Vanning Down Under (Issue 2) May 06.cdr
Vanning Down Under (Issue 2) May 06.cdr
Top Van 2006 Van Nationals VCV V A N C O U N C I L O F V I C T O R I A Vanner’s Choice 2006 Nationals Vanning Down Under May 2006 ELTHAM Special thanks to Autobarn Eltham for our full colour cover 2006 -2007 V.C.V Committe President: Mandy Parfitt 0419 347 805 Vice President: Marion Van Der Minne (03) 59 416 890 Secretary: Mandy Harris 0412 948 277 Treasurer: David Law 0407 565633 Public Officer: Peter Volodka Public Relations: ( All States ) International Public Relations: International Liaison Officer: Matt Harris Kids Biz: ( All Parents ) We Need your Email address!! Let us keep in touch with you You can email to All detail for internal use ONLY! 2 All correspondence to: V.C.V P O Box 361 Glen Waverley Vic 3150 VCV MOBILE NO. 0408 736 990 Nats Website: ABN NUMBER: 60 987 100 655 General Meetings Van Council of Victoria meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at the Victorian Hot Rod Association building at 69 Warrigal Road, Oakleigh. Under the Warrigal road overpass (it's the blue building beside the train line). Meetings start around 8.00pm. EVERYONE IS WELCOME All articles published in this newsletter are the opinions of the individual writer and not necessarily those of the V.C.V Committee, V.C.V members or the editors of this magazine. 3 Madam Pres Says 8 May 2006 Happy New Vanning Year!! Let me start by passing on some advice. No mater how thirsty you are, don't drink at the AGM as a full bladder can lead to rash decisions. Hence my first time as President. A big Thank You and well done to the Hogs Breath Australian Van Nationals Organizing committee and VANSw helpers. We had a wonderful time in Nabiac and a great turn out for the show. There will be a lot to look forward to this year, so you better keep the calendar that came with you membership renewal handy. There were some really good ideas being tossed around at out first committee meeting and I think it's going to be a fun year for both the committee and members. To those of you who have access to the web, we have some excellent photos on thanks to out editor and Webmaster Andrew. This Van Nationals was the first time I have put my van on show for judging. I must thank Colin Proctor (2nd Top Van) and Frits Pel (5th Top Van) for all their advice on what to do and how to improve. I have learnt a lot this past Nationals and realized that although I been attending the Van Nats all my life (literally), helped out at a few and been on the organizing committee for one…I don't actually know much about showing. My point being that if a veteran vanner like me doesn't know how to clean her under carriage, then what chance do some of the puppy vanners have? Perhaps we could talk some of our more experience show vanners into writing an article for the magazine? If there is an aspect of showing that you are particularly good at, write something down and send it in, I need all the help I can get! Please take the time to read the minutes of the May meeting, if you weren't there you missed out on an interesting meeting and free doughnuts! Yours in Vanning Mandy Parfitt 4 Well im back for another year and this year we are going to make the mag better than ever! To do this I need your help. If i can get just 1 article from each member then the magazine would be full till the end of the year. WoW can this be done? probably not so we will have to rely on the chosen few. Please surprise me and lets see what we can achieve. Its sponsor time again and any help would be great, Autobarn Eltham have paid for this and the following 3 magazines, so if we don't want to go back to B & W then see if you can get someone to sponsor, its only $66.00 per issue for a full colour back page add, not bad value in todays terms. Membership is now due, don't miss out as things are always getting better and we need you to keep the vanning scene going. Not just Victorians but Vanners from everywhere. As for the covers of the mag, they will be a little different as we will not be doing the top ten but picking some go looking vans for the front covers, if you have any suggestions please email me and let me know whet you think would be a good choice. Does anyone have a Nats report they would like to share? There was a lot of parties going on over the weekend and I saw a few people taking pictures so email me a few and write a short report and we can add this to the Nats articles we already have. Still need a few Vanner profiles, if you read Russell’s from this month you can get an idea of the format so please send them in. lastly, it was talked about at the Nats that we should do a section in the newsletter call garaged vans, this would consist of a few photos and a report on what you are doing and when you hope to be finished. I will be doing mine so take some pictures and send them to us. Till next time Keep on Vanning Regards Andrew 5 April 6th 2006 Van Council of Victoria Meeting Start: 8:17pm Welcome everyone, including visitors Adam and Kevin Apologies: Sophie Badger, Parfitts not Mandy though and the rest of the Stevens Clan, Geoff and A quick chat about the Visitor Kevin, Dave Law found Kevin driving his Yellow 79 HZ sandman, he has owned van since it was 18 months old, it has done 312000kms and has been fully restored, he has just come along to see how things are run. Minutes Read by Micka. 1st JB 2nd Dave Law Amendment to comment that no in previous minutes that no one from Victoria will sponsor QLD nats, it is only from the people that were present from last meeting. Incoming Mail Read by Micka Florida Van Council Newsletter AOMC Proposed amendments to constitution. Shannons Classic Australian car show. Car Trims Unique car 2006 muscle car Nats Easter. Plenty Valley Printing invoice and statement. South East Street Machine Newsletter. Baw Baw shire council and Colin and Annete Proctors shire change. Membership Brett and Maureen Birch $50 Fritz mag returned. Calder Park Muscle car show. 2006 Shannons Melbourne International morot show 19th Feb????? Mens Gallery Tickets Easternats info. Cadbury Fundraising info. Rare Spares club banner giveaway. Australia Post Renewal of PO Box. ABPD Legal Advice Notice. Treasurers Report: No incoming cheques Membership Virginia Ross ($130) and Murray Sheedy ($130) Current Bank balance $5000 term deposit still concurrent. $2135.12 Complete statement in this magazine. 1st JB 2nd Dan the Panelvan man. 6 Prez Sez Last meeting for the current Committee, everybody has had a good time, Andrew has done a good job with the magazine and is going tos start putting previous events on Web site. If anybody is interested on going on to the Committee it is a good time to start thinking about it. Bit of a bonus with Hogs Breathe Café coming on board for the Van Nats this year for NSW. Apparently they were interested to hear that there is a lot of Victorians going to the Nats and a big chance that they will sponsor the coming van nats in QLD, then ongoing in possibly Victoria the following year. Bit disappointing about the limited people turning up for this meeting. Previous Events: Autobarn Edwards Lake Tavern Drive Inn night. Pretty poor attendance, James, Fiona, Dave, Lyn and Micka. James, Dave and Lyn went out for Dinner and Micka, Kelly, Chloe, Marion V and Tara went to the Drive Inns. Wasteland Meeting apologized. 22 in attendance, 28 if you include people who rang and Good excuse to start club back up as Wasteland Van Club and not VC Next Meeting at Badgers playgroup 20th May. James read a SMS message to all. Coming Events: Ian primary school static display. 3 Vans and Barina. Legally blonde, M&M VU and Ians van and 2 more other cars. Van Nats Who isn't going Adam. Adam is to be christened at Wasteland bar at next meeting. Anybody leaving Saturday to go directly towards Nats???? It is a lot safer if people can travel together. M&M leaving Sunday night (there is a bar onsite for wasteland) Ian leaving on Wednesday. Marion V. Monday after dropping poopy off. Marion C, Monday morning 6am with Big Blue Ambo. We should all look for Pubvan plates at Goulburn. We hope everybody has a good trip, Camera's are very well signaged. Some Camera's on Western Ring Road not turned on at the minute, there is a brand new listing available for Victoria. Be advised that there is an additional 10% charge on Etags in NSW. Highett Neighborhood either 7th or 14th May for Billy Cart Day. Suggestion made for all Van Clubs to make a billy cart for race. Pizza Runs Breakaway will start having runs after Nats. Long Run to Tassie Anyone wanting to go please speak with Matt H. 20th May Badgers Playgroup to be confirmed. Hollywood 7 General Business: Memberships are due. Matt Brinston has left Shannons, Richard Saunders is now the man. Dave Law spoke with Shannons and they told him he didn't need an alarm for insurance. Geoff and Sophie had a little girl, Anastasia. Congratulations to both. Dave Law is still selling Roil products. Vanners Reunion at race paint Braeside Sunday 12th November, information will be in the newsletter. Thee will be trophies given out, no judges, peoples choice only. All vanners invited new and old. If anyone has contacts for old vanners please get in contact and invite them along. There will be a vanners quiz and photo display, there are people coming from interstate. If you want to pass on details to James or Andrew feel free. The event is to start at midday for a BBQ lunch to be supplied by the VCV and soft drinks. Please help to make this a successful event, if a success this could be looked at making annual or bi-annual. Mark Booker recently put an advertisement in Herald Sun for the van he built Total Eclipse. A car yard owner got in contact, and the guy who has it. Mark is waiting to go and have a look apparently the motor and gearbox is gone, interior is a little ratty, body still looks good and is now painted Red, he is asking $25g's. The car yards originally were originally asking 13g's. He would really like to get it back but not for this ridiculous price though. James has Chevy vans for sale they are 1974 Chevy custom and asking $90 each currently they are being sold at car show for between $125 and $145. all different colours and designs. Around the room: Ian Adam Dan JB Looking forward to nats but not for the drive. Good to get van back and take it for a drive Building house, Frame up and roof tiles on, to be bricked up by just after easter. Like to wish all April Birthday people happy birthday, thank you to outgoing committee for a good job. Andrew Calendars are all done, can buy top 10 calendar. What price should we charge $10 agreed. Also doing raffle at Nats, Newsletter being printed today. Marion Put new extractors on, Sounds like a real V8 now. Dave Going to Nats, pick van up on Saturday. James Does anybody want to store the VCV trailor, reg to be payed, lets improve van scene next year. Meeting Closed :9:45pm Next Meeting Thursday May 4th, 2006 Hot Rod Rooms Oakleigh All Welcome 8 Treasures Report 9 NOTICE OF A SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING TO BE HELD AT 69 WARRIGAL ROAD OAKLEIGH VIC ON THURSDAY JULY 6TH 2006 STARTING AT 8:00PM. Due to the lack of VCV members able to attend the previous Van Nationals, and the possibility of not being able to get a full committee one year due to the Van National being interstate, the V.C.V committee would like to invite all members to the July Meeting to discuss Moving the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the years when the Van Nationals are not in the state of Victoria. A Special General Meeting will be held prior to the regular July meeting on Thursday July th 6 2006. Points to be discussed: now that the Van Nationals are to be held outside of Victoria more often than they are held in Victoria should we change the date of the AGM for the years when it is outside the state. The 2006 AGM there were noticeably more non VCV members present than members. The number of VCV members present at the AGM appear to be decreasing making it harder and harder to find committee members each year. As the VCV meeting is held at the Nationals are members busy partying and could not be bothered attending the AGM. Would they be likely to attend an AGM not at the Van Nationals. Therefore, as 28 days notice must be given prior to a special general meeting as required by corporate affairs, to make changes to the constitution this notice shall be taken as notification of the special general meeting. If you cannot make the special general meeting but would like to vote on the above please feel free to send your response in writing containing both your current membership details and signature to the VCV, P O Box 361 Glen Waverley 3150 to be received no later than last mail on July 3rd 2006. If there are any other constitutional changes you would like discussed these must be received in writing no later than the last mail June 1st 2006. We thank you for your continued support. Yours in Vanning the Van Council of Victoria Committee. 10 VCV Meeting May 4th 2006 Meeting opened: Welcome: Apologies: Previous Minutes: read at the next 8.08pm To everyone and there are free donuts for anyone who wants them. Badger, Caroline, James, Micka, Kelly, Chloe, Tab, & the Stephens family. As the April minutes have not yet been received they could not be read and will be meeting. Hopefully they will be in the May newsletter. Incoming Correspondence: The relevant articles were read. Treasurers Report: April Balance $ 2048.41 new Incoming Memberships and calendar sales 691.00 Raffle 370.00 Outgoing, Plenty Valley Printing (newsletter etc) (937.00) Total $ 2172.41 Accepted By Andrew Tilley, Seconded by Daz Launer President's Report: Letter received from Rick (Sunstate PVC) Congratulating VCV on the number and quality of Vic Vans at the Nats. Thanks for comraderie at the Nats and congratulations to Mandy for taking the reins as VCV president. Letter received from Fres giving a run down of the Nats. $1000 to be donated to Ronald McDonald House, possibly more once everything has been sorted out. Fres noted that 8 of the top ten Vans at the Nats arrived on trailers / trucks, the other 2 came 1st & 2nd. Memberships are now due. May will be the last newsletter you will receive if you do not rejoin. Those people who have not yet rejoined will receive the May newsletter without the colour cover as a reminder. The New Committee is in full swing and there will be guest speakers attending the meetings during the next 12 months. People booked or to be confirmed so far are as follows: Shannons Insurance. Richard Saunders will be attending the June Meeting. Vigil Insurance. Lorne Sturdy will be attending the July Meeting. Both insurance companies have been invited so that you can decide who would best suit your individual needs Daz advised that Vigil may be interested in sponsoring the Van Nats. He will talk to Ken Brown who is the National Manager and see if he can get him to the July meeting with Lorne. An Automotive Engineer to be confirmed Con Mantzaris re SR registration to be confirmed VHRA representative to be confirmed to explain the benefits of joining the VHRA, who kindly let us use their clubrooms for nothing. Some events organised, or in the process of being organised are as follows Hog's Breath Café Warrigal Rd Chadstone Night out 15-07-2006. If you wish to attend please let the committee know so that bookings can be made. Bring your Nats discount card. Trivia Night 16-09-2006 venue and cost to be confirmed. Possible Horse Racing night details to be advised (this is not a night out at the races but a fun in house mock racing night with games etc. Murder Mystery Night date to be advised, Venue the Snooty Fox in Olinda, cost is $55 per head including meals etc. Everyone attending must book and pay prior as each person will be given a character for the night. This is a great night out. The committee is looking into places for accommodation so we may make a weekend of it. Science works, details to be confirmed. 11 The Committee is looking into VCV merchandise such as hats, stubby holders etc. (Daz advised he could assist with this). Past events: The 2006 Van Nationals Dave Law advised that the NSW traffic management sucks. When they put port-a-loos on the side of the road to cater for the traffic jam you know there is something wrong and this is going to take a while. Discussion on the Pig Pen award. Marion V didn't realise she was in the pig pen, as she just parked beside the other vans. Dave did not put his van in the Pig pen as he was going to need it during the day. Some of the vans seemed to just appear in the pig pen in the afternoon. Discussion was had re the comments made by the Puppy “Virgin” Vanners on the VANSw web site regarding no-one talking to him etc. General consensus was that the VCV members where ever possible were inviting old and new vanners over for a drink etc. Frits, Budgie and Yvette in particular went for walks around all the camp sites around to back talking to puppies etc. Most other vanners tried to get any puppies involved when they saw them. Overall it was a good event and we all enjoyed ourselves, some more than others. Auto Salon last weekend attended by Daz, had a great time and was welcomed warmly. They would be happy to give the VCV a discount entry if we can get more than 6 vehicles next time (July 1-2). They are becoming more receptive to V8's than they have been in the past. More details to follow. Daz to do a report on the event for the mag . Coming Events: to put in your diary, for people who do not have diaries a number have been donated and were issued to people attending as required. May 20th Badgers play group details in Mag. Cruise meeting at The Boulevard in Port Melb 2005-2006 leaving at 12:30pm. June 10-12 Wasteland VC Halls Gap Run (Budja Budja) details in the Mag. Everyone welcome. July 15th Hog's Breath Café night out. Hogs Breath Café Warrigal Road Chadstone. Contact the committee for bookings. August 12-13 Wasteland VC Noojee run details to follow, Everyone welcome. 3rd December the VCV Xmas run details to be confirmed General business: 3 of the 6 VCV 2 way radios are missing. If anyone knows the whereabouts of the missing 2 ways can you please return them. They are easily identified as the have VCV and a number engraved on them. There were 5 after the Maryborough Nats. One was lost quite some time back. The book out book is also missing so we have no record of who borrowed them last. If anyone has any problems or complaints can you please talk to the committee outside the meeting and the committee will follow it up. Otherwise it looks bad for any new members attending their first meeting if a major debate erupts during the meeting. We want happy meetings that people look forward to attending not bitch fights. In the past the VCV has offered discount membership to interstate members, however as this offer is not reciprocated by the other states and our costs are greater than the income from these members a discussion was held re the $5 dollar discount. The original idea was that Vic discounts cannot benefit interstate members, therefore a discount was applied to compensate. The cost of membership benefits is as follows: Newsletter $2.20 per copy $24.60 Envelopes and postage $ 1 per month $11.00 Membership card approx $0.50 $ 0.50 Year Bar $ 4.20 Sticker $ 4.00 Total cost of membership $ 43.90 There are also other expenses for running the VCV not shown, as well as additional incomes such as sponsorship however the bare bones cost for membership does not allow for discounts as have been granted in the past. A vote was taken with all in favour of removing the interstate discount next year. Mandy to put a full explanation in her Prez report. 12 Due to the small number of VCV members at the AGM at interstate Van Nationals a proposal to move the AGM for 2007 to the March meeting prior to the Van Nats was posed. As this would require a change to the constitution a Special General Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday July 6th 2006 at 69 Warrigul rd, prior to the general meeting where a brief discussion on this issue and a vote will be taken. Details to be found elsewhere in the newsletter. If anyone has any other issues regarding the constitution please let the VCV committee know before the June 2006 meeting so that these can also be tabled at the Special General Meeting. All issues as above need to be notified to the members at least 28 days prior to the meeting, therefore any issues not on the adgenda can not be discussed at the Special general meeting. The New VCV committee is looking at organising some Cheap runs, such as BBQ's etc and are open to suggestions as to venues. Some of the suggestions received so far are: A park in Williamstown as suggested by James (exact venue to be discussed with James) the Cranbourne Botanical Gardens, the YouYangs, Healsville etc. There is a very slim chance that Vic roads may be looking at introducing a 90 day permit scheme as is presently current in SA. Details are very vague at present but M&M hope to have more info next meeting. Daz advised he has purchased a copy of 2006 van Nats video by SIN-BIN off ebay. Discussion re Arthurs video. He advised that his 2005 video first draft was not as good as he would have liked, therefore he is still working on it. We believe there will be a 2006 edition. Meeting closed 9:57 ish thanks to all who attended. 13 Hogs Breath Café 31st Van Nationals Nabiac NSW Good morning Vanners, That was a sound that was missing this year. I know it was sometimes annoying but what is a NATS without this start to the day? This year started like most others with many arriving early and campsites springing up like mushrooms in a cold forest, but much to the vanners liking was the warn 30c days and the crisp nights around a campfire. Friday was the AGM and as with most years there was a little effort to get a committee, We where lucky again getting a great group of people. 14 Saturday was the convoy, and for the first time in many years, I was in a Van. No not my Van, der as if that is finished. Damon and I where lucky enough to have James yellow van and did we have a great time, this was the second best convoy I have ever been on. Thank to James & Fres for the van and convoy. Saturday night was party time, as with most years we where to lazy to get dressed up, our loss as there was a lot of effort gone to by some, next year ill pull my finger out and try a little bit harder. Big congrats to DVV and all who took the time, it was a treat to see you all. 15 To be concluded! Where in the world is Nabiac? To those of us who made the pilgrimage, we know we put Nabiac on the map. It has, by all accounts, always been there, but now the locals can stand proud, hold their heads up high and feel safe and secure that we have departed from what was, and will be, a Nats with a little bit of difference. Firstly, thanks to all for a great Nats in particular the organizers I did enjoy myself, the area was great with lots to do and see, we did the dolphin cruise and wow, lots of them. A great sight. The fishing trip was really good too reports said they not only got fish, but saw dolphins as well, what a bonus. Myself and Tara arrived on the Tuesday, heaps of space to choose from so we decided to go for the cow pavilion or better known as Nabiac Heights (or Lower b*k for those that slummed it) at the other end of the show grounds. Good choice from the response, in particular after the downpour on Wed or Thur ( I am writing this a week after we came back so details may be a little blurry and if you think I'm struggling you're not wrong). The days were beautiful (except for Wed or Thur), the nights were cold, but campfires and firewater kept us warm. There were lots and lots of peoples, I believe there were around 270 entrants. Great turnout. Lots of new stuff to be seen, lots of ideas to be had (steal, exchange, hide). Unfortunately some couldn't make it, but we hope Andrew will get some photos up on the website so you can see what you missed. A few upsets were had on the way up. Kim decided she would prove her driving skills NASCAR style, then to make sure she got the hard luck trophy, the pram broke down too! Badger's car decided it didn't really want to get there and in true Badger style, spent the weekend under the bonnet (or under the rear end of his car as it were) only to have the car not want to go home either. Saturday night was a hit, great food thank you Paul. Great costumes thanks to those who did make the effort. Just a word on this: Why don't more people dress up? Are we really getting too old for this sort of thing? We're approaching the age of second childhood, so why not start early and make it last longer and enjoy the time we have left on this planet. So whatever next year's theme, make an effort and have a laugh remember, laughter is a great endorphin, laughter lines are beautiful and if men mast*te at least 5 times a week, they will avoid prostate cancer (but then guys did you really need a reason??) The auction went well, lots of good stuff went with a few bitch fights along the way, not mentioning any names, suffice to say it was WA vs VIC! Who won? You had to be there! The people games were very enjoyable, thanks in particular to the cow that sat down, Pee Wee's boggling eyes when the girls pushed him in reverse and we all now know that weetbix and baked beans do not go down well. Congratulations to Dan and Kim on their engagement, good luck to both of you (god knows Kim needs it!). Also congrats go to Jack and Kayla, we assume in later years they will be engaged too, we already know who wears the pants in that relationship. The toilet area was a huge hit with most that came to visit, the pool table (thanks Dan) did survive the crash (wrapped in glad wrap tied to the top of the camper trailer don't ask!). Grubby Bubby deserves a mention too! What a cutsie, don't wear light colors, or any other color, cos with grubby bubby, they just won't stay their original color. I wonder if Dawso counted the condoms missing in his bag after they got back? A certain someone described the weekend as the wet wet wet Nats. This can be taken in more ways than one, try to figure it out for yourself. Also, if anyone has seen a black and red striped bra, could they please return it to the undersigned… I was kinda attached to it at one stage. The last time I saw it, it was dressing up a certain someone's head…. The smash'em up derby on show day was a great hit. Trust the Valiant to catch fire and the Volvo to keep going! Well done Pee Wee on a great effort. There's probably a heap more I could mention, but as we all know, you had to be there for the experience. We look forward to the Qld Nats next year and Naracoorte again in 2008. We hope you can all make it. Thanks again to all, take care till next time. Xena Santa was busy lucky his elf turned up! 16 Senility (or why V O D K A F V T T N T E C N A N U S E N N Z F S W O V O T E I Q R A Z S P G Q A S C E R F E U T J M R L F E P P C U N E E N L I S D E U T N I V K U E I D O S N R A R T K D A O L S T R E S S C R F V SMILE LAUGHTER HAPPINESS CHEER BEER HUMOUR SADNESS DEPRESSION DOWN TEARS JOY AGE have we stopped Q A Z W A R O N G R E L O T J M I K O S X E E R G B Y N H N W S I X Z D O W N V T A G B I N U S M Q A B Z R R E T H G V E T U J A R M M R O L P O C E R F U G U B N R P Q H C S W S X S T D R A T laughing?) M S P X I A A N G C B D L E P A C D J N U R E D U C X T S W A Y H I L E K W S X E G U A L G B Y H O O N C Q A Z W V T G B H Y M J T I B Q E S S I S A B B FORGETFUL PRESSURES STRESS GRUMPY SERIOUS BITCH BASTARD TOLERANCE PACE IGNORANT BOREDOM ROUTINE MATURITY SENSE BRIGHT SUN MOON STARS WINE VODKA LOVE KISSES HUGS MIND z iiz B B s ds K Kiid E M Y O I F U N N E S S N H S Y U A K G D A Y T C J H U G S D S S E N I P P A H C R Y Q R M M O D E R O B E X H I Z E R D H A S U O I R E S F B R I G H T D U C Y N I C A L E N O S E R U S S E R P J L O V E F I D G R U M P Y E S E L U R RULES CYNICAL FUNNESS DRIVEN CARE QUE DRAMA Thanks to Xena! 17 18 Race Paint - factory 7, 1-7 Canterbury rd, Braeside Vic 3195 on Sunday 12 the November, starting at noon. Live Band - Drinks & BBQ Provided - Booking Essential Contact: James Ellis 0418 300 470 VCV AUSTRALIAN STREET VAN ASSOCIATION V A N C O U N C I L O F V I C T O R I A 19 Saturday May 20th Meeting at Port Melbourne ( The Boulevard ) Time:Noon Free camping Saturday Night BBQ Lunch run on Sunday to Scarsdale for anyone interested Contact Badger on 0414 357 039 2560 Colac Ballarat Road Dereel 20 Last Chance! Dear Vanner If you have not paid your membership this is the last newsletter you will receive till your membership is paid. This year’s membership includes a VCV Calender, 11 Colour Newsletters Colour membership card, yearbar & sticker Due to the cost of printing, if your membership is paid late then you may miss out on your Mag as we only print 5 extra’s each month. So to keep your magazine set complete send in you membership TODAY! ple m sa WWW.VANNING.ORG.AU 21 Roil is Oil!! Roll up, Roll up, Vanners get your roil products here, now, brand new shipments have arrived. We have for you our very own diesel fuel system treatment 360ml for only $22 normally $27.05 petrol fuel system treatment 360ml for only$25 normally $31.65 gold metal conditioner 480ml for only$40 normally $50.10 or why not go big gold metal conditioner (a whopping) 3.79L that's 1 us gallon for $250.00 that's a saving of over $60,00. plus lots more we've got nail care, home care, sun care, personal care, dental care, health care, hair care, skin care, aroma therapy, holistic foods, fragrances, and probably lots lots more. so come on you know you want to, give me a holler but most importantly, give me your money first. remember no orders on credit as refusal may/will offend see me at the meeting or arrange a meeting your treasurer DAVID on 0407 565 633 RIDDLE ME THIS VANMAN! Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini,4. Nono. What is the name of the fifth daughter? SEND US A RIDDLE :-) ANSWER PAGE 26 22 To our mystery friend, Thank you for our gnome. Love Micka, Kel & 23 Van Clubs Australia Vandits Van Club C\- 108 Morton Rd Ashwood Vic. 3147 Contact: John ‘JB’ Beare 0418 556 905 Break-A-Way Van Club C\- 2 Lorraine Crt Hampton Park VIC 3967 Contact: Marion Collins (03) 9799 8692 Sun State Panel Van Club P.o Box 224 Yandina Qld. 4561 Contact: Phil 0733511849 VCSA P.o Box 2023 Hilton SA 5033 Contact: Tony 08 83266988 Rev Van Club Geelong C\- 25 Chapel St Whittington Vic. 3219 Contact: Ginny Ross (03) 5248 5266 - Diamond Valley Vanners 25 Rokeby Cres Craigieburn Vic 3064 Contact: James Ellis 0418 300 470 Sundowners Van & Street Club Riverstone NSW Contact: Doug Davis (02) 9627 4976 NSW V8 Holden Club P.o Box 394 Ryde NSW 2112 Contact: Gary & Denise Smith (02) 9801 3088 0414 253 060 Wasteland Van Club C\- 29 Franks Way Cranbourne Vic. 3201 Contact: Matt Harris (03) 5996 9916 Misty Mountain Van Club Morphetvale SA Contact: Dennis & Karen (08) 8326 2526 Garden State Van & Custom Club C\- 59 Purches St Mitcham Vic. 3132 Contact: Ian Stevens (03) 98734838 High Rollers Van Club Contact: Ken Kinnear 0408 307 350 We NEED YOUR LOGO and Email Address!! 24 24 MEMBERS FOR SALE PAGE Fully equipped Bedford Campervan for sale very good condition. 1977 model, mechanically roadworthy contact Dave. 1978 HZ holden panel van, 202 dual fuel, 4 speed manual tinted windows, yellow, GTS dash, New carpet in front $6500ono contact Simon 0403680794 Ferntree Gully The Van was (apparently) optioned on the production line with Sandman options (I know they didn't make WB Sandman's). As a result the van is actually a Monaro colour. It's either tulip green or panama green. (I don't like the colour much). The original 'sandman' colour is showing through in patches. It's a 4.2 (10 to 1 compression) litre V8 with M20 four speed and Salisbury diff (don't know the ratio). The inside of the cargo space has hood lining and it has a Monaro dash (though not a Monaro steering wheel??). The original owner decked the back out and it has remained thus ever since. (It looks dated and awful but it's history would be interesting). I bought it with the intention of keeping it and making it a nice car, but I bought a house instead and cannot afford to run two cars. It owes me $7000.00. It was registered till April this year but when I went to get the roadworthy to sell it the mechanic told me the rust was too bad to give me a roadworthy. I believe the rust is fixable however ti is quite substantial and would require a lot of work to fix. Mechanically, the only thing wrong is the gearbox. (It's a little noisy). Motor, diff, suspension are all fine. I advertised it up here for $5000.00 unregistered. When I bought it the bloke I bought it off gave me it's last Victorian registration papers. (Including mine, it has been twice Queensland rego'd). Please advise me on advice of (a realistic) price, and, thank you for writing back. Dave. email only 25 Special Thanks to this years sponsors Autobarn - Eltham - 9439 9299 Plenty Valley Printing - 03 9432 1955 Geoff Hollow - Stickers VANMAN RIDDLE ANSWER: Did you Answer Nunu? NO! Of course it isn't. Her name is Mary. Read the question again! May Mon 1 Tues 2 Wed Thur 4 VCV 3 MEETING Fri Sat Sun 5 6 7 12 13 14 May the 4th be with you! 8 9 10 11 V8 - Superscars 15 16 17 18 20 19 21 Badgers Playgroup 22 23 24 29 30 31 25 27 26 28 June Mon Tues Wed 5 6 7 Thur Fri 2 1 VCV MEETING 9 8 Sat Sun 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 4 3 V8 - Superscars 10 11 Halls Gap Halls Gap July Mon 31 Tues Wed Fri Sat 1 Sun 2 V8 - Superscars 6 VCV MEETING 7 12 13 14 19 20 27 3 4 5 10 11 17 18 24 Thur 25 26 8 9 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 Hogs Breath café Dinner V8 - Superscars 30 For ALL your high performance needs! Unit 9/256 Bolton St. Eltham Ph: 03 9439 9299 Present this coupon to receive 20%off 20%off Only at Autobarn Eltham *Conditions Apply - Excludes Oil & Specials - Offer Ends 30th June 2006