Newsletter June 2016 - Rangiora High School
Newsletter June 2016 - Rangiora High School
Rangiora High School Te Kura Tuarua o Rangiora NEWSLETTER Whakautea Respect Tohaina Contribute Wawatahia Aspire June 2016 STAGE CHALLENGE WINNERS 2016 SEE MORE ON PAGES 16 & 17 RANGIORA HIGH SCHOOL East Belt, Rangiora 7400, New Zealand Phone +64 3 3118888 Fax +64 3 3138005 Email Website From Julia Malcolm, Acting Principal continued... Nga mihinui ki a koutou. This year we took the decision to have Open Days, rather than an Open Night and we have had overwhelmingly positive feedback from parents, and prospective Year 8 students. The two Open Days were classic clear blue sky North Canterbury days and saw a record number of families visiting the school. Responses to the online survey sent to those who attended were very encouraging. We are well into the winter term now and there is plenty of activity going on in and around the school from the classroom to the building site, the stage to the sports’ fields. At assemblies last week we had a great celebration of success with 408 certificates awarded to students who gained Excellence credits in internal NCEA assessments and a round-up of the sporting successes and achievements of Term 1. With everything from Athletics to Motorcross, Rogaining to Volleyball, Futsal to Golf. Our students continue to compete with passion and perseverance and bring home the odd trophy and medals. Congratulations to the team of Connor Cleary, Dominic Cleary and Ben Spark who recently were placed 3rd in the NZ Secondary Schools’ Rogaining championships. And of course then there was much to celebrate with the school’s entry in Stage Challenge which came away with the trophy and a score of awards. The hundred or so strong team was a great example of young people having fun, committing to a shared vision and working hard to achieve that. Friendships were no doubt forged along the way and for some it was their first time ever performing on stage. For others their first time dancing as well. The performance itself was excellent in very respect and gave us a lot to be proud of. This week we have welcomed the Education Review Office (ERO) team to the school. Their last visit was in 2012. The focus question of all ERO’s school reviews is: “How effectively does this school’s curriculum promote student learning – engagement, progress and achievement?” The review framework is designed to make it easier for schools to see what they are doing well, where they need to develop and review, and implications for future action. We look forward to the review and having a robust external evaluation that will identify the strength of the school and areas for development. My thanks to the kapa haka group who assisted us in welcoming the review team at a mihi whakatau. The group is mainly made up of juniors and is led by Livvy Hill and Dylan McPherson. This is their first formal occasion and their waiata were beautiful. We are in the throes of preparation for 2017 and beginning the process of transition of our community’s Year 8 students to high school. Here is a small sample of the feedback we received: …We saw amazing, polite, articulate students who were engaged with their learning in every single class we went to… …The real highlight was the Year 13s that showed us around. They were so mature and engaged so positively with the Year 8 students… …The students who led us were excited about the school and the opportunities. The classes we visited were engaging and positive. Many staff and students volunteered information which was helpful and generous… I am confident that the Year 8 students will have an excellent transition and the work that we are engaged in with 16 of our local schools as part of the Community of Learning will further strengthen our relationships with our contributing schools. I have enjoyed meeting with Principals from these schools and sharing our data in order to come up with some common achievement targets that we will all be working towards. To have a shared vision and action plan among a group of 17 schools is a powerful lever for success. Finally, big work with staff continues as we evaluate a number of structures in our school and how they support the best type of learning for students. This includes looking at our timetable, looking at cross curricular learning or the connected curriculum as it is called, where two subjects like Social Studies and Science might go together, looking at how we can use form time to give academic counselling, using project based inquiry learning and planning for how we will operate in the environment of the new building. These are exciting times and there is much work to do. I am extremely appreciative of the commitment of staff to engage in this work which challenges our thinking daily. Julia Malcolm Acting Principal From Bev Moore, Commissioner continued... Kia ora koutou. We have also recently made considerable progress towards addressing the school’s leaky building issues, which mainly centre around the Technology building, H Block. The Ministry is paying for the costly assessments that are needed and have also made significantly property funding available for our 10-Year Property Plan. I would like to thank our property manager from the Ministry and Mr Brian Hays for developing a strong working relationship that has made a real difference to helping the school address outstanding property issues. Our next step is to appoint a MOE approved consultant and project manager (which is required) to review and strengthen the overall strategic property plan for the school and then prioritise the projects according to need. I can confirm that the school’s rental property at 107 Kippenberger Avenue was sold at auction recently for a very good price. This property was ear marked for future sale many years ago by the previous Board of Trustees to fund the project called The Commons. At this time this needed to be delayed until the long-term tenancy agreement ended. Firstly, I’d like to say a huge congratulations to everyone involved with the Stage Challenge for such a wonderful winning performance. It was a fabulous night and superb to hear the strong school spirit evident in the cheering whenever the school’s name was read out in so many categories! At a governance level, there are many things happening in different parts of the school that I would like to take this opportunity to update you on. As you may recall, last term I explained the process for the new principal appointment. Following recent litigation, which is due for hearing in September, we need to put our appointment process on hold, which means that Ms Julia Malcolm will continue as Acting Principal until further notice. I know Mrs Malcolm has the confidence of the staff, students and myself to continue in this role for the foreseeable future. I will update you on this process as I am able.As you’ll be aware the school’s charter and strategic plan were developed by our community reference group with community, staff and student input. This process led to strategic goals that have really resonated with the community. We are very aware that sometimes it is easier to develop a strategic plan than drive the implementation of one so we have assigned each member of the senior leadership team a strategic goal to progress and report back on. There is a huge amount of commitment to the goals, and significant progress that has already been made. I will touch on a couple of these areas in this newsletter and look forward to keeping you updated on further progress in future newsletters. I am particularly impressed with many of the actions that have come about under the Innovative Teaching and Learning strategic goal. A new ‘Junior Learning Assistant’ initiative is now up and running with 32 senior students who have volunteered as Reader/Writers for junior assessments. Reader/Writers play an extremely important role in helping students minimise specific learning needs, such as dyslexia, in order to achieve well in assessments. These senior students will be timetabled to ensure that support is available when needed. Another initiative is a staff mentoring programme for targeted students who need additional support to reach their full potential. These initiatives use very little funding but we anticipate they will make a real difference to those involved. We will be monitoring this support to measure the effectiveness of it and ensure that student needs are being catered for. There is significant headway being made on the school’s property projects, which come under the Enriched Environment section of the strategic plan. The contractors are a very good company to work with and are providing work experience for two of our students. We are also working with the project managers and architects This ended in February this year and so the property was finally able to be sold to fund this amazing new facility. Before putting the property up for sale, I reviewed the documentation around the decision to sell the property and confirmed that its sale was in the best interests of the students and their education, particularly as the school was not making any return from the investment apart from capital growth. The new facility, which is also underway, will include many great multipurpose spaces and breakout rooms that the students,particularly Year 13 can use for study and group work. It will also have a careers centre . The students and staff are very excited about this development. As always the needs of the students, now and into the future, will drive our priorities, with Health and Safety projects needing to be implemented first. On this note, the Health and Physical Education Faculty HAS provided me with information that shows that a key priority should be the upgrading of the netball and tennis courts. These have received minimal maintenance over the past 33 years and are not currently being used by the school’s 19 netball teams and two tennis teams due to the poor condition and concerns around health and safety. ‘Home games’ are not able to be played at Rangiora High School, with teams playing at other venues instead. We have been advised that if we upgrade the courts now, we will be able to resurface them rather than replacing them completely, so we will be looking at the options for the courts over the coming weeks and months. As well as meeting the needs of the school’s fantastic sports teams, upgraded courts will provide greater options for the 650 students who use the gyms, fields and courts on a daily basis as part of the PE curriculum. We look forward to updating you further about the property planning for the school as the priorities and Ministry funding are worked through. These are exciting projects and will provide quality facilities for the school. As you may be aware the Education Review Office (ERO) is currently in the school as part of its regular review cycle. We understand that ERO is likely to release the report early next term. We will provide a link to the report as soon as it is released and look forward to their feedback. My thanks to Julia, the Senior Leadership Team, staff and students for making them welcome. I hope this information gives you a good understanding of some of the things happening in the school to enhance student learning and to provide quality teaching and learning environments. The school is in very good heart and well supported by the local community as evidenced by the extremely good attendance at the recent Open Days for our 2017 students. Ms Malcolm, the Senior Leadership Team and I are also regularly receiving positive feedback from local primary schools, parents and community leaders about the school, which is great to hear. Thank you for your continued support. As always if you have any questions, concerns or feedback about any aspect of the governance role, please do not hesitate to contact me through the school office or at Kind regards, Bev Moore Commissioner Curriculum Update It’s absolutely fascinating watching the new learning space begin to take shape behind the Admin Block. The new block affords us the chance to really look at how we will manage learning, in particular for our Year 9 students in 2017. Planning for how curriculum is delivered is about to take on more urgency. VALUES Mission Statement Rangiora High School will be a centre of learning excellence that supports and prepares each learner to connect with and contribute to our global community. Our Culture STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Rangiora High School is a dynamic, caring, communitybased environment inspiring life-long learning. Students are at the centre of our work. We are committed to ensuring every student has a meaningful and relevant learning journey and that they experience success and gain achievement. Our Lighthouse Values RESPECT Whakautea Respect yourself, others and the environment CONTRIBUTE Tohaina Actively contribute to the community ASPIRE Wawatahia Aspiring to achieve your best Community Over the last 18 months a number of staff - SLT, Heads of Faculty and teachers have visited schools, attended conferences and professional learning opportunities. A Vision Change Group of 10 teachers have worked on proposals since last year and have run teacher information and consultation sessions over the last few weeks. Some of the pedagogical and pastoral aspects being investigated include - small group tutor groups (15-18) in order to enhance academic counselling and support; connected curriculum models and a more flexible timetable structure. Teachers have been asked for their feedback on these ideas. Feedback will also be sought from students and the wider community. As Ms Malcolm stated in her Principal’s assemblies last week “Change is always challenging and can be a bit scary but it can be exciting too. When the House system was introduced 10 years ago a lot of students and some staff were doubtful of its success, but look where we are today. Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith.” If you are interested in reading about these models you could look at some of the links that have been provided to staff Small Group Learning Advisory Model Big Hobsonville Point Secondary School Site Hobsonville Teacher Blog Te Puke Senior High School Connected Curriculum Model - as described in the New Zealand Curriculum (2007) While the learning areas are presented as distinct, this should not limit the ways in which schools structure the learning experiences offered to students. All learning should make use of the natural connections that exist between learning areas and that link learning areas to the values and key competencies. Enable our community of learners to be actively connected, culturally aware and caring citizens. The examples below come from both New Zealand and overseas. • To develop closer integration between parents, whānau and primary schools, Australian Science and Mathematics School • To value and nurture stronger relationships with the wider community, ASCD - Curriculum Design • To create and engage with global networks enabling student access to greater opportunities and choices. Alfriston College (scroll down to Year 9) Innovation Deliver innovative teaching and learning within an enriched environment, empowering and supporting each learner to achieve personal excellence. • To integrate modern teaching and learning within a dynamic physical environment, • To provide effective systems and support that ensures each learner achieves individual success, • To maximize the opportunities created by e-learning and the use of digital tools. Opportunities Creating inclusive, equitable and relevant pathways that meet the aspirations of our community and empowers life-long learners. • To enhance the leadership, academic, cultural and sporting opportunities for all students, • To strengthen transition for all learners into and out of Rangiora High School, • To provide quality, specialized areas of learning across identified curriculum areas. Naturally all of this will take time to plan and put in place and we are investigating ways of ‘finding time’ for the staff who are willing to be part of this exciting future direction at Rangiora High School. Mrs A Cleary Deputy Principal, Curriculum TEACHER ONLY DAY - FRIDAY 8 JULY (Connected Curriculum Professional Development) HILLARY House By the time you are reading this we will be half way through Term 2. So far it has been a busy one with Hillary students involved in a number of House Competition activities, leadership roles, sports and cultural pursuits, and of course pursuing their course of study too. It can be a busy time at school but I would encourage all students to make the most of the many opportunities on offer as they can be very rewarding. One student amongst a number who have been ecstatic over the last week is Holly Machill, who was the student producer for this year’s Stage Challenge entry, which was based around the theme of Milk. Through the dedication and determination of all those involved it was fantastic to see Rangiora High School once again take the top prize on their performance night in the Open Division. In the House competition the focus for the term to date has been the Senior Debating Competition. We have had mixed success but this has been against some quality opposition, debating some interesting topics. Our next event will be the Junior Winterfest competition that is comprised of football for boys and netball for girls. At the start of the term the last of the Year 9 camps this year were held and our three Year 9 classes ventured up to the Boyle River Outdoor Education Centre. Whilst the weather was unseasonably warm during the day in early May, the night time temperatures were still cold and tested many students on the overnight campout. I am pleased to say that students took the challenge in their stride, piled on the layers of clothing and snuggled up to stay warm. Once again for many the high ropes were a highlight and tested the confidence of a number of students. Last term we selected two students for the Hillary House Junior Executive. They were Charlotte MacDonald and Hugo Carey. We have now completed the selection process for the remaining members and congratulate Samantha Andrews, Sarah Calley, Paige Gerrard and Zach Roberts who comprise the Junior Executive Team. The team along with School Council representatives Serenity Bruce and Tim Moule recently went to the National Young Leaders Day at the Horncastle Arena where they heard from a number of speakers and participated in events to build their capacity to develop student leadership and be both inspirational and practical. The day focusses on the concept that ‘Today’s young people are the future leaders of our nation – and seeks to equip them with the skills and values to lead well.’ As the year progresses it is timely to be having conversations with students who are sitting NCEA this year about the credits they have achieved to date and any that have been missed too, as valuable feedback can often be gained from all assessments. Miss Gibson and I monitor progress and are available if you have any concerns that you wish to discuss. Head of House Kerry Sullivan Dean of House Emma Gibson LYDIARD House Wow – Term 2 and the weeks are flying by. There has been much to celebrate and acknowledge again from our Lydiard students. Mr Cowey and I have been kept busy with all the goings on (including some challenging ones). We have had a great number of students actively taking part in extra-curricular work, helping out in the community, taking part in school sport teams or playing for the district along with the various competitions that are always available during term time. The latest school competition has been the debating which is always hotly contested amongst the seniors. Needless to say I am very proud of our debaters who have won 2 out of 3 debates to date with the only loss down to ½ point!!!! Two more to go and we will know if the Lydiard team takes the cup again this year. A huge thankyou to the crew, staff and students who made the event for participants of Stage Challenge so memorable. A number of Lydiard students took part – 20 students in all. Congratulations to Anca Belu, Caitlin Constable, Madi Daish, Aimee Greene, Matty Hart, Louis James, Zoe Loffhagen, Brian Lotulelei, Lily McCormick, Allie Miller, Kayla Mortimer, Anna Odinius, Harry Rattray, Hamish Richardson, Charis Ripley, Charlotte Sanders, Amy Scarlett, Tyler Seaton, Natalie Stevens and Lucy Weddell. Congratulations in playing such a big part in winning the school trophy. A while ago I wrote about Blake Grindley-Jones. He has had more success by coming first for Rangiora High School in the inter-school sailing champs in his Starling yacht. Blake also sails on a larger boat (A Young88) called “Flying Machine” and has been part of the crew who are now rated number 1 in New Zealand. Flying Machine is a Young 88 raced out of the Naval Point Yacht Club in Lyttleton. I also want to share a compliment I received about a Lydiard student who is also one of our leaders. Amy Scarlett (13LGM) is doing some wonderful student volunteer work in 9SEV. She is helping on Friday afternoons in English class. The teacher is appreciating the extra set of hands and the students are really enjoying the efforts of Amy’s help and support. She is encouraging and a dedicated tutor. The teacher says “She is a great role model and a real credit to her house. Many thanks.” This is something in Lydiard we encourage in our students to show the values that make our school a ‘family’, by respecting, contributing and aspiring in all we do. The photos chosen for this newsletter: Top photo: Stage Challenge – some of our senior and junior leaders participants Debaters – the mood captured : Tyler Seaton, Jodie Kirk and Dylan Buckley Week 3 debating team. Year 9 – in their antibullying mode, dressed for the day. Bottom Photo: Blake’s sailing Head of House Sabina Reed Dean of House Jonathan Cowey MANSFIELD House We have had a busy first month of Term 2 in Mansfield House. Senior Debating has continued and we have interviewed and appointed the Mansfield Junior Executive. The outstanding Stage Challenge featured many Mansfield students and their success provided a great sense of pride for the school and house. Winter school Sport has got off to an excellent start again with Mansfield students to the fore representing the school extremely well. The new initiative of replacing the Rangiora High School Open Evening with Open Days has been a great success and I really enjoyed seeing some familiar Mansfield parents and we look forward to potentially welcoming their Year 8’s into our whanau in 2017. Again well done to the Mansfield students and staff who contributed to making these Open Days such a successful venture. One of my favourite parts of Principal’s Assembly is the celebration of Mansfield students who have achieved Excellence in their internal assessments. It is fantastic to consistently see a large amount of Mansfield students working to this level and I would like to take this opportunity to remind our students that there are no short cuts to success. Work hard, work smart and always give your best and you will ultimately reach your academic potential. The Mansfield Junior Executive that will work with the Senior Executive, Mr Harrison and myself were recently appointed. They are Millie Burt-Priddy, Oliver Machill, Julia Downes, Sara Cottam, Sidney Forde and Hannah Court. I asked them to briefly outline what they are most looking forward to about being in the Mansfield Junior Executive. My goal for this year is to help people feel more confident to contribute and achieve more within the House. I’m looking forward to an enjoyable year and look forward to meeting new people. (Millie Burt-Priddy). I’m excited to work alongside the Mansfield Exec team and gain an insight into how Mansfield is run. I’m also looking forward to the end of the year when the juniors take over while the seniors are doing their exams. (Hannah Court) I’m so excited to get started this year working alongside the Senior Exec. I’m looking forward to contributing my ideas to benefit Mansfield House as well as meeting new people. (Sidney Forde) I’m looking forward to being on the Junior Exec team because of all the opportunities and experiences that it will come with. Also I’m excited to work with the Senior Exec and share all our great ideas. (Sara Cottam) As a Year 9 I’m honoured to be a part of the Mansfield Junior Executive. I look forward to participating in House events, and bringing more success to Mansfield and making the House proud. (Oliver Machill) This year I’m excited to plan new ideas for the House and help to execute them. I’m very enthusiastic about the role and pleased to serve my school in this way (Julia Downes) The next big House event is Junior Winterfest in which we will compete in Football and Netball. We have some extremely keen and talented players so we will all look forward to this competition. Head of House Andrew Gebbie Dean of House Josh Harrison NGATA House Week 6 of Term 2 is upon us and we are in the full swing of House activities and of course, most importantly half way through the academic year. Our Senior Debaters Jakob Eder, Saskia Lane and Rhiannon Spary have led the charge with often many complex and difficult debates, winning many and also achieving Speaker of the Day in many sessions held. This week will be the final of the competition when we will welcome Sarah Van Eeden to take the stand for speaker two – we wish her well. Junior Winterfest begins on Thursday and our brilliant Netball and Football teams are geared up, and ready to do their best – I am extremely excited to watch, what will be, some thrilling team sport. Term 3 is one of focus and I strongly urge both junior and senior students to consider their options for the coming months. For our Year 13 cohort, Term 3 is one of preparation and consideration with transitional steps to higher education, gap year or workplace possibilities looming, and it is important that all decisions are carefully constructed and well planned. Junior and senior students alike, must consider next steps in terms of subject options and potential career pathways, which for many is a difficult process. It is important to note, that both Mr Berg and I are here to support your child, so if you need any advice or assistance with any aspect of your child’s progress, please do feel free to make school contact with us at any time as we most definitely want to support our wonderful students and their families. On this note, one of the most important and pleasurable aspects of being Head of House, is to acknowledge the wonderful achievements of our students and to celebrate this with them. I would like to acknowledge all of the hard work and dedication of our senior students who have recently been awarded NCEA Level 1, 2 and 3 Excellence Awards; their hard work, diligence and attention to detail is inspiring and I am thrilled at their success. I would also like to congratulate all of the participants, from Ngata House who competed in Stage Challenge; I can quite honestly say that I was absolutely blown away by the level of talent within the cast and was thrilled to be in the audience for this spectacular performance. Observing all of our students receiving awards in terms of sporting, culture and academic focus is thrilling and I was especially pleased to acknowledge our students dedication to these areas in Principal’s Assembly where all were acknowledged for their efforts. Congratulations to you all. So to close, as previously stated, Mr Berg and I are here to assist you with any aspect of your child’s progress, and we very much look forward to assisting you with any matter during the next two terms. Kia kaha, kia toa, kia manawanui. Head of House Vanessa Wilkins Dean of House Tim Berg RUTHERFORD House Kia ora. Once again it seems like time has flown since our last newsletter article. Our Rutherford students have been busy in a variety of activities and it is really pleasing to report back on this. On the 1 June, our Rutherford Junior Executive members travelled with Student Council representatives to Horncastle Arena for the National Young Leaders Day. This is one of two exciting leadership opportunities that our Rutherford students are involved in, with the other being the Year 12 Aspiring Leaders Course later this month. The students reported back positively about the day, and really enjoyed themselves. A number of speakers were present with the first speaker being Billy Graham - a famous boxer who now owns a free boxing gym in Naenae. Then there was Brylee Mills and Chris Jupp who both shared with the students valuable information they have gained with their life experiences. There were so many inspirational speakers and it was such an amazing experience for the students. They had the special opportunity of having Avalanche City performing to them. It is definitely something worthwhile attending and something to looking out for next year. At a recent Principal’s assembly, it was really pleasing to see the high number of Rutherford students gaining Excellence certificates for their performances in recent internal assessments. I would have to say that this seemed to be the largest number of Excellence certificates that I can remember, with some great performances from the Year 11 and 12’s. This reminded me that in terms of ongoing conversations with your son or daughter, it would be a really good time to check in with them about how they are going towards their NCEA this year. Checking how many credits they have gained out of how many they have sat is one way of doing this. Mrs Koster and myself are making sure that we are tracking their achievement and we can also assist you with any requests to help clarify the “mine field” that is NCEA. Also at the recent Principal’s assembly, it was really pleasing to see so many Rutherford students who had participated and contributed to the recent winning Stage Challenge team. The current group of students coming through Rutherford really do seem to be a special bunch and are adding so much to the life of Rangiora High School. In terms of the House Competition, our main focus of the last month has been the Inter House Senior debating. We have been represented well in these debates by a number of Year 12 students. The experience gained from these debates has been really worthwhile for those involved. Soon we will be starting Junior Winterfest and the excitement and enthusiasm of our Juniors has seen a large number of students signing up for these events. We look forward to seeing how they compete and reporting back on this. A final comment, we recently raised $400 for St John’s with our fundraiser and would like to pass on our thanks to the community for their generosity. SHEPPARD House “As icy winter bites, so shall the shark” - or so William Shakespeare was believed to have written in his undiscovered play “The Shark of Winter”. It is winter and the Sheppard Sharks are circling… Currently happening in Ngati Mako... Head of House Jonny Sim Dean of House Gillian Koster Senior Debating The team has performed exceptionally well with members Rebecca Lord, Charlotte Prager, Tara Wright, Jordan Haywood and Narna Millett proving to be a formidable mix of erudition, eloquence and equanimity. So far we have recorded three wins and one loss, but have gained speaker of the day in all four of our debates. Ronald McDonald House 9SAE are taking on the Annual Street Appeal which is scheduled for Friday 10 June. Our students will be rostered to collect money on High Street from 9.00 til 3.00 pm. This represents a huge contribution to a very worthwhile and valuable organization. I trust that they will do us all proud. Junior Winterfest Our Netball and Football stars get a chance to step out and show their skill, strength and guile as we take on the sporting might of the other houses in the annual Junior Winterfest. I am proud to announce that our teams are currently oversubscribed. This is an outstanding indictment of our students ‘willingness to contribute and aspire. I wish them the best of luck. Words from a couple of Sheppard Legends: Anna Tongue - Outward Bounder In the April Holidays I went to Outward Bound in the spectacular Marlborough Sounds. There were so many highlights but there are two that really stand out. The first was the half marathon that we all had to do on the second to last day of the trip. I am really proud to have finished the 21 Kilometer course. It was the biggest physical challenge I had to face. The toughest mental challenge was the Solo. This event required me to spend 72 hours alone in the bush with only two apples, two carrots two flapjacks and a bag of scroggin. Other than seeing one possum, I was on my own for the whole time. It was an awesome experience. I would like to thank the Rangiora Rotary Club for their generous sponsorship. I really recommend Outward Bound to younger students. It is an unforgettable experience. Sarah Matheson – RDA Award Winner I have recently been awarded the NZ Riding for the Disabled Youth Volunteer Award which is a great honour. I have been working as a volunteer at RDA for three and a half years. I usually spend three hours a week at the RDA centre. My main jobs are exercising the horses and teaching the kids to ride. The best part of the experience is seeing the kids doing something they really enjoy. Head of House Keith Anderson Dean of House Paula Howard Waterwise Poem by Lauren Reid. Written during the Waterwise A Poem by Lauren Reid. Written during the WaterwiseA Programme Programme From 15-20 May we had the amazing opportunity of going on the Untouched World Charitable Trust Waterwise Youth Leadership Program. Throughout the week we spoke to many different people about their perspectives and involvement with the water management and sustainability issues in Canterbury, and learned an almost overwhelming amount of information about water and leadership skills. We stayed on the Taumutu Marae next to Te Waihora, Lake Ellesmere, and spent the week tripping around the area, visiting numerous farms and waterways, eradicating invasive weeds, shovelling a large amount of mulch, singing very loudly, and having one of the best experiences of our lives. We have no right Not you, not me We have no right To just cut down that tree Before this week There’s no way in hell I’d be up here doing this Using a poem like spell We live in a world Where we can live and play And learn and laugh and love And say, hey! But here I am So let’s jump to the chase What right do we have To ruin earth, leave no traces What are we doing? What right have we got? To destroy the world’s water Cause once it’s gone, that’s the lot We’ve gone almost too far Almost, but not quite Come on, stand with me! Help sort out our plight This world sustains us Gives us life lets us live Allows us to survive Create families, and kids Water is life It’s the real liquid gold Only earth gives us this And it’s given, not sold But we take too much We don’t need all we take But all people are thinking Is what difference does it make? It’s not everlasting It will run out If we keep using and using And forget birds, bugs and trout The earth doesn’t need us We owe it our lives What right do we have To just take till it dies So how do we stop this? How do we care for our land And the water that supports us And make use of our plans? But let’s narrow things down To me, to you Cause I’m not only here To just shout out my view It’s all about management And getting people to care And it’s no easy task I get it, no fear This week has been gold It’s been fun, it’s been hard I have learnt so, so much ‘bout water, wisdom and stars But there are so many people Who are trying their best To sort out this issue We’re not alone, don’t stress I’ve come to realise that I Care a whole awful lot About the injustice we do To this home that we’ve got We just need to remember That belief makes things work We just need to understand What we owe to this earth The program involved 13 senior secondary students, 7 tertiary students, and three wonderful senior leaders; everyone became super close and it was amazing how a bunch of almost complete strangers soon became people we now come to think of as close friends. The week taught us so much about the issues Canterbury is facing in regards to water, but also about how many people really are trying to make a difference, how important it is to view a situation from everyone’s perspective, and how leadership isn’t about just giving the orders: it’s about providing a positive example. At the end of the week we were required to present what we’d learned to a wide range of people from different organisations, and honestly we couldn’t have been prouder. There were more than a few tears shed at the end, but we’re sure this won’t be the last of our fantastic experience. Already there are plans in place for us to continue to make a difference as a group in our communities, and hopefully the school will soon see the effects of a week well spent! Erin Delargy, Tom Hanson and Lauren Reid Sailing Blake Grindley-Jones came first place for Rangiora High School in the inter-school sailing champs in his Starling yacht. Blake also sails on a larger boat (A Young88) called “Flying Machine” and has been part of the crew who are now rated number 1 in New Zealand. Science Year 11 Core Science students have been practising the skills they will be assessed on during their Physics internal. “I have learnt that if forces are unbalanced the object will accelerate and that if you push something with balanced forces it will stay at a constant speed.” Mackenzie Mackintosh, 11LJN “Science has the ability to logically explain why certain happenings in daily life occur” Stacey Jeong, 11MLD “Science is fun because you learn something new every day and can then explain why things happen” Chynae Rigter, 11NLA “I have learnt that balanced forces mean a constant speed even if that constant speed is 0 ms-1.” Reuben Albrecht, 11NLA “Science is fun because we get to see how and why things happen the way they do. I have learnt that when an object is falling it reaches a terminal velocity when air resistance and gravity are balanced.” Zoë Ambrose, 11HVV THE ARTS FACULTY “Mini” Hui Getting to know Maori students who are studying one of the Arts disciplines was the focus of the gathering. We currently have 80 students spread across Visual Art, Drama, Kapa Haka and Music. It was heartening to see such a good turnout, particularly from the junior students. It was also wonderful to see parents and grandparents supporting their mokopuna. Harlem Tangaroa opened the proceedings with a Karakia. Each student and teacher then delivered a short Mihi. Mr McMillan outlined the aims of Kia Eke Panuku which is looking at engagement, achievement and culturally responsive teaching at Rangiora High. The adoption of Kia Eke Panuku invites schools to build on their use of evidence and planning for next steps. It is a commitment to intensify and spread this work with a specific focus on Māori succeeding as Māori. The critical cycle of learning can build on and enhance existing evidence-based decision-making to generate transformative change. A survey will be given to students and collated in the coming weeks. As a grandmother present commented: “there was nothing like this when I was at school”. After a short blessing of the Kai by Mary Himiona, every one enjoyed the friendly atmosphere and got to know each other a little better. Náku noa, ná. The Arts Faculty STAGE CHALLENGE - MILK On Tuesday 17 May, a group of over 120 cast, crew and staff ventured to the Horncastle Arena to perform in the 2016 Stage Challenge competition in the Open Division. Stage challenge is an annual event which takes place across New Zealand showcasing many elements including dance, drama and artistic flair which represents the ideas, personalities and emotions of the students. Months and months of hard work from Bella Nicholson, Tayleur Barnard, Hannah Thomas, Charlotte Western, Charlotte Sanders, Holly Machill, Olivia Reynolds, Anca Belu, the cast and crew finally came together to be an incredible performance which revolved around our theme MILK, showcasing both the positive and negative impacts during the production of milk. All the hard work payed off when we came out as First Place in the Open Division. 2016 WINNERS The experience was amazing and so rewarding. I’m sure that none of us will ever forget what we have achieved. Some parts of our journey were stressful and frustrating however the moment we won, the excitement that ensued overpowered all of that. Many thanks to all of the staff involved, including Ms McDonald, Mr Anderson, Mr McMillan, Ms Aldhamland, Mrs Robertson, Mrs McLean, Mr Quigley, and Mr Sullivan (and the numerous other staff) for all the hard work that they put in behind the scenes to make our performance really come alive! Holly Machill Digital Technologies Golf Congratulations to Sarah Van Eeeden and Scott Cameron, students in Year 12 Digital Technologies Web Solutions and Design. They have both been awarded an ACG Yoobee Creative Excellence Award. This award is given to the top performing students during the holiday programmes who ACG Yoobee believe have tremendous potential in the creative industry. World Schools’ Golf Challenge – Clearwater & Harewood Golf Course National Young Leaders Day Momoka Kobori was outstanding for RHS winning the Ladies Division 1 nett and gross with 287. If Momoka had been able to play against the boys she would have beaten the best boys score of 293. On Wednesday 1 June, 48 of Rangiora High School’s brightest young leaders attended National Young Leaders Day at Horncastle Arena. This was a full day event and the program included inspirational speakers such as Billy Graham, Robbie Fruean and Phil Judd. There was amazing dancing and a message of incredible resilience from dancer and amputee Brylee Mills, spoken word performance and a workshop with Marina Alefosio, games and activities led by the Attitude team and live music and chat with the fantastic ‘Avalanche City’. One of the activities saw every person in the stadium write a short letter of thanks to a person who has always been there for them and they respect. These were all gathered in and posted off. What a great way to acknowledge those people who matter to us. It was great to see many Rangiora pupils up on stage, asking questions, getting involved, winning prizes and meeting new people. It was difficult to pick out a favourite presenter as the speakers were so diverse and each with their own story to share, but you can be sure that the impact of their message will last a long time. People said afterwards they “felt inspired”, “saw their own life through a new lens” and felt “capable of doing what they set their mind to”. A truly unique and empowering day that will stay in my mind for a long time! Rangiora High School’s team of 6 golfers had a great week of golf in the World Schools’ Golf Challenge during the April Holidays. Our team played very well coming out of the tournament with 7 Medals. Students were competing against schools from Canberra, Auckland, Wellington, Southland and Christchurch. Our students represented RHS with pride and finishing second as a team was a great result. Team results: 1st Christchurch Boys’ High 892 2nd Rangiora High School 902 (Momoka, Kazuma, Austin & Kyle) 3rd Kirstin School 937 Division 1 results: 6th Kazuma Kobori with 290 9th Austin Hamilton with 313 Division 3 results: 3rd Dallas Wilson 11th Keenan Roodhuyzen Division 3 Nett results: 8th Kyle Manson Special thanks to Chris Manson who managed the team and had a great time with the students. Blood Day Orienteering News Pictured left is Brian Lotulelei donating blood at the annual blood donation day at school It has been a busy term for the school’s Orienteers and Rogainers, beginning with the South Island Schools’ Championships at the start of term. Canterbury Swimming Champs These were held at Kairaki Beach and Lincoln University. A record number of students (15 in total) represented the school at this event. For a few of these this was their first competitive run and there were some very good results: We had 8 students represent Rangiora High School at the Canterbury Championships at Jellie Park on 5 May 2016. Those placed were : Bryn Aitkin 2nd 50M Backstroke (Age), 3rd 200m Free (Open), Jocelyn Blay 4th 50m Free (Age), Eugene Dickie 5th 100m Free (Age), Aria Marsh 3rd 50m Fly, 6th 200 IM (Open). Tegen Bishop, Ariella Martin, Anna Tongue and Renee Woodward swam well and some PBs were met. Congratulations to all our swimmers and big thanks to the parents who helped and Mr Paul Bilbrough for looking after the team. Language Perfect World Championships 2016 Language Perfect is a popular online language learning resource used by more than 1,000 schools around the world. Students have answered more than 1 BILLION questions over the past few years! IN the recent Langauge Perfect World Championships our students got right into it and achieved the following results, as well as increasing their vocabulary knowledge at the same time. 21st overall in New Zealand (out of 242 schools) 93rd overall globally (out of 1111 schools) 16th overall in the 101-250 students category (out of 293 schools) 5th in New Zealand for the 101-250 students category (out of 51 schools) 8th for Japanese in New Zealand (out of 198 schools) 32nd overall in Japanese (out of 923 schools) 124th overall in French (out of 966 schools) 33rd for French in New Zealand (out of 210 schools) 5th for Japanese in the 101-250 students category (out of 262 schools) 2nd for Japanese in New Zealand for the 101-250 students category (out of 47 schools) Students enjoying the new Chess Set. Thanks to the PTA. Senior Boys’ Championships - Connor Cleary 3rd Long Distance; 2nd Sprint ; Dominic Cleary 5th Sprint; 5th Long Distance Senior Girls’ Championships - Ruby Dixon 3rd Sprint, 5th Long Distance; Tessa Dixon 4th Sprint, 6th Long Distance;Lucy Prickett 7th Sprint, 4th Long Distance Senior Girls’ Standard - Taylor Higby 1st Sprint; Ruby Spark 1st Long Distance 2nd Sprint; Holly Machill 3rd Sprint and Long Distance; Immy Egglesfield 2nd Long Distance, 5th Sprint Intermediate Girls’ Championships- Sophie Glover 3rd Sprint, 1st Standard Long Intermediate Boys’ Championship - Ben Spark 4th Sprint; 1st Standard Long Junior Girls’ Championships - Brylie Higby 2nd Sprint and Long Distance; Hope McKelvey 3rd Sprint and Long Distance Junior Boys’ Championship - Ben Hendrie 4th Sprint In the team points Rangiora High School teams were 2nd and 3rd and the Junior Team was 2nd overall. Great results. Rogaining Champs Equestrian For the first time the school entered 4 teams in the NZ Secondary Schools’ Rogaining Champs held at Mt Victoria on 28 May. Rogaining is a sport of long distance cross-country navigation, involving both route planning and navigation between checkpoints using a variety of map types. In a rogaine, teams of 2–5 people choose which checkpoints to visit within a time limit with the intent of maximizing their score. Points are lost for finishing after time. Rangiora High School Year 10 student, Tayler Nalder competed in Masterton on her Dad’s horse, Icebreaker 11 at the Equestrian Sports NZ Series finals, in April. Tayler completed the season in Show Hunter by winning the National Junior Show Hunter Series and was Runner Up in the Junior Equitation Series for 2015 /2016. This is a huge achievement for such a young and talented rider, competing against the nation’s best in a very demanding sport. The Senior Boys’ and Girls’ teams ran a 4 hour race and the Junior Boys’ team ran a 3 hour race. All got back within the allocated time (one with a 2 minute penalty), The Senior Boys’ - Lux Cum Amore (Connor and Dominic Cleary and Ben Spark) placed 3rd overall with 1810 points, just 10 points behind 2nd place getters Westlake Boys. Tayler has also done very well on her pony HS Bank On Me, winning the prestigious Ballantynes Canterbury Cup and Champion Hunter at Canterbury A&P Show in November and runner up in the South Island Pony Points Prize for 2015/2016 show jumping season. Congratulations on your success, Tayler. We entered two Senior Girls’ teams. Twinnngs (Ruby and Tessa Dixon) placed 5th in their competition and Team Dynamite (Ruby Spark, Sophie Glover and Immy Egglesfield) finished in 9th place, which was a great achievement for their first competitive rogaine. The Junior Boys’ team Orienteering Ninjas (Ben Hendrie and Luc Mackay) made it back safely in time and had fun! Over Queen’s Birthday weekend, Connor Cleary, Dominic Cleary and Lucy Prickett travelled to Wellington as part of Southern Storm inter-regional challenge team. They ran three events over challenging terrain. Surfing Tegen Bishop added another Canterbury championship to her tally on Sunday by winning the Girls’ Division of the Canterbury Scholastic Surf Champs in Christchurch. The final was a combined ages (14,16 & 18) which she won outright, and now hopes for selection for the Canterbury Scholastics team to represent at the National Scholastics Surf Champs in October. Achievement data for Senior Students Farm News Credits achieved in internally assessed Achievement Standards as at 3 June Senior students have been having their learning assessed using internally assessed NCEA Achievement Standards. Each subject they study will typically have at least 8 credits available to them from these standards. The following graphs show the number of credits achieved so far from these internally assessed standards. NCEA Literacy Y11 students will achieve their Literacy through any number of Standards that they complete in many subject areas throughout the year. Students must gain a minimum of 10 Literacy credits in order to achieve NCEA Level 1. During 2015, 95% of our students achieved NCEA Level 1 Literacy. University Entrance requires all students who intend to do a degree course, to gain a minimum of 5 Reading and 5 Writing credits at NCEA Level 2 or above from a restricted range of “English rich” subjects in Year 12; for example, English, Classics, Drama, Economics, Geography, History and Media Studies, and a wider range at Level 3. As Literacy Co-ordinator, I track all students’ progress to ensure that they meet Literacy requirements. In terms of University Entrance, students who intend to go on to pursue a degree course will be supported and monitored in order to gain University Entrance Literacy requirements. Please contact me at or via extension 2107 if you wish to discuss any aspect of your child’s progress related to Literacy. Mrs V Wilkins Literacy Co-ordinator As we move into the winter months the jobs on the farm change for the students, stock require more hands on work to allow for the slow growing season. With supplements made in the summer and a great crop of Kale (12t/Ha), the farm is well placed coming into the cooler months. Break fences are moved on a daily basis which provides the students opportunities to measure stock feed and set breaks accordingly. Animal health is always a concern and students are taught to look for signs of problems and constantly look at weather reports to be as well prepared as they can for big weather events. Currently we have 53 mixed age beef cows grazing our Kale crop and 150 Ewes which are due to lamb at the start of Term 3. Year 12-13 Agriculture Science students are in the middle of internal assessments which incorporate production analysis of potatoes and reproduction techniques in sheep and cows. Using the school ewes to demonstrate scanning procedures is a fantastic opportunity to take learning out of the classroom and into the field. “Careers pathway for 2017 sorted! It’s the University of Canterbury for us” suggest these four students on their return from the Careers Expo at the Horncastle Arena. Roadcrash 2016 In mid May the annual Roadcrash road safety event run by the Waimakakiri District Council Road Safety team, the Rangiora Police, and St John was held off site at the Baptist Church facility. Approximately 100 Year 11 students from Rangiora High School attended along with a group from Oxford Area School. Year 11 is the target group as they are about to reach driving licene age and the important messages from the day re using the road are fresh in their minds. The day starts with a simulated crash scene using our senior drama students as the victims. This is a powerful start to the day with police, fire, and ambulance co-ordinating their roles, the jaws of life are in action cutting victims out of the car and it is also a very good practice situation for the local services. Students are also exposed to the booze bus, alcohol breath testing process, as the road safety around driving a big truck, the physics of a car crash, and member of the Brain Injury Association spoke. This event has been running for about 20 years. It is now up to the students to retain the serious message from the day. Kaya Heenan, Danya Price and Lucy Weddell, members of the Senior A Netball Team are pictured with Marg Foster catching up with her after her inspirational speech at the Big Brothers, Big Sisters fund raising breakfast. Bus Travel Parent Portal Thank you to those parents and caregivers who have contacted the school regarding bus travel. Rangiora High School provides access to student information for parents and caregivers via the school’s website and the parent portal. The parent portal can be accessed via the front page of the website or by going directly to: nz/. Your username and password will be emailed to you shortly. We are monitoring the numbers of students on buses to ensure a balance of passenger numbers across the fleet. Student safety and wellbeing are top priorities for both the school and our bus company, Torlesse Travel Limited. The bus company is currently compliant with all school bus regulations with regards to passenger loadings. Brian Hays Deputy Principal - Operations The school website and portal are extremely useful websites which provide you with a wealth of information about your child. Of key importance is the attendance link which provides live data period by period. We will also be providing a fortnightly “engagement” report to provide some real time feedback on your child’s attitude and engagement throughout the year. Your child’s timetable, reports, fees and grades are also available through the portal. We suggest you look over this area regularly and discuss your observations with your child. Students meet with Rt Hon David Carter and Matt Doocey, MP Gateway Programme Building Progress This year has started with a new group of students covering interest areas in Aviation, Animal Care, Early Childhood Care and Education, Mechanical Engineering, Small Engines Engineering, Retail, Building and Construction, Electrical Trade and Graphics. The fine weather recently has allowed contractor Naylor Love to make significant progress with the new Innovative Learning Environment build on site. The huge size of the building can now be visualized from upstairs in the administration building. There are up to 50 construction personnel on site at any one time. Naylor Love has also allowed two of our senior students to do one day’s work experience a week on this site and another in Rangiora , which is greatly appreciated. The building is due for completion in late March 2017 and occupied Term 2 in that year. During the first term the Gateway Programme, with an outside provider, ran a Comprehensive Workplace First Aid Course and a Health and Safety in the Workplace Course for the students. All students passed both courses which gives them a base to start with Health and Safety requirements in the workplace. Most students have started their work placements and those who have not will be starting in the near future. A group of six students are beginning their study, BCITO Level 3 Pre Apprenticeship unit standards working in conjunction with their placements one day a week. Another group of students are studying and working in local Retail and enjoying the experience. Two of the Gateway students studying Retail/Hospitality are Michael Maconachie and Laura Wilkinson-Fauth. Both are working in a local café and really enjoying it. Last year two of the Gateway students Tayla Boocock and Matthew Atkinson studied Aviation through Gateway and this year both have achieved more since leaving school. Tayla was awarded her trophy for “Airmanship by a woman pilot” at the annual awards and formal dinner held at the Canterbury Aero Club. She was told to turn up there but had no idea what it was for. Tayla received 2 trophies – the larger one has her name engraved in it and she keeps that for a year, and the other is a smaller one that she keeps. She has been training at the Canterbury Aero Club, flying out of Christchurch, West Melton and Rangiora. Matthew has just been accepted into the helicopter course he has been wanting to join since going solo fixed wing. This was after an intensive interview. Matthew is looking forward to getting started with his career to become a helicopter pilot. From Guidance Department Academic Reports Digital communication can be a major ‘thing’ in the lives of our young people and this medium of giving & receiving messages is well & truly here to stay. Used positively & well, it is obviously a tool that can assist greatly in daily life. This year we have moved our reporting to a two part system accessed on the Parent Portal. Used in a negative destructive context, its ‘power’ can be devastating to ‘would be recipients’ Part A involves fortnightly engagement reports on student effort and progress with work. This will give parents a cumulative view of student class activity, rapidly identifying any change in work ethic or participation. With this in mind and for your information we include the latest changes in the Crimes Act (as of 2015) concerning the use of digital software. Part B involves ongoing subject assessments and teacher feedback. Parents will be able to view specific comments along with grades when results are posted on the Parent Portal. These comments should provide feedforward to assist students with their ongoing work. 1. The meaning of Harassment….when a person engages in a pattern of behavior directed against another person including any specified action over any period of time. Eg. Where offensive material is placed in any electronic media & remains there for any period of time. Anyone aged 14 or over can be liable for prosecution. We are making these changes to provide more immediate feedback to parents and to avoid the lag time with the previous reporting model. Please discuss these ongoing reports with your child in your regular conversations about his or her learning. 2. Anyone who incites another person to commit suicide even if that person does not carry through with that consequence is liable on conviction to imprisonment (up to 3 yrs) Details on accessing the Parent Portal has been sent via email. You are encouraged to contact your child’s teachers, Dean or Head of House on 03 3118888 if you are concerned about any aspect of his or her progress. 3. Anyone who intentionally or recklessly makes an intimate visual recording of another person is liable to imprisonment (up to 3 yrs). Eg. photograph, videotape or digital image made in any medium using any device without knowledge or consent of the person who is the subject of the recording. 4. Anyone who has in their possession the intimate visual recording is liable to imprisonment (up to 3yrs). 5. Anyone who threatens to kill or do grievous bodily harm to any person (either by any letter or writing/txt is liable to imprisonment (up to 7 yrs) We feel it is important that our students and families are aware of these laws and encourage you to discuss this in your families, so that our students are safe at all times in this complicated world we live in. Mr R Courtney Head of Guidance Open Day On Friday 27 May and Thursday 2 June Rangiora High School held its inaugural Open Days. These replaced our usual ‘Open Night’ due to logistical reasons, given our current building project. Tour groups of hosted by our House Executive, Head Students and Year 10LCO across the two days. The tours visited 10 faculties, and they were able to see classes in action! Open Days are a popular model amongst schools, as the community love the opportunity of seeing the school open for instruction. It is fair to say that these days were a success, and these combined with two after school tours, have seen a combined total of over 550 potential students and families tour our school campus. Paula McDonald Event Manager Uniform Shop Did you know that you can easily order and pay for your school uniform requirements through our online web shop? Students can come over to the shop to be fitted for the correct size when they pick up their order. To access the online web shop, click on the U Shop logo from the Rangiora High School Home Page. Enter your student ID number twice i.e. to BOTH ID Number & Password fields and this will give you access to all our stock items and prices. You will know if you have done this correctly, as your student’s name should appear at the top right of your screen. Students at “ARA Have A Go Day “ checking on a patient Please contact us at the shop if you have any questions or difficulties ordering online – we are here to help. You can contact us on 03 313 9267 or email OUT AND ABOUT AT SCHOOL Canterbury Inter Secondary Cross Country Champs On Tuesday 31 May a keen group of students represented Rangiora High School at the Canterbury Inter Secondary Cross Country Champs. These were held at Halswell Quarry. The conditions were extremely trying with pouring rain and very cold temperatures. The athletes really impressed with their attitude and effort on the day, with some really pleasing results across the grades. AWD: Bret Genet-Rentoul 10th Brittany Sheriff 21st Samantha May 30th Emma Symon 33rd April Haig 38th Voncie Dartnell 39th Madison Jones 40th U14 Girls: Shontay Simpson 44th Jack-ee Robertson 51st U14 Boys: Max Flannigan 5th Ethan McLachlan 17th Intermediate Girls: Sophie Glover 11th Intermediate Boys: Jack Flannigan 8th Calum Law 11th Cody Burton 16th Senior Girls: Immy Eglesfield 15th Ruby Spark 16th Senior Boys: Reuben Graham 9th Connor Cleary 22nd Connor Patterson 35th AWD Students at Canterbury Inter Secondary Cross Country Teamwork and Friendship Term 1 2016 Sport Summary We had two teams in the Secondary Schools’ World Golf tournament and have a school’s world champion in Momoka Kobori for girls. Our mixed team also placed second. A terrific achievement. Our mixed SuperTouch team qualified for Nationals in December after strong displays in Canterbury and South Island Champs. We believe this is the first time a Rangiora team has made Nationals in Touch. Junior Girls also won their Canterbury schools’ competition. Girls’ Futsal won Canterbury Champs to qualify for Nationals. At Nationals they finished third after losing the semi-final to eventual winners Mt Albert Grammar. Athletics also competed at Canterbury and South Island Champs. Top South Island results were Sophie Glover who won the Under 16, 800m; Ruby Spark second in Open Steeplechase; and Denzel Lai Kong and Adam Stephenson third in triple jump for their age groups. Debra Begg and Emma Symon had multiple wins in both track and field events for their grades. We also had Swimmers at our regional championships. Bryn Atkins placed second in age group, third in Open event, Aria Marsh third in age event but more impressively sixth in the Open event Individual medley. Luke Potts, Samantha May, Brittany Sherriff and Emma Symon also had good wins in events in their grades. 1st XI Boys’ Cricket won their section of the Metro Schools’ competition before Christmas. They also won the Country Schools’ Big Bash in March. Our Girls’ Cricket also competed in the Big Bash and finished 5th. Our Canoe Polo A team was pipped in the Canterbury final against a good Kaiapoi side who was ironically coached by Mr. Henson’s son. Girls’ A Volleyball went to Nationals in Palmerston North. Although the competition was very tough the girls learnt a lot from the experience. The Orienteering team has had consistent success all summer with many top three team and individual placings. A number of these athletes also competed in the Rogaine Nationals and one team, Connor Clear, Dominic Cleary and Ben Spark placed third in NZ Secondary Schools’ competition in the weekend. Our Equestrian teams continued competing well in their summer programme but unfortunately no silverware this year. Our Girls’ Dragon Boating team lost by seconds to Christchurch Girls’ to be eliminated in their semi-final which was an outstanding improvement by them over the summer. Matt Jones and Ben Rudd won the Canterbury Intermediate Boys doubles title in Tennis. Cam McCracken also made the semi-finals of the Open Boys grade. Tegen Bishop continues her success Surfing with a number of titles over the summer. The most recent being the Girls’ division of the Canterbury Scholastic Surf Champs. She won outright which is outstanding as it was combined ages (14, 16 & 18). She now goes to Nationals in October. Ethan Mclachlan got sixth at the Junior Boys National Schools’ Triathlon in Queenstown. Blake Grindley-Jones won Gold in the Canterbury Inter-school Sailing champs in his Starling yacht. We apologise if we have missed anyone but please go to the Sports Office to report any successes you have had in school sports events or competitions. North Canterbury U17 Basketball Girls’ team to secure a place at the July National Championships in Auckland: Riley Harrison, Anna McRobb, Sophie Davies, Keneisha Bond and Charlotte Whittaker. Rowing: a team of 19 students went to Maadi Cup and had a good regatta gaining valuable experience in competiting. Congratulations also to Charlotte Whittaker who received a scholarship into the Canterbury Wildcats Women’s Basketball team.
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