開啟檔案 - plhks


開啟檔案 - plhks
By Lui Jade 3B(24)
Yeung Ching Yee 3B(37)
 Since ancient years, different Family and people
develop their own type of Kung Fu. Therefore
different types of Kung Fu have their special names,
some of them with the surname of the guy who
invented it.
 The children in the Family would be taught, and
people in the other Families would not know the
skills, so they fought against each other to see who
had got better skills, when there is argument, they
would use this method to solve the problem.
佛家)- Buddhist Palm
(狗拳) - Dog Fist
Mizongyi (迷蹤拳; Mízōngquán) - L ost Track
Fist (also known as My Jong L aw Horn; 迷蹤 (八法拳) - Eight Methods
(猴拳) - Monkey Fist Mok Gar (莫家拳) Mok family style
(八卦掌) - Eight Trigrams
Drunken Monkey (醉猴) Monkey Kung Fu see Houquan( 猴拳)
Heihuquan: see Black Nam Pai Chuan(南北拳) - North South Fist (八極拳) - Eight Extremes Fist
Tiger Kung Fu (黑虎拳) Nan Quan(南拳) - Southern Fist
(白眉拳) - White Eyebrow
Ng Ga Kuen - Five Family/Five Animal style
(Hung, Mok, Li, Choy, Fut)
Xingyiquan (形意拳)
Black Tiger Kung Fu (黑虎拳)
Wushu (sport (武 - Defensive use of combat) (查拳) - Cha Fist
Huaquan (華拳) Northern Praying Mantis(北派螳螂拳)
Hung Fut(洪佛) –
(長拳) - Long Fist
Northern Shaolin(北少林) - Bei Shaolin
(洪家拳Hung Kuen)
(戳腳) - Poking Feet
Paochui (炮捶) - Cannon Fist, Sanhaung
Jing Wu Men (精武門) Paochui
(蔡家) - Choi Family style,
Piguaquan (劈掛拳) - Chop-Hitch Fist, Axe(周家) - Jow family stylehitch boxing
(蔡李佛; Càilǐfó)
Praying Mantis: see either Northern or
Lama Pai (喇嘛派)
(大成拳) - Great Achievement
Southern Praying Mantis
Leopard Kung Fu (豹拳)
(李家) - Li Family
(地躺拳) - Ground-Prone Fist,
Shequan (蛇拳) - Snake Fist
Shuai jiao(摔跤; Shuaijiao) - Chinese and
(六合八法; Six
Ground Tumbling Boxing
Mongolian styles of wrestling
(道派) - Style of the Way
Southern Praying Mantis (南派螳螂拳)
Chow Gar(周家)- Chow Style Southern
(羅漢拳) Arhat Boxing,
(Lung Ying) (龍形拳)
Praying Mantis
Mei Hua Quan (梅花拳
(短拳) - Short Range Boxing
Chen-style t'ai chi ch'uan
Yang-style t'ai chi ch'uan
(峨嵋拳, O Mei Ch'uan)
Plum Blossom Fist)
Wu (Hao)-style tai chi chuan
Mian Quan(棉花拳擊
(翻子拳) Tumbling Boxing
Wu style tai chi chuan
Sun-style tai chi chuan
(五祖拳) Ngo Cho Kun
Cotton Boxing)
Tantui(彈腿/譚腿) - Springing legs style
Shaolin Quan (少林拳)
Bai He Quan (白鶴拳)
Tibetan White Crane (白鶴派)
(虎爪派) - Tiger Claw System
The common legend as told by Ip Man involves
the young woman Yim Wing-chun, (Wing Chun
literally means 'forever springtime' or 'praising
spring',) at the time after the destruction of the
Southern Shaolin Temple and its associated
temples by the Qing government.
 Classified as internal boxing. 1949 was
defined for the physical fitness,
gymnastics, as the performances,
sports competitions purposes.
 Buddhist divine faith is the base of Shaolin
Kung Fu, fully embodies the Buddhist Zen
wisdom and the Shaolin monks to attend
martial arts as the main form, the essence of
the Shaolin kung fu is Zen Wu unity.
 1. Some girls learn it for defense.
 2. The family kung fu lost because it is hard
to pass it on.
 3. There is a hypothesis in
different types of martial arts,
which can let us relax.
 1. Many people love playing Tai Chi with
friends in the morning to keep health .
 2. This is one kind of sport in Hong Kong,
which can draw our attentions on health.
3.Westerners come and watch the
4.Learning Kung Fu
The directors love to let martial art be the basic theme of
 1.People, who watch the film, will pay more attention to
martial arts and increase their knowledge in Kung Fu, so
they will have interest to learn it.
 2.There are lots of Kung Fu Stars, who were popular and
became international celebrities, after starring in these
Jin Yong was the well-known
Hong Kong novelist, who
works many popular martial
arts novels.
Many teenagers spend
money to read his novels,
which can rise the Hong
Kong economic Index.
Westerners love Chinese Kung Fu and they want to
learn it.
So they come to China to find
Westerners think Shao Lin temple is worth to visit.
So Shao Lin temple
became a Tourist
attractions, they can
earn money.
 After watching the movies or the performances, people
may have interest to learn martial arts. And they will go
to China or Hong Kong to study about it.
So they will stay there and
spend money there and
stimulate the economy.
Lui Jade
Yeung Ching Yee
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_marti
 http://www.kungfuonline.com/
 http://www.kungfu-guide.com/