The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross September 14, 2014 2800 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95054 Conducted by the Fathers of the Institute of the Incarnate Word Website: RECTORY (408) 988-4585 CONVENT (408) 988-4160 Rev. Gustavo Nieto, IVE, Pastor Rev. Samuel Leonard, IVE, Associate Pastor Rev. Joseph LoJacono, IVE, Associate Pastor Rev. Thomas Steinke, IVE, Associate Pastor Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara Mother Maria Regina Pacis, SSVM, Superior OFFICE HOURS Rectory: Mon. 9am-4:30pm (closed 12-1); Tue. - Fri. 9am-7pm (closed 12-1pm); Sat. 9am-1pm; Closed Sunday Catechism: Tues. & Thu. 9-11:30am & 5:30-8pm; Wed. 9-11:30am & 3-6pm; (408) 988-7543 Sat. 9am-1pm Adult Religious Ed: Tue. - Fri. 2 to 7pm; Sat. 9am-1pm (408) 988-4585 (408) 988-7543 Library: Sun.-Tue. 9am-5pm, Wed. 1pm-3pm, Fri 9am-5pm (408) 988-4585x1214 (Located in the Family Learning Center Room 1214) Music Ministry: Contact Bernadette Arnold @ MASSES Sunday Vigil: Sunday: Holy Days: Weekdays: First Friday: CONFESSIONS Saturdays: Other times: GIFT SHOP Sat. 5pm & 7:30pm 7:30am, 9:00am,10:30am, 12noon, 2pm* & 5pm, 6:30pm (Spanish) & 8pm *New Time Added! Please see our website or call the Rectory Office 8am, 12noon, 5:15pm; also 7:30pm Wed. & 8am Sat. 8am, 12noon, 5:15pm, 7:30pm 3:30pm - 5pm During all Sat & Sun Masses Mon. during the 12noon & 5:15pm Masses Tue - Fri. During the 8am, 12noon; 5:15pm Masses (408) 980-9825 St. Vincent de Paul 1-(800) 557-1961 BAPTISMS, MARRIAGES & FUNERALS: Please contact the Rectory Office for more information. (For Marriages please contact the office before setting the date.) Our Lady of Peace Church & Shrine Mission Statement Our Lady of Peace is a church and shrine dedicated to the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls. It is a place of prayer & pilgrimage with: • Perpetual adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament • Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary • Frequent celebration of the Sacraments, particularly the Eucharist and Reconciliation • Integrated formation of the person (spiritual, moral, intellectual and emotional) Page 2 Our Lady of Peace September 14, 2014 FROM OUR PASTOR Dear Parishioners, The feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross celebrates two historical events: the discovery of the True Cross by Saint Helena, mother of Emperor Constantine, in 320AD under the temple of Venus in Jerusalem and, the dedication in 335AD of the basilica and shrine built on Calvary by Constantine, which marks the site of the Crucifixion. But most importantly, this feast reminds us as Pope Francis stated “the story of man and the story of God are interwoven on the Cross and essentially weave a love story”. I’d like to share with you an excerpt from Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s book, “You”, which speaks very powerfully of the mystery of the Cross in our lives. He writes: “Everyone in the world has a cross, but the cross is not the same for any two of us. The cross of the thief was not the cross of Mary. The difference was due to God’s will towards each of them. The thief was to give his life; Mary to accept life. The thief was to hang on his cross; Mary to remain behind. The thief received a dismissal; Mary received a mission. The thief was to be received into Paradise; but Paradise was to be received into Mary. Each of us, too, has a cross. Our Lord said: If anyone would like be my disciple, he must deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me (Mk 8:34). He did not say: “Take up My Cross.” His cross is not the same as yours, and yours is not the same as mine. Every cross in the world is tailor made, custom built, patterned to fit its bearer and no one else. That is why we say: “My cross is heavy.” We assume that other people’s crosses are lighter, forgetful that the only reason our cross is heavy is simply because it is our own. Our Lord did not make His cross; it was made for Him. So yours is made by the circumstances of your life, and by your routine duties. That is why it fits so tight. Our Lord deals separately with each of our souls. The crown of gold you want may have underneath it the crown of thorns, but the heroes who choose the crown of thorns, often find that underneath it is the crown of gold. Even those that seem to be without a cross actually have one. No one would have suspected that when Mary resigned herself to God’s will by accepting the honor of becoming the Mother of God she would ever have to bear a cross. It would seem, too, that one who was preserved free from original sin should be dispensed from the penalties of that sin, such as pain. And yet this honor brought to her seven crosses and ended by making her the Queen of Martyrs. There are, therefore, as many kinds of crosses as there are persons: crosses of grief and sorrow, crosses of want, crosses of abuse, crosses of wounded love and crosses of defeat! It is only when a log is thrown into the fire that it begins to sing. It was only when the thief was thrown into the fire of a cross that he found God. It is only in pain that some discover Love. Because our crosses differ, soul will differ from soul in glory… God will take into account our crosses. He seemed to suggest that in the parable of Dives and Lazarus: My child, remember that you received what was good in your lifetime, while Lazarus likewise received what was bad; but now he is comforted here, whereas you are tormented (Lk 16:25). There will be a bright jewel of merit for those who suffer in this world. Because we live in a world where position is determined economically, we forget that in God’s world the royalty are those who do His will.” On this occasion, we pray especially for our Sisters whose feast we celebrate today and particularly for those who make their perpetual vows. We make our own the petition of Fr. Buela, IVE, Founder: that they “imitate their Spouse in everything in order to configure themselves to Him, just as a wife should configure herself to her husband; but with even greater reason, for He is Jesus Christ.” (Servidoras I, II Ed., 193) God bless you all! Fr. Gustavo Nieto, IVE Announcements We joyfully welcome all visitors to the Shrine! ______________________ Coffee & Donuts Offered by Knights of Columbus For sale aŌer all morning Masses. ________________________ Second CollecƟon: VicƟms of violence in Middle East & Iraq ________________________ Next week’s second collecƟon: faciliƟes... see page 6 ______________________ Altar Society Bake Sale: Sun, Sept 21 aŌer all morning Masses _________________________ All Altar Servers MeeƟng Sat., Sept. 27, 9.30-11.00 am See page 4 ________________________ Special Movie Night Fundraiser: Sept. 27, 6.30 pm: “Science Tests Faith”. $5 per person. See page 5 ________________________ Annual CraŌ Fair BouƟque Sat. Oct. 25 & Sun 26. Vendors needed. --page 10 ________________________ Theology on Tap Starts on Sept. 24 7.30 pm @ Mexicali Grill The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Page 3 Sacred Music & Liturgy The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Saturday Vigil Mass: 5 pm mass 7:30 pm mass Organist: Lauren Organist: Katrina 7:30 am mass 9:00 am mass 10:30 am mass 12 noon mass 2 pm mass 5 pm mass 6:30 pm mass 8 pm mass Organist: Akiko Organist: Akiko Organist: Katrina/Bernadette Organist: Katrina/Bernadette Organist: Katrina/Bernadette Organist: Tristan Organist: Shawna Organist: Shawna Sunday Mass: Cantor: Sophie Cantor: SATB Cantor: Tom Cantor: Women’s Chorus Cantor: George Cantor: Bernadette Cantor: SATB Cantor: Tristan Cantor: Coro Cantor: Shawna Bernadette Arnold ~ Director of Music Ministry Entrance Antiphon [Introit]: Let our glory be in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ; in him we have salvation, life and resurrection; through him we are rescued and set free. (Galatians 6:14) Processional Hymn: O Cross of Christ AH #361 Kyrie/Lord Have Mercy (Mass XVI) Gloria/ Glory to God (ICEL Chant Mass) Collect Liturgy of the Word Lectionary Readings: • Numbers 21:4b-9 [If that serpent bit any man, when he looked to the bronze serpent he lived. /v.9] • Psalm 78:1-2 / 34-35 / 36-37 / 38 [R. Do not forget the works of the Lord. /v.7b] • Philippians 2:6-11 [He emptied Himself; therefore also God highly exalted Him. /v.7,9] • Gospel Verse: [We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you, because by your Cross you have redeemed the world.] • John 3:13-17 [Even so must the Son of Man be lifted up. /v.14] Profession of Faith: The Apostle’s Creed Liturgy of the Eucharist Offertory Antiphon: Protect your people, O Lord, by the sign of the holy cross, from the attacks of all enemies; so that our service may be agreeable unto you and our sacrifice acceptable, alleluia. Offertory Hymn: At the Name of Jesus AH #602, Adoramus Te Christe ~ Palestrina 10:30 & 12 pm Prayer over the Offerings Eucharistic Prayer Sanctus/Holy Holy Holy (ICEL Chant Mass) Memorial Acclamation (ICEL Chant Mass) Great Amen (ICEL Chant Mass) The Lord’s Prayer (ICEL Chant Mass) Sign of Peace Agnus Dei/Lamb of God (Mass XVI) Communion Antiphon: By the sign of the cross, deliver us from our enemies, O Lord our God. Communion Hymns: O Jesus Christ Remember AH #518 Soul of My Savior AH #522 O Sacrum Convivium ~ Remondi (10:30 am only) Hymn to BVM: Ave Maria AH #531 Final Blessing and Dismissal Recessional Hymn: Lift High the Cross AH #606 Homily The Order of the Mass is the fundamental and primary song of the liturgy. It forms the part of the Mass that is of the greatest importance, and therefore it should be sung ideally before any of the other parts of the Mass are sung. The Ordinary of the Mass, comprising the chants of the second degree, is also of its nature meant to be sung. The Ordinary of the Mass… are fixed within the Order of the Mass and, depending on the demands of the liturgy or season, form a part of the unchanging structure of the Mass. While the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei may be sung to a variety of musical settings, the Church’s great sacred music tradition has handed down to us an inestimable treasure of chants for the Mass Ordinary. Singing the Mass “Liturgical Music as Participation in Christ” by Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted ~ Adoremus Bulletin May 2012Vol. XVIII, No. 3 Page 4 Our Lady of Peace September 14, 2014 The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Page 5 Page 6 Our Lady of Peace September 14, 2014 Weekend totals for Sept 6 & 7 SATURDAY, SEP 13 8:00 AM Shawn Ramos 5:00 PM Beverly & William Gaor B’day 7:30 PM Spiro & Ana Teresa Morse Wedding Anniv. SUNDAY, SEP 14 Second collection was $ 4,081.00 Masses TOTAL 7:30 AM For the People SATURDAY 9:00 AM +Anthony Joel Aguilar 5:00PM S4,359 10:30 AM Jonathan & Wiljohn Santos B’day 7:30PM $765 12 NOON +Georgianna Hidalgo Huerta 2:00 PM Senor de Hererra 5:00 PM Miss J Kan 6:30 PM Mauvilia Padilla & Francisco Rodriguez B’day 8:00 PM MONDAY SEP 15 SUNDAY 7:30AM $2,229 9:00AM $4,929 10:30AM $2610 12:00 noon $4,296 8:00 AM + Porferio Morgia & Jerozalina Remonida DA 2:00 PM $985 12 NOON 5:15 PM Maeykay Robertson B’day Michael Jackson 5:00PM $1,699 TUESDAY, SEP 16 6:30PM $1,169 8:00PM $1,441 8:00 AM China & her husband Wedding Anniv. 12 NOON Imelda Devera & JP Salanio B’day 5:15 PM William & Jennie Shupe WEDNESDAY, SEP 17 8:00 AM Sean Masahara Special Intentions 12 NOON Souls in Purgatory 5:15 PM +Quintin & +Mercy Diaz 7:30 PM +Ely Delin & +Honorata Delin TOTAL $24,482 We appreciate your generous contribution to the Church THURSDAY, SEP 18 8:00 AM St. Michael-Thanksgiving 12 NOON 5:15 PM Justine & Dominique Dela Cruz-Thanksgiving Junel Pimentel & Jury Pimentel-B’days 8:00 AM Mary & Joseph Kim-Special Intentions 12 NOON Lito & Charie Quismorio-Health 5:15 PM +Neno Aiello & Frank Bruno-Thanksgiving FRIDAY, SEP 19 SATURDAY, SEP 20 8:00 AM +Jose & +Lourdes Balatbat 5:00 PM Eileen Rabena & Magdalena Dela Cruz B’day +Aaron Hoang & +Mai Hoang 7:30 PM * Due to conditions beyond our control some mass intentions were not retrievable. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience and understanding. Mass Intention book will remain open for the months of Oct., Nov. and Dec. from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm on Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri, and from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm on Thurs till completed booked. Second Collections for Facilities Sept. 21, 2014 Next Sunday’s second collection is for the parish’s Building and Maintenance Fund. Your contribution will help with the following improvement projects: • Interior painting and re-carpeting of the Family Learning Center; • Installation of surveillance cameras to enhance safety; • Replacement of outdated video and audio equipment in the Church and Family Learning Center. • Improved lighting at the shrine stairs & other projects. Please be generous with your contribution. The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Page 7 Page 8 Our Lady of Peace TO JESUS THROUGH MARY Preparation for CONSECRATION TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY According to St. Louis-Marie Grignon de Monfort Oct. 18 Oct 25 Nov 1 Nov 8 Nov 15 Nov 22 Introductory Talk Talk 1 Talk 2 Talk 3 Talk 4 Talk 5 September 14, 2014 Levi’s® Stadium Good News ! Traffic and parking issues on games days have been minor. We look forward to your continued attendance and participation to accomplish Our Lady of Peace’ mission as a community. The next four games are as follows: 1. Sep 14th: Sunday @ 5.30 pm - 49ers vs. Bears 2. Sep 28th: Sunday @ 1.25 pm - 49ers vs. Eagles All Talks after 5.00 pm Mass Holy Mass of Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mother Sunday, Nov. 23 at 12.00 mass. Tel: (408) 988 4585 Email: 3. Oct 5th: Sunday @1.25 pm - 49ers vs. Chief 4. Oct 10th: Friday TBD - Friday Night Lights Visit For questions, comments or suggestions, please email : The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Page 9 Our Lady of Peace Religious Education Program News “The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” John 1:14 ANNOUNCEMENTS/ANUNCIOS CATECHISTS AND ASSISTANTS NEEDED FOR THE CATECHETICAL YEAR 201402015 Dear All, If you are willing to follow God’s call to be a Catechist or an assistant, this is what you do: 1. 2. Contact Sr. Angeles via email at for an interview Then, Sr. Angeles will assist you with the Safe Environment procedure required by the Diocese of San Jose. INSTITUTE SERVANTS OF THE LORD AND THE VIRGIN OF MATARA is pleased to invite you to the Mass PROFESSION OF PERPETUAL VOWS OF May God reward those who already volunteer to assist a class or to help monitor the lobby! THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Sr. Mary Wisdom of the Cross Solomon Sr. Maria Virgen de Acahuato Garcia Villanueva The Mass will be celebrated by MOST REV. THOMAS A. DALY, D.D. Auxiliary Bishop of San Jose Page 10 Our Lady of Peace Upcoming Feast Days & Events Feast Days Sep 14: The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Sep 15: Our Lady of Sorrows Sep 16: SS. Cornelius & Cyprian Sep 17: St. Robert Bellarmine Sep 19: St. Januarius Sep 20: SS. Andrew Kim Tae gon, Paul chone, Ha-sang, & Companions The Exaltation of the Holy Cross SCHEDULE OF CHURCH DEVOTIONS Full 15-Decade Rosary Weds-Mon 6-7 PM Santo Niño Novena Mondays 7:00PM Rosario en Español Mondays 8:00 PM Men of the Sacred Heart Tuesdays 12AM-1AM Holy Hour Tuesdays 11AM St. Anthony Novena with Mass Tuesdays 6 PM Rosary in Vietnamese Tuesdays 8 PM On-Going Parish AcƟviƟes Thursday Mornings @ 10:45 A.M. Pray the Rosary for the protecƟon of the unborn and born babies at starƟng at 10:45 a.m. at the Mountain View Planned Parenthood (intersecƟon of California & San Antonio). Saturdays @ 9:30 A.M. Rosary Making Classes held in the Old Hall, 9:30 to 11 a.m. for adults & children (materials provided). Saturday Morning Roster for Altar Workers (September 20th): Mercedes Sacman, Allurie Neri, Mila dela Concha, Trifina Crisologo, Carolina Simon, Aurora Barreras Sep 23: St. Pius of Pietrelcina-Padre Pio Sep 26: SS. Cosmas & Damian Events Sep 13: Fatima Mass & Procession @ 7.30 pm Sep 14: Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross-SSVM celebration @ 2.00pm Sep 24: Theology on Tap starts: details Every 2nd Saturday Rosary at the Shrine aŌer 8am Mass for the beaƟficaƟon of Fr. Patrick Peyton, CSC Last Saturday of the Month: @ 9:15 AM Come pray the rosary in front of the Planned Parenthood abortuary at 1691 The Alameda (Taylor & Naglee), San Jose. Other pro-life acƟvists have been pickeƟng and providing help to future mothers at this site for several decades. Call Clark Beck at 408-354-7381 Sep 27: Special Movie Night Fundraiser. Oct 10-13: Retreat-Spiritual Exercises for Men Oct 18—Nov 22– Preparation for Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of Perpetual Wednesdays Help Novena 7 PM & Mass Oct 25-26: Annual Craft Fair Boutique Nov 1: Saint Anthony of Padua relic-Mass & Veneration details TBD St Joseph the Worker’s Hour Our Lady of Peace Annual Craft Fair Boutique Sat. & Sun. Oct. 25 & 26 9 AM—4 PM Plans are underway for this fun, annual event for socializing and shopping for unique gifts. Vendors are needed ! Would you like to rent a space? For your $50.00 donation, we will provide you a table, 2 chairs and a great opportunity to promote or sell your unique gifts! Your proceeds are your own to keep and/or donate as you wish. To request a space, please contact Jessie Marquez @ 510 -795-1624 and describe what you are selling. Checks are payable to: Our Lady of Peace Altar Society. Thursdays 7PM Every 3rd Sunday •Altar Society Bake Sale aŌer all morning masses. •Cenacle Holy Hour to pray for Priests, Seminarians & VocaƟons at 3PM 13th of Each Month: May to October •FaƟma Mass & Pilgrimage 7:30pm •We invite your children to parƟcipate in the procession costumed as angels and the children of FaƟma. Interested? Call the rectory. Diocesan Council of Filipino Catholics Diocese of San Jose Invites you all to a Eucharistic Celebration of the Feast Day of San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila “If I have a thousand lives to offer , I will offer them to God” Saturday, September 27, 2014 At St. Elizabeth Church 750 Sequoia Drive, Milpitas, Ca. Auxiliary Bishop Thomas A. Daly Presider Schedule of acitivities: 10:15 am—Procession 11:00 am—Mass 12:00p—Fiesta/fellowship For more information: Lou:(408) 439 9414; Poi:(408) 729 7228; Sally:(408) 806 3121 Bulletin #: 913090 Our Lady of Peace Santa Clara, CA 95054 (408) 988-4585 or Contact: Stella Lal 408-988-4585 x2106 Back-up Contact: Karen Ruiz 408-569-2457
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