Jun 2015 - Chapter "M"


Jun 2015 - Chapter "M"
In The Moonlight
GWRRA Chapter M - South Central Region H - Arlington/Mansfield Texas
Chapter Directors
Steve & Kathy Tackel
Steve 817-819-1086
Kathy 817-874-5379
Asst. Chapter Directors
Wayne & Kristee Orr
Wayne 817-271-9006
Kristee 817-271-0876
Chapter Educators
David & Ginny Topley
Craig and Mary Watkins
Charles McConnell
Membership Coordinator
Cyndi Burt
Ride Coordinator
Larry Jennings
Sunshine /Moonshine
Sylvia/Marvin Andrews
Sylvia 214-563-8395
Marvin 214-564-8395
Apparel Sales
Dotty Doyle
Newsletter Editor
Jim Culver
Terri Culver
Event Coordinators
Gary & Beverly Lewis 817-915-6465
Chapter Historians
Gene & Bonnie Lowery
GoldWing Road Riders Association
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
From the CD
HELP!!!…… We are surrounded by water everywhere we look. It has been
quite the springtime so far with rain forecasts every day for weeks on end. It has
played havoc with our ride calendar, as well, I think we “may” have gotten in one
ride so far this month with everything else being cancelled because of……..rain.
I am not complaining about the rain because the area certainly needs it, but I
think that most all of the lakes are now full or over full, so it could stop any time
now. I am also rather tired of getting the chain saw out after every storm and
cutting up branches that have been knocked from our trees. We probably should
be careful what we wish for!! I have a feeling that as soon as the rain stops the
heat will set in and because we have not had much of it yet; it will feel very hot
The day two Fallen Soldier Tribute ride is scheduled for this Sunday May 31st,
if it doesn’t get rain delayed…….again. I hope that everyone can attend because
it is a very worthwhile thing to do to honor the families of our National Heroes
who gave their lives so that we might be free.
Remember that the heat is coming and try to stay hydrated while riding by
stopping often and drinking plenty of water, don’t forget your cooling vests or
camel back packs (full of ice water) on those really hot days.
June 21st is Father’s day so remember that special dad on his day this year; new
Gold Wing accessories are always appreciated.
I believe that our Chapter Educator David Topley is putting the final touches
on a planned “Trike Course” that would be of great value to a lot of our members
who have never taken one or who may need a refresher course, details will be
announced soon.
Wing Ding is slowly creeping up on us; make plans to attend now if you can
because I know we will have a lot of fun at the biggest and most fun Gold Wing
Rally to take place this year in Huntsville, AL in September. Details are on the
calendar. We will need to start thinking about where we want to go for our annual
after Thanksgiving ride this year soon as well.
There is a LOT of planning still to be done before the end of the year. This year
is flying by; it is already almost half over. There is a saying that the older you
get “the years fly and the days drag”, when I was younger I did not understand
it…….now? Well let’s just say, I get it.
Until next month,
Ride Safe
Steve and Kathy Tackel
Chapter M CD’s
In Memorium
Between the years of 1983 (when Chapter M was
established) and 2004 ,we probably lost some of our
beloved M'ers. It is our sincere apology that these
people were omitted in our list. If you have any info
on anyone from those years, please let us know.
2004 Greg Meadors
2005 Dean Bumpas
2005 Twyla Cook
2006 John Shumaker
2008 Ron Tolsen
2008 Dan Roady
2009 Jimmy Hyler
2010 Larry Rodgers
2012 Warren Burt
2012 Dave Thomas
2013 Susie Hicks
2013 Charlie Sheldon
2015 Lonnie Ellis
Let's pray that we have no more entries for this year.
We could use some of these for our
local Dairy Queens!
20 Things You Didn't Know
About Dairy Queen
Whether you're craving a plain vanilla cone or
an elaborate banana split, your local Dairy Queen has
been the go-to spot for summertime soft-serve since
1. The first DQ was located in Joliet, Illinois.
To promote the new soft-serve store, founder Sherb
Noble suggested an "all you can eat for 10 cents"
sale. The promotion was so popular, Noble worried
that the stampede of customers would break the glass
windows of the store front.
2. A "Brazier" Dairy Queen is one that serves hot
food in addition to ice cream.
A "brazier," by the way, is another word for a charcoal grill.
3. There's a rhyme and reason to the company's
name. The original store was deemed "Dairy Queen"
because Jack "Grandpa" McCullough, the "driving
force" behind DQ’s soft serve, said his creation was a
queen among dairy products.
4. Dairy Queen's soft serve recipe is a highly guarded
trade secret.
And just like KFC and Coke, they'll never reveal the
ingredients. "[The formula] is kept in a safe deposit
box and there are only a few keys to it," DQ's chief
branding officer, Michael Keller, has said.
5. No Doubt formed at a Dairy Queen in 1986.
Gwen Stefani and her brother Eric worked with oth-
er founding member John Spence at an Anaheim store,
where they discussed forming a band. Other celebrity
DQ employees include former Attorney General John
Ashcroft, actress Bonnie Hunt, and singer Martina
6. Though Dairy Queen has been around since 1940,
they didn't invent their trademark Blizzards until 1985.
They sold more than 175 million Blizzards in the very
first year.
7. Many franchises turn Blizzards upside down in
front of customers before serving.
It’s proof of how thick and delicious their soft-serve
is—but it’s also a total marketing gimmick. Some
stores offer the treat for free if the employee fails to
perform the trick.
8. The Green Tea Blizzard is the #1 seller in China.
In the U.S., the most popular Blizzard is Oreo.
9. Warren Buffett loves Dairy Queen. Of course, he
owns it—at least, Berkshire Hathaway does—but he
really supports the product. Once, while dining at the
Four Seasons in New York, he asked staff to pick him
up some DQ ice cream for dessert. Unfortunately, the
city didn’t have a DQ location at the time, so he had to
settle for some cookies.
10. DQ sold a frozen yogurt option in the '90s, but it
didn't catch on.
You may remember the Breeze, a lower-calorie Blizzard alternative that was made with frozen yogurt. It
was around for about a decade before the company
pulled it from the menu, saying demand was so low
that the frozen yogurt would often go bad before it
could be used.
11. Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban angered
Dairy Queen employees across the nation in 2002.
Cuban suggested that Ed Rush, the NBA’s head of
officiating, wasn’t even capable of managing a Dairy
Queen. In response, the company invited the billionaire to give it a shot himself—and he accepted their
offer. Wearing a "Tony" nametag, Cuban spent two
hours serving customers at a Dairy Queen in Coppell,
Texas, in 2002. He had trouble perfecting the trademark “Q” swirl at the top of soft-serve cones.
12. Technically, when you order a cone or cup at Dairy
Queen, you’re not getting ice cream.
According to the company, "Our soft-serve does not
qualify to be called ice cream. To be categorized as ice
cream, the minimum butterfat content must be 10 percent, and our soft-serve has only 5 percent butterfat."
13. The Dilly Bar was invented in 1955. The softserve round coated in chocolate and finished with
that signature Dairy Queen swirl was introduced to
the franchise by Robert Litherland, the co-owner of a
store in Moorhead, Minn. Employees of an ice cream
distributor in Minneapolis showed up at Litherland’s
door to demonstrate the technique, and finished by
holding up the completed bar and saying, “Now, isn’t
that a dilly!” The name stuck, though Litherland had
one regret: "We weren’t smart enough to copyright
that name."
14. The "MooLatte" coffee ice cream treat generated
some controversy. When DQ rolled out the MooLatte
frozen coffee drink in 2004, more than a few eyebrows were raised at the made-up word’s similarity to
the slur "mulatto." The controversy wasn’t enough to
squash the product; it’s still around today.
15. Dennis the Menace was the company spokestoon
until 2002. When the copyright license expired, Dairy
Queen chose not to renew it. It’s been speculated that
company execs felt Dennis was no longer a character
kids related to.
16. There was once a "Little Miss Dairy Queen."
Clad in a Dutch-style cap, dress, and shoes, Little Miss
Dairy Queen was featured as a 5-foot weather vane in
a select few locations. Most are gone now, but see if
you can spot one on your next road trip.
17. The world’s largest Blizzard weighed 8,260.85
pounds. It was made in 2001 in Springfield, Mass.
Guinness doesn’t specify the flavor, but if we had to
guess, we'd say it was Oreo.
18. Dairy Queen also holds the record for world’s largest ice cream cake. Made of sponge cake and vanilla
ice cream, the dessert was constructed in Toronto in
2011. It weighed more than 10 tons and was topped
with a ridiculous amount of crushed Oreo cookies.
19. Saudi Arabia really loves Dairy Queen.
It must, anyway—otherwise, Berkshire Hathaway
wouldn’t have opened the world’s largest Dairy Queen
in Riyadh. The two-level restaurant is 7500 square feet
and can seat 240 customers.
20. The Blizzardmobile was a thing. To celebrate the
25th anniversary of the Blizzard in 2010, DQ took a
cue from Oscar Mayer and rolled out the Blizzardmobile, a large truck that stopped at 25 cities in the U.S.
and Canada. The truck distributed free mini Blizzards
and conducted various games for coupons and prizes.
Fallen Soldier's Ride - Day 1
I wanted to write a quick note to talk about the Tribute to the Fallen Soldiers ride Day 1.
The day started in Mesquite at the VFW hall with a
safety briefing to all of the riders with the Department
of Public Safety and Mesquite police telling us what
they would be doing and what we would be expected
to do. They did feed us breakfast (pigs in a blanket
and donuts with coffee) We had the opportunity to buy
commemorative shirts and patches at the VFW where
we were to depart. There were active duty military and
a Humvee, many Patriot Guard Riders flying multiple
large US, military branch flags, PGR flags from their
bikes as well as a DPS car in front followed by the
Humvee, then all the bikes and DPS in the rear of the
group. We departed the VFW turning right to see a
Mesquite Fire Department truck with the boom up
over the road flying a HUGE American flag that we
drove under escorted by the police.
When we got to the first home of the fallen soldier
the family were waiting out in front of the house as
well as most of the rest of the neighborhood since we
were quite a site coming down a residential street.
The soldiers history was read aloud and when he was
killed, a plaque and canvas photo of their fallen soldier
was presented as well as a few received a wooden
chest with the name of the soldier, their branch of the
service and rank. It was a deeply moving experience
to be involved with the presentations. We were invited
to speak to the family members (which is optional) I
did not for the first few but then started stepping up to
greet the family myself as the day went on. Many of
the families had prepared snacks and had water for us
and after a time it was time to mount up and head to
the next presentation.
If you have never been involved with something
like this then it is something that every patriotic person should do. It is overwhelming to see the sights and
sounds of the police escort vehicles completely shutting down large highways ahead of us and to see the
many cars pulled to the side of the road as we went by;
many of the occupants were outside of their vehicles
saluting us as we went by. Everywhere we looked
people were taking pictures or videos of us and we
even made the CBS news at 6:30 and 10:00PM. Every
time we would enter a new city we were met with
a new group of police or Sheriff’s dept. vehicles to
continue the escort. The DPS stayed with us the whole
day since they have no jurisdictional boundaries.
Larry Jennings, Critt Coburn and myself are ready to
do it again next Sunday for day 2. It is a very long day
but one that I will remember for the rest of my life.
If you decide to join us next Sunday, I think it will be
well worth your time. Be sure to bring something to
wipe the tears from your eyes as you visit with these
true patriot families. We visited 7 families in all at
various locations and in several different cities including Mesquite, Plano, Frisco, Denton, Prosper, McKinney and Greenville.
Steve Tackel
Chapter M CD
1,917 miles of PURE Fun or Seven
Rides in Seven Days in Arkansas
by 'The Arkansas Gang'
Who? Blanca & Tom Lerch, Diane & Carl Westcott,
Annette & Gene McElyea
Day 1
The gang met at 06:30 on a Saturday morning. Although it looked 'kinda' stormy, we decided not to put
on our rain gear for now. We went straight up 75 and
saw a beautiful Dallas skyline hidden in the clouds.
We stopped in Sherman for Gas and some food. 75
became 69; another stretch and gas stop in Eufaula.
We did have a brief stop just after we left the Gas station as Tom thought he had pulled a nail somewhere.
Blanca was so clever to notice the cars driving by
making the same noise - turns out it was the road…
69 to I-40 - yes, we notice the rain following us. So
far, we made exceptionally good time that we decided
to stop in Van Buren for lunch.
Lunch was great; however, while we ate the storm
caught up with us. We waited out the worst before
we went to the bikes and brought in our rain gear
under the pitiful eyes of the other customers. They
must have thought: 'Poor guys' while we thought 'Iron
We continued I-40 to I-49, and then changed our
route in the name of safety (added about another 30
miles or so). I-49 up to 412 in Springdale, quick
check on the weather, fill-up, then onto Harrison with
stretch stop in Athena. Due to the rain, we did make
the trip in about 12.5 hours. Some were freezing more
than others.
Day 2
Off the next morning (which was actually beautiful)
onto the first challenge: The Jasper Disaster, 56
miles with 316 curves. We left about 10:30 am
straight down 7 to Jasper. We tried to visit the Mystic
Caverns; they are closed on Sundays - their loss.
We stopped at the Buffalo River bridge to take some
pictures, then continued on to Jasper. You have to stop
at 'Emma's Museum of Junk'. I'll bet you do not leave
empty-handed - they take Credit Cards.
We then took 74 to Ponca. A brief stop to slip on our
rain gear provided for good laughs as it proved to be
somewhat of a challenge for Diane and Carl - somehow his gear shrunk over night while Diane's grew...
In Ponca we visited the Elk Education Center.
We left for Harrison on 43 with some sprinkles starting; so, rain gear again - oh boy, we really needed it.
The heavens really opened up on us.
Once back at the hotel, we met downstairs for a
quick re-run of the ride. Carl suggested to Tom that he
use the gears more than the brakes. His brakes were
very happy. We shared a lot of laughs and scheduled
the rides for the rest of the trip based on weather info
we had…
Day 3
Off in the morning around 9 for the Peel Ferry Ride,
110 miles with 378 curves. The Weather Gods provided for great riding weather that included lots of
sun in the afternoon. North on 7 (u-turn required) to
14, then 268 East to 125 which ends at the Peel Ferry.
The ride was too short (about 8 minutes actual ride),
but it was fun and provided for a really neat break.
On the Harrison website, you can get some additional
information about the rides. While on the ferry , Tom
talked to one of the operators. Being the smart puppy
that he is, Tom quoted the information he read: " The
Peel Ferry was developed when the White River was
dammed to make Bull Shoals Lake. The lake now cov-
ers AR Highway 125 leading into Missouri. To compensate for the road loss, the Arkansas Highway and
Transportation Department created the ferry to transport vehicles across the lake into Missouri." The guy
looked at him and said: "All a bunch of baloney - there
was nothing here but a dirt road with very little traffic.
You saw more wild life than cars using this route." So
much for history on the Internet - the real story is with
the locals.
what would be an awesome, sunny day. 412/65 to
Yellville, right onto 14 heading for the town of Mountain View. We stopped at the Wild Bill Outfitters.
If you want to get closer to the Buffalo River, there
is a paved road right here. Almost all side roads are
otherwise gravel or dirt roads. Tom really does not
like to drive on gravel…if he wanted to do that, he
would have bought a dirt bike.
However, since we did not know that, we back-tracked
to a sign pointing to a River Lodge. This turned out
to be a dirt road ¾ on the way down just beyond a
Gene was nice enough to check out the road to the
lodge while we waited. When he came back he stated
that 'it has a beautiful view - just not with a Goldwing
bike. So, we headed back to the road with a quick
stop to retrieve a lost iPhone. Continued to Blanchard
Caverns - what an awesome place with an even gorgeous cave. Blanca waited above; when we came
back, we found that she made a new friend (the fourlegged kind).
125 (watch out for turtles of all sizes) to 160 West, to
one beautiful turn onto 76 West (valley river, bridges) ,
then 65 South into Branson. We came into 'old downtown' by way by the river.
Shopping, then food @ the OUTBACK (the original, independently owned) where Carl wrestled with
an alligator. After a great 'lunner' (you know, between
lunch and dinner) back to the hotel via 65 South. Another 18:00 meeting during which time we talked to
somebody from the Arkansas Tourist Bureau regarding
our motorcycle experience. Diane/Annette/Carl/Gene please fill in here
Day 4
Our longest ride: Mountain View Run, 168 miles
with 602 curves. We left Harrison about 08:30 on
Off to Mountain View. A very nice little town. We
had a Mexican 'lunner' after which shopping was on
the agenda. They have some neat little stores; don't
go late though as they close early (16:30 and I am out
of here). Gene showed us the cabin they stayed in
while on a previous visit and then it was off to Leslie
heading back home (Harrison, that is) via 66. Quick
stop in Leslie to put on a jacket.
On to 65 straight to Harrison (with one U-turn). Gene
was the smart one; he patiently waited for us u-turners.
Oops - we missed the 18:00 meeting.
Day 5
Next on tap: Eureka Springs Backroads, 132 miles
with 571 curves. We took 43 down to Ponca, this time
in sunny weather (remember, lots of water during the
Jasper Disaster).
We stopped at on Outlook to enjoy one beautiful view of Arkansas before heading to Ponca. 21
through Boxley Valley to 74 where we found a beautiful overhang - happened to be a rest stop as well that
included two natural springs. Carl and Blanca had on
their 'explorer hats' and went on top of the overhang
(see picture below). 23 (also known as the Pigs Trail)
to Eureka Springs via Withrow State Park and a stop at
Quigley's Castle - now, that woman was obsessed with
A very interesting visit. Onto Eureka Springs where
Diane and Carl left to visit Carl's family. The rest of
us drove to the Thorncrown Chapel before taking a
'lunner' back in town. With food in our stomachs, off
to the historic downtown. Definitely worth a visit oh, the Russians are here.
We had to shorten the ride somewhat and had to
omit the 'Race Track' as we were not able to find
Rockhouse Road. We just stayed on 62 which let us
Harrison in a jiffy. Oops - we missed the 18:00 meeting - again.
Day 6
Ozark Moonshine Run, 100 miles with 662 curves.
We all agreed - this was the prettiest ride.
We left at 08:30 and headed down 7 for Jasper. We
stopped at the Pruitt Landing (dirt road) by the Buffalo River - took some great pictures. We took off and
stopped at a deserted Gas station to put on our rain
Off to Jasper with another stop at 'Emma's Museum
of Junk' where Blanca and Tom picked up their lost
cow (forgot to take it on day 2). On the bikes again,
another short dress change (off with the Frogs), and
onto the road again. Before we hit 374, we stopped at
a great outlook with a gorgeous view of the Arkansas
Grand Canyon.
They had a tower and a store (pull out the Credit
Cards again).
Next, 123 to 7/16 North. This road had it all - nice
curves which even included some serpentine type
curves (the most challenging part) just after Mt. Judea.
716 North, past Nellie's Craft and Quilts (short
stretching stop) to 21 North through the Boxley Valley
(trying to spot some Elks - guess they knew we were
coming), onto 43 with a sandwich stop in Ponca, then
back to Harrison. No meeting today.
Day 7
Off in the morning at 08:30 in Frogs to the
Bull Shoal Dam Run, 100 miles with 326 curves.
412/62/65 to Yellville - it started raining pretty hard.
Tom had some vision problems - turns out that Gene
also had some issues. Before Yellville we turned onto
202, then 178 through the City of Bull Shoals. While
driving through the town, one 'puller-outer on the
right' was so fascinated with Tom's and Carl's bike that
she pulled out right in front of Gene. Evasive action
on Gene's part saved the day. Annette made sure the
surprised driver looked into 'two barrels'.
We warmed up at the James A. Gaston Visitor Center right on the Dam. This is a really cool place; even
better when the sun is shining. Even though it was
still pouring, we decided to add part of the 5 through
Mountain Home. We had to stop in at Colton's Steak
House to warm up, get something to eat and wait for
the rain to pass. Once back on 412/32, we stopped at
the Cotter Arch Bridges, took of the frogs, and decided
to go even further. Once we got to Bellefonte (Carl's
suggestion), we took 206 down to 7 in order to get to
The HUB, a motorcycle Mecca. Boy- what a dump don't go there. Annette and Gene went back to Harrison while the rest decided to go on a quest for some
flowers for Diane. Almost at Jasper, we decided to go
back. We stopped at Daisy Queen for ice cream.
Blanca had the idea of driving to the Cliff House Inn
beyond Jasper as it was sunny - you never know what
weather you get tomorrow. Back on the bikes, down
7 through Jasper and to the Cliff House - what a treat
(great job, Blanca). The Arkansas Grand Canyon in
full 'bloom', complete with Hummingbirds and all.
They do sell a lot of stuff - out come the Credit
Cards again. Diane found out that the flowers she was
seeking are actually sold in every feed store (at least
we were) told. After a wonderful rest, we drove back
7 to Harrison. Stop in Jasper to get gas, then try the
Feed Store just across the street - they were closed.
Well, off to Harrison. We wanted to stop to check out
the Craw Fish Festival in downtown Harrison, but
were told by al 'local' not to park here unless we did
not want to see our bikes again. Since we were not familiar with the area (public safe parking), we decided
to call it a day.
Day 8
Two rides today. First, Twisted Lady Route, 90
miles with 517 curves, and second 7 down to Hot
The Twisted Lady Route was another gorgeous
drive. 7 down to Jasper, 74 to 327. Tom was looking
for a way to go to the Snow Cemetery to check out
the grave of Frank James alias Joe Vaughn - however,
road markers, especially for little roads, were nowhere
to be found. Straight onto 16 to 21, Boxley Valley
(still no Elk), 43 back to Harrison.
Pack our stuff, connect the trailers, and off 7 down
to Jasper, with a stop at the feed store. They did not
have the flowers but gave us another place to check
just on 7. We finally got lucky and Diane found the
flower she wanted. Off to Hot Springs down 7 with a
lunch stop at the Cliff House Inn (Annette and Gene
did not see it the previous day). Then continue on 7
down to Russellville, gas stop, then more 7 through
the Ouachita National Forrest. Had a great stop right
at the South Fourche La Fave River.
That stop actually saved us from getting into a
bad storm just enough to get a brief 'shower to cool
off while driving'. We continued on 7 down to Hot
Springs. We wanted to meet with JD and friends for
dinner but it turned out to be too late - better luck next
time. We did have a nice dinner (Porterhouse) in Hot
Springs and a nice stroll down Central Avenue.
Day 9
Time to go home. We left at 11 and took 7 down to
I-30. Worried about the weather and possible flooding, we decided to do I-30, 635, and 20 to go back
We stopped in Texarkana at Applebee's then in Mt
Pleasant for gas. A quick stop in Rockwall and we
said our goodbyes. Blanca and Tom left on 360 South
while the rest continued on I-20. 1, 917 miles complete, four new friends made. Awesome 9 days…
Need a website for information?
2008 Goldwing Trike Pearl White $25,900 12,700
2008 Goldwing Trike - Motor Trike "Independent
Rear Suspension" conversion with EZ Steer. Conversion done about 3,000 miles ago.
Heated Grips
Heated Seat
Centramatic Wheel Balancers
Highway Pegs (Kuryakyn)
Honda GPS
Chrome Valve Covers
Chrome Frame Covers
Passenger Armrests (Kuryakyn)
Ring of Fire
LED Trunk Lights
Lizard Lights
Chrome Luggage Rack (Kuryakyn)
Garmin Zumo 665 Navigation Integrated with CB,
Radio, and Cell Phone
EZ Steer with 4.5 Degree Rake
Motor Trike Aqua Shields
Motor Trike Light Bar Bumper
Motor Trike Razor Wheels on Rear
Baker Bilt Wind Wings
Trailer Hitch
This is Ken Johnson's trike
Contact Dennis at eight one seven 247-0355
What’s Cooking with the M’ers!
Easy Pumpkin Swirl from Terri Culver
3/4 cup Royal American Pancake Mix
3 Eggs
1 cup of sugar
2/3 cup of canned pumpkin
1 cup of nuts
1 cup of milk
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1. Heat oven to 375 degrees, grease 15" x 10" x 1"
jelly roll pan. Line the top & sides with wax paper,
grease wax paper.
2. Beat eggs & sugar until fluffy, beat in pumpkin. Stir
in dry ingredients.
3. Pour into pan, spread evenly and sprinkle with nuts
4. Bake 13-15 minutes.
5. Invert onto towel dusted with powdered sugar, peel
off wax paper. Roll up cake & towel together from
short side, place seam side down on rack to cool. Let it
cool completely.
6. Unroll cake, spread with filling. Re-roll cake and
refrigerate until ready to serve.
Filling (to be used in step above)
Beat together the 1 cup of powdered sugar, 8 oz of
softened cream cheese, 6 tbs butter, 1 tsp of vanilla
extract, until smooth.
June Rides
Sunday, June 7 - Loose Wheel in Denison, leave from
QT on Blue Mound Rd @ 10:00 am
Saturday, June 13 - Critt Coburn leads. details TBA
Rhonda Jennings
Charlene Vickers Ken Peterson
Cyndi Burt
Debbie Fuller Connie Whan
Dayle Penney
June 14
June 15
June 20
June 22
June 24
June 27
June 30
Saturday, June 20 - Evening Ride, Rich Henderson
leads. Meet @ 5 below at 6 pm. Ends up at a DQ!
Sunday, June 28 - Ride to Fly by Night. Beverly
leads. Leave the Valero 731/1187 @ 10AM
July Rides
Saturday, July 11 - Pool Party at Steve & Kathy's.
More info on web
Sunday, July 19 - Meet @ Back Porch in Burleson @
8:00 am for breakfast and then to a movie!
Saturday, July 25 - Bug Run, Details TBA
Jeff & Dalinda Seguin
Steve & Kathy Tackel Terry & Sue Davis
Gene & Bonnie Lowery
Mike & Debbie Fuller Larry & Rhonda Jennings
David & Ginny Topley
Dan & Marsha Bailey June 7
June 8
June 12
June 12
June 14
June 21
June 23
June 30
CHL Classes from Jack Denham
The Concealed Handgun License (CHL) class
schedule for first part of 2015 is shown below. The
classes start at 8:30am on the scheduled day and we
finish around 2-3:00 pm. All classes are held at the
Arlington Sportsman's club in Mansfield. The cost is
$55, however, all Chapter M members get a "green"
$10.00 discount. Pre-registration is required and since
the class is limited to 9 students, most classes fill up at
least 2 weeks before the date. To reserve a spot please
contact Jack Denham via email at "oneeyejd@att.net "
for full information.
JUNE 14 JULY 11 Moonlighter T-Shirts, Polo Shirts,
Hats, Vests, Jackets
Flags Available
Dotty Doyle
for all of
your Chapter Apparel Needs
Where Chapter "M" Meets
Chapter "R" Meeting Location
Chapter Meeting 1st Thursday of each month
@ Spring Creek Barbeque, 1724 HWY 287 (at
Debbie Lane), Mansfield, TX. Dinner at 6:00
PM Meeting at 7:00 PM, Come join us!
Other Area Chapter Meetings
As noted in the right hand column, they are trying
Spring Creek BBQ in Grapevine since many were less
than happy with Fuddruckers. They will be trying this
new location for the next 6 months and go from there.
“P” 7:00 PM on 2nd Thursday, Spring Creek 317 Hwy
377 @ Overton, Granbury
“R” 7:30 PM on 4th Tuesday, Spring Creek BBQ, 315
Hwy 114 W, Grapevine
“W2” 7:00 PM on 3rd Thursday, Ryan’s, 1400 N.
HWY 77, Waxahachie
"Z2" 7:00 PM on 4th Thursday IHOP in McKinney
S access Rd. of Hwy. 75 (Central Expressway)