August 3, 2014 - Our Lady Of Peace Church
August 3, 2014 - Our Lady Of Peace Church
The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 3, 2014 2800 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95054 Conducted by the Fathers of the Institute of the Incarnate Word Website: RECTORY (408) 988-4585 CONVENT (408) 988-4160 Rev. Gustavo Nieto, IVE, Pastor Rev. Samuel Leonard, IVE, Associate Pastor Rev. Thomas Steinke, IVE, Associate Pastor Rev. Joseph LoJacono, IVE, Associate Pastor Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara Mother Maria Regina Pacis, SSVM, Superior OFFICE HOURS Rectory: Mon. 9am-4:30pm (closed 12-1); Tue. - Fri. 9am-7pm (closed 12-1pm); Sat. 9am-1pm; Closed Sunday Catechism: Tues. & Thu. 9-11:30am & 5:30-8pm; Wed. 9-11:30am & 3-6pm; (408) 988-7543 Sat. 9am-1pm Adult Religious Ed: Tue. - Fri. 2 to 7pm; Sat. 9am-1pm (408) 988-4585 (408) 988-7543 Library: Sun.-Tue. 9am-5pm, Wed. 1pm-3pm, Fri 9am-5pm (408) 988-4585x1214 (Located in the Family Learning Center Room 1214) Music Ministry: Contact Bernadette Arnold @ MASSES Sunday Vigil: Sunday: Holy Days: Weekdays: First Friday: CONFESSIONS Saturdays: Other times: GIFT SHOP Sat. 5pm & 7:30pm 7:30am, 9:00am,10:30am, 12noon, 2pm* & 5pm, 6:30pm (Spanish) & 8pm *New Time Added! Please see our website or call the Rectory Office 8am, 12noon, 5:15pm; also 7:30pm Wed. & 8am Sat. 8am, 12noon, 5:15pm, 7:30pm 3:30pm - 5pm During all Sat & Sun Masses Mon. during the 12noon & 5:15pm Masses Tue - Fri. During the 8am, 12noon; 5:15pm Masses (408) 980-9825 St. Vincent de Paul 1-(800) 557-1961 BAPTISMS, MARRIAGES & FUNERALS: Please contact the Rectory Office for more information. (For Marriages please contact the office before setting the date.) Our Lady of Peace Church & Shrine Mission Statement Our Lady of Peace is a church and shrine dedicated to the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls. It is a place of prayer & pilgrimage with: • Perpetual adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament • Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary • Frequent celebration of the Sacraments, particularly the Eucharist and Reconciliation • Integrated formation of the person (spiritual, moral, intellectual and emotional) Page 2 Our Lady of Peace August 3, 2014 FROM OUR PASTOR Dear Parishioners, In the third chapter of his Apostolic Letter Dies Domini, St. John Paul II, speaks of the Eucharistic assembly as the heart of the Day of the Lord. Therefore to observe Sunday properly, our first task is to take part in Holy Mass. This is a serious obligation, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church has recalled (§2181), yet more important, it is a deep need and longing of our souls. The sacrifice made once and for all at Golgotha is renewed at every Eucharist and, the Church, uniting her sacrifice to that of the Lord, announces his death and proclaims his Resurrection as she awaits his coming. If this is true for Holy Mass celebrated on any day, it is especially true with regard to Sunday, since Sunday is particularly associated with the commemoration of Christ’s Resurrection. I am with you always, to the end of the age (Mt 28:20). This promise of Christ – explains the Holy Pontiff – constitutes the fertile secret of the Church’s life and the wellspring of her hope. This ecclesial dimension, intrinsic to the Eucharist is realized in every Eucharistic celebration. But it is expressed most especially on the day when the whole community comes together to commemorate the Lord’s Resurrection. Sunday is the day when the whole community is called together; this is why it is also called dies Ecclesiae, the day of the Church. On this day, the Christian assembly listens to the Word of God, proclaimed in abundance and with solemnity. Thus ,in the first part of Mass there is a true dialogue of the Lord with his people. Then, through participation in the one banquet, communion is deepened among those who are united in the Spirit of Christ. The Sunday Eucharist is thus the privileged place in which the Church manifests herself as a sacrament of unity, “sign and instrument of communion with God and of unity among all men.” (Lumen Gentium, 1) During one Angelus in 1998, the Holy Father commenting this passage of his Apostolic Letter said: “There is an urgent need for the Lord’s disciples to offer this witness of fraternal unity in a world that is frequently fragmented, torn and scarred by outbreaks of division, violence and war.” Therefore, the Sunday assembly is the privileged place of unity: it is the setting for the celebration of the sacramentum unitatis which profoundly marks the Church as a people gathered “by” and “in” the unity of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. For Christian families, the Sunday assembly is one of the most outstanding expressions of their identity and their “ministry” as “domestic churches” (Familiaris Consortio, 57), where parents share with their children at the one Table of the Word and of the Bread of Life. We do well to recall in this regard that it is first of all, the parents who must teach their children to participate in Sunday Mass, although they may be assisted in this by catechists, explaining the important reasons behind the obligatory nature of the precept. I refer to the advice that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI once gave to a little girl whose parents wouldn’t take her to Mass on Sunday: “with great love and respect for your parents, I would tell them: ‘Please understand that this is not only important for me, it is not only catechists who say it, it is important for us all. And it will be the light of Sunday for all our family.’” May our Heavenly Mother obtain for our Eucharistic assemblies the gift of effectively showing the presence of the risen Christ and of his Spirit. May her constant intercession ensure that we live as one heart and soul (cf. Acts 4:32), ever ready to respond to anyone who asks us to account for the hope that is in us (cf. 1 Pt 3:15). May God bless you! Fr. Gustavo Nieto, IVE Announcements We joyfully welcome all visitors to the Shrine! ______________________ Knights of Columbus Invite you to a pancake breakfast in the Family Learning Center after all Masses. ______________________ The Bishops of California have expressed solidarity to the displaced persons in Southern California and have asked us to pray that God will deliver them to the safe environment they seek. A second collecƟon will be taken for this cause this weekend. ______________________ Mission Appeal for Typhoon Haiyan Fr. Noel Sanvicente will be making an appeal on Aug 9 & 10. A second collecƟon will be taken for the survivors to rebuild their lives ______________________ Levi Stadium Please see page 4 for updates. ________________________ Mary, Mother of All NaƟons We will have an exhibiƟon on the many images of Mary from Sep . 1st to 7th. If you would like to exhibit a statue or image of Mary, please send an electronic image to Fr. LoJacono. See page 10 for details. ________________________ Women’s Spiritual Exercises Aug 28—31, See page 8 ________________________t. Philomena Feast Day Aug 3rd 2.00 PM: Mass & Procession—Page 9 The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3 Sacred Music & Liturgy Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday Vigil Mass: 5 pm mass 7:30 pm mass Organist: Lauren Organist: Margaret 7:30 am mass 9:00 am mass 10:30 am mass 12 noon mass 2 pm mass 5 pm mass 6:30 pm mass 8 pm mass Organist: Akiko Organist: Akiko Organist: Bernadette Organist: Bernadette Organist: Michael Organist: Shawna Organist: Shawna Organist: Shawna Sunday Mass: Cantor: Sophie Cantor: Irene Cantor: Tom Cantor: Laura Cantor: Eddy Cantor: Bernadette Cantor: Michael Cantor: Shawna Cantor: Coro Cantor: Shawna Bernadette Arnold ~ Director of Music Ministry Entrance Antiphon [Introit]: All you who are thirsty, come to the waters, says the Lord, and you who have no money, come, drink in gladness. Psalm 77:1 Processional Hymn: Alleluia! Sing to Jesus AH #601 Kyrie/Lord Have Mercy (Mass XVI) Gloria/ Glory to God (ICEL Chant Mass) Collect Liturgy of the Word Lectionary Readings: • Isaiah 55:1-31 [Every one who thirsts, come to the waters. /v.1] • Psalm 145:8-9 / 15-16 / 17-18 [R. The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs. / See v.16] • Romans 8:35,37-39 [Who shall separate us from the love of God? / v.35] • Gospel Verse: Mt 4:4b [One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.] • Matthew 14:13-21 [They all ate, and were satisfied. /v.20] Homily Profession of Faith: The Apostle’s Creed Liturgy of the Eucharist Offertory Antiphon: Moses prayed to the Lord his God, and said; Moses addressed this prayer to the Lord his God, and declared: “Why, O Lord, is your anger enkindled against your people? Let the wrath your mind has conceived cease. Remember Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to whom you swore to give a land flowing with milk and honey.” And the Lord was dissuaded from accomplishing the evil which he had threatened to inflict upon his people. Exodus 32:11, 15, 13, 14 Offertory Hymn: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say AH #579 Prayer over the Offerings Eucharistic Prayer Sanctus/Holy Holy Holy (ICEL Chant Mass) Memorial Acclamation (ICEL Chant Mass) Great Amen (ICEL Chant Mass) The Lord’s Prayer (ICEL Chant Mass) Sign of Peace Agnus Dei/Lamb of God (Mass XVI) Communion Antiphon: You gave us bread from heaven, O Lord, having in it all that is delicious, and the sweetness of every taste. Wisdom 16:20 Communion Hymns: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling AH #470 At the Lamb’s High Feast AH #411 Father We Thank Thee Who Has Planted AH #515 Hymn to BVM: Ave Maria AH #531 ( 10:30 am ~ Arcadelt ) Final Blessing and Dismissal Recessional Hymn: Now Thank We All Our God AH #607 Page 4 Our Lady of Peace August 3, 2014 The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5 Page 6 Our Lady of Peace August 3, 2014 ASSUMPTION Weekend totals for July 26 & 27 The second collection for July 26 & 27 was $7,386.00 Masses TOTAL SATURDAY 5:00PM $2,366.00 7:30PM $1,161.00 SUNDAY 7:30AM $1,566.00 9:00AM $2,579.00 10:30AM $2,491.00 12:00 noon $2,776.00 2:00 PM $1,098.50 5:00PM $2,191.00 6:30PM $1,102.00 8:00PM $1,274.00 TOTAL $18,604.50 from St.Theresa of Avila LCC "Like Him, Mary's prayer was “Ecce, here I am!” Who? “The servant of the Lord”, the lowliest of his creatures: she. His Mother! Her humility was so real for she was always forgetful, unaware, freed from self. Mary’s feasts are moments of celebration and beauty. Life is hard for many people. All the followers of Jesus at one time or another meet the Cross. We can at times find obedience to Christ’s law and teaching very difficult. The feasts of Mary are a holiday, when we can lift up our hearts; they are a time of repose when we can contemplate her beauty; they are a time of consolation when we look to the reward that Mary enjoys and that we hope for ourselves. Hence we can celebrate the feast and feel restored". Please come to our August 10th meeting in room 2116 from 1 pm til 5:00 pm to discuss this more. Please contact Frank Cirimele at 408/723-8590 for further information". Christopher O’Donnell, O.Carm. We appreciate your generous contribution to the Church EthicsPoint Hotline: 1-888-325-7863 Those responsible for the spiritual and material goods of the Church are entrusted with the stewardship of others’ gifts, and are ultimately responsible to the Lord. As a faithful steward, the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Jose is committed to maintaining the highest standards of conduct and ethics. The mission of the Church requires no less. To this end, the Diocese of San Jose has partnered with EthicsPoint to provide a confidential method to hear suggestions, concerns or reports of financial misconduct. The EthicsPoint Hotline (1-888-325-7863) allows parishioners, volunteers, employees, vendors and others to make confidential reports regarding the mismanagement of parish or school property, cash and all other assets. Reportable are also issues of apparent disregard of policies pertaining to the proper management of these assets. Suspected unethical behavior by employees, volunteers, staff, trustees, officers, directors, agents or contractors of the Diocese should also be made to EthicsPoint. All reports may be made anonymously. It is the hope of the Diocese that EthicsPoint will assist in the protection of all who interact with the parishes, schools, chancery and other diocesan agencies. EthicsPoint accepts reports of financial misconduct through its website or its Hotline: 1-888-325-7863. A complete report will be made to diocesan leadership, so that leadership may review and provide feedback and resolution for the issues that are reported. Please direct any questions that you may have about EthicsPoint or reporting concerns to Teresa Conville, Diocesan Compliance and Parish Financial Services Director at 408-983-0241 or The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time SATURDAY, AUG 2 8:00 AM Trisha Gadr 5:00 PM Vi & Howard: wedding anniversay 7:30 PM +Ronald Rogayan SUNDAY, AUG 3 7:30 AM 9:00 AM Special Intentions* +Elsa Hate 10:30 AM Matteo Dascoli Switzer-B’day 12 NOON Krissel Alexis Lopez-B’day 2:00 PM Special Intention 5:00 PM Hai Hoang Family-Special Intentions 6:30 PM Dolores Lopez and Magda Hernandez-B’day 8:00 PM Dioscora Abella, Victoria Rodrigues-Health Page 7 FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION: August 15th Schedule of Masses Thursday, August 14, 2014 (Vigil of the Feast of the Assumption) 5:15 PM (English) 7:30 PM (English) Friday, August 15, 2014 (Feast of the Assumption) 8:00 AM (English) 12 Noon (English) 5:15 PM (English) 6:30 PM (Spanish) 8:00 PM (English) Our Lady of Peace MONDAY, AUG 4 8:00 AM Special Intentions* 12 NOON Holy Souls 5:15 PM +Laurine Dawson-Death Anniversary TUESDAY, AUG 5 8:00 AM Souls in Purgatory 12 NOON David & Charlotte Richards-Health 5:15 PM +Nieves B Consul-B’day WEDNESDAY, AUG 6 12 NOON +Fr. John F. McEvoy & John Monahan-Spl Int. Theresa Thanh Ha Lee +Richard Redmond 5:15 PM +Barbara Galsim-Death Anniv. 7:30 PM Gloria I Gamboa & Delfin Gamboa-Spl Int. 8:00 AM THURSDAY, AUG 7 8:00 AM +Amalia & Carlos Gamboa 12 NOON Mary & Joseph Kim-Spl Int. 5:15 PM Basinillo Family-Thanksgiving Annual Craft Fair Boutique Sat. & Sun. Oct. 25 & 26 9 AM—4 PM Plans are underway for this fun, annual event for socializing and shopping for unique gifts. Vendors are needed ! Would you like to rent a space? For your $50.00 donation, we will provide you a table, 2 chairs and a great opportunity to promote or sell your unique gifts! Your proceeds are your own to keep and/or donate as you wish. To request a space, please contact Jessie Marquez @ 510-795-1624 and describe what you are selling. Checks are payable to: Our Lady of Peace Altar Society. FRIDAY, AUG 8 8:00 AM +Dominador Narrabat 12 NOON 5:15 PM Faustina Nguyen-Thanksgiving Valerie Bennett & Douglas Merk-Spl Int. SATURDAY, AUG 9 8:00 AM Steve Jobs 5:00 PM +Randy McKendry 7:30 PM Anita C Mondano-Spl Int. * Due to conditions beyond our control some mass intentions were not retrievable. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience and understanding. POSTING EVENTS IN THE BULLETIN If you would like to post events on the bulletin, please provide material in image files such as jpeg, png, gif etc., ready to print for quarter page 4” x 5”. BANNERS, SIGNS AND POSTERS ON CHURCH PROPERTY Please do not put up any signs, banners, posters on Church property or fencing without prior approval from the parish office. Unauthorized material will be removed. Page 8 Our Lady of Peace SPIRITUAL EXERCISES according to Saint Ignatius of Loyola August 3, 2014 The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 9 Our Lady of Peace Religious Education Program News August 3, 2014 “The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” John 1:14 “El Verbo se hizo carne y habitó entre nosotros.” Juan 1:14 Registration for Catechism Program Announcements / Anuncios 2014-2015 CATECHISTS AND ASSISTANTS NEEDED FOR THE CATECHETICAL YEAR 2014-2015 Dear All, As you all know, our Catechism program is blessed with so many students, over 860 this year, and devoted Catechists, Assistants and Lobby monitors. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of them, as I also encourage everyone to come back next year to teach and assist. Yet, I would like to tell you that we are still in need of MANY MORE CATECHISTS, ASSISTANTS AND LOBBY MONITORS for the Catechetical year 2014 - 2015. If you are willing to follow God’s call to be a Catechist or an assistant, this is what you do: 1) Contact Sr. Angeles via e-mail at for an interview. 2) Then Sr. Angeles will assist you with the Safe Environment procedure required by the Diocese of San Jose. May God reward those who already volunteer to assist a class or to help monitor the lobby! THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Tuesday, September 2, 2014 through Thursday, September 25, 2014 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ We offer classes for: Baptism (7 years old and up) First Holy Communion (2nd grade and up) Confirmation (7th grade and up) Continuous Education for children, teens, and adults who have already received the Sacraments. Important Dates Monday, July 7– Friday, July 25 Summer Oratory Tuesday, September 2 Registrations begin IMPORTANT NOTICE: THE CATECHISM OFFICE FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH WILL BE CLOSED DURING JULY AND AUGUST We will resume on Tuesday, September 2 Office phone number: 408-988-7543x1112 Website: Santa Filomena: Feast Day Mass & Procession August 3rd, 2014 @ 2.00 pm Location: Our Lady of Peace 2800 Mission College, Santa Clara, Ca. 95054 Contact: Tel: 510 468 0468 Email: Virgin & Martyr Page 10 Our Lady of Peace August 2014 Feast Days The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time SCHEDULE OF CHURCH DEVOTIONS On-Going Parish AcƟviƟes Thursday Mornings @ 10:45 A.M. Pray the Rosary for the protecƟon of the unborn and born babies at starƟng at 10:45 a.m. at the Mountain View Planned Parenthood (intersecƟon of California & San Antonio). Full 15-Decade Rosary Weds-Mon 6-7 PM 5: The Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major Santo Niño Novena Mondays 7:00PM 6: The Transfiguration of the Lord Rosario en Español Mondays 8:00 PM Men of the Sacred Heart Tuesdays 12AM-1AM Saturday Morning Roster for Altar Workers (August 9th): Carmen Moyoli, Mila dela Concha, Clair Baided, Eden Esguerra and Indah Perma. Events Holy Hour Tuesdays 11AM Every 2nd Saturday Rosary at the Shrine aŌer 8am Mass for the beaƟficaƟon of Fr. Patrick Peyton, CSC Aug 3: Santa Filomena—Mass & Procession St. Anthony Novena with Mass Tuesdays 6 PM Rosary in Vietnamese Tuesdays 8 PM 4: St. John Vianney 7: St. Sixtus II & Companions and St. Cajetan 8: St. Dominic 8: St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross Aug 13: Fatima Mass & Procession Aug 15: Feast of the Assumption-see page 7 for Mass times. Aug 28—31: Retreat-Spiritual Exercises for Women Sep 1—7: Mary, Mother of All Nations Exhibition Sep 7: Celebration of the Nativity of our Blessed Mother Mary-noon Mass & Procession Mother of Perpetual Wednesdays Help Novena 7 PM & Mass St Joseph the Worker’s Hour Thursdays 7PM Saturdays @ 9:30 A.M. Rosary Making Classes held in the Old Hall, 9:30 to 11 a.m. for adults & children (materials provided). Last Saturday of the Month: @ 9:15 AM Come pray the rosary in front of the Planned Parenthood abortuary at 1691 The Alameda (Taylor & Naglee), San Jose. Other pro-life acƟvists have been pickeƟng and providing help to future mothers at this site for several decades. Call Clark Beck at 408-354-7381 Every 3rd Sunday •Altar Society Bake Sale aŌer all morning masses. •Cenacle Holy Hour to pray for Priests, Seminarians & VocaƟons at 3PM 13th of Each Month: May to October •FaƟma Mass & Pilgrimage 7:30pm •We invite your children to parƟcipate in the procession costumed as angels and the children of FaƟma. Interested? Call the rectory. Mary, Mother of all Nations Mary, the Virgin Mother has appeared in many countries to many nations. We will celebrate her many images through an exhibition from Sep. 1st to 7th. Ware ednesday Evenings You invited to submit pictures of statues or images of Mary that you would like to exhibit, along with your phone number and email address to Fr. Joseph LoJacono @ July 9 to August 27, 2014 by Aug. 15, 2014. 7:30pm Fellowship & Food There arepm alsoTforms 8:00 alk at the entrance of the Church that you can complete and submit at the Parish Office. These images should be approved for Church use. Fr. LoJacono will contact you if your image or statue has been selected to be displayed. The selected images/statues will be displayed at the exhibition and details on what is needed will be provided after the decision is made. Thank you for your participation. Bulletin #: 913090 Our Lady of Peace Santa Clara, CA 95054 (408) 988-4585 or Contact: Stella Lal 408-988-4585 x2106 Back-up Contact: Karen Ruiz 408-569-2457
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