Newsletter March 2015 - Rangiora High School
Newsletter March 2015 - Rangiora High School
Rangiora High School Te Kura Tuarua o Rangiora Newsletter - March 2015 Year 9 Science Year 9 Science students have been learning about Chemistry. We like doing experiments and learning about all of the equipment. What we find fun about Science is learning new things. We are looking forward to doing more experiments with chemicals. Georgie, Kate and Emma from 9RLN Rangiora High School East Belt Rangiora 7400 New Zealand Telephone 03 3118888 Facsimile 03 3138005 Email Website From the Principal Na mihinui ki te whanau o te kura tuara Rangioa. Ka mate te kāinga tahi, ka ora te kāinga rua. A warm welcome to the 2015 school year to all students, whānau and friends of the school. The school year began with our annual pōwhiri for all new students and staff. It was a fantastic celebration and a great way to begin our learning journey this year. This was quickly followed by our Big Arvo Out, House Sports’ Day, House Open Night and SummerFest. These events are important ways for us to establish a sense of belonging among students and staff, between home and school, and school and our wider community. In 2015 we welcome the largest intake of Year 9 students Rangiora High School has ever had. This 408 strong cohort almost fill the school hall all by themselves and we have worked extremely hard over the past month to ensure they and their families / whanau feel welcome. I am pleased to say they have quickly become an integral part of the Rangiora High School whanau; and this is due, in no small way, to the tireless efforts of our fifteen Year 9 Form Teachers, Head Students, House Executive teams, Peer Support leaders and our 24/7 Youth Workers. We have been very pleased with the standard of uniform at the beginning of the year. Year 9 students are wearing the new uniform with pride and during this transitional stage we thank both the Uniform Group,our new supplier, and our PTA for their professional approach in assisting parents and caregivers to ensure all students look great. As a school we are privileged to be able to assist families in genuine need, with the provision of uniform, by accessing monies from the Red Cross Grant we received in 2013. Inquiries can be made to your son or daughter’s Dean or Head of House if you need assistance. We are here to help. My thanks to for your response to your request for unwanted PE uniforms. These have been distributed to very appreciative students. Our school provides such rich opportunities for all students and it is exciting to see them taking up a range of diverse activities and making the most of every new experience. In the last week of February we saw students training for rugby, volleyball and touch, seventy girls trialling for Year 9 Netball teams, and our Kapa Haka group rehearsing for the Matatini Festival, where they have been asked to perform to invited guests after the pōwhiri. There certainly is no shortage of things to do for those who seize the opportunities on offer. Following a very successful “Start-up 2015” students and staff have settled down to our core business of teaching and learning. Our timetable has finally been confirmed and we have endeavoured to accommodate the wide range of choices made by our 1830 students. Our Operations Grant funding for 2015 has challenged us to be creative when providing the wide range of options for our students. As a result some class sizes sit around 30 and while this is larger than we would like, it does assist us to provide a stimulating curriculum for our students. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulations all of our senior students on their NCEA results. It is pleasing to see so many students aiming for endorsement with Merit or Excellence and that must remain a key focus in 2015. Our scholarship students and their teachers have much to celebrate and we share in the pride of that success. Your sons and daughters will have begun discussing their goals for 2015 with their Form Teachers and I would like to invite parents caregivers to Student Achievement Interview Day [SAID] on 19 March 2015. This will be your opportunity to be part of this important process. Information about appointment bookings will be emailed home in the next week. Please ensure all contact details for phone and emails is up to date so that all information arrives in a timely manner. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Mrs Bev Moore, our Commissioner, to Rangiora High School. The staff and I look forward to working with her in that capacity. Best wishes for an exciting and successful year. As a school we are well placed to deliver quality teaching and learning to all of our students. Morale is high and staff and students have a shared sense of purpose and optimism as we begin the school year. Noho ora mai rā Peggy Burrows Principal An Update from Bev Moore, Commissioner As you know I have been working in the school since last Thursday with responsibility for the governance function. I would like to record my thanks to all of the wonderful staff who have welcomed me into the school and ensured my appointment has not affected the operation of the school at all. I would also like to thank everyone responsible for setting up an office for me upstairs in the administration building - please feel free to pop into the office or phone if you would like to talk to me about any aspect of the school. I would like to make particular mention of the competency, professionalism and effectiveness of the Senior Leadership Team - they have all smoothly and capably managed the school whilst Peggy Burrows is overseas. I had the great pleasure of having a full tour of the school last week and seeing the wide range of programmes, both academic and vocational, you have available for students. The school has a positive feel and it is great to see the shared leisure facility so well utilised by both students and the community. I have been briefed on the exciting $14.9 million development of the school’s facilities which are in the planning stages and will get underway this year. It has also been my privilege to have met some students, previous trustees and parents during the last few days. I would like to reiterate that anyone is welcome to make contact with me if they would like to discuss anything with me or provide any feedback. In the meantime I look forward to keeping everyone updated. Important Information Regarding Zone and Bus Travel If you are thinking of moving house now or in the future, and you find yourself living outside the Rangiora High School Zone, for example in Woodend, Pegasus, Ravenswood or Waikuku, please be aware that even if your address meets the distance qualification of 4.8km away from the school, your student will not be entitled to travel to or from school by school bus. Whilst your student will be welcome to continue at Rangiora High School, you will become responsible for getting them to and from school. They will not be able to use the school bus service, even if they travel to an “in zone” bus stop. This will also affect any younger siblings who may enrol in the future as an out of zone sibling of a currently attending student. Should you wish us to check an address for your prospective move, please do not hesitate to contact us by telephoning (03) 3118888. First Foundation Scholarship Congratulations to Simone Pitima who has been awarded a First Foundation Scholarship. The Scholarship is a unique four year programme that includes paid work experience, networks and financial support as a Scholar. Simone has been paired up with SPARK and already spent a week working with them in late January. She will also receive advice and guidance from a Personal Mentor. The support and development provided by First Foundation will assist Simone as a Scholar to make successful transitions from school to university, through university and then into the workforce. Scholars receive their First Foundation scholarships at the end of Year 12. This recognises the importance of both their final year at school and the transition from secondary school to tertiary education. HILLARY HOUSE HEAD OF HOUSE Mr K Sullivan DEAN OF HOUSE Ms E Gibson February has absolutely flown by. We are already into week 5 and it is incredible how quickly our students have settled into the routines of a new school year. We have had the opportunity to meet parents at the Year 9 Open Night and in a few weeks will hold our Student Achievement Interview Day (SAID) on 19 March for all year levels. If you are worried about your child’s first few weeks, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Gibson or myself about your concerns. Hillary House has made a very strong start to the year. Once again we had a cracking Big Arvo Out, at Woodend Beach, where students met or renewed acquaintances with one another and Hillary Staff. This team building led into a tremendous result on House Sports’ Day. Our students performed with real determination and we led for a fair amount of the day before finishing in second place. A big part of our Start Up programme each year, is welcoming both new students and staff to Rangiora High School. It is a pleasure to welcome to Hillary House our Year 9 intake that makes up 9HQN, with Ms Quinn and 9HRO, with Mrs Rowe. I hope that they are enjoying their start to Rangiora High School. Other new students, including our international students, have also been welcomed into their form classes and we trust that they too are enjoying the start to their time at a new school. New staff joining Hillary House include: Anna White who takes over as form teacher for Carey Prebble, Rebecca McLean, and Emma Gibson who is acting as Dean, until a new appointment is made. Ms Gibson has made an excellent start in her current role as Acting Dean and I’m sure that the students are enjoying getting to know her and appreciate the efforts that she is making on their behalf. I would like to take the opportunity to introduce our 2015 student leaders. Hillary House Captains are Nathan Fellows and Laura McQuillan-Reese, they are supported by our House Leaders, James Francis, Samuel Pell, Tim Smith and Eloise Todd. They are a great team with exceptional skills and ideas and I am very proud of the work they have already completed and I look forward to working with them in my new role as Head of House. Senior SummerFest wrapped up last week and whilst we placed sixth. The true result was the number of students that wanted to participate. The dilemma for our students and House Leaders is one that many sports coaches face, deciding whether we play our best team to secure the win or allow everyone an opportunity to play who signs up. This will be no easy decision, as the House Cup is a hotly contested prize and one we would love to win this year. 2015 will be an exciting year and I look forward to sharing in the success, that each of our members make, to Hillary House. LYDIARD HOUSE HEAD OF HOUSE Mr A Drayton DEAN OF HOUSE Mr G Scott Welcome to another year with Lydiard Tigers. So far this year we have had a busy time. We have welcomed three new form classes in to Year 9. We also welcomed some new staff to Lydiard House this year. Mr Colville who has 9LCO who comes over from Mansfield House, Mr Newsham-West arrives from Burnside High School as Head of the Science faculty and has 11LNW, Mr Cowey who has 9LCW and has recently returned from many years teaching abroad and Mr Hines who has 13LHI and is an experienced Science and Physics teacher and a great addition to our team. The first House gathering began with the big arvo out at Maria Andrews Park on a scorching summer’s day. It was a great opportunity to have our senior leaders and peer support students form bonds with our new year 9 cohort, for the year 9 students to get to know each other and for the students of Lydiard to reacquaint themselves. It was a well-run day and congratulations to our House Executive for arranging a successful day. This year our senior leaders are House Captains – MJ Creswick, Grace Russell along with Mary Hurley, Patrick McCallum, Freya Searle and Kobe Williams. Sports’ Day was awash with orange and we gave it all. Always a lot of fun and the dressing up in all manner of costumes is akin to the Wellington Sevens. In terms of results it was déjà vu at the end of the day with Lydiard finishing last on the points’ table. The same as last year. So a lot to do to win the House competition from that position. Not insurmountable. Just a challenge. We have just finished the Senior SummerFest of Volleyball and Touch. Once again we had a great turnout and competed strongly. At the end of the event we placed fourth. The gap is narrowing and I am sure that efforts of our other teams involved in the rest of the competitions will contribute to a successful year ahead. It is wonderful to see families who came along to the meet and greet held had earlier in the term. As a parent it is important to become as involved and informed with your child and their progress in High School as you were on day one of their educational career at primary school. When Celia Lashlie passed away recently I remember some of the sage advice that she has passed on regarding parenting high school boys. She made the observation that boys have to cross the bridge of adolescence by themselves. Mothers raise their sons to that point and have to let go and watch them as they grow in to men. Celia also made the comment that fathers have to become more involved with their sons at this point in their lives not less. I was fortunate to have had dinner with Celia a few years ago. Our country has lost an insightful educator and social commentator. This year our annual fun run will be held on the Thursday April 2 which is the last day of term. The Lydiard House charity is the puppy guide dog program run by the Blind Foundation. Over the years the House has raised a considerable amount of funds for this very worthy cause. In the next few weeks students will be looking for sponsorship for the fun run. It seems like an oxymoron to have the words fun and run together. It is more about the cause than setting personal bests. We look forward to your suport. MANSFIELD HOUSE HEAD OF HOUSE Mr A Gebbie DEAN OF HOUSE Mr J Harrison It has been an excellent start to 2015 for Mansfield House. Mr Harrison and I could not be more proud of the efforts put in by Mansfield students in the first stages of the House competition and the way that new staff and students have been welcomed into the Mansfield whanau. We welcome new form teachers Mr Moore and Miss Kean and we are very lucky to have back the irreplaceable Mr Bilbrough covering a Year 13 form class. It has also been a pleasure to welcome three new Year 9 classes 9MBN, 9MRN and 9MCM. I hope that the Year 9 students have enjoyed their first month of being Rangiora High School students and I look forward to getting to know them better as the year continues on. My advice as always to new students to Mansfield is to take up as many opportunities as possible at Rangiora High School because there is so many great things on offer. Sports’ Day was an outstanding way to start the year. Mansfield worked so hard for the whole day and we got the result that we wanted. It was a nervous end to the afternoon as we had not been at the top of the running leaderboard once during the day until the last update when we were 20 points ahead of Hilary House. When we were announced to have won the celebrations begun and we enjoyed every minute of it and can be hugely satisfied and proud of the day’s effort. Starting the year atop the leaderboard where we left off last year is exactly where we want to be however it is a long year with an enormous amount of points still up for grabs. The next house competition was Senior SummerFest. We ended up dominating the Volleyball side of the competition winning all our games and the Touch team came away with a record of 2 draws and 3 losses. This record was particularly tough on our Touch team that was made up of mainly Year 11’s and 12’s as they lost a couple of their games by 1 point and were always putting in dedicated performances. Overall this placed us third for the Senior SummeFest and ensured that we stay at the top of the leaderboard with a break of 40 points over our sister house, Rutherford. Last year in Mansfield our motto for 2014 was “better than before”. This year we have changed to the motto of “raising the bar” and this will be something that we continue to talk about as the year goes on. We will be expecting Mansfield students to be investigating ways that they can personally raise the bar for themselves in all facets of their everyday lives. The first step in this process will be completed with their form teachers based around goal setting and what achievements individuals will be aiming for this year. I really look forward to watching the development of Mansfield students as they reach their goals and always aspire to raise the bar. NGATA HOUSE HEAD OF HOUSE Mrs V Wilkins DEAN OF HOUSE Mr T Berg It is really hard to believe that we are half way through Term 1, and what a term it’s been! Ngata House has welcomed Mr Tim Berg to the positon of Dean of Ngata House and our beloved Mr Winson has returned to full-time classroom teaching after 7 years of pastoral service. We humbly thank him for his unrivalled contribution to this wonderful House and to the students whom he has supported; I am very pleased to say that Mr Winson remains within the Ngata House team. Despite changes to personnel, it certainly is business as usual for Ngata House and we have welcomed two fabulous Year 9 cohorts into the fold. 9NSB and 9NWN appear to have transitioned very well from their primary schools and appear to be settling nicely. Both form classes have been actively involved in all aspects of high school life and it has been a pleasure to watch their involvement. 2015 has allowed for a newly appointed Ngata House Senior Executive team and it is a thrill to announce that your House Captains for 2015 are Gemma Keeling and Kaelyn Brandso. They are supported by Deputy Leaders: Simone Pitama, Austin Hamilton, Olivia James and Felicity Rudd. The Junior Executive Team for 2015 welcomes Dominic Cleary and Annalisa Flemming as Captains and our deputies include Courtney Matthews, Matthew Jones, Dace Tonkin and Lucy Eder. Their passion, dedication and tireless support of the House is already evident and I am very excited to watch their leadership skills grow throughout the year. Week one and two were that of fun. Our Big Arvo event at Waikuku Beach was one of great fun and enjoyment. The weather was extremely kind and we had a really good time catching up with each other, building sand sculptures, enjoying lunch and of course practising for Sports’ Day. Rangiora High School really knows how to put on a fantastic event, and Sports’ Day was simply that. Ngata House students dressed in House colours and fought valiantly. Despite receiving fourth place, everybody had fun and showed great sportsmanship, which is extremely important. At the time of writing this newsletter, the junior school is working hard towards their Junior Certificate Programme results for Term 1 and will be assessed towards the end of the term for curriculum grades. It is important to note that if you do have any queries or concerns as to your child’s progress that you make contact with us here in the Ngata Office, as we are happy to discuss any queries or concerns with you. One of the best and most important aspects of being Head of House is to acknowledge and celebrate the success of our students. Simone Pitama is an outstanding academic student and sportswoman, and it is with great pride that we congratulate her for securing a First Foundation Scholarship. I am sure that you’ll agree that this is phenomenal news and a well-deserved award for such a wonderful young woman. Congratulations, Simone. RUTHERFORD HOUSE HEAD OF HOUSE Mr J Sim DEAN OF HOUSE Mrs G Koster Kia ora and welcome back to everyone. 2015 has started with some really exciting events and already there is a positive feeling amongst the Rutherford team. After our last placing in the House Competition in 2014, the “Rutherford Knights” are on the charge and looking forward to a better placing in the House Competition in 2015. We have a new chant and this has already been put to good use at the Big Arvo out and on Sports’ Day. We have a new student exec this year. The student exec for 2015 is made up of Sophie Marsh and Josh Sim (House Captains), Joseph Reeves, Grace Quigley, Jack Lai and Zac Kenny. They are all exceptional young leaders and I’m really looking forward to working with them and the junior exec members once they are appointed. They have some really exciting goals that they want to achieve this year. Our first two major events at Rangiora High School each year are the “Big Arvo Out” and House Sports’ Day. I was intrigued as to how these events were run as I still am only in my first year here (having started at the beginning of Term 2, 2014). The “Big Arvo” is a chance for the House Leaders to step up and run some activities for the House. The House leaders performed really well. The “wet sponge dodge ball” was a favorite of many, especially when a teacher ran through - students really enjoyed their chance to “get one over” on their teachers. Sports’ Day is an amazing event. Many of the students have really taken costume making to another level, with the day starting to have a real festival feel to it. It was amazing seeing costumes such as the “Rutherford Cops”, the “Rutherford Porta-loos” and Jack in his “wee blue car”. We had a really successful day on Sports’ Day, finishing third. This means that we are off to a flying start in the House Competition, and well on our way to outperform our sixth placing in 2014. Mrs Koster is our new Dean of House and she has been working hard with many students and their families already this year. Our new uniform is looking superb and Mrs Koster is busy ensuring that the Rutherford pupils maintain high uniform standards. As always, Mrs Koster and I welcome your contact and we can be contacted here at Rangiora High School on 311-8888 ext 2109 (Mrs Koster) or ext 2108 (Mr Sim) or alternatively we can be contacted via email at and/or We would like to pass on our thanks to those parents who came along to the Year 9 afternoon tea. It was lovely to meet many of you there. Coming up we have some exciting events to look forward to this term. We have just won Senior Summerfest and also coming up this term is the Year 9/10 Quiz and Senior Debating. GO RUTHERFORD! SHEPPARD HOUSE HEAD OF HOUSE Mr K Anderson DEAN OF HOUSE Mrs P Howard Tena kou tou katoa. 2015 is well under way and while the Sheppard House office is looking a little different, we have retained the fighting Ngati Mako spirit which our former leader Ms Andrea Hay ignited and maintained over the last five years. Our first meeting as a house took place at the Big Arvo Out. This event gave us an opportunity to rekindle the spirit and get the “fire” started. It was highly appropriate, then that we were treated to an impromptu pyrotechnics display when the barbeque burst into flames. No harm was done other than to thirteen sausages which, sadly, were burnt beyond recognition. House Sports’ Day was, as always, a veritable festival of colour and spectacle and saw all six Houses battling it out for supremacy. While Sheppard House finished in fifth place, it is fair to say that every one of our House members made a positive contribution. I would like to congratulate our students for the efforts they made to costume themselves so fabulously in House colours. We looked and sounded powerful and united throughout the day, particularly in the performance of our unique house haka. Since Sports’ Day we have made an assault on the leader board via SummerFest. Our Volleyball team gallantly battled some very strong opposition and came away with one win from their five starts. Our Touch team was incredibly strong and remained unbeaten throughout the competition. As a result, Sheppard House gained second place over all – an outstanding achievement. I would like to acknowledge and thank our House executive members: Caitlin Andrew, Geraldine Cook, Tiegan Cunninghame, George Howat, Elliot Sibbles and Georgie Rudd. These inspirational leaders are working tirelessly to help our younger students maximise their educational and social opportunities at Rangiora High School. I am sure that you will agree that they are making the transition to secondary school much easier for our Year 9 cohort. This year, Sheppard House has gained a number of new staff members and I would like to welcome them on board. Mr Peter Finnigan, Mr Steve Liu, Mr David Cook and Ms Megan Evans are our newest recruits. I am very grateful and appreciative for the expertise and energy they bring to the house. Thank you too, to our fantastic form teachers who provide such valuable support to the students of Sheppard House. I encourage you to keep the lines of communication open between home and school, remembering that the form teacher is the first port of call. Mrs Paula Howard has already a made a huge impact in her new role as our Dean of House. Her work with students and their families is of the highest quality. I am sure that she will continue to make an outstanding contribution in the area of pastoral care. In the event that you would like to speak to Paula or myself, do not hesitate to telephone us on (03) 311 8888, ext 2111 or 2110. We look forward to our next House events – Junior Quiz and Senior Debating. I am sure that our Sheppard house students will continue to apply the Ngati Mako spirit in everything they do. 2015 Yearbooks Blue Planet Group Due to the rising costs of publishing Yearbooks we will now be charging $15 per copy with payment due by 13 October 2015. Blue Planet is the Rangiora High School’s Envirogroup. We meet every Monday lunchtime in F11. Recent projects the group have been involved with include, but are not limited to, improving recycling, planting natives around the school, building a worm farm, sharing our ideas for community projects and erecting the seating area near the Wales Street gate (with thanks to the PTA for the funds). This year we have ideas such as more native plantings in the school and farm, community projects and building/racing electric vehicles. This is a voluntary payment and is only due if a Yearbook is required. Languages Faculty We have a keen group of students from all year levels and are always happy to have newcomers – you just need to care about your environment and want to make a difference. Mondays in F11. Bring your lunch. This term in the Languages faculty… Chinese classes have been talking about the Chinese New Year and its celebration. Junior Maori classes have been doing some research on their family history in preparation for their mihi. Year 11 studying Japanese have been describing their daily routine and practising their speaking skills with native speakers. The Year 12 French class has been writing advice about exams to Year 11 French students. The Year 13 French class has been studying the environment and had the opportunity to interview Madame MacKay’s parents on environmental issues in France via Skype (all in French as they do not speak a word of English!) A great start to the year! 2014 Year Books 2014 Year Books are now available to purchase for $15.00 from the Student Office (Payments Counter). Thank You A big thank you goes to Graeme Bell and his fantastic team at Frucor Beverages in Kaiapoi who kindly supplied all the staff with bottled water on our HOUSE SPORTS DAY. Thanks very much for your support, h2go! Dragon Boating Youth Workers The Dragon Boating team has a core of committed students who have been training hard and progressing well. These photos are from our last regatta at Lake Rua. We have one further regatta this season – the South Island Champs at Lake Hood on 14 March. After that we will take a break until late September. Anyone interested in joining the team please see Mrs Hanson or the Sports Office. Many thanks to our coach Glenn Phipps, sweep Hannah Price and the parents for all their support. So far this term the 24-7 Youth-Workers have been involved in Year 9 orientation and Open House, with the horizontal bungee proving a popular attraction. They also ran a lunchtime carnival in addition to the new “Gazza” award which allows students to recognise and thank teachers who have impacted their lives. It’s been a great start to Term 1 and we are looking forward to Easter Camp in less than a month! Introducing our School Support Staff: Mrs Sally McGill Sally McGill is an experienced and valued member of our administration team. She has a very busy role processing new enrolments and enrolment enquires, processing the school ‘roll returns’ to the Ministry of Education and keeping our ‘student management’ software database updated. She is also responsible for collating all the data relating to student reporting, prizegivings and NZQA. Sally has been with Rangiora High School for nearly 14 years. 2015 Cultural Captains Golfing Star Rangiora High School Cultural Captains for 2015 were recently announced at Principal’s assemblies. Momoka Kobori of 12HWH travelled to Melbourne and played in the Victorian Junior Masters’ Tournament as a NZ Representative. She was placed sixth overall and won the Under 16 division. At the end of January, Momoka won the Canterbury Womens’ Stroke Play, the biggest golf event in Canterbury and became the Number 1 women’s golfer in Canterbury. Momoka also won the Faldo Series Asia New Zealand Champs. She will travel to China in March to represent NZ. The role of the captain/s is to act as an ambassador for their subject area by promoting events through the wider school community and to support their Head of Curriculum Area and the Head of Arts Faculty. The newly created positions of Dance Ambassador for Years 12 and 13 involve representing Rangiora High School in the Christchurch Secondary Schools’ Dance Ambassador Programme. These positions are proudly awarded to the following students:Art Captains Kalyn Thomas 13NAH Danielle Barber 13HHT Drama Captain Mary Hurley 13LAS Freya Searle 13LHI Music Captain Jenni Keith-Gillon 13RMN Dance Captains Jamie Bagrie 13LAS Tayleur Barnard 12MHS Dance Ambassadors Bex Baker 13NAH Kristina Sammut 12MKA Kapa haka Senior Girls - Simone Pitama 13NAH Senior Boys - Vaughn Atkins-Percasky 12LRA Junior Girls - Livy Hill 10MLD Junior Boys - Tama Carr 10RMM The Arts faculty warmly congratulates these students. Arts Showcase 2015 The Arts Faculty’s annual “Cream of the Crop” Arts Showcase will be held on Tuesday 31 March in the school hall from 4.30pm to 6.30pm. This is always a highly enjoyable event showcasing the enormous talent of our Drama, Music, Dance, Kapa Haka and Visual Arts students. We invite parents and caregivers to come along, be inspired and entertained and to enjoy the delicious finger-food offered by our Hospitality students. Free admission. Hosting International Students We are always looking for new families to host our international students, either long-term or shortterm. Our Asian students usually prefer to live in Rangiora or very close by, and our European students often come for the equestrian programme, and so need to be able to ride horses at their host family’s home. Hosting students can be a lot of fun, but also needs the kind of parenting that any 15 or 16 year old requires. For more information on hosting an international student, please contact Julia Arden, Homestay Co-ordinator, via email at or by telephone at home on (03) 312 8667. NZ Rowing Nationals 2015 The NZ Rowing Nationals were held in Twizel on 1621 March. Eight rowers from Cure Boating Club were entered and performed outstandingly well. They amassed a total of five medals over the week. This was the best result Cure has ever achieved in its long history. Past pupils Julian Svoboda and Lawson Morris Whyte gained a Bronze in the Senior Men’s Pair with Lawson also gaining Bronze in the Senior Men’s Single. After spending most of the season training in this boat, the Senior Men’s Four (comprising of Julian, Lawson, William Morris-Whyte and George Howat) won Gold. In the Senior Men’s Quad, these four went on to win a Silver medal - a fine effort for their first race skulling this season! This crew along with Justis Atkins and three from Nelson combined to race in the much anticipated 8’s race. It was an amazing, hard fought race with Cure-Nelson edging in front to win Gold! Rose McEwan rowed well against some of the best rowers in the country and was placed seventh in the A Final Club Singles, while Alice Pallister won the B Final in this event. They combined well to be placed sixth in the Club Double final. Congratulations to all these rowers and their coach, Armin Svoboda. Now we look forward to seeing how George, Rose, Alice and Josh Sim perform for the school at the Maadi Cup in March. Cameron James 12HWH Student Leadership Camp 2015 Jarod Kintz once said “Leadership is being the first egg in the omelet.” Now honestly I don’t expect you to know who Jarod Kintz is, I don’t, but this quote has two things that are rather relevant to the camp of 2015... 1. Leadership and 2. Eggs. And let’s just say these were some very major aspects. There are not many who would think that bundling forty 21st century teenagers into a bus in the middle of summer and taking them up to a lodge with no internet and cell phone coverage would be a good idea but for some reason Rangiora High School once did and now they keep on doing it. And so, in late January the class of 2015 packed their bags, arrived at school at an hour so early we hadn’t seen it in weeks and sussed out who we would be spending the next three days and two nights with. And by the end I reckon we figured that everyone was pretty cool. So the camp. The weather was gorgeous, the food was delectable (thank you to the fabulous Mrs Elms) and the activities were absolutely awesome. Add this to a whole bunch of spectacular people with some wicked senses of humour and I believe you would find the recipe for something pretty darn amazing. Upon our arrival at the lodge we were divided into four groups and then told “Here’s an egg, the prize goes to the group that can present it to me at 12.00pm on the final day.” From then on the challenge was set. It was rather amusing to watch the love that grew for the little eggs within each group and for most it was that same love that doomed them. For one group their attempt to provide the egg with some sun protection resulted in it disintegrating in their hands from sun screen and for another the need to share each experience with pEggy (the egg) resulted in it being smashed against the rocks... by the Head Boy, might I add. And that was after pEggy had survived a brutal kidnapping the night before. But the eggs were just an ice-breaker, we had been thrown into groups with some people we had never talked to before, and let’s just say that was a bit nerve-wracking. We Year 13’s are just so big and scary we even terrify ourselves, but our wee eggs got us through this. We started out awkward but within a few hours we had become semi-comfortable and within a few days we were full of inside jokes and were sad that we would have to part ways. There were so many shining moments. Ms Malcolm’s dressage routine, belly-flopping into Sylvia Falls, the Head Boys getting a plate of cream in their faces... and ears, belting out ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, the obsession with ‘Uptown Funk’, the late-night gossip sessions and of course when Lydiard absolutely proved they were the best house in the inter-house competition and skits (perhaps it was the luck of the Irish). The list could go on and on and on and on and on. But the moment that really tied us all together was the final morning on the high ropes. Whether it was the vertical obstacle course, the tight rope or the leap of faith, the entire group teamed together to help each other overcome fears and to get through it. There were many methods ranging from gentle coaxing to hurling abuse, but in the end everybody reached the top, walked the length or jumped off the pole. We had become one large support group, creating, re-establishing and strengthening friendships. A unanimous comment made by the entire group was “I hope that we all don’t go back to how we were before, where we didn’t acknowledge each other in the hallways.” And I don’t think it has, or it will. At the beginning all the teachers were raving about it. About how Miss Bailey and Ms McDonald had timed their holidays around it. How Ms Malcolm and Mrs Howard’s highlight of the year was this camp. Mr Cotter wandering around and reiterating it. And I think at the beginning we were all thinking “uh huh yeah sure... it’ll be good... but highlight of the year... seriously” but I know by the end we were all saying the exact same thing - “could we have another one?” So thank you to all the teachers who organised this for us, thank you to everyone who made the camp amazing and let’s make the final year the best yet. Mary Hurley PTA News Sports Day The PTA funded ‘House Gazebo’s’ stood out at on Sports Day and provided much needed shelter for the students and staff. The new uniform looks smart and the feedback is positive, especially from the junior students. Please ensure that all student garments are named or tagged so that if misplaced it can be prompting returned to the rightful owner. 2015 Dates to remember… Our next PTA meeting will be held on Monday 23 March 2015 (please note change of date) upstairs in the school staffroom. A ‘Twilight’ Second-hand Uniform Sale This will be held on Friday 27 March from 5.00pm to 7.30pm at McLaren House (115 East Belt, behind the Uniform Shop). This is a great chance to purchase pre-loved or new (old supplier) uniform. Huge stock of new fleeces, kilts, dresses and jerseys. We are selling at extremely good discounted prices. PTA AGM The Rangiora High School PTA AGM will be held upstairs in the school staffroom on Tuesday 21 April. Supper provided. All new members welcome. Second-hand uniform urgently needed, especially socks (which we can’t sell but would give out to those in need and black leather shoes), boys’ shorts, both junior and senior. We would also greatly appreciate blue winter or the black winter jackets. Please remember we can only sell on your behalf uniform in excellent condition and repair and can only accept skirts and kilts which have been dry-cleaned. The Wales Street entrance now has new seating and planting courtesy of the Blue Plant Group. Funds kindly donated by the Rangiora High School PTA. Su Jeffcott PTA Chairperson Music - Monday Lunchtime Concert Series Each Monday lunchtime, students from the Music Department are organizing a concert series which will culminate in a concert in the Hall on the final Monday of the term. Audiences has been very supportive of our musicians, and the numbers attending each week continue to grow. This initiative is intended to allow students to gain experience in performing in front of an audience in a supportive environment. Feedback to date has been very positive. Volleyball SISS Tournament Shots Year 12 Physics Field trip to University of Canterbury On Thursday 12 February two Year 12 Physics classes went on a field trip to the University of Canterbury. At the University we reinforced what we learnt in the classroom about the different models of the atom and the life and work of Ernest Rutherford. We also learned about the levels of radioactivity our bodies are exposed to everyday and in different parts of the world different levels of radiation. We also did a practical experiment involving measuring different amounts of radiation given off by different materials. I learnt that a radioactive element ‘decays’ our skin will stop most radioactivity and that gamma rays have no mass and can penetrate biological material. I also learnt about how Rutherford measured the alpha particles with a Geiger counter, that holding uranium is safe. And I learnt that if you ingest polonium it’s 6 billion times more toxic than cyanide. The best part was holding the stick of uranium. Charlotte Western 12RGF At the University we learnt many different things that Rutherford had previously discovered, such as the gold foil experiment and learn about different people’s views of the model of the atom. We were calculating the radiation in several places including around Tokyo after the Fukushima disaster. We also learnt the half-life of 2 radioactive substances. I learnt how half-life is determined, that Rutherford was the first person to split the nucleus of an atom, how Rutherford used alpha particles and gold foil to find that the nucleus contains most of the matter of an atom. I also learnt that the unit radiation for an absorbed dose is measured in Sieverts. That the graph on the $100 note shows the half-life of Radon. That carrots absorb Beta radiation better than gamma rays. The best part was getting liquid nitrogen poured over my hand. Cameron James 12HWH Softball Jakzon Quinn represented Canterbury U15 boys at the South Island Champs at Blenheim over the weekend. He was named Top Pitcher of the tournament and also came away with Most Valuable Player of the tournament! Eight teams competed and Jakzon pitched in the final against Marlborough and finished overall winners! Watch this space – a talented young man. Year 10 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination in Canterbury Schools Year 10 girls at this school are being offered a free vaccine to help protect them against HPV infection. The HPV virus can lead to genital warts, cervical cancer and other cancers later in life. In most cases, three doses of HPV vaccine can prevent infection with the virus. The HPV vaccination programme was first introduced in New Zealand for girls and young women in 2008. This school programme is part of a Canterbury-wide initiative to protect young women from HPV disease. HPV vaccination requires three injections to be given over a six month period. If your daughter has not received HPV vaccination before she can receive the complete course at school this year, or if your daughter has received any HPV vaccinations in the past she can also complete the course at school. If you have a girl in Year 10 she will have received information and a consent form. Please read and complete the form and return it to school as soon as possible. The form is required to be returned regardless of whether the girls is having the vaccine or not, or is having the vaccine at her Doctor’s general practice. For more information about Human Papillomavirus, HPV vaccination or the New Zealand HPV Vaccination Programme you can: • Visit the Ministry of Health website: • Contact your school’s nurse or public health nurse • Visit or free phone 0800 IMMUNE • Talk to your public health nurse or your doctor or practice nurse SAID - Student Achievement Interview Day This event runs on Thursday 19 March from 10.00am to 8.00pm. An interim report will be e-mailed home on Friday 13 March. A chance to meet with your son/daughters teachers with regard to this and all other matters relating to their school life occurs on SAID. You will be able to book a series of 10 minute interviews with staff on this day via this website. You will receive a code to enable you to access the booking process There is no formal instruction for students on this day. Students come to school in uniform with their parents/ caregivers to the interviews to discuss their progress. Teachers will be in their teaching rooms on that day. Heads of House, Deans, Deputy Principals, and Guidance Counsellors will be in their offices. When you have made bookings you will receive information re the location of the teachers you have booked and a school map (which you can print off). This is a very important day for you and your son/daughter. We hope that you take this opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers. Basketball Congratulations to Charlotte Whittaker of 10HVV who was recently accepted into the NZ Under 16 Women’s Basketball team to play in Tasmania in July. Charlotte has also been invited to trial for the U17 NZ team or the Oceania Champs which is a qualifier for the Basketball World Cup Orienteering In January Connor Cleary of 12HWH headed to Tasmania to represent New Zealand in the biannual Oceania championships and the Secondary Schools’ test series. Connor cleaned up in the Men’s 16 age group in Oceania events, winning the sprint, middle and long individual titles as well as being a member of the winning relay team. Second place in the Secondary School Individual test and first place as part of the Junior Boys’ team topped off his medal haul. SPORTS’ DAY SNAPS SPORTS’ DAY SNAPS South Island JAMA Archery Cricket Caimin Sue-Tang was away at the South Island JAMA Archery Tournament in Dunedin over the weekend. He won a Gold in the men’s 55m compound and a Silver in the combined compound. Rangiora High School Year Nine Cricket Academy: A group of enthusiastic cricketers are practicing down at the Mainpower cricket grounds each Tuesday after school from 3.30-5p.m. Support from the school’s staff as well as coaching support from Canterbury Country Cricket has made this initiative a reality. Congratulations, Caimin. Review of Junior Graduation You may be aware that we are reviewing our processes and procedures around the current Junior Graduation Certificate. There will be a slight change this year to the name - Rangiora High School Junior Certificate. We are looking to align the aims of this more closely with the school’s ‘Lighthouse Values’. We will be seeking your thoughts around this during Term 2. If you have any questions, please contact : Lesley Elms - Junior Academic Dean Alison Cleary - Deputy Principal Uniform Shop OPENING HOURS: Until the end of Term 1 Mondays 8.00am - 10.00am Tuesdays 1.20pm - 2.20pm Wednesdays 1.20pm - 2.20pm Thursdays 3.00pm - 5.00pm Sat 7-28 March 9.30am - 11.30am Contact : (03) 3139267 The shop is located at 115 East Belt, Rangiora (next door to the school). Important Dates 19 March 2 April 3 April 20 April 27 April 1 May SAID Day Last Day of Term 1 Good Friday First Day of Term 2 ANZAC Day (Public Holiday) Mufti Day The 1st XI has had a great start to the year. In week two the team had a Gillette Cup T20 qualifying tournament at Dudley Park which featured four Canterbury Country teams. Rangiora High School played Ellesmere College in the first game and batted first. Austin Hamilton and Travel Tuapata scored 50 each in a great partnership to steer the team to a big total. Ellesmere had one very good batsman however that wasn’t enough and we won by 12. The final was then against Darfield who had beaten Lincoln in the other game. We batted first once again and another 50 to Austin Hamilton set a big target for Darfield. We took regular wickets and Darfield finished 30 short. It was a great day out for our youthful team. The team then travelled to Westport to play Buller High School who were the West Coast/ Buller group winner. RHS batted first. Openers Nick Harrison and George Blyth made 30’s, Austin Hamilton 58 and Travel Tuapata high scored with 61. The team posted 266. In reply Buller made 106. Top wicket taker was George Prain who took 5-25. The next step in the Gillette cup is a game against the winner of Riccarton High School v Mid/South Canterbury team. This will mean a trip to Riccarton or further south. Best wishes for the remainder of the season.
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