006 NS 2 EUROPE: AUSTRIA BOARDS & MORE GMBH, +43 7584403405, OFFICE@BOARDS-AND-MORE.COM • BENELUX KUBUS SPORTS B.V., +31 35 695 4 695, INFO@KUBUS-SPORTS.NL • BELARUS WINDSURFINGCLUB EXTREME, +375172-85-60-34 , WINDSURFING_BY@MAIL.RU • BULGARIA ONBOARD LTD., +35929442929, INFO@ONBOARDSTORE.COM • CROATIA BIG BLUE SPORT, +38521678030, GZELJKO@INET.HR • CYPRUS FORCE EIGHT SPORTS LTD., +357 25579919, FORCE8@SPIDERNET.COM.CY • CZECH REPUBLIC ALOHA C.W.C. S.R.O., +420235363151, ALBERT@ALOHA.CZ • DENMARK INTERSURF A/S, +45 752 202 11, OKL@INTERSURF.DK • ESTONIA HAWAII EXPRESS , +3726398592, INFO@HAWAII.EE • FINLAND SURF*FI | TYPETEK OY, +358 400 251 041, INFO@SURF.FI • FRANCE/FRENCH TERRITORIES BOARDS & MORE S.A., +33 450 66 99 22, BM.WINDSURF@BOARDS-AND-MORE.FR • GERMANY BOARDS & MORE GERMANY GMBH, +49 89 613009 0, INFO@BOARDS-AND-MORE.DE • GREAT BRITAIN 604 DISTRIBUTION LTD., +441202813413, INFO@604DISTRIBUTION.COM • GREECE H. GLARIDIS & SIA OE, +30 1041 13 163, GLARIDIS@GLARIDIS.GR • HUNGARY FREE TIME 2000 LTD., +361-212-3868, WINDSURF@AX.HU • ISRAEL YAMIT Y.S.B. LTD, +972 3 5271777, OFFICE@YAMITYSB.CO.IL • ITALY TOMASONI TOPSAILS, +39 0185 2001, INFOTTS@TOMASONI.COM • LATVIA UAB "NIDOS TEKSORA“, +370 686 08060, RIMAS@SAILING.LT • LETLAND BORTS LTD. BURUSPORTS, +371 7367 242, BURUSPORTS@BURUSPORTS.LV • MALTA ZAMMIT & CACHIA TRADING COMPANY LTD, +356484572, ZACLION@MALTANET.NET • NORWAY SEASPORT IMPORT AS, +47 22837928, HELGE@SEASPORT.NO • POLAND VENTO CO., +48/71 344 33 57, BIURO@VENTO.PL • PORTUGAL, LPL - ARTIGOS DESPORTIVOS E LAZER, LDA., +351 21 910 8045, INFO.LPL@MAIL.TELEPAC.PT • ROMANIA ONBOARD LTD., +40 21 233 1215, INFO@ONBOARDSTORE.COM • RUSSIA RIST LTD., +7 812 356 9754, RIST@MAIL.WPLUS.NET • SLOVAKIA AMODOR D.O.O, +38615683829, AMODOR@SIOL.NET • SPAIN SG DIFFUSION S.A., +34 93 22 19 412, SGD@SGDIFFUSION.COM • SWEDEN HANS WALLEN ACTIVE SPORTS, +46 31 704 39 00, INFO@WALLEN.SE • SWITZERLAND NORTH SAILS SURF DIVISION, +41 62 772 14 74, NORTH-SAILS@BLUEWIN.CH • TURKEY MYGA, +90 212 343 38 80, MYGA@MYGA.COM.TR • UKRAINE EXTREM LTD, +38 044 239 1510, ANDREW@ELTRADE.COM.UA • ASIA: CHINA HAIKOU POWER WIND TRADE CO. LTD., +8689866708958, POWERWIN@PUBLIC.HK.HI.CN • HONG KONG THE PRO-SHOP LTD., +852 2723 6816, THE@PROSHOP.COM.HK • JAPAN WINCKLER SPORTS & LEISURE CO. LTD., +81 78 976 3312, INFO@WSLC.CO.JP • KOREA SUNMARINE SPORTS LTD., +8224584540, MINO@JOYSURF.CO.KR • PHILIPPINES WET DREAMS WATERSPORTS COMPANY, +63 2 913 4925, JIJO@ZPDEE.NET OR JIJO@MYDESTINY.NET • UAE, QATAR, OMAN, BAHRAIN, SAUDI ARABIA, KUWAIT ULO LEISURE MARINE DIVISION, INDUSTRIAL AREA NO.7, +971-6-5314036, MIKEWHITE@ULOLEISUREMARINE.COM • NORTH & SOUTH AMERICA: CHILE EOLIA LTD., +56 2229 4093, NAUTISPORT@NAUTISPORT.CL • USA NORTH SPORTS, INC., +1 509 493 4938, DOUG@NORTHSPORTS.COM • AUSTRALIA WINDGENUITY SAILBOARDS, +61 (0)2 9939 6838, WINDGENUITY@BIGPOND.COM • NEW ZEALAND NORTH SPORTS NZ LTD., +64 415 1003, LUC@XTRA.CO.NZ • AFRICA: MALEDIVES, WATERSPORTS WORLD PVT. LTD., +960 778666, INFO@WATERSPORTS-WORLD.COM • SOUTH AFRICA, KITE-WINDSURFING AFRICA, +27 21 5552602 , INFO@KW-AFRICA.CO.ZA • KENIA, PROSURF EXTREME LIMITED, +254 41 474640 - 29, PROSURF@AFRICAONLINE.CO.KE 2 006 WINDSURF TECHNOLOGY E11 Björn Dunkerbeck ICE CC 03 Powered by: United, Alamo, Hawaii Tourism Europe • Photography action: T. Indra, R. Müller, A. Reese Photography stills: M. Bolle, C.A. Gramann • © NORTH SAILS Windsurfing - Boards & More GmbH Subject to alteration • US 006 TEAM FORCE 2 windsurf technology A STITCH IN TIME ONLY HALF AS MANY MASTS Our head designer Kai Hopf also moved to Gran Canaria. Kai is looking back on more than 13 years of experience at NORTH SAILS and has been responsible for our entire range of sails since the past season. The observations he gathers on GC on a daily basis are reflected in his new sails collection. Extreme wind speeds, rocky beaches and bays as well as brutal wipeouts require particularly durable material. In response to these conditions, Kai created the new RIP.STOP.FRAME.DESIGN and DOUBLE.SEAM.TECHNOLOGY with a double zigzag stitch that dramatically increases tear strength. In order to avoid a battle of material we introduced the MINIMUM.MAST.CONCEPT last year. It reduces the number of required masts by 50%, helps you save money and makes it easier to transport your equipment. At the center of this development is the CARBON.XTENDER, an ultra light extension that allows you to increase the length of your mast by 50cm without compromising rigidity or performance. For 2006, we decided to get the maximum out of our MINIMUM.MAST.CONCEPT. Except for two sail lines you can now use all our sails with a single mast! Nik Baker ICE CC 02 K66 NORTH SAILS 2006 - TEAM FORCE While other manufacturers constantly reduce their number of sponsored riders, we build more than ever on a competitive team. This is not only true for our team of active riders but also for our developers and engineers. Their knowledge and experience form the basis of all new developments and technical innovations and therefore represent our greatest asset. The new stars on our team reflect this commitment. Our latest member is nobody less than Björn Dunkerbeck, who sought cooperation with us on his own initiative. He contributes an extraordinary level of competence, particularly in the disciplines Slalom, Freeride and Speed. He will be working together with the internationally renowned developer Jimmy Diaz, who is returning to North Sails as chief tester after a five year break. Jimmy will be responsible for optimizing our products and taking new developments to series production. E11 Björn Dunkerbeck WARP F2005 CC 01 Speaking of optimization: The Canaries are about to become the Mecca of windsurfing. Their central location, the proximity to all spots in and around Europe and the unique conditions that cover all aspects of the sport provide an ideal environment for developing products that perform extraordinarily well in all windsurfing locations on this planet. We therefore decided to locate our future NORTH SAILS research and test center on Gran Canaria. Even closer to our team and on the pulse of the sport. E64 02 Daida Moreno ICE CC 03 E63 Iballa Moreno ICE CC 03 E19 Orjan Jensen VOODOO CC 03 N44 Vidar Jensen VOODOO CC 03 03 windsurf technology 2 006 TEAM 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Join the team in 2006 and enjoy the advantages of WINDSURF TECHNOLOGY. It feels damn good to be able to rely on the most experienced and successful R&D team around. This team is the key to our success and the guarantee for high performance equipment. In fact, the top scores of World Cup rankings read like lists of our team riders. And this has remained unchanged for many years. 09 KAI HOPF the brain ****************************************** Kai Hopf, responsible for NORTH SAILS entire sails collection, is one of the world’s most influential designers. Together with our R&D team, the Australian born ex-World Cup competitor has created an extraordinary collection of sails that combines performance, handling and individual design in an impressive way. Kai, who also develops high performance fin profiles, still spends a lot of time on the water to gather his own impressions and experiences. His ability is illustrated by the fact that many World Champions rode to victory on his Wave sails and that even his very first race sail was a real winner – the WARP F2004 put Micah Buzianis in pole position and helped him win all World Champion titles (PWA Formula World Champion 2003 + Formula Windsurfing World Champion 2004). BJÖRN DUNKERBECK (E-11) the most successful windsurfer of all times ****************************************** Björn is already THE living windsurfing legend. At the tender age of nine he first stood on a board in Gran Canaria, at 13 he competed in his first race. Two years later he won second place in the Race World Cup in the Netherlands and fifth place in Wave. He completed his first tour at the age of 17 and at 18 he won the overall World Championship and took the title from the previously invincible Robby Naish. In 1997, he first took up the challenge of Jaws and until 1999 he defended his World Champion title no less than twelve times, which makes him the most successful windsurfer of all times. In the following years he achieved fantastic results in all wave events of the tour. His marriage to Maria in 2002 and the birth of his children Alba and Liam greatly enriched his life and turned the awe-inspiring terminator into a slightly more quiet but not less ambitious athlete without comparison. Apart from pursuing his personal goals (he wants to be the first to break the sonic wall of 50 knots) he is particularly dedicated to promoting the sport with all his heart. Björn believes that freeriding is the ultimate expression of everything that makes windsurfing so unique and fascinating – the straightforward mix of speed and maneuvers that provides unlimited fun in all conditions. 10 11/12 01_ DAIDA MORENO (E-64) the most successful female windsurfer of all times 02_ IBALLA MORENO (E-63) multiple World Cup winner 03_ NIK BAKER (K-66) best allrounder of the PWA Tour 04_ MICAH BUZIANIS (US-34) Formula Windsurfing World Champion 2004 13 14 05_ JIMMY DIAZ (ISV-11) worldwide recognized tester and developer 06_ VIDAR JENSEN (N-44) one of the world’s most radical wave sailors 07_ ORJAN JENSEN (E-19) the flying Norwegian, lives in GC 08_ GREG ALLAWAY (KA-38) Australian wave stylist 09_ ANDRE PASKOWSKI (G-2) Germany‘s best freestyler 15 16 10_ CHRIS AUDSLEY (K-505) multiple UK Wave- and Freestyle-Champion 11_ JOSE „GOLLITO“ PEREZ (V-01) the shooting star from Venezuela 12_ DOUGLAS „CHEO“ DIAZ (V-34) one of the world’s leading freestylers 13_ MATTIA PEDRANI (I-00) our Italian free stylist 14_ VITTORIO „VIC“ MARCELLI (ITA-104) always in search of the perfect wave 17 18 15_ DANI AEBERLI (SUI-96) our Swiss multitalent 16_ CAROLINE BARBEAU (F-479) our French beauty 17_ CONNOR BAXTER (CON-333) the future of the NORTH SAILS dream team 18_ DAVID GARELL (F-22) speed specialist from France 04 05 MORE THAN 35 YEARS OF LEADING SAIL TECHNOLOGY We are looking back on more that 35 years dedicated exclusively to research, development and production of high quality profiles and sails for yachts, windsurfers, and kiteboards. Our sails took athletes to victory in virtually every discipline and competition of the sport. Revolutionary approaches and technologies were and will always be key to our success. Here is an overview of current solutions and innovations that illustrate the extraordinary performance of NORTH SAILS. 03 006 TECH*FEATURES 2 windsurf technology 01 01_ DOUBLE.SEAM.TECHNOLOGY twice as durable, half as much stretch ************************************ NORTH SAILS stands for windsurf technology and unsurpassed quality that increases the lifespan of your sail. Our new zigzag triple-stitch seams ensure unprecedented durability. And now we doubled that! We use our double seams around all areas particularly exposed to damage. This technology not only increases tear strength but also reduces stretch by 50%, resulting in higher profile stability and performance. Our DOUBLE.SEAM. TECHNOLOGY therefore kills two birds with one stone and substantially increases your sail’s durability. 02_ RIPSTOP.FRAME.DESIGN limits damage ************************************ It doesn’t always take huge waves to damage a sail. Sometimes you get flung off your board and the hook puts a hole into the profile. The hole itself is usually no problem but may become a risk if it widens on your way back to the beach or even causes the sail to rip across its entire surface. In the worst case your sail may be ripped in two pieces with no chance of repair. The RIPSTOP.FRAME.DESIGN uses reinforced fabrics around the entire sail to prevent exactly that. The clever combination of lightweight materials at the center and very resilient fabrics at the edges keeps overall weight very low. 03_ DURA.LUFF.PATCH extremely resilient luff panel ************************************ The area around the boom cutout is particularly exposed to wear and tear as the luff panel always gets wrinkled when the mast is inserted. This “accordion effect” can ultimately produce cracks in the monofilm. The new flexible DURA.LUFF.PATCH reinforces the area around the boom, creates a smooth transition to the monofilm and prevents cracks in the film. 06 04_ HYPER.CAM (R-Type, Daytona, Warp) soft rotation and optimum rigging comfort ************************************ It is an undisputed fact that camber-induced profiles increase performance. This extra power so far came with the disadvantage of tedious rigging and hard beating battens. The new HYPER.CAMS put an end to these drawbacks. The plastic buckle was eliminated and the camber now rests only on the rollers to reduce friction. The rollers have a new shape that permits sliding them up any mast (independent of its diameter) instead of snapping them on. This makes our new camber sails very easy to rig and ride and permit you to rediscover the fun of shooting across the water on a real racer. 05_ TT.TOP enhanced sail control at higher wind speeds ************************************ Designer Kai Hopf derived the new TT.TOP directly from the F2004 World Champion sail. The unique concave shape creates a three-dimensional top twist. That means that in high wind conditions, the top not only twists horizontally but also vertically. Gusts are virtually neutralized and the rig remains stable in your hands. 06_ VTS-VISUAL.TRIM.SYSTEM perfect trim plus a huge range of application! ************************************ Faster and more accurate tuning is simply impossible! Simply pull the luff until the mark “lower wind limit” or “upper wind limit” (according to wind speed) appears at the top of the loose leech. That’s all! The patented VTS® acts like a turbo loader and ensures maximum performance in a wide variety of conditions. 07_ UNIVERSAL.TACK.FITTING minimal forces for perfect trim ************************************ The integrated triple rollers significantly reduce trim forces on the luff panel. The brass rollers keep friction to a minimum. We use brass for its self-lubricating properties that prevent seizing. The rolls are easily removed for using a pulley hook. Raceheads can even use high-end rolls with ball bearings. 02 04 05 06 07 07 08 08_ FLIP.ROTATING.SYSTEM no jerking, no hard rotation! ************************************ Eliminates hard rotation and jerks. Battens rotate freely behind the mast. 12 14_ EASY.T keeps the sail rolled up ************************************ An ingeniously simple fastening system keeps the sail securely rolled up. Now with an additional size mark that allows you to identify the sail’s size without unrolling it! 12_ BOX.BATTEN very stiff, very light! ************************************ No more shifting center of effort! Our BOX. BATTENs are ultra hard and unsurpassed with regards to bending stiffness and torsional rigidity. Their hollow construction reduces weight by 30% and their high breaking strength makes them one of the best products we have to offer. 08 15_ INTELLIGENT.BATTEN.SYSTEM individual battens for increased performance! ************************************ Since each batten fulfils a special function we use different types of battens in the various batten pockets. This creates 100% stable pressure at the center of the sail, optimizes top twist (horizontally and vertically) and reduces head weight for easier handling. 16_ HTSHARNESSLINE.TRIM.SYSTEM Never get the harness line position wrong! ************************************ No more tight forearms and fumbling around for the right harness line position! The print on the sail shows exactly where the center of the harness line must be located. Simply fit both ends symmetrically to the left and right of the print and off you go. 17_ X.PLY 725 excitingly beautiful and extremely durable ************************************ The lighter version of the legendary NORTH SAILS TRIAX material. Extremely durable but significantly lighter than the original material. 18_ 3D.TECHNOLOGY 100% profile accuracy! ************************************ Optimum aerodynamics and absolute profile accuracy through laser cut fabrics, completely wrinkle and bubble free lamination on three dimensional molds and zero manufacturing tolerance. The result is a monocoque body in exactly the same shape as the desired profile. 5.BATTEN.CONFIGURATION (Voodoo, Ice, Duke) better handling, total control ************************************ Handling is the decisive criterion in Wave and Freestyle sailing. The lower the number of battens, the lighter the sail and the better the handling. Unfortunately, less battens also means less control, particularly in overpowered and gusty conditions. Our innovative 5.BATTEN.CONFIGURATION provides a solution to this problem by reducing weight without compromising stability. This is possible through the use of an elongated MINI.BATTEN at the top that absorbs as much stress as a regular batten and effectively stabilizes the profile. The result is top performance AND easy handling! 14 15 16 17 windsurf technology 11_ DURATECH.FOOT long term warranty for the sail’s foot ************************************ The sail’s foot is repeatedly dragged across the anti-skid, particularly in the case of wide boards. Our patented DURATECH.FOOT construction protects the seams in a wide plastic bar and prevents damage from the rough surface of the anti-skid. 11 13_ HYPER.LEECH makes speed sails even faster! ************************************ The design was inspired by airplane wings and features a bend along the trailing edge. This shape creates an exactly defined point at which the top responds with extreme sensitivity. The result is enhanced loose leech twist for more control and better rig stability in gusts and overpowered situations. 13 10_ MINI.BATTEN eliminate undesired leech flutter ************************************ These short and highly effective mini battens support the area in between the long battens and eliminate undesired leech flutter. 10 2 006 TECH*FEATURES 09_ MAST.SLEEVE.OPENER friction free insertion of the mast into the mast pocket ************************************ A clever trick puts an end to tedious fumbling when inserting the mast. A rubber logo above the boom cutout opens the mast pocket and permits single hand insertion of the mast without the need to pull at the luff. 09 18 5 YEAR WARRANTY certified quality ************************************ DOUBLE.SEAM.TECHNOLGY and RIPSTOP. FRAME.DESIGN are two integral parts of the unique NORTH SAILS quality. To prove this superior durability we grant a five year warranty on all our sails (except monofilm)! 09 windsurf technology Jimmy Diaz R-TYPE CC 04 2 006 RACE_SLALOM ISV11 Slalom and Speed are back! Speed sailing and downwind races are possible in every windsurfing location and many of us got hooked on speed. It‘s the best alternative to Wave and Freestyle. 10 11 006 DAYTONA 006 CROSSRIDE 2 2 RANGE OF USE: RANGE OF USE: freerace cam KEY FEATURES: Active twist and enhanced control through TT.TOP *********************************************** Enhanced aerodynamics AND easy water start due to CONICAL.AERO.SLEVE.DESIGN *********************************************** HYPER.CAM - the first hard camber that rotates like a soft cam CC 02 USA34 CC 03 supercross/freerace nocam The new DAYTONA is named after the famous race course and makes one thing perfectly clear - it‘s all about speed! KEY FEATURES: Active twist and enhanced control through TT.TOP *********************************************** DURA.LUFF.PATCH avoids damage to the luff panel from rigging *********************************************** Increased durability through solid X.PLY foot construction *********************************************** One mast (460-25) is sufficient for all sail sizes Our fastest Freerace sail was derived from the F2005 World Cup material and is surprisingly easy to handle for a weapon of its caliber. Three HYPER.CAMs keep the center of pressure absolutely stable and set new standards with regards to soft rotation and rigging comfort. Together with the easy twist TT.TOP, super stiff BOX.BATTENs and the conical AERO.SLEEVE mast pocket with its radical leading edge design, the DAYTONA reaches top speeds on all race courses and catapults you on the winner’s podium. (Available September 2005) CC 04 CC 01 KA38 CC 01 Micah Buzianis DAYTONA CC 04 SPECS Size CC 03 Greg Allaway CROSSRIDE CC 01 The 2006 CROSSRIDE combines sensational speeds with the advantages of nocam sails, particularly their easy handling and rigging. The CROSSRIDE derives its strengths from improved twist of the TT.TOP and a far forward draft position. This stabilizes the rig, contributes substantially to draft stability and increases the wind range. Our SuperCross team just loves the CROSSRIDE’s balanced performance that provides lots of power, yet allows the rider to fully concentrate on the obstacles of the race course. By the way, all CROSSRIDE now fit a single 460-25 mast - one mast fits all! (Available September 2005) CC 04 K66 CC 02 Nik Baker CROSSRIDE CC 02 SPECS Size 5,4 6,0 6,6 7,3 7,8 8,3 9,0 10,0 Boom max (m) 1,80 1,88 1,97 2,06 2,18 2,25 2,35 2,53 Luff max (m) 4,48 4,62 4,66 4,86 5,00 5,13 5,32 5,52 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Battens -- -- -- -- -- -- Vario Top IMCS Battens Vario Top Camber 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21-25 24-26 24-26 24-26 25-28 25-28 25-28 28-30 Best Mast ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// //////* Best/Alternative Length (cm) 430/460 460 460 460 460/490 460 + CX/ 490 460 + CX/ 490 490 + CX/ 510 IMCS 5,4 6,0 6,6 7,3 7,8 8,2 8,8 Boom max (m) 1,78 1,83 1,89 2,06 2,18 2,25 2,32 Luff max (m) 4,47 4,62 4,74 4,86 5,00 5,13 5,28 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 -- -- -- -- -- Best Mast Best/Alternative Length (cm) 21-25 21-25 24-26 24-26 25-28 25-28 25-28 ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// //////* 430/460 430/460 460 460 460/490 460 + CX/ 490 460 + CX/ 490 */// Platinum Series /// Gold Series CX = Carbon.Xtender 12 13 006 R-TYPE 006 DRIVE 2 2 RANGE OF USE: RANGE OF USE: freeride cam KEY FEATURES: New: one mast fits all! *********************************************** DURA.LUFF.PATCH avoids damage to the luff panel from rigging *********************************************** HYPER.CAM - the first hard camber that rotates like a soft cam *********************************************** Increased durability due to solid X.PLY foot construction CC 01 ISV11 CC 02 freeride entry The new R-TYPE was also designed for freeride and widebody boards to cover a wide wind range. KEY FEATURES: Minimum weight for super easy handling through RIPSTOP.FRAME.DESIGN *********************************************** DOUBLE.SEAM.TECHNOLOGY for maximum durability *********************************************** One mast fits all – one mast (430-21) is sufficient for all DRIVE LIGHT and all DRIVE SUPERLIGHT (360-14) sails Its low end profile and improved twist dynamics provide extreme acceleration from low speeds, very early planing and effortless gliding through wind holes. These properties make the R-TYPE the perfect choice on days with marginal planing conditions. Unlike nocam sails, the super soft rotating HYPER.CAMS keep up a solid profile even without sufficient wind pressure and substantially enhance stability. At the same time, the two cambers push the upper limit of the wind range almost into infinity. To keep the weight as low as possible, we use only six ultra light battens, four of which are extremely stiff BOX.BATTENS. (Available September 2005) CC 04 DRIVE LIGHT and SUPERLIGHT are two ultra light freeride sails with a wide range of application that boost your ability and help you learn to steadily progress. The clever combination of materials and the new RIPSTOP. FRAME.DESIGN permit the use of extralight monofilm without compromising durability. The resulting weight reduction is substantial and particularly women and juniors love the easy handling of these sails. CC 02 CC 03 Jimmy Diaz R-TYPE CC 03 SPECS Size CON333 CC 01 Connor Baxter DRIVE SUPERLIGHT CC 01 SPECS Drive Superlight Size 6,0 6,6 7,2 7,8 8,5 9,5 Boom max (m) 1,98 2,03 2,12 2,20 2,29 2,44 Luff max (m) 4,54 4,65 4,92 5,02 5,23 5,49 6 6 6 6 7 7 Battens -- -- -- -- -- Vario Top 2 2 2 2 2 2 IMCS 21-25 24-26 24-26 25-28 25-28 25-28 ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// //////* 430/460 460 460 460/490 460 + CX/ 490 460 + CX/ 490 + CX Battens Vario Top Camber IMCS Best Mast Best/Alternative Length (cm) Drive Light 3,3 3,7 4,2 4,7 5,4 5,8 6,4 7,0 Boom max (m) 1,41 1,56 1,60 1,71 1,79 1,85 1,95 2,10 Luff max (m) 3,47 3,67 3,91 4,21 4,38 4,57 4,68 4,68 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 -- -- -- -- 20-22 20-22 20-22 20-22 20-22 ////// ////// ////// ////// //////* Best Mast Best/Alternative Length (cm) 15-21 15-21 15-21 Drive Carbon Drive Carbon Drive Carbon 360 360 360 430 430 430 430 430 */// Platinum Series /// Gold Series CX = Carbon.Xtender 14 15 windsurf technology Josè „Gollito“ Estredo Perez DUKE CC 03 006 FREEMOVE_FREESTYLE V1 2 Today a new move, tomorrow at full speed through turns. The potential is infinite, the show factor is off the scale. Freestyle and Freemove are the most creative ways to move across the water. 16 17 006 NATURAL 006 DUKE 2 2 RANGE OF USE: RANGE OF USE: freeride nocam/freemove KEY FEATURES: More active twist and better control through TT.TOP *********************************************** DURA.LUFF.PATCH avoids damage to the luff panel from rigging *********************************************** Easy tuning with the integrated triple roller block (UNIVERSAL.TACK.FITTING) CC 01 KA38 CC 02 crossover freestyle-wave The 2006 NATURAL has been completely redesigned. Apart from easy handling, its very balanced design focuses on draft stability (Freemove) up to 6.2m2, and on early planing (Freeride) in the larger sizes. KEY FEATURES: More active twist and better control through TT.TOP *********************************************** DURA.LUFF.PATCH avoids damage to the luff panel from rigging *********************************************** Better handling and lower weight (5 instead of 6 battens) *********************************************** One mast (430-21) is sufficient for all sail sizes Both versions offer fantastic control, a high level of comfort and excellent planing power. Kai Hopf took a lot of inspiration from the DUKE without loosing top speed. All NATURALs are therefore the perfect synthesis of speed, acceleration and easy handling. This makes windsurfing simply less complicated and for many riders it means no more worries about the right material. CC 03 CC 01 G2 CC 04 Greg Allaway NATURAL CC 01 SPECS Size CC 03 The brand-new DUKE is the perfect choice for a wide range of application, from Wave to Flatwater Freestyle. It offers lots of power, direct response and great versatility. Fast acceleration and constant drive provide the necessary speed in difficult onshore conditions and for speed tricks. Five battens and the active TT.TOP enhance control and sensitive response and make the DUKE very neutral on the wave as well as in difficult freestyle moves. Sensational: all DUKES can now be used with a single mast (430-21)! CC 04 CC 02 Andrè Paskowski DUKE CC 02 SPECS Size 4,5 5,0 5,4 5,8 6,2 6,6 7,0 7,5 8,1 Boom max (m) 1,62 1,73 1,76 1,81 1,90 1,98 2,06 2,16 2,23 Luff max (m) 4,12 4,33 4,42 4,60 4,71 4,84 4,90 4,99 5,21 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Battens -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Vario Top Battens Vario Top IMCS 19-21 19-21 20-22 21-25 21-25 24-26 24-26 24-26 25-28 Best Mast ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// //////* Best/Alternative Length (cm) 400/430 430/400 430 430/460 430/460 460 460 460 460 + CX/ 490 4,2 4,5 4,7 5,0 5,4 5,9 6,4 6,9 Boom max (m) 1,53 1,59 1,61 1,65 1,70 1,78 1,84 1,90 Luff max (m) 3,93 4,04 4,13 4,26 4,40 4,56 4,72 4,94 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 -- -- -- -- IMCS 19-21 19-21 19-21 19-21 20-22 20-22 20-22 21-25 Best Mast ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// //////* Best/Alternative Length (cm) 400/430 400/430 400/430 400/430 430 430 430 460/ 430 + CX */// Platinum Series /// Gold Series CX = Carbon.Xtender 18 19 K66 Nik Baker ICE CC 02 windsurf technology 2 006 WAVE Feel the power of the wave, ride it at full speed, dig the edge into the water, cut back and hit the monster again. The roar of the braking waves, the weightlessness of airtime. Waveriding rules! 20 21 006 ICE 006 VOODOO 2 2 RANGE OF USE: RANGE OF USE: world cup wave KEY FEATURES: Enhanced control through a completely redesigned twist pattern *********************************************** Better handling and lower weight (5 instead of 6 battens) *********************************************** DURA.LUFF.PATCH avoids damage to the luff panel from rigging *********************************************** One mast (400-19) is sufficient for all sail sizes CC 02 E64 CC 03 hardcore wave Kai Hopf did it again! The ICE is the brand new, weight-optimized version of our team‘s World Cup sail. KEY FEATURES: Low weight AND maximum durability due to RIPSTOP. FRAME.DESIGN and DOUBLE.SEAM.TECHNOLOGY *********************************************** vinyl window for elastic feeling and extra stability *********************************************** One mast (400-19) is sufficient for all sail sizes *********************************************** Five years warranty This is a radical five batten wave sail for cold-blooded experts – extremely aggressive, with very direct response and incredible handling, particularly on waves. Once again, the TT.TOP provides more twist and better control. Since the ICE was designed for all World Cup competitions it works just as well in Hookipa as in Sylt, Gran Canaria or in your favorite spot. Another advantage: all ICE sizes can now be used with a single mast (400-19)! CC 04 CC 01 KA38 CC 01 Daida Moreno ICE CC 03 SPECS Size CC 03 Yes, they do exist: monofilm-free wave classics that survive all kinds of conditions and simply last forever. The new VOODOO has only five battens and an extremely high content of different X.PLY fabrics. The intelligent use of materials and an optimized shape ensure relaxed handling and fast response. Nevertheless, the VOODOO is as robust as ever and survives even killer conditions. Its slightly elastic vinyl window also make it a perfect choice for extremely high gusty winds. And our “one mast fits all” (400-19) concept permits you to use the entire sail collection with a single mast! CC 04 CC 02 Greg Allaway VOODOO CC 01 SPECS Size 3,0 3,4 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,5 4,7 5,0 5,3 5,7 6,2 Boom max (m) 1,39 1,42 1,47 1,51 1,57 1,59 1,62 1,64 1,66 1,79 1,81 Luff max (m) 3,50 3,65 3,78 3,92 4,03 4,07 4,14 4,29 4,40 4,42 4,72 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Battens -- -- -- -- -- -- Vario Top Battens Vario Top IMCS 17-19 17-19 17-19 17-19 17-19 17-19 18-20 18-20 19-21 19-21 19-21 Best Mast ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// //////* Best/Alternative Length (cm) 370/400 370/400 370/400 370/400 370/400 400/370 400 400 400/430 400/430 430/ 400 + CX 3,0 3,4 3,7 4,0 4,2 4,5 4,7 5,0 5,3 5,7 Boom max (m) 1,39 1,42 1,47 1,52 1,56 1,59 1,64 1,68 1,70 1,79 Luff max (m) 3,50 3,65 3,78 3,92 4,02 4,05 4,14 4,26 4,38 4,42 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 -- -- -- -- -- IMCS 17-19 17-19 17-19 17-19 17-19 17-19 18-20 18-20 18-20 19-21 Best Mast ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// ////// //////* Best/Alternative Length (cm) 370/400 370/400 370/400 370/400 370/400 400/370 400 400 400 400/430 */// Platinum Series /// Gold Series CX = Carbon.Xtender 22 23 Unmatched performance, safety and comfort have made NORTH SAILS booms and accessories the most widely sold worldwide. For 2006 we have not only completely restructured our product range but also introduce the new PRO.GRESSION III front-end as well as the new PLATINUM series for specialists with two separate heads and different rear-ends for the various lengths and applications. 006 BOOMS 2 windsurf technology New: BEST.FIT.SYSTEM color guide system that allows you to select matching components at a glance for perfectly tuned equipment Although all NORTH SAILS components can be used with various types of sails, we provide clear recommendations for optimum combinations. Furthermore, it makes sense to use a certain boom with a matching mast. To help you get the most out of your material we combined compatible products in the product lines RED, SILVER, GOLD and PLATINUM. This system helps you identify optimum product combinations with regards to performance and price range. All that’s left to you is to decide how much performance you need or how much you want to invest in this performance. Or to put it differently, the more you spend, the lighter, more dynamic and powerful your rig will be. RED SERIES GOLD SERIES The new RED booms with their thin, high grip SQUASH.GRIP are true allrounders. The new PRO.GRESSION III head provides high rigidity and maximum durability. The DOUBLE.PIN.LOCK system adds comfort and safety. It keeps the boom firmly locked and prevents twisting of the tubes. Each length of the RED series has an individual bending curve for a perfect match with all sail types. The completely new GOLD booms are high-grade versions of the SILVER models made of composite material for higher stiffness. While the front-piece is identical, the GOLD series has a carbon rear-piece. In this new, three-part construction the rear-end overlaps the vario tubes for higher bending stiffness. The DOUBLE.PIN.LOCK additionally enhances these properties. The thin, oval SQUASH. GRIP tubes with soft, high-grip coating provide extra comfort and put an end to tight forearms. All in all a very stiff, high performance boom for demanding riders. AW5-ALUMINUM SPECS AW5-ALUMINUM/CARBON-COMPOSITE Type 140 150 166 186 Length (cm) 140-190 150-200 166-216 186-236 Sail Range (06) 3.4 - 6.4 4.0 - 6.9 5.0 - 7.3 6.7 - 8.5 2,40 2,45 2,55 2,70 GOLD Intermediate Performance High End PERFORMANCE *** **** ***** ****** STIFFNESS *** **** ***** ****** SILVER GOLD PLATINUM RED SILVER PLATINUM Weight (kg) CATEGORY Entry BEST MAST RED FOR THIS BOOM SPECS Type 140 150 166 186 206 Length (cm) 140-190 150-200 166-216 186-236 206-256 Sail Range (06) 3.4 - 6.4 4.0 - 6.9 5.0 - 7.3 6.7 - 8.5 7.3 - 9.5 2,30 2,35 2,45 2,60 2,80 Weight (kg) SILVER SERIES PLATINUM SERIES Tubes and head of the SILVER booms are “cold welded“ with a special glue developed by the aerospace industry. This new manufacturing process provides the rigidity and strength of a single piece boom (cannot be disassembled). The BONDED.TECHNOLOGY not only keeps the weight very low, it also ensures direct power transfer without any play due to the PRO.GRESSION III front-piece and the continuous rear. The new SILVER also feature thin RDM tubes with oval SQUASH.GRIP for a good grip and high comfort. Five different boom lengths are available, each with a specific fine-tuned bending curve. The SILVER booms are therefore suitable for all sail types from Wave to Freerace. For absolute specialists and pros we have introduced the brand new PLATINUM series. The uncompromising carbon construction leaves nothing to be desired with regards to weight and stiffness. Furthermore, we have developed different concepts for the shorter Wave to Freeride oriented booms on one hand and for the longer Slalom and Formula models on the other. This means that application-specific parts are used for optimum compatibility with the intended use. SPECS SPECS AW5-ALUMINUM 01_ PRO.GRESSION III The next step of evolution: ergonomic design, a new lever for higher locking pressure and absolutely slip-free fit, and a reinforced construction for enhanced torsional rigidity. 02_ DOUBLE.PIN.SYSTEM New: all booms are now equipped with the DOUBLE.PIN. LOCK system (previously mono pin). The double pin system distributes loads over an area twice as large and avoids twisting or breakage even under extreme conditions. CARBON-COMPOSITE Type 140 150 166 186 206 Length (cm) 140-190 150-200 166-216 186-236 206-256 Sail Range (06) 3.4 - 6.4 4.0 - 6.9 5.0 - 7.3 6.7 - 8.5 7.3 - 9.5 2,40 2,45 2,55 2,70 2,90 Weight (kg) 24 For our RED, SILVER and GOLD booms we use only welded, high-density AW5 aluminum-magnesium tubes. This material is significantly stronger (H195) than that of seamless tubes of other manufacturers which require a softer raw material that is later hardened. This hardening process makes the material brittle and prone to breakage. Type 140 150 170 200 230 260 Length (cm) 140-190 150-200 170-220 200-250 230-280 260-310 Sail Range (06) 3.4 - 6.4 4.0 - 6.9 5.4 - 7.8 6.6 - 9.5 8.8 - 11.0 11.0 - 12.5 2,30 2,35 2,45 2,70 3,00 3,40 Weight (kg) 25 CATEGORY PERFORMANCE HANDLING BEST BOOM RED SERIES GOLD SERIES RED is the new NORTH SAILS mast line that offers excellent value for money. RED masts are produced in CARBON. CROSS.WINDING technology that combines individual filaments in a very dense fabric. A carbon content of 35% creates balanced dynamics and excellent durability. This makes our RED product line compatible with almost any sail of all brands and truly versatile. Go for gold with the new GOLD series. A carbon content of 75%, high-tech prepreg molding and excellent dynamics put our GOLD products in the pole position of the medium segment, with great performance and low weight for a reasonable price. A top quality mast for all applications. windsurf technology SPECS AEROSPACE.PREPREG.TECH Type IMCS Sail Range (06) 400 430 460 490 19 21 25 28 SPECS 3.0 - 5.7 (6.2*) 4.2 - 6.4 (6.9*) 5.4 - 7.8 (9.5*) 7.8 - 9.0 (10.0*) Type IMCS Sail Range (06) 370 400 430 460 490 17 19 21 25 28 3.0 - 4.5 3.0 - 5.7 (6.2*) 4.2 - 6.4 (6.9*) 5.4 - 7.8 (9.5*) 7.8 - 9.0 (10.0*) Weight (kg) 2,40 2,60 2,80 3,00 Weight (kg) 1,40 1,55 1,75 1,95 2,15 Carbon (%) 35 35 35 35 Carbon (%) 75 75 75 75 75 * incl. Carbon.Xtender PLATINUM SERIES CARBON.CROSS.WINDING DROP.SHAPE For more drive, explosive dynamics and more comfortable handling our engineers developed the DROP.SHAPE. The unique mast geometry with double tapered construction and reduced diameter creates a clearly more harmonious bending curve, perceptibly higher draft stability and optimum twist. This means that DROP.SHAPE masts make better use of wind pressure and ensure 100% power transfer over the entire wind range. CARBON.CROSS.WINDING.TECHNOLOGY (RED and SILVER) The unique CARBON.CROSS.WINDING.TECHNOLOGY interweaves individual filaments in a complex pattern. This process creates a high strength, three dimensional fabric that can be individually fine tuned over its entire length. The balanced ratio of glass and carbon fibers creates very balanced dynamics and extraordinary durability. * incl. Carbon.Xtender SILVER SERIES AEROSPACE.PREPREG.TECH AEROSPACE.PREPREG.TECHNOLOGY (GOLD and PLATINUM) The ultimate manufacturing technology. The use of 100% pure carbon, computer controlled manufacturing and extremely high pressure (up to ten tons!) permit us to create mast like the VIPER AERO, the lightest mast in the world! High quality allrounders with approximately 55% carbon content, modern shape and striking overall performance. All SILVER masts are manufactured in CARBON.CROSS.WINDING technology from a computer controlled mix of carbon, glass fiber and resin. A heat sensitive compression tape eliminates excess resin and keeps the weight to a minimum. 2 006 MASTS CARBON.CROSS.WINDING For 2006, we offer a completely new, streamlined range of masts produced in the two most successful technologies we have developed at NORTH SAILS. Our mast program uses the same categories as our boom range for easy identification of matching components. And once again, the intended use and the amount of money you want to invest are the decisive criteria in choosing your mast. The more you invest the more performance you get and the easier the handling will be. SPECS Type 370 400 430 460 490 17 19 21 25 28 3.0 - 4.5 3.0 - 5.7 (6.2*) 4.2 - 6.4 (6.9*) 5.4 - 7.8 (9.5*) 7.8 - 9.0 (10.0*) Weight (kg) 2,05 2,20 2,30 2,45 2,60 Carbon (%) 55 55 55 55 55 IMCS Sail Range (06) * incl. Carbon.Xtender The PLATINUM series comprises two different types of masts: the Wave and Freestyle oriented line ranging from 370 to 430cm and the Race oriented models with lengths above 460cm. Both types are manufactured in the Aerospace-Prepreg-Autoclave process that creates an extremely homogenous carbon and resin mix at a pressure of up to ten tons. At the same time, resin content is reduced to an absolute minimum for unprecedented durability. CARBON.XTENDER Fits our entire mast range, weight approx. Weight: 300g. PLATINUM.XTENDER High End XTENDER based on the PLATINUM series, also fits all masts. Approximate weight is as low as 150g! PLATINUM RDM SERIES The PLATINUM RDM is the first truly functional needle mast. The difference is in the new conical shape of the top. Our tests revealed that cylindrical needle tops perform poorer than ordinary „thick“ masts since the top‘s construction does not permit proper function. With the new PLATINUM RDM however, the rig does not only benefit from the lower diameter’s superior aerodynamics but also takes advantage of the needle shape’s increased dynamics. Another advantage: due to its conical shape, the needle top can now be stowed in the base for transport. SPECS Type 370/RDM 400/RDM 430/RDM 460 490 520 550 17 19 21 25 28 32 36 3.0 - 4.5 3.0 - 5.7 (6.2*) 4.2 - 6.4 (6.9*) 5.4 - 7.8 (9.5*) 7.8 - 9.0 (10.0*) 9.0 - 10.0 11.0 - 12.5 Weight (kg) 1,25/1,35 1,40/1,50 1,50/1,65 1,55 1,75 2,05 2,35 Carbon (%) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 IMCS Sail Range (06) 26 PLATINUM GOLD SILVER RED * incl. Carbon.Xtender (not RDM compatible) CATEGORY Entry Intermediate Performance High End PERFORMANCE *** **** ***** ****** WEIGHT *** **** ***** ****** BEST BOOM FOR THIS MAST RED SILVER GOLD PLATINUM New: BEST.FIT.SYSTEM color guide system that allows you to select matching components at a glance for perfectly tuned equipment. Although all NORTH SAILS components can be used with various types of sails we provide clear recommendations for optimum combinations. Furthermore, it makes sense to use a certain boom with a matching mast. To help you get the most out of your material we combined compatible products in the product lines RED, SILVER, GOLD and PLATINUM. This system helps you identify optimum product combinations with regards to performance and price range. All that’s left to you is to decide how much performance you need or how much you want to invest in this performance. Or to put it differently, the more you spend the lighter, more dynamic and powerful your rig will be. CONCEPT STUDY: VIPER.AERO The future is now! The most advanced mast available on the market sets the limit of feasibility. Top grade aerospace carbon with a minimum resin content make the VIPER AERO the lightest mast in the world (0.98kg/430cm). 27 006 EXTENSIONS 006 TUNING PARTS 2 2 windsurf technology ADVANTAGES POWER.XT/XTR/XT.NEEDLE: faster setup – insert downhaul line, tighten, pull ratchet, ready! *************************************************** significantly less effort (power ratio approx. 1/30) *************************************************** increase OR decrease luff tension in small steps for perfect fin tuning *************************************************** no need to sit down at the mastfoot, no risk to damage to your wetsuit, no slipping *************************************************** no need for downhaul tools (trim handles or trim hooks) *************************************************** fine tuning as required according to wind speed is now even possible on the water *************************************************** increased safety *************************************************** easy identification of the optimum trim point *************************************************** entirely new possibilities, e.g. gliding through the wind shadow in the surf zone with low luff tension but maximum planing power and then fine tuning with two quick ratchet moves *************************************************** sailing performance and wind range can be fully exploited Supported by windsurf technology Just like the quick release boom, the POWER.XT is here to change windsurfing forever. Super fast, super simple and without effort it activates 100% sailing power. Without a downhaul tool, without accessories. With the POWER.XT, even kids are able to handle the brutal forces of modern slalom sails. It works on land and even on the water when the rig is attached to the board. The POWER.XT permits high precision tuning of any profile in just a few seconds. POWER.XTR EXTENSION *********************************************** The logical consequence for all racers, based on the POWER.XT. An extra roll further increases leverage (power ratio 1/60) and allows you to trim even 12m2 sails one-handed and with ease. POWER.XT EXTENSION *********************************************** The new NORTH SAILS POWER.XT works with all sails of all brands and revolutionizes rigging and fine tuning. * POWER.XTR S 28 cm * POWER.XTR L 42 cm * POWER.XT S 28 cm * POWER.XT L 42 cm NEEDLE CARBON EXTENSIONS *********************************************** To combine NORTH SAILS know how with ultimate technologies and materials, the revolutionary POWER.XT is now even available as a skinny version in carbon fitting RDM® masts. PINLOCK.XT EXTENSION *********************************************** The completely new PINLOCK.XT is identical to the POWER.XT except for its lever mechanism. The friction free and easy to use pulley setup simplifies trimming and gets you faster on the water. NORTH SAILS tuning parts for a perfect rig. Unbeatable with regards to functionality, durability and comfort. Of course with the legendary NORTH SAILS warranty for long term compatibility. 01_ STARPLATE + POWERJOINT 02_ RACE BASE 03_ QUICKY RACE III 04_ VENTURE JOINT 05_ LOGO BASE 06_ BOOM PROTECTOR 07_ MAST BASE PROTECTOR 08_ UPHAUL LINE PRO 09_ UPHAUL LINE BASIC 10_ FIXOR LINES 20/22/24/26/28/30 INCH 11_ FIXOR PRO LINES 20/22/24/26/28/30 INCH 12_ ADJUSTOR LINES 13_ VARIO RACE LINES (22-28/26-32 INCH) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10/11 12 13 * POWER.XT NEEDLE S 28 cm * POWER.XT NEEDLE L 42 cm * PINLOCK.XT NEEDLE S 28 cm * PINLOCK.XT NEEDLE L 42 cm 28 * PINLOCK.XT S 28 cm * PINLOCK.XT L 42 cm 29 30 windsurf technology 006 BAGS All 2006 harnesses are also equipped with the new NORTH SAILS WUNDER.BAR. This newly developed harness hook has a closure and only needs to be adjusted once. The new „U-claw“ makes it much easier to get in and out of the harness and guarantees that the harness will not be unintentionally opened, even under extreme conditions. MULTI TRAVEL BAG **************************************************** Large travel bag with rolls and extendable handle. Easy to open and pack due to a central zip. With various interior pockets. Volume: 100 l L: 90 cm / W: 40 cm / H: 40 cm GEAR BAG **************************************************** The multi-purpose bag for short trips and fitness studio. One lateral pocket, one large main compartment and a front pocket keep everything in order. A zipper in the bottom part allows you to add another 15 liters of volume. Volume: 65 l (+15 l) L: 80 cm / W: 40 cm / H: 30 cm (+10) 2 windsurf technology The decisive criterion for a good harness is and remains optimum fit. For direct and effortless power transfer a harness needs to fit like a second skin, wrinkle free and with even load distribution. The problem is that every body has a different shape. The new CONTOUR.AIRBAG now provides a solution to this problem. All our AIR.HARNESSes are now available with integrated CONTOUR.AIRBAG. Its air chambers located in the area of the lumbar spine can be individually inflated and adapted for a perfect fit. The CONTOUR.AIRBAG gently absorbs peak loads and distributes them evenly for unprecedented comfort. 2 006 HARNESSES THE AIRBAG-REVOLUTION HIGHBACK AIR CROSS / CROSS AIR MOVE / MOVE AIR freeride < > race Sizes: S, M, L, XL Low to medium hook position **************************************************** Probably the most comfortable harness you can find with a clear focus on back support, now with significantly enhanced fit through the new CONTOUR.AIRBAG. The fourpoint strap system, additional padding around the hips and excellent load distribution in the hip area comfortably transform wind pressure into board speed. wave < > freeride Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL High hook position **************************************************** This is a completely new Wave harness with maximum range of motion, now also available with CONTOUR.AIRBAG. A slip proof, wrinkle-free 3D neoprene inner belt, integrated battens and plates perfectly distribute loads and ensure optimum fit. Additional front protectors can be attached to the hook. Two-point strap system. XS designed especially for female riders. wave < > freerace Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL Low to medium hook position **************************************************** Completely new seat harness designed exactly according to the specifications of the World Cup Team down to the smallest detail. Excellent comfort, particularly with CONTOUR.AIRBAG version. 3D Neoprene padding and STRETCH.FIT inserts make this harness a perfect allrounder with a very wide range of application. Four-point strap system. MAST QUIVER BAG / MAST BAG **************************************************** The best quiver bag on the market, includes a separate padded mast bag and pockets to insert compression straps. Our padded mast bags with four interior compartments for two masts, safety straps and handle are available in two sizes, 250 cm and 280 cm. Mast Quiver Bag Volume: 400 l Volume: 500 l L: 250 cm / W: 50 cm / H: 30 cm L: 280 cm / W: 50 cm / H: 30 cm Mast Bag 250 cm / 4 Masts 280 cm / 4 Masts L: 250 cm / W: 25 cm / H: 25 cm L: 280 cm / W: 25 cm / H: 25 cm DAYPACK **************************************************** The handy backpack for everyday use, on the beach, in the mountains or in the office. Now larger and with new interior design. Volume: 20 l L: 30 cm / W: 20 cm / H: 50 cm 31 04 01 02 03 05 06 07 08 04 05 06 Douglas „Cheo“ Diaz DUKE CC 01 V34 07 01_ TEAM SHIRT BAKER LS Sizes: S, M, L, XL RACE-SLALOM planing daytona crossride r-type draftstability daytona crossride r-type handling daytona crossride r-type FREEMOVE-FREESTYLE planing ´´´´´´´´ ´´´´´´´ ´´´´´´´´´´ ´´´´´´´´´´ ´´´´´´´´´ ´´´´´´´´ ´´´´´´´ ´´´´´´´´´ ´´´´´´´´ natural duke duke ´´´´´´´´´ ´´´´´´´´ duke ice voodoo ´´´´´´´´ ´´´´´´´´ 03_ TEAM SHIRT DUNKERBECK LS Sizes: S, M, L, XL 04_ TEAM SHIRT MORENOS GIRLY SS Sizes: S, M, L, XL draftstability ´´´´´´´ ´´´´´´´´´ handling natural 02_ TEAM SHIRT BUZIANIS LS Sizes: S, M, L, XL planing draftstability natural WAVE ice voodoo 05_ LOGO SHIRT LS Sizes: S, M, L, XL ´´´´´´´´´ ´´´´´´´´ 06_ LOGO SHIRT SS Sizes: S, M, L, XL 07_ LOGO SHIRT GIRLY SS Sizes: S, M, L, XL durability ´´´´´´´´´ ´´´´´´´´´´ ice voodoo windsurf technology 03 006 TEAM WEAR 02 2 01 ´´´´´´´´´ ´´´´´´´´´´ 08_ ARMY CAP One size fits all 09_ TRUCKER CAP One size fits all 08 09 SS = Short Sleeve LS = Long Sleeve 006 SAIL*DIFFERENCE 2 32 33
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