AuGuST 2011
AuGuST 2011
W e came, we saw, we conquered a tres leches cake – and had a good time doing it. About 50 block captains, citizen patrollers, committee members, board members and their guests gathered in the upper room at Rudyard’s Pub July 18 to enjoy food, drink and the companionship of their neighbors. The event featured a tropical paradise theme with plastic palm trees on the tables, tiki lights above the bar, and Hawaiian shirts on several of the attendees. But that doesn’t capture the international flavor of the event. As Membership Committee Chair Stephen hill posted on Facebook at the time: “At the Hyde Park Volunteer Appreciation Luau at Rudyard’s British Pub eating tres leches cake while listening to Celtic music! Are you confused? It’s a multicultural celebration!!” My thanks to Stephen, who wears two hats as head of the Membership and Social Committees. He suggested the theme, bought the decorations and planned the social aspect of the event. His “Get to Know Your Neighbors Bingo” proved to be so popular that we quickly ran out of prizes. Next time, we’re buying more pineapples and coconuts. to enjoy beer, wine and soft drinks. Mike is a loyal HPU supporter and newsletter advertiser. He also funds our civic association e-mail system. As a special “thank you,” I promise not to post my video of Mike winning the hula contest on YouTube. Constant Billy, otherwise known as Bill Galbraith and emily Standish, provided lovely musical accompaniment throughout the evening. Their Celtic-tinged music during the hula contest was one of the highlights of the evening. Kroger on Montrose donated the tasty and moist tres leches cake for dessert . . . with fruit on top to match our tropical theme. The renovation of “Disco” Kroger is nearly complete, so a new nickname is in order. What to call a sleek, state-of-the-art grocery store with a second-story café? My biggest thanks go to the volunteers who deliver our newsletters, patrol our streets, watch out for their neighbors, help find a lost cat or dog, and so much more. I wish I could list all of you here. You are the reason we held a Volunteer Appreciation Reception. Thank you . . . most of all, you make doing this job worthwhile. Our next general meeting will be held Aug. 8th, the SECOND Monday of the month. We will have an “Open Forum on Problems and Concerns in our NeighborBeth Cunningham, who also wears two hood,” so we won’t have a guest speaker. hats as Secretary and Newsletter Editor, It’s an opportunity to share our concerns helped decorate the room and looked quite and solutions to the issues facing Hyde fetching in her grass skirt at the sign-in Park. I encourage you to come and bring table. Vice President Macy Bodenhamer a dessert. Eating cookies, cupcakes or provided Hyde Park’s “Featured Resident” brownies makes the discussion of traffic, forms so attendees could nominate a crime, graffiti, etc. more pleasant. neighbor for that honor. You can nominate Our September meeting also falls on the someone anytime by emailing president@ second Monday to avoid Labor Day. Check out the list of meeting dates in the column Rudyard’s Pub deserves special thanks for providing the space at no cost to the civic association. Thank you, leila, for your generosity. And thank you, Joe, for the great food. to the right and mark your calendars for the rest of the year. Hyde Park Resident and Realtor Mike George Sroka, President Spear paid the bar tab, allowing everyone Hyde Park United Civic Association 2011 MEETINGS... Aug. 8 . . . . . . . . . Second Monday Open Forum on Neighborhood Problems and Concerns. Bring a tasty treat to share with your neighbors during our discussion. Sept. 12 . . . . . . . . . Second Mon. Oct. 4 . . . . . . . . . . First Tuesday – National Night Out Nov. 7 . . . . . . . . . . . .First Monday Dec. 5 . . . . Christmas Party – TBA Grace Lutheran Church At the corner of Waugh Drive and Missouri St. BOARD CONTACTS PReSiDeNT George Sroka ViCe PReSiDeNT Macy Bodenhamer SeCReTARy Beth Cunningham TReASuReR Carol Brownstein OTheR CONTACTS DeeD ReSTRiCTiONS Stephen Marchione MeMBeRShiP Stephen Hill NewSleTTeR eDiTOR Beth Cunningham hPu Civic Association PO Box 66422 houston, TX 77266 NeiGhBORhOOD BlOCK CAPTAiNS Bomar Dan Schnorr 832-455-7135 California / westheimer Kathleen Schipper 713-522-2538 Commonwealth Liz Hudson 713-527-9852 Fairview / Van Buren POSITION AVAILABLE hyde Park / hyde Park Apts. Linda Carter 713-524-2952 & Alex Aranda 713-533-9474 hyde Park Crescent Stephen Hill 281-658-6129 hyde Park Townhomes Daniel Posada 713-454-7834 indiana / yupon Alice McCarthy 713-521-5807 Jackson Doug Prince 713-471-6816 Maryland Chris Lemus 713-528-1673 Michigan Tom Whitworth 713-523-8035 Missouri Jeanne Wallace 713-528-0834 Montrose Bill Pesota 713-527-8026 Peden Mike Lutomski 713-443-4380 Vermont Sharon Lord 713-522-9427 waugh Sue Chin 713-522-3231 welch Scott and Lina Rigrod 713-528-2791 west Drew Mike McKann 713-526-6777 west Gray / hazel Sherry Waddell 713-524-7655 willard Camille Bogel 713-526-7625 yoakum Macy Bodenhamer 713-521-4655 Block captains: Notify of any changes in contact information. Deadline for the Sept. hPu newsletter is Aug. 21. Submit all materials and advertising inquiries to: 2 Minutes of July 2011 meeting Submitted by Beth Cunningham, Secretary iNTRODuCTiON AND OFFiCeR RePORTS The July 2011 meeting of the Hyde Park United (HPU) Civic Association was held at Grace Lutheran Church on Monday, July 11. HPU President George Sroka called the meeting to order and all present introduced themselves. There were 21 in attendance, including five guests. Board members and officers present were George Sroka, President; Beth Cunningham, Secretary; and Stephen hill, Membership and Social Chair. is working with the police department to implement a citizen patrol, called Aaron’s Angels, as well as Safe Shelter agreements with local businesses to provide assistance to anyone seeking refuge from violence. Informational materials were distributed about the garden’s dedication ceremony, as well as the foundation’s mission. Treasurer Carol Brownstein was unable to attend or submit a financial report. There was no report on Lamar Park either. Representatives from the Cherryhurst Civic Association outlined the campaign to keep the Cherryhurst Community Center open beyond August 12, when emergency corporate funding will run out. See page 3 for more details. Deed Restrictions Committee Chair Stephen Marchione reported via e-mail that there are no pending deed restriction issues other than the Willard Street setback approval. George reported that the setback was approved by the City of Houston Planning Commission on Thursday, July 7. OlD BuSiNeSS The Volunteer Appreciation reception will be held Monday, July 18, 7–9 pm at Rudyard’s Upstairs. Entertainment will be provided by Celtic music band Constant Billy, made up of Hyde Park residents Bill Galbraith and emily Standish. Membership Chair Stephen Hill reported that he is continuing to send out notices for renewals, and, in his position as Social Chair, reported that the volunteer reception will have some surprises. Trevor is still awaiting some content before he can finalize the website. HPU Citizens Patrol coordinator Cynthia Greenwood reported in absentia that she has received the signs but they are larger than expected and a decision has not yet been made about how to display them, whether to purchase poles or hang on existing poles. Plans will be finalized later this summer. GueST SPeAKeRS Three guests from the Aaron Scheerhoorn Foundation for Change attended. Foundation President Doug Anderson gave a presentation about its establishment in response to the December 10 murder of Scheerhoorn. In addition to the Remembrance Garden at the corner of California and Grants Streets, the foundation New BuSiNeSS A block captain is still needed to handle newsletter delivery for Indiana/Yupon. ANNOuNCeMeNTS The August meeting will probably be held August 8 since the first Monday in August is only a couple weeks after the Volunteer Reception. The September meeting will also be moved to the second Monday, 9/12, since the first Monday is the Labor Day holiday. National Night Out will be first Tuesday in October in Lamar Park. Volunteers are needed and should contact Stephen hill or George Sroka. A motion to adjourn the July meeting was made, followed by a second. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned. n Residents organize to save community center local Parks & Rec facility slated to close August 12 without additional funding A t our July meeting, Carol Rensink, the president of the Cherryhurst Civic Association, described efforts to keep Cherryhurst Community Center open after emergency funds run out in mid-August. The community center and like-named park are located just west of our community at Missouri and Ridgewood. The park and facilities are available to all community residents. On May 19, the City of Houston announced the closure of several community centers and pools as part of budget cuts. The city claimed that the Cherryhurst facility was underused, small in size, and that the building was deteriorating. The center would be closed already were it not for emergency funds donated by ConocoPhillips and Marathon Oil, allowing this and other community centers to remain open through Aug. 12. Rensink and Cherryhurst Civic Association member lillian Brigman outlined plans to form a non-profit “Friends of Cherryhurst Park” to generate funding and proposals to keep the center open and fully-utilized. Rensink also disputed the city’s assertion that the center is deteriorating. She said she would provide other information on the campaign to keep the center open as it became available. Cherryhurst Community Center is housed in a WPA project built in the 1930s. It was nearly torn down around 1980, but was restored instead. In the 1990s, the community raised about $25,000 and received matching funds for lighting, benches, and sprinklers, as well as fresh paint for the building. The city’s Parks and Recreation Department staffs and maintains the park, handles insurance, and administers a variety of programs, including a federally-funded free lunch program for local school children, as well as a summer enrichment program and free tennis lessons for children. The facility can be rented for social events and classes. They are seeking new ideas for future programs such as Jazzercize, yoga, etc. Specific administrative costs for each community center are not known because separate records have not been kept for each of the centers. The city estimates about $135,000/year, but this is an average which includes parks with pools, gyms, and other amenities that Cherryhurst Park does not have. There is also no record of the numbers of people using the various programs. Community organizers want to add new programs as well as publicize existing ones to increase usage. Hyde Park residents wanting to learn more about the community center can call the center at 713-284-1992 during regular business hours. To get involved in the community effort to keep the center open, email Rensink at n 3 HPU Volunteer appreciation Reception Rudyard’s Pub, July 18, 2011 hyde Park united Civic Association held its annual appreciation reception for its many volunteers: block captains, citizen patrollers, board members, committee chairs, and others who work tirelessly to make hyde Park the great community it is. This year’s reception took place at our own neighborhood watering hole, Rudyard’s Pub on waugh Drive. The volunteers were entertained by core members of the Celtic group Constant Billy—emily Standish and Bill Galbraith. The party’s motley theme was a unique mix of Celtic music, hawaiian decor, South Carolina pulled pork sandwiches, black bean hummus, and tresleches cake in an english-style pub—talk about diversity! On an hour’s notice, Constant Billy arranged its first “celtic hula” number to accompany the hula contest which was won by audience favorite Mike Spear—who had all the right moves! A million thanks to emily and Bill for their generous donation of superb entertainment, Constant Billy: Emily Standish and Bill Galbraith. Mike Spear for the beer and wine, Rudyard’s Pub for the amazing food and service, Sara Fernandez for these awesome photos, and Stephen hill for his décor and being the “host with the most.” Hyde Park United Board and Officers: George Sroka, Macy Bodenhamer, Stephen Hill, Beth Cunningham, Carol Brownstein, Alyson Wilkinson, Stephen Marchione, Cynthia Greenwood. 4 Winner of hula contest: Mike Spear. Stephen Hill Carol Brownstein, Alice McCarthy Mike Lutomski Beth Cunningham, Stephen Hill George Sroka & Stephen Hill Dan Schnorr David Fawcett Mary Ellen Whitworth Mike & Tanya Linda Carter, Margie Alexy Sue and Bill Ellis Linda Carter Mike Spear, Ken Cary Save the dates!! August and September meetings will be held on the Second Mondays, Aug. 8 and Sept.12. The August HPU general meeting will be an oPen forUM on ProbleMS And concernS. Advertise your business here. Reach more than 1,000 readers each month. Business card ads, 2-in. × 3.5-in. $20/mo. or $150/yr. Quarter-page ad, 3.5-in. × 4.75-in., $30/mo. or $300/yr. Contact: 5 hula contest participants at Volunteer Appreciation Reception Hula contestants will remain anonymous to protect their various careers, families and reputations. Tres leches cake donated by Kroger on Montrose. GENERAL CRAFTSMAN large and Small Scale renovation and repair Call: Richard Paulssen (713) 520 6311 6 Alice McCarthy Alyson Wilkinson, Carlos Fernandez George Sroka, David Reggie Chin, Monica Marchione Beth Cunningham Monica & Stephen Marchione Carlos & Sara Fernandez Camille Bogel Liz Hudson, Carol Brownstein Macy Bodenhamer Cliff Jones Sue Chin Nanette Griffin & Mike McKann 7 8 Positive Interaction Program (PIP) Reported by Kathy Schipper T here was no PIP meeting in July. Please report concerns or questions online to the 802 Westheimer Storefront using this email address: The Storefront will also use this address to send out email messages and alerts regarding recent criminal activity. HPD again asked that people who want to report suspected criminal activity to contact the HPD Dispatch Line (713/884-3131). As a reminder, please report or fax to the Storefront, non-emergency complaints or problems utilizing the Central District One PIP “Citizen Complaint Form”, a copy of which is available on our website. Fax the form to HPD Storefront: (713) 284-8616 The purpose of PIP (Positive Interaction Program) is to facilitate an exchange of information between the Houston Police Department (HPD) and neighborhood residents, using monthly community meetings as a forum. Hyde Park United falls within the boundary of the Central Patrol/District One PIP Group and meets the fourth Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited (and encouraged) to attend the meetings, which are held at the Police Officers Union Bldg, 1602 State St. The next PIP meeting is August 24, 2011. n Neighborhood Crime Report – May 2011 Activity Street/Block Premises Date/Time Apartment 05/02 08pm 1400-1499 Westheimer Road/Street/Sidewalk 05/18 12am 1200-1299 W Gray Multiplex Home 05/01 11pm 1500-1599 Missouri Apartment 05/02 08pm 1200-1299 Hyde Park Other/Unknown 05/06 07am 2500-2599 Montrose Apartment Parking Lot 06/16 04pm 1400-1499 Welch Multiplex Home 05/02 08pm 1500-1599 Westheimer Residence/House 05/27 09am 1300-1399 Fairview Auto Repair 05/03 06pm 1000-1099 Fairview Restaurant Parking Lot 05/27 10pm 1400-1499 Westheimer Commercial Building 05/01 01pm 1200-1299 Westheimer Restaurant 05/05 09pm 2000-2099 Waugh Convenience Store Lot 05/06 09am 1300-1399 Willard Other/Unknown 05/12 08am 1300-1399 Fairview Auto Repair 05/12 09pm 1800-1899 C’wealth Driveway 05/18 10pm 2700-2799 Yoakum Road/Street/Sidewalk 05/30 11pm 1400-1499 Westheimer Bar/Nightclub 05/20 11pm 1700-1799 C’wealth Apartment Parking Lot 05/22 07pm 1200-1299 Westheimer Restaurant 05/24 01am 2100-2199 Yupon Elementary School 05/25 01pm 2600-2699 C’wealth Residence/House 05/30 08pm 2700-2799 Yoakum Road/Street/Sidewalk 05/30 11pm 1400-1499 Westheimer Bar/Nightclub Pkg. Lot 05/31 07pm Agg. Assault 1500-1599 Missouri Burglary Auto Theft Theft Contact hPD dispatch line 713-884-3131 to report suspected criminal activity 9 Important dates and membership information Garbage & yard Trimming Collection Every Monday (except Holidays) Recycling AuGuST 2011 Monday, August 8 Monday, August 22 SePTeMBeR 2011 Tuesday, September 6 Monday, September 19 OCTOBeR 2011 Please note – Your automated container & recycling bin should be at your curb by 7 a.m. and removed by 10 p.m., on your collection day. If it appears it may rain, do not put out your newspapers for recycling, because the city cannot recycle wet newspapers (they will pick them up but they cannot be recycled). Also, glass is NOT accepted curbside. The closest place to drop off glass (and everything else except toxics) is the recycling place on the corner of Center Street and Harvard. The site has been remodeled with well-labeled containers. If you do not have a recycle bin and would like to participate in the City’s Recycle Program, please call 3-1-1 to arrange for the City to deliver a recycle bin to your home. If you are interested in looking at the city’s recycle schedule yourself, or are interested in what may and not be recycled, look at the following website (this is a recent revision): Monday, October 3 Monday, October 17 Monday, October 31 heavy Trash (2nd Tuesday) Join our Facebook Group TODAY! August 9 – Junk Waste As soon as your request to join is approved you’ll be able to stay informed with: • Community Alerts • Upcoming Events • Community Activities September 13 – Tree Waste October 11 – Junk Waste Monthly Membership Meeting Search for: hyde Park Civic Association Monday August 8 – 7:15 PM Grace Lutheran Church hyde Park Civic Association Membership Form Membership Fees ONly $25 Annually Please support your local community by becoming a member today! The Hyde Park Civic Association is a 501(c)4 not-for-profit organization, and therefore relies on membership dues, donations and contributions to fund our civic activities. Date: New Member: Lamar Park Donation $ Renewal: Neighborhood Protection Donation $ Name: Street Address: Home Telephone: Cell Phone: Business Phone: Email Address Community Interest/Concerns: One vote per membership. The bylaws of Hyde Park United define who can be a member. Your annual membership ensures your voice will be heard in all matters concerning the area you have chosen to call home. Through our newsletter and monthly meeting, you can be part of this beautiful, historic and growing area. Thank you for joining, and helping us build a “sense of community.” Mail with your check with completed form to: hyde Park united, PO Box 66422, houston, TX 77266 Join online at or at the next membership meeting! 10
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