Inside this issue - Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools
Inside this issue - Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools
Serving the Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 91 FLINT, MI G-3475 W. Court St. • Flint, MI 48532 • ECRWSS RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER ISSUE 4 • DECEMBER 2010/JANUARY 2011 Grandparents Day at Dye November 5th, 2010 Dye elementary classrooms were filled with Grandparents! The students were able to celebrate Grandparents Day with their grandma’s and grandpa’s. Everyone had the opportunity to do special events in and out of the classrooms, including scavenger hunts, classroom games and activities. Dye would like to thank Flint First Church of the Nazarene for sending volunteer grandparents to celebrate this special day with us as well. And a very special thank you to all the grandparents for coming to enjoy this special day with your students. Please Join Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools in Celebrating the Season of Giving at our 3rd Annual “Winter Fest” Saturday, December 11th from 4:00 p.m. – 7:00p.m. in the C-A High School Cafeteria Enjoy beautiful Holiday music provided by our own Carman-Ainsworth musical talents and the Salvation Army. Admission to this event can be one of the following: a non-perishable food item, a gently used coat, an unwrapped toy or a monetary donation. Donations will go to support the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan, Salvation Army, U.S. Marines “Toys for Tots”, and the Old Newsboys. Free hot chocolate and doughnuts for everyone. For more information please call 591-7232 or 591-7272. Children must be accompanied by an adult. This event is sponsored by Men at W.O.R.K. Working On Relationships with Kids Inside this issue: Toy/Coat Give Away............................ 3 Halloween Celebrations...................... 9 Randels Title I Math Night.................... 3 MEAP Celebration.............................. 11 Camp Adventure................................. 4 C-A High School Honor Roll............... 13 Men at W.O.R.K..................................... 5 Swim Schedule.................................... 14 Basketball.............................................. 6 Recycling Fundraiser.......................... 15 YouthQuest............................................ 8 Eyes on Arts.......................................... 16 2 — COURIER, DECEMBER 2010/JANUARY 2011 C-A High School Counselor’s Corner Your Child’s Educational Development Plan (EDP) Beginning in eighth grade, the EDP program, a career initiative offered through the GISD, allows students to plan their high school classes according to the career pathway in which they have an interest. Each pathway includes: • Examples of specific careers • Personal characteristics related to success • Fast-growing occupations • Relevant courses in school • Levels of education required for careers The information taught in each career pathway helps students see how school subjects relate to training beyond high school and the world of work. It also helps students examine their interests, abilities, and goals, and how these relate to their chosen career goals. By having this information available to them, students can then select courses that not only prepare them for high school graduation, but for additional education, training, and employment beyond high school. Also, because it is web-based, students and parents can access the EDP from any computer with Internet access. Class Lessons The high school counselors present grade appropriate lessons throughout each school year. To date they have visited the senior English classrooms focusing on graduation requirements and post high school plans. During the month of November, all ninth and tenth grade English classes received lessons on continuing development of their EDP and making the best of all the opportunities available to them at Carman-Ainsworth. Eleventh graders will have their lesson in the middle of January. In addition to class lessons, students are encouraged to meet with their counselor for assistance in any area of need. Seniors Carman-Ainsworth will host their annual financial aid meeting for seniors and their parents. This will be held on January 19th, 2011 at 6:00 p.m., in the media center. Be sure to put this important date on your calendar. Parents of college bound seniors will want to reserve Sunday, February 13, 2011 to attend College Bowl Sunday. College Bowl Sunday will provide students and parents with an opportunity to receive free assistance with completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Financial aid professionals will be available to meet individually with families to help file your online FAFSA. The event is from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at The University of Michigan-Flint in the Murchie Science Building, in the first floor computer labs. Students and parents are welcome to stop by anytime within that two hour window. For more information, visit their website at Senior Student Check List: 1. All college applications should be submitted online or through the guidance office. 2. Request that college transcripts be sent through Docufide. 3. ACT tests should have been taken at least once. 4. Reserve January 19th, 6:00 p.m. for C/A financial aid meeting. 5. Reserve February 13th, 2:00 p.m. on your calendar for FAFSA workshop. 6. Do a Day-on-The-Job, if applicable. 7. Continue to search for scholarships. 8. Career and college search through your EDP or in the career center. Our college, military and technical school visitations are wrapping up for the fall. We continue to encourage students, and their families, to make campus visits. It’s best to call the college first to make an appointment. The Carman-Ainsworth Career Center maintains an up-to-date list of scholarship announcements for interested seniors. The Career Center Specialist, Mrs. Kruse, or any counselor can assist students in investigating scholarship aid sources. Scholarships All senior students who will be attending community or four year colleges, or trade schools should begin filling out scholarship applications as soon as they have the college/trade school applications completed and sent in. Scholarship information is available at the CAHS website under the Career & Guidance Office tab. Students can also pick up a paper copy of scholarships available in the Career Center. For questions, students should see Mrs. Kruse or their counselor. Avoid Scholarship Scams Each year, students pay for services that guarantee a scholarship. When the service fails to deliver, the students lose their money. We recommend visiting your students EDP website for scholarships. To protect you, the Federal Trade Commission has listed six warning signs. If a scholarship service tells you any of the following, do not do business with them. Six Warning Signs 1. This scholarship is guaranteed or your money back. 2. You can’t get this information anywhere else. 3. May I have your credit card or bank account number to hold this scholarship? 4. We’ll do all the work. 5. The scholarship will cost you some money. 6. “You’ve been selected by a ‘national foundation’ to receive a scholarship,” or “you’re a finalist in a contest you’ve never entered.” Genesee Area Skill Center Information Following winter break, students will begin to hear about the Genesee Area Skill Center and its programs. The Skill Center will visit the high school to explain the various course offerings during the month of January. They will host an open house on February 24, 2011 from 5-8:00 p.m. The entire community is welcome to attend and tour the facility. Applications for sophomores and juniors to attend the Skill Center will be available in the Counseling and Career Center at the end of January. Selective Service Registration Attention 17-18 year old males. Federal law requires you to register with Selective Service within 30 days of your 18th birthday. You can register on-line at Registering with Selective Service allows you to receive federal student loans for college, participate in federal job training programs, and have the opportunity to work in the federal government. Saturday Night Fun (Swim/Gym) Calling all kids ages 7-11! A night of fun activities such as Wii, basketball, games, crafts, music, socializing and pizza. Have fun while your parents go out to dinner, shopping, or relax. All students must be checked in/out by a parent or guardian. Grab a friend and join the fun! Cost: $8 Location: C-A High School Gym December 18 S 6:00 - 9:00 pm Pre-registration required by December 14, 2010 Children must be picked up by 9:00 pm NO registrations taken at the door Bingo Pizza Night Calling all kids! Join us for a great night of Bingo “Kids Style.” We will have Pizza & Pop and prizes you can try to win throughout the night. Ages 5 & up. No refunds. Cost: $6 Location: West Bendle (Registration Deadline December 1) December 3 F 6:00 - 7:30 pm Location: Dillon (Registration Deadline December 8) December 10 F 6:00 - 7:30 pm Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools Student Support Services Maribeth Goodheart, Director of Student Support Services • 810-591-6251 Sara Rainwater, GISD ELL Coordinator • 810-591-4443 English Language Learners (ELL) Instructional Support Services are offered to students at CarmanAinsworth Community Schools. English is Second Language (ESL) program provides English language instruction to students who are English Language Learners (ELL) and instructional support to building staff. In coordination with the Genesee Intermediate School District (GISD), a Language Line Service has been established to assist parents and school staff communicate for school enrollment and student educational progress. Language Line Service can be utilized either in person at our school buildings or by contacting the building the student attends by phone, or by calling the Student Support Service Office and ask for language interpreter assistance. The Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, disability, height, weight, religion or marital status in any of its programs, activities or employment. Inquires regarding this policy should be directed to: Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools, Office of Human Resources, G3475 W. Court Street, Flint, MI 48532, Phone (810) 591-8241. Inquiries regarding Section 504 policy should be directed to: Director of Student Support Services, 1300 North Linden Road, Flint, Michigan, 48532, phone (810) 591-6251. Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools Board of Education Don Conway Patrice Hatcher Gloria Nealy Recco Richardson Peggy Anderson Ann Saunders Joy Hart Superintendent Bill Haley Student Representatives Mishaal Khan Erick Skaff Editor David J. Swierpel This paper is published nine times annually by the C-A Board of Education and distributed, without charge, to each household in the Carman-Ainsworth Community School District. Front Front Page Two DECEMBER 2010/JANUARY 2011 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2005 Say “Hello” to… TOY/COAT GIVE AWAY Kevin Foltz Schedule Pick-Up Carman-Ainsworth High Carman-Ainsworth High School has restructured the Schedule Pick-Up and School KickSarah Kinneer School will welcome Kevin Off Activities in an effort to streamline the process and make it more student and parent friendly. this fall as the new physical Sarah will be joining the In addition to simply picking up their schedules, all students will have their photo I.D. taken education/health teacher. along with their school pictures. Freshmen will be allowed to tour the building with their Woodland Elementary Kevin previously taught PE parents, followed by a Freshmen and New Student Orientation. Sophomores, Juniors, and staff this fall as a special Seniors will have the opportunity to purchase Parking Permits at a reduced rate and Balfour and health at Germantown High School. He education teacher. She will be on hand for students to peruse class rings. Seniors will be fitted and able to order their grew up in Flushing and after graduating was born in Indiana, but grew up in Brighton, caps and gowns through Jostens. Finally, students with scheduling conflicts will be able to from Flushing High School, attended the MI. After graduating from Brighton High schedule a private appointment with their counselor for the following week, instead of waiting University of Memphis where he majored in School, she attended Central Michigan in long lines that day to resolve the conflict. physical education and health and received University receiving her bachelor’s degree The dates and times for schedule pick-up are as follows: his bachelor’s in education degree. He is in education majoring in Special Education of married to wife•Wendy, and they are expecting Seniors-August 18 (9-noon) the Cognitively Impaired. Sarah is a member We’re collecting GENTLY USED: Toys Books/Games • Sporting Equipment • Movies/CD’s/Electronics • Video Games/ their first baby in January. He enjoys cross Juniors-August 18 (1-3) of the Counsel for Exceptional Children and Game Systems/Musical Instruments • Coats/Snow Pants • Hats, Mittens, Boots • Clothes, Shoes, Jewelry • Art Supplies Sophomores-August 22 (1-4) country and track coaching, sports, outdoor a member of her church choir where she plays Freshmen-August 22 (5-8) and spending time withBIRTH family. He-18 YEARS OLD! FORactivities, CHILDREN FROM the flute and piccolo and enjoys reading and is a member of the Michigan Interscholastic * Please note that schedules not picked up will NOT be mailed home as was the case in the hiking in her spare time. She lived in Track Coaches Association and the past. Instead they may be picked up in the main office the following week. Washington D.C for three months whileDonation Boxes will be out thru November 30th American Red Cross. His travels include the serving as a congressional intern. “Iat amThe very Learning Community, (formerly Fenton Lawn) and at Carribean, Canada, Mexico and looks forward excited to be working at Woodland Elementary to his firstLearning wedding anniversary in Mexico. DONATIONS AND VOLUNTEERS the Friel Early Center (4469 Greenly St., Burton) and looking forward to a great year,” writes “After subbing on a regular basis, I am excited We are excited to announce several new leaders to help serve our staff and community. Sarah. NEEDED! to begin my new career with CarmanLeading the Special Education department and helping coordinate other assistance for andSchools. CoatsI will beadvance giventheaway at the Toy and Coat Exchange Mark FrancisThe Toys Ainsworth hope to students is Mark Francis. Mr. Francis, who fills the void left by Mark Wingblad’s retirement, The newWe’re Director of December collecting GENTLY health andUSED: PE departments to the Learning next level,” Community Friday, 3rd at The • 1181 W. Scottwood Ave. will serve as Director of Student Support Services. Ms. Denise Bell, formerly principal at Rankin Special Services is Mark writes Kevin. Elementary, will help to round out the leadership team at the new Middle School as an assistant 8:00 am – 5:00 pm for Bendle and Carman-Ainsworth families Francis who comesToys to principal. Ms. Carol Lantz will bring her warmth and creativity to Rankin after serving as a Alexandra Carman-Ainsworth from 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm open to for allDillon Elementary for many years. Mrs. Gina Ryan, formerly an assistant wonderful leader Books/Games Carmichael Lewis Cass ISD where he served as the principal at Dye Elementary, will step up to her new role as principal at Dillon. Please help us Volunteers Alexandra Needed!wasQuestions? Call Malinda at 591-7208. Sporting Equipment born in welcome these dedicated professionals to these new positions. Director of Special Education. Previously Movies/CD’s/Electronics Vienna, Austria, grew up in Mark was a principal and school social worker Mason, Michigan, and Coats, Snow Pants for Waterford Schools. He attended Royal attended Michigan State University earning Mittens, Boots Oak Schools where he grew upHats, and Wayne her bachelor’s degree Randels’ fourth and fifth families came to-18YRS Randels to learn funin special education FOR CHILDREN FROM BIRTH OLD! State University receiving hisgrade master’s degree learning disabled. math games thatas will their math skills. This was a great wayShe for will teach special and his degree anenhance education specialist. education at Woodland and Dye Elementary families spend an evening learning together. They also enjoyed th – Nov. Donation Boxes be Melissa out Nov. 14 30th a pizza Mark hastothree children, Markwill II, 26, In an effort to recognize academic this fall. Alexandra has traveled to many and dinner provided Title I. and (formerly Fenton Lawn) 14, salad and Megan 11. He by enjoys golf at The Learning Community, The 30th Annual Fall Craft Show is achievement, Carman-Ainsworth High places, mostly Europe, but also has been to traveling, has included to Hawaii, Andwhich at the Friel Earlytrips Learning CenterMexico (4469 Greenly St, Burton) scheduled for Saturday, November 5, School will be creating a National Merit and Japan. Her travel wishes include Germany, England, Ireland, Italy, France, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Scholars Hallway down the new main Australia and India. “Last year I helped with Toys Coats willStates be given away at the Holland, andThe other partsand of the United Carman-Ainsworth High School entrance to the building. Each National Merit the Student Council at the school where I and Canada. “I am excited the Toyabout andjoining Coat Exchange Scholar will have their senior picture on the interned and I enjoyed it very much”, states There will be more than 150 booths and team at Carman-Ainsworth. ThereDecember is much to 3rd Friday, wall with their name and date of graduation Alexandra. “I am very excited about being a only handmade items will be sold. learn in regards to the community, staff, and The Learning Community engraved below the picture. Please contact teacher in Carman-Ainsworth Community Interested vendors may contact Carrie the families we work writes Mark. Steve Tunnicliff, CAHS Principal at 591-3240, 1181with,” W. Scottwood Ave, Flint, 48507 I look forward to the coming year Schools. Gentry at 810-733-1526 for more Wendling with the names of former National Merit 8 am – 5 pm Jessica for Bendle and Carman/Ainsworth and gettingfamilies to know the students and staff.” information. Jessica5-6 willpm be teaching Scholars. open to all Mia Sokol math at CarmanMia will be joining the Volunteers Needed! Ainsworth High School high school staff as a full this fall. Call She attended the Questions? Malinda at 591-7208time math teacher this fall. University of Michigan Ann Arbor majoring She was born in Indiana in math and education after graduating from but grew up in Michigan and graduated from New Lothrop High School. She currently For all former students, teachers, and neighborhood residents Flushing High School before attending works at Security Federal Credit Union as a Michigan State University earning her Will be held on Sunday, September 11, 2005 teller until she starts her teaching career this bachelor’s degree in math. Mia’s interests fall. She was a student coordinator at Starting at 2:00 p.m. and hobbies include volleyball, reading, and Stockwell Dining Services and a cashier at at taking road trips in her spare time. She has Bath and Body Works. Jessica enjoys been to Italy and traveled throughout the American Legion Memorial Home Pavilion volleyball, softball, reading, scrapbooking, surrounding great lakes states and enjoys and running. She has traveled to Mexico, but 4314 W. Carpenter Rd., Mt. Morris Township traveling anywhere with great scenery. She future plans include New York and western is a member of both NCTM and MCTM. For more information call Europe. Jessica is a member of the National “Last year I did my student teaching at Society of Collegiate Scholars and the MEA. Jack Steco @ 732-8857 Carman-Ainsworth High School and had a “I am very excited to be teaching math in this wonderful year. I feel lucky and excited to be or school system and I look forward to meeting able to start my teaching career in this district,” all the students and staff. My door is always Norman Ballge @ 742-4715 writes Mia. open,” writes Jessica. DONATIONS AND VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! TOY/COAT GIVE AWAY Randels’ Title I Math Night Leadership Changes News from the High School Craft Show Time Just Around The Corner 4 — COURIER, DECEMBER 2010/JANUARY 2011 Camp Adventure with a twist is proud to announce that Mr. Q, Mrs. Q and Big Michael are returning to bring a fun-filled adventurous after school program to Randels Elementary. at Randels Student’s Name________________________________________________ Teacher___________________________________Grade_____________ Please complete the Emergency Card and Payment Section. Starts January 17, 2011 • 6 Weeks Time 4:00 – 6:00 PM (Dinner Included) Monday _____ Basketball ~ 3rd-5th Grade, Gym • $12 _____ Spanish ~ K-2nd Grade, Room 208 • $12 Tuesday _____ Bowling ~ Kdg – 5th Grade, Gym • $12 _____ Football ~ 3rd – 5th Grade, Latchkey Room • $12 _____ Acting ~ 3rd – 5th Grade, Room 208 • $12 Wednesday _____ Floor Hockey ~ 3rd – 5th Grade, Gym • $12 _____ Computer Fun Time ~ K – 5th Grade, Room 208 • $12 Thursday _____ Dodgeball ~ Kdg – 5th Grade, Gym • $12 _____ Glitter Craft ~ Kdg – 5th Grade, Latchkey Room • $12 Friday _____ Soccer ~ Kdg – 2nd Grade, Gym • $12 _____ Spanish ~ 3rd – 5th Grade, Gym • $12 _____ Karaoke ~ Kdg – 5th Grade, Room 208 • $12 CARMAN – AINSWORTH SCHOOLS WAIVER FORM FOR Randels Elementary and Community Education I certify that all the information is accurate and acknowledge that Randels Elementary or any sponsor is not responsible for any injury that may occur in the after school program. I understand there are no refunds. ________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian ________________________ Date For more information or to register over the phone call 810-591-3600. REGISTRATION / EMERGENCY FORM Name of Child: ___________________________________________________________ (Only one child per form) First Middle Last Birthdate: _____________ Age: _____ Sex: F M Grade: _____ Room #: ______ (circle one) Home Phone #: ___________________________________________________________ Home Address: __________________________________________________________ Street City Zip Code Child’s School: ________________________ Teacher: __________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN INFORMATION & EMERGENCY CONTACT Parent/Guardian Name(s): ___________________________________________________ Home Phone #: ________________ Cell phone #: ________________ Work phone #: ________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ (if different from child’s) Street City Zip Code Emergency Contact Name: _________________ Relationship to Child: ______________ Home Phone #: ________________ Cell phone #: ________________ Work phone #: ________________ Emergency Contact’s Address: ______________________________________________ Street City Zip Code Emergency Contact Name: _________________ Relationship to Child: ______________ Home Phone #: ________________ Cell phone #: ________________ Work phone #: ________________ Emergency Contact’s Address: ______________________________________________ Street City Zip Code My child may NOT be released to the following individuals: _______________________ ________________________________________________________________________ CLASSES REGISTERING TO ATTEND Class Name: __________________________ Date: ____________ Time: ___________ Class Name: __________________________ Date: ____________ Time: ___________ Class Name: __________________________ Date: ____________ Time: ___________ Please complete the above information and attached registration form and return with monies to your school Office or to Community Education, 1181 W. Scottwood, Flint, MI 48507. PAYMENT METHOD ___ VISA ___ MasterCard ___ American Express ___Cash ___Check #______ Credit Card # __________________________________________ Exp Date __________ Signature ________________________________________________________________ Print Name on Card ________________________________________________________ Dye Gets Carnival Crazy for Backpacks During the Open House here at Dye the Flint First Church of the Nazarene and Trinity United Presbyterian hosted a wonderful outdoor carnival. The students and parents had the opportunity to come and meet the teachers and play carnival games! At each different station the kids played different games to win school supplies for the backpacks. Each student in the school was able to receive the backpack and grade appropriate supplies even if they were unable to attend the Open House. Thank you to our wonderful friends at Flint First Church of the Nazarene and Trinity United Presbyterian Church and to our great Tutor staff at Dye for taking time to pass out the school supplies to the students that were not able to attend the Open House. Randels’ Top Fundraiser A kindergarten student was the top seller in the Randels fall fundraiser. He sold the most items and won $100 for his hard work. The students helped raise $4200 for the school which will go toward school-wide assemblies, RIF, field trips and much more. Thank you to all of the participants for supporting your school! COURIER, DECEMBER 2010/JANUARY 2011 — 5 Men at W.O.R.K. (Working On Relationships with Kids) WinterFest is December 11th at the Carman-Ainsworth High School from 4pm to 7pm. Admission is through the donation of non-perishable food items, gently worn coats, unwrapped toys or monetary donation. All donations will be dispersed by Men at W.O.R.K. to the Salvation Army, Toys for Tots, Old Newsboys and Food Bank of Eastern Michigan. The goal for this event is to help agencies in our community who assist families in need during the holiday season. The other purpose of this event is to highlight the great talent of the student body at Carman-Ainsworth Schools. Last year was full of amazing performances and you do not want to miss it this year! This is a great event that truly has holiday spirit. It is a difficult event to put on. We would appreciate any help you could give whether helping to set up on Friday and Saturday night before the event. See the Winter Fest flyer in this month’s issue for more information. Men at W.O.R.K. hosted a movie night at Dillon this past October 13th. Families had a great time together watching a family movie with popcorn. If your school is interested in a movie night, make sure to contact Men at W.O.R.K. The December meeting for Men at W.O.R.K. will be held at the Learning Community on December 14th at 5pm. Planning for the TV 12 No Stars Game will be on the agenda. Men at W.O.R.K. will be hosting a parenting series for fathers beginning in January (dates and times are to be announced) Please call Mike at 591-7232 or Rod at 5917272. The Office of Health and Human Services posted some information on their website about parenting. Below is an excerpt about fathers and discipline. Please visit http:// for more information. From the Office of Health and Human Services: Discipline is better understood as guidance and teaching, not controlling and punishing. Over time, children will learn how to control themselves, but until they can, adults need to help them by setting appropriate limits and modeling correct behavior. Discipline is an all day – every day teaching and learning process. These points will help parents as they continue to guide their young children. • Values are principles and standards that guide our behavior. • The values that individual family members hold dear vary considerably. • Parents want their children to accept their values. • The words “discipline” and “disciple” come from the Latin word “discipulus” which means pupil or student – one who learns. • Babies need to be loved, nurtured, and accepted as they are. Nothing they do can be called misbehavior. • Toddlers need adults to make rules that keep them and others safe and protect the family’s belongings. They need help in keeping these rules and controlling their behavior. • • • Preschoolers still need help in regulating their behavior. They are ready for more explanations about why they must do some things and cannot do others. The more time you spend in positive interaction with your children, the more likely it is that they will accept your values and want to please you. The combination of positive time together and discipline usually works better than discipline alone. Enroll NOW Enroll in oneNOW of in one of Childhood Enroll NOWCarman-Ainsworth’s in one of Carman-Ainsworth’s Enroll NOWEarly in one of EarlyPrograms! Childhood Programs! Carman-Ainsworth’s Carman-Ainsworth’s Early Childhood Early Childhood Programs! The Learning Community is Programs! accepting applications for children 0-5 ages 0-5 The Learning Community is accepting applications for ages children g Community The is Learning accepting Community applications is accepting for children applications ages 0-5 for children ages 0-5 Call 591-3890 for information about our about FREE our programs. Call 591-3890 for information FREE programs. for children withfor special needs Information provided about transportation Support children with special needs about Information provided aboutresources transportation resources 591-3890 forSupport Call information 591-3890 about our for FREE information programs. our FREE programs. for children with special needs SupportInformation for children with provided specialabout needstransportation Information resources provided about transportation resources EEaarrllyy H rS aS la eerraaooddggS ttm am HeeaaddEES P raa artrta lyyrrttH HP arrtt P Prrooggrraam m (pregnant women and children under 3 years old) women EEaarrllyy H m aarrllyy H eeaadd SStta ooggrchildren Heeaadd SSttaarrtt P PrrooggrraaEE m H(pregnant arrtt P Prrand raam m under 3 years old) (pregnant women and children under (pregnant 3 yearsH women old) 3ryears eeaadd and SSttaachildren rrttH rS m eerraaoodunder tta H P raa m HP dggS a rtt P Prroold) oggrraam m (3-4 year olds) (3-4 year olds) H H Heeaadd SSttaarrtt P Prrooggrraam m Heeaadd SSttaarrtt P Prrooggrraam m (3-4 year olds) G tG n eerrssttssR P o g aaee m rR tn ssss P Grreeaatt SSttaarrG t(3-4 Peerra od girirnn m rReeeeayear aaattddSSiiolds) taa R a d Prrooggrraam m (4 year olds) (4 year olds) G rrororeg rra ta SSttaarrtt R Grreeaatt SSttaarrtt R Reeaaddiinneessss P PG G egaa tm m Reeaaddiinneessss P Prrooggrraam m (4 year olds) (4 year olds) Call 591-3600 for information about our about TUITION based programs. Call 591-3600 for information our TUITION based programs. 1-3600 for Call information 591-3600 aboutCCoour for TUITION information programs. our based m u y ddu aann ttabout iiototyn P rru e m uu io nnll//P hho om m m unniittC yooEEm u Pdd escsccacahthtTUITION Prrre reeess--ccK K C m mccbased ynEE u ioooo PP oooll//P Prreprograms. e--K K (3-4 year olds) (3-4 year olds) C eo sm h uuoonnlli/i/ttP y eed-d-K u Coom mm muunniittyy EEdduuccaattiioonn P PC Crro em sccm m hoo P yrrEE K uccaattiioonn P Prreesscchhooooll//P Prree--K K (3-4 year olds) year K aam pp uudd solds) llm D K iidd C pa Kiiddddiiee C C(3-4 m si-i-eeFFu u la Da yuss--FFuullll D K Cla m pyu Daayy (3-4 year olds) (3-4 year olds) K Kiiddddiiee C Caam mppuuss--FFuullll D DaayyK Kiiddddiiee C Caam mppuuss--FFuullll D Daayy (3-4 year olds) (3-4 year olds) DHS is accepted DHS is accepted The Learning Community is a licensed facility The Learning Community is a licensed facility DHS is accepted DHS is accepted 1181 W. Scottwood 1181 W. Scottwood The Learning Community is a licensed The Learning facility Community is a licensed facility Flint Mi 48507 Flint Mi 48507 1181 W. Scottwood 1181 W. Scottwood Dd/revised 4/30/09 Dd/revised 4/30/09 Flint Mi 48507 Flint Mi 48507 Dd/revised 4/30/09 6 — COURIER, DECEMBER 2010/JANUARY 2011 Recreational Basketball Program Calling all Boys & Girls — 3rd thru 8th Graders Recreational basketball will begin February 12, 2011 PRE-REGISTRATION & PHYSICAL REQUIRED: (If you have a physical on file from baseball just make a note on the registration form. If you have one from football you will need to contact MMRFL) ITV Connects Rankin and Randels Mr. Anderson’s fourth grade class (at Rankin Elementary) and Mr. Coombe’s fourth grade class (at Randels Elementary) came together to sing an original song about magnets using the ITV system. The two classes have stayed in touch since the beginning of the year as pen pals. They were able to meet and introduce themselves to their pen pal at the beginning of the year. However, on 10/8/2010 they came together to create a music video titled “Magnets are Cool.” The music video was quickly followed by an awesome demonstration of what the lines of force look like on a neodymium iron boron magnet. Students were captivated from both schools. This is one of many amazing things that have been done with our new ITV program. FEATURES: • Full-Court play • 2 registered officials per court • Reversible jerseys • Practice once a week • More instruction GAMES BEGIN: February 12, 2011 (7 Weeks) All games held at C-A Middle School, 1409 W. Maple Road, Flint, MI 48507 FEE: $75.00 REGISTRATION DEADLINE January 13, 2011 There will be a meeting January 15, 2011 for coaches, parents and players. *** COACHES NEEDED! *** FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT COMMUNITY EDUCATION AT 591-3600. ATTENTION COACHES! If you would like to coach a youth basketball team this season please be sure complete the coaches interest portion of the registration form. MEETING SCHEDULE January 15, 2011 CAMS 3rd/4th Grade 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 5th/6th Grade 11:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. 7th/8th Grade 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Practice will begin the following week. WINTER 2011 YOUTH BASKETBALL DEADLINE January 13, 2011 Name: ______________________________ Male___ Female___ Grade______ Address: ____________________________ Phone: ______________________ City, Zip _____________________________ School: _____________________ Date of Birth:_____________ Email Address: _____________________________ (Very important communication tool!) SHIRT: __Youth Med __Youth Lg __Adult Sm __Adult Med __ Adult Lg __ Adult XLg _____ Cash _____ Check _____ Visa ____ MasterCard _____ Am. Exp. Card Number: __________________________________ Exp. Date: __________ Signature: ________________________________________________________ I AM INTERESTED IN COACHING: Name: ________________________________ Phone: _____________________ Address: ______________________________ City, Zip ____________________ I prefer to coach: Girls Team _____ Boys Team _____ Grades 3 4 5 6 7 8 (circle one) Mrs. Gooding and Mrs. Hufton’s 4/5 split at Woodland celebrate becoming authors. As a class they published their first personal narratives of the year after learning how real authors get inspired, write, and publish. Spirit Week at Randels COURIER, DECEMBER 2010/JANUARY 2011 — 7 The students and staff at Randels supported the Cavaliers during homecoming week, October 4th thru 8th, by participating in Sport Team Day, Dress Up Day, Crazy Hair Day, Twin Day and, of course, Show Your C-A Colors Day. It was a fun week topped off by a Cavalier win! Spirit Week at Woodland On Pajama Day Miss Bendall’s second grade enjoyed an afternoon of reading cozy style. The Art Lesson Mrs. Dooley and Mrs. Duvendeck’s first graders are taking part in the ArtReach program through the Flint Institute of Arts. They will have 3 art lessons in their classroom and then they will travel to the FIA for the culminating art activity. This fall Jason, the ArtReach program instructor, came to our classrooms to talk about the changing seasons. He read a book first and then had the students look closely at leaves. He showed them how to draw the veins first and then make the connecting lines. After drawing the leaves the children traced the veins with black crayon and outlined it in red crayon. With a Q-tip dipped in water the children blended the colors to make beautiful fall leaves. We ended the project by writing a poem. They are looking forward to our next visit from Jason in February. He will continue the theme of changing seasons and nature. Dye’s Mr. Rogers “Say No” Program Dye is honored to be able to participate with Catholic Charities, “Mr. Roger’s Say No Program.” Selected young men in 3rd through 5th grades are able to learn the skills associated with the focus on social decision making skills, and academic success. The program involves mentors coming in and volunteering their time with our young men to assist them in the role of becoming exceptional youths. Thank you to all that participate and volunteer. 8 — COURIER, DECEMber 2010/JANUARY 2011 Pumpkin “Pi” at Randels Fourth grade students at Randels did math with pumpkins on October 28th. Before turning them into jack-o-lanterns they estimated the diameter, weight and how many seeds might be lurking in the goo inside. They wrote down their guesses and then weighed, gutted and counted to see how close their estimates were. What a fun way to learn! Mrs. Robins fifth grade class at Randels took an afternoon to relax and paint pumpkins after two long weeks of MEAP testing. It was also a great way to get ready for Halloween. YouthQuest at Dye The YouthQuest after school program is off and running! Approximately 100 Dye Elementary students meet every Monday through Thursday. The students are enjoying a healthy dinner, homework assistance and lots of fun activities. YouthQuest students will have the opportunity through the year to enjoy wonderful educational field trips. The Montrose Apple Orchard was the first trip the students were able to take. Everyone had a great time enjoying the pumpkin patch, hayride, fresh cider and donuts. The students also had a chance to learn about career opportunities during this event. It’s Popcorn Friday at Randels On October 15th. Mrs. Goodman’s first grade parents and grandparents, including School Board member Gloria Nealy, volunteered to pop and sell popcorn to raise money for the classroom. We love our volunteers at Randels! Ms. Cales’ Woodland Kindergarten class enjoyed a hayride at Spicer’s Orchard. COURIER, DECEMber 2010/JANUARY 2011 — 9 Trick-or-Treat at Randels The ghosts and goblins were out at Randels on October 29th in celebration of Halloween. The students and staff dressed in costume and paraded outside the school for all to see. They then came in to enjoy classroom parties. There were many treats and only a few tricks! Mrs. Dooley’s first grade class at Woodland Elementary celebrated Halloween. Cody Wirebaugh, Isaac Dixon and Jacob Matthews made a great team for the mummy race! Students compete in an eye ball race at Halloween in the Halls at Woodland Elementary on Friday, October 29th. Woodland PTC did a wonderful job organizing the event. It was a fun and safe celebration for the students and the community! Halloween Celebrations at Dye Mr. Iverson’s class is ready for Halloween. Dillon’s Hike Dillon’s 20th Annual Halloween Hike was hosted by Parent Club. A special “Thank You” to all parents who helped make this a success. 10 — COURIER, DECEMber 2010/JANUARY 2011 Literature to Life On Monday, October 25, The Whiting Auditorium and Literature to Life brought The Things They Carried to the stage at Carman-Ainsworth High School. Billy Lyons, a New York performer, brought Tim O’Brien’s novel to life in the form of a one-person play. He acted numerous character roles with dialogue taken right from the text, and brought emotion and imagery to the Accelerated and Advanced high school students who had read the novel for their summer reading assignment. Additionally, Literature to Life followed up the next day in Carrie Mattern’s room with a lesson directed to her first and third hour Accelerated English classes. The lesson was completely interactive and focused on decision making. All students involved were able to use their hearts, minds, and bodies to learn about how they make choices, and how what we carry inside of ourselves, ultimately effects our daily decision making process. The lesson culminated with a connection to the decisions that CAHS students make, Hamlet, and also Tim O’Brien’s novel, The Things They Carried. The experience was rewarding, valuable to all involved, and memorable. Thank you to Mrs. Suzanne Bobalik, Christie Watkins, Billy Lyons, and Manuel Simons for making this opportunity possible. Dem Bones, Dem Bones, Dem Randels’ Bones... Mrs. Miceli’s kindergarten class made skeletons to decorate the halls of Randels for Halloween by recycling toilet paper and paper towel rolls. “The leg bone’s connected to the foot bone. The foot bone’s connected to the toe bone...dem bones, dem bones...” Our Teeth Are Clean at Dye The students at Dye were able to have a full dental screening this year. The Mobile Dentist came in to visit Dye. Each student received a new tooth brush and the students that were able to visit the dentist were able to have x rays, a cleaning, fluoride and sealants done. We would like to thank Mobile Dentist for coming in this year. We can’t wait to see you in the spring. Dye’s Book Fair 2010 It’s Book Fair time at Dye again. The week of November 8th through the 12th Dye’s Media Center was privileged to open its doors and celebrate the opportunity to have students and parents come in an experience our wonderful world of books. With the help of many parent volunteers our students filled the Media Center to explore a wide variety of new books to choose from. The Book Fair hopes to top the amount we made last year to continue to purchase and expand our growing Media Center. We would like to thank everyone who helped make Book Fair a wonderful experience for everyone! Monster Match Mania Mrs. Vicari’s class at Rankin connected with a class from Flushing via ITV. Students learned the importance of adding detail to writing as they recreated one another’s original monsters based on description alone. The classes compared and contrasted the monsters while celebrating teamwork and technology! Randels Fourth Graders Washing Their Way to Mackinac Mr. Moses’ fourth grade class held a car wash at Fazoli’s on October 9th with proceeds going toward their field trip to Mackinac Island on June 1st and 2nd, 2011. The students did a great job and sent many sparkling cars on their way. Watch your newsletters for other Mackinac Island fundraising events. COURIER, DECEMber 2010/JANUARY 2011 — 11 MEAP Celebration The 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students at Rankin attended a MEAP celebration. Students earned the opportunity to participate by doing their best work on the MEAP. Rankin Parent Club sponsored the celebration. 12 — COURIER, DECEMber 2010/JANUARY 2011 FREE ESL AFTER-SCHOOL TUTORING For K-12 Students eligible for GISD ESL Tutoring WHEN: Thursdays from 5:30-7:30 PM September 23– December 16, 2010 (no tutoring 11/25) January 27 – April 21, 2011 (no tutoring 4/7) You do NOT need to schedule an appointment. WHERE: GENESEE INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICE OF EDUCATION AND LEARNING English as a Second Language (ESL) 2413 West Maple Avenue • Flint Michigan 48507 Look at the signs in the hallway to see the tutoring room location Students must bring homework or other schoolwork they need help with. A GISD ESL Tutor will be available to work with the student in a small group. Above, Woodland Student Council gets ready for the Homecoming Parade. **TRANSPORTATION IS NOT PROVIDED** For more information, please contact Sara Rainwater, ESL Coordinator at 810-591-4443 Email: Say “Hello” to... Crystal Dillard Crystal has joined the staff at both Woodland and Dillon as assistant building secretary. Crystal enjoys crafts and basketball. She has also bee able to travel to Dubai; UAE; Istanbul; Turkey; Egypt (including Cairo, Luxor and Alexandria); and Paris, France. Crystal is looking forward to seeing other places. Crystal said she “looks forward to working with the kids.” Welcome, Crystal! Woodland Elementary students during Spirit Week. Early Childhood Classes A great investment for your child’s future in this highly competitive world. 2010-2011 Early Childhood Education Program using High Scope curriculum which includes progress reports to parents. The program is open to the public. Pre-Kindergarten — This class is open to children who will be eligible to begin Kindergarten in the Fall of 2011. Must be 4 by December 1, 2010. Monday through Thursday 9:00 am - Noon 9 payments of $110 (Payments due the first of the month) A $25 non-refundable registration/administrative fee must accompany your child’s registration form. Tuition for the program year (September through May) is paid in five installments. For your planning and convenience, payments may be made up to the scheduled dates. (Program Calendar will be handed out the first day of school.) Preschool — This class is open to children who are not yet ready for Pre-Kindergarten and may have no previous preschool experience. Must be 3 by December 1, 2010 and potty trained. Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 9:00 am - Noon or 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm 9 payments of $85 (Payments due the first of the month) A $25 non-refundable registration/administrative fee must accompany your child’s registration form. For your planning and convenience, payments may be made up to the scheduled dates. (Program Calendar will be handed out the first day of school.) C/A Kiddie Campus This program is designed for the working parent(s). This class is open to children who are 3-5 years of age by December 1, 2010. C/A Kiddie Campus will be open from 7:00 am until 5:30 pm. This is a licensed child care with a certified teacher using High Scope curriculum including progress reports. A $25 non-refundable registration/administration fee must accompany your child’s registration form. Weekly payments of $135 includes breakfast, lunch, and snack. DHS accepted. Site visits are welcome! Call the Preschool/Pre-Kindergarten/Kiddie Campus registration hotline — 591-3600 Today!!! Class sizes are limited - Don’t delay! COURIER, DECEMBER 2010/JANUARY 2011 — 13 Carman-Ainsworth High School Honor Roll - First Marking Period, October 2010 Freshmen — Class of 2014 3.80 – 4.0 High Honors Amina Ahsan* Christine Allen Jaylon Arkwright Kodi Bean Kelli Blake Meghan Borgerding* Kristen Borse Briyetta Bradford-Small Kiana Campbell Corrina Colyer Kiara Coolin* Teresa Covert Christopher Crowder* Philip Davidson Kayla Davis Megan Floyd* Kyle Fluker Morgan Genore Ma’Lik Gill Brennen Gleason* Kyle Glinka Shane Grennay Starlin Hamilton Duralle Hare Jason Hunt Sarah Hyde* Katlyn Koegel* Norman Kolena Rechard Kue Kenzey Lord Kristie Lorence Jacob MacDermaid* Dena Manns Jessica McClung Nikko Moore Cameron Morse Miah Norris Cionna Orr* Sarah Owens* Devin Pardee Crystal Peel Nariyel Purches Andrew Ramirez Lorenzo Redmond* Rani Richardson* Elizabeth Roe Rachel Roop Haniyea Ross Chelsey Schneider* Ki’Tya Shepherd Riley Simmington Lindsay Simpson* Jessica Sims* Alexandra Stephens Joelle Summers Taylor Talbert Frederick Van Duyne* Brittany Vanlanduyt Brandon Walker* Alisha Washington Jaylyen Boone Sabrina Wolf Bradley Woolard *4.0 student 3.50 – 3.79 Honors Aneeya Allen Arianna Bailey Fotini Batsios Jordan Boudreau Whitney Brown Jonathan Carter India Davis Debra Duncan Sakiya Duncan Reality Edwards Megan Field Temia Gaines 3.80 – 4.0 High Honors Amanda Adams Rachel Alexander Brittany Aragon Tykia Avant Chad Becker Brandon Bobcean Emily Bodine* Hannah Boss* Juwan Campbell Amanda Collins* John Collins* Sheridan Cox Michele Cross* Tiffany Croteau* Justin Day Brett Dortch Kelle Dyke Logan Edwards* Spencer Gauthier Alysia Greig Clamentia Hall Jr.* Allia Howard* Mara Johnson* Corey Keys Ashleigh King* Jennifer Klapko* Dward Kue* Steven Little* Jacob Magnuson Shelby Marsh Jalen Mays Margaret McCann* Taylor McFadden Aubrey Mikovits* Maxwell Montney* Alec Neilson Mikala Nelson Christine Nogaj Dana Pittman* Maeonna Polacek Shaquel Polacek Raven Pompey* Katelyn Reed Whitney Reynolds* Douglas Robinett* Sean Runyon Kaitlyn Saunders Tara Schubring Nikia Smith R’Keshia Smith Alexus Stinnett Logan Tynes Samantha Wolf* Hope Woodruff* *4.0 student 3.50 – 3.79 Honors Breasia Baker Jack Baker Dreyan Barnes Courtnie Beckman Caroline Bell Christina Berry Kayla Bienlein William Blacknall Alexis Brown Sarah Brown Adreanna Burnash Quinisha Burnett 3.8 – 4.0 High Honors Shereen Baig Mylaica Cobbin* Emilie Ehrman Jessica Eller* Rachel Ellis* Brandy Fay Krystal Fields Kailey Fiewig Valerie Gilbert Carissa Hamilton Ebony Harden Skyler Harris* Elizabeth Higgs* George Huddleston Jr. Aiana Jamison Mishaal Khan Mary Lenhart Jasmine Leslie Khaliah Mansur-Ruffin Jarron McAllister Kierra McGee-Aubrey Kenneth McGuire Jamie Murdock Samantha Ouzts Yeonjung Park Shelby Privett Troy Rogers Zachariah Rubin Terra Simpson Danielle Sims Angela Swain* Sebastian Torfeh Kiran Vekaria Randi Waldoch Chantel Williams Timothy Woolard Jr. *4.0 student 3.50 – 3.79 Honors Lewis Allen II Drevin Brandon Diamond Brantley 3.8– 4.0 High Honors Majdal Alatrash Tesneem Alkiek Majed Alzahabi* Eva Andrews* Amber Anger* Alena Annarelli Haley Arens Uzma Arif* Gabrielle Armstrong* Shariel Arnold* Sara Ashlock* Afrah Aslam* Megan Bachmeier* Sydney Baker Duha Bakleh* Amy Barker* Chantee Benton Todd Borkowski Jeremiah Brown Jessica Bruce* Aris Campbell Dana Cardinal Trevette Cochran-Moore Chadwick Coleman II Paige Conway Julia Covert* Krystal Dugas Eric Feaster Joshua Ford Matthew Forgette Christopher Gill II Kyle Gomez Nicholas Hill* Oschiyonna Hill Jaysae’ Johnson Jennifer Jones* Alexis Joseph Aureonna Kirvan Marie Klosowski* Tia Knox* Desiree Leslie* Brian Martini Ashley McElyea Michael Milkiewicz* Leah Montague Arlesha O’Daniel Meagan Parker Justin Pepitone Jessica Pettis Nicholas Quinn Chelsea Rawson Jayla Garth Asprea Griffin Bobbie Harlow Max Hayes Breanna Hudson Mariah Hussey Kali Jackson Joseph Jeakle James Johnson II Ja’Quin Jones Jordan Jones Lonnie Jones Jacob Kapp Jewel Langston Lisa Lee Tyler Locke Kassidy Lord Jacob Low Brandon Luna John Maclin-Schlosser III Jordan Marsh Doreace Martin Jr. Julius McLean Kierra McNeal Ivyonna McQuarter-Winfrey Entrice Mitchell Jr. Taylor Montague Jasmine Moton Sammayah Muhammad Lexy Nickerson Maximilian Odle Heaven Ortwine Sondra Rawls Briana Robinson Tristyn Rousseau Major Sattiewhite Devon Smith Kodi Standish Aliah Stinnett Breanna Todd Angela Triplett Keith Tucker II Melina Vankeuren Shawn Voelker II Tellisha Walker Garrett Wilson Caylin Yost Jared Young 3.00 – 3.49 W/Honors Jevonte Alexander-Booker Megan Arnold Asia Banister Onyx Bart Kayla Bassett Carley Bavier Dashunna Bean Maricela Berlanga-Velez Rhiannon Brown Deshawn Bryant Jazene Butler-Brown Kaylah Clark T’Kal Clay David Copeland Anastaisa Davis Morgan Davis-Spanke Tia Day Cameron Edwards Staphon Elliott Jasmine English Christian Flannery Alexander Frank Cary Gill Adam Granger Alex Hayes Fidela Hernandez Tiffany Hill Brandi Hohn Dominique Houston Bryant Hudson II Bianca Jackson Darryl Johnson II Joshua Johnson Yemohni Jones Evan Kachelski Felicia LaFrance Brett Lambitz Wilson Lard Jr. Wesley Legrande Brandon Lincoln Rolaunda McCree Scottasia Mize Patricia Molina Brandon Montalvo Justin Morgan Anas Morsi Asha Napier Ashley Powell Shaviah Price Angel Proby Noah Reed Maisha Robertson Drayton Rock Tamika Rodriguez Kelena Rowe Kendall Rytlewski Devon Schofield Kayla Seeley Blake Shields Mante’ Smalley Bre’Asia Smith Christian Smith Christopher Smith Keyona Stansberry Alyssa Stefanski Gonzales Stennis Elmira Suleymanova Bria Taylor Jerron Thomas Alexis Thurber Kayla Tigner Charveya Turner Kaley Villarreal Cordaye Smith Shane Wells Jr. Taylor Wheaton Ashley Whidbee Natya Williams Michael Wrenn Shurooq Zaki Isacc Cole-Owens Gabriel Dicks Jamaal Dixon Aaron Dupree Sarah Fyfe Tommi Gibbons Zeinab Hachem Somon Hall Kadijah Hampton Courtney Hibbeln Miriam Higgs Justin Hubbard Ashanti Jackson Alanna Johnson Jesse Johnson Kila Johnson Selena Johnson Tasheona Jones August Kimbrell Ethan Lambitz Eric Leach Jr. Danielle May Zachary Moran Shynita Petteway Eric Pike Jr. Tiffany Powell Grant Roe III Harold Scott Jr. Danielle Shock Zachary Short Robert Smith Tyffany Smith Shelby Taylor Auna Thomas Jaylend Todd Zicara Turvey Chantiese Tyler Alexander Valentino Micaela Warren Tabatha Withey Faith Woodruff Khaled Zaiter 3.00 – 3.49 W/Honors Tara Adams Yutina Allen Emily Bachmeier Daijon Banks David Booth Willie Bradford-Small Eric Bradley Jr. Erica Bush Kiyon Bush Jasmine Byrd-Atkins Lauren Campbell Tyler Carroll Brittany Clark Dyamone’ Clark Kylah Clark Taelor Clark Gabrielle Combs Brooklyn Cooper Deja Dixon Domenic Doak Sha’von Evans Tyler Field Ju’Well Fields Richard Frazier III Regina Garcia Dorian Grady Jr. Jacob Hall Veronica Harris-Rowlands Nicole Haskins Kelsie Helton Gerald Holmes Andrew Hopson Corina House Scott Hubbard Jr. Alexis Johnson Amista Johnson Althea Jones Lorene Justice Robin Kirtley Vincent Lang II Brandon Louie-Irby Reiley McFadden Kalen McIntosh Alicia Metzger Rasha Mohamed Montreca Mull Shyam Patel Nateisha Paul Layton Taquayon Pendleton Justin Person Jaylen Randle Shalonda Robinson Alyssa Rynca James Smalley Jr. Michael Smith Bobby Stubblefield Te’Lejah Swilley Haeleigh Taber Terrlisa Taylor Kinterra Tomlin Monica Townsend Jaylen Tyler Jordan Verkennes Kayla Ward Kiarah Ward Denzell Watts Brandon Wesley Brandon Williams Jo’Wan Williams Moniesha Williams Samantha Woodward Quinton Burnett Kendra Carroll Delisha Cobbin Kristina Dik Seaira Duncan Kelsey Ferguson Andrew Ford Rachel Gilbert Tiara Gooch Samantha Gorman Paige Hardy Keri Hart Jordan Hayden Autumnn Holder Markala Hussey Anthony Kelly Taylor Kost Anthony Larock II Corbyn Lee Je’Sonja Lee Jessica McMullin Tierra Mitchell Abrar Morsi Katherine Odle Simone Saab Kylie Schneider Rachel Sherwin Ishman Sims Anthony Summers Alexandria Vanlanduyt Jalen Walker Jeffrey Wilhelm Robert Williams III Jeremiah Wiltfong 3.00 – 3.49 W/Honors Sha’Teonna Allen-McLemore Heather Anderson Yhontrice Anthony Shamonja Atkins David Bell Mark Bivins Jr. Kevin Borse Ryan Bradley Brandon Brown Jasmine Brown Shaquanna Brown Felicia Bryant Mark-Anthony Byrd Brandi Calhoun Miranda Cassadine Marquise Chapman Katrina Cobb Brionna Collins Ryan Cox Melissa Cross Mariah Darden Anthony Dunk Otavian Flowers Galal Galal Brent Givens Raymond Golden Jr. Darrius Golson Tori Gossett Quitman Graham Shalonda Granberry George Griffin III Christopher Groce June Hall Shacoya Harrison Ashlee Hayes Sarah Hayes Colin Heaton Ryan Hollis Coridona Ingram Anthony Johnson Dominique Johnson Jalesia Johnson Mitchell Johnson Torauss Johnson Cod Kue Monica LaForest Daniel Lay Brandon Ledford Gregory Lenoir Shannon Les Jacob Linder Kaitlynne Long Jazmine Luna Jamon Mahan II Danielle McClung Eric Miesen Ashley Mills Tashara Milow Christopher Moran Abrar Morsi Jessica Myers Myles Overton Michri Owens Cassandra Pelkey Morgan Prevett Corina Privett Olivia Privett Alexis Pryor Kirstie Ptacek Tori Reagan Alyssa Richardson Sarah Satkowiak Brittany Scrivener Cameron Simmington Austin Smith Phylicia Smith Cassondra Thompson Shance’ Tyler Amria Veasey Keyona Viverette David Washington Alida Wilson Shakira Wilson Tanae Wright Brandi Rimmer Mariam Salman* Fouress Sellers* Erick Skaff* Brandon Skwirsk* Andre’ Torfeh* Kaylee Vanfleet Jasmine Williams-Rodriguez Sierra Wood Alexis Young Sarah Zimmerman* *4.0 Student 3.5 – 3.79 Honors Lisa Anders Cenedra Banks Amanda Barnett Tiara Bennett Shawn Birdsley Lucquin Claiborne Tajayla Cooper Megan Cousins Marissa Dotson Samantha Ford Tatyana Fykes Jonathan Goodman Toni Groce Rodney Halford Karli Healey Uniqua Hilliard Saquarius Holland Shekia Holmes Matthew Jacobs Laura Jaremba Toni Jarnigin Latrisha Johnson Shelly King Danard Lenoir Nakia Lester Rolecia Looney Valencia Lynch Eboni Lynn James Madison III Rachel Martin Anthony Mattar Ladierdre McKinney Rahel Medhanie Stephen Moore Andrea Muma Garth Oliver Allen Overton II Selena Petriken Jonisha Brock-Bell Justin Broughton Jr. Spencer Brown Savanna Bryant Paul Burke Nicholas Byrd Kelsey Christensen Shaquan Clemons Donovon Cooley Nicole Cramer Lindsey Daenzer Dejujuan Darden Taylor Davis Carolyn Dixon De’Juan Dompreh Peggy Dunn Angel Elliott Lauren Foote Alicia Gibbons Christopher Glenn Calvin Green Kaleb Harrison Ahmaad Hood-Sutton Keosha Hull Ricelor Humphrey III Rosondra Humphrey Nigel Jackson Kendra Johnson Alexus Jones Ammar Khoulani Jazamin Lofton David Lucas Andrico Mason Anthony Massoud Isaiah Mayfield Shelby McCullum Kyle McGilvery Christopher McKay Deondrick McKay Anthony Miller Desmond Miller Gabrielle Moton Alexia Myott Jonathan Nogaj Kabria Norris Lucas Odom Amber Poole Torry Pruett Kelsey Reed Tabitha Reed Nicholas Rhoto Logan Sagamang Tony Shackelford Jameisha Shelton Alexander Smith Heather Smith Xavier Smith Jr. Zachary Smith Murtricia Steele Jerry Stubblefield Angel Tartt Jessica Teeples Joshua Thomas Aarin Townsend Tatiana Triplett Destiney Wayne Brandon Weiss Brandy Weiss Marquise Weststrock Lerico White Allan Wicker Deija Willis Kaisey Wolf Janeil Young Sophomores — Class of 2013 Juniors — Class of 2012 Seniors — Class of 2011 Kevin Posten Kiara Powell Kendra Talley Tayler Thompson Lindsay Townsel Kevin Turvey Ashlee Vance Kaylalynn Walker Hannah Weiss Jennifer White Brice Williams Helenshia Willingham Jasmine Woods Danielle Woodward Jozlin Wright Sara Yufa 3.0 – 3.49 W/Honors Krystie Ballou Brittney Banister Melissa Becker Victor Blacknall Nicole Blair Garynn Bonds Ariel Boss Marlon Bourne Jasmine Boyd 14 — COURIER, DECEMber 2010/JANUARY 2011 AQUATIC (SWIM) CONDITIONING/EXERCISE CLASS SCHEDULE WINTER 2011 Starting January 24 • 8 WEEKS Conditioning with Games in Deep Water 45 Min. Ages 7-12 Join us for a fun workout in the deep end of the pool. We will play various games that disguise a strength and cardio workout. Participants must be comfortable and proficient at keeping their head above water of 12 foot depth during strenuous activity. No flotation devices will be permitted. Liquid Toning in Shallow Water 45 Min. Get ready, get set, get wet! Individuals of all different ability levels can benefit from this class that includes low-impact exercises. This class is designed to increase the cardiovascular capacity while including resistance exercises that will increase muscle tone and flexibility. Participants will rotate through stations on a times basis. Participants challenge each station at their personal intensity level. Circuit Training in Deep Water 45 Min. Get ready, get set, get wet! Individuals of all different ability levels can benefit from this class that includes low-impact exercises. This class is designed to increase the cardiovascular capacity while including resistance exercises that will increase muscle tone and flexibility. Participants will rotate through stations on a timed basis. Participants challenge each station at their personal intensity level. While equipment that provides some buoyancy will be used, participants must be comfortable in water of 12 foot depth. Interval Training in Shallow Water 45 Min. Interval Training uses the body’s aerobic and anaerobic systems in the same workout, resulting in higher calorie loss, and increase in oxygen delivery, stronger heart muscle and ultimately, a body that operates more efficiently. Throughout the session we will work in two alternating modes: “bursts” and “recovery.” Interval Training in Deep Water 45 Min. Interval Training uses the body’s aerobic systems in the same workout, resulting in higher calorie loss, an increase in oxygen delivery, stronger heart muscle and ultimately, a body that operates more efficiently. Throughout the session we will work in two alternating modes: “bursts” and “recovery.” While equipment that provides some buoyancy will be used, participants must be comfortable in water of 12 foot depth. Conditioning in Deep Water 45 Min. Deep water exercise techniques harness 360 degree resistance. Lack of contact with the ground makes deep water exercise challenging. Gravity is exchanged for buoyancy and resistance to create work and rest as opposed to using gravity. The ability to manipulate (control) buoyancy and harness (use) water resistance to increase and/ or decrease exercise intensity is a learned skill. If you’re looking for a new kind of workout you’ve found it in the Deep Water Conditioning class. While equipment that provides some buoyancy will be used, participants must be comfortable in water of 12 foot depth. Conditioning for the Tri-Athlete in Deep Water 45 Min. Deep water exercise techniques harness 360 degree resistance. Lack of contact with the ground makes deep water exercise challenging. Gravity is exchanged for buoyancy. We will focus on exercises to aid the Tri-Athlete in training and competition. This class will also help to increase the Tri-Athlete’s comfort level in the aquatic environment. While equipment that provides some buoyancy will be used, participants must be comfortable in water of 12 foot depth. MONDAY EVENING CLASSES Conditioning w/Games in Deep Water (Ages 7-12) 7:00-7:45 pm Cost $49 Circuit Training in Shallow Water 7:45-8:30 pm Cost $49 Lap Swim 8:30-10:00 pm Cost $25 Drop in $5 WEDNESDAY EVENING CLASSES Adult Intro to Water Skills 7:00-7:45 pm Cost $49 Liquid Toning Shallow Water 7:45-8:30 pm Cost $49 Lap Swim 8:30-10:00 pm Cost $25 Drop in $5 SATURDAY MORNING ADULT CLASSES Triathalon Swim 8:30-9:30 am Conditioning in Deep Water 9:30-10:15 am Circuit Training in Deep Water 10:15-11:00 am Open Swim 12:00-1:00 pm Cost $49 Cost $49 Cost $49 Cost $1.25/day SATURDAY MORNING YOUTH CLASSES Parent/Child GUPPY & TADPOLE Level 1 & 2 9:30-10:00 am Preschool SEAHORSE Level 1 9:30-10:00 am Preschool CLOWNFISH Level 3 10:00-10:30 am Preschool STARFISH Level 2 10:00-10:30 am PIRANHA Level 1 10:30-11:15 am BARRACUDA Level 1 10:30-11:15 am TIGER SHARK Level 2 11:15-Noon pm STINGRAY Level 3 11:15-Noon pm Open Swim 12:00-1:00 pm Cost $44 Cost $44 Cost $44 Cost $44 Cost $49 Cost $49 Cost $49 Cost $49 Cost $1.25/day W NE OVED PR M &I AQUATIC (SWIM) LESSON SCHEDULE WINTER 2011 8 WEEKS GUPPY Parent & Child 1 • Ages 6 months to 3 years • PAC 1 Parent and Child 1 introduces basic skills to parents and children. Parents are taught to safely work their child in the water, including how to appropriately support and hold their child in the water and how to prepare and encourage their child to participate fully and try the skills. Children are introduced to basic skills that lay a foundation to help them learn to swim. Several water safety topics are also introduced to parents. Parent(s) must accompany child in the water. Swimsuit diapers required. TADPOLE Parent & Child 2 • Ages 6 months to 3 years • PAC 2 Parent and Child 2 builds on the skills introduce in PAC 1. Participants improve on PAC 1 skills and learn more advanced skills in the categories of water entry and exit, becoming comfortable in the water, breath control, floating on front and back, changing direction and arm and leg actions. Parents mush accompany child in the water. Swim suit diapers required. SEA HORSE Preschool 1 • Ages 3-5 years Preschool 1 is the foundation for building aquatic skills. PS I is designed to build confidence in the water by developing good attitudes and safe practices around the water. Students are introduced to basic swimming skills with assistance from an instructor. The skills are: water exploration through bubble blowing and getting face wet, jumping in from side of pool, front and back floats and glides, and combining reach and pull arms with straight leg kicks. STARFISH Preschool 2 • Ages 3-5 years Preschool 2 builds on the basic aquatic skills learned in PS 1 and gives children further success with fundamental aquatic skills. Skills are performed to a slightly more advanced degree than in PS 1. While most skills are performed with assistance from the instructor, this level marks the beginning of independent aquatic locomotion skills. Students continue to explore using simultaneous and alternating arm and leg actions on the front and back to gain more proficiency for future strokes. PS 2 also adds to the self-help and basic rescue skills introduced in PS 1. CLOWNFISH Preschool 3 • Ages 3-4 Preschool 3 builds on the skills learned in PS 1 & 2 by providing additional guided practice of basic aquatic skills at slightly more proficient performance levels and greater distances and times. Skills in this level are performed independently. Students will improve coordination of combined simultaneous arm and leg actions and alternating arm and leg actions. Additional safety skills will be presented. Students will improve their comprehension of previous knowledge. PIRANHA Level 1 • Introduction to water skills Ages 5 + Students learn basic information and skills to help them feel comfortable in the wear and enjoy water safely. Elementary aquatic skills such as rhythmic breathing, buoyancy, changing direction and position and treading water are explored. Students begin learning alternating and simultaneous arm and leg actions. Piranha is for student who are new to swim lessons and/or not totally at ease in water without a parent. BARRACUDA Level 1 • Introduction to water skills Ages 5+ Students learn basic information and skills to help them feel comfortable in the water and enjoy the water safely. Elementary aquatic skills such as rhythmic breathing, buoyancy, changing direction and position and treading water are explored. Students begin learning alternating and simultaneous arm and leg actions. Barracuda is for students who have participated in swim lessons and/or are very comfortable in the water without a parent. TIGER SHARK Level 2 • Fundamental Aquatic skills Ages 5 + Students will experience increased success with the fundamental skills. Students learn to float without support and to recover to a vertical position. This level marks the beginning of true locomotion skills. Further development of simultaneous and alternating arm and leg actions on the front and back are developed in preparation for learning additional strokes. STINGRAY Level 3 • Stroke Development Students will receive additional guided practice of previously learned skills as well as learning new skills such as the survival float, front crawl, and elementary backstroke. The scissors and dolphin kicks will be introduced. Rules for headfirst entries will be learned and headfirst entries will be introduced. DOLPHIN Level 4 • Stroke Improvement Students will develop confidence in the strokes learned at previous levels and improve other aquatic skills. Students will improve skill and endurance by swimming greater distances using the front crawl and elementary backstroke. Components will be added to the scissors kick to complete the sidestroke. Students will begin learning the back crawl, breaststroke and butterfly as well as the basics for turning at a wall. SEA LION Level 5 • Stroke Refinement Students refine their performance in all of the swimming strokes (front crawl, back crawl, butterfly, breaststroke, elementary backstroke and sidestroke) as well as increase their distances. Flip turns on the front and back are also introduced. Network with B/CA Aquatics on Facebook at: BCAAquatics Phase 2 Order Deadline Recycling Fundraiser Aug. 31st Please support the Carman-Ainsworth High school’s Science Olympiad team in our ReOrder now cycling Fundraiser. Donate your used cell phones and other small electronics listed and below engraved to help the environment and help us defray the cost for purchasing our your supplies and pay the competition registration fees. brick will be Recycling items correctly removes the toxic substances from landfills and makes installed for the Earth a nicer place to live! Homecoming The list of items we accept has changed. We accept the following items: October 8, • Cell Phones (Please do not send chargers or accessories!) 2004.* • Laptop Computers (We do not accept: desktop or tower computers, monitors, printers, scanners, faxes, modems, keyboards, mouses, or TVs, etc.) * weather permitting • Inkjet Cartridges (We accept the small ones that will fit in the palm of your hand that contain or contained liquid ink. We do not accept larger cartridges that contain powder normally known as toner.) • MP3 Players – ONLY: Apple iPod, Microsoft Zune, Sandisk, or Creative. (No other types accepted) • Digital Cameras • Digital Video Cameras (camcorders) • Handheld Game Systems – ONLY: Sony PSP handheld, Nintendo DSi, Nintendo DS lite, Nintendo DS original, Nintendo Gameboy Advance, or Nintendo Gameboy color. (No other types accepted) Your gift is tax • GPS Devices – ONLY: Garmin, Mio, Magellan, and TomTom. (No other types deductible. You accepted) receive a • Radar Detectors – ONLY: Escort, Beltronics and Cobra. (No otherwill types accepted) receipt by mail. • E-Book Reader – ONLY: Kindle, Sony, and Verizon iRex. (No other types accepted) • Graphing Calculators – ONLY: TI Clarification: This program is only limited to the list above and excludes recycling of computer towers, monitors, and printers due to their size. However, through If you an areagreement with Dell, used computers, components, and peripherals (even non-Dell ones) can be interested in taken to Goodwill for recycling free of charge. (See knowing how for more information) your gift may If you would like to donate your OLD electronic devices that you no needfor please belonger eligible send them to the high school office to Mrs. Lotfi, Mr. Pugsley or Mrs. Roos’s Mailboxes. the Michigan Please spread the word to your family and friends! Community Why Should We Recycle? Foundation • The cadmium from a single cell phone is capable of polluting 158,200 gallons of water! Tax Credit • Over 65 million cell phones are stockpiled in US households creating 30,000 please call tons of potentially hazardous waste. 591-3205 • Consumer electronics contain valuable resources such as precious for metals, plastics and more glass which can be reused, conserving our natural resources. information. • It takes less energy to recycle products than to make new ones. The less energy we use, the better. • It takes approximately six hundred pounds of fossil fuels to create one laptop computer. • Cell phones contain toxic substances which leach into soil and ground water. Toddlers Corner For 3-5 Year Olds There is no need for your child to miss out on great fun. Join us for messy art projects, social play and in/outdoor games. This is a great opportunity for your child to have fun, socialize and do things they can't do at home. Cost: $50/month Location: The Learning Community January 4 - June 1 T&W 12:30 - 3:00 pm Basketball Kindergarten - 2nd Grade Join the fun and learn the fundamentals of Signature: please basketball. Program includes a t-shirt. write name as it Cost: $25 (4 weeks) appears on your Location: Randels Gym January 27 TH credit card. 6:00 - 7:30 pm Dye Students Love Their School Dye’s students had the privilege to participate in a wonderful I Love My School assembly. They were rocking to the tunes of Billy Ray, Ziggy and School Ja Boy. The students had a great time learning about appreciating their school. We would like to thank My School Assembly for sharing with us. ready to be engraved with your personal message. COURIER, DECEMber 2011 — 15 a lasting legacy:2010/JANUARY honor high school • Purchase graduates, teachers, special accomplishments Carman-Ainsworth Alumni Plaza It’s not just for alumni. Big Nine Tennis Champs or Big NineBrick Math Champs. Teacher of the Year or District Order Form Spelling Bee Winner. Be creative with your message! • Preserve memories and enhance the beauty of the new C-A Athletic Stadium entrance — Three 24’ x 24’ areas of brick pavers set in the cement walkway at the entrance of the stadium ready to beraised engraved with personal message. Allare money willyour benefit programs of the • • Purchase a lasting legacy: honor high school graduates, teachers, special accomplishments Carman-Ainsworth Schools. — It’s not just for alumni. Big Nine TennisCommunity Champs ot Big Nine Math Champs. Teacher of CARESSpelling (Carman-Ainsworth for Excellent Schools) is the Year or District Bee Winner. BeResidents creative with your message! thewill program sponsor. will benefit school • All money raised benefit programs of theProceeds Carmna-Ainsworth Community Schools. programs including theExcellent CA Education a — CARES (Carman-Ainsworth Residents for Schools) isFoundation the program sponsor. Proceeds will benefit school programs including the CA Education Foundation a fund fund of the Community Foundation of Greater Flint. of the Community Foundation of Greater Flint. YES! Etch my name into C-A history with a personalized Alumni Plaza Brick. Purchaser’s Name Street Address City State Telephone Email Zip Please Check all that apply: I am an Alumnus/Alumnae, Class of I am an Employee or Former Employee, Years I am a former Board of Education Member, Years I am a Parent/Past Parent. I am purchasing a brick as a gift for: Graduation Birthday Holiday Special Occasion This is a surprise gift. DO NOT SEND acknowledgement to gift recipient. Gift Recipient's Name Street Address City Telephone Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools CARES/Alumni Plaza Brick Program G-3475 Court Street Select W. a brick: (Please indicate Flint, Michigan 48532 4" x 8" - $100 3 lines of type 14 spaces per line State Zip inscription on back of order form.) 8" x 8" - $200 12" x 12" - $600 5 lines of type 9 lines of type 14 spaces per line 21 spaces per line Check options: I wish to order more than one brick. (Please use a separate order form.) For an additional fee of $25.00, I wish to have two or more bricks placed together. (Orders must be submitted together; please staple them.) I wish to purchase a keepsake duplicate brick at half the price of the original. (You will be notified of a pick-up time and location.) Enclosed: Brick $ + Placement Fee $ + Duplicate $ = Total $ Please make check or money order payable to the Community Foundation of Greater Flint. Please write "Carman-Ainsworth Bricks" on the memo line. OR - Visa/MasterCard #continued Exp. Date Signature Order Form - Indicate the message you wish to have engraved in the appropriate box below. Print one character per box. Leave a box blank for each space between words. (Engraved messages will appear centered and all upper case.) Return your completed order form and payment to: Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools CARES/Alumni Plaza Brick Program G-3475 W. Court Street Flint, Michigan 48532 For more information please call: 810-591-3205 You may duplicate this form or print additonal forms from the CA website. 4" x 8" - $100 12" x 12" - $600 8" x 8" - $200 For Internal Use-Phase 2 Date Received ______________________ Order #________________ Fundraiser ID _______________________ 16 — COURIER, DECEMBER 2010/JANUARY 2011 Congratulations to the Blue Brigade Competitive Marching Band for marching their way into the Michigan Competitive Band Association’s State Finals at Ford Field! The State Finals Experience by Ladierdre McKinney, Senior Drum Major Being a member of the Blue Brigade for the past five years, I’ve had the opportunity to see its progress first hand. Each year we have improved in all aspects. Looking back on my 8th grade year I never thought I’d see the day I would march at Ford Field. Qualifying for State Finals my senior year left me speechless, knowing all our hard work had finally paid off. When we first received the news that we qualified for State Finals it was a joyous occasion. Everyone immediately forgot about their differences and bonded with one another. In all my years, I’d never witnessed such a strong bond that included everyone. Not knowing what to expect on that Saturday afternoon I marched with confidence to the front side line. As the announcer called out our names something came over me. It was something I’d never felt before. There were thousands of people cheering and this time they were actually cheering for us. Seeing everyone watch us intently, we all knew this was our time to earn our respect amongst the elite bands in the state. Upon finishing our performance it was unbelievable. The crowd reaction was confirmation that they all knew we deserved to be there as well. This is an experience that we will never forget. The amount of encouragement we received was incredible. It was great to have people realize our enormous accomplishment. But none of this would have been possible without all the support from our director, staff, and parents. I’m glad I was able to be a part of such a wonderful program although I’ll truly miss it. Good luck to the Blue Brigade next year; I know you can do it again! And, more excellent news from the marching front… The Blue Brigade was awarded the Ruth Hughes Memorial Esprit de Corps award at the Huron Valley Invitational. This award is not based at all upon the actual performance on the field, but is an award chosen by the parent Booster group who helps run the show. The award is based on the Respect, Character, Integrity and Professionalism displayed throughout the day by the students, parents and staff of each band. Out of 21 other schools, Carman-Ainsworth was chosen for this award!!!! So, on behalf of the Blue Brigade “Family”, I would like to say congratulations and thank-you for instilling in our young adults these tremendous traits and helping them to realize the importance of CA ROCKS!!!!! I always tell the band members “Someone is always watching and someone is always listening” and they were! Making music outside the school day… There are many opportunities for your students to make music with groups not affiliated with their school band. Many students are taking lessons or participating in music making at the Flint Institute of Music. Also, new to our area, is the Fenton Community Orchestra. The orchestra meets in Fenton on Saturday mornings from 10-12. All instruments are welcome! If you would like more information, please call me. December 2 Rankin Elementary Band, 7:00pm 4 High School Regional Honors Choir Concert, Flushing High School, (select students) 6 Middle School 6th Grade Band (Mrs. Miller’s class)/6th and 7th Grade Orchestra Concert, Middle School Auditorium, 7:00pm 7 Middle School 7th and 8th Grade Bands Winter Concert, Middle School Auditorium, 7:00pm 9 High School Band Winter Concert, 7:00pm 11 CA Community Holiday Festival @ High School 15 Middle School Choirs Winter Concert, 7:00pm 16 Middle School 6th grade band (Mr. Lewis’ class), 6th grade choir and 7/8 choir, Middle School Auditorium, 7:00pm 21 Dye/Woodland Elementary Band Concert at Woodland, 7:00pm 21 Dillon Elementary Holiday Concert, 6:30pm January 13-16 High School Theatre Production “The Marvelous Wonderettes”, High School Auditorium 18, 20-21 Middle School Theatre Production, Middle School Auditorium, 7:00pm 20 Woodland Kindergarten Music Demonstration in music room, 2:30pm-3:15pm 21 Woodland First Grade Music Demonstration in music room, 11:15am-12:00pm 27 Randels Elementary Band Concert, 7:00pm 29 MSBOA District III Honors Band Festival February 5 High School Choirs Solo and Ensemble, Lapeer East High School 10 Woodland Elementary 2nd/3rd Music Program, 6:00pm, Woodland gym 11 Woodland Elementary 2nd/3rd Music Program, 9:30am, Woodland gym 12 High School Band MSBOA Solo & Ensemble Festival 15 Dye/Woodland Elementary Band Concert at Dye, 7:00pm 17 Middle School 7th and 8th Grade Band and 7th Grade Orchestra Pre-festival Concert, 7:00pm, High School Auditorium 17 Dye Elementary 3rd grade concert, 6:00pm 22 High School Choirs Pre-festival Concert, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 7:00pm 24 High School Band Pre-Festival Concert, 7:00pm 24-25 MSVMA District Choral Festival, location TBA 25-26 MSBOA Band & Orchestra Festival @ CA High School, (7-12 Bands and Orchestra) March 1 Rankin Elementary Band, 6th grade band (Mr. Lewis’ class), Middle School Auditorium, 7:00pm 9-11 Middle School Theatre Production, Middle School Auditorium, 7:00pm 10 Randels Elementary Benefit Concert, “Habitat Holiday”, 6:00pm 17-20 High School Theatre Spring Musical 24 Woodland Elementary 4th/5th Music Program, 7:00pm, Woodland gym 25 Woodland Elementary 4th/5th Music Program, 9:00am, Woodland gym 18-19 MSVMA State Solo and Ensemble, Avondale High School 22 Middle School 6th Grade Band (Mrs. Miller’s class) and 6th Grade Orchestra Concert, Middle School Auditorium, 7:00pm 26 High School Band MSBOA State Solo & Ensemble Festival 31 Middle School 6th grade choir, 7/8 choir, Middle School Auditorium, 7:00pm April 12-15 High School Student Art Exhibition 15 Woodland “Logger-Palooza”, Annual Talent and Art Show, 6:00pm, Woodland gym 19 Rankin Elementary Spring Musical, 6:30pm 29-30 MSBOA State Band & Orchestra Festival #1 (7-12 Band and Orchestra) May 3-4 MSVMA State Choral Festival, Rochester High School (qualifying choirs) 5 5 5-7 9 10 11-13 12 17 17-19 19 23 24 26 31 June 2 Dye Elementary 5th grade concert, 6:00pm Dye Elementary Art Show, 6:00pm MSBOA State Band & Orchestra Festival #2 (7-12 Band and Orchestra) All-District Band Concert #13, 7:00pm Randels Elementary “Randels Revue Talent Show”, 6:30pm High School Theatre Showcase Middle School ELA Family Night and Art Show, 6:00 - 7:30pm High School Choirs Spring Concert, High School Auditorium, 7:00pm Middle School Musical Production, Middle School Auditorium, 7:00pm High School Band Spring Concert, 7:00pm High School Band Awards & Recognition Night Middle School 8th Grade Band Spring Concert, South Baptist Church, 7:00pm Middle School 6th grade choir and 7/8 choir, Middle School Auditorium, 7:00pm Rankin Elementary Talent Show, 6:30pm CAHS Commencement Ceremony @ Perani Arena Fundraising News The Cavalier Band Boosters frequently offer fundraising opportunities for students to earn money for their band accounts. Century Sale delivery will be the week of 12/20. Please take advantage of fundraising opportunities to put money in your student’s band accounts. Barnes and Noble fundraiser will take place Thanksgiving weekend; look for details on how you can help the bands by purchasing books and gifts. Band night at Fuddruckers is 12/14. Poinsettias plants are currently on sale. Please purchase a poinsettia to help decorate our stages for our winter concerts. Plants are picked up at the end of your student’s concert. Calling All Band Families! The Booster organization is an extremely important component of the success of our band program in Carman-Ainsworth. The assistance of our parents and volunteers is incredibly appreciated. If you have any questions regarding Booster activities, please contact Benjy Jones at 591-5535. Please join the Booster club, we need your help! Our next booster meeting will be in January in the high school band room; hope to see you there at 6:30pm. Email Updates If you would like to be included in email updates for band and strings please email The Arts matter! If I can be of any help, please let me know. Call me; together we can make a difference! Thank you for taking the time to read Eyes on Arts. We hope it will keep you well informed and up to date. Suzanne E. Miller, MA Music Educator K-12 Music Coordinator (810) 591-6236 or (810) 591-7030
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