2016 brochure - North Quabbin Energy
2016 brochure - North Quabbin Energy
TOWN BY TOWN LISTINGS Royalston Warwick R2F AgCom (Ted Cady 978-544- 6410) CHASE HILL FARM 74 Chase Hill Rd 978-544-6327 Organic raw milk, eggs, roasting chickens, beef, pork, cheese FRED SWEDBERG HEIRLOOM TOMATOES 120 Moss Brook Rd 978-544-8072 170 varieties of heirloom tomato plants May 15-June 15 HETTIE BELLE FARM 28 Winchester Rd 978-544-6241 hettiebellefarm.com Meat CSA selling beef, chicken, duck, goose, lamb, pork, turkey OLD 78 FARM 823 Orange Rd 978-544-1845 Eggs, pickled goods, hand-made clothing WHITE BUFFALO HERBS 433 Richmond Rd 978-544-2203 www.whitebuffaloherbs.com carol@whitebuffaloherbs.com Organic, handmade herbals for cooking and health, aromatherapy products, and plants Call or order online QH Erving DAN’S VEGGIES and POPLAR MOUNTAIN MAPLE 151 Northfield St 413-423-3242 dansveggies@comcast.net Vegetable starts, maple syrup, vegetables, camp wood Farmstand open daily May-Nov Orange R2F AgCom (Call Town Hall 978-544-1101) DEAN’S BEANS 50 R.W. Moore Ave 978-544-2002 deansbeans.com Fair trade coffee, cocoa, sugar R2F AgCom (Randy Divoll 978-602-5583) AURORA RANCH 46 Taft Hill Rd 978-249-4407 auroraranch.com katecollins64@gmail.com Lamb, beef, chicken, Romney breeding stock, fleece, sheepskins, naturally-colored yarn, border collies NEALE FARM 1 Neale Pl 978-249-6872 Blueberries, pumpkins, winter squash, other vegetables and fruits in season; call or drop in PROSPECT HILL FARM 25 Prospect Hill Rd 978-249-4260 Vegetables, eggs, herbs, perennials, bouquets, wheat weaving, mushrooms (seasonally) Phillipston R2F AgCom (John Seamon 978-895-1452) RED APPLE FARM 455 Highland Av 978-249-6763 redapplefarm.com Pick-your-own apples, peaches, berries, pumpkins; pies, dumplings, cider donuts, fudge, ice cream Open daily year-round; see website for hours RICHARDSON FARM 225 Narrow Ln 978-939-5579 Live spring lamb, hay, maple syrup R2F AgCom (for info email lfacey88@crocker.com) DIEMAND FARM 126 Mormon Hollow Rd 978-544-3806 thediemandfarm.com Chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, prepared foods, baked goods, catering, hay, compost, started pullets, wood products including lumber Retail store Mon-Sat 7 am-5 pm + Sun (10 am-3 pm) during summer COOLEYVILLE FARM 214 Cooleyville Rd 978- 544-8983 cooleyvillefarm@gmail.com Vegetables, garlic, maple syrup, eggs, asparagus, blueberries R2F AgCom (Salvatore Morelli 508-365-8032) CLOVER HILL FARM 1096 Barre Rd, Gilbertville 978-257-2390 Cloverhillfarm1888@gmail.com Hay, non-GMO grains for poultry, pigs, cattle; land clearing, pasture renovation, field nutritional consulting; farm store HARDWICK SUGAR SHACK 572 Jackson Rd 413-477-0932 hardwicksugarshack.com Maple syrup and other maple products HARDWICK VINEYARD and WINERY 3305 Greenwich Rd 413-967-7763 hardwickwinery.com Wine from local grapes and other fruit, tastings, events Fri-Sun and holiday Mons 11-6 ROBINSON FARM 42 Jackson Rd 413-477-6988 robinsonfarm.org info@robinsonfarm.org Farmstand daily 7 am-6 pm Organic farmstead cheese from 100% grass-fed cows, raw milk, grass fed beef, eggs, seasonal vegetables STILLMAN QUALITY MEATS 3674 Greenwich Rd 413-477-0345 stillmanqualitymeats.com Pastured pork , grass-fed beef, grass-fed lamb, pastured poultry, eggs, meat CSA Pick-ups at farm year-round ROSE 32 412 Main St (Rt 32) Gilbertville 413-477-9930 rose32bread.com Small-batch artisanal breads, some with local wheat QH Check website for days and hours RUGGLES HILL CREAMERY 670 Ridge Rd 978-287-5005 ruggleshill.com Goat cheeses, goat breeding stock KIWI MEADOWS FARM 63 Warwick Rd 978-544-3266 Vegetables, corn, berries, apples QH THE LITTLE WHITE GOAT DAIRY 309 Gidney Rd 978-790-1240 littlewhitegoatdairy.com littlewhitegoatdairy@gmail.com QH Raw goat milk, yogurt, kefir, chèvre and other fresh cheeses, meat Farmstand open daily 8-6, tours available 11-3 (call before first visit) WALNUT KITCHEN HOMESTEAD 900 N Main St 978-726-6765 farm@walnutkitchenhomestead.com Twitter @WalnutKitchenHS Eggs, poultry, naturally-raised meat, livestock, fiber new Call or text for on-farm sales AgCom (Lisa Finestone nsagcommission@gmail.com) Hardwick JOHNSON’S RESTAURANT and SUGAR HOUSE 210 Wheeler Ave 978-544-7835 johnsonfarm.net Maple syrup See website for restaurant hrs SEEDS OF SOLIDARITY 165 Chestnut Hill Rd 978-544-7564 www.seedsofsolidarity.org Greens, vegetables, garlic, rustic furniture QH Self-serve 3-season solar-powered farmstand New Salem QUABBIN SKY VINEYARD 8 Hunt Rd 978-544-6543 Wine from local grapes, tastings; drop in year-round HONEST WEIGHT ARTISAN BEER 131 West Main St Unit 104 (Orange Innovation Center) 413-537-6659 honestweightbeer.com sean@honestweightbeer.com new Handmade artisan beer Tasting room hours for samples and growlers Thurs-Fri 4-8 pm, Sat 12-8 pm, Sun 12-5 pm RACHEL’S EVERLASTINGS 185 Prentiss St 978-544-6063 frankyandrach@aol.com Vegetables, nondairy fruit and greens smoothies, pesto, salsa, fresh and dried flowers, perennials QH NEW SALEM PRESERVES and ORCHARDS 67 S Main St 978-544-3437 newsalempreserves.com Low-spray heirloom apples, solar-cooked preserves, apple butter, cider and cider products including donuts and jelly Mid-Sept through Thanksgiving Eve new MOORE’S MAPLE GROVE FARM 220 Cross Rd 978-544-5363 QH Hay, produce, baked goods, eggs, grass-fed beef, maple syrup, cut flowers NEW WENDELL FARM 254 Lockes Village Rd 508-360-0874 caro.roszell@gmail.com Chemical-free vegetables new CSA shares distributed at Wendell Farmers Market JOYFARM 212 Neilson Rd 978-544-7279 joyfarm@localnet.com Eggs, fruit-infused maple syrup, seasonal fresh produce Call ahead for pickup at the farm HOME FRUIT WINE 382 South Main Street 978-633-4395 Homemade fruit wine, mostly from locally grown fruit Wed-Fri 4-8 pm, Sat-Sun 12-8 pm Free tastings Wed-Sun MAPLE VALLEY FARM GREENHOUSE 190 Main St (N Orange) 978-575-0131 Dianne.salcedo@gmail.com Vegetable and herb plants, late April-mid June MAPLE MAMA SPRITZERS 978-544-0001 www.maplemamabeverages.com new info@maplemamabeverages.com Cold-brew flavored maple spritzers Available in area stores; check online for locations R2F FOOTHILL FARM 40 Chestnut Hill Rd 413-335-2753 QH Vegetable starts, herbs, perennials, flowers, heirloom plants Farmstand open daylight hours 138 MAIN STREET FARM 138 Main St (N Orange) 978-574-0006 138MainSt@mass.rr.com Eggs (year-round), goat and rabbit meat, summer and winter squash QH Year-round farmstand; call or email ahead for meat Wendell SUGARBUSH FARM 47 Davis Rd 978-544-7178 Beef, maple syrup, hay, lumber QH Athol R2F AgCom (Call Town Hall 978-249-4551) Barre R2F ADAMS FARM 775 Bearsden Rd 978-249-9441 adamsfarm.biz Meat, sausage, custom slaughtering Mon-Wed & Sat 8-5, Thurs-Fri 8-6, Sun 10-2 AgCom (David Petrovick 978-355-5003) BURNSHIRT VALLEY FARM 415-858-4424 burnshirtvalleyfarm@gmail.com Pork, chicken, goat – Off-farm sales by appointment THE FARM SCHOOL 488 Moore Hill Road 978-249-9944 farmschool.org patrick@farmschool.org Vegetables June-Oct, Winter meat CSA QH Email or call to schedule a visit CALEDONIA FARM 167 Grogan Rd 978-355-4519 caledoniafarm.com Beef, pork, chicken, eggs – Call ahead CARTER & STEVENS FARM 500 West St (Rt 122) 978-355-4940 carterandstevensfarm.com Ice cream, raw milk, beef, produce, hay, maple syrup; CSA BBQ Fri-Sat July-Aug; Stone Cow Brewery coming soon Store open spring through fall CHRISTIAN HILL FARM 630 Williamsville Rd 978-257-0178 christian-hill-farm.com info@christian-hill-farm.com Heritage pork HANCOCK DAIRY FARM 249 Hancock Rd 978-355-2062 hancockdairy.com Dairy, cheese, ice cream, milk, home delivery QH HILLSIDE FARM 160 Lane Rd 978-257-5723 hillsidefarmbarre@gmail.com hillsidefarmbarre.net Pastured-raised lamb, pork, and beef, free-range chicken, turkey and heritage Narragansett turkeys On-farm sales by appt MANY HANDS ORGANIC FARM 411 Sheldon Rd 978-355-2853 mhof.net farm@mhof.net Certified organic vegetables and fruit CSA, chicken broilers, turkeys, eggs, pork, grass-fed beef Products mostly available by pre-order R2F QH Town has passed a Right to Farm law Sells at area farmers market (see list on reverse side) Products available at Quabbin Harvest coop in Orange NIEMI’S APIARY 183 Drury Ave 978-249-4019 Raw honey, beeswax, candles, handcream ; open daily Petersham HARTMAN’S HERB FARM and B&B 1026 Old Dana Rd 978-355-2015 hartmansherbfarm.com hartmansherb@hotmail.com Herbs, perennials, annuals, vegetables and dried flowers Open daily 10-5 KEY KING’S FARM 1743 White Pond Rd 978-249-7441 Vegetables, nursery plants; farmstand open daily May-Sept JUMPING MOUSE FIELDS (Petersham and Orange) new 401-374-1374 medicinalhoops@gmail.com Micro-farm offering small number of CSA shares, herbal products, herbal wellness and soil health/amendment consultations LANDWORKS FARM 327 East St 978-724-3314 Vegetables, hay, cordwood Contact for large quantity storage vegetables QUABBIN GATE FARM 20 Dana Rd 978-724-3537 Beeswax, molasses, maple syrup, eggs Call ahead STONE HARVEST FARM 60 Hardwick Rd 978-724-0024 stoneharvestfarm.com Cashmere goat and Tibetan Yak stock, produce, free-range all natural no chemical goat, chicken ,turkey meat, fiber, pelts Open year round, pre-order meat requests QH SWEETWATER FARM 95 Maple Lane 413-813-5746 sweetwaterfarm.com contact@sweetwaterfarm.com Grass-fed beef, certified organic eggs, mixed vegetables, fruit, organic hay Farm store 9-5 Mon-Fri (call ahead) (Mon) QH WANDA DICKSON 232 N Main St 978-724-3421 Eggs, flowers, plants, vegetables, firewood, hay Massachusetts spans two counties (Franklin and Worcester) and includes the nine towns of Athol, Erving, New Salem, Orange, Petersham, Phillipston, Royalston, Warwick, and Wendell. These listings also include two neighboring towns, Barre and Hardwick. WHAT’S IN SEASON? Eating more locally also means eating more seasonally. For many of us who are used to the year-round, longdistance bounty of supermarket shelves, this can take some getting used to. If you don’t have experience with growing food yourself, try making the time to learn more about what’s in season at different times of the year—peas and strawberries in early summer, tomatoes and blueberries in July, corn a little later, squash and apples in the fall. Check out the state Department of Agricultural Resources’ online Massachusetts-Grown Produce Availability Calendar and talk to producers at farmers markets to find out more about what they’ll be harvesting next. Consider buying good local food in season and preserving some of it by freezing or learning the fairly simple skills needed for canning or drying. Farmers in our area have long relied on selling a range of products— maple syrup, hay, meat, milk and cheese as well as fruit and vegetables—to spread their income over the seasons without depleting the resources of their “upland” farms. The more customers are aware of what’s available and when, the more feasible it becomes to buy and sell locally. This brochure is produced by NORTH QUABBIN ENERGY, an informal group concerned about issues relating to energy use. Publication is supported by a generous grant from the North Quabbin Garlic and Arts Festival as well as by individual donors in the North Quabbin and beyond. Information is based on our current knowledge, and is intended to help people find locally-produced foods. To be included in future guides, email info@northquabbinenergy.org. A taste of history From small to super sized and in between Supermarkets have a longer history than we sometimes think, but they also coexisted with more varied kinds of food processing and marketing (market gardening, truck farms, independent butchers and seafood merchants, small dairies) for much of that time. A&P launched the first chain grocery stores back in 1912. By the early 1920s, there were about 8,000 A&P stores, including in both Athol (at right) and Orange. The stores were relatively small, and even as chains expanded, people were still shopping very locally. “All in one” supermarkets came along in the 1930s (the first was in Queens, New York) but didn’t get “super-sized” until the decades following World War II, when improved highways made longer-distance shipping of perishable food more feasible. Today’s “buy local” movement is working to restore a wider range of small- and medium-sized producers and processors who sell in more regional markets. You’ll find many of them from our area in this brochure, and you can find their products NOW? in many stores, restaurants, and K U O Y DID 16 other places, from the largest A possible 20 ts ballot supermarkets to the tiniest Massachuset animal initiative on farmstands. h tc ca ld welfare wou emand Wendell’s Di squeeze Farm in the put them and perhaps g market eg e th out of about ad Re . for good ed at lv vo the issues in es.net/ lu va rm .fa w ww diemand. But unlike the old days, these sellers must now compete on price and convenience with giant corporations that have huge advantages in economies of scale and can make their profits on volume alone. Smaller producers are also subject to regulations put in place to curb the worst practices on “factory farms” --regulations that sometimes make it hard for them to stay in business. Supporting local producers and sellers helps meet the challenges of rebuilding shorter food chains and keeps more food dollars circulating in our local economy. Markets Who sells where? Look for the letter symbols on the listings inside. ATHOL FARMERS MARKET Sat 9 am-noon June-Oct Uptown Common (1551 Main St) BARRE FARMERS MARKET Sat 9 am-noon May-Oct Congregational Church lawn (2016 only) barrefarmersmarket.org HARDWICK FARMERS MARKET Sun 11 am-2 pm June 19-Oct 30 Hardwick Common hardwickfarmersmarket.com Fo o d fro m the ORANGE FARMERS MARKET Mon & Thurs 3-6 pm May-Oct Armory parking lot, East Main St *NOTE: NEW LOCATION! PETERSHAM FRIDAY MARKET Fri 3-6 pm June-Oct petershamcommon.com/fridaymarket.htm MUSIC EVERY FRIDAY! PHILLIPSTON FARMERS MARKET Sat 9 am-1 pm June-Oct Historical Society lawn (50 State St) WENDELL FARMERS MARKET Sat 10 am-1 pm Town Common near the bandstand festivals HARDWICK COMMUNITY FAIR Aug. 19-20, 2016, Hardwick Town Common www.hardwickfair.com APPLESEED COUNTRY FAIR Sept. 5-7, 2016, Red Apple Farm 455 Highland Avenue, Phillipston, MA NORTH QUABBIN GARLIC & ARTS FESTIVAL Sept. 24-25, 2016, 60 Chestnut Hill Rd, Orange garlicandarts.org Look for an expanded agricultural skills tent for growing ideas! OLD 78 FESTIVAL Oct. 1, 2016, 823 Orange Rd, Warwick old78farm.com CIDER DAYS (all around Franklin County) Nov. 5-6, 2016 www.ciderdays.org THANKSGIVING HARVEST FESTIVAL Nov. 19-20, 2016, Red Apple Farm 455 Highland Avenue, Phillipston, MA resources Community Gardens NEW SALEM – South St sspiewak20@yahoo.com PETERSHAM – Behind Nichewaug Inn info@petershamcommon.com WENDELL – 9 Morse Village Rd 978-544-2306 Education THE FARM SCHOOL – New farmer training – 488 Moore Hill Rd, Athol 978-249-9944 www.farmschool.org/learn MANY HANDS SUSTAINABILITY CENTER - Promotes methods of sustainable and mindful living through workshops, educational activities, and targeted work with former prisoners – 411 Sheldon Rd, Barre 978-355-2853 manyhandssustainabilitycenter.org SEEDS OF SOLIDARITY EDUCATION CENTER – Workshops, programs for youth, resources, events that that foster health, justice, and food and energy resiliency 165 Chestnut Hill Rd, Orange 978-544-9023 seedsofsolidarity.org Goods & Services 2016 NORTH QUABBIN CAL? O L S The North Quabbin T’ WHA region of north-central Food producers, markets, and resources in north-central Massachusetts QUABBIN HARVEST – A community coop market working to provide healthy food at an affordable price, while building community, supporting local agriculture and respecting the natural environment. Local food producers who sell at the coop are marked with a QH symbol in the town-by-town listings on the other side – 12 N Main St, Orange 978-544-6784 www.QuabbinHarvest.coop Land Trusts EAST QUABBIN LAND TRUST – Conserving farmlands, woodlands, and waters in Barre/Petersham/New Braintree area – 120 Ridge Rd, Hardwick 413-477-8229 eqlt.org MOUNT GRACE LAND CONSERVATION TRUST – A regional land trust serving 23 towns in Worcester and Franklin counties; active in farmland protection 1461 Old Keene Rd, Athol 978-248-2043 mountgrace.org Seed Libraries Seed libraries share seeds with patrons who later return seeds from their plants. PAIGE LIBRARY – 87 Petersham Rd, Hardwick 978-477-6704 PETERSHAM MEMORIAL LIBRARY Town Common 978-724-3405 WENDELL FREE LIBRARY 7 Wendell Depot Rd 978-544-3559 CALEDONIA FARM – Farm machinery services – 167 Grogan Rd, Barre 978-355arvest has gram 4519 caledoniafarm@charter.net ro Quabbin H COMMUNITY INVOLVED IN now? les in its “Basics” p k u o CLEAR VIEW COMPOSTING did y household stap . rs ile SUSTAINING AGRICULTURE (CISA) ta e re th Composting services, compost, loam and priced those of much larger Strengthens farms and engages the community to h tc a m mulch, composting equipment,consulting to build the local food economy www.buylocalfood.org 159 Quabbin Blvd, Orange 978-544-5872 CENTRAL MASS GROWN – Highlights farms in central clearviewcompost@aol.com Massachusetts centralmassgrown.org COMMON GROW – Consulting on farmland use, GREATER QUABBIN FOOD ALLIANCE – Area collaboration preservation, and legal issues – 203 East St, Petersham fostering cross-sector dialogue, information-sharing, and 978-724-3311 www.commongrow.com new partnerships – 978-248-2043 DIEMAND FARM – Hay, compost, started pullets, wood quabbinfoodalliance.wordpress.com products – 126 Mormon Hollow Rd 978-544-3806 MASSACHUSETTS GROWN AND FRESHER – Produces onethediemandfarm.com stop guide to Massachusetts food products and activities HARDWICK FARMERS COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE – www.mass.gov/agr/massgrown Supplies for farming, livestock, gardening – 444 Lower Rd, NOFA/MASS (Northeast Organic Farming Association) Gilbertville (Hardwick) 413-477-6913 hardwickfarmers.net Supports and promotes organic agriculture in THE LITTLE CHICKEN FACTORY – “Chicken tractor” for safe Massachusetts – 411 Sheldon Rd, Barre mobile day-ranging – 21 Common St, Petersham 978-355-2853 nofamass.org 978-724-6662 www.thelittlechickenfactory.com NORTH ORANGE GRANGE #86 O’BRIEN FARM – Cow manure by the bag or truckload 978-544-2183 nblackmer@mass.rr.com (trucks loaded 12-2:30 pm daily) – 505 Holtshire Rd, Orange PETERSHAM GRANGE #95 Support & Advocacy IMAGES Cover photos: Oliver Scott Photography for Quabbin Harvest (top to bottom: Seeds of Solidarity Farm, Orange; Chase Hill Farm, Warwick; Moore’s Maple Grove Farm, Orange; Many Hands Organic Farm, Barre). Quabbin Harvest photo above: Michael Skillicorn. Eggs: Austin Kirk on Flickr. Corn (over): Akash Kataruka on Flickr. grange@petershamcommon.com www.grange.org/petershamma95/ Grange chapters sponsor gricultural and educational events and activities