rustbusters gazette
rustbusters gazette
RUSTBUSTERS GAZETTE Indiana Military Vehicle Preservation Association February 2013 PRESIDENT’S NOTE By Mike Lusty Well, we have made it to the downhill side of winter and are about to slide into spring. Soon it’ll be Jeep season again which always heralds the arrival of warmer weather. So far the winter has been a mild one but still, I’m eager to see the Jeeps. Speaking of Jeeps, you’ll want to be at our next meeting in March. There’ll be lots to talk about like club Bylaws changes, upcoming summer plans, and plenty of Jeeps to see. The website and the newsletter have been updated with regional events of this year’s HMV season. We find most of these from previous year’s events, newsletters from adjacent clubs, hobby websites & magazines, and input from HMV enthusiasts like you in the community. If we missed something, drop me a note so that we can spread the word around. Near the end of April, John Krieg will be hosting his “Spring Dust Off” at the McClain Historic Armor Museum again. Last year was the inaugural show, and though sparsely attended, it was a welcome event. We’ve been putting the word out about it to our Rally vendors all last year and we hope to start seeing some of them attend this year. At our last meeting, it was agreed that we would need more members helping out at the Rally in September to staff the gate and help the vendors. It is good duty; lots of cool stuff rolls in the gate, the folks needing help appreciate your efforts, and you get in the Rally for FREE. Over the coming months, please give it some consideration and offer your time. Just an hour or two helping out over the weekend would make a huge difference to the same dedicated members who take on these tasks each year. Fred and Lani Ropkey have offered to host our May meeting at the Ropkey Armor Museum in Crawfordsville. We should have Bill Scott from Loiusville up that weekend to update us on the MVPA 2014 Convention plans. We will also be out walking the grounds with Bill to see what we can try at this year’s Rally that Bill can take to the 2014 Convention. If you can’t make March’s meeting, definitely try to make the May meeting for a free peak at the museum’s extensive displays and some insight on the 2014 Convention. There is a lot to look at in the calendar section, pieces of club news in the middle, and new stuff for sale. If anyone has any US artillery items you may want to look at the wanted section. As always, send any articles, ads, or photos to me for the newsletter and website. And remember, before you dust off your HMV as the weather warms, don’t forget to do a good once over on it to fix any alibis you put off at the end of last year and to catch anything new that needs fixed this year. Be safe and call a friend for help with the big jobs. INDIANA MVPA OFFICERS – 2013 PRESIDENT: Mike Lusty 765-664-3380 / VICE PRESIDENT/ Rick Miller PRESIDENT-ELECT 765-628-3900 / WEBMASTER: Mike Lusty SECRETARY: Lani Ropkey 765-794-0238 / TREASURER: Scott Ward 317-989-3543 / NEWSLETTER TEAM: Mike Lusty & Lani Ropkey NEXT MEETING: 9 March 2013 – 10 AM, Lindsay Clark’s Shop, 2029 W 96th St., Indianapolis. $25 door prize to be awarded. Minutes from last meeting – January 12, 2013 The first meeting of 2013 for the Indiana MVPA was held on January 12, 2013 at the American Legion in Carmel, IN. The meeting was called to order by President Mike Lusty at 10:06 a.m. There were 21 members in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. President Lusty thanked Art Bowers for handling the arrangements for the meeting. Because we had some new faces in the crowd Mike asked for introductions all around. He then asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes which were published in the last newsletter. There were none so the minutes were approved and seconded. Mike then told those assembled that he had renewed the website for 2 more years. The current website is New Business Mike proposed that the rally this year be held in Vincennes, IN at the Indiana Military Museum. They have a brand new building and plenty of space for vendors and other activities. He said that Jim Osborne and the museum staff were open to the idea and suggested that the rally be held in conjunction with their annual fund raiser. Mike has been in touch with Bill Scott of the Kilroy chapter and they were excited about the prospect. The old site, will not be available until December, 2013. The treasurer’s report was given and Scott said we had about $7,150.00 in our account. Insurance, paid dues and newsletter costs were not reflected in the above amount. After much lively discussion, a vote was taken and the chapter has decided on having the rally at the Ropkey’s for at least another year. Fred and Lani told the club that they would need more volunteers to help out before and during the rally. It seems as if it is always the same people doing all the work. The club members agreed to participate more this year. The rally will be held on September 20 & 21. Ted Pontius asked if Mike would print copies of the roster for the group and after much discussion it was agreed that he would print or send them electronically to those who asked. Scott Ward proposed sending $1,000.00 to the Wounded Warrior project again this year. After some discussion, Lani made a motion to donate $500.00. A vote was taken and passed to send the program $500.00. Calendar of Events Mike made a proposal to make some amendments to the Chapter By-Laws. A vote will be taken at the March meeting. The museum in Anderson is having an event there the last weekend in April. Vendor set up is on Friday and the event is open to the public on Saturday and Sunday. In May there are two events on the same weekend. There is the annual MV show in Findlay, OH and an event in Kankakee, IL. In June there is the Jeep Festival. In August there is the annual event in Iola, WI. All of this information is posted on the club’s website. Mike informed the group that the Tax Exempt forms are almost complete. He just needs a few more documents. Mike announced that dues are due again. They are $10.00. Roger asked Fred to give an account of the Kruse Auction that was held in December. Fred replied that the auction was very well run and that the auctioneer did a very professional job. He indicated that there were 19 countries represented and that prices overall were quite good. There was not a drawing for a gas card. Scott forgot to pick one up. The next meeting will be held on March 9th at either Lindsay Clarks or the Ropkey Armor Museum. Old Business Members are wanting to order additional T-shirts and Sweatshirts. Lani has the list and will get a tally and give it to Sam, who will take care of ordering them. There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m. Respectfully Submitted, Lani Ropkey Upcoming Events (Watch for updates and find map links on ) March 9, 2013 Indianapolis, IN Lindsay Clark’s Shop 2029 W 96th St. Indiana MVPA Meeting 10AM. Map link on April 26-28, 2013 Anderson, IN Spring Dust Off McClain’s Historical Military Armor Museum. Contact: John at 765-649-8265 2330 Crystal Street. Fri-vendor setup; Sat & Sun-open to public. May 15-18, 2013 Portland, IN Jay County Fairgrounds 31st Annual Spring Swap and Sell Meet Visit for more information. May 17-19, 2013 Findlay, OH Hancock County Fairgrounds 26th Armed Forces Day Celebration Contact Roger Neff: 419-387-7263, John Cheney: 419-257-2388. May 17-19, 2013 Kankakee, IL River Road Park, 1900 River Road. Pause for Patriotism HMVs requested for event. Visit or contact Michael Roof: 815-263-2027 for more info. June 1-2, 2013 Peoria, IL Sommer Park 6329 N. Koerner Rd (Edwards, IL). WWII Comes Alive $10/carload, Free for Re-enactors. Fri (Reenactor Setup) 7AM-, Sat (Open to Public) 9AM-4PM, Sun 10AM-3PM. Battles at 11AM & 2PM Saturday, 1PM Sunday. June 14-16, 2013 Slippery Rock, PA Cooper’s Lake Campground The Bantam Jeep Heritage Festival For current details, visit June 14-16, 2013 Alliance, OH 16125 Armour St., NE. Marlboro Volunteers Inc Armor Fest June 15-16, 2013 Ypsilanti, MI Yankee Air Museum Willow Run Airport. Thunder Over Michigan WWII-Present aircraft, series of large battle reenactments, an encampment for period displays, military vehicles, etc. For details, registration, directions, and contact information, visit June 15-16, 2013 Indianapolis/Greenfield, IN Indianapolis Regional Airport (formerly Mt Comfort Airport). 17th Annual Indianapolis Air Show US Navy Blue Angels performance team featured. Watch for contact updates. July 13, 2013 Sheridan, IN Sheridan Airport, 27045 Jerkwater Rd. Wheels & Wings Fly-In / Cruise-In 1PM-3PM. We will probably have an IMVPA meeting at 10 or 11AM at the airport. Watch for updates. Fri & Sat 9AM-5PM, Sun 9AM-3PM. $3 Admission, $10/carload, MVs and 12 & under Free. $25 vendor tables. Check the Marlboro Volunteers site for more information and updates. Contact Denny Davis: 330-645-1994 or Don Shaffer: 330-935-0200. August 10-11 2013 Iola, WI Iola Old Car Show Grounds. 22nd Iola Vintage Military & Gun Show Living History Encampments, Swap Meet, Parades of Vehicles. Contact Mary Schwartz: 715-445-4005 or August 16-17, 2013 Oscoda, MI 3rd Annual Michigan MVPA Show & Swap In conjunction with Wurtsmith Air Museum's Fly-In August 16-18, 2013 Wilmington, IL 19800 West Arsenal Road. 28th Annual Intl Convention & Old Equipment Exposition Watch the Historical Construction Equipment Association site - for more details. September 14-15, 2013 Vincennes, IN Indiana Military Museum 715 S 6th Street Road. Salute to the Veterans of WWII 14 acres for exhibits, dealers, camping, and reenactments. Open air and shelter vendor areas. Sat 10AM-5PM, Sun 10AM-4PM. Free admission. Contact Kassie Roush: 812-2571748, Jim Osborne: 812-890-0210 or visit September 20-21, 2013 Crawfordsville, IN Ropkey Armor Museum 5649 E. 150 North. 22nd Indiana MVPA Rally and Swap Meet 9AM-6PM Daily $5 admission, $10/carload, Active Military Free. $20 unlimited vendor space (IMVPA members eligible for free space). $50 Vendor Door Prize. October 10-12, 2013 Portland, IN Jay County Fairgrounds. 9th Annual Fall Swap and Sell Meet Visit for more information. June 25-28, 2014 Louisville, KY Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center 39th MVPA International Convention Hosted by the Kilroy MVPA chapter. Club News (Keep current at Next IMVPA Meeting. Our next meeting will be 9 March 2013 at 10AM. The location will be at Lindsay Clark’s Shop at 2029 W 96th St., Indianapolis, IN. See for a map link. You won’t want to miss this one. We have changes to the Bylaws to discuss, Rally business, and upcoming summer events. New Members. Welcome to our new members Cassius Mansfield and David Mansfield, Russiaville; and Mark Harris, Mooresville. National Military History Center (NMHC) Auction. In the last newsletter, we reported that the museum in Auburn was about to auction 182 lots to reduce debts. The auction was held on 8 December 2012 and raised about 2.9 million dollars. As Fred Ropkey said at the meeting, there were bidders from 19 countries in attendance. The items bringing the largest bids were WWII German vehicles: a Daimler-Benz DB10 12 ton Half-Track Prime Mover, sold for $200,000; a 1940-41 Hanomag S.P.W. Ausf. C SdKfz 251/1 Armored ¾ Track sold for $160,000; and a 1940 Horch Type EFm 4x4 Personnel Car sold for $150,000. Other items included a 1942 Harley-Davidson 42XA Motorcycle for $40,000 and a 1942 Harley-Davidson UA Motorcycle with Sidecar for $38,000. Indiana MVPA Dues. Please send all checks to Lani Ropkey with your renewal information. Renewal information should include any changes to your address, email, phone, or vehicle inventory. The mailing address is on the form at the end of this newsletter. If you are attending the March meeting, you can renew at the meeting and not miss a thing. Late Membership Cards. This year’s membership cards were late getting out. The box of the club’s archived records they were kept in was with Mike Lusty while the IRS tax status documentation was being prepared. So, until Scott told Mike they were in the box, the renewals were stacking up. I think we are on top of all renewals now but if you’ve paid and still haven’t received a new card, let us know. We will have them at the March meeting also for anyone paying there. Bob Matarelli. Bob moved back to Minnesota. Bob had briefly been a club member for 2011-2012 while he was assigned to work at the Indianapolis Airport. He was a very active member though his M38A1 was still in Minnesota with his family. His company reopened a position in Minnesota near home for him and he returned this past fall. Good luck to Bob and thanks for all the help. More 2012 Rally photos: Len Grummel’s in-depth display of WWI era M1917 Gun Carts and accoutrements: (photos courtesy of Len Grummel) See them at the 2013 Rally! Got something to ad? Send it! We are always looking for articles for the Rustbusters Gazette. Send in your articles, ads, tech tips, bios, information about your vehicle, or anything you would like to share with us by sending it to Mike Lusty via email (mlusty @ or to 1440 Sylvan Dr., Marion, IN 46953-2510, or use the “Contact Us” page link on Photos are welcome! Mailed photos will be scanned and returned to sender. For Sale / Wanted (Also posted at For Sale: 1952 M-100 Trailer. 1/4 Ton Cargo Trailer. Trailer has been sand blasted, undercoated, rhino lined, painted OD Green Semi-gloss, and stored inside since restored. Has current issue, 12 volt lighting, on it for being towed being non military vehicles. Pictures available upon request. $1500 – Located in Indianapolis. Contact Dave Burton at 317-997-9870 or burton449 @ 1971 AM General Water Truck. Multi-fuel, runs good, stops good. 1200 gallon stainless steel tank in good shape. IN title. Can send pictures. $3500 – Located in Commisky. M211 Cargo Truck parts. Miscellaneous surplus parts for sale. Contact Gene Spicer at 812-521-2324 or gspicer @ 1965 M35A2 Cargo Truck w/M105A2 Trailer. Kaiser-Jeep manufactured, multi-fuel. 13295 miles, 504 hours. Original US Marine Corps condition with M105A2 trailer. Comes with an extra complete take out engine and engine container. Drive it home! $7500 for all - Located in Muncie. 1984 M1009 CUCV. Utility Blazer with 45443 miles. Radio truck configuration, 6.2 diesel, power steering, auto transmission. Drive it home! $5700 – Located in Muncie. Contact Ed McVay at 765 286-8555 Discounted Models & Books. Earl Moore, Hobby N' History located in Indianapolis, offers Indiana MVPA members a special discount. Earl offers books, plastic model kits and die cast toys from a large selection of out of production/discontinued and limited production kits. In most cases, Earl can bring your order to the meetings. Contact Earl Moore at 317-694-1260 Ammunition. Get it while you can. – Located in South Bend. Contact Len’s Ammo Shop at 574-233-4867 1962 Unimog. Mercedes Benz Model 404. Photos available on Terre Haute Craigslist (search for "Unimog"). $13,000 11,000 OBO – Located in Terre Haute. Contact David at 812 249-1926 or 812 877-2302 Wanted: GPW Seats. Looking for GPW seats. Contact Don Hartzell at 765-643-7059 20" Tires. Looking for any of the following size tires for 1937 1/2 ton Ford: 6 - 6.50 x 20 or 7 - 7.50 x 20. Contact Richard Gummere at richard.gummere @ MB Seats. Original Willys MB front seats. Contact Jim Mulligan at 765-716-4414 Jeep. Looking for a WWII or early CJ Jeep for restoration. $1 - $2000 budget - what do you have? Contact Roger Woodward at 317 372-2622 Artillery. Looking for any parts / tools / equipment, canvas items, etc. for the US 155mm and 105mm Howitzer, any era. Also looking for a complete running GAA engine or near complete engine and any parts for a M7B1 Priest restoration. Contact Stuart Beeney at Dog Tag Machine. Looking for a dog-tag making machine in good working order. WC-56. Looking for a restorable US 3/4 ton Command Car, WC-56. A WC-53 is available for trade. 20mm Deck Gun. Looking for Base Plate and Pedestal for WWII USN 20mm Deck Gun. Uniforms. Documented US General Officers and Fighter Aces uniforms and related items. Contact Jim Osborne at 812-890-0210 or 886-1941 Tech Tip: cold Weather tips for parts stripping This tip comes from Scott Ward. Scott has found a way to strip parts down all winter long and not be rushed to paint until spring. After stripping the parts to metal either via chemical stripper or media blasting, put the parts in a sealed metal container with some desiccant packs. The desiccant absorbs any moisture in the container. Scott uses large ammo cans for the sealed metal container though just about any container that seals airtight would probably work well. Once the good weather arrives, you merely clean, prime, and paint your parts. Good tip, thanks Scott. INDIANA MILITARY VEHICLE PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION NAME PHONE ( ADDRESS EMAIL CITY STATE ) Y/N Receive email updates? TODAY’S DATE Dues per year: $10. YOUR MILITARY VEHICLES NEW / RENEWAL ZIP MVPA MEMBER? , MVPA # (Military Vehicle not required to belong.) 1. 3. 2. 4. Benefits: Access to information on Indiana Military Shows/events and free vendor space at Rally. Connect with individuals that are versed in military vehicles and can help with your problems and fixes. Enjoy the support of local members and events. Help protect your rights to own and operate vintage military vehicles. Receive quarterly newsletter with free classified ads. Send completed application and dues to: Lani Ropkey, 5649 E. 150 North, Crawfordsville, IN 47933-8089 Make checks payable to IN MVPA. Memberships are for one calendar year. Please do not send cash. Indiana MVPA The Indiana Military Vehicle Preservation Association 1440 Sylvan Dr. Marion, IN 46953 [Member Mailing Address Here] NEXT MEETING: 9 March 2013 – 10 AM, Lindsay Clark’s Shop, 2029 W 96th St., Indy. $25 door prize
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