program - Marywood University
program - Marywood University
SENIOR PROGRAM LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE SPRING CLASS AND TRIP SCHEDULE FOR MARCH-JUNE 2016 CLASS OFFERINGS, SPRING 2016 L I F E LO N G L E A R N I N G I N ST I T U T E SENIOR PROGRAM Spring Class & Trip Schedule for March-June 2016 Check out the New Semester! Join us for light refreshments and information about our upcoming classes and trips. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2016 • 1 P.M. Snow Date: Sunday, February 14, 2016 • 1-3 PM Swartz Center for Spiritual Life • Swartz Room B Marywood University • 570-348-6213 TAI CHI The ancient art of Tai Chi uses gentle flowing movements to reduce the stress of today’s busy lifestyles and improve health. Consider Tai Chi if you are looking for an effective way to reduce stress. It was originally developed in ancient China (1600s) for self-defense. Tai Chi has evolved into a graceful form of exercise that’s now used for stress reduction, improving balance, and range of motion, energy (Qi) flow, and to help with a variety of other health conditions. Rick Schmoyer Tuesdays, March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 | 3– 4 p.m. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, Room B Members: $50 Non-Members: $70 EXPLORING CROATIA AND SLOVENIA Experience Old World charm as Joe and Dolly Michalczyk share their story and their DVD, with authentic folk music, about their recent trip to Croatia and Slovenia. World-renowned Dubrovnik was the highlight with its medieval architecture, city walls, tempting restaurants, and amazing views of the Adriatic. Other beautiful and surprising stops that will be featured are Opatija and Split. Nature lovers will enjoy the walkways, cascading waterfalls, and breathtaking lakes of the Plitvice National Park. Ljubljana, Slovenia’s quaint canal-crossed capital city, known as “little Venice” and the “pletna” boat ride on Lake Bled will be showcased. Two nights in Venice concluded the unforgettable trip. A themed lunch will be included. Joe and Dolly Michalczyk Wednesday, March 2 | 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, Room B Members: $30 Non-Members: $50 CULINARY CLASS DEMONSTRATION Sarah Bodner of Harvest Catering & Events and Tom Notchick of Chartwell’s are back on campus for a live cooking demonstration. Sarah and Tom will reunite to demonstrate seasonal recipes and provide tips and tricks to get you confident in the kitchen. Following the demonstration, a light lunch and dessert will be served. Chef Sarah Bodner and Tom Notchick Wednesday, March 9 | 2–3:30 p.m. O’Neill Center for Healthy Families, Room 238 Members: $35 Non-Members: $55 Lifelong Learning Institute Senior Program Membership $25 PER SEMESTER Membership entitles you to discounts on classes and fitness facilities. THE COMEDIES OF SCREENWRITER/DIRECTOR PRESTON STURGES Preston Sturges (1898-1959) was one of the first Screenwriters/Directors of movie comedies. From 1940 to 1944, he wrote and directed seven of the wittiest comedies to grace the silver screen. This course will take a look at three of those: The Lady Eve (1941), starring Henry Fonda and Barbara Stanwick; The Palm Beach Story (1942), starring Joel McCrea and Claudette Colbert; and The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek (1944), starring Eddie Bracken and Betty Hutton. Come and join us! You won’t be disappointed. Pete Chapla Wednesdays, March 16, 23, 30 | 4-6 p.m. Center for Natural and Health Sciences, Comerford Theater Members: $30 Non-Members: $50 COURT ILLUSTRATION In this class, you will hear about Ted Michalowski’s work as a courtroom artist for high-profile trials that have been broadcasted by CNN, CBS News, ABC News, and Fox News. His illustrations, portraiture, and on-the-spot drawings have been shown in group and one-man exhibitions in galleries in New York City, Syracuse, Philadelphia, and various venues throughout Northeast Pennsylvania. You will get to see some of his fabulous illustrations. You won’t want to miss this! Ted Michalowski Monday, April 4 | 6-7:30 p.m. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, Room B Member: $15 Non-member: $35 ISRAEL: THE MIRACLE OF THE MIDDLE EAST Session 1: You will learn about Israeli society, its values, and its rise to modernity as one of the most advanced countries in the world. We will examine and discuss Israel’s achievements in technology, health care, agriculture, and innovation, despite its shortage of natural resources. Session 2: A focus on the history of Israel, Zionism, and the Middle East. We will discuss the historical and current forces contributing to the region’s political and cultural climate, as well as the obstacles that have challenged Israel, its neighbors, and the world. Rabbi Moshe Saks, Temple Israel, Scranton, Session 1 David I. Fallk, Esq., Session 2 Thursdays, April 7, 14 | 6-7:30 p.m. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, Room D Member: $30 Non-member: $50 2 A SECOND VISIT FROM MRS. THOMAS (MARTHA) JEFFERSON Join us as Martha returns to continue the conversation with more personal stories about her life with Thomas. Our third President of the United States has been quoted as saying, “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” Martha will share her insights with us on this man, her husband. Gina Aleo Monday, April 18 | 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, Room B Member: $25 Non-member: $45 THE FREACH AND KEEN MURDERS The true story of the crime that shocked and changed a community forever. In many ways, this was a defining time for the people of Scranton. Join the authors as they present to you a story of courage from the families and perseverance from law enforcement. Paul Mazzoni, Esq., and Dr. Kathleen Munley Wednesday, April 20 | 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, Room C Member: $15 Non-member: $35 METEOROLOGY Noreen Clark joined the Newswatch 16 team in November 1982. In addition to forecasting the weather, she produces public service announcements with “In Your Neighborhood “segments. Join us, as she presents an informative class on weather and meteorology. Come and learn how forecasting happens! Noreen Clark, Meteorologist, WNEP-TV Wednesday, April 27 | 2:30- 4 p.m. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, Room C Member: $15 Non-member: $35 RETIREMENT PLANNING IN TODAY’S ECONOMY Planning for retirement is one of the most important—and bewildering—financial processes you’ll ever experience. Retirement planning is complex and ever-changing, so it’s easy to make mistakes that are difficult, if not impossible to reverse. And managing your nest egg after you’re retired? That requires a completely different set of skills. That’s why this course was developed—to address your biggest concerns and give you the strategies, tools, skills, and knowledge to confidently prepare for retirement. In two thought-provoking sessions, we’ll sift through the mounds of confusing information, identify what applies to you and how it affects your planning, and distill it into a personalized plan you can easily implement. Christopher Scalese, M.B.A. Tuesdays, May 3 and 10 | 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, Room B Member: $25 Non-member: $45 GENEALOGY: “WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE - A PRINCE OR A PAUPER?” Joseph Bryer, a founding member of the Genealogical Research Society of Northeast PA, will take you from beginner to dedicated family historian, by bringing out the hidden detective within you. Discovery is fun! Joseph Bryer, Genealogist Thursdays, May 5 and May 12 | 2- 3:30 p.m. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, Room B Member: $20 Non-member: $40 3 CASANOVA’S VENICE In the eighteenth century, the city of Venice completed a transition from wealthy maritime power to the uniquely seductive tourist destination we know today. We’ll explore the history and culture of this decadent period through the extraordinary life story of the legendary lover, Venice’s own Giacomo di Casanova. After a Venetian-themed lunch accompanied by the music of Vivaldi, a variety of hands-on activities will be offered. We’ll decorate traditional Carnevale masks, fashion beads, and lace jewelry, and we will sample the bookmaker’s arts in honor of Venice’s publishing heritage. As a nod to the Venetian mania for gambling, we’ll also play a traditional game of the period. Dr. Lee Sebastiani and Dr. Lori Sebastiani Monday, June 13 | 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Swartz Center for Spiritual Life, Room B Member: $40 Non-member: $60 SPRING LUNCHEON/TOUR OF MARYWOOD’S NEW LEARNING COMMONS Tour Marywood University’s new Learning Commons at the center of campus. This 21st Century library focuses on actively empowering the learner. The impressive physical design of the Learning Commons also ensures adaptability to future advances in teaching and learning. Join friends for lunch. Wednesday, June 15 Tour: Noon, Marywood’s Learning Commons Luncheon: 1-3 p.m. Nazareth Student Center, Upper Main Dining Room Members: $ 15 Non-members: $20 ! CONTAINER GARDENING Join us for an afternoon to learn about container gardening. Michele will discuss how to select a container, what to look for in potting soil, how to select plants and, ultimately, how to make an attractive mini-garden in a container. Each participant will devote most of the class time to creating his or own container garden, which will be taken home to be enjoyed. All supplies will be provided. Includes container, soil mix, plants, trowels, and gloves (bring your own if you wish). Come join us and kick off Spring! Michele Davis, Master Gardener Wednesday, May 25 | 2-4 p.m. Nazareth Student Center, Latour Room Member: $30 Non-member: $50 C O U R S E R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M & S U R V E Y REGISTRATION BEGINS FEBRUARY 15, 2016 Should you be unable to attend a course for which you register, please note that there is a no-refund policy in place. Credit towards another course, however, will be issued to you. WAYS TO REGISTER • Online at • In person by completing the form below and paying at the Swartz Center with cash, check, or credit card. • By mail with a check or credit card by completing and mailing the form below to: Marywood University, Conference and Event Services, LLI Senior Program 2300 Adams Avenue, Scranton, PA 18509 Name__________________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone (_____)_________________E-mail ____________________________________ Please indicate number of participants in the courses. Please check cost. INDICATE # OF PARTICIPANTS ____Membership ____Tai Chi ____ Exploring Croatia and Slovenia ____Culinary Class Demonstration ____Comedies of Preston Sturges ____Court Illustration ____Israel: The Miracle of the Middle East ____The Freach and Keen Murders ____Meteorology ____Retirement Planning in Today’s Economy ____Genealogy ____Mrs. Thomas (Martha) Jefferson ____Container Gardening ____Casanova’s Venice ____Spring Luncheon/Library Tour MEMBER q $25 = $_________ q $50 = $_________ q $30 = $_________ q $35 = $_________ q $30 = $_________ q $15 = $_________ q $30 = $_________ q $15 = $_________ q $15 = $_________ q $25 = $_________ q $20 = $_________ q $25 = $_________ q $30 = $_________ q $40 = $_________ q $15 = $_________ NON-MEMBER q 70 = $_________ q $50= $_________ q $55= $_________ q $50= $_________ q $35= $_________ q $50= $_________ q $35= $_________ q $35= $_________ q $45= $_________ q $40= $_________ q $45= $_________ q $50= $_________ q $60= $_________ q $20= $_________ $_________ $________ Member total NON-Member total TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $_________ INDICATE METHOD OF PAYMENT q Cash q Check (payable to Marywood University) q Charge to: q MasterCard q Visa q Discover Card # __________________________3-Digit Security Code _________ Exp. Date _____ Authorized Signature _____________________________________________________ 4 5 TR I P O F F E R I N G , S PR I N G 2 016 C O U R S E R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M & S U R V E Y, C O N T. Please take a minute to tell us what you think. Complete the following survey: What class offerings or topics would you like to see offered? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ FRIDAY, APRIL 22 Hyde Park, NY Culinary Institute of America We will start with a tour of the Culinary Institute. For more than six decades, the Culinary Institute of America has been setting the standard for excellence in professional culinary education. The tour of the Culinary Institute will be followed by lunch and then a tour of the FDR Presidential Home and Library. The day will be capped off with a stop at a local winery for a wine tasting. Please join us for an enjoyable day! 8:30 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6:15 p.m. What trips would you like to see offered? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Bus departs Marywood Center for Athletics and Wellness Tour of the Culinary Institute Lunch FDR Presidential Home and Library Tour Winery Approximate return to Marywood ! FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL 570-348-6213. T R I P R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M By participating in these courses, you consent to the University’s use of your image in photos taken throughout the program. To opt out of this consent, please contact Linda Steier at • 570-348-6213. Please complete the registration form and mail with payment to: Around the World Travel • 326 R. Keystone Ave. • Peckville, PA 18452 For more information contact: Ms. Rosemary Yankovich • (570) 383-0544 • Name__________________________________________________________________________ Address_ _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone (_____)_________________E-mail _ ______________________________________ INDICATE METHOD OF PAYMENT: q Cash q Check (payable to Around the World Travel) INDICATE # OF PARTICIPANTS ___ Culinary Institute of America 6 Fee: $99 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $__________ 7 THINGS TO DO ON CAMPUS, SPRING 2016 JOIN THE MARYWOOD UNIVERSITY RECREATION ASSOCIATION Membership in the LLI entitles you to a discounted semi-annual membership to the fitness facilities. You can use the walking track, treadmills, and weight equipment, or sign up for a class. Call 570-348-6213 for details. ART AT MARYWOOD Go online to see the current exhibitions at the Mahady, Maslow, or Suraci Galleries at AUDITING COLLEGE COURSES Pursue your interest in academics without the stress of exams. Call Linda Steier at 570-348-6213 for details. 8 Marywood University, in accordance with applicable provisions of federal law, does not discriminate on grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in the administration of any of its educational programs or activities, including admission, or with respect to employment. Inquiries should be directed to Dr. Patricia Dunleavy, Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, Coordinator for Act 504 and Title IX, Marywood University, Scranton, PA 18509 1598. Phone: (570) 348-6220 or e-mail: Return Service Requested. Office of Conference and Event Services LLI, Senior Program 2300 Adams Avenue, Scranton, Pennsylvania, 18509 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 474 Scranton, PA
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