Antonio Victor Garcia-Serrano


Antonio Victor Garcia-Serrano
Antonio Victor Garcia-Serrano
PhD Engineering Computer Graphics – Uni. of Sussex, U.K.
BEng Computer Systems Engineering – Uni. of Kent, U.K.
360º Imaging Project Manager
Director de Proyectos Imagen 360º
Fisheye portrait, 2007
Retrato en ojo-de-pez, 2007
Professional Brief 2014
Resumen Profesional 2014
“I come from a background of research in 3D
“Vengo de un pasado investigador en computación
I am based in Elche, south-east mediterranean Spain and
have published and performed projects in Europe, the
Americas, the Middle East and Asia.
Con base en Elche, en el sureste del mediterráneo español, he
publicado y realizado proyectos en Europa, las Américas, Oriente
Medio y Asia.
I am an active member of several specialised groups in
panoramic imaging and in 2011, I was distinguished as a
Master of Contemporary Panoramic Photography by the
International Virtual Reality Panoramic Association (IVRPA).
Soy miembro activo de varios grupos especializados en imágenes
panorámicas y en 2011, fui reconocido como Maestro de la
Fotografía Panorámica Contemporánea por la Asociación
Internacional de Realidad Virtual Panorámica (IVRPA).
I am very keen on nature scenes, although for the last
years I have specialised in capturing panoramic images at
large live events, performing innovative projects for
gastronomy and art fairs, fashion shows, technological
festivals, music venues and sport events.
Me atraen las tomas en naturaleza, aunque en los últimos años
me he especializando en la captura de imágenes panorámicas en
grandes eventos, realizando proyectos innovadores para ferias
gastronómicas y de arte, pasarelas de moda, festivales
tecnológicos, conciertos musicales y eventos deportivos.
I am in continuous search for new knowledge and
techniques and have successfully applied in my projects:
macro and micro panography, table-tops, gigapans,
robotized and pole takes as well as other conventional
techniques. Lately I have naturally been attracted towards
the new trends in panoramic video and have developed my
own, and world recognised, technique to produce high
quality full 360º videos.
Sigo en continua búsqueda de nuevas técnicas y he conseguido
emplear de manera satisfactoria en mis proyectos: la macro y
micro panografía, tomas de sobremesa, gigapanos, tomas
robotizadas y en altura, junto con otras técnicas convencionales.
Últimamente me he sentido atraído de manera natural hacia las
nuevas tendencias en vídeo panorámico, y he desarrollado mi
propia técnica, reconocida a nivel mundial, para producir vídeos
de 360º grados completos en alta calidad.
I enjoy giving lectures and workshops on panoramic
photography and 360º video and my current interest is to
help expand the use of this interactive technology to
accompany and complement that of conventional
photography and video in nowadays media ”.
Me gusta impartir cursos y conferencias sobre fotografía
panorámica y vídeo en 360º y mi interés en la actualidad se
centra en ayudar a expandir el uso de esta tecnología interactiva
para acompañar y complementar a la fotografía y video
convencional en los medios de comunicación actuales ”.
computer graphics. One quiet and clear day, while surfing
the net, I got hooked with the fisheye magic of panoramic
interactive images. That happened by the end of the 2nd
millennium, and since then I have been fishing 360º
Antonio Victor Garcia-Serrano
gráfica 3D. Un tranquilo y despejado día, mientras navegaba por
la red, me enganché con la magia en ojo-de-pez de las imágenes
panorámicas interactivas. Esto ocurría a finales del segundo
milenio y desde entonces he estado pescando panoramas en
(+34) 605 879 899
Subida Leja Millamón – 2008 ◄
► Hicking Leja Millamon – 2008
Vista aérea de Elche - 2008 ◄
► Aerial view of Elche - 2008
Ferran Adrià en conferencia gastronómica - 2009 ◄
► Ferran Adria at gastronomy conference – 2009
Pasarela 360º - Madrid Fashion Week – 2010 ◄
Catwalk 360º – Madrid Fashion Week – 2010
Acrópolis - La Gran Athina – 2010 ◄
Acropolis – The Great Athina – 2010
Feriarte Madrid - 2010 ◄
► Feriarte Madrid - 2010
Micro-panorama:: dentro de un ordenador - 2011 ◄
► Micro-panorama: inside a computer – 2011
Fútbol: fase final de ascenso - 2011 ◄
► Football: promotion final match – 2011
Campusero Jon Hall “Maddog” @ Campus Party - 2011 ◄
► Campusero Jon Hall “Maddog” @ Campus Party - 2011
Videos 360º completos @ Ciudad Artes y Ciencias - 2012 ◄
► Full 360º videos @ City of Arts and Science – 2012
Publications & Expos
Publicaciones & Expos
Photokina. Interactive VR Panoramas at IVRPA Booth. Cologne, Germany, 09 2012.
Interactive 360º photo at Der Spiegel digital edition. Nr. 31, 30.07.2012, Germany.
Moving around technology: Audio-visual 360º-video. Antonio V. Garcia-Serrano, Diego Hurtado de Mendoza,
Ries Straver. ICCI360 - Weymouth 2012 Maritime Mix - London 2012 Cultural Olympiad by the Sea, U.K. 07 to 09
The World Wide Panorama 2004-2014 . University of California Berkeley and World Wide Panorama
Foundation, U.S.A.
We worship technology: Audio-visual 360º-video. Antonio V. Garcia-Serrano, Diego Hurtado de Mendoza,
Ries Straver. Campus Party Milenio, Granada, Spain.10 2011.
International Masters of Panoramic Photography . 3rd Dali International Photography Exhibiton.
Dali, Yunnan, China. 09 2011.
Master of Comtemporary Panoramic Photography . International Panoramic Photography Festival IVRPA, Palmela, Portugal. 07 2011.
Mediterranean Countryside: 360º Natural Environments. ICCI360 Festival 2010. Plymouth. U.K. 09 2010.
Photokina. Interactive VR Panoramas at IVRPA Booth. Cologne, Germany, 09 2010.
Project Planet. Sziget Festival, Budapest, Hungy. 08 2007.
Windows of the World – Worldwide Panorama Competition. H4007.2537 DE/EN, Siegenia-Aubi, Germany, 2006.
European Panorama Project, Hungry. 05 2006.
Model-Based Interactive TV: Scene Capture and Transmission Density Distribution Functions for Bandwidth
Reduction. Pag: 229-271 Earnshaw, Rae; Vince, John (Eds.) Digital Content Creation. Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 978-185233-379-9. Berlín, Germany. 2001.
Extracting Density Distribution Function Models from 3D Data . PhD Thesis, University of Sussex,
U.K. 12 2000.
Model Capture and Transmission using Density Distribution Functions for Bandwidth Reduction for
Model-bases Television Systems. Proceedings of International Conference on Digital Content Creation, National Museum
of Photography, Film and Television. Bradford, U.K. 03 2000.
Density Distribution Function Model Extraction from 3D Data . Proceedings of 17th Annual Conference
of Eurographics UK Chapter. Cambridge, U.K., 03 1999.
Conferences & Workshops
Conferencias & Talleres
New trends on 360º video capturing: conference & workshop. Michelangelo Stage. Campus Party
Europe, The O2, London, U.K.. 09 2013.
360º Cinema. Time Around Space 360 Conference, Innovation for the Creative and Cultural Industries ICCI.
Plymouth University, Plymouth, U.K. June 21-22 2013.
A practical approach to full 360º video . The International Panoramic Photography Conference,
International Virtual Reality Panoramic Association IVRPA. Selfoss, Iceland. June 10-16 2013.
Video 360º: conference & workshop. Michelangelo Stage. Campus Party Europe, Berlin, Germany. 08 2012.
Creativity 360º: workshop on 360º-video . Creativity and Social Media Area. Campus Party Millenium,
Granada, Spain. 10 2011.
Fotografía 360º - Captura y usos en la web del siglo XXI . Conferencia Área de Creatividad – Foto &
Video. Campus Party, Valencia, Spain. 07 2011.
Model Capture and Transmission using Density Distribution Functions for BandWidth Reduction for
Model-Based Television Systems, International Conference on Digital Content Creation, National Museum of
Photography, Film and Television. Bradford, U.K. 03 2000.
Density Distribution Function Model Extraction from 3D Data , Eurographics, Cambridge, U.K. 03 1999.
Antonio Victor Garcia-Serrano
(+34) 605 879 899