccer and Legos. Skylar’s Mitzvah projects are
baking cookies for the Animal Friends Cookie Walk
fundraiser, donating food to the Squirrel Hill Community
Food Pantry and adopting a family during the holidays and
providing them with food and gifts.
Izabella Sattler, daughter of Matthew and
Sabrina Sattler, will celebrate becoming a
Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, April 26, 2014.
Izabella is the granddaughter of Paul and
JoAnne Sattler and Justino and Antonia
Echevarria. Izabella has two brothers, Levi
and Jacob. She attends Pittsburgh Colfax
and enjoys being a member of the Science
Squad attending CMU once a week, being involved in the
arts by singing, acting, writing poetry and songs and being in
various performances. Izabella attends performing arts camp
every summer at Chatham. Bella’s Mitzvah project was
orchestrating, with two other children, a fundraiser at her
school for the flood victims in the Philippines
Chag Purim Sameyach and Chag Kasher
Rabbi Werbow
A Message from the President
ime for a wake-up call! The
weather is getting warmer, and that
signifies a lot more action at
Congregation Beth Shalom! This is
an exciting time for all of us to get out of
our cold-weather routines and get back
into action for all of our upcoming celebrations here.
When I say celebrations, I’m not just speaking
figuratively. There are so many events during these next
few months that are cause for coming together to recognize
special members of our community, share a meal together,
attend interesting speaker programs, and, of course,
celebrate Purim and Passover with our friends and family
both inside and outside the synagogue.
So, let’s consider this issue of Mishpachtenu our
“call to action”. Here are some upcoming events that I hope
you’ll put in your calendars and join me for:
♦ Sisterhood Shabbat takes place THIS
SHABBAT, March 1st. We hope you’ll join us
as we honor two amazing and dedicated
women, Arlyn Gilboa and Barbara Kaiserman.
Our Sisterhood Shabbat Speaker is Melissa
Werbow, who will give a talk during services,
and all are invited to stay for a Congregational
Kiddush, sponsored by Sisterhood and the
Giboa family.
♦ Our Purim Celebration and Purim Carnival
takes place March 15 & 16. Our interactive
Family Megillah reading and service takes place
following Havdallah at 8:15 p.m. Bring your
noisemakers and wear your costumes! This
year we will all participate in one reading for the
whole family.
Our Purim Carnival takes place the next day,
March 16th in the Samuel & Minnie Hyman
Ballroom. Don’t miss the best Purim Carnival in
the city! Games, prizes, food, music and fun!
♦ Calling all volunteers!: An Open meeting will
be held on Thursday, March 20th at 7:30 p.m.
to share ideas and plan Rabbi Werbow’s
Tribute Weekend this June. Bring your
♦ Our Men’s Club will host Men’s Club Shabbat
on April 5th, and their Annual Family
Spaghetti Dinner will be held with our Youth
Deparment before Passover on Sunday,
April 13th.
♦ Passover begins on Sunday Evening, April
13th. Please see the Festival of Passover
schedule for service times and locations.
♦ Soon our Rabbinic Search Committee will be
inviting a candidate / candidates for our interirm
Rabbi position to visit us. We invite you to join
us on whatever date(s) he or she may be
visiting to get to know them better.
With this much going on, we often get caught up on
the busy-ness and overlook how much we have to
celebrate. Don’t forget to take time to enjoy these
first weeks of spring. I hope to see you in the
building for at least one of these special events.
Howard Valinsky
Thank you to all who have aCended our new B’Yachad Shabbat Service. Based on feedback that was received at
the open Religious Services CommiCee mee%ng, we know that many have posi%ve feelings about us coming
together in our Kehillah. Such a change brings with it new possibili%es.
As our B’Yachad services con%nue into the spring, some modifica%ons will be made.
Beginning March 8th, we will have a two month trial of the triennial reading of the Torah, rather than a full
kriyah reading. For those inclined, a full kriyah reading will con%nue to take place during the early Shabbat
morning service at 6:30 a.m. It is hoped that a triennial reading will allow for
• a more regular full repe%%on of the Mussaf
• addi%onal %me for teaching opportuni%es, in par%cular immediately prior to reci%ng
the Kaddish d’Rabbanan
• a wider range of Torah readers due to more accessible aliyot
We hope you will join with us in prayer and celebrate Shabbat b’yachad.
March-April 2014
Please con%nue to provide feedback to David Horvitz at mistervitz@aol.com
or Rabbi Werbow at rwerbow@bethshalompgh.org.
A Message from the J-JEP Director
y absolute favorite was celebrating Passover at school
with my classmates when I was much younger in
Israel. I truly looked forward to the entire presence of
Passover and Spring, from the changing of the trees to
the small colorful plastic cups we had for our four glasses of
“wine” when we had a mock Seder in the classroom. I do not
recall much of the content of this mock classroom Seder, but
I do recall singing the songs in the Hagadah with my
classmates, and feeling the joy of my peer community.
"The child at the Seder asks: 'Why is this night
different from all other nights? On all other nights we eat
leavened or unleavened bread but on this night only
unleavened. On all other nights we eat regular
vegetables but on this night bitter herbs) .' " — The
Children are remarkable. They are honest and rarely
hold back their thoughts and feelings. They observe their
surroundings, ask questions, and observe some more. They
look for rhyme, reason and clarity. What if we tried to see the
Passover Seder from the eye of the child? To walk beside
them as they discover this part of Jewish history, instead of
simply inform them of what is it that we think or assume that
they need to know about Passover.
Last year, while observing a Kindergarten class during
Passover, one of the children turned to me and told me that
he was scared of Passover. “Scared of Passover?” I said,
“Why would you be scared of Passover?” While the moral of
the story is one of the great Jewish leadership that was found
in Moshe, and the incredible journey of the Jews from Egypt,
the rest of the story is actually quite scary- especially in the
eyes of the child. Locusts. Blood. Death of the first born.
Goodness! This did not at all resemble my childhood
memories of the fondness I had for Passover. This year, it is
my goal to have that child and his JJEP peers find a similar
joy in the holiday as I did.
My google searches did not disappoint. Allow me to
share one of the resources that I stumbled upon. The
following is an excerpt from a seven-part guide by Rabbi Zoe
Klein (the rest can be found here http://www.angelfire.com/
out your entire seder plate
collection, and let everyone have
their very own at the table!
Some people, especially vegetarians,
use a roasted beet (because it
"bleeds") instead of a shankbone.
For something totally different, sit on the floor in a circle
with pillows, more like the Roman symposiums after
which the seder was originally modeled.
Part 1: Kadesh - First Cup of Wine and Kiddush
Have an empty cup in the middle. Have everyone add a
little from their own cups to the middle cup. This cup
then will be Elijah's cup, and everyone will have
shared with Elijah from their own.
Pour the wine or grape juice for each other, each person
pouring for the person to their right, to give a sense
of sharing and elegance.
Have the younger participants pour everyone's glasses,
play acting as if the adults are the Egyptians and the
children are the Israelites serving them. For the
second cup of wine, have the adults serve the
Make the evening also a "Kosher Wine Tasting" event,
and sample a different kind of wine or grape juice for
each cup.
For the rest of the ideas, please visit the website listed.
Don’t forget to share with me how it is that you added joy and
celebration to your children’s Passover experience. Feel free
to do so on JJEP’s Facebook page.
Wishing everyone a Chag Kasher Ve’Sameach!
(Kosher and Happy Holiday!)
Liron Lipinsky
TODAH RABAH to all who participated in the MLK Tikkun
Olam Day!
Preparing the Passover table
TODAH RABAH to the Beth Shalom Men’s Club for
Include a Tzedakah box on the table.
Yemenite Jews line the edge of the table all around hosting our 6 graders at World Wide Wrap!
with leaves of Romaine lettuce. The lettuce is
then used for Maror.
Use maps of Egypt, Israel, and the Sinai desert as
Put markers and crayons out on the table, and make
them all the same color. Encourage people to draw
or jot down questions, ideas, and thoughts in the
Hagaddahs. Write the year on the inside cover of the
Hagaddah in the color pen that was used that year.
In later years you will be able to enjoy looking back
and seeing what people thought or doodled in years
Decorate the table with frog bath-toys.
Put sand on the table.
Let the children sit near the leader instead of far away.
May 2, 2014
AT Rodef Shalom Congregation
Celebrating Eschet Chayil
Honoring: Arlyn Gilboa and Barbara Kaiserman
Keynote Speaker: Melissa Werbow
Saturday, March 1 / 29 Adar I
9:30 am B’Yachad Shabbat Services
Faye Rubenstein Weiss Sanctuary
Keynote Speaker:
Melissa Werbow
12:00 noon Kiddush Luncheon
sponsored by the Beth Shalom Sisterhood and
the Gilboa Family in the Samuel and Minnie
Hyman Ballroom.
Torah Fund
honoring Connie Pollack
Sunday, March 2, 2014
On March 1st, we invite you to join us at Beth
Shalom as we honor two dedicated women
during Sisterhood Shabbat: Arlyn Gilboa and
Barbara Kaiserman.
Both Arlyn and Barbara, in their own special
way, have taken an active role in Beth
Shalom programs and Sisterhood projects
throughout the years.
They are both
incredibly involved in maintaining our
wonderful Sisterhood Judaica Shop as a
resource for all of us to find meaningful gifts
for our loved ones. Sisterhood is a much
richer organization as a result. Please join us
this year for Sisterhood Shabbat as we pay tribute to our own
Eschet Chayil, Arlyn Gilboa and Barbara Kaiserman.
Connie has been a member of Congregation Beth
Shalom since 1986 and has served Beth Shalom in
many capacities. A former President of Beth Shalom,
she is currently a Sisterhood Co-President and holds
the position of senior advisor and confidant. Connie
also serves on the Women’s League Regional Board as
Communications Secretary. For the past ten years,
Connie has taught an aerobics class at Beth Shalom to
promote exercise and to raise money for the synagogue
and local charities. When Connie is not involved with
synagogue activities, she works as an independent
college consultant assisting high school students with
their college applications. We are pleased to be
honoring Connie Pollack this year.
To make a donation to the Beth Shalom Sisterhood
Torah Fund in Connie’s honor or to make a
reservation to attend: contact Lynn Hecht, Chair at
hechtLc@aol.com or call 412-521-8674.
March-April 2014
A Message from the Sisterhood
s we mentioned in our
last message to you,
this year’s Women’s
League for Conservative
Judaism (WLCJ) theme is Mishpachah: Family. The family in
Judaism continues to hold a central place in all literature and
is reflective in the 5774 Torah Fund pin pictured to the right.
WLCJ (www.wlcj.org) offers several readings for Adar 1 and
Shevat dealing with wellness and learning and other monthly
suggestions for Mishpachah/Family topics. SAVE THESE
DATES: March 1st and 2nd - and join us as we honor several
exceptional women in our sisterhood family.
Sisterhood Shabbat, our next event, honors two very
dedicated women, Arlyn Gilboa and Barbara Kaiserman.
Each of these very special women has contributed so much
to our organization and we are pleased to recognize their
dedication to Beth Shalom Sisterhood on March 1st during
Shabbat services. On March 2nd, we will hold our Torah
Fund event and we are pleased to honor Connie Pollack.
Her leadership, high-energy level, and guidance have been
the necessary inspiration for the success that Sisterhood has
achieved these past two years. Through your Torah Fund
contributions, we support the programs and students who
attend the Jewish Theological Seminary (NY), Ziegler School
of Rabbinic Studies (CA) and the Schechter Institute of
Jewish Studies (Jerusalem) and Argentina.
During a snowy evening in January, we had an excellent
arts and crafts membership program. We thank Saralouise
Reis, her committee and especially Carol Beth Yoffee for
teaching us how to decorate a glass plate with a beautiful
etched design. Please enjoy the creative work of some of our
sisterhood members in the photos shown. Sisterhood will be
visiting the Heinz History Center to tour the exhibit
“Poptastic” featuring the Art of Burton Morris; the tour will be
led by Burt’s mom, and our sisterhood member, Bunny
Morris. This exhibit continues during the month of March.
We are continuing our fundraising efforts with a once a
month “Soup and Challah Sale” and a “Take Out Friday Night
Dinner”. We thank Pomegranate Catering, Michelle Vines
and all of our volunteers.
It is hard to believe that Purim and Passover are around
the corner. As always we are in need of volunteers for the
Purim Carnival and for our Hamantashen sale. Please do not
hesitate to contact us if you would like to get involved with
Sisterhood in any capacity. We always welcome new
members, new ideas and your participation in our programs.
Chag Sameach,
Debby Firestone
Pictured left: Torah Fund Pin
See some of the etched-glass creations made by
some of our Sisterhood members!
A Message from the Men’s Club
Greetings to the congregation. We look forward to leaving
this winter behind us. I'd like to thank everyone who helped
with the Sweepstakes evening. The dinner was very nice
and, as always, it was a fun, exciting evening. You, too, can
be a part of it.
2014 Sweepstakes tickets are still
available. On Superbowl Sunday, February 2nd, the Men's
Club hosted the World Wide Wrap. This was a special
Sunday Morning Minyan during which our six grade students
were acquainted with wrapping Tefillin.
We provided
refreshments following services.
On to the Sports
Luncheon! I am writing this before February 23rd. I'd like to
thank, in advance, all who helped. It's a wonderful event for
our children and up to 500 special needs adults to spend an
afternoon of burgers, dogs, some local sports talent, and
Our March and April events are right around the
corner. The end of March will see our annual Yom Hashoah
candle packing project. These candles help our children learn
what they should never forget. April 5th is our Men's Club
Brotherhood Shabbat.
Watch the shul bulletin for our
featured speaker and join us after for a kiddush lunch. We
are additionally, this year, taking this opportunity to honor our
past Men's Club Presidents. Completing our Men's Club
Shabbat weekend, we are hosting a FJMC Tri-State Murder
Mystery dinner on Sunday, April 6th. Again, watch the
bulletin for important details. The following Sunday, April
13th, we will be sponsoring a Spaghetti Dinner, "A Fairwell to
Chometz," as we prepare for Pesach. Come and join
us. Dinner will be about 6PM and reasonably priced. Look
out for more information soon. Have some fun!
Martin Kline
A Message from the Youth Director
ime to break out the shorts and
sandals! Ok, maybe not just yet, but
with the freezing cold temperatures,
snow, and ice that we’ve had this
winter I think we are all about ready. As we
slowly begin to thaw out and see the first signs of spring, it
gives us a chance to look back on our year so far, as well as
be excited for what is yet to come.
The winter season at Beth Shalom has been
wonderful, and has featured some exciting and engaging
programming here in our Youth Department. Both Kadima
and USY celebrated Tu B’shevat with their own Seders, while
Atid had the opportunity to explore trees and nature on their
visit to the Phipps Conservatory. 6th-12th grades had an
awesome night of snowtubing with Beth El at Wildwood
Highlands, and everyone who came was asked to write
letters to lone soldiers in the Israeli army, in the spirit of
Tikkun Olam . Chaverim learned and played together during
Shabbat onegs, and also had an awesome afternoon of
bowling at Forward Lanes. On top of all of this, our Kadima
and USY basketball leagues are now underway. Games are
played on Sundays, so be on the lookout for times to come
cheer us on!
This winter also featured an incredible event for our
8th-12th graders, entitled “So What Does Jewish Look Like
Anyway? Hanging With the Hebrew Mamita.” In collaboration
with other synagogues and organizations in the area, we
were able to bring in award-winning slam poet Vanessa
Hidary to read some of her work, discuss controversial topics
with teens from all around the community, and then allow
them to write and perform their own material in front of the
audience. This was a powerful event, and truly allowed the
teens to explore what their Jewish identity means to them, an
important issue in today’s ever changing socio-religious
As we move into the warmer months, we still have
some fantastic programming to look forward to. March will
feature our annual Purim Carnival, filled with fun, food, and
games for all ages. Please see our insert if you are interested
in sponsoring a booth. April will feature our chocolate Seders,
Shabbat Oneg, and our regional convention for 8th-12th
grades, this year in Cleveland. We are so excited for the rest
of our year here and we look forward to seeing you at
programs soon!
Kol Tuv,
A lay-led spirirtually
uplifting Kabbalat
Shabbat service where
worshippers celebrate
with upbeat,
arrangements of the
traditional Sabbath
March 7 @ 6:00 p.m.
Todah Rabah! From our Youth
Jeff & Jenn Finkelstein
For hosting the BSUSY board retreat
Steve Rosen and Beth Elinoff
For chaperoning the Atid Trip to
Phipps Conservatory
Gina Levine
For cooking and hosting dinner for
USY Dinner & a Show
March-April 2014
Visit our blog,
See pictures from recent events, learn more
about our programs, and connect with us!
our Facebook page
Snapshots of our Youth
Upcoming Dates
Sunday, March 9: Chaverim
Make Your Own Grogger!
Shear Youth Lounge, 1:00-3:00 PM
goes bowling!
Sunday, March 9: Good Deeds Day!
Register online through the
Jewish Federa%on of Greater PiCsburgh
Volunteer Center website
Saturday, March 15: Megillah Reading
Wear your costumes & bring your groggers!
8:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 16: Purim Carnival!
Join Us for Games, Food and Costumes!
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
$10.00 entry fee (carnival package)
Samuel & Minnie Hyman Ballroom
Please bring a canned good to donate to the food pantry
Atid visits Phipps Conservatory
Sunday, March 30:
J-Serve! Teen Mitzvah Day
Register online through the
Jewish Federa%on of Greater PiCsburgh
Volunteer Center website
April 3-6: CRUSY Regional ConvenLon,
8th graders invited!!
Snow Tubing
Tuesday, April 8:
Kadima Chocolate Seder!
Shear Youth Lounge, 6:00-8:00 PM
Wednesday, April 9:
ALd Chocolate Seder
Shear Youth Lounge, 6:00-8:00 PM
Saturday, April 26:
Chaverim Shabbat Oneg
Shear Youth Lounge, 12:30-1:30 PM
A Message from the Early Learning Center Director
n the Early Learning Center, we have
accomplished a major achievement. We
received our NAEYC reaccreditation.
What is NAEYC?
“Early childhood
programs accredited by the NAEYC
Academy for Early Childhood Program Accreditation have
voluntarily undergone a comprehensive process of internal
self-study and improvement. Each NAEYC-accredited
program must meet all 10 of the NAEYC Early Childhood
Program Standards.”
The educators and administration team in our center worked
tirelessly on their portfolios. The portfolios are filled with
evidence that supports the10 NAEYC standards.
What are the 10 Program Standards?
Standard 1: Relationships
Standard 2: Curriculum
Standard 3: Teaching
Standard 4: Assessment of Child Progress
Standard 5: Health
Standard 6: Teachers
Standard 7: Families
Standard 8: Community Relationships
Standard 9: Physical Environment
Standard 10: Leadership and Management
Scholastic Book Fair is March 4th-6th in the Palkovitz
Lobby. Come buy books for Purim and Passover! In
March, some of our parents and their children will be
creating art along with older adults at the Weinberg Terrace.
We have our All-School Family Purim Celebration on March
14th at 1 p.m. in the Samuel and Minnie Hyman Ballroom. It
is a wonderful program with singing, dancing and
hamentashen! We enjoy seeing both the parents and
students dressed up and celebrating together.
The PTO is hosting a new program this year, the
“Everything For Kids Sale.” This event will be held in the
Palkovitz Lobby on Sunday, April 6th. All items will be “name
your own price” with a minimum of $1. We are excited to
offer this opportunity for our families! Look for details to
follow via email.
We will have a Spring Play Date in the gym during
Passover break, the PTO is organizing amazing events for
Teacher Appreciation Week, and don’t forget we will have
an end of the year Lag B’Omer Picnic.
We are thankful to have such an active PTO and are
thrilled with our NAEYC accomplishment. We will continue
to provide a high quality, Reggio-inspired, Jewish Education
to the children at the Beth Shalom Early Learning Center.
Please feel free to stop in and ask for a tour of our
center. I would personally love to show you the amazing
classrooms, educators, and children of Beth Shalom.
Achieving our NAEYC reaccreditation is only one
achievement that we are proud of in the Early Learning
Center. We have a thriving PTO that is planning a variety of
activities for parents and children alike. Our annual
Join Us!
Sunday May 18th
@ 1:00 p.m.
Enjoy a late-afternoon picnic
with a sing-a-long, fun games,
and maybe even a bonfire.
Location and other details
All Early Learning Center families
and Beth Shalom members are
Upcoming Events at the Early Learning Center
March 4-6, 2014
Scholastic Book Fair
Palkovitz Lobby
March 14, 2014
All School Family Purim
Celebration at 1:00 pmSamuel and Minnie Hyman Ballroom
March 28, 2014
Shababababa at 5:45 pm
April 6, 2014
Everything for Kids Sale
Palkovitz Lobby
April 14-22, 2014
Passover Break No School
May 2, 2014
Grandparent and Special
Friend’s Day
May 18, 2014
March-April 2014
Jennifer Slattery
End of School/Lag B’Omer
Beth Shalom’s fun, engaging, musical Shabbat for families in Pisburgh
March 28, 2014
April 25, 2014
Service at 5:45. No reserva%ons necessary.
Op%onal dinner at 6:30.
Early bird dinner cost by the Friday prior to event: $12/adult.
Otherwise, cost is $17/adult. • Kids eat free!
Reserva%on deadline is the Tuesday before Shababababa
Reserva%ons for dinner: 412-421-2288, Ext. 114
Shababababa is supported by the Reuben A. and Selma W. Cohen
10:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
March-April 2014
Help Kids Take Responsibility
for Their Health
Monday, March 10
7:30 p.m.
Dr. Deborah Gilboa, Squirrel Hill Health
Center family physician, published
book author, media spokesperson,
founder and CEO of Askdoctorg.com,
mom of four young sons, and Beth
Shalom member, will discuss how
parents can teach their kids how
better to think about nutrition,
e x e r c i se , t o b a c c o , s u b s ta n c e
avoidance, and risk-taking in order to
build a healthier life.
Finding Your Way to and
Through College:
Fostering Resilience in Today’s Culture of
Tuesday, March 25
7:30 p.m.
Modern life is rife with stress and
colleges are no safe havens. This
presentation will be aimed at
helping college and near collegeage students and their parents be
better equipped to maintain their
wellbeing during these years. Dr.
Kumler will discuss resilience as a
useful concept to withstand
hardship and achieve academic
and personal success.
is a BoardCertified Family Physician and Clinical Assistant
Professor at the University of Pittsburgh, and the
author of Teach Resilience: Raising Kids Who Can
Launch! and Teach Responsibility: Empower Kids
with a Great Work Ethic. She is also the founder of
Askdoctorg.org, a web resource focused on
parenting issues. and has served as an expert
resource for Parents magazine, MSNBC, Yahoo
News, and USA Today.
is the director
of Counseling and Psychological Services at
Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. Kumler has
worked in the mental health field for 18 years
as a therapist in community mental health
and university counseling centers in
Kentucky, Washington, Ohio and
From the beginning of the month of Nisan, we are especially sensitive to the needs of fellow Jews who may need
our special help and support toward fulfilling all the mitzvot of the Pesach season.
BEDIKAT CHAMETZ - SUNDAY NIGHT, APRIL 13, 2014 – after 8:30 P.M.
The traditional search for chametz on the night before Pesach falls this year on Sunday night immediately
after sunset. The blessing for bedikat chametz, found at the beginning of most Haggadot, is recited and the kol
hamira formula nullifying unseen chametz may be recited. Hold any found chametz for ritual burning the following
morning, April 14th. If you need help finding these prayers please contact Rabbi Werbow.
As you are aware, one of the central commandments of Pesach is that we rid ourselves of all forbidden
chametz in our possession. Individuals who fully observe Pesach do their best to eliminate chametz as far as
possible and then traditionally resort to the procedure of “selling” any chametz which may have been packed
away or missed. The sale will be conducted before 12:13 PM.
All first born should fast on the day before Pesach in commemoration of the deliverance from Egypt. The
Rabbi offers a siyyum (public completion of study) which is followed by a festive meal at which all present may
eat, and once having eaten, a first born need not fast that day. The siyyum and the se’udat mitzvah will be held
this year on Monday morning in the Helfant Chapel at 8:15 a.m., following the 7:30 a.m. morning minyan. This
Special Siyyum Breakfast is sponsored in loving memory of beloved parents and grandparents Bess & Aaron
Maharam by their family.
The ritual burning of the chametz found during last night’s search should be completed by 12:13 p.m. The
stove should be fully koshered and all cooking proceeds in Pesach pots with Pesach utensils only. Traditionally
no chametz or matzah is eaten after this time.
#1 -Yom Tov Candle Lighting Blessing (1st, 2nd, 7th and 8th Night)
.‫ ְו ִצוָּנוּ ְלהַדְ לִיק נֵר שֶׁ ל יוֹם טוֹב‬,‫ אֲ שֶׁ ר קִדְּ שָׁ נוּ ְבּ ִמצְוֹתָ יו‬,‫להֵינוּ ֶמלְֶך הָעוֹלָם‬- ֱ‫בָּרוְּך אַ תָּ ה ה' א‬
Barach ata Adonai, Eloheynu melech ha-olam, asher kid-shanu bimitz-votav, v’tsivanu l’hadlik neyr shel Yom Tov.
#2- Sheh-heh-cheh-yanu Blessing (1st and 2nd Night Only)
.‫ שֶׁ ֶה ֱחיָנוּ ְו ִקיְּמָנוּ ְו ִהגִּיעָנוּ ַל ְזּמַן ַהזֶּה‬,‫להֵינוּ ֶמלְֶך הָעוֹלָם‬- ֱ‫בָּרוְּך אַ תָּ ה ה' א‬
Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheynu melech ha-olam, sheh-heh-cheh-yanu, v’kiy’manu, v’higi’anu la’z’man ha’zeh.
#3 - Shabbat Candle Lighting
.‫ ְו ִצוָּנוּ ְלהַדְ לִיק נֵר שֶׁ ל שַׁ בָּת‬,‫ אֲ שֶׁ ר קִדְּ שָׁ נוּ ְבּ ִמצְוֹתָ יו‬,‫להֵינוּ ֶמלְֶך הָעוֹלָם‬- ֱ‫בָּרוְּך אַ תָּ ה ה' א‬
Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheynu melech ha-olam, asher kid-shanu bimitz-votav, v’tsivanu l’hadlik neyr shel Shabbat.
March-April 2014
Pre Pesach Preparations
Sunday Evening
Monday Morning
Siyyum Bechorim
Sale of Chametz
April 13
After sunset (8:20 p.m.): Home Ceremony of Searching for Chametz
April 14
Morning Service
7:30 a.m. ........................................Helfant Chapel
8:15 a.m. with breakfast following sponsored by the Maharam Educational Fund
Final Sale of Chametz by e-mail to Rabbi Werbow at: rwerbow@bethshalompgh.org ......
11:00 a.m.
The Ritual of Burning Last Night’s Search ................................ no later than 12:13 p.m.
April 14
Evening Service
7:00 p.m. ........................................Helfant Chapel
Candle Lighting Time 7:39 p.m. - Blessings # 1 &
Tuesday Morning
April 15
Early Morning Service
6:30 a.m. ........................................Helfant Chapel
Second Day Passover
Tuesday Evening
Second Seder
April 15
Mincha only Service
6:00 p.m. ........................................Helfant Chapel
Candle Lighting Time 8:40 p.m. - Blessing # 1 & 2
Wednesday Morning
April 16
Early Morning Service
6:30 a.m. ........................................Helfant Chapel
Biur Chametz
First Day Pesach
Monday Evening
First Seder
Wednesday Evening
Thursday - Friday Mornings
Thursday - Friday Evenings
Shabbat Evening
April 16
April 17-18
Evening Service
Morning Service
Evening Service
8:15 p.m. ........................................Helfant Chapel
7:30 a.m. ................... Homestead Hebrew Chapel
7:00 p.m. ........................................Helfant Chapel
Candle Lighting Time 7:43 p.m. - Blessing # 3
Shabbat Chol Hamoed
Saturday Morning & Evening
April 19
Early Morning Service
Morning Service
Evening Service
6:30 a.m. ........................................Helfant Chapel
9:15 a.m. .......................................Helfant Chapel
8:15 p.m. ........................................Helfant Chapel
Sunday Morning
April 20
Morning Service
8:00 a.m. ................... Homestead Hebrew Chapel
Seventh Day Pesach
Sunday Evening
April 20
Evening Service
7:00 p.m. ....................................... Helfant Chapel
Candle Lighting Time 7:46 p.m. - Blessing # 1 only
Monday Morning
April 21
Early Morning Service
Morning Service
6:30 a.m. ....................................... Helfant Chapel
9:30 a.m. ....................................... Helfant Chapel
Eighth Day Pesach
Monday Evening
April 21
Evening Service
7:00 p.m. ....................................... Helfant Chapel
Candle Lighting Time 8:47 p.m. - Blessing # 1 only
Tuesday Morning - Yizkor
April 22
Early Morning Service w/Yizkor
6:00 a.m. ....................................... Helfant Chapel
Morning Service w/Yizkor
9:30 a.m. .……Faye Rubenstein Weiss Sanctuary
(Yizkor will be recited at approximately 11:00 a.m.)
Concluding Service and Havdallah
Tuesday Evening
April 22
Evening Service
8:30 p.m……………………………..Helfant Chapel
Kashering Utensils
A full description of koshering processes and listing of permitted foods
can be found at: www.rabbinicalassembly.org/pesah-guide
The process of kashering utensils depends on how the utensils are used. According to halachah, leaven can be
purged from a utensil by the same process in which it was absorbed in the utensil (kevoleo kakh poleto). Therefore, utensils
used in cooking are koshered by boiling, those used in broiling are koshered by fire and heat, and those used for only cold
food are koshered by rinsing in cold water.
A. Earthenware (china, pottery, etc.) may not be koshered. However, fine translucent chinaware which has
not been used for over one year may be used if scoured and cleaned in hot water.
B. Metal utensils (wholly made of metal) used in fire (spit or broiler) must first be scrubbed and cleansed
and then made as hot as possible. Those used for cooking or eating (silverware, pots) must be thoroughly cleaned and
completely immersed in boiling water. Pots should have water boiled in them which will overflow the rim.
The utensils should not be used for a period of at least 24 hours between the cleaning and immersion in boiling
water. Metal baking utensils cannot be kashered.
C. Oven and Ranges - Every part that comes in contact with food must be thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned. Then,
the oven and range should be heated as hot as possible for a half hour. If there is a broil setting, use it. Self-cleaning ovens
should be scrubbed and cleaned and then put through the self-cleaning cycle. Continuous-cleaning ovens must be kashered
in the same manner as regular ovens. A microwave oven, which does not cook the food by means of heat, should be
cleaned and then a cup of water should be placed in it. Then the oven should be turned on until the water "boils." A
microwave oven that has a browning element cannot be kashered for Pesach.
D. Glassware - Authorities disagree as to the method of kashering drinking utensils. One opinion requires soaking in
water for 3 days, changing the water every 24 hours. The other opinion requires only a thorough scrubbing before Pesach,
or putting it through the dishwasher.
E. Dishwasher - After not using the dishwasher for a period of 24 hours, a full cycle with detergent should be run. It
may then be used for Pesach.
F. Electrical Appliances - If the parts that come in contact with chametz are removable, they can be kashered in
the appropriate way (if metal, follow the rules for metal utensils). If the parts are not removable, the appliance cannot be
kashered. (All exposed parts should be thoroughly cleaned).
G. Tables, closets and counters - If used for chametz, they should be thoroughly cleaned and covered and then
they may be used.
H. Kitchen Sink - A metal sink can be kashered by a thorough cleaning and by pouring boiling water over it. A
porcelain sink should be cleaned and a sink rack used. If, however, dishes are to be soaked in a porcelain sink, a dish basin
must be used.
I. Chametz and non-Passover utensils - Non-Passover dishes, pots and chametz, whose ownership has been
transferred, should be separated, locked up or covered, and marked so as to prevent accidental use.
Permitted Foods
The following foods require no kosher l’ Pesach label when purchased before or during Pesach: fresh fruits and
vegetables that have not been coated, eggs, unflavored tea bags, unflavored regular coffee, 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil,
whole or half pecans, whole (unground) spices and nuts, fresh fish from a kosher source and fresh kosher meat or frozen,
raw hekhshered meat other than ground products as ground products with prohibited materials could be made on the same
The following products require reliable kosher l’Pesach certification (regular kosher supervision being not sufficient)
whether bought before or during Pesach: all baked goods (farfel, matzah, any product containing matzah, matzah flour,
matzah meal, Pesach cakes), all frozen processed foods, candy, canned tuna, cheeses, chocolate milk, decaf coffee, decaf
tea, dried fruits, herbal tea, ice cream, liquor, non Grade A butter, oils, soda, vinegar, wine, yogurt. (These restrictions hold
for Ashkenazic Jews; for Sephardic Jews, the presence in some of these products of kitniyot but not hametz may not present
a problem.
The following foods require no kosher l’Pesach label but do require Kashrut supervision if purchased new and
unopened before Pesach: all pure fruit juices, filleted fish, frozen fruit (no additives), non-iodized salt, pure white sugar (no
additives), unsalted Grade A butter, white milk
Any processed food bought during Pesach must have a kosher l’Pesach label.
Any detergent, because it is not a food and it is not eaten, may be used for Pesach as long as it has valid kosher
F. Medicines: Since hametz binders are used in many pills, the following guidelines should be followed: If the medicine is
required for life sustaining therapy, it may be used on Pesach. If it is not for life sustaining therapy, authorities differ in
their approaches. Please consult with your Rabbi. Capsules, because they do not need binders, are preferable to pills.
March-April 2014
Please contact Rabbi Werbow if you have any questions
As we approach the spring we naturally begin to focus on Passover. People start planning their Seder; who will be coming,
which night will they have at their house or at someone else’s, what new Kosher for Passover foods are there, where did
we put Grandma’s special cookie recipe?
In addi%on to all of these thoughts, we also begin to work on cleaning our homes. We work as diligently as possible to rid
our homes of all “chametz.” In the Torah we are instructed that “no leaven shall be seen or found in your possession
during Passover.” Some people work towards ea%ng up all of their chametz before Passover and give away or dispose of
any that is leR over. This is hard to do and for many it is not feasible. In addi%on, we would certainly not dispose of all of
our dishes and kitchenware which maintain the status of chametz.
Knowing of this hardship, the rabbis introduced a way for us not to “own” any chametz. Before Passover we “sell” the
chametz to a non-Jew for Passover. ARer Passover, the goods all revert back into our ownership. If you want to know
more about the intricacies of this custom please feel free to ask Rabbi Werbow for
Please take the opportunity to fill out the form below and return it to the
synagogue by 11:00 on Monday, April 14th in order to have your chametz included
in the sale.
While not mandatory, it is customary to include a dona%on in apprecia%on for the
efforts of the Rabbi conduc%ng the sale. These funds will be contributed to Rabbi
Werbow’s Discre%onary Fund which is used to provide scholarships, offer
assistance to those in need and to promote Jewish cultural, educa%onal and
religious ac%vi%es.
Chag Kasher v’Sameyach (A Happy and Kosher Pesach),
Rabbi Michael Werbow
I (We) __________________________________________ hereby fully empower and authorize Rabbi Michael Werbow to dispose of all
chametz that may be in my (our) possession – wherever it may be: at home, place of business or elsewhere (knowingly or
unknowingly). Rabbi Werbow has full right to sell, dispose of and conduct all transac%ons in accordance with the detailed terms
explained in the Hebrew contracts. The above power hereby given is meant to conform with all Torah and Rabbinic regula%ons to meet
the requirements of Jewish law.
Name __________________________________________________________________________________
Address & loca%on of chametz ____________________________________________________________
Signature ________________________________________________________________________________
Rabbi Werbow’s
Tribute Weekend
JUNE 6, 2014
JUNE 7, 2014
Join us as we celebrate and say
farewell to
We need
Come to an Open meeting
Thursday, march 20th
At 7:30 p.m.
To discuss plans for the weekend,
and assign committees to volunteer on each day of the tribute
March-April 2014
Each year, during the holidays of Passover, Shavuot, Yom Kippur, and Shemini Atzeret a special Memorial Service is held.
It is a time when we honor the memory of our beloved departed family members. Yizkor Services are held on these four
holidays and, in the tradition of the mitzvah of giving, an appeal is made for funds during the Yizkor Service.
Our Passover Yizkor Service will take place on Tuesday morning, April 22nd. It is appropriate to make a contribution in order to
link the memory of dear ones to an act of loving kindness. If you wish, please fill out the form below with the name of the
loved ones you wish to honor so that their names can be printed in Mishpachtenu.
If you would like additional information regarding the Yizkor Appeal, please call the office at 412-421-2288. With grateful
thanks for your continued support of our synagogue, and with all good wishes for the coming Festival.
Please tear off and mail to Congregation Beth Shalom, 5915 Beacon Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15217. Thank you.
I wish to contribute to the Passover 2014 Yizkor Appeal
In memory of: _____________________________________________________________
(Please Print)
Enclosed please find my check in the amount of $___________.
Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________
Phone #: __________________________________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________________
With the approach of spring and Passover, it has always been the tradition of our congregation to establish a
"Maot Hitin" fund which will be used to help the impoverished Jews of our city and others in need to prepare for
the great festival of liberation. It is our communal responsibility to provide the necessary food for a Passover
Seder and for the observance of the holiday in general.
Please send us your contribution (checks should be made payable to Beth Shalom Maot Hitin Fund) so that we
have adequate funds to help the many Jews who will be turning to us prior to Passover. Your generosity will
help make other Jewish families happy as they celebrate this holiday of freedom. Thank you.
Enclosed is my contribution in the amount of $______________ for the Maot Hitin Fund. (Please make check payable to
Congregation Beth Shalom Maot Hitin Fund, Thank you)
EMAIL ___________________________________________________________________
Our Community
18th sponsored by the Beatrice Schutte
Lorraine and Rabbi Aaron Mackler in
honor of their son, Ethan Raphael , becoming a
Bar Mitzvah
22nd Abby Schachter in honor of her
husband Ben Schacter’s 40th birthday
Celebrating a special anniversary, simcha or birthday?
Honoring the memory of a loved one?
Consider sponsoring a Kiddush at Beth Shalom in honor
of a special event or a loved one.
If you would like to sponsor a Kiddush or
Seudah Shlisheet, please contact the
Beth Shalom office at 412-421-2288
Cheryl Katz and Myra Childs on the
passing of Cheryl’s beloved husband and
Myra’s beloved brother, Sanford Katz.
Estelle Comay & family on the passing
of our member, Ethel Comay.
Marylyn (Mickey) Baker on the passing
of her beloved husband, Edwin (Eddy)
Dr. Robert Chamovitz on the passing of
his beloved brother, David Chamovitz.
Zinoviy Khurgin and Marina Yurovsky
on the passing of Zinoviy’s beloved wife
and Marina’s beloved mother, Fanya
Elisheva Reynolds Schreiber on the
passing of her beloved mother, Nancy
Elizabeth Worden.
The family of our member, Boris Zelkind.
Sylvia Friedman on the passing of her
beloved sister, Naomi S Sondheimer.
Helena Taubé on the passing of her
beloved mother, Nina Gontscharow.
Dolores Naimark on the passing of her
beloved sister, Helaine “Jackie” Flamm.
March-April 2014
Our Community
News in our Congregational Family
Belle G. Lazarus celebrated the Brit Milah of her twin great-grandsons, Aaron and Benjamin
Paul Leipzig celebrated the birth of his great-granddaughter, Hailey Nicole Robinson.
Judy and Gerry Kobell proudly announce the birth of their new granddaughter in
Philadelphia, daughter of Deena Kobell.
Gili Cohen and Noa Jett volunteered at Young Judea’s Alternative Winter Break.
Gili was in New Orleans and Noa was in Los Angeles.
Barbara and Yale Rosenstein celebrated their grandson, Eliyahu Rosenstein,
becoming a Bar Mitzvah.
Saralouise Reis celebrated the birth of her granddaughter, Leba Atara Reis.
Cathy and Mike Samuels celebrated the engagement of their daughter, Rachel,
to Brian Prew.
Karen and Paul Shapiro celebrated the engagement of their son,
Alan, to Melissa Garofolo.
Stephanie and Joel Pomerantz celebrated the Brit Milah of their son,
Michael Aaron Pomerantz.
Sabina Robinson and Joseph Jolson celebrated the Brit Milah of their first grandson, Ariel
Eliyahu Barnett-Jolson.
Tal and Sagi Perel celebrated the birth of their daughter, Michal Perel.
Sylvia and Norman Elias were honorees of the Israel Bonds International Ministers Club.
Ilene and Jay Fingeret celebrated their grandson, Andrew David Fingeret, becoming a Bar
Toby and Joe Trompeter celebrated the Brit Milah of their grandson, Eli Samuel.
Lynn and Jeff Rosenthal celebrated the engagement of their son, Jesse Rosenthal to Lauren
Demby. Grandparents are Mort and Paula Rubin.
Helen Eaton celebrated the birth of her great-granddaughter, Julia Eitana Gonzalez.
AgeWell Rides, a NEW service of AgeWell Pittsburgh through Jewish Family & Children's Service,
will offer rides for senior citizens who do not drive and who want to go to doctor appointments,
shopping, to the hair dresser, or to attend religious services. We are currently recruiting drivers
who have a couple of free hours and who want to make a difference in a senior's life.
If you are interested, please contact AgeWell Rides at AgeWellRides@jfcspgh.org or call AgeWell
Pittsburgh at 412412-422422-0400 (and speak with Maxine Horn or Ellen Leger).
Yahrzeit Donations December 18, 2013 - February 20, 2014
Susan Abrams
Anna Adler
Robert & Ann Albert
Bella Altshuler
Richard & Carole Babush
Elton Bailiss
David & Rosalyn Balk
Elinor Baller
Marcie Barent
Sidney & Marilyn Barmak
Alan & Patricia Barnett
Alan & Natalie Beckerman
James Beebe
Samuel & Kathleen Beigel
Leonard Berenfield
Elaine Berkowitz
Shelley Berman
Liliya Beylina
Gertrude & Goldie Blatt
Gilbert & Diane Block
Charlotte Bluestone
Geoffrey & Ellen Blum
David Breakstone
Brian Bretton
Susan Brody
Lois & Klaus Bron
Bernard & Rose Browning
Milton Caplan
Douglas & Barbara Caplan
Ivan Caplan
Arnie & Joyce Caplan
Milton Caplan
Joel & Bethann Casar
Yevelina Chudnovskiy
Lev & Marianna Chudnovsky
Allan & Lois Cohen
Richard & Linda Cohen
Robert Cohen
Allan & Lois Cohen
Stacey & Mark Colbert
Jacqueline Colker
Judith Colker
Eileen Cook
Lois Crone
Sharon Darling
Lea Davidson
Georgia Davidson
George Davis
Harry & Esther Drucker
Rochelle Dueser
Helen Eaton
David & Hanna Edelstein
Aaron & Ellen Edelstein
Ilene Egerman
Irwin & Linda Ehrenreich
Milton & Sarita Eisner
Cookie Elbling
March-April 2014
Gloria Elbling Gottlieb
Seymour & Cynthia Estner
Shirley Feld
Mark & Ruth Fichman
Edythe Fidel
Ruth Fineberg
Jay & Ilene Fingeret
Jackie Fleishman
Harold & Honey Forman
J. Leonard Frank
Barbara Franklin
Marsha Freedman
Michael & Debra Freiser
Bernice Friedlander
Gilbert Friedman
Abe & Robin Friedman
Judith Friedman
Eleanor Garber
Ruth Garvin
Ron & Linda Geistman
Joshua & Rose Geller
Morris & Marlene Gelman
Richard & Sondra Glasser
Sanford & Audrey Glasser
Robert & Megan Glimcher
Patricia Glosser
Israel Gold
Patsy Goldberg
Alex & Dasha Goldin
Ellen & Ross Golding
Sandra Golding
Nancy Golding
Robert & Marilyn Goldman
Lidush Goldschmidt
Morton & Racelle Goldstein
Lucille Gordon
Kenneth & Barbara Gordon
Bob Gordon
Sanford Gordon
William Gorin
Alexander & Alla Gorogetsky
Debbie Gottlieb
Robert & Kathleen Grant
Sam & Dorothy Greenfield
Ellen Grinberg
Robert & Judith Grumet
Myriam Gumerman
Harvey & Rita Haber
Bernard & Betty Halpern
Sandra Hanson
Steven & Lynn Hecht
Melvin & Reva Heimowitz
Molly Heitner
Margot Helferd
Jerome & Margie Herer
Marian Hershman
Ted & Anita Heyman
Alan & Laurie Hirschman
Harriet Hirshberg
William Hoffman
Joseph & Margery Hoffman
Alan & Beatrice Hoffman
Allen & Laverne Hoffman
William Hoffman
Joseph & Margery Hoffman
Thomas & Marsha Holcomb
David & Sheila Holzer
Lorraine Holzer
Ronald & Marci Holzer
Mark & Rhonda Horvitz
David & Teddi Horvitz
Valentina Iomdina
Edward Jacobson
Dennis Jett & Lynda Schuster
Ellen Johnson
Richard & Rhoda Judd
Earl & Barbara Kaiserman
Charles & Susan Kalson
Aaron Kamens
Naum & Marina Kats
Bob & Clarice Katz
Maury & Ellen Katz
Gary & Lillian Katzman
Rosalie Kessler
Alexander & Helen Kiderman
Myrna Kingsley
Ethel Kirsch
Herbert Kleber
Richard & Rochelle Klein
Natalie Kleinberg
Paul Kornblith
Mark & Marion Kotler
Elliott & Barbara Kramer
Marilyn Kramer
Carl & Elaine Krasik
James & Sheri Krell
Naum & Alla Krinberg
Marsha & Richard Krips
Jules & Harriet Kruman
Shirley Kurtz
Michael & Susan Kurtz
Anita Laborwit
Delores Laine
Esther Lapiduss
Ruth Lasday
Racille Lazar
Bruce Lazarus
Darrell H. & Helen K. Lazarus
Beverly Lebovitz
Carol Lederer
Scott & Cindy Leib
Paul Leipzig
Ruth Lessing
Harry & Caren Lever
Stanford Levin
Lawrence & Claire Levine
Carol Lewis
Bob & C. J. Liss
Michael Litman
Robert & Marlene Litman
Alan & Judy Maglin
Russell Makrauer
Sherry Malone
Sharon Maloney
Larry & Marsha Mandel
Scott Mann
Carol & Richard Margolis
Sandra Margolis
Wayne & Ferne Meadowcroft
Marina Mednik
Tetyana & Naoum Mejeritski
Gerald & Lynn Mendelbaum
Jack & Bernice Meyers
Edward & Rochelle
Howard & Abby Milstein
Edward & Jane Moravitz
Marvin & Bunny Morris
Freda Moshinsky
Morris & Dolores Naimark
Susan & Robert Nathan
Carole Neiberg
Ronald & Toby Neufeld
Daniel & Marta Nizhner
Simon & Donna Noel
Stuart Nord
Shirley Oppenheim
Eva Ostrakovna
Judy Palkovitz
Esther Palkovitz
Lawrence & Eileen Paper
Lester & Barbara Parker
Stephen Parker
Carol Pearlman
Amir & Sylvia Pilch
Mildred Plack
Joel & Marcia Platt
David Price
Yakov & Luba Prizant
Masha Promyshlyanska
Ellen Quick
Zelik & Miryam Ratchkauskas
Howard & Donna Reicher
Lois & Michael Rickin
Arnold Robbins
Carolyn Robbins
Sarah Robbins
Arnold Robbins
Ruth Roberts
Harvey & Beverly Robins
Ferne & Nathan Rogow
Jack & Myrna Rosen
Jerome &
Barbara Rosenberg
Susan Rosenberg
Ruth & Barbara Rosenbloom
Mitchell Rosenfeld
Norman Rosenfeld
Madeline Rosenfield
Jeffrey & Lynn Rosenthal
Yahrzeit Donations
Robert Rosenthal
Ralph & Dolores Roskies
Elisabeth Rossen
Belle Roth
Adam Rothaus
Elliot & Martha Rothman
Sol Ruben
Sarabelle Rudick
James & Louisa Rudolph
Gail Ryave
Bruce Sachnoff
Murray & Marjorie Sachs
Ruth Sacks
Barbara Sacks
Joseph & Martha Safyan
Brad & Liron Salitrik
Ruth Savitz
Jeffrey & Toby Schaffer
Susan & Stuart Schlansky
Michael & Barbara Schneider
Harry & Patty Schneider
Rebecca Schorin
Robert & Carol Schutte
M Schwartz
James & Judith Schwartz
Howard & Marce Schwartz
Eric & Sheila Scott
Frederick Segal
Paul & Karen Shapiro
Herbert & Barbara Shear
Mariya Shenker
Florence Sherman
Bernard & Ferne Shire
Alexander Shklyar
Joel Shrut
Rhoda Shugerman
William & Marian Siegel
Ada Silverberg
June Silverman
Elliott & Barbara Simon
Mark & Diane Simon
Larry & Evelyn Simon
Elliott & Barbara Simon
Robert & Susan Simon
Grant & Cynthia Simon
Joyce & Howard Simons
Elaine Siskind
Ben & Nancy Sissman
Howard Smalley
Neil Smolar
Harold & Connie Smolar
Stephanie Snyder
Edgar & Sandy Snyder
Elaine Sokol
Jeffrey Sokol
Jerry & Paula Sokolow
Barry & Arlene Sokolow
Evelyn Solomon
Dalia Stadtlander
Ahuva Stadtlander
Mark Staitman
Daniel & Sharyn Stein
Jean Stein
Steve & Lanoma Stein
Judith Stein
Leah Stern
Steven & Janet Stoller
Gertrude Supowitz
Myron & Marion Taube
Barbara Taylor
Joseph Titlebaum
Franklin & Ellen Toker
David & Susan Topolsky
Tamara Tregubenko
Lawrence Tucker
Robert & Jacqueline Tucker
Steven & Jo-Ann Tuckfelt
Arthur & Rezeda Udler
Toby Valinsky
Howard & Nicole Valinsky
Bluma Vishnevsky
Fay Wanetick
Albert & Shirley Wein
Shirley Weinberg
Ron & Debra Weinstock
Shirley Weinsweig
Ruth Weisberger
Jerome Weiss
Harold & Marian Weiss
Bernard & Andrea Weiss
Patricia Weiss
Robert Whitman
Ronnie & Roger Wilk
Sylvia Williams
Larry & Brenda Winsberg
Lonnie & Natalie Wolf
Michael & Barbara Wollman
Bernard & Sandra Wortzman
Bruce & Judy Yaillen
Leonard & Susan Young
Howard & Ruth Young
Yevgeniy & Julia Yuger
Alex & Polina Yurkovetsky
Sanford & Elinor Zaremberg
Barry & Suzanne Zasloff
Annette Zavos
Arkadiy & Valeria Zaydenberg
Elizabeth Zinman
Albert & Shirley Zionts
Harriet Zisman
In Memory Of:
Arnold H. Lazarus
Rose & Joshua Geller
In Honor Of:
Roz Schwartz’ Special Birthday
Elaine Berkowitz
Speedy Recovery:
Joshua Geller
Elaine Berkowitz
In Honor Of:
Karen & Paul Shapiro’s son’s engagement
Fern & Alan Steckel
In Memory Of:
Marilyn Reichbaum
Fern & Alan Steckel
In Memory Of:
David Rosenbloom
Judith & Alan Rosenbloom
Speedy Recovery:
Yale Rosenstein
Sarita & Milton Eisner
In Memory Of:
Marvin Ackerman
Debra & Ronald Cohen
Joshua Singler
Leonor Szlepak & Raquel Szlepak
In Memory Of:
Norman Bulow
Ruth Fauman-Fichman & Mark Fichman
David Chamovitz
Debby & Nate Firestone
Dolores Naimark’s sister Helaine
Sally & Alan Greenwald
Nina Gontscharow
Sally & Alan Greenwald
Myron Kolko
Ruth Fauman-Fichman & Mark Fichman
Debby & Nate Firestone
Shoshanna & Adam Shear
Arnold H. Lazarus
Contributions as of February 21, 2014
Ruth Fauman-Fichman & Mark Fichman
Joshua Rosenberg
Ruth Fauman-Fichman & Mark Fichman
Shoshanna & Adam Shear
Barbara Samet
Ruth Fauman-Fichman & Mark Fichman
Debby & Nate Firestone
Alex Seed
Debby & Nate Firestone
Betty Steinfeld
Debby & Nate Firestone
Nancy Elizabeth Worde
Patti Getchell
Speedy Recovery:
Yale Rosenstein
Sally & Alan Greenwald
In Honor Of:
Ethan Mackler becoming a Bar Mitzvah
Eydie & Adam Kolko
In Memory Of:
Marilyn Reichbaum
Natalie & Lonnie Wolf
Jeffrey Sharpe
Natalie & Lonnie Wolf
Nancy Elizabeth Worden
Sharon & Larry Dobkin
In Honor Of:
Jesse Rosenthal’s engagement to Lauren
Honey & Harold Forman
Paula & Mort Rubin
Mort Rubin’s Special Birthday
Honey & Harold Forman
In Memory Of:
Sanford Baskin
Lynn & Jeff Rosenthal
Dot Glick
Honey & Harold Forman
Ruth Schiffman
Paula & Mort Rubin
Mark Stein
Honey & Harold Forman
Nancy Elizabeth Worden
Honey & Harold Forman
Speedy Recovery:
Barbara Abraham
Paula & Mort Rubin
Eric Ludin
Paula & Mort Rubin
Harold Binstock
Paula & Mort Rubin
Barbara Wershbale
Paula & Mort Rubin
Manny Miller
Paula & Mort Rubin
Jeffrey Sharpe
Paula & Mort Rubin
Sandford Baskind
Paula & Mort Rubin
Jeannie Baseman’s mother
Paula & Mort Rubin
Alvin Buncher
Paula & Mort Rubin
Marci Pitts
Paula & Mort Rubin
Speedy Recovery:
Jennie Lasavoy Brown
Paula & Mort Rubin
Phyllis Silver
Paula & Mort Rubin
In Memory Of:
Harold Lasser
Debby & Nate Firestone
Laura & Edward Rubinoff
In Memory Of:
Fayth Dana Berkowitz
Barbara & Earl Kaiserman
Nina Gontshcarow
Fern Moscov
Richard Lippi
Fern Moscov
Sandy Loevner
Fern Moscov
Joyce Carmiel
Kathleen & Victor DePasse
Sandra Friedman
Marianne & Marvin Guerra
Albert Anthony Real Estate, LLC
Jeffrey Miller
JoAnn & Bruce Ri=in
Sandra & James Stange
Nancy & Bruce Tobin
Harriet Straus
Cookie Elbling
Sharyl Riddle’s mother
Julian Elbling
In Honor Of:
Elaine Beck’s Special Birthday
Jean & Paul Reznick
Chester Spatt’s Special Birthday
Jean & Paul Reznick
In Memory Of:
Fanya Khurgin
Jean & Paul Reznick
David Rosenbloom
Ronald Linden
Harold Marcus
In Honor Of:
Chester Spatt’s Special Birthday
Beverly & Harvey Robins
Julian Elbling
Ira Frank & J. Leonard Frank
Dorothy & Sam Greenfield
In Memory Of:
Roz Silverman’s dear brother
Beverly & Harvey Robins
Speedy Recovery:
Roselinda Leibovitz
Sarita & Milton Eisner
Yale Rosenstein
Stefi Kirschner & Gil Schneider
In Honor Of:
Bunny & Sonny Morris’ Special Anniversary
Claire & Morris Weinbuam
Speedy Recovery:
Yale Rosenstein
Ira Frank & Leonard Frank
In Memory Of:
Marla Schwartz
Edwin Baker
Claire & Morris Weinbaum
Ira Frank & Leonard Frank
Cynthia Friedman
Kathleen & Terry Brown
Contributions as of February 21, 2014
In Honor Of:
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Spiegel
Racille Lazar
Jesse Rosenthal’s engagement to Lauren
Paula & Mort Rubin
The birth of Sabina Robinson & Joe
Jolson’s grandson
Stefi Kirschner & Gil Schneider
In Memory Of:
David Chamovitz
Helen Eaton
Ethel Comay
Helen Eaton
Skippy Kalla
Debby & Nate Firestone
David Rosenbloom
Stephanie & Richard Lappen
Nancy Elizabeth Worden
Debby & Nate Firestone
In Memory Of:
Eric Bord’s beloved mother
Anita Lopatin Smolover
In Honor Of:
Sabina Robinson & Joe Jolson’s new
Ronna & Dan Askin
Michelle & Martin Lubetsky
The marriage of Seth Harris to
Mo Goldberg
Neila & Daniel Bendas
Rabbi Stephen & Lisa Steindel’s new
Neila & Daniel Bendas
Debby & Nate Firestone
Ellen & Franklin Toker’s new grandson
Debby & Nate Firestone
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Roberts’s anniversary
Ruth Ganz Fargotstein
Jean & Paul Reznick
Neila & Daniel Bendas
Marcia & Mark Greenwald
In Memory Of:
Edwin Baker
Paula Eger
Sissy Margolis
David Chamovitz
Paula Eger
Dorita & Manny Krifcher
Ethel Comay
Stefi Kirschner & Gil Schneider
Nina Gontscharow
Lorraine & Rabbi Aaron Mackler
Marion & Myron Taube
Simon Kaplan
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Drucker
Arnold H. Lazarus
Lea E. Davidson
Marianne Silberman
Elinor & Sanford Zaremberg
Meyer Patelman
Jean Stein
Joshua Rosenberg
Eydie & Adam Kolko
Betty Steinfield
Jean Stein
Sidney Steingart
Ida Steinberg
Nancy Elizabeth Worden
Lorraine & Rabbi Aaron Mackler
Sissy Margolis
Ellen & Franklin Toker
Speedy Recovery:
Reva Horn
Lea E. Davidson
Elinor & Sanford Zaremeberg
In Memory Of:
Nancy Elizabeth Worden
Nicole & Howard Valinsky
Rabbi Werbow’s
Discretionary Fund
Brian Cohen and Ilyssa Manspeizer:
Thank you
Maria and Neal Shenderovich: Thank
you for your kindness and prayers.
Adriane, Morris, Bradley and Justin
Horvitz: Thank you for officiating at
Bradley’s Bar Mitzvah, the B&B Club
and for being a really nice person.
Flora Lee and Bert Katz: Thanks for
your support during the recent loss of
our sister, Skippy Kalla.
The family of Selma Schwartz: Thank
you for being there for us. The funeral
and shiva were the loving tribute we
Susan Zukerman Kurtz, Rochelle
Zukerman Klein and family: In
appreciation of Rabbi Werbow, Milt
Eisner, Dee Selekman, Lonnie Wolf and
all Minyan participants.
Sally and Alan Greenwald: We enjoy
you for the position you hold and for
your person! We wish you the best as
you continue going on in life.
Jack and Jeremy Singer: In
appreciation of you officiating at Herbert
Singer’s unveiling.
Barry Weiss: Thank you for
officiating at my father’s headstone
Dr. Richard and Ellen Bergman: In
memory of David Rosenbloom
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Frieser: In
memory of David Rosenbloom
Natalie Rosenbloom and Family:
Thank you for officiating at Dave’s
funeral. You have helped to make this
trying time more manageable.
Arleen and Marvin Adelson: Many
thanks for reaching out to our family
when our mother died. Your comforting
words gave us strength.
Paula and Jerry Sokolow: Thank you
for your support and caring during a
stressful time.
Debbie and Harold Goldberg: Thank
you for making our simcha such a
joyous occasion.
Elinor Zaremberg: Thank you for
visiting me at Charles Morris while I was
recuperating following my recent
Bruce Lazarus: Thanks so much for
the wonderful job you did for my father’s
Barry Berman and Betsy Gard: In
memory of Arnold H. Lazarus, past
President of the synagogue
End of Life Needs
Yahrzeit Plaques
Pre-Need Arrangements
Plot Purchasing
Please contact
Cemetery Director
Lonnie Wolf
ext. 193
8 Adar II
Torah Study with Rabbi
15 Adar II
Shushan Purim
Torah Study with Rabbi
22 Adar II
Torah Study with Rabbi
29 Adar II
Torah Study with Rabbi
7 Adar II
Daylight Saving Time
14 Adar II
21 Adar II
28 Adar II
Purim Carnival
1 Adar II
Rosh Chodesh Adar II
Torah Study with Rabbi
30 Adar I
Rosh Chodesh Adar II
Sisterhood Torah Fund
9 Adar II
23 Adar II
16 Adar II
Board of Trustees Mtg.
Kadima Open Lounge
2 Adar II
Executive Committee Mtg.
Kadima Open Lounge
March 2014
March-April 2014
3 Adar II
24 Adar II
17 Adar II
10 Adar II
25 Adar II
USY Open Lounge
18 Adar II
USY Open Lounge
11 Adar II
Fast of Esther
USY Open Lounge
4 Adar II
USY Open Lounge
26 Adar II
7:22 p.m. Candle Lighting
7:00 p.m. Kabbalat
Shabbat Service
19 Adar II
7:15 p.m. Candle Lighting
7:00 p.m. Kabbalat
Shabbat Service
12 Adar II
12:30 p.m. ELC Family
Purim Celebration
7:07 p.m. Candle Lighting
7:00 p.m. Kabbalat
Shabbat Service
5 Adar II
6:00 p.m. Candle Lighting
6:00 p.m. Kabbalat
Shabbat Service
Carlebach Service
6 Adar II
27 Adar II
Shabbat HaChodesh
B/M Skylar Kunkel
20 Adar II
Shabbat Parah
13 Adar II
Shabbat Zachor
Family Megillah Reading
Traditional Megillah
Sisterhood Shabbat
29 Adar I
Shabbat Shekalim
Adar I / Adar II 5774
April 2014
1 Nisan
Rosh Chodesh Nisan
Executive Committee Mtg.
Kadima Open Lounge
15 Nisan
Pesach I
Seder II
ELC Closed
JJEP Closed
8:40 p.m. Candle Lighting
8 Nisan
Kadima Chocolate Seder
14 Nisan
Erev Pesach
Seder I
Ta’anit Bechorot
(Fast of the Firstborn)
ELC Closed
7:39 p.m. Candle Lighting
22 Nisan
Omer 7
Pesach VIII
ELC Closed
JJEP Closed
8:48 p.m. Havdalah
7 Nisan
Torah Study with Rabbi
13 Nisan
JJEP Closed
Men’s Club Sponsored
Spaghetti Dinner
21 Nisan
Omer 6
Pesach VII
ELC Closed
8:47 p.m. Candle Lighting
6 Nisan
CRUSY Regional
JJEP 7th Grade D.C.
Holocaust Museum Trip
20 Nisan
Omer 5
Chol HaMoed Pesach
JJEP Closed
7:46 p.m. Candle Lighting
Omer 14
Board of Trustees Mtg.
Kadima Open Lounge
Omer 12
Chaverim Event
Omer 13
Yom HaShoah
Torah Study with Rabbi
2 Nisan
Nisan 5774
5 Nisan
CRUSY Regional
12 Nisan
Achrei Mot
Shabbat HaGadol
Final Seudah Shlisheet
(Third Meal) of the Year
3 Nisan
CRUSY Regional
No USY Open Lounge
11 Nisan
JJEP Shabbat Experience
@ Beth Shalom
Shabbat Alive
7:36 p.m. Candle Lighting
7:00 p.m. Kabbalat
Shabbat Service
19 Nisan
Omer 4
Shabbat Chol HaMoed
Tri-State FJM C Passover
9:00 a.m. Men’s Club
10 Nisan
USY Open Lounge
18 Nisan
Omer 3
Chol HaMoed Pesach
ELC Closed
7:43 p.m. Candle Lighting
7:00 p.m. Kabbalat
Shabbat Service
4 Nisan
CRUSY Regional
7:29 p.m. Candle Lighting
7:00 p.m. Kabbalat
Shabbat Service
16 Nisan
17 Nisan
Omer 2
Chol HaMoed Pesach
ELC Closed
JJEP Closed
No USY Open Lounge
26 Nisan
Omer 11
B/M Izabella Sattler
9 Nisan
Atid Chocolate Seder
Omer 1
Pesach II
ELC Closed
23 Nisan
24 Nisan
Omer 9
JJEP Resumes
USY Open Lounge
25 Nisan
Omer 10
7:51 p.m. Candle Lighting
7:00 p.m. Kabbalat
Shabbat Service
Omer 15
Rosh Chodesh Iyar
Omer 8
Saturday, March 15, 2014
8:00 p.m. Havdallah
8:15 p.m. Megillah B’Yachad
Our entire congregation is invited
to hear the FULL Megillah as we
celebrate Purim together.
Come in costume, bring your noisemakers and
be prepared to laugh and sing!
Join us for the Purim Carnival on Sunday,
March 16 from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Please bring a canned good to donate to the food pantry.
March-April 2014