in this issue - Junior League of Salt Lake City


in this issue - Junior League of Salt Lake City
Fall 2015, Issue 1
Hot Sheet
Pr esident 's Message
Kids I n The Kit chen
Special Event s
Major Gif t s
Mem ber ship Out r each
Mer chandising, Mar ket ing
and Sales
August GMM
Dat es t o Rem em ber
JL of Ogden Open House
Sust ainer Updat e
Transf er Tea
Wom en Helping Wom en
Am azon Sm ile
Annual Dinner Recap
The CARE Fair com m ittee is exam ining how w e per for m due to the
changing health car e envir onm ent. Our 2015 Fair saw about 1,700
clients, dow n significantly fr om 3,500 in 2014. We anticipate som e of
this is due to the Affor dable Car e Act m andate, but w e ar e also
exam ining m ar keting to niche gr oups w ho still need this ser vice. If
anyone has suggestions, please contact the CARE Fair com m ittee.
Despite low client num ber s, w e had outstanding volunteer s! M or e than
700 people cam e to lend a hand at CARE Fair this year. 61 of those w er e
JL m em ber s, incr easing 27% fr om last year.
We continue to gr ow in our dental ser vices ar ea. We saw a 72%
incr ease in dental volunteer s, m eaning m or e chair s and no patient w as
tur ned aw ay. Dental patients w er e up 12% fr om last year. Because of
this incr easing need, CARE Fair is offer ing quar ter ly Dental CARE Fair
days, the fir st of w hich w ill be Satur day October 24, 2015. It w ill be held
at Nor thw est M iddle School, 1730 West 1700 Nor th, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Her e ar e the num ber s fr om the 2015 CARE Fair :
Physicals: 431
Dental: 365
Wom en's Ser vices: 169
Im m unizations: 32
Dietician Counseling: 175
Vision Scr eenings: 355
Br east Exam voucher s: 100 (12 diagnoses)
Car Seats: 150
Bike Helm ets: 280
Day Car e kids: 173
Total Volunteer s: 715
Our Mission
Empowering Women and
Building Better Communities.
JLSLC Volunteer s: 61
Dental Volunteer s: 112
Gener al Com m unity Volunteer s: 142
Inter pr eter s: 80
M edical Volunteer s: 320
Message From t he President
Dear Members and friends of JLSLC,
"I cannot begin to express how much the Women
Helping Women Closet Program has helped me, both in
my job search and then again in creating a respectable
presentation on the job (now that I have a job) . . .
thank you? stated a Women Helping Women client in a
letter to express her gratitude. How often do we fail
to slow down our busy lives to thank the people who
mean the most to us for their love and support of
Junior League of Salt Lake City (thanks Neil and Luke,
couldn?t do it without you!) I am grateful for the
opportunity to be your president and look forward to a
fun year of building community.
Heather Bertotti Sarin
President 2015-2016
One of the ways we want to continue to build our community of members is through
events. So far this year it includes hosting a Transfer Tea, family activity at a splash
park, Pub Trivia, Hike to Cecret Lake and General Membership Meeting at a former
project, Wheeler Farm. This fall we are kicking off sustainer luncheons at the Alta Club
and are holding various activities from bowling to wine tasting. Check the member area
of our website for the latest events. We engage the larger community through
our signature projects and mini-projects, hope to see you volunteering at Women
Helping Women or our Dental Fair this fall.
On a recent afternoon, I walked to my car and observed a man who was taking a picture
of my license plate. I approached the ?officer? looking man and asked if there was a
problem. He sheepishly admitted he was taking a picture of my ?Junior League, Women
Building Communities? license plate cover to show his wife who was a member of the
Ogden Junior League. After we had a good laugh, I reflected that having supportive
significant others and friends is ticket to our success. They spread the word about what
Junior League of Salt Lake City (JLSLC) does to help people in their neighborhood. Take a
minute to thank the significant others and friends in your life for their support of the
Junior League community.
P.S. Would love to hear your ideas on how we can continue to build the JLSLC
community -- I can be reached at or 801-694-3409
Kids in the Kitchen finished up a great first year
working with the YWCA. A huge thanks to the
2014-2015 committee for all of their hard work and
dedication: Erika Bunnell, Lauren Frisch, Nell Hodo,
Erin Masihdas, Josie McGuinn, Sydney Ralls, and Laura
Strong. For our last event of the year, we hosted craft
afternoon for all of the children at the YWCA. They
made Mother's Day cards for their moms and we
distributed Mother's Day gift bags to all the women.
We're excited to be beginning our second year of Kids
in the Kitchen at the YWCA. A special welcome to the
new committee members-Caryl Ayers, Angela Healy,
Alicia Memmott, Danelle Montero, Brandi Olsen, Lacie
Petersen, and Nicole Varanakis; and welcome back to
returning members-Erika Bunnell, Erin Masihdas, and
Laura Strong.
Our first presentation will be Monday September 28.
We're looking forward to another fun year of sharing
healthy eating guidelines and cooking tips to the
women and children at the YWCA.
Membership Out reach
Utah Grizzles Night is Oct ober 24t h. This will be a
great family & friends event. Look for the ticket
link on Facebook and at in the coming
weeks. Make sure to tell all your friends so Junior
League can have a large presence and do this again
next year.
Breakfast with Santa is Saturday, December 5th. We
need your help to make this event a grand success:
Hol iday Decorat ions and Sant a Suit - If you could
bring some holiday décor to help transform
headquarters, they would be available the day after
the event just in time to decorate your own home
for the holidays. If you or someone you know
would be willing to volunteer as Santa or have a
Santa Suit we could borrow, please email Anna at
Wreat h - As an additional way to raise funds during
this event we are asking for all our crafty league
members to donate a decorated wreath that we sell
or auction away during the event. We will be doing
a wreath decorating social a few weeks prior to the
event. Be on the look out for more information.
The Junior League of Salt Lake City Fall Recruitment Social was held on Thursday,
August 20th. Membership Outreach decided to refer to the event as the "Fall
Recruitment Social" to reduce the potential for confusion and to ensure potential
members did not miss info given during the meeting.
Twenty-four prospective new members attended the social and an additional 20
women were interested but unable to attend. Membership Outreach stationed an
active member at each table to answer questions, keep the conversation going and help
make everyone feel welcome and get that special one-on-one acknowledgement. We
look forward to our new class of provisional members.
M aj or Gi f ts
We are looking for names of companies & contacts that have programs in place to donate money or time
for the Junior League projects and events.
If your company or someone you know has a giving program in place, please contact Major Gifts Director,
Jolene Terry-Phinney to follow up with them. or 801-597-2734
Thank you for any leads you can provide!
Cooking is an act of l ove, much l ike t he Sal t t o Honey cookbook is a
f undraising l abor of l ove f or t he Junior League of Sal t Lake Cit y. To hel p
spread t he word of our f undraising ef f ort s, t he MMS Commit t ee has
part icipat ed in t he Downt own Farmer's Market as wel l as have had t he
opport unit y t o sel l cookbooks at dif f erent Junior League event s. We
part icipat ed in t he Avenues St reet Fair on Sept ember 12 and did a cooking
demonst rat ion at t he Ut ah St at e Fair on Sept ember 13.
Merchandising, Marketing and Sales
Wit h t he hol idays upon us, we encourage you t o bring t he joy of cooking and
gat hering int o your home wit h t he l ovel y recipes f rom our Sal t t o Honey
cookbook. Our book is priced at onl y $23.95 wit h al l of sal e proceeds going
direct l y t o t he Junior League's unrest rict ed f unds, which support s our
mission. Pl ease consider giving Sal t t o Honey as a host ess gif t t his hol iday
season or even t hink about host ing your own hol iday cookbook part y. You
simpl y invit e your f riends and f amil y, serve t he yummy f ood f orm t he
cookbook and t he MMS commit t ee wil l do t he rest !
August GMM
If you're int erest ed in purchasing t he Sal t t o Honey cookbook t o woul d l ike t o
host a part y pl ease cont act Amy Leininger at 801-597-1858 or at
amy@qcl ot
Dates to Remember
11:30 - 1:00 Sustainer
Luncheon at Alta Club
10 GMM
20 Favorite Things Party
14 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Bowling Social
24 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m
Junior League Fall Dental
24 Junior League Night
with the Grizzlies
25 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Suffragette Matinee
Unit Meet ings Wil l be in
Pl ace of an Oct ober GMM
Our first General Membership Meeting
(GMM) of the 2015-2016 year was held in
August at one of our past projects,
Wheeler Farm. The Director of Wheeler
Farm talked about Junior League?s
experience and key role in getting the
farm started. Thanks to Jeanne Jardine, a
sustainer who shared her experience
being on the committee that helped to
start Wheeler Farm. Members and their
families enjoyed BBQ in the Activity Barn
and had the opportunity to explore the
75 acre farm.
5 Breakfast with Santa
Hol iday Social TBA
JL Fall Dental Fair
Saturday, October 24, 2015
9 am -5 pm
Northwest Middle School,
1730 W. 1700 N.
SLC, UT 84116
Junior League of Ogden Open House
Our Membership Outreach Director along with our
President Elect and President recently attended the
Ogden Junior League open house at their Oasis
Garden. The Garden is a JL project that offers a
community garden and pavilion. The pavilion features
a community gathering space, a demonstration
kitchen, greenhouse, and rainwater harvesting. The
League has been hosting cooking and gardening
community workshops this summer. We look forward
to attending future events and collaborating with the
Ogden League.
Sustainer Update
Alta Club Luncheon - October 8, 2015 11:30-1:00
For events you can get information for the event and register and pay on line. Use home page under Member Home Page - News and Reminders.
Event registration deadline is the Monday at noon before the event date.
Transfer Tea
In August, we hosted a tea at headquarters for
members who have transferred into our League
from various locations. They shared their ideas
and stories from their involvement with other
leagues. We are excited to welcome them to
JLSLC and look forward to their leadership and
connections. If you have transferred in, please
reach out to your advocate on ways you can get
involved, meet other members and share your
knowledge with us.
Happy Birthday
Shawna Blackhurst 9/ 1
Karen Jensen 9/ 3
Kate Trimble 9/ 3
Shannon Dunlop 9/ 4
Courtney Hutchinson 9/ 5
Shannon Fuchs 9/ 6
Joi Podgomy 9/ 6
Suzanne Scott 9/ 6
Pam Crain 9/ 8
Simone McInnis 9/ 12
Michelle McLaughlin 9/ 13
Ann McCoy 9/ 14
Mary McCarthey 9/ 16
Ann Leininger 9/ 18
Nani Hogle 9/ 19
Kristine Price 9/ 19
Pearl Wright 9/ 21
Judith Magid 9/ 22
Kay Van Patter 9/ 22
Kristin Gelegotis 9/ 23
Chanda Jenkins 9/ 13
Brighton Roper 9/ 24
Sara Hofman 9/ 25
Terrell Dougan 9/ 26
Callaway Mckay 9/ 28
Elizabeth Michie 9/ 28
Melissa Worrel 9/ 29
Sashcha Jarrad 9/ 30
Get news and updates quick and through your favorite multimedia
- Follow us on Twitter: @JLSLC - Become a fan of JLSLC
-Facebook JLSLC
- Join the Junior League of Salt Lake City Social Club on Facebook
(members only). Email Cindy St. Clair at
Photo Credit: Kari Sikorski
Stay In The Know
- Check out our website:
- Receive JLSLC E-blasts: Contact Hailey at
- Download the Seeing Spot Ap for League member contact info
2014-2015 President Jolene Terry-Phinney
passing the torch to 2015-2016 President
Heather Bertotti Sarin.
Women Hel ping Women
Cl ient Spot l ight ? Vera S.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
While volunteering at WHW in
June, Cara and I met Vera S. She
was very excited to work with us
and find new professional attire to
wear to her new job in SLC. We
began talking and she shared she
was recently was released from
prison due to a felony conviction.
She shared how our facility
allowed her to feel good about
herself and the clothes she had
for work. She also shared how she
is making a fresh start with her
life and her four-year-old little
girl. She talked of never giving up
and finding an employer who
would hire a person convicted of a
felony. She found a job in a week
due to perseverance and drive.
Jennifer Clark 10/ 3
Katie Hans 10/ 3
Cindy Hornbaker 10/ 4
Christine Casper 10/ 5
Nicole Varanakis 10/ 6
Linda Forsey 10/ 9
Sally Haegany 10/ 10
Pauline Waggeland-Johnson 10/ 10
Lauren Vallo-Laker 10/ 11
Clista Eccles 10/ 12
Betty Davis 10/ 13
Melissa Scott Elkins 10/ 13
Susan Gaskill 10/ 15
Nancy Young 10/ 16
Courtney Gaylord 10/ 17
Lacie Peterson 10/ 18
Holly Gralak 10/ 12
Rosanne Gordon 10/ 23
Penny Sandberg 10/ 23
Pat Robertson 10/ 26
Mary Woods 10/ 27
Lauren Martin 10/ 28
Sue Razor 10/ 29
Katy Andrews 10/ 31
Lisa Levy 10/ 31
Sallee Middlekauff 10/ 31
Barbara Zimonja 11/ 1
Jeni Fitzgibbon 11/ 2
Whitney Fenech 11/ 4
Alise Orlandi 11/ 4
Judy Liapis 11/ 6
Heidi Makowski 11/ 6
Sunny Vance-Lauritzen 11/ 6
Shannon Bond 11/ 12
Mary Anne Cooper 11/ 12
Elizabeth Rabon 11/ 12
Lauri Welch 11/ 15
Majesta Herrara 11/ 16
Kelly LaDue 11/ 19
Anne Maxfield 11/ 20
Kimberly Rudd 11/ 22
Kellie Wood 11/ 22
Honey Larson 11/ 25
Sandra McCarthey 11/ 25
Karen Nellist 11/ 26
Jennifer Gibbons 11/ 27
Annemarie Boswell 11/ 28
Cynthia Conner 11/ 28
Jeanne Kimball 11/ 28
Denise Perkins 11/ 28
Maggie Strasser 11/ 29
Vera?s attitude was infectious and
we all enjoyed ?shopping? for her
new outfits for work.
Amazon Smi l e
With the holiday season quickly approaching,
below is an easy way to purchase items on Amazon
while earning money for JLSLC: All you have to do
is visit and select Junior League
of Salt Lake City as your charity. Then shop as you
normally would on Amazon. Each time you shop,
make sure you are in the and
that it shows you are supporting the Junior League
of Salt Lake City, Inc.
Photo Credit: Kari Sikorski
Annual Dinner
Thanks to all who joined us for Annual Dinner on May 27th at Town Club!
We had a lovely meal and said goodbye to President Jolene Terry-Phinney, while welcoming new
President Heather Bertotti Sarin.
The Junior League of Salt Lake City also honored Dr. John Houchins with our Cleone P. Eccles Legacy
of Excellence Award for his 20+ years of hard work coordinating medical support for CARE Fair.
Loren Micalizio was also recognized for her honor of the Hearts & Hands Award from the Utah
Society of Fund Raisers and the Utah Nonprofits Association.
We also voted in 18 new active members from the Provisional class and had 10 Active members
become Sustainers.
526 East 300 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84102
Board of Direct ors
President: Heather Bertotti Sarin
President Elect: Vicki Harder
Presidential Assistant: Loren Micalizio
Community VP: Laura Nelson
Communications VP: Cindy St. Clair
Education VP: Emily Lucht
Finance VP: Elizabeth Chavez
Fundraising VP: Callaway McKay
Membership VP: Raven Clissold
Project VP: Kristin Gelegotis
Recording Secretary: Polina
Sustaining Advisor: Janice Nelson
Communit y Advisory Board
Denise Dragoo * Lori Hansen * Frances Larsen * Rachel Lewis * Wendy Nicosen
Beth Strathman * Ann Marie Thompson