Sentinel - Selah School District


Sentinel - Selah School District
Community and School News and Stories Written By Selah School District Students
Volume 3, Issue 27
March 13, 2014
The Mathletes Go For the Win!
Stories by all
Selah District
Price: free!
By Halle Hull
The eighth grade brains of the school dominated the Mid-Valley Math Competition, and
they came home with the win. The fantastic teammates include, Emma Smith, Grace Hull, Grace
Harris, Reiley Duerre, Tristan McDevitt, Cameron Berreman, Carson Vick, and Riley Corbin.
The competition is an annual competition at Morgan Middle school, located in Ellensburg.
Other schools that participated in the competition are, East Valley, West Valley, Ellensburg, Cle
Elum, Union Gap, Naches, and Highland. The competition was on Monday, March 3rd, and they
did an outstanding job.
I talked to Emma Smith, and she said, “The tests seemed easy, but cockiness can bring
you down.” The day seemed long, but it was very successful. The team worked hard and well
together to get the job done, and bring home their success.
The Math team did it! They won the competition and made Selah proud. They gave us a
good name and reputation as a school, so thanking them or telling them they did a good job
would be appropriate. Thank you again, Mathletes, and do it again next year!
Spring Training QB
By Jacob Frampton
Russell Wilson, quarterback for the
Seattle Seahawks and Super Bowl
champion, was at spring training for the
Texas Rangers. And he has not given up
being a two sport athlete, “You never say
never, I've always had the dream of
playing two sports. If somehow it was a
miracle that it could work out, I'd consider
it. At the same
time, my focus is
winning the
with the Seattle
Seahawks and
hope to be playing for a long time.” (MSN interview). When Seahawks
fans filled the stands at spring training Wilson said, ''I couldn't expect
anything less,''. ''The 12th man fans were unbelievable today. They're
everywhere. The 12th man fans are out in the outfield, they're on thirdScan to see the
base line, first-base line, chanting ‘Seahawks' the whole way.”
SJHS website and
Russell had a baseball career before his time in the NFL: he was
the back issues of
three times and had a .350 on base percentage and was hitting a
the Sentinel and
.229. All the baseball scouts for the major league teams agreed that
Years of War
Wilson had the most enthusiasm on the field, he was running from
outfield, to short, back to outfield, and all over the place trying to show his prestige with the Texas
Rangers. Russell will be wearing a jersey, number 3, but will not be hitting says Ron Washington,
manager of the Rangers.
The Rangers saw Russell as a player but even more as a contributor or supporter. Wilson,
since having just won the Superbowl in only his second year in the NFL, quickly became an idol
for kids and people across the nation. This will bring more sales in franchise equipment and
merchandise for the Rangers and more fans will hopefully come and fill the stands.
by Alysha Emerson
Colors have a lot of meaning and symbolize different things among cultures. Colors reflect
things like your mood. For example, you could be in a cheerful mood and decide to wear bright reds,
blues, yellows, and pinks. The colors can even affect how we feel. Such as If you are in a blue or
purple room you tend to feel colder than if you were in a red, yellow or orange room, even if the
rooms were the same temperature.
In commercials there are lots of bright lights, flashing colors, and moving pictures. They use
the colors to stimulate the viewer and try to get them interested in their products. The same concept
goes for stores and restaurants you see alongside the road. Take Mc. Donald’s for example, their
primary colors are red and yellow; and both of these are vibrant eye catching colors. The color red
stimulates the brains adrenaline glands, and the yellow represents the bright sun, high energy, and
the positive thoughts of family and friends. The combination of these colors draws hungry customers
in easily.
Another illustration of color
stimulation is Times Square in New
York. Every inch of that city is light up
with neon lights. The billboards have
hundreds of colors, pictures,
by Isabella Weeks
advertisements, and designs. The
opposite of all that sparkle would be
Gracie Gold is the much talked about American figure
an old country road with nothing but
skater who went to the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games. She is a
dirt and fences for hundreds of miles.
National champion and was expected to take gold. Gracie Gold has
The point is that in Times Square you
won the title of 2012 World Junior silver medalist and 2014 U.S.
would stay alert, focused, and
national champion. She is from Springfield Missouri, but now lives
interested in everything going on; but
in Los Angeles California. In her short program she came in fourth
on your drive down the old country
missing the podium with a score of 68.83. While skating in the
road you would become drowsy and
team skate she won a bronze medal. In the short programs event
un-alert. It is a proven fact that bright
Adelina Sotnikova from Russia won gold, Korea’s Yuna Kim won
lights stimulate our brains and make
silver and Carolina Kostner placed bronze. Gracie missed the
us think “its morning… time to get
podium which is a surprise to most Americans. She was said to
going!” This makes it much harder for
take gold.
our brains to calm down and for us to
feel tired.
Gracie is the Golden girl of American figure skating when
We can see about 10 million
she beat defending two-time champ Ashley Wagner. Gold made a
and so many of us only know
bold move with just four months before the 2014 national
the basic ROYGBIV. Some specific
championships she moved to California and started training with
colors are American rose, Amethyst,
Frank Carroll. He is one of the top skating coaches in the
Ao, Azure, Cinnabar, Cyan, French
country. It has been a while since an American has won an
Blue, Honeydew and many, many
Olympic medal in women’s figure skating. Sasha Cohen was the
more. All of these colors have
last American to medal. She won the silver in the Torino 2006
meaning, and their meaning differs
Olympic Games. Gracie Gold is America’s Golden girl, hopefully
according to culture, location, and/or
next winter Olympics’ she will bring home her gold.
religion. For most people red
Gracie Gold Doesn’t Bring
Home Gold
symbolizes love and passion. Orange is associated with
warmth, joy, enthusiasm, and is attention catching. Yellow
is the color of the sun, and is known for optimism. Green
is an outdoorsy and relaxing color. Blue is the color of the
sky and the water so many people are relaxed by it,
although blue is a cold and saddening color. Lastly, the
color purple. Purple is a royal color that many people think
of as sophisticated.
Johnny Manziel By Zakery Donato
Hunting by Cj Ramos
I went hunting this year pretty sure for deer
I’ve seen nothing but dad drinking beer
No I’ve seen no big bad grizzly bear
Yes my gun really takes a lot of care
I hunt because I like the deer’s meat
We just hate to be in the stupid heat
But we love to be in the freezing cold
If I saw a bear I would have to be bold
Johnny Football, one of the top prospects going into the
My gun is a Springfield 30-06
NFL this year. In fact ESPN analyst Mel Kiper predicted Johnny
Manziel to be the number one pick of the draft. As always the
I’ve taken from it very many kicks
question is, will his college game develop into the NFL? There are
plenty of critics that think there is no chance but you can never
When I put away my polished wooden gun
really know.
If you’re going to be successful in the NFL, it takes hard
The hunting is already said and done
work, it takes dedication and sacrifice. Will Johnny Manziel make
the sacrifices? I don’t know but he is off to a good start this year.
The beautiful and once quiet peace
He has passed up on a chance to go to the Super Bowl in order to
work out and prepare for the NFL combine. He is working out with
Was shattered with a shot from my piece
a private quarterback coach George Whitfield Jr., with several
other draft prospects. Missing out on the superbowl would suck but
Johnny Manziel probably isn’t too bummed out on it.
Making the decision to enter the NFL for Johnny Manziel was a very tough. It was made tougher after an
amazing comeback win in the cotton bowl. They were down 38-17 at halftime to a well-coached Duke team. At the
start of the fourth quarter they were still down 41-31. In amazing fashion though they came back to win 52-48. This
game made him defiantly reconsider entering the draft because he did not want to leave his teammates but in the
end he decided to enter the draft. He didn’t want to risk injury ruining his draft status for next year.
Johnny Manziel, also known as Johnny football is like a celebrity now with all his exposure and it is coming
closer and closer to signing day. Where will he go though? He is a possible number one draft pick because of all the
potential he has. He definitely has big play potential with good speed which attracts a lot of teams. There is definitely
a varying idea on where he will go in the draft. In the end I will be curious to see where Johnny Manziel ends up in
the draft, will teams take a risk on him or pass on him.
The Hunting Gun
by Troy Fortier
The best deer rifle is not a brand new gun that you’re afraid to even shoot because you think you’re
going to scratch it. A good deer rifle is an old gun you can beat up and actually hunt with, like the old 30-06 that
men would take to deer camp on the long weekends in the fall. Those are good guns that people love and
crave. Now, I’m not saying there is one specific deer rifle for a person, because it depends on where you hunt.
For sage brush or prairie lands, you would want something flat shooting or with a lot of power like a 25-06 or a
30-06. For wooded areas were your farthest shots would probably be 100 yards, you would want a 243. or a
25-06. Here is some other choices you can consider.
The 300. Winchester magnum is a great gun that is capable of shots from 50 yards to 1000. The gun
is also pretty cool because you can find ammunition anywhere for it. It is one of the bestselling rifle cartridges
ever and, in my opinion, the best 30 caliber rifle you can find. I wouldn’t recommend them to kids for a first gun
though, only because of the kick.
The 308 is one of the most popular hunting and target rifles in the world and my favorite hunting
caliber. I’ve hunted with a 308. for two years and have killed a deer with it and love the gun. It has great power
and can handle shots up to 400 yards and even farther if you
know what you’re doing. They also have great diversity in loads
and bullets and would be a great gun for a kid or a beginning
The 25-06 is just a necked down version of the great
30-06 that everybody loves, so not many people know about it
or would look to it for a hunting rifle. Yet, they are very flat
shooting and if you trust yourself you can shoot them out to 800
yards and still kill big game like deer or cougar and maybe even
black bear.
The 30-06 is by far the most popular and versatile
hunting rifle in the world because you can shoot anything from
whitetail deer to moose. They even used a 30-06 as snipers in
World War 1 but know they are great deer or anything you
would want.
So if you were looking to buy a new gun I would
seriously consider any of these guns for a first gun or even a
target rifle.
By McKenna Kupp
Who I Am
Living through the motions of life,
Breathing in the air, filling myself with cheer,
Thinking, watching, speaking, learning.
Dancing through life,
Turning and leaping about,
Tapping my toes out to the tune of the song,
Smiling as I perform for the crowd.
Running, with my hair flowing through
the wind,
Smashing my feet into the ground,
Disrupting the earth with every step,
Being alone to think, breathe, and observe.
Reading the words that bounce off the pages,
Gasping at every twist in the plot,
Hating or loving every move the characters make,
Attaching myself to the words of the author,
Crying, yelling, laughing, and thinking.
Bracing myself when I walk through the door,
What creature is small, furry, sweet, and always
Knowing she will be excited that I am home,
curious? Well what other than a goat! When you find out just
Throwing the ball for her to fetch and bring back,
exactly what a goat’s features are, you’ll be blown away at some
Tripping and running as she drags me along on
of the things they do, and what their lifestyle is like. These
our walks.
clearly misunderstood creatures have more to tell about
themselves than you think.
Giggling with sister as we remember inside jokes,
Some people think that goats are unintelligent,
Watching her excel as she dances,
dangerous, unimportant creatures that live in the mountains, but
Knowing that she is very much different from me,
honestly most of them are not. Some goats can be intimidating
Embracing that it is okay for her to be better than
me at something.
because of their horns. Other goats are really sweet and make
good company. You may have heard of people eating their
Cracking jokes with brother,
goats or selling them to meat factories for money, in my opinion
Flashing silly faces across the dinner table,
I think it’s inhumane.
Talking as we do chores just to pass the time,
My family have goats for pets, that may seem odd, but
Learning about each other’s lives.
they are really neat company to have around. The first two
goats we got in 2011 are brown and black Nubians. We got
Spending time with Mom,
them from a friend of my moms. The reason we got two were
Eating the meals that she works so hard to
because goats can get lonely by themselves. They can survive
prepare for us,
on their own because unlike sheep they don’t live in flocks. The
Thanking her for all that she does for me,
Associating her with kindness, love and
goats we got were brothers and they were very playful. We
named the brown one Rootbeer and the black one Pepsi.
In 2013 we adopted another goat named Pog. She is a Boer.
Being thankful for everything my Dad does,
The only thing about Pog is that she gets out all the time. No
Working hard daily to make a good life for us,
matter what fence we put up she could get out. At first we
Caring about my activities and being there for me,
thought it might be a problem but she didn’t leave. She would
Thanking him for all he does.
just wander around and eat the grass in our yard, and when she
was ready she would go back into the fence when she was
Pondering about the things in my life that I love,
ready. Since we live pretty far out from the road we didn’t worry
Seeing how I act and look at life,
about her too much. A goats horns can be removed if you want
Learning, living, loving,
Enjoying who I am.
them to be, but some studies show that it can cause them head
injuries and brain damage. I think goats should have their horns,
By Emma Smith
if they are raised properly they will learn to use them only as a
defense tool. If you visit them every day and socialize with your
goats, they don’t become aggressive. If don’t give them attention they can become wild and untamed. Goats
get along with a lot of other barnyard animals as well. Pog’s best friend is my Papa’s horse Storm, believe it or
not, she gets along with him better than the other two goats we
have. We also have cows that the goats get along with just fine.
If you have goats you already know that they can get out
of almost any fence, and they will eat literally anything. So yes,
goats can be a challenge but they are really nice pets to have
around. You can also do 4H with your goats. I don’t know too
much about it but I do know that lots of people do it and have a
lot of fun with it. There are so many ways to enjoy goats, they’re
really great friends to have around.
Fanfiction Seven- By Kyla Ray
Teen Titans
Robin’s P.O.V.
Click-Clack, echoed my shoes through the
dark room. It was way too quiet in the living room.
The stereo was off, there were no sounds of Cyborg
and Beast Boy arguing, and Starfire wasn’t making any attempts at playing video games. They were all sitting on the large
U-shaped sofa, quiet as tension filled the room. We weren’t sure what to think of, after all that had recently happened. I,
on the other hand, paced around the room, trying to think of what I had done. Just yesterday, we had ended up in a large
battle against our friend, Raven. She had joined Slade in attempts of keeping us safe. I was the last one to face her. We
stared each other off equally, only instead of the heat of a rivalry, it was the heat of passion. He had absent-mindedly
kissed her. I don’t know what drove me to do so, but my body reacted before I could even think. She had rejected me, and
even though I am with Star, I couldn’t help but feel a bit hurt at her actions. She pushed me away and fled the premises. I
stood there and watched as she did so. ‘She probably hates me now,’ I thought, feeling like an absolute idiot. ‘She might
not return to the Titans now.’
“Robin?” As if Raven had slapped me in the face again, I glanced over at Star, whom was sitting on the couch
gazing over at me with her emerald eyes.
“What is it, Star?” I attempted to hide the bitterness in my voice, but it didn’t feel like hiding again.
“What are we going to do,” she asked. “About friend Raven. She betrayed us, but she is still our Raven.”
I sighed, nodding my head some. “I know she is. We’ll get her back, Star. I promise you that.”
Raven’s P.O.V.
“Good work, Raven.” Slade’s voice echoed throughout the room. I nodded my head to him, showing that I was
proud of what I had done. ‘Robin,’ I thought to myself. Before I had a chance to fight him, he had kissed me. This was
no simple, chaste kiss. No, it was passionate and warming, and… I mentally stopped myself. I can’t think of him like
that. I don’t want to.
‘But you do, Raven.’
I inwardly cursed at the voice in my head, the one that was always telling me to kiss Robin and never let him go.
Sighing, I returned to the room he had given me and changed out of the clothes and into my old black leotard. Just then,
my body acted of its own accord and led me outside of the window and into the sky. I didn’t know where I was flying to,
or why I had even bothered, but something was telling me to let my body do the work. After what seemed like several
long minutes of flying, I had arrived at my destination and frowned. I was on the rooftop of the Titan tower, the wind
blowing gently. Despite its gentleness, the wind had guided me inside of the tower and towards Robin’s room. There I
stood, gazing at the door of my new enemy and yet biggest crush. I crept into the room and gazed at his sleeping form,
his mask resting on the counter beside him.
I looked down to see water gently hitting the floor, and as I searched for the source, I realized it had been tears.
My tears. Never did I show emotion, especially not in front of everyone else. This time, however, I couldn’t hold back. I
quietly cried near the door of his room, burying my face into my hands to muffle the sounds. Despite how cold I felt right
then, I was suddenly enveloped in warmth. Opening my wet violet eyes, I stared at Robin’s red clothed chest as he held
me close to him, stroking my hair in a comforting way.
Robin’s P.O.V.
Never has she ever cried before. Granted, the only time
Selah SentInel
any of us Titans ever saw fear or sadness in Raven was when her
Is written, edited, and designed by students in the Selah School District
father emerged from hell, but other than that, nothing. I was
K-12 and guest writers from around the country.
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shocked, astonished as the girl I held in my arms nearly shattered
Journalism Club Advisor: Mr. Bryan Dibble
before me. She was hurting, I could feel her pain. I stroked her
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short and soft violet hair, keeping her firmly in my arms to show
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her that I was there for her. My heart was racing, and I could feel
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a small bead of sweat run down the back of my neck. ‘Why am I
so nervous,’ I wondered. ‘I, Robin from the Teen Titans; whom
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has taken down each enemy of the city with the exception to
Slade, is actually nervous and scared of something?’ I couldn’t
comprehend what was happening with me. This all started with
that game of Truth or Dare.
Slowly pulling away, I gazed down at the frail Raven and wiped away her lingering tears.
“Robin,” she whispered. “I-…Thank you…”
“For what?” I asked, not exactly sure of what she was referring to.
“For this…” she began. “For never giving up on me. For always being there for me, and caring for me despite
my negative abilities. If it weren’t for you, I-“
She was cut off by my finger as it pressed against her trembling pale lips.
“None of that, Rae. That’s what friends are for. Friends are always there for each other, and I am always there
for you.” I flashed her a gentle smile, which seemed to have made her blush a bit. Before I could pull her into another
hug, she backed away from me. I reached out to pull her back, feeling a bit cold at her moving away.
“No Robin. I need to go now.” She turned to leave, but I wouldn’t let her. I grabbed her wrist, holding her in
“Back to Slade?” I asked. “No. Rae, you belong here with all of your friends.”
“But that’s all I am to you.” My eyes widened as she muttered those words under her breath. Could it be that
she…? ‘No,’ I told myself sternly.
“Rae…what do you mean ‘that’s all?’”
She slowly met my eyes, and the way she looked at me nearly broke my heart.
“You love Starfire. I can’t compare to her. She’s all perky and cute and kind, so I can understand why you feel
that way. I just… I wish it was me, that I was the one you loved. Truth is
Time By Amy Compton
Robin,” she paused. “I love you. Always have and always will. You were
the one to pull me into the light, the one who always put a true smile on my
face. You never left my side, you were always hopeful for me. It is for those
Time is a luminous essence,
reasons that I love you. But in loving you, I also cause harm to Star and the
Deep within my being.
rest of the Titans. I can’t do that anymore. That’s why…No matter how
much I hate Slade…I must stay by him to avoid any more conflict.” She
Time is a presence
sighed, moving to the window. “Farewell, Robin.” She left the room, the
Never showing it’s true meaning.
Titan tower, and me.
I couldn’t move. I couldn’t speak. I could only stare at the spot she
Time is slow,
last stood in when she confessed to me. ‘Raven loves me? I guess that would
Time is fast.
explain why she had been avoiding being around me so much. But,’ I paused
in my thinking. ‘What do I do now? I’m not in love with her too…right?’
Time hunts for attention,
Groaning in frustration, I collapsed on my bed and decided to allow
When you’re having a blast.
Time is a creeper
Down under everyone.
Time can be present.
But can fly extremely fast.
Time is the world.
Time is life and death.
Time can just as easily,
Take away your last breath.
myself to think this over. Unfortunately, I ended up falling asleep into
the midst of the dark.
‘Raven, why did you have to tell me this?!’
Two Ways to Stay In Shape By Halle Hull
How many times have you felt like you’re unhealthy, or are
getting a tad of flab to yourself? You’ve tried everything, from weird
diets, to wearing tighter clothing, and so on, but none of it is working.
With these two steps, you can become flabless and healthy!
One, Join a Sport: Not only will you meet new friends while
joining a sport, but you will also get in more exercise and burned
calories. You don’t have to join the most popular or difficult sport, you could keep it simple by joining golf of
track. Also, going running or walking every once in a while can help you stay in shape too, and keep you fit.
Yoga is also a good activity because it keeps you stretchy and is pretty simple.
Two, Eat Healthier: Going on a diet isn’t always the answer to keep you fit. I ate nine Krispy Kreme’s
in two days one time (It was not my proudest moment) and I’m still in shape. Why? Because not only do I play
volleyball and run track and field, but I also eat healthier meals, like salad and fruit and vegetables, and just
enough proteins. Most of you that know me, probably would say that’s a lie, actually you would say that’s a lie,
but I eat healthy just enough that I can also have sweets too.
Staying fit should not be your troubles anymore, I hope, after reading this article, and that you can just
feel good about yourself and be proud of your accomplishments. Remember, looks aren’t everything, but
staying fit and keeping in shape is healthier and will help you on your P.E. scores. If none of these steps is for
you, then find a new way to stay in shape that doesn’t involve you and a bag of potato chips. Stay healthy, and
stay fit.
Shawn T. Kemp by Jacobe Lee
Shawn T. Kemp is a retired American professional basketball player, who played in the National Basketball
Association for 14 years. He was a six-time NBA All-Star and Three-time All-NBA Second Team Member. Kemp
was born and raised in Elkhart, Indiana. He attended Concord High School in Elkhart. Kemp ended his high school
career as Elkhart County's all-time leading scorer and the owner of Concord's career, single-game and single-season
scoring records. Kemp was bypassed for the coveted title of Indiana Mr. Basketball. Woody Austin, who signed to
play for Purdue University, won the award that year. Kemp was selected to the 1988 McDonalds High School AllAmerican team. Along with notable players such as Alonzo Mourning, Billy Owens, Todd Day, Lee Mayberry,
Chris Mills, Anthony Peeler and Stanley Roberts. Kemp scored a team-high 18 points for the West in a losing cause.
The final score was 105-99 in favor of the East. During his senior year, Kemp signed a national letter-of-intent to
play basketball at the University of Kentucky. Kemp failed to score the minimum score of 700 on the SAT and was
forced to miss his freshman year under the NCAA's Proposition 48 rules. Kemp’s coach of the University’s
basketball team didn’t like the idea of Kemp on his freshman year not playing basketball. He said and I quote, "To
have Shawn in a college environment without basketball, the one thing he loves,
was, I felt, a big mistake.” Kemp decided to enroll at Kentucky. But in ’88, he
was kicked off the team for accused in pawing two gold chains that had been
reported stolen from one of his teammate, who was the son of the head coach.
19-year old Kemp held himself eligible for the 1989 NBA Draft.
Early in his NBA career, he was drafted to the Supersonics in the first
round of the Draft. He was the youngest player in the NBA. Kemp was
mentored heavily by teammate Xavier McDaniel. After Kemp's second NBA
season, he picked up the nickname "Reign Man" after Sonics announcer Kevin
Calabro saw a poster with the name and found it fitting to add to his radio
broadcasts. He played for the US National Team in 1994 For the FIBA World
Championship in Toronto. Kemp posted per game averages of 23.3 points on
55% shooting from the field, 10.0 rebounds and 2 blocks. Once Kemp was
refused by the Sonic management for a raise of a 35-milion dollar contract, he
threatened to refuse to play in the upcoming season, and the resulting tension
with management eventually
led to a blockbuster threeteam trade following the
1996–1997 season that sent
Kemp to the Cleveland
Cavaliers. During the
lockout shortened 1998–1999 NBA season, Kemp reportedly
showed up to training camp weighing 275 pounds. Unable to
shed the weight, Kemp still managed to average 20.5 points and
9.2 rebounds. But again, he was not in the same explosive form
that he was known for.
History of Sports By Devon Garner
What’s your favorite sport? Is it baseball, football, or even basketball? Well, did you know that baseball
can be traced back to the 18th century? They didn't really have rules or very good equipment, or really any
equipment. On March 19, 1869 they opened the Cincinnati Red Stockings, the first all-professional baseball
club. An amateur ball club from Buffalo New York defeated another team called the Columbia’s 209-10 the
highest scored game ever. During the actual season Cincinnati went undefeated with a record of 19 wins and 0
Football was based on any number of ball games played on foot. Some of the first teams were Oneida
football club from Boston founded in 1861. There was also the Montreal football club formed in 1868. Did you
know English rugby became the root of Canadian football and influenced American football development? It
wasn’t until 1920 that the first pro football team was established.
The NBA was founded in New York City on June 6, 1946. At this time it wasn’t called the NBA it was
the BAA (basketball association of America). It wasn't until 1949 when it was called the NBA. That’s when they
came together with their rival league NBL (national basketball league). James Naismith was the publisher of
the game. He made 13 rules and divided his class of 18 in half so there were two teams of 9 then he taught
them the basic rules. One of the first teams was the New York wanderers also there was the Bristol Pile
Drivers and the Camden Electrics.
CBA: The Coastal Tribe vs. the Plateau Tribe
By Alayna Carpenter
The Coastal Tribe who lived west of the cascades lived a better life because of their year round supply of food,
politics and beautiful art pictures compared to the Plateau Tribe who lived on the east of the cascade tribe. Studying and
learning about these cultures can help people understand that not everyone lived the way people live today.
The Coastal Tribe had better social conditions because they had more leisure time to do more arts. The Coastal
Tribe was known for their art, The Plateau Tribe only made stuff that was necessary. The Coastal Tribe wove baskets, and
carved wood carvings and used tools to describe animal species. The Plateau Tribe on the other hand only did things like
clothes and door mats. Not only was The Coastal Tribe was greatly involved in spirits and religion. The Coastal Tribe had
dances and ceremonies to heal the sick where the Plateau Tribe had people that had powers to do the healing. Though they
have different beliefs they had one thing in common, both tribes believed in a creator named the “Ancient One” or “Father
Mystery” (green 50).
The Coastal Tribe had better economic success because of their year round supply of food. The Coastal Tribe’s
food supply was fishing. They both fished for food but it was the main food source for The Coastal tribe. The Plateau
Tribe hunted big game for their main source of food and fished in streams for food in the off seasons. The Coastal Tribe
also hunted sea lions, seals, porpoises and whales. The Plateau Tribe only fished for salmon. The Coastal Tribe used their
water sources for fishing and stuff of that source but the Plateau Tribe used The Dalles and Kettle Falls for meeting spots
The Coastal Tribe had better political success because of the power they gave their committee NPTEC. NPTEC
did the negotiations and took care of funding while the Plateau tribal council
Music by Amy Compton
main goal was to preserve and strengthen their culture. NPTEC also prescribe
rules governing nominations and elections (Nez Perce Tribal Government).
Music fills my soul
The Plateau tribal council ensures quality of life, prosperity, health and
My soul that’s full of holes.
education for all members. They did this to sustain their nation (Hatch).
Music is my life.
Even though the Coastal tribe only hunts sea lions and seals and the
That lights up the black coals.
Plateau Tribe hunts big game, the Coastal Tribe lived better because of their
year round supply of food, politics and beautiful art pieces.
The Pearl
By Emma Smith
“This thing is evil...This pearl is like a sin! It will destroy us.”
(pg. 50) The Pearl is a story of a husband and wife, Kino and
Juana. When they came across wealth, the family soon became the
buzz of the village. The other villagers “...would watch Kino and
Juana very closely to see whether riches turned their heads, as
riches turn all people’s heads.”(pg. 42) Unfortunately, Kino turned
I would be lost without it.
It’s my best friend when I’m lonely.
My worst enemy,
When, at time, I’m one and only.
Music understands me
Offers an escape from life.
Where would I be without music?
Lost, no way to find paradise.
his head towards greed, ruining his relationship with his wife, and causing his son to be killed. Greed is
a destructive force.
“And Juana… asked, “Who do you fear?” (pg. 47) When Kino finally came up with a truthful
answer, he responded, “Everyone.” This was one of the first showcases of his “need” for the pearl, or
the wealth that came along with it. He felt like everyone was after it, causing him to bury/hide it. When
somebody tried to steal the pearl, the fear of losing it went to his head. He lashed out and attacked the
man, stabbing him with his knife. The fear of losing the pearl slowly turned into the fear of not getting
what he dreamed the pearl would come with. When he didn’t get the money he wanted for the pearl, he
left north, and had the pearl buyers send trackers after him. The greed for the pearl, and what it
represented, caused him to kill people (something this ordinary man normally wouldn’t do), his baby to
die, and his marriage to lose its trust. Greed is “...infinitely black and evil… like hunger in the smell of
food.” (pg. 30)
Greed is not only a destructive force in the novella, but it is in the modern world as well. For
example, many child stars ruin their careers by doing this. Lindsay Lohan, the cute star of the parent
trap, is one of the most well-known of these cases. She was exposed to stardom quickly, and rose to the
top quickly. Like Kino would lash out, Lohan would rebel. She lost her childlike innocence, became
corrupt, and destroyed her career, like Kino destroyed his family. “Lohan went through a series of car
crashes, arrests, and stints in rehab.” (Listverse 1-17-14) While they may not be the same story, they
both show how greed leads to corruption and destruction.
All in all, greed has turned many lives upside down. It can and will hurt not only yourself, but the
people around you as well. Kino learned this the hard way. Greed is something that we all encounter at
one point of another. “For it is said that humans are never satisfied, that you give them one thing and
they want something more.” (pg. 32)
Lewis and Clark By Hunter James
Lewis was born on August 18, 1774 near Ivy, Virginia. He was a member of the state militia, and helped
to quell the Whiskey Rebellion, a Pennsylvania uprising led by farmers against taxes in 1794. The following
year he served with William Clark, a man who would later help him on one of the greatest expeditions of all
time. In 1801 Lewis joined the regular army and achieved rank of captain. The same year, he was asked by
President Thomas Jefferson to act as his private secretary. In 1803 Jefferson asked Lewis to lead an
expedition into the lands west of the Mississippi. He was asked to collect information about the plants, animals
and people of the region. Jefferson's interest in the land increases the purchase of the Louisiana Territory. He
selected his friend William Clark to join him as co-commander of the expedition.
Lewis and Clark and the rest there expedition, set off for their journey near St. Louis, Missouri in May 1804.
They were often called the Corps of Discovery, they faced nearly every obstacle hardship along their trip. They
braved through dangerous waters, harsh weather, illness, and fatigue. As asked, Lewis kept a very detailed
journey of collected samples and animals he had encountered. They received assistance from many of the
native peoples along their journey. The Mandans helped them through the first winter, by giving supplies.
During this time Lewis and Clark met two new members to join them along the journey. Touissant
Charbonneau and his wife Sacagawea, a Shoshone Indian. However Sacagawea helped them get horses for
the group later on in the journey.
Lewis and Clark (The Corps of Discovery) reached the Pacific Ocean in November of 1805. They then built
Fort Clatsop, and spent winter in present-day in Oregon. However on their way back things got complicated.
Lewis and Clark split up to explore more territory and look for a faster route home… Lewis and his men faced
great danger, when a group of Blackfeet Indians thought to steal from them. Two of the Blackfeet Indians were
killed in the ensuing conflict. The next month, Lewis was shot in the thigh by one of his own men during a hunt.
Lewis and Clark and their two groups (The Corps of Discovery), joined up again at the Missouri River and
made the rest of the trek to St. Louis. The whole expedition traveled was roughly 8,000 miles by boat, on foot
and horseback.
Traveling back to Washington, Lewis and the other members of the expedition came back to a warm
welcome. After reading the Nation’s capital, Lewis received payment for his courageous efforts. Along with the
Salary and 1600 acres of land. Lewis was named governor of the Louisiana Territory. He tried
publishing the journals he had written, during the expedition. He was always prone to dark moods and
he began to have a drinking problem, and neglected his job as governor.
Lewis passed away on October 12, 1809. At an inn near Nashville, Tennessee. He was on his way
to Washington D.C at the time. Most historians believed he committed suicide, while some other
believe it was murder. Lewis helped change the face of the United States by exploring uncharted
territory. Many people followed in his footsteps and created great interest in the region. Through his
careful work numerous discoveries of previously unknown plants and animals were made.
Clark was born on August 1, 1770 in Caroline County, Virginia. Clark went on to become half
of the legendary exploration team with Lewis. His younger brother George Rogers Clark, was a
Revolutionary War hero. Clark joined the military at age 19, he first served in the militia and then
entered the U.S army. Clark, became friends with Lewis in 1795 where they served two years
together. The next year Clark left the army to become the manager of his family’s estate. In 1803
Clark, got a letter from his old friend Lewis, asking him to share the command of an expedition to
search the lands west of the Mississippi. The legendary expedition began the following May, they left
from St. Louis Missouri. Clark, was an experienced outdoorsmen and soldier. He kept the expedition
moving along and keeping his men together. Clark, was an experienced map maker. HE figured out
which routes the expedition would take.
However the trip didn't go without hazards, Clark led the expedition through treacherous terrain and
hostile weather. They came across many of the native’s people, including Sacagawea (Shoshone
Indian) and her husband Touissant Charbonneau (A French-Canadian trader). Lewis and Clark came
across them while spending their first winter near a Mandan village, and asked them to join the
expedition as interpreters. Along the journey, Sacagawea gave birth to a child named Jean Baptiste
(Little Pomp) in February 1805. The Corps of Discovery made it to present day Oregon in November
of 1805. They then built a fort named “Fort Clatsop” and stayed here for winter. Around March, The
Corps of Discovery prepared for the journey back to St. Louis. In July, Lewis and Clark decided to
split up the group into two groups, Half with Lewis, and Half with Clark. Clark took his group to
explore the Yellowstone River. During this park of the journey, Clark named a rock formation after
Sacagawea’s son. Naming it “Pompys tower”. This rock formation stands near is what is known today
as Billings, Montana.
The two groups met back together in August by the Mississippi river. They reached St. Louis by the
next month. They traveled for more than two years, covering more than 8,000 miles of land. Lewis
and Clark were treated by national heroes. They were awarding for their amazing efforts with extra
pay and land. Clark, received an appointment as the agent for Indian affairs in the West, and became
the brigadier general of the militia.
Clark married Julia Hancock in 1808, he cared for Sacagawea's child as after she died in 1812.
The following year, he served as the governor of Missouri Territory for seven years. When the
Territory became a state in 1820, he ran for
governor but lost the election. However, he
still continued his work in Indian affairs and
was well known for his fair treatment of Native
Clark, passed away on September 1, 1838
in St. Louis, Missouri. He has been
remembered as one of the greatest countries
explorers. The maps he drew helped the U.S
government, and the rest of the nation
understand the geography of the west. His
journal also provided much needed
Jim Zorn
One of the most widely known positions in NFL
is…… You guessed it, the quarterback; the quarterback
is also one of the most important players on the team
making plays, throwing the ball and most importantly
being the leader of your team. Jim Zorn was a good
example of that leadership. Jim went to High School at
Gahr High School in Cerritos California and graduated
in 1971 then went off to college and played at Cal Poly
at Cal Poly Pomona for the Broncos. In 1975 he was
sighed to the Dallas cowboys. He made the team but
was soon waved off to make room for running back
Preston Peterson who had been let go by the Pittsburgh Steelers. Seahawks took advantage of that wave off
and claimed him. After spending a year out of football he was signed with the Seattle Seahawks in 1976. In
Seattle Zorn’s favorite target was the hall of fame wide receiver Steve Largent. Largent was the first official
Seahawk inducted into the team’s “Ring of Honor” in 1981 and Jim Zorn was second in 1991. Zorn was also
named NFC offensive rookie of the year following the team’s inaugural in 1976. He was also the team MVP for
throwing 12 touchdowns and scoring four rushing touchdowns. Zorn also had three consecutive 3,000 yard
seasons which was a top’s in the team history. Since then Matt Hasselbeck broke that in 2005. Now here is
one interesting fact about Zorn he could throw LEFT handed! Not very common for QB’s to be lefties. His fans
returned to him as “left handed Frank Tarkenton.” Zorn was known as a scrambling quarterback of his day. His
style of playing was what kept the fans coming back to the Kingdome again and again. In 2008 he was named
8th best mobile quarterback by After his time was done with Seattle Zorn signed with the Green Bay
Packers as a second string quarterback in 1985. They finished that season with an 8-8 record, still not enough
to make playoffs. Zorn got released in 1985-86 season from Green Bay. In 1987 Jim decided to come back to
the NFL after one season and was signed with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He played one game with the
Buccaneers as a replacement before retiring. In his entire career Zorn threw for 21,115 yards and 111
touchdowns with a 53 percent completion rate, he also ran in another 17 touchdowns. After his time was done
in the NFL Jim went back to college football as an assistant coach. His first job was in Boise State University in
1988-1991 as a quarterbacks coach. Then in 1992-1994 he went to Utah State as an offensive coordinator.
Finally from 1995-1996 Zorn coached quarterbacks again for the University of Minnesota. Jim still wasn’t done
with football yet cause in 1997 he moved up to being a pro football coach and went back to serving the Seattle
Seahawks as a quarterbacks coach. He was a great help for rookie Charlie Batch in 98’. Batches 88 percent
completion rate and fourth highest rookie mark in NFL history was not by magic from the help of Jim Zorn he
accomplished that. Zorn also worked with Seahawks head coach, Mike Holmgren, and offensive coordinator,
Gil Haskell. Zorn also worked with Matt Hasselbeck who set a franchise record with 3,841 passing yards with
an 85 percent completion rating all that under Zorn direction. On January 30th 2010 Jim was hired by the
Baltimore Ravens helping Joe Flacco reach a career high of 25 touchdowns and a rating of 93.6 percent. Then
on February 10th 2010 Jim was hired as Redskins’ head coach. That was his last job in his NFL career. He and
his wife Joy have four kids Rachael, Sarah, Danielle and their son Isaac. Jim and Joy are active in Medical
teams International and Pro athletes. Zorn was also inducted into that State of Washington sports hall of fame
during a pregame ceremony.
Thomas Bologna Mufflard was a boy who wanted nothing more than to get
back at his half-sister. He went by his middle name, Bologna, and lived with his
mother, his younger half-sister named Marveelia, his baby half-brother named Randle,
and Fobo his stepdad. He didn’t like his sister. She was always trying to make him
look bad in front of her dad so she could be the favored child. Marveelia’s dad,
By Alyssa Funkhouser
Bologna’s step-dad, didn’t like Marveelia that much. Her mother, however, loved her
very much and let her get away with everything. She would break things and blame it
on Bologna so he was the one that got in trouble. Bologna was tired of Marveelia’s childish, selfish mentality and he
planned to change it.
One day Bologna’s parents were out of town at one of his baby brother’s doctor appointments. His grandma was
coming over to watch him and Marveelia. He heard Marveelia wake up and get out of bed, and went to hide by her door.
When she came out of her bedroom Bologna ran over and tackled her. He wrestled her down the stairs as she hit and
kicked him back. Neither of them got hurt because they were both absolutely terrible at fighting. When they reached the
bottom of the staircase Marveelia ran and locked herself in the bathroom.
“Stop!!!! I’m gonna tell mom that you are beating me up!” screamed Marveelia.
“Hahaha! You are always so mean to me and you know it! Whenever I get the chance I am going to get back at you. And
right now I have the chance to. Who cares if I get in trouble? Until then I am going to get back at you so bad,” Bologna
said as he laughed.
“You’re crazy! I am going to tell mom on you. Say that you hit me and that you called me dumb and oops-”
Bologna heard a loud crash come from in the bathroom, “You broke mom’s expensive new lamp,” said Marveelia
“No! No, Marveelia you didn’t!” said Bologna worriedly.
“I know I didn’t, you did. It’s too bad, mommy is gonna get so mad at you,” Marveelia said in an innocent way.
“Well I will tell mom that I didn’t do it.”
“Oh Thomas. What makes you think that she is going to believe you over her little princess?” asked Marveelia.
“Well I think the young man has an alibi,” said a quiet yet firm voice from behind Bologna.
“Grandma Debby! Did you hear all of that?” asked Bologna.
“Yes I did. Bologna won’t be getting the blame for what you did Marveelia. I will have a talk with you later
young lady. And Bologna, I don’t ever want to hear about you being mean to your little sister anymore. No matter how
much she deserves it. Now come out of that bathroom and we will go to the store to buy a new lamp. Does that sound
“Yeah? That lamp was like 2,000 dollars,” said Bologna.
“Oh my giddily hog! Why would your crazy mother spend that much on a lamp?” asked Debby.
“I said that it was expensive,” said Marveelia.
“Alright well I think that we might be able to find some glue or something. I am not about to spend over twenty
dollars on some fancy shmansy overpriced lamp.”
So the three of them went into the kitchen and spent about two hours rebuilding the lamp. Some of the pieces
were shoved into the wrong places so it looked misshaped, but it was still fixed. Then the grandma plugged the light in to
see if it would turn on. She flipped the switch and the light turned on.
“Oh, like a brotha!” she shouted.
Marveelia and Bologna looked at each other, surprised at their grandmother’s choice of words. Then they looked
at their grandma who was smiling to herself and staring at the lamp.
“Grandma, what did you say?” asked Marveelia.
“I said . . . wait, what? Why?”
“Grandma please don’t ever say anything like that again. Please,” said Marveelia.
“Why not dog? Isn’t that kind of talk fresh? Yo, like straight out da skillet man,” said their grandma in an
awkward voice.
“I feel so uncomfortable. . . I am going to go take a bath,” said Bologna quietly.
“Okay, don’t fall in,” shouted their grandma. “Hey Marveelia, can I tell you a story?”
“Yeah, I got nothing better to do,” Marveelia said irritably.
“Once there was a girl named Mean Girl-“
“Grandma Debby! I’m not in the mood to listen to some dumb made up story right now!” shouted Marveelia.
“Oh it isn’t made up, I can promise you that. Now if you interrupt me again I will make you massage my feet and
back for hours. Okay? Now, where was I? Oh yeah, her name was Mean Girl. She was always mean and bitter toward
everyone. She was never grateful and didn’t say thank you. Mean Girl was always talking mean to her mum and she had
no friends. She was especially mean to a girl named Nice Girl. One day Nice Girl gave Mean Girl a cupcake and Mean
Girl didn’t say thank you. In fact, she said that she would never be grateful or say thank you ever.
So that night a fairy came to her. He was the gratitude fairy, and he was very ugly. He cast a spell on her so she
wouldn’t receive anything nor be talked to until she was grateful and nice. So after a week she realized that she needed to
be nice to people and that she was grateful. She told Nice Girl that she was sorry and the curse was lifted. She changed her
name and was always nice ever since,”
“Okay grandma that’s cool. Guess what, I don’t care,” said Marveelia.
“All I am saying is that you should be nicer to your brother.”
“Or . . . what? An ugly fairy will come and make no one talk to me? Oh wow, I am totally scared now,” said
Marveelia sarcastically.
Just then their parents walked in. Bologna’s grandma didn’t tell his parents what Marveelia did, instead she said
that a cat ran into the house and knocked down the lamp and left. They showed Bologna’s mom the misshapen lamp and
she didn’t say anything; she just left and went crying into her room. The next day Bologna’s step-dad gave him twenty
“Wow thanks Fobo!” said Bologna.
“It’s not for you, we need milk and cheese. I want you and Marveelia to go to the store and buy some,” said his
“You want me and Marveelia to go to the store? That is such a bad idea for so many reasons. I will just go alone,
Okay?” said Bologna.
“No, your mom wants you to get along with Marveelia and told me that she wants you to spend more time with
her and stuff. So you are going to the store with her, sorry,” his stepdad told him.
So Bologna went into Marveelia‘s room to get her. She threw a book at him and told him to go away.
“Oh, sorry! You think that it was my idea to have the world’s BIGGEST brat go with me? No, if I had the choice
I would totally go alone. But Fobo told me that mom wants us to spend time with each other. Now, if mommy’s little
princess wants to make mommy happy, she will have to cooperate. Go with me to the store, buy some dairy products, and
then come back home where we don’t have to talk to each other. Now come on, let’s go,” demanded Bologna.
“Ugh! Okay whatever, but let’s make this quick, you know I can’t stand you! And don’t try to act like you are in charge of
me! I don’t, nor will I ever, listen to you,” said Marveelia.
“Fair enough,” said Bologna, and they set off.
It took thirteen minutes to get to the stop light across the street from the store. Bologna and Marveelia walked on
opposite sides of the sidewalk, and Bologna was walking at a pace to where he was constantly approximately five feet
ahead of Marveelia. Not one word was exchanged between the two siblings. Or at least that’s how it was until someone
walked up to Marveelia and started to talk to her.
“Hey, are you following that guy? Are you stalking him? Is that a crime? I am Floyd Gibblett and I stop crime!”
said the man.
“Oh hey Floyd Gibblett,” said Marveelia with a smile. “My name is Marveelia, and if you get an inch closer to me
I will call the cops, so you can leave.”
Bologna had heard the commotion. He turned around and stood by Marveelia and protect her from this strange
“Rudeness! That for sure is a crime! Excuse me sir, but it is my duty to turn this young man in to the police,” said
“No you can excuse yourself! First of all, that isn’t a young man, that’s my sister. Sisters are girls, not boys.
Second, rudeness isn’t at crime. Now, if it isn’t too much to ask, could you please get out of our way so we can-”
“Sir! Sir! Please, no one was talking to you so I would appreciate it if you would stand down. First of all, sisters
don’t always have to be girls! If you saw my sister you would understand. Second, I am Floyd Gibblett, police chief! It is
my job to make sure this city stays crime free,” said Floyd.
“Floyd Gibblett? I heard about you in school! Yeah, like eight years ago you stopped some horrible, horrible
criminal and a corrupt police chief so the city thought you were a hero. You were the new police chief for about two
months, but then the whole city realized you were a nut case and you lost your job. But you still wander the cities and try
to fight ‘crime’,” said Bologna.
“I am the police chief! And where did you hear that story? Do you stalk me or something?” asked Floyd.
“No! I got news for you buddy; the school’s teachers are REQUIRED to give at least one lesson a year to warn
kids about you! There are literally flyers on the doors of every building telling people to avoid you,” said Bologna.
“Wow . . . Do the teachers stalk me too?” asked Floyd.
“Oh my! Just leave me and my sister alone and let us pass by, okay?” said Bologna as he grabbed Marveelia’s
hand and walked past Floyd.
“Wow Bologna. Thanks for standing up for me,” said Marveelia.
“What did you say Marveelia?” asked Bologna as he walked down the sidewalk.
“I said. . . I said that I totally had that handled and under control. You didn’t need to stand up for me,” lied
Marveelia after she realized what she had said. “Why do you care what I said anyway? Don’t talk to me.”
When they reached the corner store across the street from the grocery store Bologna went to walk across the
street, but Marveelia called his name from the corner store that she had walked over to.
“I want to go in here,” she demanded.
“Too bad. We are going to the store, then straight back home. Now come on, the store is this way,” said Bologna.
“I don’t care, I’m going into this store and I don’t care if you follow me or not. If you don’t then that would make
a great story to tell mom. If you do then I get to go here. It’s a win, win situation for me, so I don’t care if you follow me
or not. I’m going in,” said Marveelia.
“Ugggh! Fine, but I won’t stay here for long.”
So he followed Marveelia into the store. It was a weird shop with a bunch of odd random things. The man behind
the counter was old and quite scary looking. As Bologna walked down the cramped isles he saw all kinds of weird things.
There were rats in jars, small alien looking things, foreign plants, old looking treasure chests, and a stuffed turtle with
beard and scar on his left eye. He saw Marveelia; she was looking in a glass cage with an animal in it.
“Come check this out Bologna,” she said in amazement.
Bologna walked over and saw a small lizard who was dancing. There was a mouse that was in the corner
watching the lizard. The man behind the counter saw them looking at the cage and walked over.
“Is something wrong with that lizard? Why is he doing that?” asked Bologna.
“Yeah, is he stupid?” asked Marveelia. “Hey lizard, your food is over in the corner! If you don’t eat your food you
will get sick!”
“No. Mouse not food for lizard. Lizard mouse’s friend. Lizard is rare tap dancing lizard from Mexico. Gunglé is
name,” said the old creepy man.
“Wow, he can tap dance? That’s pretty groovy,” said Bologna.
“Bologna, did you just say groovy? This is why you don’t have friends. But that is pretty cool I guess,” agreed
Marveelia. “I want it!”
“No, you turd! We have to go to the store, get the dairy products, and go straight home. We weren’t even
supposed to come here.”
“Okay, well do you have any extra money?” asked Marveelia.
“No way! I’m not going to buy you a lizard. You are always mean to me so why would I buy you a pet?”
“Well then buy it for yourself and let me hold it every once in a while or something.”
“How much for the Lizard?” asked Bologna.
“Ninety-nine dollar,” said the man.
“Oh, well I have like thirty saved up. It’s too much though. I don’t have enough money to buy it, so I can’t get it,”
Bologna explained.
“Well mommy gave me like fifty dollars last week.”
“What! Why did she just randomly give you that? She doesn’t just give me money,” shouted Bologna.
“I told her I was out of lunch money, so she gave me some.”
“Well that’s only eighty dollars, we still can’t get it.”
“No way bro, I got this. Hey guy, ya think you could shimmy down the price a smidge for a couple of fellow
reptile admirers? Come on man, you don’t want to be the sauerkraut on our mustard hotdog, if ya know what I’m sayin,”
she said to the guy who worked there.
He just sat there and stared at her.
“Okay Marveelia, I think it’s time to leave,” said bologna as he pulled her toward the door.
They walked across the street to the grocery store. When they got there the two went to get milk and cheese. It
only cost eight dollars, so Bologna pocketed to left over money. As they were walking toward the door they heard a loud
crash and saw that someone had knocked over a rack of cans.
“Okay everyone, listen up! Put yer hands up, get on the ground, and put your hands behind your back!” he yelled.
People were confused because they didn’t know whether to put their hands behind their backs or put them up.
One guy went to get on the ground, but got a can threw at him by the thug.
“Don’t move or I will use this,” he said as he pulled out a wooden spoon.
Now people were even more confused. They didn’t know how it was possible to put their hands up, behind their
backs, and sit down all without moving. One person started to sit down slowly, so the thug walked up to him. He took his
wooden spoon and bopped him on the head. He took out a large bag and started to put random items in it, then he put all
of the money from the cash register in. He then looked at the crowd of people. He spotted at an old lady and said;
“Hostage! Come over here.”
He looked back to the crowd and saw a short foreign woman and said the same thing to her. He kept scanning the
crowd and calling random people to be hostages.
“Okay hostages, were going to leave and you are going to circle around me so the cops can’t get me,” said the
man. When they circled around him there was an empty space where no one was standing. He looked at Marveelia and
told her to fill in the empty space, then he walked out the door.
“No! that’s my sister! He has to come back,” yelled Bologna at no one in particular.
“I think you mean brother,” said Floyd Gibblett as he emerged from the crowd.
“Oh great,” said Bologna caustically, “What are you going to do? Scold him to death?”
“Excuse me little man! I don’t take kindly to sass like that. Also, have you forgotten the fact that I once took
down this city’s greatest bad guy? You need me to help you defeat this bad guy.”
“I want to help too,” said a woman from the crowd who looked about the same age as Bologna’s grandma.
“Yeah,” said Floyd, “we can be a crime fighting team!”
“I just want to get my sister back. . .”
“I don’t know about a crime fighting team, but I will help you two because I live for doing nice things for other
people,” said the woman.
“Okay! We will be a super team! Floyd Gibblett.” He then pointed at Bologna and said, “The Little Goober. And
who are you?” he asked the lady.
“My name is Nice Girl, nice to meet you.”
“Alright, you two are crazy! I’m going to get my little sister,” he said as he left.
Floyd and Nice Girl followed him. There were police cars were leaving the building chasing the thug in his car.
He had told some of the hostages they could leave, but he took some of them with him so the police wouldn’t shoot his
car. Marveelia was one of the hostages he took with him.
“Alright, I think I know where he is going,” said Nice Girl.
“Yeah okay, I’m sure you do. I bet you can also tell exactly when he is going to arrive there and probably what his
mother’s maiden name is too,” said Bologna.
“Alright, first of all I don’t appreciate your sarcasm young man. Second, I do know where he is going. He left on
Flabby Street which leads straight to the boat docks on the other side of town. I used to work at the boat docks and I just
might know which boat belongs to that robber,” Nice Girl said with a smile.
“Alright Team Gibblett, to the boating docks!” Shouted Floyd, “I was thinking Team Gibblett would be a good
team name. What do you guys think?”
“No, and I know a shortcut that will get us to the boat docks faster than he will. Follow me,” said Bologna, and
with that they left.
They got to the docks and Nice Girl led them to the boat that belonged to the robber. Floyd and Bologna hid
inside the boat and Nice Girl went to block the entrance. It took only about thirty seconds for the flashing lights from the
cops cars to pull up to the boat docks, and only a few more seconds for the robber to make it to the boat. When he walked
up to his boat with the bag and only a few hostages Nice Girl stopped him.
“Sorry sir, but you are going to have to pay a rental fee for this boat,” she said in a professional sounding voice.
“What are you talking about you nut?!!?!” said the robber.
“Sorry but I’m not going to be able to let you pass onto the boat until you pay the required fee.”
“This is my boat! You can’t deny me access to my boat,” he said irritably as he shoved Nice Girl out of the way
and entered the boat.
As soon as he turned the light on, Bologna tackled the robber and they both fell onto the floor. The robber and
Bologna wrestled on the floor. Marveelia, who was very tough and strong from fighting with her brother, ran over and
tried to kick the robber. She missed and kicked Bologna on accident.
“Okay, I know you don’t like me, but is it really the time for that,” said Bologna.
“Sorry, sorry. That was an accident,” said Marveelia.
Floyd ran over and grabbed the hostages and escorted them out of the boat. Nice Girl took the bag of stolen items
and left to give it the police. Marveelia grabbed some rope and handed it to Bologna to tie up the criminal. The thug
somehow took the rope from Bologna and tied him up. Then the robber ran out of the boat. Floyd saw him and pushed
him into the cold ocean water. Marveelia untied Bologna and they went outside the boat and saw the crook struggling in
the water.
“Floyd! You have to get him out of the water or he will freeze!” shouted Bologna as he jumped into the water to
save him.
Just then five police officers ran around the corner.
“Where is that man? Where did he go?” shouted one of the police officers.
“It’s okay sir. My brother, Floyd, and I have him immobilized. He is in the water and my brother is saving him so
he doesn’t freeze!” said Marveelia proudly.
Floyd looked at Marveelia and pushed her into the water.
“What was that for?” asked one of the police officers sternly.
“That sir, was a criminal too,” said Floyd.
“Oh yeah? And how is that little girl a criminal?” asked the officer.
“She is rude, and she stalks people. You should be thanking me for pushing her in there.”
Just then Bologna climbed up to the top of the ladder that led him from the water to the dock. He looked into the
water and saw his little sister swimming over to the ladder. He was too cold and exhausted to say anything about it
“Floyd rudeness isn’t a crime,” said the police officer.
He got pushed into the water.
They helped him out of the water and arrested Floyd and the criminal. When they got to the police station the
officers gave Bologna and Marveelia warm dry clothes and hot chocolate.
“Well kiddos,” said the police chief, “I have good news, great news, and amazing news. The good news is that
Floyd Gibblett isn’t going to jail, but he has to promise to never try to fight crime again. The great news is that the man
you helped arrest is named Eduardo Gong, a man who is wanted in seven different states! So you two have a big reward
coming your way. The amazing news is that one of the hostages you helped rescue was the mayor’s daughter. He is going
to give both of you the front page of the city paper, a huge gold medal, and a cash reward even bigger than the reward you
are going to receive for arresting Mr. Gong. Nice Girl doesn’t want any recognition, she said that she didn’t do anything
and that it was all you kids.”
When the kids got home their mom was waiting in the living room. Bologna thought that she would have been
worried, considering the fact that he just helped capture a dangerous criminal. He couldn’t have been more wrong.
“Where is the food I sent you to go get!” was the first thing she said. “It was a simple task, and surprise surprise,
Bologna couldn’t even get that done. I knew I should have just done it for myself. Look at your little sister, she look so
extremely tired. Do you know what time it is? Making you take her with you was the worst thing I could have done. I
knew you were going to mess up and I-“
“MOM! It is not his fault!” shouted Marveelia. “The store got robbed, there was a hostage situation! I got taken
by some guy who was wanted in seven different states! Bologna risked his life to save me! If anything it is my fault, I’m
the one who made him go to that stupid store before we got the groceries. We would have left in time and never been in
that situation if it weren’t for me, so stop yelling at him! Yell at me instead!”
“Wow, I am so shocked Bologna,” said their mother, “Marveelia is talking back to me. See how bad of an
example you are?”
Bologna looked at Marveelia and both of them walked away.
“Hey Marveelia, thanks. We had some money left over so maybe we can get you that lizard tomorrow,” offered
“Okay! And thank you, I know I’m so mean to you, but no matter what you are still my big brother and you are
always there to protect me. Thanks,” said Marveelia.
After that day the two siblings got along far better than they ever had. They still fought every once in a while, but what
siblings don’t? But no matter what, they knew that they would always be there to support each other and help each other
when they need it.
In the year 2070…. Retirement Speech -Charlie Ranger
Hi my name is Alexis, I have known Charlie since we were in fourth grade, now we are seventy
two and still just as close. Since we were young Charlie’s dream was to become a doctor. Charlie
worked hard all through high school to get into a great college. She wanted to learn how to diagnose
patients using the once advance tools such as MRIs, CAT Scans, and X-Ray machines. I remember
Charlie going off telling me how she was able learn to how use those machines, but the longer she
was a doctor the less she used them. The machines were soon replaced by faster, safer, and more
reliable tech. One of the first new devices Charlie told me about was called the Hologram Body
Scan. This scanner scanned the patient and created a live, 3D hologram of the patient. The
projection allowed the doctor to zoom and shift around the hologram. You were able to sift through
the body and look for problems with the patient. You could also zoom in as close as a microscope
could, you could see the cells, and even the brain neurons. This made diagnosing patients much
easier and more accurate than MRIs and CAT scans ever were. I was stunned at this amazing new
scanners capabilities!
Charlie also told me of another advancement which was in the surgery department. Before,
surgery was done manually by a team of professionals. Now, using the 3D hologram, surgeons
operate on the hologram while robots and other machines copy and reenact the same movements
the surgeons did on the hologram on the actual person. Doing surgery this way made complications
caused by human mistakes to lessen such as a broken glove or bumping something that wasn't
supposed to be bumped.
On and on, every day and every night I would get a phone call from Charlie which she would
always start with, “Alexis you will never guess what new I got to use today…” I was getting so sick of
her phone calls I swear I almost changed my phone number! Anyways when Charlie told me she was
retiring I about cried. Well now that Charlie and I are both retired, we can sit, relax and watch old
episodes of Grey's Anatomy on DVD if we can find our extinct DVD player...
Life In The Kittitas Tribe By Ellie Smith
East of the Cascade Mountains where the summers are hot and dry and the winters are snowy and cold is
where you will find my Tribe. Long before the white settlers arrived the Plateau People lived in different tribes. I am
part of the Kittitas tribe. Today I woke up and on a woven mat and sleepily stumbled out of the pit house where the
fires in the center of the house were roaring to life on the little stone slabs. I climbed down the log ladder putting on
my deerskin work clothes, getting ready to do the days tasks. For the women our chores mostly consist of picking
berries and roots, drying the meat and fish, preparing the animal skins, and making clothing. Today we went out to
dig for camas bulbs while the men went to fish. Spring is one of my
One Who Cannot Fly By Amy Compton
least favorite seasons because there is a lot of work to be done. Fall is
my favorite season because that is the time we return to our winter
I miss you
camps. Stories are told, ceremonies are held, and lots of dances around
Like a bumblebee in the middle of spring.
crackling orange fires. One of my favorite parts about the ceremonies
One who cannot fly.
is the beautiful deerskin dresses decorated with porcupine quills and
beadwork. But that is a distant fantasy in my mind right now since we
I miss you
won't be having a ceremony until fall.
On the way back from picking camas the stress of my vision
Like an old guitar who plays no more.
quest submerged. I had nothing to worry about, I had been preparing
Hidden in the dark.
with the elders since I was seven. A vision quest is a spiritual quest to
find your guardian spirit. Your guardian spirit could appear as an
The pain I feel is churlish
animal, sun, moon, or mountain. I don’t know what scares me so
And brings no peace to mind.
much, but the thought of being alone praying and calling to my spirit
The love I yearn for is chaste,
guarding and what if it never shows up? What would I do? These are
And coveted by what I cannot find.
the questions that have kept me up at night picturing every possible
thing that could go wrong. I decided it would be best to put it out of my mind until tomorrow when the quest took
As I walked back through our village I saw people decorating themselves and their horses with the chalky
white earth found on the mountains not far from here. They were most likely getting ready to go trade at Kettle Falls
or The Dalles. The basic social unit was the extended family, a local group of relatives so it doesn’t surprise me
when you come across a family of 8 of more. My father told me we lived in such big family groups for defense
That night I laid back down on my grass mat after eating my supper of dried fish and huckleberries. When I
awoke in the morning I put on my deerskin beaded dress and made my way into the village. The encouraging looks
from the elders did little to ease my boiling nerves. I took a deep breath and made my way into the woods. My
shaking voice rang through the silent woods not loud enough to mask the loud beating of my heart. My silent prayers
called out in the lonely forest searching for the spirit that would guide me through my life, but still there was
nothing. Walking out of the forest having given up, I looked up to see a large bear standing in front of me. But
instead of being scared I had a feeling that this wasn't any bear, but my spirit guardian.
At the end of the day we sat around a fire singing, dancing, eating, and celebrating our creator The Old Chief and
then our completed vision quests.
Missouri Candy Shop By Zakery Donato
Free fudge! How could that make people mad? Well it
definitely has. Former patron Deb Czuprynski was infuriated with it and
told KSPR news “It made my blood boil”. The reason for this is because
the owner of a candy shop called Route 66 Candy Shoppe in Missouri
decided to give free fudge to customers weighing over 300 pounds. It has enraged a lot of people but he claims
that his intent was light hearted and full of good thoughts, but even if that is true I would still be full of anger.
This candy shop is under fire for promoting obesity. Is giving free fudge to people over 300 pounds
promoting obesity? The defense for Chalie Dill the shop owner who also weighs in over 300 pounds is that he
wasn’t trying to offend anyone, he was just trying to invite people in to have a good laugh. He says he does the
same thing on Labor Day giving free candy to pregnant women. Despite all the controversy his shop’s
Facebook page has received over 1000 likes. People complimenting the idea of free fudge and saying that it was
a good idea.
Candy shops like this one are probably a reason that Missouri is the 17th most obese state in the
United States. In Missouri 29.6 percent of adults are obese according to a study taken in 2013 by the Center of
Disease Control. It could possibly be because of all the promoting going on for obesity. But is the promoting a
bad thing, many people think it is horrible but many people think they need to lighten up and the thought of free
fudge is a good one.
By Alysha Emerson
Are tattoos changing people? That’s an easy yes, because in some ways they are making our society a
different place. Whether it is how people express themselves, how they act, or even how they perceive other
people; tattoos are changing us. 1 out of every 5 Americans has a tattoo, which means about 45 million people
in the US have at least one. The word tattoo comes from the Tahitian word “tatua” which means to mark.
Different forms of tattooing have been done by many different cultures all over the world. They are said
to have started as early as 4000 B.C by the Egyptians. And the Japanese began tattooing in 500 B.C. They
would use them for religious and cosmetic reasons. Years later, American people began to think of tattoo shops
as a danger, and said they were socially unacceptable. But nowadays tattoos are becoming a trend in America.
Our U.S military has started to use tattoos as a symbol of remembrance and protection during world one and
God and religion seem to have a big part of the tattoos reasoning in being so highly debated. People try
and use the bible verses to convince people that all tattoos are immoral, but they don’t go into the deeper
meaning which shows you the truth. In the Old Testament, Leviticus 19:28 it says, “you shall not make any cuts
on your body for the dead or tattoo yourself for I am the lord." At first look you would think, ok the Bible
scriptures say no tattoos. But if the rest of the passage is scrutinized you see that it talks about how God declares
that you couldn't eat any tree that grows food until it had been cultivated for at least 3 years. It also says that no
bloody flesh should be eaten. From these verses you would understand this was so long ago and God was
looking out for the Israelites because they didn't have the resources we do now, I.e. pesticides. As for the cuts &
tattoos; notice it says “for the dead”. This is because back then when people walked around with a tattoo the
individuals who saw them would consider that they were worshiping dead people. Pegan worship at that time
had people that would cut and tattoo the self’s in devotion. God was trying to keep peace and joy between his
people and gave them these rules to keep that. People also try and use 1st Corinthians, it says how your body is
a temple and you shouldn't mark it up. However this isn't talking about external, it's internal. God says our
internal body is of the Holy Spirit; it's talking about sexual sin and has nothing to do with our outer body.
When you think about tattoos in today's society they are symbols of expression. From personal
experiences I have never met someone who automatically thinks that a person is undoubtedly worshiping dead
people if they have a tattoo. In many people’s eyes tattoos have changed people. They had and still have made
a huge impact on the world in ways of perception and the changes in cultures. This establishes the way tattoos
help shape people’s ideas. We first thought that if someone has a tattoo then they must be worshiping dead
people, or a foreign god. People now have an utterly different view from what they did thousands of years ago.
What I am trying to show is that nearly no one thinks like they used to, and tattoos helped shape our society and
how we are now. Although now there is a cultural bias; it causes people frustration and anger because of the
mixed feelings for tattoos.
Even though tattooing is more socially acceptable nowadays, your tattoos could cause you to not be able
to get a job. Nonetheless, it is illegal for a business to deny a person a job because of race, color and religion. A
question that is now being debated is inquiring if a manager/owner can deny an individual a job because they
have a tattoo. It’s a tough question, and most people’s response is
“it depends.” There really isn’t a fixed law that puts a rule to this
issue, so it makes sense that they would say that. Thus people are
finding loopholes to try and beat rejection due to their body ink. A
couple of years ago Red Robin was fined $150,000 by the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission. They had fired an
employee because he refused to cover up his tattoos. The tattoos
were religious, and he said covering them up would go against his
religion. The most critical workplaces that want the tattoos to be
covered are lawyers, banks, and accounting offices. Other places
don’t have to be as strict since they aren’t dealing with high
incomes and daily customer interactions. However, a survey said
that 42% of managers surveyed would think less of a person who
had a tattoo, and 76% of the people said that visible tattoos in the
workplace appear unprofessional. But recent studies have shown
how popular tattoos now are in the U.S, and they are becoming
much more wide spread. Having a tattoo is becoming more
accepted, although when they were first introduced here in the U.S
people connected tattoos to being criminal and violent. The
business point of view displays the thought
of how we all perceive others. If you look
different on the outside, does that really change your inner personality?
The History of Pokémon Generation I by Josh Gladish
Pokémon first started out in Japan. It was the idea of a one Satoshi tajiri
and he acquired this idea from when he was a child because he
What makes me, me!
used to catch bugs. So, several years later he decided he wanted
Jeeping in the woods
other people to experience what he did as a child and be able to
Looking at the animals roam
Watching the trees sway
catch little creatures of their own in a game.
So Satoshi and some other friends formed the company
Reading all night long
of Game Freak. Besides being inspired from catching bugs and
Sleeping till noon
tadpoles as a kid Satoshi was also helped along with his idea
Making forts with my brothers
through the Ultraman fantasy TV-show. In this show the main
Yelling and playing in the yard
character used giant monsters, which were inside capsules, to
Imaging there were enemies attacking
fight. So through this and the idea of little creatures in a
Gameboy he came up with “Capsule Monsters.”
Writing a book
His new game idea failed several times when he tried to Telling a story
Hoping someday the story will come alive
pitch his idea to Nintendo.
Finally one of Satoshi friends helped him out and
Making new friends
Nintendo started to fund the project and then, due copyright
Helping them find their destiny
issues, the name of the game was switched to “pocket Monster”
Hoping someday they will do the same
By: Amanda Graham
which later translated to Pokémon in English. Sometime later the
first Pokémon games came out for the Nintendo game boy. These
games were Pokémon Red and Green Versions and they were first released on February 27, 1996, this
made Satoshi’s dream a reality. Now kids or even adults could capture and train up 151 different
Pokémon and become a master Pokémon trainer.
At first the sales for the game were good not an all-out explosion of games being purchased;
however, after the legendary Pokémon Mew was discovered in the game and the magazine CoroCoro
announced their offer of this Pokémon to twenty entrant’s sales significantly increased. So with sales
skyrocketing Game Freak followed up Pokémon Red in Green with Pokémon Blue. This game had
increased graphics and sounds.
The Pokémon games were quickly followed up by the Pokémon Trading Card Game. The
card game featured 102 cards and was like the games a great success. Following up the games and
cards were manga interpretations and an anime television show, but all of that was just the very
beginnings of the Pokémon franchise which has grown substantially since 1996, when the first games
were released.
James Cook By Bryan Monson
James Cook was a British explorer, navigator, and captain in the royal navy. He made three
journeys to the Pacific Ocean. He was the first recorded European to come in contact with the eastern
coastline of Australia. He was also the first circumnavigation for New Zealand. He joined the royal
navy as a teenager in 1755. In 1766 he was the commander of the Endeavour for one of his three
voyages. He displayed a combination of
seamanship superior surveying and cartographic
By Ismael Romero
skills and the ability to lead men into harsh
In 1774, after 250 years of the “discovery” of America,
conditions. He also found Hawaii in the Pacific
Spain’s concerns of their claims of northwest America to go
Ocean. He was later killed in Hawaii in a fight
and investigate the extent of Russian and British colonies.
with the locals during his third voyage in 1779.
Antonio Maria Bucareli y Ursúa sent Juan Jose Perez
He left his legacy as a scientific and
Hernandez, better known as Juan Perez, to explore the
geographical knowledgeable guy that influenced
Pacific coast and reach 60° north latitude to discover
everyone and still influences us today. In
possible Russian American and British settlements and to
re-assert the long-standing Spanish claim of the Pacific
October and November 1755 he took part in the
Northwest. He was ordered to treat all indigenous people
eagle’s capture of the French and the sinking of
with respect, and to establish friendly relations.
another he was an apprentice to a shipping
In July of the same year, Juan Perez reached 54 degrees
company at the age of 15. Also at the age of 27
40’ north latitude, just off of Langara Island. There he
he joined the British navy. So overall he was a
interacted with the Haida natives, but due to the lack of
provisions and the poor health of his crew, he turned south
very good captain.
Juan Perez
despite his orders to obtain 60° north. On August 7, 1774 he
reached Nootka sound, part of Vancouvers island and sets of
interactions with the natives were taken place, including
their first trade of goods. But again, due to bad weather, he
did not go ashore.
Perèz gave the name Cerro Nevado de Santa Rosalía (
"Snowy Peak of St. Rosalía") to Washington States now
Mount Olympus. Perèz continued south to the Presidio of
Monterey, Las California’s, reaching it on August 28, 1774.
After a brief break, he continued on to reach San Blas on
November 5, 1775, thus completing his expedition.
In 1774, a second expedition under Bruno de Hecta and
Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra was organized, Perèz
participated as piloto of Hectas ship, the Santiago.
Perèz died on the return trip, on November 3, 1775,
between Monterey, California and San Blas. His body was
buried at sea. Juan Perez Sound of the east coast of Moresby
Island in the Queen Charlotte Islands is named after him.
A Formidable Opponent:
Part One By Kayla Vincent Historical
Laying low on the rooftop of the concrete
building, the young man peeked over the stone wall,
studying his quarry through intelligent eyes, noting
the rifle that the enemy held was slack, as if his
soon-to-be-kill was no longer cautious of his
surroundings. He smiled a humorless smile as he
began to raise his own sniper, peering through the
scope as he began to steady aim on the head of the
black and tan soldier. A shout rang out, and he
swore as he ducked down beneath the wall as to not
be seen. His breathing was ragged as he dared to
glimpse over the wall, a shot now ringing out as his beret hat was blown from his head, the bullet of the black
and tan soldier having thrown it off. He hit the cold, hard ground as more bullets hit the thick cement wall,
biting his lip until it bled as the bullets stopped raining down. He didn’t risk moving, though he knew that if he
didn’t do something soon one of the soldiers would check to see if he was truly slain. Deciding to move, he
began to crawl across the rooftop, his dark green military fatigue helping not to disguise him on the grey
rooftop, and as he neared the west side of the building’s roof he heard the pounding of feet on the stairs that led
to the roof. Cillian knew he had to move quickly, and fast. Springing to his feet he vaulted over the side of the
cement wall of the roof.
He landed hard on the frozen ground, a grunt escaping him. He knew he had to move fast though, the sounds
of footsteps above not lost by him, and scrambling to his feet he moved swiftly, his tall frame helping him cover
more distance from the building’s side as he headed for the cover of the neighboring buildings. Cillian knew he
wouldn’t be able to get far enough away to be in a safe enough position to dispose of some soldiers with his
rifle, but maybe he could get a few shots off with his pistol...
No, he told himself. I can’t risk it in this area, especially if those pigs are on the look for me.
Exhaling softly he darted around the corner of threshold of the closest building. He wasn’t prepared to come
face-to-face with an enemy soldier. He only had a second to react, and he wasn’t fast enough. The British
soldier’s gun fired, the bullet grazing his shoulder. With a cry of pain leaving him before he could stop himself,
Cillian reacted without thinking and threw a punch, knowing that it would buy him time to get out his pistol, as
of the moment his sniper would be useless in such close quarters. The other soldier had seen it coming, and he
dropped to duck the glancing blow, but Cillian used this to his advantage as he pulled his pistol from his holster
and cocking it, fired into the back of the soldier’s head. His shoulder blazed with pain, though he knew he
couldn’t loiter about. The sound of gunshots would alert more soldiers. They would find him. The pain in his
shoulder would be nothing compared to what they did to him if he was captured.
Cillian kept his grasp on his pistol, his rifle slung across his back so it wasn’t in his way, and he cautiously
moved around the body, stepping over the pool of dark crimson that had spread around the fallen man’s head.
He raised his pistol, recocking it as he went around the corner and stepped into the next room.
Much to his relief, no one was there.
He used this moment to examine his shoulder, leaning to the wall as he turned his head, running his fingers
around the sensitive, raw skin. He grimaced, though he couldn’t help but be relieved that it was just a graze. As
he pulled his fingers back he caught a glimpse of red liquid- blood. Knowing that the wound would get worse if
he didn’t cover it, he wiped his fingers off on his fatigues and, reaching beneath the green uniform, he tore off
fabric from his white shirt. Returning his gaze to the bloody shoulder wound, he slowly wound the cloth around
his shoulder, tying it off at the end to make a makeshift bandage.
Yet, he knew his moment of peace would not last long. When he finished he began to hear voices nearing; the
thudding of feet on frozen earth.
They were coming.
Spring Sports are Springing into Action! By Halle Hull
For those of you students that are athletic and like to get outdoors, spring sports are moving in! For
seventh and eighth graders, the school sports that are available to us include baseball, girls’ soccer, and
track and field.
The middle school level girls only have track and soccer, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t
enough room for as many athletes as possible! Soccer can only take a small amount of girls, but
working hard and doing your best might just get you a spot on the team! In track, it’s a pretty well
rounded sport where you can run, jump, or throw things like discus and shot-put.
Middle school level guys only have baseball and track also. Baseball is a fun way to make cool
friends and enjoy the unpredictable spring weather. In track, we like to win and having more members
gives us the chance to win higher ribbons! There is no tryouts for guys or girls, so talk to Mr. Durand
and get out there and start running!
For those girls that like to dance, cheer tryouts are next week and it’s going to be competitive! I have
exciting news for the freshmen who want to join dance team! There is going to be a team called the
Vikettes for those that turn out and make it! Best of luck to the girls that do!
Spring sports are very exciting and I can’t wait to get out on the track and be a part of a Selah team!
Best of luck to those of you that are trying out for your preferred sport. If you aren’t the active type,
then the least you can do is come to the games of other sports and cheer on your classmates.
Remember, the more support we have, the better we do! Selah Spartans are the cool kids, and that’s
what we all are.
Peanut Butter and Jelly
By Taryn Mathews
The little girl finally had stopped screaming. She
jumped off of the chair beside her mother. Her mother
was still breathing, but she would not wake up. The little
girl started to cry and ran outside. She kept running
barefoot until she got to her neighbor’s house. In a state
of panic, she pounded on the front door. An old couple, of
the ages 70 and 73, lived in this house. Their house is a lot older than the little girl’s house. The old
man was very nice, but the old woman was not. Unfortunately for the little girl, the woman answered
the door. “Help me, help me please!” the little girl screamed, “My mother, my mother, I think she’s
dead!” The old woman, blank of expression did not seem to care much. “Huebert!” the old woman
screeched into the old home. Huebert came to the door with a worried look because he heard what
the little girl had said about her mother. The little girl ran back to her house where her mother lay,
lifeless on the ground. Huebert finally made it, for he can’t run very fast anymore. He brought his cellphone that he was still learning to use and dialed 9-1-1. He asked the little girl what happened. The
little girl pointed to the table while still looking at her mother. The man gasped at what he had seen
sitting upon the table. The old man immediately covered his eyes with his hands, and for as weak as
he was, he swatted the two jars off of the table. “Don’t you know what those are?” The old man
screamed at the little girl, “Peanut butter and jelly has taken the lives of many others whom dare be in
its presence!” The little girl was startled at the man’s words. She was confused. What the old man
said, her mother, the two jars and their contents, peanut butter and . . . jelly?
Dear Ashley,
HSPE testing is
next week and I’m so
I felt the same way
last year. I completely
doubted myself, I didn’t
think I would pass the tests. I think the pressure of having three in a row made it worse too. State
testing is very serious; we have to pass them in order to graduate. My mom would tell me that I would
do just fine but no matter how many times she told me I couldn’t believe her. I hope you know that
you can do anything! You have the ability to make something wonderful happen. We’ve had lots of
practice with tests so I think you will do Fantastic! I completely understand that you don’t want to
disappoint your family, friends and especially yourself but you won’t, just know that these worries
show that you care. You can do it! You can! Be sure to get good sleep and be positive.