Brochure supplier guideline PDF 1,1 MB


Brochure supplier guideline PDF 1,1 MB
Su p p l i e r G u i d e l ine
Se d u s St o ll G r o u p
Sedus Stoll Group Supplier Guideline
Edition 10/2013
Published by: Sedus Stoll Aktiengesellschaft
Brückenstrasse 15, D-79761 Waldshut,
Members of the Sedus Stoll Group
Mission and vision
United Nations Global Compact
Key quality factors
Expectations of quality, environmental protection and occupational safety
Selecting partners
Quality assurance in product and service development
Assessing quality capability
Tests performed in the course of production
Technical modifications
Incoming goods and packaging
Quality assurance for third-party products
Supplier controlling
Operational procurement, schedules
Communication and training
Members of the Sedus Stoll Group
Sedus Stoll AG, Sedus Systems GmbH and Klöber GmbH develop, produce and market office furniture systems, office seating,
seminar/conference solutions and break-out furniture. The Sedus brand is synonymous with perfect ergonomics and high-quality
office furnishing. The Klöber brand stands for seating that elegantly blends design, ergonomics and emotion.
Sedus is among the leading European manufacturers in the office furniture sector. With 37 % of its products manufactured for
export, the Sedus brand has established a presence through eight subsidiaries in Europe and outlets in over forty countries around
the world. The company employs over 880 people and generated sales of EUR 160 million in 2007.
The original Stoll family business was established in 1871, and the company known as Christof Stoll GmbH & Co. KG made the change
to become Sedus Stoll AG in 1995. Some of its European subsidiaries in UK, Belgium, France, Spain, Italy, Austria, the Netherlands
and Switzerland were founded over forty years ago and operate independently in their home markets.
Office seating manufacturer Klöber GmbH was acquired in 1999 to expand the company’s share in the market. It operates independently and as a competitor, but every effort is taken to tap synergies at all levels wherever possible.
Sedus Systems GmbH (desking, storage and pedestal systems) formerly operated under the name Gesika Büromöbelwerk GmbH.
It was acquired in 2002 to expand the Sedus brand and transform the company into a full office furniture provider.
Sedus and Klöber products offer very high quality and are sold in the mid and upper price segments exclusively through qualified
furniture dealers, who provide advice and service at local level. Retail dealers are supported by an inhouse sales organisation and
The principal shareholders in the Sedus Stoll Group are the Stoll VITA Foundation (58.3 %) and the Karl Bröcker Foundation (31.3 %).
The remaining shares (10.4 %) are held by various shareholders.
Mission and vision
Sedus sees its ergonomic and design expertise as the basis for its business success, and the development of office furniture as a
major contribution to our social and cultural lives.
Based on this self-conception, the company’s mission has been defined as follows:
The Sedus mission
“Sedus is committed to making all office work a profitable experience at all times. For the good of the business and the employees.“
The Sedus vision
Special things put
a smile on your face.
Special things… These are the unique features in everything we think, plan and do.
The way in which we form these special things also helps to make them unique:
With a smile… Smiling is an emotion that builds bridges and means good fun. Smiles are catching, they get returned. So smiles
create a sense of trust and team spirit that is based on openness and honesty.
That’s what’s really special about Sedus.
The Klöber mission
Klöber designs, develops and produces office seating of outstanding elegance and comfort. It continually expands its marketing
organisation in- and outside Germany.
The Klöber brand
It is the lake that gives us our far-sighted vision. The inspiration to set out for new shores in the world of seating. To try that bit
harder to produce innovative solutions from Klöber that are as unique as the lakeside panorama itself. Because we are driven by the
urge to sail on ahead, rather than swimming with the tide.
Klöber sees itself as a quality brand, a flagship in the interplay between design, ergonomics and emotion. A source of inspiration.
In the Klöber team. Among our customers. And for everyone who is open for innovative and individual concepts.
Special businesses need special suppliers. The special feature is optimal performance by process stakeholders so that one hundred
per cent material availability can be achieved all the way through to the customer. Our customers expect 100 % performance when it
comes to promised delivery schedules, zero-defect quality and optimal service throughout order processing and after-sales service. We
will only reach this performance target with an optimally coordinated process chain – from suppliers through to customers. This automatically gives special meaning to 100 % process quality.
This Supplier Guideline is valid for all members of the Sedus Stoll Group.
These include first and foremost:
• Sedus Stoll AG, Waldshut and Dogern
• Sedus Systems GmbH, Geseke
• Klöber GmbH, Owingen
United Nations Global Compact
Sedus Stoll AG embraces the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact and has volunteered to acknowledge and support
the following set of core values in the areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption.
Human Rights
• Principle 1
• Principle 2
Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights
within their sphere of influence; and
make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
Labour Standards
• Principle 3
• Principle 4 • Principle 5 • Principle 6 Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right
to collective bargaining;
the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
the effective abolition of child labour; and
the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
• Principle 7 Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges,
• Principle 8 undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
• Principle 9 encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally-friendly technologies.
• Principle 10 Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
Key quality factors
All European production facilities in the Sedus Stoll Group have DIN EN ISO 9001 certification. Sedus and Klöber products are
developed to comply with national and international office furniture standards. In many areas, they do far more than is officially
required. All office furnishings fulfil the provisions of EU directives, bear the GS safety mark, and nine swivel chair families and one
desking system bear the Germany AGR seal of approval awarded in the official “back health project”. High vertical integration, above
all in the Dogern and Owingen locations, and close cooperation with skilled suppliers set the scene for our high-quality products.
Sedus gained EMAS approval in compliance with EU regulation 1836 as long ago as 1995, the first furniture maker in Germany to
do so. At the time, Sedus was among the first 40 companies to gain approval in Germany. In 2005 the Waldshut/Dogern site gained
DIN EN ISO 14001 and EMAS II certification in conjunction with Sedus Systems and Klöber. Each time a new product is developed,
the product specification stipulates that long-life and reusable materials must be selected for the production process. Numerous
environmental prizes bear witness to the company’s excellent track record in this field, based on a tradition that reaches back many
decades. Sedus is one of the eco pioneers in its industry.
Expectations of quality, environmental protection and occupational safety
We aim to deploy suitable strategies and skilled processes in all our relationships inside and outside the company in order to achieve
high quality products and services at optimum cost. Suppliers help us to fulfil these objectives during the procurement process, to
the benefit of both sides.
Thanks to open communication, each side knows what their partner needs and can therefore fulfil their wishes. Each activity in the
process must feature preventive action to eliminate defects, since the aim is to make continual improvements in the shape of effective and efficient measures that result in zero defects.
Our corporate principles on environmental protection and ecology include the commitment to comply with all legal regulations,
a responsible and sparing use of resources, timely avoidance of impact on the environment and continual improvements through all
our processes. Equally, we expect our suppliers to take an active stance on environmental protection issues.
Occupational safety is an important aspect in a company that operates competitively and has people in mind. It means, first and
foremost, preventing accidents at work, occupational illnesses and work-related health risks. As an additional bonus, occupational
safety helps avoid production downtimes, motivates the workforce and is thus one aspect in safeguarding a company’s financial
position in the long term. We expect our suppliers to effectively protect the health of their employees.
A certified management system enables suppliers to document their fulfilment of these expectations.
Selecting partners
Every new supplier is subjected to a defined selection and suitability process.
The process starts with supplier self-assessment. This is followed where appropriate by further selection and development phases,
e. g. requesting and evaluating reference documents, business reports and supplier audits on site with auditors from our Purchasing
and Quality departments.
The choice of suppliers is geared to our objectives for the procurement process:
Supply reliability
Inventory levels
Deliveries on schedule, correct volumes, types, locations
Delivery times
Cost level
Innovation capacity
Here, the basic requirement is zero-defect quality in the supply process. To achieve this over the long term and meet our environmental protection requirements, we confront potential suppliers with our requirements right at the very start. This applies to
suppliers of production materials as well as to suppliers of auxiliary materials and fuels, commodities, tools, machines and plant
We consider it our duty to promptly draw up, maintain and provide all the relevant specifications.
Compliance with these specifications is the supplier’s responsibility. The following technical specifications apply to product
development and ongoing procurement:
• Drawings and order texts
• Standards and terms of technical delivery
• Data sheets, samples of paints and finishes, boundary and master samples
• Testing plans and instructions
• Packaging specifications
• Specimen orders with testing criteria
• Guidelines for external companies
Other business documents in this context are:
• Purchasing terms and conditions
• Quality assurance agreement
• Confidentiality agreement
• Tool rental contract
• Development contracts
• Delivery contracts
• Valid regulations and laws
If the above documents are not sufficient to define processes and thus manufacturability, the supplier must contact the specialist
departments without delay to coordinate further activities. It is also conceivable that not all the conditions relating to quality and
environmental protection have been defined in advance. It is therefore in the interests of both sides that suppliers reach agreement
on individual issues with us, to provide protection for instance in the event of any product liability claims.
Quality assurance in product and service development
Suppliers are involved at an early stage in our product and service development projects. During this project phase, they work
closely with Development and Purchasing, and are involved in tool design, material selection, manufacturability analysis and risk
assessment. With their technical expertise and experience, suppliers play an important role in preventive quality assurance.
If needed, specific quality assurance methods can be applied.
If problems occur in the course of the project that could potentially affect delivery date, quality and cost requirements, suppliers
must immediately inform the project manager and Purchasing in writing.
The latest findings on eco-friendliness must be taken into account during the product and service development process. Production
processes must be developed and planned so that they inflict as little harm as possible on the environment while taking economic
aspects into account. We define development as the complete process all the way through to series production.
Assessing quality capability
We have introduced a specimen order process in order to assess quality capability prior to series production and technical changes.
The specimen order form is used to order a defined number of specimen parts manufactured under series conditions from the supplier.
All specimen parts must be delivered with a valid VDA test report or at least with the documented results of the test features defined
on the specimen order form. Ongoing orders are only placed with suppliers when the specimens have been tested and officially
approved by Sedus. Specimen reviews must also be performed on standardised parts before series production commences.
Tests performed in the course of production
Suppliers are always responsible for the quality of the parts they supply. They define the type and scope of quality control measures
performed during their production processes. These measures must be geared to the expectations of this Supplier Guideline.
Our test schedules for incoming goods and the supplier’s test schedules must therefore be harmonised.
Sedus concludes quality assurance agreements with suppliers who manufacture strategic and/or high-volume parts. After a contract
is signed, detailed test schedules, type, scope, testing devices and records are defined with the supplier for each part. Suppliers
describe the minimum requirements for testing during their production process. These quality assurance agreements guarantee
greater efficiency in the supply process, where possible with components being supplied straight to the location at which added
value is created in our factory or with end-users.
Technical modifications
Changes are usually made to products to improve their quality but may also become necessary as a result of the latest eco findings or
rationalisation measures. Suppliers are therefore obliged to continually adapt the quality and environmental features of their products to the latest verified findings by making suitable technical modifications.
Changes and divergences from the prototype level, for example through:
• Use of new manufacturers or manufacturing processes
• Use of new or additional machines
• Use of modified materials
• Extensive changes to tools or repairs
•Changes/shifts in manufacturing location
must be promptly notified and Sedus approval obtained.
Furthermore, any technical change (construction change) initiated by Sedus requires the technical documentation to be replaced
and a new assessment of quality capability to be performed; it must be released in writing prior to series production.
Incoming goods and packaging
Acceptance or receipt of goods delivered to the company does not automatically mean approval of their quality. Goods that are seen
to be damaged or defective on receipt will be returned to the supplier on the supplier’s account after a visual inspection by incoming
goods, i. e. without extensive quality testing.
The packaging of the supplied goods must comply with the packaging specifications or individual contractual agreements. These also
define standard volumes per container and, if necessary, special protective layering. In this context, use and management of the
Sedus container pool has top priority. Details are governed by the container pool agreement.
Besides this, all packaging materials must be recyclable.
All hazardous materials must be labelled in accordance with legal stipulations. Suppliers undertake to maintain safety data sheets
and to communicate any changes to Sedus without being requested to do so.
Quality assurance for third-party products
We satisfy ourselves of the quality of supplied parts that are subject to a testing obligation by making random checks on our
premises, or cooperate with suppliers to define quality-assured parts, which are tested by the supplier in compliance with relevant
testing specifications and therefore do not require an incoming goods test on our premises.
In the event of any divergences, a notice of defects is passed to the supplier. If testing produces negative results or defects are
identified during subsequent processing, the parts are barred and returned to the supplier. In individual cases, Sedus will only
deploy the parts that are perfect in order to safeguard the supply chain until a replacement arrives. The costs incurred in such cases
are borne by the supplier.
The notice of defects is sent to the supplier without delay in the form of an e-mail attachment. At the same time, the supplier is
requested to report back on the cause of the error and immediate corrective action that will be taken, and to respond to the notice of
defects within a suitable period with an 8D Report.
The results of the complaints process are included in supplier assessments.
Supplier controlling
Sedus Stoll AG has installed a supplier controlling system in order to ensure permanently high quality for the materials supplied and
to comply with existing agreements. Development of our global suppliers is a continuous process that maintains a focus on supplier
performance through a range of supplier qualification measures, target agreements, key figures controlling, improvement activities,
including assessments and supplier ratings. 100 % supply quality, proactive cooperation, an open stance on information sharing
and implementation of continual improvements by suppliers are indispensable prerequisites for lasting and successful cooperation
with Sedus. If divergences or improvement potential are identified, an action plan will be drawn up with the supplier involved in
order to improve the situation.
Each year outstanding suppliers are chosen as winners of the Sedus Award for their services to the company.
Operational procurement, schedules
Operational procurement is geared to the demand reflected by customer orders and/or forecasts and is therefore subject to natural
fluctuations. Sedus enters into appropriate delivery agreements with suppliers to safeguard supplies of finished parts, raw materials
and an optimal production process. This guarantees an efficient and punctual supply of the correct volume of parts at all times. Obviously, Sedus must be notified without delay of any imminent supply bottlenecks and short deliveries.
The supply chain includes loading, transport and delivery times.
Communication and training
Top quality necessitates not only skilled processes but also qualified employees. We therefore expect our suppliers to support employee development and to train their staff in the application of management methods within the scope covered by this guideline.
We are happy to offer suppliers support in meeting our expectations and hence on complex issues when they need it. The following
contacts will be glad to provide assistance:
Purchasing: Michael Oldermann, Tel. +49 (77 51) 84-4 81, E-Mail
Quality: Torsten Fendt, Tel. +49 (77 51) 84-4 18, E-Mail
Environmental Protection and Occupational Safety: Anja Peter, Tel. +49 (77 51) 84-4 86, E-Mail