Chevrons -
Chevrons -
Chevrons news from the PBPA Police Benevolent & Protective Association Unit 156a C H I C A G O P O L I C E S E R G E A N T S ’ A S S O C I AT I O N Sergeants’ Death Benefit Fund Revised The Executive Board recently revised the Death Benefit for active duty Sergeants. Where before there was a difference between in line of duty deaths and death on or off duty, there will now be one payment to the beneficiary of the Sergeant. This benefit will now be $3,000 dollars, up from the $2,000 and $1,000 benefit previously available. This fund is totally supported with the proceeds from our annual golf outing and raffle. In the very near future we will be mailing Beneficiary Cards to all of the active duty Sergeants. Listed below is Death Benefit Fund as approved by the Board and reviewed by our Attorney. DEATH BENEFIT FUND for ACTIVE POLICE SERGEANTS he Chicago Police Sergeants Association, (herein referred to as the Association) after being notified by the City of Chicago of the death of any active duty Sergeant, who is a member in good standing, will pay the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00), to the named surviving beneficiary. A member on leave of absence for military duty shall be considered an active member. What’s Inside Payment to the named beneficiary will be made President’s Message as soon as practical after the Association receives the Pension Report: death notification. The Pension Fund and the Executive Director If all of the beneficiaries are deceased, or the member has failed to name a beneficiary, then the 2005 Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner payment will be made to the estate of the deceased Golf Outing: Sergeant after the Executor of the estate makes a NOTE CHANGE! written request to the Association. If the Sergeant Chaplain’s Corner: T April 2005 Volume 46 Number 1 “Thinking Outside the Bag” . . . continues on page 7 Retirees’ Corner President’s Message Dear Fellow Sergeants, Reminder O nce again our annual Corned Beef Dinner honoring our retirees from 2004 was a success. A large part of that success is owed to board member George Whiteside, 025th district. Sgt. Whiteside not only alerted us to the fact that the usual north side location (Turner Hall) had closed, he also arranged for the new location (The Golden Fawn) just one block west of the original location. Making the change convenient. I would like to welcome back Vice President Gordon Barnhill who was off recovering from a recent auto accident.We’re glad to see you feeling better. The Officers and Board of Directors of the Chicago Police Sergeants Association would like to extend our condolences to the family of Sergeant Frances Tandyk (Court Section). Our thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of sorrow. If you are considering retiring in the next few months we would like to remind you of the scheduled increase in health insurance for retiree’s effective July 1, 2005. If you retire by June 30, 2005, the City will continue to pay fifty-five percent of the cost of your medical insurance. Effective July 1, 2005, the City’s contribution will drop to fifty percent of the cost.This change will cause an increase to your share of the cost. Please, be careful, stay safe and wear your seat belts. James Cosgrove CPSA Star Offer Contract he CPSA tie tack/lapel pin is being offered for sale to our current and retired members. These pins are perfect for trading with officers from other law enforcement agencies or during the CPSA European Tour. The pin, as depicted in the accompanying picture, is a miniature replica of the CPD Sergeant’s star and is gold in color with black printing.The pin costs only $2.00 or 3 pins for $5.00. CPSA members who want to purchase a pin (or pins) should send a written request with a check or money order payable to the CPSA. Include your name, address, phone and number of pins wanted in your written request and send it to: T As you are all aware the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 7 arbitration decision has been issued.The main points of their contract that may affect us are the financial issues. At our April 1, 2005 contract negotiation session the City made a financial package offer to us that was almost identical to the Lodge 7 award. The raises are the same, the salary compression is the same and the proposed medical insurance is the same with one exception. The City wants to increase the salary cap for employee contributions to $100,000 from the current cap of $90,000. This is the amount that the percentage of your salary you must pay out of your paycheck is based on. Hopefully, now that the Lodge 7 contract is settled we will make progress with our negotiations. Chicago Police Sergeants Association 1616 W. Pershing Rd., Chicago, IL 60609 Those who wish to have the pins mailed to their home, please add 50¢ for postage for orders of six pins or less and $1.00 for orders of more than six pins. 2 From the Desk of the Editor e hope that you have all survived the numerous St. Patrick’s Day celebrations intact. City Hall is not being very fair to us. They are still holding onto their hardline and continue to be negative on several of the Financial and non-financial matters that we have presented to them in our Contract Proposals. The F.O.P. has had their contract Arbitrated and you are no doubt aware of the Arbitrators Decision. We can anticipate that the Medical Benefits, Salary and Wage Compression that they received will be what the City’s’ final offer is to us.We continue to negotiate with the City. There are some financial matters such as the difference in the salary between Sergeants and Detectives that are still in heated negotiation. Also there are several non-financial matters regarding Bidding, Seniority and Details that have not been resolved. Several of these items are unique to Supervisors (Sgts as well as Lts & Capts) and should not be based on what the F.O.P. has received, whether good or not.We continue to attempt to get you, our Members, the best and fairest Contract possible. For more information, visit our web site at or and “click” on “CONTRACT”. W Sgt Gordon Barnhill, Editor & VP Editorial Policy Any member, active or retired, wishing to submit an article for inclusion in The Chevrons can forward it to: Chicago Police Sergeants Association/Chevrons, 1616 W. Pershing Rd., Chicago, IL. 60609 All articles must be signed and unless specifically requested, said articles and photographs so submitted, will not be returned.The Editor reserves the right to edit or reject any material so submitted.The overall goal of The Chevrons is to provide the membership of the C.P.S.A. with informative and timely articles of interest and benefit to the membership. The Editor will reject any material that is found to be contrary to these goals or which may be offensive because of race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, religion, age or veteran status. Political Action Committee — PAC Fund By Sgt. Mike Lazzaro, PAC Chair levels) have asked for our endorsement. Each candidate is sent a questionnaire asking for their stand on issues that affect us. The candidate must respond in writing before the CPSA Board will vote to endorse them or to contribute to their campaign. Our PAC Fund gives us access to elected officials whose votes control benefits for our contract and pension. If you are not a PAC Fund contributor and would like more information or if you would like to participate in the Fund, please call the office at 773-376-7272. he C.P.S.A. Political Action Committee (PAC) was incorporated on April 3, 1998. The PAC became active in January 1999. The PAC Fund is separate from out General Operating Funds, as is required by law. The PAC Fund is solely funded by Sergeants who have signed an authorization form that specifies that one ($1.00) dollar of their monthly dues will go into the PAC Fund. This dollar is taken from the established dues deduction and does not raise their dues. Numerous candidates (local, state and federal T 3 C.P.S.A. 2005 Annual Corned Beef & Cabbage Retirees’ Dinner that was prepared by Harrington’s and enjoyed by all present. espite some last minute location shuffling, the 2005 Annual Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner came off without a hitch. Our thanks to Sgt. George Whiteside for his eagle eye and observations that lead to making our annual dinner a success. This year’s event was held at the GOLDEN FAWN Banquet Hall located at 6725 W. Belmont. Our thanks to the owner and staff for helping us out and providing us with excellent service. D Enough talk ... let’s eat! Gathering before dinner The Dinner was attended by almost three hundred retired and active members. 2004 saw eighty-four (84) Sergeants retire. Of these, approximately thirty (30) attended the dinner and received their C.P.S.A. retirement Stars and Proclamations from the City recognizing their years of service to the City and the citizens of Chicago. We would like to thank Alderman Virginia Rugi for her assistance in obtaining the proclamations. Dinner’s done and the program begins Retirees reminiscing President Cosgrove presenting Star and Proclaimation The lack of conversation and the rapid clinking of forks and knives during the dinner attested to the fine meal Congratulations to all the 2004 Retirees! 4 Pension Report By Sgt.Timothy Brophy, Sergeants Pension Representative THE PENSION FUND AND THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR At our November Board meeting the Trustees discussed the need for having a search for Executive Director and those wanting a search prevailed and a committee was formed to interview competing search consultants. At our December Board meeting the search committee reported their findings to the full board and the Trustees again discussed whether there was a need to hire a search consultant. It was at this meeting that the majority of the Trustees decided not to hire a search consultant. Mr. Gallagher has been with the Pension Fund for over twenty-four years and during that time has advanced from Accounting Clerk to the position of Comptroller. He has taken advantage of our Tuition Reimbursement Program, acquiring both a BS/Accounting degree and a MBA/Finance degree. Mr. Gallagher has been committed to the Fund and has expressed his desire to be the Executive Director. I, along with the majority of the Trustees, see no need, at this time, to conduct a search for this position. There has never been a need for such a search in the past and I think that the Trustees are very capable of filling this vacancy without a search in the future. If the need arises it will be addressed at that time. I would add, in the interest of fairness, that if there is a Police Officer, who is qualified and interested in this position, he or she would have to convince a majority of the Trustees that he or she is the right person for the job. It’s been done once before. In December of 1960, Sergeant Richard Jones was appointed by a majority of the Trustees to be the Executive Secretary of the Fund, in 1973 his title changed to Executive Director. On a slightly different topic there has been some concern expressed that the Executive Director has some control over the outcome of disability cases. Officers who claim disability must prove that they are disabled and the decision to grant or deny benefits is made by a vote of the Trustees. The Executive Director has no vote on these issues. The same is true of other issues that come before the Board. H ere’s a little history of our Pension Fund and the position of Executive Director. The earliest information I could find was that in 1877 an act of the Illinois General Assembly created the Police & Fire Relief Fund. This was a fund that benefited disabled policemen and firemen as well as the families of those killed in the line of duty. Ten years later, in 1887, the Policemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago began when the Illinois General Assembly authorized the creation of the Fund. The first annual report covered the fiscal year from July 1, 1887 to June 30, 1888. Receipts: $30,253 Benefits paid out: $21,389 Balance: $8,864 Over the years, laws governing the Pension fund have changed many times. The assets of the Fund have grown to about $3,600,000,000 and the benefits have been greatly enhanced. For the last 118 years, the Fund has had someone that ran its day to day operations. In the early years that person was called the Accountant for the Fund, later that person was called the Executive Secretary of the Fund, and for the last 32 years, that person has been called the Executive Director. As one can imagine, the job of running the day to day operations of the Fund has evolved into an extremely demanding position. The education, experience, knowledge and skills needed are quite extensive. Recently, James Waters, who acted as the Executive Director for the last 17 years, retired. At our October Board meeting, the Trustees unanimously decided to appoint John Gallagher the Acting Executive Director, and also, to look into hiring a consultant for the purpose of doing a search for the replacement of Mr.Waters. 5 Chaplain’s Corner Compliments of your police chaplain Rabbi Moshe Wolf, 773-463-4780 or you hate. (2) You can change positions but will then give up the great benefits. Are these really all the options? What would you recommend to the Girl to do? Well, here is what she did ... The girl put her hand into the moneybag and drew out a pebble.Without looking at it, she fumbled and let it fall onto the pebble-strewn path where it immediately became lost among all the other pebbles. “Oh, how clumsy of me,” she said. “But never mind, if you look into the bag for the one that is left, you will be able to tell which pebble I picked.” Since the remaining pebble is black, it must be assumed that she had picked the white one and since the money-lender dared not admit his dishonesty, the girl changed what seemed an impossible situation into an extremely advantageous one. MORAL OF THE STORY: Most complex situations do have a solution. It is up to us to, say a prayer, look beyond the obvious choices and think ‘outside the bag’. As we look forward in life, we pray that we be blessed with a new perspective to our difficult burdens. and remember take a moment to bring a smile to the face of someone you love, especially the person in the mirror. On behalf of all the Chaplains, may G-d bless you, keep you safe, and always keep you in his loving care. “Thinking Outside The Bag” o you ever find yourself in a situation that leaves you stumped, then maybe its time to take a step back and take a different look ... Many years ago in a small village, a farmer had the misfortune of owing a large sum of money to the village moneylender. The money-lender, who was old and crusty, fancied the farmer’s young, beautiful daughter. So he proposed a bargain. He said he would forgive the farmer’s debt if he could marry his daughter. Both the farmer and his daughter were horrified by the proposal. So the cunning moneylender suggested that they let providence decide the matter. He told them that he would put a black pebble and a white pebble into an empty money bag. Then the girl would have to reach in and pick one pebble from the bag. 1) If she picked the black pebble, she would become his wife and her father’s debt would be forgiven. 2) If she picked the white pebble she need not marry him and her father’s debt would still be forgiven. 3) But if she refused to pick a pebble, her father would be thrown into jail until the debt was paid. They were standing on a pebble strewn path in the farmer’s field. As they talked, the moneylender bent over to pick up two pebbles. As he picked them up, the sharp-eyed girl noticed that he had picked up two black pebbles and put them into the bag. He then asked the girl to pick a pebble from the bag. Now, imagine that you were standing in the field. What would you have done if you were the girl? If you had to advise her, what would you have told her? Take a moment to think through this story. Sometimes we need to force ourselves to find alternate solutions beyond the obvious. The girl’s dilemma cannot be solved with traditional logical thinking.You may be in a similar situation.You may be in a position you hate – but the benefits are great. You have two choices (1) You can stay in a position D Volunteer Traditionally, the Sergeants Association provides Ushers for the Funeral Detail for Fallen Department Members. Due to retirements and promotions, our call out list has been depleted. Any Active Sergeant who is interested in volunteering his or her services as an Usher, please contact our office at 773-376-7272. 6 Sgt. Death Benefit . . . cont’d from page 1 Legal Benefit dies without a will, the appropriate letters of office will be accepted. All current dues paying Sergeants, and newly promoted Sergeants will fill out a beneficiary card, which will be kept on file and maintained by the Association. Information on the beneficiary cards will not be available to parties other then Association Board members. Beneficiary cards will be printed in the “Chevrons”, and distributed to both district and area Representatives. Newly promoted Sergeants will receive beneficiary cards while they are at the Training Division, which will be distributed by Association officers. A social security number will be required of the member and the beneficiary. Any deceased Sergeant who was on a duty related disability pension will have their case reviewed by the next meeting of the Executive Board, at which time the Board will determine if benefits are appropriate. In the event of an extraordinary incident resulting in the death of a large number of Sergeants, the Association’s Executive Board will determine the amount of benefits to the beneficiary(s). There will be a fundraiser to provide assets for the Death Benefit Fund held at least once a year, sponsored by the Association. All proceeds after expenses will be deposited into the Death Benefit Fund. The cash on hand and procedures of the Death Benefit Fund will be reviewed each year at the January Executive Board meeting. The Association’s Executive board retains the authority to raise or lower the cash benefit paid to the beneficiary, and make changes to the Death Benefit Fund policies. This proposal will cover all applicable members as of the 20th of January 2005. Please fill out and send in the Beneficiary Form included in this Newsletter. One of the Union benefits is legal representation for appearances at I.A.D., O.P.S., and sergeant involved shooting incidents. For representation at I.A.D. or O.P.S., please call the offices of Robert D. Kuzas 312.629.1400. In the case of a sergeant involved shooting, please call the Union office at 773.376.7272. Remember to identify yourself as a member of the Sergeants’ Association, PBPA Unit 156 Sergeants. Ask for Attorneys Bob KUZAS or Laurel HICKMAN. A VIP Reminder f you have recently divorced, married, remarried or had an addition to the family, please remember to update all your Beneficiary information with the Department, Benefits Management and the Pension Board. It would not hurt to check your information. Recently one of our Sergeants thought to verify his Beneficiary’s with the Pension Board and discovered that the changes he thought he made several years ago were in fact not made. Needless to say he secured the required papers, went to the Pension Board and updated his information immediately I 7 CHICAGO POLICE SERGEANTS’ DEATH BENEFIT FUND BENEFICIARY CARD Members Name: ______________________________________________ Star: _____________ Employee#: ______________ Address: _____________________________________________ Zip Code: ______________ Phone: ______________________ Additional Contact Phone: _________________________________________ SS# _____________________________________ Beneficiary #1: Name: ____________________________________________ Relationship: ______________________________ Address: _____________________________________ City: _____________________State: __________ Zip: ______________ SS#: ______________________________________________ DOB: ________________________________________________ Additional Beneficiary(s) ---------- (Use back if necessary) Name: ______________________________________________________ Relationship: ________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ City: _____________________State: __________ Zip: ______________ SS#: ______________________________________________ DOB: ________________________________________________ Members Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: __________________________ CPSA_Jan_ 2005 CHICAGO POLICE SERGEANTS’ CHANGE OF INFORMATION Name: _________________________________________ Star: ______________ Unit #: _____________ I have moved. My current address information is as follows: Old Address: ___________________________________ Zip: ___________ Phone: ________________ New Address: __________________________________ Zip: ___________ Phone: ________________ I have changed my Unit: Old Unit: _________________________________ New Unit: _________________________________ I have a New Star Number. My current star number is as follows: Old Star Number: __________________ New Star Number: _____________________ Members Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________________ You may mail this form via Police Mail to: UNIT 545 or via U.S. Mail to: CPSA/PBPA Unit 156A, 1616 W. Pershing Rd., Chicago, IL. 60609 The Retirees’ Corner By Retired Sgts. Don Januszyk (South Side Rep.) & Michael Stather (North Side Rep.) Southside Retiree Report Northside Retiree Report he south side police officers are having breakfast at a new location. It’s still the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 1000 hours, and it’s at the Jedi’s Restaurant 9266 S. Cicero, Oak Lawn.You can contact Don Januszyk 708-364-9903 for more info. Identity Theft — If your wallet with credit cards was lost or stolen, immediately contact the police and make out the appropriate report. Then your next call is to the national credit reporting organizations. They will place a fraud alert on your name and social security number. This gets the alert out faster. Then contact your individual credit card company. The credit organizations are: Equifax 1-800-525-6285, Experian 1-888-397-3742, Trans Union 1-800680-7289, Social Security Administration (fraud line) 1-800-269-0271. In some cases contacting one organization is sufficient as they will forward the information to the other two. Also, if there is a death in your family, and they had credit cards, notify the above organizations to help deter fraud. Clip this info out and keep it in a handy place. The Retired Police Officers of Chicago just recently had a meeting. They are seriously considering alternating the meeting between the north and south sides instead of having them at a central location. If you have an opinion, call them at 773-767-1771. Remember they are the one organization that speaks for all Chicago Police Retirees.They have also initiated a committee to monitor the Right to Carry Bill, and its implementation. Recently information was received that there is a move to amend the Illinois Public Safety Act to provide for the certification of retirees to carry firearms. Health Care Tax Deduction Action of 2005 H.R. 218 — this bill was introduced into the 109th Congress. In short it provides for reimbursement of prescription drugs and medical insurance paid by you the tax payer. See the full bill at Don Januszyk, Southside Rep. t was good to see so many of our retirees at our annual Corned Beef Dinner, and we were pleased to present the stars and city proclamations to the recent retirees who chose to attend. A HUGE thank you to Board Member Sgt. George Whiteside (025) who was able to secure an alternate site for the dinner on very short notice, after a unexpected closure of our usual spot. Look for the Golf Outing announcement elsewhere in this issue. Once again a new one start time for all golfers at 9:00 AM at Silver Lake in Orland Park, Get into the reservations book ASAP by calling the office. If you can recommend a sponsor or prize donator, please call the office. T I HELP WANTED...NO PAY...NO BENEFITS (Donuts and sandwiches will be provided) We need help organizing and filling the goody bags for the Golf Outing. • Elections for officers will be coming up in November, and we could use some assistance from our retirees to get the ballots folded, mailed, etc DATES TO BE ANNOUNCED SOON • The annual “Pizza Meeting “will be held on Thursday, 15 September. • Our annual “Turkey Meet” will be held on Thursday 17 November at “Da Hall” If you know of any of our members active or retired who are serving in the armed forces, please let us know, and we’ll send them a Chevrons and a letter letting them know they are not forgotten ( An APO, FPO address is vital). If you were in the service, you will remember how important letters from friends and family were. Take care. Mike Stather, Northside Rep. 8 Retiree Roll By Sgt. Michael Dejanovich, Membership Chairman Congratulations to all of our retirees. These sergeants have provided the City of Chicago with many years of service.We wish a long, healthy and prosperous retirement to all!! Last Name BOYLAN BROWNFIELD MEEHAN WOJCIK ENGELSMAN McCOLLOM ROBERTSON GILES, Jr NEWTON OAKES BRANNIGAN COLLINS CYMBALISTY DOYLE MARGELEWSKI SHAUGHNESSY, Jr SHERWIN ELLIS, Jr ROMAN First Name James Freddie Eugene Robert Richard James John Calvin Thomas Brian Daniel Tyrone Edward John Robert John Stephen Douglas Robert Unit 021 175 701 701 701 002 018 021 020 163 606 001 167 022 001 022 124 140 140 Star 830 1138 752 2046 2481 1989 1449 1856 1994 975 1649 1761 2484 1795 2111 820 1249 951 812 Age 51 54 60 60 54 51 50 54 61 52 58 53 53 60 53 56 59 57 53 Years of Service 28 29 34 32 32 28 28 33 37 32 36 23 28 37 31 32 37 32 32 Retirement 02 Jul 04 29 Nov 04 29 Nov 04 09 Jan 05 11 Jan 05 14 Jan 05 14 Jan 05 15 Jan 05 15 Jan 05 15 Jan 05 15 Feb 05 15 Feb 05 15 Feb 05 15 Feb 05 15 Feb 05 15 Feb 05 15 Feb 05 16 Feb 05 28 Feb 05 In Memoriam The following Sergeants have passed away and will be missed. We extend our condolences to their families and friends. Please contact our office if you hear of any of our brothers or sisters passing on, we are not always notified in a timely manner. Name Michael SASSO Sharon MALCZYK-JEDRZEJCZYK Lawrence Raymond JOHNSTON Colbert CARTER James J. O’NEILL William “Mickey” STEVENS Frances TANDYK Status Retired Active Retired Retired Retired Retired Active 9 Passed Away 24 Aug 2004 21 Dec 04 08 Jan 05 14 Jan 05 22 Jan 05 21 Feb 05 03 April 05 Legal Defense Team By Sgt.Patrick Fitzgerald 1359 W. Washington Blvd. • Chicago, IL 60607-1905 (312) 726-8814 • (800) 326-8814 • Fax (312) 7265349 ue to recent retirements and promotions, we have three (3) vacancies on the Legal Defense Team. We are looking for former detectives with violent crime experience, interested in working on the legal defense team, particularly to handle call-outs when sergeants are involved in shootings. Please contact the office at 773-376-7272 if you are interested in helping out. D Chicago Patrolmen’s Federal Credit Union (“CPFCU”) is offering a special promotion on our Visa Classic and Visa Platinum Cards. You can enjoy a low, everyday fixed rate of 11.9% on the Visa Classic and 8.9% on Visa Platinum. However, if you transfer a balance from another financial institution onto your CPFCU Visa Classic or Visa Platinum Card by March 31, 2005, you will receive a special rate reduction. The rate for balances transferred to your CPFCU Visa Classic and Platinum Cards will be 7.9%, and 4.9%, respectively. In contrast to some short-term promotions in the market today (with durations of only a few months), both of the CPFCU Visa rates will apply for the life of the balance transferred. In recent years, Coyne Financial, a family owned and operated mortgage broker, has helped many Chicago Police families achieve the American dream of home ownership. As a police family ourselves, we at Coyne Financial have worked diligently to eliminate the confusion and stress related to the mortgage loan application process and can provide a variety of programs and the most competitive rates. Many of your constituents have used our services already and we hope the Sergeants feel welcome to contact us for their mortgage needs. • 0% Down Payment Programs • Investor Loans (10%) • • Bi-Weekly Payment Plan • Refinance/Home Equity • • Construction Loans • Of course our Visa cards come with no annual fee, a 25-day grace period on purchases, plus the convenience that comes from using a card that’s welcomed the world over. Contact us for complete details. Coyne Financial LLC 7789 West Talcott Ave. Chicago IL 60631 To apply, simply call us at 312-726-8814 and push 1 for our Call Center. You can also apply while you are in the branch or by responding to the mailer sent to you. 773-774-4900 Illinois Residential Mortgage Licensee FYI: You Can Email Us at: Association Email: Newsletter Email: Grievance Information: Act today, and let CPFCU help you obtain significant savings on your Visa Classic or Platinum Card. FYI: Visit our websites also check out: 10 2005 Annual Golf Outing NOTE CHANGE Las Vegas Reunion The 2005 CPSA Annual Golf Outing will be held at the Silver Lake Country Club located at 147th & 82nd Ave, Orland Park on Recently we were contacted by Jeff Vana, a former VP of our Association, who is enjoying retirement in Las Vegas. Jeff has been elected the President of the Chicago Police Association of Nevada (CPAON). Monday, 8 August 2005. Please note: ONE TEE OFF TIME—SHOT GUN START 9:00 AM Jeff wishes to extend an invitation to attend their 2005 Annual Law Enforcement Reunion. The C.P.A.O.N. is hosting their 10th Annual Law Enforcement Reunion this coming May. Dates: 2 May – 5 May 2005 Location: Star Dust Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, Nevada Activities include a Reception in the evening on the 2nd, a luncheon & golf outing on the 3rd and a Dinner Dance on the 4th. Throughout the Reunion the C.P.A.O.N. will host a Hospitality Room. This year we will not host two separate tee-off times. All Golfers will tee-off at 9:00 AM. We will be utilizing one and a half of the three courses at Silver Lake CC to accomplish this. Golfing will be followed by a mid-afternoon Lunch with the usual Door Prizes, Raffles, etc. The cost per golfer remains at $85.00 and includes Golf, Cart and the Luncheon. You need not be a member to attend. The invitation is extended to all Police Officers and their guests no matter from which Police Department they are from. For additional information or a Reunion Package: Call George Hitzman at: (702) 459-4576 or email: Remember, ALL Proceeds go to the Sergeants’ Death Benefit Fund. Hope to see you there! 11 You can also access information about the 2005 Annual Law Enforcement Reunion at their web site: Chicago Police Sergeants’ Association Police Benevolent & Protective Association, Unit 156a 1616 West Pershing Road Chicago, IL 60609 Available for Law Enforcement Memorial Month PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 328 CHICAGO, IL Chevrons The Official Publication of the Chicago Police Sergeants’ Association 1616 West Pershing Road, Chicago, IL 60609 Phone 773.376.7272 • Fax 773.376.7344 CPD Interdepartment Mail - CPSA - Unit 545 Web: or E-mail: Editor: Gordon Barnhill Proud to be the Police, Proud to be an American Shooting Star Collectible Ornament Blown-glass, hand-painted, approx. 2.5” h. x 4.25” w. (shown above two sides of same collectible) Only $6.00 each (includes tax and shipping) Please send me _____ shooting star collectibles. I have enclosed a check or money order for $_________________, RAS Communications, P.O. Box 31285, Chicago, IL 60631-0285. Name ______________________________________ Star # _______ Unit _____________ D.O.G. _____________ Watch ____________ Home Address__________________________ Zip Code __________ Home Telephone __________________________________________ Executive Board President - James Cosgrove Vice President - Gordon A. Barnhill Recording Secretary - Shawn Joyce Financial Secretary - Dennis Hinkson Treasurer - John Pallohusky Sergeant-At-Arms - John Matishak Board of Directors Director-At-Large - Michael Lazzaro Director-At-Large - Nancy Higgins Director-At-Large - Patrick J. Fitzgerald Director-At-Large - Rich Wiser Director Area 1 - Michael Dejanovich Director Area 2 - Lawrence T. Lynch Director Area 3 - Edward Brennan Director Area 4 - Debra DeYoung Director Area 5 - George Whiteside Pension Representative - Timothy Brophy North Retiree Liaison - Michael Stather South Retiree Liaison - Donald Januszyk Chevrons news from the PBPA Police Benevolent & Protective Association Unit 156a C H I C A G O P O L I C E S E R G E A N T S S S O C I AT I O N PB&PA Legislative Update ur PBPA General Counsel and our Lobbyist, Don Snyder have been very active representing us in Springfield. The PBPA has introduced 43 separate Bills related to various concerns of its membership during the current 94th General Assembly in downstate Springfield.The following is a brief synopsis of eight (8) of theses Bills and their status. O HB0373: Amends the Downstate Police and IMRF Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. Authorizes a member of a downstate police fund who has up to 8 years of creditable service under IMRF to transfer his or her service credit under IMRF to that downstate police fund. Authorizes a member of the IMRF who has up to 8 years creditable service in a fund under the Downstate Police Article to transfer his or her service credit under that downstate police fund to IMRF. Provides that if the amount transferred under this amendatory Act is less than the true cost to the receiving pension fund of allowing that creditable service to be established, then the amount of that creditable service the person may establish under this amendatory Act shall be reduced by a corresponding amount. Effective immediately. Sent to the Governor 9 Jun 05. July 2005 Volume 46 Number 2 ’ A HB3597: Amends the Illinois Police Training Act. Authorizes the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board to initiate, administer and conduct annual firearm certification courses for retired law enforcement officers that are qualified under federal law to carry a concealed weapon. Amends the Peace Officer Firearms Training Act. Provides that the annual range qualification for peace officers shall consist of range fire approved by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board. Changes the definition of “peace officer” to include any . . . continues on page 4 What’s Inside President’s Message Pension Report A Study of Emotional Intelligence Golf Outing Executive Board Elections Chaplain’s Corner: “You Do Make A Difference” Retirees’ Corner President’s Message Dear Fellow Sergeants, range qualification for peace officers will consist of range fire approved by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board. The Training Board and the Conceal/Carry Committee are currently in the process of recommending a course of fire and administrative rules/regulations to meet the requirements of Federal and State Legislation to insure compliance of annual certification. This is an important step in the implementation of the certification process. Check our web site ( for contract/arbitration updates and other pertinent information. s another summer draws to a close I hope all is well with you and yours. Speaking of summer, on July 8, 2005 the Chicago Police Sergeants Association marked the one year anniversary of occupying our new Union headquarters. We have adapted well to our new surroundings, our membership meetings are held on site and we have long range plans for future improvements. A Contract Dispute Resolution Stay safe and healthy and wear your seatbelts. As previously reported on our web site, Arbitrator Elliot Goldstein has been chosen to arbitrate our contract dispute with the City.We have met with the City on two dates, June 27th and July 13th without the arbitrator and our first meeting with the arbitrator was July 15th. Progress was made at these meetings and several issues have been tentatively agreed on. We hope to continue this progress in future meetings, with the arbitrator ultimately deciding the unresolved issues. The Officers and Board of Directors of the Chicago Police Sergeants Association appreciate your support and patience in this lengthy process. James Cosgrove CPSA Star Offer he CPSA tie tack/lapel pin is being offered for sale to our current and retired members. These pins are perfect for trading with officers from other law enforcement agencies or during the CPSA European Tour. The pin, as depicted in the accompanying picture, is a miniature replica of the CPD Sergeant’s star and is gold in color with black printing.The pin costs only $2.00 or 3 pins for $5.00. CPSA members who want to purchase a pin (or pins) should send a written request with a check or money order payable to the CPSA. Include your name, address, phone and number of pins wanted in your written request and send it to: T Right to Carry The following information was taken from the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board web site. ( In July 2005 Governor Blagojevich signed into law the Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act, P.A. 094-0103, which amends the Illinois Police Training Act. It authorizes the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board to initiate, administer and conduct annual firearm certification courses for retired law enforcement officers that qualify under federal law to carry a concealed weapon. It amends the Peace Officer Firearm Training Act and provides that the annual Chicago Police Sergeants Association 1616 W. Pershing Rd., Chicago, IL 60609 Those who wish to have the pins mailed to their home, please add 50¢ for postage for orders of six pins or less and $1.00 for orders of more than six pins. 2 From the Desk of the Editor e wish to thank you, our members, for your responses to our requests for help. Several of you signed up as Ushers and others, signed up for the Call-Out Team (Shooting incidents involving fellow sergeants). If you are interested in assisting us in either of these responsibilities, please call the office (773-376-7272). Since January of this year we have seen our website taking a significant increase in hits (visits)… thousands of hits (April & May over 24,000 each). A significant number of these hits have been directed to our Contract Page (contract updates etc...), our Memorial Page and the Newsletter Page.We will continue to try and keep you up to date and informed as much as possible as our Arbitration with the City proceeds. Please visit our website ( or ). If you use click on the “LINKS Page” you can get information about the State PBPA, the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation and many other interesting sites. Have a safe and enjoyable summer. W Sgt Gordon Barnhill, Editor & VP Mark Your Calendar! CPSA 43RD ANNUAL GOLF OUTING Monday, 8 August 2005 Silver Lake Country Club 147th & 82nd Ave Orland Park Tee-off Time: 9:00 AM for all Call the office for reservations and info 773-376-7272 ________________ ANNUAL PIZZA MEETING Thursday, 15 September 2005 7:00 PM Home Run Inn 4254 W. 31st Street ________________ ANNUAL TURKEY MEETING Thursday, November 17, 2005 7:00 PM Union Hall 1616 West Pershing Road Please note that all General Membership Meetings begin at 7:00 PM unless otherwise indicated. Legal Benefit One of the Union benefits is legal representation for appearances at I.A.D., O.P.S., and sergeant involved shooting incidents. For representation at I.A.D. or O.P.S., please call the offices of Robert D. Kuzas - 312.629.1400. In the case of a sergeant involved shooting, please call the Union office at 773.376.7272. Remember to identify yourself as a member of the Sergeants’Association, PBPA Unit 156 Sergeants. Ask for Attorneys Bob KUZAS, Hugh GORMAN, or Richard BLASS. 3 Legislative Update . . . cont’d from page 1 the officer’s employer of any person who will be representing the officer during any interrogation. Passed both Houses 27 May 2005. retired law enforcement officer who is qualified under federal law to carry a concealed weapon. Amends the intergovernmental Law Enforcement Officer’s In-Service Training Act. Includes retired law enforcement officers qualified under federal law to carry a concealed weapon among the law enforcement person to whom a Mobile Team In-Service Training Unit may provide in-service training in order to be eligible for State funding. Effective 1 July 2005. Sent to the Governor 14 Jun 05. SB1670: Amends the Uniform Peace Officers’ Disciplinary Act. Provides that any party wishing to conduct an interrogation pursuant to the Uniform Peace Officers’ Disciplinary Act must provide all required notices at least 72 hours prior to conducting the interrogation. House: Rule 19(a): Re-referred to Rules Committee on 13 May 2005. SB0021: SB1693: Amends the Chicago Police Article in the Pension Code to provide that the provision prohibiting certain policemen who are assigned to non-civil service positions from making certain contributions does not apply to a policeman assigned to a non-civil service position with the title of Captain. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement. Effective immediately. Passed both Houses 31 May 2005. Amends the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Increases the retirement formula for the sheriff ’s law enforcement employees (SLEPs) to 2.5% of the final rate of earnings for each year of SLEP service. Increases the maximum pension payable to a SLEP from 75% to 80% of the final rate of earnings. Removes the 2-year service requirement for earning new benefits after a return of service as a SLEP. Makes these changes apply to persons in service on or after 1 July 2004. Also increases the additional employee contribution paid by SLEPs to 2.5% of salary. Eliminates the reduction in benefit imposed on a surviving spouse who is more than 5 years younger than the deceased member, for the surviving spouse of any member who dies on or after the effective date. Allows a SLEP to convert up to 10 years of non-SLEP service credit into SLEP credit by paying the differences in employee and employer Contributions, plus interest. Makes the additional unfunded liability for all changes subject to a full 30-year amortization period. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement. Effective immediately. Passed Senate 15 Apr 2005. House: Re-referred to Rules Committee 31 May 2005. SB0274: Amends the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act. Requires a public employer to furnish the exclusive bargaining representative with the names and addresses of its public employees if requested by the representative. Limits the number of requests that must be met to 4 per calendar year. Passed both Houses 27 May 2005. SB1669: Amends the Uniform Peace Officers’ Disciplinary Act. Requires that a peace officer under investigation shall be informed in writing (now, not required to be written) of the name, rank and unit or command of the officer in charge of the investigation, the interrogators, and all persons who will be present on the behalf of the employer (now, all persons present during any interrogation) during any interrogation except at a public administrative proceeding. House Amendment No.1: Further amends the Uniform Peace Officers’ Disciplinary Act. Provides that an officer must inform SB1180: Amends the unified Code of Corrections. Makes a technical change in a section concerning the organization of the Department of Corrections. Passed both Houses 30 May 2005. 4 Pension Report By Sgt.Timothy Brophy, Sergeants Pension Representative More Questions: A. No, to get a widow’s annuity refund you must be Here are a few more questions that might be of interest. unmarried at the time of retirement. Q. Two Officers are married to each other, one offi- Q. If, after I retire, my spouse dies and I re-marry, cer retires (before age sixty) and goes on the spouse’s health care, and then, at age sixty, the other spouse retires. Do both officers then get free health care? would my new spouse be eligible for a widow’s annuity in the event of my death? A. Yes, a future spouse would be eligible for a A. Yes, both officers receive free health care until the widow’s annuity in the event of your death, provided that you are married at least one year prior to your death and as long as you never received a widow’s annuity refund when you retired or, if you did, that you repaid that refund with interest within one year after the date of marriage. A situation that you would have to consider if marrying after being retired is that a new spouse could not be on your Health Care Insurance and that any children from that marriage would not be eligible for any pension benefits. spouse that stayed to sixty reaches sixty-five, and then they both would get their individual health care and pay the prevailing rate for their status. Q. Now that both officers are retired and have their own health care, what portion does the city pay for each? A. The date of your retirement will determine what the City pays. If your date of retirement is before 1 July 2005 the City will pay 55%. If your date of retirement is after 30 Jun 2005 the City will pay 50%. If you have any questions regarding your retirement or pension call the Pension Fund Office at 312-744-3891. Q. If I’m married when I retire and some time after that my spouse dies, will I get a widow’s annuity refund? In recent years, Coyne Financial, a family owned and operated mortgage broker, has helped many Chicago Police families achieve the American dream of home ownership. As a police family ourselves, we at Coyne Financial have worked diligently to eliminate the confusion and stress related to the mortgage loan application process and can provide a variety of programs and the most competitive rates. Many of your constituents have used our services already and we hope the Sergeants feel welcome to contact us for their mortgage needs. • 0% Down Payment Programs • Investor Loans (10%) • • Bi-Weekly Payment Plan • Refinance/Home Equity • • Construction Loans • Coyne Financial LLC 7789 West Talcott Ave. Chicago IL 60631 FYI: You Can Email Us at: Association Email: Newsletter Email: Grievance Information: FYI: Visit our websites also check out: 773-774-4900 Illinois Residential Mortgage Licensee 5 A Study of Emotional Intelligence By Sgt. Michelle Engstrom curriculum development, and diversity and multicultural training. The MBTI is based on Jung’s theory of psychological types. Jung’s (1921) theory is based on three dimensions he developed to explore individual cognitive style. These aspects are: 1) how an individual approaches life; 2) the way in which an individual becomes aware of the world, and 3) the way in which an individual reaches conclusions about the world. Jung’s theory is also based on a few assumptions, which are that personality is influenced by past experience as well as expectations about the future; individuals are capable of constant and creative development; and personality is not a static system, but is open to inputs and exchanges from the environment. Essentially, the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i®) measures our abilities and traits related to recognizing and regulating emotions in ourselves and others. Emotional intelligence influences one’s ability to succeed in coping with environmental pressures. The EQ-i that I utilized for my study has been included in the Chicago Police Department’s Executive Development Program for supervisors. I co-teach the class and participants are given the opportunity to take the assessment and are given their results with one-onone feedback. I am also qualified to administer the MBTI. If you are interested in taking an assessment, reading my dissertation, or have any questions, please contact me at would like to take this opportunity to thank you for helping me with my research. I successfully completed my dissertation and graduated with my doctorate in Education from Loyola University in May. It would not have been possible without your assistance! Thank You! Several people have inquired about the results of my research.What follows is a very brief description of my research.The title of my dissertation is “A study of emotional intelligence as it relates to organizational outcomes beyond what is contributed by personality.” The specific research questions I addressed were: I 1. Does higher emotional intelligence contribute to job satisfaction in addition to that accounted for by psychological type? 2. Does higher emotional intelligence contribute to organizational commitment in addition to that accounted for by psychological type? 3. Are psychological type and emotional intelligence separate constructs? Basically, my research found that sergeants with higher levels of emotional intelligence also had more job satisfaction and organizational commitment than sergeants with lower levels of emotional intelligence, holding personality constant. My research also supported the hypothesis that emotional intelligence and psychological type are separate constructs. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®) is substantiated by over 50 years of research and development and it is the most widely used instrument in the world for understanding personality differences. The MBTI explains common patterns in human behavior and has been used for a wide variety of purposes including self-understanding and development, career development and exploration, team building, organization development, problem-solving, management and leadership training, education and A STUDY OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AS IT RELATES TO ORGANIZATIONAL OUTCOMES BEYOND WHAT IS CONTRIBUTED BY PERSONALITY By Michelle Engstrom Loyola University Chicago This study explores the relationship between psychological type (as measured by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® - MBTI®) and emotional . . . continues on page 11 6 2005 Annual Golf Outing & Death Benefit Raffle The Golf Committee, Mike Stather & Don Januszyk he Golf Outing and Death Benefit Raffle are scheduled to be held on Monday August 8th at the Silver Lake Country Club located at 147th and 82nd Avenue in Orland Park. PLEASE NOTE that there is only one tee time, and that is 9AM. Golf will be followed by a dinner and then the raffle will be held. Call the office to reserve a place for your foursome. The cost for a foursome is $340.00 ($85.00/golfer). Last year we had 23 fantastic prizes: airline tickets, cash prizes and more. Additionally, there were 220 door prizes, which were given away to our golfers. The retirees have been exceptional supporters of this event. We are hoping that all our active duty Sergeants will support this raffle with the same vigor since it will be there families that will benefit from this fund. If anyone knows of someone or a company who would like to make a donation to the raffle or sponsor a hole for $125.00 please contact the office ASAP, as time is short. A list of winners and donators will be published in the next Chevrons issue. T Executive Board Elections Election Committee, Mike Stather 773-792-3023, Don Januszyk 708-364-9903 his November 2005, there will be an election for all of the positions on the Sergeants Association Executive Board. One of the prime requirements is that a candidate be a member in good standing,AND has attended (3) three meetings within the last calendar year. Nominating petitions will be available from the election committee at the September General Meeting. The list of offices to be filled are: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant at Arms, a Director for each Area, and four (4) Directors at Large. Terms are for three (3) years, and any officer may choose to run for their office or another Board position in consecutive elections, except for the Presidents position. An individual may only hold the Office of President for two (2) consecutive terms. Each candidate must obtain the signatures of at least 10% of the current active duty Sergeants on their petitions. Candidates running for Area Director need only obtain the signatures of 10% of the Sergeants in that Area. If anyone has any questions or expresses intent to be a candidate for a position on the Executive Board, please contact any member of the election committee or the Sergeant’s office 773-376-7272. T 7 The Retirees’ Corner By Retired Sgts. Don Januszyk (South Side Rep.) & Michael Stather (North Side Rep.) Southside Retiree Report Northside Retiree Report on’t forget, all ranks and friends from other departments, we meet the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the Jedi Restaurant, Southwest Hwy. and Cicero, at 1000 hours for breakfast. Other units are welcomed to join us. If your fellow Sgt. is not getting a copy of the Chevron’s give the office a call. One of the biggest problems is that Sergeants, active or retired, are not notifying the Sgt’s office of a change of address. Recently retired Sgt’s make sure you submit your application to the Retired Chicago Police Association. They are the organization that accurately represents all Chicago Police Retired Officers (all ranks).There phone is 773-767-1771. Southside police looking to get out. Contact OPLEO. The Orland Park Law Enforcement Organization meets the 3rd Thursday of the month starting again in September at 1930 hours.There is a $10.00 donation at the door for refreshments and pizza. About 85% of the members are from Chicago. It’s a fun time for all. For additional information contact Don Ada at the Orland Police Dept. or give me a call. The golf outing and raffle is Monday 08 August at the Silver Lake County Club. If any retiree wants to help out give me a call at the office.This year we tee off at 0900 hours. Make sure you get your raffle tickets in, as I hope the prizes will be even better then they were last year. Don’t forget September is the PIZZA MEETING which will be held at the Home Run Inn, 4254 W. 31st Street at 7:00 PM,Thursday 15 Sept 2005. ur Golf Outing is getting close (Monday 8 Aug. @ 0900 hrs.Tee Offs ONLY) and will once again be held at Silver Lake Country Club in Orland Park. Call the Office for reservations now please. The raffle letters went out, and as usual our retirees have responded magnificently. We would like to see a little better response from our active members, as this raffle provides the support for YOUR death benefit fund. (Retirees do not receive a death benefit) The “Right to Carry” bills, provisions, qualifications etc. are moving along, and we should see some action soon. In the meantime we would caution you to beware of several individuals who have indicated they are “APPROVED” firearms instructors who are “AUTHORIZED” to qualify you and issue you a card. Seems strange to us that they can do this without any of the criteria being known at this time. A recent incident prompts us to remind you to update, modify, add/remove information from your wills, insurances, deeds etc. to prevent any misunderstanding about what your wishes are, and cause your survivors to go through the legal gauntlet, which usually has a considerable $$$$ amount attached. Have a good summer, stay healthy and drive safely. D Don Januszyk, Southside Retiree Liaison O Mike Stather, Northside Retiree Liaison 8 Retiree Roll By Sgt. Michael Dejanovich, Membership Chairman Congratulations to all of our retirees. These sergeants have provided the City of Chicago with many years of service.We wish a long, healthy and prosperous retirement to all!! Last Name VELEZ SICILIANO SMITH MALONE PATTERSON LABERN PACANOWSKI RYAN SHEAD THOMAS SMALL RYAN BLAKE EGAN DEVINE DOMURET WILLIAMSON CURETON First Name Louis Michael James John Thomas Linda Donna Thomas Brenda Henry John Bernard Steven Michael Daniel Eugene Michael Pamela Unit 121 025 016 022 022 020 141 148 006 023 022 002 019 007 148 007 123 603 Star 1749 2572 2251 1907 2223 965 974 2048 1258 853 1571 2211 1569 1363 1939 1447 2007 1233 Age 54 44 56 55 53 56 58 54 55 57 60 52 59 55 53 55 55 50 Years of Service 30 20 32 34 32 32 31 32 26 32 39 28 32 27 32 35 34 25 Retirement 13 Mar 05 15 Mar 05 15 Mar 05 16 Mar 05 01 Apr 05 15 Apr 05 15 Apr 05 15 Apr 05 15 Apr 05 15 Apr 05 16 Apr 05 02 May 05 04 May 05 10 May 05 15 May 05 15 May 05 15 May 05 31 May 05 In Memoriam The following Sergeants have passed away and will be missed. We extend our condolences to their families and friends. Please contact our office if you hear of any of our brothers or sisters passing on, we are not always notified in a timely manner. Name Frances TANDYK John BIEGUS Michael SASSO Martin MAHER Cy MARTIN Phillip DAVIS William MINES Harry SWANSON Daniel GROTH James LISTON Status Active Retired Retired Retired Retired Retired Retired Retired Retired Retired 9 Passed Away 03 Apr 05 18 July 04 24 Aug 04 Unknown March 05 16 Mar 05 27 Apr 05 01 May 05 04 May 05 12 May 05 Chaplain’s Corner Compliments of your police chaplain Rabbi Moshe Wolf, 773-463-4780 or ponder; Ready or not, someday it will all come to an end. It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed. Your grudges, resentments and frustrations will finally disappear. So, too, your hopes, ambitions, plans, are not what they used to be and the to-do lists will get shorter. The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away. It won’t matter where you came from, or on which side of the city you lived. It won’t matter whether you were beautiful or brilliant, even your gender and background will be irrelevant. So what will matter? How will the value of your days be measured? What will matter is not what you bought, but what you built; not what you got, but what you gave. What will matter, included with what you learned, is how much you have taught others. Not what you gave in to, but what you stood up for. What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, courage, love or sacrifice that enriched, empowered or encouraged others to emulate your example. What will matter is not your competence, but your character. What will matter is not how many people you knew, but how many people will remember you when you’re gone. Living a life that matters doesn’t happen by accident. It’s not a matter of circumstance, but of choice. You have chosen a profession of serving others and helping G-d’s children, and that’s what makes you so special.You have earned the privilege to feel proud, BECAUSE YOU DO MAKE A DIFFERANCE. On behalf of All your Chaplains, may you be blessed with a healthy, safe summer. Amen. “You Do Make A Difference” was asked by a policeman on the street, “I sometimes wonder can the act of kindness by one person make a difference in the big picture?” And the answer is a big YES. Let me explain with the following story. A man was walking down the beach at sunset. As he walked along, he saw another man in the distance. He noticed this man kept leaning down, picking up something and throwing it out into the water, again and again. As, he approached even closer, he noticed that the man was picking up starfish that had been washed up on the beach. He was throwing them back into the water, one by one. Puzzled, he approached the man and said,“Good Evening. I was wondering what you are doing.” “I’m throwing these starfish back into the ocean. You see, its low tide and all these starfish have been washed up onto the shore. If, I don’t throw them back into the ocean, they’ll die up here from lack of oxygen.” “But, there must be thousands of starfish on this beach. You can’t possibly get to all of them. And, don’t you realize this is probably happening on hundreds of beaches all up and down this coast. Can’t you see that you can’t possibly make a difference?” The man bent down and picked up yet another starfish, and threw it back into the ocean. With a smile he replied, “Made a difference to that one!!!” Just remember, no matter how small the deed, it really does makes a difference. You are G-d’s presence on the streets. To you it might seem as a small deed, but to the person you are assisting, YOU MADE A BIG DIFFERENCE. The question is, how do you want people to remember you when you move on? Some points to I 10 Emotional Intelligence . . . cont’d from pg 6 intelligence (as measured by the Emotional Quotient Inventory® - EQ-i®) and how they relate to work outcomes, specifically job satisfaction (as measured by the Job Satisfaction Survey© - JSS adjusted) and organizational commitment (as measured by the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire). Survey instruments were administered on-line via the researcher’s website. Participants were active Chicago Police Department sergeants. Survey sample sizes ranged from 179 (EQ-i) to 245 (JSS). Canonical correlation analysis and hierarchical multiple regression analysis were used to examine the relationships among the data from 131 participants who completed all four survey instruments. In the first canonical function, emotional intelligence correlated with job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The significance of an overall relationship was established by Wilks’s _ = .741, p < .001. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis confirmed the contribution of psychological type and also supported the hypotheses that emotional intelligence contributes to organizational outcomes over and above psychological type. However, when the opposite dependent variable (JSS or OCQ) was controlled for, the effect of emotional intelligence was lessened and no longer significant. Multiple regression analysis supported the existence of a partial relationship between psychological type and emotional intelligence. 1359 W. Washington Blvd. • Chicago, IL 60607-1905 (312) 726-8814 • (800) 326-8814 • Fax (312) 726-5349 Chicago Patrolmen’s Federal Credit Union Meets the Needs of Your Changing Lifestyle Over the past sixty-six years, Chicago Patrolmen’s Federal Credit Union has evolved into its present state by meeting the needs of the members of the Chicago Police Department and their families. Today, we make a wide variety of financial products and services are available for your convenience. As a financial cooperative, the dividends that would otherwise be passed on to shareholders are returned to you in the form of lower rates on your loans and higher rates on your deposits. A significant number of you joined Chicago Patrolmen’s around the time you came on the job. We may have helped you finance your first uniform through Chicago Patrolmen’s. In the early stages of your career, we might have begun to be of help by having assisted you in the acquisition or financing of an automobile. Through our alliance with National Buyers Federation (, we can help you save time and money in selecting the vehicle that is a perfect fit for you. In addition to help in the selection process, we can assist you in financing either the new or used vehicle of your choice. Beyond these features, look for Chicago Patrolmen’s limited time, summer auto loan promotion, which will make financing your vehicle that much more affordable. We also feature a wide variety of flexible mortgage products to meet your specific needs. A recent survey indicated that over 30% of individuals could benefit from refinancing their mortgage. Chicago Patrolmen’s representatives would be delighted to assist you in determining how to cut your payments with the proper mortgage or home equity financing. As you begin to plan for major financial challenges, Chicago Patrolmen’s can help. Utilize the specialists in the Chicago Patrolmen’s Education and Planning Center to help you with credit counseling, investment advice, constructing a comprehensive financial plan or a variety of other services. The initial consultation is free, and it can help pave the way for your financial success. For complete details on any products or services, call Chicago Patrolmen’s Federal Credit Union at 312726-8814. Alternatively, you can visit us on our website at, or in person at 1359 West Washington, Chicago, IL 60607. Give us a call today and let Chicago Patrolmen’s achieve our mission of helping you meet your life’s financial goals. Legal Defense Team By Sgt.Patrick Fitzgerald ue to recent retirements and promotions, we have three (3) vacancies on the Legal Defense Team. We are looking for former detectives with violent crime experience, interested in working on the legal defense team, particularly to handle call-outs when sergeants are involved in shootings. Please contact the office at 773-376-7272 if you are interested in helping out. D 11 Chicago Police Sergeants’ Association Police Benevolent & Protective Association, Unit 156a 1616 West Pershing Road Chicago, IL 60609 Have you moved, changed units, or changed your star number? PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 328 CHICAGO, IL Chevrons The Official Publication of the Chicago Police Sergeants’ Association Name ____________________________ Star # ___________ Unit _________ ❏ I have moved. My current address information is as follows Old Address _____________________________________ Zip Code ________ New Address_____________________________________ Zip Code ________ Phone (new) ______________________________________________________ ❏ I have changed Units. My current unit is as follows Old Unit _______________________ New Unit ________________________ ❏ I have a new star number. My current star number is as follows Old Star Number ________________ New Star Number __________________ Member’s Signature: _______________________________ Date: ____________ You may mail this form via Police Mail to: Unit 545 or U.S. Mail to: CPSA/P.B.&P.A. Unit 156a, 1616 W. Pershing Rd., Chicago, IL 60609 1616 West Pershing Road, Chicago, IL 60609 Phone 773.376.7272 • Fax 773.376.7344 CPD Interdepartment Mail - CPSA - Unit 545 Web: or E-mail: Editor: Gordon Barnhill Executive Board President - James Cosgrove Vice President - Gordon A. Barnhill Recording Secretary - Shawn Joyce Financial Secretary - Dennis Hinkson Treasurer - John Pallohusky Sergeant-At-Arms - John Matishak Board of Directors Director-At-Large - Michael Lazzaro Director-At-Large - Nancy Higgins Director-At-Large - Patrick J. Fitzgerald Director-At-Large - Rich Wiser Director Area 1 - Michael Dejanovich Director Area 2 - Lawrence T. Lynch Director Area 3 - Edward Brennan Director Area 4 - Debra DeYoung Director Area 5 - George Whiteside Pension Representative - Timothy Brophy North Retiree Liaison - Michael Stather South Retiree Liaison - Donald Januszyk Chevrons news from the PBPA C Police Benevolent & Protective Association Unit 156a H I C A G O P O L I C E S E R G E A N T S ’ A S S O C I AT I O N 2005 PB&PA Officer of the Year By Sgt. Gordon Barnhill t was my honor and privilege to nominate Sgt. Richard Plotke, 020th District, for the 2005 Police Benevolent & Protective Association Officer of the Year Award. Sgt. Plotke was the co-recipient of this well deserved award which was also presented to a Chicago Officer, P.O. Andrew J. Hurman, 025th District (Nominated by CPD Sgt. Robert Delaney/016) for an unrelated incident. Officer Hurman fired upon and dispatched an offender who was struggling with another officer.The offender had obtained control of that officer’s weapon and was threatening her life.The following excerpt is from my letter of nomination for Sgt. Plotke . . . I I would like to tell you about one of Chicago’s Finest: On January 21st, 2005 at 2907 W. Summerdale in Chicago, Sgt. Richard Plotke, star #1680, who is assigned to the Patrol Division, 020th District, assisted units from the Morton Grove Police Department who were seeking suspects in a recent armed home invasion in their town in which the victims were beaten about their heads. The suspects were located and the necessary warrants were obtained. Sgt. Plotke, in full uniform, accompanied the Detectives to the suspect offenders’ apartment. Both the entrance and What’s Inside the exit were covered. Sgt. Plotke knocked on the door loudly and . . . continues on page 4 President’s Message Pension Report State PB&PA Convention Golf Outing Raffle Winners, Sponsors & Donors Election News Chaplain’s Corner: December 2005 Volume 46 Number 3 “How Big Is Your Frying Pan?” Sgt. Barnhill & Sgt. Plotke P.O. Hurman & Sgt. Delaney Retirees’ Corner President’s Message Dear Fellow Sergeants, eight years, the last six as president. I am very proud of the achievements of our Board over the last six years. I wish the incoming Board good luck and continued success in leading our Union into the future. Now that the holiday season is upon us, it is the time of year when we reflect on our lives and count our blessings. The two most important being our families and our health.We hope that you and yours are well. I would like to wish all our members, active and retired, and their families a happy holiday season and a safe and healthy new year. James Cosgrove Election The election for president is underway and the results will be announced on 13 December 2005, immediately after the ballots have been counted. The results will be posted on our web site immediately and sent to each Unit for posting. The new Officers and Board members will take office at the first meeting of 2006 (19 January). Stay Safe this holiday season! Wear your seat belt! Election II Sergeant Michael Lazzaro 001 was elected to the Pension Board as the Sergeants representative. Congratulations Mike, best of luck in this very important position. CPSA Star Offer he CPSA tie tack/lapel pin is being offered for sale to our current and retired members. These pins are perfect for trading with officers from other law enforcement agencies or during the CPSA European Tour. The pin, as depicted in the accompanying picture, is a miniature replica of the CPD Sergeant’s star and is gold in color with black printing.The pin costs only $2.00 or 3 pins for $5.00. CPSA members who want to purchase a pin (or pins) should send a written request with a check or money order payable to the CPSA. Include your name, address, phone and number of pins wanted in your written request and send it to: T Contract/Arbitration After a request from the Arbitrator for additional information from both sides was met, our contract is now in the hands of Arbitrator Elliott H. Goldstein.We believe that the arbitrators intent to have a decision by Christmas, or sooner, is on schedule. Payroll The Department continues to have problems with the new payroll system initiated on 01 July 05. If you have any problems, discrepancies or questions regarding your paycheck contact the Finance Division and the Union office. Chicago Police Sergeants Association 1616 W. Pershing Rd., Chicago, IL 60609 On January 18, 2006, I will complete my second term as President of PB&PA Unit 156 A/CPSA. It has been my honor and privilege to serve our organization for Those who wish to have the pins mailed to their home, please add 50¢ for postage for orders of six pins or less and $1.00 for orders of more than six pins. 2 From the Desk of the Editor Seasons Greetings to you and yours. May the coming New Year be both Healthy and Prosperous for you and your loved ones. s this issue of the Chevrons goes to press we are still locked in the Arbitration Process. We are hopeful that Arbitrator Goldstein will proceed in an expeditious manner in rendering his decision.We can not give you an exact timeline for his decision but remain hopeful that the Arbitration Process will be concluded by year’s end. By the time you read this, the results of our Presidential Election should be posted. I would like to thank all our members who participated in the electoral process.To all, have a safe holiday season. A Sgt Gordon Barnhill, Editor & VP Mark Your Calendar! ANNUAL CORNED BEEF & CABBAGE DINNER CPSA 44th ANNUAL GOLF OUTING Honoring Our Retirees Thursday, 16 February 2006 (DOG 2 & 3) Location: European Chalet 5445 S. Harlem Doors open at 6:00 PM Monday, 14 August 2006 Silver Lake Country Club 147th & 82nd Ave Orland Park Details TBA News from Coyne Financial Legal Benefit One of the Union benefits is legal representation for appearances at I.A.D., O.P.S., and sergeant involved shooting incidents. For representation at I.A.D. or O.P.S., please call the offices of Robert D. Kuzas - 312.629.1400. In the case of a sergeant involved shooting, please call the Union office at 773.376.7272. Remember to identify yourself as a member of the Sergeants’ Association, PBPA Unit 156 Sergeants. Ask for Attorneys Bob KUZAS, Hugh GORMAN, or Richard BLASS. Residential Mortgages – Home Equity Loans – Refinancing We are now licensed in Wisconsin. Call us to see how we can help you get that retirement or vacation home of your dreams. Also ask about our current promotion - a Free Weekend Getaway with every closed first mortgage (purchase or refinance). As a police family owned and operated company, we are familiar with the unique needs of police families and will go that extra mile to ensure you get the best loan program at the most competitive rate. Coyne Financial LLC 7789 West Talcott Ave. Chicago IL 60631 3 773-774-4900 Illinois & Wisconsin Residential Loan Mortgage Officer of the Year . . . cont’d from page 1 Election News announced his office repeatedly. There was no response from inside, but the officers could hear furtive movement within the apartment. Sgt. Plotke affected a forced entry, leading the officers into the apartment and was immediately confronted by the first suspect in the hallway. Sgt. Plotke grasped the gun-hand of the first offender and struggled with him as gunfire from the suspect erupted. Sgt. Plotke fired, striking the first offender as they struggled.The Sergeant called for a cease fire as additional shots rang out.The second suspect had opened up from the kitchen where he had hidden. One of the Detectives weapons had jammed and he was forced to retreat. The second Detective took a round in his protective vest and fell back. Sgt. Plotke stood his ground and provided covering fire, striking the second offender and disabling him. The first offender was D.O.A. and the second offender succumbed to his wounds shortly thereafter. The Detectives vest had stopped the round from penetration and he was only bruised. The second Detective began to experience chest pains and was treated and released from a nearby hospital. Due to the heroism, quick thinking and his courageous stand, no other officers or citizens were injured and two armed and dangerous felons’ careers in crime came to a final and abrupt end. Sgt. Plotke, we salute you! Election Committee: Ret. Sgt. Kevin Barry, Ret. Sgt. Don Januszyk, Ret. Sgt. John Mahon, Ret. Sgt.Ted Raab, Ret. Sgt. Jerry Saternus, Ret. Sgt. Mike Stather hen reading this article, all active duty Sergeants in good standing should have received their ballots to vote in the election. The only office in contention is that of the President. Petitions for other positions on the board have been received and approved by the election committee. No Sergeants have submitted petitions for the offices of Vice-President, Recording Secretary, and Area One Director. According to the By-Laws the new President may appoint individuals to these positions with the approval of the Executive Board. There were 1,217 ballots sent out. W FYI: You Can Email Us at: Association Email: Newsletter Email: FYI: Visit our websites also check out: 4 Pension Report By Sgt.Timothy Brophy, Sergeants Pension Representative H ere’s a hot topic that has the phones ringing at the Pension Fund Office.The topic is outlined in Department Bulletin #2004=04, Office of Legal Affairs. Changes in Conceal and Carry laws: Retirees and Out of State Officers. Pursuant to the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act, qualified current and former law enforcement officers are exempt from Illinois Laws regarding the carrying of concealed firearms. This law allows for the carrying of concealed firearms by a “qualified law enforcement officer” and a “qualified retired law enforcement officer”.After completing and forwarding all application forms to the Pension Fund Office, retirees will be sent a new form authorizing the Personnel Division of the Chicago Police Department to release information to the Policemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund to verify applicants’ status at the time of their retirement. This new form must be filled out and submitted to the Personnel Division of the Chicago Police Department before the application process can be completed. Once the application process is completed, retirees will be notified of the results. So, to make this a little clearer here’s an example. Two officers came on the job together and are making the same salary; one of the officers becomes disabled and receives disability benefits. If both officers retire on the same date, they both will receive the same amount in pension. Q. After an officer retires when does he start receiving a “Cost of Living Allocation” or COLA? A.If an officer is 55 years old and born on or before January 1, 1950, he would begin receiving the 3% COLA the month after he was retired for one year. So, if the officer retired on 15 Sep 2005 he would begin receiving the 3% COLA as of 1 Oct 2006. BILLS INTRODUCED by the PBPA for ... CHICAGO POLICE SUPPORT Senate Bill 3074! Amends the Chicago Police Article of the Pension Code to base benefits on the salary on the last day of service or during the last year of service, whichever is greater for persons retiring after December 31, 2004. Also, increases the maximum pension for persons who retire after December 31, 2004 from 75% to 80% of salary. Here are a few more questions that I am frequently asked. Q. An officer, retired for a few years, asked how much his spouse would get if he died? SUPPORT Senate Bill 2992! Amends the Chicago Police Article of the Pension Code to provide a compounded 3% annual increase in surviving spouse annuities. A.Your spouse will get an annuity equal to 50% of what you were getting at the time of your death. So, any 3% COLA raises that you have received are included in calculating your spouse’s annuity. Unfortunately, your spouse does not receive any COLA raises after that. POLICE PROMOTIONS (CHICAGO PD) SUPPORT Senate Bill 3073! Amends the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, providing that the City of Chicago’s duty to bargain collectively includes negotiating promotional issues with the certified representative of any peace officer bargaining unit to which promotions will be made. Q. An officer on disability for a few years asked how his average salary would be calculated if he retired? A.A pension is calculated on the highest four consec- utive years out of the last ten. Usually the last four are the best.When an officer who is on disability retires, his average salary is based on what he would have been receiving if he were working as an active officer up to his retirement date. For information on additional Statewide bills visit and click on the Legislative Issues Link. 5 The Retirees’ Corner By Retired Sgts. Don Januszyk (South Side Rep.) & Michael Stather (North Side Rep.) Northside Retiree Report Southside Retiree Report would like to thank all of you who responded to the call of assisting the many police officers who became victims of the various storms. It’s hard to imagine coming home and finding your home is no longer there, and you have no idea where your family is. I attend the North side Retiree breakfast (1st Wednesday of every month, 0700-1000 hrs.) at the Lone Tree Inn 7800 N. Milwaukee Ave, Niles. It’s a good breakfast, and you’ll run into someone you know or worked with. John Grizzoffi and Joe Nalepa do a great job of running it. The Retiree gun issue is still up in the air over several issues, and won’t be resolved until they figure who will take the blame, who will be responsible, etc. etc. DO NOT SIGN UP TO GET QUALIFIED BY VARIOUS FOLKS WHO ARE ADVERTISING THAT THEY ARE AUTHORIZED, AND CAN QUALIFY YOU. USE CAUTION! The COLA bill (Pension increase) should be signed this month. Everyone is in agreement on it. We would like to wish you all a Happy Holiday season, and a Happy Healthy New Year. Please try to pass on some help or assistance to those who desperately need it, and have no way of helping themselves out, and are not responsible for the situations they’re in. Fr, Tom Nangle and the C.P.D. Chaplains always take care of our own at this time of the year, call 312-746-8458 ask them what’s needed. Thanks!!!!! Mike Stather, Northside Retiree Liaison ’d like thank all of the retired Sergeants who turned in their raffle tickets. It was a great turn out and several of the retired Sergeants won prizes. Take the time to check out the articles on the Department Id Cards, and also on the Retirees Right to Carry. The Corn Beef & Cabbage Dinner will be on the south side this year. Our old place no longer exists and we are currently making plans for a new location. The South Side Retirees still have breakfast at the Jedi Restaurant 9266 S. Cicero in Oak Lawn on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 1000 hours. If you hear that one of your fellow Sergeants is not receiving The Chevrons please notify our office. Also, if you don’t notify us of an address change after you retire we won’t be able to keep you abreast of what’s going on. I I Don Januszyk, Southside Retiree Liaison New CPD ID Cards for Retirees The Chicago Police Dept. now has new ID cards available for retirees if you want one. The new cards have your date of retirement on the back. The cost of this ID is $10.00 in either a money order or a Bank Cashier’s Check made out to the City of Chicago. Cash or personal checks ARE NOT ACCEPTED. If your card was lost or stolen, then the fee is $15.00 dollars. The Personnel Dept. is on the 2nd floor at 3500 S. Michigan. Stop at the main desk on the first floor if you need help. Parking is not easy. I would suggest you go there after 1230 hours, and they may let you park in the lot.Your picture will be taken. 6 Retirees’ Right to Carry By Ret. Sgt. Don Januszyk 1359 W. Washington Blvd. • Chicago, IL 60607-1905 (312) 726-8814 • (800) 326-8814 • Fax (312) 726-5349 his is for any retiree interested in applying for the right to carry a firearm.This certification is for one year only, and individuals on a disability pension are not allowed to apply. The forms are available on the internet at then click onto the link that states IROCC. At that site click onto Application on the left side. All of the forms are there including the one you need to send to the Chicago Pension Board.You can also call the IROCC at 217-726-9537 and they will send you the forms, but it may take awhile. When you fill out the form for the Pension Board, you must send a copy of the front and back of your Chicago ID card. They will accept either the new or old ID card. In the middle of this form there is a line for an expiration date. Make it at least 4 or 5 months.All of these applications are currently backed up at the Board. (There is a problem with the CPD releasing information. Please refer to Sgt. Tim Brophy’s Pension Report in this issue of The Chevrons.) If this form expires, you will have to start the process all over again. When you get this approved form back you send it in with the other 2 forms along with your check, and a copy of the front and back of your FOID card. You may qualify with either a revolver or an automatic weapon. After you are certified you may carry any of these types of weapons. The course is similar to the CPD’s, and it is timed, however you will NOT need a speed loader and will have ample time to complete the course.Your card of certification may either be a printed card or one with a photo. This has not been determined at this time. This information is from Mr. Forest Sawlaw at the IROCC. Note:The State is not making this procedure easy or cheap. Additionally, the City is not in agreement with the Application Process.Therefore, for retirees in Chicago, the “Retirees’ Right to Carry” is in a state of limbo. When we have additional information we will share it with you on our website as well as in The Chevrons newsletter. T Message from the CEO As we begin the final quarter of the year, there are many reasons to be grateful. One of our greatest blessings during 2005 has been the opportunity to participate in and contribute to the success of the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation. Many of our employees and members have contributed their time, resources and talents to further the cause of the Foundation, and I would like to thank every one of you. Many of you are aware of what credit is, but really—how important is it? Well, it’s extremely important. How you pay your bills impacts what interest rates you receive for mortgages, auto loans, consumer loans, and credit cards. It can also affect how much you pay for your homeowners and auto insurance premiums. Now is the time to obtain a copy of your credit report. Your credit report contains a lot of information that makes up your credit score. It’s a good idea to get your credit report to verify the information that is in it. You are entitled to receive a free credit report from each of the three credit reporting agencies (Equifax, Trans Union, and Experian) by contacting or calling 877-322-8228. Please note, if you wish to obtain a credit score there is a charge for it. If you are unaware of how to read and understand your credit report, contact Gwendolyn Hawkins, Member Relationship Manager at Chicago Patrolmen’s Federal Credit Union at 312499-8813. There is no charge for this service to credit union members. 7 Retiree Roll By Sgt. Michael Dejanovich, Membership Chairman Congratulations to all of our retirees. These sergeants have provided the City of Chicago with many years of service.We wish a long, healthy and prosperous retirement to all!! Last Name SAGE WAGNER ERICKSON MARSHALL HENNIGAN VETH JACONETTI BIEBEL MORLEY LANE KULEKOWSKIS VALAITIS SCHAEFER TAYLOR PALMER DUHIG First Name Timothy William Kent Kevin Thomas Edward William Joan Patrick Frederick Jame John Robert Abraham Ronald Lawrence Unit 702 020 019 169 008 024 017 606 009 LOA 008 018 007 189 123 019 Star 2385 1278 2085 849 1036 1094 944 1545 2536 2228 1323 1189 1091 1184 1075 801 Age 53 58 52 53 53 60 62 54 3 38 60 60 57 55 56 62 Years of Service 31 32 27 29 32 34 37 29 12 15 35 37 28 35 2 34 Retirement 10 Jun 05 15 Jun 05 15 Jun 05 15 Jun 05 16 Jun 05 11 Jul 05 15 Jul 05 31 Jul 05 27 Jul 05 02 Aug 05 15 Aug 05 15 Aug 05 15 Aug 05 20 Aug 05 16 Sep 05 15 Sep 05 In Memoriam The following Sergeants have passed away and will be missed. We extend our condolences to their families and friends. Please contact our office if you hear of any of our brothers or sisters passing on, we are not always notified in a timely manner. Name James NORCOTT Thomas WALLER Joseph GIGILO Francis REGAN William HARRINGTON Irving GREENSPON John BIEGUS George COLEMAN Robert WILKINSON Eleanore KERNAGHAN Lewis SMITH Edward WATERS Status Passed Away Retired Retired Retired Retired Retired Retired Retired Retired Retired Retired Retired Retired 25 Dec 99 30 Jul 00 15 Nov 00 02 Oct 02 18 Jul 04 20 Sep 04 25 May 05 10 Jun 05 10 Jun 05 10 Jun 05 Name Charles JACKSON Richard McKELVEY George SPILA Monroe VOLLICK Anton GRISZ Robert SCOTT Vernis JONES Charles McCAULEY James L.LEWIS Jack HARRIS Norman WIEST George PAPAGIANNIS 8 Status Retired Retired Retired Retired Retired Retired Retired Retired Retired Retired Retired Retired Passed Away 11 Jun 05 16 Jun 05 30 Jun 05 26 Aug 05 Sep 05 03 Sep 05 20 Sep 05 Oct 05 05 Oct 05 12 Oct 0 24 Oct 05 24 Oct 05 2005 PB&PA State Convention by Sgt. Gordon Barnhill T he 2005 State Convention was hosted by Rockford Unit #6.The event took place at the Clock Tower Resort in Rockford on October 7th, 8th & 9th. This year’s agenda included the election of State Executive Board Officers and a vote on two By-Laws proposals dealing with the Scholarship Program and the Election of Executive Board Members. The current President, “Skip” Berneking turned the “gavel” over to Von Young, Jr. on Sunday morning 020th District Sergeants Jeff Sacks (Delegate) and Richard Plotke (Officer of the Year) Awards Dinner The following comprise your State PBPA Board for 2006-2007. President:Von Young Jr./Champaign 1st Vice President: Richard Gillespie/Alton 2nd Vice President: Rich Holman/East Moline Financial Secretary:Terry Peterson/Rockford Treasurer: Jim Genz/Elgin Recording Secretary: Gordon Barnhill/Chicago Youth Activities:Troy Hogren/Danville Sgt-at-Arms: Phil Fisher/Peoria Sgt-at-Arms: Amy Strawn/Springfield. Outgoing Pres. Berneking & Pres.Von Young Jr. as Von was elected President. The By-Laws proposal regarding the expansion of the Scholarship Program was approved and passed. This will allow the Executive Board & Scholarship Committee to create a few additional Scholarships for the families of our members. The second By-Laws proposal dealt with restrictions on the requirements to be elected to, and hold the office of President. It also placed restrictions on anyone retiring during his term office as President. This proposal was defeated. 9 Chaplain’s Corner Compliments of your police chaplain Rabbi Moshe Wolf, 773-463-4780 or REMEMBER: Stop telling G-d you’ve got big problems.Tell your problems you’ve got a BIG G-d. ... so as we sit down to the thanksgiving dinner, let’s take a moment to reflect and pray ... “How Big Is Your Frying Pan?” Traditionally, the month of November has a day dedicated to give thanks to the Lord for all his kindness bestowed upon us. Some of us have more than others for what to be grateful. Some have had moments that have really challenged our faith, it is in those moments that we need to take a step back and reflect, as in the following parable ... Even though I clutch my blanket and growl when the alarm rings each morning, thank you, Lord, that I can hear.There are many who are deaf. Even though I keep my eyes tightly closed against the morning light as long as possible, thank you Lord that I can see.There are many who are blind. Two men went fishing. One was an experienced fisherman, the other wasn’t. Every time the experienced fisherman caught a big fish, he put it in his ice chest to keep it fresh. Whenever the inexperienced fisherman caught a big fish, he threw it back. Even though I huddle in my bed and put off the effort of rising, thank you, Lord that I have the strength to rise and have employment. There are many who are bedridden and many unemployed. The experienced fisherman watched this go on all day and finally got tired of seeing the man waste good fish. Even though the first hour of my day is hectic, when socks are lost, toast is burned, and tempers are short, thank you, Lord, for my family.There are many who are lonely. “Why do you keep throwing back all the big fish you catch?” he asked. Even though our dinner table never looks like the pictures in magazines and the menu is at times unbalanced, thank you, Lord for the food we have. There are many who have little or no food. The inexperienced fisherman replied, “I only have a small frying pan.” Sometimes, like that fisherman, we throwback the big plans, big dreams, big opportunities that G-d gives us, why, our faith is too small.We laugh at that fisherman who couldn’t figure out that all he needed was a bigger frying pan, yet how ready are we to increase the size of our faith? Whether it’s a problem or a possibility, G-d gives us all trials and tribulations, opportunities and challenges, it is up to us to walk confidently with G-d to trust and have faith.And when we feel weak, it is up to us to muster the strength to handle a larger frying pan. Even though I grumble and bemoan my fate from day to day and wish my circumstances were not so modest, thank you, Lord, for the gift of life. And please Lord; remind us daily to count our blessings. Amen. May G-d bless you keep you safe, and always keep you in his loving care. 10 Education Opportunity Update Your Records! Are you considering returning to school? A degree is closer than you think! Are your records up to date? We have received a fairly good response from our active member sergeants with respect to updating their beneficiary cards. Saint Xavier University offers a Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) and Undergraduate Degree Completion program. Certificate programs are also available. These programs are offered at the Education and Training Division of the Chicago Police Department. If you have suffered a loss or have been divorced recently, please remember to update your beneficiary information with the City, your Sergeants Association and with any individual insurance programs that you may have. Program areas include Management, Training and Performance Management, Public and Non Profit Management, and Financial Fraud Examination and Management. If you have had a recent birth in your family, if you have adopted or married, remember to update your Medical and Insurance information. Benefits of participating in this program offered for employees of the Chicago Police Department include: If your information is not current and you should pass away, your loved ones may suffer the consequences and end up in a protracted court fight. • Deferred payment plan complying with CPD tuition reimbursement (no initial payment required) • Free textbooks delivered to the classroom • Waived registration fees Legal Defense Team Our next term begins January 10, 2006. Please consider joining us! By Sgt.Patrick Fitzgerald ue to recent retirements and promotions, we still have a few vacancies on the Shooting Team. We are looking for former detectives with violent crime experience, who are interested in working on the Legal Defense Team. Your primary duty is to respond to call-outs when sergeants are involved in shootings. If you are willing and able to assist your fellow sergeants in this capacity, please contact the office at 773-376-7272. D To request more information about these programs please call : Kate Watland, (773) 298-3680 or Steve Hallenbeck (773) 298-3836. Visit our Website! and look for the Chicago Police Department link! 11 2005 Annual Golf Outing & Death Benefit Raffle The Golf Committee, Mike Stather, Don Januszyk & George Whiteside This is a list of the raffle winners: etting to the point, the net profit for this year’s benefit was $5,750.00.We exceed last year’s profit because of Sgt. Al Piantkowski 18th Dist., & Sgt. Mark Vanderploeg 10th Dist. Al won the $500 cash prize and donated half of it back into the Death Benefit Fund. Mark won the Cubs tickets and returned them to us to re-raffle for a profit of $202 dollars.We thank them both. This year we tried one tee off time and it worked out great. There were 231 golfers, 32 more then last year.There were 206 door prizes, and 30 raffle prizes. An interesting point, there are approximately 1250 active duty Sergeants, however only 115 of them returned the raffle tickets that were sent out to them. Last year it was 153. This Death Benefit is for THE FAMILIES OF ACTIVE DUTY SERGEANTS. First we would like to thank all of those who helped out which is our own Executive Board. Tim Brophy, our Pension Rep did one heck of a job in bring in Hole Sponsors, followed by John Pallohusky our Treasurer. This year we had 36 Hole Sponsors compared to 24 last year. Also thanks to our Board members who brought in door prizes John, Mike, Gordon and the rest. Again thanks to our veteran retirees Don Fournier and Ed McGuire on the north money hole, Ted Raab & Joanne Anaya on the south money hole, then there were Jackie Boyd, Mary O’Toole #2, and Don Berry. Special thank to Debbie DeYoung for keeping Don sane at the check in. We can’t forget Sgt. George Whiteside for bringing in 40 golfers. Dana and John with the rest of the staff at Silver Lakes were awesome. G $500 Prize: Sgt. A. Piantkowski - 018 ATA Airlines: Sgt. J. Matishak - 022 Southwest Airlines: Shawn Marks Westin Hotel: Sgt. R. Darlin - 002 Wilson Driver: Lt. Maloney - 650 B&D Drill Set: Sgt. D. McDonald - 018 Graphite Driver: Sam Barbaro Westin Hotel: Ret. Sgt.T.Ware Graphite Driver: Sgt. Mostek - 189 Hilton Hotel: Ret. Sgt. P.Watzke Graphite Driver: Sgt. Struke - 015 $500 Vegas Trip: Ret. Sgt. J. Small Digital Camera: Sgt. B.Wheeler - 003 Wilson Golf Bags: Lt. Al Nagode - 001 Wilson Golf Bags: Sgt. K. Burke - 184 Wilson Driver: Sgt. Mike Lazzaro - 001 $50 ABT Certificate: Lloyd Ott Intercontinental Hotel: Ret. Sgt. F. Holan Giant Lava Lamp: Ret. Sgt. J. McManus Kerry Wood Ball: C. Lash B&D Cordless Tool Kit: Ret. Sgt. P. Parizanski $50 S&F Liq.: Ret. Sgt. J. Berry $50 S&F Liq.: Att. Ed Maloney $75: Ret. Sgt. J. Rubel $75: Att. Ed. Maloney $50: Sgt. Bruce Rapa - 020 $50: Brian Alberts $50: Sgt.Mike Casey - 022 $50: Sgt. F. Higgins - 007 $50: Sgt. R. Kirchner - 196 $50: Sgt. Coghlan - 022. 12 2005 Annual Golf Outing - Donors & Sponsors The Golf Committee, Mike Stather, Don Januszyk & George Whiteside This is a list of the businesses and individuals who made the Death Benefit Fund Raiser a success, please support them when ever you get the opportunity. ASENA Corp. Sgt.’s Web Host Westin Hotel Michigan Ave. Chicago Hilton Hotel Beale Travel Cobra Electronics ABT Electronics Intercontinental Hotel Lava Lamp International Chicago Cubs S&F Liquors Chicago Pawners & Jewelers Attorney Ed Maloney HOLE SPONSORS 11TH Ward Ald. James Balcer 19th Ward Ald. Ginger Rugai Adams Street partners Beale Travel Service Beverly Hills Car Wash JP Morgan Calumet College of St. Joseph Chicago Equity Partners Chicago Patrolmen’s Credit Union Coyne Financial LLC Crystal Restaurant Dearborn Partners LLF E&R and URTS Towing Ed Kelly Sports Program Elevator Construction Union Local #2 Fast Cash Buyers Gardner Rich & Company CMC Institutional Trading Great Lake Pension Advisors Harris Investment Company Jackson Securities Jedynka Night Club Joyce Ford Att. Kuzas, Gorman, & Blass Att. Ahern, Maloney, & Moran Mesirow Financial National City Bank Peitryka/DeNicolo Funeral Home Progress Printing RAS Communications S&F Food & Liquors Schallers Pump Shomrim Society of Illinois UBS Asset Management William Blair Company Williams Capital Group DOOR PRIZE DONORS Chicago Bears Redfish Restaurant Zanies Comedy Club White Fence Farm Restaurant Chicago White Sox Chicago Fire Jiffy Lube Inc. Marcus Theatres Chicago Black Hawks Chicago Wolves Six Flags Great America Shedd Aquarium I.D.O.T. Adler Planetarium Chili’s Grill & Bar Chicago Rush Turtle Wax Car Washes Target Ford City Wendella Cruises Cracker Barrel Restaurants John Hancock Center Chicago Bulls Abondanza Restaurant Second City Theatre Ricobene’s Restaurants Vito & Nicks Pizza Louie’s Chop House Restaurant Mike Liquors JP Morgan National City Bank Chicago Patrolmen’s Credit Union RAFFLE DONORS Sergeants Association ATA Airlines Southwest Airlines Westin Hotel O’Hare Wilson Sporting Goods Black and Decker PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM THIS HOLIDAY SEASON & THROUGHOUT THE YEAR! 13 Chicago Police Sergeants’ Association Police Benevolent & Protective Association, Unit 156a 1616 West Pershing Road Chicago, IL 60609 Have you moved, changed units, or changed your star number? PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 328 CHICAGO, IL Chevrons The Official Publication of the Chicago Police Sergeants’ Association Name ____________________________ Star # ___________ Unit _________ ❏ I have moved. My current address information is as follows Old Address _____________________________________ Zip Code ________ New Address_____________________________________ Zip Code ________ Phone (new) ______________________________________________________ ❏ I have changed Units. My current unit is as follows Old Unit _______________________ New Unit ________________________ ❏ I have a new star number. My current star number is as follows Old Star Number ________________ New Star Number __________________ Member’s Signature: _______________________________ Date: ____________ You may mail this form via Police Mail to: Unit 545 or U.S. Mail to: CPSA/P.B.&P.A. Unit 156a, 1616 W. Pershing Rd., Chicago, IL 60609 1616 West Pershing Road, Chicago, IL 60609 Phone 773.376.7272 • Fax 773.376.7344 CPD Interdepartment Mail - CPSA - Unit 545 Web: or E-mail: Editor: Gordon Barnhill Executive Board President - James Cosgrove Vice President - Gordon A. Barnhill Recording Secretary - Shawn Joyce Financial Secretary - Dennis Hinkson Treasurer - John Pallohusky Sergeant-At-Arms - John Matishak Board of Directors Director-At-Large - Michael Lazzaro Director-At-Large - Nancy Higgins Director-At-Large - Patrick J. Fitzgerald Director-At-Large - Rich Wiser Director Area 1 - Michael Dejanovich Director Area 2 - Lawrence T. Lynch Director Area 3 - Edward Brennan Director Area 4 - Debra DeYoung Director Area 5 - George Whiteside Pension Representative - Timothy Brophy North Retiree Liaison - Michael Stather South Retiree Liaison - Donald Januszyk