2 April - Rosehill College


2 April - Rosehill College
From the Principal Tena koutou katoa
It’s time for students to reflect on what
happened in Term 1.
Work out what are going to be the subject
assessments and examinations in Term 2.
Read for 20 minutes each day
Senior students should have credits for at
least one standard in each subject for Term
Junior students should have some results in
each of their subjects also.
Go to the school website. Click on Parent
Portal. Enter the student number as
username and your parent password which
were emailed or sent by letter to you midFebruary this year. Click on Current Year
Results to see the standards entered in
each subject and any results so far.
Students need to answer these before
Week 3 of Term 2. The best way is through
the Student Portal on the School website in the section Profile. They need their
login number and password which can be
obtained from their Tutor Group Teacher.
In Week 2 of Term 2 parents should be able
to see the subject teachers’ comments
which will be referred to in the SAMs. It
would be good to have read these before
going to meet your child’s Tutor Group
The Cashier’s Office
The Cashier’s Office will be closed from
2.30pm on Thursday 2nd April and will
re-open at 8am Monday 20th April
2 April 2015
Issue No. 10
Congratulations to all our award winners at the end of term Celebration Assemblies
held this week for Years 9, 10 and 11. These awards are presented to students
who are top in their class in each subject at this stage of the year. Students who
have excelled in other areas of school life were also recognised. Thanks go to those
students who performed or spoke at the assemblies. The names of students who
were recognised in the assemblies are printed later in this newsletter.
Congratulations to Chhavi Breja whose entry in the RSA Fallen Soldiers competition was the winner of
the Written Presentation section, and to our other students who submitted their pieces. During the
holidays, members of the Environment Committee, Student Council and others will be creating a white
cross Field of Remembrance in the College grounds to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Gallipoli
and those who gave their lives in the war.
The Student Achievement Meetings (SAMs) will be held at the end of Week 3 next term on 7 and 8 May.
Please follow the instructions in this and previous newsletters to make a booking to meet with your
son’s or daughter’s Tutor Group teacher. These meetings are an important part of the home-school
partnership, providing a forum for the student to discuss their goals for the future and for the year, as
well as their progress towards them, with parents/caregivers and Tutor Group teacher with the aim of
raising their achievement at all levels.
This afternoon, students have been given their Progress Reports to bring home. Please ask for the
report and discuss the grades with your son or daughter.
I wish you all a safe and happy holiday.
Sue Blakely, Principal
As part of the commemoration of World War I
100 years, the R.S.A. and the Papakura Museum
developed a Fallen Soldiers Project. School
students were invited to research one of the
Papakura area soldiers who died in that War and
create a presentation about him. Miss Lock's Year
9 class students Jackson Rowe, Kristyn Hill, Katrine
Ludo-Nielson, Rebecca Biddick and Taylor Prince
researched one soldier and then each submitted a
poem or a story about him. Chavvi Breja Year 12 also
submitted a written piece which was the winner of
the Written Presentation section. The prizes were
awarded at a ceremony at the Papakura R.S.A. last night. Katrine Ludo-Nielsen was unable to
attend but a section of her piece was quoted by the Principal of Papakura High School in his
speech about the judging of the competition. Entries will be on display at Papakura Museum
from 18 April.
Selected students from the area schools, accompanied by an RSA member, placed a white
cross bearing the name of one of the 33 soldiers outside the front of the Papakura RSA as
the names were read out and the Last Post played. Our Cross Bearers were: Jackson Rowe
and Kristyn Hill,
Students will see Rosehill College's own field of white crosses by Y Block when they return
to school in Term 2.
Thank you to Miss Lock for the work she has put into supporting these project.
Eye on Nature
This is our second year entering the Eye on Nature competition and we
secured the third prize! This year the competition’s theme was ‘Naturally
Grown Foods of New Zealand’ and was held last Saturday, 28 March at
the Auckland Botanical Garden. A group of three senior students led by
Charleen Conradie 13MLN together with Keagan Fryer 11MNI and Pania
Pique 11KFP tackled a Masterchef inspired recipe of Lamb Loin on Butternut
Puree, Peas, Chocolate Pasta and a Red Wine Reduction with Cocoa Nibs
finished with Mint Chilli Sauce.
Three other students, Shreta Chand 13MNN, Annie Mills 11TSC and
Daniel Davison 11PWL, provided back-up support and extra hands during
this undertaking. Great enthusiasm, camaraderie and perseverance
undoubtedly brought high spirits to the team enabling them to demonstrate
a friendly yet competitive performance.
Thanks to Ms. Tiquia of the Technology Faculty for providing on-going
mentoring and guidance.
Dates to Remember
Monday 20 April
First day of Term 2
Monday 27 April
ANZAC Day holiday
Tuesday 28 April
Year 13 Drama Production - 7pm in the PAC
Wednesday 29 April
Year 13 Drama Production - 7pm in the PAC
Thursday 30 April
Year 13 Drama Production - 7pm in the PAC
Thursday 7 May
Student Achievement Meetings
Friday 8 May
Student Achievement Meetings
Year 11 to 13 Student NZQA
Entries and Results.
Over the holidays all student entries for internal and external standards
will be uploaded to the NZQA site, students will be able to logon through
this address:
https://secure.nzqa.govt.nz/for-learners/records/login.do The students
have their NSN number on the student photo ID card, for Year 11 students
they will need to register first.
Eye on Nature Wearable Arts
Competition Themed ‘Adaptation’.
Rosehill College took part in this event for the first time.
Wendy Lee 10MPK, Tyla Russek 10MJT and Kendra Bakker 10MFW
participated in this year’s wearable arts competition held last weekend at
the Manukau Botanical Gardens on Saturday 28 March.
The students designed and constructed a creative outfit inspired by the
‘Kiwi’. They also were highly commended in our local newspaper (Papakura
Courier) in the lead up to the competition.
Congratulations to the hard working students for their stunning creation
presented at the show.
Junior Students Workday
May 29th 2015
Next term students in Year 9 and 10 will have the opportunity to be involved
in raising money to enhance the environment at Rosehill College. The
Student Council will be consulted about how money raised from the 2015
workday will be spent. Previous Junior Workdays have provided outside
seating and the digital noticeboard. In 2015 we will be looking at more
seating, shade and possibly murals. It is expected all Year 9 and 10 students
will contribute $25 to $30 by working outside school; the work could occur
on Friday 29th May or earlier.
Year 9 and 10 students could take the opportunity to carry out this work
during the holiday and not be required to carry out Junior Workday on 29
May 2015.
We get a lot of uniform and nonuniform items handed into the Student Office – some
very expensive and all too frequently a charity ends up
benefiting as students don’t collect them! PLEASE ENSURE
that all items brought or worn to school are NAMED, so
that lost items can be returned to the rightful owner.
Maths for
Does your son or daughter
need help with their maths
problems? Escape the stress
of them asking you how to
do their maths homework
and make sure they take
advantage of the free help
offers:Tuesday 8.45 Senior students are present in C12 to help students
Tuesday after school Calculus Scholarship tutorials
Tuesday after school C12 help offered for any students at any level. Two
teachers are available to tutor. Bring along your math problems! We can
solve them!
Thursday 7 May and Friday 8 May
Rosehill College will be holding the annual Student Achievement
Meetings (SAMs) in the third week of next term, on Thursday 7 May and
Friday 8 May from 10.05am - 6pm. There will be no timetabled classes
on either of these days. See page 8 for further details.
To make bookings you need to go to the website www.schoolinterviews.
co.nz, enter the event code 4DN9Z and then follow the further
instructions. If you need assistance to make bookings, please call the
school on 295 0661.
On Monday 30 and Tuesday 31 March we held Celebration Assemblies to celebrate the successes of our Year 9, 10 and 11 students during Term 1.
Hayden Krissansen, Year 13 Atawhai House Leader, spoke at each assembly about how every student was important. Any bad behaviour brings dishonour
to the individual, the other students and the school as a whole. He encouraged the students not to wait until they were seniors to get involved in all
things on offer at the College and gain pride in participating and working to succeed. Takanini Lafolafo 11APL also spoke at the Year 11 assembly about
her experiences adjusting to Year 11 life and NCEA assessments in particular
Thank you to: Joshua Kaiser 9TZM who played "Old Saint Nick" on the Trumpet at the Year 9 assembly, to Dallas Doolan 10PSE who sang and played “Stay
With Me” on guitar at the Year 10 assembly and to Timothy Fern 11TPI and Anqi Yang 11TKN who gave a skilful duet on the piano at the Year 11 assembly.
Award winners are listed on the next page.
Congratulations to the following students who received awards at the Celebration Assemblies held on.
Year 9
Georgia Ackroyd
Tara Aramoana
Viliamu Atonio
Kaitlin Bell
Nicholas Bertram
Rebecca Biddick
Jordana Bliggenstorfer
Liam Bowgett
Tobias Brunton
Sophie Cole
Hannah Comrie
Tristen D'Cunha
Chad Davys-Teremoana
Logan Dixon
Jasmin Dyball
Vialli Eliu
Symon Estraves
Braeton Fereti-Kaisa
Brent Ferguson
Hannah Fern
Summer-Lee Gallagher
Teranese Gerber
Ethan Grantley
Kora Grantley
Joshua Greet
Cania Griftari
Liam Haddock
Meg Hargraves
Laina Hende
Jarrod Hill
Steven Hindmarsh
Maui Holo'ia
Alyssa Honan
Moana Hori
Logan Howell
Hayley James
Joshua Kaiser
Shaelym Kani
Nesha Kanji
Lauren Kats
Harshpreet Kaur
Jaskeerat Kaur
Manveen Kaur
Henry Khou
Heekang Kim
Sunyoung Kim
Darshika Kumari
Chloe Kwidor
Matthew Kwok
Josiah Lander
Gemma Latoa
Kiana Lawton
Nuu Letele
Dylan Lowe
Taumata Lowe
Caitlin Lucie-Smith
Ben Masters
Finn McIlroy McNeill
Calais McSheffrey
Ellie Mills
Olivia Montgomery
Taylor Nowell
Olivia Owen
Sean Palmer
Taylor Prince
Kenna Richmond
Isobel Rippingale
Jacob Ritchie
Shannon Rountree
Jackson Rowe
Aroha Ruawhare
Anureet Selach
Meripa Seumanutafa
Cody Shaw
Trae Shute
Briana Silcock
Anmol Singh
Gurkaran Singh
Manpreet Singh
Ricky Singh
Kearne Smith
Amy Southon
Bay-Leigh Taraare
Fanga Taufahema
Lee Tauranga
Adam Thomas
Kat Thompson-Pedersen
Maia Tipu
Iokopeta Tobeck
Jaden Waddell
Jeorden Wairoa
Mana Walker
Taliah Ward
Ethan Weeks
Lazain Weeratunga
Yasmin Wessels
Colby White
Harrison Woodroffe
Amber Woolley
Gabrielle Worley
Joshua Wyatt
Tamaki Carter
Sara Clark
Ashley Curtis
Brooklyn DaltonMcDonald
Troy Davies
Kasey Dixon
Dallas Doolan
Amy Duffell
Georgia Ellison
Michelle Erasmus
Megan Fell
Emma Gadd
Anmoljit Ghuman
Hayden Griffin
Sam Grigg
Amber Hawkins
Charlotte Heasman
Ryan Herkt
Myia Hetaraka
Piper Hines
Kane Howard
Lauren Howe
Teunis Ippel
Anabelle Jackson
Poutama Johnstone
Bradley Jones
Liam Jones
Natalie Jones
Sukhdeep Kaur
Ashley Kearney
Amarita Khun-Khun
Riona Law
Joel Mansell
Kaleb Mayall
Kael McGonagle
Jamie-Lee McKay-Davies
Judah Metu-Teaukura
Campbell Michie
Shania Moloney
Bethan Montgomery
Argyle Morling
Joanna-Rose Morunga
Madison Murray
Haruka Nagaya
Blake O'Reilly
Year 10
Nishteman Othmani
Joel Afoa
Dion Pak
Melani Anderson
James Parker
Kendra Bakker
Briar Pickard
Toni Balawan
Reiden Purificacion
Brendon Benadie
Jaylenrose Rawiri
Samuel Bensemann
Fay Rhind
Nikita Berry
Michael Ritchie
Nathaniel Brown
Mathew Roberts
Georgia Butler
Bharat Cameron-Woodcock Lee Rocque
Jesse Rosemergy
Stacey Sagatu
Lau Seiuli
Daniel Shanks
Alexander Sheldon
Simran Singh
Yuvraj Singh
Bria South
Sophie Taylor
Trinity Tereora
Tayla Thorby
Taylor Tinning
Nathan Tuaineiti-Watson
Kaig Uramete
Anushka Valentine
Brookelyn Varney
Bhavjeet Walia
Anne Waters
Matthew Wessels
Jossie Wetini
Mercedez Wikitera
Devon Wingar
Mikaela Woodroffe
Year 11
Zac Aim
Jessica Andersen
Tyra Andrew
Deon Apera
Holly Austin
Georgia Bakker
Harrison BeachamPeterson
Brianna Beets
Emily Beever
Rachel Biggelaar
Tony Black
Ashleigh Booth
Jakeman Brown
Nikki Brown
Elena Buckmaster
Jade Burns-Kingi
Sarah Callaghan
Thomas Carnahan
James Cartwright
Tayla Cowper
Geoffrey Cozens
Benjamin Culbert
Michaela Davies
Simarpreet Dhindsa
Nina Duggan
Timothy Fern
Anna French
Kelan Griggs
Sam Hart
Kendall Hemara
Madison Hopkins
Jo Jaipradit
Leyla Jamalli
Joey Janssen
Simranjeet Kaur
Alexa Kennedy
Lachie Kerr
Momoka Kikukawa
Mei Qi Kong
Jade Leaf
Carnation Leonard
Annie Lin
Jordan Lindsay
Rachael Lock
Sophia Lopez
Josiah Lowndes
Caitlin MacNaughten
Payson Manuel-Hura
Gina Mark-Burns
Haruka Matsuzaki
Asher Maxim
Grace McMahon
Kiarna Michie
Annie Mills
Kudakwashe Mukupe
Karen Ndarowa
Zane Neemia
Michael O'Halloran
Travis Ovalsen Alleda
Tayla Rose Paulin-Smith
Abby Prince
Syan Purcell
Bradley Rautenbach
Ellie Raynes
Paris Riggs-Harvey
Kannu Sachdev
Dilip Saini
Casey Sayers
Nav Singh
Caitlyn Smythe
Taylor Sparks
Nicole Stewart
Liam Strange
Jessica Stratford
Joanne-Gladys Sucich
Chloe Vega
Lucas Walters
Hannah Weir
Hayley White
Madison White
Rhiannon Williams
Anqi Yang
Rowing- Maadi Cup
Netball Tournament
Our Rosehill Rowing team were at Maadi Cup last
week, rowing hard and representing our school.
Congratulations to all of our competitors!
• Syan Purcell placed 6th in the D Final for girls
‘U16 single sculls
• Aimee Andrews and Jessica Faulkner placed
3rd in the B Final for girls’ U18 novice double sculls
• Luke Shanks placed 2nd in the C Final for boys’ U18 single sculls
• Syan Purcell and Madison Murray placed 8th in the B Final for
girls’ U15 double sculls
• Kathryn Butcher and Madison Murray placed 2nd in the B Final for
girls’ U18 lightweight double sculls
• Charlotte Bray and Courtnee Bangs placed 1st in the C Final for
girls’ U17 double sculls
Thank you to all of the fantastic parents and coaches for their continued
Moto X- St Pauls
Our Rosehill MotoX team competed at
the St Pauls MotoX in the Maize event last
Friday. Feedback from the event showed
that it was a fantastic day enjoyed by both
riders and spectators. Congratulations to
all of our riders and thank you to all of our
supportive parents!
Seth Booker- Rider 291
On Friday the 27th of March we sent two equestrian teams down to
St Peter’s in Cambridge to represent
the school in Dressage. The two teams
were comprised of Kendra Bakker,
Antonia Bearda, Lauren Kats and Gemma
Longville in the Development Team and
Georgia Bakker, Olivia Montgomery,
Bethan Montogmery and Natasha
Wedzinga in the Championship Team.
The Championship team placed 7th overall, only knocked out of the
placings by .5 of a point! A special thanks to the parents who assisted
in getting the ponies down to the event, without your support it would
be impossible for us to have an equestrian team.
On Sunday our Netball Premier Development
Squad competed at the Auckland AMI Pre-season
tournament. The girls played 5 games, the first of
which was played in the pouring rain and resulted
in a loss to Botany College. The girls won their next
game against Glendowie College 17-14 followed
by another loss to Macleans College. The day was
wrapped up with a draw against St Cuthberts and another win against
Kings College. Congratulations girls we are all looking forward to the
Hockey Tournament
Rosehill’s 1st XI Hockey Boys’ travelled to Rotorua last weekend for a
tournament against a range of other schools. The boys played 5 games
in total and won one. The tournament was a great warm up for the
season and an opportunity for the boys to bond as a team.
Rugby Pre-Season Game
Last weekend Rosehill College hosted Macleans College for two games
of pre-season Rugby. Our 2nd XV team came out on top with a win
and our 1st XV played hard however lost the game. We are all looking
forward to the beginning of the season next term.
Football Girls’ Pre-Season Games
This week our football girls from the 1st and 2nd XI played pre-season
games against Strathallen College and Waiuku College. It was a great
opportunity to see what the girls can do. Thank you to all those that
supported the games and made it possible.
3 Strikes Rule
This year the Sports Department will be enforcing a 3 strike rule for
all Rugby and Premier Sports teams. In an attempt to create a better
sports culture we will be issuing strikes for the following reasons;
Wagging Class
Missed after school detentions
Not wearing number 1s correctly
Not participating in practical PE sessions
Not making ongoing contributions to sports fees
3 strikes will result in a one game stand down.
Permission Slips
General reminder to all those students in teams that have been named:
permission slips have gone home either in person or by email. These
must be returned to the Sports Office as soon as possible.
Assistance Needed
As many of our sports teams need to travel to other venues in order
to play we are seeking assistance from any parents who can help us
on game day. If you are free and willing please contact us in the Sports
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Year 10 Camps 2015
Year 10 Camps 2015
Thursday 7 May and Friday 8 May
Dear Parent / Caregiver
You have been sent this letter because you have a student attending Rosehill College.
Rosehill College is holding ‘Student Achievement Meetings’ on Thursday 7 and Friday 8 May this year. Normal timetabled
classes will not operate on these two days and it is expected that students accompany their family to this important event.
Student Achievement Meetings
These interviews are a meeting of the student, the student’s family and the student’s Tutor Group Teacher. In preparation for
these interviews your child’s Tutor Group Teacher will have gathered information from your student’s subject teachers.
At the meeting the following will be discussed; your student’s:
• Attendance.
• Term One Progress Report.
• Long and Short Term Educational Goals.
• Record of Achievement.
Making Bookings for Student Achievement Meetings
Bookings for each student and family with a Tutor Group Teacher are for 20 minutes.
Please logon at www.schoolinterviews.co.nz to book.
Use the event code 4DN9Z.
Use the drop-down boxes to select your student’s Tutor Group Teacher and select a suitable time.
It is possible that the room used for the interview is not your student’s usual Tutor Group room. You will receive written
confirmation of the room used for the Student Achievement Meeting.
Making Bookings for Families without a Home Computer
For families without home access to a computer, two options exist.
• The Sir Edmund Hillary Library in Papakura has free wireless internet access for users.
• You can call the school on (09) 295 0661 ext 871 for assistance with booking interview times.
For both the above options, if you do not have your own email address, please use schoolinterviews@rosehillcollege.school.
nz and we will post your booking confirmation out to you.
Other Staff Available on the Day of the Student Achievement Meetings
Either before or after your interview with the Tutor Group Teacher, please feel welcome to visit:
• School Counsellors, Kaimanaaki or School Nurse in the Student Support building.
You are welcome to book interview times with the following:
• Careers Advisor in the Library.
• Your child’s Head of House in his/her office.
Subject Teachers will be working in their role as Tutor Group Teachers and will not be available.
If you do not make a booking by Wednesday 29 April the school will make a booking for you and send confirmation details
by email or post.
Parking and Refreshments
Parking will be available for families at the Edinburgh Avenue entrance. Tea and coffee will be available for parents. Please
feel free to bring other children with you to the interviews if you are unable to make alternative arrangements for that time.
Obtaining Leave from Work
You will receive written confirmation stating your interview time. If you need another document to show your employer
that verifies your requirement to leave work, please contact Philippa Kaisser on ph: (09) 295 0661 ext. 871 or by email:

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