Volume 5 Issue 10 May 1998
Volume 5 Issue 10 May 1998
ARLB032 Call to action on LMCC League calls members to action on 70cm petition The ARRL says the recent Land Mobile Communications Council petition seeking access to 70 cm is ''incompatible with continued amateur use of the band'' and urges members to comment in opposition-not only to the FCC but to the LMCC's members. The LMCC has petitioned the FCC for immediate reallocation of 420 to 430 MHz and 440 to 450 MHz from the federal government to the Private Mobile Radio Service. Amateur Radio enjoys the use of 70 cm on a secondary basis. The LMCC has proposed to share the two subbands with Amateur Radio, but has not said how sharing would be possible. The LMCC also seeks additional UHF reallocations in the intermediate and long term. For those planning to file comments, specific information and recommendations plus a copy of the LMCC petition and a list of LMCC members are available on the ARRL Web page at http://www.arrl.org/news/ bandthreat. Commentators should explain how the loss of access to 420 to 430 and 440 to 450 MHz would affect them personally and how it would affect the ability of hams to provide needed public service. ''Even if you do not use these segments yourself, it is likely that loss of access would result in more crowding and interference in the part of the band, or in another band, that you do use,'' said ARRL Executive Vice President David Sumner, K1ZZ. ''Don't overlook the fact that if you use linked voice or packet systems, it is quite likely that some of the links you rely on are in either or both of these segments.'' Amateurs involved in public service communication can ask the government and non-government agencies they assist for written statements of support. Hams also should urge Amateur Radio organizations, specially those with interests in the 420 to 450 MHz band, to comment as well. The LMCC, a nonprofit association, includes several well-known organizations such as the American Automobile Association, the American Petroleum Institute, the International Association of Fire Chiefs, and the Association of Public Safety Communications OfficialsInternational (APCO), a frequent Amateur Radio supporter. The League suggests that ARRL members who also belong to one of the LMCC member organizations consider writing to inform the organization that the LMCC is acting contrary to your interests and requesting them to disavow the LMCC petition insofar as it affects Amateur Radio. Sumner said ARRL members should not complain to members of Congress nor write angry letters to the FCC. ''The LMCC petition is a private-sector initiative, not a government proposal,'' he said. ''By law, the FCC has to put the petition on public notice and invite comment. That's all the FCC has done with it.'' Sumner says that criticizing the FCC at this stage would be ''inappropriate and counterproductive.'' The primary occupant of the bands in question is military radio-location (radar). ''Before the FCC can take the next step to reallocate this spectrum, it must get the federal government to agree,'' Sumner explained. Then, the FCC would have to issue a Notice of Proposed Rule Making and solicit public comments on its proposal. ''In other words, nothing is going to happen overnight, and there will be at least one more opportunity for public comment.'' The FCC is accepting only written comments in response to RM-9267. Comments are due by June 1, and reply comments are due by June 15. Address comments to RM-9267, Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, 1919 M St NW, Washington, DC 20554. Formal comments must be submitted in quadruplicate. PAGE 2 RMVHF+ May 1998 Wyoming Expedition W7HAH Shep w7hah@montana.com Flash Message: I received on 6 meters and in the mail that AB7UQ will be in Wyoming from May 11th to Sept. 25th. He will be operating portable in many of the Wyoming grids on 6 meters. The following grids he plans on operating from are DN41, 42, 43, 51, 52, 53, 61, 62 and 63. No specified frequencies were given to me at this time. He will be also looking for meteor skeds. His address will be Mr. Tom Weber Bureau of Land Management 100 Atlantic City Road Atlantic City, WY 82520. Equipment will be a 4-el yagi and 100 watts on 6 meters. Frequency to set up schedules is 7268.5kcs. Tom's call is AB7UQ. His main grid will be DN52. Tom will let me know what different grids he will be operating from. updates and sked lists! http://www.qsl.net/dh8naa or homepage.main-echo.net/dh8naa FL14 Operation Ed N5JEH/C6A aestore@rt66.com I will be on 6 meters and HF from Tarpum Bay Eleuthera Island,Bahamas May 24 through June 1 1998.,GRID FL14vx. Will have a Icom 706 Mk2 and 3 elements at 30 feet. On HF using the Alpha Delta Outpost ground mounted antenna. Will monitor 28.885 when 10m is open. Have you been busy with a technical project? Have you been out grid hopping, hill topping, or world bopping with your VHF+ equipment? Do you have information to share on propagation, equipment, operating techniques for 6m through light (or even beyond)? Do you have some building skills to share with others? The 50MHz and Up Group of Northern California, Inc. and the Western States Weak Signal Society will be holding the annual WSWSS VHF+ Conference on October 3rd, 1998 at the Sunnyvale Hilton in Sunnyvale, California. The conference will have 2 presentation paths, one for general interest and one for technical specialties, which will run from 9AM to 5PM. Papers or presentations may be of general VHF+ interest or detailed technical content. Please submit a paragraph outlining content by June 1, 1998 to: Jim Moss, 862 Somerset Drive, Sunnyvale, CA, 94087 or email to: n9jim@aol.com. Selected papers will be notified no later than June 15, 1998. Full papers must be submitted by July 20, 1998 for inclusion FL16 Operation Kevin Bishop N8ZJN/C6AKL n8zjn@your-net.com Hi 6M fans...I will be going to Abaco Island, Bahamas on June 18-25 1998. I will be on vacation, but will be on the 6M most of time. The grid will be FL16, Treasure Cay Bay. Look for me in the SMIRK Contest June 20-21st call will be C6AKL Smirk # 5954.I will also monitor 28.885 for activity. Hope to work as much DX as possible on 6M, hope for some great conditions. When 6M is dead I will work some HF, if you’re looking for IOTA numbers it is NA 080. QSL route is N8ZJN w/return postage. Also looking forward to the return trip in December for the ARRL 10M contest this year with WZ8D/C6AIE and the Group. 73 C6AKL SV9 Operation Udo, dh8naa We will now start taking skeds for the SV9expedition in KM35bd. First time for EME will be Friday, 29. May, from 07.00 until 11.00 UT and from 16.00 till 20.30 UT. 2nd day for EME will be Sat., 30. May, from 16.00 UT until 21.30 UT. We will start working MS on Monday, 25. May. Send your proposals either to ulang@mainecho.net or to df7kf@t-online.de. See "THE DH8NAA VHF-PAGE" with expedition- http:// VP2V British Virgin Islands Jon N0JK jkjones@fn.net Look for operators Tom/K6CT, Terry/ N6CW and Fred/K9VV to be active as VP2VDX in the CQWW WPX CW Contest. The group will be there May 27th through June 2nd. Activity outside the WPX contest will be on WARC and 6 meters. QSL via K6CT. Terry, N6CW is an experienced 6M DX op - I worked him at N6CW/NP2 on 6M several year ago. Should be a good opportunity this group on Es. Note Terry prefers CW. WSWSS '98 CALL FOR PAPERS AND PRESENTATIONS! in the proceedings. Editor Wayne N0POH Publisher Joan KB0YRX Heinen All articles, comments and other contributions may be sent to: Rocky Mountain VHF+ PO Box 473411 Aurora, CO 80047-3411 Email: Nrclog@aol.com Packet N0POH@KTOH.#NECO.CO.USA (303) 699-6335 before 8PM MST SUBCRIPTIONS RATES BY FIRST CLASS MAIL Coming next issue A NEW LOOK to the Colorado Awards. UNITED STATES $16.00 PER YEAR CANADA $18.00 PER YEAR RMVHF+ May 1998 Subsciber Contest Plans Included! Bill K0RP DM88 billg@iguana.ruralnet.net My plans for the contest, at this time, anyway, is to work as a rover in DM 88 78 77 and 87. I think I will plan to be out overnight in the RV in 88, Saturday evening, then Sunday go over into 78 and 77. Maybe stay around 77 till about noon then into 87 for the afternoon. In case it looks like it might be stormy in the afternoon, I might try to get out of 87 earlier, and work more in 77 then back to 88, closer to home. I think I will try to have 6 meters, 432 and 2 meters. Richard KA0DXM DM79 We plan to operate from Sugarloaf Mountain, DN70, at 8000-ft elevation, west of Boulder. We will use call W0IA, the club call of the Rocky Mountain VHF Society. We will probably be on only Saturday afternoon, and should have 2M, 6M, and probably one or two other bands. Ron N0IVN DM79 Rhranac@aol.com As you can probably tell from my absence from the Monday night 2meter nets, I've had a rather busy year so far. I missed the January contest because of a multi-week trip to Asia, and since then have been away on several domestic and international trips. When I am home, there doesn't seem to be much time for ham radio except for a little mobile operation to and from the office. However, the schedule looks good for the June contest, and I'm planning to set up again at Daniel’s Park and operate in the QRP Portable category. This year I've assembled a collection of monoband antennas for 6 meters, 2 meters, 1.25 meters, 70 centimeters and 23 centimeters. Last year I was using a Create log periodic for almost all of the same bands, and while it provided great multiband coverage, it was certainly a compromise considering the QRP power limitation. Besides the previously mentioned bands, I'll also have 33 centimeters (902.1 MHz) and 10 GHz wideband. PAGE 3 Phil N0KE DM69 pfkski@vail.net Memorial Day Weekend I expect to be at KA0BAD and ND0E's QTH in DM57 along with K0CL and others. We will be active on 6, 2, 222, 432 and 1296 (10W) and at least 100170 watt bricks on the other bands. They only live 1\4 mile from DM58 so hope to operate from there as well. No E mail there but phone usually works 970-864-3307. K0DU lives in DM58 near Glade Park. He has a 2m all mode and brick and will be ordering a 2m beam soon. He has a 6m yagi and I will loan him the Icom 505 and Mirage brick until he gets his own rig for 6m. E-mail Jerry at <K0DU@GJ.NET>. I was at his QTH and he has a good shot to the Front Range but not so good to the SE. All other directions are good. During the 2m sprint 12 of my 14 QSO’s were not on 144.200 from DM69. I worked 5 grids but could not even get my own grid on FM! Your signal was one of the better ones. The only out of state contact was N0KQY who was stronger than most of the Front Range stations but now I know why! He runs 600w to a M2 at 100+ ft. One suggestion is to run a list of E-mail addresses for Rocky Mountain VHF+ subscribers in one of the issues. 432 SPRINT After 30 minutes of CQ’ing and tuning the band I finally had N0KQY answer from DM98 who told me that 6m was open but of course I'd left the 6m beam at home. At 0200 there was a surge of activity, including WD0BQM DN81 and at 0230 I couldn't stand all the excitement anymore and was freezing my butt off at 9,000 ft on Bellyache Ridge so I QRT. It was a good trial run of the newly acquired Portapole and Big Foot and first time using the FT736R of 12VDC. Condx were poor as stations QSBed quickly in and out. At least I was able to work my own grid, which I couldn't do in the 2m sprint. I also worked 3 states, KS, NE and CO. Best DX, 275 miles. Equipment FT736R, RF Concepts 100w brick and KLM 32 el. Final tally, 9 QSO’s, 5 grids = 45 points which is better than we did in many a June contest. A group of us are tentatively planing to operate in DN80 as W1XE again. I may Rover a bunch of nearby normally unoccupied grids for theirs and other's benefit. K0CL, N0IO and others are talking about operating from Abajo Peak west of Montecello Utah in DM57 Wayne N0POH DM79op Nrclog@aol.com Things are returning to normal, whatever that is! Missed the big Aurora and one good opening on 6. I was doing my on air swap during the 6 opening I missed. I had 9 Q’s in 5 grids during the 432 sprint the usual Front Range crowd. 15 Q’s and 8 grids during the 6m Sprint. I don’t consider either really bad as both bands are 10 watts to mediocre antennas. The 6m opening during the sprint was nice. I had left the rig on, pumped through the stereo and we started a Scrabble game. The game was suspended when I heard “CM98” open the squelch about 0220. Lasted about 40 minutes here mostly CA and OR. Grid count on 6 is now 63 heard and 50 QSL’d. On 2 I did manage to replace the 4 element yagi with the 13B, most reports have indicated a better signal all around. I’ve notice a big improvement on receive too. We had a decent opening 5/18 to the east on 6, I QSL’d to 2m for the RMVHF+ net and it was pretty much gone when the net was done. 5/19 had 6m open to DM04, 13 and 14 after I got home from work. It pretty much petered out by 0100. The contest will find us operating from home, should be on a good portion of the time. See you on the bands. Jesse N0SWV DM79 Howdy all, Things have been kinda slow and activity low on 2 meters. The 432 sprint was marked by less than stellar activity. Remember, if we don't use the bands then someone may decide that we don't need them. Enough preaching - My scores for the sprints: 2M 27 contacts and 8 grids 70 CM 13 contacts and 5 grids I was surprised by the number of people running vertical during the 432 sprint but they were still plenty readable from Fort Collins to south of Denver. I highly encourage everyone to get on for the 902/1296/2304 sprint if possible and especially for the 6M sprint. I'll be working from Daniel’s Park for the 6 -M sprint, running a 5-element beam and 150+ watts - on top my car! Lou N9KC/0 DM79/EN52 N9KC@aol.com I'll be flying to Chicago for the June VHF contest, this will be 15 years in a row with the AA9D group west of Chicago in grid EN52. We are on a great hill at about 923 feet above sea level. That's about 300 feet above RMVHF+ May 1998 FOR SALE - 16’ Aluminum Dish Antenna Offer, Clegg 99er Offer, Heathkit Station Monitor $125 Cliff Young W0TGY P.O. Box 1263 Conifer, CO 80433 303-838-6139 average terrain, a commanding location in the Midwest. I'd like to offer schedules to any serious stations on 6M, 2M, and 222 MHz wanting meteor scatter skeds. The 6M station runs 1 kW and 7 elements, 2M will be running 1.5 kW to two M^2 antennas. 222 runs 800W to two KLM something or others. On 432, 700W to two 30lbx's. We will also have (as usual) 100W on 903 and 1296 and 2, 3, 5, 10, 24 GHz on the air also. Anyone northeast of Denver might be a candidate for tropo skeds early Sunday morning also Please call or email N9KC/0 in Parker CO to discuss schedules. My home phone is 303-805 -8079 -or- e-mail me. Ron NN5DX/0 DM79 rmarosko@colorado.flairdata.com Went to the Colorado Springs hamfest yesterday morning, didn't see anything there for RMVHF+. Was gonna sign in, if nothing else. :-) (Sorry, Couldn’t make that one and we won’t make Loveland on 5/30, other commitments are in the way – N0POH) Just to pass word along K5LLL (currently /YS0) will, assuming he's not out of country, will be up here to run June VHF with me. That being the case, we will be QRV on all bands 6m through 1296 with big watts (for a portable station) and long yagis. The plan right now is to go up either Pike's Peak or Mount Evans, but probably not both. Depends on what happens come June. Finally got the IC706 back in the van, so I'm back on 2m again. Dave W6OAL DM79 W6oal@aol.com Well Gang, I hope you all had more action that what I had out here in Colorado for the 222 Sprint. The distances were good but there just weren't a heck of a lot of folks on. We PAGE 4 worked four states (CO, WY, KS, and NM). Even then after the first two hours it was all over here. So we wound up with 8 QSO's in 6 grids. The station here is a FT-736 and an AM-6154 running about 500 watts output to a HB 6 element loop yagi up at 25'. Out here the antenna doesn't have to be too terribly high since I'm already at 6500' and see the horizon for more than 250 degrees. The other 110 degrees are occupied by the Rocky Mountains at 35 miles to the foothills and 50 miles to any significant peaks at the closest point. They really don't seem to give me any problem on HF or VHF/UHF. Enjoyed it. Well now wasn't that fun (and funny). As soon as I turned off the 6m rig and got on 70 cm at 7 PM local the 6M band opened. Oh the decisions, of course, I didn't know that the 6M band had opened until two hours into the Sprint. One of the locals came up on 432 and told us!!! Well out here in the wilds of Colorado everyone that is going to be worked is probably worked in the first half-hour anyway. Kept looking east for N0LL, then I heard W9RM on 6M working him. I jumped in and asked Jay to ask Larry to get on 432. The relay back was "OK as soon as the feed line gets hooked up." Back to 432, inform all that were around 432.1 that Larry was on his way up. We called and called but to no avail. Oh well, I had 15 Q's in 6 grids - better than 222 but what the heck, it was fun I was just about to turn the 6M rig off last nite 5/4about 0500 and go to bed. Found that I'd turned the volume down earlier for some reason. Was hearing a little something while standing near the rig so I turned up the volume and there was all this; brrr bep brrr bep brrr brrr bep brrr. Well I didn't get away from the radio room for about the next 2 hours. I have been licensed since '52 and this was my first experience working aurora. Either due to location, equipment or inclination or a combination of all three, I just never got in on any of it. Well, I can't say that anymore! It was neat to make AU skeds on 6M for 2M and then go and do it. The NW was just pounding in to the Denver Area (DM79ql) also Montana and an occasional mid west was worked. Really a neat evening. Being an old retired 'tin eared airborne Navy radioman', I think I can copy AU CW better than a normal CW signal (hihi Things are looking up! 5/3 a little after 8:30 PM MDT (0230 Z), I was on our Wed. 432 net listening to the guys in Boulder and Fort Collins when the S-meter on the FT-650 began to move. Well you guessed it 432 looses. There was Fred - N2LXD (FN02) calling CQ, and so it went for about an hour; OH, MI, PA, NY, ONT. Thanks guys and gals for being there. I think this was the first opening this year for me or maybe for DM79 into FN02. Even got to work a 'homeboy' near Cleveland, OH as I was reared in Akron, OH and was doing 6M back there in the early '50's The Microwave Sprint wasn't as glorious as the rest out here in the west as the others were, for what they were. I was ready though; a 47 element Loop Yagi and 10 watts on 902, 2 X 55 element Loop Yagis and 100 watts on 1296 and 2 X 45 element Loop Yagis and 5 watts on 2304. I made 6 contacts on 1296 in 3 grids, that was it. We were able to Elmer a couple of folks new to 1296 on how to use the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains as a reflector to put their signal where ever they wanted from Cheyenne to Colorado Springs. I'm sure June will be better That was a lot of fun Monday evening (0518-98). Here in DM79 I worked mostly to the East and Southeast. I have never seen the band so loaded, yes there were folks actually QSY’ing to other parts of the band rather than hold their QSO on the Calling Frequency. Maybe things are sinking in. I had some really nice QSO's with folks, other than just the normal - "You're 5 X 9 in _ _ _ _, repeat your Name Call and Grid, QSL via the Bureau". Tried to work everyone that called but with the QSB and QRM made it just impossible. I kept taking people off the Calling Frequency and up band but landing on others - sorry 'bout that to those I landed on and QSY’d again. Prior to one QSO a YL and I had to QSY five times before we found a clear spot. Got some queries as to where were all the DM79 folks. There were about a half dozen of us up and down the Front Range available. We'll have to do this again sometime GEORGIA Steve K4RF EM84dj SteveWS4F@aol.com 222 Sprint score- 13 Q's x 8 grids = 104 Poor conditions with much rain static early only the usual suspects on. On 5/4 worked WA8RJF in EN91 on 222. Strong AU signals into GA (EM84dj) from 1's, 3's, 8's and 9's on 6m and 2m. Kansas Gary N0KQY DM98 I’ll be operating the contest from the home QTH on 6, 2, 432 and HSMS Larry N0LL EM09 n0ll@ruraltel.net (Larry Lambert) We got some tropo Wed. when I came home at 0231Z on the 14th and found W5UWB EL17 and we worked on 2, 222, 432 but only a one way on 1296. Then K5IUA in EL29 on 2, 222 and 432 This was followed by a string of EM11, EM24, EM00, EM25 then at 0308Z we had a 1296 CW QSO 5-19. At 0335Z W5UWB was peaking 5/3/9 on 1296 for another new grid. This was as far south as I've ever worked on 2m or on a RMVHF+ May 1998 UHF band. I’ve worked farther South on E's on 2m in Fl. before. I got home too late or might have worked XE2KK DL96 and XE2OR DL98. N0KQY DM98 heard CO2OJ at 0420Z but K5CM got the QSO. W0EKZ and N0JK in Wichita EM17 worked CO2OJ on 2. The weather was weird as the wind was blowing anyway 15mph from the South and had been all day, which brought up air of high humidity. Very rare for May, rare anytime. Usually that brings thunder boomers but it wasn’t until today Fri. we got them. The N0LL 2m propagation beacon was S8 in Houston. We had a little tropo the next day but not much. I plan on operating from the home QTH in the June contest, EM09. IDAHO Bob K7TM K7TM and N7LKA will be operating from DN25 during the June VHF Contest. 73' Bob MISSOURI LARRY JOE KC0AUY EM27 Every Thursday at 0200 UTC (9:00 PM CDT) Joplin, Missouri holds a 52.5250 MHz Net. We encourage check-ins from all over. MONTANA Shep W7HAH Shep may be a rover in DN25, 35, 26, 36, 27 and 28 6, 2 and 432 (WCVHFer) NEVADA K7XC/R I am returning to Mt. Moses in DN10 and hopefully this year, Mother Nature won't throw me off the mountain again! QRV on 50, 144 and 432 SSB/ CW and 222 FM. Tim K7XC/R NEW MEXICO Dick K5RHR DM65 lewis@chicoma.la.unm.edu I must comment on the sidebar that discussed tolerances in Bird Wattmeter measurements. The example selected, using a 100 W element to measure a 40 W power level, may have misled a few users. It is also true that if the user selected a 50 W element the maximum probable error is only 2 1/2 W. There is a good reason for Bird to make so many elements for various power PAGE 5 levels and frequency bands. Here is a list of stations in this area that plan to operate in the June 1998 QSO Party arranged by Grid Square and bands: DM65K5RHR A,B,C,D; KC5JBO A,B,C,D,E; KC5RIK A,B; KC5SFV A,B,D; KC5SFW B; K5WJY A,B,C,D,E; KC5YXB A,B; KD6TDF A,B,D; KK5YY A,B,C,D,E; KK7V B; N5XZM A,B,C,D,E; N9KUW A,B,D; WB5YYX A,B,D; WB9ERE A,B,C,D,E; DM76 N0IPL A,B,C,D;W5IXR A,B,C,D; DM82 W5WOX B,C,D; W5DB B,D; SOUTH DAKOTA Arliss W7XU EN17lm There hasn't been much in the way of vhf activity here in EN13, South Dakota. I've caught only two 6m Es openings so far in April. 18 April -- I worked KK4MO/MM in the Gulf of Mexico, EL27, at 1806Z, followed by W5EUB in the Houston area at 1826Z. Almost no other signals heard during that time. On 22 April -- Twelve stations worked in Arizona, California, Nevada and Utah: DM04, 05, 06, 13, 14, 26, 27, 34 and 43 (I don't know the grid square of N7MKK in Utah). The opening lasted for just over an hour starting at 1920Z. 4 May Aurora! I didn't get home from work last night until midnight local time (0500 Z), so I think I missed out on some good action on 6 and 2m. On 2m, I worked EN63, EM79, DN74 (new grid for me), and DM79. There didn't seem to be a lot of activity on 2m at the late hours I was on. I spent most of my time on 6m, where I worked the following stations via auroral-E: 0538Z W7EW CN84, 0539 VE7ILD CO90, 0542 VE7HCE CN99, 0545 VE7XF CN89, 0547 VE7BDQ CN89, 0555. Heard the VE8BY beacon in FP53rs 0625 K7KX CN87, and 0627 K7CW CN87. Other grids worked via aurora on 6m included: FN00, FN03, EM48, EM99, EN70, EN72, and EN82. I wonder what I missed due to getting home so late! 18 May -- The TI2NA beacon was heard here beginning at 2352Z. Signals peaked 539, and were last heard at about 0050Z on the 19th. Repeated CQ's on 50.110 yielded no DX QSO's. No other DX stations/ beacons were heard. Stateside, 6m was open to Texas, Louisiana, and the SE US during the time I was hearing the TI2 beacon. As I write this (0150Z) the band is still open, but seems to be on the way out. Stations heard now are primarily from Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana. FROM THE REFLECTOR 222 Sprint NI6G San Joaquin Valley DM06 26 QSO's x 11 Multipliers = 286 points total Grids worked: CM89 CM96 CM97 CM98 CM99 DM03 DM04 DM06 DM12 DM13 DM14 20 QSO's were made using SSB Mode; 5 QSO's on FM, and 1 QSO on CW. K6FV 222 Sprint score (in last place?)- 5 QSO’s (3 on SSB, 2 on FM) X 1 grid = 5 Grid was CM98, I'm in CM87. Heard K6MYC in DM06, but wasn't able to complete, so guess I need some QRO. 222 Sprint results N6AJ SJV DM06 29 Q'S 13 Grids CM87 CM89 CM96 CM97 CM98 CM99 DMO3 DM04 DM05 DM06 DM12 DM13 DM14 Jerry 222 Mhz Sprint Results for N6ZE/6 28 QSO x 7 GRIDS = 196 Points Grids/ QSO worked CM97(1);DM03(6),04 (13),06(4),12(2),13(1),14(1) 23 SSB QSO & 5 FM QSO Best DX: W6WE/6 (CM97) at 17 Minutes into Sprint. Great summer Wx: T-shirts and minimal bugs ‘til we went QRT @ 9PM PDT. TNX to W3SE/6 for trying to get us hooked up with N6SMU (DM05) on FM. Where were N6NB/N6XQ/K6YAZ? N6ZE/6 (+ N7WLC & KK6UE) operated from Triunfo Peak, Santa Monica Mts. Rig FT-736+ 9 el M2. 222 sprint results Conditions were average but where was everyone? I only worked stations that were east of me (em79, em89, fn02, en72). I heard very little to the west. I aimed my beam at the Chicago and Milwaukee area, which usually is productive for me during the January, June and September contests, and there was nothing to be heard - even on fm. Oh well. Score = 7 QSO's x 4 grids = 28 points Dave, WA1MKE/9 222 sprint 28 QSO’s x 7 grids = 196 points Best DX W6WE in CM97. Heard but missed CM98. Thanks to all for the signal reports. The latest configuration appears to be transmitting well. 2 x 7wl spaced 10 1/2 feet vertically, bottom antenna at 60ft fed with 1/2-inch heliax. Preamp at the antenna, ran 400w pep. Obviously transmitted better than I could hear. Had lots of noise but dsp helped a lot Gary, K6CYS San Diego, DM12 N0HJZ 222 Sprint (EN34fv) It was nice to not be out roving (bathroom upstairs, cold beer, no driving, etc). Local activity in the Minneapolis St.Paul area was great! Thanks to W0ZQ, WA2VOI & K0PG for going out roving and giving me some unique grids. Didn't hear anything out of Green Bay, Milwaukee and Chicago. I don't think conditions were that good. I only operated until 10:00. I did catch a few guys on 223.5 FM. The final score was 28 Q's and 12 mults for a score of 336 points. Rich N0HJZ This is my first year on 222 and had loads of fun. Same people, as on 2m but NO QRM, is that a pleasure. Worked all heard except one in San Diego K6CYS DM12 next time I will listen with a softer ear. Q 19 Grids 8. 152 score 200-w 22-ele ele 55 ft Sacramento, Ca CM98 BILL KA6VQV SIX TO EUROPE A Small opening to PAGE 6 RMVHF+ May 1998 Europe this afternoon on 50MHZ. Work EH3ADW, SP6GZZ and SP6ASD at 1930z. What a pleasure to work Poland after many years. Heard many other stations but they didn’t copy me. PETER PY5CC GRID GG54re SA into EM 21 on 6 Mtrs A little action finally got this far north. Lots of QSB on the band. Heard a CX4? Worked 4-23-98: 2144Z LU6DRV GF05 2149Z LU5EJU GF05 2152Z LU9AEA GF05 Better than a poke in the eye! Pete WA5JCI EM21 W1LP/MM is calling CQ NOW (25/4/98 at 23:15 Z) in 50.110 from FK00, north of Panama Canal Oscar, CO2OJ, EL83 6 Meter Opening Worked TI5KD in EJ79 and hearing Clint, W1LP in EK90 from my QTH in EL87 Lowell W0VHF WORKED W1LP ON 50.125 50 MILES NORTH OF THE PANAMA CANAL IN FK00 AT 22:54 4-25-98 FM06 INTO EL87rh WORKED K4QI ON 144.200 AT 13:08 4-26-98 SAMUEL KD4ESV EL87RH Clint is now operating out of EK95 (off the coast of Honduras) and is 59 here in EL87 at 1839. He is working a very wide range of stations from Florida to Arkansas. Lowell, W0VHF 4-26-98, 50.125, 1755Z worked W1LP EK94. At 1820Z, worked W1LP EL 95. He's working 4s and 5s. QSB on the band, he drops out and then comes back up. Pete WA5JCI EM21 Six Open EM55 North at 0238 30 Apr 98 Steve N4JQQ 432 Sprint Results NI6G San Joaquin Valley DM06bt 31 QSOs x 12 Mults= 372 Points Total Grids Worked: CM: 87, 89, 96, 97, 98, 99 DM: 03, 04, 06, 07, 13, 14 Equipment: Kenwood TM455A 80' LMR-400 M2 440-21SSB @ 35' Yaesu FT-7400H 5/8 over 5/8 @ 25'[Only 1 FM QSO] (CM97) 432 Sprint Results K6SIX San Joaquin Valley CM97qa 14 QSOs x 5 Mults=70 Points Total Grids Worked:CM: 97, 98,DM: 06, 07, 14 Equipment: Yaesu FT-790R II - 25 watts output M2 420-450-11 @ 45 Ft. Antenna is end mounted on the side of my tower and fixed to the south. Had fun Rick, K6SIX 432 Sprint results I got started late and had to quit early dues to storms, but I enjoyed the 50 minutes I was able to operate. Results: 11 QSO’s, 6 Grids. Grids worked were EM64, EM76, EM79, EM83, EM84, and EM89. I made no skeds. I thought band conditions weren't too bad for the time that I was on. Dave, K4TO 432 Sprint Results EM55 IC-475H, CC 719B, SSB preamp @ 80' fed with 7/8" Heliax. Not a signal heard! However...We did have a nice opening on six meters and I worked four new grids DN99, EN19, 29 & 37. I guess the 432 Sprint is good for something! Steve, N4JQQ/ C6AFP, EM55, Memphis, TN 432MHz sprint results the new cRushcraft 729B seems to play very well (compared to the Jaybeam MBM48XY it replaced!). I've been saying it for several years but I finally did replace that piece of junk, and I think the results were at least fair. I only ran 8 watts from the MMT432/28 but at least one station reported (not too close either) that I was much stronger than one of the other locals that was running 100 watts. Admittedly, that was the exception however...N0UK EN34JV 8 watts into 29 ele yagi at 9 magl 9 Grids by 25 QSO's for a total of 225 points. Thanks very much to the rovers (Bruce, Tim, and John) for activating otherwise unreachable grids 432 Sprint: Q's 36 Grid's 12 Score 432 Jerry N6AJ DM06 KQ6QW 432 Sprint Results - DM04 40 QSO’s = 5 grids = 200 The usual result at my usual spot - lots of Qs few Ms. Pleased (and a bit surprised) to have worked everything I heard with the new 430 all mode rig barefoot with 18 element yagi, but heard nothing to the north. Will find a new spot for 6m sprint. Good activity level on all modes in Southern Cal. Brian N6ZE (DM04): 70 Cm Sprint Results 30 QSO 6 Grids 180 Points Grids worked: DM03, 04,06,12,13,14 N6ZE/6 + KK6UE operated "The 1998 ARRL 70 Cm Sprint" from Saddle Peak (approximately 2500 ft) in the Santa Monica Mts. Equipment used was an FT-736R + 21 element F9FT yagi. Although conditions had been better earlier in the day, we seemed to be above any enhanced UHF propagation. NO stations north of Fresno (DM06) were heard. RF feedback and grotesquely loud signals on the calling frequency troubled us. However, weather was great and an S-9 +20 dB sunset was observed!) 432 SPRINT Band was good except power line noise. These sprints are a fun 4hr sprint 38 Q DM 03 04 06 07 08 13 14 Grids CM 88 89 97 98 99 CN80 80w 33ele @ 55ft CM 98 Sacramento Bill KA6VQV 432 sprint W6GYD CM87 Got on late but worked most of what I heard. Most activity is no longer in the bay area; it is over in the central valleys and down south. Used to be a lot of VHF guys on in the Santa Clara valley but no longer. Prob all working in electronics during the day and not interested in radio when not working. At least that’s my theory. Only NU6S Tim and my self and WA6UAP Pat were on from Santa Clara Valley that I heard. I was at home in Saratoga for this Sprint. 100 W out to a KLM 14el up 60 ft. Mast mtd pre-amp crapped out so used one in the power amp. FOO I made 16 contacts in 6 grids. Not bad but not good either. Best DX was N6RMJ in DM14. NU6S worked a fellow in DM03. Could not hear the fellows up in Oregon. Too Bad. Lots of people helping others make contacts, that’s very nice. Don Es Now (May 1st 00:00Z) from DO33 Hearing and working stations now from DM14 and DM26 into DO33. Good signals too Barry Bergstrom VE6MK DO33im W9FZ/Rover 432 Sprint Results. Had fun and it was a BEEEEUUUUTIFUL evening in Southern Minnesota! Activity was a little lower than I hoped. Also, I was disappointed that stations I worked from one grid weren't around to work from my next grid. Equipment was TR-851 25w to 8 ele Quagi EN33 12 x 3 = 36 EN-23 10 x 4 = 40 EN-24 11 x 4 = 44 EN-34 8 x 3 = 24 But look, I got 41 Q's for my 4 hours, so I'm happy Bruce 5/1/98 WD4KPD FM15 @ 1640z and a few FM29 stations @ 1700z from EM54, Oxford, Ms. 50.125 MHz. 73 KC5UDM Ian 6 meters is open to 4 and 5 land from DM-78 in Colorado. 01:58 UTC.5/2/98 W0LD Colorado WORKED GUYS IN TEXAS ON 2 AND 70CM AND HEARD GUYS GOING TO 1.2 GHz AT 14:00 ZULU 05-02-98 SAMUEL KD4ESV EL87RH Aurora into CN85 1430z May 2. Derek K7XD WOW---if you were active on 6 or 2m at approx. 1335 through 1350z Saturday morning.5/2.you just experienced an IMPACT of the recent explosions of the SUN. Was in QSO on 144.190 with WA2AEY in Waterton, NY FN23 (my QTH: FN13) and noticed the 6 meter Smeter slowly climb to s3 / s4 then S9 +. Thought was power-line noise, turned on the HF radio 28 & 21 MHz also S9. Antenna direction made RMVHF+ May 1998 SB PROP ARL ARLP021 ARLP021 Propagation de K7VVV First thing to report this week is that geomagnetic or space weather conditions probably had nothing to do with the failure of the Galaxy 4 satellite. Geomagnetic indices have settled over the last two weeks. Solar flux and sunspot numbers have also been generally down, but last week the average sunspot number was up about ten points while the average solar flux was off almost six points. Until the end of the month the solar flux should rise, past 120 by May 25, and then up to 128 around May 29 and 30. Solar flux should drop down below 120 around June 2 or 3, below 110 around June 6, and below 100 after June 13. Look for unsettled conditions around May 23, and May 30 through June 2. Stable conditions are forecast around June 11 and 12. On the VHF front, W1LP from Massachusetts reported good 6 meter openings into W3, W4, W0, New Brunswick and Cuba around a week ago. W1JJM reported EA7 and CT3 signals on 6 meters into Rhode Island on May 14, along with more contacts from the Northeast into the Southeast and the Caribbean on 2 meters. W9JJ reported a 432 MHz Delaware to Florida QSO. Sunspot Numbers for May 14 through 20 were 94, 101, 92, 89, 92, 77 and 58 with a mean of 86.1. 10.7 cm flux was 117.2, 116, 117.7, 110, 102.2, 99.7 and 91.9, with a mean of 107.8, and estimated planetary A indices were 5, 8, 12, 9, 11, 8, and 9, with a mean of 8.9. PAGE 7 little, if any difference in the signal level peak The 2m & HF on common rotator (headed NE), but, 6m on it's own (NW). Many reports on other reflectors confirmed this observation. Even from NM (N5JHV) through southern & western US states. Also---to note that Europe having a ball, AU from SM / OH completing Q's to EA etc. 6m through 70cm with BIG signals. This may be a BIG ONE...I wouldn't get far from your rigs or you will miss a MAJOR ONE by all accounts at this point. DAYTIME "AU" for Certain! AL K2SPO FN13 BIG noisy flare at 0738Z a tremendous burst of white noise came off the sun. Just by coincidence I had the 4 yagis pointed at the sun which was about 20 degrees above the horizon. It registered about 20 over nine here and there was a second peak about 5 minutes later. This is the first flare with a radio sweep that I have heard this cycle. I just checked the Space Environment Center page and it looks like it was at least an X class flare. Depending on which region it originated from; it looks like it might have been in good geo-effective position. I think we could expect great aurora and maybe TE when the plasma hits the earth in about 36 to 48 hours. Wow, things are really heating up. Dave, N5JHV Good 6m opening.5/2 Worked stations in EM and FM Grids. I was only running 100 milliwatts (due TVI ) and most of the reports were 59!!.Hope that my vacations on 6m ended at last. HI Oscar, co2oj, EL83 AU CN85 5/2 Finally have something to report on from out here in the Pacific Northwest. From the listings I saw in the OH2BUA Web cluster earlier in the afternoon, I was expecting signals from the south instead of AU. I got on around 0300Z, although I was informed that the AU was in for about 2hrs at that point. First station worked was VE7SKA 56A @ 0310Z. The only 2M AU contact was K7IEY (CN88) 51A at 0320Z. I did hear K7KX on 2M AU at 0502Z, but n/c. Worked W7PQE (CN96) 51A @ 0327Z, K7CW (CN87) 55A @ 0333Z & WB7DHC (CN97) 52A @ 0342Z. Conditions faded down ‘til 0410 when W7GJ (DN27) came roaring in 55A. Bill, N0XX (CN84) was very strong on AU with 59A at 0442Z. Heard and tried to work VE6PY (DO20) around 0540Z, but he faded down and never came back up de Dave, N7DB (CN85) More Au E. KL7NO into CN85 5-4 0612z Derek K7XD CN85 Au Central CA, DM07 Finally my first aurora! Starting at 0420z on 4 May on 6m 0420z KC7YVZ DN13 52A incomplete 0443z N7DB CN85 55a complete 0447z WX7P CN84 51a complete 0450z K7INU CN85 53a complete 0450z K6MYC DM06 59a heard ~05z 2 meters open for about 10 min but unable to copy the SSB signals on 144.200 Things faded out then heard on 6m 0530z W7SZ CN?? 51a heard 0547z K7RWT CN85 55a (worked K6MYC and N6AJ, both DM06) 0556z N9JIM CM87 53a All signals peaking ~15 degrees true. Robert N7STU/ YB2ARO DM07aa I was too tired to type last night, I guess. ;) Here is the corrected listing. It was great! I heard some folks in the 10th call area working some in the 7th. I could not pull out the signals from the far end. I worked 2 new states, Arkansas, and Georgia, that I never expected to work on AU. The opening seemed to fizzle out a bit after about 2:30 A.M. local time. Judging from my posting, so did I! It was cloudy, so I was not able to see if there was a visible display. On 2 meters, I worked: N2JH FN02 N0UK EN34 VE3EZP EN93 VE3SRE FN03 VA3FIN FN04 WA4HEI EN65 WA0RLY EN33 WJ0M EN36 KG5S EM45 K8RYU EM99 WS3C FM19 N3FA FN21 K4RF EM84 WA8RJF EN91 W1RNA FN34 NB0Z EM29 KA0RYT EN34 and WA1MKE EN 70. We started at about 0400 GMT on May 5. At first we heard some Minneapolis stations on SSB with readable audio, and some Aurora distortion. All the above stations were worked on CW. Steve WA9JML AU report CN85 5/4Z WOW. This was one of those openings to get into the log. This was one of those rare transcontinental AU-E to to talk about. This was the second or third one I have seen since '72. I could see the AU mapping from NOAA and could tell it was getting close. Around 0345Z I could hear the warble on WWV and by the top of the hour there was the good stuff. K1RQG (FN54) 5/4 @ 0406Z, VE1IW (FN84) 5/4 @ 0407Z, W2FE (FN13) 5/5 @ 0416Z and VE3SRE (FN03) 5/4 @ 0417Z. 2M was still quiet at 0420Z. As I have seen on other AU's, the curtain went south and so I worked N7STU (DM07) 52A @ 0442Z, WA6KLK (CM89) 53A @ 0443Z. Finally something interesting on 2M with K6YK (CM97) 52A @ 0452Z & KG7WC (DN17) 55A @ 0506Z. Shep, W7HAH (DN26) was a very strong 59A+ @ 0513Z, then worked VE7HCE (CN99) 59A @ 0525Z. Back to 2M, worked W6YK (CM97) 51A @ 0540Z, a little tough, but pulled him through. Then worked W6YM on 6 (CM98) 55A @ 0550Z. Other station/ beacons heard: I did hear W6OAL (DM79) @ 0530Z, but n/c. Heardthe W7HAH/b & W7WKR/b on AU around 0518Z. Turned the beam north and heard VE8WD/b @ 0522Z. One other beacon heard tonight was VE4VHF/b @ 0528Z de Dave, N7DB (CN85) Last night's aurora was one of the best ever. I worked about 25 stations. I was PAGE 8 RMVHF+ May 1998 even able to work one on 2m SSB and one on 222 CW! I wish more stations had thought of taking a look at the higher frequencies as I suspect contacts could have been made on 432. Dave, WA1MKE/9 EN70gh Well for once, the West Coast didn't get skunked on a little Aurora action! I may have missed some of it, in fact I'm sure I did. Maybe someone else will report. I was fooling around on 432 and not paying attention until it was almost over. At 0450Z May 4, I heard N7DB in CN85 via Aurora and we had an easy QSO on 2 meters. No other stations heard. At about 0455 I heard K7RAT also in CN85 working W6YM in CM98, then K7RAT called CQ a few times with no answer but me. He couldn't hear me. K6YK--CM97 Just a short note that might be of interest I worked VE3JJX EN26 @ 0519 55A then I worked K6QXY CM88 @ 2228 55A and the CA station told be I was being heard 59 in DM04 but did not work any one from that grid. Also at times some stations most notably W7HAH DN26 and W7XU EN13 were20+. I was in CN99 @ 1000 feet using a 3 ele beam and a 575@ 100 watts pointed Northeast. Not sure exact heading as I was in my 4X4 and forgot my compass. Glen VE7HCE 6 M open from DM04 (Los Angeles) to DN26/36/45, etc (MT) 2000-2300Z 05MAY98. N6ZE Had a nice opening on and off here from DM04rk on 5/5. Worked AB7CE in DN36 around 12:25 PDT also W7HAH DN26 at 13:15 WA0ROW DM79 KG7CN DN23 N7ML DN45. This opening was neat that it would fade in then out almost on the hour. Dave KC6WFS DM04rk OPEN CM87 to DN60 5/05 02:121Z worked N0PEH Don WA6GYD Hearing Texas em00, em10, em11, em12 worked about 5 grids so far on 2 meters at 12:00Z 05-07-98 SAMUEL KD4ESV EL87RH A fantastic 2m tropo opening last night (5/8/98) 0100UTC and today early morning, 1100 UTC on. In the morning worked stations in S. Florida (of course!) and K5EMD, EM30; KE4YYD, EL79, W5BK, EM11; WD5DJT, EM12; EM00; W5VAS, EM60; WD4SBV, EM61 and K5VH. Best DX was XE2OR on DL98 (some kind of record?), new grid and country for me from my QTH. Other stations worked K5IUA, W5AAW AND WB5PWG on EL29; W5VY, W5WC and KI5GF on EL09. This last station was the stronger I heard, a 59+++ signal all the morning Oscar, co2oj, EL83 6M has been open for several hours on and off tonight. Been working K5WXN DM61 KB5SMO DM95 KB9MFQ EM36 W5JME EM15 K0UO EM07 It's 05:46 5/12/98... the latest it's been open in a long time! Dave Booth KC6WFS DM04rk Vhf/uhf tropo - It has been a while since we had a decent opening. Contacts on 2m and 70cm this morning between northern AL, TN and central/northern TX. Anyone along the path might give a call this evening; it might still be with us (nothing seen on 23 or 13cm). Robert K4MRW EM64pw Well the band has been open for the last several hours. Working stations to the north. W7sz cn85 wa7tue cn89 ve6ska cn96 wi6z cn84 It's still very much open! 5/13/98 04:12 UTC Dave KC6WFS DM04rk 2 meter tropo. On 5/13 Worked W1GUD EL87 (Tampa area) and KD4ESV EL87 at 1015z on 144.200 USB. Both stations running 5x2 - 5x3. Also working well back to the West and Northwest from here (EM23-Texarkana)at this hour. Jim KM5PO 2m opening late Wed evening from 0300z0400z from EN34oa (southern MN) worked EM13 (W5FKN) and EL17 W5UWB John (1145 miles) on CW. Also heard W5UWB on SSB! W0OHU Ed Kasson, MN EN34oa Cuba into Midwest on 2M Tropo Oscar, CO2OJ worked into the heartland May 14 UTC around 0400 - 0430z on 144.200 MHz tropo. Large pileup of 5s and zeros calling him sounded more like 20 meters than 2M. W0RRY EM26 and W0EKZ EM17 made the grade. I packed my 2M gear - a TR-751A and a 4-el yagi in the car and drove out to a clear rise a couple of miles east of Wichita. Oscar was solid copy at 0420 and gave him a 5/5 report at 0422 UTC. This is around a 1400mile path. Earlier worked W5UWB EL17.Jon N0JK Wichita, KS EM17 Great Plains to SW Florida on 2m Heard S. Dakota station on 144.200 about 0415z here in Naples Florida this morning. Signal was about 4x1. Don't have the call hr at the office (forgot it this am). Have worked Minneapolis from this QTH, at what appears to be near limits of double hop Es. This one would have been about same distance. 80 watts/15 el/40 feet wouldn't quite punch through from here. Maybe next time. N0YQK (?) in KS also heard about 5x1...also not worked as band dipped a bit. Will be back in there tonight. Gary Arnold, WB2WPA Another fantastic 2m opening yesterday night (14/5/98 from 0230 UTC on) Party started with N7JJS, Randy, in EM60 with a tremendous 59++ signal. Later at 0400 worked KB4VHW and KD4AKE also in EM60; K5CM and N5KW in EM25; W0RY in EM26 and my best DX, W0EZZ in EM17. 1315 miles or the same, 2117 kms away!!!!! Signals were not strong, some were 44 and less. An interesting thing W4AMJ, Frank, in EL86 was on the frequency making me some "marketing". There were stations in Oklahoma that I worked perfectly and Frank didn’t even hear. Today in the morning, 1300 UTC, N7JJS told me he worked a couple of stations at EN13 on 144.230 MHz but I heard nothing. Almost a week of tropo on 2m!!! I haven't seen anything like that in the last 3 years. South Florida TV Channels are local here. My last big opening in 2m was in 1995. I had no opening into Texas, etc on 1996 and 1997 (and I'm almost always listening) so, Do you thing this week of tropo has some relation with "El Niño"? That is something to think and discuss about. Oscar, co2oj, el83 2M open Cape Cod > FL 5/15 I woke up to Florida stations all 59 Clint W1LP CO2OJ IN FN41 ON 2M finally worked Oscar at 1030LT on 2M with signals peaking 53. EL83ST > FN41SR 2350 KM Boy, I'm glad I missed all the good deals at Dayton!!! Clint W1LP 6 OPEN OHIO TO LOUISIANA 5/16/98 QSO FROM EN80 TO EM30 2139 Z NORM N8RGR 6m TRUE dx QSO 5/16 I worked cx6dh on 6m (ssb/50.115MHz) at 2158Z while rig was scanning. Not another peep heard from anyone or any beacons. Very weak, but didn't care! A new one, and first F-related DX QSO since Feb 1992. I later connected to cluster and saw LU's into \VE1, but never heard a thing here. Did work 2 W4's in em83 about an hour later on Es. MIKE VE9AA 6 Meters open 5/17 from CN86 to grids in Arizona and New Mexico with double hop from EL 17 in Texas. Began around 0230Z and still open. Loren WA7SKT CN86 6M SS CN85 5/16 PM This was a slow contest until the last hour or so up here in the Pacific Northwest. One interesting spot was hearing a KD4??? in EL88 about 0030Z on 50.125. I was set up for CW at that moment and couldn't switch things over quick enough to work or write down the complete call, although I did hear it. So there was a brief double hop link up this way. N3EG/7 was set up on a hill about 60mi NW of here around 2000' ASL. Earl was able to work a VE6 on weak AU. Nothing down here. N5JHV came RMVHF+ May 1998 in here at 0152Z with a decent signal and was around til after the Sprint. No one else was around til 0208Z with N5HHS in DM72. The rest of the Sprint was mainly into AZ & NM. W5UWB (EL17) was in @ 0234Z with also a very good signal. KA0BAD (DM57) @ 0245Z. Worked 3 stations in DM14 and heard N6RMJ but n/c with Pat. Wound up with ~42Q/17G. Band stayed open to AZ for about another hour with decent signal levels Dave, N7DB (CN85) 6m Sprint results - Great conditions in South Texas! 216 Q’s, 85 Grids, Score 18360 Rig: 1kw, 6 elements at 50' AGL John W5UWB EL17ax 6m opened to EL83 on 5/17 from 1300 to 1430 UTC. Worked 23 stations mainly in Texas, Mississippi and Arkansas. Signals were good but with QSB. After QSO on 6m, WB5XND, EM30, and me tried and made a 2m contact. Tropo seems to be ended but nevertheless we exchange a 33 report on 144.250 MHz. Heard 2 beacons: Six Club Beacon on 50.062, 5/5 and WB7GZ (?) in DM40 4/3. Band was open, but not too much activity. Talked with several new comers to the "magic bands". That's is good! Oscar, co2oj 6 Meter Sprint Results from DM-79 87 QSO’s and 27 grids...the band opened for the last 1.5 hours of the Sprint. Equipment: IC-756, 1 kW, and 6 elements at 85'. Lauren W0LD 2 meters open 5/17 Working N0KQY DM98 with Q5 signal. Been chit chatting for 30 minutes. 144.220 USB Jim KM5PO Last Week’s Tropo For those who like statistics, here are some "numbers" of the "one in ten years" week of tropo on 2m, from and to Habana >EL83. CO2OJ's station: 100w and 9 ele homebrew yagi, 12 feet over the roof. 65 QSO's x 36 Grids worked - EL's... 09, 29, 49, 59, 79, 86, 87, 88, 89, 94, 95, 96 and 98 EM's... 00, 05, 10, 11, 12, 17, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 35, 40, 50, 51, 60, 61, 70, 71 and 90 - FM03, FN41 and DL98 Best distances. DL98, EM17 and FN41. - Best days, 8 and 15/may. Best time, after 0300 UTC. Oscar, CO2OJ, EL83 PAGE 9 Six Open In All Directions from EM55 5/18 It started with a strong opening into the NE and moved to the west. Along the way, it included the Midwest and just a few minutes ago, I was working Wyoming and got a call from a station in EL88 on the back of my beam! To give one an idea, here are the new grids I picked up: DN52, DN72, DN60, EN85, EN90, EN89, EL39 and EL88! Steve, N4JQQ, EM55 Worked AB7CE in DN36 S9 0210Z 5/19 W1GUD EL87 OTHER CONTEST PLANS We will be on Signal Peak in Grid Square CM99 at 8000'. Call used will be KA6NBC. We will be on 6M, 2M, 222, 432, and 1296. Possibly 10 GHz wide Band FM. We will be running BIG stations on all but 10 GHz. Ops will be KA6NBC, WA5YWC, KC6TEU, KC6BWO, and WA6TMJ. Location may change due to weather conditions in June. Ken KC6TEU WA6KLK will be operating from DN12nr, Owyhee County, Idaho. Will be on 6-2-432-1296 with moderate power and antennas. The mountain is called South Mountain, and has a beautiful shot in 360 azimuth, with an elevation of 8,000 feet. WA6KLK Len DM54 K5AM 50, 144, 222, 432 from Horse Mountain; on Rattlesnake Ridge at 7900 feet in Catron county, NM. This is a permanent contest site with cabin, towers, and generator power. Please QSL to call book QTH; replies may be delayed until I return home in October. I plan to be at 9000' on top of Monte Cristo, 40 mi. NE of Ogden in DN41. Will operate on 50, 144, & 432 SSB and 223.5 FM. Charlie N7SFT I'll be Rover in grids DM12, DM13, DM03, DM04, DM15, DM05, CM95, and CM94. I'll be on the following bands. 6M SSB and FM AND "AM" 150W. KB6KQ loop. 2M SSB and FM 350W KB6KQ loop 220 SSB? Only FM 10w only for now. 440 SSB and FM 100w KB6KQ loop. Dave Booth KC6WFS DM04rk Am looking at trying at least a moderate rover schedule in June in eastern Kansas on 6 2 222 432 & 1296. Still working out details on itinerary. Bill N3KKM We'll be M/M as usual from EN44 (Wisconsin), 6-2304. Paul Husby, W0UC Mark, WB0OAJ, and Myron, WV0H will CONTEST PLANS be operating K0ND from DN85 in (Continued Page 11) PAGE 10 RMVHF+ May 1998 By Letter - By Phone - By Email - BY Packet -On the Air Reader’s Comments - (Rover Continued from Back Cover) and Oklahoma. I did this partly because our former "world class" rovers, N0LRJ and many others have refused to rove because of the "W3EP rules" and the hardly better "modified" rover rules instituted by the CAC three years ago. Without rovers, VHF contests here are exceedingly dull as virtually all fixed stations within 400 miles are located in just 10 grids and can be worked in just a few hours. Rovers activated the other 30+ grids, where there is no fixed operation, before the rule changes which penalized- scorewise- activating rare grids. A rover can now do MUCH better scorewise by sitting atop of Pikes Peak DM78 (our second most active grid) day one and sitting atop of Mount Evans DM79 (our most active grid) day 2. A similar scoring situation holds true in all parts of the country, but areas like our own where there is no fixed activity in most grids are hurt the worse when there is little or no rover activity. With almost no rover activity, contest activity here has been dismal the past three years. When several of us pointed this out three years ago, we were put down and insulted on the VHF reflector and, in my case, also the CAC reflector by several east coast hams including the former CAC chairman and Emil, W3EP. Of course, that did not endear me to ARRL VHF contesting and, while operating a few hours and working virtually everyone within 400 miles, I have not submitted my results since the rover rules change. Our other Colorado Big Guns have also maintained a low profile the past three years. After my enthusiasm in January at the time of my rover operation and subsequent displeasure two weeks later when the Membership Services Committee vetoed the CAC vote, I remain on the sidelines except for this one letter to you. Your concern about the missing logs is possibly a ray of hope that you will also be concerned about this very bad rover situation which has profoundly hurt VHF weak signal operation in many parts of the country. After spending so much of my time and energy promoting weak signal VHF activity in this region for 10 years, only to have seen that effort undermined by the W3EP and modified rover rules, I am a very disappointed and angry ARRL member. I did not send in my rover score from the January contest and do not plan to rove again until the ARRL responds to its members wishes as reflected by the recent CAC vote. Sincerely, Doug Allen W0AH ex-W2CRS WAS on 144 MHz and active on VHF since 1956. As we go to press the Tropo that is affecting the Midwest and south is still continuing, I’ve tried to include the highlights of the Es, Aurora and Tropo in “From The Reflector” and would encourage reader feedback on what you’d like to see. As the Es become more frequent and hopefully F2 starts on 6m I feel I’ll need to balance this a little more. I have a few things on hold for next issue and I’m following the “Battle of the Bands” situations also. I’d like to urge everyone to ACT fast on the Land Mobile Services request to gain access to OUR 70-CM band. If developments warrant over the next few weeks we may add a “LUCKY 13”. If needed. We’re also following the “Band Plan” rulemaking requested by the ARRL, so far it seems “wishy-washy” from what we’ve read. More as it happens and hope to work everybody in the June Contest. 73 W&J NETS Saturday Morning 9:45 AM Mountain Time 50.130 MHz Denver area SIN Local Net SUNDAY MORNING 8:30 AM MOUNTAIN TIME WSWSS on 3.940mhz , net control is KB6KQ in Carson City Nevada, MONDAY NIGHTS 7 PM Mountain Time - Weak signal VHF Group 3843 kHz 7 PM Mountain Time - The Colorado ARES NET meets on 144.220. 7:30 PM Mountain Time - The New Mexico NET meets on 144.200 7:30 PM Mountain Time “Friends on Two” net meets Colorado Front Range Horizontal and Verticle. Rag Chew and local info. Dave W6OAL Net Control 8 PM Mountain Time - Rocky Mountain VHF+ meets on 144.220 N0POH - K0RP - KE0CO and others 0200 UTC - 3.843 kHz VHF Group Net. Wednesday Nights 7:00 PM Mountain time 50.130 MHz Denver area local SIN net. ACTIVITY NIGHTS Tuesday 8 PM Local - 222.1 Wednesday 8 PM Local - 432.1 Thursday 8 PM Local - 1296.1 RMVHF+ May 1998 PAGE 11 1998 VHF+ Events Calendar+ Times listed as AM/PM are local time. Our thanks to Pierre Jolin VE2PIJ for posting the Contests on the VHF Reflector. Please send corrections to RMVHF+ and pjolin@login.net. Meteor data from Gary Kronk http://medinfo.wusti.edu/~kronkg/ MAY 30 8 AM Local Hamfest Larimer County CO Fairgrounds JUN 13-15 1800z-0300z ARRL June VHF QSO Party 50MHz & up JUN 20-21 0000z-2400z SMIRK 6 Meter Contest 50MHz JUL 1 0000z-2359z RAC Canada Day Contest 50MHz JUL 6 7 PM-10PM L NLRS Summer All-Band Sprint 50MHz & up JUL 11-12 1800z-2100z CQ World-Wide VHF Contest 50MHz & up JUL 11-12 1800z-2400z Internet 6m DX Contest 50MHz Central States VHF Society Kansas City, MO 222MHz & up JUL 23-26 AUG 01-02 1800z-1800z ARRL August UHF Contest Aug 12 0600-1800 Perseids Peak time AUG 15 &16 8 AM-8 PM L ARRL 10-GHz Cumulative Contest 10GHz & up AUG 29 - 30 All Day MARC Campfest CO Lion’s Campground Don 719-687-3692 Woodland Park, CO AUG sept 7 PM-11PM L Annual WSWSS VHF Sprint 50MHz & up SEP 12-14 1800z-0300z ARRL September VHF QSO Party 50MHz & up SEP 19 & 20 8 AM-8 PM L ARRL 10-GHz Cumulative Contest 10GHz & up Oct 15 -18 See Sked Feb Issue Microwave Update 98 (See Feb 98 Page 12 page 12 for info. More Details to follow OCT 0000z-2400z ARRL International EME 50MHz & up NOV 0000z-2400z ARRL International EME 50MHz & up DEC 7 7PM -10PM L NLRS Winter All-Band Sprint 50MHz & up DEC 27 0000z-2359z RAC Canada Winter Contest 50MHz,144MHz, HF Northwestern South Dakota for the June VHF contest. They will be on 6,2,222,432, Limited Multi-op. They are looking for schedules. Please contact me to set up schedules and I will pass on to them. Todd, WD0T wd0t@sd.cybernex.net Shawn N7LQ will be DN01 6, 2, 432, 1296 and 2304 EME on 432. Legal limit on all except 1296 and 2304. (WCVHFer) N7TUA/R Jennifer hopes to rover most grids in Northern Nevada 6, 2, 432 and 222 FM (WCVHFer) WA6ODH Jim w/N6RMJ Pat, WA6DJS Ed, and K6KWG Dick plan to be on Mt. Frazer in DM04. QRV on 6, 2, 222, and 432 (WCVHFer) N7RDZ Don will be on from home DM45 6 and 2 (WCVHFer) W6IJZ/7 Bob QRV DM44 on 6 and 2 (WCVHFer) N6MA Paul QRV from DM45 6 and 2 from 7000’ (WCVHFer) KB6KQ DN09 6, 2, 223 and 432 (WCVHFer) N6NB DM05 6 through 1296 (WCVHFer) N9LAG Bald Knob Mtn 6 – 1296 skeds n9lag@internet.net (WCVHFer) N6HKF DM14 6, 2 and 432 (WCVHFer) The KF9US rover-mobile will be roaming the lower Great Lakes region again this time, starting in the Chicago area on Saturday June 13, and moving across Indiana and Michigan, into the Detroit area at the conclusion on Sunday evening. The grids to be covered will be: EN51, 52,61 and 62 on Saturday EN61, 71,72,83 and 82 on Sunday 6, 2, 222, 432, 903, 1296, 10 GHz Six Club Beacon http://6mt.com/club.htm The Six Club has put up a beacon on 50.062 CW, which use to be ka0nno/ n0eoq beacon frequency. It IDs this way: six club em24 de n0eoq This beacon is being transmitted by a MFJ 6mt TX, 10 watts to a 3 ring Saturn 6 halo at 2100 feet. RF Programs Available Ron Klimas WZ1V I've made available at http:// www.connix.com/~wz1v/vhf-soft.html Software recommended by Ed Hare W1RFI of the ARRL for evaluating FCC RF Exposure Regulations compliance: 1: An updated version of Wayne Overbecks' RFSAFETY.ZIP (now includes RFX.EXE). This will suffice for most people. 2: For those that really want more, pick up the 1.3M RFSAFE.ZIP archive. This collection includes the full NEC2S program (w/ antennas and docs), K6STI's NF (Near Field, w/ antennas), and the RFSAFETY software described above. Additional information: http://www.arrl.org/news/rfsafety/ - RF Exposure Regulations News http://www.arrl.org/catalog/6621/ - RF Exposure and You "RF Exposure and You" by Ed Hare W1RFI is available via the ARRL Bookstore. PAGE 12 RMVHF+ May 1998 Guest Editorial - Where Are Our Rover Rules? by Doug W0AH On the heels of the news that NN5DX/ R, K7XC, KJ6KO and possibly others had their January Contest scores “Lost” by the ARRL, even though they had received confirmation of receipt emails in return. RMVHF+ has received a copy of a letter from Doug W0AH to a Membership Services Committee member that addresses a concern of RMVHF readers. (N0POH) I'm pleased by your concern and effort, as an appointed Membership Services Committee member and fellow VHF’er, to rectify the missing log situation. My EME test and SS logs (I operated both, one of the weekends!) were both sent by snail-mail, received, and published so I am not affected. I have resisted sending my logs by email because of the glitches that remain. But I have other concerns that have harmed the ARRL and weak signal VHF operation to a much greater degree that the missing logs problem. I continue to be very concerned, upset, and angry by the rover situation, which has profoundly hurt weak signal VHF activity in our part of the country. I will not go into the long, unpleasant history of my involvement in the rover situation except to say that it very nearly caused me and some others here to cancel out ARRL membership. However, I've always thought it preferable to work within the system IF the system is democratic. With the recent 11-3 vote by the CAC to return to original rules (with a provision to forbid grid circling) and the veto of it by the Membership Services Committee, I wonder how democratic our ARRL is. In anticipation and celebration of the return to the original rover rules- it was widely predicted in January that the CAC was overwhelmingly ready to vote that way- I operated as a rover during the January test, operating from 11 grids in four states, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, (Continued Inside Page 10)