Spring 2016 - Holy Cross Sisters


Spring 2016 - Holy Cross Sisters
Spring 2016
Mercy is God’s name
Since the Year of Mercy began on December 8th, I have been struck by how
frequently mercy appears in the daily readings and prayers of the Mass. Suddenly,
now that I’m aware, I see mercy everywhere. It is both a comfort and a challenge to
realize this.
I’ve been reading Walter Kasper’s book, Mercy: The Essence of the Gospel and the
Key to Christian Life and I am so appreciative of the insights I’m gaining from his
work. In the chapter on scripture and mercy he spends time reviewing foundational texts that point to mercy as
the essence of who God is. He begins with the revelation of God’s name as expressed in the Book of Exodus.
“I will be present as the one who will be there.”
“I will be gracious (hen) to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy (rachamin) on whom I will show mercy.”
“The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful (rachum) and gracious (henun), slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love
(hesed) and faithfulness (emet).”
Finally, Kasper says this about a quote from Hosea: “ ‘For I am God and no
mortal, the Holy One in your midst, and I will not come in wrath’ (Hosea 11:0).
This is an astounding statement. It says: God’s holiness, His Being Wholly
Other, in contra distinction to everything human, is disclosed not in his
righteous anger, not even in his inscrutable and inaccessible transcendence.
God’s being God is revealed in his mercy. Mercy is an expression of his divine
“ Mercy is an
expression of his
divine essence”
This sheds new light on my understanding of what it means for me to be a Sister of Mercy of the Holy Cross. When
we reflect together as sisters and associates on that gift of the Spirit entrusted to us for the good of the world (our
charism) it becomes abundantly clear that we must be an expression of mercy in our daily life. This is what it
means to announce the Good News.
Because we want to take this Year of Mercy to deepen our living of our charism we have invited Father Dan Crosby,
OFM Cap., to come to Merrill to give a retreat on Mercy. This will be a commuter retreat held at Bell Tower
Residence from the evening of Wednesday, April 13th, through a 4 PM closing Mass on Saturday, April 16th. We
have decided to open this event to the public so if you would like more information about the details including
costs and how to register, please call 715-539-1460 by March 25, 2015. Space is limited!
Finally, we wanted to point out how the categories on our gift envelope focus your support of our mission and
charism. Bell Tower Residence provides direct care to the elderly in the Merrill area. When we made the decision
to open Bell Tower 25 years ago we recognized that the elderly population would grow exponentially as babyboomers moved into retirement. Because we know that aging requires great adjustments for each individual we
wanted to create a place where people could feel at home, where their spiritual, emotional and physical needs could
be met while allowing each one to be as independent as possible. Your donations to Bell Tower make it possible for
us to continue to provide that kind of quality care.
Donations to the Sisters Retirement Fund enable us to care for our sisters while they remain actively engaged in
volunteer ministries wherever they are. We are proud of them and of the contributions they continue to
make in the name of our community. (continued on page 3.)
(continued from page. 2) Sister Linda provides compassionate care and support to women in prison. Your generosity
enables her to provide basic personal hygiene items to indigent inmates, spiritual resources and inspirational reading
material to those trying to turn their lives around, and the deposit (sometimes as high as $500.00) which “halfway
houses” often require of those who would be eligible to leave prison, but have absolutely nowhere to go.
Finally, donations to support the mission of the Holy Cross Sisters allow us to designate funds to a specific ministry or
program of individual sisters or to provide the support of community living while sisters focus on their service
wherever they are needed regardless of remuneration.
Whether you choose to support one of these specific needs or designate the use of a donation in some other way, we are
immensely grateful that you join with us in showing mercy wherever there is need.
Sister Pat Cormack, Provincial
Table of Contents
Page 2. Mercy is God’s name
Page 4. Remembering Our Friend
Page 5. In Loving Memory
On the cover: Sister Linda with
students from St. Benedict the
Moor School in New Orleans.
See page 7.
Page 6. Cut Through to the Important
Page 7. Supporting Catholic Education
Holy Cross Happenings is published in spring, summer,
and fall for the friends of the Holy Cross Sisters, USA
Page 8. Listening Moments
Page 10. A Presence of God’s Love
Page 12. Our Cup Overflows
Executive Editor: Sister Pat Cormack, SCSC
Managing Editor: Russ Mancl,
Editorial Assistance: Lori Wiederhoeft
Page 14. A Ministry of Mercy
Page 16. Donations
Page 20. Speaking Out About Human Trafficking
Page 21-23. Snapshots
Page 24. Mercy Retreat
Contact Us
Holy Cross Sisters
1400 O’ Day Street
Merrill, WI 54452
Telephone: (715) 539-1460
E-mail: rmancl@holycrosssisters.org
Mission Statement
We are a Franciscan community of sisters who, together with our associates, seek
ongoing conversion of heart. We embrace the mystery of the cross as we live gospel
values. Faithful to the spirit of our founders we respond to the needs of the time
with mercy and compassion while creating possibilities for the future.
By: Russ Mancl, Director of Communications
There’s an old saying, “When the archivist breaks out the little white
gloves, I know it’s about to get really good.” That happened for seven years
in the office next to mine. It was the office of Mary Mangold, archivist for
the Holy Cross Sisters. Mary retired as archivist for the Holy Cross Sisters
in late August 2015.
On the morning of Pearl Harbor Day, December 7, 2015, word reached our
office that our friend and mentor had died. We worked on many projects
together. She brought to this publication unique stories that told the
history of the spirited group of women known as the Sisters of Mercy of
the Holy Cross. One such story is located on page 6. This would be the
last written by Mary, who would say to me, “It’s ok if you don’t use it.” So
it’s only fitting that we include the story in this issue of Happenings.
Mary Mangold
During the celebration of Mary’s life in Holy Cross Chapel on December
12, Sister Peggy Jackelen referred to her as one of those “quiet miracles.”
As John O’ Donahue wrote, “Take time to celebrate the quiet miracles that seek no attention.” Sister
pulled from Mary’s own writings the following, “My first memory of the sisters was when my sister came
up here as a student at Holy Cross. I also went to Holy Cross out of eighth grade and graduated from
the high school. I look back now and think what a privileged education we had. The sisters were always
an important part of our family. They’ve had a major influence on me.” As I look back over the seven
years that I knew Mary, I could say the same about her. She had a major influence on me, whether it be
my writing, story ideas, the importance of history, or making time to listen to those who walked into my
She knew that family came first and that was apparent when she made time to care for those in need.
Mary is survived by her brothers, Frank (Betty) Mangold of Citrus Height, California; Louis (Barbara)
Mangold of Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin; and Arthur (Celeste) Mangold of San Mateo, California; many
nieces, nephews and friends.
Father Charles Hoffmann, who presided at the funeral, ended the
Mass of Resurrection by saying, “We need to treat everyone we
meet as if we are wearing those same white gloves that Mary put
on.” In this year of mercy, pay attention to the quiet miracles in
your life and treat them ever so gently.
Rest in peace Mary.
Bishop Raphael M. Fliss, who headed the Diocese of
Superior for nearly 26 years, died in Duluth,
Minnesota, at the age of 84.
On Nov. 5, 1979, Pope John Paul II named Bishop
Fliss coadjutor bishop of the Diocese of Superior with
the right to succession to Bishop George Hammes.
When Bishop Hammes retired, Bishop Fliss became
the ninth bishop of the diocese on June 27, 1985. He
retired June 28, 2007.
We said good-bye to Father Edward F. Powell, age 87, of
Tomahawk, Wisconsin. Father Powell was born and
raised in Chicago. He was ordained on May 22, 1954, in
the Cathedral of Christ the King in Superior, Wisconsin.
He retired in 1994, but continued to offer his services in
area parishes. He worked with residents and staff of
Bell Tower Residence Assisted Living in Merrill and the
Holy Cross Sisters in Holy Cross Chapel.
Remembering deceased Alumnae of Our Lady of the Holy Cross High School
Jo Ann (Gerondale) Dahlberg, Class of 1960,
died in November 2015 in California .
Mary Mangold, Class of 1960, died in December
2015 in Wisconsin.
Mary Ann (Severt) Chvala, Class of 1945, died in
December 2015 in Wisconsin.
Cut Through to the Important
By: Mary Mangold, Archivist of the Holy Cross Sisters USA Province
Among the items of historical value in the archives of the Holy Cross Sisters USA Province is a pair of scissors.
They’re rather non-descript and old-fashioned and don’t work very well. In fact, they don’t work at all. The blades
are stuck shut. Maybe, over time, the screw holding them together froze. But no matter. They’re still an interesting
remnant of an earlier time.
Breese Operating Room 1921-23
“Large scissors; Gift of Cardinal von Rossum to Mother Aniceta, 1922.” In fact, a
similar inscription is engraved at the joint of the scissors on both sides: “W.M.
Cardinal von Rossum, Protector” on one side and “Zurich, 1 Sept. 1922” on the
Mother Aniceta is regarded as the “founding mother” of the USA Province of the
Holy Cross Sisters, so anything related to her is important. But scissors from a
cardinal? How exciting could that have been?
Mother Aniceta Regli
Well, after a cursory inspection several years ago, the tagged and engraved scissors went back into the box where
they’re stored in the archives and were forgotten, more or less, until recently when a reference to them showed up in a
1922 chronicle kept by the Holy Cross Sisters for St. Joseph’s Hospital, the hospital they sponsored in Breese, Illinois.
Here’s what it reads:
Precious Gift: This morning (December 20, 1922) a package from Zurich, Switzerland arrived and we found out
what it was at recreation. A fine gauze scissors, one that we could not get here, was held in Rev. Mother’s hand and
she gave it to our busy operating room sister. . . While he was in Zurich, our Reverand Father had heard that Mother
Aniceta had asked for such a scissors for America, and so he sent her one personally.
Suddenly, while reading the chronicle entry, the old scissors in the box in the archives took on brand new significance.
Rushing down to the archives to look at them again, I noticed another small inscription on the scissors - something
not noticed before - the small O.R. sketched close to the date at the joint.
How meaningful these old-fashioned, stuck scissors have become. They’re no longer just a strange and curious gift to
Mother Aniceta, but a symbol of the interest and attention of many in Europe, including the cardinal, regarding the
welfare of the hospitals in the United States sponsored by the Holy Cross Sisters of Switzerland. If the hospital in
Breese needed specialized scissors from Europe, the cardinal in Europe made sure the hospital got them. The scissors
symbolize that it was not just the sisters from Switzerland who cared about the needs of the people in the
USA, but their European friends as well. They also suggest that the care of others, and of one another,
takes more that just a village. It takes an entire globe.
The Holy Cross Sisters presented checks
to three schools during National Catholic
Education Week. Sister Linda Songy
(pictured to the left) got a group hug from
students after presenting a check to Sister
Pam Hodgson and Ms. Drue Dumas,
principal at St. Benedict the Moor School,
New Orleans.
S. Pam, Ms. Dumas, S. Linda
Pictured below l-r.: Sister Pat
Cormack, Fr. Chris Kemp and Sister
Peggy Jackelen. Father Chris accepted
a check at St. Francis Xavier School,
Merrill, WI, during an all-school Mass.
Pictured below l-r.: Sister Kathy Lange,
Pastoral Associate at St. John the
Baptist Parish, Howard, WI, and Sister
Celine Goessl presented a check from
the Holy Cross Sisters to Vicki Marotz,
principal at St. John the Baptist School.
By: Russ Mancl
Alzheimer’s Disease is a progressive, degenerative disorder that
attacks the brain’s nerve cells, or neurons, resulting in loss of
memory, thinking and language skills, and behavioral changes.
We’ve seen stories in the news of celebrities that have fought, or are
fighting, the good fight, such as former President Ronald Reagan and
country singer Glen Campbell. But what happens when it hits close
to home with a family member or friend?
How do we plan for the future? How do we overcome the stigma?
How do we know what to expect? These are but a few questions that
individuals and families look for answers to. One good source is
talking with someone who is or has gone through it. Sister Peggy
Jackelen and Sister Mary Anne Rose are lending an ear to others
through a support group.
On the second Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. they meet in the lobby at Bell Tower Residence in Merrill, WI, with
individuals who seek support. It began years ago when both were in administration at the assisted living facility,
sponsored by the Holy Cross Sisters. On this particular night I sat in with the sisters and Marsha to hear their
It may be difficult to take the first step, but those who attend the caregivers’ memory support group find it helpful
to be able to share their concerns, fears, frustrations, questions and anxieties with others who can relate to their
experience. According to Sister Peggy, “Each person’s experience of caring for a loved one with memory loss is
unique. Often it will be said, ‘I just don’t know what to do.’ We don’t claim to have the answers, but we do share
the helpful hints that help or have helped us in similar situations.”
There are red flags that eventually signal something is definitely wrong. In Marsha’s story it was her mother getting
lost in the city she lived in. “It was a relief to know that others are going through the same thing.” she added.
Sister Peggy’s mother, Harriet, who also suffered from Alzheimer’s Disease resided at Bell Tower. She spent time
with her mother and struggled to make sense of it all. “At one time my mother thought my sister and I were taking
money from her,” Sister Peggy said. She added, “Fortunately, she would listen to Sister Mary Anne who tried to
convince her that was not the case.”
When family and friends get stuck in the adjustment process they need someone to talk to, and in many instances
the professional help just isn’t available, or if it is, they are not aware of it. It became evident from listening to them
that doing your research is so very important. Ask questions of your doctor. Write down a list of questions before
you visit the doctor. If you’re not satisfied with the response, keep searching for help.
“The public needs to be educated about this growing disease. For
instance, a simple hint when visiting someone with Alzheimer’s or
dementia, don’t ask ‘Do you remember me?’ Just remind them who
you are,” Sister Mary Anne said. She brings to the support group a
different perspective from her many years of nursing and caring for the
residents at Bell Tower Residence, where in 2014 a memory support
neighborhood was identified and incorporated.
Support groups are the bridge between the M.D. and the caregiver.
Sister Mary Anne added, “Caregivers need support as they bear heavy
burdens, suffer heartaches and tolerate the challenging behaviors of a
loved one. We are there to be support for one another, to help carry
the heavy burdens and heartaches.”
She added, “When we are
finished being the caregiver, we still continue to grieve, yet desire to
share in the kindest manner, how we coped and tolerated our own
experience with one who lived with memory loss.”
We take our pleasures in moments
Rather than hours or days,
And too soon each happy moment fades
To be replaced by confusion and haze.
We take our pleasures in moments.
She laughs at some little joke,
But too soon the laughter fades away
As she asks me who am I that spoke.
We take our pleasures in moments,
Working together at some little task
Until she loses track of the job at hand
And her smile is replaced by that mask.
A bond of understanding and compassion is created as individuals in
the support group risk sharing their story. According to Sister Peggy,
“Several members of the group have expressed that they look forward
to this time together. Members of their families don’t see the
challenges they experienced or have been in denial that their father,
mother or spouse has memory loss. However, the members of this
support group can relate to their experiences, and they feel free to talk
about the challenges they encounter.
If you have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, the Alzheimer’s
Association has some suggestions on how you can help family and
friends. Part of living well with the disease is adjusting to your “new
normal” and helping family and friends do the same. Knowing what to
expect and what resources are available can make the process easier
for you and those close to you. Visit the Alzheimer’s Association at
Sister Mary Anne added, “The important thing is to keep coming back
to the group, to talk, share, and cry if needed, and then go back and
care for the other with compassion.” For more information on this
support group call Marsha at 715-966-6584.
We take our pleasures in moments,
Remembering things we’ve seen.
And each moment gets even more precious
As they get fewer and farther between.
Written by: Anatole Crane
Call 715-536-5575
By: Russ Mancl
Sister Rita
The sisters who make up the Marian
Community have chosen the Year of
Mercy to look at the things in their
own lives that might reflect mercy and
compassion. Sister Marci Lambert,
SSJ-TOSF, works with the Marian
Community at Bell Tower Residence
in Merrill, Wisconsin.
She said
communication plays an important
part in her ministry. “In this age of
technology, it is most important that
Sister Marci
they receive information about what is
happening in the outside world around them. We rely on TV, radio, staff and
other sisters to keep us informed,” she said.
New modes of communication have fostered more ways to stay in touch and
connected. But according to the Pew Internet and American Life Project:
Only 27 percent of older adults engage in online social networking.
Only 18 percent of seniors own a smartphone.
Sister Benedicta
So what happens to those left outside the social communication mode? On
these two pages are photos of Holy Cross Sisters in earlier ministries who now
reside at Bell Tower Residence Assisted Living. For most, their active
ministries have changed to that of prayer and hospitality. But one other
important ministry is that of presence. Presence to their community of sisters
and presence to other residents at Bell Tower. A number of years ago the
sisters resided on the same floor, but following a remodeling project they
decided to mix in with the general population at Bell Tower, allowing them to
continue their ministry of hospitality and staying connected.
Sister Marci is often reminded that we are all in this together to make the
world a better place for those whose lives we touch and who touch ours. To
continuously share each other’s company, whether it be the best of each
person or the frailties, with respect and love. She used the example of St.
Clare of Assisi and the holy women of San Damiano, “They longed for a visit
from St. Francis and the brothers, because they were such life-enriching times
for all.”
Sister Loretta
As a person ages they may feel alone or not needed because their energy level
isn’t what it used to be or through the death of friends and family, or living
situation or change in health. Sister Marci and the Marian Community deal
with that, too. They try not to fall into the self-pity mode, but truly work at
looking to see the gifts each sister or resident brings into their daily lives, and
the gifts they in-turn possess.
Sister concluded by saying, “I have often looked for a sign of God in these
women as well as my own community of sisters, family and friends. I have
learned that it requires taking the time to look and talk with them to truly see
the reflection of God’s presence. I thank God for opening my eyes and heart
to this vision.”
Sister Anita
“Jesus has no house, because his house is the
people; it is we who are his dwelling place;
his mission is to open God’s door to all, to be
the presence of God’s love.”
—Pope Francis, The Church of Mercy
Whether you choose to live at Bell Tower Residence for yourself or family
members, or any other living environment, continue to enrich the lives of the
elderly through real, in-person face time. During this year, The Jubilee of
Mercy, commit to spending time with the elderly and homebound neighbors.
Share a memory or two with them and as Pope Francis said, “. . . be the
presence of God’s love.”
Sister Ann
Sister Adele
By: Sister Dorothy Niemann
At Bell Tower Residence we are called to be a compassionate
community of neighbors treasuring each other as we journey to
fulfillment of life. In Pastoral Care, we visit residents one-on-one
and also plan special group discussions for those interested. Last
year my sessions were on “Aging Gracefully” while this year I
focused on the cup of our lives, based on a book by Joyce Rupp,
“The Cup of Our Life: a Guide for Spiritual Growth.”
This fits in beautifully with the Year of Mercy, as it calls each of us
to look with mercy upon our own life and on that of others. During
the five weeks, we focused on different aspects of our lives (our
cup). Each one is a part of our lives. Through awareness we can
grow in our ability to be a compassionate presence.
“I have called you by name, you are
mine. . . You are precious in my sight,
honored, and I love you.”
(Isa. 3: 1-4)
Residents viewed themselves as a cup held in God’s
hands, unique. “I have called you by name, you are
mine . . .You are precious in my sight, honored, and I love
you.” (Isa. 3:1-4) When are you most aware of God dwelling within you or others? How can the cup be my
We looked at the open cup, asking if the doors to our hearts are open to others, to God’s presence. Is the
emphasis a positive one of being “half full” or a negative one of being “half empty?” And what might be
life-giving to us?
The third week dealt with the broken and shattered cup. Sometimes we can feel broken or chipped as we
experience difficult situations in our lives. Listening to the story of the cracked pot, whose author is unknown, we
realized the wisdom of this story. We could see within our own lives that good can come forth in and through our
brokenness as God works within us.
The cup of compassion call us to be lovingly present to one
another and reminds us of times we have experienced
compassion from another.
We thought about what
motivates us to be compassionate and shared about people
who were teachers of compassion in our lives. The cup of
compassion can hold the sorrow and struggles of others,
just as the compassion of another can gather our pain and
sadness and help us find strength to face the future.
“Just to be is a blessing,
just to live is holy.”
Abraham Herschel
We closed with the blessing cup, sharing examples of experiencing blessings. To
bless is to put a part of ourselves into something, to be present to someone. We all
have the ability to bless. It is God’s goodness in us that blesses. “We hold this
treasure in pots of earthenware, so the immensity of the power is God’s not our
own.” (1 Cor. 4:6-7) As Abraham Herschel says “Just to be is a blessing, just to live
is holy.”
Blessings are not always immediate. Sometimes it is only later, with hindsight, that
we see what a gift something or someone was for us. Memory enables us to
remember our blessings, to be grateful for the insights or wisdom we gained. We
need to take the time to be aware of daily blessings in our lives.
Through the weeks residents found sharing helpful and looked forward to the next
week. As one resident said, “These gatherings were a blessing to me.”
In this Year of Mercy, may your cup overflow with kindness for others and may you,
too, experience what the residents at Bell Tower found, many blessings in their life.
By: Sister Pam Hodgson
Father Theodosius
During my Apostolic year as a Holy Cross novice I went to Metairie, Louisiana, to experience community with
Sister Linda Songy and participate in her vocation ministry by joining her in a Busy Student Retreat on a college
Besides experiencing community with different Sisters during my novitiate I was also discerning what ministry I
would like to do after my first profession of religious vows. I had taught for 27 years at St. Francis School in
Merrill before my entrance and felt that I wanted to continue in the teaching profession. I remember Saundra
Kennedy, a Holy Cross Associate, asking me if I would consider moving to New Orleans. I stated, “No, Metairie is
too big and has too many stoplights.” Two weeks later, thanks to Saundra, I had an interview for a third grade
teaching position at a small private Catholic School in the Gentilly Woods section of New Orleans.
Father Theodosius
St. Benedict the Moor School was established in 1998 by the St. Joseph Foundation to help educate the poorer
families that wanted a Catholic education for their children but could not afford the tuition of a Catholic School.
The pre-kindergarten through 4th grade school is tuition free, has a limit of 17 students per classroom with a
teacher and assistant assigned to every room. The students also receive before school care, which includes a
breakfast, and aftercare for those families unable to pick up their children at dismissal because of their job or
schooling. This seemed to me to be a school established to meet a need of the time, a place where a Holy Cross
Sister should be ministering.
On a tour of the school I could feel the love of the principal for the students when she greeted two sisters arriving
late for school with a hug, and inquired of them if everything was okay. The students shared their story and love
with a hug in return. Entering the 2nd grade classroom Sister Linda saw that I was drawn like a magnet to the
students’ desks to see what they were doing. I felt that this was the place where God was calling me to minister.
St. Benedict the Moor School is a Service Learning School. SERVING LEARNING is a simple teaching method
designed to help students learn. It is a learn-by-doing approach to the curriculum. Each service learning project
has two components—a school and a service partner. Students get real life experiences in the subject studied by
meeting community needs through active participation. This program is sponsored through a grant from The
Brown Foundation.
The pre-kindergarten class visits and entertains with song the elderly of St. Gabriel the Archangel Church,
kindergarteners write letters to our service men and women at Jackson Barracks, and the first graders learn about
being kind to and taking care of animals. They collect blankets and make dog biscuits which they take to the
animal shelter to visit the animals. The 2nd graders learn about caring for our environment by reducing, reusing
and recycling. They collect used Mardi Gras beads and donate them to the students at St. Michael Special School
where they prepare them to reuse next Mardi Gras season.
The 3rd grade class is involved in two units. One is called Adopt a Grandfriend. In this unit they learn about the
elderly, and each student adopts a Holy Family Sister as a grandfriend. During the course of the year, they
interview their grandfriends, share gifts with them, entertain them with singing and bell playing, and lead them in
a prayer service. The other unit is Nutrition and the Homeless. Here they learn about good nutrition and run a
food drive at school for Second Harvest Food Bank of Greater New Orleans. They then deliver the food to Second
Harvest and work on the assembly line sorting out the donated food. The third graders also visit and work at
Ozanam Inn, a homeless shelter for men. The 4th grade class also participates in two different units. They learn
about people with handicaps and then join with the students of St. Michael Special School in special activities and
a visit to the Children’s Museum. They also learn about what erosion is doing to the Louisiana coastline, raise and
care for special grasses, and then replant them along the coastline.
I have been ministering at St. Benedict the Moor School for 13 years after my initial visit on Friday, March 14,
2003. Each day has been a blessing to me as I hope that I am a blessing to the students, parents and staff.
Donations from Sept. 1, 2015 - Jan. 31, 2016
Rose Akey
S. Benedicta Berger
S. Jeanne Marie Braun
Andy & Lisa Carlson
Janet Cole
S. Pat Cormack
Marion Davis
Holy Cross Sisters
Hrdina Family
S. Helen Huss
Betty Lacey
S. Kathy Lange
S. Joelle Mauer
Tom & Leona McHugh
S. Dorothy Niemann
S. Mary Thomas Reichl
S. Mary Angela Sackmann
S. Loretta Schreiber
Carol Severt’s Grandson
Sisters who Ministered at
Hessoun Orphanage
Sisters who Served in Breese
S. Linda Songy
Tim & Seamus
S. Dolores Wagner
S. Adele Wehri
S. Ann Wittman
Robert Akey Sr.
Elaine Alsleben
S. Martha Amann
Matthew “Charlie” Ament
Betty Ashwell
Kenneth Barron
Debbie Bartelt
Curtis & Eugenie Becnel
Mr. & Mrs. Rupert Becnel
S. Christina Berz
Peggy Bowen
Charles Brasier
Jim Braun
Kathleen & Michael Caylor
Kay Cerutti
Mary Ann Chavala
S. Clementina
Elizabeth & James Cormack
Norm Cornett
Agnes Corrigan
Lenora Cronin
Katherine Dahl
Joann Dahlberg
Charles Dallman
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dinda
Anton, Mary, Wencel & Anthony
Dorothy Dolezal
Dr. Stanley & Evelyn Donovan
Jean Duppong Wanner
Ray J. Falgoust
S. Regina Fitterer
Dr. Maximino Floreza
Jeanne Folse
Raymond Frankiewicz
Jerry Funk
Richard Gehlen
Agnes Geisler
Audra Giese
Donna Goessl
Harriet Grey
Ralph Grothjan
Joseph & Felicite Guidry Sr.
Christine Hanson
Marge Harrington
Evelyn, Harvey & Mike
Mary Beth Heckman
Roger Heinl
Robert Carl Heyel
David Alan Hildebrandt
Phyllis Hingle
Hobart Hinz
Holy Cross Sisters
Helen Howlett
Florence Huss
Inzeo & Wulf Family Members
Harriet & Joe Jackelen
Elsie Jaeger
Fran Jagemann
Dr. James Janowiak
Ramona Weber Jones
Leonard Karlen
S. Jeanne d’Arc Kilwein
S. Virgina Klein
Mary Ann Krall
Arthura & George Krembs
Earl Kressel
Catherine Krickl
S. Laura Kropilnicki
Edward Lacey
Barbara Lettenberger
Donald Lutzke
Mary Claire Madole
Vance “Benji” Malm
Stuart Mamer
Todd Mancl
Mary Mangold
Theresa Mangold
Alice Martin
Joseph & Polly McCarthy
Kennedy & Geraldine McKenzie
Frances Megan
Harold Menting
Roman Menting
Dr. Jack Millenbah
Anthony & Anne Miller
S. Monica
Daniel Mootz
Patricia Moylan
Marvin Muehlbauer
Blessed Ulrika Nisch
Margaret Nyiri
Emma Ollhoff
Elroy Pfingsten
Mary Plamann
Gert Plonsky
S. Stanislaus Poehnelt
Poor Souls
Alcyone Popp
Melvin & Grace Preusser
Leslie Radloff
John Rahe
Lyle “Jim” Rajek
Daniel Reid
Florentina Richards
Mary Riley
S. Margaret Roberts
Alfred & Rose Rodrigue Jr.
Elaine Ruprecht
George & Nancy Russell
S. Mary Charles Rydzewski
Fr. Theodore J. Rynes SJ
Betty Mancl Saverda
Arthur Schexnayder
Mr. & Mrs. John Schirpke
Don & Mabel Schnabel
Elmer & Luella Schnee
Myron Schneider
Gregory Schoetz
Allegra Schotz
Eugene Schroeder
Jack Semling
Rick Semling
Frances Shafel
Therese Bergenheier Sherman
Earl Shorey
May Labat Simon
Bedrich Sirny
Stan Sladek
Don Smith
William Lee Stebbins
Carlen & Venita Stevens
Marilyn Stiver
Pat Storm
Michelle Sukow
Chuck Summers
Gen & Ed Swanson
John (Jack) Swope
Talbot Family Members
Vincent & Martha Testa
Leonard Tlusty
S. Salome Tlusty
Alfred Turner Sr.
Eugene & David Turner
Janet Vadnais
John Van Sleet
Marlene Venske
Beverly Vogel
James Weber
S. Mary Albert Wehri
S. Miriam Wehri
S. Angeline Weiler
Arvilla Wendorf
Alan Wenzel
Carl & Stella Wilberscheid
Louis Winkler
Glen, George & Regina Wozniak
Suzanne Wozniak
S. Agricola Zbinden
S. Agnes Zich
Rest in Peace
Jack & Helene Ader
Rose Akey
Russell & Terri Akey
Alice Alberg
Greg & Mary Ament
Frances Anderson
David & Marcy Barney
Anna Rita & Bob Barron
Warren & Ceil Bartelt
Jon W. Barthels
John & Mary Bartol
Grace & Steve Batchelder
Mary Baucher-Balder
Gene & Karleen Bebel
Dave Becker
Dr. Ronald & Rita Benz
Anne Berg
Sandy Berndt & Schroeder Family
Richard & Evelyn Bjorklund
James Blair
Robert & Marsha Bloom
Allen Bourgeois
Matthew & Carol Brady
Nanette Brasier
Carly Ann Braun
David Braun
Floyd & Sophie Braun
S. Jeanne Marie Braun
Marian Braun
Robert & Gwen Braun
Robert & Allie Brehm
Margaret & Jerry Breuer
Arthur & Susan Brown
James Brown
Fr. Otto Bucher, OFM CAP
Pat Budzynski
Karen & Kenneth Buege
William & Lorraine Buehler
Elizabeth Bures
Patricia Bushar
Robert Bushman
Frank Calabresi
James & Mary Pat Campbell
Amedeo & Marie Castiglione
Walter & Rose Chilsen
Katherine Colclasure
Linda Corkhill
Bill & Judy Cormack
Jack & Dawn Cormack
Marty & Ginni Cormack
Veronica Cornett
George & Virginia Corrigan
Karen Cournaya
Kenneth Cox
Allan & Carol Crevier
Cornelius Cronin
S. Carol Crosby
Emmanuel Cutrone
Virgean Dallman
Lindsey & Pam DeFever
Theresa Deneen
Henrietta Dettloff
Nancy DeWar
Pauline DiMaggio
Rev. & Mrs. Don Dinsmore
Michele Dirks
Robert & Mary Ann Doherty
Sheehan Donoghue
James & Mary Downing
Tyler & Maria Drake
Steve & Ginny Drew
Mary & Lawrence Duginski
Kathy Ebner
John & Linda Eck
Gerald & Emily Edmund
Susan Ellenbecker
Phyllis Ely
Brian Falbo
Ray Bernard Falgoust
Dennis & Terri Fey
David & Carol Finanger
Helen Fitta & Josie Maher
Stephen & Pamela Fitzell
Dennis & Patricia Flanigan
Rev. Robert Flannery
Henry & Genevieve Fleck
Dr. Belen Floreza
Daniel & Patricia Folse
Joe & Jean Folta
Debbie Fournet
Betty Fousek
Thomas & Jayne Fox
Shirley Francken
Eugene & Judy Fregetto
Caroline Froehlich
Dr. Lou & Elaine Gardner
Elwood & Mary Gautier
Mark & Anne Geers
Noreen Gehlen
Michael & Rachel Geisler
Vincent Geisler
Dr. Jeffrey & Mary Giese
Louise Gilg
Charles & Crystal Gravois Jr.
Mary Jane Gravois
Fred Grey
Betty Lee Grothjan
Joseph & Molly Guidry
Erich & LaVonne Gulke
Dr. Pradeep & Maria Gupta
Kathy & John Hadfield
Ronald & Donna Hagen
Mary & Philip Haines
Kathleen Hale-Mundt
Martin Hall
Barb Hanson
Barbara & Larry Harrison
William & Deanna Hartman
Jeanne Heckman
Steven Heckman
Helen Heinl
Arthur & Sylvia Henken
Vern & Virginia Hildebrandt
Calvin Hingle
Joan Hinz
Fr. Charles Hoffmann
Donna & Ernest Howard
Leila Howland
George Howlett
Jerome & Janet Jackson
Therese & Jim Janachione
Barb Janowiak
Pat & James Jarmuz
Robert & Ann Marie Jelinek
Michael & Marilyn Jirovec
Jacqueline Johnson
Robbie & Trina Johnson
Susanna Juon-Gilk & Paul Gilk
David & Bonnie Kaiser
Phillip & Marge Kamke
Phyllis Kanitz
Karen Karow
James Kaulig
Greg & Linda Kautza
Michael & Lila Kilgas
Pat Kilwein & Children
Robert & Marilyn Kilwein
Harvey & Florence Klawinski
S. Mary Zita Klimek
Michael & Patricia Knab
Benjamin & Trina Knospe
Richard & Cindy Knospe & Family
Sam & Marie Kocoshis
Gerald Koehler & Susan Kruger
Armin Koemm
Doug & Carol Koffarnus
Richard & Germaine Kohl
Elroy Kohnke
Gloria & Raymond Kondzela
Shirley Krembs
Dr. Tom Krembs
Joe Krickl
Betty & Joan Kropilnicki
Tom & Nancy Kryshak
Ryan & Lynn Kuehmichael
Darrin & Erin Kuehn
Chester & Nancy Kwiesielewicz
Betty Lacey
Tim & Barb Lacey
Mary Lagerbloom
Don & Jeree Lagoon
Sue Landretti
Marvin & Stephanie Landry
Ralph & Ruth Langhauser
Court & Patricia Larkin
Celine Larson
Cathy LeMay Brown
Lawrence & Bea Lebal
Dr. Pierre Leimgruber
Art & Angela Lersch
Peter Lettenberger
Joan & Allen Leigel
Maxine Lillis
Marilyn Loen
Ron Loen
Allen & Nancy Lohrbach
John & Lucille Love
Byrdine Lutzke
Ruth Lyon
Alexander & Mary MacGillis
Rob MacSwain
Ethel Mader
John & Gloria Madole
Alan & Marie Malm
Russ & Carol Mancl
Arthur Mangold
Mary Mangold
Barbara Mansavage
Dr. Jacob & Kathleen Martens
Joanne Martin
Mike Martin
Dolores Mauer
Ron & Mary Mauer
Ron & Ellen Maurer
Christine & Denis McCarthy
Dr. Mark & Irene Mehlos
Garry & Charlotte Melish
Mary Melrose
Fr. Joseph Menker, OMI
Jane Menting
S. Mary Anthony Menting
Montel Menting
Carolyn Michalski
Bonnie Millenbah
Diann Joyce Miller
Ed & Betty Miller
Susan & Kenneth Mills
Mary Lou Milner
Dr. Paul Misner
Dr. Jeff & Carla Moore
Thomas & DeAnn Moore
Karen Mootz
Pat Moreland
Patricia & John Morien
Marie Muehlbauer
John & Lynn Muhvich
Joseph Mulligan
Lisa Mussell
Ron & Kay Nicklaus
S. Dorothy Niemann
Lance Nienow
Joan G. Nisch
Marie & Don Nistler
Mike & Barbara Nolan
Dr. Donald & Charlotte Nowinski
Ronald & Kathleen Nutter
Gay & Sally Oberg
Dean & Kathleen Ockmond
Fred & Ann Olliges
Bill & Jean O’Loughlin
Delores Olsen
Karen Olson
Richard & Jean Olson
Phyllis Osterbrink
Robert & Barbara Ott
Steve Ott
Norm & Lori Paulson
Larry & Patricia Peeters
Richard Pehle
James & Jane Pehlke
Jeff & Barb Peterson
Linda Semling Peterson
Estate of Dahlia Pezzi
Emily Pfingsten
Diane Pichelman
Carol Pluta
Randy & Kathy Pophal
Mary Ellen Porwoll
Ferd & Joan Potthast
Dave & Kris Preboske & Family
Ronald & Phyllis Presl
Georgia Price
Jo Ann Prom
Brian & Karen Prunty
Beverley Rahe
Ruth Rajek
Alice Rass
Dr. Erling & Ann Ravn
Michael & Jean Ravn
Tim & Tracy Ravn
Trisha Ravn
Richard & Jean Ray
Ira & Evelyn Rebella
Suzanne & Kris Rehwinkel
Daniel Reichl
S. Mary Thomas Reichl
Rick & Lynne Reindl
Jim & Kaye Rell
Rita Steib
Antoinette René
Clarann & Molly Stocker
Cindy Renner
Marcella Storseth
Mike & Patty Rice
Joan & Jim Strassmaier
Theodore & Dolores Richter
Eva & Sid Sukow
Dr. Renato & Erlinda Rivera
Daniel & Nancee Sullivan
Cathy & Bruce Robinson
Mary Summers
Glenda Rodrigue
Freida & Garth Swanson
Linda & Francis Rodrigue
Kathleen Swope
John & Mary Romatoski
Monica Talbot
Theresa Roy
Lawrence & Sandra Tank
Thank you for your continued
Robert Russell
Judith & Gary Tapper
support of the ministries of the
Deacon Gerald & Elizabeth
John Teske
Holy Cross Sisters. We promise
Matthew & Sarah Thomas
to oversee your gift and
Catherine Ruth
Richard & Karen Thompson
direct it to the area you
Adolph & Junko Rydzewski
Alcyone Thuot
S. Mary Angela Sackmann
Dave & Jan Tlusty
Daniel & Carol Sambs
John & Betty Tonne
Your generosity is remembered
Phillip Sandford
John & Lorraine Turner
during Mass in Holy Cross
Tony & Carol Savoie
Kenneth & Mary Ann Van Der Geest
Thomas & Mary Jo Sazama
Margaret Van Lierde
We wish you and your family a
Gilbert & Josephine Scheeler
Gary Van Vonderen
Easter and a spring filled
Alfred & Sandra Schexnayder
Mariann Ven Rooy
many blessings.
Carolyn Schexnayder
Francis & Rita Voss
Claude & Joyce Schexnayder
Bear & Eileen Wadzinski
Gerard Schexnayder
Edwin & Anna Wagner
Judine & Bruce Schield
Bernard & Mary Wahl
Mike & Linda Schmidt
John & Barb Wais
Marlene Schneider
Larry Wais
William & Carole Schoetz
Steve & Diane Wais
Director of Communications
Judge & Mrs. Patrick Schott
Betty Walsh
& Development
Elaine & Larry Schuman
Robert & Judy Weaver
William & Judith Schwantes
Celia Weber
John & Helen Sczygelski
Michael & Katy Weckwerth
Faye Semling
Ralph & Norma Wehlitz
Carol & John Severt
Leonard & Irene Wehri
Patrick & Jane Severt
Roman & Donna Weiler
Phil & Phyllis Sheil
Lorri Weix
Merle & Kathleen Sheridan
Mark & Betty Weix
Patricia Sherley
Carol Ann Wenzel
Gregory Sherman
Clare Wesselmann
Robert & Jane Shorey
S. Kathy Wiesneski
S. John Marie Simien
Nancy Wilde
Selma Simon
Kathy Wilson
Dolores Skeivik
Colleen Witt
Lois Skillen
S. Ann Wittman
Irene Skoniecni
Judith Woller
Edith Skrobul
Bill & Kathleen Wulf
Brian & Roxanne Sladek
Catherine Yee
George & Mary Sladek
Sharon & Richard Zich
Bernice Smith
Judith Smith
Wayne & Rosemary Smith
Sister John Marie Simien prepared an authentic
S. Mary Michael Smits
Cajun feast with the help of the Bell Tower kitchen
Kathy Spencer
staff. Around 250 people were served in Assisi Hall.
John & Karen Staff
Russ Mancl
The money raised helps Bell Tower Residence.
Donor Organizations
Ament, Wulf, Frokjer & Hersil-Merrill, WI
Badger Pharmacy LLC-Wausau, WI
Bell Tower Administration-Merrill, WI
Central Carpet & Flooring-Merrill, WI
Church Mutual Insurance Co.-Merrill, WI
Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin
Courtside Furniture-Merrill, WI
Design Effect-Merrill, WI
Diocese of Superior, Wisconsin
Franciscan Ministries-Lemont, IL
Germond Design-Rhinelander, WI
Greg’s Gruett’s Appliance-Merrill, WI
Holy Cross Sisters Cottage-Merrill, WI
Holy Cross Sisters-USA Province
Laureate Rho Chapter-Beta Sigma Phi
Merrill Distributing Inc.
Merrill Federal Savings & Loan
Miller Home Furnishing-Merrill, WI
Ministry Good Samaritan Health Center-Merrill, WI
Park City Credit Union-Merrill, WI
Reindl Printing Inc.-Merrill, WI
Rezin Optical LLC-Merrill, WI
River Valley Bank-Wausau, WI
Riverside Athletic Club-Merrill, WI
SSM International Finance Inc.-Brown Deer, WI
Taylor-Stine Funeral Home-Merrill, WI
Transportation Traffic Engineering-Kenner, LA
Van Ert Electric Co.-Wausau, WI
Weinbrenner Shoe Company-Merrill, WI
Ziegler Investment Services-Wausau, WI
Ralph Langhauser of Breese, Illinois, provided these photos, taken next to
St. Dominic’s Catholic Church in Breese. The tree and plaque were
donated by the Holy Cross Sisters who ministered from 1921 to 2013 at
St. Joseph’s Hospital and Mater Dei High School in Breese.
Some 400 people filled St. John the
Baptist Church in Howard, Wisconsin,
in January to hear more about
human trafficking. One of the
organizers was Sister Celine Goessl
(pictured to the right). She hoped that
those in attendance would share their
knowledge with others and make
other people aware.
Theresa Flores shared her personal
story. She said she had a normal life,
but none of that protected her from
being trafficked. She had been
drugged, sexually abused and
blackmailed at age 15.
She presented facts and statistics
about sex trafficking, a modern-day
form of slavery.
Lieutenant Steve Elliott, an Appleton,
Wisconsin, police officer, spoke about
trafficking in northeast Wisconsin.
He said we can’t arrest our way out of
this problem. “This is not a Detroit,
Milwaukee or Chicago problem; this is
our problem.”
The event was sponsored in-part by
the Holy Cross Sisters USA Province.
Theresa Flores
Lieutenant Steve Elliott
Holy Cross Associate Diana Maki (3rd from the left) from Woodruff, Wisconsin, was among those
commissioned or re-commissioned as Lay Leaders of Prayer at Holy Family Catholic Church, Woodruff,
Wisconsin. They have been trained through the Diocese of Superior and serve at Holy Family, area nursing
homes and assisted living facilities. (L-r.) Pat Malesa, Lee Ann Niebuhr, Diana Maki, Eileen Braeger, Holly
Dionne, Karl Kontyko, and Geri Heppi Holly. (photo courtesy of Holy Family Catholic Church)
Holy Cross Associate Barbara Johnson from Ashland, Wisconsin, recently completed an 18 month Collaborative
Leadership Development Program sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas in Saint Louis. Participants
included sisters and associates. Barbara received a FAME (Formation and Ministry Enablement) grant from the
Holy Cross Sisters USA Province to help fund her participation. (photo courtesy of Sisters of Mercy of the Americas)
For the 9th year in a row, the Holy Cross Sisters’ Office of Communications and Holy Cross Associates have teamed
up to provide cheer for students at Lincoln Hills/Copper Lake School in Irma, WI. They prepared 275 Christmas
cards, which were distributed to students at the school which is run by Wisconsin Department of Corrections.
Donna Nash, Foster Grandparent Supervisor, is pictured accepting the cards from Russ Mancl, Director of
Sisters Mary Michael Smits (l.) and Mary Angela Sackmann fill bags full of non-perishable food that will be put
into backpacks for hungry school children to take home on the weekends. They volunteer at Bell Tower Residence
Asssisted Living in Merrill, WI, a sponsored ministry of the Holy Cross Sisters. Chaplain Mary Pat Campbell
organizes the packing project.
(photo courtesy of Bell Tower Residence)
The Holy Cross Associates presented checks to the Louisiana Prison Ministry of Sister Linda Songy and Our
Sisters’ House, a homeless shelter in Tomahawk, Wisconsin. The money was raised through the sale of
homemade candy at the Bell Tower Residence Craft Fair, held each November. (L–r.) Associate Mary
Duginski, Merrill, WI; Sister Linda Songy; Associate Carol Mancl, Wausau, WI; Associate Freida Swanson,
Merrill, WI.
The eleventh Bishop of the Diocese of Superior, Wisconsin was ordained on February 18 at the Cathedral of Christ
in Superior, WI. Pictured (L-r.) Sister Dorothy Niemann, Bishop James P. Powers, Sister Joelle Mauer. Photo
courtesy of Pat Sherley.
Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross
1400 O’Day Street
Merrill, WI 54452
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the contact information above. Thank you.
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The Holy Cross Sisters Present
The Mercy Retreat
by Fr. Dan Crosby, OFM Cap
April 13-16
Holy Cross Chapel, Merrill, WI
This commuter retreat runs from April 13 at 6:30 p.m. to
April 16, at the 4:00 p.m. Mass.
The cost for the retreat is $65.
Lunch and light supper available at extra cost.
For more information or to register, call 715-539-1460
by March 25, 2015. Space is limited.