Hyde-Woodstock`s e-magazine Vol 1


Hyde-Woodstock`s e-magazine Vol 1
woodstock ct
october issue
Grand Prize!
-Travel & Place
Photographer: Hannah Peters
Description: This picture was
taken the summer of 2010 at
Bryce Canyon in Utah. I chose
to take this picture because I like
pictures with up close details and
an interesting background. I
think this picture has an interesting perspective.
First place
Second place
Photographer: Hannah Peters
Description: I took this picture at Times Square in NYC
in March of this year. The vibrant colors & sky make this one
of my favorites.
Third place
Photographer: Richard Curran
Description: I took this photo in
Provincetown, late afternoon, in August
of 2010. Our family spends a few weeks
every year in the East End of Provincetown and I have always loved the way
light, air, and sea interact and captivate.
I tried to capture that feeling in this shot.
Photographer: Katherine Hagood
Description: This was taken on a dock at my families
small island near the marsh called Pumpkin Island. The
Seagulls like to sit on the pillars and over look the water and
I just happened to get a picture of one taking off.
(by Naiwen Zhang.)
Alumni Updates.
Where are they now?
By: Megan Courtney Belka
Sarah Denunzio, a Hyde- Woodstock graduate of
2011, where is she now?
1.Where you attend college?
Chapman College in Orange, CA.
2. What’s your major?
Creative Writing
3. Any advice you have for current Hyde students?
Make the most out of your experience there and
don’t fight the rules placed on you.
4. What do you like to do in your free time?
Write, hang out with friends, listen to music and
go to Disneyland Los Angeles.
5. Shout-outs to anyone here?
I hope you guys are all having a fantastic year and
I wish you all well.
George Hammond a Hyde- Woodstock graduate
“Make the best of your time there, and
keep a positive attitude.” -SD
“Hyde is an opportunity to better yourself.” -GH
of 2011, where is he now?
1. Where you attend college?
FIsher College in Boston, MA.
2. What’s your major?
Criminal Justice
3. Any advice you have for current Hyde students?
Think of certain aspects of Hyde you appreciate
that you would not experience outside of Hyde.
Make the best of your time there and keep a
positive attitude. Be real with yourself and do
what you believe in rather than doing things to
impress others or to make yourself look good in
the eyes of faculty.
4. What do you like to do in your free time?
Hangout with my friends, play football and
5.Shout-outs to anyone here?
To everyone; Hyde is an opportunity to better
yourself. Take full advantage of it and do all that
you can to make the best of it. I know it may not
be fun and it’s hard at times and people upset
you, but you will be dealing with things like that
for the rest of your life. It is preparing you for
your future. I struggled at Hyde sometimes but
I knew I had to be there because it was better
for me in the long run. You are going to be doing
things that you don’t want to do just about everyday for the rest of your life so get used to it.
You have the advantage of practicing that type
of self discipline at a young age. So my advice
to you would be to stick it out and make the
best of it while you are there. I also want to see
my daughter graduate from Hyde Woodstock
and make a speech as good as mine was.
ask b!
Dear Confused Girlfriend,
Do you have a current life
situation that you need help with? Want
advice or an open forum to air your feelings? Just ask b @,
Dear b,
I’m having trouble with my boyfriend. We’ve been dating for
two months now, we’re pretty
open with each other, and have
a seemingly healthy relationship.
Lately, I have been bugged by
some of his actions. He always
talks to other girls and it really bothers me. I don’t want to
sound needy or desperate but it
really angers me! Is this normal
for guys? How can I approach
him without sounding annoying?
Your Confused Friend
Jealousy is natural in every relationship. Sometimes we allow ourselves
to succumb to the natural pressures of
relationships causing paranoia at every
turn. If you and your boyfriend are really as open as you say, then let him
know how you feel. By telling him how
his flirtatious demeanor makes you feel,
it is much more difficult for him to get
defensive. Hopefully it’s as simple as
pointing it out to him, that will help him
change. If he continues to be all over
other girls, especially around you, ditch
him! There’s nothing as desirable as an
independent woman.
Good Luck!
Current Events from Around the
Yonhap, a Korean reporter,
said that Korea and the United
States also plan to hold two to
three naval exercises, but also
plans to develop a specific
deterrence strategy. From this
point of view, the Korean peninsula situation is estimated to
be the same situation like last
“Extended deterrence” is
outspread deterrence, in
In Korea This
two sides will also continue the
implementation of joint military
exercises in the Korean Peninsula. They also have plans to
strengthen the western islands
and near the Northern boundary
they have combined their abilities
to maintain the existing scale of
the United States. In view of this,
two sides in Northeast Asia are a
cloth under the “network”.
November 8th, 2011
Italian Pres. Resigns
Presently, many Members of Congress called for
Berlusconi to step down and said that they want
immediate elections. Besides, others pushed for a
technocratic transitional government to guide Italy
through the difficult months to come.
However, the current Congress did not appear to
occupy seats in a clear majority party, Italy’s political
outlook remains uncertain.
November 8, 2011
Grace Lin 12
te h N
By: Shenae Hu
Jocelyn Wildenstein has allegedly
spent almost 4 Million dollars on
cosmetic surgery over the years,
ending up as one of the worst
and most famous cases of plastic
surgery addiction. Jocelyn was a
wealthy socialite that was once
married to Alec Wildenstein, an
important businessman with a
love of exotic animals. So when
they divorced over his affair, she
tried to win him back by trying to
magically transform herself into
one of those exotic animals he
liked so much, which led to her
Referred to as the Naree phol,
the tree is said to produce woman-like fruits that you can see in
the following pictures. Previously
thought as fraud, the image is a
representation of traditional Thai
mythology. I wonder what those
fruits would taste like? Hmmmm..
Chen Wei-yih has posed for a
set of photos in a flowing white
dress, enlisted a wedding planner and rented a banquet hall for
a marriage celebration with 30
Uninspired by the men she has
met and facing social pressure
to get married, the 30-year-old
office worker from Taipei will hold
the reception next month.
“Age thirty is a prime period for
me. My work and experience
are in good shape, but I haven’t
found a partner, so what can I
do?” Chen said.
“It’s not that I’m anti-marriage. I
just hope that I can express a
different idea within the bounds sa=N&biw=1024&bih=1255&tbm=
Gambia, Maldives, Saudi Arabia,
of a tradition.”
Sudan, and Yemen have no laws
Her £3,600 wedding comes
specifying a minimum age for marriage.
appears as an online publicity Equatorial Guinea has no minimum
marriage age for “customary” marriages.
Now, it’s teaching time! Let’s learn some Chinese words and phrases with pronunciation
1. “I love you”
wo ai
Wa I
2. “snowing”
Seeah Shua
a popular game~!
Mahjong ( má jiàng), also called mah-jongg in the US, is
a favorite game in Asia. Although unpopular in America
the fast-paced four-player game is very popular among
adults in Asia. The game was first sold in the US in the
1920’s and has become popular in the last decade.
Mahjong is often played as a gambling game; therefore,
mahjong was banned after 1949 in China but reintroduced after the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). Similar
to poker, the goal of mahjong is to get the highest combination of 17 tiles. Here are all the sets in mahjong:
Worst to Best Hands!!!
Yanjing, Eye: A pair - two identical tiles
3. “Thanks giving”
gan en jie
Gan Un Giah
Pèng or Pong: Three-of-a-kind - three identical tiles
Gàng or Kong: Four-of-a-kind - four identical tiles
Ji also pronounced Chi: Straight - three tiles placed in
numerical order from the same suit
In order to win, a player must have five sets of three
tiles each (any combination of straights and three-of-akinds is fine) and one pair from any suit.
A player can also win with one four-of-a-kind, four sets
of three tiles each, and one pair from any suit (while
this would equal 18 tiles, a four-of-a-kind is counted
as one set of three tiles).
Grace Lin 12
athlete of October
an interview with
alvaro gonzalez
by: owen jean-jacques
Q. How long have you been playing soccer for?
Q. How many goals and assists have you had this season?
A. 8 assists and 13 goals
Q. Is soccer your favorite sport? If not, what is?
A. No, my favorite sport to play is padel
Q. Who is your favorite professional soccer player?
A. Neymar who plays for Corinthians
A. My family decided that it would be best for me because of the opportunities provided here for
The Scoop
Getting to know our
resident Mainer
Liz Atwood is a First year faculty born and raised in Fryeberg, Maine.
We decided to interview her so the community could get to know her a little better.
What is your favorite childhood holiday memory?
When I was about 6, my family went to my Nanie and
Bumpa’s (grandparents) for Christmas. As we were
driving home, I looked up at the moon and thought I saw
Santa and his sleigh.
If you could be reborn as any animal what would you
want to be and why?
I would be a giraffe so I could play in the hot sun of Kenya
all day long!
What college did you attend?
St. Lawrence University
Describe a defining moment in your life that has shaped who you are today.
Deciding to live a semester abroad in Kenya shaped me into a more independent person. I was forced to make new friends and to live outside of my comfort
zone. The last month of my semester abroad I lived alone in a city called Nakuru
while I worked at an orphanage, it was during the my last month where I learned
that I was no longer dependent on others.
What sports and clubs were you a part of in College?
In college I ran cross country for 2 seasons, and ran track for 3 season, I captained the track team my senior year. I was also apart of an educational program
called outreach to schools.
Did you have any embarrassing moments during your childhood that you
still remember today?
On my brother’s 5th birthday my mom and I went out and bought him Barney
cupcakes, so when she brought out a CAKE at the party I was very disappointed. I threw the biggest temper tantrum ever to be captured on a video camera.
Kicking, screaming, jumping up and down! SO embarrassing!
What’s one piece of advice to the seniors?
Take a deep breath, stay organized and motivated. Most importantly remember that the faculty are here to help you, so ASK FOR HELP!
By: Bryn Ross Nolan
kick of adrenaline
by Alvaro Gonzalez
Tragic Turn
We are going to start with the death of
a famous Italian biker called Simoncelli.
(19 87-2011) He died at the age of 24.
When there was 19 laps to finish the race, the
images that where shown by TVE from Spain,
its shows us that Simoncelli crosses in front of
Colin Edwards and Valentino Rossis front wheel
that made Simoncellis helmet fly off. The directors of the race showed the red flag so the race
was stopped and people were starting to think the
worst, despite the BBC saying that he was conscience. The Italian rider was sent directly to the
nearest hospital in critical condition. Later the BBC
reported that Simoncelli entered cardiovascular arrest and his heart stopped at 2:56 p.m.. Simoncelli
had suffered from injuries to his head, chest and neck. The doctors at the hospital spent 45 minutes trying to revive him.
Hot Rides
The new Megane RS Trophy comes complete with
a maximum power of 256 horsepower with the
automatic differential blocker and the cup series
chassis that it helps it to get to 100 km/h in 6 sec.
and a maximum speed of 254 km/h. That is why
it is the fastest front traction car in the world, they
tested it at Nurburging and it was 7 seconds faster
than the new BMW 1M Coupe and 9 seconds
faster than the Porsche Cayman S. Its exterior
stands out, the black and yellow with small details
of red the 19 inch wheels, and the Brembo break
pads truly make it stand out.
Spain v. China
Estimated calculations concluded, 60 million Chinese viewers
watched the Real Madrid game
against Osasuna in which they
won 7-1. Cristiano Ronaldo had
three goals, Benzema had two,
Higuain, Pepe and Ibrahima had
one goal each.