Merciful Moments - Westminster Presbyterian Church


Merciful Moments - Westminster Presbyterian Church
April 2013
Music Director
RuthE. Wells
I’ve been thinking recently about breathing,
how breath is essential to
life and critical to singing,
and about what happens
when a group of people breathe together.
Continued on page 2
Barbara Rowe, Pastor
Merciful Moments
Worship in April
Sundays, 8:30 and 10:30 am
Invite friends to Westminster!
“As the Father sent me, so am I sending you.”
John 20:21
When Moses asked God what God should be called, God
said to him, “Call me, ‘I am who I am becoming!’” The
weeks between Easter and Pentecost are the Easter Season,
a time when we remember that we are new creations in
Christ. Westminster is moving into an Easter time, a time
of new creation. Our church and ministry is what it is
becoming! What an exciting time to be welcoming our
new pastor, Rev. Rob McClellan, and to begin thinking
about how the church will practice ministry and serve the
world in the upcoming years. How will Jesus send us out
to become his hands and love in the world?
As we prepare to transition into this new time in the life
of the church, I want to thank you for the honor and
gift you have given me to be Westminster’s Pastor and
Interim Head of Staff these past eighteen months. It has
been quite a ride—full of faith and fun, excitement and
laughter. I am extremely grateful for the weekly meetings
and occasional planning retreats with staff members Bethany Nelson, Nicole Trotter, Ted Scott, RuthE. Wells and
Diane Masarweh. These times have nurtured me in new
and surprising ways as we grew together in faith.
Continued on page 2
April 7 - Bethany Nelson
To Doubt or Not to Doubt
Communion Sunday
Commissioning of Middle School Team
April 14 - Ted Scott
Here to There
10:00 am - Baptisms
11:05 am - Congregational Meeting to
Elect Officers
April 21 - Barbara Rowe
Doing a New Thing
10:00 am - Baptism
11:15 am - Parents of Youth
April 28 - Rob McClellan
11:15 am - Welcome Reception
Inside This Issue
All in the Family....................................................3
Congregational Life, Education & Outreach.....4-6
Church Calendar...................................................7
Church Directory and Zephyrs Information.........8
Merciful Moments
Continued from page 1
As Rev. Rob arrives to be the Senior Pastor and Head
of Staff, I will continue as the Associate Pastor and look
forward to working with him as he joins our church staff.
During the past eighteen months, Westminster did not
stand still but has been changing, becoming something
new. As a congregation we have celebrated many baptisms and welcomed 58 new members into the life of
the church. Worship, music and musicians, children and
youth programs, and adult education have stretched us
in new ways. In addition to your staff preachers, we were
blessed with many guest preachers who brought new
voices and ideas to our sermon reflections.
Members have also reached out to welcome visitors
during this time. They helped them find a connection
at Westminster that allows them to build relationships,
deepen their faith spiritually and express their faith in
efforts to change the world. They helped others make a
difference by working together to provide meals to the
hungry and a warm sleeping place for the homeless and
on mission trips to help those in other cities. They also
helped others build relationships through small groups
meetings in and outside the church, and often over meals.
During the past 18 months, we have seen our elders,
deacons, the Pastor Nominating Committee and many,
many volunteers open their hearts to God’s guidance
and respond in incredible ways to develop the personnel,
pledges, building, landscaping and much more within the
church, and also to expand the ministry of Jesus Christ
throughout the community and beyond.
Continued from page 1
I often tell the choir, “I’m a big fan of breathing in and
out; especially in.”
A big part of my enjoyment of singing is breathing in –
the literal inspiration. In fact—whether we realize it or
not—breathing is one of the great unifying things we do
together in worship.
When we sing together, we not only give life to the
melody and poetry of a work. In the process of preparing
to sing, we breathe together. In that moment we are one
breath, one Spirit. And as we sing together, we are one
Our singing together creates community on an organic
level. It is what transforms “Kum-by-ah” or “A Mighty
Fortress,” or whatever your favorite song of faith may be,
from words and music into the cultural fabric that knits
us together—a shared experience, made possible by the
breath of life.
There is nothing I like more than corporate or ensemble
singing. I thrive on the shared experience. Yet while I like
richly complex choral writing, I find that some of the
most powerful musical expression is in unison singing,
when everyone sings the melody together. Think of the
opening chorus of Carmina Burana.
It drives me crazy when television commercials assault the
act of singing, implying that ordinary people cannot sing
in tune, or that real music making should be left to the
professionals. Singing together is a human birthright.
Rev. Rob McClellan, Sherri and Liam are very excited to
be joining us soon. Currently they are up to their eyeballs
in boxes as they pack for their big transition to the West
Coast. They are thrilled that they have the opportunity
to live at SFTS in faculty housing as they decide exactly
where they would like to purchase a home. In addition to
all the details of packing, moving and preparing to join
us at Westminster, Rob is also in the midst of planning
sermons and writing several commentaries for a very important series used by many preachers –“Feasting on the
Word: A Commentary on the Revised Common
Lectionary.” He is grateful for your thoughts and prayers
and says, “We’re eagerly anticipating joining all of you!”
And then I came across this quote that gave me
something new to aspire to with our music program:
This is a time of change for us. We are who we are becoming! Please keep all these transitions in your prayers –
Westminster’s, the McClellan’s and your own! Shalom!
Will you join us?
“Then the singing enveloped me. It was
furry and resonant, coming from everyone’s
very heart. There was no sense of
performance or judgment, only that the
music was breath and food.”
~ Anne Lamott
There’s a banquet being prepared in the choir loft every
All in the Family
Prayers of Healing
and Strength for:.
Marian Easton, recovering from
Harry Gowland, recovering from
Lloyd Henderson, at home under
Hospice care.
Dick Leonards, healing from back
Bert Wheeler, recovering after a
serious bike fall.
members are: Jo Cooper, Jennifer
Corteville, Deb Dybsky, Ann Ganote, Len Ganote, Matt Hart, David
Heneghan, Carla Parkinson, Sandy
Smith, Cheryl Wheeler and Ann
White, with consultants Ted Scott
and Barbara Rowe.
Steve Anderson, whose father died
in late February.
Dale Luehring, diagnosed with cancer, and wife of 70 years, Mary.
baptisms of Samantha, Abigail &
Grahame Highfield on April 14.
baptism of Olivia Adnan, daughter
of Liz Darby & Errol Adnan and
granddaughter of Lee Darby on
April 21.
Prayers of Safe Move
and Transition for:
Rob, Sherri and Liam McClellan,
as they move from Philadelphia to
San Anselmo.
Share Your Ideas with
Transition Committee
The Transition Committee is guiding
Westminster’s changes before and
after we welcome Rev. Rob McClellan on April 28. They have already
consulted on the move, upgraded the
Pastor study and collected recommendations for the family. They also
have plans for Rob to meet with
officers and groups once he arrives
and will stay alert for other needs.
Please thank the Committee members for their efforts and offer any
ideas you might have. The Chair is
Jeff Slavitz ( and
Tamalpais Pacific
Leadership Change
In 1971, Westminster Presbyterian Church (WPC) partnered with
Community Congregational Church,
St. Stephen’s Episcopal and the Town
of Tiburon to create the Tiburon
Ecumenical Association, which developed the Hilarita Apartments located
near Reed School.
After 42 years, the Tiburon Ecumenical Association has evolved into two
boards: Hilarita-TEA, which owns
and manages the apartment complex,
and Tamalpais Pacific, which makes
financial grants to support affordable
Prayers of
Comfort for:
Prayers of
Celebration for the:
Welcome Rev. Rob
McClellan and family!
You are invited to welcome our new
pastor, Rev. Rob McClellan, and
his family, Rev. Sherri Hausser and
baby Liam on April 28. Rob will
preach in both the 8:30 and 10 am
services and a reception will follow.
This is an exciting time to invite
friends and share in the joy that we
are experiencing in this next step in
the life of the congregation.
14 New Members
Fourteen people were welcomed
on Easter Sunday. Please greet
these members and their families:
Charles (Scotty) & June Auld,
Susan Curtis, Gay Harris, Adam &
Elizabeth Krivatsy, Monika Levinson, Hamp & Gwen Mauvais, Ann
Nilsson - Davis, David & Victoria
Piontek (children Clarice, William
and Gavin), and Jeffrey & Michelle
Tripp (children Max and Sabrina).
Look for photos in the May Zephyrs and in the password-protected
online church directory at www. (Password info on
inside front page of your directory.)
WPC has three representatives on
each board. Sam Gillespie, Dennis
Leary and Chuck Quick serve on
the Hilarita-TEA. Len Ganote, Sheri
Joseph and Chuck Quick serve on
the Tam Pacific.
Sheri, an attorney, has served as a
WPC representative for ten years
and has put her passion and expertise
into providing excellent guidance
to this board. She is moving into a
new position and will continue her
involvement with the board in a new
Mike Sands, a local architect whose
expertise is greatly needed on the
board, will take Sheri’s place representing WPC. Mike is a native San
Franciscan who graduated from U.C.
Berkeley and served in the Peace
Corps in the West Indies. He has
forty years of architectural experience,
primarily in residential work.
Mike worships regularly at WPC on
Sundays at 8:30 am, and is an active
member of the Friday morning Men’s
Welcome Mike to the Tam Pacific
Board and thank you Sheri for your
years of service.
Congregational Life and Education
Director of
Nicole Trotter
Director of
Youth Ministry
Bethany Nelson
Children’s Ministries
April Youth News
Help Us Welcome Pastor Rob
April 21
Please join us on this special day
when we will make welcome cards
for our new pastor Rob. The children
will make the cards on the April 21
but present them in worship on
April 28.
Join us at our April youth events! See
your youth newsletter for details.
Teacher Luncheon
May 5
As just one way to say “thank you” to
all our volunteer teachers, the members of the Committee on Christian
Education would like to host them at
a casual luncheon on May 5. It will
be in the pre-school building with
childcare available. Please join us.
Middle School Mission Trip
April 7-10
It’s almost time for our trip to Point
Reyes! We will be commissioned in
worship at 10 am on April 7 and
depart that evening.
Round Table Lunch
April 14, 11:15 am-12:15 pm
Join us for conversation and a casual
pizza lunch. All 6th-12th graders are
welcome. Bring $10 to pay for lunch.
Car Wash
April 21, 11:15 am
This is a mandatory event for all high
schoolers going on the summer misSave the Dates
sion trip to Los Angeles. We will set
Vacation Bible School
July 29-August 1, 9:30 am-12:30 pm up and have lunch and begin washing
Participating kids will grow in faith as cars at noon.
they play, learn and sing. Children in
Pastor Rob’s First Sunday
grades preK-5 will have group singApril 28, 10 & 11:15 am
ing, age-divided story time, crafts,
Hope you will join us in worship and
snacks, mission projects and games
at a reception following worship to
each day.
welcome Rev. Rob McClellan and his
family to Westminster.
Teacher Appreciation Sunday
June 2
Westminster Woods
Please join us in worship and take a
moment to either honor our teachers Summer 2013
or be honored for all the gifts of time Looking for something to do this
and talent they bring to the children summer? Consider a Westminster
Woods camp. They offer camps for
of Westminster.
all ages filled with ropes course activities, music, games, discussion, hikes,
Spring Outing at Paradise Park
great food, new friends and more. In
June 9
Please join us for a lovely relaxed pic- addition to attending camp, you can
nic for the entire congregation. Please also choose to be a volunteer counselRSVP to or for the younger children. For info,
Thank you, Nicole see
Music Director
RuthE. Wells
Music for Worship
There are a few new voices in the
choir. I am grateful for them (and all
of my co-conspirators). However, this
has had the unintended consequence
of changing the balance of voices.
The choir has just two more months
to sing (through June 9), and I’m
praying that the Spirit is leading a
couple more altos and tenors to join
us, too. Is the Spirit speaking to you?
Let’s talk.
Once we get past Easter, I start
thinking about summer, and planning music for worship for the 12
weeks that the choir is off. During the
summer we welcome members of the
congregation as well as musical guests
to provide music each week.
It’s my job to schedule these, and I’d
love to hear from you about who your
favorites have been, or whether you
have an idea about something you’d
like to present yourself.
The summer music program is not
limited to vocal music. We welcome
solo or ensemble offerings from instrumentalists as well. In the past few years
we’ve had recorders, cellos and violins,
classical guitarists and pianists, and
folk and jazz musicians.
Please let me know if you would
like to make a musical offering this
Soli Deo gloria
(glory to God alone),
Congregational Life and Education
his family, Rev. Sherri Hausser and
baby Liam on April 28. Rob will
Additional Dimensions preach in both the 8:30 and 10 am
services and a reception will follow.
Wednesdays, April 3-24
Invite friends and share in the joy
9:30-10:30 am, Fireside Room
that we are experiencing in this next
Ted Scott and Barbara Rowe facilstep in the life of the congregation.
itate looking at biblical accounts
of the Resurrection, material on
angels, and stories and other sources Women of Westminster
The Gutsy Women of Faith Series
on “life after death.”
See Barbara for study guides.
Nafisa Haji on
New in April
Adult Study
MIC Intra-faith Series
Monday, April 15, 7-9 pm, Church
of JC of Latter Day Saints, San Rafael
The Marin Interfaith Council
presents the third of four programs
on branches of Christianity. Speakers are clergy from denominatons
founded in the US in the 1800’s:
Unitarian/Universalist, Mormon,
Christian Science and Disciples of
Christ. The public is invited.
Register at
Teen Panel for Parents
Sunday, April 21
11:15am, Fireside Room
Calling all parents! Have you ever
wanted to know what is going on in
the life and brain of your teenager?
Join us as a panel of WPC middle
and high schoolers tells you what
it is really like living in their shoes.
Your questions are encouraged!
Car Wash
Sunday, April 21
12-1:30 pm, Parking Lot
Bring your dirty cars to the high
school youth, who will be washing
cars in the parking lot.
The car wash is free, but your
donation for the summer mission
trip will be gratefully accepted.
Welcome Rev. Rob
Sunday, April 28
8:30, 10 am & 11:15 am
You are invited to welcome our new
pastor Rev. Rob McClellan and
Muslim Women:
Rocks & Hard Places
Tuesday, April 30
7-8:30 pm, Sanctuary
Come hear natural storyteller Nafisa
Haji describe the need to reclaim
the authentic Islam as a liberating
force for women, a religion that
has been co-opted by the powerful
patriarchal societies in which the
majority of Muslims live today.
Nafisa was raised in Los Angeles by
parents from Karachi, Pakistan. She
earned a Doctorate of Education
at UCLA and has authored two
novels, The Writing on My Forehead
andThe Sweetness of Tears.
Nafisa maintains close ties in Karachi and was there in February. She
has served on the board of Freedom
Forward, which works to ensure
the alignment of American ideals
with foreign policy, and is currently
President of the Marin Interfaith
Council. We are honored to have
Nafisa speak to us about the life of
Muslim women here and abroad.
Men, women and youth and the
public are welcome. Please RSVP
to Holly Seerley at HSeerley@aol.
com or 383-6656. Childcare provided if requested by April 23.
Ongoing In April
Tiburon Thrift Shop
Mondays, April 1-29
10 am-1pm or 1-4 pm
96 Lower Ark Row, Tiburon
Did you know that WPC receives a
portion of the Tiburon Thrift Shop
proceeds every month? The more
folks donate, shop or volunteer at
TTS, the more funds WPC receives
for its programs.
WPC supplies TTS with two volunteers every Monday from 10 am–
1 pm and from 1-4 pm. Pick any
3-hour time slot that suits you, park
for free and have fun selling!
Questions? Contact Mary Mossteller at 924-3096 / mcmossteller@ or Barbara Campbell at
883-2371 or
You Are Needed
Tuesday, April 2, 7-8:30 pm,
Through WPC
Join any of the eight volunteer
groups that meet in various rooms
at WPC on the first Tuesday of each
month. Each group or commission
is chaired by a Session elder who
leads the group as they consider
the church’s programs, ministry or
The groups are: Building &
Grounds, Christian Education,
Church & Society, Congregational
Life, Finance, Outreach/Mission,
Spiritual Life and Worship. This is
a great way to meet other church
members and to participate in the
life of the congregation!
Come on April 2,or if you would
like further information or to
arrange introductions, contact
Barbara at 383-5272x16 or
Parents of Teens
Wednesday, April 3
7:30 pm, Library
All parents of teens are invited to
join us in the library as we share
and discuss the highs and lows of
raising our teen children.
Contact Lisa Bartschat for more
information at
Congregational Life and Education
Ongoing in April
Men’s Group
Fridays, April 5-26
6:30 am, Fireside
Join our popular men’s group for its
early morning breakfast and discussion on a wide range of topics.
Questions? Contact Phil Economon at 924-6047.
Spiritual Discovery
Fridays, April 5-26
8:30-10 am, Library
Join the group for quiet reflection
and sharing. Newcomers welcome.
Questions? Contact Pat O’Neil at
332-4438 or
Faith Café!
Sundays, April 7
8:30 am, Fireside
Rev. Lloyd Henderson always has a
fascinating topic to discuss on Sunday mornings.
Childcare is available.
Feed the Food Barrel
Sunday, April 7 or anytime
Outside the Library
On the first Sunday of each month,
or any other interval that works for
you, please fill the large barrel near
the church library with as many of
the following or other canned and
dried items as possible.
Canned Goods: tuna, chicken, ham,
salmon, port & beans, stews & chili,
soups, spaghetti sauce, vegetables,
fruits, juices
Dry Goods: macaroni & cheese, spaghetti, cereal, powdered milk, rice,
dry beans, peanut butter & jelly
Those with children will find that
shopping for the hungry is a good
way to model generosity for them.
Thank you!
At the Redwoods
Sunday, April 7
1:30 pm, The Redwoods
The Deacons offer a short worship
service for shut-ins on the first
Sunday of each month at The Redwoods in Mill Valley. Come attend
this service as a way of serving our
Contact Mildie Whedon at or
492-2538 for more info.
Moms of
Young Children
Tuesday, April 16
Time/location TBA
All moms with young children are
invited to join us as we discuss transitions. With Pastor Rob about to
join our church staff, what does that
transition mean for you, for your
family, and for Westminster? What
might it mean for Rob and his wife,
Sherri, fellow aprents of a young
child? Hope you will join us.
Contact Bethany Nelson at 3835272 x18 or bethanyjnelson@ to RSVP and to get
time, address and directions.
Empty Nesters
Wednesday, April 24
6:30 pm, Quick Home
Are you a mom whose chicks have
finally left the nest—for college,
employment or after camping
back home during their 20s? This
monthly group is for you! Meeting
in homes or restaurants, the group
responds to a relevant faith/life
question over dinner.
The April topic follows up on our
March discussion and is aimed at
inspiring each of us to look further
into and reflect on our special gifts.
For more information or reservation and directions, please contact
Nancy George at 435-1850 or
Spiritual Life Commission
Poetry Corner
Before Jesus was his mother.
Before supper
in the upper room, breakfast in the barn.
Before the Passover Feast, a feeding trough.
And here, the altar
of Earth, fair linens of hay and seed.
Before his cry,
her cry.
Before his sweat
of blood, her bleeding
and tears.
Before his offering, hers.
Before the breaking of bread and death, the breaking of her body in birth.
Before the offering
of the cup,
the offering of her breast.
Before his blood, her blood.
And by her body and blood alone, his body and blood and whole human being.
The wise ones knelt
to hear the woman’s word
in wonder.
Holding up her sacred child, her spark of God in the form of a
babe, she said: “Receive and let your hearts be healed and your lives be filled with love, for
This is my body, This is my blood.”
by Rev. Alla Renee Bozarth, Ph.D.
Debbie Dybsky
April 2013
10:00 & 1:00
Volunteers at
Thrift Shop
8:30 Worship
8:30 Faith Cafe
10:00 Worship
10:00 Youth Classes
1:30 Redwoods
8:30 Worship
8:30 Faith Cafe
10:00 Worship
10:00 Youth Classes
11:05 Congregational
11:15 Youth Lunch
Welcome Rev. Rob
McClellan & Family
8:30 Worship
8:30 Faith Cafe
10:00 Worship
10:00 Youth Classes
11:15 Welcome
MS Mission
12:00 Hot Lunch
9:30 Study Group
10:00 & 1:00
Volunteers at
Thrift Shop
6:30 Men’s Group
8:30 Women’s
Moms of
Young Children
7:00 Choir
9:30 Study Group
10:00 & 1:00
Volunteers at
Thrift Shop
12:00 Hot Lunch
6:00 Council of
6:30 Empty
10:00 & 1:00
Volunteers at
Thrift Shop
Mark Your
May 5 - Teacher
July 29-August 1
9:30 am-1230 pm
June 2 - Teacher
Appreciation Bible School
June 9 - Paradise Park October 4-16
Travel to Israel
7:00 WOW
Nafisa Haji
12:00 Hot Lunch
7:00 Session
6:30 Men’s Group
8:30 Women’s
7:00 Choir
7:00 Deacons
7:00 MIC
7:00 Choir
9:30 Study Group
10:00 & 1:00
Volunteers at
Thrift Shop
21 Birthday Sunday 22
8:30 Worship
8:30 Faith Cafe
10:00 Worship
10:00 Youth Classes
11:15 Youth Lunch
11:15 Parents of
12:00 Car Wash
7:30 Parents of
6:30 Men’s Group
8:30 Women’s
12:00 Hot Lunch
7:00 Commission
Food Barrel
MS Mission
9:30 Study Group
7:00 Choir
6:30 Men’s Group
8:30 Women’s
Westminster Presbyterian Church
240 Tiburon Boulevard
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Your Westminster
Westminster Church
Church Family
Barbara Rowe, Pastor
Ted Scott, Parish Associate
Bethany Nelson, Youth Minister
Nicole Trotter, Christian Educator
Diane Masarweh, Administrator &
Financial Secretary
Jerilynn Blackstone, Treasurer
Ann White, Accounting
RuthE. Wells, Music Director
Alla Artemova-Helton, Organist
Jesus Posada, Sexton
Mari Robinson, Zephyrs Editor
Marilyn Wuertz, Wedding Director
Elizabeth Merriman, Librarian
Monday - Friday
9 am - 4 pm
383-5272, Fax: 389-9834
Class of 2013
Jane Drobot
Jennifer Finger
Daniel Grant
Peter Sayers
John Trotter
Class of 2013
Lea Boyd
Scott Bucey
Denny Drake
Bruce Nelson
Sally Williams
Class of 2014
John Dworek
Len Ganote
Kelly Guyton
Randy Huyser
Sondra Wuthnow
Class of 2014
Pat Ascher
Mary Coons
Kathy Oliver
Calvin Olson
Marilyn Wuertz
Class of 2015
Bev Alexander
Steffen Bartschat
Barbara Campbell
Chuck Quick
Class of 2015
Marlene Allen
Sam Guyton
Marcia Schatz
E. Stromberg
Mildie Whedon
Nancy Walsh,
Published monthly, except for
a combined July/August issue.
Upcoming Deadlines
May 2013
April 10
June 2013
May 15
Submissions subject to editing.
Please submit single space copy
without formatting to