Spring 2015 - Westminster Presbyterian Church


Spring 2015 - Westminster Presbyterian Church
Vol. 59, No. 5 y Spring 2015
From Our Pastor
Dear Westminster Family,
It is with great expectations that my wife Jennifer and I prepare to make our transition to
Oklahoma City and for me to begin my ministry with you. My heart and mind are full of
passion and vision for what God is calling us to do together to build His kingdom and to
help people become complete disciples of Jesus Christ.
My first Sunday with you is February 1. I hope you will make it a high priority to attend
worship on that day, as well as the Sundays that follow. Worship is the main place where
a new pastor can build a relationship with the congregation, and where that pastor can
begin to share hopes and visions for the united ministry of the church.
Rev. Dr. Paul J. Kirbas
I would like to share with you some of the plans for our worship services in the weeks
ahead. As I begin my preaching with you, I would like to spend the first Sundays
speaking about vision and calling, as it applies to our church and to our own particular
These will be the themes for February 1 and 15 (I am unable to be with you on Sunday, February 8, due to the fact that
my son Jeff is graduating from College back in Chicago that weekend). On February 22, we begin the season of Lent. My
sermon series for Lent is entitled “Seven Lasting Words”. I suspect many of you are familiar with the seven last words of
Christ, often lifted up in verse and music. These are words and phrases that Jesus offered during the last moments of his
life. These words certainly give us insight into what was going on in the soul of Jesus during those painful moments, but
Jesus was a constant teacher, and the words he offered were not just extemporary thoughts prompted by the passion of the
moment. These words and phrases were also important lessons for us, as we face our own crosses of challenge and difficulty. During the season of Lent, we will unpack these lessons that Jesus was teaching as he suffered the passion of the
cross. And as we gather around these Seven Lasting Words of Jesus, we will be given spiritual tools to live fully in God’s
Pastor/Head of Staff
405.524.2224 ext. 275
I am full of excitement as we near the time for my ministry to begin with you. Please do plan to be in worship as this season unfolds, and invite others to join you. I believe that God has great plans for our journey together, and I can’t wait to
roll up my sleeves, and get started!
In God’s Love,
Paul J. Kirbas
Pastor/Head of Staff
Pastors’ Class in room 103
February 15 – March 29
9:30 AM Sunday Mornings
Throughout history, there has been an argument over the idea of the existence of the human soul. This debate
separated the ancient Hebrews from the Ancient Greeks, and both had a head-on crash when we get to the New
Testament era. This led to a conflicting idea of the human soul from the New Testament writers, and a division of
beliefs in current Christian theology. Most recently, science has stepped into the fray, and yet it too seems to be caught
up in an argument concerning the existence of the human soul.
In the Pastors’ Class, Dr. Kirbas will help us understand the different sides of this age-old debate, and will share some
of the newest studies of science that hope to shed some new light on the question. In this class, we will address
questions such as: Is there such a thing as the Human Soul? How did we get a soul? Does the soul die with us? Is the
soul immortal? Do animals have souls? Would human clones have souls? Can Science definitively prove the existence
of the human soul?
Join our new Pastor as he leads us on this 7 week journey, in search for the Human Soul!
Presbyterian Church
Dear Westminster Member,
December 23, 2014
Westminster Presbyterian Church is pleased to call Rev. Dr. Paul J. Kirbas as Pastor/Head of Staff.
He has accepted the call and will join Westminster Presbyterian Church on February 1, 2015!
The Pastor Nominating Committee sought an individual with a diverse skill set including preacher,
teacher, counselor and administrator, who is foremost, driven by a desire to serve Christ. We sought
someone who recognizes that WPC is Christ’s church and who recognizes that WPC’s future is not
in human hands, but in Christ’s hands. The PNC easily came to the conclusion that Paul met the
more objective requirements and expectations set out in our Ministry Information Form. So, what
set him apart? Why did the PNC extend the call?
From our initial reading of his Personal Information Form more than six months ago, we knew
that Paul was special. Following each interaction with him that initial opinion was confirmed and
strengthened. The more we saw, heard and read, the more we appreciated and respected his skills
and abilities.
In our discussions about Paul, we used words like calm, intelligent, sincere and prepared. He exuded a quiet confidence which was grounded in humility and modesty. Philippians 2: 3-4 seemed to
apply. “3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above
yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”
Kathy Brown, Kay Ludwig and Mike Mize had the privilege of going to Wheaton to see and hear
Paul preach. One of the things that struck us was the respect and admiration which were clearly
demonstrated by that congregation. During that visit, we also had the opportunity to meet his wife,
Jennifer. This meeting revealed one other strength in Paul. He has good judgment. Jennifer is fantastic!
We talked to a number of references. In addition to the references provided by Paul, we talked to
a number of people whom we found on our own. We heard some common themes during these
reference checks. Many mentioned that they were surprised he would leave, what a great leader he
is, that he relates well to all ages, he is a remarkable preacher and teacher, that Paul brings people
together and once you know him, you will love him.
We also asked Paul to describe a key strength of his ministry. His response was “I see myself as a
bridge builder. I like to bring people together and to see people of differing views accept and show
respect for people with differing views and ideas.” He believes that diversity can be a strength. His
recognition of the fact that WPC is a congregation with different views and opinions is one of the
primary reasons he was interested in our church.
Paul responded “yes” to our call within 24 hours of receiving our offer. It was clear to all of us at that
time and the hand of God had touched and blessed us all.
Your Pastor Nominating Committee,
Daniel Adams, Kathy Brown, Richard Darnell, Nick Linholm, Kay Ludwig, Robin McAlister,
Mike Mize, Jane Puls and Marcus Walters
Welcome Our New Members
Marcus Hill
Mike Kennedy
Chris & Cassandra Bass
Bill & Bette Moran
Philip Friesen
Brooke & Austin Lochmann
Maria McFadyen
Brooke Eichelberger &
Andrew Jensen
Janine Taylor Bryant & Tracy Leigh Des La Tour
New members class will be held Sunday, Feb. 8th & May 3rd at 9:00 a in the Parlor. Call 524.2224 ext. 228 to join.
Many Thanks
It is with sadness and graditude that
we announce the resignation of one
of our beloved staff members.
Thank you Sarah Adams-Cornell,
Communications Director for your
years of dedication to our Lord and
Westminster. We will miss you and
wish you well in your future
= Welcome Our New Staff Members
Anisa Gonzalez
Stephanie Holman
Anisa has been teaching for the last 10 years
at Rosary Catholic School. Before Rosary,
Anisa worked as a teacher at Westminster
CDC for 2 years. She received her Bachelor
of Fine Arts from the University of Oklahoma
and has studied Education at the graduate
level at the University of Central Oklahoma.
Anisa is certified by the State of Oklahoma to
teach Early Childhood and P.E. She has been
married to her husband for 18 years and they
have a 15 year old daughter.
Stephanie previously worked as the
Communications Project/Office Manager for
another church organization and has been at
Westminster since August, with her
previous role being the Administrative
Assistant to Discipling and Communications.
She enjoys using her creativity to convey the
love of the Lord. Stephanie has studied Computer Information Technology at OSU-OKC.
She recently married and has two daughters
who are 14 and 9.
Child Development
Center Director
Welcome Our New
Kingdom Kids Teachers
From left to right: Michelle McCulley, Sharla Kicenski, Karina Dulaney, Raquel Edmondson - Early Childhood Coordinator, Heather Selement Director of Children’s Ministry, Heather Harp - Assistant Director of Children’s Ministry, Mary Espinosa, Melodie Lynne Bowers, Sherri Graim,
Jenny Dunham, Jessica Wiah. Not Pictured: Bobbi Hassebroek, Kristina Hill, Jamie Boyer-Keith, Maria Flores, Sara Hernandez
Worship & Music Ministry
Dear Church Family,
Happy New Year! I hope that you enjoyed a blessed Advent season and Christmastide
and are happy and blessed so far in 2015. It is a great honor and privilege for me to
serve God by leading Westminster’s Worship and Music ministries. I believe that the
work that we do is truly unique and special and that God is regularly glorified in the
highest because of the tireless effort and endless generosity of many.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to several groups and
individuals who have worked tirelessly over the past few months: Our Chancel Choir
Josh Phelps
Director of
and Worship and Music Interns, as well as those who have very generously given
& Music
financial support to our internship program: Steve Thompson, Sallie Pollack, Tracey
405.524.2224 ext. 240
Gregg-Boothby, Larry Larson and Cheryl Taylor, whose assistance in planning and
leadership have helped make possible the large-scale offerings of the past few months;
Westminster’s Worship and Music team, chaired by Leslie Hudson, who have given
great leadership and counsel in the absence of a head of staff; Michelle Junkin, Randall Spindle,
Jo Ann McFarlin, Lori Jirousek, John Engell, Heidi Fisher, June White, Stephanie Holman, the Westminster staff,
and countless others who have gone above and beyond the call of duty in recent months.
I believe that special thanks are due to Bob Duncan and family, as well as others who have given to the Marge
Duncan Memorial Concert Series, for the wonderful gift of our Christmas at Westminster celebration, which was
held on December 3, 2014, and will become a tradition by virtue of the funding provided in honor of Marge.
Audio recordings and DVD’s of Christmas at Westminster are available for purchase at the reception desk for
those who were unable to attend.
I am very excited about events that lie ahead in the next few months. Here are just a few of them that you will
want to be sure to place on your calendar:
The next commission by the Mary Margaret Heath Choral Music Endowment, Christ Is Alive!, which was
commissioned of Allen Pote, will be premiered by our choir and instrumentalists in Easter Sunday worship
services on April 5. Mr. Pote is a well-known and highly-respected composer of sacred music and whose music is
often sung by our choir in our worship services.
On April 19, 2015, Westminster’s Chancel Choir and orchestra are teaming up with choirs from Oklahoma City
Community College, Rose State College, and Santa Fe South Schools; and soloists Nicole Van Every, Cheryl
Taylor, Tracey Gregg-Boothby, Thomas Studebaker and Todd Donovan to present Mozart in Memoriam. This
collaborative project will be presented by the Marge Duncan Memorial Concert Series and will be held in the
Visual and Performing Arts Center Theater on the campus of Oklahoma City Community College at 7:00pm. This
center-piece of the program will be Mozart’s beloved Requiem in D Minor, which will be performed in
acknowledgement of the 20th anniversary of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. More information about this very special event and other important events in the life of our church will follow very soon.
Yours in Christ’s Service,
Josh Phelps, Director of Worship and Music
Children’s Ministry
I hope that each of you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year! A huge thank you to
everyone who donated and bid on items at this year’s auction. We already have been
able to purchase 2 indoor play sets! Thank you for continuing to support the children of
As we enter into the spring semester, we have many activities and events planned, so
mark your calendars for the following dates.
Heather Selement
Director of
Children’s Ministry
405.524.2224 ext. 248
February 8th is our 4th annual Father and Daughter Dinner from 5:30-7:00pm. We have
everything taken care of so you can show up and enjoy a night with your daughter! We
have several fun activities planned for you so make sure you RSVP early (space is
limited). The cost is $30 for dad and one daughter, $35 for dad and multiple daughters.
Sign up on the website under the Children’s Ministry tab or email heather@wpcokc.org.
Friday Friends is back this spring! If you are a 3rd/4th grader or a 5th/6th grader we
would love for you to hang out on Friday afternoons with us for a fun time of games,
activities, snacks and a short devotional. Be sure to invite your friends! Dates are
February 6th, March 27, April 3, 10 and May 1 & 8 from 3:30-5.
The annual Eggstravaganza will be March 29th in the Garden Court. Join us for a fun filled morning of cookie
decorating, Easter games, moon bounce and more! Activities will begin at 10am and the egg hunt will begin at 11am.
Would you like to help out? We would love for you to donate peanut free candy. Our goal is 1,000 eggs!
Can you believe it’s already time to start thinking about VBS?!? This year’s VBS will be June 8th-11th from 9amnoon. The theme is Everest, Conquering Challenge with God’s Mighty Power! We will embark on an icy expedition
where kids overcome obstacles with God’s awesome power and anchor kids in rock-solid Bible truths that will guide
them through life’s challenges. VBS is for ages Pre-K to 4th grade. Sign up on the website under the childrens’ page.
We will need 60 volunteers to make this the best week possible for the children. Please email hharp@wpcokc.org to
get more information.
June 8th-12th is also Mission Week for those entering 5th, 6th, or 7th grade. It is a great week for your child to participate in serving our community and have a blast doing it! More details to come, so keep a lookout for them! Contact
Nicole Mencer, nmencer@wpcokc.org with questions or to volunteer!
Did you know that WPC will have a summer camp onsite this summer? That’s right! We will have summer camp for
children ages 4yrs-10yrs, Monday-Friday. Junior West (4-6yrs) and West Camp (7-10yrs) will be open June 1st-July
31st (except for week of July 4th. June 29th-July 3rd). Both Full Time, 8am-5pm and Part Time options, 9am-3pm
are available. Each week has a different theme, some are: Lego’s, VBS, Animals, Nature, Theater and Sports. There
will be special events throughout the summer and the children will also participate in a summer reading program. For
more information please contact Heather Selement, heather@wpcokc.org or Nicole Mencer, nmencer@wpcokc.org or
call 524-2224 ext 282.
r Presbyterian Churc
Kingdom Kids Academy has immediate openings!
We accept children ages three months-four years.
The center is open 9:30am to 2:30pm
Tuesday through Thursday.
4400 N Shartel Avenue, Oklahoma City, 73118
Enroll your child today for
Westminster’s Summer program
for ages 4-10!
In this eight week Christ focused program
your child will learn about God through
Legos, Exotic Animals, Snow Cones, Sports,
Reading and Science.
Call 405-524-2204 for more information.
Space is limited so register soon!
Club 56
Spring Retreat
April 17-18
Jacob’s Ladder in
Chandler, OK
Cost $35
January 14th - April 29th
No classes held February 18th - Ash Wednesday (There WILL be dinner)
5:30-6:15 pm -Dinner
Simple, family-friendly dishes.
Adults $5 Children $3 Family Maximum Charge $20
6:15-7:00 pm
Nursery for children ages birth through 4 years
Bible Lesson for Pre-Kdg - 6th Grade
• Jesus: Universal Man - Rev. Dr. Randall Spindle Jan. 21st - March 29th
• If God is Good, then Why…? - Rev. Dr. Paul Kirbas April 8th - 29th
• Enrichment Series
Jan. 14 - Feb. 11 Embossing Velvet with Rev. Michelle Junkin
Feb. 25th, March 4th, March 11th - Cooking with Jenny and Mark Dunham
7:10-9:00 pm
• Chancel Choir (Nursery Provided)
Grief Support Group Offered
Wednesday Evenings
April 15th - May 20th
6:00p - 7:00p
Adult Lounge
Six-week program taught by certified grief
specialist, Marla Mercer Cole. The Care Team
invites those navigating recent loss of a loved one to
attend the Grief Support Group lead by Marla
Mercer Cole. She will offer tools and techniques
to help the bereaved navigate this unique time of
sorrow and loss. Marla is a Licensed Professional
Counselor CT: Certified in Thanatology: Dying,
Death and Bereavement. She serves as the
Director of Community Relations and AfterCare
Services and Vice President, of Mercer-Adams
Funeral Service.
Women’s Ministry
Mom’s Morning has transformed into Mom’s Night Out. We now meet in the
evening on the 3rd Thursday every month. Childcare available. RSVP through the
monthly evite to make reservations and to also register for childcare.
Our next meeting is Feb. 19 at 7 pm at Flip’s Wine Bar & Trattoria.
Friends Welcome! Note no meeting in March as the third Thursday falls on many
school Spring Breaks. Restaurant details for the April 16 and May 21
locations TBA. If you have questions call or email Rev. Junkin.
Women of Faith Luncheon
The first Women of Faith Luncheon was a great success! Do you know a local
woman of faith with an inspiring story? Email those suggestions to Rev.
Michelle Junkin at michelle@wpcokc.org to share with the Women’s Ministry
Team as we plan the next event. Friends are always welcome.
Rev. Michelle Junkin
Interim Associate Pastor
405.524.2224 ext. 222
Beginning Ash Wednesday Feb 18
in room 103 led by Rev. Junkin
This six week study will focus on what it means to live into the meaning of the Lenten
Season. Guided by the book Living into Lent, written by theologian and Christian
educator Donald K. McKim.
Set this Lenten Season Apart
Class meets Feb. 18, Feb. 25, March 4, March 11, March 18, and March 25.
Childcare provided. Class meets from 9:30 – 11 am.
Youth Ministry
A wonderfully blessed & happy New Year to you all! There are a few new things to be
aware of as we launch into 2015 with the Lord as our Guide & number one Love:
PARENTS: REQUIRED WPC WAIVER! Please complete and return WPC waivers for
each child to Claire Belden; ALL Youth are required to have a WPC Waiver on file to participate in WPC Youth events and activities. Thank you!
Claire Belden
Youth Programs &
405.524.2224 ext. 233
POLAR BEAR REUNION DAY OF ADVENTURE, for high school youth, is February
28, 2015 from 10AM-6PM. PLEASE be here by 9:45AM! The cost is $50 per participant.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 8, 2015 Youth will be divided into teams (with
assigned fun-loving designated adult drivers) to complete a Photo/Video Scavenger Hunt
that will lead each team on a city-wide mission by car from surprise destination to surprise
destination. Each team will have to read & decode a series of riddles & clues along the way
to complete a photo or video task at each location. Some of the location’s activities may
take an hour or so to complete while others may be completed in less than 20 seconds! Several destinations will incorporate traditional aspects from the previous Polar Bear Retreats…
it is going to be a BLAST! Pick up registration packets from the front desk or ask your
youth leaders.
I want to further thank everyone for making Austin and me feel so welcomed at WPC. We both feel blessed to be a part
of this Ministry and are extremely thankful for all of the continued prayers, support, and encouragement we are receiving.
We are excited to be witnessing all of the wonderful things the Lord is doing in the Youth Ministry and are beyond excited
for all that He has in store for the New Year!
With much joy in His service,
Claire Belden
Programs & Communications
Upcoming Events
Winter Jam 2015
When: March 7th 2015 @ 6PM
Who: High School
OKC Marathon Runners/Volunteers
When: April 26th 2015
Who: ALL Youth (7th-12th Grades)
Senior Sunday
When: May 3, 2015
Who: Graduating Seniors
Current Small Groups!
Who: 10th-12th Grade Girls
Leader: Claire Belden
Who: 9th-12th Grade Guys
Leader: Austin Jenkins
Who: 7th-9th Grade Girls
Leader: Nicole Mencer
Who: 9th Grade Girls
Leader: Jessica Greene
Celebrate Service!
In 2014, the Youth served as volunteers through the United Way “Day
of Caring” at the Boys & Girls Club,
the Santa Store at Urban Mission,
delivered “Prayer Rocks” to the
Bellevue Health & Rehabilitation
center, stuffed & delivered stockings
to the SPARK House, and more!
Their beautiful servant hearts are a
true blessing to WPC and the world.
JOIN a Small Group TODAY! Contact
Claire for help getting plugged in!
There are a TON of exciting ideas and plans coming up, BUT in order to make them a reality,
the fact of the matter is that we MUST have help!!
Looking for volunteers to get involved with our youth by providing snacks, hangout locations,
chaperoning events, volunteering for Friday Friends or Sunday School, etc..
Mid High Summer Camp
June 28th - July 2nd
A week at summer camp can be a life-changing
experience. Here campers have found a place
where they can have fun, challenge themselves,
and feel good about their faith.
Mo-Ranch Summer Camp provides campers the
opportunity to grow in their faith by
experiencing the love of God through
relationships grounded in Christian faith,
living in community and playing and learning
in our outdoor setting. Not only do they get to
read and hear about the love of Christ, they also
get to experience it throughout our day. From
swinging on the high ropes challenge course, to
canoeing on the beautiful Guadalupe River, Mo Ranch creates an environment of wonder,
encouragement and excitement. Join us this summer!
Men of
Tuesdays at
Rev. Dr. Richard Spindle
is currently leading the Men
of Westminster. We
encourage all men to attend
Tuesday mornings beginning
with breakfast at 7:30am and
class ending by 8:30am. Hope to
see you all there!
Dr. Richard Spindle has been a
college religion faculty member and
University president for 25 years; he
has taught in Europe and helped found
a large Christian University in Sao
Paolo, Brazil. He has just completed a
book on the Book of Ecclesiastes and
will be sharing it with the group.
Westminster Presbyterian
Financials through
December 31, 2014
Total Giving
Total Other
TOTAL SPENDING: ($3,069,431)
Net Revenue
over Expenses
Westminster Family Announcements
Deacon of the Week
February 1-7 – Hank Johnson, 317-4628
February 8-14 – Gayle Jones, 210-9614
February 15-21 – Jeb Joseph, 210-3589
February 22-28 – Jane Krizer, 205-3563
March 1-7 – Sandra Mayfield, 657-8970
March 8-14 – Marla McBryde, 816-4102
March 15-21 – Frank McGregor, 642-3950
March 22-28 – Shawn Witcher, 990-6572
March 29-April 4 – Anna McMillin, 848-5713
April 5-11 – Shirley O’Bannon, 842-3694
April 12-18 – Dianne Rasmussen, 412-2943
April 19-25– Brett Robinson, 833-3024
April 26-May 2 – Amy Smith, 580-445-8890
In MemoriAm
Condolences to the family and friends of Elizabeth Fishback
who died July 5; to Barbara Keating, whose husband, John
Keating, died July 27; to Ann Caylor and Sarah Campbell,
whose husband and father, James Caylor, died August 8; to
Steve Childers, whose wife, Sherry Childers, died August
31; to the family and friends of Peggy Lynn Wilson who
died April 17, 2011; to John Reichel and Mollie Raymond
whose wife and mother, Christie Reichel, died September
1; to Lynn Mills and Cindy Ballard, whose mother Martha
Jo Jordan, died September 20; to the family and friends
of Mary Beth Jack who died September 21; to Jennie Andrews, whose husband John Andrews died October 30; to
Phil Truss, Holly, McKenzie and Bryce Carlin, whose wife,
mother and grandmother, Mary Truss, died October 31; to
the family and friends of Olga Pellow who died November
2; to the family and friends of Marge Mayberry who died
November 19; to Barton Carl and Peter Carl whose wife and
mother, Bea Carl, died December 5; to Bob Vernon, Michael
Vernon and Rebecca Skarky, whose father and grandfather,
Wayne Vernon, died December 9; to the family and friends
of Libby Price, who died December 15; to Jud Collins whose
wife, Georgia Collins, died January 15th; and to Walter
Spencer whose wife, Darlene Spencer, died January 18.
The following members who have lost a loved one are
remembered with prayer and concern: Gary Sander, whose
mother, Bernice Sander, died July 17 in Iowa; Dick Croom,
whose father, Henry R. Croom, died August 31; Dixie
Jensen, whose mother, Dixie Retherford, died September 5;
Jane Krizer, whose father died August 4; Catherine McCoy,
whose father Neale Gordon, died September 18 in Baton
Rouge, LA; Bob and Susan Wheeler, whose daughter Sara
Wheeler, died October 21 in Houston; Reba Gallaspy, whose
brother Jim Adair died October 31; Judy Hall, Amy Hall
Harrison, Ward, Houston and Emily Hall, whose mother and
grandmother Pat Dickey, died November 17; Alex Cameron,
Sarah and Scott Cameron, whose mother and grandmother
Roldah Cameron died December 6 in New Jersey; Bill
Davis, whose daughter Anne Davis, died December 7; Judy
Hamra, whose mother Lee Hamra, died December 9 in
Lawton, OK; Kelly Gentry, Ragon Gentry, Sody and Garner
Gentry, whose mother and grandmother, Dorothy Gentry,
died December 11; Frances Hoch whose brother Bill
Treeman, died January 18. Former WPC member Bill
Amend died December 11;
former WPC member Billye
Myers died December 13 in
Albuquerque; former WPC
member Rodney Edwards
died January 22.
June White
Church Records
405.524.2224 ext. 249
Baptized July 13; Crawford
Christopher Brown (1/20/14),
son of Stephen and Kate Brown; and Oliver Copeland
Johnson (9/25/13), son of Dan and Katherine Johnson;
Leo Parish McAlister 11/21/13), son of Greg and Robin
McAlister. Baptized September 21: Gwyneth Yvonne Rose
Gourley (9/20/13), daughter of JJ and Stephanie Gourley,
granddaughter of Cindy Ballard; and Henry Seamus Beasley (12/23/13) son of Scott and Jenny Beasley. Baptized
December 7: Bruno John Nichols (4/11/14), son of Michael
and Katherine Nichols, grandson of Laurie Givens. Baptized January 11: Clara Noelle (6/16/09) and Joseph Edwin
(8/17/12), children of Kristen and A.J. Ferate.
Jesse and Mallory Bennetts named their son, born December 30, 2013, Jett Klee Bennetts. Proud grandparents are
Klee and Sally Black, proud aunt is Ashley Black. Timothy
and Cassandra Spindle named their son, born October 2,
Jack Henry Spindle. Proud grandparents are Randall and
Debra Spindle. Marcus and Chandler Walters named their
third son, born October 23, Ward Walters. Chase and Blair
Schnebel named their twins, born 2/23/12, Macy-Dean and
Hudson Schnebel. Proud grandparents are Brock and Kelli
LOCHMANN-SADLER: Austin Clarke Lochmann and Dee
Brooke Sadler were married September 20 in WPC
Sanctuary. They reside in Wichita, KS.
CARROLL-LOVE: Macon Thomas Carroll and Aubrey
Elizabeth Love, daughter of Tim and Susan Love,
granddaughter of Ken and Anne Love, were married October
18, WPC Sanctuary. They will reside in Charlotte, NC.
BISEL-KILLAM: Chad Bisel and Lauren Killam, daughter
of Jim and Annette Mays, were married December 13, WPC
Sanctuary. They will reside in Oklahoma City.
Non Profit Org.
Presbyterian Church
Okla. City, OK
4400 N. Shartel, Oklahoma city, OK 73118
Return Service Requested
& Education
8:30 am - Chapel
For All Ages
9:30 am - List
Available at Front Desk
10:30 am - Sanctuary
Audio or video
available anytime at
Subscribe to our
podcast and listen or
watch online.
I would like
to speak with
a Pastor
Rev. Dr. Paul
Kirbas, Pastor/Head
of Staff
405.524.2224 ext.
275 or pkirbas@
Rev. Dr. Randall
Spindle, Teaching
ext. 229 or
Rev. Michelle
Junkin, Interim
Associate Pastor
405.524.2224 ext.
222 or mjunkin@
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