Hunting and fishing - Guides de la Bibliothèque
Hunting and fishing - Guides de la Bibliothèque
Hunting and fishing North America / Canada / Québec béluga caribou ouan harfang innu carnav carreauté mitaine h windigo tuque caban innu carnaval moc ouananiche tipi car gadoue caribou bé mocassin innu carr atoca inukshuk ha mocassin tuque w husky harfang gad cabane mitaine ca 02 06 nature in Québec hunting species: top 5 white-tailed deer 12caribou 14moose 16 black bear 18waterfowl and small game 08 10 20 24 regions regions: top 6 Abitibi-Témiscamingue 35 Eeyou Istchee Baie-James 36Laurentides 37Mauricie 38Nunavik 39Outaouais 32 34 40 hunting & fishing zones fishing species: top 7 predatory fish: walleye, northern pike, bass 26 salmonids: arctic char, lake trout, speckled trout 30salmon 22 32 41 useful information We’ve got it all! Hunting and fishing in Québec: We’ve got it all! Nature in Québec beckons, bewitches and astounds. Our wildlife couldn’t be more diverse! How about bringing home some clean forest air in your suitcase? Come to Québec! As a hunting and fishing destination, Québec combines wideopen spaces with a warm welcome. Stunningly wild and blanketing a large part of our territory, our forests delight nature lovers. Countless lakes are yours to explore with our outfitters. Seasoned guides will show you the best bodies of water, the best salmon pools and secret spots for prized game. Whether you choose accommodations that epitomize the lap of luxury or are more on the rustic side—with or without meals—and whether you are with friends, family or that special someone, your memories are sure to be lasting ones. 2 — 3 We’ve got it all! hunting fishing 4 — 5 hunting A hunting destination In our fairy tales, legendary beasts inhabit the forest! Hunting enthusiasts are spoiled for choice in Québec: caribou, deer, moose, bear, small game and waterfowl fill the woods, and, further north, the tundra. In the forest, you can take on a giant: the black bear. Perhaps you prefer still hunting? White tailed deer, moose and caribou are wonderful challenges! And waterfowl had better watch out when lovers of this tasty game are on the prowl. Birds such as the ruffed grouse and the spruce grouse have long been a special treat for Québec families, as are the snow goose and the hare. 6 — 7 species: top hunting (5) white-tailed deer Anticosti Island is the only place in North America where the deer can be hunted on a beach. snow goose moose They can stay underwater for nearly a minute to feed. During rutting, combat between rivals generally results in no injuries. Breeding in the Arctic islands in summer, the snow goose stops along the St. Lawrence in the fall and spring to feed. Hundreds of thousands of birds can be found on the river’s banks during these periods. caribou black bear Looking for the spine-tingling excitement the black bear can bring? Remember: this beast is an excellent climber, swimmer and runner. The crown of antlers sported by young males starts to grow during their first fall. The male is polygamous and takes on rivals in a ritual that involves a clash of antlers. 8 — 9 hunting white-tailed deer This magnificent ungulate is hunted on the continent, but is particularly popular on Anticosti Island. If the white-tailed deer, or Virginia deer, is your preferred game, this incredible island territory is for you. A jewel of nature in the heart of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, this outstandingly beautiful fossilbearing site is home to spectacular falls, cliffs, canyons and caves. Huge numbers of white-tailed deer gambol about, and you are their sole predator. Good hunting is virtually guaranteed! outfitters Fairmont Kenauk* 819-423-5832 ext 8 Pourvoirie Berneuil outfitter 450-436-4054 Pourvoirie Lac Geneviève D’Anticosti 418-535-0294 Pourvoirie Mijocama 819-449-8943 Safari Anticosti* 450-359-1113 Sépaq Anticosti* 418-535-0231 ext 228 * Online packages at 10 — 11 white-tailed deer hunting caribou The nomadic caribou prefers the Great North for its annual migration. Just take a two-hour flight from Montréal to find yourself in another world. The caribou occupies a vast realm made up of the regions of Nunavik, Baie-James and Eeyou Istchee. The Rivière aux Feuilles herd has close to 400,000 head according to recent counts. The caribou, which has a finely honed sense of smell and excellent eyesight, is an exciting challenge for hunters. outfitters Le Club Explo-Sylva* 514-254-6345 Jack Hume Adventures* 450-533-5999 Leaf River Lodge* 418-882-6210 Mirage outfitter* 819-854-5151 Pourvoirie Aventure Tunilik* 514-648-1595 Pourvoirie Cargair 819-275-7478 Pourvoyeurs de la rivière Delay* 819-778-2112 * Online packages at 12 — 13 caribou moose hunting moose Would you like to see moose stroll nonchalantly by your blind? Some hunting zones are the perfect spot for this noble beast to put in an appearance. Basically solitary, the moose frequents clearings, bays with submerged vegetation, marshes and swamps. It is hunted in the fall, and to attract it, hunters imitate the call of the female, an art in and of itself. outfitters Air Melançon* 819-586-2220 Bryson Lake Lodge* 819-683-1790 Club Lac Brûlé 819-449-8312 Club Trout Lake* 819-722-2424 Domaine Shannon* 819-449-3285 Maple Leaf Lodge 819-629-7715 Poirier Fish and Game Territory Inc.* 819-449-3032 Pourvoirie Basse Côte-Nord* 418-887-7405 Pourvoirie du Lac Paul* 581-306-4488 Wapoos Sibi 514-737-2428 Wetetnagami outfitter* 450-224-5166 * Online packages at 14 — 15 hunting black bear black bear The imposing black bear is partial to berries… and pretty much anything else it can sink its teeth into. In spite of its cuddly appearance, it is a formidable adversary! Black bear is hunted largely in the spring, and, in certain areas, in the fall. Hunting mainly takes place from a tower. The secret is to keep your eyes peeled! According to estimates, Québec’s black bear population is in excellent shape. outfitters Auberge de la Griffe d’Ours* 819-691-5999 Bryson Lake Lodge* 819-683-1790 Club Lac Brûlé 819-449-8312 Domaine Le Pic Bois Inc.* 418-665-2717 Domaine Shannon* 819-449-3285 Holden Lake Lodge* 819-629-7715 Matchi-Manitou Lake Lodge 819-856-8866 Poirier Fish and Game Territory Inc.* 819-449-3032 Pourvoirie Clauparo* 418-887-7405/418-236-1259 Pourvoirie Mekoos* 819-623-2336 Taggart Bay Lodge* 819-629-7715 Wapoos Sibi 514-737-2428 Wetetnagami outfitter* 450-224-5166 * Online packages at Pavillon Wapus* 819-449-2787 16 — 17 waterfowl and small game hunting In the forests, the ruffed grouse struts brazenly along the roads, swallowing gravel to grind its food. The snow goose is hunted both spring and fall on its migratory stops along the banks of the St. Lawrence. As for the hare, it is easier to spot before the first snow as its coat is starting to turn white. outfitters Auberge de la Griffe d’Ours* 819-691-5999 Domaine de l’Île au canot 418-259-2140 Domaine Shannon* 819-449-3285 Matchi-Manitou Lake Lodge 819-856-8866 Pourvoirie du Lac Berval 514-991-1247 Wapoos Sibi 514-737-2428 * Online packages at 18 — 19 waterfowl and small game fishing A fishing destination The size of the catch grows with each telling of the fishing trip. Fishing fans wait impatiently for spring to head into the woods and the wash of the rivers, or to troll on the freshly calés (thawed) lakes, doing a bit of fishing for powerful salmonids or formidable flesh eaters. To try your hand at ice fishing while waiting for summer, take a trip to Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade, in Mauricie. This is where the famous winter cod, or Atlantic tomcod, can be found, a one-of-a-kind seasonal treat. What’s more, 2013 marks the village’s 75th anniversary of this unique style of fishing! 20 — 21 species: top fishing (7) Faire les close cut des photos achetées walleye Perfectly delicious in fish and chips! The walleye is more common than the sauger, adapting more easily to its habitat, and is preferred by fishing enthusiasts. northern pike bass Its French name “achigan” comes from Algonquin, a North American Aboriginal language, and means “the one that struggles.” There are largemouth and smallmouth bass. The extremely voracious northern pike has close to 700 teeth. An opportunistic carnivore, it can even feed on muskrats and ducklings. lake trout arctic char The absence of marbling on its back distinguishes it from the speckled trout. Young individuals can remain in fresh water for up to seven years before swimming to the sea. When the prudent but voracious lake trout is captured, it often ends up mounted on the wall. This inhabitant of the deep lakes of Southern Québec is also found in the shallow rivers and lakes of the north. salmon speckled trout The adults migrate, sometimes many kilometres, to reach their spawning beds. Fly fishing is the approach that yields the most satisfaction. The Atlantic salmon and landlocked salmon are the same species, but the landlocked salmon remains in lakes, while the Atlantic salmon migrates to the ocean. 22 — 23 fishing predatory fish walleye The walleye is a catch much prized by sport fishers in Québec, who are fans of its flavour. It is often found in sizable bodies of water and large rivers, also home to the pike. It feeds primarily on fish and dabbles in cannibalism if need be. The walleye is attracted to anything that moves at the bottom of the water. outfitters Air Melançon* 819-586-2220 Air Tamarac outfitters* 450-223-1298 Bryson Lake Lodge* 819-683-1790 Club Lac Brûlé 819-449-8312 Club Trout Lake* 819-722-2424 Domaine Shannon* 819-449-3285 Dorval Lodge 1-888-449-4789 Matchi-Manitou Lake Lodge 819-856-8866 Pavillon Wapus* 819-449-2787 Poirier Fish and Game Territory Inc. 819-449-3032 Square-Tail Lodge* 450-226-2049 Taggart Bay Lodge* 819-629-7715 Wapoos Sibi 514-737-2428 Wetetnagami outfitter* 450-224-5166 * Online packages at northern pike The pike is highly combative; it can jump at the surface when hooked. Generally 50 to 70 cm (20 to 28 in.) in length, some pike can reach one metre (3 ft.) upon maturity. In Québec, its nickname is the “freshwater shark” because its prey can be a third or even half its own size, and it can live for over 20 years. Some people say that this remarkable fish is prehistoric. outfitters Fairmont Kenauk 819-423-5832 ext 8 Holden Lake Lodge* 819-629-7715 Kiskimaastakin Camps* 418-322-5909 Mirage outfitter* 819-854-5151 Pourvoirie du Lac Oscar* 514-939-3673 * Online packages at 24 — 25 bass Quick to attack the right lures, the smallmouth bass and the largemouth bass are generally caught and released for sport. Native to North America, this carnivore is related to the perch. Fishers often notice that when the trout isn’t biting in rivers, the bass takes over as the waters warm up! outfitters La Réserve Beauchêne* 819-627-3865 Maple Leaf Lodge 819-629-7715 Pourvoirie Mijocama 819-449-8943 fishing * Online packages at arctic char The Arctic char is an aggressive attacker. An elite athlete and delicious to boot, in Québec it is found almost exclusively in the north. On its quest for sustenance, it can migrate toward the ocean in the summer or from one habitat to another in a given lake, creating variations in its colouring. Its fertility seems to increase proportionally with its size. outfitters Arctic Adventures – Payne river fishing camp* 1-800-465-9474 Jack Hume Adventures* 450-533-5999 * Online packages at 26 — 27 salmonids fishing lake trout In the southern part of Québec, the lake trout responds well to the fly, but after the summer solstice, it dives into the depths, where a number of techniques can be used to bait it, in particular a core line with a string of weights. It has a delicate flavour and is especially tasty filleted. outfitter Mirage outfitter* 819-854-5151 * Online packages at 28 — speckled trout The speckled trout, or brook trout, is a combative fish that makes its home pretty much throughout the province, frequenting streams, rivers and cold-water lakes. It even has an annual festival dedicated to it in the Mauricie, a region that is home to an impressive number of speckled trout. Its size and appearance vary slightly according to its habitat, and it is a good environmental indicator because it thrives only in fresh, oxygenated water. Pourvoirie Berneuil outfitter 450-436-4054 Pourvoirie Clauparo* 418-887-7405/418-236-1259 Pourvoirie du Lac Berval 514-991-1247 La Pourvoirie du Lac Oscar* 514-939-3673 Pourvoirie du Lac Paul* 581-306-4488 outfitters Pourvoirie Mekoos* 819-623-2336 Fairmont Kenauk* 819-423-5832, ext 8 Pourvoirie Mijocama 819-449-8943 Kiskimaastakin Camps* 418-322-5909 Square-Tail Lodge* 450-226-2049 La Réserve Beauchêne* 819-627-3865 Wapoos Sibi 514-737-2428 * Online packages at 29 salmon fishing salmon A much-coveted species for its delightful flesh, the Atlantic salmon promises a memorable fight. It is fished in the rivers of the Bas-Saint-Laurent, the Gaspésie region, Nunavik and the Côte-Nord, including Anticosti Island. In Southern Québec, salmon is fished only with artificial flies. Catch and release is strongly recommended to protect the species. outfitters Camp Bonaventure 418-534-3678 Leaf River Lodge* 418-882-6210 Pourvoirie Basse Côte-Nord* 418-887-7405 landlocked salmon Pourvoyeurs de la rivière Delay* 819-778-2112 Salmon Lodge 418-392-4575 * Online packages at 30 — 31 Abitibi-Témiscamingue regions : top A total of 55,011 km2 (21,240 sq. mi.) of forests form 85% of this “Land of Gold,” making it a springtime paradise for black bear hunters. Its 22,000 lakes and rivers are filled with walleye, lake trout, brook trout and pike. (6) Baie-James and Eeyou Istchee Laurentides Just an hour north of Montréal, Les Pays d’en-Haut stretch across the Laurentian Mountains with 9,000 lakes and rivers. The region is a haven for brook and lake trout, walleye, pike and landlocked salmon, as well as deer, moose and black bear. At the edge of Nunavik in Québec’s Far North, this land the size of Germany was formed by undersea volcanoes and the passage of glaciers. It is the home of the Cree people... and of Lac Mistassini, Québec’s biggest natural lake, covering 2,113 km2 (816 sq. mi.). Outaouais Mauricie Halfway between Montréal and Québec City, this 40,000 km2 (15,440 sq. mi.) playground of woodlands— with 4,500 lakes and 25 rivers— has lured famous fishing and hunting aficionados such as Teddy Roosevelt, Harry Truman and Winston Churchill, who have tracked moose and black bear, or tackled walleye, pike and lake trout. Nunavik North of the 55th parallel, this arctic land of tundra and taiga is the realm of the world’s biggest caribou herd. Once you get there—by plane only—you will experience the unique hospitality and culture of the Inuit. The region’s pristine lakes and rivers abound in salmon and arctic char, among other species. Close to Canada’s National Capital and the U.S. border, this region’s more than 20,000 lakes and rivers and two deep and vast reservoirs abound in fish, while its rich forests host an astounding population of deer, moose, black bear and small game. Baffin Island (Nunavut) Pingualuit Crater Ungava Bay Labrador Sea NUNAVIK Hudson Bay Québec tourist regions 32 — 33 James Bay Newfoundland and Labrador BAIE-JAMES AND EEYOU ISTCHEE DUPLESSIS MANICOUAGAN SAGUENAY– LAC-SAINT-JEAN St ce ren . Law ABITIBITÉMISCAMINGUE GASPÉSIE CHARLEVOIX MAURICIE Gulf of St.Lawrence ÎLES-DE-LAMADELEINE BASSAINT-LAURENT Québec City OUTAOUAIS LANAUDIÈRE Ontario Anticosti Island QUÉBEC LAURENTIDES Gatineau r Rive CENTREDU-QUÉBEC New Brunswick CHAUDIÈREAPPALACHES Montréal MONTÉRÉGIE CANTONSDE-L'EST United States Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia Abitibi-Témiscamingue Twice the size of Belgium, with three majestic lakes—the Abitibi, the Témiscamingue (meaning “deep waters” in Algonquin) and the island-ridden Kipawa Reservoir— and 65,000 km2 (25,000 sq. mi.) of forests, this region is as rich in fish and game as it is in ore. In fact, 60% of Québec’s hunting camps are located here, because the locals are simply wild... about hunting! Springtime is black bear season, and the outfitters here are ready to welcome you to try your hand at bagging this prized catch. This is also walleye country, and you can expect to hook lake trout or northern pike in sizes that will challenge your line and expertise. But the most precious thing you will bring back home are the memories and the unique Abitibi-Témiscamingue stories. Eeyou Istchee Baie-James 34 — 35 This land of legends and contrasts will surpass your imagination and expectations. Can you forsake the comfort of an inn to share your Cree hosts’ way of living in a tepee? After a good night of sleep, you can admire the herds of caribou as they quietly parade by, choose your trophy and take aim from a reasonable distance. Or you may choose to seek walleye, pike or lake trout in the Mistassini and Albanel lakes, both world class destinations for trophy fish. Afterwards, relax in your cabin combining both modern comfort and rugged beauty. Regardless of what drew you here, you will never forget your experience in the Eeyou Istchee Baie-James region. The Laurentians The Laurentians offer you 22,000 km2 (7,700 sq. mi.) of bliss and adventure, with a dash of history! The biggest deer in Québec roam the forests, where you can also meet black bear, moose and small game. The region’s 9,000 lakes and rivers are alive with landlocked salmon, trout, bass, walleye and pike. The outfitters here offer a wide range of accommodations and activities, in all seasons. In winter, experience ice fishing, snowshoeing, dogsledding and more. They have so many ways to make you smile, whether you come with friends or family... because after all, this is Eldorado, just north of Montréal! Mauricie 36 — 37 Welcome to Mauricie, Québec’s “true nature”! Here, history, culture, nature and adventure await you. A region of emotion, Mauricie enchants with its vast wilderness and rich historic and cultural heritage. This is the place to hunt black bear in the springtime, moose in autumn, or to tackle walleye in an inland sea—the Gouin Reservoir. That is, unless you prefer to explore a 40,000 km2 (15,440-sq.-mi.) playground where old forests encircle 4,500 lakes and 25 rivers, including the majestic Rivière Saint-Maurice. In a log cabin, a snug cottage or a tepee, the region’s outfitters will make sure your stay is as comfortable and exciting as you dreamed it would be. Welcome to paradise! Nunavik North of the 55th parallel lies a place filled with powerful rivers, delicate tundra landscapes and prolific wildlife roaming free in a land that has remained unchanged for thousands of years. A place where the biggest caribou herd in the world can be observed and hunted; where a warm, cheerful and friendly people—the Inuit—will let you share their corner of the world. A place where you can hook impressive arctic char, Atlantic salmon and brook trout; where you can feast on a memorable shore lunch before drifting to sleep under the soft shimmer of an aurora borealis. There is such a magical place, and it is called Nunavik. Nunavik Tourism Association 1 888 594-3424 Outaouais 38 — 39 Located in Western Québec, close to Ottawa and surrounded by the Abitibi-Témiscamingue and Laurentides regions, Outaouais is a bilingual region rich with hunting and fishing traditions dating back to an era when private clubs lured politicians and businessmen for memorable catches and trophies. Whether from a rustic cabin or a deluxe cottage, discover the region’s 20,000 lakes and rivers and the impressive Cabonga and Baskatong reservoirs, where pike, grey and rainbow trout, brook trout and bass abound. And since black bear, deer, moose and small game also share the lush forests and woodlands, hunters will find their solace... and understand why locals say that “The West is the Best.” Baffin Island (Nunavut) Pingualuit Crater Ungava Bay Labrador Sea 23 Hudson Bay 24 Québec hunting and fishing zones James Bay Newfoundland and Labrador 22 19 NORTH 19 29 16 SOUTH 17 18 28 St ce ren . Law r Rive 01 13 14 02 20 Gulf of St.Lawrence 21 25 27 12 11 10 25 Ontario Gatineau 26 15 Québec City 03 07 09 Montréal 08 05 06 04 United States New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia useful information hunting and fishing zones with and without exclusive rights transport and export of fish and game — In Québec, hunting and fishing is allowed on public land with the appropriate permits. National parks, wildlife refuges, and controlled harvesting zones (ZECs) are all accessible under certain conditions. For detailed information on hunting and fishing main rules (e.g., zone boundaries), contact the Québec Natural Resources and Wildlife Department at english/wildlife/hunting-fishing-trapping or call 1 866 248-6936. EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS — Individuals who have in their possession, other than in their place of permanent residence, fish caught while sport fishing, must keep such fish in a condition making it possible to determine the species (enough skin left in place for identification), length (where length limits apply), and number. Non-residents may leave Québec with a quantity of fish equal to the possession limit for each species. permits and quotas — Hunting and fishing quotas are established on a species by species basis, and governed by wildlife management plans. Hunters and anglers must purchase fishing and hunting licenses. Non-residents wishing to fish or hunt north of the 52nd parallel or east of the St. Augustin river (Zone 19 south), as well as those hunting black bear and woodcock south of the 52nd parallel (except in wildlife sanctuaries and controlled harvesting zones (ZECs), must use the services of an outfitter. Non-residents do not have to produce a hunter’s certificate to purchase a hunting license. Although they may use a gun, rifle, crossbow or bow to hunt game, they must use the gear authorized for each species and zone. They must also comply with Canadian gun legislation. For information on fishing and hunting rules and restrictions in Québec, visit or call 1 866 248-6936 or 418 627-8600. Only customers of the outfitter operating on the leased territory are permitted to hunt, fish, or trap on that territory. NON-EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS All hunters and anglers are allowed into the territory, even if an outfitter offers accommodations and services on that territory. salmon fishing For details on salmon fishing, contact the Québec Outfitters Federation and the Québec Atlantic Salmon River Management Federation, which offers a wealth of information on salmon rivers to suit a variety of tastes and a broad range of budgets. Québec Atlantic Salmon River Management Federation From Canada or the United States 877 734-2525 • gun legislation, arms and ammunition — Non-residents entering Canada with firearms and without a Canadian firearms license must complete a non-resident Firearm declaration and pay a fee at the point of entry. The Canadian Firearm Centre now offers pre-processing of declarations, which helps save time at the border. And don’t forget to declare all your firearms! Please visit the CFC Web site for forms and information at, or call 1 800 731-4000 (Canada and U.S.A. only), and visit the for information on transportation of arms and ammunition. Any hunter who has killed a deer, moose, caribou or black bear must immediately detach the appropriate transportation tag from his or her license and affix it to the animal. The tag must remain attached throughout the registration process and until the animal has been dressed and stored. Where a moose has been bagged by a hunting party, the hunter who killed the animal must ensure that the transportation tag of any other hunter participating in the hunt is also affixed to the animal on the same day it is killed. Anyone wishing to export black-bear trophies, or any part of these animals, must obtain a CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) export permit. Residents of the United States may export a black bear trophy consisting of the hide, hide with paws and claws attached, skull, or meat (excluding all organs) from Canada to the U.S. only on the condition that the animal is in a fresh, salted or frozen state, the result of their own hunting activity, and transported as personal accompanied baggage (not shipped). For a CITES export permit, visit 40 — 41 infos useful information customs formalities driving in Québec — Personal effects not subject to particular restrictions are exempt from taxes but must be declared at Customs. Visitors who are at least 18 years old may bring into Québec 50 cigars, 200 cigarettes and 200 g (7 oz.) of tobacco, as well as 1.14 litres (38.55 fl. oz.) of spirits or 1.5 litres (50.72 fl. oz.) of wine or twenty-four 355-ml (12 fl. oz.) cans or bottles of beer. There are restrictions on imports of food products, plants, pets and firearms. — By law, all vehicle occupants must wear a seat belt. Turning on a red light is allowed in most of Québec, but some restrictions apply. Owning or operating a radar detector is strictly prohibited, as well as operating a cell phone that is not hands-free: As of January 23, 2007, a new American law, the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI), requires anyone, including U.S. citizens, entering or re-entering the United States by air to have a passport or a NEXUS card when used at a NEXUS kiosk at designated airports. As of June 1, 2009, anyone, including U.S. citizens, entering or re-entering the United States by land or sea must have a passport or other appropriate, secure document. At this point, only requirements for travel by air to the United States have changed. Americans can continue to use documents such as their birth certificates and government-issued photo identification (e.g. driver’s license) to cross the Canada-U.S. border by land or sea until the WHTI is fully implemented. For more information, look under useful. Tips on our Web site: D.W.I. – Travelers admissible to Canada must not have a criminal record; this includes any convictions for driving while intoxicated. A waiver of exclusion may be obtained from a Canadian consulate in the United States, but several weeks are required. There is a processing fee for the waiver. If you have questions about your eligibility to enter Canada, contact your nearest Canadian embassy or Consulate or visit Québec outfitters – Non-residents are advised to use the services of an outfitter. Founded in 1948 and recognized by the government of Québec, the Québec Outfitters Federation is an association of some 400 establishments. Its solid reputation is based on its code of ethics and the quality of service provided by its members. Their packages generally include transportation, accommodations, meals, equipment and guide services. Each outfitting camp operates within a specific fishing and hunting zone. For more information on the outfitters: From Canada or the United States 1 800 567-9009 Québec Outfitters Federation Inc. 5237, boul. Wilfrid-Hamel, bureau 270 Québec (Québec) G2E 2H2 code of ethics and basic principles – Professional ethics are the basic principles of moral conduct and obligations that QOF member outfitters must follow when dealing with society in general, as well as their clients, employees, and colleagues. They also include outfitters’ duties to the profession. Each outfitter that becomes a member of the QOF must respect the Federation’s Code of Ethics and basic principles. To learn more about QOF’s Code of Ethics, visit trip cancellation – Whether you are dealing with an outfitter or an intermediary, make sure to inquire about cancellation policies and refunds on deposits or full payments. These conditions should appear in the outfitter’s brochure or website. insurance – Most agencies offer trip-cancellation, medical, and baggage insurance. For information on such policies, please contact the fishing or hunting agency of your choice. If the trip has not been completely paid for before your departure and you do not intend to settle the bill with cash, it is recommended that you verify whether the outfitter accepts personal checks, traveler’s checks or the credit card you plan to use. baggage – Before departure, you should always check the weight limit on baggage with your airline carrier as well as the fees and policies related to bringing back meat and antlers. useful information weather conditions tourist information – While every effort is made to comply with published timetables, irregularities in flight operations may occur in some regions due to the weather. Such conditions can also affect the schedule of activities at the outfitter’s camp. There is no refund for adjustments to activities resulting from such irregularities. For more information or reservations: responsibilities of fishing and hunting outfitters – Since they have no control over suppliers, outfitters cannot be held responsible if suppliers fail to provide the services described. In addition to the general conditions stated above, neither intermediaries nor outfitters can be held responsible for any damage, loss, delay, illness, injury or inconvenience arising from: a) errors, negligence or omissions on the part of other suppliers such as carriers, hotels, etc.; b) strikes, mechanical failures, quarantine or other restrictive government action, meteorological conditions, or other factors beyond human control such as forest fires; c) failure on the part of the customer to carry the necessary travel documents; d) any airport delays on the customer’s day of departure, for whatever reason; e) any material damage, loss of property or theft; f) illness, injury, or death. From Canada or the United States 1 877 BONJOUR (1 877 266-5687) Tourisme Québec C.P. 979, Montréal (Québec) H3C 2W3 CANADA photos © Tourisme Québec: Jean-François Bergeron/Enviro Foto; Claude Bouchard; François Brault; Patrick Campeau; Benoît Chalifour; Gilles Chaumel; Daniel Desmarais; Serge Desrosiers/Claude Parent; Mathieu Dupuis; Jean Fiset; Louis Gagnon; Siegfried Gagnon; Marcel Gignac; Jean-François Hamelin; Jean-Pierre Huard; Michel Julien; Daniel Larocque; Jean-Guy Lavoie; Yves Marcoux; Louise Pelland; Craig Ritchie; Linda Turgeon; Heiko Wittenborn. This brochure is published by the Direction de la promotion of Tourisme Québec Legal deposit: Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, February 2013 ISBN: 978-2-550-66830-5 ISBN: 978-2-550-66831-2 (PDF) All the information in this brochure was up to date at the time of publication. Tourisme Québec cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions. This brochure can also be consulted online, with videoclips, on Our brochures can be ordered or consulted in Flash format with hyperlinks on our website at 42 — 43 Except for: p. 30, © Société Cascapédia; p. 31, © FGRSQ; p. 34, © Abitibi-Témiscamingue; p. 35, © Eeyou Istchee Baie-James/Pêche à Chisasibi avec Sherman Herodier/Fishing AdventurerProductions; © Mathieu Dupuis; p. 36, © Tourisme Laurentides; p. 37, © L’Aventurier du Gouin; p. 38, © Helen Falls/Salmon; p. 39, © Fairmont Kenauk at le Château Montebello. Discover more at Québec is all about hunting and fishing There are so many ways to experience what Québec outfitters have to offer. While discovering your destination through the Québec Outfitters Federation network, you can enjoy fishing in a hundred thousand bountiful lakes and rivers or hunting the most popular big game and wildfowl. Québec outfitters offer high‑quality, worry‑free vacations and an all‑inclusive nature, with passion, dedication, expertise and authenticity —all in order to bring you a unique experience. Let us be your guide! photos : Gaspésie, Québec, Canada FGRSQ-54-2_HuntingFishing_Layout 1 11/26/12 6:27 PM Page 1 Order your free Map of Québec's Salmon Rivers and discover: • over 60 Atlantic salmon rivers • accessible, unique and affordable salmon fishing destinations • services provided by the operators of controlled zones (ZECs), wildlife reserves and outfitters. For more information and to help you plan your fishing trip in Québec: www.s almonquebec .ca 1 866 972-8666 (toll-free) CATCH LARGE QUANTITIES OF GIANT FISH AT QUÉBEC ABORIGINAL OUTFITTERS DISCOVER WHAT ABORIGINAL COMMUNITIES ACROSS QUÉBEC HAVE TO OFFER. ABORIGINALQUEBEC.COM GO TO C GO CA AB BEELLA AS S..C CO OM 22171_QuebecOutfitters.indd 1 VIISI V SIT O OU U UR R ST STOR ORES ES ©2012 Cabela’s Inc. CHR-301 Cabela’s gear is rigorously tested to ensure its performance exceeds expectations for the highest quality standards. We know because Cabela’s employees spend countless hours in the outdoors every year. This experience helps us design the quality gear that wears the Cabela’s name. CA C ALLLL 800 00..2237 237 37.4 .444 444 12/7/12 4:21 PM The Québec Ultimate Destination Giveaway Tourisme Québec and the Québec Outfitters Federation are happy to present the third edition of the Québec Ultimate Destination Giveaway in proud association with North American Hunter, North American Fisherman and Cabela’s. North America/Canada/Québec Win the trip of a lifetime to beautiful Québec! Enter the Québec Ultimate Destination Giveway*. Go to to see what Québec’s outfitters have to offer and choose the hunting or fishing trip of your dreams. Pack your bag and get ready for the ultimate adventure! *No purchase necessary. Contest open to residents of the United States and Canada (except Québec) only. Contest runs from February 1 to June 30, 2013. North America / Canada / Québec Printed in Québec (Canada) – 29113 Follow us on Facebook and Twitter