Naval Industry - Enterprise Europe Network
Naval Industry - Enterprise Europe Network
Naval Industry 2013 Content Portugal Portuguese Naval Industry aicep Portugal Global 2 PORTUGAL IS A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Why choose Portugal? Strategic location Portugal is the European nearest country to the U.S. 3-hour distance between Brazil and Russia. Same time as UK and Ireland. Attractive Consumer Market Portugal Iberian Market 10,6 51 European Market 494 Portuguese Speaking countries 220 Great and privilege economic relations between Portugal and Brazil, Angola and Mozambique. Daily flights to major European cities. Million Inhabitants Why choose Portugal? Qualified Workforce Flexible labour lawHigh-standard educationWide availabilityPartnerships with world-class US institutions Portugal has a highly skilled and educated workforce. Portugal ranks on Top within the EU countries in number of PhDs per 1,000 inhabitants. 71,7% 40% of students in tertiary education are enrolled in engineering, sciences and health. The increase rate in the last 3 years is about 30%. 42% At least 1 language 23% At least 2 languages 6% At least 3 languages Portuguese are known for commitment to work which places us below the EU average regarding working days lost per year. 43,6 11,3 Working Days Lost (per 1.000 employees – EIRO, 20052009) Language skills: English, French and Spanish are the most spoken languages. English is universally taught from 1st grade. Why choose Portugal? Competitive Costs Portugal is still cost competitive according to international recognized sources. There was a decrease of -1,2% in hourly labour costs in 2012 Q1 (Euro 27 rose by +2,0%). In terms of real estate – industrial space - and within 53 countries/cities worldwide, Portugal/Lisbon is the 8th less expensive location. Portugal also has one of the lowest monthly minimum wage in Europe (485€). 12,4 11,4 4,0 +1,5 1,5 100 3,4 87 -1,2 Electricity Natural Gas Labour Cost Index Cost of Living (Prices for industries in €/100kWh – Eurostat 2012 S1) (Prices for industries, in €/GJ – Eurostat 2012 S1) (Year-on-year rate of change – Eurostat 2012 Q1) (HFC 2011 - Eurostat) Why choose Portugal? Technological Infrastructures 0,72 0,38 FULLY DIGITALIZED Telecom Prices Euro/10 min call Eurostat 2010 The percentage of fiber connections in total broadband is already 6% for Portugal, ahead of countries such as Netherlands, Finland, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Austria Germany or Belgium. Telecommunications have been a major priority in Portugal. The country has now 95% coverage of broadband infrastructures. The net increase in the broadband penetration growth for Portugal is above the OECD average (Dec 2010). The Internet is also well developed. Portugal is a United Nations case study in terms of e-Government and its availability of public services on-line. Why choose Portugal? Office Space available Portugal offers a dynamic real estate market. High quality space, well designed and energy efficiency oriented has boomed and rent prices are competitive comparing the other European countries. Office space Industrial space 123,5 915 79,2 439 290 Occupancy cost, in €/sqm/year, C&W2013 52,2 Portugal is ahead of countries such as France and Spain in terms o cost. The figures are shown for Lisbon. If we considered Porto area, prices can lower 25%. Occupancy cost, in €/sqm/year, C&W2011 Why choose Portugal? Business friendly environment MULTI-CULTURAL EASE OF DOING BUSINESS • Major public services are on-line; • Portugal is considered by the United Nations, a case study in eGovernment; • Average time to set up a firm is less than 1-hour Portugal is very open to foreign cultures: the availability of international schools, the safety record and quality of life attract expatriates. As a result Portugal is ranked #2 in the Migrant Integration Policy Index 2011. “Portugal is unique in attracting young graduates and executives.” Carlos Brazão, Cisco Portugal Why choose Portugal? They chose us MANUFACTURING SERVICES “ Our decision is a result of the recognition of the hospitality and the commitment of the Portuguese Government, of the multilingual skills of the local population as well as its professionalism and ability, and proven success in innovation areas.” Chris Dedicoat, Senior Vice-President for Europe, Cisco ” “ One of our main strategic lines was always to shorten distances with the academic world and to bet in strong innovation, investigation and development in Portugal thus taking advantage of the Portuguese engineer’s excellence. João Picoto, Chairman of Nokia Siemens Networks Portugal ” Why choose Portugal? Portuguese Naval Industry Overview R&D The industry in Portugal Main institutions Government support Portuguese Naval Industry Overview The naval construction and repair offer competitive advantages due to its privileged location:: Portugal is located on the meeting point of the major maritime international routs. 9 Sea Ports in Portugal, all with international traffic The opening in 2014 of the Panama Canal allowing “Post Panamax” ships. The Lisbon Port represents 34% of all cargo shipped in Portugal, followed by Leixões (32%) and Sines (28%); they are also served by rail lines; The weather conditions are unique for the practice of naval activities. 12 Portuguese Naval Industry The Industry in Portugal •Shipbuilding and ship repair industry in Portugal has been following the world and the European descend trend, but showed a recovery from 2010 and an increase in completions from 2011. •The SME have showed a better response to the world crisis. •This area has a strong exporting component, contributing for the reduction of the deficit. Portuguese Commercial Shipbuilding Activity 100 150 75 New orders Orderbook Source: AIN – Associação das Indústrias Navais CESA – Community European of Shipyards’ Association Completions New orders Orderbook 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 0 2004 0 2003 25 2002 50 2003 50 2002 100 2001 1000 CGT 200 2001 Millions CGT World Commercial Shipbuilding Activity Completions Portuguese Naval Industry The Industry in Portugal Type of vessels built in domestic yards, between 2008 and 2011, changed a lot. Between 2008 and 2011 were mainly built ferry-boats, containers, fishing vessels and recreational craft and sports. Type of vessels produced in Portuguese shipyards 2011 2008 Ferryboats 15% Fishing ships and floating plataform s stuctures 3% Conver sion of ships, floating Other no Fishing structures cargo Factory vessels 15% vessels vessels 7% 4% for fishery 1% Source: AIN – Associação das Indústrias Navais Contai ners 30% Recrea tional craft and sports 63% Fishing vessels 8% Factory vessels for fishery 3% Other no cargo vessels 3% Conver sion of ships, floating structures 23% Million euros Recreatio nal craft and sports 25% Recreational crafts and sports produced in Portuguese shipyards 20 22 14 2009 2010 2011 Portuguese Naval Industry The Industry in Portugal Portugal will always have a significant market share on ship maintenance, dealing with vessels trading either cross-Atlantic or within the EU. For vessels over 30.000 dwt, Portugal (Lisnave) is the European leading country in terms of vessels dry docked. Portuguese Sector main figures 2011: • Number of companies: 361 • Employment: 3.476 • Repair and maintenance:1.660 • Shipbuilding: 1.816 • GVA: € 76 Millions; • Turnover : € 220 Millions • Main areas: metallic constructions metallic ship constructions, repair and maintenance Source: AIN – Associação das Indústrias Navais Portuguese Naval Industry The Industry in Portugal (North/ Center) SHIPBUILDING | REPAIR REPAIR ESTALEIROS NAVAIS IRMÃOS VIANA ESTALEIROS NAVAIS DE VIANA DO CASTELO SHIPBUILDING REPAIR SAMUEL & FILHOS BRUNSWICK MARINE EMEA OPERATIONS SHIPBUILDING | REPAIR SHIPBUILDING | REPAIR NAVALRIA UNIÃO CONSTRUTORA NAVAL SHIPBUILDING | REPAIR ESTALEIROS NAVAIS DE PENICHE ARSENAL DO ALFEITE SHIPBUILDING | REPAIR ATLANTICEAGLE SHIPBUILDING 16 Portuguese Naval Industry The Industry in Portugal (South) REPAIR SHIPBUILDING | REPAIR CECÍLIO E CARLOS NAVAL ROCHA SANFINS SHIPBUILDING | REPAIR REPAIR SHIPBUILDING | REPAIR ARSENAL DO ALFEITE NAVALRIA JAIME FERREIRA MPG – MANUEL PIRES GUERREIRO ATLANTICEAGLE HIPBUILDING LISNAVE SHIPBUILDING NAVALGRUPO REPAIR JAIME FERREIRA ARSENAL DO ALFEITE SOPROMAR NAUTIBER – ESTALEIROS NAVAIS DOMENAVAL GUADIANA LISNAVE CONAFI 17 PORTINOVE Portuguese Naval Industry The Industry in Portugal Wage structure on Portuguese shipyards. N a v a l E n g in e e r a n d A rc h ite c t 3 .7 0 0 - 1 .1 0 0 € S h ip M a in te n a n c e S p e c ia lize d A d m in is tra tiv e In d u s tria l S u p p o rt In d u s tria l S u p p o rt M a s te r N a v a l W o rk e r T e c h n ic ia n T e c h n ic ia n A s s is ta n t T e c h n ic ia n A s s is ta n t 2 .4 5 0 - 8 5 0 € 2 .1 0 0 - 8 5 0 € 2 .0 0 0 - 1 .1 0 0 € 1 .3 0 0 - 5 0 0 € 1 .7 0 0 - 5 0 0 € 1 .5 0 0 - 1 .1 0 0 € 1 .2 0 0 - 5 0 0 € 18 Source: AICEP Market research Portuguese Naval Industry Highlights LISNAVE, the largest ship repair company in Europe, developed a non conventional docking system (Hydrolift), which is unique in the world - the most advanced system in Europe for ships under repair. Lisnave Shipyard is iideally located for vessels trading or passing through Atlantic and Mediterranean waters and offers a global range of services for vessels of all sizes, include off-shore platforms for wind towers of renewable energies. Navalria start producing various types of modern vessels including, off-shore platforms for wind towers and wave energy devices. Joana Vasconcelos new work of art - transformation of an old boat that will be on show in Venice, is being produced at Navaltagus, a ship building and repair company . Portuguese Naval Industry Highlights Arsenal do Alfeite, S.A. is dedicated mainly to the fulfilment of the repairing and maintenance activities needs of Portuguese Navy’s naval force, providing its services also to other OTAN members, naval forces and commercial entities. Arsenal do Alfeite, S.A. employs the most advantage technology available in the fields of electronics, optronics, armament, mechanics and electrotechnical engineering. Together with the Naval industry, in Portugal also the Naval Auxiliary Industry was developed. It includes the services, goods, and equipment suppliers for the naval construction and repair industry. Below some success cases: Company with a strong presence in the Defense sector, which operates on the design and manufacturing of electronic, communications systems. Its main customers includes: Spanish, Dutch, British, Australian and Brazilian Navy, European armies, port authorities and naval companies. Tactical Communications Naval communications Surveillance Company specialized in integrated software solutions and control, command, intelligence and navigation systems Navigation systems Software SICALN Cash Project 20 Portuguese Naval Industry Highlights The European Economic and Social Commitee selected the Naval Sector is strategically importance to economic development and improve the environmentally-friendly and unsafe modernisation the european Shipbuilding. The European Maritime Safety Agency is one of the EU's decentralised agencies. Based in Lisbon, the Agency provides technical assistance and support to the European Commission and Member States in the development and implementation of EU legislation on maritime safety, pollution by ships and maritime security. It has also been given operational tasks in the field of oil pollution response, vessel monitoring and in long range identification and tracking of vessels. 21 Portuguese Naval Industry R&D Portugal has important R&D institutions, which develop solutions according to the companies needs. Provides energy efficiency services to vessels, inspection and metrology, marine engineering, R & D and training in maintenance, energy and troubleshooting. The Parque Tecnológico de Mutela/ Almada is a center of business incubation and training devoted to areas of environment, energy, materials, industrial automation and maintenance . The Fordesi provides consultancy and R & D in the maritime and port areas: logintelligence, systems integration and development as. The Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade provides training, auditing, certification and R & D laboratory. The areas in which it operates are: metrology, temperature and humidity. Acoustics, optics, topography, force, pressure and mass. The Centec is the Center of Marine Technology and Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico. Investigates the areas of marine environment, hydrodynamics, marine structures and naval security. It 22 has 80 members including 32 PhDs. Portuguese Naval Industry Main institutions Cluster knowledge and the economy of the sea has as its objective the development of cooperative relations between the scientific institutions, companies and associated institutions of different sectors and activities whose functional area of final demand is the Sea It includes repair and naval construction The cluster has been recognized as Collective Efficiency Strategy, which falls into one of the types of systems to encourage investment. MAIN PROJECTS ECOMARE: Oceanographic Laboratory and animal recovery center. Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia do Mar. Localização: Porto Consupesca: Reduction of fuel in the inshore and trawl fleet. Leixões Sea Port cruise ships 23 terminal Portuguese Naval Industry Main institutions The Portuguese Naval Industries Association's mission is to study, monitor and evaluate the sector, providing a range of services to its members . Localização: Lisboa Contactos: Telefone: +351 21 781 8770; E-mail: Internet: Associação dos Portos de Portugal Internet: IPTM – Instituto Portuário e dos Transportes Marítimos, I.P.. Its duties are regulate, oversee and perform the task of coordination and planning of the maritime-port sector and supervise and regulate activities in this sector . Internet: The Portuguese Navy has as its main functions the military defense and support for foreign policy, security and state authority and economic, scientific and cultural. Internet: 24 aicep Portugal Global aicep Portugal Global Who are we? Mission Values We are a Business Development Agency, focused on the development of a competitive business environment that contributes to the international expansion of the Portuguese Economy. Increasing the country’s competitiveness, promoting large private investment and fostering the internationalization of Portuguese companies. Focus on clients. We serve our clients in accordance to their requirements through various solutions and long-term relationships. Selectiveness. We direct our activity towards projects and markets that make a better contribution to company competitiveness and the sustainability of the Portuguese economy. Excellence. We seek to exceed expectations by means of a rigorous approach, effectiveness, enthusiasm and a willingness to innovate. 26 About Us aicep Portugal Global: how can we help you? 1 2 3 4 PreInvestment Incentives Negotiation Settling In After Care Single point of contact in all phases: preinvestment, incentives negotiation, settling in and after care Promoting a direct negotiation with companies, through which a tailored approach to incentives may be applied in order to define a global package that fully satisfies the investor's needs Dynamic approach focused on the client or investor Government business entity, flexible, free of charges and streamlined services 27