Community News - St Paul`s Catholic College, Manly


Community News - St Paul`s Catholic College, Manly
Paul’s Catholic
Catholic College
Darley Road, Manly NSW 2095
t: 9977 5111 | f: 9977 0959
Principal’s Report
Newsletter 3rd May 2013
Term 2 - Week 1
Dear Parents,
 Principal’s Report
Welcome back to Term 2. I hope all members of the College community are rested
and ready to do their best this term.
As we return, fresh in our minds is both ANZAC Day and Easter, which in our church
calendar continues to the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday. Easter and
ANZAC focus our minds on shared values of sacrifice, courage, love and hope.
These are values which we try to live by and which make our College strong. As we
return to school let us live up to these values and follow the example lived by Christ
and our ANZAC fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters. Here are two reflections which
help us to focus on these ideals:
 Assistant Principal’s Report
 Bursar’s Report
 College Noticeboard &
College Links
 Term 2 Key Dates
 Lest We Forget
 Prefect Report
 Teaching & Learning
Coordinator’s Report
 KLA: Languages Report
“Let everyone fast for the 40 days of Lent,” the early Church writers urge, “but
let no one fast during the 50 days of Easter.”
 KLA: HSIE Report
The Easter season is the Church’s most ancient and beautiful season. For
the next 50 days the Gospel readings will tell of the finding of the empty
tomb . . . the risen Christ meeting the disciples in the locked room . . . and at
the Sea of Galilee.
The Paschal Candle that led us out of darkness into the celebration of Easter
becomes the main symbol in the 50 day Easter season.
But there is another “flame” I need to keep alive in the days ahead – the
flame of daily prayer.
 Social Justice/
Youth Ministry Report
 Sport Report
 St Paul’s in the Press
 Musician’s Corner
 Japanese Host Family
 Manly Fun Run
Throughout Lent, I’ve used the Little Black Book as my companion in prayer,
and I’ve experienced the Lord speaking with me through the Scriptures.
 Important Information
There’s no need to stop, especially in this holy Easter season.
 NAPLAN Information
 Parenting INSIGHTS
 Community News
Give it some serious thought.
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Principal’s Report (continued)
Psalm 23 (Modern Paraphrase)
The Lord is my constant companion.
There is no need that He cannot fulfil.
Whether his course for me points to
the mountain tops of glorious ecstasy
or to the valleys of human suffering,
He is by my side, He is ever present
with me. He is close beside me when I
tread the dark streets of danger. And
even when I flirt with death itself, He
will not leave me. When the pain is
severe, He is near to comfort. When
the burden is heavy, He is there to lean
upon. When depression darkens my
soul, He touches me with eternal joy.
When I fell empty and alone, He fills
the aching vacuum with His power.
My security is in His promise to be
near me always, and in the knowledge
that He will never let me go.
Psalms Now – Leslie Brandt
Mr Mark Baker
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Assistant Principal’s Report
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Term 2 to all members of our community. I trust and hope that everyone had a relaxing break and that all
students are energised for this term. The end of Term 1 finished with Year 12 sitting their half yearly examinations
and now they are getting the feedback needed so that they can plan for the remainder of their HSC year. This
feedback is vital in the learning of the content, and students should take on board what is said to them and use this
additional teaching wisely.
This week we held our ANZAC Day Ceremony and were fortunate to hear from Mr Phil Nichol, Mr Michael Regan
(Mayor of Warringah) and Sam Callow (Year 7 student). We each hold a story that connects us to this day and it is
listening to each other that we are able to truly understand a small part of what the ANZACs have done for us over the
years and continue to do so around the world today. Many thanks to the speakers, the Year 10 students and the
teachers who organised such a moving ceremony.
Over the next three Monday afternoons/evenings, we will be holding Parent/Teacher/Student interviews. These
interviews are vital in the world of education. Communication between parents and teachers is fundamental in the
education of young people as it provides necessary feedback to both parent and student, and ensures the students
that the support they receive from both parents and teacher allows them to achieve all they are capable of. Whilst
parents can contact teachers at any stage it is evenings such as these that allow for relationships to develop. Please
note that on these Mondays the College will be dismissed early to allow for the interviews to begin.
Next Tuesday evening the College is holding a Study Skills Workshop for parents and students in Years 7 and 8. This
evening has been prepared by Mrs McGregor and, with the assistance of the Year Coordinators, we hope to provide
some insights so that students can optimise achievement. All parents in Years 7and 8 should have received
information via email inviting them to the evening. Many thanks to the parents who have RSVP’d for the evening;
those who require further information please do not hesitate to contact the College.
I would like to remind parents that students are to wear the uniform correctly and ensure that their son’s haircut is
appropriate for school. This week myself and Year Coordinators have spoken to specific students whose hair is of an
inappropriate length. I find it disappointing to see this blatant disregard of College policy and I expect that the situation
will be rectified before Monday.
Please take a moment to look at the articles included at the end of this week’s newsletter. St Paul’s is now a Parenting
Ideas School Member which means we have access to the parenting education resources written by the wellrespected child psychologist Michael Grose. In each newsletter we will be including some of his topical articles which
are well worth a read. Please take a moment to look at the website where you will find a
mountain of information.
Ms Karen Shawcross
Assistant Principal
Bursar’s Report
This month’s school fee statement was sent to the majority of families on Wednesday 1 May via email. Kindly note
that the email heading does not say it is from St Paul’s Catholic College. The heading says ‘SAS 2000. Mailer
Statement’. This cannot be changed at this stage. It does say when you click on the email that it is the St Paul’s
monthly statement.
If you have not received an email from us this week, please contact the office as soon as possible to provide us with
your correct email details. And if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to call us.
Mrs Vivienne Woods
College Bursar
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College Noticeboard
A Conversation...
...between a Year 7 student and Mrs McGregor during a recent assessment test:
“Miss, can I just check my book for an answer? I know where it is in the book.”
Year 9 Vaccination Program
The School-Based Vaccination Program nurses visited our school this term as part of the Adolescent School
Vaccination Program. This year as part of the federally funded initiative all Year 9 boys are being offered three doses
of the Human Papillomavirus vaccine (HPV vaccine). It was noted that of the 127 boys enrolled in Year 9, only 93
returned signed consent forms and were then vaccinated. This a much lower uptake than was expected. To be
eligible for the free program, Year 9 boys must complete all three doses of the vaccine by the end of 2013. This is the
only opportunity they will be given to receive this vaccine for free. All boys were issued with consent forms at the
beginning of Term 1.
If you wish your son to take up this opportunity, please return the relevant forms to the College office as soon as
possible. This will entitle your son to begin the program for the first two doses; the third dose would need to be given
by your GP early next year (the doses must have a four month wait in-between and the school vaccination program is
not available to Year 10 boys). Alternately you can have all three doses completed by your GP. If you have any
questions in regards to the program being offered, do not hesitate to contact either Alison Hines or Louise Norris
(School Immunisation Officers – Public Health Hornsby Office) on 9477 9019 during business hours.
Term 2 Early Dismissal Dates
Monday 6 May
Monday 13 May
Monday 20 May
- Year 9 P/T/S interviews – students dismissed at 2pm
- Year 8 P/T/S interviews – students dismissed at 1pm
- Year 7 P/T/S interviews – students dismissed at 1pm
Pastoral Care P/T/S Interviews Cancelled
As parents already have the opportunity to meet with their son’s PC teacher during the normal P/T/S interviews,
separate PC P/T/S interviews have been removed from the College calendar. If, however, you feel that you would
like a separate interview with your son’s PC teacher, of course please do not hesitate to advise the College.
Next P&F Meeting
Our first P&F meeting this term will on Monday 20 May at 7.30pm. Mrs Trish McGregor, KLA Leader,
will be giving a 10 minute talk about Maths. Please come along to listen to this interesting presentation.
College Links
The following important information is available on the College website:
via the Parent Portal
Please bookmark these pages for future reference.
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Term 2 Key Dates
Tuesday 30 April
Term 2 Commences
Monday 6 May
Year 9 P/T/S Interviews (All Students Early Dismissal at 2pm)
Thursday 9 May
Year 12 Mother's Day Celebration
Monday 13 May
Year 8 P/T/S Interviews (All Students Early Dismissal at 1pm)
Tuesday 14 - Thursday 16 May Years 7 and 9 NAPLAN tests
Monday 13 - Friday 17 May
Year 12 Hospitality Work Placement
Monday 13 - Friday 17 May
Year 12 Construction Work Placement
Friday 17 May
Year 12 Half Yearly Reports Mailed
Friday 17 May
Year 12 BYTE Event
Monday 20 May
Year 7 P/T/S Interviews (All Students Early Dismissal at 1pm)
Monday 20 May
P&F Meeting
Monday 20 - Thursday 24 May
Year 11 Half Yearly Examination Period
Monday 27 - Friday 31 May
Years 9 and 10 Half Yearly Examination Period
Monday 27 - Friday 31 May
Year 12 Retail Services Work Placement
Thursday 30 May
Years 11 and 12 HSC & Careers Expo
Monday 3 - Thursday 6 June
Years 7 and 8 Half Yearly Examination Period
Friday 7 June
Pupil Free Day
Monday 10 June
Queen's Birthday - Public Holiday
Wednesday 12 June
Year 11 VET Information Evening
Thursday 13 June
College Athletics Carnival
Friday 14 June
Year 11 Half Yearly Reports Mailed
Monday 17 June
Year 11 (2014) Information Evening
Monday 17 June
P&F Meeting
Friday 28 June
Years 7 to 10 Half Yearly Reports Mailed
Friday 28 June
Feast of St Paul Celebrations
Friday 28 June
Term 2 Concludes
Monday 15 July
Term 3 Commences
Please refer to the website and College Calendar for all upcoming event information & updates:
Important: All students of the College are required to participate fully in the College Athletics Carnival, Feast of St Paul Celebrations and Thursday
Sport (Periods 4 and 5 for Years 7-10).
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Lest We Forget
ANZAC Day - Manly Dam Service
After giving a memorable speech at the Remembrance Day service last November at Manly Dam, Samuel Callow
(Year 7) was asked to deliver the keynote address at the 2013 Manly Dam ANZAC Day service. He did a
commendable job. See the write up in the ‘St Paul’s in the Press’ section.
ANZAC Day - St Paul’s College Service
Anzac Day 2013 was a special occasion this year because it was dedicated, not
only to the fallen and injured who fought in wars to defend Australia, but also to
one of St Paul’s Catholic College favourite sons, James Gordon Lake.
“Pa Lake” as he was affectionately referred to, died not long after his 100th
Birthday in 2012. Pa, who was the world’s oldest surviving prisoner of war, had a
special attachment to St Paul’s and spent his last two ANZAC Ceremonies at St
Paul’s in 2011 and 2012. Staff, students, friends and special guests Michael
Regan, Mayor of Warringah, and Judy Nicol, Gordon’s daughter, gathered to
pay respects to the former RAAF
All were enthralled as his achievements
as a WW2 airman, POW, family man,
community participant and qualities as
a person were recounted by his son-inlaw, Phil Nicol, one of the teachers at St
Ms Gabie Stojanovski
Also a big thank you to Phil Nicol the
ever inspiring troubadour singer
songwriter, Ms Cathy Winter who
stood in for our student trumpeter who
had braces that were too tight to
play…and finally Mr Chris O’Neill who
played the National Anthem so well.
Mr James Bresnahan
Music KLA Leader
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Lest We Forget
ANZAC Day 2013 Service at St Paul’s
Poppy Parade
Pa’s Medals
The medals in the picture from left to right are:
Star 1 - 1939-1945
Star 2 - The Air Crew Europe
Medal 3 - Defence
Medal 4 - King George
Medal 5 - The Australian 1939-1945 Service Medal
Pa’s Caterpillar
The Caterpillar Club is an informal association of people who have successfully used
a parachute to bail out of a disabled aircraft. After authentication by the parachute
maker, applicants receive a membership certificate and a distinctive lapel pin. It
should be absolutely clear that the nationality of the person saving his life by
parachute and ownership of the aircraft are not factors in determining qualification for
membership; anybody who has saved his life by using a parachute after bailing out of
a disabled aircraft is eligible. The requirement that the aircraft is disabled naturally
excludes parachuting enthusiasts in the normal course of a recreational jump.
The name "Caterpillar Club" simply makes reference to the silk threads that made the
original parachutes thus recognising the debt owed to the silk worm. Other people
have taken the metaphor farther by comparing the act of baling out with that of the
caterpillar letting itself down to earth by a silken thread. Another metaphor is that
caterpillars have to climb out of their cocoons to escape.
Mr Phil Nicol
HSIE Teacher (and son-in-law of “Pa Lake”)
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Lest We Forget. Student Contribution: Prefect Report
ANZAC Day - Manly Corso Service
The 25th of April, ANZAC Day, holds great significance in the hearts of many as it acts as a wake-up call to strive for a
world without war and conflict. ANZAC Day marks the remembrance of the soldiers lost at war, and gives Australians
time to reflect upon the many different meanings of war.
Principal Mr Baker, School Captain Charlie Suters, and I had the privilege of attending the Manly Corso
Commemorative ANZAC Day Ceremony. A parade through the streets with veterans, scouts and lifesavers was met
with applause before proceedings began at the Manly ANZAC War Memorial in The Corso.
A catafalque guard from HMAS Penguin stood at the
corners of the cenotaph with their heads bowed.
Young musicians sang which enlightened the
ceremony, whilst special guests such as Colonel John
Platt spoke at the ceremony giving deep meaning of
the true importance of ANZAC Day. He spoke of
Lance Corporal Luke Gavin, who was raised on the
northern beaches and died while serving in
Afghanistan in 2011. A flock of doves was released as
a symbol of peace, followed by the laying of wreaths
and the Last Post played before proceedings finished
with everyone singing Advance Australia Fair.
Manly Corso Commemorative ANZAC Day Ceremony was one of immense significance as it brought the community
of Manly together as a whole, remembering those who dedicated their lives for the long term welfare of Australia.
Max Chipchase
Vice-Captain and School Spirit Prefect 2013
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Teaching & Learning Coordinator’s Report
Dear Parents,
At the last P&F meeting I presented the following information to inform the parents about what is currently happening
in Teaching and Learning at St Paul’s.
TIER 1 & 2
The school will be reviewed by the Catholic Schools Office in July & August this year. This process is called TIER 1
and TIER 2. The first part of this process (TIER 1) is when the school’s status of compliance of registration and
accreditation is checked. The second part (TIER 2) involves panel members engaging with our staff, students,
parents and local community. This provides us with an excellent opportunity to validate school identified
achievements and challenges as well as future priorities.
We have put in place a focused literacy program for our Year 8 students that will be taught once a timetable cycle for
the remainder of the year. The focus in Term 1 has been Reading Comprehension, followed by Language
Conventions in Term 2, Spelling in Term 3 and Persuasive Writing in Term 4. This period will be taught using
differentiation and level appropriate content that will focus on specific areas of need, and additional support will come
from the Learning Support department.
This year we have incorporated literacy strategies into this time. This will take place over two sessions each week;
on Monday and Friday. The following literacy areas will be the focus for each term:
Term 1 – Reading & Comprehension
Term 2 – Language Conventions
Term 3 – Spelling
Term 4 – Persuasive Writing
D.E.A.R. reading will continue on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Every boy in Years 7-10 will be expected to
have a novel in their possession each day.
Sixteen members of staff have volunteered to be involved in our QT program this year. Time will be made available
for these staff to implement QT strategies to further develop the teaching and learning in their classrooms, observe
others teaching and reflect on their current teaching practices.
As you will be aware the College runs Academic Workshops three times a term to provide an opportunity for underperforming students to complete class work to the standard expected of them and to assist students who are having
difficulties with completing their homestudy. Parents will be notified a week in advance if their son is on the list.
Boys then have that week to complete the work and have their name removed. If by the Friday afternoon the work is
still not completed then parents will receive an email informing them that their son is expected to attend that Saturday.
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Teaching & Learning Coordinator’s Report (continued)
Every Monday and Tuesday the College runs after school clubs to provide support with boys completing Homestudy
and Assessments. Monday afternoon is for general homestudy and Tuesday afternoon for Mathematics. Both clubs
run from 3:30pm – 4:30pm in the Information Resource Centre here at the College.
Years 7 and 9 NAPLAN 2013
Students in Years 7 and 9 will be sitting the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests
from Tuesday 14th May to Thursday 16th May. All students are expected to participate in tests in Reading, Writing,
Language Conventions and Numeracy. Attached to this week’s newsletter (Community Notices) is an ‘Information for
Parents’ booklet that provides important information that all parents should be aware of. If you would like your child to
be withdrawn from the NAPLAN tests, could you please inform Mr Vumbaca before the end of Term 1.
The 2013 Years 7 – 12 assessment handbooks and assessment calendars can now be downloaded from the Parent
Portal on the College website (please note that Year 11 and 12 assessments handbooks were updated on 29 April
The 2013 username and password for the Parent Portal was emailed to all parents in Term 1. If you have not received
this information then please contact the College.
FYI here is the quick link to the Parent Portal:
The Assessment handbook contains:
The College guidelines pertaining to the setting and conduct of Assessment Tasks
The Board of Studies guidelines for that particular Year Group
A subject by subject breakdown of Assessment Tasks
A personal A4 Assessment Calendar
I would strongly urge all parents to read and discuss the relevant assessment handbook with their son. This
is a helpful way of helping him develop an organised approach to the completion and submission of
Please feel free to contact either the individual KLA Leaders of myself if you have any further questions regarding
Mr Phil Cox
Coordinator of Teaching & Learning
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KLA: Languages Report
Japanese Newsletter Term 2 Week 1
Welcome back to Term 2 everyone. The boys have had a very productive start to the year and today I would like to
congratulate the top performers for each class in their assessment tasks. I would also like to remind you that we are
still looking for 10 more host families for our Japanese visitors in Term 3. If you are able to help or would like more
information please read the flier attached to the newsletter and email me at to
notify me of your interest. Many thanks to those parents who have already done so.
This term our work on the language perfect website continues and the World Championships begin in a few weeks.
During the competition period, please encourage your son to work on his vocabulary on language perfect as he can
win prizes and test himself against students of all languages around the world. Good luck St Pauls.
A reminder too that Mrs Kibby is now on maternity leave and Ms Annie Lee will be replacing her for the remainder of
the year. We wish Mrs Kibby all the best as she becomes a new mum to her daughter, Emmaline and welcome
Ms Lee into the St Paul’s community.
Year 8 Update.
In Term 1 Year 8 worked on two major assessment tasks – a listening test and their hiragana portfolio. The top
scorers for the listening test in each class in order were as follows :
8V: Mathis Guichon, Max Jolley, Cameron Gall, Jordon Dempsey, Harrison Burns, Austin Devaney
8W : Luke Jacobson, Will Mellor, Kai Brandson, Zach Starr, Ruben Heyse, Samuel Munday
8X: Sione Pakileata, Angus MacDonald, Jesse Ball, Joshua Pereira, Finnian O’Shea
8Y: Dante Cox, Gus Reid, Billy Watson, Eric Ward, Ethan Carter
8Z: John Magtoto, Ben Blakeney, Liam Curran, Tyson Holmes, Jake Walker
The second assessment was a hiragana portfolio that required commitment to resubmit work several times until the
student could form the Japanese alphabet perfectly. The following boys showed such commitment and received 100%
on the task for their efforts : Ethan Carter, Dante Cox, Brodie Fleming, Gus Reid, Eric Ward, Ben Blakeney, John
Magtoto, Ethan Moss, Bailey Sullivan, Jordan Epifania, Finnian O’Shea, Bailey Worthington-Booy
They are now members of the Hyakutenclub which means 100 points club. As members for this term they will enjoy
such benefits as attending a Japanese morning tea in Week 2 and having front row seats and first option to participate
in the Taiko drumming workshop in Week 5 this term. Well done boys.
Year 8 finished the term on a sweet note by eating chocolate cake and singing happy birthday in Japanese.
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KLA: Languages Report (continued)
Year 9 Update
Year 9 is a very strong class this year demonstrated by the fact the top 5 students all achieved 90%+ in their listening
assessment task. The top 5 for this term were in order: Theo Guichon, Tyrell Zochling, Ivica Covic, Euan Donald,
William Quail.
Some students from this class also applied for the Manly Odawara Tokimeki Exchange program and I am happy to
announce that all the boys were successful in their applications. They will be heading off to Japan at the end of the
term for a 2 week trip. The successful applicants were: Theo Guichon, Euan Donald, Cooper Snel and Dante
Well done boys and we look forward to hearing all about your trip upon your return.
Year 10 Update
Year 10 are old hands at listening tests now and the battle for the top score continues between Jack Waud and Darryl
Thai. This term both boys received 100% and the first position. Well done. They were closely followed by Jack Quinn,
Jack Dignam and Jake Garth.
The boys also practised reading a Japanese short story out aloud from a vertical text script that is read right to left –
no easy task! The top 5 were then chosen to represent the school at the upcoming Tokimeki Cup Japanese
interschool speech contest held at Manly Council this term. The team for 2013 is:
Jack Waud
Jack Quinn
Darryl Thai
Jack Dignam
Dylan Sarmiento
Good luck team in your preparations for the contest. We wish you all the best of luck.
Year 11 Update
In Term 1, Year 11 worked on developing their skills in speaking and listening as part of a communication portfolio.
They studied the style of questions in the HSC listening paper and the depth needed in answering the questions. They
also sat two formal speaking exams including one with our volunteer Mark sensei. My favourite aspect of the task
though is watching the boys teach a 10 minute lesson in pairs to the class on a grammar point we have studied that
term. They soon learned that errors in a worksheet or the inability to answer related questions from their peers did not
cut it when they are supposed to be the teacher. The boys were then allowed to vote for the best presenters who
receive a Japanese lunch this term. The winning pair was: Joshua Jones and Ninja Nett. Great job boys.
The top scorers for the assessment were in order:
Ben McVean
Ninja Nett
Tom Newcombe
Good luck boys with your next challenge which will be the Half Yearly Examinations.
Ms Liberty Campbell
KLA Leader - Languages
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KLA: HSIE Report
Best Excursion Ever!
The students of Year 9 History spent Wednesday
on an immersion tour of The Rocks area in
Our current area of study involves the study of the
1930’s in Australia and this particular part of
Sydney is loaded with interesting stories and sites
relevant to the period.
To provide an experience in ‘hands on history’ the boys
participated in a guided walking tour of The Rocks, an ascent of
the first pylon on the southern side of the Sydney Harbour
Bridge, a tour of Heritage Trust housing at Suzanna Place and
lunch at Circular Quay. Our boys were very keen to expand their
knowledge and learn more about this very important time in
As we continue this study in the classroom the students will be
utilising this experience to research the Great Depression and
the social, political and economic developments that arose as a
consequence, with particular emphasis on the building of the
Sydney Harbour Bridge and famous people of the time.
The boys were a credit to the school in terms of behaviour and
involvement. Many of them said that this was the best excursion
they had ever attended for its relevance, interesting activities
and for many it exposed them to a part of Sydney they had not
previously explored.
Ms Sheryl Amber
HSIE Teacher
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Social Justice/Youth Ministry Report
Outback Indigenous Reconciliation Pilgrimage
In the last week of Term 1, Oliver Silvester, William Bateman, William Quail, Tobias Canning, Ben Ford, Liam HiltonButt, Blake Harrold, Hayden Lowe, Aidan Biasi, Curtis Wright and Lucas Charley along with select Year 9 and 10
students from Mater Maria Catholic College went on the inaugural Outback Indigenous Reconciliation Pilgrimage to
Broken Hill. The pilgrimage was accompanied by our Diocesan Indigenous Education Officer, Dave Ella and College
Youth Ministry Coordinators.
Students expressed different reasons for wanting to go on the pilgrimage. Some wanted to learn more about
Indigenous culture, to gain a deeper understanding about family and to gain a spiritual experience and to strengthen
their faith. All expressed a deep desire to see a different side to our country and were surprised to see that after three
days of extensive driving that we could still be in the same state but that the land could be so different. The idea of
going into new lands and exploring our faith has long been a part of our Catholic tradition. We were so fortunate to
have Dave Ella accompany us throughout the pilgrimage with his extensive knowledge of the land and its people.
Dave Ella took us to Grenfell, the third most
sacred site for Indigenous Australians in NSW.
There he shared with us his knowledge about the
local terrain, edible plants and the medicinal
purposes of the Emu tree. Students stood in awe
just a metre from cave paintings that were
thousands of years old. Dave explained the
significance of the paintings and the story it told.
We enjoyed a beautiful lunch set amidst the
backdrop of red dust and emus and feral goats
casually crossing past, wary of our presence.
Dave also took us to the remote community of
Menindee with a population of just 450. A short
drive from here were extensive lakes that are fed
by the Darling River. The lake itself is said to hold
three times more water in volume than Sydney
We are hoping to foster a new relationship with this Aboriginal community. There is only one small shop, few vehicles
and no prospect of work or further study. This was quite confronting for our students and gave them a new insight into
their own lives but also left them wanting to know what more could be done for this town. Students felt encouraged by
Pope Francis’s words, “difficulties and trials are part of the path that leads to God’s glory”. Therefore we must not “be
discouraged! We have the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome these trials!”
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Social Justice/Youth Ministry Report (continued)
The Outback experience also gave students new valuable life skills. They learnt how to cook for a large group of
people, to clean, to wash their clothes, to wait, and to negotiate, and not once did they complain about anything. They
even surprised the teachers one morning by having completely set up breakfast. Each day we spent in Broken Hill
was so inspiring due to the beautiful cabins and common room areas that we spent time in. We saw many of the
highlights in Broken Hill and the 1950’s milkbar was certainly one of them. It brought us back to a time where
community meant everything and our visit to historic Silverton highlighted this. The gaol now turned historic museum
encapsulated the region’s extensive history, which relied on church, education, sports, and essential services. Our
students developed a true appreciation of those who had gone before them. The underground mine visit developed a
new respect for the boys and men who toiled the mines in conditions inconceivable to today’s standards.
One of the most significant and spiritual parts of each day was the yarning circle late at night around a campfire. This
is where we prayed, reflected and equally shared and contributed to our experience of the day.
Our students went on this pilgrimage with the hope of gaining a new experience and seeing places they have only
heard about. They have come back as ambassadors to the Outback and have done what Pope Francis encourages
us all to do, “always step outside yourself”.
To see what students did on a daily basis during the tour please go to
Ms Joanne Kalayzich
Youth Ministry Coordinator
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Sport Report
Rugby League
On April 9 St Paul’s competed at the Manly/North Sydney Schools
Rugby League gala day in the Under 13’s and 15’s divisions.
The U13 league team made the Semi-Finals. They won 2 games and
lost 2, both to the eventual finalists. With much enthusiasm, the team
were quite comfortable in their first game against Davidson winning
16-8, but had to battle right to the end, scoring on the bell against
Forest to win 6-0. Stand out players were Josh Cox, Zac O’Brien,
Damian Frei. There
were many valuable
contributions by the
rest of the team
throughout the day.
Balgowlah Boys proved too strong in the first half of the last pool
game, controlling possession in a torrent of rain. An excellent second
half by St Paul’s just wasn’t enough to get past the eventual
champions. The semi final against Cromer was perhaps more
remembered for the size mismatch than for any real quality, but the
boys battled to a 12-0 defeat.
The Under 15’s team played strongly throughout the day, winning
their first round match against St Leo’s Wahroonga 20–0 with Ben
Pickering, Justin Burt, Corey Browne and Tyler Hayes each picking
up a try. In the second round St Paul’s defeated a physically bigger
Cromer High School 8-0 with Tyler Hayes scoring another two tries.
The third round match against Davidson High was a torrid affair with
heavy rain the entire game but St Paul’s winning 4-0 with a try in the
corner early on to Harry Mayhew. These results saw St Paul’s win
their pool and advance to the Semi-Final against Narrabeen Sports
In the Semi-Final St Paul’s managed to go in at the half 6-all but
blew their opponents off the park in the second half to account for
Narrabeen 16-6 with 3 tries to Luke Polselli and Tyler Hayes adding
another to his total of tries for the day.
Five eighth, Tom van Bokhoven, was a standout player in this match, showing great skill with the ball and putting his
outside men into space at will.
The Final saw St Paul’s pitted against Forest High. This was an extremely tight match with Forest scoring right on the
stroke of half time to go in with a 6-0 lead. St Paul’s fought back well and managed to get to 6-4 with a great individual
try to Corey Browne. Forest managed to get another try late in the
second half to seal the win and make the final score 12-4.
Captain, Luke Polselli was awarded the St Paul’s Player of the Day
for his strong performances across the day.
It was a pleasure to coach such an outstanding group of young men.
The camaraderie they displayed was excellent and their attitude and
behaviour was first class.
Mr Steve Callow & Mr Dane McKay
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Sport Report (continued)
Year 8 HOUSE Competition: MIXED SPORTS
Due to the bad weather and ground closures during sport in Week 10, Year 8 competed in a mixed sport competition
at school. These were:
European Handball
Beep test
After rotating through each activity in allocated groups it was possible to find an overall winning house.
The final points were:
34 points
32 points
28 points
26 points
Well done to all those who competed enthusiastically and energetically throughout the afternoon.
Mr Steve Callow
Soccer - A Thank You
Year 9 PASS boys were involved in a soccer gala day on 10 April, which involved them refereeing Years 3 and 4
students playing soccer. Mr Mark Baker wants to thank the Year 9 students involved and also applaud them on their
exemplary behaviour. Well done boys, you are a credit to St Paul’s.
Mr Lionel Newton
PDHPE Teacher
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St Paul’s in the Press
 Manly Daily editorial 24 April 2013
 Manly Daily editorial 26 April 2013
Well done Samuel.
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St Paul’s in the Press (continued)
Broken Bay News
April 2013 issue
The first female Assistant Principal at
St Paul’s...ever!!
Peninsula Living
May 2013 issue
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St Paul’s in the Press (continued)
Manly Daily 26 April 2013
(See ‘Musician’s Corner’ section for more information)
Good one boys and good luck in the Final!
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Musician’s Corner
Northern Composure Contest
Over the past few years our
Northern Composure contest.
Several bands consisting of St
Paul’s students have progressed
through to the Finals throughout
the history of the contest.
In two distinct instances, St Paul’s
bands, or groups consisting of St
Paul’s members have won either
both or one of the two categories:
Judge’s Choice and Audience’s
The Audience Choice this year went to Blue Moon Theatre an alternative rock four piece which includes St Paul’s
musician Daniel Villarreal (Bassist and Backing Vocalist). Blue Moon Theatre’s success in the Finals exemplifies the
contribution St Paul’s students have made to the local music scene over the past few years. Other bands comprising
of St Paul’s students who entered the contest this year include Brightener (Shane McCarthy and ex-students Josh
Munke and Pat Humphries) and Solarflare (Anders Alama, Jack Van Vliet and Joshua Brannon).
The Youngbloods music competition is another music contest currently being hosted in venues across the northern
beaches. St Paul’s band Solarflare has progressed through to the Heat Finals (see editorial on previous page); as
has Blue Moon Theatre.
By Josh Brannon (Year 11 music student).
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Languages: Japanese Host Family Appeal
28th July to
8th August
(9 nights)
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Manly Fun Run
St Paul’s Catholic College
Running for Charity
for Manly Hospital
On 19th May 2013 the annual Manly Fun Run will be taking place.
We will be placing a school team in the event to help raise money for Manly Hospital. Manly Hospital is an essential
community service that needs help raising funds for more emergency equipment and we here at St Paul’s see it as
vitally important that we teach our students to support our wider community.
We are calling on all those willing and able to run with us as a team.
If you are interested in running in either the 5km or 10km sections of the fun run please email Mr Travis Desborough
at in order to register your intent to run.
The more people we can get there on the day to raise money the better. There is a $1000 prize for best school team!
Last year St Paul’s won this prize and donated it back to Royal Far West, our charity of choice for the 2012 Fun Run.
Further details about the Manly Fun Run can be found at:
Any students or staff who would like to participate should email Mr Desborough as soon as possible.
The St Paul’s 2012 Fun Run Team
(well done boys)
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Important Information
Personal Contact Information
Uniform Shop Roster
6 May
8 May
Robyn Lavings
Shelly Hoy
Paula MacKinlay
Annie Watson
13 May
15 May
Mary Joyce
Angela Munday
Elizabeth O’Brien
Sharon Wills
The Uniform Shop hours are 8.30-10.30am Mondays and
Wednesdays. The new College Jackets are in at $100 each.
Jumper and jacket stocks are limited so please purchase as
soon as possible if you require one.
Procedure for Absent Students
Please ensure you notify the College immediately if your
personal contact information changes; it is important that we
have current addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.
Please email or call 9977 5111.
Parking and Personal Property
Parking: Only staff and permit holders may park on the
College grounds. All those who park onsite do so at their own
Personal Property: The College cannot be held responsible
for any damage to personal property incurred on the College
Please contact the College Office on 9977 5111 by 10am to
advise that your son is not attending school. A note must be
given to his PC teacher on his return to school.
If your son is experiencing any issues regarding bullying please
Music: Band Information
Percussion Ensemble: Rehearsals are held on
Wednesdays at 2.20pm in DM3 with Mr David Kemp.
Big Band: Big Band rehearsals are held on Wednesdays at
7.45am in DM3. Please see Mr James Bresnahan for more
Senior Jazz Ensemble: The Senior Jazz Group is held on
Mondays at 3.30-4.30pm in DM3. Please see Mr David
Kemp for more information.
Does your son deserve recognition for a job well done outside
the College community?
Please email:
Standard excursions will be automatically billed on your fees.
Annual and one-off excursions will need individual approval.
Study Club
Maths Club
A reminder that Study Club is held each Monday from
3:30-4:30pm in the IRC. All students are welcome.
Maths staff provide assistance for all students from 3:30–
4:30pm each Tuesday in the IRC. All students are welcome.
Canteen Roster - Term 2 2013
6 May
7 May
8 May
9 May
10 May
Karen Blakeney
Petra Chappell
Huang Jenson
Tracey Crowe
Rebecca Main
Camilla Zervas
Gaby Palin
Vanessa Ball
Shell Mayo
Jill Guermandi
Jacinta Adair
Jacqui Potts
Carolin Ferris
Karen Thomson
Sandrine Chevalier
13 May
14 May
15 May
16 May
17 May
Maria Sammut
Tracey Holmes
Melissa Brandson
Janice Martin
Terin Johnston
Di Gall
Anne Ross
Janice Millet
Debbie Stacey
Therese Pierce
Christine Drake
Leanne Robinson
Kim Ryan
Lexi Irvine
Volunteers—please ensure you arrive by 10.00am and you will be needed until 2.30pm. You must sign in at College Reception
and be issued with a VISITOR badge each time on site, then sign out at the end of the shift. Thank you for your support
again this year. We are so grateful !!
HELP !! The Canteen still needs volunteers to help in the Canteen particularly on a Monday or Friday. Please call the Front
Office on 9977 5111 or Max on 0447 690 136. Thanks again for your help, Maxine
NOTE: Material in the St Paul’s Catholic College newsletter and website is not to be reproduced without the written permission of the College Principal.
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Parenting INSIGHTS
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Parenting INSIGHTS
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Parenting INSIGHTS
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NAPLAN Information for Years 7 and 9
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Community News
Are you searching for spiritual enrichment and faith renewal?
You may be interested in Adult Faith Online, which is a series of short topics on aspects of our faith, for study online.
Topics require reading, listening and reflection. Study alone and discuss ideas in an online community or create your own
adult faith study group.
This is a unique educational resource for parishioners, catechists and teachers. Please call Cheryl on: +61 2 9847 0540 if
you are interested. Check the BBI website for further details on the upcoming eConference.
Rhonda Andersen
eConference Administrative Assistant
Diocese of Broken Bay
P. (02) 9847 0726
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Community News
Mary MacKillop Place Open Day 2013
'A National Trust Heritage Festival Event'
Sunday 5 May - 10am-4pm
7–11 Mount Street, North Sydney.
Visit Mary MacKillop Place and celebrate our shared heritage. Explore
the Museum’s galleries and discover the Sisters of St Joseph community
milestones in social welfare and education. Take a guided tour around
the beautiful heritage buildings, including the Memorial Chapel and
Alma Cottage (Mary MacKillop’s home from 1884 to 1909).
Enjoy a day with the family!
Follow the Kids’ Trail and relax in the Gift Shop & Café.
Find out more about accommodation, event and conference facilities.
For more information please see,
email or call 02 8912 4878.
NEEDED: Volunteers for St Bakhita Sudanese Australian Catholic Centre
Sr Maria, from St Bakhita Centre, 2 Hornsey Rd, Homebush West is asking for Assistance with Tutoring.
We are in desperate need of the following: Thursday evening is at crisis point!
Thursday evenings 5 or 6 till 8.30: English Tutors, TAFE Assistance Tutors (especially for Business Management)
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings: TAFE Assistance (especially for Community Service Assistance); English teaching
Thursday morning: Sewing Assistance
The Centre operates during term time of the school year.
We always need more people to help with the babies on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings
If anyone can help in these areas (or you know someone who can), please reply to Sister Maria on
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Community News
“Supply Means Supply”
WIN one of two Apple iPads
“Secondary Supply” is the provision of alcohol in a private home to young people aged under 18
years, usually by an adult, sibling etc. Secondary Supply is the main way young people under 18
years obtain alcohol. Almost 40% of under-age drinkers get alcohol from their parents and only
5% buy it themselves. (Australian Drug Foundation, May 2012)
The Northern Beaches Community Drug Action Team (CDAT) together with NSW Police, Manly Drug Education and
Counselling Centre (MDECC), Northern Sydney Local Health District and local Councils are working together to
implement the Supply Means Supply campaign.
The first step of the campaign is to survey parents/carers living on the northern beaches about their attitudes and
behaviours relating to secondary supply. The survey will help CDAT to ascertain the social norms and pressures placed
on this group.
Secondly, the survey results will be used to tailor an awareness raising campaign and parent/carer workshops that focus
on the legislation relating to secondary supply of alcohol, communication skills, and the harms associated with underage
drinking. The workshops will also allow parents/carers to link into further support programs should they need ongoing
Simply click on the link below for your chance to win.
If you have any questions about the project, please contact Amanda Watkins, Health Promotion Coordinator,
from Manly Drug Education and Counselling Centre on 9977 0711.
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Community News
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Community News
7th World Congress of Families
The Congress will explore how business, government, education, law, health and
the media can strengthen families for the benefit of society.
It will be held at Australian Technology Park Conference Centre, 2 Locomotive
Street, Eveleigh, Sydney on 15-18 May 2013.
For further information about the event, visit
Neve has just turned 3 years old and her older brother
attends one of our Peninsula Catholic feeder primary
schools. She has recently been diagnosed with leukaemia
and is spending a lot of time in hospital.
PLEASE give blood to help Neve and others who need
regular blood transfusions. Whole blood donors can give
blood every 12 weeks and plasma and platelet donors can
donate every two to three weeks. The mobile blood bank
will be at the following places in the coming weeks:
Warringah Mall
31 May and 1 June
Call 13 14 95 to make an appointment or book online at
Thank you for your time and your compassion in helping
make Neve’s and other less fortunate people’s lives a little
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