Bethel Presbyterian


Bethel Presbyterian
“Change Service Requested”
June & July 2016
1735 Bethel Road (Corner of Reed Road)
Columbus, Ohio 43220-1870
Hot off the
June & July 2016
Minister’s Minute
Table of Contents
Minister’s Minute …………………………………………………………..3
Associate Pastor…………………………………………………………….4
Children’s ……………………………………………………………………8
Student Ministries ………………………………………………………….9
Glad Tidings from Session …………..…………………………………..12
Bethel Family News …………………………………...………………….15
Mission Matters……………………………………………………………16
Staff ………………………………………………………………………..19
Elders and Deacons ……………………………………………………….19
Traditional Worship, with Nursery Care in Rm 3
Sunday School for all ages
 Kindergarten thru 2nd grade, Rm 2
 3rd thru 5th grade, Rm 4
 Middle School, Rm 11
 High School, Rm 14
 Adults, Rm 5
“Greet, Eat & Meet (G.E.M.)” Time, Fellowship Hall
Contemporary Worship, with Nursery Care in Rm 3
Sunday School
 Children ages 4 thru 11, Rm 2
 Adults, Rm 5
Let’s Do Lunch this Summer!
Another great summer is just around the corner, and this is going to be
another wonderful summer for us at Bethel. Our softball team is winning;
Vacation Bible School preparations are underway; and a number of Bethelites
are headed to Honduras to not only build a home, but also care for folks
through the ministry of Total Health. Our summer preaching series will focus
on Bethel’s core beliefs, which are known in our denomination as The
Essential Tenants of our Faith. And to top it all off, Mike Horst and his wife
Keri have sold their home in Florida and Mike will be here to start working as
our new Associate Pastor by June 15th. It is all so very exciting.
In the midst of all these happenings, I would like for you to have lunch with
me and Mike and your Deacon\Elder group. These luncheons will focus on
accomplishing several purposes. First, I want you to personally meet Mike
and Keri as they throw their lives in with us as the Bethel community.
Secondly, I want you to hear about the plan this Fall to begin a year long
study into the entire Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation based on the
writings of Pastors Max Lucado and Randy Frazee through their award
winning program called, “The Story.” You will not want to miss this experience
either on Sunday mornings or in the small group experiences we will offer
each week throughout the city.
The third reason for us meeting this summer is for you to hear about Bethel’s
fall Stewardship and Capital Campaign focus which will begin this October.
The session would like to discuss with you the next phase of our financial plan
to pay down our debt. We are truly blessed with a beautiful facility and now
want to focus in on paying down the debt so as to have more resources
available to do ministry in this community.
So get your suntan lotion, your sun glasses and your calendar ready for a
tremendous summer here at Bethel. See you at lunch!
Proud to be your Brother, Pastor and Fellow Minister,
Newsletter Deadline for August: July 20th
P.S. You will be hearing from your Deacon and Elder soon as to when we will
get together and when lunch with be served.
Hello Bethel Presbyterian Church!
Keri and I are beyond thrilled and excited to join this church
family. This truly has been the work of the Great Author, weaving
stories and life circumstances to bring Keri and me to this very
place. As some of you may have heard, this church was where
Keri’s dad started his ministry career, some 30+ years ago, and this
is also the church where Keri was baptized. I’ve known Jerry as a
pastor, having attended Mandarin Presbyterian Church for several
years, and he has known Keri almost all her life. It’s crazy to think
how each of our separate stories have been interconnected in
God’s great design from the very beginning.
Our Lord is so good! He works beyond and above our
understanding for His glory, as well as for our betterment—not so
that we can boast, but so that we can see ourselves as God has
originally designed us to be. Our living out faithful, Christ-centered
lives in His ordained plan is how He constantly molds and sculpts
us to be better people in His image. Ephesians 2:10 sums this up
perfectly, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for
good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk
in them.”
I look forward to walking with you all in the journey the Lord has
prepared for us. I look forward to living Christ-centered lives to the
best of our ability so that others in the community may look at us
and wonder and ask about the hope we have in Jesus
Christ. Lastly, I look forward to growing with you, laughing and
crying with you, and sharing life with you. May the very good Lord
bless us all on this SIMPLE journey!
Annual Progressive Dinner – Move to two locations!
The Progressive Dinner will be held on Saturday, July 16,
2016. The main course will begin at 6:00pm and you will
move to a second location for dessert at 7:50pm.
Members and Friends can sign up to host, co-host, or
just attend. New this year: One home is open
for families with young children for both Main Course and
Dessert. Different this year: The church will be open
for a main course and a dessert. Guest Cost: Free! Sign
up to host, co-host, or attend in the Gathering Place on
each Sunday in June. YOU MUST REGISTER TO
PARTICIPATE! Hosts will get guest lists and
participants will get meal assignments on June 30.
Questions: Ask Jane Martin or Margaret Trent, or anyone
on Connections Team
Stay “connected” to Everything Bethel…
Always stocked in the literature rack in the
Gathering Space are current issues of the
Newsletter, Church Phone Directory (LARGE
and Smaller Print), Missions “Acts Facts,”
Annual Reports,
And so much more!! Please Help Yourself
- Maximizing Life Through Personal
Growth, Especially Seniors - For those 50 and over!
We will be having a planning meeting on Thursday, July
21st at 2:00pm at the church. You are welcome to come
and help plan for our September 2016-May 2017
meetings. Hope you will join us! Questions, please call
Barbara at 614-326-1307
The DUWA’s
The DUWA group (Divorced / Unattached / Widowed All
Together) goes out for lunch the fourth Sunday of every month.
In June, the DUWA’s will be going to Red Lobster at 6091
Sawmill Road at 12:30pm on June 26th. In July, the DUWA’s will
be going to Harold’s American Grille at 673 High Street at
12:30pm on July 24th. Anyone interested in joining them may
call Jackie Haycook at (614) 538-1856 for more information.
Vacation Bible School
June 13 - 17, 2016
9:00am - Noon
“Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth, where moth and
rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for
yourselves treasures in heaven...For where your treasure is, there
your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:19-21
Student Ministries
Family and Children’s
Nancy Nesser, Interim Director (x-103 at church)
It is hard to believe we are fast approaching Bible School. Many of
you have signed up to help us June 13-17 (9:00-noon). We
appreciate all who have, but want all of you to know we can still use
more help. There is a signup sheet on the large bulletin board in the
Fellowship Hall. There is a place to sign up to help and another to
bring snacks.
The cost of Bible School is $10 per child. This will provide each child
with a T-shirt and each family a C.D. of the fun but meaningful
songs the children will learn. Children are still singing the songs
from last year. If you know of a child that can’t come to V.B.S. due
to financial concerns please let us know as there are means to cover
the cost.
You may sign up your child online at. kids@bethelpres org. or at the
church. Payment is required at registration. If you sign up online
you can’t pay online, instead, drop a check in the mail, or pay the
following Sunday. If writing a check please write your child’s name
and V.B.S. in the memo section.
If Bible School doesn’t “ROLL YOUR SOCKS UP AND DOWN” (as
Jerry would say), then please consider volunteering to teach a
Summer Sunday School Class. We try to give our dedicated teachers
a break during the summer, therefore, we are asking those of you
who love children and want to share the Good News with them to
sign up for one or more Sundays. We have a fun and user friendly
curriculum. There is a sign up on the aforementioned bulletin board.
We are endeavoring to teach the children to be both hearers and
doers of the Word. We hope you can come and join our efforts.
Teaching the Word is a serious responsibility and we ask you to pray
and consider this important task. Your prayers are coveted as we
prepare and lead the children on a new adventure in their walk with
the Lord.
Happy Summer!!
Summer vacation is upon us and Bethel's Student Ministries are
ready for some fun in the sun! At Bethel we shift gears for a few
months during the summer, and put our regular Sunday night
programming on hold to go on a few adventures that the rigors of
the school year calendar might not allow. Whether it's one of our
camp trips, a climbing or paintballing adventure, a simple picnic with
friends, or a chance to serve, we have a jam-packed, fun-filled
summer that our middle and high school students will never forget.
For more information or to find out how you can lend a hand,
contact Andy at We hope to see you
6/5- Bethel at the Movies; movie night for Middle School
6/11- Homestead Park Summer Kickoff Picnic
6/12- Graduate Recognition Sunday
6/13-17- Serve at Bethel VBS
6/22- Middle School Campers Get Air at Get Air Hilliard
6/27-7/1- Middle School Camp
7/3- Bethel at the Movies; movie night for High School
7/8- Paintball at SplatterPark
7/11-15- High School Camp
7/19- Picnic and Outdoor Adventures at Audubon Park
7/25-29- Serve at LLM VBS
Sunday School: 9:30am weekly
Miss a Sunday Morning Sermon?
Want to Check a Date on the Church Calendar or
Read the Newsletter Electronically?
for men of all ages
6:30 DINNER @Skyward Grille - 2185 Riverside Dr
No signup – just show-up,
June 7 - Andy Diamond
July 5 - Phil Washburn
Faith Relations and Program Manager
Habitat for Humanity MidOhio
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Meets each Wednesday in the Cove off Fellowship Hall
Join other “early birds” in the church—you’ll be glad you did!
Questions? Lowell MacKenzie or Stuart Boulton
Questions about any MOB activity? Contact Bill Gross (614) 406-3474
Bethel Ministry for Women
June 7, 2016 6:00pm we’re going out to eat! Meet at the church
at 6:00pm
July 5, 2016 6:00pm
We’ll start with a mixer and refreshments,
watch a video and have a short discussion.
Visitors are welcome!
It's a great opportunity to meet women at Bethel that you don't
know and fellowship with the ones you do.
All Church Clippers Game coming in July! Check the bulletin for
further updates.
Bethel Handcrafters:
Putting it ALL Together!
New crafters are welcome to join us at any time
Saturday, June 11th, and Saturday, July 9th, in room 4
Young Marrieds of Bethel
Meet July 15th (3rd Friday Monthly), 7:00-9:00pm
Crafters will meet on Saturday, June 11th, and Saturday, July 9th from
9:30am-noon. If you can’t be at church at 9:30am come when you
can. We meet in room 4; please come in the doors by the playground.
If you have questions call Cynthia Boulton (614) 451-0844.
VISION Bethel – A Biblical Community
MISSION – Bethel joyfully Loves, Lives, Serves, and Shares Christ
Welcomed as Bethel Covenant Partners (members): Marcia Shrout, George Wissel,
and Sharon Wissel.
Approved the Minutes of the Congregational Meeting of May 1, 2016: the acceptance
of Michael Horst as the Associate Pastor of Bethel and his salary package. He will
begin work at Bethel on June 15, 2016.
Approved May 29, 2016, for the 8:30 a.m. VBS Planning Meeting for volunteers in
Room 2; a movie night at Bethel for the families of children ages 0 through fifth grade.
(July or August); a Communion Class to be held this summer; and a training class for
Sunday School volunteers in August.
Approved the summer schedule for Student Ministries.
Approved the Hymn Sing scheduled for the evening of June 26, 2016. Susan Rose is
creating the program.
Approved 2016 Women’s Bible Studies: September 6 to October 11: The Longing in
Me: The Life of David by Sheila Walsh; and October 18 to November 22: The
Friends of Jesus by Karen Kingsbury.
Approved beginning the design process and strategy development for the capital
campaign to raise 1.3 million to reduce the debt. All at Bethel will be invited to learn
about this during the summer.
Approved the 2016-2017 Session Organizational Chart and the 2016-2017 Session
Learned that the date and location for the next ECO Great Lakes Presbytery Meeting
will be October 21-22, 2016, in Logansport, Indiana. Bethel Delegates will be
elected in August 2016.
Received Pastor Kasberg’s Sermon Schedule for June through October 2016.
Approved spending funds to get software to create a new financial accounting/reporting
Approved the request from Julie Katzeman to remove her membership as she is
attending Riverside Bible Church.
Approved the Facilities Use Agreement from Adrienne Tabakow. The birthday party
for her sister Sonya Miliacca will be held on Saturday, July 9, 2016, from 2:00 p.m.
(set-up) to 9:00 p.m.
Approved the Facilities Use Agreement from Joyce Blake to use Bethel for the BSF
Leader’s Meetings on Fridays from September 9, 2016, to December 9, 2016, and
January 6, 2017, to May 5, 2017 (with some days not used). This is most Friday nights
from September through April.
Clerk Margaret Trent
ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians
The mission of ECO is to build flourishing churches that make disciples of Jesus
Founded in January 2012, ECO’s name represents its commitments to connected leaders
through grace-based relationships (Covenant) and unites around standards of life and
ministry (Order) for the ultimate purpose of making disciples of Jesus Christ (Evangelical).
ECO is a Reformed denomination that is structured to feel like an association, with an
emphasis on nimble governance, relational networks, and autonomy for local congregations.
By investing in churches and pastors, ECO exists to advance a Gospel movement to make
Jesus Christ known.
Bethel joined ECO in January 2014 as ECO’s 100 th congregation. Much has happened
since 2014. Initially Bethel was in a presbytery that included churches from Western PA
west through WI. Because of the rapid growth of ECO churches, as of January 2016, Bethel
is in the newly-formed Great Lakes Presbytery (GLP) which extends from Ohio’s eastern
border to Wisconsin’s western border. GLP has 16 ECO churches, with four more in the
application process, and several in the discernment process. At present, Ohio has eight ECO
churches. Pastor Jerry Kasberg is the Moderator of this growing presbytery.
Margaret Trent is GLP Clerk; Justine Freuler is on the Permanent Judicial Council; and
Pastor Jack Watson is on the Pastoral Ministry Ordination Team.
With 100 ECO churches in January 2014, ECO now has 263 active churches and adds
churches weekly. The focus is on the scriptures; tenets of our faith; missional living;
and making disciples of Jesus Christ.
2016: June 5; July 3; August 7; September 4; October 4; November 6; and December 4.
2017: January 1; February 12 (Congregational Meeting); March 5; April 2; May 7; and
June 4.
2016: June 27; August 22; September 26; October 24; November 21; and December 19
(third Monday).
2017: January 16 (ECO January 23-27); February 27; March 27; April 24; and May 22.
February 12, 2017 – Budget (Annual Report distributed February 5) and Elections
(Official Nomination Process starts 40+ days ahead – January 3, 2017. Prenomination information and training regarding leadership gifts and theological
understanding, known as the “Nomination Process to Prevent Mission Drift” will
begin in October.)
March 1, 2017 – Ash Wednesday; April 9, 2017 – Palm Sunday; April 12, 2017 – Maundy
Thursday; and April 16, 2017 – Easter
Bethel Family News
Welcome baby!
 To Rick and Jessica Nash at the birth of their daughter
Elizabeth, on April 24, 2016
 To Lane and Sarah Berlin at the birth of their son, Reed, on May
25, 2016
 To Steve and Emily Quelette at the birth of their son, August,
on April 9, 2016
We offer our Christian Sympathies…
“How blessed are the dead...who die in the Lord from now on! Yes,
says the Spirit. Let them rest from their labors, for their actions follow
them.” Rev. 14:13
March 18, 2017
To Brad Armstrong and family at the death of his father, Dale
April 28-29, 2017
April 30, 2017
Make-up Day May 7, 2017 – with Communion
May 22, 2017
July/August 2016 – Teams build draft 2017 budgets and goals & measurable objectives
September 12 and 19, 2016– Team draft 2017 budget and goals presented to pastors for
November 2016 – Conclude Stewardship Campaign Before Thanksgiving
December 19, 2016 – Draft budget for Session Review & 2016 Annual Reports (2016
report and evaluation with 2017 goals and evaluation statements – how will you measure?)
due at Session
January 16, 2017 – Session finalizes all components of 2017 budgets
February 5, 2017 - Annual Report distribution - February 12 Congregational Meeting budgets and elections
Welcome New Member
George and Sharon Wissel; 3900 Hillview Dr. Upper Arlington,
OH 43220; (513) 404-4648;
Marcia Shrout; 3636 McDermot Ct Columbus, OH 43228; (614)
Mission Matters
The Peschke family, our missionaries currently on home
assignment from the Middle East but preparing to return to a new
location in Israel in August, plan to visit Bethel over the 4th of July
weekend. We are looking for a place for all of them to stay –
parents Lars and Diana along with their three sons and one
daughter ages about four to about nine. As of now, they expect to
drive in from Indianapolis on Friday, July 1st and leave on Monday,
July 4th. The Missions Team will arrange for meals on Saturday
and Sunday. If you have space available for three nights, please
let Danielle in the Office or any member of the Mission Team know
as soon as possible. Lars says they are fine with floor space,
sleeping bags, even beds!
The Missions Team is pleased to report that Bethel members
and friends contributed $720.25 for the Lenten Offering this year!
Funds will be divided evenly between the Community Outreach
Fund for meeting needs of folks in our community and the
Samaritan Fund for meeting needs of Bethel members.
New African Products Available!
Gail Messick brought more handbags (including a new style clutch);
necklaces (shorter with larger beads), bracelets, earrings & notecards back with her from Swaziland. If interested, please contact
Gail at 614-256-4388 or All are reasonably
priced and all profits are returned to the Swazi artisans she worked
with directly.
111th New Wilmington Mission Conference Announcement
July 23—July 30, 2016
New Wilmington, Pennsylvania
The Bethel Missions Team would like to inform the congregation
that the annual New Wilmington Mission Conference has been
scheduled for July 23-July 30 in New Wilmington, Pennsylvania,
about an hour north of Pittsburgh, and about 3 ½ hours from
Columbus. The conference is to be held on the campus of
Westminster College.
The conference begins Saturday afternoon with registration and
concludes with final evening programming on Friday, July 29th.
Registration fees include housing and meals for the conference
This will be the 111th annual gathering of missionaries and worldwide mission supporters.
Speakers include: Shelvis and Nancy Smith-Maher, Mission Coworkers in South Sudan
Scott Hahley, Missiology Professor, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Jen Haddox, World Mission Initiative Associate Director
Michael Ludwig, Mission Co-worker in Niger ( visited Bethel in May)
Billy Gama, Blantyre Synod Malawi
John and Gwen Haspels, Mission Co-workers in Ethiopia
Don Dawson, New Wilmington Mission Conference Director
All details including registration materials and fees may be viewed
If you have an interest in world-wide missions work attending the
New Wilmington Conference is a wonderful way to learn more.
1 Jennifer Spokas
1 Bob Prior
2 Juli Kunselman
2 Jane Martin
3 Dustin Adler
3 Barbara Snure-Beutel
5 Jay McKirahan
5 Paul Garber
5 Daniel Steigerwald
5 David Canady
6 Daniel Adu-Ampratwum
6 Mary Cole
6 Abigail Coltoniak
6 Gavin Jones
7 Amy Stocker
7 Thane Thatcher
10 Lane Berlin
10 Jean Mitchell
11 Jack Martin
12 Dorothy Briss
13 Gill Blackhurst
13 Eva Chapin
13 Margaret Trent
17 Fiona Cleveland
18 Debby Bowers
18 Robert Voorhees
19 Bruce Kerr
20 Esther Lyons
20 Tyler Marcum
21 Becca Mengel
23 Carmen Andrei
23 Nancy MacKenzie
23 Carolyn Marolf
23 Dean Marolf
24 Jessica Nash
24 Matt Rutherford
25 Jeff Makley
28 Rita Thangarajah
31 Michael Gee
31 Jim Root
1 Brady Kasberg
2 Derik Pace
2 Emerson Robers
4 Dorothy Adams
5 Emily Heskett
5 Amber Steigerwald
6 Susan Meyer
7 Gavin Barker
7 Carolyn Reisinger
7 Lydia Voorhees
7 Rita Wiant
8 George Andrei
8 David Thangarajah
9 Charles Stemen
14 Paul Colello
14 Nick Jervey
15 Emily Naderer
15 Bruce Renard
16 Cindy Harmony
17 Hasso Pape
19 Russell Spokas
19 Carol Baum
19 Susie Hoffmann
19 Gary Sharp
20 Julie Smetzer
20 Elijah Voorhees
20 James Yavorsky
24 Sarah Armstrong
26 Jack Watson
27 Lisa Yoder
29 Anne Robers
30 Amy Gross
Senior Pastor
Office Manager
Rev. Dr. Jerry Kasberg, x102
Danielle Wright, x101
Day Off - Friday
In Every Day
Director of Student Ministries
Organist/Choir Director
Student Ministries Intern
Contemporary Worship
Interim Director of Family &
Children’s Ministries
Andy Diamond, x103
Susan Rose
Day Off - Thursday
Megan Hogan
Dr. Roger Bailey
Bill Mohler
Nancy Nesser, x107
Pastor Emeritus
Jack Watson
Church Phone Number
(614) 451-4975
Stuart Boulton
Justine Freuler
Melodie Gee
Bill Gross
Greg Jones
Kelly Jo Makley
Bryan Mark
Jack Martin
Sheryl Price
Sandy Wilcox
Tyler Wooddell
Lisa Yoder
Karlene Basil
Debby Bowers
Cindy Harmony
Vicki Harper
Esther Lyons
Walter Hull
Jane Martin
Jane Myers
Jeff Nesser
Katryn Renard
Jim Root
Judy Smiley
Barb Stephens
Erin Tarney
Cynthia Boulton