Voice Box


Voice Box
Voice Box
December 2010
The Magazine of the Ladies Association of Barbershop Singers
Quartet Champions, Wow!
Well woweeeee!! Was it just us
or was the atmosphere this year
so amazingly electric?! Miss –
Demeanour are absolutely over
the moon and PROUD to be your
2010 Champion Quartet. At the
time of writing, it is the Monday
after convention and we’ve
already been lined up for some
very exciting events in 2011. The
highlights including BABS, Holland
Harmony Convention and SABS
in Murcia!! Big,
massive whoops
and cheers to
all competitors
– especially
Temptation and
Bowled Over
in the quartets
and Amersham
A Cappella,
Signature and
Green Street
Blues for the
choruses. You go
Words cannot
begin to describe
the weekend
that we had in
Llandudno – the
support, the
friendship, the
kind words, the champagne and
Barnacles fish and chips! All
contributed to making it one of the
best conventions we’ve ever been
to. We have been incredibly lucky
and thankful to have achieved
what we have over the past 2 ½
years and couldn’t have done it
without the help of some fantastic
Particular highlights of the
weekend included our amazing
Champions Reception, thanks to
outgoing champs, Finesse (you
are all so truly lovely). As if it
weren’t enough to receive all the
lovely champagne, crowns and
goodie bags – they even made us
packed lunches!! Genius! We of
course loved getting to sing for
you in the beautiful, atmospheric
theatre on Saturday night – we felt
so popular Then we made our way
up the spiral stairs to entertain
our fellow barbershoppers tuned
in online. It was great to get the
opportunity not only to promote
Barbershop in general but also to
try and encourage more young
people into our hobby. With an
average age of 23 we are the
youngest quartet to ever win a
LABBS Gold Medal!! So we’re
very excited not only to represent
the organisation but also to be the
face of the youth and hopefully
attract more
budding female
quartets out
there. After all
that we then
partied the night
away in the
afterglow in true
barbershop style!
Sarah and Sarah
then geared
themselves up
for more singing
on Sunday
morning with
the IVY League
– how proud we
were to see them
standing on the
risers with their
purple ribbons.
Thank you to
again at the Chairman’s Reception, everyone who played a part in
along with the Ringmasters who
helping us achieve and celebrate
did a very good job at sing-flirting
our medals – we promise to
with the ladies!
do our best to be fantastic
We were even interviewed for
representative for LABBS and
the radio by Andrea Day (LipSync
can’t wait to see what the next
Lead) who then played us on her
12 months brings. Amelia also
show 107.4 Rossendale Radio
promises not to have anymore
on Sunday night!! And - after
public ‘wardrobe malfunctions’.
posting the link on our Facebook
Here’s to an amazing 2011!!
page – Andrea was thrilled to have Sarah, Suzanne, Amelia and Sarah
upped her audience ratings when
A Hat Trick for Silver Lining!
All the 10’s!
Imagine our delight
when in the 10th
month of our 10th
Anniversary year
Silver Lining became
a Top 10 Chorus!Silver
Lining came 9th in
the competition and
looking back at our first
and latest photos our
Director, Sara Jackson
was very proud of us all.
We would like to thank
Paula and Monica for
their coaching this year,
which we all thoroughly
We had 16 new
members on the risers
from our successful six
week singing course
during our year out and
the additional numbers
certainly boosted our
performance. The
celebrations over the
weekend were boosted
by our girls from
‘Bowled Over’ who are
now a 50/50 Coventry
and Heart of England
quartet gaining the
Bronze medal. Well
done Jo, Lindsey, Elaine
and Karen.
Another brilliant
weekend, thank you to
the Convention Team
and bring on Harrogate,
here we come!
Judith Medlock (PRO) Heart of England
Signature in Llandudno
Apart from our Welsh
member Kat who got
excited every time
Wales was mentioned,
the excitement began
for Signature when our
newest quartet “The
Signets” made their
debut by mike warming
the quartet competition.
They did us proud
with their beautiful
performance. Rae, one
of our basses also sang
with “Wavelength” and
made it to the final 6 so
well done girls.
Being drawn as the 9th
chorus to sing, meant
that this year we were
able to see some of the
other choruses in the
afternoon. As soon as
our full Welsh breakfast
had been swallowed,
2 | Voice Box December 2010
our Director, Paul got
us rehearsing straight
away but not before we
had to rearrange some
of the furniture in the
hotel. A few bemused
guests looked on in
bewilderment as we
warmed up. We were on
a roll!
Once in the
dressing room
there was
excitement as we
put on our new
purple dresses
and appropriate
“bling”. (Not sure
how many pairs
of tights get
ripped at this
stage) The dress
code seemed to
be purple this
year with an array
of wonderful
outfits from the
other choruses.
All too soon
the performance was
upon us and over but
thrilling nevertheless
to be part of it all. We
had no idea what the
results would be and
sat nervously while the
announcements were
made. The marks were
incredibly close between
the top 3 choruses and
we were delighted to be
awarded the silver medal.
Many many
congratulations to
Amersham Acappella
who took the gold and
also to Green Street
Blues for the bronze. The
Southerners this year
have certainly dominated
the medals.
All in all a fabulous
weekend encompassing
friendship, support,
emotion and excitement
Nicky Dyer
Notes From Your Chairman
There were medals and
trophies being given out
right, left and centre
at Llandudno but by
far the biggest and
most important award
of all must have been
an extremely special
answer to a certain
plenty of other things
Only a BABS Quartet
Gold Medallist could
to celebrate as we
have done things in
were sharing with the
Tyneside Ladies Chorus
such style as gorgeous
Michael Potts did when –who were awarded Top
he popped the question of Division 3, Junction
to Green Street’s lovely 14 who were the Most
Improved Chorus and
Jennie Godsalve. As
Jennie was in the queue we had one particularly
busy lady, Hannah
for chorus certificates,
she could hardly see
Washington, who not
only found time to sing
the banner as it was
with GSB, compete in
unravelled on the stage
but had absolutely
the quartet competition
for the very first time
no hesitation at all in
with Chordination, but
accepting Michael’s
also walked off with
request. Pity, as he had
the Most Improved
29 other GSB members
Musical Director Award,
who would have gladly
not to mention keeping
stepped in. We could
Mark Grindall under
always be bridesmaids
control after coaching
– we have matching
Green Street Blues to
their Bronze Chorus
Back in the hotel bar
Award. Thank you so
Green Street Blues had
much Mark for all your
time and effort. You’re
a joy to work with and
we’re thrilled with our
Many congratulations
to Amersham for
a truly stunning
performance, to all the
other award winners
and to everyone
who competed and
worked so hard to
make it yet another
wonderful Convention
weekend. But most
of all lots of love and
HUGE congratulations
to Jennie and Michael
on their engagement. Is
there anyone out there
who can please do us a
barbershop arrangement
of the wedding march
Kath Good
Roaring Success for Coventry Quartets
As the finals results were
Coventry could be
read out, Temptation
proud this week as
were elated to receive
they celebrated quartet
the Novice Trophy. It
medal success at
was their secret quartet
the LABBS Ladies
aim to get into the finals,
Barbershop Convention
2010 in Llandudno.
so once this had been
achieved we were totally
After only nine months
overwhelmed to get a
together, Temptation
trophy too!
entered the contest
Things seemed to be
as one of the many
getting better and
novice quartets being
welcomed to the LABBS better for Coventry as
the next result to be
competition stage this
read out was the Most
year. Jean (lead) and
Improved Quartet, your
Marisa (bari) had been
2010 Bronze medallists,
on competition stage
Bowled Over! Lindsey
before, however for
(lead), Elaine (bass),
Kat (bass) and Lucy
Karen (bari) and Jo (tenor)
(tenor) it was their first
foray in to the dazzling
won the Most Improved
Quartet trophy for the
and daunting world of
second time, proving that
competitive quartet
Barbershop in Coventry
just gets better and
Such were the raucous
celebrations for Bowled
Over, the subsequent
presentation was nearly
missed completely, when
the 2010 Silver medallists
were announced
as Temptation! Both
quartets were delighted
to share their success
with one another and their
choruses on Wednesday
night, and we hope to
fly the flag for excellent
Barbershop singing from
the Heart of England!
Voice Box December 2010 | 3
Main Street Sound
We were lost and a bit depleted when our much
loved director Pauline Corrieri had to leave us last year,
but we would like to tell you all that we are back and
looking forward to seeing you all at prelims next year.
We have been joined by Terry Adamson as director
and have Karen and Les Whitworth as part of our new
Wright Lines
Experienced dress makers in
chorus and stagewear
Shoe covering service
also available
Very competitive prices
chorus team. We have many new members from
age 15 upwards and thanks to our younger members
we have a new fan base on Facebook and at York
This year Main Street Sound in York have held a
concert with our local school children, been bag
packing and busking. A few singouts and a couple
of music festivals later and we have raised over
£800 for Macmillan cancer support and Marie Curie
cancer care. We wish to thank Terry, Les and Karen
for sticking with us and raising our confidence and
making us a chorus that we are very proud to be in.
email: relax@ivyvillas.co.uk
Rhoda Bartle
Pennine Chimes are very sad to have to announce
the death of their own beloved Rhoda Bartle on July
Lisa Laverick. PR
Well Done
Fascinating Rhythm
would like to say a
big well done to all
competitors in the
LABBS Convention
weekend this year
and wish them a
productive year
of preparing for
LABBS 2011! We’ll see you at prelims!
Special congratulations have to go to four of our
members – Dilemma – top ten quartet in their
first outing and definitely one to watch as well as
InFashion who gave a performance to be proud of in
their first outing. Well done girls!
4 | Voice Box December 2010
13th 2010. Rhoda had been singing bass with the
chorus for at least 15 years and was one of the most
regular attenders. She was a kind, considerate, and
very caring friend to all, and will be sadly missed.
Although not having felt well for some considerable
time Rhoda sang at rehearsal right up to the week
before she died. Those of us who travelled with her to
and from rehearsal will always remember the laughs
we had en route, and her amazing knowledge of all
things. Our condolences to her family and friends.
Thank you, Rhoda, for just being you. We were
blessed and lucky to have had you in our company for
so long.
Pennine Chimes.
“Bowled Over”
Our ears pricked up when
we heard Jo Braham
announce “the most
improved quartet”, as
we had worked hard and
felt our performance had
gone quite well. When
she then said “AND your
bronze medalists” we
relaxed back into our
seats and wondered who
it was. When she said
“Bowled Over” we really
were (bowled over, that
is). Our aim had been to
get into the final and this
was beyond our wildest
dreams. I don’t think we
screamed, our gobs were
too smacked!
Bowled Over went on
The next half an hour
tour on Saturday night.
was a blur. We came
We visited our choruses
off the stage to be
“The Belles of Three
congratulated by our
Spires” and “Silver Lining”
friends “Temptation”
in their hotels and gave
who had just won the
them a song or two.
Novice trophy. Then they “Signature”, kindly invited
were announced as the
us in to sing to them
silver medalists. By the
too, and we gave them
time “Miss-Demeanour” the fastest version of
were announced as
“Deed I do” ever heard!
the winners, we were
We have had wonderful
jibbering wrecks.
support from both of
It was a fantastic
our choruses and lots of
convention and Llandudno good wishes from the
was a great location.
barbershop community.
We would especially like
walking down the corridor
to thank people who have and had a bit of a rushed
coached us this year, Sara entrance. We tried to
Jackson, Ian Russell and
make up for the time lost
the marvellous Duncan
by missing out a section
Whinyates. We couldn’t
of our opening song (OK
have done it without you.
that’s our excuse!), but
Those of you who went
enjoyed singing our semito the Sunday show
finals package once again.
may remember the
Congratulations to
empty stage as we were “Miss-Demeanour” and
announced. Some of the “Temptation” and to all the
audience thought the
quartets who took part. It
quartet were struggling to would be great to have
persuade Karen to wear
even more at the prelims
the dress for a third time!
in June. Go on, have a go!
Karen, Elaine, Lindsey and Jo - Bowled Over
But no, we were still
Winning Performance!
Crystal chords is delighted to be doing
a ‘winners’ performance at the MACC
(Manchester Amateur Choral Competition) on
21st November. In 2009, Crystal Chords took to
the stage to ‘sparkle’ for Barbershoppers, and
won. We are already looking forward to the
performance and seeing the amazing and diverse
groups set to perform in 2010.
The MACC is rapidly becoming one of the jewels in
the singing crown of the north west so if you have
the chance to go to the event, it’s well worth it. If
any fellow Barbershoppers are in the audience come and say hello!
Also, we have three chorus outfits for sale (2 sets
of dresses, and a top - various sizes). For more
details, please contact lorna.squires@hotmail.co.uk
Thank you, Kathy-PRO
Voice Box December 2010 | 5
Harton Harmonisers
Everyone has been
enjoying the warm
weather (for the North
East!) and we had
a lovely day for the
opening of the Catherine
Cookson Festival. The
Harmonisers had a brica-brac stall and sang a
few songs – naturally.
The following Saturday
was Westoe Village
Fete, another lovely
day, where we did two
half-hour spots. We
were invited to sing
for the “Happy Circle”
who were celebrating
Princess Anne’s sixtieth
birthday with a red,
white and blue theme
with balloons, bunting,
flags and even fairy
cakes. We started with
and Land of
Hope and
Glory then
sang our
They have
asked us
back to
at their
Andrea (our
M.D.) got
married to
Darrell a few weeks
ago, in the same church
where I tied the knot,
fifty years ago. She
looked beautiful. As
the happy couple were
signing the register,
they were serenaded by
the Peers of Harmony,
who sang three love
songs. Quite a few of
our members celebrate
their 70th birthdays this
year so we had a great
evening with a quiz and
a buffet. After supper
a few girls did solo
performances - what a
lot of hidden talent!
From Beryl Cooke P.R.O.
Pat Thompson
It is with much sadness
that Capital Connection
has to tell you about the
loss of our beloved Pat
Thompson. Pat previously
sang with London Pride
and also sang Tenor with
her bronze medal quartet
Side by Side. She moved
to Wales in 2000 and
continued her love of
singing with ‘B Natural’.
As an honorary member
she was always
6 | Voice Box December 2010
supportive of Capital
Connection, cheering us
on at plenty of shows
and conventions. The
last time she saw us
perform was in 2009 at
the Llangollen Eisteddfod.
She also continued her
support of LABBS as a
CAL member.Pat fought
a brave battle against
breast cancer for 18
years, trying every trial
drug she was offered in
the hope of hanging on
long enough for a cure to
be found, but sadly she
lost the battle at the age
of 66 on 1st August. She
was a tiny lady with a big
heart, always great fun to
be with, lovely, amazing
and truly inspirational.
We were so lucky to
have known her and our
thoughts are with her
husband Stewart and all
the family.
(formerly Avonbelles)
We are seeking a Musical
Director for this long-established
Ladies’ Chorus.
We rehearse on Thursday
evenings in Fishponds, Bristol.
To express an interest and for
further details please email the
Chairman, Margaret Parish
More Then I ever Imagined!
I know it will come as
a shock to many of
you, but I too have now
reached the IVY League
retirement age of 26 and
it is time for me to leave
the chorus.
Five years ago, I was
inspired to set up a
chorus for young women
around the country –
many with affiliations to
different choruses and
organisations. Over the
years we have benefitted
from excellent coaching
from many top-quality
singers and directors
and the IVY sound has
developed and improved.
This team ensures that
the chorus is efficient
and well organised. I
could easily individually
thank all of the girls in the
chorus (including those
who have already left us)
for the enthusiasm and
different skills and talents
they bring to the chorus,
to create, it is more than
the hours of backstage
planning and organisation,
it is a symbol – a symbol
of what can happen
when a group of people
recognise an opportunity
and strive to achieve
it. The IVY League
started because of the
and girls to give them
And very importantly the
but that would take the
the chance to experience chorus is now run almost whole of the magazine! I
the joys of barbershop.
entirely by the girls, with
must, however, mention
I wanted to start a
IVY members making all
Hari Birtles who has
group that was open to
the decisions.
taken over the running of
everyone, regardless
The wonder of this
the chorus in the last year
of their experience or
chorus, though, is that it
– organising events and
connections; a group
has grown to be much
making sure everyone
where the girls had the
more than any of us
knows what to do. Hari
chance to learn from top
ever envisaged. The IVY has done a tremendous
quality coaching and also League is now managed
job – she is extremely
from each other, and a
by a team of very able
well organised and ultragroup where it was the
and committed members reliable. She has made
girls themselves who
– girls from within the
a huge difference to the
made the decisions
chorus who make sure
chorus and I’m sure she
about how to manage the everything is organised
will continue to do so.
behind the scenes – from The IVY League is much
I am delighted to say
booking rehearsal venues more than a chorus
that all of these things
to sorting out music and
for young women and
have come true. The IVY costumes, promoting
girls – it is more than the
League is now a chorus
us in the press and
beautiful sound that the
with members from all
balancing our budgets.
girls have worked so hard
generosity of many
people, individuals and
groups who have given
money and time to
ensure our success. The
IVY League has been able
to grow and become so
successful because of
our members. The girls
you see on the risers,
and the girls who have
been with us in the past,
have worked as a team
to build a happy, united,
committed and inspiring
chorus – a chorus where
members support, guide
and help each other and a
chorus which will continue
to grow and flourish for
many years to come.
Mel Lane - Founder – The IVY League
Voice Box December 2010 | 7
Will you...?
The excitement that
surrounds Convention is
always fab and preparing
and planning with your
chorus in the weeks
and months that lead
up to the event is hard
work. You go on stage,
you have your 8 minutes
and wait for the results.
Whatever happens
you know you will
have a memorable and
wonderful weekend with
people that are special to
However, Convention
2010 will be possibly the
most special ever for me!
Being the Chairwoman
of Green Street Blues
meant that whilst the
and family were all sitting
in a group waiting for the
results I was standing
at the other side of the
auditorium with our MD
waiting to go on stage
to collect our certificate.
Being asked at this stage
of the afternoon if GSB
was in the auditorium
as there was a question
that needed asking did
not exactly calm my
already frayed nerves!
I don’t think anyone
expected what happened
8 | Voice Box December 2010
next. The unravelling of
that marvellous banner,
‘Jennie, will you marry
me?? Love Michael xx’
Hearing the cheer, seeing
over two thousand
people clapping and
crying whilst I ran the
width of the auditorium to
get to Michael (which is
hard when you are crying
with joy and can’t really
see!) is something I will
never forget! The most
romantic thing that has
ever happened to me!
Michael, thank you for a
wonderful proposal, just
perfect. Just in case any
of you were wondering, I
did say yes!
Wow, she said yes!!
If anyone has any
pictures of the event it
would be great if you
could send them to us.
Thank you for all your
congratulations over the
weekend and thanks to
Signature for dedicating
a song to us on the
The White Rosettes
What a fabulous
Convention and many,
many congratulations to
Amersham Acappella, a
stunning performance
with wonderful
choreography; it was
so exciting to watch!
Congratulations to
Signature and Green
Street Blues on their
Silver and Bronze medals.
It was such a wonderful
weekend for us. We
were able to enjoy all that
Convention had to offer,
including singing on the
Friday Night Show, mike
warming on Saturday
and Singing with the
Champs on Sunday, in
addition to which we
were able to watch
the competition and
support other choruses
in their endeavours. The
weekend was a great
opportunity to spend
time with our ‘singing
family’ and enjoy the
love, friendship, pride
and competition that is
part of all families. As
the White Rosettes step
down as Champions for
2009 we are able to look
back over a wonderful
year, eventful and full of
memories, including the
Llangollen Eisteddfod,
the Majestic Battle of the
Choirs, BABS, a show
with the Telfordaires,
coaching, sing-outs
and our masterclass in
October. The coming
year promises to be full
with an event booked
almost every month
until Convention 2011 in
Harrogate. We have new
songs to look forward
to and between now
and Christmas 2010 we
record our new CD which
will be on sale in the New
Year via our website and
in the wider music arena.
Please keep your eyes
on our website www.
May we wish you all a
very Happy Christmas
and a New Year that is
full of music, singing and
Caroline Green
PRO White Rosettes
A dark cloud has been
well and truly lifted from
The Barberettes’ ‘Domain’
by Debi Cox (L.A.B.B.S.
Webmistress) who has
brought The Barberettes
into the 21st century
with a fab new website.
uk The ideas we had
she made a reality
and SO MUCH MORE just brilliant.
Not only do we now
have a vibrant public
website but an extensive
members login site which
includes downloadable
soundbytes. We’re all
looking forward to our
website training evening
which is included
in Debi’s package, which
means we can keep
the site fresh and current.
THANK YOU Debi, it
was an absolute pleasure
working with you – your
patience knows no
Joy Needham (Recovering Cyberphobic) P.R.O. The Barberettes
Llandudno 2010
Amersham A Cappella GOLD
Signature SILVER
Green Street Blues BRONZE
Temptation SILVER
Bowled Over BRONZE
to all of our medalists
Miss-Demeanour GOLD
Voice Box December 2010 | 9
Second City Sound
Capital Connection
Belles of Three Spires
Crystal Chords
Red Rosettes
Silver Lining
Wessex Harmony
Fascinating Rhythm
10 | Voice Box December 2010
Bristol Fashion
Mountain Harmony
Pennine Chimes
The Chordettes
Avon Harmony
Norwich Harmony
Colne Harmony
Brunel Harmony
Voice Box December 2010 | 11
River City
Mersey Harmony
Arun Sounds
A Touch of TLC
Junction 14
The Pitchpipers
Wight Satin
Spirit of the South
12 | Voice Box December 2010
How Important Is Singing To You?
The following story is a
testament to our singing
and the power it has
in our lives. I would
personally like to thank
Lis Davies for sharing it
with me so I can share it
with you.
‘I’m sorry to tell you that
it isn’t a stroke – you
have a brain tumour’.
The words still ring in
my ears. It was unusual
for a Doctor to call to
the house at half past
eight, so I should have
suspected bad news. It
seemed an age until I
received my operation
date, and when I
attended ‘Bristol
Fashion’ I was
more tired after each
rehearsal. It wasn’t just
the music and songs we
practised, which I found
so enjoyable and uplifting,
but I had a second family
there. Whilst I was
waiting for my operation
I came to terms with the
fact that I may not pull
through, (even though
the odds were 95%
successful). What if I
was among the 5% who
didn’t make it? Would
I ever see my husband
and children again, and
what about my fantastic
friends at the Chorus.
Well the first week
following the
operation was touch and
go (I have learned since,
but had no knowledge
of at the time). I did
make it though but was
paralysed on my left
side. I had many visitors,
my wonderful husband
never missed a day, my
family, Church friends,
bowling companions
and of course my faithful
friends from the chorus.
I missed the singing so
much and seeing their
smiling faces gave me
determination to
get well enough
to sing again. I
was in hospital
for two months
when movement
slowly returned
to my left side
except my leg.
My husband
was my
number one
supporter and
my family
gave me
hope to
return to
my home
again. I
when I
woke up.
I received
flowers, gifts,
cards, get
well messages
and a lot of
love from my
friends and I was
told I was in their
prayers. How long
would it be before
I could return on
a Thursday night to
sing again? Could I
manage to get in and out
of the cars of my two
lovely friends who always
gave me a lift? Could I
last the two and a half
hour session? I really did
hope so, and so I worked
extra hard, walking down
the corridors at all times
of the day, a few extra
steps each time. After
a month I was allowed
home! Stairs were very
difficult and painful, as
my left leg was still
paralysed. I did not want
to return to chorus in a
wheelchair. The weeks
went by, with messages
from my singing friends,
until one day I felt strong
enough to tackle the
obstacles of returning
to the chorus. I arrived
with help, to the hall and
was greeted by all the
smiling faces, about fifty
of them! I wasn’t made
to feel awkward with
my walking frame, and
then later with a stick. I
am still sitting down for
most of the rehearsal
but I have a goal to stand
on the risers for the
Convention at the end of
October. I’d better start
practising as there aren’t
many weeks left! I love
the singing, the harmony,
the comradeship, and the
feeling of a large family.
As ABBA sang, ‘Thank
you for the music’.
Lis Davies.
I just wanted to update
everyone about Lis’s
ambition to come to
Convention and to be
standing on the risers.
Well she has made it.
She is standing on the
first riser, right in the
middle of the chorus.
She has made us very
proud to have her as
a member and is an
inspiration to us all and
to everyone who reads
her story too I hope. And
here she is with some of
the Bass section.
Annie Pearson
Bristol Fashion
Voice Box December 2010 | 13
Christmas Jingle
Barbershop, barbershop,
Chorussing in time,
Oh what fun it is to sing
Standing in a line.
Oh, barbershop, barbershop,
Makes our faces glow,
Don’t forget to smile and then
Add some choreo.
Verse 1
Dashing through the songs,
In our repertoire,
Join our merry throng
Singing doh, me, fah,
Barbershop’s the thing
That fills our hearts with glee
Oh what fun it is to sing
In perfect harmony.
Verse 2
Wearing lots of bling
Looking sparkly bright,
Trying hard to sing
All the notes just right,
Leads and tenors high
Bass and Baris low
‘White Christmas’ seems a good idea
Till it starts to snow!
The Sussex Harmonisers,
a male Barbershop Choruses,
is looking for a new male or female
The Sussex Harmonisers meet on Tuesday evenings
at the large modern St Paul’s College, at
Jane Murray Way, Burgess Hill, Sussex RH15 8GA
which is close to the A23.
He/She will be an accomplished musician with
experience of conducting a chorus, who is looking
for a new challenge. Another essential attribute is the
ability to lead exciting and enjoyable rehearsals to a
high musical standard.
Therefore if you or someone you know could fill this
post to help in the continuing development of this
relatively new club, please send details to, or contact
Mick Bowles the Chairman at mickbowlestalktalknet
or Robin Pond at robinpond@onetel.com
More about the Club at:
The payment of expenses will be by agreement.
Diana Coull, Pitchpipers.
Farewell and Celebration
Olive Watson
Humber Belle
1991– 2010
It is hard to imagine The
Humber Belles without
Olive, who passed
away on October 6th. A
founder member, Olive
was an active singing
member of the Belles
until 2009 when, at
76, and suffering from
increasing ill-health, she
decided she could no
longer continue to attend
rehearsals and became a
Friend of the Belles. She
was greatly missed by
everyone but especially
14 | Voice Box December 2010
by her closer friends in
the Baritone Section.
Her outstanding
contributions to the club
over the years will not
- to mention some jobs
she has done, as well
as being a stalwart
of the Baritones. In
recognition of her years
of loyalty and service to
the Club the Executive
Committee made her an
Honorary Member for
Life in 2009, and she was
delighted. We did not
lose touch for, despite
deteriorating health, she
was determined to stay
in contact and we saw
her at dinners, parties
be forgotten - Chairman,
Catering Officer, Travel
and concerts. Visiting
Belles were always made
and Accommodation
Manager, Section Captain welcome and she loved a
telephone chat. Everyone
who met her loved and
respected Olive - so kind,
gentle and a great help
and support to us all. On
leaving the Belles Olive
commented: ‘I have
made so many good
friends over the years and
that is what I will miss
most.’ We will miss you,
Olive, and the friendship
you gave to every one
of us, but maybe your
presence will mean that
there is a touch more
harmony, even in Heaven.
Anne Storey Club Secretary For The Humber
Belles October 2010
Licensing Teach Tracks
Here is some additional
“Recordings made by
information regarding
non-record company licensing of teach tracks
affiliated musicians
in particular, as there has that are sold directly
been some confusion
to audiences, family or
since the previous
licencing article. Providing To apply for this licence,
the arrangement
you need to register an
itself has been legally
account with prsformusic.
cleared, the type of
com. After that, as
licence required for
long as you are clear
distributing teach tracks
what you are applying
to chorus members is
for and how many, the
the ‘Limited Manufacture process should be
(LM)’ licence. This
straightforward. You only
licence allows you
need to pay the ‘MCPS
to manufacture and
only’ rates (not ‘ppl’),
distribute audio and
unless you are including
audio-visual products
a reproduction of a
within the manufacturing
recording by the original
limits of the licence,
or another commercial
providing the products
artist. The charges are
are NOT made
based on whether the
commercially available
CD is less or more than
through a third party
25 mins long in total, and
distributor or retailer.
according to the number
As well as covering audio of copies required (ie your
and video recordings
made for “giving and
Note that to remain
receiving of tuition”,
completely legal, you
this licence also covers
need to obtain a separate
amateur musicians for
licence for each batch
of CDs issued. In other
words, if you have a
membership of 40
singers and intend to
learn 5 songs in a year
and issue a separate
CD for each song as
it comes along, you
can NOT just pay once
for a blanket licence of
up to 250 copies - the
licence covers a particular
‘product’. In this case
you would need to
apply for a separate LM
licence for each time
a new CD is produced
and distributed, for the
appropriate number being
issued. As a guide, for
up to 50 copies of a CD
with less than 25 mins
music, the current cost
is £27 incl VAT. For more
than 25 mins, the price
leaps to £42 - so it is
worth batching songs
together if possible
rather than paying twice!
On the other hand if
your recordings last 28
mins, it might be worth
considering cutting a
What about the Internet?
In order to broadcast
any performance of
your chorus or quartet
online, whether on your
own website or through
a social site such as
youtube.com, in order for
it to be legal you need
to ensure all the relevant
music copyright and
performance licences are
in place, that a licence
was obtained to cover
the mechanical recording
of the performance
being used, and then
you need to purchase
an additional licence
specifically for online
use: ‘Performing Right
Online Licence’. For
this licence the fees
are charged in batches
according to the number
of views/streams. For more detailed info
on these and other types
of licences, please visit
Tartan Harmony
Helensburgh Ladies
Barbershop chorus Tartan
Harmony wish to express
our heartfelt thanks to all
the organsers and chorus
ladies who gave us a very
warm welcome at our first
Convention experience.
We were almost in tears
before the curtain went
up as you, the audience,
sang Loch Lomond as a
warm gesture. Nervous
as we were it was
only the experience of
Mike Warner that kept
us together to give a
reasonable account
of ourselves on stage.
Capital Connections, our
mentors, could not have
been more reassuring
and encouraging. We had
a great time with them
in impromptu singing
at the Grand Hotel, you
were great hosts girls.
Congratulations to all
medal winners over the
weekend. You could
tell you had all worked
very hard to achieve
such a high standard of
performances. Overall
we enjoyed the whole
experience of watching
first class performances.
We have such a lot to
aspire to. Tartan Harmony
girls have now got the
Convention bug and can’t
wait for the 2011 prelims
in April.
Margaret Sakulina (pr)
Voice Box December 2010 | 15
Divisions Explained
Clarification has been requested regarding how chorus divisions are decided and awards made.
Divisional awards are awarded to the chorus which has scored the highest marks in moving up a division
between convention one year and the next. If no movement has taken place, then the award is given to the
top of that division.
The Red Rosettes Award : Highest mover from Div 3 to Div 2, OR Top of Division 3
The Peter Caller Award : Highest mover from Div 2 to Div 1, OR Top of Division 2
The divisions are worked out on the basis of average marks per judge on the panel. The marks denoting the
division boundaries can be amended by the E&J if necessary to reflect the prevailing standard of choruses
within LABBS, in which case the membership is notified in advance. DIVISION BOUNDARIES 2010-2011 (total score for 2 song performance)
TRIPLE PANEL: Division 3 = Up to 1008; Division 2 = 1009 to 1125; Division 1 = 1126+
DOUBLE PANEL: Division 3 = Up to 672; Division 2 = 673 to 750; Division 1 = 751+
% Equivalent: Division 3 = Up to 56%; Division 2 = 56.1% to 62.5%; Division 1 = 62.6+% My First Convention
I wasn’t sure what to
elusive 60% and hopefully
expect having never
experienced anything like
Saturday afternoon
this before but Thursday
getting ready for our turn
evening arriving at Val’s
to shine was a mixture
house (from Bristol
of excitement, clammy
Fashion) laden down with palms and needing a wee
costume bags, make
constantly! In my mind
up, suitcases and a
its now a blur of painting
slightly jaded expression.
nails, not forgetting the
Arriving at Llandudno
sparkly top coat, Jan with
Friday afternoon I was
a constant flow of hair
immediately looked after
customers, reassuring
by my fellow chorus
fellow members on how
members and made to
their hair, eyes, lips, nails,
feel welcome and I soon
costume looked and the
relaxed knowing that I
buzz of anticipation hung
was in good company.
in the air as we all made
The shows both Friday
our way to the convention
and Saturday night were
centre. The performance
ones I will never forget.
itself was an amazing
The Ringmasters, in
experience. Singing the
particular, made a huge
two songs we have all
impression on me and
worked so hard on and
not only because one of
feeling so proud once we
them was a bit of a dish!
had finished is a feeling
Fantastic performances
I don’t think I will ever
from the White Rosettes
and Signature really
The afterglow was just
brought the competitive
as I imagined it would
and perfectionist side
be, every corner, hallway,
out of me and I am
loo, and room taken up
now raring to put in 110% by quartets and choruses
effort into our Monday
all singing, drinking and
night rehearsals in the
generally having a blast.
hope we will achieve the
I don’t think there is
16 | Voice Box December 2010
anywhere else where you
can spontaneously burst
in to song and instead of
being looked at as if you
have three heads you
actually DO gain three
more heads as a quartet
is formed right before
your very eyes and each
and every one of you
is as keen to sing their
passion to their “hearts’”
One of my funniest
memories is the ‘party’
back at the hotel where
Delyth and I walked down
the stairs to the ballroom
to relax with the rest of
the chorus only to be
greeted by an audience
of guests from the hotel
eagerly waiting to hear
us sing, I didn’t mention
that a few of us (including
Delyth and myself) were
in full sleepwear, stripy
pyjamas, dressing gowns
and slippers. Delyth
looked at me and simply
said “oh well in for a
penny, in for a pound,”
and down we went! The
evening that ensued was
one of laughs, singing,
Helen’s raunchy dancing,
Pamela’s obscene jokes
and generally a feeling of
pride and contentment
that we had all done our
best and were surrounded
by friends.
After a long journey back
on Sunday afternoon
consisting of Gill’s
fabulous bingo, more
singing and merriment I
returned home feeling
like I had been in a time
tunnel. So much had
happened in such a short
space of time and despite
my tiredness I babbled
my way excitedly to a
confused looking husband
who by the end said I
guess you had to be there
and in a way I suppose he
is right.
I am left feeling excited
and eager to learn
everything there is to
know about barbershop
and with the hope that
one day I may become
part of a quartet and will
be up there at convention
singing proudly again
with all the friends I have
gained over the past few
Festival of Choirs
With 18 competing
‘choirs’ in all from
Northern and Southern
Ireland, Norfolk, Essex
Derbyshire, the island
itself and of course
our home County of
The chorus sang ‘Girls
Wanna Have Fun’ which
blew the socks off
The Abbey Belles Chorus the audience and the
other competitors, an
(ABC) decided to enter
this new competition
arrangement of “You
Raise Me Up” with a
in the Isle of Man
on the 15th to 17th
soloist in a traditional
October 2010. It is a new choral style and a
real show stopper of
competition with a new
patron in Moira Anderson, ‘ My Name in Lights’
in full barbershop
a much loved Scottish
singer, who was famous
mode - moves and the
sparkle we expect from
in the later part of the
70’s and 80’s. The event
barbershop. The brief
was to perform in three
was the brainchild of Mr
contrasting styles and
Geoff Corkish M.B.E.
one piece must be ‘a
There were three
sections for ladies, men’s cappella’ and of course
ABC performed all three
and mixed voice choirs.
in this style. We were by
far the smallest chorus
presenting a competition
chorus of 18 ladies and
with our wonderful MD
Anne Turner we achieved
second place being
pipped by only two points
by The Swift Singers
from Essex.
It was a fabulous
experience and the hosts
were fantastic treating all
contestants to a ‘preglow’ with a chance to
sing in the Villa Marina
Arcade complex on the
Friday evening. A really
smoothly run competition
on both Saturday and
the winners show on
Sunday. The Abbey
Belles were noted by the
compere and host to be
the Sorority chorus of the
competition with our true
convention whooping and
cheering. Our number
one supporter ‘the land
lady’ and many others
said ‘what a refreshing
change it is to hear
barbershop harmony’
and the judge, Alwyn
Humphreys O.B.E.
who was a traditional
choir judge was very
impressed with our
Helen Hemingway - Publicity ABC
Links to the festival can
be seen on the following
Ten Little Barbershoppers
Brought along her friend one night and then there
were two.
Two earnest Barbershoppers each won one more,
That doubled the number and then there were four.
Ten little Barbershoppers standing in a line,
Four determined Barbershoppers worked early and
One didn’t like the songs and then there were nine.
Nine little Barbershoppers stayed up very late,
One missed a rehearsal and then there were eight.
Each won another one and then there were eight.
Eight little Barbershoppers sang like angels in heaven, Eight splendid Barbershoppers, brought more onto
One set the pitch too low and then there were seven. their scene,
Open and Roving Rehearsals helped their number
Seven little Barbershoppers sang in a glorious mix,
reach sixteen!
Until one sang out of tune and then there were six.
Six little Barbershoppers seemed very much alive,
Sixteen amazing Barbershoppers, can you believe this
is true?
But one lost her interest and then there were five.
Five little Barbershoppers worked hard to recruit more, Ran a Learn to Sing Course and then there were
But one stopped to take a rest and then there were
Thirty-two remarkable Barbershoppers, if they
doubled as before,
Four little Barbershoppers singing in harmony,
Soon upon their risers, they’d have sixty-four!
One got very busy and then there were three.
Does this jingle have a message? Read and find
Three little Barbershoppers knew not what to do,
One joined a bigger choir and then there were two.
Two little Barbershoppers, seems this rhyme is nearly When faced with a challenge – Barbershoppers will
always win.
One became discouraged and then there was one.
Anne Storey
One dedicated Barbershopper, can’t do much it’s true, Humber Belles
Voice Box December 2010 | 17
Fund-Raising Workshop
“I could not fault any of
the speakers and the
venue was great. There
was so much useful
information for my club.
It was nice to meet
members from the other
“ Many thanks for a
(LABBS), Jeanette
superb well-structured
The Workshop
day. Jeanette was
Yuile (Sweet Adelines
was attended by
particularly inspirational –
representatives of
Region 3l) and Micaela
Schmit (Making Music)
we’ll never give up asking
clubs from within the
three Organisations.
respectively and there
was a general discussion “All in all we found the
Unfortunately, the
on other ways of funding day a valuable experience,
attendance was rather
especially the many
poor which was a great
your club, including
hand-outs that will
making a CD.
pity as the day was very
help guide us on future
Judge for yourself how
interesting and wellfunding applications.”
presented and, dare I say successful it was from
“To be quite honest with
for such a dull-sounding
some of the feedback
you, before I came I did
subject, FUN! Sessions
feel I had been “roped in”
“Compliments on the
on clubs obtaining
by my chorus to attend
presentation – it helped
charity status, finding
something I did not really
to get the content into
sponsorship, help with
want to but my opinion
my brain. All in all, it
making applications to
totally changed and I am
was a very productive
fund-raising bodies were
now SO glad I came.
covered by Delyth Knight day”.
Every single session was
slick and professional,
running exactly to time,
the speakers were all so
knowledgeable as well as
informative and the slides
and handouts informative.
Most importantly, it was
all so very relevant and
full of great ideas that
should be easy to put
into practice. Thank you
for such an inspiring and
enjoyable day”.
“The day was well
structured, well thoughtout and well-presented.
Object of Workshop
Do visit the Barbershop
in Harmony website
for further details of
the day – and items for
down-loading: www.
Jacqui Edwards
LABBS Barbershop in Harmony Rep.
Rossendale Radio
Four years ago I
stumbled across
Barbershop through my
work in radio when I
heard Cheshire Chord’s
version of “I Predict a
Riot” being played.. I
heard it, had to find out
what it was, went to a
rehearsal and the rest,
they say, is history. I
was really lucky to
have heard it, I have no
other connection to the
Barbershop world; from
an ‘outsider’s’ point of
view, it’s not that easy
to find out about and it
certainly isn’t something
that you hear being
played on the radio very
18 | Voice Box December 2010
you can hear me present
much. I’m trying to put
that right.
the best music from
I am in the very privileged “Stage and Screen” on
104.7 Rossendale Radio. I
position to work for a
discovered my love for
Barbershop through radio.
I want to ensure that as
many people know about
the genre as possible,
so that they can enjoy it
too – my own radio show
seemed the best to do
it. I play two or three
barbershop or a cappella
tracks each week, talk
radio station that allows
me to choose my own
about the events in the
Barbershop world and get
music for a specialist
interviews and comments
radio programme; that’s
virtually unheard of these from Barbershoppers.
days. Each Sunday night
Here is where you come
between 7pm and 10pm
in; what is your favourite
barbershop track? Are
you in a chorus or quartet
that would like to be
featured? Do you have a
passion for barbershop
that you want to tell the
world about? Are you part
of an event that you want
people to know about?
Get in touch with me and
let me know! andrea@
rossendaleradio.co.uk. You can listen online
each week, www.
co.uk and join in on
the conversation at
rossendaleradio. See you
Andrea Day
So Happy Together
Following the runaway
success of the “Love To
Eaton on Saturday 2nd
October. Entitled “Happy
Sing” course in January,
Gem Connection have
been working really hard
with their 17 new recruits
to integrate them into
the chorus, and new and
old members alike have
invested lots of time and
energy into learning a
host of new songs.
The hard work really paid
off when Gem hosted
a sell out performance
at Trent College in Long
Together”, the first half
featured the original
Gem lineup performing a
selection of songs from
their existing repertoire.
New recruits joined in for
the second half, which
included two songs
especially arranged by
Gem member Heather
Lane. Her fantastic
arrangement of the
Lady Gaga song “Bad
Romance”, along with
tutored and supported
some really striking
choreography and props,
by all the marvellous
made a brilliant finale and established Gems, I just
really brought the house
felt extremely excited
and confident that
down. Support came
from Fretwirk, Yesteryear, “everything would be
Diamond Cut and Silver
all right on the night””,
said new member Clare
Sax, with the wonderful
Mr Len Matthews acting
Macare. “And it certainly
was. Afterwards it was
as MC.
The show was a great
impossible to stop
smiling and wanting to do
success, with fantastic
it all over again!”
audience feedback. “I
really couldn’t distinguish Established Gem
members have been
between new and old
members – everyone
so impressed with
the dedication and
looked so professional” commented audience
enthusiasm shown by all
the new recruits, and the
member Barbara Ball.
speed with which they
Having such a warm
have become an integral
reception from the
part of the chorus. The
audience really helped
new line up is stronger
to make this a special
than ever, and the chorus
occasion for Gem
is really looking forward
Connection. “Having
to the challenges ahead –
worked so hard in the
so watch this space!
lead up to the show
and been so well
Gem Connection
Covention Raffle A Big Thank You
We would like to thank everyone who participated in
Hello to all my friends in
the Raffle this year - particularly those lovely ladies
LABBS. I just want to
who took on the task of issuing and returning the
say a huge thank you to
books etc. It certainly makes our job much easier!
the E & J & LABBS for
The list of winners :the beautiful Dartington
1st prize £500
08857 M Wharton
Vase that was presented
White Rosettes
to me at Convention. It
2nd prize £250
Sue Mellor
has been an honour
Red Rosettes
and privilege to serve
3rd prize £125 01625
Barbara Millar you and I hope that Ali
Welwyn Harmony Jack who is taking over
4th prize £75
Dave Mann as Quartet & Chorus
Convention Crew Registrar will have as
5th prize £50
L. Payne
much fun and pleasure
as I have had. If you are
We didn’t have any suggestions for the recipients
thinking of registering
of the 2011 Raffle proceeds - so get your thinking
your quartet for 2011
caps on and let us know please. We look forward to
please check out the
hearing from you.
LABBS website for Ali’s
new e-mail address.
David and Anne Withnall
Quartet registrations
LABBS Raffle Organisers.
for 2011 will be sent out
very soon. If you are
thinking about joining
one of the LABBS
teams DO! It will be
the best thing that you
have ever done. LABBS
cannot survive without
the tireless unpaid work
that goes on behind the
scenes to ensure that
our association continues
to thrive and grow. There
are many jobs out there
that need doing and
you could be just that
person to do it. Have a
great Christmas and a
prosperous New Year.
Samantha Roberts retiring Quartet & Chorus
Registrar (Cheshire Chord & Blackpool Ladies)
Voice Box December 2010 | 19
Come to Llandudno next May for 50 Hours
of Entertainment, Singing, Participation & Fun!
37th BABS Annual Convention
Venue Cymru - Llandudno
27th - 30th May 2011
A Great Week-end
in store for everyone!
Ladies Scratch Chorus
Sing-a-Long Sessions
Barbershop’s Got Talent
Interview with Crossroads
Champions Masterclass
The British Association of Barbershop Singers invite
you to come to Llandudno for their 37th Annual
Convention. They are getting better and better, with
more to do, more opportunities to sing and more
chances to get involved.
At last year’s convention, over 2600 experienced a
wonderful weekend of barbershop harmony and
Sing 2011 should be no different. Come and experience
a BABS convention for yourself, it runs from lunchtime
on Friday right through to lunchtime on Monday.
The full weekend Registration is just £50.00, there
are single and two day registrations also available.
Show tickets are extra and start from as little as £10.
You can purchase your Registration and Show tickets
direct from the Venue Cymru Box Office or securely
online through the BABS website.
Quartet & Chorus Contests
Also visit the website for full details, including show
information, schedules, event information, travel
and much much more. There’s a great weekend in
store for everyone and we look forward to seeing
you in Llandudno next May.
Plus Lots, lot More!
Afterglows Each Evening
3 Great Shows
There’s a change of rehearsal venue for Guildford
Harmony, so if you could put it in the Notices bit of
the mag as a Directory Change we’d be grateful.
The new address is
Onslow Village Hall
The Square
Wilderness Road
Guildford GU2 7QR
Crossroads, the 2009 Internation Gold Medal Quartet are our
headline guest. In addition to barbershop they entertain with
a wide variety of musical styles including Vocal Jazz, Blues,
Gospel and Pop classics. They will be appearing throughout the
convention weekend - you may even get to sing with them!
Register Now!
Online on the BABS website
Telephone the Venue Cymru
Box Office
01492 872000
The Chordettes are delighted to announce that they
have moved their rehearsal venue. We are now at
’Hannahs at Seale Hayne’ which is a wonderful new
foundation for Music and the Arts, which will open
up new avenues for our chorus to get involved in the
local arts community. For more information about
how to find us visit our website
Jane Barry, PRO,The Chordettes
Many thanks to Event-Photos for allowing us to print their convention photographs.
Copy deadline 28th January
Diary Dates
January 8 Exec Meeting LSE
January 8 Directors Education Day
January 22 Exec/Council/Reg Reps meeting LSE
January 29-30
LABBS Quartet Weekend with “The Four Bettys”
February 19-20
E & J Category School
Please submit articles for inclusion as Word
or plain text files, with as little formatting as
possible. Avoid double spaces at the beginning
of sentences, tabs, long lines of spaces to
line things up and multiple paragraph returns.
Photographs should be the highest resolution
you can find. Don’t download them from your
web site they will be low resolution and will look
poor when printed larger than a postage stamp.
email everything to voicebox@labbs.org.uk
The editor reserves the right to edit any material in the interests of clarity, accuracy, suitability and to fit available space. The decision of the editor is final.
Contributors are responsible for their opinions and facts contained in the material submitted and the views expressed are not necessarily those of the editor or LABBS.
Printed by Pixel Beach, Reading | www.pixelbeach.co.uk