Between Bearrty anel Destirry
Between Bearrty anel Destirry
Between Bearrty anel Destirry: Three Generations of lsraeli Art Septernber 9 throrrgh Norrernber 1, t99A l l Glerreland Genter for Gonternporary Art lUloshe l(upferrrlaril -=-+*"rp As :r Polish Je'"v who sr-rrvived Wor.ld Wal II, and rvho helped build the State of Isr:rel, Mosl-re Kupfennan'.s art is about histoly rnd nremory. "l dor-r't choose cor-rsciously s,ith dre historical reality," Kr-rpfentran, "br-rt I to deal says can never be fi'ee fi.or-n a connection to the past." Atter inltrigrating to Ist'ael in 194U, Kupfenlan joined a eror-rp of 'W'arsnv ehetto fighters to for-rnd Kibbutz Lol-r:rnrei Haqetaot (Ghetto Fighters Kibbutz). I{upfennar-r chose, as his part in building tl'ris nervJervish society, i() bcconre ltrr lrtist. He :-ertnitrs ltrt lctive nrertrber of the Kibbutz and all tlre ert:-r'rirrgs fi-orrr his p:lir)tinqs so to his conrnrunity. Kupferman'.s paintinln, lal'ee sonrbel abstractions of nruted purple .rrr.1 rilver torres, llludc to arr irrrrcr- rc:rlnr of solr.ow and nrouming.The gestures, qu:rsi-eeortretrical and r rich Kupfernran'.s paintinqs tepresent sl-rapes palette of r-nuddied tones. the paradox of the inrpossibility of reconstructing the horrors of the process of layerir-ru by rvl-rich he His paintinqs cl'eate a rvorld of ten- builds his canvases encodes a rnorll sions and paradoxes, an inrpossible Holocaust. As he rvrote in a crt:rlogue .rct. a disciplined balance unity ofveltical and horizontal, a field of ordel and chaos. As All:rn of :rn exhibition in Poland, in 1995: of doubt .rnrl rr'ill. His dense surfaces are the rc'sult of l:ryers upon layers of p:rint u'hich, like ar-r alcheolosical site, both Schrvartzntan states in his catalogue essay, in Kupternranls rvork "there hirle lnd reverl earlier ur:rrks.The at once conflict and conrpositiorrs are active fields of grids, bal:rr-rce." I is yearnins for Horr mn .rrt c{)lrr-f tlrc nrttrdt'r ttf rnilliotrs, tcll abortt tlrc ittdtrstry ttf'dcatlt? Htut mtr I futttrp u,hat nty _lcu,islt 1tt'trplc wcrrt tlrrorelt u,ltt,tt thc), rucrt' ttutrdcrcd? Iilc slnll rrL'ut,r ltc oblc to trasp tltat tlis nurld lnuc happotcd. I pairrt. top: lli'r[ I orr tttiss tltcnr. Ahnys y,ill. /)r/lr; lr){)J..otrrrcjr ofrhc rrrist.rDd (iolilit l'rlrr (i.rllcn: Moorr (lollc!:c ofArt.rlrl l)csiip rrliddle: 1|i,rilt l// /i/rr\,t ll;,: l()70. phoro:Tirrr Srtirrrck bortom: (l(:(lA irr\trllrti{nr. l()()S. phorr:Tirl Srfi.rnek 'a Joshua Neustein $'rD ?* I &l ar i; l{iver, its p:rth fbrnred by Joshua Ner.rstein'.s Ripcr rlf,4-s/rcs, D(u tt c st i ( Tt,tt q i i t y is a site-specifi c ofbllck instlllation of epic propor:tions. Since hanr:s rbove tl-re nrap t I tl-u:ee tons coal ash. A crystal ch:urdelier' of ashes, Hepl-rlestus, enenry of the Trojans, rvho turns against tl-re liver rvitl-t "gleanring fllnre." "What part have a 1990, Neustein l-ns trrveled the rvor:ld synrbol of cr"rlture that dranr:rtically I in stlife or in belrinq aid?" to cre:lte sinrilal inst:rllations, elch illunrinates the nretaphoricrl rbyss of the scorched lrd asks flanring river? For' dr:rrvn fi'onr local topour:rphr,, r,et chllred dlrkness belorv llarv blocks Nelrstein, eacl-r of the eods is a player' alluding to univclsll thenres ofdis- of coal suspended fi-onr the ceilir-rg ale ir-r tl-re pl:rcenrent and belonuing. Maps lnd jelcrrri:rds lnd bordels, botl-r real and uretlpholical, of foleboding. As the vierver strife rnd conflict that consunres fiqure pronrinentlv in Neustein'.s lrt. verses this nrap, he is posited at the thenr.Tl-rr-rs, the river nrytholow is both biblical and topical. Rivo' qf' lite thlt taken the altist fl'onr his nltivc - lorv lrerr*irrg expr-essiorts Tl-rey nrirr-or :r peripatetic borderline ofthe physical and the has political. Pol:rnd, through \\:il1'-to1'n Europe, civil rval that govel ns tl-ris tale for the each beals lespolrsibility Aslu's, Dorncstic lrr the Crry:rhog:r's histoly. irr plr'- T'arrqility elludes to corrflicts rvithirr erch corrrrrrurrity. ticular its infinrous "burning river" including Clevel:rnd. Israel and all e:rrly ldnlthood in lsr;rel. retunr to incident, Neustein hrs perceived other conmunities that nrLlst recolr- NervYork and prr:rllel to m arlcient episode fi-onr cile opposition :lnronq neiql-rbors. Honrer''.s Iliad. In this epic tale, tl-re liver qod, Scm:rnder', f,rcilitates dre Trojnst escape by flooding the phins, only to be countered by top lcft: /lrrrr r,/-1r/r\ I)nililtli lidtLltiIit) (letril). to childhood in the United a States. bi-n:rtion:rl lifesn'le since then. piygy 1tf Ashcs, Dorrrc-itic Ttntqrility reclertes the physical ten'lin of the city of Cleveland :rnd tl-re Cuval-rosir a I()()S. phonr:Tirrr Srfi.rrrek top riglrt: ./?irt r,,/. Jiltr!, I)rilNi linillilitf klctril). I r)()N phorr:f_irr Srtirnck bottom: (:(:(lA irrst.rlhrirrrr. I(l()S. phorrr:Tirrr Srtirnck b Ariane Littrrlan-Cohen Since qr':rdultiuq fl'onr tl-re lJezalel Acrtd.'rnv oiAlt .rrrtl I)csisrr irr in 991 , Arirne Littnr:rn1 -lerus:rlenr Col-ren has explored collective cultur:rl l)rcvious colleborrrtions Alinr, I a l:rrse 1-rave included public Urb:tn l't, 'it; tlft 1', fl II olive b:rrrels cont:rir.rir.rg clisc:trded olive pits :rre clensely trrtnqed.Their- )c'r'elopnrent Conrpau,v, Eclen Sprin g, size ,rrrd rrrrrnbers :rllrrdc to rlrrssivc lr rninerll w:rtel' conlPillry, :rnd tl-re qu:urtitics ololives, both rr virtble Isllel National Fund (l{lren Kaycrnet coninrer-cirrl procluct and Lelsrael), knorvn tbr" its lsr:rcl\ rre.rr rrrir':rculous borrrrry ti)r'estlv projects. firce of en As irr |r-cviorrs rvork. Littrrr.rrrCohen l-rere coll:rbot'ltes s,ith a Illr.rnrinrrtinq the bl:rck b:rn'els rvitlr red light flonr u'ithin, Littnrrn-Cohen Isr:reli :trtists u,ho lre explorinq issnes public enterprise, the Kibbutz Ilcit skillfully tr:rnsfblnrs their utilitrtrirtn oiidentity, ctrltur-:rl :ruthority :rnd the t'ttrr;tls rll-lt l.trrd tIviil{-I ro rrr;trrrt:tiD its distlibutor ol olives in Isrtel. Havinq norked lor Itrrrctiorr irrto drr-k [.its oirrrysterious thlt nrellrol-v throuqh installations crrrnrine culturl] nrvths. Hel n'olk .rclcl'esscs conlnron post-nroclern col)- celns olrepresentrttion rutd historv :rnd joins :l curlent qerrer:rtion of holiness :rqrinst the ever present tbrces rrl- rttoderrrisrrr ;rrr,l globilliz.rtiorr. Corrcs pot I du t il' continues Littnr:rn- Cohen'.s investirtrttion of Ist'eeli H:rshit:r, the l:rrsest :r short tinre on this kibbutz Col-ren l-r:rs :rnc'l irr l()Sl, Littnr:ru- obselvecl synibol of rrr clinr:tte rrncl dr,v telr:1i1r. Frolrortiol )s. l)erl t.t1ts tlre I i r I geri rrrj e:rrthy:rron:r of olives together rvitl-r laboled in its olive tictor-v upon her ;trr-ivrrl irr Isr';rcl lrid l thesc d:rrk ri orrrb-lrkc irrtclror-s is nlerlrt to evoke nrcnrorv :incl thlt it "fulfrlled ri psvchologic:rl clesile, terrain datirrs blck to rlestiny rr,ithout utopi:rn illusiols. her desire to be plrt of tl-re Zionist Since 1 992. her iustallrtions have ethos of u,orkirg the l:rnd." involvecl colllborltions rvith lsrleli C(\ rcspolrduk( tl-rer:efole conrbines Iter irtstitutions :rnd conrrnelcill indr.rslrv investig:rtion of Islaeli conrnrercializ:r- olives rrncl ur orc'ler to sct in colrtrlst nrvtl-rical tion u'ith :rn explor:rtion of her bioqrlrphr rrr.l lrclsorr,rl lri\toly. bc'twc.c'rr such r.rtopi:It longiDus ancl colrcepts such rrs the .rqrrirtst tl're rc:rlities liti:, in clu "Holv Lantl" of nroclenr-dlv dinq ir dustrirlizrrtion, ullr:ur .{r'r'eloIt ttet tt ;tt ttl r-efirrest.ttior r. on'r.r biblicll tinres. lJv contrrtst, the acljrrcent presc'nt:rtior :rnd ofltling of l{ibbutz Beit H:rsl'rite's conurrercirl products, n:rtion ill srrlsrr, resurt-rrces the tensions :tclr':tn cc'nr ent. C()!r('slott(lutc( is a pon'ertul con- t:ritrel of enrotion lnd nreniorv. In contined rrnd c1:rrkenecl space, l:u'ge :r top righr: (-rrrrrTrrrr/rrrr' ( l'l(lS. ll)(to:Tiilr Srti.rrrk bottonr lcf't: (i,'r,/r,11 ( l'l')S. phonr:Tiilr S.rtl.rrrek bottonr right: (l(l(lA ir*,rll.rtion. 1')')s. tho(,:Tirrr Srtl.rrrek Betttteert Beautl, and Dcstirtlt:Thyee Gencrations of Israeli Arl concludes Clevelandt year-long comilrenloration of the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israei. Rather than present a broad sllrvey of post-war Israeli art, we chose to focus on three artists, each representing a generation in the lineage of Israeli art created since 1948.As such, this exhibi- tion canlot be vierved as a comprehensive staternent of Israeli visual art accomplishment. It shifts-from post-Holocaust trauma to to collective memory and cultural myths-and srylistic is a selective vierv, one that captures broad thematic questions of territory and boundaries changes-from abstract, gesturai painting to installation art-while maintaining a consistent exploration ofidentity in face ofcontinual struggle and change Since 1948, Israeli artists have confronted the paradox ofcultivating a personal, expressive language in a society deeply devoted to a collectivist perspective. In an environment where biblical, historical and political forces define every day reality and shape collective destiny, how does one cultivate a poetics of the self? Can there exist artistic expression formed by the personal, subj ective and idiosyncratic individual voice? The three ways. arrisrs in Betwecn Beafiy and Dcstiny approach this paradox Kupfermant purple and silver expressionistic in distinctly different canvases and drawings are articulations of menrory.Joshua Neustein's majestic Riuer of Aslrcs, DontesticTianEtility forges a connection between local topology and the universal struggle over boundaries and territory. Ariane Littman-Cohen explodes cultural myth with a provocative installation of olive barrels that sets Israel! agricultural industry against her own personal memories of working the land. Generational differences are apparent in the choice of aesthetic forms-Kupfernran's paintings employ the language of abstract expressionism that permeated post-war'Western art, Neustein's topographical map evokes the realm of earthworks that came to define a post-60s generation while Littman-Cohen's installation nrirrors the current return to personal history and biography. Yet, all of these works reflect deep connections to Israel as a physical, sociopolitical and psychologicalterrain.ThethreeartistsinBetlueenBeautyandDestittllconfi.ontcontenporary life yet are never {iee from a connection to the Jill Snyder, Exeuttiue Director past. Exhibition checklist Hd.qltt prcdcs tlidrlt Moshe Kupferman: Paintings, Works Work on Paper on Paper, Scrolls 1 Organized by the Goldie Prle.v Gallery, Moore College ofArt and Desisn, Philadelphia, Pennsylv:rnir Dittrctr-slrrti-t i n &: tt t i il t I us Joshua Neustein: River of Ashes, Domestic Tianquiliry 99+ Oil :rnd graphite on pilper Conrtesv of the artist l53x 112 1 Mlteri:rls cor.lrtesy of the artist, First Enerqv Corporrtion rrnd lluckel,e hidustrirl Mining 99+ 19U(r Courtesy of the:rrtist x 153 Aslrcs, Donrcstic Ti'anqriliq, t1y lsh, co:rl and chrndelier Oil and srtphite on p:rper crnvas oJ 99u Mixed uedia installation inclucling Work on Pnper Painthry Oil on Rhter 1 Dinreusions variable 112 Courtesy of the :rrtist 1(r2 r 1 Work on Paper 1 99+ Oil, er:rphite, ch;rlk ;rncl rvhite oil ch:rlk on paper Courtesy olthe artist 153 x 112 Recollectious 1 Ilntitletl l99t] Work on Pnper 250 99+ Oil, graphite, chalk and rvliite oil chalk oli p:lper Carbon ;rncl tissne paper Courtesy of the :rrtist Conrtesy of the artist 12 153r 199r1 191)7 C:ubon and tissue paper Courtesy olthe artist or.r clnv:is C)il or.r c:rnv:rs Courtesy of the :rrtist 130 162 x 25f) Paittittg irt Times x 12 195 Sunrnrer 1 99(r Oil on canvls Courtesy of the:rrtist Oil 130 x x 195 Paiutirtg l)ecenrber 1 997 Oil on canv:rs 10 inches 199r1 C:rrbon and tissue prper: Courtesy of artist 12 195 x 10 inches Untitled Courtesy of the rrtist 130 x Untitled oJ War 1970 or.r cnr.rv:rs 10 ir-rches Untitletl Conrtesv of the Givon Galler,v,Tel Aviv AYear Since the Mu'der of Yitzhak Rflbin x Ptittirrg Oil 9u5 112 Work on Paper (Scroll) 199rJ 1995 Clrbon lnd Oil, graphite and rvhite oil ch:rlk on p:rper Cor-rrtesy of the artist Courtesy of the artist 72.5 x 3(X).5 12 x tissue paper 10 inches Courtesy of ;rrtist 130 x 195 Work on Paper (Scroll) Ariane Littman-Cohen: 1995 Work on Paper 1L)9+ Oil, eraphite :rnd rvl-rite oil 72.5 r x Correspondence l9clu 300.5 ch:rlk on p:rper Cor,rrtesy of the artist 153 Correspondence Oil, eraphite lnd rvhite oil cl-ralk on plper Cor.rrtesy of the :utist Mixed media ir.rstrlhtion includins olive barrels, olives, olive pits, sals:r, olive oil, red light bulbs, nrosqnito netting:rnd spoons 112 Work on Paper M:rterirls courtesy of the artist 1,993 Kibbutz Beit Hashita variable Oil, graphite and chalk on paper Courtesy of the:rrtist 153 x 112 Glerreland Genter for Contemporary Art 8501 Carnegie Avenue tht'Horry K. Fox and Euna R. Fir,v C/rarilr,/r Founddtitt,,\ilrlo orrl Eitit Sirllo nid di dit\t)\it)i! (h)nnt. Clevehnd. Ohio 4410(r 276/121.-8671 .lttistt tu,rrL\iok prLtildul by Bnkt'yL' Inrlusnii )liuittg, Fi,il Er((), Cor)nratir\t tlntl Kibhn: Bci Htslti,t. ar.rd